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We are studying the drug: Fluditec - children's cough syrup. Fluditec for children: instructions for use

Fluditek: instructions for use



Transparent green liquid with a caramel odor.

pharmachologic effect

The mucolytic and expectorant effect is due to the activation of sialic transferase, an enzyme of goblet cells of the bronchial mucosa. Normalizes the quantitative ratio of acidic and neutral sialomucins in bronchial secretions, restores the viscosity and elasticity of mucus, and facilitates its discharge. Promotes the regeneration of the mucous membrane, normalizes its structure, reduces mucus production, activates the activity of the ciliated epithelium, and improves mucociliary clearance. Restores the secretion of immunologically active IgA ( specific protection) and the number of sulfhydryl groups of mucus components ( nonspecific protection).


Maximum concentration in blood serum and mucous membrane respiratory tract is achieved 2-3 hours after oral administration and remains in the mucous membrane for 8 hours. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys, partly unchanged, partly in the form of metabolites.

Indications for use

Acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases(tracheitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis) and inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses and middle ear (rhinitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis, otitis media), accompanied by the formation of a viscous, difficult-to-separate secretion (sputum, mucus); preparation for bronchoscopy and/or bronchography.


Caution should be exercised when taking the drug when chronic glomerulonephritis(in the anamnesis), gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer (in the anamnesis).

Pregnancy and lactation

The drug is prescribed with caution during pregnancy (II and III trimesters) and breastfeeding.

Directions for use and doses

For oral administration. 15 ml 3 times a day, preferably 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals. Treatment should not continue for more than 8-10 days without consulting a doctor. 15 ml of syrup contains 750 mg of carbocisteine.

Side effect

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, epigastric pain, flatulence, gastrointestinal bleeding, dizziness, weakness, malaise, in isolated cases - allergic reactions (itching, urticaria, exanthema, angioedema). If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects, not listed in the instructions, please inform your doctor.


Symptoms: gastralgia, nausea, diarrhea. Treatment: symptomatic.

Interaction with other drugs

At sharing a synergistic effect is noted with glucocorticosteroids. Increases efficiency antibacterial therapy inflammatory diseases upper and lower respiratory tract. Enhances the bronchodilator effect of theophylline. The activity of carbocisteine ​​is weakened by antitussives and atropine-like drugs.

Features of application

Adults only. Sick diabetes mellitus Please note that the sucrose content per tablespoon of syrup is 5.25 g.

Release form

Syrup 50 mg/ml. 125 ml of syrup in a transparent glass bottle, closed with a plastic screw cap with a plastic gasket and tamper evident. One bottle with a polypropylene measuring cup and instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

2 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.

Fluditec analogues, synonyms and group drugs

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
You should consult your doctor and read the instructions before use.

Fluditec is an expectorant drug that belongs to the group of mucolytic drugs. But it differs in some features when affecting the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. To determine which of Fluditec's analogues are better suited for adults or children, let's briefly consider its instructions for use.

Features of the pharmacological action of the drug

Fluditek is chemical drug based on carbocysteine. When ingested, the substance causes enzymatic activity in special cells that are located in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and produce sputum. As a result, the regulation of sialomucins occurs - components of bronchial exudate, responsible for viscosity and thickness.

After taking the medicine, the patient’s sputum acquires physiological viscosity and elasticity and is easily expectorated. Fluditec improves the condition of the ciliated epithelium, restores its structure, increases local protection of the bronchial and lung mucosa when exposed to negative factors and infections. The drug promotes the production of specific immunoglobulin (IgA), which creates a powerful response from the body.

Indications for use of Fluditec:

  • inflammation lower sections respiratory system associated with obstruction – acute and chronic tracheitis, bronchitis, asthma, COPD;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses nose, nasopharynx, in which thick mucus is formed - rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis;
  • ear inflammation - otitis media;
  • preparation for endoscopic examination of the respiratory tract - bronchography, bronchoscopy.

The medicine is produced in the form of syrup 2% and 5%. The drug for patients over 15 years of age (50 mg/ml) is a clear green liquid with a caramel flavor. Children's dosage form (20 mg/ml) is a viscous dark yellow syrup with banana flavor.

Fluditec is prescribed on an empty stomach, 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after. The average duration of treatment is 10 days. Children from 2 to 15 years old are prescribed 2% syrup, adults – 5%.

In what cases is the drug contraindicated:

  • gastrointestinal pathology, which is accompanied by ulcerative and erosive processes;
  • cystitis, chronic glomerulonephritis (impaired filtration in the kidneys) during an exacerbation;
  • pregnancy in the first half;
  • high sensitivity to Fluditec components.

In case of overdose there are side effects. More often they manifest themselves in the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea. At the same time, the patient feels unwell, general weakness, dizziness. Allergic manifestations in the form of skin itching, urticaria, Quincke's edema are recorded extremely rarely.

The cost of the medicine, depending on the dosage, ranges from 380 to 410 rubles.

Analogues of Fluditec based on carbocysteine ​​for adults

In the pharmaceutical industry, there are substitutes for Fluditec in both syrup and capsule form.
. These dosage forms are equally effective and are most suitable for patients over 16 years of age.

Cheap analogues of Fluditec include the following drugs:

  1. Bronchobos - available in the form of capsules and syrup. It is not prescribed if the patient has a history of such diseases as hepatitis, epilepsy, head injuries, chronic alcoholism. Bronchobos is prescribed with caution during pregnancy and women during lactation. In patients with bronchial asthma, obstruction may increase after taking the capsules, so treatment should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. The therapeutic course is 7-10 days. The price varies from 255 to 380 rubles.
  2. Libexin Muco – expectorant syrup. Indications, contraindications and dosage regimens are similar to Fluditec. Libexin contains alcohol, so it is prescribed with caution in combination with drugs that depress the central nervous system. nervous system. Price from 365 to 475 rubles.
  3. FLUIfort – medicine, available in granules and syrup form. The granules are packaged in sachets weighing 5 g. A suspension is prepared from them for oral administration, a medicine with orange flavor. Depending on the diagnosis, the course of treatment can last from 4-5 days to 6 months. At long-term use Possible side effects in the form of gastrointestinal disorders, which go away on their own immediately after discontinuation of the drug. The cost ranges from 250 to 430 rubles.

Analogs of Fluditec based on carbocysteine ​​for children

Almost all drugs based on carbocysteine ​​in the form of syrup are indicated for children
. For children, the concentration of the main active ingredient in the drug does not exceed 2% or 20 mg. They are prescribed to young patients aged 2-3 years. But there are analogues of Fluditec for children, which are prescribed to infants from the first weeks of life.

Bronkatar is a mucolytic drug that is suitable for babies from birth. Dosage regimen: twice a day, 1 teaspoon. The therapeutic course is 1 week. Children often experience a complication in the form of inflammation of the middle ear. In this case, therapy continues for up to 3 weeks.

Carbocysteine ​​– indicated for children from the first month of life. It acts quickly and sharply, and already in the first days of treatment it significantly reduces cough. Children under 2 years of age are prescribed twice a day. At acute processes the course of treatment is 10 days, with chronic course- 1 month.

Parents often have a question: Can Fluditec be replaced with any mucolytic drugs? Not every expectorant can regulate the viscosity of sputum; many simply dilute it to a more liquid state. For example, when choosing Fluditec or Lazolvan, you should take into account that, according to the instructions for use, their only similar action– this is the activation of mucociliary clearance (increasing local protective function bronchial epithelium). Otherwise, the drugs are different.

When choosing Fluditec analogues, it is necessary to take into account the diagnosis and age of the patient. The variety of drugs makes it easy to choose the right remedy for the treatment of patients in each individual case.

INNOTECH INTERNACIONAL Innotera Shuzi Laboratory Innotec International Laboratory Innoteca International/Innotera Shuzi

Country of origin


Product group

Respiratory system

Expectorant mucolytic agent.

Release forms

  • 125 ml - glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs. bottle 125ml bottle 125ml

Description of the dosage form

  • Syrup 5% in the form clear liquid light green color with a brown tint, with the smell of caramel. Syrup 2% for children in the form of a transparent orange liquid with the smell of banana syrup for children

pharmachologic effect

The mucolytic and expectorant effect is due to the activation of sialic transferase, an enzyme of goblet cells of the bronchial mucosa. Normalizes the quantitative ratio of acidic and neutral sialomucins in bronchial secretions, restores the viscosity and elasticity of mucus, and facilitates its discharge. Promotes the regeneration of the mucous membrane, normalizes its structure, reduces mucus production, activates the activity of the ciliated epithelium, and improves mucociliary clearance. Restores the secretion of immunologically active IgA (specific protection) and the amount of sulfhydryl groups of mucus components (non-specific protection).


Absorption After oral administration, Cmax in the blood serum and in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is achieved 2-3 hours after oral administration and remains in the mucous membrane for 8 hours. Excretion Excreted mainly in the urine, partly unchanged, partly in the form of metabolites .

Special conditions

It should be borne in mind that the presence of banana flavoring in 2% syrup for children may cause an allergic reaction in children in the first months of life. People with diabetes or on a low-carb diet should take into account that 1 teaspoon of 2% syrup for children contains 3.5 g of sucrose, and 1 tablespoon of 5% syrup contains 5.25 g of sucrose. The presence of sucrose can cause flatulence and dyspepsia in children early age. When on a salt-free or low-salt diet, the sodium content of the drug should be taken into account. Fluditec® in the form of syrup 5% is intended only for adults and children over 15 years of age.


  • Carbocisteine ​​5.0 g Excipients: Glycerol 5.0 g Methyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.15 g Sucrose 35.0 g Sunset yellow dye (E110) 0.0016 g Patented blue dye V (E131) 0.001 g Sodium hydroxide to pH 6.2 Caramel flavor 0.2 g Water purified to 100 ml Carbocysteine…………………………………. 2.0 g Excipients: Glycerol……………………………………………………….. 5.0 g Methyl parahydroxybenzoate………………….. 0.15 g Sucrose……………… ………………………... 70.0 g Sunset yellow dye (E 110)… 0.001 g Sodium hydroxide……………………………... up to pH 6.2 Banana flavor …………………….. 0.2 g Purified water……………………………….. up to 100 ml

Fluditec indications for use

  • - acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, accompanied by the formation of viscous, difficult to separate sputum (tracheitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis); - acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the middle ear, nose and paranasal sinuses, accompanied by the formation of viscous, difficult-to-discharge mucus (rhinitis, otitis media, sinusitis); - preparation for bronchoscopy and/or bronchography.

Fluditec contraindications

  • - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase; - chronic glomerulonephritis (in the acute phase), cystitis; - children's age up to 1 month (for syrup 2% for children) and up to 15 years (for syrup 5%); - I trimester of pregnancy (for syrup 5%); - hypersensitivity to carbocisteine ​​or other components of the drug. The drug should be prescribed with caution in case of chronic glomerulonephritis (history), peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (history), in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy and during breastfeeding

Fluditec dosage

  • 2% 20 mg/ml 5% 50 mg/ml

Fluditec side effects

  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, epigastric pain, flatulence, gastrointestinal bleeding, dizziness, weakness, malaise, in isolated cases - allergic reactions (itching, urticaria, exanthema, angioedema). If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.

Drug interactions

With simultaneous use, Fluditec® increases the effectiveness of glucocorticosteroid (mutually) and antibacterial therapy for inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. With simultaneous use, Fluditek® enhances the bronchodilator effect of theophylline. The activity of carbocisteine ​​is weakened by antitussives and atropine-like drugs.


Symptoms: gastralgia, nausea, diarrhea. Treatment: carried out symptomatic therapy.

Storage conditions

  • store at room temperature 15-25 degrees
  • keep away from children
Information provided

As soon as a child gets his feet wet on the street, walks without a hat in the wind, or simply gets hypothermic, a cough appears. It is impossible to leave a disease that has begun without treatment. Ideally, you should visit a doctor. But often parents decide for themselves how to treat their child, because many medications available without a prescription. This also applies to Fluditec antitussive syrup.

Fluditek is responsible for rapid elimination sputum from the bronchi.

When is Fluditec needed?

Fluditec syrup is prescribed for children with diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, accompanied by copious discharge thick and difficult to clear mucus (sputum), inflammatory processes in the middle ear and nasopharynx. These include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchotracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • adenoids;
  • Otitis media

Your doctor may prescribe Fluditec to your baby before a bronchoscopy or bronchography before a diagnosis is made.

The drug relieves inflammation and increases local immunity.

The need to use the drug is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • cough;
  • labored breathing;
  • shooting pain in the ear.

Important! You should take the syrup only if you have a dry cough that has a ringing sound and no discharge. It is paroxysmal in nature: it suddenly begins and ends. During an attack, it may feel like “something is stuck in your throat.”

Composition and effect of the drug on the body

The active substance is carbocisteine ​​(20 mg in 1 ml of baby syrup). Fluditec also contains excipients:

  • distilled water;
  • sucrose;
  • glycerin alcohol;
  • banana flavoring;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • dye yellow color(e110).

Fluditek softens cough due to its effect on the cells of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. The result is less viscous and more elastic mucus, which is easier to cough up. Additionally syrup has an anti-inflammatory effect by improving the composition of sputum, after which it begins to fight pathogenic microbes. The antibacterial effect is due to the restoration of the ciliated epithelium. Its functions include delaying and removing harmful microbes from the body.

Children like the banana taste; they happily drink it and sometimes even ask for more.

The maximum content of the active substance in the blood is observed 2-3 hours after taking the medicine. The effect of Fluditec lasts 8 hours, after which it is excreted in the urine.

Release forms

Fluditec is produced only in the form of syrup in 125 ml bottles placed in a cardboard box. There are two types of syrup:

  • Adult (50 mg carbocisteine ​​per 1 ml syrup)- transparent Green colour, with the smell and taste of caramel.
  • Children's (20 mg of active ingredient per 1 ml)- transparent orange color, with the aroma and taste of banana.

Important! Children under 15 years of age should not take adult syrup. And even the children's form of the drug is prohibited for children under two years of age. Do not try to measure medicine for adults in terms of a child's dose: even minor errors can lead to an overdose and side effects.

Valentina writes in her review:

“The whole family caught a cold and were treated together. But baby syrup the cough ended faster, but the adult still remained. Therefore, I decided to count Fluditec for adults for children and looked in the instructions to see how much active substance contained in 1 ml. Calculations have shown that it should be given 2.5 times less than for children. I measured it by eye in a spoon and gave it to my daughters, 3 and 7 years old. The older one had nothing, but the younger one had nothing. I consulted a doctor. I was told that I may have measured the medicine incorrectly: with high concentration this is difficult to do. From now on I will only give out those forms that are intended for children.”

An overdose can cause abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea in children.

How to give Fluditec to children?

The instructions for use describe in detail how to properly give Fluditec to children (). The dosage of a single dose of the medicine is the same for any age - 5 ml of syrup. In terms of the mass of the active substance, this is 100 mg. The only difference is the number of appointments per day:

  • For children from 2 to 5 years old- 2 times a day, 5 ml, which is equivalent to active substance- 200 mg/day (2 times 100 mg). It is best to give in the morning and evening.
  • For children over 5 years old- 3 times a day, 5 ml or 300 mg/day (3 times 100 mg). In addition to the morning and evening reception For children of this age, another medicine is added - lunch.

Attention! Fluditec should be given to a child either 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals. If you break this rule, the effectiveness of treatment will be reduced.

Don't continue self-treatment more than 8-10 days without consulting a doctor. If the cough does not go away during this time, be sure to show the child to the pediatrician. He will decide on the effectiveness of the drug, increase the duration of the course of treatment with syrup, or cancel it and prescribe a new drug.

The course of treatment usually lasts from eight to ten days.

Galina writes in her review:

“My son got sick. I treated him myself - I didn’t go to the doctor because we were away. The pharmacy recommended Fluditek to me. High price I was confused, but decided that health is not something you can skimp on. I did not expect such an effect: by the evening of the first day of use, the cough had moistened a little, and the next day it became completely wet. Within a week, my son had coughed up almost everything, and the attacks began to bother him less.”

Important! Do not give Fluditec to your baby along with medications that suppress coughing attacks - Stoptussin and its analogues. The liquefied sputum must come out, so you need to cough. But the cough should be wet (the one that is dull and wheezing).

Contraindications and possible harm

You cannot treat a child with Fluditec syrup if:

  • he is not two years old;
  • his gastrointestinal ulcer has worsened;
  • cystitis has developed or worsened;
  • an allergic reaction to at least one of the components included in the medicine has previously been observed.

Whenever allergic reactions Stop giving the medicine to your baby and consult a doctor.

When treating with Fluditec in children in in rare cases side effects appear:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract (for children with gastric or duodenal ulcers);
  • malaise and weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • allergic reaction in the form of rash, itching and swelling.

Attention! If you strictly follow the dosage of the medicine, then side effects occur only in 1 case per 1000–10,000 children.

But if you exceed it, an overdose occurs. Its symptoms are side effects. In this case, you should immediately stop treatment with Fluditec and call emergency services.

Manufacturers of Fluditec and prices in pharmacies

Fluditec syrup is produced by the French company Innotech. The price of medicine in Russia depends on the region and fluctuates in the range from 310 to 460 rubles. In Moscow and the Moscow region you can buy 1 bottle of syrup for 350-360 rubles.

How can I replace Fluditec syrup?

The medicine has analogues - drugs with a similar composition, which can easily replace Fluditek if it is not available in the pharmacy. Here's a quick overview of them:

  • Libexin Muco- the same composition except for the dye (E124 is used) and flavoring - natural vanillin. The drug has the same indications, contraindications and dosage. The syrup is produced by the French company Sanofi-Aventis OTC and sold in Russian pharmacies on average for 450 rubles per bottle of 125 ml.
  • Bronchobos- similar composition, action and method of treatment. The difference lies only in taste, aroma and color: this is a syrup with the smell and taste of raspberries, from pink to red. It is produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina by the company Bosnalijek and sold in Russia for an average of 300 rubles per bottle.

A more expensive analogue of Fluditec - Bronchobos - is a means for removing phlegm.

Fluditek is one of the the best means for children in the fight against cough. It is produced in a convenient form - syrup with a pleasant taste and aroma. Therefore, kids like the medicine, and they will never give it up. But you need to keep the bottle out of the reach of children: in search of sweets, they can drink it and.

Alisa Nikitina

Fluditec syrup is used to treat cough in children and adults. The components of the drug, features of administration, contraindications and side effects, all this is in our article.

Fluditec cough syrup - composition and release form

Medicines for the treatment of cough are available in two forms:

  • syrup 2%, light yellow color, with banana aroma;
  • Fluditec 5%, light green liquid with a caramel odor.

The active ingredient of the drug is carbocisteine. 100 mg of the substance is found in 5 ml of banana syrup, in caramel syrup - 250 mg of carbocysteine.

Additionally, the medicine contains:

  • preservative methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • glycerol;
  • sucrose;
  • dyes (yellow in banana syrup, blue and yellow in caramel syrup);
  • flavorings (banana or caramel);
  • caustic soda;
  • purified water.

Transparent syrup is bottled in 125 ml glass bottles. The bottles are packed in cardboard boxes.

Indications for use

Fluditec is a mucolytic agent that also has an immunostimulating effect on the body of adults and children.

Syrup properties:

  • liquefies sticky sputum in the bronchi;
  • stimulates the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract;
  • restores the structure of the bronchial mucosa;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • increases local immunity.

Indications for the use of syrup are acute and chronic pathologies respiratory tract (upper and lower), nasopharynx, ear, which makes it difficult to remove sputum.

Among them:

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tracheitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • sinusitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • whooping cough.

Fluditec is also prescribed before bronchoscopy or bronchography.

At what age can it be given to children?

Syrup 5% is intended for adult patients; children can be given the drug in this concentration after reaching 15 years of age.

Instructions for use of Fluditec syrup

If there are indications for treatment with carbocisteine, the doctor prescribes a course of therapy. The duration and dose of the medicine depends on the severity of the disease, symptoms, results clinical tests, general condition and the age of the patient.