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How to drink vitamins undevit. Undevit in childhood. Terms of sale from pharmacies

Attention! The information is provided for informational purposes only. This manual should not be used as a guide to self-medication. The need for appointment, methods and doses of the drug are determined solely by the attending physician.

general characteristics

The composition of the medicinal product.

Active ingredients: 1 dragee contains

vitamin A (vitamins- organic substances formed in the body with the help of intestinal microflora or supplied with food, usually vegetable. Necessary for normal metabolism and life) A (as Vitamin A Palmitate) 3300 MO (1.817 mg)
or vitamin A (as retinol (Retinol- vitamin A, in the body is formed from the carotene that comes with food, which is contained, for example, in carrots, lettuce. Included in the composition of animal fats, including fish, egg yolk, caviar) acetate) 3300 MO (1.135 mg)
vitamin E (as α-tocopherol acetate) 10 mg
vitamin B1 (as thiamine hydrochloride) 2 mg
vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) 2 mg
vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 3 mg
vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) 2 mcg
vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 75 mg
nicotinamide 20 mg
folic acid 0.07 mg
routine 10 mg
calcium D-pantothenate 3 mg

Excipients: flour, starch syrup, talc, vaseline lung oil, sucrose, beeswax, mint essential oil or food flavoring.

Dosage form. Dragee.

The dragee is yellow-orange in color with a characteristic odor. In appearance, the dragee should have a spherical shape. The surface of the dragee should be smooth and uniform in color.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Multivitamin complexes without additives. ATC code A11BA.

Pharmacological properties

Undevit ® contains a balanced complex of vitamins.

The mechanism of action of the drug is determined by the vitamins that make up its composition: water-soluble (B 1, B 2, B 6, PP (nicotinamide), B 12, C, B c (folic acid), P (rutin), B 5) and fat-soluble ( A, E), which are involved in the regulation of metabolic processes and the normalization of tissue trophism, the formation enzymes (Enzymes- specific proteins that can significantly accelerate chemical reactions occurring in the body, without being part of final products reactions, i.e. are biological catalysts. Each type of enzyme catalyzes the transformation of certain substances (substrates), sometimes only a single substance in a single direction. Therefore, numerous biochemical reactions in cells are carried out by a huge number of different enzymes. Enzyme preparations are widely used in medicine) and structural components of tissues, normal functioning all organs and systems of the body. Undevit ® enhances nonspecific resistance (resistance- resistance of the body, immunity to any factors external influence. In particular nonspecific resistance call means innate immunity. The term is more often used in relation to microorganisms (the emergence of mechanisms of resistance to antimicrobial medicines, to antibiotics) or plants (to diseases). In relation to humans and animals, the term immunity is more commonly used) body, has antioxidant properties (due to the vitamins A, E and C included in the preparation), helps maintain homeostasis in normal and pathological conditions. The combination and quantitative content of vitamins in the preparation has a tonic and adaptogenic effect on the body. The drug contributes to the normalization metabolism (Metabolism- a set of chemical reactions that result in the synthesis or decomposition of substances and the release of energy. In the process of metabolism, the body perceives substances from the environment (mainly food), which, undergoing profound changes, turn into substances of the body itself, constituent components body) and work of the endocrine glands (glands- organs that produce and secrete specific substances that are involved in various physiological functions and biochemical processes of the body. glands internal secretion secrete the products of their vital activity - hormones directly into the blood or lymph. glands external secretion- on the surface of the body, mucous membranes or in external environment(sweat, salivary, mammary glands)) violated with age.

After oral administration, the drug is well absorbed from small intestine into the systemic circulation, penetrates into all organs and tissues. Products metabolism (Metabolism- the totality of all types of transformations of substances and energy in the body, ensuring its development, vital activity and self-reproduction, as well as its connection with environment and adaptation to change external conditions) excreted with urine, bile.

Indications for use

Prevention and therapy (Therapy- 1. The field of medicine that studies internal illnesses, one of the oldest and most important medical specialties. 2. Part of a word or phrase used to indicate a type of treatment (oxygen therapy\; hemotherapy - treatment with blood products)) hypovitaminosis (Hypovitaminosis- a pathological condition caused by a vitamin deficiency in the body or a violation of the functioning of the vitamin in the body) caused by an unbalanced diet, compliance special diet, intolerance to certain foods; increased need for vitamins intensive growth in children and adolescents, during pregnancy and lactation; stressful situations, intense physical or mental activity. During the recovery period after suffering infectious diseases, operations, burns and injuries, radiation and chemotherapy (Chemotherapy- treatment of infections and oncological diseases chemicals that disrupt the vital activity of the pathogen or affect tumor cells, preventing their development); V complex therapy acute respiratory (Respiratory- respiratory, pertaining to respiration diseases and their complications, chronic (Chronic- continuous, continuous protracted process, flowing either constantly or with periodic improvements in the state) diseases, pathology of the endocrine and immune systems. Undevit ® is indicated for middle-aged and elderly people, as well as for premature aging, asthenic syndrome (Asthenic syndrome (asthenia) - the condition of the patient, which manifests itself increased fatigue, frequent change mood, irritable weakness, hyperesthesia, tearfulness, autonomic disorders and sleep disorders) for improvement metabolic processes, improving performance.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Children's age up to 14 years.

Dosage and administration

The drug is taken orally after a meal.

For prophylactic purposes, adults, children over 14 years of age, pregnant women from the ΙΙ trimester and women who are breastfeeding are prescribed 1 tablet per day; elderly people - 1 tablet 2 times a day.

For therapeutic purposes, adults are prescribed 2 tablets 3 times a day. Pregnant women in the 1st trimester - 1 tablet per day, and in the 2nd and 3rd trimester - no more than 2 tablets per day.

The course of treatment is 20-30 days. Repeated courses are carried out in 1-3 months.

Application features

When using Undevit ®, a complete protein diet, contributing better assimilation and metabolism of vitamins, especially water-soluble ones.

The drug is prescribed with caution when severe lesions liver, gastric ulcer and duodenum (Duodenum- initial department small intestine(from the outlet of the stomach to the jejunum). Length duodenum a person is equal to the diameters of 12 fingers (hence the name)) and during pregnancy, in patients with acute and chronic nephritis, with decompensation of cardiac activity, cholelithiasis (Cholelithiasis disease characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder And bile ducts) , chronic pancreatitis.

Use during pregnancy or lactation.

The drug should not be used during pregnancy planning, in the first trimester of pregnancy, for the purpose of prevention.


Children under the age of 14 are not prescribed the drug.

The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or working with other mechanisms.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles or work with complex mechanisms not found.

Side effect

In case of overdose, long-term use, there may be a violation digestion (Digestion- the process of mechanical and chemical processing of food, as a result of which nutrients are absorbed and assimilated, and decay products and undigested substances are excreted from the body. Chemical processing of food is carried out mainly by enzymes of digestive juices (saliva, gastric, pancreatic, intestinal juice, bile))(pain in the abdomen,

Undevit is a unique domestic complex designed to compensate for the lack of vitamins in the diet and stabilize metabolic processes in the body. The drug was created by the founder of domestic vitaminology V. V. Efremov, who himself took it for three decades and lived to a very advanced age. Clinical Trials multivitamins Undevit convincingly proved that this complex is able to reduce morbidity and increase efficiency and physical activity.

Undevit: composition of the multivitamin complex and dosage form

The vitamin preparation is produced in the form of orange spherical pills for oral administration. According to the instructions, Undevit can be sucked or swallowed whole. The composition of 1 dragee includes:

  • ascorbic acid (C) - 75 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 2 mg
  • cyanocobalamin (B12) - 2 mcg;
  • thiamine hydrochloride (B1) - 2 mg (or thiamine bromide 2.58 mg);
  • nicotinamide (PP) - 20 mg;
  • rutin (P) - 10 mg;
  • α-tocopherol acetate (E) - 10 mg;
  • retinol acetate or palmitate (A) - 1.817 mg (3300 IU);
  • (B9) - 70 mcg;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride (B2) - 3 mg;
  • calcium pantothenate (B5) - 3 mg.

The drug is supplied by pharmacological companies in dark glass jars (50 pieces each).

Indications for use

An indication for the start of taking Undevit universal multivitamins is an unbalanced intake of vitamins with food, as well as developed pathological conditions directly related to hypovitaminosis. In addition, the tool is recommended:

  • in old and senile age;
  • against the background of antibiotic therapy;
  • during the period of convalescence after somatic diseases;
  • with increased intellectual and physical stress;
  • with visual impairment.

How to take Undevit vitamins for adults?

Vitamins Undevit instruction advises to consume in preventive purposes one tablet a day after meals. During the period of convalescence (recovery after a serious illness), with metabolic disorders, in old age, as well as in case of physical and psycho-emotional overload, it is advisable to take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

IN medicinal purposes course reception lasting from 3 weeks to 1 month is shown.

Courses can be repeated if necessary and after consultation with your doctor. Between them, a time interval of 1-3 months should be observed.


Undevit instruction prohibits prescribing to persons who have:

  • individual hypersensitivity to one or more components;
  • erosion and ulcers of organs ( digestive tract in the acute phase).

Special Instructions for Use and Warnings

Particular care should be taken in patients with liver failure, as well as suffering from and (or) the duodenum (including during remission).

With a course of taking the drug, staining of urine in yellow. The effect is due to the fact that riboflavin is included in the composition of the complex. This phenomenon shouldn't cause any concern!

How does Undevit work?

Positive effect, which Undevit, according to doctors, develops soon after the start of administration, is due to the complex effect of the biologically active components of the drug. For a synergistic effect on human body it is important not only the presence of one or another biologically active compound in the composition of the drug, but also the quantitative ratio of the components.

The universal complex has a positive effect on metabolic processes and slows down the process of cell aging due to the suspension of peroxidation.

Vitamin A largely determines the visual acuity and functional state of the mucous membranes and skin.

B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) is a coenzyme necessary for normal operation enzymes, which in turn are directly involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and are needed for adequate conduction of nervous excitation.

B2 is a biologically active compound necessary for normal growth and development, functioning reproductive system and good visual perception. The substance regulates the function of cellular respiration. In addition, riboflavin improves the performance thyroid gland as well as the condition of hair, nails and skin.

Vitamin B6 is involved in protein metabolism. In addition to the metabolism of proteins, pyridoxine hydrochloride is needed for the biosynthesis of neurotransmitters.

B12 is required for the synthesis of nucleotides, as well as the formation of neuronal myelin. Cyanocobalamin is one of the critical factors, on which the hematopoietic function and the development of the epithelial layer depend.

Ascorbic acid determines the state of nonspecific (general), collagen strength and the process of hemoglobin synthesis.

Vitamin P is a bioflavonoid that is powerful antioxidant and participates in a number of redox processes.

Vitamin E is needed to maintain normal functional state nervous tissue, muscles and gonads. Tocopherol acetate is able to prevent premature destruction of red blood cells.

B5 promotes the formation and repair of the epithelial and endothelial layer of the membrane internal organs and walls blood vessels. Calcium pantothenate is also required for the vital processes of oxidation and acetylation to take place.

Without folic acid, nucleotide synthesis is impossible. B9 deficiency negatively affects erythropoiesis.

Nicotinic acid is involved in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, vitamin PP is needed for tissue respiration.

Side effects

In the vast majority of patients who took Undevit multivitamin, according to reviews, there were no side effects. In very rare cases against the background of hypersensitivity, allergic reactions can develop (more often in the form of rashes on the skin).

Interaction with other drugs

Parallel intake of iron preparations somewhat reduces the activity of tocopherol. Vitamin E preparations cannot be combined indirect anticoagulants. Tocopherol acetate is able to potentiate the action of NSAIDs, steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Vitamin C increases the toxicity of drugs from the group of sulfonamides, as well as antibiotics penicillin series(simultaneously increasing their efficiency). Therapeutic effect anticoagulant heparin is minimized. Ascorbic acid impairs iron absorption.

Under the influence of vitamin A, the effectiveness of GCS (glucocorticosteroids) decreases. The activity of retinol drops significantly under the influence of drugs based on nitrates.

B vitamins reduce effectiveness antibacterial agents(tetracycline and erythromycin), as well as the antiparkinsonian drug levodopa.

Interaction with alcohol

During the course of vitamin therapy, it is highly undesirable to consume drinks containing alcohol. Positive effect unique complex can be reduced to zero.


If you take Undevit multivitamins strictly according to the instructions, then the probability of an overdose is zero.

If you accidentally exceed the recommended maximum doses you should consult a doctor. As urgent action it is advisable to do a gastric lavage and take enterosorbents inside. Vitamin A hypervitaminosis can be manifested by reduced physical activity, drowsiness, the development of leg cramps, malfunctions of the nervous system and dyspeptic disorders.

Undevit during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant and lactating women require an increased intake of a number of substances. Multivitamins Undevit should be taken during gestation and breastfeeding child, following the dosage prescribed by the attending physician. In the first trimester, it is recommended to consume 1 tablet per day, and in the II and III - 1-2 pieces. Do not use the drug for more than 3 weeks in a row!

Undevit for children: at what age can you take multivitamins?

This complex should not be taken by children and adolescents under 14 years of age, since dosages active substances in dragees are designed for an adult.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The shelf life of vitamins is 1 year from the date of issue.

Keep out of the reach of children and do not take after the expiration date!

Autumn and winter are seasons that inevitably bring colds and viral diseases. Therefore, it is so important to protect the body from diseases, to support and strengthen it with vitamins.

Range vitamin preparations presented in pharmacies is very diverse. When choosing a suitable option, a lot of questions immediately arise. What is better to buy - an expensive vitamin complex or a cheaper one? How to choose the right thing to focus on, which components are more important for the body?

"Undevit" instructions for use, reviews of doctors and customers are characterized as a vitamin complex that enhances recovery processes and metabolism in the body. The drug is highly effective for the restoration of the organs of the endocrine glands, which are violated with age.

Components of the drug

Vitamins "Undevit" reviews of doctors characterize as a drug represented by the following vitamin components: retinol, vitamins C, E, PP, P, vitamin B complex: B 1, B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6, B 9, B 12 .

The scientifically examined and substantiated ratio of the components that make up the preparation was developed by Professor V. Efremov. The basis for combining these groups of vitamins in the preparation is their simultaneous physiological effect on the body. Moreover, it is important not only the presence of the presented types of vitamins, but their quantitative ratio.

pharmachologic effect

Undevit is one of the best complexes well balanced in their own way vitamin composition. Most often, it is recommended to take in order to prevent hypovitaminosis and improve the supply of vitamins to people of different ages.

Substances included in the composition vitamin complex"Undevit", reviews of doctors are characterized as having the following characteristics:

  • Vitamin A - helps to increase the body's resistance to interseasonal infections, maintains the integrity of the mucous membrane and skin. Contributes to the normalization of the retina, converts stem cells into red blood cells.
  • Ascorbic acid - contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, improves immunity, protects the body from the influence of free radicals. It provokes the synthesis of collagen, affects the development of red blood cells and the formation of hemoglobin. Participates in maintaining the functioning of cartilage, teeth, bones.
  • Tocopherol acetate - is considered a vitamin of youth, restores the condition of hair and nails, improves immunity, affects the functioning of nervous and muscle tissues. Prevents the development of hemolysis, which causes the destruction of red blood cells.
  • Nicotinamide - contributes to the good functioning of the epithelium of the digestive tract, skin and the full functioning of the nervous system.
  • Rutozid - an antioxidant, promotes the process of redox reactions in the body.
  • B 1 - helps to digest food, promotes the synthesis of fats and proteins, and also improves the functioning of the nervous system.
  • B 2 - accelerates the metabolism in the body. Renders positive influence on reproductive function, strengthens hair and nails.
  • B 3 - improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  • B 5 - promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin, neutralizes harmful toxins.
  • B 6 - a significant component for the production of serotonin, normalizes sleep and improves appetite.
  • B 9 - promotes the formation of red blood cells.
  • At 12 - restores damaged tissue, improves the condition of the nervous system, accelerates the metabolism of folic acid.

Indications for use

"Undevit" reviews of doctors characterize as a storehouse of vitamins for health. According to the instructions, the drug can be used:

  • in order to prevent the development of beriberi;
  • after long-term treatment antibiotics;
  • for improvement general condition and stabilization of metabolism;
  • during remission after operations and long illnesses;

Also, the vitamin complex can be used by people of middle and old age when the first signs of aging appear and to normalize metabolic processes in the body.

Adverse reactions

When taking vitamins "Undevit" reviews, instructions warn of the manifestation of possible side effects. It is recommended to immediately stop using the drug in case of individual intolerance to some of the constituent components and consult with your doctor.

According to reviews, the use of a vitamin complex can cause allergic reactions, skin rashes, itching. In case of an overdose, digestive disorders are possible, which are characterized by diarrhea and mild abdominal pain on palpation.

Special precautions for taking

The use of the drug "Undevit", the reviews warn, provides for the observance of a complete protein diet, which will contribute to the full absorption of vitamins.

Reception of a vitamin complex should be carried out with caution in the presence of serious illnesses liver, duodenum, stomach ulcer. Also, a ban on taking the drug is cholelithiasis, chronic nephritis and pancreatitis.

Children under 14 this drug not assigned.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Expectant mothers, when prescribing Undevit vitamins, reviews recommend that you follow the dosage indicated in the instructions (due to the danger of an overdose of retinol for the fetus). During breastfeeding, the use of the complex is not contraindicated.

"Undevit": instructions for use, price, reviews

Elderly people are recommended to take a vitamin complex twice a day, 1 tablet. For the prevention of diseases or during the period of remission, pregnant women, nursing mothers, children after 15 years of age, the drug, according to the instructions, is prescribed 1 time per day, 1 tablet.

IN special occasions, for example, with beriberi, vitamins "Undevit" reviews recommend taking 2 tablets 3 times a day.

The duration of the drug should not be more than 1 month, repeated course can be carried out after two or three months. The need for repeated intake of the vitamin complex is determined by the doctor. The drug should be taken after meals.

The cost of the vitamin complex is quite low (45-55 rubles per package), so almost all segments of the population can buy it.

"Undevit", reviews of which are only positive, was created taking into account physiological features human body. Vitamin preparation has a strengthening, tonic effect. Homeostasis is maintained normally due to the antioxidants that make up the composition.

Vitamins are recommended to be stored in a cool, protected from penetration sun rays place, at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. "Undevit" in pharmacies is dispensed without a prescription, detailed instructions are attached to each package of the drug.


When taking a vitamin complex according to the instructions, an overdose is impossible. If an excess of vitamin A is obtained, lethargy is observed, increased drowsiness, there have been cases of seizures in lower limbs, disorders of the digestive tract and nervous system.

Interaction with drugs

Vitamin A and PP, contained in the Undevit complex, enhance each other's action when taken. But at the same time, retinol reduces the effectiveness of drugs that contain glucocorticoids. Nitrite intake reduces the effectiveness of vitamin A. Products containing iron in their composition reduce useful action tocopherol.

Vitamin E, which is part of the complex, increases the effect of anti-inflammatory drugs. Vitamin C increases the action and toxicity of penicillin and sulfonamides. When you receive oral contraceptives ascorbic acid much worse digestion.

B vitamins reduce the effect of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Vitamin B 2 contained in the complex reduces the effect of antibiotics.

When taking "Undevita", it is possible to stain the urine in a yellowish color, which is associated with the presence of vitamin B 2 in the composition. The complex should not be taken simultaneously with other vitamin preparations to prevent a decrease in effectiveness.

Even though the instructions contain warnings about side effects, the complex is well tolerated when all the instructions given in the instructions are followed. All the vitamins that make up Undevita are assistants in the full and painless work of the body.


Let's talk about all the familiar vitamins Undevit. Sweet and sour taste and perky yellow color of vitamin balls in every way reminds us of childhood.

Another children's horror story, but already in a pleasant capsule version * fish oil *.

Vitamins for children (from 14 years old) and adults

Release form: dragee, 50 pieces

Without cardboard packaging and protective plugs.

Price: 50-60 r

Where can I buy: any pharmacy

Undevit does not have instructions for use, only an electronic version.


I indicate in brackets daily allowance for an adult.

1 dragee contains:

α-tocopherol acetate, vitamin E 10 mg (15 ml)

ascorbic acid 75 mg (+)

calcium pantothenate, pantothenic acid 3 mg (0.4-0.8 g)

nicotinamide, vitamin PP 20 mg (+)

pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin B6 3 mg (1.8 - 2 mg)

retinol palmitate, vitamin A 3300 IU = 1.817 mg (5000 IU)

riboflavin, vitamin B2 2 mg (+)

rutoside, vitamin P 10 mg (25-50 mg)

thiamine hydrochloride, vitamin B1 2 mg (1 - 1.2 mg)

folic acid, vitamin B9 70 mcg (300 mcg)

cyanocobalamin, vitamin B12 2 mcg (2.4 mcg)


Taken 2-3 times a day after meals. The drug is absorbed or swallowed with water.

With the aim of prevention of hypovitaminosis adults 1 dragee / day.

, V old age recommended for 2-3 tablets / day.

The course of treatment is 20-30 days. Break - 1-3 months.

Possible allergic reactions. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.


Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.



To improve metabolism and general condition in the elderly and senile age;

The use of antibiotics;

The period of recovery after an illness.


Vitamins have a bright sweet taste. As the dragee dissolves, the taste changes several times from sweet and sour to bitter.

The effect of the use of Undevit

I drank the drug during the autumn molt, bad mood and hard working days. Course - 1 month. Along the way, I used calcium (Complivit Calcium D3).

The result of taking Complivit and Undewit:

  • does not significantly affect the growth, condition and hair loss;
  • the skin condition noticeably improves, rashes disappear, deficiencies rarely appear even in the period before KD;
  • getting better appearance and quality of nails, fragility decreases, growth accelerates; after cancellation, growth slows down again;
  • seasonal colds do not bother.

Which vitamins are better to take, you decide. Undevit contains the minimum set essential vitamins and in a duet with calcium worked well.

Important! Undevit can be taken by children over 14 years of age. For children under 14 years of age, Revit is prescribed (the packages are similar).

Currently, pharmacies selling a variety of medicines, are ready to offer customers modern multivitamin formulations from a number of well-known and not so well-known manufacturers. And many consumers, on the recommendations of doctors, and even without them, take it for preventive purposes. However, a fairly large percentage of the population prefers drugs known since childhood. It is to these that the Undevit remedy belongs, the indications for the use of which are quite extensive.

Although in modern society and there is an opinion that vitamins are not medicines, therefore you can take them when you want, this is completely wrong. Means "Undevit", as well as any other multivitamin preparations, should be taken only if there are certain indications. This complex was designed specifically for middle-aged and older people. That is why it contains organic substances, the presence of which in the body improves and accelerates metabolic processes.

The composition of "Undevita" is well balanced, so doctors recommend taking the drug for any manifestations of hypovitaminosis. In addition, the drug will be very useful if a person needs to recover after graduation. antibacterial treatment or surgical intervention, injury. Relief from an exacerbation chronic diseases is also within the scope of the drug.

Who should be careful...

“Vitamins can be drunk by everyone”, - this is how the consumer thinks, acquiring a beautiful jar or box he likes. And it turns out to be wrong. This applies to any vitamin preparations. The Undevit tool is no exception. Reviews of doctors about the drug in this regard are quite unambiguous.

It contains a lot of components, so people with individual intolerance to these components should be careful. Very carefully, doctors prescribe Undevit vitamins to patients with liver problems. peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum is also a good reason to stop taking the drug.

It should not be taken by children under the age of 14 and women who are planning a pregnancy or are in its first trimester. The drug is prohibited for patients suffering from cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis, nephritis (no matter in acute or chronic form). Before taking "Undevit", you should consult a doctor and people suffering from decompensation of cardiac activity.

In any case, before you start taking vitamins, you should at least familiarize yourself with the composition.

Component composition

The drug has been known since the second half of the last century. Its composition was developed by a Soviet professor for the prevention premature aging organism and for the normalization of metabolic processes. The composition of "Undevita" includes a whole list of vitamins and antioxidants.

No. p / p

Component name (vitamin)

Mass fraction (mg)

Main functions, influence on processes in the body

Retinol palmitate (A)

Contributes to the normalization of the condition of the mucous membranes, skin, eyes.

Riboflavin (B2)

Participates in the process of cellular respiration, visual perception. Promotes growth, realization reproductive function. Improves the condition of hair, nails, skin.

Tocopherol acetate (E)

It has a beneficial effect on the work of the sex glands, on the state of the nervous and muscle tissues. Only with its participation, the breakdown of red blood cells is possible.

Calcium pantothenate (B5)

It takes part in the processes of acetylation and oxidation, in the renewal of skin layers.

Rutozid (R)

Antioxidant. Does not allow oxidation

Cyanocobalamin (B12)

Involved in the work of the hematopoietic system. With its participation, the synthesis of myelin occurs (nerve fibers are composed of it).

Folic acid (B9)

Participates in the formation of amino acids, nucleic acids, nucleotides, in the formation of red blood cells.

Nicotinamide (RR)

Provides stable work of the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, nervous system.

Pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6)

Impossible without it protein metabolism. With its participation, the formation of neurotransmitters occurs, the lack of which can provoke depression.

Ascorbic acid (C)

With its participation, the maturation of red blood cells, the synthesis of hemoglobin occurs. All redox reactions take place in its presence, are formed cartilage tissue, bones, teeth.

Thiamine hydrochloride (B1)

Enzyme. Required during the process carbohydrate metabolism. Stabilizes the nervous system.

And this is not all the components that make up the drug "Undevit". The composition of vitamins is supplemented Excipients: white sugar, yellow wax, mineral oil and peppermint oil, Wheat flour and starch syrup.

Basic rules of application

All medications should be applied according to certain rules. The Undevit tool is no exception. Instructions for use (the composition was discussed above) recommends taking it after a meal, one tablet at a time, without chewing or drinking water. If the drug is prescribed for prophylactic purposes, then one tablet per day is enough. If we are talking O recovery period, it is acceptable to accept 2-3 pieces. The effect of the drug in this case will be more effective if you take not all the pills at a time, but one at a time during the day. The course is usually one month. It can be repeated after 2-3 months.

If there are severe disorders, hypovitaminosis, then adults are recommended to take 2 pieces 3 times a day. Elderly people are prescribed one tablet twice a day.

Negative consequences

If a person has an individual intolerance to any component of the vitamin complex, then, as a rule, this manifests itself in allergic reactions. The same effect can be in the case long-term use drug. If for some reason the permissible dose was exceeded, disturbances in the functioning of the liver and in the processes of digestion (abdominal pain, diarrhea) may occur.

The principle of the drug

The mechanism of influence is determined by the components that make up Undevit. Thanks to a large list the components of the drug regulate metabolism, normalize tissue trophism, participate in the formation of tissues and enzymes. Vitamins A, C and E provide a good antioxidant effect. Also, the drug maintains homeostasis at the required level. Tonic and adaptogenic effect, normalization of metabolic processes and work endocrine system- this is an incomplete list of Undevit's spheres of influence.

Existing analogues

Today in pharmacies you can find a lot of vitamin preparations with a wider composition and at a higher price. However, if you carefully approach the issue, you will notice that often more publicized and expensive drugs differ from the good old "Undevita" 1-2 components. And sometimes this may not be: the price is higher, but the composition is the same. Analogues, quite similar in composition, are Vitalipid, VitrumBeauty and Aerovit, Retinol, Duovit, Aevit. An acceptable replacement for Undevit can be Dekamevit, Ribovital, Gitagamp and Doppelhertz.

Opinion of buyers and specialists

Multivitamin preparations from different manufacturers are in high demand among the population. The Undevit tool is no exception. The composition, reviews about it are widely discussed on the pages of newspapers, magazines, in social networks. A fairly large percentage of people taking it claim that the drug has the same beneficial effect on them as more expensive and modern complexes.

If you listen to the experts, the opinion of some may be somewhat different. Some say that the composition of Undevit is not balanced enough, that when taken at a time, the components do not combine well with each other, they are not completely absorbed.

According to others, synthetic vitamins(and the remedy "Undevit" belongs to this group) cannot be useful to the body at all. This considerable part of doctors and scientists advise to give preference natural products rich in one or another substance.

The third convince everyone that modern technologies and high-tech equipment allow us to develop and offer consumers new drugs that are more advanced and easily digestible.

So where is the truth?

And what to do common man In current situation? Buy newfangled drugs immediately for all diseases or take the well-known remedy "Undevit" since childhood? Reviews of doctors and their recommendations should be the main arguments in resolving this issue. If the patient has a doctor whose opinion he fully trusts, and this specialist recommended taking Undevit vitamins, then so be it.