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Vitamin C. Vitamin C: benefits for the body. Daily intake of vitamin C, signs of deficiency and excess

Many years ago, vitamin C was discovered by sailors who went on long voyages. Suffering from scurvy, they tried to eat water-based pine extract (a real storehouse of this substance). So, the sailors managed to overcome terrible disease, which was accompanied by many severe symptoms.

Thanks to the participation of vitamins C in internal processes, the homeostasis of the human body is maintained. It is not surprising that vitamins are vital and necessary for the full functioning of the body. These are active chemical compounds necessary for metabolism, thanks to which the body maintains the constancy of all its processes or homeostasis.

Historical discovery

The shortage of this substance, which was not yet known to science at that time, was most clearly felt by seafarers. During sea voyages, many people suffered from scurvy, the most famous manifestation of a deficiency of this important chemical compound.

In cases of scurvy due to impaired collagen synthesis and hyaluronic acid the patient's body exhibits fragility of the capillary walls, damage connective tissue. In turn, this leads to degeneration of blood cells.

The sailors developed general malaise, weakness, gums began to become inflamed, teeth fell out, skin rashes and bruises appeared, the wounds bled and did not heal for a long time. IN severe cases the disease even became fatal.

Soon people realized how to escape from this disease: they drank a water infusion from pine extract, which is incredibly rich in vitamin C.

And after some time, it was decided to introduce fresh vegetables and fruits into the diet of sailors on long sea voyages - natural spring ascorbic acid. IN pure form the substance was synthesized in 1928 from lemon juice doctor and researcher S. Zilva. 4 years after this event, scientists proved the undoubted benefits, as well as the fact that the absence of products containing this in the menu Chemical substance, is the cause of many diseases.

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What is vitamin C?

Thanks to special structure Vitamin C can be classified as a carbon derivative. Its structure is similar to glucose. Despite the fact that the human body does not synthesize it on its own, this organic substance is necessary for the successful completion of various vital processes. Takes part in the formation of blood cells, in the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, and is a powerful antioxidant.

Thanks to its properties, it has earned the name “vitamin of youth”: it actively participates in the growth and development of connective tissue, has important in the process of synthesis of collagen fibers, it takes part in the production of a substance responsible for the formation of energy in the body - carnitine. This vitamin is able to help cartilage cells produce substances (proteoglycans) that nourish and strengthen cartilage, making it elastic and mobile.

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Beneficial features

Why is vitamin C needed? It is extremely important for the full development of bone and cartilage tissue. Promotes the growth and development of cells, bones and teeth. Modern Scientific research have proven that this substance performs an antihistamine function, reduces the amount of histamine, and therefore successfully fights allergic manifestations, helps relieve the symptoms of colds, shortens the duration of the disease itself.

But the benefits of vitamin C are not limited to this: by supporting the immune system, it stimulates the body's defenses in the fight against cancer. Due to its pronounced antioxidant properties, vitamin C has the ability to protect cells from mutations, helps prevent the formation of carcinogenic cells, and as a result is involved in the fight against cancer.

The antioxidant functions of vitamin C allow it to prevent the occurrence of cataracts in the eye by protecting the lens from contact with it. free radicals. It is one of the regulators of blood sugar levels, which is very important for diabetes mellitus: its significant medicinal dose, getting into cells, can become a barrier to possible complications arising during the course of this disease. The antioxidant functions of this beneficial compound also help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Scientists have noted that by regularly receiving vitamin C from foods, a person suffering from hypertension can normalize their high pressure. The ability of the substance to participate in the production of collagen leads to the healing of wounds, scars, burn and post-operative scars, and the healing of bones after fractures.

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Side effects

However, despite everything beneficial features vitamin C, it can negatively affect a person:

  • hyperglycemia, or increased blood glucose levels;
  • allergic reactions, skin rash;
  • formation of kidney stones;
  • metabolic disease;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • inefficiency contraceptive drugs(when simultaneous administration a woman takes contraceptives and large doses of vitamins; abrupt withdrawal of the latter helps reduce the amount of estrogen);
  • dizziness and weakness, but this negative effect is relatively insignificant and does not have a significant duration, since excess substance is able to be excreted from the body, its influence weakens, side effects disappear.

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Symptoms of hypovitaminosis

If the amount of this chemical compound is insufficient, the production of collagen in the body, which allows blood vessels to be strong and elastic, is reduced. Their walls become depleted, become fragile, and capillaries can burst. As a result, there appear subcutaneous bruises and hemorrhages. A visible bruise may appear even with light finger pressure on the skin. A person’s hair begins to fall out, gums bleed, and the condition of muscles and bones deteriorates.

The number of free radicals increases sharply, causing severe stress in the body. The immune system weakens, allowing pathogenic bacteria freely attack the body. A person gradually loses hearing, vision, dizziness becomes more frequent, and seizures appear severe weakness. Irritability and depression may occur. Attention and memory weaken.

Due to the extraordinary importance of this organic substance for vital processes, if it is deficient, they are disrupted and the human body is at risk of serious diseases:

  • scurvy, which can be fatal if left untreated;
  • atherosclerosis, which may most likely be followed by a stroke or myocardial infarction;
  • diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • liver damage;
  • oncological diseases.

Everyone knows vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. Parents tell even young children that it is useful and necessary in order not to get sick. What is it useful for besides its antiviral activity? And how does it affect women's health?

The benefits of vitamin C for women

Ascorbic acid is considered the vitamin of youth and longevity. Its antioxidant properties come first among the many effects it has on the body. Along with vitamin E and A, as well as selenium and zinc, it provides constant protection of cells from free radical damage, thereby protecting their integrity and functionality. It is thanks to the action of antioxidants that the youth of skin cells, the shine of hair and the strength of nails are preserved. As a result of the action of antioxidants, the body avoids numerous cellular degenerations and deformations that result in cancerous tumors. Ideally, you need to eat in such a way that all the strongest antioxidants act together. Then the effectiveness of their influence will increase significantly. But it is very difficult to independently create your diet in such a way as to achieve a similar effect. Provide the body with these important microelements possible with the help of biologically balanced active additives, for example Seltsink. This drug contains not only vitamin C, but also beta-carotene, vitamin E, selenium and zinc. All these components enhance each other's action, helping to achieve maximum effect.

What else is ascorbic acid useful for women?

  • Strengthens blood vessels.
  • Promotes regeneration of skin and mucous membranes.
  • Helps absorb iron and takes part in hematopoiesis.
  • Binds and removes poisons and toxins from the body.
  • Reduces the level of cholesterol formation and clears blood vessels of it.
  • Increases the functional activity of the liver and improves its condition.
  • Prevents from oxidation fat soluble vitamins A and E (so they must be used together).
  • Promotes wound healing, accelerates healing and resorption of sutures and burns.
  • Increases stress resistance.
  • Improves condition nervous system and enhances the transmission of nerve impulses in the cerebral cortex.
  • Takes part in the formation of mucopolysaccharides necessary for the full functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Participates in education female hormones etc.

How does a lack of ascorbic acid manifest itself in the female body?

It is quite easy to recognize an ascorbic acid deficiency. First of all, fragility and brittleness occurs blood vessels: on the body without obvious reasons Small bruises or hemorrhages begin to appear. The condition of hair and nails deteriorates, they become brittle, brittle and dull. The skin becomes dull, very flaky and cracks.

Ascorbic acid deficiency also manifests itself in other symptoms:

  • physical performance decreases sharply, fatigue appears, interest in life disappears;
  • attention becomes distracted, memory weakens;
  • appears increased sensitivity to cold, chills;
  • often occur infectious diseases, the body becomes susceptible negative influence not only viruses and bacteria, but also fungi;
  • the musculoskeletal system suffers, pain and aches in the joints appear;
  • mental balance shifts towards apathy, depression, irritability, sleep is disturbed.

Why does vitamin C deficiency occur?

A lack of ascorbic acid may be due to a lack of vegetables, fruits and berries in the diet. fresh. However, in most cases, the deficiency occurs due to improper food storage or cooking. For example, when green parsley leaves are stored at a temperature of about 20 degrees for two days, about 80% of vitamin C breaks down in them. During cooking, 60% of ascorbic acid is lost, and if vegetables are placed in cold water, overcook or cook with the lid open, then this figure increases significantly.

Deficiency also contributes to:

  • smoking (minus 25 mg of vitamin from the body per cigarette smoked);
  • intestinal diseases (gastritis, enteritis);
  • stressful conditions;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • bad ecology;
  • infections.

Daily requirement of vitamin C for women

Women need about 100 mg of vitamin C per day, and during pregnancy and breastfeeding- up to 150-200 mg. There is an opinion that ascorbic acid is harmless to the body and that it can be consumed in unlimited quantities. However, with daily intake of excessive dosages, the compound causes significant harm: atherosclerosis develops, in bladder Oxalates are deposited, which leads to urolithiasis.

Where is vitamin C found?

The most great content ascorbic acid is found in rose hips and sea buckthorn. Rich sources of vitamin C also include black currants, green peas, red peppers, red peppers, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, strawberry. It is not found at all in animal products, with the only exception being liver. Cover completely daily requirement It is almost impossible to supply the body with vitamin C through vegetables and fruits alone. Selzinc, in which this microelement also enhances the effects of vitamins A and E, can help in solving this problem. Take care of your body, and you will always be healthy and beautiful!

Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, “Ascorbic acid” - all these are the names of a vitamin familiar to us early childhood. It is good for health, it should be taken during illness in order to recover faster; there is a lot of it in berries and fruits. All this has been known for a long time, but can everyone use ascorbic acid?

First you need to decide:
Firstly, ascorbic acid is found in lemons, currants, cranberries, blueberries, strawberries and many other berries and fruits in varying quantities. She's helpful. You can use it as much as you want and as much as your body allows.
Secondly, ascorbic acid is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets, powders and dragees. You can take too many of these drugs at once and cause problems.

What are the benefits of ascorbic acid?

Ascorbic acid is important for a growing organism, since the lack of this vitamin in childhood can provoke the appearance of changes in the skeletal structure (Meller-Barlow disease) and scurvy. With age, the need for vitamin C does not decrease, but even increases. It is important for adult patients to know that smoking and drinking alcohol reduce the reserves of this vitamin and accelerate its destruction, and our body cannot accumulate vitamin C on its own.

Ascorbic acid regulates redox processes, is an antioxidant, and is involved in the regulation carbohydrate metabolism, blood clotting, affects the functioning of capillaries and increases resistance to infections. Vitamin C has a positive effect on mental condition And mental performance. Thus, ascorbic acid strengthens not only the immune system, but also the psyche, helping to cope with.

Ascorbic acid has a significant effect on the functioning of the liver and pancreas. Vitamin C activates respiratory enzymes in the liver and increases its ability to cleanse the body.

Vitamin C prevents cholesterol deposits from clogging the walls of blood vessels. When solving cholesterol-related problems, ascorbic acid works well in complex therapy aimed at normalizing blood cholesterol levels.

How to use vitamin C correctly?

Proper use of ascorbic acid is very important. The first thing to remember is that it is an acid. To instead positive result To avoid developing new health problems, you need to remember the dosage, contraindications and warnings.

Any packaging of the drug indicates the norm of use for children and adults. This is the norm that has been tested and its safety has been confirmed by research. Many methods of treating various diseases involve the use of ascorbic acid in very large quantities. When planning to follow these techniques, remember that you are testing them on yourself. Higher doses can be harmful.

Pregnancy. Ascorbic acid can penetrate the placental barrier, so you should not take vitamin C in high doses. During lactation, the dose of vitamin intake should also not exceed the norm.

Urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, hemochromatosis, thalassemia, leukemia and a number of other diseases automatically imply restrictions on the use of ascorbic acid, so in such cases it is necessary to consult with your doctor and adjust the dose. This is partly due to the fact that vitamin C increases the absorption of iron.

In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, the use of vitamin C is contraindicated.

Laboratory tests. If you need to get tested, you need to remember that ascorbic acid, due to its redox properties, can “replace” the research results and the tests will be incorrect.

The relationship of vitamin C with vitamins B1, B2, A, E, folic and pantothenic acids: ascorbic acid increases their stability and, accordingly, reduces their need.

Large doses of vitamin C are dangerous!

The beginning of the theory of “horse doses” of vitamins was laid by an American scientist, winner of two Nobel Prizes Linus Pauling. In his book Cancer and Vitamin C, he argued that large doses ascorbic acid improves the condition of patients with certain types of cancer and significantly prolongs life.

Many people began to take ascorbic acid in large doses for the purpose of prevention various diseases. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract were immediately noted. Gastritis and ulcers worsened, and allergic manifestations were noted.

Back in 2000, at the annual conference of the American Heart Association, a group of scientists made a statement that large doses of vitamin C cause more rapid development of atherosclerosis. The study involved 570 people. Comprehensive examination of volunteers, average age who was about 54 years old, showed that their blood vessels were normal. A year and a half later, the examination was repeated, and it turned out that atherosclerosis carotid arteries, supplying blood to the brain, was 2.5 times more likely to be noted in those who were overly fond of ascorbic acid. It is noteworthy that people took 500 mg of vitamin C per day just to prevent atherosclerosis.

Pediatricians note an increase in allergies in children who were actively fed for preventive purposes» increased doses of vitamin C. Children's doctor Anna Timofeeva recalls: “Vitamin C is not a medicine, but a vitamin! Some children may have difficulty breaking down vitamin C to its final products due to a lack of enzymes that regulate metabolism. At usual doses vitamin, these disorders would be compensated, but if they were too large, decompensation would occur. Incompletely broken down metabolic products - oxalates - cause allergies and can injure renal tubules and become a source of their diseases (nephritis), and subsequently give rise to kidney stone disease.”

How to properly saturate your body with vitamin C?

The human body needs the amount of vitamin C that it receives from foods under normal conditions. balanced diet. Such a diet must include fruits, berries and vegetables. Of course, we all try to eat more berries and fruits in the summer, so as to stock up on vitamin C for future use, but this is not possible. What to do in winter?

From Latin word“vita”, which means life, is where the familiar word “vitamins” comes from, without which it is also impossible to imagine human existence. Vitamins themselves are compounds that take part in metabolism and support the functioning of the body. In other words, we can say that it is impossible to imagine a person without vitamins. These substances are present in many products: fresh fruit vegetables, fish, meat, etc. One of the most important vitamins for human health is vitamin C or ascorbic acid.

Benefits of Vitamin C

If we consider the benefits of vitamin C for our body, many of us do not know that a person does not produce this vitamin on his own, so you need to eat foods that contain a lot of vitamin C or take vitamin tablets.

Benefits for human health:

  • vitamin C or ascorbic acid has positive impact on the nervous system;
  • participates in blood renewal processes;
  • stimulates work endocrine glands, helping the absorption of iron;
  • strengthens blood vessels. Without vitamin C, the production of proteoglycans by cartilage cells is impossible. These substances give elasticity to blood vessels, helping them stretch and return to their previous position;
  • powerful . It is one of the main substances that preserve beauty and prolong youth;
  • enhances protective functions the body, helping to fight viruses and prevent the development of inflammatory and colds;
  • will help support the body chronic illnesses, in particular, and will also improve the patient’s condition after suffered a heart attack And ;
  • ascorbic acid participates in recovery processes, helping the body cope with the disease faster;
  • promotes fast healing wounds and ulcers;
  • improves general state human, is a powerful energy booster, restores strength in case of overwork.

With a lack of vitamin C, a person may feel tired and get tired quickly. If we talk about a serious deficiency of this element, then joints begin to bother, gums bleed, a person often suffers from colds and cannot recover for a long time.

Where is vitamin C found?

Only in products plant origin this substance can be synthesized. There is a lot of vitamin C or ascorbic acid in citrus fruits: lemons, oranges, etc. We all know that an excellent preventive remedy is tea with lemon. And if it was not possible to resist the disease, to help the body heal faster, you need to drink tea with lemon, eat more oranges or eat grapefruit. In addition, a lot of vitamin C is found in rose hips, black and red currants, kiwi, and chokeberry. Among vegetables, the leading position in the amount of ascorbic acid is occupied by fresh parsley and cabbage (white and cauliflower). I wonder what if I do sauerkraut, then there will be even more in it useful vitamin. Continuing the list healthy products, do not forget to mention sorrel, as well onion(many people don’t know that it also contains a lot of vitamin C), as well as tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers and pumpkin.

Despite the fact that these foods contain a large amount of vitamin C, it can easily be lost without replenishing the missing reserves. MirSovetov reminds that the vitamin quickly loses its beneficial properties if the products were stored incorrectly, for example, under direct sun rays, as well as during high temperature processing. In addition, if you take all this into account, you need to use only glass or enamel dishes for cooking, and you need to mix food with a wooden or plastic spatula. Do not use metal objects when preparing foods high in vitamin C. Upon contact with metal, it immediately breaks down.

Vitamin C intake

MirSovetov will tell readers in what cases and who needs to start taking vitamin C:

  • in case of poisoning carbon monoxide and other substances containing gas. If a person has been seriously poisoned, then vitamin C will help normalize oxidative processes;
  • with a lack of vitamins in the autumn-winter period. Along with eating plant-based foods high in vitamin C, you need to start taking the tablet form to strengthen your immune system;
  • during pregnancy;
  • at colds, especially in the cold season;
  • For smokers, the daily intake of vitamin C should be increased.

Norms and overdose

The benefits of vitamin C for human health can only be discussed if it enters the body in the proper amount. Until recently, the daily intake of vitamin C (or ascorbic acid) for an adult was 100 mg per day. Today, scientists have proven the opposite; it is allowed to take ascorbic acid in a volume of up to 4 g per day to experience its benefits. Not enough to achieve therapeutic effect eat only foods of plant origin with a high content of vitamin C. In addition, some foods contain a lot of useful substances, but it is impossible to obtain vitamin C from, say, a raw apple, since the ascorbinase enzyme contained in it destroys it. To benefit from such a product, you must eat only baked apples.

There is no clear opinion regarding the daily intake of vitamin C to achieve the desired effect. Experts say that men are allowed to consume no more than 90 mg of vitamin C per day, and women - only 75 mg. An overdose is considered if there are about 12,000 mg of ascorbic acid per 1 kg of weight.

According to doctors, to prevent the development cancer cells, that is, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to consume approximately 3000 mg of ascorbic acid per day, and to cure inflammatory diseases or a cold, then the daily dose should be up to 10,000 mg.

It is clear that 12 g of vitamin C per 1 kg of weight is considered a dangerous dose for human health, and this is very difficult to do, especially if you eat only foods rich in ascorbic acid. Taking that many pills is also very difficult. Based on this, we can conclude that it is very difficult to overdose on vitamin C, almost impossible. And if we also take into account that this vitamin does not accumulate in the body and easily dissolves in water (and is then easily excreted along with urine), then this once again proves that an overdose is practically impossible.

Compatible drugs and what else you need to know

Vitamin C is well absorbed together with medications containing a lot of caffeine, iron, folic acid and vitamin B12. It is best to take vitamin C in tablets or liquid form not on an empty stomach. The optimal time to take is 30 minutes after breakfast. Age, weight, as well as why the drug is needed, matters. So, for children the daily norm is from 25 to 75 mg of the drug, for adults - prophylactic dose ranging from 50 to 100 mg. If needed intensive treatment, then the doctor himself, after full examination, appoints high doses vitamin C under constant monitoring. It is not recommended to take the drug haphazardly on your own. As stated earlier, it is difficult to overdose on vitamin C, but there are still some health risks. High doses of the drug negatively affect work gastrointestinal tract, problems with digestion are possible (acid eats away the walls of the stomach), bloating, diarrhea and even cramps are possible. Remember this so as not to harm your health.

Vitamin C (L-isomer of ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble biologically active organic compound related to glucose.

Ascorbic acid gets its name from the Latin “scorbutus” (scurvy). Back in the 18th century, long before the discovery of vitamins, it was found that citrus juice contained a certain substance that prevented the development of scurvy in sailors during a long voyage. It is known that scurvy is a disease caused by a severe lack of vitamin C in food (vitaminosis).

What functions does vitamin C perform in the body?

Vitamin C is one of the most effective antioxidants; it protects the body's cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Ascorbic acid is a participant in the process of biosynthesis of collagen and its precursor - substances that are necessary for the formation of complete bone and connective tissue. It is needed for normal hematopoiesis and the production of catecholamines and steroid compounds in the body. Vitamin C is able to regulate blood clotting and normalize the permeability of the walls of small blood vessels. It can prevent the development of hypersensitivity reactions (allergy) and reduce the severity of the inflammatory process.

Ascorbic acid is necessary for humans to protect their body from negative consequences impact. It has been established that the concentration of ascorbic acid salts in the “stress hormones” secreted by the adrenal glands is very high.

Under the influence of this vitamin, it is strengthened and recovery processes are activated.

Important: there is reason to believe that vitamin C is an important factor in, in particular - malignant tumors organs digestive tract, urinary and reproductive systems.

Ascorbic acid accelerates the process of elimination from the body heavy metals and their connections.

Vitamin C prevents the oxidation of cholesterol and its deposition on vascular walls, thus providing an antiatherosclerotic effect. Its sufficient content increases the stability of other vitamins - A, E and B compounds.

The compound does not have the property of being deposited and is not synthesized in the body, and therefore a person must constantly receive it from the outside through the diet (with food and drinks).

Natural sources of this compound are many vegetables and fruits. Animal products contain very little vitamin C.

Since ascorbic acid is water-soluble and loses stability when heated, during cooking (thermal) processing most of this vital important vitamin. It is advisable to consume vegetables and fruits containing it raw.

Animal sources:

  • beef and pork liver;
  • animal kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • mare's milk;
  • goat milk.

Plant sources:

  • leafy greens ( , );
  • horseradish;
  • onions (green and onions);
  • citrus fruits (oranges, etc.);
  • cabbage (any variety);
  • sweet pepper ("Bulgarian" and hot cayenne);
  • tomatoes;
  • potatoes (only baked in their skins);
  • green pea;
  • apples;
  • currant;
  • peaches;
  • apricots (including dried apricots);

note:the content of “ascorbic acid” is very high in the fruits of rowan, rose hips and. Vitamin drinks of them allow you to cope with seasonal (winter-spring) hypovitaminosis.

Plants that can be used to prepare vitamin infusions:

  • burdock (root);
  • pepper;
  • plantain;
  • yarrow;
  • pine needles;
  • raspberry (leaves);
  • violet (leaves;
  • fennel (seeds);
  • nettle.

Sufficiently long storage of products and biochemical processing negatively affect the level of vitamin C in food products. One of the few exceptions are dried rose hips, in which they are preserved exclusively for up to 1 year or more. high concentration ascorbic acid (up to 0.2%). Rose hips contain many other useful substances– vitamins K, P, tannins, sugars, etc. Syrup is made from the fruits (it can be purchased at the pharmacy), which will help you easily overcome hypovitaminosis.

Important:of all the dishes that have passed heat treatment, the “record holder” for the amount of preserved vitamin C is boiled White cabbage. When cooked for 1 hour (no more!) 50% of the “ascorbic acid” remains in it (relative to baseline). Approximately the same amount of vitamin is retained in freshly prepared potato soup.

Vitamin C intake standards

An increased amount of “ascorbic acid” is required by patients, as well as those who take medications, etc.

Important:It has been found that the need for vitamin C increases significantly in people suffering from nicotine addiction; In addition, tobacco combustion products impair the digestibility of the beneficial compound. Smokers, as well as those who regularly consume alcohol, are recommended to consume 20-40% more vitamin C.

It is recommended for amateurs to consume a lot of vitamin C meat food. This is necessary to reduce negative impact nitrogenous compounds, in large quantities present in muscle tissue animals. Special attention It is worth paying attention to this vitamin for those who prefer meat in the form of sausages and smoked meats. As one of the preservatives in the manufacture of such products, the nitrogen-containing compound saltpeter is often used, which can be converted in the stomach into nitrosamines that provoke development.

Daily norm depends on a number of factors, including:

  • climate;
  • environmental situation in the region;
  • occupational hazards;
  • smoking (including passive smoking);
  • alcohol consumption;
  • age;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Note: Studies have shown that in hot or very cold climates a person needs on average 30-50% more ascorbic acid.

The average adult needs to consume 60-100 mg of vitamin C per day. If ascorbic acid preparations are prescribed as part of complex therapy for diseases, the usual daily dosage- from 500 to 1500 mg.

During pregnancy, women need to consume at least 75 mg, and during breastfeeding, at least 90 mg of vitamin C.

Infants from birth to six months of age require 30 mg, and babies from 6 months to 1 year - 35 mg of vitamin C per day. Children from 1 to 3 years old require 40 mg, and from 4 to 10 years old - 45 mg daily.

Features of taking vitamin C

It is advisable to divide the recommended daily dose for several doses, i.e. use the principle of “fractional nutrition”. Human body It quickly consumes water-soluble vitamins and quickly excretes the “excess” in the urine. Thus, it is much better to maintain a constant concentration of ascorbic acid by taking medications or consuming fruits and vegetables in small portions throughout the day.

Hypovitaminosis of vitamin C was detected in 60-80% of preschool and younger children school age. Almost identical data were obtained from studies conducted in various regions of the Russian Federation.

Important : deficiency of this compound is especially pronounced in winter and spring, when fresh vegetables and there is little fruit in stores, but in those herbal products, which are sold year-round, there is much less ascorbic acid than in freshly picked ones.

Hypovitaminosis leads to a decrease in immunity, as a result of which the frequency of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections increases (by 25-40%). Due to a decrease in the phagocytic activity of leukocytes towards foreign bacterial agents, diseases are much more severe.

The causes of hypovitaminosis can be divided into endo- and exogenous.

Internal causes are impaired absorption and ability to assimilate ascorbic acid.

The external reason is a long-term lack of vitamin intake from food.

With a deficiency of vitamin C, the following clinical manifestations of hypovitaminosis may occur:

  • increased bleeding of gums;
  • pathological mobility and loss of teeth;
  • easy occurrence of hematomas;
  • impaired regeneration (slow healing of cuts and scratches);
  • lethargy and decreased muscle tone;
  • alopecia (hair loss);
  • dry skin;
  • increased irritability;
  • lowering the pain threshold;
  • arthralgia;
  • general discomfort;

note : teeth may become loose and fall out as resorption occurs bone tissue alveoli (dental sockets), and insufficient collagen synthesis leads to weakening of the fibers of the periapical ligaments.Bruises on the body form almost spontaneously due to the fragility of the capillary walls.

Indications for starting to take higher doses of vitamin C

Indications for taking ascorbic acid in the form of drugs are:

  • prevention of hypovitaminosis;
  • treatment of hypo- and vitamin deficiency;
  • pregnancy period;
  • breast-feeding;
  • active growth;
  • frequent psycho-emotional;
  • significant physical activity;
  • general ;
  • the period of convalescence after illness (to strengthen the immune system, accelerate recovery and restore the body);
  • bleeding gums;
  • nosebleeds;
  • intoxication;
  • infections (including);
  • liver pathologies;
  • slow healing of wounds and fractures;
  • general dystrophy.

Important:V in rare cases When taking high doses of vitamin C, hypersensitivity reactions (allergy) may develop.

For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take 0.25 g of vitamin C with meals (the frequency of administration is 4 times a day). When cold symptoms appear in the first 4 days from the onset of the disease, you need to consume 4 g of ascorbic acid per day. Then the dose can be gradually reduced to 3, and then to 1-2 g per day.


In most cases, the body tolerates even very high doses of this biologically active compound well, but the development of diarrhea is possible.

When taken in parallel with drugs salicylic acid Vitamin C can trigger the development of and. It is advisable to consume it in the form of calcium ascorbate, which has a neutral pH.

In patients with genetically determined deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, large doses of ascorbic acid can lead to the destruction of red blood cells, which can lead to serious complications.

Large doses of vitamin C reduce the absorption of B12.

Contraindications to the use of “loading doses” are diabetes mellitus, increased blood clotting, and a tendency to.

Important:Long-term course treatment with vitamin C preparations can cause inhibition of insulin production by the pancreas.