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Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid, calcium pantothenate). Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

Pantothenic acid(vitamin B5) is a heat-sensitive, water-soluble dipeptide consisting of pantoic acid and beta-alanine residues. The compound was discovered by American biochemist Roger John Williams in 1933. He, noting the widespread occurrence of the vitamin in nature, gave it the name “ubiquitous” or in Greek “pantothene”.

Sources of pantothenic acid

Vitamin B5 belongs to the group of plastic substances and has a yellowish color. It is able to dissolve in alcohol and is destroyed during heat treatment (by 30–50%), when interacting with acids and alkalis. Like all B vitamins, pantothenic acid is produced by a bacillus that lives in the intestines. However, most required substance enters the body with food.

Acid is found in both animals and plant products. From 0.5 to 1.5 mg of the substance is present in 100 g of lamb, beef, and veal. There is a little less of it in chicken meat. The highest content of the vitamin is found in beef kidneys (2.5–4 mg) and liver (4–9 mg). In an egg, and more specifically in the yolk, there is 3-4 times more dipeptide than in meat. A small amount (0.3 mg) is found in milk. The vitamin content in fish depends on its type: cod (1.6 mg) and herring (0.95 mg) are rich in pantothenate, sardines (0.23 mg) and halibut (0.15 mg) are poor.

The vitamin is found in concentrated form in royal jelly bees and brewer's yeast. IN high doses it can be found in green leafy vegetables, hazelnuts and peas.

Whole grains contain 5–10 times more substance than cereals and flour. Based on the amount of vitamin, buckwheat (2.6 mg) and oats (2.5 mg) should be considered the most useful. In other cereals (barley, rice, wheat, rye), the proportion of pantothenate ranges from 1 to 2.1 mg. Similar indicators have cauliflower, but in white cabbage varieties there is much less valuable compound. The vitamin, although in small quantities, is present in potatoes, fruits, and berries.

Why does the body need vitamins?

Pantothenic acid is part of coenzymes A - molecules that take part in various biochemical reactions. This coenzyme is necessary for the normal course of oxidative processes, as well as the formation of hemoglobin, some hormones, and fats. Vitamin B5 stimulates the synthesis of glucocorticoids. That is why people suffering from allergies, arthritis, heart and vascular diseases, drugs with pantothenate are prescribed.

Vitamin B5 helps in the absorption of other nutrients. The state of the immune system depends on it, as it participates in the formation of antibodies. Consuming pantothenic acid in sufficient quantities helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. The vitamin is also useful for those who want to lose weight: thanks to the substance, fats are broken down faster, without accumulating in the fat depot.

In medicine, dipeptide-based drugs are used to treat burns and eczema, intestinal, gastric, and liver disorders. Included complex therapy They are prescribed for bronchitis and asthma, pathologies of the circulatory system. Pantothenate is a restorative agent, so it is used at the stage of postoperative rehabilitation.

Pantothenic acid in cosmetology and dermatology

Vitamin B5 – indispensable assistant in the fight against skin problems. This compound has been clinically proven to be effective in the treatment of acne. Acne therapy involves the use of drugs with pantothenate both internally and externally. Orally, as a rule, loading quantities are prescribed - 50-100 mg per day. Pantothenate-based medicinal cosmetics help get rid of acne: creams, foams, gels, emulsions.

Acid is the main active substance“Bepanten” and “Panthenol” are drugs that soothe and soften the skin and have a regenerating effect. Such ointments help with diaper rash in infants, burns and wounds of various origins.

In cosmetology, provitamin B5 (D-panthenol) is mainly used - an odor-neutral, transparent and viscous substance, which is a derivative of pantothenic acid. In this form, this acid is found in most sunscreen and anti-aging creams, aftershave gels, body lotions, hair balms, and soap products. Thanks to D-panthenol, the products soften, smooth, moisturize skin and hair, relieve inflammation, and heal wounds.

Vitamin B5 can also be added to homemade cosmetics. Take as a component of external compositions pharmaceutical products dexpanthenol or panthenol. They are added to oil mixtures to reduce comedogenicity. The percentage of provitamin B5 included in home-prepared cosmetics can range from 1 to 5%.

How much acid should you consume?

The daily need for pantothenate depends on the age of the person. Toddlers should receive from 2 to 3 mg of the substance, preschoolers - 3-4 mg, older children - 4-5 mg. Adults need 7–12 mg of vitamin B5 per day. Poor monotonous food, intestinal diseases, long-term antibiotic therapy - all this can lead to nutrient deficiency in the body.

Signs of calcium pantothenate deficiency are:

  • insomnia, depression, fatigue;
  • nausea, muscle pain and headaches;
  • redness of the skin on the feet;
  • numbness or tingling of the toes;
  • ulcer duodenum, dyspepsia;
  • decreased immunity and, as a result, frequent colds.

For hypovitaminosis, vitamin B5 is prescribed as follows: children - 10-40 mg, adults - 40-80 mg per day. The daily amount is distributed into 3-4 doses. Therefore, you need to select products and dishes taking into account this requirement.

In dermatology, children are recommended to take it with food three times a day, 10–30 mg. Adults – 150 mg per day. Nutrition has to be adapted to this requirement. Pantothenate is considered safe. Occasionally, its use is accompanied by heartburn.

When the drug is administered intramuscularly, pain is felt. Vitamin B5 combines well with streptomycin, cardiac glycosides, and folic acid. It is better to use foods rich in pantothenic acid in your menu so that you do not have to consult a doctor to prescribe medications.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of vitamins for maintaining our health. One of them is B5, a vitamin that has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, and not on its individual processes. Why is it so useful, what are its functions and where to look for it? Let's find out together!

B5 is a vitamin that pharmacists and doctors call “pantothenic acid.” It is found in almost all products, be it vegetables, fruits, berries or legumes. It is not for nothing that “pantothene” translated from Greek means “omnipresent”. Let's take a closer look at this useful vitamin.

Opening of pantothene

The discovery of pantothenic acid occurred in 1933 and belongs to the scientist Roger Williams. An artificial analogue was first synthesized in the mid-40s of the last century. It is a yellowish plastic substance that melts at a temperature of 77-80 degrees Celsius. Pantothene is highly soluble in water and ethyl alcohol, however, it instantly loses all properties when exposed to strong heating or exposure to an acidic and alkaline environment.

Natural enters our body by absorption through small intestine. From there it goes straight into the blood, picked up by red blood cells and converted into coenzyme A. Remains of vitamin B5 travel freely throughout the body, evenly distributed throughout the tissues.

Miraculous B5

B5 is a vitamin that is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids, fats, cholesterol, hemoglobin and other substances. The most important function, which B5 performs, is to stimulate the production of adrenal hormones, which in turn protect the body from such serious illnesses, such as allergies, colitis, myocardial infarction and arthritis. With the help of pantothene, the body actively produces antibodies and immunity to various diseases, especially ARVI. This miracle vitamin also slows down aging and prolongs life.

With a sufficient amount of pantothenic acid, the adrenal cortex produces so-called glucocorticoids. These are hormones that help the body cope with all kinds of problems faster. inflammatory processes, and also protect it from overvoltage, overload, infections and microbes.

It is vitamin B5 that forms a number of enzymes and also participates in such body processes as:

  • increasing energy balance;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • skin regeneration, healing of scratches and wounds;
  • and concentration;
  • stimulation proper operation heart muscle.

By the way, brain activity largely depends on this important vitamin: B5 is actively involved in the synthesis of substances, thanks to which electrical impulses are transmitted from neuron to neuron. These substances are called neurotransmitters. Without them, the brain would not be able to receive commands from senses such as touch, smell, hearing, and vision. A lack of vitamin B5 can cause a decrease in the perception of tastes and smells, and also threatens memory loss.

By the way, pantothene synthesizes antibodies that protect our brain from negative impact alcohol and nicotine, therefore smoking people, especially if they drink alcohol, vitamin B5 is vital.

On guard of harmony

People who monitor their weight or follow a diet to lose weight should know that B5 is a vitamin that is involved in normalizing lipid metabolism. In other words, it helps break down fats and convert them into energy. It is especially effective in combination with choline, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin D. These vitamins together help in the fight against obesity.

One, two, three, four, five - I'm going to look for B5!

Just a few decades ago, hypovitaminosis associated with B5 deficiency in the body was rare. People ate organic food clean products and thus replenish the amount of pantothene. What products contain greatest number vitamin B5?

  1. Dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, blue cheese.
  2. Meat: beef, veal, pork.
  3. Chicken eggs.
  4. Fish: trout, salmon, pink salmon.
  5. Mushrooms: shiitake, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, champignons and oyster mushrooms;
  6. Fruits: persimmon, figs, avocado, dates, dried apricots, kiwi, prunes.
  7. Vegetables: dried tomatoes, broccoli, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, garlic, potatoes, parsnips, artichokes and Jerusalem artichokes.
  8. Cereals and grains: rice, oatmeal and wheat bran, corn, buckwheat.
  9. Seeds and nuts: flax-seed, pistachios, peanuts, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, hazel, cashews, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds.
  10. Legumes: beans, mung beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, chickpeas.
  11. Algae: kelp, agar-agar, nori, spirulina.
  12. Spices, herbs, herbs: oregano, black pepper, mint, basil, paprika, parsley.

B5 deficiency

Nowadays, when the diet of many of us consists of semi-finished products, and most products contain GMOs, vitamin B5 is contained in products, if at all, then in very small quantities. As a result, pantothenic acid deficiency is quite common and manifests itself as follows:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • despondency, depressive state, irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased performance, loss of strength;
  • headaches, nausea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • muscle pain, heaviness in the legs;
  • numbness of fingers;
  • stomach pain, diarrhea.

In addition, vitamin B5 deficiency leads to weakened immunity, thereby reducing the body's defense against various infections.

It is also interesting that pantothenic acid helps produce special amino acids that significantly reduce side effects various medications.

Isn't there too much?

Is there hypervitaminosis, that is, an excess of vitamin B5? This can only happen if the course of injections is incorrectly prescribed. Hypervitaminosis is manifested by diarrhea and blanching of the skin. The excess is excreted through the urinary tract.

Vitamin B5 is measured in milligrams. For adults daily norm pantothene is 10-12 mg, for pregnant and lactating women - 15-20 mg, and for children - 2-4 mg. An increased dose of vitamin B5 is required for people who have undergone surgery, been injured, engage in heavy physical activity, or have digestive problems.

Who needs pantotel?

It is possible to normalize the body's needs for pantothenic acid. It is enough to take vitamin B5 in tablets. Remember that self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences, so before taking medicines You must consult your doctor!

For what indications is it necessary to take vitamin B5 tablets?

  • disturbances of various metabolic processes;
  • neuralgic diseases;
  • skin rashes such as eczema;
  • spicy and Chronical bronchitis, asthma;
  • hay fever;
  • allergic reactions;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • burn conditions;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy.

Measure it once...

What dosage to use is usually found in the annotation for the drug and printed on the insert. Usually daily dose The drug is 40-80 mg for an adult and 10-40 mg for children.

However, despite the indicated doses, the number of tablets may vary depending on the prescription of the attending physician.

I'm not afraid of injections

In some cases, instead of pills, the doctor may prescribe intramuscular injections. By the way, the introduction of liquid B5 is very painful, but this invasive method allows you to replenish pantothene deficiency as quickly as possible. Pure vitamin B5 is rarely found in ampoules. The instructions for use usually contain information about other B vitamins included in the injection liquid.

The key to gorgeous hair

Separately, it is worth noting the benefits that vitamin B5 provides for hair. It’s not for nothing that almost all bottles of advertised shampoos and masks are marked “contains vitamin B5.” Why is it so good and what effect does it have? The fact is that it stimulates hair growth and also retains moisture in it, thereby reducing its fragility. Thanks to this vitamin, hair is restored after unsuccessful hairdressing procedures such as bleaching or perm. At correct use B5 hair becomes more shiny and voluminous. Vitamins B5 + B6 combine very well with each other: this “tandem” strengthens hair and prevents hair loss, it becomes smooth, silky and strong.

Beauty Recipes

To help hair, vitamin B5 is needed in ampoules. Tablets, even crushed into powder, will not give the same effect as an oily liquid. Where and in what quantity should I add vitamin B5? The instructions are simple:

  1. Pour the amount of your favorite shampoo required for washing into a suitable container.
  2. Add a few drops oil solution vitamin B5.
  3. Apply shampoo to well-moistened hair, lather thoroughly, leave for 3-5 minutes and rinse.
  4. If necessary similar procedure can be repeated with balm or hair mask.

This use of vitamin B5, especially if it is regular, will significantly improve the condition of the hair, add smoothness and shine to it, eliminate fragility, prevent split ends, and nourish it vitality and health.

A course to preserve health and longevity

In order to be healthy and live as long as possible, listen carefully to your health. If you notice the symptoms of vitamin B5 deficiency described above, go to your doctor for a consultation. Perhaps your fears will be confirmed and you will be prescribed a course of treatment. Within a few weeks of starting to take vitamin B5, you will probably feel an improvement in your condition.

To maintain the balance of vitamin B5, eat dried apricots and prunes, treat yourself to fish with seasonings and try not to cook vegetables for too long. And if the doctor nevertheless prescribes pantothenic acid for you, remember that B5 is a vitamin whose instructions instruct you not to exceed the norm indicated in it. And then health coupled with longevity will be ensured!

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)– a water-soluble compound with a simple structure. It was discovered in 1933 by scientist Williams and only after ten years of experiments was its vitamin nature confirmed. This vitamin gets its name from the Greek word “pantothene,” meaning “everywhere, everywhere.” After all, it can be found in almost all products.

Pharmacological vitamin B5 is a calcium salt, and in its natural form it is an acid. But this fact does not prevent both forms from acting effectively.

Pantothenic acid is soluble in alcohol, water, acetic acid, is stable in a neutral environment, and is destroyed under the influence of temperature in alkaline and acidic environments.

Effect of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)

The effect of vitamin B5 will be difficult to overestimate. It is transported throughout the body, distributed throughout all tissues. Absorbed in the intestines and, entering the blood, passes into the form of enzymes. Due to its water-soluble nature, the vitamin does not accumulate, providing toxic effect. Excreted as free acid through the kidneys.

There are probably no functions in our body that are not affected by pantothenic acid. Its main role is to participate in the production of energy at the cellular level, which is so necessary for physical and mental stress.

Vitamin B5 actively takes part in processes such as:

  • metabolism, processes of acetylation and oxidation, accelerating metabolism;
  • regulation of the nervous system, prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease and age-related dementia;
  • normalization of intestinal functions;
  • maintaining good condition skin and hair;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • fight against pathogenic microbes and inflammatory processes, acting in the adrenal cortex, production of glucocorticoids, which help cure arthritis, allergies, heart disease;
  • in combination with choline they activate brain activity, relieving absent-mindedness, memory problems and depressive disorders;
  • antibody production in immune system, creating protection against infections;
  • synthesis of hemoglobin, cholesterol and other important hormones that help prevent the development of diabetes and atherosclerosis;
  • synthesizes substances that control the senses - the perception of tastes and smells;
  • defence from small doses radiation.

Daily norm

The daily intake of vitamin B5 varies depending on many indicators. So for an adult healthy person 10-12 mg is required, for children 2-7 mg, for pregnant and lactating women - 15-20 mg. But these are, one might say, standard situations. In high conditions physical activity, infectious diseases, stress and postoperative period the need for pantothenic acid increases, required dosage Only the attending physician can choose.

Lack of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)

A lack of vitamin B5 in the body is scary because almost all organs are affected, and very quickly. First of all, fatigue, loss of strength and loss of performance will appear due to the fact that pantothenic acid is instantly consumed in the muscles. Then signs of nervous system and sleep disorders will appear, and discomfort in the fingers of the limbs. Without any reason, headaches and muscle pain occur, which are caused by metabolic disorders and the accumulation of lactic acid.

  • indigestion, loss of appetite, problems with absorption, constipation or, conversely, diarrhea;
  • burning pain in the legs during sleep, most often in the calf area;
  • exhaustion and various problems caused by metabolic disorders, especially manifested in women during menopause, lead to pressure drops and impaired coordination in space;
  • appearance external signs, such as hair loss, nail problems, dandruff, dermatitis;
  • the development of gastritis and peptic ulcers due to regular gastrointestinal disorders;
  • weakened immunity and, accordingly, frequent colds infectious diseases, appear on late stages hypovitaminosis, because antibodies change over time;
  • V running forms hypovitaminosis may impair kidney function;
  • an increase in “bad” cholesterol, problems arise with the arteries and heart functions and, as a result, atherosclerosis can develop, which today occupies a leading position in deaths;
  • in children, in addition to hypovitaminosis (vitaminosis - acute failure) may cause growth to slow or stop.

Vitamin B5 can be confidently called the “vitamin of youth”, because its lack significantly affects appearance: the appearance early gray hair, age spots, skin ages, eyes fade, appears excess weight. It is enough to change your “diet” and you will lose up to ten years.

By the way, pantothenic acid promotes fat burning (lipolysis), so it can proudly bear the title of architect of a slim figure.

And the best part about all of the above is that hypovitaminosis B5 is enough rare disease. It’s not for nothing that they gave it the name “pantoten” - everywhere. With a varied and nutritious diet, the body receives this healthy vitamin in more than sufficient quantities.

But do not forget that only sufficient consumption of foods in natural form can satisfy the need. After all, preservation, freezing and heat treatment destroy most of the vitamin.

In addition, there are cases when it is worth taking care of taking pantothenic acid. As a rule, its synthesis is prevented by antibiotics and sulfonamides, alcohol and hormonal drugs.

By the way, hypervitaminosis B5 is quite a rare phenomenon, because its excess is quickly eliminated from the body with urine. Sometimes diarrhea or fluid retention in the body may occur.

Sources of Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)

Sources of vitamin B5 for the body are very diverse; it is partially synthesized by microflora healthy intestines person. The rest is consumed in food, and the list is very extensive.

The main sources with the maximum vitamin content are brewer's and baker's yeast, liver, kidneys, eggs, dairy products, vegetables, peanuts, bran and cereals, fish, baked goods made from whole grain flour.

But it is necessary to take into account that the own synthesis of pantothenic acid occurs only in healthy microflora, and heat treatment destroys up to 50%. In addition, the lack of other vitamins contributes to low level absorption, just like eating fast food. Therefore, it is important to eat right - more fresh vegetables and fruits, and prefer meat and fish dried or baked, preferably in foil.

Interaction with other drugs

Vitamin B5 serves as an auxiliary component in the treatment of many diseases:

  • enhances the work of cardiac glucosides - for the treatment of heart failure;
  • neutralizes the effect of anti-tuberculosis drugs and streptomycin;
  • promotes the absorption of folic acid (B9) and choline (B4).

With a lack of vitamins C, B1 and B2, the effect of pantothenic acid is weakened, even with sufficient quantity, because Useful compounds and synthesis of pantheine and coenzyme are not created.

The big enemies of vitamin B5, as well as other vitamins, are alcohol, nicotine, antibiotics and other toxic substances.

Indications for use

Indications for prescribing the vitamin for medical purposes:

  • Metabolic disorders of various types and their consequences - dermatological diseases;
  • Allergic reactions, manifested in skin rashes and irritation of the respiratory tract;
  • Bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis;
  • Liver diseases – hepatitis, cirrhosis;
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction;
  • Treatment of chronic alcoholism;
  • Pancreatitis and diseases of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract;
  • Problems with the nervous system – polyneuritis, neuralgia, neurasthenia;
  • Recovery after operations;
  • Toxicosis in pregnant women.

Recently, cosmetologists and dermatologists have adopted pantothenic acid. Studies have shown that it is highly effective in treating acne, acne and dermatological diseases. Also used to even out skin color and straighten fine wrinkles. In such cases, vitamin B5 is administered by injection, and intramuscular injections quite painful.

Name, abbreviations, other names: Pantothenic acid, pantothenate (calcium pantothenate), vitamin B5 (b5), b5

Chemical formula: C 9 H 17 NO 5

Group: water soluble vitamins

Name in Latin: Vitaminum B5, Acidum pantothenicum, Calcii pantothenas ( genus. Calcii pantothenatis)

Varieties: not available.

Pantothenic acid is converted in the body to active form– pantethine.

What (who) is it useful for:

  • For the body: increases life expectancy (by an average of 10 years), protects and prevents dementia in old age and Alzheimer's disease.
  • For the nervous system: actively participates in the synthesis of substances necessary for the nervous system (mediators, neurotransmitters...). Without them normal functioning NS is almost impossible.
  • For the brain: involved in education fatty acids, which are necessary for the brain to function properly.
  • For the adrenal glands: helps in the formation of all adrenal hormones - glucorticoids. And a sufficient amount of these hormones helps reduce the risks of developing arthritis, colitis, allergies and heart disease.
  • For synthesis and metabolism: participates in the formation and exchange of an incredible amount of different substances: hormones, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, cholesterol, hemoglobin and many others, thereby supporting the functioning of the entire body. Restores impaired metabolism.
  • For immunity: pantothenic acid is actively involved in the synthesis of all antibodies that protect the body from various diseases. Without it, the number of antibodies is greatly reduced.
  • For patients with tuberculosis: reduces the toxic effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs.

For what (whom) is it harmful:

  • For patients with hemophilia: B5 increases blood clotting time.

Indications for use:

hypovitaminosis B5, vitamin deficiency, colitis, pancreatitis, arthritis, allergies, neuralgia and neuritis, eczema, bronchial asthma, dermatitis, hyperthyroidism, withdrawal syndrome, acne, toxicosis, wounds that do not heal for a long time, cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholism, thrush.

Long-term insufficiency (deficiency):

An extremely rare occurrence, but if it happens, it leads to:

to peptic ulcers, metabolic disorders, hair loss, malfunction of the adrenal glands and functional disorders V nervous system, lack of coordination, asthenia, growth retardation, frequent respiratory distress.

Symptoms of deficiency:

Severe fatigue and fatigue, migraines, muscle pain, severe pain in the legs, tingling and numbness of the toes, insomnia, depression, ulcers, gastritis, depigmentation, dermatitis or eczema, diarrhea (constipation), poor appetite.

In children: growth retardation.


Hypervitaminosis, hemophilia, atony due to potassium deficiency.

Side effects:

Allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, pain.

Daily norm required by the body:

  • For men - ~ 10 mg. vitamin B5 per day
  • For women - ~ 10 mg/day.
  • For children (from 0 to 1 year) - ~ 2 - 3 mg/day.
  • For children (from 1 to 8 years) - ~ 3 - 5 mg/day.
  • For teenagers (from 9 to 13 years old) - ~ 8 mg/day.
  • For pregnant women - ~ 12 mg/day.
  • For nursing women - ~ 12 mg/day.

Level of vitamin in blood:

0.2 – 1.8 µg/ml.


Almost impossible (very rare).

Overdose symptoms:

Diarrhea, edema (water retention in tissues), pale skin, nausea.

Main sources:

Liver and kidneys, garlic, yeast, hazelnuts, cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat), bran, peas, cauliflower, yolk, caviar, milk, nuts.

How long can you take:

Can be taken for a long time.

Release form:

Tablets, injection solution, creams and ointments, spray.

Best before date:

About pantothenic acid

This acid gets its name from the Greek “pantothene”. Translated, it means everywhere, from all sides, everywhere. And indeed, in terms of prevalence in food products, it is ahead of many other vitamins. And since it is so widespread, it is difficult to overestimate its importance for the body.

B5 does not tolerate exposure to temperature and light well - this causes it to partially disintegrate (on average 50%). It also does not tolerate freezing, canning and other food processing methods. It is best to consume foods in fresh(if possible).

B5 is involved in the process of absorption of vitamin B9 by the body ( folic acid), and thiamine (B1), B2 and C, on the contrary, increases the effectiveness of pantothenic acid itself and participates in the synthesis of panthein.

Vitamin B5 is not compatible with alcohol, tea and coffee, barbiturates, diuretics - it is washed out of the body faster, with contraception and proteolytic enzymes - B5 is destroyed, with copper, iron, manganese - they fall beneficial features vitamin, with antibiotics - synthesis is disrupted.

Those who practice vegetarianism and a raw food diet must take into account that B5 in the body is converted into panthein with the participation of proteins and fats, and in their absence, synthesis does not occur and B5 hypovitaminosis may occur.

The main form in which B5 is produced is calcium pantothenate (or calcium salt of pantothenic acid). It is obtained artificially. Used in both tablets and liquid form(in ampoules). Another form of B5 is dexpanthenol. Also of artificial origin. Mainly used for restoration skin after burns or dermatitis, since B5 is the only vitamin that can penetrate deep into the skin.

Vitamin B5 is presented in foods as pantothenic acid, and in medications as calcium pantothenate.

Pantothenic acid biosynthesis in humans

Pantothenic acid is converted into pantethine in the body. It is formed from both natural (natural) vitamin B5 and synthetic. After this, pantethine is infused into the Coenzyme-A molecule. This molecule is indispensable in many metabolic processes body.

How to take (for medicinal purposes)

The drugs are taken either orally or by injection intramuscularly or intravenously. Also externally (lubricating the skin with ointments and spray).

Usually taken after meals.

Intramuscular injection is usually administered once a day.

The main property of vitamin B5 is the acceleration of regeneration, that is, the restoration of damaged cells. That is why it is widely used for hair beauty and more. In fact, B5 is used almost everywhere, by the way, with Greek name This vitamin “pantothene” is translated as “comprehensive”.

Do you know this vitamin for sure? the following names– pantothenic acid, D-panthenol. This is all he is, the many faces of vitamin B5. Today on the pages of the website VolosyOK.ru we will talk about its use for the beauty of our precious curls.

Basic properties

Form of the drug for use in for cosmetic purposes– a thick, viscous liquid, colorless and practically odorless, or White powder, highly soluble in water. In pharmacies you cannot buy vitamin B5 for making hair products.

Main properties of B5:

  • relieves inflammation
  • stimulates cell renewal
  • softens
  • quickly moisturizes
  • restores lipid balance
  • easily absorbed by the body
  • powerful antioxidant

Vitamin B5: use for hair care

We will not delve into complex chemical processes, but let’s say that vitamin B5 has an antioxidant effect and does not give free radicals destroy our healthy cells.
It is used in skin products as a powerful healing component, and is most widely used in hair product lines.

Main indications for using panthenol for hair:

  • slow hair growth
  • dehydrated, brittle, dull hair
  • damaged scalp
  • weak hair follicles
  • dyed hair to maintain color
  • prevention of dandruff

Where can I buy?

Pantothenic acid is sold only in tablet form and is included in various medications. Some companies selling dietary supplements have pantothenic acid in capsules, but its price is incredibly high.

If you don’t have enough choice among industrial products with D-panthenol, and, believe me, it is included in a huge number of shampoos, conditioners, masks, then visit a store that sells ingredients for making soap self made and similar cosmetics. Now this direction is very popular, and there is a similar trading store in most large cities.

If necessary, order liquid vitamin B5 on the Internet, and making a hair growth product with it will not be difficult. By the way, D-panthenol costs around 100 rubles per serving, which will last for a long time. We will definitely share the recipe with you at the end of the article.

By the way, having any cosmetic form of this drug at home is very convenient: in case of any minor injury - burn, cut, you can apply panthenol to the affected area pure form or mix with cream, gel. This measure will help you heal your skin quickly.

What foods contain vitamin B5?

In each article we talk about what care and medicinal products for hair, which contains vitamins, bring great benefit to our hair, exhausted by dyeing, UV radiation, and combustion products. But we will not tire of reminding you that in addition to the external, local application It is necessary to eat foods that contain these vitamins.

So, to help your hair, and not only it:

  • black bread (as it contains live yeast),
  • green vegetables ( different types cabbage, peas, spinach) and greens,
  • cereals (buckwheat and oats are especially rich in them).

Among animal products:

  • offal (liver, kidneys, heart),
  • egg yolk,
  • dairy products,
  • various varieties of fish and their caviar.

Signs of vitamin B5 deficiency

The following symptoms indicate a lack of vitamin B5:

  • unexplained fatigue
  • muscle pain of unknown origin,
  • nervous breakdowns,
  • hair loss,
  • seborrhea,
  • indigestion (constipation, diarrhea),
  • decreased immunity and frequent colds.

Vitamin B5 for hair growth

We have indicated that one of the main functions of vitamin B5 is to accelerate hair growth. It is worth noting, as trichologists and hairdressers say, that you cannot rush your hair too much or “force” it to grow faster.

There are a number of drugs that act harshly and quickly. Many people like this result, however, it is most likely temporary. Every cell in our body needs to go through specific cycle to become mature, complete and fulfill your role.

In order for hair to grow faster, you need not only to awaken its hair follicle, as is commonly believed, but also to “feed” it, giving it strength to grow. This is exactly how D-panthenol works (it is more correct to call vitamin B5, used in cosmetology).

It actively participates in metabolic processes, helps transport fats, proteins, carbohydrates and, thereby, provides good nutrition base of the hair. Therefore, products containing vitamin B5 are preferable.

Panthenol for colored hair

We note that pantothenic acid, like other vitamins, is needed for colored hair. This is due not only to the fact that paints, as is commonly believed, spoil the hair. There is now a huge segment of hair dyes on the market, including those that, in addition to coloring, care for the hair.

The components of premium professional paints no longer scare hairdressers; they are quite harmless. In the end, no matter what brand and tone you choose, first of all you want to have beautiful colour hair. And not only within a week after dyeing.

This is where vitamin B5 comes to the rescue. It moisturizes the hair, and the scales hold the pigment well. In addition, provitamin B5 has a conditioning effect and revitalizes hair.

Recipes for homemade masks with provitamin B5

Let’s immediately say that you can purchase all the components at local soap shops, large hypermarkets for handicrafts, or one of the online stores. All components suggested in the recipes are easily available.

Shampoo with B5 for dry and colored hair

  • Ready-made shampoo base – 180 ml
  • Sunflower or almond oil – 5 ml
  • D-panthenol – 5 ml (concentrations may vary, follow the directions on the instructions for the component)
  • Lactic acid 80% -0.3 - 0.5 ml.
  • Lavender essential oil – 5 drops
  • Preservative - according to instructions

Mix all ingredients at room temperature, essential oil pre-dissolve in the base (sunflower\almond). You can add 1 capsule of vitamin E to the oil phase (part). If desired, the shampoo can be tinted if you have cosmetic dyes. Food gels are also suitable for this purpose. You only need 1-2 drops, don't overdo it.

Homemade egg mask with panthenol

This mask is prepared for one time, unlike shampoo, which can be used for about 3 months.

1 egg yolk

10 ml of any cosmetic oil

0.5 - 1 ml panthenol (depending on dry hair)

a few drops of lemon juice

Mix all the components in a bowl, since lecithin, which is part of the egg yolk, has emulsifying properties, it will help bind both the oil and water phases in this mask. This will make it easier to apply the mask to your hair.

We do everything traditionally - wash your hair, dry it slightly and apply the mixture to the entire surface - from the roots to the very ends, concentrating on the last Special attention. We create a sauna effect for the hair and rest for 15-20 minutes.

To save time, you can immediately apply a face mask. Then rinse thoroughly; if you feel an unpleasant greasy film on your hair, add shampoo to the wash.

How to properly add B5 to your hair products?

If you want to enrich with vitamin B5 industrial products, then this is also possible. The only thing is: add the drug to a portion that you can use for one application. Otherwise, you may ruin the purchased product since the addition of the provitamin will not be preserved and the shampoo or conditioner may simply become moldy in a couple of weeks.

Use products with panthenol and delight others with beautiful well-groomed curls!