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Principles of longevity and life extension. News of health, medicine and longevity. Free radical theory

I love reading books that are filled with deep meaning and make me think about some thoughts, think about them, accept or not accept them for myself. Unfortunately, there is often not enough time for this, but after the New Year I had a couple of free days, during which I came across a very interesting book.

It is called “Shaman Forest”, author Vladimir Serkin. It is very easy to read, small in volume and reveals interesting aspects of our lives, from health to personal perception of the world. If you have time, be sure to read this book, you won’t regret it. It will be very interesting to know your opinion about it.

– Nowadays you occasionally sit on a stool to lace your shoes. In a year there will be a special stool for this, in two years there will also be a bench next to this stool so that you can bend over less. By the age of seventy you won't be able to bend over at all..

- This is not a longevity practice.

- It is in thousands of little things that the practice of longevity lies. If you brush your teeth correctly, you’ll gain ten years, if you do exercises, you’ll gain another ten years; if you eat moderately, you’ll gain ten more years; if you think correctly, you’ll gain ten more years.

- Can such practices bring back youth?

- No, but they can significantly prolong life.

I was struck by the simplicity and truth of these words. Because in fact, this is how it is. The quality and length of our lives lies in the little things we do every day. I think this is worth thinking about.

“Brush your teeth correctly”

At first glance, it is not clear how dental cleanliness and long life. But teeth are the first stage of digestion; they grind food. Healthy teeth do not hurt and therefore do not cause discomfort or pain when chewing. Therefore, you chew your food thoroughly and it will be better absorbed in the intestines.

In addition, bacteria can accumulate on the teeth, which enter the intestines and spread throughout the cardiovascular system. Healthy and clean teeth– the key to the health of the whole body.

"Doing exercises"

I think this point is clear. Our body is half made of muscles. They not only move the body in space, but also actively participate in the work of the cardiovascular system by moving blood through the veins from the extremities to the heart.

Muscle work speeds up metabolism, which increases the rate of oxygen supply and nutrients into all tissues and burns extra calories. Strong muscles keep the spine healthy and relieve stress on it. Our muscles are also organs in their own way and they must also work, since they are part of a single system of the body.

Any daily exercise is a preventive measure for the health of all body systems, especially if there are any ailments. Especially with osteochondrosis, which develops from immobility and passivity of the body. With simple exercises you can restore your health.

Don’t forget that with any movement the hormone endorphin is released, which improves your mood and well-being.

"Moderate diet"

In the modern world, stores offer a huge amount of artificial food, options for different products and impose the opinion that we need all this and that we cannot live without it.

But no! In the days of cars, computers, elevators, sofas with TV, we don't need so much food. Many people simply overeat and don’t even notice it. Hence, excess weight, hormonal imbalances, weakness, and other ailments.

Try to eat according to your lifestyle and work. If you have severe physical labor, you work as a miner, a builder, a loader, or you constantly have to run around to quickly put goods on the shelves in large stores, then you need more nutrients than others.

But if you work on a “car-office-car” schedule, then you don’t need to get a large amount of food, since your energy expenditure will obviously be less. During breaks, try not to drink tea with cookies or eat yoghurt and buns, but take with you a can of tuna, bread with tomatoes and cheese, and fruit.

Take food in containers with you, this is quite natural. Now I always take a container with a normal lunch with me to work, so as not to be upset by the smell of coffee or tea with cookies. Try to eat when you really want it, and not because it's time to eat something. Listen to the needs of your body and in harmony with it you will be much better.

"You're thinking correctly"

Yes, that's no less important aspect. Our head (or rather the brain) is a computer that completely controls our body. What signals it sends is what the body carries out. You and only you can control your body through thoughts.

Start thinking positively and finding the positive in absolutely everything. This way you will not have a reason for sadness, depression, anger, etc. Throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head, admire the sky, trees, birds, your loved ones, enjoy every moment of your life.

After all, our pure breath alone is a sign that we are alive and this is a great gift. Learn to appreciate what you already have. Believe me, your thoughts will change the life around you.

What is your opinion on these longevity principles? Maybe you know some others or are already using them? Please tell us in the comments below. I will be very interested to read your opinion.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended solely for general information and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Alexandra Bonina

Comments: 13 on “ Shamanic principles longevity
  1. Tatiana
  2. Victor

    Alexandra. Thank you for your efforts to help people stay healthy. Since I was 23 years old and now I’m 58, I live by faith in Jesus Christ. You are talking about the principles of longevity. The Bible / Holy Scriptures / is also called the “Word of Life”! Over the past 55 years, I have become convinced and continue to confirm that the Word of God has within itself the true power of life! I write briefly - you can talk about a specific life..

  3. Liya Alekseevna

    I would like to express to you, Alexandra, great gratitude for your care and attention, patience and confidence, perseverance and hard work, as well as many other qualities of the soul that you so generously bestow on all of us - hypochondriacs, chondrosis sufferers, and, by and large, careless lazy people burning through their health and even whole life!!!
    I believe that your efforts are not in vain and can return you to full life many people who have given up on their health!
    And may the Universe reward you a hundredfold for your efforts and will!

  4. Valentina Zhuravleva.

    Thank you very much for the interesting information and for your work! Everything that comes from you, dear Alexandra, I read and watch with great pleasure, because everything is very concise, accurate and very useful! I wish you success!

  5. Raisa

    I like your articles and your direction towards a healthy lifestyle and desire to teach us about it. I agree with the author of the work Shamanic Forest 100% Thank you.

Since ancient times, people have sought to resist aging and invented means of eternal youth. Scientists have already made many discoveries in this area, but they have not yet invented a wonderful elixir of longevity.

The answer to the question “Why do we grow old and die?” has excited and continues to excite scientists, philosophers and ordinary people throughout the lives of all mankind.

IN different time History declared the main enemies of long life to be:

The cause was sought in a deficiency of certain substances or, conversely, poisoning by others. Each of these factors affects life expectancy, but still does not determine why we age.

But even modern science cannot give an answer to why a person ages and dies. Now the most popular is the hormonal-genetic theory, according to which aging and longevity are inherent in genes. What is the secret of youth and longevity?

The secret of longevity is in heredity

Not long ago, a group of scientists discovered several such genes, which popular sources called “Methuselah genes” in honor of the biblical centenarian. Many centenarians from different parts of the world have these genes in their DNA. Moreover, they are usually inherited!

Does this mean that everything is predetermined and our longevity depends only on genes? Of course not. A large number of studies have shown that even if you have the “Methuselah genes”, but do not take care of your health at all, your life is significantly shortened.

On the other hand, many famous centenarians do not have any special genes, but thanks to a healthy lifestyle they celebrated their 90th birthday and even passed the 100-year mark.

Genes also determine predisposition to certain chronic diseases:

  • Hypertension;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Obesity.

If you have people in your family with these diseases, then there is reason to be wary and more attentive to your health. However, heredity is not always predestination. You have a higher risk, but if you are aware of this and follow preventive measures, the likelihood of illness decreases.

Know your genetics, but don't be afraid of that knowledge. Use it to maintain and strengthen your health.

The secret to longevity is lifestyle

Genetics are important, but the quality and length of life is determined primarily by lifestyle.

Regular exercise keeps you as healthy as a doctor. Walk 30 minutes a day and you will add 1.6 years to your life. And morning exercises for 30 minutes a week will add another 1.7 years.

Many centenarians love laughter and this is no coincidence. It has been found that laughter can extend life years from 1.7 to 8 years.

Normal and healthy sleep- an indispensable attribute of a long and healthy life. 7-8 hours good sleep per day will increase the chance of living 12 years more.

Constantly supporting normal weight, corresponding to your design, you add another 6 years to yourself.

If you manage to avoid serious and severe stress, you will significantly extend your life.

Quitting smoking within 4 months of your last cigarette greatly reduces your risk of stroke or heart attack.

A nutritious diet will add several years to your life at once.

Statistics show that over the last century in most countries, average life expectancy has increased several times. This is due to the state of medicine, the financial situation of the population, the level of hygiene, and working conditions.

But average life expectancy is not individual longevity. Now the number of centenarians has also increased. If earlier the age of 60 years was considered old age and even extreme old age, now people who have crossed the 90-year mark are recognized as centenarians.

There are areas in the world where the concentration of centenarians is particularly high. Scientists explain this by many factors - dietary habits, favorable environmental situation, following the traditions of a healthy lifestyle and, of course, genetics.

How many years can and should a person live? The Bible mentions 120 years. From a scientific point of view, no limits determined by biology or genes have yet been discovered. There are no upper limits to longevity. Therefore, you need to strive not for any specific number, but for a long, happy and healthy life, without thinking about records.

The secret to longevity is hormonal balance

Our bodies produce more than 100 different compounds called hormones. Their role in maintaining health is enormous. They regulate metabolism and maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the body.

Thanks to hormones, the immune system is stimulated or, conversely, suppressed. Hormones regulate feelings of hunger and satiety. The condition of bones and teeth is controlled by the hormone calcitonin, produced in the thyroid gland.

It is hubbub that largely determines such characteristics as resistance to stress and strain, physical endurance, performance, arterial pressure, the number of red blood cells in the blood.

Our sleep is also partly dependent on hormones, primarily melatonin. Hormones determine our psychological state. And that's just small part list of “work duties” of hormones.

The organs and cells of the endocrine system - the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, pineal gland, adrenal glands - are responsible for their production. thyroid, thymus, gonads, islet cells of the pancreas, as well as the walls of the stomach, intestines and blood vessels.

The endocrine system has a lot of enemies - infections, injuries, disruptions in the immune system, poisoning, deficiency useful substances in nutrition, stress. Any problems in it lead to a complete breakdown of all functions in the body. Therefore, maintaining hormonal balance is an important component of a long and healthy life.

Treat endocrine diseases It is necessary only under the supervision of a doctor; self-medication is dangerous and can lead to even greater imbalance. Be sure to visit an endocrinologist if you notice at least one of the following symptoms.

  1. Sudden weight loss or gain while maintaining familiar image life.
  2. Swelling of the face, neck, arms and legs, often not associated with increased fluid intake.
  3. Pressing sensations in the neck area when wearing even not too tight collars, problems with swallowing, sensation foreign body in the throat.
  4. Various skin problems - increased dryness or sebum production, pallor skin, sticky sweat, frequent pustular and fungal diseases, poor healing of scratches and wounds.
  5. Hair loss and thinning, early gray hair, increased growth of body hair, especially in women.
  6. Decreased vision, dry eyes, lacrimation, bulging eyes.
  7. Dry mouth, constant feeling of thirst, increased urination.
  8. Increased or, conversely, decreased heartbeat, heart rhythm disturbances, pressure surges, sudden feeling heat or chilliness of the extremities, trembling hands, muscle cramps.
  9. Unpredictable mood swings, tearfulness, excessive excitability, memory impairment, causeless anger.
  10. Chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, drowsiness, insomnia, restlessness, fussiness, if these characteristics are not characteristic of you.
  11. Violation menstrual cycle in women and decreased erectile function in men.

The secret to longevity is protection from toxins

In popular literature, the word “waste” is often mentioned, which supposedly pollutes the body and leads to disease. This term is absolutely unscientific; it has nothing to do with medicine and physiology.

No doctor has ever discovered deposits of slag. In the intestines with serious illnesses Fecal stones may form, but in this case the reason is not slagging, but intestinal dysfunction.

The deposition of salts in the joints (gout) is also associated with metabolic disorders that need to be treated.

Does this mean that there are no harmful foreign substances in our body? In fact, end products of metabolism are constantly formed in it, which have a toxic effect - urea, ammonia, various salts. Dangerous compounds can come from food, water, and medications.

In infectious diseases, viruses and bacteria also produce toxins.

All these compounds must be removed from the body. In a healthy person, this is completely handled by the kidneys, liver, intestines, and skin (through sweat). But in case of diseases, especially age-related and chronic ones, you need to provide your body with support so that the increased amount of toxins does not lead to accelerated destruction and aging of cells.

You just have to do it right. How? This is the next secret of longevity and youth.

The secret to longevity is in your personal ecology

Your personal ecology is another secret to longevity and youth. Have life in big cities has its advantages, but environmental situation It’s hard to call them good. You personally cannot change it, it requires the efforts of the whole society, but you are quite capable of reducing the adverse effects of poor ecology on yourself and your loved ones.

Go for walks in parks and forests as often as possible. But walking at a brisk pace or running along city roads will do more harm than good.

Regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilation in the house. To reduce the amount of dust, insert mesh and regular gauze into the windows. Good cleaners in the apartment are indoor flowers. Humidify the air, especially in winter. The easiest way is to place a container of water next to the batteries.

When carrying out repairs, try to choose safe materials. Solid wood is always better than fiberboard; acrylic or water-based paint emits less toxic substances than nitro enamel.

Do not cover floors with carpets or hang carpets on walls. They are dust collectors and breeding grounds for mites, the secretions of which cause allergies.

Keep books in locked cabinets and wash regularly Stuffed Toys and decorative pillows.

Do not keep electrical appliances turned on if they are not needed. This will not only save electricity, but also reduce electromagnetic radiation, which negatively affects health.

Protect yourself from noise pollution. Reading in silence is much healthier than endlessly watching TV. For a good night's sleep in silence, use earplugs.

Reduce your use of household chemicals. It can be replaced with no less effective, but much safer means - soda, mustard, vinegar, citric acid and laundry soap.

Purify tap water using filters or jugs, or at least let it sit and boil.

The secret to longevity is smart cleansing

If there is no urgent need, you should not force your body by resorting to radical methods cleansing. This may be dangerous to your health.

Rough interference with the functioning of the intestine through regular lavages or laxatives leads to chronic disorders of its functioning, imbalance of microflora, acid-base balance, smooth muscle tone, mucosal injuries.

Many herbs, teas and capsules for cleansing the blood, liver, and general cleansing of the body are themselves toxic, causing great harm health. Using oil and lemon juice to cleanse the liver often leads to emergency hospitalization and surgery - gallstones block the ducts and biliary colic develops.

Does this mean that cleansing is not necessary? Not certainly in that way. The body needs to be helped, but for this purpose softer and at the same time effective ways. First of all this proper nutrition, fasting days or therapeutic fasting.

Baths, baths and herbal medicine will help, but chosen wisely. Drink a lot of water and move more, and then you won’t need any emergency cleansing methods that are dangerous to your health.

The secret of longevity is rest

The secret of longevity is rest. During sleep, the body has time to rest, recuperate, and sometimes even heal, since during these few hours all the energy that is spent on everyday activities during the day goes to “repairing” damaged cells. The brain is rebooted, it gets rid of unnecessary information.

Recently, the fact was discovered that it is during sleep that the brain gets rid of toxins. This greatly reduces the risks of diseases such as stroke and Alzheimer's disease.

It is recommended to sleep about 8 hours. During this time, we manage to go through several complete cycles, consisting of two important phases - slow and REM sleep. People who sleep less or more than this amount of time get sick more often and age faster.

It is known that in Mediterranean countries there are more centenarians than in the north. Some scientists believe that the secret partly lies in the traditional daytime rest - the siesta.

It helps to relax and relieve tension accumulated in the first half of the day. The level of joy hormones, endorphins and serotonin increases, which improves mood and performance.

The risk of strokes and heart attacks is reduced. This kind of sleep is much healthier than coffee or energy drinks. Doctors believe the most beneficial sleep between 13.00 and 15.00.

But there is an important condition - its duration should not exceed half an hour.

The secret to longevity is a positive attitude

Youth is not just a face without wrinkles, a slim body and an easy gait. All this can be achieved with cosmetics, exercises, and diets. But if you have the attitude of a very old man and have no interest in life, no rejuvenating techniques will help you.

The main attributes of true youth are a feeling of flight and the presence of interest in what is happening around, in everything new that is happening. This is what makes even those who have long reached retirement age young.

Never tell yourself or others that you look bad, and truly enjoy compliments. You are charming, you like yourself, and others have noticed your beauty, so enjoy it.

Be sure to compliment yourself, first right in bed, and then in the morning in front of the mirror in the bathroom. Repeat the formula regularly: “I enjoy life and am completely satisfied with myself. I am satisfied with my abilities and capabilities. I am calm and confident."

Do something that really interests you, be active in it, whatever it is. And don’t blame age - anyone who loves to dance will do it at any age.

Try to communicate with those with whom you feel good and happy. Be interested in the latest news in fashion, science, and politics to keep up to date with modern life.

Love yourself at any age and remember that everything is in your power, including your youth.

Best regards, Olga.

Nature has given man great physical abilities, but in the modern world these gifts are not fully used. Scientists say that a modern inhabitant of our planet can easily live much longer. In fact, the lifespan allotted to us is more modest and shorter.

Every civilized country regularly enumerates its citizens, based on statistical data, life expectancy is calculated, and long-livers are identified. There are very few people on our planet who have passed the age of one hundred. By this age, all centenarians have many diseases. In Russia there are still much fewer respectable elderly people.

Premature aging occurs as a result of an incorrect lifestyle; you can try to stop it at any age. The basics of longevity have long been formulated by gerontologists; these commandments allow a person not to grow old for a long time.

Good heredity is considered one of the important foundations of longevity. It has been scientifically proven that if your close relatives have lived a long life, there is a high probability that you will have the same life path. Do not forget that even with good heredity, you should not express negative emotions, as this will shorten your life. Perceive what is happening with positive side Thus, you will preserve your invaluable health, remain active and active. Remember that stressful situations lead to serious illnesses.

Pressure surges and frequent headaches are the first signs of stress ailments. Prolonged stress leads to exhaustion of the mental system, against which myocardial infarction often occurs. It has been scientifically proven that hidden wariness and intolerance are the causes of heart pain. With constant vigilance, levels of adrenaline and cortisone in the blood increase, this leads to damage to the walls of blood vessels, blood clots form, and as a result, a heart attack.

An optimistic attitude plays an important role in longevity. Experience feelings of joy, well-being and pleasure. Learn to enjoy every moment. Do not perceive your defeats and failures as a tragedy. It is necessary to learn lessons for the future from any situation.

The foundations of longevity are considered to be feasible physical activity, active work, hardening, which promotes longevity. We often see how people, having retired, begin to get sick, quickly give up and die. This situation must be overcome. It’s worth looking for a new use for yourself, perhaps continuing your work.

For a good mood and a surge of vigor, start every morning with contrast douches or a shower, then proceed to light breathing exercises. And then you will be in a great mood for the whole day!

Nutrition for centenarians

One of the important foundations of longevity is proper nutrition. Healthy eating is based on the following principles:

People who frequently consume olive oil are less likely to experience problems with blood vessels and heart. Olive oil contains valuable oleic acid, which lowers blood cholesterol levels.

The foundations of longevity are considered to be endurance and resistance of the body. Herbal teas will help achieve this.

Drinking green tea reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Herbal teas have rejuvenating, tonic, and restorative properties. Such teas should be periodically included in your diet.

Regular use of a mixture consisting of St. John's wort, chamomile, birch buds and sandy immortelle flowers normalizes metabolic processes in the body, noise in the head disappears, vision improves, and the likelihood of tumor formation decreases.

The infusion is easy to prepare:

  • Take the listed medicinal herbs in equal proportions, grind in a mortar or coffee grinder, and keep in a closed porcelain or enamel container. Add 1 tbsp to 500 ml of boiling water. spoon of a mixture of crushed herbs, let stand for 20 minutes, strain. Drink 1 glass in the morning, 15 minutes before meals. and in the evening, after eating, also 1 glass of infusion with a teaspoon of honey.

The following rules are considered the basics of longevity:

    Don't get into arguments, don't get irritated, be balanced. Don't lose your temper.

  1. You should not lecture anyone, if you are not asked, do not give advice.
  2. Even with bad news, show restraint and calm.
  3. Take part in an active life, find something you love, don’t be lazy.
  4. Don't judge your adult children; very often genes and upbringing lead to their actions. Children have their own lives.
  5. Make plans for your own life.
  6. Don't lose touch with your friends and acquaintances.
  7. Get away from what you don’t like, and support what you like.
  8. Think about whether you need to do something you don’t like?
  9. Don't be a guest in life, but be a host!

To live as long as necessary is always in our power.

The experience of longevity of people throughout human evolution is called by gerontologists the phenomenon of human longevity.
Longevity is a socio-biological phenomenon, the survival of a person to high ages.

The basis of longevity is the variability of normal duration human life; significant expression of adaptive mechanisms that ensure physiological aging.

The threshold for longevity is sometimes considered to be reaching 80 years or more, depending on many factors - heredity, socio-economic conditions, natural influences and others. In gerontology, the highest level of longevity is distinguished - longevity: 90 years and above. Long-livers usually become people who have an optimal level of functioning of most of the most important physiological systems; They are characterized by broad adaptive capabilities, which is a prerequisite for health and vitality.

At the end of 2009, there were 75 centenarians living in the world, exceeding the life span of 110 years. Among them are 71 women and 4 men, 25 residents of Japan, 20 Americans, 8 Italians. Unfortunately, there are no Russians on this list.

It is interesting that only in 2009, a resident of Portugal, Maria de Jesus, died at the age of 115, and two Japanese - Kama Chinen, Chiyo Shiraishi and three Americans - Maria Josephine Ray, Neva Morris and Maggie Renfro.

According to statistics as of April 6, 2009, the oldest centenarian in the world was the Palestinian Mohammed-Khoja Duridi - 122 years old. According to others, Hu Ye-Mei (Hu Yemei), a long-liver of the island of Taiwan (Republic of China), died in August 2009 at the 125th year of her life.

Dominican Elizabeth Israel lived to be 127 years old. She lived in a shack where there was no running water, sewerage, or kitchen. When asked about the secret to longevity, Elizabeth replied: “I went to church very often and ate only natural products.”

Englishman Thomas Par, from the county of Shron, lived 152 years and 9 months. He was poor and lived solely by his labor. In the 120th year he married a second time. Until he was 130 years old, he did everything around the house, even threshed the bread himself. He retained his hearing and sanity. He died in 1625, having outlived nine kings. At autopsy, all his internal organs turned out to be healthy, and the cartilage was not ossified, which usually happens in old people. Great-granddaughter of Thomas Para died at the age of 103.

The Englishman Jenkins lived to be 169 years old. His last job was fishing. At the age of 100, he was so strong that he could swim against the strongest currents.

Caucasian Shirali Muslimov lived 168 years. Born in 1805, he left behind five generations, a 120-year-old widow, with whom he lived for 102 years, cultivating an orchard until his death.
Long-lived people are found in all countries, but there are places where there are more of them on average on the planet: Okinawa, the Andes (Vilcabamba tribe), the Caucasus (Georgia, Abkhazia), Azerbaijan, Greece, Karachay-Cherkessia, etc.

According to scientists, the majority of centenarians who exceed a hundred years of life live in Japan. There are more than 32 thousand residents over 100 years old, a number that has grown by more than a third over the past four years.

According to the results of the study, in the last year alone, the number of Japanese people who have crossed the 100-year mark has grown by 3,900 people and reached 32,295 people as of September 1, 2009.

According to UN statistics, a person who has lived more than 90 years is considered a centenarian. The data from the popular Guinness Book of Records, which does not reflect all longevity records, is amazing: according to the authors of the book of records, the limit of human life is 122 years. Jeanne Louise Calmat, a resident of France, born on February 21, 1875 in Arles, lived this long. Japanese resident Shigechio Izumi, who was born in 1865 and died of pneumonia in 1986, lived 2 years less. One of the issues of the Cairo newspaper Al-Akhbar talked about a man who was 195 years old and who perfectly remembered the opening of the Suez Canal.

During the Vietnam census in 1991, a person aged 142 years was found in Cun Thol County, Nget Tinh Province, as well as a grandmother who had outlived her three husbands and had four children who were already over 100 years old. According to the 1994 census, there were 2,432 people living in Vietnam who had crossed the 100-year mark.

Unique cases of longevity were recorded on the territory of Azerbaijan at the end of the last century. Mahmud Bagir ogly Eyvazov (1808-1960) is a 152-year-old long-liver of the high-mountain village of Pirasura (Piryasora) in the Lerik region of Azerbaijan. According to official data, in the year of the census, Mahmud Eyvazov was 150 years old. Eyvazov’s work experience is also a record - 133 years, according to other sources 135 years. According to the centenarian, he “never drank, smoked or lied.” That same year, his daughter turned 120 years old. Shirali Muslimov, an Azerbaijani shepherd, Talysh by nationality, allegedly lived 168 years, setting a kind of longevity record. According to the centenarian, his father lived to be 110 years old, and his mother to be 90. It is known that Muslimov’s third wife died at the age of 104, having outlived her husband by 15 years. Scientists explained this phenomenon by the unique conditions of the Caucasian highlands.

Azerbaijani Sarhat Ibrahimovna Rashidova died in 2007 at the age of 132 years.

According to the French weekly Pouin, France currently leads Europe in the number of centenarians. There are 2,546 centenarians who are over 100 years old. Following France with a slight lag is Great Britain - 2,450 people, then Germany - 2,197 people. If we take percentage indicators, the number of centenarians per 100,000 people, then the championship here belongs to Greece (18%). Second and third places belong to Portugal (6.3%) and Denmark (6%). In the United States of America, the number of centenarians who have crossed the century mark is 54,000 people. It is estimated that by the end of this century there will be 108,000 centenarians living in America. According to other sources, in 2000 in the United States there were 70-80 thousand people aged 100 years or more. Centenarians represent one of the fastest growing populations age groups in the US population.

At the end of the last century, Dagestan ranked second after Nagorno-Karabakh in terms of the number of centenarians. According to the 1950 population census, in Dagestan there were 64 centenarians who were 100 or more years old. Sociologists claimed that “their number was 1.5 times higher than the total number in Belgium, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Italy, Norway, Finland, Czechoslovakia and Sweden combined.”

A similar phenomenon can be observed in Abkhazia. Doctor of Medical Sciences Shota Gogokhia explains the phenomenon of Abkhazian longevity:
“The phenomenon of longevity is a consequence of not one, but a whole complex of factors: genetic, environmental, related, in particular, to the characteristics of climate, soil, water, air; ethnographic, including, among other things, the social status of the Abkhaz centenarians that has developed here, if you like, their “cult of personality,” which allows them to actively participate in the life of the family and society. The lifestyle of centenarians is taken into account: their propensity for daily feasible physical labor, diet, sleep, and rest; psychophysiological characteristics, as a rule, a balanced and cheerful disposition, moderation, elevated to a life principle.”

Altai is no less famous for its long-livers. Among the Altai centenarians are Pyotr Agafonovich Yasakov, who lived for about 130 years, Marfa Egorovna Shinkareva - 116 years, and Agal Solomonogina - 117 years. Yasakov P.A. at 127 years old, seven looked vigorous and healthy, sawed and split wood, and looked after livestock. In 2009, in the capital of the Altai Territory, Barnaul, there were 11 centenarians over 100 years old and more than a thousand 90-year-old residents.

In 1989, Medical Newspaper wrote about three Muscovite sisters: Ekaterina Iosifovna Gladysheva (104 years old), Anna Iosifovna Silonova (96 years old) and Maria Iosifovna Kagan (91 years old). And these days, in the Caucasus or Siberia, cases are not uncommon where people live far beyond a hundred years. For example, in the mountain town of Karachaevsk (Karachaevo-Cherkessia) there live about thirty centenarians, which prompted local authorities open a club “Society of Centennial Anniversaries”, which includes Kyzbala Dinaeva (110 years old); Azret Saryev, Marjan Bogatyreva (104 years old) and six more people.

By the beginning of 2010 in Russia, according to Director of the Research Institute of Gerontology Vladimir Shabalin , there are about 350 thousand centenarians who have reached the age of 90 years or more, and 6,800 Russians have crossed the century mark.

A resident of the city of Azov, Rostov region, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Bender died at the age of 101 at the end of November 2009, just one month short of his 102nd birthday. Until the last days of his life, he moved freely around the house, did feasible work and gladly gave interviews to journalists.

According to I.P. Pavlova , human life expectancy should be at least 100 years. “We ourselves, by our lack of self-control,” he wrote, “by our disorderliness, by our ugly treatment of our own organism, reduce this normal period to a much lower figure."

“We firmly believe that the time will finally come when it will be a shame for a person to die before the age of 100,” asserted Russian physiologist I.R. Tarkhanov . I.I. Mechnikov and A.A. Bogomolets They also believed that a person could live 150-160 years.

Famous centenarians of the planet

1. Politicians, rulers:
Arepasu Todor - Patriarch of Romania Orthodox Church Feoktist, 92 years old.
Hermanaric - King of the Goths, presumably over 100 years old.
Deng Xiaoping - Chinese revolutionary, politician and reformer, 92 years old.
Castro Ruz, Fidel Alejandro - undisputed leader of Cuba from 1959 to 2008, 82 years old (at the end of 2009).
Kaganovich, Lazar Moiseevich - Soviet politician and statesman, 97 years old.
Kalnyshevsky, Pyotr Ivanovich - the last Koshevoy ataman of the Zaporozhye Sich, 112 (according to other sources 113) years old.
Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich - Soviet politician and statesman, 97 years old.
Ronald Reagan - 40th President of the United States, 93 years old.
Song Meiling - Chinese politician, wife of Chiang Kai-shek, 106 years old.

2. Workers of art and literature:
Ayala, Francisco - Spanish writer, translator, sociologist, 103 years old.
Bolotov, Andrey Timofeevich - Russian writer and writer, 95 years old.
Gulia, Dmitry Iosifovich - Abkhaz writer, 86 years old.
Dzhabayev Dzhambul - Kazakh folk poet-akyn, 99 years old.
Efimov, Boris Efimovich - Soviet graphic artist, master of political caricature, 108 years old.
Kshesinskaya, Matilda Feliksovna - famous ballerina, 99 years old.
Lyubimov, Yuri Petrovich (b. 1917) - Russian director, actor and teacher, creator of the Moscow Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater.
Michelangelo Antonioni - outstanding Italian film director and screenwriter, 94 years old.
Mikhalkov, Sergei Vladimirovich - famous Soviet writer, poet, fabulist and playwright, 96 years old.
Moiseev, Igor Aleksandrovich - choreographer, choreographer, ballet dancer, 101 years old.
Morozov, Nikolai Alexandrovich - Russian revolutionary populist, scientist and writer, honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 91 years old.
Pokrovsky, Boris Aleksandrovich - Soviet and Russian director, 97 years old.
Rykunin, Nikolai Nikolaevich - Soviet pop actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR, 95 years old.
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander Isaevich - Russian writer, publicist, poet, public and political figure, Nobel Prize laureate in literature, 90 years old.
Sophocles - Athenian tragedian, died at the age of 90.
Tolstoy, Lev Nikolaevich - great Russian writer, philosopher and educator, 82 years old.
Shaw, George Bernard - Irish and English playwright, philosopher and novelist, 94 years old.
Yurieva, Isabella Danilovna - Soviet pop singer, 100 years old.

3. Scientists:
Borlaug, Norman Ernest - American plant breeder, known as the father of the Green Revolution, 95 years old.
Gelfand, Israel Moiseevich - mathematician, biologist, teacher and organizer of mathematical education, 96 years old.
Ginzburg, Vitaly Lazarevich - Soviet and Russian scientist, Nobel Prize laureate in physics, 93 years old.
Zelinsky, Nikolai Dmitrievich - Russian organic chemist, one of the founders of organic catalysis and petrochemistry, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 91 years old.
Mikulin, Alexander Alexandrovich - Soviet aircraft engine designer, academician, 90 years old.
Hoffman, Albert - Swiss chemist and writer, 102 years old.
Chevreul, Michel Eugene - French organic chemist, 103 years old.
Qian Xuesen - Chinese and American scientist, founder of the Chinese space program, 97 years old.

4. Scientists of Dagestan:
Ahmed-Khadzhi - doctor from the village of Kumukh Laksky, 120 years old.
Zukhunka-diy from the village of Akusha Akushinsky, 100 years old.
Lachinilav from the village of Khunzakh, Khunzakh, 106 years old.
Pirguseinov Nazhba - Arabic scholar from Kuli, Kulinsky district, 128 years old.
Taigib ibn Omar from the village of Kharahi, 105 years old.

5. Doctors, healthy lifestyle promoters:
Amosov, Nikolai Mikhailovich - Soviet and Ukrainian cardiac surgeon, medical scientist, writer, academician and author of innovative techniques in cardiology, 89 years old.
Benjamin, Harry - German-born American physician, endocrinologist, sexologist and gerontologist, 101 years old.
Kellogg, John Harvey - American nutritionist, manufacturer corn flakes, 91 years old.
Uglov, Fedor Grigorievich - Soviet and Russian surgeon, scientist and writer, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, promoter of a sober image, about 104 years old.
Watson, Donald - British public figure, founder of the Vegan Society and author of the term vegan, 95 years old.

6. Religious figures:
Agathon - Pope, ca. 104 years old.
Anthony the Great - early Christian ascetic and hermit, founder of hermit monasticism, c. 105 years old.
Indra Devi - one of the first female yogis, popularizer of yoga in different countries world, 102 years old.
Theodosius the Great - Christian saint, Abba, c. 105 years old.
Zhang Daoling - Taoist patriarch, about 122 years old.
Chen Tuan - semi-legendary Taoist saint, c. 118 years old.

Are there special rules for longevity?

The question arises, what is the average life expectancy in the world in general? In this area, the leadership in life expectancy among both men and women belongs to Japan. In 1990, the average life expectancy of Japanese women was 81.81 years and was 15 days higher than the life expectancy of Swiss women. Next came the Swedes, French and Dutch women. The average life expectancy of the Japanese in 1990 was 75.86 years, for the Swedes - 74.79 years, for the Icelanders - 73.45 years. The average life expectancy of the Russian population in 2003 was 65 years, with 59 years for men and 72 years for women.

The average life expectancy in Cuba, a neighbor of the United States, is one of the highest in the world: 76 years. At the same time, for the country's 11 million population, there are about 3 thousand people who have crossed the century mark.
According to the UN, the average life expectancy for women in Europe is 79 years, while for men it is 71 years. In Russia, women live on average 72 years, and men only 59 years.

What is the secret to longevity? There is not and cannot be a single answer to this question. The personality of any person is always individual and unique. The basis of longevity is the variability of the normal duration of human life; significant expression of adaptive mechanisms that ensure physiological aging.

The aging process occurs more slowly in long-livers. Age-related changes in the main physiological systems develop smoothly; the state of a number of body systems is similar in many respects to that of younger people (for example, the morphological and biochemical composition of the blood, some indicators of the state of the cardiovascular, endocrine systems and central nervous system).

The type of higher nervous activity in centenarians is, as a rule, strong and balanced. As a rule, they are sociable and friendly, show interest in events and phenomena of the world around them, are spiritually balanced (they honor the laws of their ancestors or are religious), and are resistant to stress and infectious diseases. Long-livers have good memory and are characterized by high mental and physical activity and performance. They are also distinguished by long-term preservation of reproductive function and large families. Thus, in Checheno-Ingushetia, long-lived men have offspring up to 69-70 years, women - up to 55-58 years. Approximately 44% of long-lived men and 31% of women are practically healthy.

The state of the cardiovascular system, for example, is characterized by significant preservation compared to people from short-lived families. Less common are angina pectoris and hypertension; There is a trend towards lower cholesterol levels. Low blood cholesterol is considered one of the indicators of predisposition to longevity. Another predictor of longevity is the age at which tooth decay begins; in persons with family longevity, their destruction begins later, after 60-69 years.

Research shows that centenarians are characterized by a measured, orderly lifestyle, the absence of bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking, poor nutrition), and family well-being.

Nikolai Basov, author of several books on folk medicine And separate meals , identifies fifteen factors of longevity:
1. Monotonous diet.
2. Living in one place.
3. Life in one (single, monolithic, clan) society.
4. Relatively high life safety.
5. Drink (moderate) grape wine.
6. High physical activity.
7. The relaxed intellectual life of long-livers.
8. Routine sleep, often an afternoon nap.
9. Cold (cold climatic living conditions or habituation (hardening) to cold).
10. Tightness of the mental sphere (a certain isolation from the world on a global scale).
11. Super-resilience of the family organization.
12. No fear of death.
13. Extremely long-term “value” scale. Understanding of inclusion in the chain of events, generations, lives.
14. Genetic factor.
15. Moderation in everything. In the expression of feelings, in food, in work, even in cleanliness or the accumulation of material values.

Azerbaijani centenarian Mahmud Eyvazov, who lived 152 years, stated: “My years are my allies in disputes about the “secrets” of longevity. I saw people bathing in a golden stream. They had a lot of bread, a lot of meat, a lot of rice... Their main concern in life was... to eat. The stomach became swollen and fat, and the body was dying from lack of air, from selfishness and greed. I have seen and continue to see people who give all their strength and energy to our common cause, often working day and night. These are golden people, but they ruin themselves by lack of sleep, neglect of the daily routine, and often forget to have lunch. We punish a person for violating the rules of our society, but we do not punish him for not strengthening his body, for causing his illnesses... in general, for violating the five conditions of longevity. But the strictest judge is life. And life is on the side of those who love it and value it!” In his opinion, the five conditions for longevity are: hardening the body; healthy nerves and good character; proper nutrition; good climate; daily work.

It is difficult to disagree with the famous centenarian, although history presents us with strange paradoxes. Don't abuse alcohol and don't smoke? Naturally! Although the famous 17th century surgeon Politiman (1685-1825), who, according to historical data, lived for 140 years, from the age of 25 had the habit of getting drunk every day after completing his studies. A Gascon butcher in Trieu (Pyrenees), who died in 1767 at the age of 120, got drunk twice a week.

Don't get carried away with strong brewed coffee? Perhaps, but the famous Voltaire was very fond of this drink, and when the doctor began to convince him that coffee was poison, Voltaire replied: “It will be 80 years since I have been poisoned by this poison.” The Frenchwoman Elizabeth Durien lived to be 114 years old. Contemporaries testified: “Her main food made up coffee, she drank up to 40 cups of it a day. She was of a cheerful disposition, ate well and drank so much black coffee every day that the most ardent Arab could not keep up with her. The coffee pot was always on the fire, like the English teapot.” The Frenchwoman Mary Bremont, who also loved Bordeaux wine and chocolate, lived 115 years.

Does smoking shorten your life? Undoubtedly. However, many centenarians liked to abuse the poisonous potion. Ross, who received the Longevity Award at age 102 (1896), was a heavy smoker. The Englishwoman Lazennec, who died at the end of the 19th century, lived her entire life (104 years) in a slum and smoked a pipe from an early age. She died with her. Englishwoman Eva Morius lived 115 years, and throughout her life she never parted with a cigarette, loved to ride a bicycle, and never got sick. She believed that she lived long because she drank a glass of whiskey every day and ate a boiled onion.

So what is the secret to longevity? Paul Bragg, the author of the theory of therapeutic fasting, died while surfing at the age of more than 90 years. Porfiry Ivanov, a famous self-taught scientist, recommended ice swimming and vegetarianism, but died like ordinary meat-eaters. The famous surgeon and academician Amosov, who died at the age of 90, believed that to prolong life it is necessary to develop flexibility of the spine, as well as adhere to a special diet. Aviation academician Mikulin, who lived for more than 90 years, believed that all troubles were caused by static electricity, so he was grounded at work and during sleep with special metal parts.

One Independent Media magazine states that in order to extend your life by 30 years, you need to “calm down and think positively, stop eating crap, lose weight, go to college, make friends with more people and find yourself a husband or wife, that will make you happy."

Leonard Hayflick, professor of anatomy at the University of California , based on his human survival charts for individual countries and different periods obtained a theoretical curve with an upper limit of 115 years.

At the same time, Hayflick discovered another pattern: human life expectancy is proportionally related to the ratio of brain weight to body weight. The greater this ratio, the longer life, although for hundreds of years the ratio of brain weight to body weight has not changed. also expressed an original point of view on the aging of the body. In addition, Leonard Hayflick suggested that aging occurs after growth ceases, and those creatures whose growth does not stop age very slowly over time.

According to statistics "2009 World Population Data Sheet1 (WPDS)" the non-governmental American organization Population Reference Bureau in 2009, the proportion of the world's population aged 65 years and older was only 8%; life expectancy at birth (years): both sexes – 69 years, of which women – 71 years, men – 67 years; The projected increase in the planet's population for 2009-2050 will be 38%. An interesting fact is that the share of the population aged 65 years and older as a percentage of the total population of the country in Monaco is 24%; in Japan - 23%; in Italy and Germany – 20%; in Greece – 19%; in Spain, Serbia, Portugal, Croatia, Bulgaria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Austria, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Denmark – 17%. In Russia, this ratio, along with a dozen other countries, is 14%. The lowest percentage is in Nauru (Southern Europe), UAE and Qatar (Western Asia) – 1%.

The highest life expectancy at birth (years), according to the 2009 World Population Data Sheet1 (WPDS), is 83 years in Japan; in San Marino, Italy, Switzerland, Macau and Hong Kong (China) - 82 years. The lowest is in Zimbabwe (41 years), Zambia and Mozambique (43 years). In Russia it is 68 years, including 74 years for women and 61 years for men.

Is it possible to determine the basic conditions for longevity? Let's try to identify the most characteristic ones that most research scientists pay attention to.

Environmental and social living conditions of centenarians

Many gerontologists believe that the potential for longevity is determined genetically. To a certain extent, this is confirmed by the manifestation of this property of the human body in a number of generations. At the same time, a significant role belongs to socio-economic, natural factors and lifestyle.

The study, conducted by scientists from the Canadian University of Hamilton, involved more than 500 people over the age of 40. Scientists have been able to accurately determine how various factors affect people's life expectancy. In their opinion, it is extremely harmful to live next to a main highway - scientists have found that people living near highways die on average 2.5 years earlier than those who live away from the roadway. A group of researchers led by Dr. Arden Pop from the University of Birmingham at the end of 2009 confirmed the fact that the main factor in longevity is clean air.

Another report, compiled by economists from the National University of Ireland, looks at how many years of life can be lost due to belonging to a certain class or due to a particular job. The differences can be huge.

Scientist Eamon O'Shea claims What
people living in favorable conditions, get sick more often, are exposed to greater stress, become disabled more often and die earlier than wealthier citizens.

A similar study conducted in the UK found that social status is key to life expectancy. In England, the difference in life expectancy between the highest and lowest social strata is about 9 years. Scientists have always been interested in the living conditions of centenarians and the nature surrounding them - the so-called “foci of longevity.” For example, one such region is Abkhazia, where almost 3% of the population are centenarians, over 100 years old.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V.V. Bezrukov claims , What
one of the main factors of longevity is the financial situation, the well-being of not only the family, but also the country as a whole; loyalty to family values; 99% of centenarians are representatives of large patriarchal families, where parents, children and grandchildren live under one roof.

Role natural environment(climate, soil, water, flora, fauna) is attracting increasing attention from gerontologists. In their opinion, the combination of favorable factors promotes longevity and even somewhat smoothes out the significance of hereditary foundations, which manifests itself more clearly in less favorable environmental conditions. At the same time, the long-lived genotypes themselves were formed under the influence of these conditions, and they, in turn, are necessary for the manifestation of longevity.

The climatic and geographical features of the middle mountains of the Caucasus, the hilly and mountainous regions of Japan, the soil, water, flora, fauna, and proximity to the sea contribute to the survival of people to very old ages, which cannot be said about other regions. The longevity trend is sometimes explained by the fact that there are a lot of negatively charged “aerons” in the mountain air, which inhibit cell aging, especially with a rational lifestyle. It is worth remembering the living conditions of centenarians. As a rule, these are harsh climatic conditions (Japan, America, Abkhazia, Yakutia), but always clean air.

Nikolay Basov suggests, What
cooling the body by just one degree can almost double the duration of our earthly existence... The Japanese spend all their winters, which also happen almost entirely in sub-zero conditions, in light, synthetic jackets, no different from those to which they endure autumn.

Bringing together environmental and social factors longevity, we can conclude: the presence of environmentally friendly air - sea or mountain, coastal or steppe, but always clean, without the consequences of man-made disasters, environmentally harmful emissions into the atmosphere of human waste products.

Heredity and genetic factors of longevity

The American scientist A. Leaf examined the mountainous regions of Abkhazia and mountainous regions in the Andes (Ecuador) and came to the conclusion that the living conditions of people in these areas are very similar, and longevity here can be attributed to heredity and the absence of so-called “harmful genes” in some residents ", increasing the risk of diseases. In small closed communities, like isolated mountain villages, some residents who lacked these genes became the ancestors of separate clans of centenarians. It becomes obvious that heredity plays a very important role in the matter of longevity.

Over the years to the author of the book I had the opportunity to communicate with some long-livers and with close relatives from my seven generations. An interesting fact is that on the male side, my grandfather was the tenth child out of eleven children in the family, and my grandmother was the last, fourteenth child. My father was the fifth child of ten children. Among her father's brothers and sisters, Elizabeth (Elizabeth) lived for about 80 years, Abram - 81 years, Elena - almost 96 years. Until the last days of her life, she lived a full life, read a lot, did homework, and loved to talk on the phone. On the female side, the grandmother was the fifth child of nine children, and the grandfather was the sixth of eight children. My mother is the sixth of fourteen children in the family. Many of the mother's brothers and sisters have reached the age of 80. It is worth mentioning the ecological living conditions of these families - these are the mountainous areas of the villages of Shemakha and Chukhur-Yurt of Azerbaijan, the hilly terrain of Holland and the flat terrain of the Russian Volga region.

Longevity is determined by genetic factors. This hypothesis has not raised serious doubts since the time of the English scientists M. Bitoni and K. Pearson, who established a significant connection between the longevity of ancestors and descendants in many families of English aristocrats. Proven hereditary predisposition both to longevity and to the likelihood of the occurrence of old age diseases (atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, etc.). But it is also known that a combination of favorable factors promotes longevity and even somewhat smoothes out the significance of hereditary principles. And, conversely, in less favorable conditions, “bad” gene changes are realized faster. Although longevity is not a purely genetic problem, assumptions about the existence of a hereditary “extended life program”, or a hereditary complex of morpho-functional indicators that potentially contribute to longevity, are widely discussed in the literature. good health, or the absence of risk factors for a number of major age-related diseases.

Nikolay Basov in the book “The Key to Separate Nutrition” expresses the idea that the family not only passes on good, tenacious genes, but also instills the morality of a long-liver, the manner of a long-liver, breaks the psychology of the “candle”, but teaches to withstand all the vicissitudes and ensures the intention to live in the style of “endless continuation”... Together with the way of life, an attitude towards the table has been instilled as a place where the body is fed, and not the stomach, where it is a shame to be immoderate, and it is very harmful to eat something with something that makes the stomach hurt. That is, I think that in addition to genes, families pass on something no less valuable to centenarians - practical experience that concerns all aspects of life, and which subsequently serves so reliably and for so long.

Heredity, the absence of “family” diseases in several generations. Healthy genes of ancestors are an important factor in the longevity of descendants. If the grandparents on both the maternal and paternal lines led an ordinary, but healthy image life, did not suffer from cardiovascular diseases or cancer, then this is a small guarantee of longevity not only for their children, but also for their grandchildren.

As strange as it may sound, there are large families. Exactly at large families a unique chain of mutual assistance and support for one’s neighbor, friendship and care is built. True friendship among family members encourages everyone to kindness and good deeds; here is the meaning and purpose of everyone’s life - to help the person closest to you and know that you will receive the same help when you need it.
How do movement and work affect longevity?

Movement can replace many medications, but not a single medicine in the world can replace movement.

According to gerontologists, early start and late end of work is typical for long-livers.
According to materials collected in Abkhazia, almost all centenarians continued to work (93%), their work experience often exceeded 60 years. Classes are characterized by consistency and moderation of loads with a mandatory afternoon rest. Working centenarians maintained good physical activity. Endurance indicators were the highest in men: 75-79 years old and corresponded to the level of 20-29 year olds. It is noted that women had even more endurance than in their youth. But among men and women - long-livers, it was the least. The reaction time of the elderly (80 years and older) is comparable to that of the young.

Valery Dorofeev in the author's system "Reserve-training" explains that
“there are statistical data (Kuchn L.A. 1980) showing that human life expectancy increases with moderate amounts of physical activity and decreases with intense ones. It is better to do something with pleasure, in accordance with your tastes. Who likes what - some to run, some to dance, some to ride a bike or work out on exercise equipment, play football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, etc. Sweat a good amount, feel pleasantly tired, and that’s enough.”

Professor A. G. Seleznev , the inventor of a unique method of non-surgical transplant rejuvenation, claims that
“a person must move, and not just talk on the phone, eat, drive or just in a car, watch TV, sit at the computer... It is clear that with progress, “only the latter” is often encountered. Laziness is the engine of progress - progress has created such a lazy person that the physical activity of our ancestors will probably seem like hell to him! Previously, physical work was needed for survival, i.e. most working professions involved at least walking to the place of work (when there was no transport). Now you know - we can get physical activity mainly only in the gym (fitness club).”

Academician I. P. Pavlov This is how he expressed his life credo:
“All my life I have loved and love mental and physical work. And, perhaps, even more so than the second one. And I felt especially satisfied when I added some kind of guess to the latter, that is, connecting my head with my hands.”

Let's remember the famous saying L.V. Beethoven: “If I don’t play exercises for one day, then I notice. If I don’t play exercises for two days, my friends notice. If I don’t play exercises for three days, the public notices.”

What does this mean? About the need for daily work. According to the American scientist M. Walker, who studied the centenarians of the Vilcabamba tribe living in the Ecuadorian Andes, physical activity is an important component of ensuring their health. These people, who are already over a hundred years old, look alive and active and have retained all their abilities. They practically do not know such diseases as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, liver and kidney diseases, cataracts, arthritis, and senile insanity. And this is mainly due to their diet and physical activity. The mountaineers visit their fields six times a week, spending whole days there.

Conclusion: work all your life. But this is not in the context of lifelong slave labor. The main thing is movement.

Work hard every day and you will forget about your pain. Oddly enough, our ancestors worked in the field, in the forest, “for the owner” or on a collective farm, on a personal plot, sometimes for more than half a day and at the same time remained able-bodied people with little illness. Work for pleasure is the norm; work to satisfy the needs of life (a high salary or wages, repairs of one’s own home, physical assistance to one’s neighbors) is a vital necessity. But at the same time, physical labor must be within the capabilities of a person. Many will object to this - you can get used to any work if you do it for several months or a year. Perhaps, but backbreaking physical labor can become the source of any disease and overwork of the human body. Work hard every day, but don't overwork yourself.

Not all physical activity and movement contribute to longevity. Nikolay Basov notes some peculiarity motor activity centenarians of Japan: “almost all centenarians lived either in high altitude conditions, which is little conducive to active movement due to thin air, or in conditions of sea fishing, that is, that same food procurement, which is periodic and generally less intense than, say, agriculture. Because the sea is rich in food, like no other sphere of human economy, and its production is associated mainly with static, rather than dynamic, physical activity. At the same time, of course, it should be noted that the production of food is of a domestic, natural, and not commercial nature, when everything that cannot be handled requires excessive expenditure of strength, hyperactivity, including motor activity.”

How do centenarians eat?

We do not live to eat, but we eat to live.

Nutrition is an important component of longevity.
The Abkhazians and many other long-livers rely on agricultural and livestock products as their main source of nutrition. The diet includes a lot of fruits, berries, nuts, honey, various vegetables, wild herbs and plants, i.e. that provides high antioxidant protection for the body. A high level of consumption of traditional lactic acid products contributes to the formation of “healthy” intestinal microflora, which, as is known, helps meet the body’s needs for vitamins and performs an important detoxification (cleansing) function. Timely removal of toxins helps prolong life. Gerontologists consider the favorable dietary features of Caucasian centenarians to be low in sugar, salt, meat and meat products; adherence to national cuisine traditions corresponds to the specific activity of gastrointestinal enzymes. Among centenarians there are almost no people with overweight bodies, because the calorie content of their food is low (not higher than 2200 kcal). From alcoholic drinks centenarians consumed only natural wine in moderate quantities from 1 to 3 glasses.

The phenomenon of the inhabitants of the Hunza River valley (border of India and Pakistan)
The life expectancy of the inhabitants of this valley is 110-120 years. They almost never get sick and look young. Researchers of this tribe claim that the Hunza (the name of the tribe) bathe in ice-cold water even at 15 degrees below zero, play outdoor games for up to a hundred years, their 40-year-old women look like girls, at 60 they maintain a slim and graceful figure, and 65 years of age are still giving birth to children. In summer they eat raw fruits and vegetables, in winter they eat sun-dried apricots and sprouted grains, and sheep cheese. One more thing is interesting: the inhabitants of the happy valley have a period when the fruits have not yet ripened - it is called the “hungry spring” and lasts from two to four months. During these months they eat almost nothing and only drink a drink from dried apricots. Apricots are the most honored fruit there. The daily calorie content of hunza is much lower than usual and includes 50 g of protein, 36 g of fat and 365 g of carbohydrates. The Scottish doctor McCarrison, observing the inhabitants of the valley for 14 years, came to the conclusion that diet is the main factor in the longevity of this people.

Nutrition of the centenarians of the Vilcabamba mountain tribe (Ecuadorian Andes)
Their diet is somewhat reminiscent of the Caucasian diet, i.e. mainly plant and dairy products, sometimes meat in small quantities. However, fresh fruits that are good for health predominate: citrus fruits, papaya, avocados, bananas, pineapples. They are characterized by low calorie content diet, an average of 1200 kilocalories per day. In addition, the importance of clean water, a favorable set of minerals necessary for a healthy life in the soil and chemical elements.

According to researchers of the Hunza tribe McCarison and the Vilcabamba tribe Mortan Walker Such differences between Vilcabamba, Hunza and the population of industrialized countries were ensured mainly due to the following factors: low-calorie diet with low content meat products, with primary consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables; systematic work activity in the fresh air with moderate loads; clean water and air; favorable composition of chemical elements in soil and food. They believe that moderation and, in a certain sense, limited diet in terms of the amount of food, low calorie foods, and the predominance of greens, fruits and especially apricots (Hunza) in the diet are of key importance for ensuring a healthy and long life.

Conclusion: Eating in moderation is one of the important factors for longevity.

Most centenarians eat very little and avoid excesses in sweets, spicy and salty foods.
The author’s aunt, at the age of 95, ate hot dishes every day and loved hot tea. Until the age of 84, my mother always loved sweets, but she very rarely ate more than two sweets at a time. They never had very spicy, salty or bitter dishes in their diet; they never overate.

The principle of nutrition for long-livers is to never eat enough.

Every day it is advisable to eat a hot dish, eat “homemade” vegetables and fruits, i.e. without any chemical additives for rapid growth. In addition, short-term fasting is advisable at least twice a year. But reasonable, temporary and short-lived. It’s not without reason that in every religion we can find the word “fasting” - temporary fasting. This is a feature of the Christian (Orthodox) faith, Buddhism, and Islam. If you resort to long-term fasting, you need to study the origins of Buddhism, and not fashionable weight loss recipes.

Tea - the source of eternal youth. Many books have been written about the benefits of this particular drink; the mystery of properly brewed tea and its use has been understood by scientists and culinary experts from many countries and nationalities for centuries. Most centenarians of the Caucasus, Central Asia, Japan and China elevate the drinking of hot tea to some kind of cult or ceremonial action. They always quench their thirst not with water from a tap or well, but with hot tea, even in extreme heat.

Honor the power of honey. The healing properties of honey are known to many peoples on the planet. It is an art to consume honey daily with meals or use it in the treatment of most diseases of the human body.

Find time for daytime rest. If this is possible, then be sure to lie down in silence for 30-45 minutes in the afternoon and try to doze off. In modern life this is difficult to do, but it is necessary. Day rest relaxes the body, gives vigor, stimulates further activity, especially if there is work or a business meeting late in the evening. In addition, a calm night sleep. Try to avoid excessive positive or negative emotions at night.

Peace of mind of centenarians

Pay less attention to troubles - you will save your nerves and live longer!
A. Petukhova, 82 – year-old resident
Shevchenkovsky district of Zaporozhye

Dependence on other people's opinions and assessments is, perhaps, the main reason for our dislike of ourselves or, conversely, high self-esteem. We do not know how to truly love ourselves, our lives and the world around us. How can we get rid of the opinion about ourselves imposed on us from the outside and love our own “I”, and from here find harmony with ourselves?

Get rid of excessive self-criticism. When something unpleasant happens to us, many begin to blame themselves, think about what they should have done, what to say, etc. The best thing in this situation is to draw conclusions and let go of these thoughts. If it doesn’t work out, tell us about it. to a loved one or out loud to yourself, and then mentally reassure yourself with an optimistic phrase: “Okay, I’ll fix it! I’m still the best (best) in the world!”

Fight bad mood and negative emotions. The inability to get rid of them is fraught with neuroses. Learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness, because we are all not perfect. Don't dwell on the bad, look for the positive.

Look at the world positively and assume a positive scenario for the development of events. Most often, before an upcoming serious conversation or event, we always assume the worst option and, as a result, begin to get nervous and worried. Do not forget, nervous condition The body is one of the main factors in the aging of the body and the cause of various diseases.

Get rid of excessive self-pity. Often, having met with an acquaintance, we move on to discussing personal problems and expect sympathy from the interlocutor. And if this does not happen, then we begin to fill our heads with “thoughts about nothing.” By causing self-pity, we become dependent and weak, to some extent, disadvantaged and dissatisfied with life and with ourselves. What kind of harmony of life with oneself can we talk about?

Avoid boredom and routine. Find yourself a useful business, a hobby, do what you like. One could argue that women are already busy with household chores every day. That's right, this is the routine of everyday life. It is precisely because we do not do what we would like that we often feel depressed and dissatisfied with life.

Don't indulge in self-flagellation about other people's opinions. Sometimes other people's opinions worry us much more than our own emotions. Live your life listening to other people's opinions only superficially. Harmony with your inner world is your main task, and not worrying that someone, somehow, somewhere, thought or said the wrong thing about you. There are so many people, so many opinions – you can’t please everyone.

Learn to communicate. Unfortunately, in life, each of us has to communicate not with everyone with whom we would like to communicate. The art of communication and mastery of communication techniques is the key not only to success in life, but also to longevity.

Don’t try to change the world around you and make the people around you like you. It’s an empty idea, and unnecessary emotions will shorten your life. Firstly, a person cannot change until he himself realizes the need for change, and secondly, such actions on your part will be regarded, at least, as “incorrect” and will cause a storm of negative emotions.

Change yourself. If you want to change something, change yourself or change your attitude towards what is happening. Learn to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you, think about the good and this good will certainly return to you. Always remember that if we cannot find peace within ourselves, then there is absolutely no point in looking for it anywhere else.
If a temporary crisis has occurred in your life (personal, physical or material), do not try to “pay it off” with alcohol, drugs or pills. It is useless to dispel the blues and boredom by communicating with cheerful people and filling your day to capacity with all sorts of activities - at best this will bring temporary relief, but will not solve the problem. To understand your true needs, desires, aspirations and problems, you need to communicate with yourself as often and as much as possible. Stop being afraid of loneliness - learn to enjoy it and benefit from it.

Start trusting yourself, and you will immediately understand how to live.
Johann Goethe

Balance your needs. Needs - the state of need of a person or animal in certain conditions that they lack for normal existence and development. Need as a state of personality is always associated with a person’s feeling of dissatisfaction associated with a deficiency of what the body (person) requires. As a rule, any person, in addition to physical and organic needs, also has material, spiritual, and social needs (the latter are specific needs associated with communication and interaction of people with each other). As individuals, people differ from each other in the variety of needs they have and the particular combination of these needs.

The main characteristics of human needs are strength, frequency of occurrence and method of satisfaction. An additional characteristic is the substantive content of the need, that is, the totality of those objects of material and spiritual culture with the help of which this need can be satisfied.

American psychologist A.X. Maslow back in the middle of the last century, he created a hierarchical model of motivation (“Motivation and Personality”), proposing the following classification of human needs:
1. Physiological (organic) needs - hunger, thirst, sexual desire and etc.
2. Security needs - to feel protected, to get rid of fear, from aggressiveness.
3. Needs for belonging and love - to belong to a community, to be close to people, to be accepted by them.
4. Respect (honor) needs - competence, approval, recognition, authority, achievement of success.
5. Cognitive needs - to know, be able to, understand, explore.
6. Aesthetic needs - harmony, symmetry, order, beauty.
7. Needs for self-actualization - realization of one’s goals, abilities, development of one’s own personality.

The dynamism of this classification of needs lies in the fact that without satisfying lower needs it is impossible to achieve top level- self-actualization.

Various teachings on meditation have become popular these days. You should not be overly carried away by the theories of meditation; full awareness of them comes after many years of knowledge. Take it on board the most simple exercises meditation – knowledge of your “I” and your inner world:
1. Try to provide yourself with complete solitude before immersing yourself. Turn off all means of communication, create the intimate comfort of solitude. Quiet musical accompaniment is allowed.
2. Sit in a comfortable (not necessarily on the floor or in the “lotus position”) position on the sofa, in a chair on the floor.
3. Close your eyes and relax each part of your body one by one until you reach a state of complete relaxation.
4. Mentally turn off your consciousness (thoughts about everyday life) and try to “fly over the sea” or “walk through a blooming garden.” You can concentrate on your breathing or the flame of a candle. Try to let go of all your thoughts, fears and worries from your consciousness.
5. Take a mental look at yourself from the outside when you “fly slowly over the sea” or “walk through a blooming garden.” Plunge into yourself for 20–30 minutes. At first it will be difficult, but if you exercise every day for half an hour for at least a week, the result will not be long in coming.

Living in harmony with yourself and the world around you is the first step to prolonging your youth. A person living in harmony with nature and himself is not subject to disease. True happiness does not lie in possessing anything, but in the harmonious balance of various aspects of a person’s life.

Calmness and spiritual harmony are determined not by the absence of problems, but by our attitude towards pleasant and unpleasant events in our lives, and the ability to resolve controversial and conflict situations. Most grief and mental anguish arise from the fact that our reaction is excessive and not entirely adequate to the event that gave rise to it.

A good attitude towards yourself, self-acceptance is the key to harmony with the world, people and your own soul.

The reserves of our body would be enough to live more than 100 years, but in reality the life span is much shorter, and while people in Japan have an average life expectancy of 78 years, in Nigeria it is only 46 years. In our country, people have an average life expectancy of 69 years.

But if you follow some simple rules, you can significantly extend your life.

How to prolong youth? Principles of longevity.

1. Food is age appropriate. So, for thirty-year-olds, liver and nuts will be useful (this will delay the appearance of wrinkles), and for those over 40, it is useful to eat carrots and other orange-colored vegetables and fruits, which contain beta-carotene. For men over 40, selenium is especially useful (it relieves stress), which is found in kidneys and cheese. After 50, you need to include as much fish as possible in your diet, this is especially true for men (strengthens blood vessels and the heart), in addition, you need to eat foods rich in calcium (good for bones) and magnesium (good for the heart).

2. Don't overeat. For those who do not engage in heavy physical labor, the norm for kilocalories per day is 2000. This is quite enough for normal operation cells.

3. Having sex prolongs youth. During this process, the body produces a large amount of endorphin (the hormone of happiness), which strengthens the immune system and prolongs youth. Those who have sex twice a week look, on average, 10 years younger than their peers.

4. Continue to work. It has been proven that unemployed people usually look five years older than their actual age. By the way, there are professions that prolong youth - philosophers, conductors, priests and artists.

5. As much movement as possible, movement is life. Even short exercise sessions can significantly increase your lifespan. During exercise, growth hormone is produced, which the body so lacks after 30 years.

6. Cheerfulness. Optimists live further than pessimists, so you should never be discouraged.

7. Sleep in the cool. The optimal temperature for sleeping is 17-18 degrees. Metabolism and age-related changes depend on the temperature in the bedroom.

8. Give vent to emotions, including negative ones. Don't suppress your feelings. Scientists have come to a conclusion. That about 64% of cancer patients suppressed anger and other negative feelings.

9. Positive emotions. It is necessary to constantly look for reasons for pleasure - delicious food (in moderation), dancing, meeting with friends, reading good books and listening to your favorite music - you need to allow yourself all this from time to time.

10. Brain stimulation. You need to constantly give your brain work - crossword puzzles, studying foreign languages, mental arithmetic, reading, etc. – all this activates not only the functioning of the head, but also the metabolism, the functioning of the circulatory system and the heart.