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What is mouth sanitation? What is oral cavity sanitation and why is such a procedure performed?

In the general attractiveness of a person, far from the last role is played by snow-white smile. However, not everyone has this advantage. In many cases, without the help of dentists, this cannot be achieved.

Often this requires a significant investment of not only time and labor, but also patience and understanding from the patient himself, because it is impossible to teach snow-white and perfect teeth for one visit to the dental clinic.

Even if by nature a person has a beautiful color of teeth and their shape, it is necessary to preserve this wealth. Not to mention those who have problems with their teeth.

In both options, a periodically conducted complex of dental measures, called oral sanitation, is required.

Description of the procedure

latin the word "sanatio" is translated as healing or treatment, which is consistent with the name of these dental activities, which involve complete recovery oral cavity and all the tissues in it.

These measures are called therapeutic and prophylactic, as they also imply prevention. possible diseases and not just the elimination of existing problems.

What does it include?

The complex provides the work of several dentists. First of all, this is a therapist and hygienist, however, depending on the situation, it is possible to involve doctors and other specializations.

So, reorganization includes such measures:

  • treatment of the most common disease - caries;
  • elimination possible complications this disease - periodontitis,;
  • renewal normal state hard tissues of teeth that have been damaged, for example, with fillings;
  • orthodontic treatment - correction wrong position teeth relative to the jaw and each other;
  • orthopedic measures - prosthetics;
  • removal of any deposits from the surface of the teeth, such as calculus, plaque;
  • identification and prevention of the development of possible foci of infection;
  • removal of teeth that are not subject to restoration and preservation.

In addition to the above, there are various additional procedures that the oral cavity needs in specific cases. This is implied by the definition of sanitation as complete recovery.


Despite the similarity, the set of procedures still differs depending on the specific type of sanitation. This means that the number of measures taken directly depends on the situation and the condition of the oral cavity.

The division into types is based on the frequency of the implementation, as well as on the need.

  1. Individual. It is most popular among conscious patients who understand the importance of self-control over the state of the oral cavity. Assumes the patient's own initiative and his appeal to dental clinic. In each case, the physician necessary measures according to the plan drawn up after the inspection.
  2. Planned. This type covers almost all children. school age and those attending kindergartens. In addition, it is prescribed for employees of certain organizations and enterprises, where it is a condition for admission to work.
  3. periodic. Those patients who are included in the medical examination plan participate in the conduct.

Main stages

Sanitation always involves several stages. Depending on the type, their number may vary. Here is an approximate general step-by-step plan, which includes eight stages.

When do you need a certificate from a dentist about its passage?

There is a list of indications for the mandatory implementation of this procedure.

  • The course of pregnancy and management by a gynecologist.
  • Preparing the patient for the upcoming birth.
  • Almost any surgical intervention and the patient's upcoming surgery.
  • Production related to the category of harmful.
  • Official employment.
  • Admission of the child to an educational institution - a school or a kindergarten.

When women are registered for pregnancy in their clinic, a certificate of sanitation will be required by the local gynecologist. Also, this specialist will need help when applying sick leave associated with the birth of a child.

Children going to kindergarten or school should also be examined by a dentist. A health certificate is one of the documents required for admission.

The physician may insist on further treatment if the inspection revealed insufficient good condition tissues of the oral cavity and teeth.

Also, a similar document will be required for people before surgical operation. The fact is that the poor condition of the oral cavity, possible presence foci of infection and inflammation can greatly impair recovery after surgery, as well as cause complications during surgery.

Another category of people who need to get a certificate from a dentist about sanitation are those who require a medical book. To obtain or renew it, you must pass scheduled inspection and treatment by many specialists. Including the dentist.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy is a difficult period in the life of any woman. At this time, the course of many processes occurring in the body changes. In many cases, this has a rather negative effect on the condition of not only the teeth, but also the soft tissues of the gums and the entire oral cavity.

Violation of the acid-base balance contributes to the rapid development of caries and widespread infections. This happens because they create favorable conditions in order to activate the vital activity of microorganisms that cause this disease.

A change in the balance of hormones leads to the development of an inflammatory disease of the periodontal tissues - gingivitis. In the absence of appropriate measures, by the end of the child's gestation period, it can lead to periodontitis.

In addition, the presence of dental diseases of an infectious plan or any other can affect not only the well-being of the patient herself, but also harm the developing child.

Now a woman can not be afraid harmful influence dental procedures on a child. For example, a radiovisiograph, with which pictures are taken, affects locally, only a few square centimeters.

In addition, irradiation is ten times less in power than that of standard X-ray machines.

In children

This procedure is routinely carried out not only in schools and preschool educational institutions- she covers all childcare facilities. This includes, in addition to those listed, also sanatoriums, boarding schools, recreation camps.

Children's teeth are more susceptible to caries and other diseases for a variety of reasons. Therefore, sanitation is prescribed to them regularly, and its frequency depends on the extent of the disease and the treatment prognosis.

The first (lowest) degree of caries requires a second visit to the dentist for sanitation in a year, the second - a little more than six months, and the third - only 3-3.5 months.

In addition, the rules imply that the ongoing treatment of almost any profile for a child also requires dental sanitation, which increases efficiency. medical procedures, enables the baby to have strong healthy teeth in the future.

Oral health has great importance for normal development and health child's body generally.

Is it possible at home?

A person who takes care of his own health must follow the instructions of the dentist and carefully conduct full complex hygiene procedures. This, unfortunately, is the maximum that is possible for home use.

Of course, oral hygiene is very important for dental health and the prevention of any dental disease. It is she who is in the first place among the preventive preventive measures.

At home, a full-fledged sanitation of the oral cavity is impossible due to the lack of the necessary equipment, and also because of the complexity of the study. After all, only an external examination of the condition of the teeth, gums and mucous membranes is available to the patient at home.


The cost of sanitation is affected, first of all, by the number of procedures that must be carried out according to the drawn up treatment plan. And this, in turn, is due to the state of the oral cavity, the presence of diseases and their severity.

The total cost can be determined unambiguously only after the inspection and all necessary research and developing a treatment plan. So, how much do the individual stages of rehabilitation cost:

  • x-rays - from 300 rubles;
  • caries treatment - from 1500 rubles;
  • professional cleaning - from 2 thousand rubles;
  • treatment of pulpitis - from 1 thousand;
  • treatment of periodontitis - from 1.2 thousand;

Also here you need to include the cost of whitening enamel, work different specialists and other treatments that the patient may require.

You will be told about the need for regular visits to the dental office for sanitation and a set of hygiene procedures in the following video:

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For you - helpful information about the types and forms of sanitation in dentistry. Find out more about the features of the procedures in adults, in childhood, during pregnancy.

general information

Sanitation is a therapeutic and preventive measure for the complete improvement of the oral cavity. and all the tissues in it. The complex impact is aimed at eliminating dental problems, prevention of complications in case of damage to the teeth, mucous membranes, gums, tongue.

Complete sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out by doctors of certain specialties:

  • dentist-therapist;
  • hygienist

When identifying serious defects dental / gum tissue, lesions of the mucous membrane, the surface of the tongue, the help of doctors of other specializations is required:

  • orthodontist;
  • surgeon
  • infectiologist;
  • orthopedic dentist;
  • periodontist.

Therapeutic and preventive measures

To improve hard and soft tissues, dentists carry out a set of measures:

  • identification of foci, sites of infection of the gum tissue;
  • therapy dangerous inflammatory diseases: , ;
  • treatment of carious cavities;
  • professional;
  • installation of orthodontic structures; (On the types of structures, read the page);
  • restoration of chewing function, aesthetics: filling of dentition units, composite restoration with photopolymers; (We have an article about the methods of restoration of teeth);
  • implementation of orthopedic measures: all types of prosthetics - installation of bridge structures, implantation of teeth; (Read about implantation; about new generation prostheses -; about dental crowns - address).
  • removal of units of the dentition that cannot be restored.

Note! Additional measures may be necessary for each patient, depending on the severity of the case. The number and duration of health-improving procedures is determined by the dentist-therapist, "leading" the patient.

Types of sanitation of the oral cavity

How worse condition gums, teeth, mucous membranes, the more activities will include sanitation for a particular person. Dentists distinguish several varieties of an integrated approach to oral health, depending on the need and frequency of the procedure.


Visits to the dentist are initiated by a person who pays attention to his health. Gradually, the number of conscious patients increases, because the neglected state of hard, soft tissues in the mouth requires serious treatment.

In addition to pain, the need for unpleasant procedures, restoring the health of the dentition and gums is expensive. The more severe the case, the more money you will have to spend.


The second name of the variety is one-time sanitation. Dentists conduct examinations and treatment for certain categories in organized groups - at enterprises, schools or for certain groups of the population (pregnant women, the disabled, pre-conscripts).

Dentists identify and eliminate pathological processes, give recommendations for oral care. If necessary, a course of procedures in the dental office is prescribed. One-time (periodic sanitation) is carried out at a fixed time, for example, once a year.


Therapeutic and preventive measures are mandatory for a certain circle of people. List of patients who cannot obtain a work permit, a permit to visit children's institution, without sanitation of the oral cavity, is determined by the health authorities.

Planned rehabilitation is carried out among the following categories:

  • children attending school, kindergarten;
  • applicants entering universities;
  • women planning a pregnancy;
  • employees of hazardous industries, bakery plants, confectionery factories, and other food industries;
  • students of military universities;
  • patients before surgery;
  • greenhouse workers;
  • employees of enterprises with a sanitary book during a scheduled medical examination.

Characteristics of the complex of health measures

You know a brief description of the complex of health measures. To understand whether the procedures were carried out correctly (in full), familiarization with the stages of rehabilitation will help.

Take note:

  • regardless of whether you came to the appointment yourself or a mobile dental laboratory arrived at the company (special bus with necessary equipment), the doctor is obliged to examine the oral cavity, to clarify whether there are complaints;
  • a card is created for each patient, in which marks are made about the treatment;
  • after the examination, the doctor explains to the patient whether he has dental diseases or the condition of the mucosa, teeth, gums is satisfactory;
  • if there are no complaints, the dentist removes soft plaque, cleans the interdental spaces, applies a special gel with disinfecting properties to the teeth. The drug strengthens the enamel, reduces the likelihood of inflammation;
  • when problems are identified, the doctor informs the patient about defects and methods for their elimination. If a cyst in the gum tissue is suspected, incomplete retination or wrong height"wisdom teeth", inflammation of the root canals requires x-rays;
  • panoramic shot displays all parts of the dental system: from the palate to the installed fillings;
  • if the dentist has found carious cavities, filling is carried out using materials agreed with the patient (cost different types filling is different);
  • when identifying pathological processes on the gums, tongue, mucous membranes, additional treatment is required;
  • abnormal bite, the need to remove completely damaged dental units - a reason for referral to dentists of another specialization - an orthodontist, surgeon, periodontist or prosthetist;
  • after treatment- preventive measures the doctor will explain to the patient what causes provoked dental diseases, suggest preventive measures;
  • in some cases registration is required for control chronic pathologies oral cavity;
  • After sanitation, the doctor can issue a confirmation to the patient that the necessary measures have been taken.

A certificate of sanitation of the oral cavity is required in the following cases:

  • preparation for surgery;
  • management of pregnancy by a gynecologist, preparation for childbirth;
  • admission to kindergarten, school, university;
  • with official employment;
  • belonging of the enterprise to the category of "harmful production".

How many children and when do they drop out? We have an answer!

Installation features and reviews about sapphire braces read the page.

Find out about contraindications to the plasmolifting procedure in dentistry at the address.

Features of the procedure in children

Weak teeth are more at risk of caries, often developing with improper hygiene procedures, poor care of the dentition. Regular sanitation is a prerequisite for maintaining oral health.

Depending on the degree of caries, the doctor prescribes a visit to pediatric dentistry at certain intervals: from three months to a year. Mandatory preventive examinations will prevent the transition mild degree carious process in running.

Remember! Baby teeth need the same careful care as permanent teeth.

Another advantage of regular visits to the dentist is the timely detection of bite defects. Correct crooked teeth greater effect from wearing orthodontic structures at 10-11 years is easier than after three or four years or at adolescence.

Important! Planned reorganization is carried out in all types of children's institutions. The attention of parents to the health of teeth and gums in a baby, a preschooler, in adolescence positively affects the condition of the oral cavity of the child.

The nuances of sanitation in pregnant women

Many processes upset the balance in the body future mother. Growing baby takes a lot nutrients from the mother's body, actively affects the condition various bodies and systems. Often, with each month of pregnancy, the condition of soft tissues, teeth, and the entire oral cavity worsens.

Hormonal imbalance causes gingivitis - initial stage inflammation of the gums. The lack of proper treatment provokes more serious disease- periodontitis. Accumulation of pus in periodontal pockets pain, loosening of teeth, bleeding gums do not add health to a woman. bacterial infection from the oral cavity can penetrate to the fetus.

Take note:

  • reduce the risk pathological changes mandatory sanitation of the oral cavity will help early dates pregnancy;
  • at unpleasant symptoms, the appearance of pain in the teeth and gums, sores, suspicious formations on the mucous membrane and tongue, immediately consult a dentist;
  • modern x-ray equipment (radioviziograph with a minimum area of ​​exposure), special anesthesia for pregnant women, approved drugs will make the treatment process safe, painless.

The cost of complex treatment

Price complex treatment depends on the amount of procedures performed by the dentist. How worse quality dental, gum tissue, the higher the price of beauty and health of the dentition will be. Treatment of inflammatory periodontal processes is also expensive.

Average prices for certain types procedures:

  • caries treatment - from 1500 rubles;
  • x-rays- from 350 rubles;
  • treatment of pulpitis - from 1000 rubles;
  • removal of tartar - from 2000 rubles;
  • periodontitis therapy - from 1400 rubles;
  • laser teeth whitening - from 8000 rubles.

Add, if necessary, the installation of corrective structures for orthodontic treatment, therapy of periodontitis with omission of gums, strengthening of loosened units of the dentition. The amount will be impressive.

Contact the dentist in time to monitor the condition of the oral cavity, and you will save units of the dentition, maintain the density of the gums, and save more than one thousand rubles. A complex approach to the treatment and prevention of dental diseases is effective for patients different ages. Do not refuse planned sanitation, pay attention to health.

Video about oral hygiene and sanitation:

Sanitation (improvement) is a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures to maintain the health of the oral cavity, including filling carious teeth and treating inflammatory diseases. This is an integral part of the preparation before dental prosthetics, surgeries and other types of interventions.

Sanitation of the oral cavity is recommended for each person with a regularity of once every six months. This will allow you to identify and eliminate caries for another early stage, save yourself from sudden toothache and keep the maximum number of healthy teeth.

What is oral hygiene

Complete oral health includes the following procedures:

  • examination of the oral cavity;
  • removal of dental deposits (pigmented plaque and tartar) - carried out by ultrasonic or abrasive cleaning;
  • filling of all carious foci;
  • treatment of detected diseases (pulpitis, periodontitis, etc.);
  • elimination of destroyed teeth and dental roots that cannot be restored;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy of the mucosa (with gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis);
  • in the absence of one or more teeth - prosthetics;
  • removal of problematic "eights";
  • if necessary, bite correction.

Types of rehabilitation:

  • individual (one-time) - with the patient's independent treatment (optional);
  • planned (treatment and preventive) - carried out for employees industrial enterprises as well as in schools and other educational institutions.

Who needs a certificate (conclusion) about sanitation

Without fail (of course, with the right to refuse), the procedure is prescribed for those who go on long business trips, long-distance expeditions, plan hospitalization or are on dispensary care.

With the passage of each medical examination and registration of a medical book, an examination by a dentist is also required.

Sanitation is required in the presence of such diseases:

  • chronic bronchitis, asthma;
  • diabetes(any type);
  • diseases of the heart and joints (rheumatism, etc.);
  • allergy;
  • sinusitis.

After carrying out all the necessary manipulations, you will be issued a certificate, which will indicate “the oral cavity is sanitized” with a signature, a seal of a doctor and a stamp of a medical institution.

Sanitation of the oral cavity in a child

Indicated for children of school and preschool age, as well as adolescents. Regular checkups are held in kindergartens (from the age of 3), schools, sanatoriums, boarding schools.

You can also contact the dentist in the children's clinic at the place of residence. If necessary, the doctor will conduct a hyena lesson for the child, show how to properly use a toothbrush and floss. Milk teeth in children deteriorate faster, because their enamel is thin and weak. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out control 2-3 times a year.

Even if the child wears braces, it is still important to make preventive visits and remove the accumulated bacterial plaque every 4-6 months.

Sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy

It is possible and necessary to carry out sanitation of the mouth during pregnancy. Ideally, a woman should complex therapy oral cavity before conception. However, it is not too late to see a dentist if you have already found out about your pregnancy.

The presence of an infection in the mouth is a risk for both the expectant mother and the child. Therefore, all dental diseases must be cured.

During the period of gestation, the teeth become brittle and quickly deteriorate. The reason for this is calcium deficiency in the woman's body, hormonal disruptions, changes in the composition of saliva (violation of the acid-base composition).

Most safe period for dental treatment for pregnant women - the second trimester, when the risk decreases drug exposure to the fruit.

Why do I need oral sanitation before implantation?

Dental implantation is a complex surgical operation, and the main condition for its success is sterility. Any infection, for example, from a carious focus, can enter the hole and cause an inflammatory process.

To eliminate the risk of infection, the dentist performs a complete sanitation of the mouth. Without this, no one can guarantee you 100% engraftment of the implant. If you refuse to sanitize, and after a while the dental implant falls out (does not heal), then you will have to do a second operation at your own expense.

Sanitation in medicine includes carrying out medical procedures aimed at improving the body. The main goal of the intervention is to remove the infection that interferes with healing and normal functioning.

Sanitation of the oral cavity

One of the indicators of human health is a snow-white smile. According to STAR, the oral cavity needs sanitation in 87% of the population.

In a deplorable state, diseases of the kidneys, heart, bronchi and other organs immediately appear. Danger and toxins that are produced harmful bacteria in the oral cavity. They have a systemic effect on the body as a whole, changing its response to all processes, which ultimately leads to the development of serious diseases and complications. Therefore, it is important to take measures to remove the infection.

Sanitation in dentistry is a combination of therapeutic and preventive procedures aimed at improving the oral cavity, eliminating the source of inflammation various etiologies and prevention of dental diseases.

It is necessary to visit the dentist 2 rubles / year. During the first visit, an examination is carried out and a preliminary map of the treatment procedures is drawn up. First held therapeutic procedures, if necessary, assigned surgical removal broken or impacted teeth.

For supporting normal functioning dental system, as well as maintaining the health of teeth and gums, it is recommended to visit the dentist at least twice a year.

There are three types of sanitation:

  1. planned;
  2. periodic - during medical examination;
  3. individual appeal.


Planned rehabilitation is carried out in children's institutions: kindergartens, boarding schools, educational institutions different levels accreditation, sanatoriums, summer camps, as well as in some enterprises and before a surgical operation. During pregnancy, the sanitation procedure must be carried out strictly.

Planned activities must be carried out without fail for people suffering from somatic diseases.

Periodic simultaneous sanitation of the oral cavity is performed in organized groups and certain groups of the population (pregnant women, conscripts, the disabled). It is considered the most effective in the prevention of dental diseases.

Mouth infection is a constant source of infection for every organ in the body. Sanitation of the oral cavity before surgery reduces the risk of developing purulent complications, so it is mandatory. Dentists argue that the timely detection of inflammation and its treatment is an indispensable condition for recovery in many cases. infectious diseases. Scientific research proved the fact of the relationship between periodontopathogenic microflora and the development of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.

There are a number of diseases in which the sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out at least 2 times a year:

  • diabetes;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • diseases of the ENT - organs and the respiratory system.


Often, the sanitation of the oral cavity takes place in several stages and not in one visit to the dentist.

Sanitation includes several stages:

  • examination for the presence of various diseases;
  • professional removal of dental deposits and soft plaque;

Removal of dental deposits

  • if necessary, a panoramic picture or X-ray diagnostics is assigned;
  • treatment of carious cavities and periodontal soft tissues;
  • treatment of gum disease;
  • extraction of teeth;
  • prosthetics and orthodontic procedures;
  • At the request of the patient, teeth whitening is performed.

All rehabilitation activities are carried out with mandatory consultations on proper oral care, the choice of paste, brush, floss and rinse, taking into account individual characteristics.

All procedures are performed by a dentist-therapist, if necessary, he refers the patient to a surgeon or orthodontist.

Is it possible to fully sanitize the oral cavity? Maintain oral health and prevent the formation of foci of infection will help proper care using therapeutic or prophylactic pastes, rinses, dental floss, visual examination of the tongue, gums and teeth.

Sanitation of the oral cavity in children

A visit to the dentist in childhood should occur already in the first year of life. The next visit must be planned before visiting kindergarten. Sanitation of the oral cavity depends on the degree and intensity of the development of the underlying disease. IN therapeutic dentistry is the caries intensity index. The method allows to calculate the intensity of the destruction of the molars and create a plan for effective therapeutic and preventive measures. The scheme is used for children aged 6-12 years, when there is a change of bite.

Permissible timeframes for minimizing development severe forms caries:

  • I degree - 13 months;
  • II degree - 7 months;
  • III degree - 3, 5 months.

The main causes of tooth decay in children:

  1. Availability chronic diseases;
  2. gestosis or bacterial infections suffered by a woman in the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  3. taking medication during pregnancy;
  4. improper care of the oral cavity or its absence.

When carrying out orthodontic procedures, which can last 2.5 -3 years, the sanitation of the teeth is carried out without fail. During this time, you may have to visit the dentist up to 8 times.

To prevent negative consequences from visiting the clinic, as well as for some diseases of the central nervous system, allergic reactions, fear of manipulation, a large amount of dental work, sanitation of the oral cavity under anesthesia is allowed. During the manipulations, the neuropsychic state of a small patient is relaxed, there are no pain and tactile sensations, which makes the whole process calm and comfortable.

Sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy

Sanitation of teeth during pregnancy is mandatory. It is recommended to undergo procedures to improve the oral cavity before conception.

Important! Visiting the dentist during pregnancy will keep the mother's teeth healthy and prevent Negative influence infections on the health of the child.

During the period of bearing a baby, significant changes occur in a woman's body. hormonal background which causes inflammation of the gums. In addition, changing acid-base balance, mineral composition saliva. This leads to a loss of calcium, a weakening of the density of dental tissue, as a result, the enamel becomes thinner and the teeth are destroyed.

If the sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy was not carried out, the pathogenic infection enters the body of the expectant mother, changing the properties breast milk(it becomes bitter), and becomes the cause of the development of caries of milk teeth that have just been laid. It has been scientifically proven that harmful microflora is located and actively develops in the grooves of the tongue of even a toothless baby.

Research results show that almost every pregnant woman suffers from bleeding gums, from inflammation. If you do not turn to the dentist in time, then gingivitis can gradually turn into a more serious form - periodontitis, which is problematic to cure. The constant presence of harmful microflora in a woman's mouth provokes Negative consequences on the formation of all life processes of the unborn child. Therefore, rehabilitation during pregnancy is simply necessary.

It should be borne in mind that treatment manipulations are carried out only in the second trimester. In the second and third, only procedures related to acute pain are performed.

Conducting an examination and a set of measures to improve the oral cavity are carried out without harm to the health of the baby. There are separate contraindications for the extraction of teeth, but if such a need arose, the doctor uses a special anesthesia for pregnant women.

Dental treatment

Complete sanitation of the oral cavity is considered completed if all carious cavities are sealed and eliminated inflammatory processes. This safe procedure will keep your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful.

Oral care is very important right now. Dentistry is developing successfully, and preventive measures come to the fore. Treatment based on improved modern methods, can be quite painful and costly, especially in advanced cases but it is necessary. Therefore, various wellness procedures, especially complex ones, are gaining popularity and becoming in demand.

This is still a rather unusual term, not too common and understandable for ordinary people. But from the name it is clear that the procedure is connected with recreational activities.

Oral hygiene, what is it? This common name a set of procedures that are designed to lead to recovery, solve the patient's pressing problems.

Traditionally, it is believed that all inconveniences can be solved with the help of fillings. But those who are interested in dentistry and the development of its methods know that the problems of the oral cavity can be very diverse and numerous. Not only holes are formed in the teeth - to serious illnesses also leads to accumulated plaque, a stone.

Non-carious lesions may also occur, and if the process is started, then periodontal disease may develop. Sometimes, during a visit to the doctor, it turns out that the tooth simply needs to be removed or practically only the root that remains in place of the tooth should be removed.

Not timely sanitation of the oral cavity leads to periodontal disease and loss of teeth.

So what is oral hygiene? This is a set of procedures aimed at improving and preventing, solving dental problems. Implantation and restoration of teeth can also be included here, although these are separate, serious operations. The doctor examines the patient, treats caries, seals where there are non-carious lesions, defects. Also, if necessary, removal of plaque, stone, removal of decayed teeth, their roots.

Happens and the decision is extremely serious problems during the procedure, such as the elimination of periodontal disease, restoration of the dentition. This is done only in advanced cases, it is clear that most often sanitation includes a variety of health and rehabilitation activities. If you constantly undergo examinations, then the patient will not encounter such problems.

That is, all foci of infection found by a specialist are removed., a complete examination is performed and everything is done to restore the normal functioning of all organs of the oral cavity.

Procedure steps

Sanitation of the oral cavity is a complex procedure, it includes several stages. Much depends on the individual case, but overall plan the specialist's actions are predetermined.

A special sequence of actions has been established that the doctor must follow if no unforeseen circumstances arise.

It all starts with a visit to the clinic.

  • Consultation needed so that the doctor can talk about the conditions of interaction. The patient should have an idea about the education of a particular specialist, the specifics of the clinic and the cost, duration of the procedures. This general information obtained during the initial visit, which, of course, can then be specified. But initially, the patient should roughly navigate the prices. If the patient requires certificates and diplomas, they must be provided to him for review and familiarization.

Sanitation of the oral cavity is a complex procedure, it includes several stages.

  • If needed additional research, tests, x-rays, the specialist gives specific directions to the patient who applied to the clinic. After passing them, detailed reports are provided to the attending physician in full.

    If any procedures cannot be performed in this clinic, the doctor must provide the patient with information about the institutions where such studies are carried out.

  • Next, the doctor makes a list of necessary recreational activities.
  • First of all, the extraction of teeth occurs, the treatment of which cannot be performed.
  • Next, the existing seals are inspected to determine their current state. If defective ones are found, they are removed and replaced. The seals may be damaged or installed incorrectly, in which case they need to be replaced, otherwise the sanitation will not be complete.
  • Treatment of caries, filling. Also, if it is necessary to restore tissues with non-carious defects, apply necessary methods and methods of treatment. This may be a filling or other measures.
  • Further, if necessary, orthopedic treatment occurs. Prosthetic procedures can take a significant amount of time, but they are necessary for full recovery functional abilities of the entire dental system.
  • Malocclusion must also be corrected. For this, the patient is referred to an orthodontist.
  • During the examination, ailments of the periodontal tissues may also be detected. They also need to be eliminated.
  • The general recommendation for all patients is the same: doctors advise to undergo the procedure professional cleaning. It includes the removal of plaque and tartar.

It is after passing through all these stages that we can say that the oral cavity is sanitized. If the question arises, what does it mean when the oral cavity is sanitized, the answer may sound like this.

Indications for use

Sanitation is now becoming not uncommon, but normal procedure. It is held in various institutions without fail. Medical checkups should be done regularly. Twice a year is the obligatory frequency of visiting the doctor. Sanitation is carried out with the same frequency. This is a reasonable and optimal approach to your health.

In children's preschool institutions there are often dental offices. Children also need to be sanitized, in such offices, planned procedures are carried out. This is done at the request of the parents, but there are also institutions where rehabilitation is a mandatory procedure. So, for example, military personnel and conscripts are sent for examination to the dentist regularly. If necessary, rehabilitation is appointed and carried out.

Women when planning offspring should take into account the condition of the oral cavity. Sanitation is carried out for women during pregnancy, if this has not been done in advance, at the planning stage of conception.

There is a list of chronic diseases, in the presence of which sanitation is performed more often than usual and without fail. Such patients undergo the procedure at least 4 times a year. The list of such ailments includes: allergies, asthma, gingivitis, tonsillitis, diabetes mellitus, diseases of cardio-vascular system and some other diseases.

Before installing prostheses, various surgical interventions rehabilitation is mandatory. Since with such major operations the risk of infection is high; pre-sanitation can significantly reduce it.

Before installing dentures, sanitation of the oral cavity is required

So, the answer to the question what is dental sanitation is given. This is a whole complex of various procedures, health-improving, preventive and therapeutic.

Subject to all the rules of care, sanitation consists in almost one inspection and regular cleaning.

But we must not forget that many diseases, such as caries and even periodontal disease, can develop quite quickly, in a matter of weeks. Therefore, you should not neglect a visit to the doctor. If any circumstances prevent you from receiving a timely consultation, you must follow all the rules of care. Regular brushing and flossing is the foundation.

A competent specialist can advise which means should be used to care for a particular patient. Additionally, rinsing is necessary, with the use of special infusions, rinses. Infusions can be prepared independently, used to prepare baths, in this case, the solution is simply placed in the mouth for a while, at least a quarter of an hour. Do not forget about the use of various devices that are available to everyone and are used for better care and cleaning. These include irrigators, for example. advice on correct application can be obtained from your doctor.