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Bipolar disorder tests. Test for the possible presence of bipolar affective disorder. Example questions from the bipolar screening test

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A diagnosis of bipolar disorder can only be made by a psychiatrist, but a bipolar disorder test can confirm or refute your suspicions. Below are two tests for bipolar spectrum disorders: the Goldberg test and the TABS test (Tri-Axial Bipolar Spectrum Questionnaire).

When interpreting test results, keep in mind that a diagnosis of bipolar disorder requires only one episode of hypomania and one episode of depression in your life. In order to suspect bipolar disorder, it is enough to answer yes to five or more questions on the Goldberg test.

Goldberg Bipolar Disorder Test

1. Sometimes you are more talkative or speak faster than usual. (Not really)

2. There are times when you become much more active and do more things than usual. (Not really)

3. You have times when you become very irritable or feel like you are acting out. high speed. (Not really)

4. Do you have periods when you feel both energized and bad mood simultaneously. (Not really)

5. At some times you are more interested in sex than usual. (Not really)

6. Your self-esteem may be very low at some times and extremely high at others. (Not really)

7. The quantity or quality of work you produce may vary greatly. (Not really)

8. Sometimes you feel very irritable or unfriendly without visible reasons. (Not really)

9. You have periods of mental dullness and other periods when you are bursting with new ideas. (Not really)

10. Sometimes you really want to communicate with people, and at other times you want to be left alone with your own thoughts. (Not really)

11. You have periods of great optimism and periods of great pessimism. (Not really)

12. Sometimes you cry or feel close to tears, and at other times you joke and laugh too much. (Not really)

TABS test

1. I feel so anxious and want to say that other people are making comments to me.

- sometimes (1 point)

- periodically (2 points)

2. I feel tired, with low level energy.

- rarely or never (0 points)

- sometimes (1 point)

- periodically (2 points)

- often or almost always (4 points)

3. I indulge in activities that I know will cause me problems later (shopping a lot, having sex with people I don't know, investing money unwisely).

- rarely or never (0 points)

- sometimes (1 point)

- periodically (2 points)

- often or almost always (4 points)

4. I have difficulty falling asleep or sleep longer than I would like.

- rarely or never (0 points)

- sometimes (1 point)

- periodically (2 points)

- often or almost always (4 points)

5. My appetite changes often.

- rarely or never (0 points)

- sometimes (1 point)

- periodically (2 points)

- often or almost always (4 points)

6. I only need a few hours of sleep to feel rested.

- rarely or never (0 points)

- sometimes (1 point)

- periodically (2 points)

- often or almost always (4 points)

7. I feel very irritated, the slightest little thing can upset me.

- rarely or never (0 points)

- sometimes (1 point)

- periodically (2 points)

- often or almost always (4 points)

8. I talk more than usual; sometimes I feel like I just have to keep talking.

- rarely or never (0 points)

- sometimes (1 point)

- periodically (2 points)

- often or almost always (4 points)

9. I gained or lost more than 5% of my weight in a month.

- rarely or never (0 points)

- sometimes (1 point)

- periodically (2 points)

- often or almost always (4 points)

10. My thoughts seem to be rushing at high speed.

- rarely or never (0 points)

- sometimes (1 point)

- periodically (2 points)

- often or almost always (4 points)

11. I feel worthless or guilty.

- rarely or never (0 points)

- sometimes (1 point)

- periodically (2 points)

- often or almost always (4 points)

12. I no longer enjoy the things I usually enjoy.

- rarely or never (0 points)

- sometimes (1 point)

- periodically (2 points)

- often or almost always (4 points)

13. I think about my own death.

- rarely or never (0 points)

- sometimes (1 point)

- periodically (2 points)

- often or almost always (4 points)

14. I am easily distracted by extraneous things, even if I know they are not important.

- rarely or never (0 points)

- sometimes (1 point)

- periodically (2 points)

- often or almost always (4 points)

15. I have difficulty concentrating, thinking, or making decisions.

- rarely or never (0 points)

- sometimes (1 point)

- periodically (2 points)

- often or almost always (4 points)

16. I feel confident, as if nothing can stop me on the way to my goal.

- rarely or never (0 points)

- sometimes (1 point)

- periodically (2 points)

- often or almost always (4 points)

17. I experienced some of the conditions listed under the influence of alcohol or drugs that could affect my mood.

- no (0 points)

- yes (corresponding answers to questions should not be taken into account when calculating points)

18. I have been diagnosed with a medical condition that affects my mood or energy levels.

- no (0 points)

- yes (the test is not applicable in your case)

19. Some of the conditions listed have led to problems at work or in social life, to conflicts or fights, family, financial difficulties or problems with the law.

- rarely or never (it is unlikely that you have bipolar spectrum disorder)

- sometimes (it is unlikely that you have bipolar spectrum disorder)

— periodically (the answer shows that the test is applicable in your case)

- often or almost always (the answer shows that the test is applicable in your case)

The higher your score on the TABS bipolar disorder test, the more likely you are to have bipolar spectrum disorder. The last three questions on the test help rule out other causes. similar conditions, and also assess the degree of influence they have on your life.

Living with a person who is susceptible to this mental pathology is unbearable for his loved ones. However, neither the patient himself nor those around him often suspect that this is bipolar depression. The disease requires serious treatment as it progresses and can take dangerous forms.

Bipolar disorder

Previously, this disease was called “manic” depressive psychosis" (TIR) ​​or " manic depression" Today, this diagnosis in international psychiatric practice is designated as bipolar affective disorder (BAD). Symptoms of pathology may first appear in adolescence and adolescence. If such signs develop, then by about 40 years of age a persistent disease develops.

Bipolar disorder - what is it? The essence of the pathology lies in a sharp change in two opposite (therefore bipolar) affective moods:

  • from euphoria to depression;
  • from depression to euphoria.

In psychiatry, a state of elation and inspiration on the verge of passion is usually called manic. During a less pronounced hypomanic phase (diagnosis - type II bipolar disorder), the patient is ready to move mountains. However, due to excessive activity, communication with many people nervous system is quickly depleted. Irritability and insomnia appear. A person evaluates reality inadequately and is in conflict.

During the manic phase (diagnosis - type I bipolar disorder), the patient’s affective state sharply worsens. His thoughts become categorical, intolerant of objections, and his behavior becomes verbose and aggressive. Symptoms of mania may be combined with signs of depression. For example, euphoria - with inactivity, deep sadness - with nervous agitation.

Bipolar personality disorder

Sharp, uncontrolled changes affective states, that is, bipolar personality disorder, have a detrimental effect on the patient’s character traits. Patients often become the initiators of non-standard ideas and cases. Vigorous activity captivates them, bringing moral satisfaction. However, in the team, such colleagues are afraid and shunned, considering them people “not of this world.”

A person suffering from bipolar disorder is characterized by:

  • inadequate thinking;
  • inflated self-esteem, expectation of praise;
  • inability to self-criticize;
  • stubbornness, maximalism;
  • aggressive, unpredictable behavior.


Patients with bipolar disorder type I spend approximately 10% of the time in the manic phase and 30% in the depression phase. Patients who develop bipolar II disorder are in a hypomanic phase about 1% of the time, and spend 50% of the time in a depressed state. Like the swing of a pendulum, after mania or hypomania comes depression. The patient is sad, cries, suffers.

A person feels undeservedly offended, unrecognized, deprived of respect and attention. In very severe depressive states, thoughts arise about one’s worthlessness and even suicide. Between these two phases of bipolarity, intermediate states of relative calm arise, and then the patient’s psyche normalizes, but only temporarily.

Bipolar disorder - symptoms

How to verify the presence of pathology? There are criteria for a depressive episode. Bipolar syndrome is obvious if at least 3 symptoms from the following list persist for two weeks:

  • depression, tearfulness;
  • loss of interest in life;
  • weight loss;
  • insomnia;
  • headaches, stomach pains;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • a feeling of worthlessness of existence.

The manic phase of bipolar disorder, which lasts more than 1 week, is characterized by aggressiveness, excessive irritability. At the same time, patients consider themselves completely healthy, even when they experience night terrors and hallucinations. While many people around the patient pay attention to the manifestations of the manic phase, the signs of a hypomanic state often go unnoticed.


It is important to distinguish bipolar disorder from similar mental disorders. Manic-depressive syndrome, as a rule, is not a consequence of any somatic (physical) illness. Almost anyone can get bipolar disorder. In bipolar disorder, the causes of which are varied, the main risk factors are:

  • heredity;
  • stress;
  • unsettled personal life;
  • problems in labor activity;
  • alcoholic excesses;
  • drug addiction.


Recognizing this disease is often not so easy. The diagnosis of bipolar disorder is difficult to make because there are no precise assessment criteria. Conversations between the psychotherapist and the patient, conducting a series of tests, and monitoring the affective episode are important. Differential diagnosis is necessary so as not to confuse bipolar disorder with depression, neurosis, psychosis, mental retardation, or schizophrenia.

Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

BAR can be treated. the main objective psychotherapy – to bring a person out of an affective state. The difficulty is that the patient has to take a lot of medications with many side effects. Treatment of bipolar affective disorder carried out using:

  • Do you communicate more with people in this state?
  • Do you make risky decisions more often?
  • Are you coming up with more new ideas?
  • Does sexual desire increase when your mood rises?
  • Do you feel sorry for yourself when you're depressed?
  • When you're sad, do you feel like a failure?
  • When you are in a bad mood, do others irritate you?
  • Are you experiencing a breakdown?
  • Do you often think about the worthlessness of your existence?
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    A mental illness characterized by mood swings is bipolar affective disorder (BD). It is known as circular or manic-depressive psychosis. IN international classification diseases ICD-10 affective disorder is included in block F30-F39.

    What is bipolar disorder

    Manic-depressive psychosis or bipolar disorder is a wave-like mental disorder. The depression phase alternates with mania (hypomania). The duration of the stages varies - from a week to two years. Patients also experience intermediate conditions:

    • agitated depression;
    • anxious depression;
    • depression with racing ideas;
    • inhibited mania;
    • unproductive mania;
    • dysphoric mania.

    The mechanism of development of bipolar disorder has not been fully established. Scientists believe that the main factor provoking the disease is genetic. It is present in 70% of all cases of the disease. The remaining 30% is the influence of the external environment. More often clinical symptoms manic-depressive psychosis manifests itself in patients aged 25 to 45 years.

    Forms of pathology

    Affective bipolar disorder is classified depending on the prevalence of symptoms and the nature of the alternation of phases. The disease can occur in a unipolar form. The patient experiences either recurrent mania (hypomania) or recurrent depression.

    More often, bipolar disorder occurs in a bipolar form, when mania and depression replace each other.

    This type of disease occurs in several variants:

    • Properly interspersed. Depression and mania alternate clearly. They are separated by a gap normal condition(interphase).
    • Incorrectly interspersed. Chaotic alternation of depressive-manic phases. There are “light” gaps between them.
    • Double. The phases immediately replace each other, followed by a “light” interval.
    • Circular. Depression and mania alternate constantly without interphase.

    How does bipolar disorder manifest?

    The number of phases of depression and mania varies among patients. Some experience only one affective episode during their lifetime, while others experience dozens. Average duration one phase lasts several months (3-7). Episodes of mania occur less frequently and their duration is three times shorter than depressive periods. Clinical signs bipolar disorder depend on the phase the patient is in and the severity of the disease.

    Manic phase

    It is represented by a triad of main symptoms: motor agitation, elevated mood (hyperthymia), accelerated thought processes (tachypsychia). Manic-depressive syndrome in the manic phase has three degrees of severity:

    1. Mild (hypomania). The patient has an elevated mood, increased social activity, increased mental and physical performance. The patient becomes talkative, energetic, and active. His need for sleep and rest decreases and increases sexual desire. Sometimes there is irritability and hostility. The average duration of an episode is 5-7 days.
    2. Moderate. Mental and physical activity significantly increases, the need for sleep completely disappears. The patient cannot concentrate and is constantly distracted. Find it difficult social contacts, loss of ability to work. The episode lasts less than a week.
    3. Heavy. Mania occurs with psychotic symptoms: severe psychomotor agitation, a tendency to violence. The patient experiences racing thoughts, the connection between facts is lost, and hallucinations develop. The patient develops delusions, ideas of grandeur arise, and the ability to work and self-care skills are completely lost. The severe form lasts several weeks.

    Variants of the course of the depressive phase

    The opposite pole of bipolar disorder is characterized by other symptoms - slow thinking (bradypsychia), depressed mood (hypotymia), and motor retardation. Bipolar personality disorder in the depressive phase can occur in four stages:

    • Initial. Manifested by a weakening of the general mental tone, physical and mental performance.
    • Growing. It is characterized by a strong decrease in mood, anxiety, motor retardation, and frustration appear. The patient's speech is quiet and slow. Difficulty falling asleep turns into prolonged insomnia, and there is no appetite. Performance decreases sharply.
    • Expressed. Symptoms reach their maximum development. Observed causeless anxiety, anxiety and melancholy. Patients sit or lie in one position for a long time (depressive stupor). Many develop anorexia and experience suicidal thoughts and actions. Patients are characterized by delusional ideas of their own sinfulness and self-abasement. Hallucinations appear in the form of voices calling for suicide.
    • Reactive. Characterized by the return of symptoms. The patient still has asthenia, but there is increased physical activity, talkativeness.

    Rapid cycling bipolar disorder

    It is diagnosed in almost all patients with bipolar disorder. A rapid change of polar phases occurs over 4 months. Sometimes there are more than 4 episodes of depression, mania and mixed states during the year. Rapid cycling bipolar psychosis has a poor prognosis and is difficult to treat.

    Reasons for the development of bipolar disorder

    Highest value in the development of the disease is attributed hereditary predisposition. The exact causes of bipolar disorder have not been established. The risk of developing the disease increases in women with unstable hormonal background(pregnancy, postpartum period, menopause, amenorrhea). In men, bipolar disorder is 1.5 times less common.

    Inheritance of predisposition to the disease

    Often the patient has a relative suffering from some kind of affective disorder. According to statistics, if one of the parents is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, then the risk of detecting the disease in the child is 50%. Such children often develop a schizophrenic defect. Researchers have found that the risk of developing a mental disorder is 7 times higher in people whose relatives have ever suffered from this illness.

    Risk factors

    Any traumatic situation becomes an external provocateur of bipolar disorder. In the role trigger mechanism may be due to intoxication of the body, traumatic brain injury or disease internal organs. Factors that increase the risk of mental disorders include:

    • schizoid personality(emotional coldness, preference for solitary activities);
    • melancholic temperament (high sensitivity combined with restraint in expressing emotions);
    • Statothymic personality type (pedantry, responsibility, high need for orderliness);
    • increased anxiety, suspiciousness;
    • emotional instability.


    The main criterion for diagnosing bipolar disorder is that the patient has two affective episodes, one of which must be mixed or manic. Significant value is given to differential diagnosis. The severity of depression is determined by specialists using the Hamilton Scale test.

    Features of differential diagnosis of bipolar disorder

    The manic phase of bipolar mental disorder should be distinguished from agitation caused by taking psychoactive drugs. medicines. Differential diagnosis carried out with all types of mental disorders:

    • schizophrenia;
    • unipolar or agitated depression;
    • personality disorders;
    • neurosis;
    • affective disorder;
    • psychosis (traumatic, toxic, infectious);
    • oligophrenia.

    Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

    The main goal of therapy is normalization mental state patient.

    In severe cases of bipolar disorder, the main task of doctors is to achieve long-term remission. Treatment of mild forms of the disorder is carried out on an outpatient basis. Patients with severe bipolar mental disorder are hospitalized in the psychiatry department. Used to relieve symptoms drug treatment and psychotherapy.

    Drug therapy

    The choice of a specific drug, frequency of administration, dosage and duration of therapy depends on the phase of the disease, the age of the patient, and the severity of symptoms. To relieve a depressive episode, it is prescribed strong antidepressants. If necessary, additional mood stabilizers (lithium preparations) are prescribed. The latter help prevent the transition of the depression phase to mania.

    Normotimics are also prescribed for the treatment of bipolar disorder in the stage of mania. Sometimes for quick fix symptoms, patients in the manic phase are prescribed antipsychotics (neuroleptics). They have a sedative, muscle relaxant, hypotensive effect on the body.


    Among the main tasks therapeutic effects on the patient's psyche includes training in symptom management. It helps improve a person's social functioning. Psychotherapy methods:

    • cognitive-behavioral (adjusting thoughts and feelings);
    • interpersonal (focusing on the connection between people's interactions and development mental symptoms);
    • social support(focused on maintaining employment);
    • family interventions (help from relatives);
    • therapy of social rhythms (return of the patient to normal life).

    Prognosis and prevention

    Repeated attacks in patients with bipolar disorder occur in 90% of cases. Over time, 30-50% of patients lose their ability to work and become disabled. In every 3 patients, affective disorder occurs continuously with complete absence"light" intervals. The prognosis is especially unfavorable for patients who suffer from alcoholism or drug addiction.

    Measures primary prevention diseases have not been developed. Secondary is based on maintaining stable remission to prevent repeated episodes of bipolar disorders.

    To ensure that the patient does not stop the prescribed treatment, it is necessary to minimize provoking factors:


    Mood swings are common for some people. Everyone has felt depressed or euphoric and elated, but when so opposite states change quickly and involuntarily, doctors talk about bipolar disorder.

    Bipolar disorder - what is it even?

    If we talk in simple words, bipolar disorder is characterized by constant mood swings that occur literally at lightning speed. The intensity of emotions and changes in mental state deplete the nervous system, and in advanced cases schizophrenia develops and even a person can commit suicide.

    Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that requires appropriate treatment. Unlike ordinary mood swings, it can lead to extreme severe consequences. Due to constant depressive states performance decreases, academic performance deteriorates, and other life difficulties arise.

    Diagnosing mild bipolar personality disorder is more difficult than manic depressive psychosis, but there are simple texts and special methods diagnostics used by doctors. We will tell you about all this and methods of treatment in today’s material.

    Forms of manifestation of the disorder

    Doctors distinguish two forms of the disease, the first of which is bipolar personality disorder. It is characterized by sharp and uncontrolled changes in affective states, which have a detrimental effect on the human condition. Such people often come up with non-standard ideas, and excessive active work gives them moral satisfaction. People around them often avoid communicating with them due to some oddities. People with bipolar personality disorder have the following characteristics:

    • out-of-the-box thinking;
    • increased self-esteem;
    • stubbornness and maximalism;
    • lack of self-criticism;
    • aggressiveness and unpredictability of behavior.

    The second form of the disease is more complex and is a mental disorder. This is already serious mental illness, which can develop gradually, gradually worsening the patient’s condition. He feels deprived of attention and offended, and in advanced cases, thoughts begin to arise about his uselessness for society and suicide. Treatment for this phase of bipolar disorder must be mandatory and immediate, otherwise even schizophrenia will not be far away.

    Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

    Signs of the disorder are manifested by alternating states of depression and euphoria. They can continue for years, and people around the person may not suspect that the unusual behavior is a mental disorder, and this disease requires treatment. Depending on the phases, bipolar disorders manifest themselves with certain symptoms.

    For example, a depressive phase is indicated by a bad mood. Nothing makes a person happy, but the world seems hostile. Then depression increases, appetite disappears, despondency, inhibition of actions and loss of performance occur. Gradually, the symptoms of bipolar disorder come to critical level, and the person begins to speak in monosyllables, feels worthless and thoughts of suicide pop up in his head. Having survived all this, the symptoms regress and the person returns to normal, becoming adequate and socially active.

    The signs of the manic phase are fundamentally different and always occur in stages, gradually increasing over time:

    • the mood improves and there is a lift physical strength;
    • symptoms increase (laughter becomes louder, speech is rapid and sometimes incoherent, attention is dispersed, delusions of grandeur arise);
    • the described symptoms reach their peak and the person ceases to control his behavior;
    • euphoria persists, but some calm sets in;
    • the patient's condition is normalized.

    The duration of periods of mania and depression varies - everyone is individual. For some, delusions of grandeur develop so strongly that the patient begins to believe that the lives of the inhabitants of the planet depend on him or he imagines himself as an emperor. Of course, it is impossible to do without medicinal mood stabilizers and the help of a doctor.

    Causes of bipolar disorders

    Bipolar mental and personality disorder develops according to various reasons. It is more difficult to diagnose children and adolescents, but we will talk about this below. As for adults, their given mental disorder overcomes more often. More than half of the patients are between 25 and 45 years old. There are many reasons why this disorder occurs:

    • dysfunctions of the brain, namely an imbalance in the release of dopamine and serotonin;
    • hormone imbalance;
    • the influence of environmental factors: constant stress, strokes and heart attacks, abuse of alcohol or psychotropic drugs;
    • the birth of a child in mature people;
    • heredity.

    The latter reason is one of the most common reasons doctors have to treat bipolar disorder. According to statistics, relatives of half of the patients were diagnosed with manic episode. It is noteworthy that when bipolar disorder is diagnosed in one of the twins, the disorder manifests itself in the second in 70 percent of cases.

    How do doctors diagnose bipolar personality disorder?

    Diagnosis of bipolar disorder with depressive episodes requires diagnostic testing. It is based on a thorough collection of the patient’s medical history and clarification of the presence of the disease in relatives. The doctor studies the development and clarifies when the first manic or depressive episode was noticed.

    Based on the patient’s condition, the psychiatrist identifies the severity of signs of an affective disorder and makes a diagnosis. Depending on the identified signs of the disease and the way it occurs, doctors divide it into two types:

    • In type 1 disorder, a person has one or more manic episodes, independent of depressive episodes. Most often, this type of disorder is diagnosed in men.
    • The second type of disorder is characterized by obligatory depressive episodes combined with hypomanic episodes (at least one must be recorded). It is diagnosed mainly in women.

    Both types of disorders occur frequent shifts mood, psychosis and other mental disorders.

    How to treat bipolar disorder

    Treatment for bipolar disorder depends on the specific situation and the extent of the brain damage. The disease requires constant attention throughout the patient's life, even during remissions. Psychiatrists provide treatment, but sometimes psychologists are also involved.

    Proper therapy helps to significantly suppress the frequency and intensity of episodes of megalomania or depression, and the patient is able to manage normal image life. Maintenance therapy during remissions is of particular importance. Patients who refuse it are at risk of a return of manic and depressive episodes.

    Treatment with medications

    Medications allow people to live normally and fully with bipolar disorder, but sometimes patients refuse them due to side effects. Good doctor is able to select a drug that is most suitable for a particular person and does not cause significant side effects. All drugs that suppress the manifestations of bipolar disorders are divided into groups:

    1. Thymoleptics for mood stabilization. They are prescribed to almost all patients with a mental disorder. They even out mood and suppress swings from depression to mania. The most popular drug is lithium salts. For some patients, doctors recommend taking this stabilizer for life to mitigate or prevent manic episodes.
    2. Anticonvulsants. Prevents mood swings in people with rapid-onset bipolar disorder. These medications include Lamotrigine and Valproate.
    3. Antidepressants. Doctors have differing opinions on their use. Some claim their effectiveness, while others believe that such drugs provoke manic episodes.

    Among the others medications Let's highlight Risperidone and Olanzapine, which help with the helplessness of anticonvulsants ( anticonvulsants). Benzodiazepines and other similar sedatives are suitable for improving sleep.

    Finding a drug to treat a mental illness can be difficult. If one remedy does not help, the doctor replaces it with another. The main thing is not to rush, since the effect of some of them appears only after a couple of weeks. For this reason, constant monitoring by a doctor is necessary.

    With extreme caution, doctors prescribe medications to pregnant women and young mothers during breastfeeding, as they can harm the baby. If a woman with bipolar disorder plans to become pregnant, she should tell her doctor.

    Psychotherapeutic treatment of bipolar disorder

    Key component complex treatment is psychotherapy. Cognitive behavior therapy is considered the most acceptable method. It aims to identify maladaptive behavior and help the patient to perceive reality more positively. The doctor teaches the patient how to behave correctly in stressful situations, which he begins to overcome without losing his emotional balance.

    A less common method of psychotherapy is family therapy. The specialist conducts sessions with the patient and all family members, identifying and minimizing stress in everyday life. They all learn to resolve conflict situations and disputes peacefully.

    There is also group therapy, which allows people to connect with other men and women with bipolar disorder, sharing their experiences with the disease. The technique is very effective, but not very widespread in our country.


    In advanced cases, women, men, and sometimes adolescents with bipolar disorder have to be hospitalized. Psychiatric hospital treatment improves mood when the patient is experiencing a depressive or manic episode. In some institutions, patients are offered day hospital which can have a beneficial effect on mental health.

    How are children and adolescents treated?

    Above we described how adult women and men with bipolar disorder are treated, but in children and adolescents the disease is more difficult to diagnose and treat. It also manifests itself as mood swings, from overly energetic to depressed, which are accompanied by changes in motor and speech functions.

    Depressive phases sometimes develop from an early age. The first attacks are manifested by lethargy, depressed mood or inactivity. The child may cry for no reason, it is difficult for him to get out of bed in the morning, he is silent and unfriendly. From the outside he looks indifferent and tired, hardly plays or does it without interest.

    As for manic phases in children, they are manifested by a state of anxiety and high mood. The movements become sweeping, the child grimaces, talks a lot and quickly, jumping between topics. He becomes inattentive and overestimates his capabilities, and begins to act out. With any type of bipolar disorder, the child loses appetite and sleep patterns are disrupted, but not always.

    IN adolescence can also meet different stages bipolar disorder. The teenager is overcome by boredom, indifference, apathy, and irritability. During manic phases, there is no feeling of joy and euphoria, as in children younger age, and instead of them, anger and agitation predominate.

    With youthful depression, thoughts may arise about the inevitability of death, the lack of meaning in study and the meaninglessness of existence. Against this background, some begin to become interested in religion and mysticism, and mental activity memory is impaired and deteriorates. Teenagers with bipolar disorder become confrontational, rude, and hostile towards loved ones.

    Children and adolescents should be treated good specialists, as an individual approach is required. You can contact the following doctors:

    • pediatrician;
    • child psychiatrist or psychologist;
    • family doctor.

    Drug treatment begins in advanced cases, and usually begins with psychotherapy sessions, during which the child or teenager learns to manage mood and deal with stressful situations. This is best handled by psychiatrists with relevant experience.

    Is it possible to live normally with bipolar disorder?

    You can find numerous stories online of people living with bipolar disorder. They live full life without experiencing much discomfort. The main thing is to realize that without medical care It is unlikely that it will be possible to get by - it is needed as a kind of support and smoothing out the symptoms of the disease. Helps you control your mood and avoid seizures correct mode sleep, exercise, healthy eating and giving up bad habits.

    To make it easier for you to believe this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of celebrities who have bipolar disorder:

    • Demi Lovato - famous singer, who recently announced her illness, thanks to which she wrote several songs a night.
    • Catherine Zeta-Jones is a star who did not hesitate to consult doctors and admit it to the public.
    • Marilyn Monroe suffered from bouts of anger and euphoria, and even attempted suicide.
    • Britney Spears is known for her scandalous antics.
    • Dolores O'Riordan is an Irish singer and composer.
    • Van Gogh suffered from psychosis due to alcohol consumption and committed suicide.

    How to test yourself for bipolar disorder?

    There is a basic test for bipolar disorder that can detect or deny the presence of it. mental disorder yourself or your child. You just need to answer the following questions:

    1. Being in good mood, do you become much more energetic?
    2. Do you become more sociable at the same time?
    3. New ones are born in you good ideas?
    4. Do you make risky decisions more easily?
    5. Increased sex drive?
    6. When you are depressed, do you feel sorry for yourself?
    7. Feeling like a failure?
    8. Are other people annoying you?
    9. Feeling low on energy?
    10. Do you think about the futility of existence?

    If you answered yes to four or more questions, go to a psychotherapist for a consultation, as there is a possibility of bipolar disorder.

    Bipolar personality disorder may manifest itself sudden changes moods.
    For example, in the morning you feel uncomfortable and depressed, and in the evening your mood changes dramatically. And during periods of love, on the contrary, a person is ready to “flutter”.

    Test for bipolar disorder

    To diagnose and determine the specific direction of treatment for bipolar disorder, a person is asked to take a special test, which contains questions, the answers to which determine what kind of treatment will be required.

    The questions may seem primitive at first glance, but at the same time they are good at understanding the source of the disorder and further courses of action.

    But such questionnaires will in no way replace professional help psychotherapist.

    Test questions:

    1. Are you much more energetic when you're in a better mood?
    2. Do you communicate more with people in this state?
    3. Do you make risky decisions more often?
    4. Are you coming up with more new ideas?
    5. Does sexual desire increase when your mood rises?
    6. Do you feel sorry for yourself when you're depressed?
    7. When you're sad, do you feel like a failure?
    8. When you are in a bad mood, do others irritate you?
    9. Are you experiencing a breakdown?
    10. Do you often think about the worthlessness of your existence?

    If you answered 4 times - YES! You may have bipolar personality disorder, consult a psychotherapist.

    At such moments, people experience a state of spiritual inspiration and are ready to “move mountains” on their way.

    What is this pathology?

    At one point, completely unpredictable reactions to ongoing events may occur. When a person is in a manic-depressive mood, such mood swings go beyond the usual and generally accepted norms of behavior. This is the first sign of illness.

    With this disease, a wave of mood changes ranges from mild depression to manic behavior.

    Causes of the disease

    Anyone can experience bipolar disorder under certain conditions.

    What are the reasons for the tendency to this type of mood change is still not completely clear.

    Although, it is believed that with the correlation of certain factors, the disease begins to progress.

    Genetic disorder

    Although this disorder is not one of the hereditary diseases, there is still some probability of a strong genetic element. For them to begin to appear and dominate, it must be a whole set of genes, and not just a single one.

    This group of genes should be responsible for impulses and regulation in the brain. First of all, the disease at the genetic level affects first-degree relatives, that is, brothers and sisters.

    However, life events that arise can greatly affect a person’s subconscious and cause disturbances. It is important how upbringing occurs in the family, the absence of violence, rigid imposition of one’s principles and life position, which can lead to stress.

    Adopted children are almost seven times more susceptible to this disease. The statistics are also disappointing for twins, one of whom has experienced this disease.

    The chance that the other twin will also have the disorder is too high, about 60 to 80 percent. But the rest can remain healthy, despite the development of identical twins, which means that there are other factors affecting the brain and its disorders.

    Sometimes genetic inheritance begins to manifest itself under the influence of external factors.

    Heredity factors and external stimuli, stress can complement each other, contributing to the development of bipolar disease.

    Change in nerve cells

    The human brain contains active chemical elements on a biological level, they are called neurotransmitters. They are responsible for transmitting signals between all nerve cells.

    Scientists and doctors suggest that during periods of stress, the level of this substance decreases, due to which there is poor transmission of signals and impulses along nerve cells. But this is only during periods of depression; in a manic mood, on the contrary, the number of neurotransmitters increases.

    Stress and life events

    Stress can later turn into the most different shapes manifestations. So, for example, for one person a wedding is a joyful event, but for another it is a real disaster, full of nervous tension.

    Such reasons include stress that occurs when changing jobs, financial or family problems. This, combining into a whole picture, along with a person’s impressionability, develops into this disease.

    The brain and nervous system become vulnerable and perceive repeated stress much more often than usual. Constant use leaves a clear imprint alcoholic drinks, narcotic substances.


    Symptoms of mental illness

    Main symptoms:

    • unjustified aggression;
    • irritability;
    • lack of sleep;
    • skeptical views on life and what is happening around;
    • inexplicable cheerful mood;
    • private changes in behavior.

    TO specific features bipolar disorder involves loss of time. It constantly seems to the patient that his depression and other largely contrived troubles last forever.

    This state never seems to leave him. From what period all this began is completely unclear; only relatives can clarify the situation.

    Even before the patient begins to experience unhealthy symptoms, they are preceded by some disruptions:

    • constant fatigue, loss of strength;
    • feeling of oppression, loss of meaning in life;
    • the need for constant rest, vacation, etc.;
    • uncertainty about own strength, life position;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • fright, nervous tension, irritability;
    • lack of responsibility for daily duties;
    • decreased interest in sex.

    If suddenly the first signs listed apply to you or your loved one, you need to start treatment.

    It seems to the patient that he is an “empty place” for those around him, his life has no meaning.

    Those around him do not perceive him as a person, they show all sorts of opposition, taking on the appearance of enemies. In relation to himself, a person is torn between opposing moods and opinions.

    Complex treatment of pathology

    At correct selection methods of treatment, patients even with the most running form disorders can be cured, lead nerve cells back to normal. Since the disease can have relapses, constant medical supervision and regular interviews with a psychiatrist are required.

    It is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere in home environment. Leave nervous work, do not communicate with people who cause stress or negative emotions.

    Only qualified psychiatrists with the required experience can prescribe medications called “mood stabilizers.” They have a beneficial effect on general state, psychological and have a calming effect on a person.

    Electroconvulsive therapy is recommended only for those who do not respond to either medication or consultation with a doctor. In addition, such therapy is used only for repeated advanced episodes.

    If you suspect this mental disorder, you need to undergo comprehensive examination and begin treatment immediately. Delaying this over time will lead to a constant course of the disease, only in a more severe form.