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Dental care. Dental care for dental implants – oral hygiene and professional dental care

More than half of older people are forced to wear removable dentures. Previously, such structures often looked terrifying and caused discomfort to patients. However, modern ones can be quite aesthetic and comfortable. But no matter how ideal and modern such structures look, it is important to be able to properly care for them. Otherwise, poor hygiene will not only lead to quick exit prostheses out of order, a and k serious problems on health. Let's figure out how to properly care for dentures.

For the solution, one tablet is dissolved in half a glass of boiled water. After 15 minutes in this solution, the prosthesis is washed with settled water. Exactly like this special compounds not only disinfect the plate, but also mechanically dissolve excess fixing agents.

Modern fixatives contain silicone polymers, which act as a barrier to bacterial growth.

  • Home methods are not a substitute professional cleaning prosthesis. To do this, it must be periodically shown to the orthodontist for examination and necessary adjustments.
  • With the help of special abrasive compounds, the denture is perfectly cleaned and looks like it was just made. In this case, all mineral deposits are removed from the structures. It is enough to apply this process once every six months.

wonderful modern method cleaning and disinfection removable structures is ultrasonic sanitation. It is produced in dental offices once every 6 months. An ultrasonic bath destroys bacterial contamination, plaque and neutralizes staining caused by food products.

Oral care

The oral cavity is considered the most infected area of ​​the entire body. A huge army of diverse bacteria is just waiting to begin to actively multiply and fill the body with its colonies.

One of the factors contributing to the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microbes in the mouth is a person’s negligent attitude towards personal hygiene. Therefore, you cannot take oral care lightly.

Key points of oral hygiene

Before putting on your dentures in the morning, it is important to make sure your mouth is clean. To do this, it is best to do this:

  • Rinse your mouth and remove food. If even a few of your teeth remain, preliminary brushing of the teeth, tongue and palate with a soft brush and paste is mandatory. It is convenient to use brushes with silicone papillae to clean the tongue and palate.
  • If the patient has no own teeth, he just needs to wipe his mouth with a gauze swab.

Storage of dentures

Previously, dentures had to be stored in a glass of water, about which a lot of funny and curious stories were often told. This method of storing removable structures was necessary, since the rubber mass material quickly dried out and cracked.

Modern dental plate materials (nylon, metal, silicone or acrylic) do not crack and do not require overnight storage in liquids.

Most patients retain their artificial teeth in convenient cases or plastic containers. The prosthesis can also be stored wrapped in clean cotton cloth. The main thing here is convenience for the patient and safety of the structures.

Children or animals that could damage it should not be allowed near the prosthesis. It is also important to store it in a safe place, preventing it from being dropped or impacted. heavy objects. Although modern structures can withstand severe chewing forces, impacting them with heavy objects or falling from a height onto a hard surface can easily destroy them.

Before installation, it is important to inspect the prosthesis each time to identify any breaks or irregularities (notches, abrasions, bends). A seemingly minor defect in it can seriously complicate normal life to the patient, leading to constant discomfort and pain during use. In this case, the plates not only begin to rub the gums and become a constant source of injury to the oral mucosa, but also quickly become loose and fail.

Nuances of nutrition with artificial teeth

It is extremely important to correctly select the food load after prosthetics so that the service life of the removable plates is long.

For the first six months, food is used as crushed and soft as possible. At this point, many patients complain of a violation taste sensations, drooling, biting the tongue or cheeks, frequent food getting under the denture.

After six months, the diet becomes more saturated. It becomes possible to use a variety of fish, meat and vegetable dishes.

Nuts, seeds, crackers, candies, toffees and chewing gum are prohibited after prosthetics. Large pieces of solid food (apples, carrots, etc.) can also destroy the prosthesis or cause pain when eating.

It is also undesirable to consume products that have a coloring effect (strong tea or coffee, red wine, soda with dyes). Same unpleasant effect also has nicotine.

Proper care of dentures is essential. But don’t be upset by the many restrictions when using them. Usually for a short time Most people get used to both the prosthesis and the nuances of caring for it. Modern dental structures are becoming comfortable and allow a person not to deny himself any of life’s pleasures.

What could be better beautiful smile? This is the most charming decoration for any girl. After all, a person with a wide, dazzling smile always attracts the attention of others and evokes a sincere smile in return. To have a great smile, you need to take care of your teeth. We present to your attention advice from dentists that will help you ensure proper care for teeth.

1.Choose your toothbrush correctly and carefully. Don't skimp on the brush. It should have high-quality bristles that are not too hard and not too soft. It is wiser to use a brush with fairly soft bristles. Change the brush every 3 months.

2. Buy silk dental floss. Dentists believe that proper dental care also includes the use of dental floss. With its help, you can clean your teeth better. After all, as a rule, Toothbrush is not able to penetrate into all the spaces between the teeth.

3.Choose toothpaste, which is right for you. The question regarding the choice of pasta is very individual. It all depends on the health of your gums and the presence of tartar. When purchasing a toothpaste, look for the product's approval by the American Dental Association.

4.Rinse your mouth after every meal. If after eating you do not have the opportunity to brush your teeth, simply rinse your mouth with water. This procedure will reduce the acid content in the mouth and get rid of pieces of food stuck in the teeth.

5.Try to avoid overuse sticky products. Experts are sure that products that stick to teeth destroy them. Cheese, on the contrary, prevents the destruction process, ridding the oral cavity of excess microbes.

6.Drink as much water as possible. Dry mouth most often leads to gum problems. Therefore, if you experience an unpleasant feeling of dryness, rinse your mouth with water or herbal decoction. Dentists also advise using special rinses along with antibacterial toothpastes. Remember that dental care at home should be comprehensive.

7. Take care of the beauty of your smile. You've probably noticed that coffee and black tea contribute to darkening of the enamel. To avoid this process, you can brush your teeth after every meal, or take regular courses of gentle whitening. You can also add a drop to toothpaste essential oil lemon.

8. Take care of your teeth. Use your teeth only for chewing food. You should not use them to crack the nut shell. You risk losing your teeth. Today services dental clinics very expensive. Be mindful of when you want to use your teeth as a tool.

9. Take care of your lips. Those with chapped and dry lips will never be able to boast a charming smile.

10.Make regular appointments with a highly qualified dentist. Preventing caries will save you from many problems associated with loss and damage to your teeth.

On time - that means, even before teeth erupt
The newborn has no teeth, but germs are already entering the mouth. Parents can introduce them by kissing their child, tasting food from a spoon, licking a pacifier - there are a lot of ways for germs to get into the oral cavity of a newborn. Let's not forget about food leftovers - bacteria feed on them.

According to the results of research published back in 1967 by L.N. Rebreeva. and Kuskova V.F., the main part of the microflora of the oral cavity consists of saprophytes. They appear with the first breath of a newborn during the passage of the birth canal.
Saprophytes are classified as conditionally pathogenic microflora. Their transition to pathogenic forms is facilitated by unfavorable operating conditions. oral cavity, which are easy to create.

Bacteria are unpretentious. They feed on food debris that lingers in the newborn's mouth if hygiene is poor.

Therefore, parents should wipe the child’s mouth about half an hour after each meal. This can be done using clean gauze or a cotton swab dipped in warm boiled water. Also, a silicone fingertip with soft protrusions was specially created for these purposes.

There is another way to clean the mouth - Spiffies dental wipes, invented in the USA by Dr. Ray Wagner, a practicing pediatric dentist. The wipes are soaked in a solution containing xylitol. This solution, remaining in the oral cavity, reduces the risk of developing. In addition, the packets of wipes are hermetically sealed, so they do not contain excess bacteria. It’s easy to wipe your baby’s mouth with a napkin - you just need to wrap it around your finger and remove any remaining food from the baby’s gums and teeth.

Time for a toothbrush
The usual period is 6-8 months. From this moment on, mechanical cleaning of the surface of each new tooth is necessary.

Brushing your teeth should be done as with adults - twice a day. But you need to choose a special brush - with very soft bristles and a small head, no more than 2-2.5 teeth in size.

Usually a child does not like brushing his teeth, and you need to try to organize this process in such a way that it does not bother the baby. A great way to make sure your child gets used to a new activity and doesn’t worry or be capricious is to brush his teeth in a playful way.

Time for toothpaste
You can start using toothpaste around 1 year of age. Of course, you need to choose a special pasta – for children.

Children's paste is usually liked by kids because it is made with strawberry or bubblegum flavor. This may be why children often swallow the paste, and the accumulation of excess fluoride in the body is harmful. Therefore, toothpaste for babies is developed taking this point into account - it contains little fluoride.

In addition to providing protection against caries, children's pastes also care for gums and reduce discomfort when new teeth erupt.

Meet the dentist
Taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the child’s dental system, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation issued order No. 307 dated April 28, 2007 “On the standard of dispensary (preventive) observation of a child during the first year of life,” which specifies the timing of a dental examination of a newborn child.

At 9 months the child must be taken to see pediatric dentist so that the doctor can check for diseases of the mucous membrane (stomatitis), monitor the eruption and growth of teeth, and give recommendations for care.

At 12 months, the dentist should conduct an examination to identify possible dental diseases, including childhood caries, which occurs due to poor nutrition or some childhood habits.

In parallel with hygiene, of course, it is necessary to follow proper nutrition and do not give your child a lot of sweets and sugar - they destroy the teeth of not only the adult, but also the child.

Dental care is almost a ritual that has become an integral part of our lives. Nowadays, it is so indicative to demonstrate your health through a dazzling white smile. We admire perfect teeth famous actors, but we do practically nothing to preserve the naturalness of our own.

It’s worth emphasizing right away that it’s not enough to just brush your teeth. Snow-white smile is rare due to the fact that many people ignore caring for their teeth.

Healthy enamel has a slightly bluish tint. IN Brown color it is transformed by plaque, and plaque is the first sign of a violation of daily oral care.

The most known disease– caries. Fight him - the main problem dentistry. Caries destroys the tooth almost to its entire depth, affects the nerve, leads to the death of the tooth, and also spoils the stomach; microbes nest in the affected teeth. It is always better to prevent a disease, and if it concerns teeth, then prevent it from childhood.

Dental care is necessary for all those who do not want to lose them. The first method of prevention is systematic health improvement. We must not forget about the necessary trips to the dentist. You need to monitor the entire oral cavity. The gums protect the neck of the tooth. They also need to be taken care of very carefully.

The surest remedy against rotting and deposits is daily care. Fresh carrots and apples promote mechanical cleansing and remove food debris from the surface of the enamel or from the interdental spaces.

Don't forget to rinse your mouth by special means, which are sold in pharmacies, or 2% interest aqueous solution calendula, which has excellent bactericidal properties.

Sweet, sticky, sour food, as well as carbonated drinks such as Coca-Cola (by the way), are very harmful. Microbes stick to stuck food and have harmful influence and destroy the enamel, which cannot be restored.

You should not ignore brushing your teeth before going to bed, because at night, due to less intense salivation, bacteria multiply at a faster rate.

Teeth care also includes morning brushing. It refreshes the oral cavity and increases blood circulation in the gums. Choose a brush of medium hardness; aggressive bristles are not the key to good teeth cleaning.

When choosing a toothpaste, you should not focus on such indicators as taste, smell and cheapness. The paste, like the brush, also needs to be changed periodically. If in doubt about your choice, consult your dentist.

You should not get rid of food debris between your teeth with a hairpin, needle or any other sharp or metal object. This can damage the enamel, cause infection in the gums and cause inflammation.

Taking care of your teeth should be smart. To save your teeth, you need to not only remember and know the basic rules for caring for your teeth, but also be sure to adhere to them.

Basic rules for dental care

  1. Visit your dentist regularly. Don't waste your time and money on this.
  2. Clean and rinse your mouth regularly. You need to take care of your teeth on time.
  3. Change the brush every 3 months, periodically disinfect it, and be sure to immerse the new one in boiling water for a few minutes.
  4. Use floss (thread) as needed before your next cleaning. This will help get rid of stuck food.
  5. Avoid cleaning with metal objects; there are wooden toothpicks for this.
  6. Don’t neglect cleaning not only in the morning, but also before bed.
  7. Never use someone else's brush; remember that even brushes lying nearby can transmit bacteria.
  8. Eat as much as possible healthy fruits and vegetables, avoid sugar, carbonated drinks, acidic aggressive foods. Otherwise, you can get into trouble not only with your teeth, but also with excess weight.
  9. Include foods high in calcium in your diet.
  10. Never open anything with your mouth (bottles, etc.) or chew. There are other suitable tools for this.

Immediately after birth, various germs and microorganisms enter the baby’s mouth; this happens through the kisses of loving parents, through licked pacifiers and spoons during feeding. There are a huge number of possibilities for microbes to enter the body. It is also worth remembering about the most favorable environment for microbes - food fragments remaining in the mouths of babies, on which the microbes feed.

Back in the 1960s, a number of studies were conducted, the results of which found that most of the microflora of the oral cavity consists of saprophytes. Saprophytes belong to the category of opportunistic microorganisms and appear during the passage of newborns through the birth canal, when they first inhale air. The transition from an opportunistic category to a pathogenic category can be provoked by negative conditions oral cavity work, which is very simple to form.

Microbes and bacteria are very undemanding. For their livelihoods, it is enough for them to feed on fragments of food remaining in the oral cavity after eating, subject to non-compliance with hygiene requirements. To prevent this, parents are advised to clean their babies' mouths approximately 30 minutes after each feeding. This can be done using sterile gauze or bandage, as well as a cotton swab, which are pre-moistened with chilled boiled water. In addition, to perform these operations in pharmacies you can purchase a specialized rubber fingertip with special soft protrusions.

You can also monitor the oral health of newborns and perform hygienic operations using Spiffies dental wet wipes, invented by the American pediatric dentist R. Wagner. The solution that impregnates these wipes contains xylitol, which, if it enters the baby’s mouth, reduces the possibility of diarrhea. In addition, the wipes are sealed in airtight and airtight packaging to prevent harmful microorganisms from entering the wipes. To clean the oral cavity of babies, you just need to place a napkin on the forefinger and cleanse the child of food particles as well.

Using a toothbrush

A baby's teeth begin to emerge around the age of six to eight months. After the baby's teeth begin to appear, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of each tooth mechanically. Children, like adults, need to brush their teeth twice a day. However, a special toothbrush should be chosen for this, with delicate and soft bristles and a head size no larger than the size of two and a half child’s teeth.

Very often, children do not like the process of brushing their teeth; in such cases, it is advisable to organize this procedure in such a way as not to cause anxiety to the child. Optimal method carry out this procedure without forcing the child to be capricious, teaching him to brush his teeth - turn this hygienic procedure into a playful game.

The appearance of toothpaste in a child's life

It is recommended to use toothpaste to clean a child's teeth at the age of about one year. It is necessary to use only special children's paste. It tastes quite pleasant, has the aroma of berries, fruits and chewing gum, so children usually like it very much. A child can even swallow such toothpaste, since it contains a very small amount of fluoride, the accumulation of which in the human body can be dangerous.

In addition to performing the function of preventing the occurrence, children's toothpastes provide proper care for and reduce unpleasant and painful sensations during teething.

Visit to the dentist

Taking into account all the characteristics and nuances of the development of the dentofacial apparatus in children, in 2007, the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development issued an order regulating all the timing of examinations of children by the dentist.

Upon reaching the age of nine months, the child must be taken to a pediatric dentist to be examined for the presence of candidiasis and other diseases of the mucous membrane. The dentist will also determine whether the teething process is proceeding correctly and, if necessary, recommend procedures for caring for them.

At the age of twelve months, the dentist must examine the child for all dental diseases, including childhood caries, which occurs very often due to improper oral hygiene and due to the child’s individual habits.

In addition to dental visits and hygiene procedures, it is also necessary to monitor right baby, limit the consumption of sweet foods and sugar - they have a detrimental effect on the condition of teeth, both in adults and children.