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How to restore taste when you have a cold. What to do if your sense of smell and taste is lost. Causes and treatment

The ability to perceive smells and tastes allows a person to feel the fullness of life, enjoy pleasant aromas and avoid bad-smelling things. Often, a common runny nose causes the development of smell disorders. This condition brings significant discomfort and can last for several days or much longer. If your sense of smell is lost due to a runny nose, the lost function can be restored fairly quickly. For this purpose various effective ways, recommended by conventional and alternative medicine.

Why does the sense of smell and taste disappear when you have a runny nose?

Anosmia is a complete or partial loss of the ability to distinguish odors. If similar phenomenon occurs with a runny nose, there should be no reason for concern - in this case, this process is natural. Most often, it is easily reversible, since in most patients the condition normalizes after reducing the swelling of the nasal mucosa and eliminating the root cause of the development of the disorder.

During a cold and severe runny nose are happening following processes leading to loss of smell:

  • the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity (neuroepithelium containing odor-sensitive cilia) swells;
  • its structure changes;
  • the sensitivity of the receptors in the nasal passages weakens.

A condition in which the nose breathes, but does not smell, is often accompanied by a large accumulation of mucus, deterioration in the quality of sleep, and increased irritability.

The pathology occurs in two main forms - hyposmia and anosmia. In the first case, the negative phenomenon is temporary, sensitivity is partially lost and gradually normalizes with minimal external influence. The development of anosmia is fraught with a complete loss of sensitivity to smells and tastes, which can result in more severe consequences and requires a professional approach to treatment.

Most often, after a runny nose, full sense of smell returns after 5-7 days. Under unfavorable circumstances, the defect may remain forever - as unpleasant consequences transferred illness.

Causes of loss of smell

The most common cause of temporary loss of olfactory sensations in most people is untimely and poor-quality treatment of a runny nose. With rhinitis, there is also a weakening or complete disappearance of taste sensations, for which the receptors covering the body of the tongue are responsible. Colds and runny nose do not affect them normal functioning, and loss of taste is naturally associated with a lack of smell.

The lack of smell makes it impossible to fully enjoy the taste of food. If a person does not smell food, the brain is not able to analyze in detail the various flavors of different dishes. At the same time, it retains the ability to detect sweet, salty, etc.

In addition to a runny nose, causes of loss of smell include:

  1. Viral infections that also cause itching in the nasal cavity, sneezing, nasal congestion, and copious mucus discharge.
  2. Infectious and inflammatory processes occurring in the nasopharynx.
  3. Sinusitis, after which there is often a loss of taste and olfactory function.
  4. Uncontrolled use of medications intended for nasal use. An overdose of such drugs can damage the nasal mucosa and deprive it of the ability to perceive even strong odors.
  5. Irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa by substances with a pronounced taste and aroma (alcohol, garlic, spicy seasonings) or substances of chemical origin.
  6. Allergic reactions causing severe swelling And copious discharge from the nose.
  7. Hormonal imbalance that develops during menstruation, use oral contraceptives, during the period of bearing a child.
  8. Anatomical features of the structure of the nasal cavity, the presence of polyps or adenoids in it.

A common cause of loss of smell is regular smoking (both active and passive). The full functioning of nasal receptors is reduced as a result of constant irritation of the mucous membrane by tobacco smoke.

How to restore your sense of smell

In order to normalize lost taste sensations and the ability to distinguish aromas, the following is used:

For effective fight With the disease, first of all, you will need to eliminate the runny nose and mucus accumulating in the nasal cavity. To do this, doctors recommend resorting to the following methods:

  1. Washing with saline solutions and preparations containing silver (in children this procedure must be carried out under adult supervision and taking into account age characteristics). For nasal irrigation, pharmaceutical products Quix, Salin, Physiomer, Morenasal, Aqua Maris, etc. are used.
  2. The use of nasal drops that have a vasoconstrictor effect (Tizin, Xylometazoline, Naphazoline). Similar drugs can be used for no more than 7 days, since prolonged instillation can lead to the opposite effect.
  3. The use of sprays that help eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane, reduce the amount of nasal discharge, restore full breathing and restore the function of taste buds. For this purpose, Vibrocil, Afrin, Otrivin, Ximelin, Oxymetazoline are indicated.
  4. Prescription of immunocorrectors (for frequent relapses). Imudon or tincture of Echinacea purpurea help increase the body's defenses.
  5. Sedative therapy with the ingestion of valerian and motherwort preparations that help improve general well-being, making it easier to fall asleep and relieving irritation.

To restore a patient’s sense of smell and taste during a runny nose, a specialist may prescribe endonasal injections (injection of hormone-containing medications into areas of pathology).

After completing the therapeutic course, effective physical procedures are prescribed to consolidate the results of treatment and speed up the recovery of the body. Many patients are recommended to undergo phonophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation of the pharynx and nose, electrophoresis, and nasal massage. At home, if you have a runny nose, warming can be done using a blue lamp, but such sessions must be coordinated with a specialist.

Independent use of pharmaceutical drugs to restore the sense of smell during a runny nose is unacceptable. Any treatment methods for anosmia should be discussed in detail with your doctor.

Help of traditional medicine in restoring taste and smell

Traditional medicine can offer various ways restoration of a weakened sense of smell and taste in normal home conditions. Good effect with a weakened sense of smell, it can be obtained through inhalations, applications, instillations and foot baths.

Inhalations with natural ingredients

If vegetable oils have not been used before, the first step is to conduct sensitivity testing. A small amount of the product is applied to the elbow and wait for the skin reaction. In its absence, the product can be used without fear.

When starting the procedure, you need to add the following components to a small amount of water:

  • lemon juice;
  • lavender oil;
  • peppermint oil.

Inhalations are carried out during an exacerbation of a runny nose and after it decreases. For sessions can be used steam inhaler or a wide enamel pan. In the second case, you need to cover your head with a towel. For adults, you will need to inhale the steam for at least 3 minutes; for children over 3 years of age, 1 minute is enough. The water temperature should reach 30-40 degrees.

Sessions can be held up to 3 times during the day. Also, decoctions of calendula, sage, and freshly squeezed garlic juice can be used for inhalation treatment of impaired sense of smell.

Instillation of herbal remedies for a runny nose

Quickly and effectively restore your sense of smell, taste sensations Celandine juice helps. Clean product not suitable for preparing nasal drops - it will need to be diluted with clean boiled water in equal proportions and instill the resulting product into each nostril (3-4 drops). It is recommended to carry out the procedure 3 to 5 times a day.

Expressed therapeutic effect when the sense of smell deteriorates, they can provide natural combined drops. Honey and Fresh Juice beets are mixed in equal quantities. The resulting mixture is injected into the nasal passages three times throughout the day (2 drops per childhood and 4 for adults). Duration of treatment is from 5 to 7 days.

Ointment with propolis is effective for applications. It is prepared as follows - combine a small amount bee product with two types of oils (olive + butter). Flaxseed, corn or sunflower are also suitable. The mixture is heated using a water bath, after which all components are thoroughly mixed. Turundas with the finished composition applied to them are placed in both nostrils for 20 minutes. The procedure must be repeated in the morning and evening time for 5-7 days. And after a runny nose, your sense of smell will return within 7-8 days

To restore your sense of smell when you have a runny nose, you can use natural liquid honey. For this purpose, gauze turundas soaked in bee product are inserted into the nostrils for 20 minutes.

If, with a cold and runny nose, the sense of smell and taste, expressed positive result will provide foot baths. To prepare them, various components are used - mustard, eucalyptus tincture or pepper. These products are added in small quantities to a container with clean hot water. The procedure allows not only to restore lost functions, but also improves blood circulation, eliminates nasal congestion, and speeds up recovery.

If you have lost your sense of smell and taste due to a cold, then inhaling sharp aromas (onions, horseradish), vapors through your nose will benefit your weakened sense of smell. menthol oil, the smoke produced by burning garlic peels, loved by many generations pharmaceutical drug"Star".

When loss of smell becomes a reason for surgery

Surgical treatment may be indicated if there is no runny nose or nasal discharge, breathing has been restored, but the sense of smell and taste perception have not returned to normal.

A radical method of eliminating anosmia is resorted to if, during an examination of the patient’s nasal cavity, polyps or cystic formations. Also surgical intervention indicated for deviated nasal septum.

If it appears in the nose malignant tumors In addition to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are used, after which the chances of full recovery sense of smell increases significantly.

Prevention of deterioration of smell after a runny nose

To avoid loss of smell and taste, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Treat rhinitis and colds with initial stage development.
  2. During periods of increased incidence, rinse your nose with saline solutions, chamomile, and eucalyptus decoction.
  3. Regularly conduct aromatherapy sessions with medicinal essential oils.
  4. Include in daily diet natural products foods enriched with zinc and vitamin A.
  5. After suffering from ARVI or flu, do hardening and strengthening immune system body.

With a runny nose vasoconstrictors for the nose should be used after receiving a doctor’s prescription, in full accordance with the attached instructions.

Any disturbances in the sense of smell may indicate the development of pathology in the central nervous system or impaired blood supply to the brain. If the ability to distinguish smells and tastes is weakened or lost, not accompanied by deterioration in nasal breathing, an immediate visit to the doctor and medical examination will be required.

The nose cannot smell, what should I do? This is the question asked by everyone who has encountered a similar problem. The first step is to contact a specialist. He will conduct an examination and be able to determine the cause of the loss of smell, and then prescribe treatment.

Causes of loss of smell

There are several reasons why your nose will not smell. Most often this occurs due to swelling of the mucous membrane. With acute respiratory viral infections, flu, sinusitis, and sinusitis, a loss of smell occurs, but this is a temporary phenomenon, so there is nothing to worry about: as soon as the swelling subsides, everything will fall into place. To get rid of the problem, you can use drops and sprays. They will help restore nasal breathing and the swelling will be removed.

However, loss of smell sometimes occurs due to anatomical changes in the nasal cavity. It could be:

  • hypertrophy of the nasal concha;
  • tumor;
  • deviated septum;
  • adenoids;
  • polyp.

Drops and sprays cannot get rid of this; surgical intervention is necessary. For this reason, you should make an appointment with your doctor to determine the real reason loss of smell. After which treatment will be prescribed.

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When no odors are felt due to swelling of the mucous membrane, vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed. Most often this is:

  • "Nazol";
  • "Nazoveron";
  • "Rinazolin";
  • "Naphthyzin";
  • "Reserpine";
  • "Naphazoline".

In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed. The drug and its dosage must be calculated by the doctor.

It is recommended to use them for no more than 5-7 days, since they are addictive and will not help subsequently. But usually during this time it is possible to get rid of a runny nose and restore your sense of smell. To speed up the process, it is recommended to rinse your nose three times a day. saline solution. To prepare it you will need 1 liter warm water dissolve 5 g of salt. Then the product is poured into a special teapot, syringe or syringe, and the liquid is carefully injected into one nostril. It should flow out through the other. Along with it, the bacteria that caused the swelling will also come out. After 3 days of this therapy, you will be able to regain your sense of smell.

Often the reason why the nose does not smell is an allergy. Here without antihistamines there's simply no way around it. You can take Claritin or Suprastin and see how the body reacts. If the sense of smell is not restored after a few hours, then it is necessary to identify the allergen and eliminate it, otherwise the problem cannot be solved.

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Traditional recipes for loss of smell

You can regain your ability to smell using folk remedies. To restore the olfactory function of the nose, inhalations are recommended. Good results provide essential oils. The following oils are suitable for the procedure:

  • pine needles;
  • eucalyptus;
  • St. John's wort;
  • mint;
  • orange

For inhalation, heat 2 liters of water in a saucepan. Then 8-10 drops are added to it essential oil, after which the patient covers himself with a towel and inhales the vapors for 15 minutes. The procedure is recommended to be done within 5 days. During this time, the sense of smell should be restored. Inhaling pure oils also gives good results. To do this, apply a few drops to a handkerchief.

Inhalations can also be carried out using herbs. For the procedure you can use the following:

  • coltsfoot;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • oregano;
  • Melissa;
  • sage;
  • mint.

You can mix them in equal proportions or take only one plant. To prepare the decoction, you will need to pour 20 g of raw material into 1 liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Then put a towel over your head and breathe in the vapors for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is 3-5 days. The procedure is recommended to be carried out daily. Your sense of smell should return soon. You can rinse your nose with this decoction; the solution will wash away bacteria from the sinuses, and breathing will become much easier.

If your nose doesn't smell, traditional healers It is recommended to treat this disease with herbs. To do this, you need to light dry wormwood and inhale the smoke. A similar procedure can be done up to 5 times a day. Your sense of smell should soon be restored. If wormwood is not on hand, you can light garlic or onion skins. Restores the sense of smell and coffee. You should purchase it in grains, pour it into a glass container and inhale the aroma for 10 minutes three times a day.

Propolis will help with this problem. You will need 10 g of product mixed with 50 g butter and put on water bath for 2 hours. Then the mixture is filtered and cooled. It will need to be moistened cotton buds, and insert into the nostrils for 30 minutes twice a day. After a week, olfactory function should be completely restored.

Mumiyo will also help to cope with this problem. To do this, take a grain-sized piece of the product and dissolve it in 5 ml of lamb fat. Cotton swabs should be soaked in this mixture and placed for 30 minutes twice a day. The duration of therapy is 1 week.

It is recommended to instill 2-3 drops of menthol oil into the nose several times a day. You can lubricate your temples and forehead with it; Soon you will be able to feel an improvement. A mixture of menthol and castor oils in equal proportions gives a good effect. It is recommended to apply this remedy to the nose three times a day.

You can restore your olfactory function with the help of Golden Star balm. First, the jar is placed in the sun, then after a few hours the ointment is applied to the back of the nose and the middle of the forehead. The procedure is recommended to be carried out up to 10 times a day for a week.

Ginger will also help with this problem. Pour 5 g of dried raw material into 50 ml of hot milk and leave for an hour. Then the infusion is filtered and the nose is washed with it. The procedure is recommended to be carried out three times a day until complete cure. Usually this takes no more than 10 days.

Birch tar helps in the treatment of swelling of the nasal mucosa. You will need 100 g of product per 500 ml cold water and leave for 12 hours. Then 100 ml of beet juice and 5 ml are added to the mixture castor oil. The resulting medicine should be slightly warmed and filtered. After which 2 pieces of gauze are moistened in it, which should be folded in several layers, and applied to the forehead, nose, maxillary sinuses and the area under the eyes. Polyethylene and a warm scarf are placed on top. Cotton swabs soaked in the medicine are placed in the nostrils. You need to keep everything for at least 30 minutes. After several such procedures, the problem should completely go away.

You can also treat a nose that does not smell with the help of sage. An infusion is prepared from it. To do this, 10 g of raw material is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for 30 minutes. Then the product is filtered and taken 60 ml three times a day before meals.

You can regain your sense of smell with hand baths. Before going to bed, you will need to soak your brushes in brine for 15 minutes. It is recommended to do the procedure daily for a week.

How to restore your sense of smell and taste with a runny nose? For recovery, factory-produced drugs are used and traditional methods. Most of them are highly effective and promote rapid recovery. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.

General information

Often, with colds, people are faced with the loss of their sense of smell and taste. This phenomenon provokes rhinitis. Patients are not able to distinguish smells and tastes precisely because of a cold, when no measures were taken to eliminate the runny nose for a long time, or they were insufficient.

When the sense of smell is lost due to a runny nose, another reason may contribute to this phenomenon. For example, a head injury that caused damage to the nasal septum. It sometimes bends and breaks.

Other factors:

  • formation of polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • smoking;
  • a person inhales harmful to the respiratory organs and the whole respiratory system substances of chemical origin;
  • formation of a tumor in the nose.

Very in rare cases the sense of smell can disappear due to birth defect.

In medicine, deviations associated with the differentiation of odors are distinguished. They are called hyposmia or anosmia. With hyposmia, a temporary or periodic weakening of the sense of smell occurs. When a patient has anosmia ( complete absence sense of smell), he completely stops feeling aromas.

Drug therapy

Recovery is often performed through medications that should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. He can accurately determine why a person has lost his sense of smell and why he cannot feel taste.

The following drugs are popular for this problem:

  1. Nazol.
  2. Naphthyzin.
  3. Lazolvan Rino.
  4. Galazolin.

These agents have a vasoconstrictor effect. A positive result with their help is achieved by eliminating swelling of the mucous surface. However, treatment with them can be carried out for no more than 1 week. This is due to the provoking addiction. In addition, their effectiveness is significantly weakened.

If the sense of smell is lost due to allergic rhinitis, the patient is usually prescribed an antihistamine. If this does not help or the case is very serious, use corticosteroids local action. For example, Eden, Flixonase, Nasonex, etc.

If, after a runny nose, the sense of smell has disappeared, and this deviation is caused by sinusitis, therapy is carried out only according to the recommendations of an ENT doctor. Only the attending physician can provide appropriate assistance. Self-medication leads to very serious consequences. Due to inflammation that appears in the sinuses, pathologies such as meningitis, sepsis, etc. develop.

Therapy with folk remedies

The sense of smell can be restored through traditional medicine. Sometimes it's enough to do simple exercises. You should alternately tense and relax the nasal wings.

In order for the receptors to begin to perform their functions again, it is necessary to withstand the voltage for a longer time. The exercise is performed several times during the day. This treatment is carried out every day until a completely positive result is obtained.

You can restore lost functions by rinsing the sinuses using salt water. To obtain the right solution, you need to boil a glass of water and dilute 1 tsp in it. table salt. Can be used sea ​​salt.

How to restore your sense of smell? You need to close 1 nostril with your finger, while the second nostril needs to be slowly sucked in the received medicine. Using this procedure, it is permissible to treat not only adult patients, but also children. Additionally, add a few drops of iodine to 200 ml of water.

Essential oils

What to do if taste and smell have disappeared? You can overcome the problem with the use of essential oils. It is necessary to boil 200 ml of water in a small enamel bowl. Add a few drops of mint essential oil, lavender, and lemon balm to the liquid. You can choose any oil you like. Pour 2 tbsp into the mixture. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice.

You can restore your sense of smell after a runny nose if you do steam inhalations.

The patient should tilt his face over the container and inhale the steam through his nose. You can quickly get rid of rhinitis and restore the lost taste and smell.

It is enough to carry out the procedure for 2-3 days. However, you cannot immediately abandon inhalations after improvement occurs. The result should be consolidated by performing several more procedures.

Home Treatment Options

To restore the sense of smell during a runny nose, use lemon juice or cyclamen. This remedy copes well with rhinitis and its consequences. The treatment is very simple. You need to suck in the juice with both nostrils. Another option is to drop the juice into your nostrils using a dropper. The patient will begin to smell and taste in a few days. Manipulation is carried out up to 4 times a day.

I don’t smell anything, what should I do? Menthol oil is popular among people.

It needs to be instilled into each nasal passage, 2-3 drops. To speed up the moment of onset positive effect, should be lubricated skin covering nose on both sides.

How to restore your sense of smell with a runny nose and get rid of rhinitis? Propolis can come to the rescue. The product is proven and highly effective. To ensure that taste buds work without failure, ointment is used. It is prepared independently based on propolis. The drug is used to lubricate the nasal passages.

To prepare the ointment you will need 1 tsp. propolis, creamy and olive oil. Take 3 tsp of each ingredient, mix and melt in a water bath. How to treat the disease? You can place cotton swabs soaked in ointment in your nostrils. The procedure is performed within 15-20 minutes. Manipulation is carried out 2 times a day.

Other effective means

How to restore taste and recover quickly? High efficiency is different beet juice. Sugar beets are used for this. Treatment is carried out using a mixture. The juice is combined with natural liquid honey. In order for the olfactory process to normalize, it is necessary to instill the resulting composition 3-5 times during the day. If convenient, cotton swabs are soaked in the medicine and placed in the nostrils for 10-15 minutes.

How to quickly achieve a positive effect after a runny nose? In order to restore the lost sense of smell, freshly squeezed celandine juice can be used. Place 2-3 drops of juice in both nostrils. To achieve the fastest possible effect, to identify odors and tastes, you need to repeat the procedure every few hours.

If any product consumed is tasteless and a person cannot distinguish smells, you should use garlic juice.

The juice must be diluted in water. For 1 part juice you need to take 10 parts water. Cotton swabs are soaked in the resulting liquid. Already immediately after 1 session, a person feels a significant improvement in his condition. Manipulations are performed for 10 minutes, no more than 3 times a day. The cold will go away soon, as this is facilitated by the bactericidal properties of the medicine.

Loss of smell and disturbances in the functioning of taste buds are eliminated using aroma lamps. They are used with one of the essential oils that are sold in any pharmacy. Since there is excellent inhalation of oils, it is possible to quickly obtain a positive result. In patients, essential oils sometimes provoke allergies.

Loss of smell, complete or partial, can be caused by a number of reasons, ranging from a common runny nose to malignant degeneration fabrics. A slight loss of the ability to smell is not alarming symptom, but with accompanying complications and deterioration of the condition, detailed diagnosis is necessary. If the patient has no visible reasons the sense of smell has disappeared, then the best solution there will be a visit to the doctor.

Causes and mechanisms of disease development

For chronic or acute runny nose loss of smell is temporary and is caused by the accumulation of mucus, which makes it difficult for the aromatic substance to reach the nerve endings. As a result, an incomplete or blurred signal reaches the odor perception centers in the brain.

If the patient simultaneously ceases to smell and taste, then perhaps we're talking about about diseases not directly related to the ENT organs. To identify them it is necessary comprehensive diagnostics body. This symptom gives reason to suspect diabetes, brain tumor in the temporal lobe, hypertension, neurological disorders.

The sense of smell may deteriorate during physiological changes: pregnancy, menopause, aging of the body. In such cases, any medication or surgery usually not prescribed.

Diagnosis of anosmia and hyposmia

Establishing the degree of reduction in the sense of smell is based on the following scheme:

  1. Sensitivity testing using different scents.
  2. Measuring olfactory acuity using olfactometry. The device used contains cylinders with a precise amount odorous substances, which are served in nasal cavity patient.
  3. Rhinoscopy. A thorough examination of the nasal cavity, septum and the condition of the mucous membrane is a mandatory condition for examination if the sense of smell is impaired.
  4. Analysis of liquid secretion secreted by the epithelium of the nasal passages. In some cases, an infection causing a runny nose may be behind the loss of smell (for example, with ozen), so an accurate identification of the pathogen may be necessary.

Treatment of obvious disturbances of smell

Therapy of the disease is based on eliminating its main cause,
and pathological consequences(hypertrophy and atrophy of the mucosa, etc.). It is not always possible to restore your sense of smell, but if early diagnosis Surgery is usually very effective. The main difficulties of treatment occur when, as a result of injury or congenital pathology, the nerve pathways that transmit signals from the olfactory bulbs to the brain are affected.

Antibiotic therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs

This type of treatment should accompany other measures when detected infectious nature diseases. This will stop the inflammatory process and prevent further impairment of the sense of smell, and in some cases, restore it. Preparations in the form of nasal sprays can be particularly effective. These include polydex with phenylephrine, fusafungine. Local application is the safest and allows you to achieve recovery faster.

Medication may also be indicated plant origin, relieving inflammation. To such medicines applies pinosol. Sea water and preparations containing it ( aquamaris etc.) has a good anti-inflammatory effect, it moisturizes the mucous membrane and washes away the pathogen.

Antiallergic therapy

When the cause of a runny nose is allergic rhinitis, a comprehensive impact on the cause of the disease is necessary. The most effective remedy, which allows you to completely get rid of an unpleasant illness is sensitization of the body. It is a kind of “accustoming” of the immune system to a specific antigen (a substance to which an allergic reaction occurs).

First of all, it is necessary to determine the source of the disease. To do this, the patient needs to pay close attention to when and in what circumstances allergy symptoms worsen. Perhaps the reason is the flowering of certain plants, pet hair, or dry fish food.

Antigen found in laboratory conditions diluted several times, achieving a concentration at which it does not provoke any undesirable reaction. The dosage is gradually increased. As a result, the allergy goes away and the sense of smell returns. The only disadvantage of this method is its duration; addiction can last up to several months.

Sometimes there is simply no opportunity to wait that long. Then the treatment is based on a course of taking certain medications. It can be:

  • Antiallergic nasal sprays ( to one side, ifiral and etc.);
  • Tablets and solutions with histamine blockers (prevent the development allergic reaction) – Zyrtec, Fenistil, Cetirizine;
  • Glucocorticosteroids, the drugs are administered orally or as injections.

Surgical intervention

The operation, as a rule, serves to ensure full access of air into the nasal passages. One of the most common types of such intervention is nasal polypotomy. In modern surgical practice, lasers are used in most cases because classic removal loop often leads to relapses.

Sometimes when slight hypertrophy mucous membrane perhaps cauterization chemicals – lapis, trichloroacetic or chromic acids. Also in some cases the use electric current. A special galvanocauter instrument is inserted into the nasal cavity and guided along its wall for deep destruction of the mucous membrane.

More radical method is vasectomy. It is carried out under local anesthesia. The doctor makes an incision on the surface of the mucosa and separates its upper surface, destroying the submucosal tissue.

If all these methods are ineffective, resection of hypertrophied tissue is used. Using scissors or a loop, the doctor removes the changed areas of the mucosa. After the operation there is a fairly long period of recovery period, into which normal nasal epithelium should gradually grow over the damaged area.

Hygiene of the nasal mucosa to restore the sense of smell during illness

During atrophic and hypertrophic phenomena of the mucous membrane, which often accompany inflammation and allergies, its functioning is significantly impaired. This may be worsened by taking certain intranasal medications. This is what N. E. Boykova, candidate, writes about this medical sciences, senior Researcher: « Taken when various diseases medications as side effect often cause subatrophy of the nasal mucosa due to systemic action, which is especially important for representatives of voice-speech professions due to the upcoming changes in the resonator tract.”

To normalize the condition of the epithelium of the nasal cavity, in most cases, the following measures can be recommended:


To prevent anosmia or hyposmia, it is important to avoid colds or colds whenever possible. allergic diseases. Mechanical and congenital pathologies It is quite difficult to prevent, but they are usually eliminated surgically. Diseases directly related to the mucous membrane can have a long-term, sluggish nature. Therefore, even after surgery, a relapse (return of previous symptoms) is possible.

One of the important prerequisites for a normal sense of smell and the exclusion of diseases of the mucous membrane is the stable state of the immune and nervous system. To do this, it is important to avoid nervousness, overexertion, frequent changes daily routines. It is necessary to eat properly and nutritiously; in the spring you can take vitamin complexes in consultation with the doctor.

Even in healthy condition It is important to take care of the hygiene of the nasal mucosa and maintain sufficient air humidity in your home and work areas. When visiting places with large crowds of people ( public transport, meetings, exhibitions) it makes sense to use oxolin ointment, which will protect against airborne infections.

The sense of smell is important part human life. In its absence, many patients note that food becomes tasteless; outdoor recreation without the aromas of flowers and pine needles seems incomplete. To preserve this important ability, you need to take care of your body and prevent infectious diseases from becoming chronic.

Video: smell disorders in the program “About the Most Important Thing”

How can you restore your nose’s sense of smell when you have a cold or runny nose? This is the most common question that often arises in people with colds and advanced rhinitis.

In order to cope well with the problem of loss of smell quickly enough, you need to adhere to the recommendations of doctors and in no case should you self-medicate.

In order to restore lost sense of smell, you need to know about the main types of this disorder. Such knowledge will certainly help to correctly and accurately select treatment methods, which will speed up the patient’s recovery and the return of the sense of smell. In total, there are two types of smell disorders: hyposmia - a decrease in the ability to smell and anosmia, with a runny nose, is called total loss sense of smell.

Both diseases, hyposmia and anosmia, cause a whole series of discomfort, limits the completeness of perception and worsens the quality of life.

The main cause of cold loss of smell is swelling of the nasal mucosa. Moreover, how effective the fight against this disorder will be directly depends on the correct determination of the causes of swelling.

If the nose does not smell and the patient has a runny nose, then the cause may be: chronic diseases nasal mucosa; inflammatory processes V paranasal sinuses nose (for sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis); cold (ARI); allergy; viral infections(flu, ARVI).

Despite the fact that the manifestation of these diseases is a runny nose, loss of smell is only a phenomenon accompanying rhinitis, which does not always occur. In addition, if the runny nose has passed, but the sense of smell is still lost, then very often it is restored within five, or, at most, seven days. If the disorder lasts longer than a week, then we can assume problems with the nerve responsible for the sense of smell.

In order to get a complete answer to the question of why the sense of smell suddenly disappeared when you have a runny nose, you need to make an appointment with an ENT specialist. In the case where the sense of smell has disappeared due to a runny nose, and not because any other disturbances have occurred in the body, the doctor will confirm this after carrying out a whole range of diagnostic measures.

If a patient has lost their sense of smell due to a runny nose, then the main thing in this case is not to try to cure it on their own, especially with the help of self-prescribed medications.

Treatment with medications should only be prescribed by a doctor. For a quick recovery, experts quite often prescribe the following drugs: Nazol, Naphthyzin, Naphazolin, Nazoveron, Rinazolin, Reserpine.

All of the above medications are classified as vasoconstrictors. They are quite effective in relieving a runny nose and can also restore your sense of smell.

If the reason why your sense of smell has disappeared is a common runny nose, then you should not rush too much and immediately resort to using medicinal methods. You can also contact folk recipes health.

Folk remedies can be used independently; they are effective and harmless, since more than one generation has tested them on themselves. Often folk remedies are enough to get rid of not only rhinitis, but also colds, as a factor that provokes a runny nose.

Inhalations are one of the most known methods for the treatment of a runny nose, as well as to restore the olfactory function of the nose. Medicinal substances during this procedure they enter the body directly through the inflamed tissues themselves. Airways when the patient inhales the vapor.

People use various essential oils or simply solutions for inhalation, which can be prepared using boiling water, as well as various natural ingredients. This recipe is recommended for preparing inhalations at home.

A few drops of basil essential oil are placed on a napkin, which is placed on the pillow near the patient. They take two hundred ml. boiling water, ten drops of lemon juice, two to three drops of mint or lavender essential oil are poured into it. It is necessary for the patient to inhale the vapor of the mixture through each nostril. Inhalations should be forced, and the inhalation itself lasts for four to five minutes. This procedure is recommended to be carried out for a week, once a day. Similar inhalations can be carried out using eucalyptus or fir essential oil.