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Which vitamins are better to take: synthetic or natural from products? Vitamins - varieties, speculation and marketing

Hello my friends! Women and men, boys and girls, athletes and amateurs! This article will be useful for everyone and everyone. Regardless of gender, age, occupation and interesting position.

Let's start talking about vitamin and mineral complexes. Otherwise known as multivitamins And multivitamins. About drugs that offer us the whole complex in one tablet necessary for a person vitamins, minerals, and other important and not so important substances.

Let's analyze what technologies for the production of vitamins have been invented today, how they are better or worse. Let's see how to choose inexpensive and effective vitamins And vitamin complexes, which vitamins to buy and how they differ, in addition to price. Let's try to find the most best vitamins to date.

And in order not to get confused at all and to know why I got confused by the issue of vitamins and minerals, why it is important, I suggest reading the articles oh and.

And in this article we will already choose the best complex vitamins for ourselves and our loved ones.

As usual, I will show examples of vitamins from an online organic store. natural nutrition iHerb . Unfortunately, in our pharmacies, nothing like this was even close. Or rather, there is something, but the price .......

But first, before making a choice in favor of a particular product, it would be nice to learn how to navigate the designations given on the back of the jar and other important issues related to the consumption and choice of the most high-quality and suitable vitamins for each of us.

I believe that the manufacturer should always and everywhere indicate all possible information for the buyer on their products. Moreover, if this product is what we will consume internally: moreover, constantly and / or for a long time. First of all, this applies to vitamin-mineral complexes.

If the manufacturer is silent about the composition, and even worse, does not indicate all the components at all and thereby misleads consumers, then he has something to hide. I don’t know how this is regulated in Russia, but I am sure that rules should be established regarding this at the legislative level. We need to know what we eat and what we pay for and have objective information to choose according to your needs and abilities.

Look at the designations from the vitamin jar, which are very famous among us and sold in our pharmacies. And it is one of the most expensive complex preparations.

And the information given on its official website. Well, is it possible? I think it's impossible.

Moreover, it must be admitted that almost all canned vitamins in the world are synthesized vitamins. This is understandable. There are not so many vegetables and fruits on earth that would be enough for the production of vitamins from them. Can you imagine how much food needs to be processed to get a jar of natural vitamins and how much it will cost then?

I do not want to unsubstantiately state that all vitamins sold in our pharmacies are bad, but there are principles and rules that a manufacturer must follow and be responsible for their products to customers. So while the facts remain the facts, and I choose vitamins according to other principles.

Let's proceed to the analysis of the designations on the labels of vitamin preparations and vitamin-mineral complexes:

1. Next to the name of the vitamin, mineral or other ingredient included in the complex, the sources of its production and form should be indicated. If you are interested in a specific vitamin, then there is an opportunity to go deeper and study in more detail the form of the substance, the source of receipt and determine how this vitamin or mineral suits you.

2. It serving size (Serving Size) - how many capsules or tablets are included in one serving. It is assumed that the indicated portion contains the following amount of substances.

3. Amount Per Serving. This amount of ingredients per serving. It is indicated in international units, milliliters, milligrams, micrograms.

4. % Daily Value. (%DV). And this is the second most important point after the form of the substance. This is the rate of consumption of a particular substance per day. The percentage of the consumption rate is indicated: certain or not defined for a person. We will go into more detail here below.

5. †Daily Value not established. This cross means that daily rate for this substance is not defined and not established. By whom? Probably scientists, experiments, research and official medical organizations, both internationally and for each country individually. This is often indicated for vitamin-like substances, extracts and extracts.

6. AAC**= Amino Acid Chelate. This designation (indication) chelated mineral. That is, a mineral combined with an amino acid for better absorption by the body. Read about chelate forms of minerals.

7. It will not be superfluous to pay attention to the various quality marks indicated by the manufacturer on their products. I analyzed these notations in detail.

It is also important that the manufacturer gives a description of the product, recommendations for use and use, warnings, information about the presence of other ingredients, so that people suffering from allergies and other intolerances know and are sure what they put in their mouths.

As an example, one of the cheapest vitamins from Now Foods, Daily Vits (Daily Vitamin Complex). But this does not relieve the manufacturer of responsibility and obligations to indicate everything and everyone on the package. I know exactly what I'll get for my money.

We have dealt with this. But let's dwell on some points in more detail.

Norms of intake of vitamins and minerals

There are several nuances with these norms and you need to know them when choosing your drugs.

First of all, you need to know that the consumption rate, determined both in our country and in the United States or by European medical organizations, is not, as such, a norm and a “consumption standard” that determines a person’s need for a daily intake of a substance.

Consumption rate- This minimum intake for an apparently healthy adult, so to speak "average". That is, the norm, indicated as 100% on jars and boxes, implies a minimum level of the substance, and then, provided that everything is absorbed without a trace by organisms in gastrointestinal tract. And this is almost impossible even for healthy people due to the artificiality of vitamins and minerals, living conditions, mental and physical activity, the presence of diseases and other characteristics of the body. And now we are such, sick, having problems with digestion and metabolism, the majority, if not all. Remember the folk wisdom: "There are no healthy people, there are underexamined."

So it turns out that when you see an increase of 5-6 times on the label in the composition of the product (i.e. 500-600% of the substance), then do not be afraid that this is an excess of the vitamin and it will come out of the ears. God grant that half of this is assimilated. And such an increase, both for conventional complexes, and taking into account the purpose of vitamins (sports, for pregnant women, for the elderly, etc.) is fully justified.

And the recommended norms are simply given for the average person and, as it is believed, sufficient to maintain health so that "I don't throw my skates away." Simply, it is easier to build on some officially established norm to calculate more accurate doses in specific cases or groups of people. For this reason, concepts such as " physiological need” for a more accurate calculation, taking into account a larger number of factors, or “therapeutic norms” applied temporarily for specific diseases.

But, in fairness, it must be said that certain and maximum rates vitamins and minerals. Not for everyone, but for most. Therefore, having any deviations, diseases or problems, it is better to know such things and consult with a specialist.

But let's look at such questions soberly. Usually upper norms the consumption of such substances is so high (I already talked about this in articles about) that there is no need to be afraid. We just don’t have enough money to eat vitamins alone or drink a pack of chondroprotectors a day. But you can think of everything, therefore, I do not advise you to eat ascorbic in packs like candy. All this is fraught. You can eat a box of lemons if you can.

These very norms of consumption of substances in each country are different. They are determined by the main medical body, so to speak. If we take the recommendations of our Ministry of Health, or US or EU organizations, then some substances have a slight difference, some quite big, but I don’t think that this should be given very close attention. All these differences are issues of reticence, disunity and opinions between scientists and researchers. There, in this pharmaceutical business, there is a kitchen. I prefer not to think about it.

Which vitamins are better: ours or foreign ones?

Another question that often comes up is somewhat patriotic. Patriotism is certainly good, but I do not think that in these cases it is appropriate.

The point is that vitamins, as well as fruits and vegetables, should be consumed exactly in the area where you live. Like, American vitamins are not suitable for a Russian person. Probably, the supporters of this theory have their own arguments. I'm not going to argue, I'm just giving my opinion.

Firstly, as I already wrote, I believe that the 7 billion people who inhabit our planet are the same and arranged in the same way, especially inside. The average citizen in Russia is exactly the same as in Africa, and in America, and in China. There are no differences.

Secondly, vitamins and minerals must enter us daily, and when you go on vacation or to another place of residence (for example, to Thailand), you naturally eat the gifts of another country, and everything is fine, and for some it even benefits . Therefore, I do not think that vitamin C from an apple is much better for us than from kiwi.

The next argument has to do with agriculture. After all, a huge number of agricultural crops were once imported from other countries very far from us, and they can also be considered not ours, even taking into account repeated selection. For example, the same potato.

But I support the issues of seasonality in nutrition, and that is because eating watermelons, strawberries or grapes in winter is simply dangerous for health because of the risk of poisoning with all sorts of nitrates, pesticides and other substances used in these cases for growing and transporting over long distances. Not to mention that, grown in this way, fruits and vegetables are far from their "wild" counterparts in terms of nutritional value.

Vitamin-like substances

As already mentioned, scientists have discovered and systematized 13 vitamins. But gradually science advanced and other vitamin-like substances were discovered, which in their action are close to vitamins, are a variety of complex chemical compounds and are important for humans.

Some of them our body produces on its own, and some must also receive from the outside. The structure of some vitamin-like substances is quite complex and can only be obtained from natural sources, which is only a plus for us, to be honest.

Now these substances include about 10 compounds. Most Popular:

is well known to athletes L-Carnitine(Vitamin W is very important for our muscle tissue and its development). Doctor's Best, L-carnitine fumarate.

- as well as known to the cores Coenzyme Ubiquinone Coenzyme Q10(a very well-known and useful substance for our body and specifically for the cardiovascular system, and the name is worth it, just an aristocratic name (specially written in full). Doctor's Best, CoQ10, with BioPerine, 100 mg.

- the remaining substances are: Inosine (Vitamin B8), Choline (Vitamin B4), Orotic acid (Vitamin B13), Methylmethionine sulfonium (Vitamin U), Para-aminobenzoic acid (Vitamin H1), Bioflavonoids (Vitamin P), Lipoic acid (Vitamin N), Pangamic acid (Vitamin B15).

All these substances are no less important and indispensable for the body than vitamins and take part in many metabolic processes. Their deficiency leads to various deviations and disorders, feeling unwell and other troubles.

Most often, these substances are taken separately as supplements, but they can also be included in vitamin complexes.

Issues of compatibility and incompatibility of vitamins

It's also a very vague concept. And on what the principle of some manufacturers is based, sharing vitamins and offering to drink a day, first a red pill, and then a blue one, I have no idea. This is probably inspired by the masterpiece of cinematography "The Matrix" and all these are marketing ways to attract attention and increase sales. Nature has a completely different mechanism when a huge variety of vitamins comes with food (ideally). They all mix with each other and with other substances. As my grandmother used to say: "The belly is not a mirror." After all, you, strict vinaigrette, don’t think that the beets will somehow interfere with the carrots, do you?

Therefore, the fact that vitamins and minerals will interfere with each other is out of the question. A problem can arise when higher therapeutic doses of individual vitamins are used. Then the appearance of positive and negative interactions, the impact on the assimilation of other elements is possible. As an example, copper in large quantities interferes with and destroys vitamin C. If you increase vitamin C, then there will be an increased need for riboflavin, and if it is low, then the content of vitamin C in the body will decrease, etc. Here are the things.

And our task is to choose for ourselves such vitamins and minerals for supplementation in nutrition, which will maximally correspond to those obtained from food and provide a uniform intake in addition to nutrition. essential vitamins and minerals in the right amount in our particular case.
This is what we will finally do.

So, vitamins presented and produced by global manufacturers can be divided into several groups. As usual, we will go from the cheapest and least useful to the heights of digestibility, usefulness and quality, so to speak.

Isolated (synthesized and artificial) vitamins

The first group includes the cheapest isolated (artificial, chemical, synthesized) vitamins. These complexes contain naked vitamins and minerals with low bioavailability (oxides, sulfates, etc.), with a minimum percentage of assimilation by the human body, as they do not correspond to the natural substances that we absorb from food. It is these vitamins that are presented in our pharmacies at low (by the way, this is another question) prices.

Here you can easily take a jar of our vitamins and see. Well, if at least half of the prescribed and necessary information will be specified by the manufacturer.

Vitamins belong to this group on IHerb (as an example of the most popular): Now Foods, Daily Vitamin Complex.

Or fairly cheap budget California Gold Nutrition Daily Vitamins & Minerals.

But, unlike our vitamins, they are much healthier and more effective. In addition to the presence of the same chelated forms of minerals and some natural natural vitamins, they may include (which is mostly not natural for this group) other herbal ingredients and extracts that will help the body absorb the necessary substances. All information is available and presented on the packaging. Most importantly, watch and read carefully. Very good value for money options.

Vitamin and mineral complexes with additives

This group includes already more bioavailable and beneficial to the body vitamin and mineral complexes. They contain the same (for the most part) synthesized and isolated vitamins, however, various plant extracts, extracts, mushrooms, mixtures of dried vegetables, fruits, berries, and herbs have already been added in large quantities. Minerals are also presented in them in forms that are more suitable for absorption by the body. The body from these complexes will learn much more.

The price, of course, is an order of magnitude more expensive than in the previous group. But still, these complexes are available, given that you can choose a complex where you need to drink 1 tablet per day for six months.

Typically, the labels of such complexes contain the words "natural", "whole-food", "food-based".

I myself take vitamins from this group. I usually take and take vitamins rainbow light .

And company vitamins Nature's Way, Alive . I take it periodically for myself and my parents.

The composition is simply magnificent vitamin and mineral complexes. Look.

This group includes vitamins for pregnant women (prenatal), and with increased stress, and for the elderly. There is a division into male and female. In short, you can choose and purchase a very profitable good and useful complex.

Plant-Based All-Natural (Raw) Vitamins

This group of vitamin complexes opens already elite vitamins on IHerb. According to manufacturers, it no longer contains synthetic artificial components. All vitamins and minerals are extracted in a special way and using new technologies from vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs. Technologies for working with baker's yeast have already been applied here. With their help, natural and highly digestible minerals are obtained.

These complexes have the highest cost. It will be expensive to acquire such complexes. I can't even imagine their price in our online stores. Naturally, such vitamin-mineral complexes can be consumed even on empty stomach. After all, it is concentrated food.

But even then, treat them like a nutritional supplement. They also do not replace the correct and good nutrition.

The most popular herbal vitamins are preparations from the manufacturer MegaFood .

The manufacturer indicates all possible information, and next to each vitamin and mineral, the plant component that served as the source is indicated.

And another manufacturer of so-called natural live "raw" vitamins - Sunwarrior .

The manufacturer indicates that the vitamins are completely made from plant sources.

Basically, that's all.

But a person does not stop in his development and in striving for the best, therefore the following groups of vitamins and minerals are obtained using original and high-tech methods, again using some synthetic analogues and trying to bring vitamins as close as possible to a whole food natural product.

The vitamins given below cause loud responses and delights from their use and the effect on the body noticed by many.

Fermented vitamins and minerals

Some manufacturers have come up with another type of vitamin preparations - fermented vitamins and minerals.

One of the representatives of this direction is the company new chapter.

And they produce vitamins in the following way. Probiotics are added to whole foods, that is, unprocessed, unrefined, or minimally processed. And all this mixture independently changes and transforms under the influence of natural factors. Isolated artificial vitamins can also be used here. But all this is mixed with plant concentrates and microorganisms. Microorganisms do their noble work and the process of “probiotic fermentation” takes place.

Probiotics- the class of microorganisms and substances of microbial and other origin used for therapeutic purposes, as well as food products and dietary supplements containing live microcultures.

Probiotic fermentation is a process in which beneficial bacteria and yeast process and turn various components into other, more useful ones. It turns out "live food" or "live supplements".

Simply put, this is a familiar fermentation process for all of us, in which sugar turns into alcohol, this is how wine is obtained from grape juice.

According to the manufacturer: “In this way, “dead” vitamins and minerals turn into “live”.
So you can try these vitamins. The main thing is that you know what it is.

Renatured vitamins and minerals

The last group of vitamin preparations is the so-called renatured vitamins and minerals. This technology for obtaining highly digestible substances has appeared quite recently. The technology is called: key factor (CODE FACTORS).

The representative of this direction in production is the company Garden of Life .

The idea is based on the fact that even vitamins obtained from plant-based natural sources are different from those that we get from plant foods. In the plant, each vitamin and mineral has a large support group, like me, which helps to identify it and assimilate it by the body.

Some of these substances are plant enzymes, flavanoids and phytoestrogens, which conduct and enhance the vitamin. They are unique to each vitamin. They determine the very key factor (CODE FACTORS) in which the synergistic compounds present in natural food are necessary for the delivery of nutrients to our body. Only a plant is capable of supplying vitamins and minerals with such properties under the action of light.

The new technology, according to scientists, allows you to restore natural properties purified isolated vitamins, to make them similar to those we get from food. This recovery process is called renaturation.

A vitamin or mineral is incorporated into a protein or peptide. The resulting substance is injected into the cells of ordinary baker's yeast. This technology allows the vitamin and mineral to be integrated into the yeast cell. The result is yeast that is enriched with vitamins, minerals and those very natural accompanying elements of the support group, which is not available when taking isolated artificial vitamins. Thus, vitamins and minerals become much more bioavailable in assimilation.

As I wrote at the very beginning, in - without connections, nowhere.

The effect of vitamins on the human body

In this paragraph, I would like to talk not about how each vitamin affects us and what it is needed for. Believe me, there is no point in bothering yourself with this. I write similar articles for myself too; so that, on occasion, open an article, remember the main nuances when buying and choosing the necessary product and not bother with it anymore.

And what really worries us buyers is our well-being when taking all these vitamins and dietary supplements. It is quite logical that having chosen a good expensive complex of vitamins and paying a decent amount for it, we want to at least see the result. What did you pay for, exactly?

This can be understood. Once upon a time, going to sports stores and looking at jars with the same vitamins, I asked: “Which ones are better? How can I choose the right ones? The answer to me was vague comments about improving well-being, an additional surge of strength and energy, and you need to choose according to some kind of sensations. In short, nothing. No matter what I drank, I didn't feel anything. I don't feel it now.

Now, choosing vitamins or supplements for myself and reading other people's reviews of these products, I see that it all comes down to the following: hair does not fall out, nails do not exfoliate, the stomach does not swell or swell, etc.

So is it necessary to feel the action of vitamins and how to feel it?

I do not know! But I think that in a normal, in principle healthy person (otherwise you need to go to the doctor with your problems), the body should not react with something unusual even to the most super expensive and effective vitamins. Why?

But because good vitamins and other supplements by nature and purpose are simply an addition to nutrition. We should not feel euphoria (this is generally in the other direction), some unthinkable rise in strength, insane hair growth, etc. Otherwise, these are no longer natural natural substances, but something else. Vitamins and minerals, as well as other nutrients, should simply ensure the normal, full and accurate work of both the whole organism and its systems.

A slightly different question is when certain circumstances change or force the body to change: increased physical exercise, pregnancy, diseases, etc. Then our task, better with attraction an experienced specialist, pick up the same vitamins to help the body endure such changes the least painfully and return to its original state.

Many people, especially young mothers, know that a child during pregnancy requires a lot and takes a lot of the same calcium from her mother. Here, you definitely need to take vitamins and take care not only about yourself, but also about another little man.

And the feeling will be the normal state of both: when the new organism fully grows and develops, and the mother does not experience pain, she has no problems with her appearance and her teeth do not collapse. The birth of a new person is a miracle, although a natural process and should not require sacrifice.

I hope that all of the above will also be useful for young mothers who need to take care of themselves and, accordingly, of someone else, and good nutrition and the right choice of the same vitamins are the first and most important step in this. I did not specifically touch on this, but it is necessary to choose such vitamins (prenatal) intended during pregnancy according to the same principles from the same groups listed above. Here you need to approach with more responsibility and choose the best, be sure to consult with your doctor. And there are plenty of offers from different manufacturers.

I do not feel the effect of certain vitamin complexes or sports supplements on myself, and thank God. So so far so good. But I hope that at their micro level they nourish my cells, my immunity and allow it to endure loads and hardships, fight viruses and bacteria. I feed my body, and he, full and satisfied, does his job and does not bother me. And that suits me just fine. This is fine. It is for this purpose that I take both supplements and other vitamins.

I began to understand and delve into issues of nutrition, supplements and vitamins with minerals for this very reason. So that the body does not bother me and allows me to do my business, hobbies and hobbies. So that I don’t have to constantly drag him around our specialists and poison chemicals without knowing what I need from him. Of course, I also had a reason for this and my own impetus - a knee injury, operations and going to the doctors. I don’t want to experience the oppression of hospital walls and white coats anymore.

And here you will most likely ask: “Well, how then to understand that vitamins are suitable for you and are absorbed if there should not be any special sensations?”

“And here, just, everything is simple.” I will answer.

It is clear that when using any vitamins or supplements, we should not experience any bad symptoms: bloating, nausea, rumbling, weakness, allergies, etc. It is for this case that I write in articles and try to find out about various sources obtaining and form of substances. If you need, for example, (prescribed by a doctor), and the first one you get in a pharmacy causes nausea and indigestion, then it is very desirable to know about its forms and choose another, the most suitable one. About this and they wrote to me, and read in the reviews.

Another constant that is indisputable for any person is the excretion of about 1.5 liters of urine per day. The body must do this and remove the harmful waste products, no matter what. And if there is not enough water in the body, then urine will just burn through the toilet bowl and “hit in the head”, saying vernacular. This fact must be taken into account. If you drink enough water and take vitamins, but it burns anyway, then vitamins are not absorbed. Choose others.

Everything is simple, but we are not talking about therapeutic doses of individual vitamins, diseases and other factors. I think it's understandable. At normal conditions urine should be almost transparent, of a faint straw color, without strong odors.

I try to drink more water, take vitamin complexes (I already wrote which ones) and other supplements: I don’t notice any changes in physiology, I have enough strength and energy for training. So the absorption is going well.

I believe that the knowledge given both in this article and in others must be possessed in order to understand your body, help it in time if necessary, and lead an active, healthy, fulfilling life.


On this, I think it's time to end. Wrote it again, wrote it. I was going to give all the information I could, but I won't. Already a lot.

Now I hope you can choose the right vitamins, suitable for you in quality and wallet. Write your opinion. Maybe I forgot what. I'll try to figure it out and add.

Let me remind you that these vitamin-mineral complexes from the presented groups can be viewed on the website of organic natural food and products iHerb . There you can also see the description of manufacturers and reviews of people.

Most importantly, take care of yourself and take the time to take care of yourself. There are ways, there would be a desire!

And pills with pills, but please don’t forget about simple and so dear to the heart carrots, parsley, onions, apples and strawberries. A person has not invented a better and more useful thing than this, and will not come up with it soon.

And in the following articles, it remains for us to talk about the best vitamins, completely created by nature. These are the so-called superfoods(super food). One of the most useful natural vitamin and mineral complexes is spirulina. A storehouse of almost all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and much more that a person needs. This is so, for the seed.

And consider sports vitamins, their properties and differences. After all, we are all sports, mobile, active people. We need to know. Is not it?

Here, I take my leave. I look forward to seeing you on my blog and always welcome comments and opinions.

All the best. Do not be ill!

Many are convinced that it is better to drink a course of multivitamins than to eat apples and peaches, which, quite likely, are grown using chemistry. But are artificial drugs really - worthy replacement natural vitamins? How synthetic vitamins can affect our body, says osteopathic doctor, cranioposturologist Vladimir Zhivotov.

Vitamins created in laboratories have received wide use in the 80s of the last century. Then numerous studies proved that people who regularly eat fruits and vegetables are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Encouraged by this discovery, scientists began to develop and popularize synthetic vitamin complexes in every possible way, believing that this would help people get rid of diseases.

However, the miracle did not happen. In most cases, the intake of such vitamins went completely without a trace: they did not cause harm to the body, but there was no benefit from them either. The fact is that synthetic vitamins have several significant differences. First, under natural conditions, a vitamin molecule is never alone. It is always associated with ballast molecules, which just affect the properties of vitamins, their digestibility and transport. When a vitamin is synthesized in a laboratory, its molecule is devoid of such important constituents. At its core, it represents a "dead" crystal, as it ceases to be active. She needs other components, but the human body is not able to synthesize them, so swallowed vitamins become an ordinary pacifier that the body seeks to remove.

Secondly, scientists have thoroughly studied the molecular composition of vitamins, but it is still impossible to recreate their spatial arrangement (confirmation) in laboratories. Imagine: a person spent half his life driving in a car in which the steering wheel is located on the left. But suddenly he gets into a "right-hand drive" car and has to drive around the city, including complex traffic intersections. The same thing happens in the body. How exactly such "wrong" vitamins will behave in the body - one can only guess. But main danger lies in the fact that these isomers are very similar to a real molecule and, "rubbing into trust", block receptors, after which they no longer respond to the correct, natural, molecules. This leads to the blocking of some chemical reactions.

Attention, synthetic drugs!

For several decades, scientists continued to study the effects of multivitamins and came to disappointing conclusions. It turned out that synthetic drugs not only do not prevent the development of diseases, but, on the contrary, often provoke them. Artificial vitamins A and E showed particularly poor results. They increased the risk of strokes and heart attacks, and smokers were more likely to get lung cancer. The combination of vitamin A with beta-carotene is especially dangerous: studies have shown that the risk of bowel cancer increases by 30%. In the course of many years of research, it has been proven that artificial vitamin E increases the number of cerebral hemorrhages by 20%. Let me remind you that we are talking only about synthetic vitamins that are not derived from food.

Vitamin C, beloved by many in tablets and dragees, also did not please researchers. It turned out that it reduces the production of insulin and inhibits the activity of the pancreas. In addition, artificial forms of vitamin C reduce the speed of transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to impaired coordination of movements and muscle fatigue. Elderly women were subjected to separate studies. Scientists have identified a stable pattern between their use of synthetic vitamins E and C and the deposition of calcium salts in the vessels. More than 30% of the subjects had more such deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Only 14% of the subjects experienced a slight improvement. In 50% of women, the situation has not changed in one direction or the other. Accordingly, this once again confirms the idea that synthetic vitamins are just a dummy, sometimes bringing the body more harm than good.

Reactions to vitamins can be clearly monitored in pregnant women. Most moms-to-be take highly advertised multivitamin supplements designed specifically for pregnant women. In fact, the difference between these drugs and conventional ones is only in the fact that they have slightly reduced the dosage of some vitamins. Many pregnant women who started taking these complexes had severe nausea and vomiting. Most of them refused the drug. But some, either not following this connection, or regretting the money spent, still finished drinking the drugs. I wouldn't recommend doing this. As soon as you see some kind of side reaction, you must immediately stop taking it, and this applies not only to expectant mothers.

A study conducted by Boston University staff came to the sad conclusion that the use of an artificial form of vitamin A in the early stages of pregnancy can lead to defects in newborns. In the US, there was even a campaign against adding this component to multivitamins for expectant mothers. However, almost all vitamin complexes for pregnant women still contain vitamin A.

Separately, it should be said about allergic reactions. In part, they are due to the wrong chemical structure, as I described above. But more often it is about flavors and dyes that are identical to natural, which are generously added to vitamin complexes. Pharmaceutical companies are especially trying in the production of vitamins for children. On such syrups, babies often have strong allergic reactions. And even for those who have never suffered from allergies at all.

Are prenatal vitamins necessary?

Certainly needed. In the body of the expectant mother, the number of biochemical reactions increases, therefore, the consumption of vitamins, minerals and trace elements increases. Often a woman comes to pregnancy with a deficiency of all these essential substances, and their lack is especially felt. future mother. Dental problems, falling hair, brittle nails, - all this clearly indicates a lack of calcium and certain vitamins. Therefore, doctors recommend maintaining a certain interval between pregnancies so that the body has time to restore the reserves of these vital substances. In order to prevent such conditions and not undermine health, taking vitamins is mandatory. However, it is important that these are natural vitamins, and not synthesized in the laboratory.

Where to get natural vitamins

Vitamin C. Rose hips contain the most vitamin C. In order to preserve this vitamin when brewing dry rose hips, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the water. It should not be higher than 75 degrees. Another leader of the rating is red pepper. Contrary to popular belief, all kinds of citrus fruits are in the last places of the top ten. Vitamin C in in kind needed by our body. It really supports the immune system and helps to cope with a cold. Deficiency of this vitamin negatively affects a large number of biochemical reactions. With its assistance, the body absorbs iron. Concerning ascorbic acid, this is exactly the same vitamin synthesized in the laboratory.

Vitamin A (retinol). The tastiest source of this vitamin is freshly squeezed carrot juice, which must be served with cream or olive oil. Also rich in vitamin A are foods of animal origin - butter, sour cream, liver. Retinol is necessary for vision: if it is not enough, the risk of impaired twilight vision is likely, this condition is otherwise called " night blindness". Vitamin A is also responsible for the condition and immunity of the skin and mucous membranes. With its deficiency, inflammatory diseases can easily develop.

Vitamin E (tocopherol). Important for a good pregnancy. That is why it is prescribed to all expectant mothers to prevent the threat of miscarriage. In addition, it increases the elasticity of the skin, and therefore prevents the appearance of stretch marks. Pregnant women are prescribed it in the form of red capsules. Synthetic vitamin E and natural vitamin E are identical in composition, but, for a number of reasons, differ in properties. Therefore, in order to get only benefit from it, it is better to use it in its natural form. Sources of vitamin E are primarily plant food: bran, germinated wheat, vegetable oils and all kinds of cereals.

Folic acid (vitamin B9)."Folium" is "leaf". B9, or otherwise folic acid, is a vitamin found in leaves. Lettuce, parsley, dill, celery, vegetable tops, currant leaves, wild rose - all this is a good alternative to artificial preparations. And meat, and eggs, and dairy products also contain this substance. Eat more greens and you will definitely benefit. It has been proven that taking folic acid, especially at the stage of pregnancy planning, reduces the risk of malformations in the fetus. Therefore, expectant mothers definitely need to eat more greens.

Vitamin D. Vitamin D not only comes to us with food, but is also produced by our body under the influence of sun rays. If there are few clear days in your city, then there is no hope for a second source: you need to get this vitamin from food. This is especially true for children in the period active growth. Can be taken fish fatnatural source vitamin D, but you can buy at the pharmacy oil solution vitamin D. Water is not suitable, as this vitamin is fat-soluble. Be careful with the dosage, as this vitamin accumulates in the tissues and is difficult to be removed from them. Remember: a big vitamin D deficiency is better than a slight excess.

natural vitamin preparations

As we have already found out, the best source of vitamins is fresh and high-quality foods: vegetables, fruits, herbs, meat, cereals, fish, oil. But sometimes vitamins from food are not enough. This happens when a person is forced to follow a strict diet or if his menu is very meager. Often beriberi overtakes us in the offseason. Pregnant women face the same lack of vitamins. In this case, you should pay attention to natural vitamin complexes, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

First of all, read the ingredients. Natural multivitamins are often labeled "100% natural." Also, look at the component names. Instead of "vitamin A" or "retinol acetate" (synthetic vitamin), natural vitamins should be labeled "retinol palmitate", etc. Of course, during the production of such vitamins, the addition of various substances, such as fillers, is also unavoidable. An allergy or some other individual reaction may occur to some of these components, so the selection of vitamins is a purely individual matter. However, first of all, I still recommend focusing on your menu and including as much good and healthy food as possible in it.

In addition to working in medicine, I maintain a health blog on Instagram (@vladimirzhivotov). At one time, he developed a manual direction - cranioposturology (patented). It is more effective than classical osteopathy. I plan to regularly share my knowledge with Marie Claire readers. Yours sincerely Vladimir Zhivotov.

For beauty and preservation of youth, a woman needs not only positive emotions and good mood. Vitamins are indispensable in this matter. With their lack, problems such as dry lips, brittle nails, peeling of the skin appear, and the list is endless. natural sources vitamins are fresh foods, fruits, vegetables, meat and fish products.

But not always the vitamins contained in them are enough to maintain the internal forces of the body. Therefore, doctors all over the world are advised to periodically make and take vitamin complexes for beauty, health and youth.

What vitamins are necessary for the health and beauty of a woman?

Scientifically proven to be several main vitamins that ensure the beauty of hair, nails and skin elasticity.

  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant - it is taken with the aging process and with the birth malignant tumors. This substance supports the work of the female sex glands, the amount of estrogen hormones increases. Without tocopherol, the female figure gradually becomes masculine.
  • Vitamin C beauty vitamin. It also has an antioxidant effect. In addition, ascorbic acid regulates the formation and destruction of melanin. Therefore, with its lack in large quantities, freckles, age spots and moles appear.
  • Vitamin A found in carrots, apricots, pumpkins, as well as fish meat, animal by-products and chicken eggs. The lack of this substance leads to the formation of cracks in the feet and palms. At the same time, the skin of the hands becomes as if parchment, and sores appear in the corners of the lips - jams.
  • B vitamins affect the functioning of the nervous system. With their lack, fatigue, drowsiness, frequent depression and nervous breakdowns appear. Vision deteriorates, there is a burning sensation in the eyes and redness of the skin of the eyelids. Vitamin B5 prevents hair loss, and vitamin B9 is essential for normal operation reproductive system.
  • Vitamin H necessary for beautiful skin and healthy mucous membranes. This vitamin is found in brewer's yeast, peanut kernels and liver.
  • Vitamin D is responsible for the hardness of bones, the whiteness and health of teeth, as well as the beauty of nails and hair.

9 best vitamin complexes for the health and youth of a woman - choose beauty vitamins

You can not take vitamins at all and use only natural sources of life substances. And you can periodically take a course of fortification with complex vitamins. Such prevention will allow the body to be in full "combat" readiness, to resist dangerous viruses and bacteria, as well as aggressive environmental conditions.

But modern pharmacies are oversaturated with various vitamin complexes. And how to choose the best among such a variety?

  1. Anti-aging complex Famvital. Due to "smart" capsules it active ingredients enter the body of a woman, taking into account daily biorhythms. The 16 components included in the complex - antioxidants, trace elements and vitamins, are optimally combined with each other and help prevent premature aging help to improve the structure and appearance skin, hair and nails, help slow down the appearance of wrinkles, increase thermogenesis and increase calorie burning, helping to maintain normal body weight.

  2. Imedin.
    This is not just one of the many vitamin complexes that are primarily needed by other organs - the heart, lungs, nervous system. This is a complex containing biologically active substances that work directly in the skin cells.
    IMEDEEN® complexes include the exclusive Biomarine Complex®. It is rich in proteins, similar in composition to the components of human skin, and biologically active substances that stimulate the production of collagen, the main protein that maintains skin elasticity.
  3. Supradin . Available in many forms: chewable candies, water-soluble tablets, regular pills and syrup. This complex contains the necessary vitamin C, vitamin A, B6, B12, B9, Vitamin E and C, as well as coenzyme Q10. Supradin should be taken 1 tablet or candy twice a day for 1 month. Prevention should be repeated no more than twice a year. Preferably in spring and autumn. The price of 10 tablets is 250 rubles. 25 sweets - 200 rubles
  4. Alphabet Cosmetic - a series designed for the care of female beauty. Contains all the necessary vitamins for healthy skin, eyes, hair, nails - vitamin A, E, C, vitamin D and coenzyme Q10. Features of the reception are that all substances are divided into three groups. Pills different color to be taken one after another in the morning, afternoon and evening. This sequence will allow prevention to be more effective. The course of taking the Alphabet is no more than two weeks. It should be repeated no more than twice a year. The price for a package of 60 tablets is 320 rubles.
  5. Vitamin complex Vitrum Beauty - a popular brand among modern consumers. He is advised by about 57% of therapists, which reinforces the credibility of the Vitrum brand. It contains a huge amount of essential vitamins and minerals: vitamin C, A, E, D, K, H, B vitamins, as well as bioflavonoids and antioxidants. This list is supplemented by iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, iron, boron, selenium. This complex is suitable only for young women. For more mature ladies, Vitrum produces Antioxidant, Beauty Lusk and Beauty Elite complexes. The price of a package of 30 tablets is 610 rubles.
  6. Complivit . This brand produces a huge number of names of vitamin complexes. For female beauty specially invented formula "Radiance". It contains beauty vitamins A, E, C, B vitamins, folic acid, nicotinamide, copper, zinc, selenium, magnesium and flavonol glycosides. This composition allows you to support the production of collagen, regeneration of skin cells, protect them from harmful action UV rays, increase the body's resistance to aggressive environmental influences. Complivit should be taken one tablet per day for a month. The price of a package of 30 tablets is 271 rubles.
  7. Laura from Evalar . It's biologically active additive to food. It contains a minimum of all the necessary vitamins that are needed for beauty. The main trump card of this drug is hyaluronic acid, which is supplemented with vitamins E and C. Thanks to this composition, skin hydration and collagen production are improved, as a result of which the skin of the face acquires an even color and a natural glow, wrinkles disappear and decrease. The price of such a remedy in 36 tablets is 271 rubles.
  8. Perfectil from the English company Vitabiotics . This tool serves as a powerful prevention of aging. It is also prescribed for dermatological diseases to improve the body's resistance to viruses or bacteria. Profectil gelatin capsule contains vitamin A, E, C, B5, B6, B12, biotin, as well as iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, silicon and chromium. The price for a package containing 30 capsules is 420 rubles.
  9. Elite Spanish product Revidox does not contain pure synthetic vitamins. It consists of extract plant extracts– sources of vitamins: extract of grapes and pomegranate seeds. This composition boasts a shock dose of antioxidants that slow down aging, improve complexion and skin elasticity. The price of this complex in 30 tablets is about 2100 rubles.

9. Biocomplex Lady's formula "Menopause Strengthened formula"

The problem of hormonal adjustment of the tender female body has ceased to be a problem with the advent of the bio-complex Lady's formula "Menopause Enhanced Formula". This drug has already managed to win the trust of the beautiful half of humanity, since it is designed to comprehensively affect the entire body as a whole without any side effects.

All doctors in the world warn that you can not take vitamin complexes all the time. Also, before each course, you need to consult a doctor for contraindications. In this case, you will not harm your health and successfully increase your beauty.


By what criteria should you choose a vitamin complex. Which of the popular ones on the market are the most effective.

Looking at vitamin complexes in a pharmacy window, people involuntarily get lost in the choice. Indeed, it is not always clear which vitamins are better, which manufacturer to give preference to, whether to buy Russian multivitamins or give preference to foreign analogues. Let's focus on these issues.

Vitamins for beauty and health

Modern complexes are literally crammed with a large number elements, each of which performs certain functions in the body. Below we consider good vitamins that restore nail plates, hair and skin. It is worth highlighting here:

  • Epowerful antioxidant, which is effective in the fight against aging and the formation of cancerous tumors. It maintains the level of estrogen at a high level, normalizes the work female glands. Without a sufficient amount of tocopherol, the figure takes on a masculine form.
  • WITH- the main foundation of female beauty. Its feature is an antioxidant effect, regulation of metabolism, strengthening of immunity. In case of a lack of ascorbic acid, age spots, freckles, moles and other manifestations occur.
  • A. If we consider the best vitamins for beauty, we can not fail to mention retinol. It is found in many foods - apricots, carrots, fish, eggs and others. Its deficiency is dangerous for skin problems (dryness occurs), the risk of cracks in various parts of the body is high.
  • Group B. If you ask a doctor which vitamins are better to drink in case of a violation of the central nervous system, he will recommend "representatives" of group B. Regular intake of these elements helps to sharpen vision and improve the functioning of the central nervous system. Also, B9 normalizes reproductive function, and B5 strengthens the hair follicles on the head.
  • H. A popular element that plays a key role for the skin and overall health of the body. Contained in the liver, peanuts, yeast and a number of other foods.
  • D. To strengthen teeth, ensure their whiteness and hardness, as well as improve the condition of hair and nails, the best vitamins are from the D series. Deficiency of the element leads to a number of negative health consequences - weakened immunity, problems with teeth, softness of the nail plates, brittle bones.

Criterias of choice

Considering the question of which vitamins are better to take, it is worth considering the tasks. Here it is important to highlight the following options:

  1. Versatility. If the main goal is disease prevention, strengthening and helping the body during a diet or hard work, then it is recommended to focus on versatility. So, best multivitamins to solve the above problems should contain the following elements - vitamins of groups B, A, C, E, D, H, PP, F, P, K and others. In addition, an effective vitamin complex, as a rule, contains a number of additional minerals - magnesium, iodine, calcium, iron, chromium, selenium, etc.
    The intake of such supplements is required to strengthen the body, combat common problems (malfunctions in the digestive tract, insomnia, irritability). Bright representatives of universal drugs are foreign and Russian funds Multi-Tabs, Gerimaks, Alfavit and others. These products are put forward as leaders according to one of the main criteria - "price-quality".
    When choosing, it is worth taking into account the current problem:
    • In case of violation of metabolic processes, the body should receive magnesium, copper, iron, as well as vitamins representing group B.
    • In the case of an infectious disease, ascorbic acid, P and E are more preferable.
    • For skin problems or problems with the walls of blood vessels, the best options are K, H and E.
  2. Pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, B12, B9 and B6 are preferred. It's easy to explain. So, B6 helps the fetus to develop normally and forms the psycho-emotional state of a woman. No less important is B9, which is responsible for the development of the baby's central nervous system. In turn, B12 reduces the risk of miscarriage.
    Which multivitamin is best for pregnant women? Here the options are as follows - Pregnavit, Vitrum Prenatal, Alphabet.
  3. children. The parent chooses only the best products for children that can not only strengthen the immune system and health, but also help in solving specific problems - regulating metabolic processes, strengthening the bones of the skeleton, protecting the child's body from infectious diseases.
    When choosing, you should focus on age:
    • For kids (1-3 years old) the Alphabet (Our Baby), Multi-Tabs (Baby) and others are ideal.
    • For children in the age category of 4-7 years old, Centrum (for children), Alphabet (series Kindergarten), Multi-Tabs (Kid series). Thanks to a balanced composition, the child's body will receive all the vitamins and minerals for growth.
    • For teenagers who have crossed the 12-year threshold, good multivitamins- Alphabet Teenager.

  4. men. The stronger sex responsibly approaches the choice of drugs for health. At the same time, special emphasis is placed on strengthening male power, normalization of the reproductive system, increased efficiency. For solving such problems, the elements of group B (B2, B5 and B1) are the most effective. It is impossible not to mention the benefits of zinc, which is responsible for the health of the reproductive system and prostate.
    Outstanding representatives are Duovit, Alfavit (series for men), Aerovit, Kvadevit and others.
  5. The immune system. Here, the “palm” of such vitamins as ascorbic acid, retinol, as well as E and R. These elements are united by an antioxidant effect, the ability to trigger the synthesis of antibodies. In addition, the intake of such substances relieves inflammation and suppresses the work dangerous bacteria. Selenium deserves special attention - a microelement, which, together with the vitamins mentioned above, provides the expected effect. It is not surprising that it is included in all complexes for the immune system. The main representatives are Centrum, Alphabet (series "in the Season of the Cold").
  6. After 50 years. In old age, there is no time and money for experiments. This is the time when the complex of vitamins for the body must be chosen unmistakably. As an option - Vitrum Centuri, Alphabet 50+ and other well-known drugs.

An overview of the best options for women

To figure out which vitamins to drink for the fair sex, it is worth studying the range and features of the products that are offered on the market today. Here it is worth highlighting the following options:

  • Supradin- a widely advertised drug, the release of which is carried out in the form gummies, tablets, syrup and effervescent tablets. Pros - rich composition, time test, positive reviews. Supradina contains E, C, B9, B12, A, B6 and other elements. Dosage - one tablet twice a day. The course is 30 days. Frequency - twice a year (during periods of micronutrient deficiency, namely in autumn and spring).
  • Alphabet Cosmetic- the best Russian vitamins designed for women's health. The main purpose is to improve the condition of hair, nail plates, skin, and the area around the eyes. The composition of the drug includes such useful elements as A, C, E, coenzyme Q10 and others. The time of taking the tablets is after waking up and in the evening. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to achieve greater efficiency in the reception process. The duration of the course is 14 days, no more. The intake cycle is twice a year. The pack contains 60 tablets.
  • Vitrum Beauty- a popular complex that is great for connoisseurs of beauty and health of the body. According to statistics, 55% of Russian therapists recommend this drug. It includes elements such as K, H, E, A, C, group B, useful trace elements (zinc, magnesium, selenium and others). The main consumers are young women up to 30-35 years old. For the fair sex aged, other series are provided - "Beauty Elite", "Beauty Lux". One pack contains 30 tablets.
  • Laura(manufacturer - Evalar). The products of this brand are distinguished by a rich composition, the action of which is aimed at the production of collagen, moisturizing skin, wrinkle smoothing. Volume - 36 tablets.
  • Complivit. Dozens of different complexes are produced under this brand. What vitamins should women drink? The best option is the Shining series. The drug is based on elements such as magnesium, selenium, representatives of group B, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, retinol. A balanced composition guarantees fast recovery cells, protects them from the negative effects of the forces of nature (including from the rays of the sun). Dosage - one tablet per day. The course is a month. The volume of the pack is 30 pieces.
  • Perfectil- the most popular vitamins from a well-known English manufacturer. According to the developers, regular completion of the course guarantees good health. Moreover, this product is powerful tool from aging. Thanks to its reception, the immune system is strengthened, resistance to bacteria and viruses is enhanced. As part of the additive, you can find B5, C, E, A, B12. Of the trace elements, it is worth highlighting zinc, magnesium, iron, chromium. One package contains 30 capsules.
  • Revidox- a product created by a well-known manufacturer from Spain. Contains no synthetic vitamins (only natural ingredients). Producers claim that inside is pomace from pomegranate and grape seeds. In addition, Revidox contains a large portion of antioxidants that can delay the aging process and make the skin more elastic.

Summing up

Based on the position of universality, the following drugs stand out here:

  • Alphabet- domestic development, multivitamins for children and adults, pregnant women and women during the feeding period. The additive has proven its effectiveness and confirmed its high quality over the years of successful sales.
  • Supradin- an option for people of all ages. The main task is to cover the deficit of elements required for development and growth. Production (contrary to the opinion of many) is established in Switzerland.
  • Multi-Tabs- a product with a name from Denmark, suitable for children and people of age. According to experts, the complex is effective in matters of treatment or prevention.
  • Vitrum- American product, which contains a full range of vitamins and minerals. If you ask women which multivitamins guarantee results, but at the same time do not “hit” your pocket much, then many will point to this particular complex. The main consumers are women during lactation or pregnant women. Tablets differ in composition (depending on the purpose).
  • Centrum- a drug that is aimed at covering the energy deficit. Thanks to the reception, the production of cholesterol is reduced, the production of cells is activated, and the risks of developing tumors are reduced. Minus - the absence of D and cobalt.

When choosing it is worth considering:

  • form. Most vitamins are in tablet form. With strict adherence to the instructions, their digestibility is at a high level. To achieve a quick result, it is recommended to take it in ampoules. The effervescent option is suitable for people with gastrointestinal problems. Syrups, chewable tablets, drops are suitable for children.
  • Manufacturer. The effectiveness of supplements depends on price, popularity and brand. If multivitamins are produced in the country where he lives potential buyer, then it is guaranteed better assimilation. The products of Switzerland, Denmark, Austria, America are considered the most demanded. At the same time, it is worth paying attention that the product has a quality certificate and is approved for sale.

They want to sell...

To date, all vitamin complexes, according to marketing standards, are divided into two parts: live and synthetic. In fact, they are all synthetic, but this sells poorly. Therefore, it is better for the seller if something becomes more “natural” against the background of something.

In short, everyone is hooked on vitamins now. But if earlier we only had the choice of Undevit or Hexavit, now everything is much more powerful, more beautiful and more mysterious.

So the following is for sale:

  1. classic multivitamin complexes (Alfavit, Vitrum, Multi-tabs, Supradin and others) - chemistry without environmental problems.
  2. food-based multivitamin complexes (Rainbow Light, Once Daily and others) are also chemistry, but with a claim to kosher.
  3. individual vitamins are also chemistry, but in a monovariant.


  • natural vitamins - these are only those that are found in raw (boiled) vegetables and fruits.
  • Synthetic vitamins - it's a squeeze beneficial trace elements from these vegetables and fruits.

Chemical vitamins are completely identical to their natural counterparts, and in some cases are absorbed by the body even better. However, it is generally accepted that natural is absorbed by 90%, and synthetics by only 15-20%. It is not clear by whom and when it was “accepted”, but the belief exists and flourishes.

Hence all the problems with vitamin complexes.

How vitamins are made

The whole process takes place at a temperature of minus 40, which allows you to save all the vitamins and minerals safe and sound.

At the first stage, vitamins are isolated from natural sources.

  • Vitamin C - from glucose (natural sugar).
  • Vitamin P - from the peel of citrus fruits or chokeberry.
  • Vitamins B2 and B12 are obtained by the synthesis of microorganisms, in fact, as it happens naturally.

Why stand out, and not made from scratch. Because, oddly enough, it's cheaper that way. It is cheaper to take a lemon and isolate a natural compound from the peel than to sit in a laboratory and create something similar from a molecule. No, you can, of course, but it's very expensive.

That's why Today, the main way to produce vitamins is the processing of animal and vegetable raw materials. Trace elements are extracted without destroying their natural bonds, which makes it possible to preserve the colloidal structure of the molecule. This gives not just a "squeeze" the right vitamin, this gives exactly the connection that is needed.

Identical to dismantling for rainbow parts. We decomposed the beam into colors and took red from there. Not scarlet, not purple, not red, not gray-crimson-speckled, but red.

In the process of dehydration (dehydration), moisture and plant fibers are removed from the raw materials. After which it turns out finished product containing all useful material in dry form without compromising the useful qualities of trace elements.

At the second stage, the resulting vitamin is made more chemically active. For this, other substances are added to it.

For example, in addition to ascorbic acid, vitamin C is supplemented with bioflavonoids, rutin, tyrosinase, ascorbinogen, and so on. All this is selected in a certain proportion. Because of this, a synthetic vitamin is often absorbed better than its natural counterpart.

At the third stage, a shell is created that preserves the vitamin from premature destruction. This is done so that the vitamins do not react with each other and are absorbed by the body as much as possible. When you swallow a tablet, it dissolves in the stomach and then in the intestines gradually, thus vitamins and trace elements practically do not conflict with each other.

Is it possible to do without synthetic vitamins?
Yes, you can.

  • For example, if you drink 3-4 liters of freshly squeezed apple juice a day or eat 2-4 kilograms of oranges, you will completely cover your vitamin C requirement.
  • And in order to get the entire norm of B vitamins, you will have to add about a kilogram of black bread to your daily diet.

By the way, when they write that buckwheat or millet contains 100 grams of something in some quantity, they blatantly lie at least twice. For the first time, talking about a raw product (and when cooked, more than half of the vitamins will be destroyed). And the second time, forgetting that you measured one buckwheat, and on your table you have a completely different one (from another region, another processing, from another field, another variety). Therefore, the published and actual figures will vary greatly.

Today's practice shows that vitamins and minerals in vegetables and fruits have decreased by 50-60% over the past 30 years. And these numbers continue to increase. Which brings us to sad thought that vitamin content labels in foods require a radical revision. But there is no one to do this, and therefore it is better to look at the plates with standards.

There, however, everything is also not ice and different countries I recommend different norms vitamins per day. But these are the little things in life. The main thing is to choose a true source for yourself personally and stick to it for quite a long time.

Another subtlety, tangent to primary products ...
Plants don't really like being eaten, you know. More precisely, they do not welcome this business at all, since they also want to live longer. But since plants cannot run away from an attack, they defend themselves - as far as they can, of course. Some especially advanced individuals acquire poisonousness that can cause cardiac arrest, and some will get rid of simple diarrhea.

But that's not the point. The fact is that cell wall plants is such that it is difficult to digest. And since we are not cows and we do not have 4 stomachs, the fiber through the Transit-Peregrine-Red Arrow route directly and without much delay enters through one place and exits through another. And along with this unprocessed fiber, all natural vitamins merge into the toilet.

In this regard, the synthetic version is good in the absence of indigestible fiber and pleases with the presence of additional bio-problems, with the help of which trace elements still enter our cells.

Now let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of each vitamin complex.


What is this: synthetic vitamins, usually in tablets, usually in an all-in-one package. The content of vitamins in a tablet tends to be 100% of the recommended daily dose.

  • all in one
  • one tablet a day (although now they are already trying to make 2-3 tablets a day).


  • the use of the entire dose of vitamins for 1 time

It is better to divide this matter into 2-3 doses, so the body will better use trace elements for work.

  • Mineral substances in such complexes, if present, often do not reach the required level. For example, the daily intake of calcium is 1000-1200 mg, such a tablet would become too large and inconvenient to use.
  • Usually vitamin complexes are hypoallergenic, but it is likely that something will go wrong with you personally. And this, most likely, will not be the fault of the manufacturer, but your body, which cannot absorb some element in large quantities at once. And yet, most likely you will be allergic not to a dose of a vitamin, but to its shell (it uses dyes). The solution is to change the manufacturer.
  • You need to carefully choose the manufacturer (practice has shown that brands write some numbers on the labels, but in fact there are others in the tablet).


What is this: vitamins and minerals are combined with whole foods, ground into powder. Usually it is vegetables or fruits. It is believed that this way vitamins are absorbed better.

  • you can eat tablets and capsules on an empty stomach (classic complexes are taken only with food)
  • it is believed that these things are less allergenic and less irritating to the stomach.


  • price (it is an order of magnitude higher, especially soaring upwards at the mention of a "vegetarian capsule").

What you need to know about these things:

  • Inside the vegetarian capsules are all the same non-vegetarian synthetic vitamins as in the classic version.
  • All the beautiful words about the “food base” are just an additional marketing ploy that exploits the idea of ​​environmental friendliness and kosher



  • low price (because there is only one microelement inside)
  • efficiency of absorption of the substance by the body (nothing prevents the drug from being absorbed)


  • solve the problem of only 1-2 trace elements

What you need to know about these things:

  • Good if there is a clear failure in one thing. For example, it is necessary to further increase the dosage of calcium. When it comes to a number of vitamins, it is better to choose a multiversion.


  1. If the failure is in one thing - choose a monovariant. If it is necessary to provide comprehensive prevention, then multicomplexes are better.
  2. A dosage of 1 tablet (capsule) per day will not allow you to fully use the potential of vitamins. A dosage of 3 tablets per day is preferable, since the manufacturer has the opportunity to additionally spread the controversial vitamins according to different pills. In addition, water-soluble vitamins are excreted from the body within two hours, so the more frequent and smaller the doses, the greater the benefit of the pills.
  3. Look for a complete breakdown of the composition for the drug (what doses and what it contains). Be sure to compare it with today's standards for vitamins.
  4. Choose vitamins based on your age, gender, vital activity. For hard workouts and marathons, you need vitamins in an increased dosage.
  5. We take into account the seriousness of the manufacturer. frankly cheap drugs better not to take.

And finally, the last and most important thing - try to react extremely sluggishly to the following phrases:

  • contains gender-specific blends;
  • a comprehensive nutrient optimization system;
  • natural vitamins;
  • free form amino acids;
  • plant extracts;
  • nutritional cofactors;
  • fruit and vegetable phyto-complex;
  • are easily swallowed and better tolerated by the stomach and intestines;
  • without the addition of dyes;
  • no artificial flavors;
  • without preservatives;
  • without yeast;
  • potent vitamins and minerals;
  • fast-acting probiotics;
  • enzymes of plant origin;
  • raw whole food supplement;
  • live probiotics and enzymes;
  • 23 organically grown fruits and vegetables;
  • does not contain binders and fillers;
  • kosher;
  • non-GMO confirmed;
  • does not contain gluten;
  • vegetarian;
  • Whole Food Supplement;
  • crude vitamin;
  • made without using high temperatures, synthetic binders, fillers, artificial flavors, sweeteners, colors or additives.;
  • verified by an independent third party.

All these phrases are MARKETING!
Any multivitamin complex of a reputable company IS compliant with each of the above items. Otherwise, this drug would not be sold in a pharmacy.

Next time we look at the labels, and maybe we will already compare several multivitamin complexes and vitamin manufacturers with each other.