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Features of calcium absorption. Which calcium is better - an overview of calcium forms

Calcium is one of the most important elements for human body. That is why its intake into the body must be continuous. Children need this mineral for the formation skeletal system and teeth. If the body experiences this, a terrible disease occurs - rickets. And in order to prevent this from happening, supplies of minerals must be daily. If our body did not contain calcium, we would look like jelly.

What are the benefits of calcium?

Which calcium is better absorbed in the body is a question that concerns all people. But in order to answer it, you must first understand what the benefits of this microelement are.

Bones are the main consumer of calcium. This mineral is part of bone tissue and participates in its updating processes. However, this is not the only useful property of this element.

If you suffer from insomnia, you may be lacking in minerals. It is calcium that will have a positive effect on your nervous system and will help you fall asleep quickly and pleasantly.

You can read which calcium is better absorbed in the body in this article. Correct doses of microelements will contribute to prevention cancer diseases and also monitor the course of pregnancy. In order for the birth to go well and the fetus to be properly formed, you should consume at least 1200 mg of calcium per day, but no more than 1500 mg.


Is a molecule carbon dioxide, which is unnecessary and useless for the cells of the body.

When calcium enters the human body alone, it is not absorbed very well. It is advisable to normalize its balance with phosphorus and magnesium. If these elements are absent in the body, calcium will not be properly absorbed.

Eat cottage cheese as often as possible. It contains all the necessary microelements in optimal proportions. Good alternatives would be eggs, herbs and fish. Don't forget about legumes. How about we cook pea soup or make a salad with beans?

Dairy products contain calcium in the form of lactate, so it is quite easily absorbed by the body. There is a lot of calcium in sesame.

Try to limit your intake of foods that increase calcium loss. This includes coffee, fat and salt. Knowing which calcium is best absorbed is information that will ensure you stay healthy for years to come.

Eat foods that contain vitamin D. This will increase the calcium permeability by up to forty percent and normalize its balance with phosphorus. You can find this vitamin in liver, eggs, seafood and fish. In addition, do not forget to show yourself to the sun.

By the way, the more you move, the better calcium is assimilated. However, by sweating, the body loses large reserves of microelements. Therefore, it is necessary to restore them in time.

Modern drugs

Which calcium supplement is better absorbed by the body is an individual question. Before using any of them, it is best to consult your doctor first.

List of the most popular and effective drugs

- “Calcium D3 Nycomed” is characterized by a combination of calcium carbonate and vitamin D. It is very often prescribed by doctors, since the drug is quite easily tolerated and is not characterized side effects. It comes in the form of fruit-flavored chewable tablets.

- “Calcium Sandoz Forte” are effervescent tablets with a pleasant taste. A specially selected composition, soluble in water, forms a form that is well absorbed by the body.

- “Calcepan” is an excellent drug that normalizes not only calcium reserves, but also other active substances.

A few facts about calcium

  1. Most often, it is women who lack this microelement.
  2. Calcium alone is not enough to keep bones strong. Improve your magnesium reserves as well.
  3. Vitamin D is calcium's most important ally, helping it be absorbed by the body.
  4. Coffee, alcohol and nicotine reduce the amount of calcium in the microorganism, so it is better to get rid of bad habits as soon as possible.
  5. To maintain calcium levels in the blood when it is deficient, the body takes it from bones and teeth.

Which calcium is better absorbed in the body (reviews and recommendations can be read in this article)?

For children, it is better to choose a composition that will include full complex vitamins and minerals.

Don't chase low prices. For good result and noticeable benefits for your health, use combination drugs.

But no supplement can help you if you don't eat right and exercise. Take care of your health and replenish calcium reserves since childhood.

Calcium - vital important element for any living organism, one of the main building blocks for the skeleton and all bones, an essential, active alkaline earth component involved in many basic metabolic processes in organism.

We consume it with food, however modern tendencies significantly reduce the already small doses of natural calcium in products. The only way to replenish the deficiency is to use special medications. However, how to choose the optimal form of calcium that would be quickly and completely absorbed by the body and at the same time would be inexpensive?

Why are calcium supplements needed?

Choice necessary drug it is necessary to start with an awareness of its significance for the body, as well as useful properties and potential risks of taking the drug.

For adults

Calcium in the adult body performs a huge range of vital functions. system functions. It is essential for bone and tooth tissues, normalizes blood clotting, and provides normal work muscle contraction functions.

Recent studies show that it is calcium that slows down the aging process; in complex therapy, the element acts as an inhibitor of cancer development. For middle-aged and older people, calcium is necessary to combat osteoporosis, menopause, and increased blood pressure and some problems of cardio-vascular system.

This element also blocks the absorption of saturated fats by the human body, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and fights “bad” cholesterol.

For children

Calcium is the most important mineral for children, starting from the first days of life. It helps the child to fully develop and be healthy. This element in the child’s body is involved in more than three hundred biochemical processes, from the formation and development of bone tissue to the work of muscles and the cardiovascular system.

Calcium in various forms regulates the acid-base balance of the body, protects blood vessels from permeability, regulates muscle tone and blood clotting. Insufficient calcium can cause seizures in a child, multiple sclerosis, rickets, pathologies of the development of the eye lens, poor clotting blood. Full development of the baby, including active growth skeleton, directly depends on the presence in the body of a sufficient amount of the above-described substance.

Modern research by scientists on the occurrence of diseases directly or indirectly related to a lack of calcium in the body is actively published in the foreign press. , this problem can cause up to a hundred different diseases and syndromes.

The most famous recorded cases:

  1. Osteoporosis is a decrease in bone density and an increase in skeletal fragility with a significant increase in the risk of fractures.
  2. Rickets - childhood disease, caused by insufficient mineralization of bone tissue and leading to a change in its structure.
  3. Osteomalacia is a disease similar to rickets, detected in adolescents and adults.
  4. Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas.
  5. Menopause is a syndrome of physiological decline in sexual constitution.
  6. Renal and liver failure.
  7. Change function thyroid gland.
  8. Cachexia and anorexia are exhaustion of the body.
  9. Bisbacteriosis.
  10. Cardiovascular diseases.
  11. Infectious, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases wide range.
  12. Acquired defects of connective and bone tissue.
  13. Pulmonary and heart failure.
  14. Hyperplasia.
  15. Various neuropathies and stress.
  16. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to choose and what to pay attention to?

Almost everyone to modern man in addition to the natural calcium contained in, additional medications are required, due to the stable decrease in this useful element in the daily diet. For example, pregnant women and children need at least one and a half daily required dose, and patients during the recovery period need even double. Which calcium should you choose? Let's look at this issue more closely.

On this moment Calcium preparations are divided into two large groups - complexes of animal origin and drug substrates.

The first ones are nutritional supplements, created from limestone, oyster shells, dolomite, animal bones and other natural products. This type The drugs are inexpensive and available in large dosages. However, there are two features here - the concentration of calcium itself in the mixture (it is lower than in classic factory tablets), as well as various natural pollutants, in particular lead, because it is this that accumulates in places where calcium is deposited. At a sufficiently high concentration, this pollutant can damage the brain and cardiovascular system, almost and even change behavior with the appearance of aggression and a general decrease in intellectual functions.

According to the research results, the least amount of such negative additives is found in chelated forms and calcium carbonates, and most of all - in the bones and shells of oysters. Therefore, if you are going to purchase calcium preparations based on natural structures, be sure to choose preparations with maximum level cleaning.

In addition, it is advisable to use calcium supplements together with phosphorus and magnesium - this is how these components mutually enhance their joint beneficial effects on the body and replenish the loss of these minerals. If the body lacks any of the three designated elements, then no matter how much you consume one or two others, they will be absorbed very poorly. As an additional modulator you should also take (aka fish fat) and vitamin C - the first catalyzes the absorption of calcium, the second is a kind of balancing for other minerals.

Preparations from purified substances most often represent various compounds of a semi-synthetic nature in the form of salts. They are produced in the form of solutions or compressed tablets. Here you should pay attention to the salt formula itself, because each of them may contain a different concentration of elemental calcium. So calcium gluconate and calcium lactate contain only 90 to 130 milligrams of pure substance per gram of substrate, while calcium chloride - 270, and calcium carbonate - more than 400 milligrams per gram of compound.

List of the best drugs with descriptions

Calcium Carbonate with Magnesium

This combination drug contains a large amount of calcium in bound systematic form. It is used to replenish the lack of calcium and magnesium balance in the body and has a pronounced antacid effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Soy does not cause hypersecretion of acid-base balance.

Children over twelve years of age and adults take two tablets after meals, dissolving them in the mouth. Maximum dosage- 12 tablets per day

Possible side effects: hypercalcemia, change in stool consistency. The drug is contraindicated in systemic disorders renal function in patients with hypercalcemia. Prescribe with caution to pregnant women before the third trimester.

A drug that systematizes the balance of calcium and calcium in the body. Used primarily to combat hypocalcemia, as additional therapy in the treatment of lesions of the thyroid gland and blood vessels. It has a positive effect in the treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, endometritis, nephritis, eclampsia. Used as a hemostatic agent and as an antidote for poisoning with magnesium salts, as well as a diuretic.

Available in the form of a solution. Adults ( intravenous administration, very slowly, drip or stream) prescribe 15 milliliters of solution 2 or three times a day, for children - from five to ten milliliters of solution twice a day.

Side effects: bradycardia, fibrillation of the gastric cardiac muscle, sensation of heat, pain in the epigastric region. The drug is contraindicated for thrombosis, atherosclerosis, hypercalcemia, as well as for intramuscular or subcutaneous administration.

One of the most famous calcium supplements, combined with vitamin D3. The complex replenishes calcium deficiency in the body and promotes its absorption. Calcium D3 Nycomed regulates the absorption of microelements in the gastrointestinal tract, prevents increased synthesis of parathyroid hormones, and increases bone resorption. Used for complex therapies a number of diseases, including osteoporosis and other conditions associated with calcium deficiency.

The drug is taken orally. Children - one tablet twice a day. Adolescents over twelve years of age and adults - two tablets three times a day.

Possible side effects: allergic reactions, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Calcium D3 Nycomed is contraindicated for people with renal failure, patients with sarcoidosis, phenylketonuria, allergy sufferers and the elderly, children under five years of age.

Data complex drug in addition to classic calcium, it also contains zinc, magnesium, copper, boron and colecalciferol in the form of sulfates, oxides and other compounds. The medicine actively regulates calcium metabolism in the body. The pharmacokinetics of Calcemin Advance is currently the subject of complex research and has not been fully studied.

The drug is used to reduce calcium deficiency, strengthen bone tissue, and also prevent problems with the musculoskeletal system and other diseases associated with hypocalcemia. Dosage for children over twelve years of age and adults is one tablet twice a day.

Side effects: vomiting, nausea, hypercalcemia, flatulence, allergic skin rashes. Calcemin Advance is prohibited for use in children under twelve years of age, if urolithiasis and renal failure. During pregnancy and lactation, this medicine should be taken with caution, accurately calculating the dosage and not exceeding it. Up to 20 percent of calcium consumed penetrates into breast milk Therefore, limit use of the drug if you are giving your child any calcium supplements.

Useful video

The program “Live Healthy!” about food with calcium

Choose calcium supplements correctly, use them wisely in practice and never get sick!

Many people have heard about osteoporosis, a disease that develops due to a lack of calcium in the body. The content of this element in the bones decreases, they become more porous, and therefore not so strong. With fairly ordinary, everyday loads, bones are broken... But that’s not how things will work?! Of course not! This means we need to look for ways to restore the bones to their former strength. The thought that immediately comes to mind is that you need to add calcium-rich foods to your diet. It could be cottage cheese, or it could be shells chicken eggs. Well, the question is, will calcium be absorbed from the hard shell? Will it be digested or absorbed by the body... So we will talk about the element calcium, which calcium is better absorbed in the human body. How to protect yourself from deficiency of this mineral? Is food the only help in this? Current issues, because in fact this is the case - not all compounds of this element are equally well absorbed in the intestines.

Pathology of calcium metabolism

First of all, it is necessary to identify signs of pathology of calcium metabolism, an increase in its content (hypercalcemia) and a decrease (hypocalcemia). Both conditions are equally dangerous to human health.

Calcium deficiency can manifest itself with the following fairly typical symptoms:

Increased bone fragility;
Numbness of the limbs;
Frequent seizures;
Oscillations blood pressure;
Child growth retardation;
Increased hair fragility;
Pain in joints and bones.

There are frequent headaches.

Treatment of calcium metabolism pathology

Without a doubt, self-medication is dangerous to health. Guided by the symptoms indicated above and suspecting the presence of calcium metabolism pathology, there is no need to try to cure yourself.

With the exception of rare cases, as a rule, associated with errors in nutrition, any deviation in the mineral content from the norm is the result of the presence of some primary ailment, treatment should begin with a visit to the doctor.

Treatment of diseases leading to calcium deficiency is best left to specialists. Next, I will consider ways to correct the content of this mineral when there is no primary diseases, but only Not proper nutrition and your understanding of the need to take care of your own bones.

Calcium: which calcium is better absorbed by humans?

Calcium in foods

Without a doubt, food should be considered the most effective and safest source of calcium. By the way, some of them, for example, dairy products, contain this mineral in significant quantities.

The safety of treating hypocalcemia with diet therapy has been confirmed experimentally. When excess elements are received, they simply will not be absorbed. The appearance of hypercalcemia is completely excluded.

Besides, in natural sources contains a significant amount of ionized calcium, which is easily absorbed, has biological activity and is safe for the body.

Consumption of foods high in bound calcium not very useful. The mineral is not in a bioavailable form. Simply put, everything that is eaten will go through what is called transit and will not linger in the body.

In the old days, crushed powder was used to correct hypocalcemia. eggshells. This method is still practiced, but rather out of ignorance. The human body is not able to process strong chemical compounds of calcium and change its content in the blood plasma.

The leaders in the amount of calcium are, without a doubt, dairy products: whole milk, cheeses, cottage cheese, in addition, sour cream, curdled milk, natural yogurt, and so on.

In second place are herbal products: nuts, seeds, sesame seeds, fresh herbs, White cabbage, legumes, garlic and onions.

Animal products, with the exception of dairy products, do not contain too much calcium. The leader in this group is fish, both river and sea.

It is very important to identify foods that are calcium antagonists. When they are consumed in significant quantities, either the processes of absorption of the mineral from the intestine are suppressed, or the excretion reactions are enhanced.

First of all, you should limit your consumption of regular table salt. It has been proven that the processes of excretion of sodium chloride entail significant losses of calcium in the urine.

Secondly, you need to limit your consumption of coffee and strong tea, avoid fatty foods. It is also important to give up smoking and alcohol abuse.

Drug treatment hypocalcemia

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a wide variety of calcium preparations intended to treat hypocalcemia. Unfortunately, those that boast an affordable price actually have a very low bioavailability coefficient.

More expensive analogues, contain a significant amount of ionized calcium, as well as bioavailable salts of the element. Of the latter, calcium citrate and calcium carbonate should be especially noted.

To normalize calcium absorption processes, you should remember the need integrated approach. The processes of mineral absorption will be carried out in full only if there is a sufficient amount of vitamin D, as well as magnesium and phosphorus.

In light of the above, the use of multivitamins and multiminerals looks especially promising. IN good drugs, corresponding to age and other criteria, there is a balanced and carefully selected number of elements. They always contain calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and other substances important for humans. However, their cost can be a significant drawback.

General recommendations that do not directly affect the calcium content in the body, but can reduce its loss or improve its absorption. Dosed physical activity has a positive effect on the condition of the whole body, but it is especially useful for bones and muscles. You should stay as much as possible fresh air, oxygen normalizes mineral metabolism. Stress factors must be eliminated or minimized.

Calcium is essential for the health of any person, and especially for the fair sex. This is due to the fact that sex hormones take an active part in the calcium cycle in the body, and after menopause their quantity decreases. Following this, bone tissue density decreases and there is a tendency to fractures. How do we know if we are getting enough of this mineral?

The norm in a woman’s body depends on age and changes depending on the needs of growth or changes in bone tissue. Experts recommend the following average amounts per day:

  • 0.7 g at the age of 1-3 years,
  • 1 g at the age of 4-8 years,
  • 1.3 g at the age of 9-18 years,
  • 1 g at the age of 19-50 years,
  • 1.2 g at age 51 and older.
During pregnancy and lactation, the norm increases to 1.5 g.

Symptoms of deficiency

After 30 years female body gradually begins to lose bone density due to decreased physical activity and hormonal changes, which worsens during menopause. A lack of Ca in a woman’s body can manifest itself in different ways. For example, tingling and numbness in the fingers may indicate a slight degree of hypocalcemia, and with a more serious deficiency of the mineral, involuntary muscle twitching and cramps are possible.

Chronic deficiency can lead to neuropsychiatric symptoms such as depression, bad memory, problems with thinking, insomnia.

Deficiency may have a negative impact on electrical conductivity hearts. Symptoms may include arrhythmia (the feeling that the heart is skipping beats or beating too quickly), shortness of breath, and swelling.

Ca deficiency is sometimes clearly visible in the condition of the skin, nails and hair. The skin may experience dryness and itching. Brittle nails and deterioration of teeth are also symptoms of its deficiency. If absorption is significantly impaired, osteoporosis and a tendency to fractures develop, especially in older women.

5 calcium supplements that are good for women

Of course, we should consume the main amount of Ca with food. However, it does not always remain in the body even with sufficient consumption. Moreover, it may be excreted faster than it should, so calcium supplements should also contain additional substances- regulators of its metabolism. Let's look at a few popular medicines that can make up for the deficiency.

There are contraindications, use after consulting your doctor

  1. Calcium Sandoz Forte

    Ca naturally exists in the form of salts, which have varying bioavailability. Effervescent tablets Calcium Sandoz Forte not only has a pleasant orange flavor, they are specially thought out chemical composition salts and excipients so as to ensure high absorption in the human intestine.

    The drug is produced in France. There are tablets with equivalent dosages of 0.5 and 1 g, which contain two calcium salts:

    • carbonate (0.875 or 1.75 g),
    • lactogluconate (1.132 or 2.263 g).

    Package price 20 pcs. tablets of 0.5 g - from 311 to 365 rubles.

  2. Calcium-D3 Nycomed

    A well-known supplement based on a combination of Ca salt and vitamin D3. This vitamin is called “sunshine” because its synthesis occurs under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Its main function is to maintain optimal levels of phosphorus in the blood. This combination of active substances allows the body to effectively absorb incoming Ca.

    Carbonate in the preparation is 1.25 g, which is equivalent to 0.5 g of “pure” Ca, cholecalciferol (D3) - 200 IU. The drug is produced by the Norwegian company Nycomed in the form of chewable tablets with mint and orange flavors. The cost of a package of 20 tablets is in the range of 222-253 rubles. The company also produces Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte, in which the concentration of vitamin D is doubled.

  3. Calcium+Vitamin C

    To prevent osteoporosis and other age-related disorders, you need more than just calcium. Vitamin C is not synthesized in the human body, so the need for it is great. It will help to replenish the normal balance of the vitamin and reduce the risk of calcium “starvation.” this drug from the Dutch company Natur Product.

    It is available in the form of soluble effervescent tablets with a pleasant orange aroma and contains 0.18 g of vitamin C and 0.5 g of Ca carbonate. Packing of tablets 12 pcs. costs from 141 to 147 rubles.

  4. Ostalon Calcium-D

    According to experts, for women over 50, calcium-containing supplements should be prescribed in combination with regulators of bone tissue metabolism. In the modern pharmaceutical industry, there are just such combination drugs. One of them is Ostalon, which is produced by Gedeon Richter. The drug contains two types of tablets:

    • Ca carbonate (1.578 g) + Vitamin D3 (400 IU) + Excipients,
    • alendronic acid (70 mg) + excipients.

    Normally, there is a dynamic balance between the processes of bone formation and its resorption (resorption). Alendronic acid is a bisphosphonate, a substance that slows the rate of bone resorption. The ongoing process of bone formation against this background leads to an increase in its density, therefore Ostalon Calcium-D is prescribed in the treatment of osteoporosis. The cost of packaging is from 789 to 805 rubles.

  5. Veprena

    There is another type of antiresorptive drug to consider. These are medications with thyrocalcitonin, which stimulates the uptake of Ca by bone cells.

    Age-related calcitonin deficiency can also cause calcium deficiency in women. It will help to replenish its supply domestic drug Veprena (Nativa LLC). It is available as a nasal spray and contains 200 IU of salmon calcitonin and excipients. The cost of one bottle is from 1050 rubles. Veprena should be taken together with other Ca-containing drugs.

comparison table
A drug Active components: What is it produced in: Manufacturer:
Calcium Sandoz Forte Carbonate, lactogluconate 500 mg or 1000 mg (in terms of pure Ca) Effervescent tablets in a pencil case, 10 or 20 pieces France
Calcium D3 Nycomed Carbonate + Colecalciferol (1 tablet 500 mg + 0.005 mg (200 IU) vitamin D) Chewable tablets(orange or mint) each: 20, 30, 50, 100 pcs per jar Norway
Calcium + Vitamin C Carbonate + Ascorbic acid(1 tablet 500 mg (pure) + 180 mg vitamin C) Effervescent tablets in a pencil case, 10 or 12 pieces Netherlands
Ostalon Calcium-D Carbonate + Colecalciferol (1500 mg (pure) + 400 IU of vitamin D in 1 tablet) + Alendronic acid (70 mg in 1 tablet) Tablets of 2 types, 32 or 96 pcs. Hungary
Veprena Calcitonin (200IU) Nasal spray Russia

Of course, this is far from full list medications that can normalize Ca balance in your body. However, we must remember that despite its importance and necessity, if overdosed or taken incorrectly, it can cause complications. It is believed that the upper limit daily dose for people over 50 years of age it is 2 g. Exceeding the dosage increases the risk of kidney stones. Medicines containing calcium metabolism regulators must be taken under the supervision of a physician.

Not only the beauty of hair, the health of bones and teeth, but also general health person. Calcium metabolism represents difficult process, which depends on many factors. Lack or excess of calcium has equally negative effects on human health. In this article we will look at which calcium is better absorbed in the body.

It is important that the supply and content of calcium in the body is maintained at a constant level, since it takes part in almost all life-supporting processes inside the human body. In particular, calcium is involved in:

  • skeletal abbreviation muscle tissue and smooth muscle tissues;
  • formation of teeth, bone tissue and hair in combination with phosphorus;
  • stable functioning of the cardiovascular system with the participation of potassium, magnesium and sodium;
  • blood clotting, thereby enhancing the effect of vitamin K;
  • normalization of activities endocrine glands and secretion of hormones;
  • transport of nutrients and waste substances through cell membranes;
  • work of the nervous system;
  • normalization of sleep.

There are two types of calcium – organic and inorganic. Our body absorbs only organic calcium, which large quantities found in fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits. The inorganic form of calcium is a terrible enemy for human body, since it is not able to dissolve.

Calcium absorption by the body

Calcium is one of the elements that is difficult for the body to absorb. For this reason, it is very difficult to provide the body with enough calcium. For example, such healthy foods, like spinach, sorrel and cereal porridges contain specific substances that interfere with the absorption of calcium. For calcium to be fully absorbed in the body, it must first be processed by stomach acid and then by bile. In this way, calcium salts are converted into digestible substances.

In addition, calcium processing can be interfered with by an excess of phosphorus and magnesium. This is due to the fact that phosphorus enters chemical reaction with calcium and forms salt. This salt does not dissolve even in acid.

Calcium from dairy products is easily absorbed due to the lactose they contain - milk sugar. When it enters the intestines, it turns into lactic acid and completely dissolves calcium. Any amino acids together with calcium form highly soluble substances.

Fats also promote good calcium absorption. But they must be in a certain quantity. The ratio of fat to calcium should be 100:1!

An interesting fact is that pregnant women absorb calcium much better than girls who are not preparing to become mothers.

Causes of poor calcium absorption

Why is calcium not absorbed? This process depends on many factors. Causes of poor calcium absorption include:

  1. Heat treatment of products. In this case, calcium passes from an organic form to an inorganic one, and in this form it is almost not absorbed.
  2. Lack in diet some minerals, vitamins and useful substances, and in a balanced manner. Amino acids, vitamins A, C, E, D, trace elements zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and copper - contribute to better absorption of calcium.
  3. Dehydration. Calcium intake must be accompanied drinking plenty of fluids(2 liters of water per day). When acidity decreases gastric juice, pharmaceutical products It is better to drink calcium with lemon water - this way calcium is absorbed faster.
  4. Some diseases (diabetes, renal failure, endocrine diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, vitamin D deficiency).

What to do to improve calcium absorption

For better absorption of calcium, a number of conditions must be observed. These include:

1. Review of diet. It is necessary to compensate for the lack of vitamin D (eating sardines, salmon, eggs and liver). It is impossible to provide the vitamin norm with just nutrition, so it is recommended to walk in the sun as often as possible.

Calcium is also interconnected with the content of magnesium and phosphorus. Foods rich in microelements include: fresh herbs, cottage cheese, cocoa, legumes, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, whole grain bread.

2. Controlling the amount of foods that remove calcium. You should limit your consumption of coffee, salt, carbonated drinks, beets, and spinach.

3. Regulating the acidity of gastric juice. Job intestinal epithelium should be normalized, since calcium absorption occurs in the small intestine.

4. Balanced hormone levels(estrogen, growth hormone, parathyroid hormone).

5. Lead active image life. Calcium is absorbed worse if a person moves little. It is enough to do light jogging, brisk walking or strength exercises. However, remember that calcium is excreted through sweat, so after training you need to drink a glass of kefir.

6. Avoiding stressful situations. Sedatives will help cope with negative and violent emotions.

7. Taking calcium supplements. It is easier to maintain the required element level using special means. Many people are interested in the question of how to take calcium? Those over 25 should take 800 mg of calcium every day, and those over 50 should take 1400 mg. It is best to take dietary supplements with calcium (chelate form). The drug should be taken after meals.

What pharmaceutical calcium is best absorbed in the body? In order not to get confused in the huge assortment, you should contact a specialist. Scientists have proven that calcium lactate and gluconate are the worst absorbed. You should choose calcium carbonates and citrates. Of these forms, the element is best absorbed. Don't forget that calcium needs to be taken along with vitamin D.

Calcium absorption during pregnancy and lactation

Calcium is the main “building” material for the unborn child. It is involved in the formation of not only bones and teeth, but also skin, eyes, nerve tissue, internal organs baby, etc., so it is not surprising that it is so necessary for expectant mothers.

Pregnant women should consume approximately 1,500 mg of calcium per day. In the third trimester, this need increases due to fetal development. If at the beginning he needed 2-3 mg of calcium per day, then before birth he needs 250-300 mg.

To better absorb calcium during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you need to:

  1. Take calcium supplements(citrate, carbonate, calcium bicarbonate) or vitamin and mineral complexes. All medications must be prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Add more dairy products to the menu(yogurt, kefir, milk, hard cheese, cottage cheese).
  3. Diversify your diet sea ​​fish, nuts, broccoli, dried fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Absorption of calcium by the child's body

Considering all of the above, children's body especially needs calcium. Parents must provide their child with proper nutrition and supplement it if necessary. vitamin complexes and calcium supplements for children. All medications must be prescribed by a pediatrician!

Calcium intake rates per day for children are as follows:

  • 0-3 years – 600 mg;
  • 4-10 years – 800 mg;
  • 10-13 years - 1000 mg;
  • 13-16 years – 1200 mg;
  • 16-18 years old – 1000 mg.

Precautionary measures

Excess calcium is just as dangerous as its deficiency. Hypercalcemia may occur due to uncontrolled intake of calcium supplements or too much frequent use dairy products.

Symptoms of excess calcium include:

  • vomiting and nausea;
  • constant thirst;
  • weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • frequent urination.

Hypercalcemia is primarily harmful to pregnant women. She reduces pain threshold and elasticity of the birth canal, leads to the appearance of placental calcification. Also, increased calcium intake can cause the formation of kidney stones. In addition, it interferes with the normal absorption of iron, zinc and magnesium, which leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

We can talk for a long time about the benefits of calcium, because it is vital for humans. However, we must not forget that deficiency and excess of the element are equally harmful. If you do not have a calcium deficiency, then you should not take special drugs. It is necessary to remember that the body absorbs only organic calcium, and from drugs - calcium carbonates and citrates.