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What eye diseases are most common in children: a complete list. List of major eye diseases in children and treatment methods

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Every child is born with undeveloped vision, and its development occurs during the first fourteen years of life. This explains some of the features of the course of eye diseases in childhood. In particular, eye pathologies in children, if detected in a timely manner, are easier to correct and have a more favorable prognosis than diseases that occur in adulthood after vision formation has completed.

Common visual impairments in children

One of the most common ophthalmological diseases, developing during the period of active growth of the child, is myopia(). The pathology can be either congenital or acquired, resulting from prolonged stress on the visual organs, excessive use of the computer, reading in poor lighting, etc. With myopia, the child begins to have difficulty seeing into the distance, and degenerative changes in the fundus of the eye are also possible. If you notice signs of deterioration in your child’s vision, we recommend contacting our team, which will accurately diagnose the pathology and carry out its correction.

Clinic doctors will help prevent eye diseases the baby in the early stages and provide timely treatment if visual impairment is detected.

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In the event that a child sees well enough in the distance, but poorly up close, we will be talking about hypermetropia, that is, farsightedness. If with myopia the eyeball lengthens, then with farsightedness it shortens, as a result of which the image becomes blurred. The disease can develop both due to a hereditary predisposition, and after previous infections, injuries, as well as due to non-compliance with safety standards when working at a computer, lack of vitamins in the body, etc. You may notice that your child gets tired quickly and has difficulty reading and writing. Vision correction for farsightedness, as well as for myopia, occurs with the help of glasses.

It is worth noting that mild farsightedness is present in most newborn children, and by the age of eight it normally completely disappears. If this does not happen, this pathology is often accompanied by strabismus, characterized by asymmetrical, uncoordinated eye movements. Can lead to strabismus various defects ocular muscular system and oculomotor nerves. The risk of your child developing the disease may be increased if you suffered any infectious diseases during pregnancy, the child suffered physical or mental trauma, or suffers from myopia or farsightedness. It is the timely treatment of these two pathologies that is effective prevention strabismus.

Inflammatory diseases

Separately, we can consider inflammatory and infectious diseases eyes, which our young patients often have to deal with. When one or more membranes of the eye become inflamed, diseases such as , uveitis and keratitis.

Their causes may be allergic reactions, microbial infection, poor eye hygiene, etc.

As a rule, detecting the inflammatory process is not difficult. More likely, we're talking about about one of the above diseases, if the child’s eyes are very watery, especially in bright light, there is redness and discharge of pus. In this case, you should contact an ophthalmologist. The doctor at our clinic will conduct necessary research and determine the nature of the disease.

So, if we are talking about conjunctivitis, it can be allergic, viral or bacterial, treatment will also vary accordingly. The most severe form of the disease is bacterial. In this case, you will most likely need to use medicines containing antibiotics.

One of the complications of bacterial conjunctivitis is keratitis - inflammatory disease cornea of ​​the eye. Other causes of pathology are often traumatic injuries, infections and viruses, vitamin deficiency, allergic reactions, etc. With this disease, the child’s visual acuity decreases, and complaints of pain in the eyes also appear. If the cause of the disease is the herpes virus, ulcers may form on the cornea. It is very important to detect and treat keratitis in time, since one of its most severe complications can be loss of vision.

You may notice similar manifestations in a child when uveitis- inflammation choroid eyes. In childhood itself common cause This pathology causes eye injuries. Since the disease also entails a number of serious consequences, we recommend that you do not delay your visit to our clinic at the first pathological symptoms.

When to see a doctor

So, competent and timely diagnosis and subsequent treatment of eye diseases is the key to preserving the health of the child. You should be alert and contact your ophthalmologist as soon as possible if you notice one or more of the following signs:

  • the child has to squint to see objects; he begins to blink frequently;
  • the eyes seem to be looking in different directions;
  • when reading and writing, the child has to bend over a book or notebook;
  • to look at an object on the side, the child turns his head instead of moving his eyes;
  • the child’s eyes are swollen and red;
  • there is lacrimation or purulent discharge;
  • the child gets tired quickly, complains of headaches and eye pain, and experiences dizziness.

Prevention of eye diseases in children

You can take steps to protect your child's eye health. To do this, just follow these simple rules:

  • make sure that the child does not spend too much time in front of a computer monitor or TV, and is also at least thirty centimeters away from them;
  • provide proper lighting;
  • Monitor your child’s daily routine: he should get a good night’s sleep and spend as much time in the fresh air as possible;
  • the diet should be varied and contain the full range of vitamins and microelements necessary for the child’s body;
  • Be sure to undergo regular preventive examinations with an ophthalmologist.

Take care of your children’s vision, and in case of any problems, do not delay contacting our clinic - experienced doctor will do everything possible to keep children's eyes healthy.

Cost of treatment for eye diseases

Initial appointment with an ophthalmologist


Repeated appointment with an ophthalmologist

Children are touching and defenseless creatures. It is especially difficult when they are sick. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to protect children from some diseases, while other diseases can be prevented. In order to after past diseases the children had no consequences, you need to promptly notice that something was wrong and consult a doctor.

Vision problems in children

Impaired quality of vision is one of the reasons for delayed development of children in the first years of life. If preschoolers' vision suffers, they cannot prepare properly for school and their range of interests is limited. Schoolchildren with low vision are associated with a decrease in academic performance and self-esteem, a limited opportunity to play their favorite sport, and choose a profession.

The child's visual system is at the stage of formation. It is very flexible and has enormous reserve capabilities. Many diseases of the visual organs can be successfully treated in childhood if they are diagnosed in a timely manner. Unfortunately, treatment that is started later may not produce good results.

Eye diseases in newborns

Many visual impairments develop as a result of congenital diseases. They are detected immediately after birth. After treatment, children develop better and their range of interests expands.

In newborn children, ophthalmologists diagnose the following diseases of the organ of vision:

  • Congenital. This is a clouding that manifests itself as decreased visual acuity and a grayish glow. Due to the disruption of the transparency of the lens, light rays cannot fully penetrate the lens. For this reason, the cloudy lens must be removed. After surgery, the child will need special glasses.
  • Congenital - a disease of the organ of vision in which intraocular pressure increases. This occurs due to a disruption in the development of the pathways along which the outflow occurs. Intraocular hypertension causes stretching of the membranes eyeball, an increase in its diameter and clouding of the cornea of ​​the eye. Compression and atrophy occur optic nerve, which causes gradual loss of vision. With this disease, instillation is constantly eye drops, reducing intraocular pressure, into the conjunctival sac. If ineffective conservative treatment perform surgery.
  • Neonatal retinopathy is a retinal disease that occurs mainly in premature babies. With this pathology, the normal height retinal vessels. They are replaced by pathological veins and arteries. The retina develops fibrous tissue and then scars. Over time, the retina occurs. At the same time, the quality of vision is impaired, sometimes the child stops seeing. The disease is treated with laser therapy; if it is ineffective, surgery is performed.
  • is a condition in which one or both eyes look in different directions, that is, they deviate from a common point of fixation. Until the fourth month of life, the nerves that control the extraocular muscles are not formed in children. For this reason, the eyes may deviate to the side. In cases where strabismus is severe, consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary. In children, spatial perception may be impaired and develop. In order to correct strabismus, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease. For this purpose, children are prescribed special exercises to train weakened muscles, perform vision correction.
  • represents involuntary movements of the eyeballs either in a horizontal position or in a vertical position. They can rotate in a circle. The child is unable to fix his gaze and does not develop high-quality vision. Treatment for this disease involves correcting visual impairment.
  • Ptosis is a drooping of the upper, which occurs due to underdevelopment of the muscle that lifts it. The disease can develop due to damage to the nerve that innervates this muscle. When the eyelid droops, little light penetrates into the eye. You can try to fix the eyelid with adhesive tape, but in most cases, children between the ages of 3 and 7 years old surgical correction ptosis.

Visual impairment in preschool children


One of the diseases that leads to impaired vision in children up to school age, is strabismus. This pathology can be caused by the following reasons:

  • uncorrected disorder;
  • decreased visual acuity in one eye;
  • damage to the nerves responsible for functioning oculomotor muscles.

If you have strabismus, the image of an object does not fall on the same areas of the eyes. In order to get a three-dimensional picture, the child cannot combine them. In order to eliminate double vision, the brain removes one eye from visual work. The eyeball, which is not involved in the process of perceiving an object, deviates to the side. This is how either a convergent squint is formed, towards the bridge of the nose, or a divergent squint, towards the temples.

It is recommended to start treatment of strabismus as early as possible. Patients are prescribed glasses that not only improve the quality of vision, but also give their eyes correct position. If the oculomotor nerves are damaged, electrical stimulation is used and exercises are prescribed to train the weakened muscle. If such treatment is ineffective, the correct position of the eyes is restored surgically. The operation is performed on children aged 3-5 years.

If one eye is tilted to the side or sees worse, amblyopia develops. Over time, visual acuity in the unused eye decreases. To treat amblyopia, the healthy eye is excluded from the visual process and the affected organ of vision is trained.

Pathology of refraction

The following refractive errors are often diagnosed in preschool children:

  • . It most often occurs in children aged 3 to 5 years. If hypermetropia reaches 3.5 diopters in one eye, and there is different visual acuity in both eyes, amblyopia and strabismus may develop. To correct vision, children are prescribed glasses.
  • The child has difficulty seeing into the distance. His visual system is unable to adapt to such an anomaly, therefore, even with a slight degree of myopia, children are prescribed glasses correction.
  • In this case, the image of objects that are located both nearby and on long distance. For this pathology, correction is prescribed with complex glasses with cylindrical lenses.

Eye diseases in schoolchildren

School-age children are also susceptible to refractive errors.


With this visual impairment, the size of the eyeball increases or light rays are refracted excessively. They converge in front of the retina, and a blurry image is formed on it. Due to active growth eyeball and increased load on the apparatus, children aged 8-14 years develop myopia. The child cannot see what is written on the school board where the ball is while playing football. To correct myopia, children are prescribed glasses with diverging lenses.


Farsightedness, or hyperopia, is a refractive error that occurs due to the small size of the eyeball or insufficient refraction of light rays. In this case, they converge at an imaginary point located behind the retina. A fuzzy image is formed on it. Most often, farsightedness is first detected in children of ten years of age. If hypermetropia is low, then the child can clearly see objects located in the distance. Due to its good accommodative function, it clearly sees objects located at close range. Glasses are prescribed to schoolchildren if there are the following indications:

  • farsightedness above 3.5 diopters;
  • deterioration of visual acuity in one eye;
  • appearance when working at close range;
  • presence of headaches;
  • eye fatigue.

To correct hyperopia, children are prescribed glasses with converging lenses.


Astigmatism is a visual impairment in which light rays are refracted differently in two mutually perpendicular planes. As a result, a distorted image is formed on the retina of the eye. The cause of astigmatism may be uneven curvature resulting from congenital anomaly eyeball. If the difference in refractive power does not exceed 1.0 diopter, then it is easily tolerated. In the case where astigmatism is more high degree, the contours of objects that are at different distances are not clearly visible. They are perceived as distorted. The difference in refractive power is compensated by complex glasses with cylindrical lenses.

With accommodation disorder, clarity of perception is lost when examining those objects that are on different distances or move relative to the observer. It develops due to a violation of the contractility of the ciliary muscle. In this case, the curvature of the lens remains unchanged. It provides clear vision only at distance or near.

In children aged 8 to 14 years, as a result of excessive stress on the eyes, it occurs. The ciliary muscle contracts and loses its ability to relax. The lens becomes convex. It provides good vision close up. In this case, schoolchildren have difficulty seeing into the distance. This condition is also called false myopia. When there is a spasm of accommodation, children perform gymnastic exercises for the eyes and are prescribed instillation of special drops.

Convergence insufficiency is an impairment in the ability to direct and maintain the visual axes of both eyeballs on an object that is at close range or moves towards the eye. In this case, one or both eyeballs deviate to the side, causing double vision. Convergence can be improved with special exercises.

If the patient is unable to combine two images that are formed on the retina of the left and right eyes in order to obtain a three-dimensional picture, a binocular vision disorder develops. This happens due to differences in the clarity or size of the images, as well as when they fall on different areas retinas. In this case, the patient sees two images simultaneously, which are offset from one another. To correct diplopia, the brain can suppress the image that forms on the retina of one eye. In this case, vision becomes monocular. In order to restore binocular vision, it is necessary, first of all, to correct visual impairment. The result is achieved through long-term training collaboration both eyes.

What else can be done to restore a child’s vision?

For refractive errors in children (myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism), as well as strabismus and amblyopia, most ophthalmologists prescribe courses hardware treatment that give good effect. If earlier for this, young patients and their parents needed to visit the clinic, wasting time on travel and queues (and sometimes nerves and money), but now, with the development of technology, a whole range of effective and safe devices have appeared that can be used at home. The devices are small in size, affordable and easy to use.

The most popular and effective devices for home use

Sidorenko glasses (AMBO-01)- the most advanced device for self-use by the patient when various diseases eye. Combines color pulse therapy and vacuum massage. Can be used both in children (from 3 years old) and in elderly patients.

Vizulon - modern apparatus color pulse therapy, with several programs, which allows it to be used not only for prevention and complex treatment diseases of vision, but also in pathology nervous system(for migraines, insomnia, etc.). Available in several colors.

The most famous and popular eye device based on color pulse therapy methods. It has been produced for about 10 years and is well known to both patients and doctors. It is characterized by low price and ease of use.

Diagnosable eye diseases in children can delay the baby’s development and slow down preparation for school. Poor vision of a schoolchild negatively affects his academic performance.

On early stage Most diseases respond positively to treatment because the visual system of babies is plastic and has sufficient reserves, as it is going through the formation stage.

Common eye diseases in children

The baby inherits some eye diseases; there are also congenital pathologies, others appear due to an inflammatory process in the body. Most Frequent eye diseases in newborns are:

  • Congenital cataract. Identified by the grayish tint of the pupil. In this case, cloudiness of the lens prevents light from entering the eye. Children's vision does not develop fully, the lens must be removed (replaced with an artificial one).

  • Congenital glaucoma. Manifested by increased intraocular pressure, it is formed as a result of disruption of the process of development of passages for the outflow of aqueous humor.
  • Strabismus. In infants, the development of the nerves of the oculomotor muscles is not complete, therefore, deviation of the eye may be observed periodically. However, when the deviations are strong and regular, it is worth visiting a doctor.
  • Nystagmus. Characterized by involuntary eye movements. This deviation does not allow you to fix your gaze and form clear vision.
  • Ptosis. Expressed in omission century . The main reasons are underdevelopment of the eyelid muscle and damage to its nerve. Corrected in age three to seven years through surgical treatment.

  • Retinopathy premature. The full growth of retinal vessels stops. There is a development fibrous tissue. Accordingly, the retina becomes scarred, peels off, and blindness may occur. Surgical and laser treatments are used.

The following are typical for preschoolers:diseases:

  • Strabismus. External manifestation- deviation of the eye. It is the result of disturbances in the perception of visual information and its transmission through the visual system. There is a decrease in visual acuity and disruption of communication between the eyes. The ability to perceive volumetrically is lost. Treatment is strictly individual.

  • Amblyopia. The child uses one eye less often than the other. Reason: deviation of the eye to the side, blurred vision. Treatment involves training the affected eye.

  • Farsightedness. It is most often diagnosed in children aged three to six years. When hypermetropia reaches 3.5 diopters and higher, glasses are prescribed.
  • Astigmatism. A common cause of poor vision. There is a distortion of the image of objects as a result of a violation of the sphericity of the lens and cornea. Corrected with glasses.
  • Dystrophy macular spot . A disease of hereditary predisposition. It develops slowly and can lead to complete blindness. When examined inside the eyeball, yellow , brown spots. The late stage is characterized by the formation of a focus of atrophy, and the optic nerve stops functioning.

Schoolchildren more often suffer from the following visual impairments:

  • Accommodation disorder. Characterized by the loss of the eye's ability to clearly perceive objects at a distance. The reason is a malfunction of the ciliary muscle, a decrease in the elasticity of the lens. Often disrupted in teenagers , focusing the gaze long time at close range. This condition known as name false myopia. It is removed with special drops and gymnastics.
  • Usually occurs in the period 8-14 years due to the heavy load on the ciliary body, iris, intensive growth eye. Corrected by negative lenses.

  • Convergence insufficiency. This is a violation of binocular function, namely, the ability to keep the eyes on a specific object at a close distance. Due to deviation of the eye, double vision occurs. Exotropia appears spontaneously, at a moment of tension. This disease provokes headache, does not allow you to concentrate.
  • Binocular vision disorder. Receive a single full image It is binocular (both eyes) vision that makes it possible to understand an object, which is fully formed by the age of twelve. Among the causes of its violation are damage to the muscles of the eye, and sometimes general diseases.
  • Destruction of the vitreousbodies. spherical shape gives the eye a glassy appearance body , which fills it from the inside. The clouded fibers of this body cause apparent dots, “floaters,” that move during eye movement. The disease is determined using ophthalmoscopy.

Frequently occurring pathologies

The result of pathologies is visual impairment and decreased vision. Congenital gross anomaliesorganvision are revealed during examination in the maternity hospital, it can be:

  • absence of an eye, change in its size;
  • absence, underdevelopment of eyelids;
  • reduction of the eyeball;
  • underdevelopment of the palpebral fissure.

According to statistics, there is one case of congenital glaucoma per 10 thousand newborns. A common pathology also includes congenital cataracts, which account for up to 60% of all pathologies in newborns.

During development, deviations such as myopia and farsightedness often occur.

A certain place is given to injuries. The following damages are identified:

  • thermal - contact with boiling water or hot oil;
  • mechanical (superficial, penetrating);
  • radiation (exposure to infrared, ultraviolet radiation);
  • chemical (burns with alkali, acid).

Taking into account the suspected disease, clinical and laboratory studies are carried out. Sometimes it is necessary X-ray examination skull, sinuses. There are cases that require consultation with other specialists, for example a neurologist.

Highlighting causes of eye disease in children, indicate:

  • heredity;
  • congenital diseases, for example, turning of the eyelids;
  • eye strain;
  • allergic diseases;
  • different types of injury.

Frequent cases when diagnosedinfectious eye diseases in children, provoked pathogenic microorganisms. Among them:

  • Conjunctivitis. Emergence inflammation of the mucous membrane is provoked by bacteria, some viruses, and fungi (much less often). May be allergic conjunctivitis. Reason The development of the disease can be: banal hypothermia, colds, often decreased immunity, dirty hands. The disease is dangerous due to complications in the form of clouding of the cornea, and then decreased vision. In weakened children, the infection can cause meningitis or otitis media.
  • Blepharitis. This inflammation ciliary edges of the eyelids, which is provoked by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. There is blepharitis of allergic origin. The risk of developing an inflammatory process increases: improperly organized hygiene care, significant weakening of the immune system, common hypothermia.
  • Barley. Is inflammation hair follicle on the century. It is provoked by Staphylococcus aureus. Often signals a decrease in the child’s immunity, about endocrine disorders, about availability chronic diseases, helminthic infestation.

Reasons provokinginflammatory eye diseases in childrenare few and well known. Highlight:

  • infectious inflammation;
  • traumatic injury;
  • exposure to aggressive substances (alkalies, acids).

It is worth distinguishing between true inflammation and simple redness, for example, from smoke, wind, bright light, which will go away on its own.

Parents should pay close attention to this issue and periodically for preventive purposes Most diseases tend to progress quickly, and if certain symptoms occur, contacting a specialist is mandatory, including:

  • double vision;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • complaints related to eye fatigue;
  • squinting;
  • dizziness caused by visual stress;
  • ability to read only for short periods of time;
  • one eye wanders;
  • frequent blinking;
  • the child's desire to cover his eye with his hand;
  • hand-eye coordination is impaired.

An experienced doctor will accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe the necessary therapy. Corrective glasses are used quite often. Parents may be offered to educate their child in a special school, where the necessary exercises to restore vision are done.

Medical professionalism and parental responsibility can prevent the emergence and development of many diseases. Periodic monitoring of the baby's eye health is mandatory. A preventive visit to the doctor is recommended at one, three and six months, then at the age of one, three, five and seven years. Schoolchildren must have their eyes examined once a year throughout their education. If a disease or predisposition to it is detected, extraordinary examinations are carried out in agreement with the doctor.

To confirm or refute their doubts about the child’s health, parents can initially independently test the baby’s vision. For example, a baby up to one year old should react to bright light and fix his gaze on it; at 7-8 months, a child is able to react to familiar impressions. At three years of age, a test is used to recognize figures in a picture. If the child is older, you can ask him to write the letter E on the board in different positions. However, regular visits to the doctor are required.

Diagnostics at the ophthalmology center

At the ZIR clinic, you are 100% guaranteed to detect an emerging problem or confirm its absence. There is a team of professionals working here who have modern equipment from leading companies at their disposal.

For children, basic, standard and complete ophthalmological examination. At the clinic, everything starts with getting to know each other. When the little patient gets used to the doctor, the examination begins. Offered:

  • measurement of intraocular pressure.
  • determination of the nature of vision;
  • autorefractometry;
  • establishing the angle of strabismus;
  • visual acuity test;
  • examination of the anterior segment of the eyes;
  • fundus examination.

The center's methods allow:

  • diagnose and treat viral infections, bacterial conjunctivitis, keratitis;
  • eliminate obstruction of the lacrimal canal;
  • remove foreign bodies of the cornea and conjunctiva;
  • identify and treat astigmatism, amblyopia, myopia using hardware treatment techniques;
  • fulfill surgery pathologies;
  • observe young patients after surgery.

How to treat eye diseases in children under one year old

Having returned from the maternity hospital, parents should closely monitor the development of the baby, not missing the moments of formation visual functions. The first visit to an ophthalmologist lasts up to three months. It is during this time that most congenital diseases are diagnosed. If pathologies have not been established, the next visit to the doctor is planned when the child reaches six months and the main structures of the eye begin to mature, affecting the focusing of the image.

The first symptoms of most diseases before one year of age are:

  • the appearance of strabismus;
  • slow tracking of a moving object or its complete absence;
  • discharge that can accumulate on the eyelids and in the corners of the eyes;
  • redness of the tunica albuginea.

As a rule, the impaired function is restored adequate treatment. Therefore, you should not put off visiting a doctor and self-medicate. At the ZIP 100% clinic, after consultation, the doctor will offer the most painless and informative examination. Necessary treatment and surgical intervention is carried out by high-class specialists.

Prevention of childhood eye diseases

An effective prevention of eye inflammation is to teach your child to maintain hygiene, not to touch or rub his eyes with his hands. It is important to teach your child not to watch TV for a long time and to limit the time he plays on the computer. Such measures can protect against bacterial inflammation. Also, systematic measures of standard prevention will increase the child’s immunity, which will reduce the chances of developing most diseases. Content such prevention involves:

  • frequent walks;
  • playing sports;
  • food enriched with vitamins;
  • healthy, active image life;
  • exercises that help relieve eye fatigue.

The clinic's stands and website offer parents photos of signs of certain diseases and a brief description of them, so that attention is drawn to possible deviations in time.

Category: Eye diseases

The visual apparatus performs one of the most important functions for the normal development of the child. After all, vision problems lead to visual lag. Educational games for attentiveness and preparation for school become problematic in case of eye diseases in children. There are many diseases of the visual system that occur not only in adults, but also in children. The most common diseases should be considered in more detail.


The most common eye disease in children. Medical term myopia - myopia. Usually develops from the age of 5 years. The child gradually ceases to clearly see objects at a long distance.

Causes of occurrence in children

There are a number of reasons why children begin to develop myopia. The most common are:

  1. Genetic predisposition. If a child has at least one parent suffering from myopia, then the chance of its occurrence is quite high. Therefore, parents should be prepared for such a situation and, at the first signs of deterioration in the child’s visual acuity, contact an ophthalmologist. On early stage myopia can still be completely cured.
  2. Sedentary lifestyle. In such children, myopia develops several times more often.
  3. Incorrect landing. If the baby sits at the table in an uncomfortable position, then while reading, writing or drawing, the visual apparatus is subject to overstrain.
  4. Concomitant or congenital eye diseases. The child may be born with congenital astigmatism or injuries spinal cord, which negatively affects the organ of vision.

Treatment of myopia

In order to cure myopia in a child, it is necessary to carry out complex therapy, which includes:

  • optical correction, that is, wearing glasses;
  • using special drops to train the eye muscles;
  • hardware therapy.

Important to remember! - enough difficult process, so every parent should support their child during this difficult period for him!


This disease in children develops as a result of the atypical structure of the visual apparatus. The baby begins to weakly see objects in front of his eyes. Reading is especially difficult.

Main symptoms of farsightedness

  • the child begins to blink frequently and rub his eyes;
  • when playing with small parts and when watching TV, the baby tries to move as close to objects as possible;
  • when reading and looking at pictures, brings them very close to the face;
  • Regular eye strain leads to headaches and moodiness in the child.

The baby may refuse to draw or read. Conjunctivitis occurs for no reason.


Farsightedness is treated primarily by wearing glasses. An ophthalmologist may also recommend hardware therapy, depending on the severity of the disease. Complex therapy It is carried out in several courses with breaks of 3 months. If the doctor's orders are followed correctly, the prognosis is almost always favorable.


- This is a violation of the shape of the lens or cornea of ​​the eye. The child experiences image distortion, which leads to loss of visual acuity. This disease can be detected in a baby by the following ailments:

  • the child begins to look at objects from only one angle;
  • one eye periodically closes;
  • often squints and moves closer to the object of interest;
  • rapid fatigue.

Due to rapid visual fatigue, the child often rubs his eyes.


Initially, the ophthalmologist prescribes wearing glasses. The child wears them for some period. If no improvement is observed, then vision therapy is prescribed. Inspections are carried out every 3 months. The ophthalmologist must evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. If it is not effective, he changes the scheme and method of influence.

It is important to know! Astigmatism should be eliminated at the first symptoms! After all, the disease can lead to myopia and other visual disorders.


- a disease that is an inflammation of the eyeball. It can occur as a result of exposure to pathogenic viruses or bacteria, or as an allergic reaction.


This disease develops rapidly and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe redness of the eyes and swelling of the eyelids;
  • itching and burning of the visual organ;
  • purulent discharge from the eyes;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

The child feels constant weakness of the body and regular headaches.

Causes of the disease

Ophthalmologists distinguish between infectious and non-infectious conjunctivitis. Infectious form The disease occurs due to harmful bacteria, viruses or fungi entering the organ of vision.

As for non-infectious conjunctivitis, it develops as allergic reaction for certain chemical substances and other irritants.

It is important to know! Standard scheme There is no cure for conjunctivitis! Depending on the cause of the disease, specific therapy is prescribed.


acute inflammation purulent in nature, which forms near the root of the eyelash.

Reasons for appearance

This disease in children usually occurs as a result of pathogenic microbes such as streptococci or staphylococci. The following ailments may be prerequisites for the appearance of barley:

It is important to know! Stye can be transmitted by everyday means! Therefore, a sick baby should have separate hygiene items for the period of illness.

Symptoms of occurrence

This purulent neoplasm is quite easy to detect. Children exhibit the following symptoms:

  • swelling and redness of the eyelid;
  • painful sensations at the moment of touching and blinking;
  • After a couple of days, an abscess forms in the center of the swelling.

If treatment is not started, the stye will swell more and more.


In order to eliminate the disease in a baby, you will first need exposure to dry heat. At the same time, the affected area should be treated alcohol tincture calendula. These procedures must be carried out before a formed abscess appears. After this, you should not apply heat. This can lead to the spread of the inflammatory process throughout the eye.

The affected eye should be treated with antibacterial drops and ointments. If the disease recurs periodically, then care should be taken to increase immune system And timely treatment chronic infectious diseases.

In order to promptly detect and begin effective treatment eye diseases, you need to regularly take your child for a preventive examination to an ophthalmologist, at least 2 times a year.

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The most important human organ- eyes. Vision pathology, especially hypermetropic astigmatism in children, significantly reduces the child’s quality of life. He does not perceive the picture exactly as on paper, he sees objects in a completely different position. What is this...

Astigmatism often occurs in early age, therefore, it is very important to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist on time and do a test for astigmatism. Eye disease is detected during a routine examination, instruments for detecting myopia and...

No matter how hard we try to protect our child from illness and adversity, no parent can cope with such a task. Sooner or later, viruses and infections penetrate into children's body, causing a number of diseases. Of course, there are diseases that can be prevented by vaccination, but, unfortunately, this does not apply to eye pathologies. But poor eyesight at an early age significantly delays a child’s development. For preschoolers, problems of this kind limit the child’s range of interests and slow down his preparation for school. As for schoolchildren, they have poor eyesight, as a rule, causes a decrease in self-esteem and the development of complexes. Not to mention the fact that eye diseases reduce school performance and become an obstacle when choosing a sports section and even a child’s future profession.

Based on this, it is easy to guess that early diagnosis of eye diseases in children is very important. It is necessary to identify any visual impairment when the child’s visual system is just developing. The fact is that many eye diseases can be treated only at an early age. This means that every parent should know what symptoms indicate the development of diseases of the visual organs in children. As you may have guessed, our publication today will be entirely devoted to the topic of childhood eye diseases. Well, let's talk?


This disease is an inflammation of the conjunctiva - thin shell covering the sclera (white of the eye) and inner surface century The cause of conjunctivitis can be a viral or bacterial infection, an allergy, or some other irritant. Viral conjunctivitis often develops against the background of a cold.

This disease of the visual organs is diagnosed in children of any age. Symptoms of the disease are redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes, lacrimation, greenish discharge. Treat conjunctivitis in children with antibacterial and antiviral drugs local and systemic action. Treatment is prescribed by an ophthalmologist after a comprehensive examination of the child’s visual organs.


The disease in question is characterized by redness of the eyelid, and then the appearance of swelling on it, at the top of which an abscess forms. The picture of the inflammatory process is complemented by itching, pain and even increased body temperature. The reason for the appearance of stye on a child’s eye can be various pathogenic bacteria, For example, Staphylococcus aureus. External stye develops due to an inflammatory process in sebaceous gland or hair follicle eyelashes. Internal - appears inside the eyelid, its cause is inflammation of the meibomian gland.

This eye disease, like the previous one, can develop in children of any age. If swelling appears in a child’s eye, it is necessary to apply a warm scarf to the affected area and immediately seek help from a doctor. The doctor prescribes eye drops containing antibiotics to relieve inflammation of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid, and a solution of furatsilin to wash the eyelid.


This eye disease, expressed in blockage and inflammation of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid, most often affects children of preschool and school age. It can develop in the upper or lower eyelid, sometimes in both eyes. Chalazion is often independent disease, but sometimes it is a consequence of other infectious diseases, for example, influenza, ARVI, diabetes mellitus, excess secretion lard skin glands. However, most often this disease develops due to infection getting into the eyes through the dirty hands of a child.

The disease manifests itself as swelling and redness of the mucous membranes, accompanied by itching and burning of the affected eyelid. After 3-5 days, a dense capsule can be detected inside the eyelid. If the seal is located closer to its outer part, then it is easy to notice. In such a situation, it is urgent to show the child to a doctor, since the treatment of this disease requires antibacterial therapy.


This eye disease affects posterior section the membrane of the organ of vision, which is penetrated by a branched network of vessels. The disease is defined as a tumor. In this case, part of the retina is involved in the formation. Chorioretinitis can be congenital or acquired. That is, it is diagnosed, as a rule, in newborns and children up to one year old.

The development of the disease occurs under the influence of infection with toxoplasmosis, syphilis, tuberculosis or herpes virus. Infections of the ENT organs or oral cavity a pregnant woman during the period of bearing a child.

Inflammation may consist of one or several foci. This eye disease is most often detected during a medical examination of a child. With disease in the central or macular region, blurring and loss of visual acuity are observed. Chorioretinitis is treated with antibiotics, antivirals and other drugs that have a detrimental effect on the infection. It should be noted that physiotherapy in the treatment of this disease has positive result. Often, in the treatment of chorioretinitis, laser coagulation of the retina is used to slow down the spread of the lesion.


Myopia (myopia) is a vision disorder in which, due to an increase in the size of the eye or excessive refraction, rays of light converge in front of the retina, forming a blurry image on it. This pathology often develops in schoolchildren due to the enormous load on the visual apparatus and the active growth of the eye during this period.

Symptoms of myopia include poor visibility of distant objects. The disease is corrected using glasses with diverging (minus) lenses.

Macular degeneration

Retinal degeneration, or juvenile macular degeneration, is a hereditary disease that begins in preschool age, gradually progresses with the disappearance of central vision and the slow development of blindness. Children with this eye disease complain of discomfort when looking at light. The child sees better in the twilight. When diagnosing the disease, yellowish or brown spots can be detected in the fundus. For more late stages V central departments In the retina, a focus of atrophy is formed and atrophy of the optic nerve gradually occurs.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure the disease. To maintain vision function, medications are prescribed that improve blood supply and nutrition to the retina. Laser lasers can also be used therapeutic methods. Treatment of macular degeneration in children should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Destruction of the vitreous body

DST is the term used to describe the clouding of the fibers that make up the vitreous body of the eyeball. This disorder is expressed in the observation in the field of view of various visual images moving after the movement of the eye. This disease is popularly called the appearance of “floaters before the eyes.”

In children this pathology most often occurs against the background of anemia. When the hemoglobin content in the blood is low, the brain begins to experience oxygen starvation, which causes black spots to appear before the eyes. Often this eye disease is a consequence birth trauma. Consequently, destruction vitreous Children of any age are susceptible.

To establish a diagnosis, it is enough for an ophthalmologist to examine the child’s fundus and perform an ophthalmoscopy. Treatment for this disorder will depend entirely on its causes.


A very common disease, which is determined by the presence inflammatory processes in the eyes, their anterior parts of the choroid, including the iris and the ciliary body itself. Iridocyclitis in children can be infectious, allergic, autoimmune, or traumatic. The disease often develops among older children.

The main symptoms of iridocyclitis in children are pain in the eyes, decreased visual acuity, fear of light, increased lacrimation, and too narrow a pupil. An ophthalmologist is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease in children. Physiotherapeutic methods for treating iridocyclitis include electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, diathermy and phonophoresis. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in the form of drops non-steroidal drugs, glucocorticosteroids, antibiotics.


This disease is characterized by visual impairment, in which the degree of refraction of light rays in two mutually perpendicular planes differs, and a distorted image is formed on the retina. Astigmatism is associated with congenital structural features optical system eyes (usually with uneven curvature of the cornea). A 1.0 diopter difference in refractive power is easily tolerated. With a higher degree of astigmatism, the contours of objects located at different distances are perceived as unclear and distorted. The disease is often diagnosed in young and older children. For vision correction, complex glasses with cylindrical lenses are used, which compensate for the difference in refractive power.

Eye diseases in children: treatment and prevention

We have found that children of any age are susceptible to the development of inflammatory eye diseases. This is a fairly large group of pathological conditions of the visual organs, in which inflammatory processes develop in the structures of the eye, as well as on the eyelids, in the lacrimal apparatus.

Features of the treatment of eye diseases depend on the causes and nature of the inflammation. In the treatment of inflammatory processes on visual organs antibacterial and antiviral drops, ointments, and combined agents, antihistamines. The choice of a specific medication is determined by the location and nature of the inflammation. Therefore, self-medication of eye diseases in children is unacceptable, since it can have serious Negative consequences for vision.

To prevent infection from getting into the child’s eyes, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the baby’s hands, as well as increase his immunity and eliminate foci of infection during internal organs. If even minimal signs of eye inflammation appear, the child should be shown to an ophthalmologist.

Eye diseases that are accompanied by decreased vision in children (astigmatism, myopia, strabismus and others) also require early diagnosis and timely correction using glasses.

In order to prevent visual impairment, it is important to saturate the child’s diet with foods containing high content vitamins, adhere to the daily routine, do not let the baby sit for a long time at the computer or in front of the TV. It is useful to do eye exercises with your child.

Do not forget that most of these diseases can only be treated in childhood, since age-related changes in the visual organs often become irreversible.

Take care of your children and be healthy!

Especially for - Nadezhda Vitvitskaya