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The fruits of the “tree of life” - pistachios: are they useful or harmful? Reliable data on the benefits and harms of pistachios for children's bodies. How many pistachios can you eat for health benefits and when can they be harmful?

The fruit of the pistachio tree is an oval, slightly angular seed with a hard shell.

When fully ripe, it cracks with a snap, revealing a leathery shell of red or purple color.

Pistachios are very useful for humans, as they have a whole range of healing properties that can resist many serious diseases.

The leaves of the tree release special essential oils into the air, an excessive concentration of which can lead to dizziness and other side effects.

However, with moderate consumption, the benefits of pistachios for the health of the human body are invaluable.

The seeds of the pistachio tree, like many other nuts, are very high in calories - about 550 kcal per 100g. due to the essential fatty acids it contains, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

They contain a large number of vitamins, a whole range of minerals and chemical micro- and macroelements that make pistachio seeds useful.

Nuts are rich in phytosterol compounds that can regulate hormonal background in women, which is why pistachios are called a feminine product.

Among the vitamins they contain, gamma-tocopherol, pyridoxine, etc. predominate. In addition, pistachios contain predominantly choline, folic acid and lutein, which are especially necessary for the growing body of children and adolescents, as well as for expectant mothers.

Pistachio fruits contain a huge amount of minerals, among which vanadium comes first (more than 400% of daily permissible norm); silicon (150% of the daily value).

The nut is also rich in manganese, phosphorus, and phosphorus, which take part in almost all regulatory processes in the human body.

In terms of the amount of unsaturated fatty acids, oleic and linoleic, pistachios occupy a leading position among other food products. Due to these constituent components, pistachios are recognized by experts around the world as a product against atherosclerosis.

It should be noted that pistachio seeds can accumulate strontium, a toxic chemical element, when high concentrations capable of causing severe poisoning.

Medicinal properties of pistachio seeds

Due to its rich useful substances pistachios have a number of beneficial properties that have been used by healers to treat serious diseases since ancient times.

Shrubs prefer soil saturated with calcium and manganese, so nuts contain a lot of these minerals. Almost every component in pistachios benefits human health:

  1. Because of great content polyunsaturated fatty acids of pistachios help fight the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and sharply reduce the level bad cholesterol in blood;
  2. Essential and non-essential amino acids take part in the synthesis of proteins, which are the basis for the growth and development of cells and tissues in the body;
  3. Vitamins A and E together help strengthen the nail plates and hair roots, and also improve the condition of the skin and have positive influence on metabolic processes in organism. In this case, pistachios are considered good antioxidants, capable of slowing down aging and activating the production of collagen fibers;
  4. Pistachio tree seeds, when consumed regularly, increase immunity and help fight various types infections, bacteria and viruses;
  5. B vitamins regulate metabolic processes and have a calming effect on the central nervous system during stress, anxiety and insomnia;
  6. Regular inclusion of pistachios in the diet prevents the development of heart attacks and strokes several times over, as they strengthen the walls of blood vessels and heart tissue;
  7. Due to the starch and fiber contained in the composition, the seeds activate intestinal motility, thereby promoting the removal of toxins and restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  8. Scientists have proven the effect of pistachios on respiratory processes, and some doctors recommend eating nuts for tuberculosis and pneumonia.

The benefits of pistachios for women and men

First of all, pistachio seeds stop the processes of biological aging of the body and can prolong the youth of skin, hair and nails.

Cosmetologists around the world prefer pistachio oil to all others for lotions, compresses and baths and other rejuvenating procedures.

In addition, having a high calorie content, nutritionists recommend consuming them in small quantities (no more than 30 grams) as a separate snack in order to fill up, reduce appetite and improve mood.

In addition, they help to gently cleanse the intestines and burn excess fat deposits.

Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding need to consume pistachios, but in limited quantities, since their excessive concentration can cause a severe allergic reaction.

It is worth paying special attention to the effect of pistachios on male body. The substances contained in nuts have a tonic and stimulating effect on the male nervous system, thereby increasing potency and desire several times.

Since ancient times, pistachios have been considered a powerful aphrodisiac; it was enough to eat less than a handful of seeds daily.

Recently, scientists at an English university conducted a series of studies that revealed the effect of pistachios on sperm activity. With regular use, men's sperm quality improved and physical activity sperm, which dramatically increased the chances of married couples getting pregnant.

Harm and possible contraindications

Despite all healing properties, pistachios have a number of factors that influence harmful effects on some patients. First of all, this applies to people suffering from allergies, since pistachio seeds can provoke an allergic attack, including anaphylactic shock.

With excessive consumption of nuts, more than 100 grams per day, a person may experience disorders in the digestive system, accompanied by nausea, pain in the epigastric region and possible constipation.

During pregnancy, pistachios can cause premature birth, as they promote contraction of the uterus.

It is recommended to limit the consumption of nuts for people who have:

  • excess weight;
  • allergy to any of the constituent components in the nut;
  • predisposition to dental diseases.

Therefore, before starting treatment with pistachio seeds or oil extracted from them, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Benefits of pistachio oil

Cosmetologists claim that cold-pressed oil from the seeds of the pistachio tree has miraculous properties, first of all, regenerating and restorative.

  1. For ulcerative diseases of the skin, lotions with pistachio oil help to heal them faster, draw out pus and subsequently make the scars less noticeable;
  2. By adding oil to face masks, you can lighten your skin by several tones, get rid of dark age spots and freckles;
  3. For people suffering from dry and flaky skin, pistachio oil is an indispensable remedy. It is enough to wipe your face and damaged skin areas every day with a cotton pad soaked in pistachio oil;
  4. Phytosterol compounds in the oil promote tissue regeneration, collagen production and restoration of elastic functions of the skin.

In addition to the seeds and the oil extracted from them, the leaves of the bush have beneficial properties, which secrete special essential oils, which in small concentrations can have a positive and calming effect on the nervous system. However traditional healers They also use pistachio shells to make a decoction against diarrhea.

Treatment in traditional medicine

Most often, doctors advise consuming pistachio tree seeds in fresh. They can be added to salads, main courses or taken as an independent product.

However, it should be borne in mind that the optimal allowable dose for a daily diet is considered to be 30-40 grams of nuts.

  • In order to increase immunity and restore strength after infections or operations, it is recommended to take an infusion of pistachios daily.

To prepare it, it is recommended to take a few tablespoons of chopped nuts and pour a glass of boiling water over them, then let it brew until the water cools completely. It is recommended to take a couple of dessert spoons of this infusion before each meal.

  • Pistachio seeds contain minerals such as potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. They help lower blood pressure, so they are prescribed for hypertension.

To do this, patients only need to eat 150 grams of nuts per week.

  • For diarrhea or dysentery, traditional healers always recommend using an infusion of pistachio husks.

To do this, pour one handful of husks into a glass of water and boil for about 15 minutes. After this, strain the broth and drink it while still hot at once. In case of complications and advanced cases, the procedure is repeated several times.

Selection and storage

IN Food Industry pistachios occupy a place of honor among gourmet foods.

They are added to dessert dishes, decorate salads or give hot dishes a special piquancy, aroma and exquisite taste.

To choose ripe and high-quality nuts, just follow a number of simple rules:

  • Firstly, the maturity of pistachio tree seeds is determined by the cracked shell.
  • Secondly, you should pay attention to the color of the kernel; the greener it is, the juicier and tastier it will be.
  • Thirdly, there should be no traces of salt on the shell.

This will indicate long soaking in saline solution, resulting in the loss of most nutrients.

To preserve their healing properties, it is advisable to eat pistachios fresh, without heat treatment, soaking in salt or frying.

Due to the fact that nuts contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, it is recommended to store them in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container, but not more than 3 months.

Some cooks store peeled seeds in the freezer, but the shelf life of such fruits will be no more than six months.

Thus, pistachios combine a delicate, pleasant taste and many healing properties. However, if consumed in excess, they can cause Negative consequences for human health. To maintain vitality and prevent many diseases, it is enough for a person to eat several pistachio nuts every day.

Pistachio trees grow singly, have a dense, curved trunk and evergreen foliage. The crown is low to the ground, and the powerful root system covers an area of ​​40 meters and grows to a depth of about 15 meters. Pistachio trees and shrubs are resistant to drought, as they have the ability to extract about 20 tons of moisture from the soil during one warm season. At favorable conditions one tree can bear fruit for 300-400 years.

Pistachio trees mainly grow in Iran, India, USA, Syria, Turkey, Italy and many countries with hot climates. The seeds ripen in the fall, and the ripe nuts partially open and make a sharp click.

Surprisingly, pistachios are harvested by hand in the evening and at night. This unconventional approach to harvesting can be easily explained if you know about special properties foliage of this plant. Under the influence of scorching sun rays The bright leaves of the pistachio tree actively release concentrated essential oils. In small quantities they will not harm the body, but if these substances are inhaled for a long time, a person may experience dizziness, intoxication, nausea and even fainting!

Calorie content of pistachios

Pistachios have an exquisite taste and are direct “relatives” of the cashew nut. The benefit of pistachios for humans lies in their nutritional value, a unique combination of valuable substances, and in terms of the content of B vitamins, these nuts are superior to beef liver!

Pistachios contain:

  • Organic amino acids (oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic)
  • Proteins (about 20 grams)
  • Vitamins of groups E, A, B, PP
  • Starch
  • Glycerides
  • Ash compounds
  • Carbohydrates
  • Alimentary fiber
  • Microelements (Cu, Mn, P, Mg, Fe, K)

100 g of pistachios replenish the daily deficiency of vitamin B6 in humans and replenish the body with useful amino acids and vitamins. The benefits of pistachios lie in their extraordinary nutritional value and high calorie content. One hundred grams of raw kernels contain about 650 calories, and a handful of nuts instantly satisfies severe hunger and fills the body with energy.


Harm of pistachios

In order for pistachios to bring benefit to the body and not harm, it is better to eat them raw, slightly dried. However, this is very often forgotten by snack lovers who feast on these aromatic nuts in incredible quantities while sitting in front of the TV. The harm of pistachios increases significantly if this product is generously seasoned with salt. Eating salted kernels is fraught with sudden jumps in blood pressure and kidney failure.

Also, do not forget that pistachios are allergenic products. People who are intolerant to any component of these nuts should avoid eating them.

It is strictly not recommended to give pistachios to children under three years of age who have allergic manifestations. Eating even a small amount of these nuts can significantly worsen a child's condition and even lead to anaphylactic shock.

To avoid damaging tooth enamel, you should not open pistachio shells with your teeth - it is better to use tools for cracking nuts. With caution and extreme cases nuts should be consumed by people who wear dentures or orthodontic systems.

Harm to pistachios cannot be ruled out if low-quality nuts with mold or a red coating on the kernels were purchased. The seeds of ripe, edible pistachios are covered with a thin green shell. The red crust indicates that the nuts were collected by hand and treated by manufacturers with dyes in order to hide moldy spots. However, such low-quality goods can be found in isolated cases, since today the pistachio harvest is almost completely automated.


Pistachios: benefits

The huge amount of valuable substances that make up pistachios has contributed to the extraordinary popularity of these nuts among people of all ages. They are included in their diet by athletes, as well as people whose job involves increased brain activity.

The benefits of pistachios today are not questioned. The phenolic compounds contained in their composition promote cell renewal, protect the body from the effects of harmful radicals and help preserve youth. Pistachio oil is used to produce many hair and skin care products, preparations for the treatment of dermatitis, oils for massage and tanning.

Eating nutritious pistachios has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Undeniable benefits The benefit of these nuts for humans is to break down cholesterol plaques and remove toxins. In addition, pistachios produce the following effects on the body:

  • A significantly higher concentration of vitamin B6 in nuts promotes cell regeneration, regular renewal of blood cells, and the normal course of the metabolism of fats and proteins in the body.
  • The beneficial microelements contained in pistachios have a positive effect on metabolism, nervous and circulatory system. Eating ripe nuts helps strengthen the heart vessels and calms heart palpitations.
  • Pistachios are very useful for men. The introduction of these nuts into the diet allows you to increase potency, has a beneficial effect on libido, strengthening male strength.
  • Pistachios contain very rare substances - carotenoids. Thanks to them, the skeletal system, tooth enamel are strengthened, and visual functions are improved.
  • The fiber in which these nuts are rich has a beneficial effect on the intestines, improves peristalsis, and activates the excretion of bile. Useful qualities pistachios have been identified in the treatment of hepatic colic - nuts relieve pain and promote normal liver function.
  • Pistachios enrich the body with valuable substances, giving energy and vigor. People who systematically pamper themselves with this delicacy have strong immunity and increased resistance to stress.
  • Pistachio-based products are used to treat diseases respiratory tract, and the colossal content of vitamin E in nuts helps fight aging of the body and reduces the likelihood of oncological diseases.

A pregnant woman should eat no more than 15 pistachios per day. Uncontrolled consumption of these nuts can cause nausea, headaches and even cause premature birth.

Protein, unsaturated acids, useful microelements and vitamins actively participate in the development of the fetus, have a beneficial effect on the mother’s body, and help cope with the load on the heart and other internal organs. Proper consumption of pistachios will help regulate liver function and relieve toxicosis.

However, despite the benefits, the harm of pistachios should not be completely ruled out.

A pregnant woman should remember a healthy sense of proportion and consume no more than 15 peeled nuts per day. The fact is that pistachios are rich in essential oils that can cause nausea and migraines in the expectant mother. An excess of these substances in the body can tone the smooth muscles of the uterus and provoke premature birth.

Pistachios during breastfeeding

During the lactation period, a woman should be careful when preparing her diet and exclude foods that can cause colic and allergic manifestations in the baby. Despite the benefits, pistachios are allergens and can cause harm to the child.

Weak digestive system a newborn is not able to assimilate the complex elements that are present in pistachios. Therefore, a nursing mother should avoid eating these nuts until the baby reaches 7-12 months of age.

Pistachio fruits are known to every person due to their unusual aroma and oriental taste. The beneficial properties of the nut have led to its use in a variety of fields: cooking, medicine, cosmetology, etc. The article is all about the benefits and harms of pistachios, composition and properties, how they grow and their uses. The ornamental plant is planted everywhere in garden plots and even in city apartments.

From this article you will learn:

Pistachios: benefits and harms, composition and properties

Pistachio (from ancient Greek and Latin "Pistácia") is a deciduous evergreen tree (sometimes shrub) that belongs to the Sumacaceae family.

History and origin of the plant

The first name for the culture was given in ancient Persia “pisteh”, after which it was modified by the Greeks and was finally fixed in the French dictionary. In Russian vocabulary the name appeared in the 18th century.

Iran is considered to be the birthplace of the plant, as well as the territory of Afghanistan and Syria, where residents call the fruit the “smiling nut”. Excavations have determined that the first types of culture grew 9 thousand years ago. Surprisingly, the first mentions can be found in the Bible.

Among our ancestors, culture was considered a symbol of success, wealth and prosperity. Under the Queen of Sheba, nuts gained popularity due to their nutritional value, delicate creamy taste and benefits for the body.

From the history

Pistachio nut producing countries

Over time, the culture spread to other states: the Roman Empire, Greece, Syria, Italy and Sicily.

Currently, trees are grown on the Eurasian continent (especially in the mountains of Crimea and the Caucasus), as well as in the USA (the second country in nut production after Iran).

Pistachio tree: botanical description of the plant

The tree or shrub reaches a height of 6-10 meters and is considered long-lived.

The trunk is characterized by tortuosity and ribbing, good branching. Bark flowers range from light gray tones to bright reds or browns. The crown is spreading and wide.

The root system is well developed and extends 25 meters in width and 10 meters in depth.

The leaves of the plant are well pigmented, glossy, and can be trifoliate or pinnate with smooth edges. Also on the sheet you can find many veins and a thin layer of wax coating.

The tree is dioecious (there are male and female individuals). Flowers male plant collected in complex staminate inflorescences with wide panicles (up to 6 cm). Female pistillate flowers are characterized by narrow, unremarkable panicles with perianths. The plant blooms in the spring season.

The first fruits are expected in July, and the last in early autumn. They are a small drupe with a pericarp. The seed valves are tightly closed, and inside there are greenish or yellowish kernels (nuts). The fruits are characterized by a bright aroma, oiliness and creamy taste.

The culture feels comfortable in hot and dry countries. Fruiting species can be found in northern Africa, western Asia, Syria, Iran and Mesopotamia, USA, Texas. Wild species are recorded in Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. The shrub is purposefully cultivated in Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece, as well as in the mountainous areas of the Caucasus and Crimea.

The plant is grown for its edible and high-calorie nuts, which are used for oil extraction and are also used in cooking, pharmaceuticals and cosmetology. Almost 90% of all fruits produced are consumed as a salty, fried or raw snack.

Pistachios: benefits and harms

Photo: pistachios benefits and harms
  • The kernels of the plant produce anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  • They also demonstrate high nutritional value and contribute to high-quality carbohydrate and energy metabolism in the body, providing it with plastic components.
  • The softening effect of the oil in the nut promotes treatment digestive diseases, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines.
  • Pistachio actively participates in redox reactions.
  • The nut contains elements necessary for cell regeneration and rejuvenation, restoration of mucous surfaces and skin.
  • The fruit also stimulates the liver, ensuring the synthesis of phospholipids.
  • In addition to medicine and cosmetology, the nut is, of course, used in cooking, as well as for the production of valuable base oil. The seed shell is often used by children for crafts.
  • The plant is also characterized by beautiful foliage and a fancy trunk, thanks to which it can decorate any garden plot and even be the main figure in landscape design.

Chemical composition of pistachio nuts

In terms of chemical composition, the fruits are characterized by a high content of polyunsaturated and saturated plant lipids (up to 60%), proteins and carbohydrates (up to 18% in total), minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids. The spice contains vitamins A, E and B, including the well-known “beauty vitamins”.

Tannin in the plant is an astringent raw material that promotes healing in case of burns, frostbite and chapping of the skin and mucous membranes. The elements also effectively fight weeping wounds, ulcers, canker sores, and stomatitis.

Nutritional value and calorie content of pistachios

The nutritional value of the product is as follows: 100 g contains almost 21 g of proteins, 51.5 g of vegetable fats, 16.5 g of carbohydrates, as well as 2.5 g of minerals and trace elements.

Calorie content of pistachios

The energy value of 100 g of nuts is 642 kilocalories.

Pistachios: health benefits and harms

The product promotes cell regeneration in the body, removal of waste and toxins, normalization of internal organs and systems (especially the heart, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, intestines and stomach). Nuts also actively participate in metabolism, reducing blood sugar and cholesterol levels, lowering the glycemic index. This, in turn, promotes compliance with diets, including medical ones and those for pregnant women.

Antioxidants in pistachios help strengthen the immune system and the body's defenses.

Polyunsaturated vegetable fats are quickly absorbed by the body and are not deposited “on the sides”. At the same time, they help improve appearance, strengthen the health of skin, nails and hair.

As for the medicinal properties of the fruit, it is used in pharmaceuticals and medicine to create homeopathic medicines, as well as medications to improve visual acuity, concentration and memory.

Medicinal properties of pistachios and effects on the body

Seed kernels are used to treat the following diseases:

  • anemia (iron deficiency);
  • lack of hemoglobin, which leads to oxygen starvation;
  • stress and depression, nervousness and mental disorders;
  • pathologies of the liver and kidneys, genitourinary system, bile ducts(reduce the risk of blockage);
  • gastrointestinal diseases (enterocolitis, colitis, gastritis, ulcers, hyperacidity, heartburn), cholecystitis, digestive disorders and intestinal motility;
  • jaundice;
  • tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases, respiratory symptoms(cough, runny nose);
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (normalize heartbeat and blood pressure, cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaques, help cure thrombophlebitis);
  • diabetes and obesity;
  • decreased potency, poor sperm quality, low mobility and sperm viability;
  • increased pigmentation of the skin (freckles, spots, vascular network, dark circles under the eyes, post-acne, etc.).

Additionally, pistachio oil is used (healing wounds, ulcers and stomatitis, relieving colic and spasms, improving the condition skin, hair and nails).

Healing infusion

An infusion can be used for treatment. To do this, take 10 nuts, finely chop them and pour 100 ml of vodka. Infuse the product in a dark place for about 10 days, then strain. Use the resulting tincture for mouth rinsing, baths and applications to ulcers and skin lesions. In area varicose veins veins, make a lotion based on pistachio infusion.

Pistachios: benefits and harms: in cooking

In cooking, the nut is used raw, and also fried and salted (a well-known snack for beer).

The fruit goes perfectly with meat and fish dishes, salads, soups, sauces and pates.

As a rule, crushed nuts are ground with other spices and olive oil, or crushed in a mortar and used in baking (sprinkled on the top layer or placed as a filling). You can use the fruits to taste, but not more than 100 g per day (the product is quite high in calories and heavy on the stomach in large quantities).

Most often you can find the use of pistachios for garnishing puree soups and poultry pates, as well as sweet casseroles and puddings. They are often used in production confectionery(cookies, gingerbread, cakes, chocolates, desserts, halva, baklava). The famous pistachio ice cream is known throughout the world due to its pleasant aroma, original nutty flavor and satiety.

Pistachio oil and its uses

Separate mention should be made of pistachio oil. It is obtained by cold pressing the fruit, after which it is cleared of impurities (refined) and a yellowish and thick liquid is obtained. After cleansing, the oil does not have a characteristic smell or taste, but retains all its healing properties. Pistachio oil is very popular in cooking.

The oil of the fruit is mainly used in medicine and cosmetology. It can be purchased at any cosmetic department or pharmacy without a prescription. Also, oil and pistachio nuts are used in cosmetology to treat diseases of the skin, nails and hair.

Pistachio oil for hair

Using pistachio oil, nourishing and restorative homemade masks, shampoos and conditioners are made. After them, the hair becomes fluffy, soft, manageable and shiny. Problems such as seborrhea or scalp fungus also go away. Your hair will grow longer and the ends will stop splitting if you apply an oil mask under the film once a week.

Pistachio oil for nails

Using oil you can enrich cuticle care products. It is also recommended to rub the oil directly into the nail plate, which will help it retain its natural color and strength, prevent delamination and brittleness, and reduce the risk of developing fungus and vitamin deficiencies in the area. Pistachio oil also helps fast healing microcracks in the epithelium and hangnails.

Pistachio oil for skin

Fruit oil is also used to treat skin diseases. With the help of enriched masks, creams, scrubs, mousses and facial washes, you can restore the hydro-lipid balance of the skin, tone and rejuvenate the cells. Regular use of the oil helps reduce natural pigmentation, removes acne marks, dark circles under the eyes and vascular network on the face. It also helps smooth out small expression wrinkles and returns the natural glow to the face.

How to grow pistachio

The culture is photophilous and grows well in open, unshaded areas. The plant is demanding on temperature and can develop normally only in hot and dry summer (spring) conditions. Doesn't tolerate well low temperatures and winter, but under favorable conditions it can survive in frosts down to -20°C.

When planting in the soil in the garden, make sure that the soil is rocky and salty. The plant requires watering as needed (the soil is dry and rough).

If you want to grow a shrub on a window, then plant the seeds to a depth of 4-6 cm in groups, for which you will need an oblong seedling box. In groups, pistachio cuttings are better accepted.

Read more about growing pistachios in the article

Unfortunately, the first fruiting should not be expected earlier than after 4-6 years (planted in the soil) and 10-12 (if grown in a window).

Nuts are collected in dark time days, since during the day the leaves of the tree produce wax and essential oil, the fumes of which have an adverse effect on well-being. Harvesting begins when the husk covering the drupe begins to come off.

After harvesting, the fruits are thoroughly dried in the sun, after which they can be safely stored for several months (4-6, sometimes up to a year). For better storage, the fruits are soaked in a salt solution and fried, after which they are placed in an airtight package. Pistachios can also be stored for several years if stored in an industrial freezer.

Contraindications or possible harm

It is important to know!

Pistachio nuts, like any other nut, are a strong allergen, so doctors do not recommend consuming it for people with an individual reaction to the components. To neutralize possible side effects It is advised to eat no more than 100 g of product per day.

Also, the fruit is not recommended for people with extreme obesity (still, the nut is quite high in calories and filling).

Also, salty snack options are prohibited for patients with increased swelling and disorders of the genitourinary system and kidney function.

In general, the oriental nut is useful and is used in various fields, in addition, it has excellent gastronomic properties.

The Tree of Life actually exists. This is not a fantasy glorified by writers and artists, not a life-affirming image from biblical scripture, but well-known pistachios. For thousands of years, these tropical plants have been giving humanity priceless fruits, which harmoniously combine excellent taste and beneficial features. From this article you will learn where and how pistachios grow, in which country they are called “nuts of happiness”, how they are useful for people and whether they can cause harm if eaten uncontrolled.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Many people like to treat themselves to salted pistachio nuts and, while enjoying the delicacy, do not even realize that they are simultaneously enriching their body with nutrients, vitamins and microelements. It is enough to familiarize yourself with chemical composition fruits of the tree of life to understand this.

To get your daily kilocalorie intake, just eat a good handful of pistachios. The energy value of 100 g of nuts is equal to 556.3 kcal. But don’t worry about the calorie content of the product.

The same portion of cotyledon kernels contains:

  • fatty oils (66%), including linoleic, palmitoleic, oleic, stearic, linolenic acids;
  • proteins (20 g), which are building material for the formation of valuable amino acids;
  • carbohydrates (up to 25 g);
  • vitamins A (zeaxanthin and lutein) - 1000 international units (IU);
  • B vitamins (B1, B6) - 23 mg;
  • vitamin E (9.3 mg);
  • vitamin C (4.2 mg);
  • starch (1.2 mg);
  • glycerides (10%);
  • copper 8 (mg);
  • phosphorus (35 mg);
  • magnesium (22 mg);
  • iron (1.08 mg);
  • calcium (40 mg);
  • manganese (4.7 mg).

Moreover, tannins are found in the leaves of pistachio plants, the amount of which increases to 50% when specific growths are formed. The value of the cultural trunks lies in the resins they contain, from which people have learned to obtain essential oil. Among other competing alternatives, it is the highest quality and deservedly tops the rating of its group.

A small proportion of oil is also found in the leaves of pistachios, but to collect a 30-gram vial of healing liquid, you will need to fence the branches from a hectare of garden.

Benefits for the body

Pistachio kernels can be consumed fried, salted and fresh. For the human body, they are simply invaluable, since they reduce the risk of dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, strengthen blood vessels and cleanse the body of cholesterol.
But this is not the end of pistachios’ benefits. Progressive medical luminaries recommend them for improvement biochemical composition blood, activation of blood circulation, establishment reproductive function both sexes.

Moreover, the vitamins contained in the product have a beneficial effect on general state man, his vitality. For example, lutein improves vision, and tocopherol cleanses cells from free radicals, heals hair and rejuvenates skin.

Did you know?Pistachios often play the role of aphrodisiacs, which explains the fact that in China they are called “happy nuts.” Besides oriental medicine confirms the beneficial effects of nuclei on the human nervous system.

Moderate portions of pistachios are indicated during pregnancy. Thanks to fiber, which is present in large quantities, the kernels improve intestinal motility, promote the formation of beneficial microflora, improve digestion and prevent the development of dysbiosis. In addition, the body is cleansed of toxic substances.

Some doctors recommend eating 5-10 nuts daily to cleanse the bile ducts and liver. This product is believed to relieve pain associated with hepatic colic.
Traditional medicine advises combining fruits with honey, which doubles their benefits. There are many medicinal prescriptions, based on pistachio ingredients (oil and kernels) from:

  • tachycardia;
  • hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cough and bronchitis;
  • psychological exhaustion;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • ulcers of the digestive tract;
  • burns;
  • anemia;
  • colitis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • intestinal disorder due to poisoning;
  • skin aging.

Did you know? The largest producer of pistachios in the world is Iran. During the year, workers collect more than 255 thousand tons of nuts from the country’s plantations. In addition, the top three included the USA and Turkey, which annually grow 176 thousand and 82 thousand tons of product, respectively.

In addition, pistachios help with infertility, promote the production of eggs and increase potency, which is equally beneficial for men and women.

Possible harm

If you eat pistachios uncontrolled, you can seriously harm your body. These delicious nuts have no specific contraindications. But nutritionists warn about possible risks of obesity and allergic reactions. Allergy sufferers should be especially careful with this treat. Being a strong allergen, the product can even provoke anaphylactic shock.

Doctors categorically insist on reasonable portions of nuts - only then will they be useful, and in all other cases they will cause irreparable harm to the body. Based on these beliefs, it is important to find out for yourself how many pistachios you can eat per day, taking into account your weight and health status.

According to experts, the average person is physically healthy man A person who regularly plays sports can eat no more than 40 g of fruits daily. Everything that is above is already starting to harm. As a result of such overeating, work disruptions may occur. digestive organs and kidneys.

Important! During therapy with pistachio kernels, nutritionists advise minimizing the consumption of butter and vegetable oil.

How to choose when purchasing

On store shelves, this product is most often found roasted and seasoned with salt, but you can also find raw nuts. Price policy on them depends on the size of the kernels and the degree of processing, which does not at all affect the taste.
Experts who, in the course of their daily work, pass hundreds of tons of this Asian food through their hands every day, advise when purchasing to pay close attention to the packaging and the label on it, the size and quality of the shell, and the color of the kernels.

To make your choice easier, always follow these rules:

  1. The shell of high-quality nuts is always smooth, with a uniform structure and pale yellow color. As a result of exposure to the marinade in which frying takes place, it may approach orange hues. Dark color peel indicates excessive heat treatment or a spoiled product. In any case, there will be no benefit from it.
  2. A good kernel is always green. And the richer it is, the better the taste.
  3. The thin film that is barely visible in the cracks of ripe specimens between the shell and the cotyledon kernel should be brown, not red. Do not forget that some unscrupulous manufacturers are trying to disguise a low-quality product with various dyes. Therefore, always avoid unnatural colors.
  4. Sometimes the nuts crack when ripe, making it easier to obtain edible grains. But it is better to give preference to whole samples, since some entrepreneurs early stages During ripening, pistachios are treated with special chemical solutions, resulting in an imitation of “ripeness.”
  5. In a high-quality and ripe product, the inside always protrudes slightly from the slightly open shell. If it is deepened, then the “crack of ripeness” is simulated by chemical or mechanical means. In both cases, the taste and nutritional characteristics of the nut are questionable.
  6. Never buy loose goods near or sausage shops - they absorb foreign odors very quickly and for a long time.
  7. Inspect loose nuts for aroma. If there are notes of mold, rot or dampness, look for another product.
  8. The packaging of pistachio nuts should ideally be transparent so that it is clearly visible appearance product.
  9. The presence of any other third-party items in the bag should also alert you.
  10. You should not buy nuts if you notice a lot of nuts in the package that have fallen out of the shell. This is not at all a sign of their ripeness, but on the contrary, a sign of poor transportation, violations of conservation rules or harvesting dates.

Important!If a salt coating of any thickness has formed on the surface of pistachio nuts, you should know: the kernels are not fresh, they were collected more than one year ago. And even fake labels with today’s dates will not correct this fact.

In what form to use

They say that if a product is nutritious, it will not lose its benefits in any form. It is an indisputable fact that in its original form it is much more useful than after heat treatment. But if the nuts are not burnt, then light roasting and seasoning with salt will not hurt them.

Some gourmets like to pamper themselves with pistachio powder, which is obtained from ground raw kernels. The resulting powder is added to homemade sorbet, smoothies, baked goods, salads and even cereals.

Whole unsalted nuts are added to yogurt. A particularly tasty delicacy is obtained if you use vanilla varieties for this and, after combining with pistachios, beat in a blender at high speed for no more than 10 seconds.

How to fry pistachios

You can roast the nuts for about half an hour in the oven or about 3-4 minutes in the microwave. In any case, you need to stock up on a quality product and reject spoiled and moldy samples.

If you prefer an oven, first select a frying pan with a thick bottom. It is ideal for processing kernels in the shell, but for peeled ones you can skip this moment.

When everything is ready, spread the pistachios in a thin layer in a frying pan and place in the oven, first setting the timer to 40-50 degrees. When the contents begin to crack (and this will happen no earlier than after 25 minutes), you can pull it out. To prevent the nuts from burning and baking on one side, it is advisable to stir them periodically.

By pistachio we mean constantly Blooming tree, which preferably grows in tropical and subtropical zones. The fruits have a special aftertaste that people tasted more than 2,000 years ago. In ancient times, only the rich segments of the population enjoyed pistachios, but now nuts are available to everyone. It is generally accepted that the fruits include almost the entire table chemical elements Mendeleev. This determines the benefits and at the same time the harm of pistachios.

Chemical composition and calorie content of pistachios

  1. Fruits include dietary fiber, fats, di- and monosaccharides, ash, protein, starch, water, carbohydrates, and fiber.
  2. Most of it goes to fats, proteins and starch. This is why the calorie content of pistachios is so high - about 555 Kcal. based on 100 gr. product.
  3. The amino acids contained in pistachios have restorative effect. Special mention should be made of B vitamins (1, 2, 5, 6, 9), tocopherol, choline, nicotinic acid, biotin.
  4. In a serving of pistachios measuring 90 grams. contained daily norm niacin and vitamin B1. These elements are necessary to maintain the heart muscle and the beauty of the skin. At the same time, ¼ of the daily volume is allocated to biotin, tocopherol, and vitamins B5-B6.
  5. However, if we talk about micro- and macroelements, pistachios contain them in abundance. Frequent use fruit may harm the human body. Since in 100 gr. fruits contain more than the daily norm of manganese, iron, silicon, vanadium than is permissible to consume.
  6. It is worth mentioning separately about valuable and rare elements: zinc, cobalt, boron, zirconium, strontium, potassium, molybdenum, tin. Pistachios also contain a lot of aluminum, nickel, selenium, copper, calcium, and titanium. Don't forget about sodium, sulfur, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, chlorine.

The benefits of pistachios

  1. Vitamin E - a vitamin of this group means tocopherol. The element is responsible for preventing premature aging body, in particular skin tissue and muscle fibers. Vitamin E eliminates stretch marks on the epidermis, smoothes out fine wrinkles, and promotes rapid healing of wounds. Tocopherol fights age spots of any nature. In addition, the element is responsible for normalizing blood pressure, proper heart function, and blood clotting. It lowers blood sugar, which is especially valuable for people with diabetes.
  2. Pantothenic acid is a vitamin B5 that is responsible for metabolism. The element accelerates metabolic processes, due to which others valuable substances quickly absorbed by the blood and distributed throughout the body. Besides pantothenic acid is responsible for the breakdown of fatty tissues and cholesterol plaques, prevents blood clots.
  3. Vitamin B2 - riboflavin is responsible for skin turgor, evens out complexion, strengthens hair follicles and promotes overall beauty human body. Vitamin B2 helps internal organs digest food faster, getting energy from it. Riboflavin normalizes a person’s mental background, fights the effects of stress, and strengthens bone and muscle tissue.
  4. Vitamin PP - normalizes the hormonal levels of men, women and adolescents. Takes an active part in normalizing digestion, envelops the gastric walls and removes poisons from the intestines. Vitamin PP is used as an independent medicine that is designed to remove bad cholesterol from blood. This quality is highly valued by diabetics and obese people.
  5. Pyridoxine - inhibits surges in blood glucose, which is why it is also valued by diabetics. Vitamin B6 improves brain activity, strengthens the eye cornea and promotes the rapid assimilation of information received. Pyridoxine in combination with other B-group elements stabilizes heart rhythm, blood pressure and activities of the central nervous system(CNS). Vitamin B6 is an excellent remedy for the prevention of ischemia, heart attacks and strokes, atherosclerosis.
  6. Thiamine is vitamin B1, which takes part in the formation muscle tissue and mental activity of all people. Most often, thiamine is prescribed to pregnant girls, the elderly, schoolchildren and students. The element increases performance and gives a person physical and moral endurance. Thiamine also helps to recover faster after heavy operations and long-term illnesses. Like the entire group of B vitamins, the element is responsible for good sleep, relieves mental fatigue, and fights depression.
  7. Folic acid- the element is extremely useful for pregnant women and nursing mothers. If the fetus does not have enough vitamin B9, the baby may be born with congenital defects. Folic acid improves hematopoietic function, increases immune system during flu and colds, cleanses the liver. Vitamin B9 has an excellent effect on digestion and prevents the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys.
  8. Lutein is useful for men to increase attraction to the opposite sex. Improves potency and sperm count, thereby normalizing reproductive system. Pistachios are among the strongest aphrodisiacs. It is useful for women to eat nuts to get rid of pain syndrome during menstruation.
  9. Fiber - in combination with vitamins, micro- and macroelements of other groups, fiber prevents the formation of cancer cells. Regular use pistachios are an excellent way to prevent cancer. In addition, the substance improves intestinal motility, reduces bile levels, removes extra salt and fluid from the body.
  10. Proteins - it is impossible to build without them bone tissue child. Elements fill voids in bones, form the skeleton, and contribute to speed dial muscle mass. For adults, proteins are useful because they fight fat deposits, removing them from the body.

  1. Doctors recommend that pregnant women review their usual menu, and this is not surprising. Future mom must do everything to enrich the child’s body with valuable enzymes.
  2. Thus, pistachios contain calcium and protein, elements that strengthen the baby’s bone tissue and promote skeletal development. If you eat pistachios in moderation, you will free the liver from toxins, remove sludge, and remove sand from the kidneys.
  3. In combination with unsaturated fatty acids microelements are responsible for the creation of the fetal central nervous system, as well as the woman’s heart muscle. It is easier for the expectant mother to cope with stress, because amino acids cleanse the blood.
  4. The daily dose of pistachios is no more than 20 nuts. Otherwise, you risk experiencing nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and migraines. Abuse of pistachios in some cases causes premature birth.

The benefits and harms of pistachios for children

  1. Pistachios are among the strongest allergens; for this reason, it is not recommended to give nuts to children under 5 years of age. However, you can try treating your child to one pistachio, starting from the age of three.
  2. Valuable minerals and vitamins are useful for children to obtain proper skeleton, muscle tissue, normal operation hearts.
  3. Nuts improve immunity, fight dysbacteriosis, and remove helminths. Dosed use will put the child’s psyche in order and improve the absorption of information.

Harm of pistachios

  1. These types of nuts can be harmful if eaten roasted. Heat-treated pistachios, seasoned with salt, lead to surges in blood pressure, stagnation of fluid in tissues, and problems with kidney function.
  2. Pistachios are a strong allergen, so be careful daily dosage. It is not recommended to eat more than 30 grams. nuts a day. Otherwise, you will make it difficult to breathe and increase your heart rate.
  3. If you wear dentures or have dental problems, open the pistachios by hand or with a hammer. This way you will protect the enamel and save your gums.

The benefits of pistachios are due to an impressive chemical list of elements. Nuts have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional background, heart, arterial pressure, bone tissue, muscle fibers. Pistachios are good for people of all ages to eat; the daily intake is 30 grams.

Video: what are the benefits of pistachios