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Doctor Komarovsky about calcium. Calcium for children - importance in the development of the body, daily dosage, best drugs and food

All parents know how important calcium is for a growing child’s body. But not everyone knows in what quantities and in what form this substance should be given to a child in order for it to be absorbed and beneficial. We will talk about this in this article.


Calcium is beneficial for children primarily because they are actively growing. For bones, teeth, nervous system, heart disease, it is very important that this substance is present in the body in sufficient quantities.

But calcium itself is of no benefit; its properties are revealed only when interacting with other substances - vitamin D, magnesium, phosphorus.

Only in combination with vitamin D can calcium be absorbed by the body, and only with magnesium does it provide protection for the heart and blood vessels. If there is not enough phosphorus, then calcium will not be able to independently strengthen bones and teeth. A child needs calcium not only during a fracture. Without it, problems will arise with muscle contraction and hematopoiesis, with the health of the thyroid and pancreas, and gonads. Calcium deficiency has a detrimental effect on general health child, on his ability to learn, the baby’s sleep becomes insufficiently strong and calm.

But the body needs calcium in certain quantities, because an overdose can be as harmful as a lack. To calculate this amount, you need to know what the daily intake of this substance is.

Daily consumption rate

The World Health Organization has calculated and proposed the most optimal age dosages calcium for children. The calculation took into account the rate of bone tissue renewal at each age and the body’s costs of maintaining the balance of salts and minerals:

  • newborns and infants up to six months - 250-300 mg per day;
  • children from six months to 1 year - 400 mg per day;
  • children from 1 to 3 years old - 600 mg per day;
  • children 4 years old and up to 10 years old - 800 mg per day;
  • children from 10 to 13 years old - 1000 mg per day;
  • adolescents aged 13 years and older - from 1200 mg per day.

You don’t have to worry about babies up to six months or even a year, because as long as they are fed with mother’s milk or an adapted milk formula, they will not have a calcium deficiency.

Problems may begin when the child switches to a different diet, and complementary feeding makes up more than two-thirds of his daily food intake.

Symptoms and signs of deficiency

Only a doctor can answer the question with great accuracy whether a child has a lack of calcium in the body, who will first prescribe blood tests for the baby - general and biochemical, which will show how much of the mineral is contained (in mmol per liter), and will also establish whether there is or a deficiency of other substances important for the functioning of calcium - magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin D. Usually the problem of a lack of this substance is greatly exaggerated by the parents themselves, who take a completely healthy and strong baby to the doctors with complaints of weak teeth or insufficient growth rates.

A real, genuine lack of calcium is called “hypocalcemia.”

And this condition has completely independent pronounced symptoms:

  • Increased excitability nerve structures and muscles. This can be manifested by twitching of the eyelids, trembling of the wings of the nose, and the corners of the mouth. If the deficiency is severe enough, seizures may occur.
  • Nails and teeth become brittle, easily injured, nail plates become uneven and wavy.
  • Growth slows down.
  • The child has a disorder heart rate by type of tachycardia or bradycardia.
  • The child's sleep becomes restless.
  • The child complains of a “tingling” sensation in the fingertips.
  • Quite often, a child with calcium deficiency suffers from vomiting and diarrhea.

Long time hypocalcemia can hide behind other “disguises”, and sometimes even not produce symptoms at all. Severe deficiency causes memory impairment, loss of consciousness, confusion, and even hallucinations.

Causes of deficiency

A child may have a lack of calcium for two reasons: either the mineral is chronically lacking in the food the baby eats, or calcium is poorly absorbed and leaves the intestines without fulfilling its main purpose. That is why, first of all, the doctor will take an interest in the child’s diet, adjust it, and advise what foods should be given. If the problem is not in nutrition, then they will be able to look for the cause thyroid gland, because with a healthy thyroid gland with vitamin D, which helps calcium to be fully absorbed, everything is usually fine.

Possible other causes of insufficient calcium concentration may include:

  • intestinal diseases in which the ability of the mucous membranes is impaired small intestine absorb calcium and other substances;
  • diseases of the pancreas, in which mineral salts are deposited “in reserve” in the area fat necrosis;
  • fairly large tumors;
  • an excess of phosphorus, which can “wash out” calcium. This usually occurs when feeding infant cow's or goat's milk instead of an adapted formula;
  • taking some medicines Diuretics ("leaching out" of calcium) anticonvulsants and even some antibiotics).

Consequences of shortage

A child who suffers from a deficiency of this mineral will grow slower than his peers. Moreover, not only physical growth will suffer, but also mental activity. Another consequence of deficiency in children is rickets. In addition, the child may develop scoliosis varying degrees, curvature of other bones in the body.

Children deprived of the required amount of calcium are more susceptible to allergic reactions, their blood clotting is impaired, their kidneys and cardiovascular system suffer. But the most swipe hypocalcemia affects the child's nervous system. If calcium deficiency is not eliminated in time, then changes in its functioning may be irreversible. These consequences include, in particular, multiple sclerosis.

Children's gums begin to bleed heavily, teeth decay and fall out. With a severe deficiency, softening of bone tissue can occur - osteoporosis, and this is fraught with fragility of the bone skeleton and frequent and complex fractures.

Excess mineral

Parents, frightened by the prospects of calcium deficiency in their children's bodies, often rush to buy drugs that contain this substance as soon as possible and start giving it to their kids.

This tactic is fundamentally wrong, because uncontrolled and unjustified use of such drugs can lead to another problem - hypercalcemia, that is, an excess of calcium.

Symptoms of such an overabundance can also for a long time remain unnoticed, and only at the “finish line” the condition will be complicated by vomiting and prolonged diarrhea, renal colic, increased blood pressure. The child will begin to consume huge amounts of fluid due to severe constant thirst, urination will become frequent.

This condition is dangerous due to its complications, among which acute renal failure is the most “harmless” echo of the disease. Hypercalcemia can lead to cardiac arrest and coma.


Calcium supplements should not be given to a child for prophylaxis, “just in case.” They are needed only when the doctor, on the basis laboratory tests made a conclusion about the presence of hypocalcemia (lack of substance).

Quite often, the very fact of deficiency is revealed when other diagnoses are made, but in this case calcium supplements are also prescribed. Such ailments include rickets, pathologies of the thyroid gland, severe allergic reactions (both acute and chronic), various skin diseases, blood clotting disorder.

All preparations containing the required mineral are sold without a prescription. In the form of injection solutions, these drugs are used by hospital doctors and ambulance teams to provide emergency care in emergency situations- they are injected into a vein when anaphylactic shock, with severe cramps and bleeding (especially with large blood loss), with an acute allergic reaction that threatens a person’s life.

To correct calcium deficiency in a child with diseases that do not require urgent hospitalization, tablets are usually used. There are a great many of them today. Let's try to talk about the most popular ones.

  • Calcium gluconate. Tablets of this drug can be bought in two versions - hard and chewable, but their dosage is currently the same - 500 mg. The product effectively restores ionized calcium deficiency and is most prescribed for pediatric patients. Children do not need ampoules with calcium gluconate, although they can also be seen in pharmacies, since their use is permitted only for adults and only in emergency cases.

It is recommended that children be given the drug before meals or an hour and a half after it; pre-crushed tablets should be taken with plenty of liquid. In this case, it is important to observe the age-specific dose, as well as adhere to WHO recommendations on daily requirement children in calcium. Analogues – “Calcium gluconate – Lect”, “Calcium gluconate stabilized”.

  • Calcium chloride. In general, adults are more familiar with this drug popular name"chloride". And they do it intravenously at the most various diseases. For children, the drug exists in the form of a drinking solution, the concentration of the macroelement is 5%.

The drug itself is not suitable for all children, since it causes stomach irritation in particularly sensitive patients.

But quite often doctors prescribe this remedy to children for electrophoresis procedures. In this case, liquid chlorinated calcium has a safer effect.

  • Calcium lactate. This is a calcium supplement that is available only in tablets. It is much better tolerated by children than calcium chloride and is therefore the preferred drug for calcium deficiency. Side effects may include slight heartburn.

  • Calcium D. This combination drug used to treat children of all ages, including infants. Syrup, which contains, in addition to the main substance, vitamin D, can be given to children from 1 month. The syrup is convenient to take; there is no need to calculate the calcium dosage separately, since the instructions prescribe no more than 2.5 ml once a day for children over 6 years old, and 7.5 ml (in three doses) per day for children from 6 months to 6 years. Children under one year old are given the same dose, also three times a day, but diluted with breast milk or water.

  • Complivit "Calcium D3" (for babies). This is a powder from which it is quite easy to prepare a suspension that tastes and smells pleasant at home. The advantage is that for a baby there is no need to crush and crumble tablets, mix them with milk or water, while at the same time calculating the dose of calcium in the resulting mixture. Parents will simply need to add water to the bottle with the powder and use a measuring spoon to measure out the required amount of suspension for a single dose.

  • Tianshi. Powder, which consists of veal bones, eggshells, milk powder and some vitamin supplements. Their powders do not make a drink, but a food additive. The diluted drug can be added to a child’s porridge, cottage cheese or milkshake. Officially, “Tienshy” is not considered a drug; it has the status of a dietary supplement.

  • Calcium glycerophosphate. This is a tablet drug that effectively compensates for the deficiency of both calcium and phosphorus. To ensure that both substances reach their destination, it is not recommended to give the child milk to drink. In pharmacies the product is sold in tablets and granules. Together with the drug, to achieve greater success in treatment, it is recommended to give the child vitamin D and vitamin C separately.

  • Calcium Hopanthenate. This is a drug that contains calcium together with magnesium. This combination makes it a remedy that has a beneficial effect on blood formation and blood supply, including to the brain. That is why the medicine has the status nootropic drug, and is prescribed to children not only for calcium deficiency, but also for associated depression, sleep disturbances, neuroses and

Features of calcium-containing preparations

The peculiarity of all drugs that contain this mineral is that they must be taken in conjunction with meals. Some drugs are strictly taken before meals, others are taken exclusively after meals.

This nuance plays a big role for more efficient absorption of the substance in the body. Preparations that contain auxiliary vitamins (D3, for example), as well as combination medications with magnesium or phosphorus, it is better to drink it with plain water, not milk.

To prevent an overdose, it is important to take a biochemical blood test several times during long-term use to determine the calcium concentration. How to properly dilute tablets and suspensions is written in the instructions for use for each specific drug. You should not violate these instructions.

List of foods rich in calcium

It is a mistake to think that only milk is rich in calcium, and it is wrong to give it to a child who, for some reason, cannot tolerate dairy products at all.

Cow's milk, as well as goat's milk, are rather insidious products. If given to children infancy, then the risk of calcium deficiency increases contrary to all expectations. After all, the amount of phosphorus contained in whole milk can “wash” even a sufficient amount of calcium from the intestines in its original form. It is for this reason that earlier, when there was no milk formula, and artificial babies were fed cow's milk, such a thing was observed a large number of children with rickets.

Today there is no urgent need for cow's or goat's milk; moreover, you can get calcium reserves from other products that contain this mineral in large quantities.

In the child's diet must be:

  • sea ​​fish (especially sardines) and seafood;
  • seaweed;
  • rose hip;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • dried apricots and figs;
  • spinach;
  • garlic;
  • beans;
  • sesame;
  • greens - mint, thyme, dill, parsley.

You can prepare calcium-fortified foods yourself. Cottage cheese with calcium chloride. His recipe is quite simple. It will require milk and regular pharmaceutical drug"Calcium chloride" in ampoules (at a concentration of 10%). For half a liter of milk, take no more than a spoonful of solution. The milk is heated and the pharmaceutical preparation is poured into it. After the contents of the saucepan “curdle,” the thick part is thrown into a sieve and the whey is drained.

In the next video.

Calcium - vital important element for any living organism, one of the main building blocks for the skeleton and all bones, an irreplaceable, active alkaline earth component involved in many basic metabolic processes in the body.

We consume it with food, however modern tendencies significantly reduce the already small doses of natural calcium in products. The only way to replenish the deficiency is to use special medications. However, how to choose the optimal form of calcium that would be quickly and completely absorbed by the body and at the same time would be inexpensive?

Why are calcium supplements needed?

The choice of the necessary drug must begin with an awareness of its significance for the body, as well as beneficial properties and potential risks of taking the drug.

For adults

Calcium in the adult body performs a huge range of vital functions. system functions. It is essential for bone and tooth tissues, normalizes blood clotting, and provides normal work muscle contraction functions.

Recent studies show that it is calcium that slows down the aging process; in complex therapy, the element acts as an inhibitor of cancer development. For middle-aged and older people, calcium is necessary to combat osteoporosis, menopause, and increased blood pressure and some problems of the cardiovascular system.

This element also blocks the absorption of saturated fats by the human body, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and fights “bad” cholesterol.

For children

Calcium is the most important mineral for children, starting from the first days of life. It helps the child to fully develop and be healthy. This element in the child’s body is involved in more than three hundred biochemical processes, from the formation and development of bone tissue to the work of muscles and the cardiovascular system.

Calcium in various forms regulates the acid-base balance of the body, protects blood vessels from permeability, regulates muscle tone and blood clotting. An insufficient amount of calcium can cause convulsions in a child, multiple sclerosis, rickets, pathologies of the development of the eye lens, poor clotting blood. The full development of the baby, including active skeletal growth, directly depends on the presence in the body of a sufficient amount of the substance described above.

Modern research by scientists on the occurrence of diseases directly or indirectly related to a lack of calcium in the body is actively published in the foreign press. , this problem can cause up to a hundred different diseases and syndromes.

The most famous recorded cases:

  1. Osteoporosis is a decrease in bone density and an increase in skeletal fragility with a significant increase in the risk of fractures.
  2. Rickets - childhood disease, caused by insufficient mineralization of bone tissue and leading to a change in its structure.
  3. Osteomalacia is a disease similar to rickets, detected in adolescents and adults.
  4. Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas.
  5. Menopause is a syndrome of physiological decline in sexual constitution.
  6. Renal and liver failure.
  7. Changes in thyroid function.
  8. Cachexia and anorexia are exhaustion of the body.
  9. Bisbacteriosis.
  10. Cardiovascular diseases.
  11. Infectious, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases wide range.
  12. Acquired defects of connective and bone tissue.
  13. Pulmonary and heart failure.
  14. Hyperplasia.
  15. Various neuropathies and stress.
  16. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to choose and what to pay attention to?

Almost everyone to modern man in addition to the natural calcium contained in, additional medications are required, due to the stable decrease in this useful element in the daily diet. For example, pregnant women and children need at least one and a half daily required dose, and patients during the recovery period need even double. Which calcium should you choose? Let's look at this issue more closely.

On this moment Calcium preparations are divided into two large groups - complexes of animal origin and drug substrates.

The first ones are nutritional supplements, created from limestone, oyster shells, dolomite, animal bones and other natural products. This type The drugs are inexpensive and available in large dosages. However, there are two features here - the concentration of calcium itself in the mixture (it is lower than in classic factory tablets), as well as various natural pollutants, in particular lead, because it is this that accumulates in places where calcium is deposited. At a sufficiently high concentration, this pollutant can damage the brain and cardiovascular system, almost and even change behavior with the appearance of aggression and a general decrease in intellectual functions.

According to the research results, the least amount of such negative additives is found in chelated forms and calcium carbonates, and most of all - in the bones and shells of oysters. Therefore, if you are going to purchase calcium preparations based on natural structures, be sure to choose preparations with maximum level cleaning.

In addition, it is advisable to use calcium supplements together with phosphorus and magnesium - this is how these components mutually enhance their joint beneficial effects on the body and replenish the loss of these minerals. If the body lacks any of the three designated elements, then no matter how much you consume one or two others, they will be absorbed very poorly. As an additional modulator you should also take (aka fish fat) and vitamin C - the first catalyzes the absorption of calcium, the second is a kind of balancing for other minerals.

Preparations from purified substances most often represent various compounds of a semi-synthetic nature in the form of salts. They are produced in the form of solutions or compressed tablets. Here you should pay attention to the salt formula itself, because each of them may contain a different concentration of elemental calcium. So calcium gluconate and calcium lactate contain only 90 to 130 milligrams of pure substance per gram of substrate, while calcium chloride - 270, and calcium carbonate - more than 400 milligrams per gram of compound.

List of the best drugs with descriptions

Calcium Carbonate with Magnesium

This combination drug contains a large amount of calcium in bound systematic form. It is used to replenish the lack of calcium and magnesium balance in the body and has a pronounced antacid effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Soy does not cause hypersecretion of acid-base balance.

Children over twelve years of age and adults take two tablets after meals, dissolving them in the mouth. Maximum dosage- 12 tablets per day

Possible side effects: hypercalcemia, change in stool consistency. The drug is contraindicated in systemic disorders renal function in patients with hypercalcemia. Prescribe with caution to pregnant women before the third trimester.

A drug that systematizes the balance of calcium and calcium in the body. Used primarily to combat hypocalcemia, as additional therapy in the treatment of lesions of the thyroid gland and blood vessels. It has a positive effect in the treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, endometritis, nephritis, eclampsia. Used as a hemostatic agent and as an antidote for poisoning with magnesium salts, as well as a diuretic.

Available in the form of a solution. Adults ( intravenous administration, very slowly, drip or stream) prescribe 15 milliliters of solution 2 or three times a day, for children - from five to ten milliliters of solution twice a day.

Side effects: bradycardia, fibrillation of the gastric cardiac muscle, sensation of heat, pain in the epigastric region. The drug is contraindicated for thrombosis, atherosclerosis, hypercalcemia, as well as for intramuscular or subcutaneous administration.

One of the most famous calcium supplements, combined with vitamin D3. The complex replenishes calcium deficiency in the body and promotes its absorption. Calcium D3 Nycomed regulates the absorption of microelements in the gastrointestinal tract, prevents increased synthesis of parathyroid hormones, and increases bone resorption. Used for complex therapies a number of diseases, including osteoporosis and other conditions associated with calcium deficiency.

The drug is taken orally. Children - one tablet twice a day. Adolescents over twelve years of age and adults - two tablets three times a day.

Possible side effects: allergic reactions, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Calcium D3 Nycomed is contraindicated for people with renal failure, patients with sarcoidosis, phenylketonuria, allergy sufferers and the elderly, children under five years of age.

This complex preparation, in addition to classic calcium, also contains zinc, magnesium, copper, boron and colecalciferol in the form of sulfates, oxides and other compounds. The medicine actively regulates calcium metabolism in organism. The pharmacokinetics of Calcemin Advance is currently the subject of complex research and has not been fully studied.

The drug is used to reduce calcium deficiency, strengthen bone tissue, and also prevent problems with the musculoskeletal system and other diseases associated with hypocalcemia. Dosage for children over twelve years of age and adults is one tablet twice a day.

Side effects: vomiting, nausea, hypercalcemia, flatulence, allergic skin rashes. Calcemin Advance is prohibited for use in children under twelve years of age, if urolithiasis And renal failure. During pregnancy and lactation, this medicine should be taken with caution, accurately calculating the dosage and not exceeding it. Up to 20 percent of calcium intake passes into breast milk, so limit use if you are giving your baby any calcium supplements.

Useful video

The program “Live Healthy!” about food with calcium

Choose calcium supplements correctly, use them wisely in practice and never get sick!

It is a common belief that children need calcium only if it is necessary to strengthen and help the development of bones and teeth. This is far from true, because the importance of this substance for the child’s body is not limited to bones alone.

Thanks to it, many different processes and reactions occur in the child’s body: muscle contractions, heart contractions, movement of impulses in the elements of the nervous system, maintenance of muscle tone, blood clotting, activation of various enzymes and hormones. Normal quantity calcium allows you to provide a good anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic effect.

Calcium supplements for children can be prescribed by doctors in different cases: blood loss, convulsions, osteoporosis, allergic reactions.

It is especially important to ensure that the child receives sufficient amounts of the substance in early childhood so that he does not develop rickets. It is thanks to various calcium preparations that today it has been possible to significantly reduce the number of cases of diagnosing rickets in children.

Naturally, babies at different ages require different amounts of calcium:

  • Up to 6 months – about 400 mg.
  • From 6 to 12 months – about 600 mg.
  • From 1 to 10 years – about 800 mg.
  • From 10 years – about 1.2 g.

In those situations where children's body If there is not enough calcium, this will be expressed in a lag in weight, height and even in psycho-emotional development. If the child is very small, then a deficiency of the substance can lead to the appearance of symptoms of rickets, which often results in bone deformation, problems with muscle tone. At an older age, deficiency will lead to rapid fatigue, brittle hair and nails, problems with posture, frequent bone fractures, dental diseases, and muscle twitching.

At the same time, many doctors, unless there is an urgent need, do not recommend giving calcium-containing drugs to infants and children on breastfeeding. If the need arises, the doctor prescribes taking vitamin D, which will help in the absorption of calcium components. From the age of six months, porridges and vegetables with increased content calcium.

What drugs should you take a closer look at?

Calcium deficiency can occur in children of different ages. Therefore, it is important for parents to give their child good drug, which will be enriched with vitamins and calcium components. Of course, any medication should be given to young patients only if there is a doctor’s permission.

Taking into account the composition of such medicines, they can be classified into several main groups:

In addition to the composition of the medicine, parents need to pay attention to the amount of numerical calcium. This is due to the fact that you need to strictly follow the specific dosage of the substance prescribed by your doctor, because an overdose will not lead to anything good.

If it is necessary to treat an infant, it is recommended to pay attention to Complivit calcium D3, which is a combination drug approved for use from the first days of life. The medicine is available in the form of a sweet suspension, so there are usually no problems with giving the drug to children. In addition, the drug does not contain any preservatives, dyes, or flavors. Taking even such a safe medicine is possible only if there is an appropriate recommendation from a doctor.

It is strictly prohibited to prescribe any medications to young children on your own.

Features of taking calcium supplements

It is worth noting that regardless of the baby’s age, his body is not able to absorb more than 600 mg of calcium at one time. In this regard, it is rational to take a smaller one-time dosage and not exceed it. If the child is given more calcium, it simply will not be absorbed by the body and will be excreted in the urine in the same form in which it was received. If, according to indications (for example, with diagnosed osteoporosis), you need to use large quantity substances, then the daily dosage of the drug should be divided into several doses (for example, 3-4).

Many doctors also recommend paying attention to the timing of taking calcium medications, as this is very important issue. Modern specialists agree that similar medicines It is required to give to babies at night, because the beneficial substances supplied with the medicine will inhibit the processes of bone destruction (which is important for night time).

If you need to take a calcium supplement several times a day, it is best to take it between meals. If possible, such medications should be washed down with sour juices (for example, orange or any other containing citrus fruits). Such juices contain citrate, which helps the body better absorb all the beneficial substances from the medicine. If the child has been prescribed Calcium Gluconate, it should be washed down with fresh milk or clean water.

In cases where the baby was prescribed simultaneous administration preparations containing calcium and iron, their use should be alternated. For example, in the morning and during the afternoon snack - a calcium medicine, at lunch and after dinner - with a preparation containing iron.

It is important to understand that at the moment they are practically not used in modern domestic medicine. injectable drugs to eliminate calcium deficiency. In this case, intravenous administration of such drugs is possible if it is necessary to provide urgent care to the child. emergency assistance in case of allergies, convulsions, bleeding.

The most popular injection medications at the moment include calcium gluconate and calcium chloride. Subcutaneous or intramuscular administration of these products is also prohibited. medications, because this can cause tissue necrosis.

Side effects and contraindications

Calcium medications are relatively safe, but this does not exclude the possibility of side effects after their use. Any carbonates have, albeit slightly, but negative impact on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore they can cause the development of constipation, diarrhea, and bloating. If you take citrates, the likelihood of such side effects is noticeably lower. In some cases, a child may experience an allergic reaction while taking calcium medications.

The main contraindications include:

  • Allergy to additional components of the drug:
  • Hyperparathyroidism diagnosed in a child (in this case, the body will already have enough high level calcium).
  • Kidney failure.
  • Phenylketonuria and many neoplasms.

It is important to combine calcium with vitamin D to improve absorption. Item receipt rates:

Calcium supplements for children

Doctors may prescribe tablets or liquid calcium for children in combination with vitamins. Popular means:

  1. Monopreparations are inexpensive and contain calcium citrate, lactate or calcium gluconate. Representatives: Vitacalcin, Calcium-Sandoz.
  2. Combined products - calcium salts with vitamins. They are better absorbed and easier to tolerate. Examples: Calcium-D3 Nycomed, Kalcemin.
  3. Multivitamin - in addition to the main element, they contain a basic set of minerals. Vitamins with calcium for children: Vitamishki, Multitabs.

When children take calcium supplements, there are some peculiarities:

  1. At one time, the baby cannot absorb more than 600 mg of the element, so physiological doses are prescribed and divided into several doses (between meals). Excess mineral will be excreted in stool or urine.
  2. It is better to give calcium to children under one year old at night, because then its absorption increases.
  3. It is useful to take medications with citrus juices, which contain citrates for better absorption useful substances. If the mineral is represented by gluconate, then it is washed down with milk or clean water without gas.
  4. Taking medications should not coincide with the use of iron-containing products.
  5. According to the instructions, babies can only take oral medications.
  6. Side effects from vitamins: constipation, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, allergies.
  7. Contraindications: hypercalcemia, hyperparathyroidism, kidney pathologies, neoplasms, phenylketonuria. Drugs are prescribed with caution for oxalate nephropathy and a tendency to urolithiasis.
  8. For children, gluconate (well tolerated), lactate (does not irritate the intestines), citrate (citric acid, reduces the likelihood of kidney stones), calcium chelate (100% absorbed) are suitable.
  9. Calcium chloride (irritates the intestines), calcium carbonate (leads to belching) are not suitable for children.

Tablets based on calcium carbonate and vitamin D3 are poorly absorbed because the element is presented in a complex form. The drug is prescribed from three years of age:

Complivit Calcium D3

Complivit Calcium-D3 powder and tablets are available for children. The first is diluted with water to obtain a suspension, the second is taken from the age of three:


The preparation based on eggshells Calcid is supplemented with a complex of vitamins B, PP. Used in children from three years of age:


The composition of the drug Kaltsinova includes calcium in combination with ascorbic acid, vitamins A, D, pyridoxine. The product is used from the age of three:


The composition of the drug Kalcemin includes a combination of microelements with vitamin D3, copper, boron, manganese, zinc. The product is intended for children over 5 years of age:

Vitamins Calcium+

Chewing marmalade Vitamishki is additionally enriched with vitamin D3, phosphorus for active growth and child development.

It is used from the age of three:

Multi-tabs Baby Calcium+

It is useful for children 2-7 years old to take Multitabs vitamins, which ensure the formation of bone tissue, strengthen tooth enamel, and serve as the prevention of caries.


Many parents have heard that children need calcium for the full formation of the skeleton and the growth of bones and teeth. However, the role of this mineral is only skeletal system is not limited, therefore, the intake of this element into the child’s body with food or additional compounds, as prescribed by a doctor, must be strictly monitored.

Why does a child need calcium?

In addition to forming the skeleton and giving it strength, calcium is part of many enzyme systems and various processes, due to which various bodily reactions are carried out. So, calcium ions help:

A sufficient supply of calcium, along with, has anti-stress, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is prescribed in children for acute blood loss, the presence of and, the presence of and many other conditions. It is important to ensure that the baby receives a sufficient amount of calcium in his diet, starting from early age. This is important to prevent the formation of rickets and problems with nervous excitability. But calcium can only be absorbed together with calcium, which comes with food, otherwise its absorption will be impaired.

There are certain standards for calcium, which must be supplied through food and drink, as well as additional medications. From birth to six months, a child needs about 400 mg of calcium, from six months to one year, up to 600 mg is needed, from one to 10 years of age, up to 800 mg is needed, and after 10 years, about 1000-1200 mg.

In situations where the child’s body suffers from calcium deficiency, various problems with health – these are significant lags in height and weight indicators, as well as inhibition of psycho-emotional development. If this is an early age - the first two years of life, calcium deficiency (usually in combination with) leads to the formation of metabolic pathology - which, without treatment, threatens skeletal deformities, problems with digestion, growth and development, and the functioning of the nervous system. If these are older children, along with skeletal problems they suffer from hair and nail growth, stooping and other problems with posture, dental pathology and muscular dystonia, metabolic disorders and other problems.

The prescription of calcium supplements must be strictly justified by a doctor, since excess calcium can damage the kidneys and body tissues, forming calcifications. In addition, calcium salts are often difficult to digest, affect digestion and threaten constipation. It is important to replenish calcium reserves only through diet, and medications are prescribed when various pathologies and with severe mineral deficiency.

Attention to calcium supplements

Calcium deficiency can develop from an early age if the baby received some calcium through the placenta in utero or did not receive it after birth breast milk and calcium along with it. Calcium is absorbed much worse from formula milk, and even more so from unadapted complementary feeding products.


If calcium supplementation is needed, doctors usually recommend over-the-counter medications for children complex action is a combination of calcium with vitamins that improve its absorption. But in some cases, calcium supplements may be recommended as therapeutic agents in combination with modern forms.

It is important to take into account certain factors and the composition of drugs, which can be classified according to several criteria:

When using each drug, it is important to determine the exact amount of calcium required by age. This is due to the fact that an overdose of ionized calcium can also result in negative consequences for the baby's health. In addition, it is important to determine strict indications for taking medications; it is prohibited to use any medications without a doctor’s permission, especially in young children.

Taking calcium supplements by children: features

Children taking calcium supplements have their own characteristics, which depend on age. However, physically, a baby’s intestines at any age cannot absorb more than 600 mg of calcium in one dose of the drug. Therefore, it is important to remember such nuances when prescribing preventive calcium intake or its therapeutic dosages. It is important to make a single dose physiological, while changing the daily dosage - breaking the calcium intake into several parts.


Excess calcium received in the form of drugs is simply not absorbed in the intestines and is released unchanged in the stool, and if calcium is administered intravenously, its excess is removed in the urine.

In the presence of special indications when an appointment is needed high doses calcium (which, fortunately, rarely happens in children), you need to break the daily amount of calcium into several doses for complete absorption.

Also, many researchers advise paying attention to the time when calcium supplements are taken - due to the daily rhythms of absorption of certain substances, the absorption of calcium also changes. According to scientists, maximum calcium absorption occurs at night, and this is especially important for skeletal growth and strengthening tooth enamel. At night, the secretion of calcium is activated, which affects the absorption, including calcium, and the formation of bone tissue.

If calcium supplements need to be taken several times a day, it is worth doing this between main meals - between breakfasts and lunches, or afternoon snacks and dinners. If it is possible, similar drugs It is worth writing down citrus juices, which contain citrates, which improve the absorption of calcium in the body. If these drugs are in the form of calcium gluconate, they should be washed down with clean still water or milk.

Calcium may compete with other minerals for absorption. This is especially important with regard to iron. Taking calcium supplements should be separated in time by at least 3-4 hours, otherwise the drugs simply will not be absorbed and will not have an effect. Therefore, calcium supplements should be taken in the afternoon, and iron supplements in the morning.

In pediatric practice today, injectable forms of calcium preparations that help eliminate calcium deficiency are practically not used. Such means can only be used for emergency assistance as a result of bleeding, convulsions or an acute allergic reaction.

The most common intravenous forms include calcium chloride and calcium gluconate. If necessary, they are administered strictly intravenously; their subcutaneous or intramuscular administration is prohibited; they lead to tissue necrosis and the formation of scars and damage. For children, only oral forms of calcium supplements are recommended.

Who is contraindicated and what side effects are possible?

Although calcium preparations are classified as relatively safe in pediatric practice and well tolerated, individual sensitivity reactions cannot be excluded, side effects administration and contraindications to its use. Calcium compounds, although relatively minor, can sometimes affect digestive tract, which threatens the development of constipation or bloating, and less commonly, diarrhea and pain. The combination of calcium supplements with citrates will help reduce the likelihood of such effects, but children often develop allergic reactions on the skin to this combination. In addition, there are a number of contraindications to taking calcium supplements in childhood, although they are quite small. These include:

  • allergic reactions to constituent components drug (usually not for calcium itself, but for supplements)
  • identified ( high concentration plasma calcium)
  • (hard work parathyroid glands)
  • the presence of kidney pathologies and their insufficiency
  • neoplasms of the body
  • Availability .

Often, caution regarding treatment with calcium preparations is exercised if the child has (the appearance of calcium salts in the urine), which may indicate a violation metabolic processes and a tendency to.

Choice of calcium supplements in children

The prescription of calcium supplements and their selection, form of administration and dosage are determined only by the doctor, taking into account possible contraindications and allergies, as well as assessing the bioavailability of drugs and possible negative effects from reception. Applicable:

Calcium chloride , containing 27% calcium. It is produced in ampoules and bottles with a 5% or 10% solution. It is highly soluble in water, taken orally and absorbed by the intestines by an average of 30% of the administered dose. It tends to irritate digestion, leading to heartburn and abdominal pain; it is used extremely rarely in children (for resuscitation and therapeutic purposes).

Calcium gluconate in tablets, has good solubility in water, does not irritate the intestinal wall, is used in pregnant women and children, and is well tolerated.

Calcium lactate contains 13% calcium, is used in tablets, dissolves slowly in water, does not irritate the digestive wall.

Calcium carbonate contains 40% calcium, is available in tablets, is poorly soluble in water, dissolves in hydrochloric acid of the stomach, giving reactions with the formation of calcium chloride and carbon dioxide. Due to this, it has an irritating effect on digestive system, leading to belching, stomach pain and flatulence, reduces stomach acidity, being an antacid, long-term use such a drug can cause significant harm due to why such drugs are not applicable in children. The absorption of calcium from such a drug is insignificant due to the low acidity of the stomach in children initially, which complicates its solubility and absorption.

Calcium citrate contains up to 25% calcium in tablets, is well absorbed by the body, and is highly soluble in water; for complete absorption, the presence of of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Due to citric acid, it is actively absorbed by the intestinal wall without irritating it, and also reduces the likelihood of the formation of calcium salts in the kidneys. Due to citric acid, the synthesis of parathyroid hormone is suppressed, which washes away calcium from the bones. For use in children, there are forms of calcium citrate in combination with vitamin D3, which enhances the absorption of calcium.

Calcium chelate (an organic compound of calcium with aspartic acid) is obtained using special modern technologies. Absorbed from the intestines almost 100%, without the participation of additional proteins and vitamin D3, does not irritate digestion and does not lead to stone formation in the gallbladder and kidneys. How medicine in Russia today it is not registered, has not yet been thoroughly studied, it is applicable as a dietary supplement to food. Use with caution in children due to the lack of reliable studies and data on its potential safety.

Calcium complexes for children

In addition to single drugs, there are also complex preparations containing calcium, which are suitable for children. This is usually vitamin D3, which helps in the absorption of calcium, as well as several other vitamins and compounds.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed – a drug in tablets containing calcium carbonate and vitamin D3. Absorption is low due to the fact that calcium is contained in a complex form.

Complivit-Calcium D3, intended for babies - has a similar composition to the previous one, has the form of a powder, by diluting which a suspension is obtained. For children from three years of age there is also a tablet form of the drug.

Calcide - a preparation created on the basis of eggshells (it also contains calcium carbonate) supplemented with a complex with a group of vitamins - all fat-soluble, supplemented with B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, PP and B2). Used in children from three years of age.

Kaltsinova – a preparation with calcium in the form of a hydrophosphate dihydrate compound, in combination with ascorbic acid, pyridoxine and vitamins A and D. Applicable after three years.

Kalcemin – contains calcium in combination with citrate and carbonate, supplemented with vitamin D3, minerals - copper, zinc and manganese, boron. Suitable for children from 5 years of age.

Vitamins-Calcium plus – calcium chewing gummies in combination with citric acid, as well as vitamin D3 and phosphorus. Used in children from 3 years of age.

All other calcium preparations are used in children over 12 years of age according to the instructions, as well as for adult patients.

All calcium supplements can be used only as directed by a doctor, in order to avoid overdose. It is dangerous due to damage to the kidneys and gallbladder, digestive disorders and calcifications in the tissues.

Traditional recipes and dietary supplements

You can hear advice that children can replenish calcium reserves using eggshells, coral calcium and various dietary supplements with calcium based on these compounds. But is it worth doing?

Secondly, the composition of calcium in the shell (as well as in the composition of coral stones) is poorly soluble carbonates that cannot be absorbed in the intestines. Even crushed into powder, they will not bring any benefit, since the absorption of calcium from them is insignificant. Given the reduced level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, such compounds will transit through the intestines without bringing any effect in treatment.

Alena Paretskaya, pediatrician, medical columnist