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Poor blood clotting: causes, symptoms, treatment. Poor blood clotting - treatment and symptoms. How to treat poor blood clotting

Bleeding gums or sudden cuts and bruises may indicate a bleeding disorder. Some pathologies of the blood and blood vessels can lead to the development of such a serious condition as a violation of the blood clotting process. Such diseases require mandatory therapy, since they can be dangerous not only to health, but also to life.

Causes of bleeding disorders

A life-threatening condition such as a bleeding disorder can occur as a result of exposure to external factors or passed on by inheritance. Hereditary pathologies include von Willebrand disease and hemophilia. These diseases most often appear in childhood bleeding in the joints. Hemophilia is at most male disease, while von Willebrand disease can affect both men and women: with this pathology, bruises (hematomas) appear throughout the body.

Bleeding disorders can also occur as a result of:

    blood transfusions;

    use of certain medications;

    autoimmune diseases;

    problems with clotting in small blood vessels;

    liver diseases;

    lack of vitamin K in the presence of a parallel malabsorption of lipids.

What are the dangers of blood clotting disorders?

In addition to the appearance of multiple bruises on the body, which resemble small rash, blood clotting pathologies can cause severe bleeding, which is quite difficult to stop. Also, the presence of problems with coagulation may be indicated by bleeding gums and the development of extensive hematomas, even in the case of a minor bruise. People suffering from this pathological condition are subject to real danger thrombus formation in blood vessels and the development of strokes and heart attacks against them.

How do you know if you have a bleeding disorder?

In order to determine whether the blood coagulation process is normal, you need to take a test of the same name - a coagulogram, which involves directly taking blood from the patient and examining the resulting material using special equipment. Blood clotting must be determined if the patient is scheduled to undergo surgery, women during pregnancy and in other situations that carry the risk of significant blood loss.

During the process of blood clotting, a special protein is formed - fibrin. This substance helps the body form blood clots, thickening the blood and is natural reaction body for blood loss. In case of violation this process Prolonged, difficult-to-control bleeding may develop, or, conversely, a process of hypercoagulation, when the process of blood clotting occurs at an accelerated rate and threatens massive thrombus formation.

How to take a coagulogram

When visiting a doctor to determine blood clotting, a coagulogram will be prescribed. Given laboratory test it must be done on an empty stomach, blood is drawn from a vein, so you can do without the use of venous tourniquets and other unpleasant aspects. You need to try to calm down in advance and not be particularly nervous, relax as much as possible, in order to simplify the process of collecting material for both the specialist and yourself. It is also worth remembering that the accuracy of the result largely depends on compliance with preparation.

Before taking the test, it is forbidden to eat; at least 8 hours must pass from the last meal to the moment of blood donation. Also, you should not drink tea or juice in the morning; you can drink a glass ordinary water. It is strictly not recommended to drink alcohol two days before taking a coagulogram.

What to do if you have bleeding disorders

If bruises and bruises are detected that arose without visible reasons, you should immediately contact a specialist for advice. If bleeding begins, then you need to take a position in which the area with the wound should be higher than the rest of the body. The bleeding area must be clamped with a bandage or gauze. You also need to call an ambulance immediately.

If problems with blood coagulation are detected, the specialist will prescribe appropriate pharmaceutical therapy. The patient will also be prescribed an appropriate diet, which depends on the study indicators; accordingly, certain foods will have to be added or excluded. For example, garlic, sunflower seeds, chocolate, coffee, lemons, and beets have a thinning effect on the blood. Cilantro, buckwheat, rose hips, and walnuts have the opposite (thickening) effect.

A problem in which the blood does not clot well is called a bleeding disorder. It is caused by the fact that blood vessels do not normally become blocked when they are damaged.

When everything is fine, when there is bleeding at the wound site, the blood begins to thicken, which prevents large losses. But sometimes this complex mechanism does not work and this results in heavy or prolonged bleeding.

When blood does not clot well, this does not always lead to external loss. It can also appear as bleeding under the skin or in the brain.

Blood does not clot well when there are problems with blood clotting factors - substances in the blood that ensure this process. Most of these substances are different proteins. Therefore, many causes are associated specifically with protein defects in plasma (the liquid component of blood). These proteins are directly responsible for how blood clots, responsible for blocking damaged blood vessels. In some diseases, they may be completely absent or present in too low quantities. Most of these diseases are hereditary (passed from parent to child through genes).

However, poor blood clotting can be caused by more than just genetic abnormalities. Here is a list of all the main reasons:

  • Hereditary disorders. These primarily include hemophilia and von Willebrand disease. Hemophilia is a disease accompanied by poor blood clotting. Von Willebrand disease is a disorder in which the blood factor of the same name (von Willebrand) is insufficient or completely absent, which leads to coagulation disorders;
  • Vitamin K deficiency;
  • Carcinoma of the liver itself or damage to its cells oncological diseases from other organs;
  • Other liver damage and diseases, most often infectious (hepatitis) and causing scarring (cirrhosis);
  • Long-term use powerful antibiotics or anticoagulant drugs (drugs that are aimed at combating the formation);
  • The use of drugs called angiogenesis inhibitors, which in some cases are needed to slow and prevent the growth and development of new blood vessels in body;
  • Thrombocytopenia is a condition in which the level of platelets falls below the established norm;
  • – a condition when the level of hemoglobin or red blood cells falls below the established norm;
  • Some other disorders not caused by cancer.

The most common causes of blood clotting problems are:

Based on the above, the causes of poor blood clotting can be divided into inherited (passed on by genetics) and acquired. Some of them cause bleeding spontaneously, while others cause blood loss after vascular damage - trauma.

  • The most common inherited bleeding disorders are:
    hemophilia A and B, caused by a deficiency or absence of certain proteins that perform the function of blood clotting, which are included in a group of factors. This disorder causes heavy or unusual bleeding.
  • Deficiencies of coagulation factors II, V, VII, X, XII – cause blood clotting problems or abnormal bleeding.
  • von Willebrand disease is the most common hereditary disorder blood clotting caused by a deficiency of von Willebrand factor (one of the plasma proteins), which helps platelets clump and adhere to the wall of the blood vessel.

Some diseases and medical conditions may also cause a deficiency of one or more clotting factors.
The most common causes of acquired bleeding disorders are end-stage liver disease or vitamin K deficiency. According to the American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC), this is because most clotting factors are produced in the liver and some clotting factors are vitamin K dependent.

Symptoms of poor blood clotting

Main sign bleeding disorders - bleeding that lasts a long time or is too heavy. The bleeding is usually heavier than usual and for no obvious reason.
Other symptoms include:

  • unexplained bruises;
  • heavy menstrual bleeding;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • stopping bleeding from minor wounds for too long.

What to do if blood doesn't clot well

If you have the symptoms listed above, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo an examination. At the moment of bleeding itself, first aid should be provided medical care according to general recommendations, based on the location and type of injury. If necessary, call an ambulance.


To diagnose blood clotting, the doctor first examines medical history patient. To do this, he will ask questions about your health problems and medications you are taking. You need to answer something like this list of questions:

  • Which ones are there? associated symptoms?
  • How often does bleeding occur?
  • How long does the bleeding last?
  • What were you doing before the bleeding started (for example, were you sick, took medications)?

Basic tests For checks coagulability blood:

  • Full analysis blood to check the blood loss during the test, as well as the number of red and white blood cells.
  • Platelet aggregation test, which shows the extent to which platelets are able to adhere to each other.
  • Measuring bleeding time to see how quickly blood vessels clog after pricking a finger with a feather.

Treatment options for poor blood clotting

Treatment for a bleeding disorder is based on the causes that cause it. If possible, the diseases that caused the disorder, such as cancer or liver disease, are immediately treated. Additional Methods treatments include:

  • Taking vitamin K by injection;
  • Drugs aimed at improving clotting function;
  • Transfusion of frozen donor blood plasma or donor platelets;
  • Other drugs, including hydroxyurea (Droxia, Hydrea), and oprelvequin (Neumega) to treat platelet-related disorders.

Treatment of consequences caused by blood loss

If there is significant blood loss, the doctor may prescribe medications containing iron to replenish its amount in the body. Low level gland may lead to iron deficiency anemia which is accompanied by shortness of breath and dizziness. One of the most common and available drugs in this case it is "Hematogen". In addition to treatment with iron supplements, blood transfusions may be required.

Transfusion blood

During this procedure, as most people know, blood loss is compensated with the help of donor blood. Donor blood must match your blood type to prevent complications. This procedure can only be performed in a hospital.

Hemocoagulation is a complex system interaction of platelets, fibrins and blood proteins, which provides reliable protection the human body from massive blood loss with minor injuries. This process involves various enzyme substances that affect the breakdown of fibrinogen. This substance is capable of quickly forming dense blood clots that stop small ruptures of blood vessels. Do not think that such a system is capable of stopping bleeding from arteries and other large blood vessels. But in case of damage to the capillaries, which can be injured due to cuts and abrasions, it stops perfectly.

Poor blood clotting is dangerous condition, which poses a threat to human life. Although in some cases it is poor blood clotting that prevents the development of heart attack, stroke and thrombosis pulmonary arteries. However, a certain physiological balance is required, in which there is no poor blood clotting and the prothrombin time has normal indicators.

What is poor blood clotting: what is it called?

First, you need to understand what poor blood clotting is and what may be associated with such a condition. General definition sounds like this:

Poor blood clotting is pathological condition, in which there is an enzymatic deficiency of the reagent properties of fibrin and proteolytic substances.

Many people wonder what poor blood clotting in humans is called. And this is far from accidental, since there are several names for this condition, and all of them have the right to exist. So, poor blood clotting is called throbocytopenia if the main pathogenic factor is insufficient platelet production. In case if heavy bleeding associated with fibrinogen deficiency, poor blood clotting is called fibrinopenia. There is another name that in the last century terrified all the royal families of Europe. This is hemophilia - hereditary disease, transmitted from the mother exclusively to males. Women suffer from hemophilia extremely rarely.

Causes of poor blood clotting

There are many risk factors for thrombocytopenia that constantly affect the body modern man. The most common cause of poor blood clotting is the uncontrolled use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which include everyone’s favorite aspirin, analgin, sedalgin, baralgin and many other drugs that we are used to using for pain and hyperthermic syndromes.

Individuals who systematically undergo treatment for varicose veins are also at risk of developing poor blood clotting. lower limbs and the pelvic cavity. Almost all drugs that are used for such therapy, including Troxevasin, Heparin, Detralex, Warfarin and many others, have a pronounced fibrinolytic effect. The blood thins and gradually loses its ability to form blood clots. Which, in fact, is what is required for effective treatment deep vein thrombosis, which causes thrombophlebitis and trophic ulcers.

In order to consider other causes of poor blood clotting, it is necessary to dwell on the very process of formation of fibrinogen, platelets and their interaction with each other.

In the normal state of the blood coagulation system, gradual activation and reactivation of platelets and the enzymatic activity of fibrinogen occurs. Due to these processes rheological properties remain in a physiological state. When there is a threat of bleeding, the necessary reserves of platelets and fibrinogen are quickly transported to the site of damage to the blood vessels. The process of blood cells gluing together to form a blood clot begins.

Another one vital role The efficiency of the blood clotting system lies in the localization and delimitation of the local inflammatory focus. For example, it’s worth disassembling a small abscess on the skin. A zone of hyperemia quickly forms around it, which is localized as a small light ridge. It is in this place that massive formation of microscopic blood clots occurs in order to prevent the penetration of infectious agents into central system blood circulation

If it is necessary to turn on the blood clotting system, there is a membrane effect on phospholipid cellular inclusions. In the blood plasma, blood clotting factors are activated, which have numerical designations from I to VIII. Under their influence, fibrinogen, with the help of enzymatic substances, becomes capable of interacting with platelets. Regulation of this process occurs under the guidance of the central nervous system and immunity.

Thus, it becomes clear that the causes of poor blood clotting may include:

  • deficiency of certain vitamins, such as K, or proteins that are involved in metabolic processes blood;
  • in a congenital disorder of enzymatic connections between blood clotting factors;
  • in the use of certain medications;
  • in the pathology of fibrinogen production.

Sometimes the causes of poor blood clotting are poor environmental conditions, work in hazardous industries, decreased immune functions, prolonged bleeding, oncological diseases.

Poor blood clotting during pregnancy is dangerous!

During the period of bearing a child, many women experience complex hormonal and immune changes in their body. As a rule, poor blood clotting during pregnancy is a consequence of impaired immune function, which is suppressed so that the body does not reject the developing fetus, which has a different genetic protein structure from the mother.

In some cases, this allows you to avoid such negative consequences like hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins veins of the lower extremities. BUT when you cross a certain threshold level of platelet reduction, poor blood clotting during pregnancy is dangerous.

The danger lies, first of all, in the fact that there is a serious risk of placental abruption at later, profuse bleeding during childbirth, premature birth and termination of pregnancy due to hemodynamic disturbances in the placenta and umbilical cord.

This condition requires correction, but only under the careful guidance of the attending physician. Eliminate unfavorable factors. Stop smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks, constantly monitor your drinking balance. Drinking too much liquid leads to blood thinning and massive swelling of the legs and face.

The consequences can also be various hemopathologies in the fetus. The child may have congenital poor blood clotting. Although in most cases in children of the newborn period it is more likely physiological state, which stabilizes as the adaptation period progresses. In toddlers and kindergartens, poor blood clotting in a child may be associated with a deficiency in the intake of certain types of protein into his body. They are the ones who participate in the process of fibrinogen formation.

Symptoms of poor blood clotting

Signs of pathology for a long time may go unnoticed. However, as pathological changes in the coagulation system increase clinical picture begins to gradually manifest itself with specific symptoms.

The main symptoms of poor blood clotting may include:

  • frequent multiple occurrences subcutaneous hematomas with little physical impact;
  • nosebleeds, excretion of red blood cells in the urine;
  • after brushing your teeth, blood may appear on the brush;
  • the appearance of microscopic cracks and wounds on the skin without visible external influence.

In the future, the clinical picture of anemia becomes a clear symptom of poor blood clotting. This may include weakness, dizziness, hair loss, brittle nail plates, constipation and diarrhea. The pale mucous membrane of the inner lower eyelid of the eye is visible.

Von Willebrand disease affects large joints. There is a regular effusion of blood into their internal cavities, which provokes an aseptic inflammatory process.

What to do if you have poor blood clotting?

Most patients with similar condition have no idea what to do or how to protect themselves from various complications. If you have poor blood clotting, then first of all you need to undergo full examination state of the body. Such syndromes often occur against the background of decreased liver function. It could be pronounced symptom sluggish chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver. Be sure to pass biochemical analysis blood and do an ultrasound of this organ. Next, you should determine the presence and performance of all blood factors and exclude hereditary predisposition. Then you need to consult an angiosurgeon, who can rule out pathological changes in blood vessels.

Avoid chronic use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If you have any pain, consult a doctor promptly. Because taking analgesics does not help treat the disease or eliminate the cause pain syndrome, but only temporarily relieves this symptom.

Eat enough foods that affect blood clotting factors. Few people know, but vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting, is formed in small intestine. Improper diet, poor diet, dysbiosis, colitis, constipation and diarrhea deplete the resource of this important substance. Sometimes parenteral administration of Vikasol may be required. But this should only be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Treat varicose veins of the lower extremities and hemorrhoids only under the supervision of a doctor.

What to do in case of poor blood clotting for those patients who cannot exclude negative factors influence? First of all, protect yourself from sudden falls, injuries, abrasions and blows. Constantly monitor blood parameters regarding clotting factors and follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

Treatment of poor blood clotting

There is no specific and specific treatment poor blood clotting. The first includes eliminating the cause of this violation. Necessary timely treatment liver diseases and gastrointestinal tract Prevention of menstrual bleeding in women is important. Normalize your diet.

Specific treatment for poor blood clotting includes the use of certain groups of drugs. But you can take them only on the recommendation of a doctor and under constant monitoring of blood parameters. Therefore, do not self-medicate. All information provided below is for informational purposes only and cannot be used by you for self-treatment poor blood clotting.

So, drugs to treat poor blood clotting include:

  1. factors influencing the enhancement of fibrinogen production - this can be aminocaproic acid, contrical or tranexamic acid, which are administered intravenously;
  2. vikasol and other coagulants of indirect mechanism of action;
  3. fibrins obtained from donor blood;
  4. Protamine sulfate should be used only in case of poor blood clotting due to long-term use antiplatelet agents and heparin;
  5. plasmapheresis and donor blood transfusion.

Blood clotting is an important indicator of human health. If the degree of coagulation corresponds to norms, blood circulates evenly throughout the body, supplying organs with oxygen and nutrients, and any small open injury or damage to the epidermis heals quickly. If the plasma is too thick or thin, the person runs the risk of colliding with a number of serious illnesses– potential danger to life.

In order to determine blood clotting indicators in a particular person, it is necessary to carry out laboratory analysis biological material. In a normal state, the density of blood is concentrated at 1048-1066 units, and the density of the plasma in the composition is also important. Her normal values ​​are 1029 – 1034. Arterial blood less dense than venous.

The viscosity itself depends on the ratio in liquid tissue proteins and red blood cells.
In cases with deviations, several scenarios are possible - the blood becomes too thick or too thin.

Thrombophilia is a bleeding disorder with excessive plasma density, along with blood cells. The disease is dangerous because it increases the risk of blood clots, a person is susceptible to diseases such as thrombosis or varicose veins. If deviations are not controlled, the risk of strokes and heart attacks increases, and the load on the liver and kidneys increases, causing chronic problems with these organs.

A deviation in which the blood is too thin is called hypocoagulation; it can threaten a person with large blood loss with minimal trauma or damage.

Causes of increased blood clotting

The composition of human blood always remains unchanged, but the ratio of components constantly fluctuates throughout life. This is influenced by many factors.

What affects blood clotting in adults:

  • increased levels of red blood cells and platelets due to disease;
  • high hemoglobin levels;
  • dehydration or bad process fluid absorption;
  • insufficient amount of enzymes;
  • large blood loss due to open injuries epidermis or if damaged internal organs;
  • frequent consumption of foods containing a large number of sugar and carbohydrates;
  • constant being in a stressful state;
  • radiation exposure.

The cause of hypercoagulation is elderly age, hereditary pathologies, some medications, as well as diseases that cause the formation of fibrinogen in quantities significantly higher than normal.

Specifically speaking, the reasons for increased blood clotting may include the following abnormalities:

  • infectious diseases;
  • hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • thrombophilia, varicose veins;
  • diabetes;
  • weakened immune system;
  • pancreatitis;
  • development of benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • genetic pathologies;
  • hypoxia, constant surges in blood pressure;
  • myeloma;
  • hemophilia, von Willebrand disease.

The high-risk group is filled with people who lead passive, sedentary lifestyle life - bedridden patients, as well as pregnant women, since their body is experiencing serious hormonal changes. All of the above leads to increased blood thickening.

Symptoms of hypercoagulability

Detect high blood clotting in in the usual manner Living without visiting doctors is quite difficult. The disease can remain undetected for a long period of time, making itself felt only when there is too little time left before the development of a vascular catastrophe.

The first call for an immediate examination may be a situation where a person has scratched skin covering, but blood does not ooze from the wound - the process of blood clotting begins almost instantly. Also, hypercoagulation is evidenced by the difficulty of collecting biomaterial in a medical laboratory - after puncture of the skin and vascular wall, the plasma literally coagulates at the tip of the needle, making it impossible for blood to enter the syringe.

Other indicators of hypercoagulation may include general ailments:

  • constant feeling of fatigue, weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • frequent headaches;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and internal organs that do not receive enough nutrients;
  • manifestation spider veins on the surface of the legs;
  • feeling of heaviness in the legs in the evening.

If one or more symptoms are detected, you should immediately contact qualified specialist, who examines blood cells for pathologies and prescribes a series of medical examinations.

If you ignore the violations and do not prescribe the correct course of treatment in a timely manner, blood clots may form in the blood supply, leading to the sudden death of a person.

What is the danger of the disease?

Blood thickening and blockage of blood vessels circulatory system can lead to thrombosis and the following, life-threatening tragedies:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • venous or arterial thrombosis of the extremities;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • infarction of internal organs such as kidneys, lungs, intestines.

Also, disturbances in blood viscosity often cause tissue necrosis, hypertension, cerebral hemorrhages, and atherosclerosis.

All of these diseases can cause loss of capacity, not excluding death.

Diagnosis of disorders

In order to determine the density and composition, it is necessary to take blood clotting tests. In case of serious deviations, the problem will become obvious immediately, since the blood clots quickly and collecting material is difficult.

In the absence of obvious violations, the laboratory analyzes the plasma and the protein it contains. Determination of blood clotting time is carried out manually - a drop of material is placed under a microscope, and a specialist records changes in the composition using continuous observation and a stopwatch.

Also, when diagnosing, anamnesis is important - the doctor must be aware of the diseases the patient has suffered, surgical interventions. It is not an exception to illnesses from which his immediate relatives suffer or the presence of pregnancy, when we're talking about about a woman.

Studying hemostasis and making a diagnosis is impossible without determining platelet levels and detailed analysis other plasma components, such as fibrinogen, alpha, beta, gamma - globulins.

Increased blood clotting during pregnancy

Girls carrying a baby must pay special attention to the thickness and composition of their blood; the supply of nutrients to the fetus and its development depend on this. Plasma viscosity during pregnancy begins to increase from week 12 interesting situation and continues until the third trimester.

This is due to an increase in factors influencing general state body: hormonal changes, changes in metabolism, pressure surges, etc.

Also, the process is natural and provided for by nature, because if the blood were too liquid, during childbirth the pregnant woman would die from severe, uncontrollable blood loss.

Pregnancy should be accompanied by frequent visits physician competent to maintain normal condition the body of the expectant mother. It is important to conduct blood tests at least once a month, adjusting the viscosity of the plasma with the help of medications and vitamins.

The slightest deviation from the norm can threaten placental abruption, premature birth or the death of the baby in the womb.

Treatment of hypercoagulability

Let's consider what to do if blood clotting is high. If deviations from the norm or frequent manifestations of a number of ailments indicating high blood clotting are detected, it is necessary to short time find out what factor caused the plasma thickening.

Experts recommend contacting medical institution for the purpose of examining the body for the presence of diseases or genetic predisposition to hypercoagulation. This will determine which drugs and methods are used to effectively treat increased blood clotting in each individual case.

Medicines that have a thinning effect:

  • Aspirin;
  • Magnicor;
  • Thrombo ACC;
  • Cardioaspirin;
  • Chimes.

The listed drugs are approved for use as prophylaxis and in cases where the cause of the deviations has not yet been clarified, and the risk of thrombosis or other consequences is very high. In cases of pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, every medicine must be strictly agreed with the doctor.

Low blood clotting is observed (decreased platelet count), acquired thrombocytopathies, deficiency of certain coagulation factors, hypofibrinogenemia. They cause a capillary type of bleeding, which is characterized by hematomas on the skin and mucous membranes, small rashes, nosebleeds, possible cerebral hemorrhages. With an overdose of anticoagulants, a hematoma type of bleeding appears: hemorrhages in the muscles, joints, under the skin, stomach, kidneys, intestinal bleeding, prolonged bleeding due to mechanical damage.

Immune and infectious vasculitis (inflammation of the walls of blood vessels) cause vasculitic purpuric type of bleeding: nephritis, skin rashes, intestinal bleeding. Poor blood clotting occurs with angiomas (tumor), installation of arteriovenous shunts, it manifests itself as an angiomatous type of bleeding: abundant, repeated bleeding that does not change location. Deterioration of coagulation is observed in late DIC (impaired coagulation due to massive release of thromboplastic substances from tissues), this condition is a consequence of sepsis, shock, embolism amniotic fluid, premature detachment placenta. Poor blood clotting develops with liver diseases (mainly due to hepatitis), due to acute blood loss.