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What does it mean when the lower abdomen hurts? Premature placental abruption. Menstruation and ovulation

Pain in the lower abdomen is perhaps one of the most common complaints when visiting a doctor. This symptom may result from physical exertion, hypothermia or emotional stress. In such cases, it is not chronic and does not bother a person for a long time. But often the cause of pain in the lower abdomen can be the presence of some serious disease. In order to make a correct diagnosis for such a nonspecific symptom, it is necessary to analyze the exact location of the pain center, as well as accompanying symptoms and the nature of the pain.

Causes of pain in the left lower abdomen

The most common causes of pain in the left lower abdomen can be the following diseases:

  • Disease or rupture of the spleen;
  • Inflammation of the pancreas;
  • Gastritis;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases;
  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Gynecological diseases.

When a person is regularly bothered by pain in the left lower abdomen, the cause may be problems with the spleen. Often in this situation we can talk about organ enlargement, which is usually provoked by various infectious diseases. The cause of pain in the lower abdomen on the left side can also be a ruptured spleen. In this case, the skin in this area usually acquires a bluish tint and bruises appear on it. This condition is extremely life-threatening, so if such symptoms occur, you should immediately call a doctor.

The cause of pain in the left lower abdomen can also be inflammation of the pancreas. In this case painful sensations, as a rule, spread over the surface of the back. Accompanying symptoms may include nausea and vomiting.

Pain in the lower left abdomen sometimes indicates the development of gastritis or stomach ulcers. Such diseases are characterized by heartburn and belching. The causes of pain in the lower abdomen may also lie in inflammatory bowel diseases. During such diseases, flatulence and diarrhea often appear; additional symptoms may include nausea, vomiting and increased body temperature.

The cause of pain in the lower abdomen on the left side is often urolithiasis. In such a situation, the pain is very acute and is accompanied by frequent urination.

All kinds of gynecological diseases are also a common cause of pain in this area. This could be a left ovarian cyst, inflammation of the appendages, or ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, the causes of pain in the lower abdomen should be identified as early as possible.

Causes of pain in the right lower abdomen

Only an experienced specialist can determine the exact cause of pain in the right lower abdomen, and it is also necessary to draw his attention to the various accompanying symptoms. Here is a short list of diseases that are often accompanied by a similar symptom:

  • Chronic or acute appendicitis;
  • Cystitis;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Prostatitis and other urological diseases in men;
  • Right-sided adnexitis;
  • Adhesive processes.

Causes of nagging pain in the lower abdomen

It is often difficult to determine the true cause of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, since this symptom is characteristic of a number of diseases:

  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Diseases genitourinary system;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract;
  • Inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity;
  • Muscle spasms internal organs.

To make a diagnosis, it is again necessary to know the accompanying symptoms. For example, the cause of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by pain in the lower back and frequent urination with blood, mucus or pus, may be serious problems with the kidneys or bladder. If these symptoms are accompanied by low blood pressure, pallor, general weakness, and sometimes fainting, then intra-abdominal bleeding can be assumed. With this diagnosis, immediate surgical intervention is required.

Also, the cause of pain in the lower abdomen, which has a pulling nature, may be the presence of a benign or malignant tumor. Therefore, if you have such symptoms, you need to undergo an examination and pass everything necessary tests in order to stop the development of the disease as early as possible.

Structural features pelvis, reproductive and endocrine systems in women often cause nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Such pain is often characteristic of inflammatory processes in the genitals. If the pain is accompanied by chills, purulent or bloody discharge from the vagina, this may indicate serious inflammation in the pelvic area.

Sometimes the cause of aching pain in the lower abdomen in women is menstruation or ovulation. A very common disease among nulliparous women is algodismenorrhea, or excessively painful periods. Sometimes this is due increased amount hormones in the blood that have a great influence on uterine contractions.

Such pain also often disturbs the female body during pregnancy. Major physiological changes in the first trimester, promoting the growth of the uterus and fetus, often cause aching pain in the lower abdomen. In the second trimester of pregnancy, such sensations are explained by active stretching of the abdominal muscles, and in the third – by displacement of internal organs. This leads to compression of the intestines, so food moves through it more slowly than usual, which can also cause pain in the lower abdomen.

Causes of severe pain in the lower abdomen

Very often the cause of severe pain in the lower abdomen is the abuse of any foods, overeating or, conversely, hunger. In addition, this symptom can be provoked by:

  • Heartburn;
  • Indigestion;
  • Food poisoning;
  • Digestive strain due to severe stress;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.

If the cause of severe pain in the lower abdomen is a malfunction digestive system, you should give your stomach the necessary rest and avoid heavy foods. Sometimes it is recommended to switch to liquid food or not eat anything at all for a while.

When severe pain is accompanied by constipation, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Also, a medical examination is required when the spasm lasts more than half an hour, causes sweating and pain in the chest.

It should be remembered that there are a huge number of causes of pain in the lower abdomen, and they can often signal the presence of a serious illness, the treatment of which requires immediate hospitalization or surgical care. Therefore, at the first symptoms, you should make an appointment with a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis and timely treatment possible illness.

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If you have pain in the lower abdomen, this is more of a subjective perception than an objective sensation, so examining patients with such a complaint can be difficult.

If you have pain in the lower abdomen, you need to understand that there are a great many causes of pain in this area of ​​the epigastrium, and they can be divided, so to speak, according to gender characteristics - typically male symptoms and signs of pain characteristic only for female body. In addition, there are general symptoms, inherent in both men and women, and old people, and children.

Lower abdomen hurts, causes of pain in men

Representatives of the stronger sex also suffer from pain in the lower abdomen, however, somewhat less frequently than women, for whom they can sometimes occur monthly. If a man has a lot of pain in the lower abdomen, most often they bravely endure the pain in the lower abdomen, despite the possible serious dangers that lie behind this symptom. The causes of pain in the lower abdomen may be as follows:

  • Inflammatory processes in gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcer or duodenum. The pain is usually aching in chronic diseases and acute, cramping in exacerbation of the disease.
  • Inflammation of the appendix, which is located in the lower right part of the abdomen, near the colon. The pain can be varied in nature and does not always manifest itself in the right epigastric zone. One of the characteristic signs of appendicitis is sharp pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting and increased body temperature.
  • Diverticulitis, in which lower abdominal pain may be localized to the left lower abdomen. In addition to pain, inflammation of the diverticulum is accompanied by nausea and low-grade fever.
  • An inguinal hernia, which is a rather serious pathology, can be strangulated and cause acute pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting and even loss of consciousness. This condition requires urgent surgical care.
  • An inflammatory process in the kidneys, pyelonephritis or stones are also a provoking factor that causes pain in the lower abdomen in men.
  • An inflammatory process in the testicles (orchitis) or appendages can also cause pain in the groin.

Fortunately, a rare cause of pain in the lower abdomen is an oncological process in the intestines. Pain may appear already at a late stage of the disease, when the tumor reaches large sizes and puts pressure on nearby organs.

The lower abdomen also hurts in men due to chronic, often asymptomatic at the initial stage of development, diseases of the genitourinary system. If this is chronic cystitis, then the first signal is a violation of urination, which gradually turns into acute stage up to urinary retention. An overfilled, inflamed bladder causes first dull and then severe pain in the lower abdomen. In addition to cystitis, the cause of pain in the lower abdomen in men can be prostatitis. The inflammatory process in the prostate gland develops, as a rule, slowly, often without obvious symptoms. When clinical signs appear, we can say that prostatitis enters the acute stage. The pain usually begins with a pulling sensation, which the man tries to endure patiently. If prostatitis is not treated, pain in the lower abdomen becomes more obvious, radiating to the groin and testicular area, especially severe pain accompanies the process of urination. In addition to the fact that the man’s health can hardly be called good, he is tormented by constant pain in the lower abdomen, and his sexual activity is also impaired. Prostatitis, not detected in a timely manner, can aggravate the course of another serious disease - prostate adenoma. Pain in the lower abdomen with adenoma is characteristic; it appears due to severe narrowing and compression of the urethra; as a rule, the painful sensations are constant and provoke the urge to urinate at night and during the day. frequent urination. Adenoma is accompanied by a significant deterioration in the patient’s condition; urinary retention often leads to renal pathologies, sexual function decreases.

All conditions that cause persistent chronic pain or acute, sharp pain, accompanied by nausea, a drop in blood pressure, require medical attention, often emergency.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt in women?

Common physiological reasons for the fair sex are premenstrual pain, a painful menstrual cycle, pressure from the uterus on the bladder, which may also be full. The lower abdomen hurts often during menstruation - this is the most common complaint of pain in the lower abdomen in gynecological practice. Family troubles, physical and sexual violence, alcohol and drug abuse and other stressful influences can also be realized in the form of painful sensations. Among the factors that cause pain in the lower abdomen are fullness of the large intestine and diverticulosis, spasms of an empty stomach, the first three months of bearing a child, when the muscles and ligaments of the abdomen are stretched. Also, pain in the lower abdomen in women can be caused by pathological reasons, among which the most common are the following:

An inflammatory process, acute or chronic, in the female genital organs - the ovaries, the body of the uterus, the vagina or the fallopian tubes. Often a woman has pain and pulling in her lower abdomen due to an ovarian cyst that has grown to a large size or due to chronic adnexitis; the pain can be caused by colpitis or adhesions, endometriosis or benign education in the myometrium of the uterus - fibromyoma. Most often, in addition to pain, these diseases are accompanied by fever, discharge, and weakness. Analytical studies of blood serum show an increased level of leukocytes, confirming the inflammatory process.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt in women if the cause is clearly not gynecological? Factors that provoke pain in the lower abdomen can be various inflammatory processes urinary organs such as cystitis, pyelonephritis or kidney stones. Blood tests also show an increase in the level of leukocytes; both leukocytes and red blood cells are found in the urine; the urine itself darkens, becomes cloudy, often interspersed with purulent elements. In addition to pain in the lower abdomen, the above diseases can cause increased body temperature, pain when urinating, and severe swelling.

Pathological processes in the pelvic organs can also provoke pain in the lower abdomen in women. These can be hernias of various sizes, diverticulosis of the large intestine. Persistent constipation is a functional disease called megacolon, in which the walls of the large intestine hypertrophy and the intestine itself constantly thickens. In addition to the fact that the lower abdomen hurts a lot, diseases are often accompanied by poor appetite, general fatigue, flatulence, and hemorrhagic thrombosis of the veins of the rectal part of the digestive system.

If the lower abdomen hurts, the reasons may be more serious - this is oncological diseases such as tumors - cancer of the uterus and ovaries.

All diseases that require urgent surgical attention can also cause pain in the lower abdomen, although these conditions are most often accompanied by characteristic signs that are called “acute abdomen” in surgical practice. This is appendicitis, a protrusion of the wall (diverticulum) ileum- Meckel's syndrome, which, in addition to pain, is manifested by vomiting and blood in the stool. A woman’s lower abdomen often hurts due to volvulus of the sigmoid colon, torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst, rupture of a cyst, perforation of an ulcer and ectopic, tubal pregnancy, torsion of subperitoneal uterine fibroids. Each of these serious diseases can end in disaster if timely medical care is not provided. In addition to the fact that the temperature rises, acute pain in the abdomen occurs; these conditions are characterized by sharp drop blood pressure, nausea, severe weakness Until loss of consciousness.

Among the causes may be infectious diseases, including intoxication. In addition to painful sensations in the epigastric area, a woman often experiences diarrhea, vomiting, and increased body temperature.

Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by extragenital factors, but most often the pain symptom is a sign of gynecological disorders, among which the most common are the following:

  • Apoplexy, ovarian rupture. In this case, there may be bleeding into the peritoneum or rupture of the capsule occurs without hemorrhage, but both types of apoplexy are accompanied by severe pain.
  • Congenital pathology, interfering with the normal development of the genital organs and interfering with the outflow of blood.
  • Primary or secondary menalgia or algodismenorrhea – severe pain during the menstrual cycle.
  • Pathological inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, progressing to the acute stage.
  • Torsion of the legs of various types of cysts or uterine appendages.
  • Rupture of a large purulent or simple cyst.
  • Hyperstimulation of ovarian function due to the use of hormonal drugs.
  • Termination of an ectopic, tubal pregnancy is a condition requiring emergency surgical care.
  • Uterine fibroids that increase in size.
  • Inflammation of the endometrium, adnexitis, parametritis.
  • Necrosis of fibroid tissue or its torsion, this applies to fibroids growing towards the peritoneum (subserous formations).
  • The development of fibroids growing in the submucosal tissue towards the uterus is a submucosal formation.
  • Threat of miscarriage in early or later carrying a child.
  • Mechanical injuries of the peritoneum and uterine walls (impact, fall, accident, etc.).
  • Iatrogenic trauma during minor surgical intervention, including uterine perforation during termination of pregnancy - abortion.
  • Tuberculosis of the pelvic organs.
  • Spikes.
  • Fusion cervical canal and impaired blood flow during menstruation - atresia.
  • Accumulation of liquid secretion in the abdominal cavity, cyst – serosocele.
  • An intrauterine device installed incorrectly, causing pain.
  • Varicose veins, pathological expansion of the venous system of the pelvis.

Also, a woman has severe pain in the lower abdomen due to diverticulitis, perforation of a stomach or intestinal ulcer, or strangulation of an irreducible hernia. In addition, pain in the lower abdomen can be associated with advanced cystitis, pyelonephritis in the acute stage, granulomatous enteritis (Crohn's disease), and an oncological process.

If your lower abdomen hurts a lot?

Regardless of whether the person suffering from pain is a man or a woman, there are common signs emergency conditions and rules of conduct in such cases.

The lower abdomen hurts very much, what needs to be done and what should not be done under any circumstances.

A condition that is clinical practice characterized as an “acute abdomen” - this is a serious threat not only to health, but also to life, accompanied by the following symptoms and signs:

  • Acute, unbearable pain that lasts for an hour.
  • Significant gain pain symptom at the slightest strain or cough, when turning over or any movement.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen that does not change in intensity when the patient's posture or position changes.
  • If before the onset of pain there has been no bowel movement for 24 hours, the abdomen is tense and swollen, this may indicate acute intestinal obstruction.
  • The stomach doesn't just hurt a lot, it's tense.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by rapid heartbeat, sweating, pale skin, decreased blood pressure up to fainting and loss of consciousness.
  • If the pain is accompanied by defecation, in which blood clots are noted in the stool (stool is black or of an uncharacteristic color).

In any case, make a diagnosis yourself and differentiate a serious, threatening disease from others that do not require emergency care, almost impossible. Therefore, in case of severe pain that does not go away within an hour, fever, weak pulse, nausea and vomiting, you need to call ambulance.

Before the arrival of specialists, the following independent actions are permissible:

  • The patient needs complete rest, silence, a ventilated room and a horizontal position.
  • You can put cold on the abdominal area - a heating pad with ice, a chilled bottle of water, cold compress. The cold should not be kept for more than 20-25 minutes; cold compresses should be changed to avoid warming the abdomen.
  • From medications Let's take No-shpa, no more than two tablets. All other medications can only be prescribed by a doctor after examination and a preliminary diagnosis.
  • If signs of internal bleeding appear - fainting, bluish complexion, increased heart rate, and there is a health worker nearby, you can put an intravenous drip with sodium chloride solution.

The lower abdomen hurts very much, the following actions are unacceptable:

  • You cannot choose and take painkillers on your own. At least it “lubricates” clinical picture and makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis, and, at maximum, provokes an even greater exacerbation of the underlying disease.
  • You cannot warm your stomach to avoid the development of extensive sepsis; only cold is permissible.
  • You cannot take medications such as laxatives, and enemas are not allowed.
  • No food or drink allowed. For severe dry mouth, wetting your tongue and lips is acceptable.

These are recommendations that apply to both men and women; you especially need to be attentive to pain symptoms in children who do not yet know how to correctly describe their sensations. At the slightest alarming sign of illness in a child, you should immediately seek medical help.

Lower abdomen hurts during menstruation

This pain is most common in women young, whose hormonal system has not yet stabilized. Menstruation itself is not a disease, it is natural. physiological state, which ensures a woman’s reproductive function. If all a woman’s organs and systems work flawlessly, then the menstrual cycle should not cause discomfort. Some soreness may occur in the first two to three days of the cycle and then go away. Pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation is usually due to dissonance between different types of sex hormones - prostaglandins and progesterone. The uterus produces substances that ensure its contractile function - prostaglandins. If there are too many of them, contractions become intense, and pain increases accordingly. Also, an excess of prostaglandins can provoke headaches, nausea, and even vomiting. Increased levels of contractile hormones are typical for young women who have not yet given birth. If the lower abdomen hurts during menstruation in women who have given birth, this may be evidence of more serious pathologies - endometriosis, uterine fibroids, adnexitis, inflammation in the ovaries, fallopian tubes and many other diseases. Moreover, poorly chosen intrauterine device can also cause pain during menstruation. Pain in the lower abdomen may be accompanied by other symptoms, the most common of which are:

  • Pain radiating to the lumbar region.
  • Heaviness and pain in the legs.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Difficulty bowel movements, diarrhea or constipation.
  • General weakness.
  • Irritability, tearfulness, often increased aggressiveness.

Emergency medical care is needed for pain during menstruation if the following signs appear:

  • The pain becomes intense as bleeding increases. The test is a sanitary pad that overflows in one hour.
  • In addition to pain, the woman feels an increase in body temperature, fever, and sweating.
  • The pain is accompanied by severe aching in the joints.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Lower abdomen hurts after menstruation

This is typical for conditions caused by excessive levels of prostaglandins, which are responsible for the contractile function of the uterus. During the cycle, the uterus must contract to remove blood clots; after the end of the cycle, contractions become less active. However, if a woman’s hormonal system does not work properly, there is an imbalance of hormones, and pain is possible after the menstrual cycle. Often in women 30-35 years old there is an increase in estrogen production, which leads to pain in the lower abdomen during the cycle, which can also change and go astray. As a compensatory response, the uterus begins to intensively produce prostaglandins, which continue to contract the organ even after the end of menstruation. Postmenstrual pain in the lower abdomen is often caused by stress or depressive state. As a consequence of a difficult cycle, the functioning of the thyroid gland, which controls hormonal balance, is disrupted. It turns out to be a kind of vicious circle in which one pathological factor provokes another. In addition, after menstruation, the lower abdomen hurts, often due to a congenital anomaly of the uterus - underdevelopment or its incorrect position. Any inflammatory process - adnexitis, salpingitis - can cause prolonged postmenstrual pain. The intrauterine device, which irritates the walls and uterine cavity, can also prevent normal contractions of the uterus. In situations where the pain after the cycle does not stop for two to three days, there is no need to worry, this is most likely a normal physiological hormonal “jump”. If, after menstruation, the lower abdomen hurts for four or more days, especially if there is discharge and elevated body temperature, you need to consult a doctor to rule out a serious inflammatory process in the pelvic organs.

Lower abdomen hurts after ovulation

This is also a common phenomenon in gynecological practice; women often complain of pain in the lower abdomen during the period of follicle maturation and uterine contraction. Surprisingly, even women who have given birth sometimes do not know what ovulation is and how the process of fertilization is connected with it.

Ovulation is the period during which a mature follicle “releases” a single egg into the abdominal cavity, ready for fertilization. This process begins with the first menstrual cycle and gradually fades during menopause. If a couple is planning a new addition to the family, then ovulation days are the most favorable days for conceiving a baby. The ovulation period is individual for each woman and depends on the length of the monthly cycle. The boundaries of the ovulation period vary from 22 to 33-35 days. Ovulation is often accompanied by painful symptoms, in addition, during this period fertility (attraction) to the opposite sex increases significantly, which is proof of the natural predisposition of these days to conception. Pain both during and after ovulation is most often of moderate intensity and is acceptable physiological norm. Rarely, the pain becomes severe and cramping, but, as a rule, it does not last long. If the pain alternates from the left side to the right, this indicates the maturation of the follicle in the left and right ovaries. Painful sensations after ovulation are very rare, and if they occur, this may indicate the following conditions:

  • Exacerbation of chronic, latent inflammation in the ovaries.
  • The completion of conception.
  • Pregnancy, which may be associated with some inflammatory processes in the ovaries.
  • Pathological processes in the pelvic organs that are not associated with the maturation of follicles and the release of the egg.

Lower abdomen hurts and discharge

This is a sign of an inflammatory process that is entering the acute stage. Often, pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by milky discharge, is a symptom of a common disease - thrush or candidiasis. In fact, this is also inflammation of the vagina, but it is usually caused by Candida albicans - specific yeast-like organisms and fungi. The reasons why the lower abdomen hurts and the discharge becomes abundant, characterized by its curdled consistency, are very diverse. Among the most common are the following:

  • Pathology of the endocrine system – hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism.
  • Diabetes, in which the level of sugar in the blood is increased, and accordingly in the vaginal discharge. The acidity of the excretory secretion decreases, which creates a favorable, comfortable environment for the proliferation of Candida albicans.
  • Metabolic disorders, obesity or anorexia.
  • Long-term use of medications - antibiotics, hormonal drugs.
  • Physiological changes in the body - menopause.
  • Long-term use of contraceptive drugs.
  • Diseases of venereal etiology.
  • Infectious diseases of the pelvic organs - mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis.
  • The consequence of a surgical intervention as a result of which the body goes through a process of adaptation.
  • Change climate zone, especially often provokes pain in the lower abdomen and discharge when moving to hot countries.
  • General decrease in the protective functions of the immune system.
  • Avitaminosis.

Thrush is not a health-threatening disease, but it is chronic course can provoke an erosive process in the cervix, which is considered a rather serious pathology.

This is also a sign of an inflammatory process in the appendages. Inflammation of the appendages can manifest as painful sensations on the left or right side, radiating to the thigh or sacral region of the lower back. Discharge during inflammation is mucous, often with pus. Body temperature may rise and a feverish state may occur, which indicates an exacerbation of the process.

Also, pain in the lower abdomen may be regular, but not pronounced, discharge is scanty, however, these symptoms also cannot be ignored in order to prevent exacerbation and more serious problems that may require emergency surgical care.

Lower abdomen hurts after sex

This is evidence of pathological processes that can occur hidden in the body, but often such pain is provoked by psychogenic factors.

Pain in the lower abdomen after sex is also a symptom of standard gynecological problems that require diagnosis and treatment. Pain in the lower abdomen after sexual intercourse may indicate rupture of an ovarian cyst, rupture of the ovary itself, or a threat of miscarriage. early stages carrying a child. In addition, the cause of pain can be purely mechanical, when sexual contact was too rough, intense and caused injury to the vaginal wall, damaging the mucous membrane of the cervix. If your lower abdomen hurts after sex and there is bloody discharge, you should urgently seek medical help, especially if the bleeding is intense.

My lower abdomen hurts for a week

This constant abdominal pain is called chronic abdominal pain. Descriptions of sensations from patients are very diverse - from a burning sensation to constant pressure and heaviness. Quite often, the reason why the lower abdomen hurts for a whole week is a simple violation of the diet; the gastrointestinal tract is simply unable to work rhythmically in a normal manner. However, often chronic, persistent pain in the lower abdomen may indicate developing cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, or an inflammatory process in the large intestine. The pain can be truly constant, but it can also be cramping. As a rule, if a person suffers from pain in the lower abdomen for a whole week, the pain is quite weak and does not differ in intensity. It is important to note how pain is related to eating, whether it occurs before or after eating. Also, chronic pain in the lower abdomen may be a symptom of a psychosomatic disease, more associated with neurology than with gastroenterology. In clinical practice, such pain is called neurotic.

The stomach actually hurts, although objective external or internal reasons does not exist. This is due to a psycho-emotional factor, which may be an unloved job, intense study and fear of exams, or family troubles. Also the reason constant pain there may be vegetative-vascular syndrome, which is also a neurological disease. One of the causes of chronic, recurrent pain is helminthic infestation. Chronic pain is diagnosed using a comprehensive examination; the more complete it is, the more accurate and effective the treatment will be. B standard diagnostic complex includes the following procedures:

  • Collection of anamnestic information, including family history.
  • Palpation of the abdominal area.
  • Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy - FGDS.
  • Expanded clinical trial blood, including leukocyte formula.
  • Biochemical blood test that determines the level of enzymatic activity of the liver and pancreas.
  • Ultrasonography abdominal organs.
  • Analysis for determining helminthic infestation, coprogram.

If your lower abdomen hurts a lot

However, there are conditions that require immediate medical attention; these are all severe pain that does not go away within an hour.

Severe pain in the lower abdomen is one of the most typical symptoms presented in gastroenterological and gynecological practice. The stomach most often hurts intensely, since the gastrointestinal tract contains thousands of nerve endings and pain receptors. The nature of the pain can be different: pulling, sharp, aching, cutting, and so on. A pain symptom in the abdominal area is not specific, since many diseases are accompanied by painful sensations.

Women experience severe pain in the lower abdomen during the menstrual cycle; in men, pain in the lower abdomen can be a sign of urological pathology.

Some of the main reasons why women experience severe pain in the absence of signs of pregnancy are the following:

  • An ectopic pregnancy in which the egg does not reach the uterine cavity and begins to implant in the fallopian tube. There may be no signs of pregnancy, but after three to four weeks the egg begins to enlarge and destroy the tissue of the fallopian tube. This process is accompanied by severe pain, nausea, dizziness to the point of loss of consciousness. This condition requires immediate surgical intervention.
  • Apoplexy, ovarian rupture. The rupture can be caused by trauma, intense physical activity or sexual contact. The symptoms are very similar to those of an ectopic, tubal pregnancy. The pain may radiate to the lumbar region, accompanied by vomiting, weakness and loss of consciousness. Treatment is urgent, surgical.
  • Torsion and disruption of blood flow through the veins in the pedicle of an ovarian cyst. The cyst begins to grow rapidly, putting pressure on nearby organs, often merging with them. The pain in the lower abdomen is aching, quite strong, but transient and recurrent. Treatment is surgical.
  • Inflammation of the appendages, which happens quite often after abortion, after childbirth. The pain is diffuse, severe, intermittent. If the diagnosis is not made in a timely manner, the spread of infection can lead to peritonitis. In the acute stage, adnexitis causes severe pain in the lower abdomen with radiation to the groin. The temperature is elevated, the abdominal muscles are very tense. Treatment in the initial stage of development of adnexitis is medicinal, conservative; in the acute stage, if there is a threat of peritonitis, surgical intervention is possible.

In addition, the lower abdomen hurts greatly with ureaplasmosis, pathological diseases urinary system. In men, acute pain in the lower abdomen is a typical sign of inflammation of the urethra, acute stage of prostatitis, strangulated hernia.

All conditions associated with severe pain require immediate medical attention.

Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen

This is a description of so-called pelvic pain. Pelvic pain is considered to be all painful sensations in the lower abdominal region, accompanied by pain in the sacrum and lumbar region. Often such pain in men radiates (radiates) to the rectum or vagina in women. Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen is a nonspecific symptom that may indicate various diseases, both gynecological, proctological and vascular or urological. The nature of the pain is also different; it can be acute or chronic, long-lasting.

Acute lower back pain is a sudden onset of painful sensations that last two to three hours, combined with fever, nausea, weakness and fever. This is how acute conditions that require immediate surgical attention quite often manifest themselves - inflammation of the appendix, acute intestinal obstruction, an attack of cholecystitis, rupture of an ovarian cyst, purulent inflammation of the urethra, pyelonephritis and other diseases.

Chronic, prolonged pelvic pain is periodically recurring discomfort that sometimes lasts for months. Such pain indicates a developing hidden pathology that has not yet manifested itself.

Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen - causes and types of diseases

Gynecological reasons:

  • Endometriosis, which may have various shapes:
  • Imbalance hormonal system, disruption of the normal anatomical structure of the uterus, thickening of the walls and tissue deformation.
  • Vulvodynia (vaginal pain) caused by endometriosis.
  • Inflammatory process in the pelvic organs caused by endometriosis.
  • Neoplasms (uterus, ovaries) – benign and malignant.
  • Prolapse of the walls of the vagina and uterus or POP (pelvic organ prolapse).

Urological reasons:

  • Interstitial cystitis is a disease of unknown etiology, when bacterial studies do not reveal the causative agent of the inflammatory process.
  • Infectious inflammation urinary tract.
  • Urolithiasis or urolithiasis.
  • Cancer Bladder.
  • Adhesive causes, which often accompany surgery, also adhesive disease may develop and cause low back pain as a result of a closed injury.

Proctological reasons:

  • Hemorrhoids, which manifests itself as chronic pelvic pain.
  • Inflammation of the mucous tissue of the rectum - proctitis.
  • Intestinal tumor.

Neurological reasons:

  • Radiculopathy is an inflammatory process of the root spinal cord or its infringement (sciatica).
  • Hernia, osteochondrosis or prolapse (loss) of the intervertebral disc.

Vascular causes:

  • VRVVT – varicose veins of the pelvic venous system.
  • Pelvic varicose veins – an increase in the length of the pelvic veins, their expansion.

Musculoskeletal causes:

  • Inflammatory processes in the joints.
  • Fibromyalgia – muscle spasm, causing lower back pain.

Gastroenterological reasons:

  • Colitis.
  • Retroperitoneal oncological process, tumors.
  • Intestinal obstruction.

Psychogenic causes - depressive disorders, violence, neurotic fear of sexual contact.

Lower left abdomen hurts

The lower abdomen can be divided into quadrants - the right lateral part, the umbilical part, the left lateral part, the right and left groin area and pubic part. Localization of pain in a particular area is one of the important diagnostic symptoms, helping to identify the cause of pain.

The lower abdomen on the left hurts - this is a signal about possible problems in the organs located in this abdominal part: in the left part of the intestine, in the left kidney, in the internal reproductive organs. Also, pain in the left abdominal area can be nonspecific and identical in a diagnostic sense with pain in the right abdominal area, with the exception of inflammation of the appendix. If the lower abdomen hurts on the left, this may mean that the sigmoid colon is inflamed, or urolithiasis, adnexitis or diverticulitis is developing. Due to the nonspecificity of the left-sided pain symptom, diagnosis includes full examination organs of the abdominal cavity, regardless of their location - on the right or left. A comprehensive study allows for the timely detection of diverticulitis, which is also called left-sided appendicitis. If this disease is not diagnosed in time, especially in elderly patients, it can lead to perforation of the lower part of the colon (sigmoid), which is an indication for urgent surgical intervention. Tubal pregnancy can also manifest itself as pain in the left quadrant of the abdomen; in addition, this is also a sign of strangulation. inguinal hernia. One of the causes of left-sided pain may be ulcerative colitis, granulomatous enteritis (Crohn's disease or terminal ileitis), and helminthic infestation. Often, a kidney stone that is localized in the left kidney, passing the path to the bladder, also causes severe pain in the left side of the peritoneum.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the right

The obvious localization of pain, in a sense, is a plus for diagnosing the disease, while diffuse (widespread) pain in the lower abdomen greatly complicates the diagnosis due to its nonspecificity. The first thing that comes to mind with right-sided abdominal pain is inflammation of the appendix. Indeed, the right-sided localization of pain is a specific manifestation of appendicitis, but the lower abdomen also hurts in other diseases. For example, an inflamed ureter or an attack of cholecystitis, inflammation of the liver or the acute stage of pyelonephritis can also “response” to right-sided painful sensations. Crohn's disease, a complex inflammatory disease, can also signal its development. unknown etiology. Terminal ileitis, also called Crohn's disease, is a pathological lesion of the walls of the entire digestive tract, starting from the iliac region, where the first symptoms appear. However, when ileitis develops, symptoms can move down the peritoneum. In addition, cystitis or urolithiasis, ulcerative right-sided colitis, herpetic lesions of the intestinal walls can be signaled and manifested by pain localized in the lower right part of the abdomen.

Since the abdomen is a container for many organs and systems, right-sided pain may indicate an inflammatory process, pathology or chronic disease of the following organs located in this part of the peritoneum:

  • A vermiform portion of the cecum or appendix, inflammation of which most often manifests itself as pain in the right side abdomen - upper or lower quadrant.
  • Most of intestinal tract, areas of which are often subject to inflammation, including infectious ones, obstruction, and an oncological process in the intestines is also possible.
  • In the right lower quadrant there is the right ureter, which can become inflamed and manifest as right-sided pain.
  • The right fallopian tube, which is anatomically slightly longer than the left. Inflammation may develop in the tube - salpingitis, endometrial polyp.

Lower abdominal pain and fever

This is a signal that the pathological process in the peritoneal organs is already entering the acute stage. Hyperthermia is characteristic feature acute inflammatory disease, however, this symptom often manifests itself at the stage when urgent medical attention is needed. Even with gangrenous appendicitis, the patient may have a relatively low body temperature, and with perforation it may generally decrease. Also, hyperthermia itself cannot be a specific symptom of a viral or bacterial infection. Many severe ulcerative processes are not always accompanied by significant changes in temperature, for example, perforated ulcer Often the first hours are manifested only by pain symptoms.

Appendicitis, inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), diverticulitis, dysentery, adnexitis and pyelonephritis, many other diseases may be accompanied by pain and slight hyperthermia. This applies to urological pathologies, gynecological and proctological diseases, and even venereal diseases, since, for example, gonorrhea is also sometimes manifested by abdominal pain and hyperthermia. The combination of “lower abdominal pain and temperature” in clinical practice is considered a serious signal of the acute period of the disease, and a high temperature that exceeds 38-39C is clear evidence of septic damage to the body, which may be caused by apoplexy of the ovarian cyst, rupture abdominal aorta, splenic infarction, peritonitis, rupture of the fallopian tube, infectious diseases of the kidneys or gallbladder. Both too high temperature limits and low temperature - hypothermia - is bad signs in a prognostic sense. All conditions, the symptoms of which include pain in the lower abdomen and fever, require medical attention, and if the thermometer shows 34-35 or 38-40C, you need to call an ambulance, as this obvious signs sepsis and internal bleeding.

Chronic pain in the lower abdomen

Chronic lower abdominal pain is persistent pain that remains the main complaint that interferes with work ability for six months or more. The correlation between the severity of pain and the severity of abdominal pathology is usually insignificant. Chronic abdominal pain is often accompanied by mental disorders such as depression and sleep disorders. Chronic pain in the lower abdomen, not associated with diseases, most often occurs in women who have been sexually assaulted. There is also statistical evidence that in a third of women who underwent laparoscopy for chronic painful sensations, the cause of the disease could not be determined, which indicates a psychogenic cause of acute painful sensations. 10-20% of hysterectomies in the United States are performed annually for chronic pain in the lower abdomen, provoked by purely mental factors. Hysterectomy is highly effective in reducing the severity of pain syndromes associated with subconscious protest against sexual intercourse. This reduces sexual dysfunction, reduces the level of psychogenic behavior and improves a woman’s quality of life, even if pathology from the uterus is not detected. Data on hysterectomy for psychogenic pain in our countries, it is obvious that such operations are not yet in demand and necessary for our women. Pain may also be a consequence of a hidden inflammatory process, infectious diseases such as chlamydia or mycoplasmosis. Any discomfort associated with sexual relations must be eliminated, perhaps not in such a drastic way as is practiced in the United States. Modern gynecology has more effective means, helping to identify the true cause of pain after sex and effectively eliminating it.

Chronic pain in the lower abdomen due to gynecological problems

Dysmenorrhea - most common reason chronic pain. Dysmenorrhea is called cyclic pain in the uterine area that occurs before or during menstruation. It is believed that primary dysmenorrhea is associated not with pathology of the pelvic organs, but with hyperproduction of prostaglandins by the uterus. Secondary dysmenorrhea is usually associated with the presence of an acquired pathology (for example, endometriosis).

Endometriosis. The severity of pain in this disease varies from dysmenorrhea to intense intractable chronic pain, leading to disability. The intensity of pain does not correlate with the severity of the pathology.

Adenomyosis is a common condition and is asymptomatic in most women. Adenomyosis is characterized by an enlarged softened uterus, slightly painful on palpation. However, adenomyosis is considered a pathological condition.

Fibroids are the most common benign tumor of the pelvic cavity in women. Pain with fibroids is caused either by compression of adjacent organs or by degenerative processes occurring in the tumor.

Retained ovarian syndrome is characterized by recurrent adnexal pain after hysterectomy.

Prolapse of the genital organs may be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, pressure, or dull pain.

Chronic inflammatory diseases pelvic organs are characterized by prolonged pain, usually due to the presence of hydrosalpinx, tubo-ovarian cyst or adhesions in the pelvic cavity.

Chronic lower abdominal pain due to non-gynecological diseases

Adhesions after infections or surgery can cause chronic pain in the lower abdomen that is difficult to treat.

Gastrointestinal pathology, such as inflammatory diseases of the colon (Crohn's disease

Ectopic pregnancy . In all women of reproductive age, when examining for acute pain in the lower abdomen, it is first necessary to exclude a terminated ectopic pregnancy

Acute inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs - ascending bacterial infections, which are usually accompanied by the following symptoms: fever, pain in the lower abdomen and pain with cervical movements; occur more often in women who are sexually active.

Rupture of an ovarian cyst. Acute pain in the lower abdomen most often occurs under the following conditions: intra-abdominal rupture of a follicular cyst, corpus luteum or endometrioma. Pain in the lower abdomen can be so acute and intense that it is sometimes accompanied by loss of consciousness. The condition usually tends to be self-limiting with bleeding stopping

Torsion of the uterine appendages usually occurs in adolescents and women of reproductive age. Twisting on a vascular pedicle, any space-occupying formation of the uterine appendages (dermoid tumor of the ovary, hydatid of Morgagni) can cause acute, severe pain in the lower abdomen due to a sudden disruption of the blood supply. Often in these conditions, pain in the lower abdomen increases and decreases and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Threatened, incomplete abortion and abortion in progress are often accompanied by painful sensations in the midline, usually of a spastic, periodic nature.

Disintegrating fibroids or ovarian tumors can cause stabbing, cutting or aching pain.

Pain in the lower abdomen as a result of non-gynecological diseases

Appendicitis is the most common acute surgical pathology of the abdominal organs, occurring in all age groups. In classic cases, diffuse pain occurs first with an epicenter in umbilical region, but then, after a few hours, the pain is localized in the right iliac region (McBarney's point). Appendicitis is often accompanied by low-grade fever, anorexia, and leukocytosis.

Diverticulosis occurs more often in older women. The disease is characterized by pain in the left lower parts abdomen, bloody diarrhea, fever and leukocytosis.

Diseases urinary system(cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis) can cause acute or radiating pain above the pubis, a feeling of pressure and/or dysuria.

Mesadenitis often occurs in girls after an acute respiratory infection. Pain in the lower abdomen is usually more diffuse and less acute than with appendicitis.

The algorithm of actions for painful sensations depends on the organic or physiological variety of causes. A physiological factor, such as the menstrual cycle, requires the use of antispasmodics and observation by the attending physician in order to select adequate methods that minimize pain. Organic causes require either outpatient conservative treatment or emergency surgery if the disease has progressed too far. Find your way around possible reasons What to do when your stomach hurts, this table will help:

Description of pain in the lower abdomen

List of possible reasons


Spicy, sharp pain, nausea to vomiting.

Intestinal infection,
Inflammation of the worm-shaped part of the cecum - the appendix,
Intestinal obstruction.

Emergency call.

Sharp pain in the right side, radiating upward

An attack of cholecystitis,
An attack of hepatic colic.

Call a doctor, if the temperature rises to 38-39C, call an ambulance.

Acute pain radiating to the groin and vagina.

Renal colic.

Call an ambulance.

Increasing pain in the right or upper right quadrant.

Acute inflammation of the appendix.

Call a doctor or emergency help.

Severe pain in the lower abdomen, transient and subsiding after urination.

Inflammation of the ureter.

Call a doctor or visit a urologist on your own. Strict diet, exclusion of physical activity.

Acute widespread pain that subsides after bowel movements (often after diarrhea).

IBS – irritable bowel syndrome.

Independent visit to a gastroenterologist. Diet, exclusion of physical activity.

Pain on the right or left, accompanied by diarrhea with blood clots.

Colitis (ulcerative),
Crohn's disease.

Rest, diet, calling a doctor at home.

Severe pain in the left lower abdomen, increase or decrease in body temperature, drop in blood pressure.

Possible thromboembolism (infarction) of the spleen,
Rupture of the splenic capsule,
An attack of renal colic.

Taking No-shpa. Urgent emergency call.

Aching, chronic pain on the right or left.

Right-sided inflammation of the renal pelvis
left-sided pyelonephritis,
Stones, sand in the kidneys.

Independent visit to the doctor.

Drawing pain, dull right-sided or left-sided pain.

Inflammation of the fallopian tubes,
Inflammatory process in the ovaries - salpingo-orfit,
Inflammatory process in the bladder - cystitis,
Urethritis (in men),
Prostatitis (in men),
Vesiculitis is an inflammatory process in the seminal vesicles.

Independent visit to the doctor, full examination.

Chronic pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

Inflammation of the pelvis, kidney tissue (pyelonephritis), including purulent,
Oncological process in the kidneys,
Kidney stones,
Varicose veins of the pelvic organs,
Tumors of the pelvic organs,
Adenoma (in men).

Independent consultation with a doctor, a full diagnostic complex, examination of the body.

Pain in the lower abdomen is easiest to eliminate in the first hours of its manifestation, however, there are not many indications for independent action. The abdominal organs are very vulnerable and sensitive to various influences, both temperature and medications. An inept step, such as placing a heating pad on the stomach, can provoke peritonitis and sepsis, so the first rule for abdominal pain is observation for an hour. If the pain does not subside, but increases, the temperature rises, nausea, vomiting, weakness appear, you should not hesitate, but call an ambulance.

Pain in the lower abdomen in women, according to statistics, is the reason for frequent visits to the hospital. Sometimes such pain indicates a serious surgical problem or even pathology.

Sharp pain, if it continues to intensify and does not go away long enough, is a serious reason to consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Since there are several causes of cutting pain in the lower abdomen in women, and they are all different, a separate large article will be devoted to this topic. It will help you understand why symptoms occur and what they indicate. discomfort after having sex, during pregnancy.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt in women on the right and left?

All women's pains are divided into 2 categories:


  1. There was a violation of the monthly cycle. It is also called algodismenorrhea. This also includes bleeding of a dysfunctional nature.
  2. The pain is somehow associated with approaching ovulation.
  3. Blood stagnation has occurred. This sometimes happens with pronounced bending of the uterus and hematometra. Blood accumulates in the uterine cavity, its outflow is disrupted.

Organic reasons:

  1. The intrauterine device was not inserted correctly.
  2. There is a pathology. For example, surgical or related to gallbladder diseases, excretory system(from cystitis to pyelonephritis).
  3. Diseases “female style”. These include endometritis, adnexitis, cysts in any form, fibroids, ovarian torsion and some other diseases.

Each cause will be discussed in detail to help you better understand the source of your pain. By the way, in addition to cutting, patients describe the pain as sharp, tingling, unpleasantly aching, or simply dull.

Appendages become inflamed

It shows itself to be very revealing. First, the temperature rises sharply and signs of intoxication appear. If the patient has adnexitis, the lower abdomen on the left/right side may hurt. Endometritis is characterized by pain below, but in the middle. The examination reveals pasty appendages. The uterus enlarges and becomes soft. When palpated, the patient feels pain. In the chronic stage, endometritis and salpingoophoritis occur together with pain in the lower abdomen. Patients complain of heaviness where the appendages are located. Upon palpation, the doctor determines that the uterus is becoming quite dense and reacts sharply to any influence.

How to cure inflammatory diseases? For this, there is a whole range of remedies, including antibiotics, treatment with vitamins and suppositories aimed at relieving inflammation. Infusion-type therapy is prescribed.


Genital endometriosis spreads to the uterus as well as the adnexa, the space behind the cervix. Cells resembling the human endometrium in their structure spread beyond the organ. Before the onset of menstruation, pain begins to increase and reaches its peak during menstruation. Localization is mainly in the lower middle if it is endometriosis. In case of problems with the appendages, not the most pleasant sensations are observed in the groin area. Even retrocervical endometriosis is possible, when patients complain of pain behind the pubis.

Due to the development of the adhesive process, the pain syndrome in the pelvic area only gets worse. Women may be concerned about cycle failure. The discharge also changes; in the future, all this may result in infertility.

A disease such as endometriosis is treated hormonal drugs, however, surgical intervention in advanced stages is not excluded.

Ovarian apoplexy

Hemorrhage in soft fabrics ovary in medicine is called apoplexy. Associated with ovulation, as it occurs during the intermenstrual period. When the follicle ruptures, blood enters the ovary.

Why does apoplexy occur? It can be triggered by intense physical activity and even sexual intercourse. With intra-abdominal bleeding, the pain below is cutting, localized in the area of ​​the affected organ. Symptoms present posthemorrhagic anemia, including pallor of the skin, loss of consciousness. The victim's blood pressure may drop seriously. In most cases, emergency surgery will be required.

Uterine fibroids

Another disease that affects women. With a large tumor, compression occurs on nearby organs – hence the pain. If the submucosal myomatous node is inflamed, the pain is cramping and accompanied by heavy bleeding. generates aching pain. In both the first case and the second, surgery cannot be avoided.

Ovarian twisted

This can happen when bending or overexerting. When torsion is ninety degrees, the outflow from the vein is disrupted and aching pain appears. If the torsion is more severe (three hundred and sixty degrees), arterial blood access is limited. The so-called picture of an “acute” abdomen is observed: cutting, cramping pain, intoxication. The temperature rises sharply, the patient begins to take a forced body position.

There can be only one treatment in this situation. successfully removed, the leg does not unwind.


Doctors jokingly call him the “monkey” of all diseases. It can hide behind symptoms of other diseases. Most often it manifests itself as a low-grade fever, pain in the epigastrium, and right iliac region. A person’s appetite may decrease or completely drop, and vomiting may occur. If emergency surgery is not performed, it can cause peritonitis and result in the death of the patient.


Most often, the bladder becomes inflamed for one single reason - stones appear in the organ. The disease is quite acute, with an increase in temperature and all the ensuing consequences. The level of bilirubin in the blood increases, causing the skin to itch. Vomiting and nausea, characteristic pain in the lower abdomen and hypochondrium on the right appear. The pain radiates to the back, but can also radiate to the collarbone. Symptoms worsen after eating.

To cure cholecystitis, you need to review your diet and start taking special drugs, which have a beneficial effect on the flow of bile. If the gallstones are large, a person may need surgery.

Cystitis or pyelonephritis

It is known that women suffer from cystitis much more severely than men. Cutting pain is observed in the area above the pubis. It intensifies even more when urinating. may remind you of itself with terrible pain in the lumbar region. When the kidneys become inflamed along with the bladder, the temperature rises and problems appear during urination. Tests also indicate inflammation.

Effective treatment of cystitis and pyelonephritis is possible only with nitrofurans and serious antibiotics.

Ectopic pregnancy

One of the most dangerous gynecological diseases. After fertilization, the egg is implanted, but not in the uterus, but behind its cavity. This could be the ovary, abdominal cavity, fallopian tube, etc. Rupture of the fallopian tube is accompanied as a consequence periodic pain paroxysmal in nature. It hurts in the groin area, but sharp pain can also radiate to the vagina, supraclavicular area or rectum.

If an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed, immediate surgery will be required. Pregnancy outside the uterus can also be indicated by delayed menstruation and spotting from the vagina.

Causes of cutting pain before and after menstruation

Why do girls complain so often about painful menstruation? Typically, such symptoms indicate algodismenorrhea. She is found in adolescence, but can also bother older girls. Associated with the development of the body and the final establishment of hormonal levels. A tilted uterus can also cause pain in the lower abdomen shortly before menstruation. Known to almost everyone, the girl PMS, and endometriosis of the uterus, inflammatory processes occurring in the pelvic area. After menstruation, the endometrioid cyst tends to increase. With endometriosis, blood circulation increases, so discomfort is also possible after menstruation.

Pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation

Pain syndrome during ovulation is mild. It occurs in the middle of the cycle and causes almost no discomfort. Minor bleeding and mild abdominal pain may be observed for one to two days.

In medical practice, there are cases when patients did not ovulate as such. After making an appointment for laparoscopy, women were admitted to the hospital with bleeding in the abdominal cavity. A more detailed examination and operation revealed that the problem was apoplexy. As a result, it was necessary to perform resection, but using the laparotomy method.

Cutting pain in the lower abdomen after sexual intercourse in a woman n

Some women come to the doctor and complain of pain of an incomprehensible nature that occurs after intimate intercourse. Frustration is to blame for everything - the pain is most often aching, accompanied by dissatisfaction (moral and physical).

An intimate relationship can end in pain in other situations:

  • Chronic adnexitis
  • Cervicitis
  • Damage to the vagina. For example, after fairly rough sex.
  • Oncological diseases
  • Endometriosis
  • Adhesive disease

Pregnancy: cutting pain in the lower abdomen

In general, any incomprehensible pain at any stage of pregnancy should already be alarming. There are two main reasons why women interesting position» worries cutting pain:

  • Pregnancy may be interrupted

When there is a serious threat of losing a child (miscarriage), a pulling sensation occurs in the lower abdomen due to premature contractions of the uterus. As a result, bloody discharge appears. The greatest risk occurs before 22 weeks.

  • The placenta detaches prematurely, but it is located normally.

Another pathology characteristic feature which is severe pain in the abdominal area during pregnancy. This occurs when the placenta begins to separate in the lower segment. External bleeding is possible. It is good if it is mild, but there are known cases of quite severe internal bleeding with the appearance of a retroplacental hematoma. In this case, urgent intervention is indicated to save the child (caesarean section).

Now you know why cutting pain occurs in the lower abdomen. But never rush to make a diagnosis yourself. If it hurts long time, it is better to definitely see a doctor.

Women most often complain of pain in the lower abdomen. This is due to physiological characteristics the female body and, above all, with the unique ability to give life to a new person.

But don't forget about others, pathological reasons pain syndrome, due to which nagging pain in the peritoneal area can occur in representatives of both sexes.

Knowing which causes represent serious danger for health, will help prevent the development of complications and come to the aid of your body in time.

In what cases can a healthy person have a tugging sensation in the lower abdomen?

Before menstruation (PMS)

Nagging pain in the abdomen, especially in its lower part, in girls and women of reproductive age every month reminds imminent arrival menses.

In addition to aching pain in the abdomen and lower back, premenstrual syndrome is often accompanied by headache and psycho-emotional stress:

  • irritability,
  • tearfulness,
  • depressive state.

All this helps women easily determine the beginning natural process in their body. Why are so many representatives of the fair sex forced to experience monthly pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes quite intense and prolonged?

Menstruation is evidence that fertilization of the egg has not occurred. The uterus does not need a layer of endometrium covering it, the function of which is to create optimal conditions for the acceptance of the embryo and the course of pregnancy.

The removal of the endometrial mucosa occurs due to the contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, the spasms of which cause pain in the abdominal area. Prostaglandin hormones are responsible for uterine contractions during menstrual periods; the level of their concentration in the blood determines the motor activity of the uterus and the intensity of sensations.

During ovulation

During the rest of the menstrual cycle - during the period when there are no periods - processes occur that prepare the woman’s body to become a mother. Therefore, a slight aching pain on the left or right in the groin approximately one and a half to two weeks after menstruation is usually also not a cause for concern.

Minor discomfort for a couple of days in the middle of the cycle indicates ovulation: the maturation and release of the follicle from the ovary, which may be accompanied by minor damage blood vessels and slight bleeding from the vagina.

Echoes of this process often cause minor pain: depending on which ovary the egg came from, the pain is localized on the left or right.

In addition, a woman may experience:

  • slight increase in body temperature,
  • heaviness in the mammary glands,
  • nausea,
  • copious white discharge clear mucus(or slightly pink).

These signs are harmless and indicate healthy ovulation. In addition, the listed factors help calculate the optimal timing for successful conception, since a week after ovulation there is practically no chance of a favorable outcome.

When pregnancy occurs

If a woman has a delay (there is no period at the beginning of a new cycle), and the body gives signals similar to symptoms of premenstrual tension, we are most likely talking about a joyful event: the onset of pregnancy. Delay of menstruation, morning sickness and the nagging pain just above the groin leave no doubt that a small new life has arisen.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the stomach often feels tight, like during menstruation. The fact is that after ovulation, the fertilized egg reaches the uterus only at the end of the cycle - around the time of the onset of the next menstruation - therefore, women often confuse the process of attaching it to the walls of the uterus with PMS.

Main reproductive organ in girls - the uterus - accepting the invasion " foreign body", is forced to adapt his muscle tissue for further peaceful coexistence. Therefore, egg implantation is accompanied by damage to epithelial cells, which explains the pain syndrome and the presence of minor bleeding in the early stages of conception.

In later stages, pain localized below the navel occurs due to:

  • increasing the size of the abdomen,
  • increasing load on ligamentous apparatus uterus,
  • pressure of the uterus on neighboring organs,
  • softening pelvic bones and ligaments.

For flatulence and stool disorders

Bloating and pain in the lower peritoneum are a common complaint in men and women with flatulence and stool disorders.

By processing food that promotes increased gas formation (legumes, sauerkraut, baked goods, fast food, carbonated drinks, etc.), bacteria in the intestine release gases, which, when accumulated, begin to put pressure on its walls and negatively affect motility.

In pregnant women, additional pressure on the intestines is exerted by the enlarged uterus, aggravating the problem with belching, hiccups and unpleasant smell from mouth.

As a result, there may be a delay in bowel movement - constipation, or, conversely, loose stools - diarrhea. The same situation can arise with a lack of intestinal microflora due to taking certain medications and gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, the cause of heaviness in the abdomen and indigestion may be poisoning.

During constipation, the sensation of pain is caused by a large number of feces, creating pressure on the intestinal walls. He, in turn, begins to put pressure on organs located nearby. With diarrhea, pain and heaviness provokes stretching of the intestinal walls and spasms of smooth muscles.

What does heaviness in the lower abdomen indicate during pregnancy?

Pregnant women should definitely listen out for abdominal pain of unknown origin, because it can harm two lives at once. In addition to the relatively harmless flatulence and stool disorders that we described above, heaviness in the abdomen can be accompanied by contractions and serious pathologies of pregnancy.

Threat of placental abruption

A real threat to the life of the fetus is premature placental abruption, a pathology that most often manifests itself in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. The placenta performs a protective function, providing the baby in the womb with everything necessary. If it is completely detached, the fetus may die.

Classic symptoms of this complication:

  • internal or external bleeding,
  • strong and Blunt pain in the groin area,
  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • heartbeat disturbances in the fetus.

Premature placental abruption during pregnancy can be triggered by abdominal trauma or the presence of the following in the mother:

  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs);
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • allergies to certain types of drugs;
  • changes in the uterine epithelium (occurs in women who have had a large number of births);
  • sudden changes in blood pressure.

Training contractions

At the end of the second trimester, pregnant women may feel cramping pain and tension in the abdomen several times a day, during which the uterus becomes as if “stone-like.” These are training contractions that prepare the body for future childbirth.

There is no need to be afraid of them, but if the intensity of the pain increases, it is better to consult a gynecologist to eliminate the threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

On last weeks During pregnancy, similar sensations can be caused by the onset of labor pains.

Divergence of the pelvic bones

Pain in the pubic, groin or pelvic area in a pregnant woman, which intensifies when walking and changing body position, often indicates a divergence of the bones of the pubic symphysis - symphysitis. This pathology usually manifests itself in the third trimester and requires close monitoring by a doctor until birth. In some cases, the pregnant woman even requires hospitalization.

Fetal kicks

Starting from the middle of pregnancy (16-24 weeks), pain in the lower abdomen can also occur due to the movements and kicks of the growing baby. And, although they are often quite painful, they are completely natural and safe.

Pathological causes of nagging pain in the lower abdomen


The appendix is ​​located on the lower right side of the abdomen. If inflammation occurs, pus accumulates in the appendix, and it itself increases in size and becomes painful. Appendicitis causes acute and sharp pain in the peritoneum, the patient feels sick, feels weak and chills due to increased temperature.

Kidney and bladder diseases

The inflammatory process of the urinary tract (cystitis, pyelonephritis) often leads to swelling of the affected organs.

Kidneys and bladder are compressed nerve endings, irritating the posterior wall of the peritoneum, hence:

  • painful and frequent urination,
  • bloody and white discharge in the urine,
  • pain in the abdomen and lumbar region,
  • signs of general intoxication (dizziness, lethargy, decreased appetite, the patient feels sick).

Gynecological diseases

Heaviness in the lower abdomen can become a symptom of a progressive disease of the female genital area.

Most often they become:

  1. Endometriosis (growth of the endometrium in the uterine cavity and appendages). It is usually accompanied by brown discharge after ovulation, pain in the groin and pubis.
  2. Ovarian apoplexy (ovarian rupture). Its characteristic symptoms: drop in blood pressure, weakness, nausea, faintness, pale skin, sharp pain in the right or left abdomen.
  3. Cysts, fibroids, adhesions and inflammatory processes of the uterus and its appendages. All these pathologies disrupt blood circulation in the pelvic organs and put pressure on surrounding organs and tissues, so when they develop, the lower abdomen often feels tight. They may be accompanied by irregularities and delays in menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding, difficulty and frequent urination.

In addition, pain in the lower abdomen often accompanies an ectopic pregnancy. An embryo growing outside the uterine cavity puts pressure on surrounding tissues, and thereby provokes aching pain in the groin area.

Varicose veins of the pelvis

Varicose veins located in the pelvis are observed in 30% of women during pregnancy.

It can also occur against the background of:

  • gynecological diseases,
  • taking hormonal drugs,
  • frequent childbirth,
  • numerous abortions,
  • sedentary work,
  • excessive physical activity,
  • pelvic vein thrombosis,
  • congenital weakness of the walls of blood vessels.

Women with varicose veins of the pelvis experience aching pain in the lower abdomen, perineum and lumbar region after physical activity, long stay V vertical position and during sexual intercourse. You may also experience brown discharge before and after your period.

Diseases of the abdominal organs

Gastritis, stomach ulcers, inflammation of the gallbladder, duodenal pancreas, cirrhosis of the liver and some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and organs located in the abdominal cavity are also often accompanied by aching abdominal pain and digestive disorders.

Most of them are usually accompanied additional symptoms, such as:

  • bloating,
  • flatulence,
  • belching,
  • heartburn,
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • bowel disorders,
  • general weakness,
  • decreased appetite.

What to do if such pain occurs?

If you have pain in your lower abdomen before your period or in the middle of your cycle, the pain is moderate and is not accompanied by any alarming symptoms- most likely there is nothing to worry about. But if you have doubts, make an appointment with a gynecologist and verify this personally.

In all other cases, especially if you are expecting a child, the pain is very severe or prolonged and/or, in addition to it, you observe an increase or decrease in body temperature, a general deterioration in your condition, unusual discharge from the urethra or vagina - visit an obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible and a therapist!

Do not self-medicate! Unauthorized use of painkillers complicates diagnosis and can lead to sad consequences. A timely visit to a doctor will help you quickly determine correct diagnosis, speed up treatment and prevent unwanted complications.

Video: what can pain in the abdomen below the navel indicate?

Pain in the lower abdomen is a syndrome that every second person has experienced. It is precisely this that can be so sharp and acute that it forces you to call an ambulance and register medical institution for examination and treatment. The problem is that pain in the lower abdomen belongs to the category of nonspecific symptoms and can mean the development of many various pathologies. Therefore, only a specialist can diagnose the true cause of the syndrome in question - he will necessarily collect information about the nature of the pain, the time of its appearance, whether it can be associated with the woman’s menstrual cycle and other data. And it is worth considering that the localization of the pain syndrome may be inaccurate and may not be an accurate projection of the organ affected by the pathology.

Acute pain in the lower abdomen in men and women

Most often, the pain syndrome in question is associated with dysfunction of the digestive and urinary systems. Doctors identify several reasons that can cause pain in the lower abdomen in people, regardless of their gender. These include:

  1. Acute urinary retention. This pathological condition can develop against the background of urolithiasis, malignant tumors in the organs of the urinary system, and inflammation of the prostate gland in men. Acute urinary retention is characterized not only by pain in the lower abdomen (it is clearly localized - 1-2 fingers below the navel), but also by a persistent feeling of fullness of the bladder. In this case, visiting the toilet does not give any results - urine either comes out in extremely small quantities or does not come out of the bladder at all.
  2. . This is an inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the cecum, for which acute pain in the lower abdomen localized in the right iliac region is the main symptom. It is extremely rare that appendicitis manifests itself as pain in the left iliac region or in the navel area - this can occur against the background of an atypical arrangement of internal organs. In addition to acute pain in the lower abdomen, the pathological condition in question is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and increased body temperature.

Note:if there is a diagnosed chronic appendicitis, then there will be no acute pain in the lower abdomen - such development of the inflammatory process is characterized by aching, low-intensity pain. If the patient is worried about acute pain, then this means only one thing - you need to immediately seek medical help.

  1. Acute. Acute pain in the lower abdomen in this condition is often the main symptom, especially if the pathology develops in the lower intestines. Characteristics of the pain syndrome in this case will be the suddenness of its appearance, increased gas formation(flatulence with difficulty passing gas) and constipation.
  2. . This condition always occurs suddenly, but is usually associated with excessive physical activity - for example, pain occurs immediately after lifting weights. As a rule, patients with a strangulated inguinal hernia cannot accurately indicate the location of the pain syndrome. Against the background of acute pain in the lower abdomen, diarrhea appears, and after a few hours the passage of gas and feces stops altogether, but vomiting begins. It is precisely this development of the clinical picture that gives the specialist reason to diagnose unspecified diagnosis intestinal obstruction. The final conclusion is made only after a full examination of the patient.

All of the above pathological conditions pose a danger to the health and even the life of the patient, therefore, if acute pain appears in the lower abdomen, and even more so when the syndrome is accompanied by these phenomena, it is necessary to immediately seek help. professional help. Self-medication, taking medications with an analgesic effect, using hot compresses and other methods of relieving pain is unacceptable.

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen in women

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The syndrome in question may also mean the development of gynecological diseases, so you need to know what can provoke acute pain in the lower abdomen specifically in women. Experts identify several reasons:

All of these pathologies lead to the fact that the health and life of a woman is in danger. Doctors insist on urgently seeking medical help if acute pain occurs in the lower abdomen - as a rule, only surgical intervention can stabilize the patient’s condition.

First of all, when acute attack pain syndrome in the lower abdomen, suspicion of development arises (if the fact of conception was previously confirmed by a gynecologist). This condition is very dangerous because the fallopian tube may rupture and exit ovum– the development of sepsis is almost inevitable. A woman may complain of acute pain in the lower abdomen, pulling sensations in the rectal area, severe weakness and dizziness. Only professionals can provide assistance - ectopic pregnancy involves the use of surgical treatment.

If the pregnancy was diagnosed as intrauterine, but in the early stages (in the first three months) the woman experiences acute pain in the lower abdomen, this may be evidence of an incipient miscarriage. Usually this condition is accompanied by the appearance of mild bleeding from the vagina, but if no help is provided, the bleeding will intensify and the pain will become more intense. You should immediately consult a doctor - in most cases, pregnancy can be saved.

Acute pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy may be a sign of placental abruption - such a pathology can occur either after a blow to the stomach or after a fall expectant mother. This condition is characterized by, and abundant. Premature placental abruption is a direct threat to the unborn child, therefore, if acute pain in the lower abdomen occurs in the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy, you must urgently contact a medical facility.

Note:sharp pain of a cramping nature in the last month of pregnancy can only be a sign of the onset of labor - you just need to arrive at the maternity hospital.

According to statistics, acute pain in the lower abdomen in women is most often associated with pathological processes in the organs of the reproductive system, but for men this syndrome is usually associated with disruption of the digestive system. Extremely rarely, the syndrome under consideration can be provoked by dysfunction of the prostate gland, testicles and their appendages. But all these pathologies, in addition to pain, also have others specific symptoms– they are the ones that allow you to accurately and quickly differentiate the syndrome in question.

In case of acute inflammation of the testicles and prostate gland, a man will complain not only of acute pain in the lower abdomen, but also of discomfort in the scrotum, difficulty urinating (it will be either frequent or scanty), the appearance of purulent discharge from the urethra. Typically, these inflammatory processes develop as a complication after infectious diseases of the genital tract, as well as influenza, mumps and scarlet fever.

Note:in some cases, inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, testicles and their appendages may occur with “blurred” symptoms - pain in the lower abdomen, for example, will be dull and not intense. This leads to a man seeking medical help late - the likelihood of transformation acute process in chronic it is very high.

Pain in the lower abdomen of an acute, sharp nature is, of course, an anxiety syndrome. Patients often begin to self-medicate when the described symptom appears - this is basically unacceptable! The fact is that No-shpa, Analgin, Ketanov, Baralgin and others medications with an analgesic/antispasmodic effect can “blur” the clinical picture - it will be difficult for the doctor to make a diagnosis and decide on therapeutic measures. And there is no doubt that a doctor will definitely be called - acute pain in the lower abdomen almost always means the development of a serious pathological process.