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Why do cats scream when they want a cat? Why does a cat meow for no reason: possible options and solution to the problem

Often owners encounter such a phenomenon as sexual hunting pets. Simply put - in heat. This natural feature animals. But how many problems does it cause for the owners! What to do if a cat screams and wants a cat? There are several options for getting out of this sticky situation. We’ll tell you about them all, and let the cat’s owners decide for themselves which one to choose.

Do you give me medicine or argue with nature?

The veterinary industry now offers big choice special drugs, limiting sexual desire. They are available in the form:

  • drops
  • crystals
  • injections

The mode of action of the drugs is approximately the same. This is a powerful dose of hormones that stops estrus. Advantages this method are that the drugs act quite quickly. They can be purchased at any pet pharmacy without a prescription. Giving them to your cat is easy and quick.

Important! This method only helps until the next heat.

At the same time, there is constant debate among pet lovers about possible harm such drugs. Some foam at the mouth to prove the absolute safety of such therapy. Others remain neutral. Still others confidently declare that such interference in hormonal system Over time, cats provoke cancer.

The opinions of veterinarians are also divided into two camps - ardent supporters and opponents of the use of drugs. But no one ever asked the cats themselves. That is, official laboratory research There has been no research on the relationship between drugs and tumors. Therefore, it is impossible to answer unequivocally about the benefits and harms.

It is important! Injectable drugs are not available for free sale. Because only a veterinarian can correctly calculate the exact dosage. It depends on the age, weight, and condition of the cat. It is impossible for the owners themselves to give such an injection correctly!

Give me a cat or you can’t go against nature

Some owners, if the cat screams and wants a cat, do things easier. They simply give their pet what she wants. The same notorious cat. The mating takes place, the fluffy brawler calms down and becomes pregnant.

This method also raises doubts about its correctness. For example, some cats begin to demand a groom literally 3 days after lambing. So what, should I knit it again right away? In this situation, the animal will soon die from physical exhaustion.

But there is still another problem - where to put the kids? And, if it is possible to place purebred kittens quite quickly, then, unfortunately, few people want to take the “nobles” for themselves. What can you do, it's a fact of life.

But that's not all. Kittens must be vaccinated, wormed, taught to eat on their own, and groomed in a litter tray. It's good if there are a couple of kids. And when there are 6-7 pieces in a litter? How many owners will want to tinker with a kindergarten?

No, if the owners have time (funds) for babies in their plans (budget), then why not calm the cat using a similar method? In all other cases, this is also not an option.

Distract and neutralize or when there is nothing to do

There is one barbaric remedy floating around the Internet that offers to neutralize a cat if it screams and wants a cat.

And some owners follow this stupid advice. They dip the poor animal in a basin of water all the time while the heat is going on. But they don’t know several nuances:

  1. Estrus without fertilization in a cat over time leads to serious illnesses genitourinary system.
  2. Constant wetting with water causes the cat jar of Hearts which may end mental illness. Yes, yes, animals go crazy too.
  3. Estrus can last up to 10 days. During this time the cat will eat so much own wool that intestinal obstruction may occur.

Do you need it, what are the consequences? And in general, the next time you want sex, pour yourself some water and start licking yourself. Let's see how this distracts you.

Just don’t say now that this is an incorrect comparison. Allegedly, a cat is an unreasonable creature. Some pets will be smarter than people. By at least, at least they don’t give stupid advice to give a cat a bath when she needs a cat.

Are you giving castration or all the problems in one fell swoop?

Castration of pets has long been common in the West. That is why you rarely see stray animals in the trash there. In our country, sterilization of cats is more popular, and even then only among owners. But, gradually, more and more veterinarians are inclined to carry out complete castration. The advantages of this operation are as follows:

  • the cat yelling stops
  • there will never be sexual intercourse again
  • the risk of genitourinary system diseases in older animals is reduced
  • no need to rack your brains about where to place the offspring

But this method also has its opponents. People like this talk about humane treatment to animals and prove that such an operation causes great harm cat's body. Well, that's their full right. We cannot condemn such people, because everyone has their own point of view.

All the same, the choice must be made personally by the cat’s owner, based on his financial capabilities and ideas about the well-being of the pet.

Advice. Don't confuse castration with sterilization. These are different operations. The first eliminates estrus and the possibility of motherhood forever. The second only deprives the cat of the ability to become pregnant, while the demands of the cat and the heat will continue.

Let him yell or leave it as is

By the way, why do absolutely all sources claim that a cat always yells when it wants a cat? After all, animals are completely different in temperament. And, if in some cats the heat is accompanied by warlike screams, then others simply slowly purr.

And you shouldn’t scold your pet for this. After all, she so romantically sings inviting songs to a potential groom! And then the owners with a newspaper at the ready bring down the whole mood...

Some cat owners don't bother themselves. They just let things take their course. Like, he’ll yell and stop. But they don't know about one thing cat family. If fertilization does not occur, then over time, estrus becomes more frequent and their duration increases. It gets to the point that the pet begins to howl its love serenades for 2 weeks every month.

Who would agree to endure this? But some furry madams, not finding the groom after the chants, begin to mark their territory. Well, so that a good fellow would gallop up to the smell and take the beauty as his wife. Or just took it.

Of course, girls don't pee on door frames like boys do. But making a puddle on the master's bed is a nice thing to do.

What to do if a cat screams and wants a cat? Don't stop loving her, and even more so don't get annoyed. The animal does not do this on its own initiative. A person just needs to help his pet. Thus making life easier for yourself and your cat. Remember, we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Video: 3 myths about cat love and a solution to the problem

Does your pet scream just as loud? Then this article is for you.

Strange behavior of a cat in your house. Reasons for screaming

Most cat owners expect only pleasant moments from communicating with their pet. It's always a joy to pick up, stroke, caress a soft fluffy little ball, and listen to it purr. However, sometimes a pet shows character, expresses its emotions and becomes not so sweet and cute.

With a loud cry, a cat signals us about its problems and desires. Many pets do not want to silently experience stress, resentment, pain, but certainly try to notify the whole world about them and, first of all, their owners. Remember, every “cat concert” has a reason, sometimes we just can’t figure out what it is.

In this publication, we will help you figure out why a cat screams loudly and how to help your pet in a given situation.

The cat is in pain. Check your pet's health

Loud cat cries often indicate that your pet is in pain. Perhaps the animal has an injury or is experiencing severe pain in the gastrointestinal tract. To determine the cause of your pet's anxiety, gently feel it and make sure that touching different parts bodies don't cause him discomfort. Otherwise, you should show the cat immediately veterinarian.

Pay attention to me

When a pet walks and screams without visible reasons Most likely, he just attracts attention to himself. Cats understand well that the owner will react to their cry. Often in this way they beg for a treat or food when they are hungry, and when they are not hungry either.

Most pets spend the entire day alone and lack affection and attention. With a cry, the cat asks to be played with, stroked, and given time.

Calm the cat down, play with it, talk to it, give it something tasty, let the pet feel your love and care. Spend more time with your cat, buy new toys more often. Perhaps then the pet will forget that you need to wake you up at night with its loud screams.

Pet is stressed

Cats don't like changes in their lives. Moving to another place of residence, the loss of a person or another pet, or the appearance of a new family member leads to the fact that the cat begins to worry and show its displeasure by screaming.

In such a situation, spend more time with your pet, do not leave him alone for a long time. If the situation worsens, show the animal to a veterinarian, he will prescribe drug therapy.

Hormones are to blame. The cat is in heat

Raging sex hormones are one of the most common causes of “cat concerts.” During this period, cats and kittens crave “love.” Unmet needs cause animals psychological and physical discomfort. In pets living at home, sexual activity can occur at any time. Cats are able to go for walks up to 10 times a year, and males can be constantly sexually aroused if they sense the female’s pheromones.

However, sexual heat in cats intensifies closer to spring. Already in February, pets begin to demand procreation: scream heart-rendingly, mark the apartment, and run away into the street.

Why do cats scream during heat? What should the owner do?

During sexual heat, cats emit loud cries that can be heard 2-3 km away. In this way, pets attract potential partners for mating, telling them: “I’m here, find me quickly!” Hosts screaming cats at the same time, in a panic, they try to decide how to calm the animal: to satisfy natural needs pet, resort to surgery or use a humane method of contraception using special drugs to regulate sexual desire.

Let's take a closer look at each of these methods.

Mating a cat. Having solved one problem, you get another

Helping your pet satisfy the call of nature is the most natural way out of a situation when a cat screams. However, this is only at first glance.

If a cat does not represent a breed value, unwanted kittens will be born, which will be difficult to place in good hands. Thus, having temporarily solved the problem of your pet’s sexual desire, you get another problem related to the fact that there are often not enough good hands for everyone.

Sterilization and castration. How safe is it to operate on a pet?

Surgery is another way to get rid of a cat’s crying due to sexual heat. Sterilization and castration are surgical operations for the removal of genital organs in cats.

In cats, the ovaries and uterus are removed during surgery. The testes and part of the spermatic cord are removed from cats. In order to carry out sterilization or castration, the animal is temporarily euthanized, the pet is under general anesthesia.

Preparing your pet for surgery. Collection of analyzes

Preparation for the operation begins with choosing a veterinary clinic in which it should be performed. It is better if it is a large clinic that has proven itself well.

Before surgery, in some cases, an ultrasound of the heart is performed. The cardiologist must ensure that the cardiovascular system The pet is healthy and will be able to tolerate anesthesia. If necessary, the therapist takes general and biochemical analysis blood, does a urine test and a smear for hidden sexually transmitted infections. After this, the cat is sent to the surgeon.

Since sterilization is performed under general anesthesia, preparation must begin in advance. One of the doctors' requirements is a mandatory starvation diet. The pet should not be fed for 8-12 hours and given water 3 hours before surgery. An animal that is left without food is stressed and will constantly ask to be fed. However, you cannot give him food.

How much money will need to be spent on all these manipulations?

The amount will be different in different regions. Average preparatory tests will cost the animal owner from 1000 to 2000 rubles. In addition, sterilizing a cat will cost you 5,000 rubles, if you castrate a cat, the price will be about 3,000 rubles.

So, it is already clear that castration or sterilization is not simple operation. When we take a pet into our home, we take on a huge responsibility. So what can happen after the operation, what consequences can the owner expect?

Consequences of the operation

If the operation was performed poorly, an infection was introduced during it, cats may experience bleeding, prolapse or inflammation of the stump spermatic cord, abscess, peritonitis and sepsis, infectious diseases may develop.

Peritonitis may occur in cats if the operation is performed poorly. postoperative hernia, bleeding and inflammation.

If we talk about more long-term consequences, these are problems in the functioning of the kidneys and endocrine system. Especially if the cat was operated on before 8 months. The consequences of castration, which no longer depend on the conditions in which the operation was performed, can be urolithiasis and obesity.

Note that the listed consequences do not always arise, but if the owner still had to deal with them, additional time and money will be required.

Spaying and neutering cats: the pros and cons of sterilization. The cat asks for the cat

The use of drugs to regulate sexual heat

Surgery is a serious step. Remember that this operation always has a safe alternative - the use of drugs to regulate sexual desire. The most known drug, which is designed to effectively solve all problems associated with sexual heat in cats, is the drug SEX BARRIER.

Benefits of SEX BARRIER. Safe alternative to surgery

Effectively solves problems that are important to you

The composition of the drug takes into account the type and sex of animals, which means
SEX BARRIER effectively solves problems that are important to the owner: keeping the pet calm, interrupting sexual arousal or preventing unwanted pregnancy.

Safe for your pet

It contains not one, but two analogues of natural sex hormones. Unlike drugs containing one hormone in their composition, the dosage of hormones in SEX BARRIER is reduced tenfold.

Have you become the owner of a touching little bundle? Congratulations! However, this is not only joy, but also a great responsibility. Moreover, it will not become smaller as the pet ages. While the kitten is small, it is necessary to feed it on time and do preventive vaccinations. The older he gets, the more independent he seems. However, a moment comes when the matured creature begins to behave restlessly, especially at night, when everyone is supposed to sleep.

Then people usually go to the vet. “What should I do if the cat yells at night?” - they say. Most often, castration is recommended, after which, according to the owners, the pet should become calm and drowsy, lie on the sofa and not speak. Whether this is the only reason for this behavior needs to be examined.

Nature of your pet

A person always thinks that he can control everything that happens at home. If you wanted it, you took the animal, and if you wanted silence, it should be silent. However, your pet has its own needs, desires and well-being, so the proud creature will not adapt. So what should I do? The cat yells at night, the neighbors are unhappy, and you also think this behavior is strange and unreasonable. Indeed, you need to understand what is behind these symptoms.

The first reason is hormonal surges

Who is unfamiliar with cat “songs” on the street from the very beginning of March? It’s good when the apartment has modern windows: close it and there are no problems. It is much worse if the “songs” are heard from the next room. What to do? The cat yells at night for a reason. Most likely, this is due specifically to sexual hunting. If the animal has not been sterilized, it will give regular concerts. Should not be used on your pet physical strength, he is not shouting to annoy you. This is a message to the other half that he is full of strength and ready to reproduce. Moreover, the instincts are so strong that it is useless to try to suppress them, you can only wait out this period.

Myth No. 1: one mating will solve everything

First of all, a person usually starts asking friends what to do. Does the cat scream at night, they ask? No problem, bring your partner and the problem will be solved. Many people are sure that for physical health he just needs to become a dad once. In fact, things will only get worse. An untied cat will be restless in the spring, but if he has already had a partner, then hold on. The animal will begin to rush outside, scream, mark the room and thereby cause a lot of trouble to the owner. He needs several partners per month, not one per year. Therefore, if your cat is not a breeding cat, then you should not untie him, but, having started the activity of a breeder, try to fully provide for his needs.

Myth #2: You need to scare him.

This is another recipe for when a cat yells at night. We’ll tell you what to do with this phenomenon below, but for now let’s look at the main misconceptions. So, some advise to really scare the animal: plunge it headlong into a basin of cold water, use a mop or vacuum cleaner, that is, create complete discomfort not only for the cat, but for the whole family. In fact, this will have little effect. A frightened creature will most likely fall silent for a while, but as soon as you go to bed, you will hear the “songs” again. On top of that, in the morning you may find a “gift” from your pet in the form of wet shoes. Vengeful creatures do not forgive such insults.

Myth three: it is enough to give the cat a special drug

Hormone pills are available at most pet stores. But, unfortunately, they are practically ineffective. Don't even hope that after receiving magic pill, your pet will stop his concerts. The proportion can be represented as follows: without pills, the cat will scream a little less - not 100, but 90 times over a certain period of time. As they say, the difference is not too noticeable.

But whatever you can do when a cat screams at night! What should the unfortunate owner do about this? Of course, he goes to the pet store and asks what products will help. And immediately he receives a good dozen drugs to choose from, including counterfeits. IN best case scenario This is a product that consists entirely of chalk. At worst, it will contain a mixture of hormones. Moreover, neither their nature nor quantity is a certain standard unit for each animal.

The consequences of using such means are difficult to even imagine. They are sold by non-specialists who have no idea how this composition will invade a complex endocrine system and how this will affect your health. The consequences can be dire: cancer, decreased immunity, disorders reproductive function. In addition, bright boxes most often do not have a description of the composition, indications and contraindications.

Folk remedies to combat sexual desire

In fact, there are not many recipes that can really help.

  • Most often, recommendations come down to the use of sedatives. From veterinary products Most often they suggest giving the drug “Cat Bayun”. Medicines sold in regular pharmacies act in a similar way. This is valerian, herbal complex "Morpheus". This does not mean that the cat will forget about the call of love. It will just make him sleepy, and the animal will calm down for a while.
  • However, there are particularly resistant individuals. If, using sedatives, the cat yells at night, what should I do? Folk remedies They don’t give any guarantees, so all you have to do is go through them all. From their own experience, some owners suggest watering their pet with water. While he puts the wool in order, he will remain silent. However, this also only provides a short break.
  • Try to distract your pet with games. He now has a huge amount of energy that needs to be put somewhere. Buy new toys, hang them in such a way that you have to jump high for them.
  • Reduce the amount of food you eat. This may slightly reduce your sex drive. During the day, give a minimum of food, no matter how much your pet asks for it, and at night give a slightly larger portion so that the cat doesn’t drag you into the kitchen on top of everything else. Are given with dinner calming pills. We can only hope for the result.
  • A cool room also helps to improve the situation somewhat, although you probably remember how in March, when the frost was still crackling outside, cats screamed on the roofs. However, it's worth a try. Place your pet in a less heated part of the house. The temperature is about +17 and will not allow him to freeze.

In general, these remedies do not work for everyone, they do not provide a 100% guarantee, and if you get an effect, it will be very short-lived. Many owners find that they have tried the methods listed above, but the cat still screams at night. What to do with him? Now all that remains is a trip to the vet.

On examination

First of all, we need to find out what is behind these symptoms, that is, why the cat yells at night. We will decide what to do based on the results obtained. If it is obvious that the animal is simply in a state of heat, then the doctor can offer only one solution - sterilization. Owners are sometimes afraid of the upcoming operation, although in 95% of cases it ends well and does not harm your pet. This The best decision if the cat yells at night. What to do (the veterinarian will in most cases be in favor of this decision) if you do not want to resort to sterilization?

After examining the cat, the doctor may prescribe a series of hormonal injections. This method is strikingly different from the use of various “sex barriers”, since individual selection takes place medicines and dosages. However, do not be surprised that in a few months you will again encounter the cat yelling at night. What to do - medications only temporarily stop natural physiological reactions. Therefore, if you want to forget about sexual hunting once and for all, then decide to sterilize.

Pros of surgery

If a cat marks an apartment, then owners are often inclined to treat it with castration. In fact, this will only help if the cause is sexual hunting. But territorial claims, worries about lack of attention and pain syndrome, any stress - all this can also lead to the cat starting to mark everything around. But castration is not a panacea.

What more needs to be said? Surgery to remove the testicles does not lead to a set of excess weight, the animal does not become infantile and lethargic, contrary to popular belief. On the contrary, his character improves, the pet becomes more sociable, affectionate and playful. I should add that it is best to castrate young cats. If your pet has been living with you for many years, and every time during sexual heat it screams at night, tears wallpaper and furniture, then such habits will not go away immediately after castration.

Pet illness is another reason for nightly “concerts”

It happens that the owner is faced with a different situation: he yells at night. What to do in this case? This may be a consequence of old habits if the operation was performed in adulthood. Then you will have to wait a little until the hormonal levels return to normal.

However, one cannot ignore this. If a long-neutered cat screams, this may be a sign urolithiasis. The pain intensifies when visiting the tray, and after that he will not find a place for himself for a long time. Therefore, if a cat yells at night, the cause and treatment should be determined by the attending physician.

Helminths can also cause “concerts”. Their vital activity manifests itself in the form of pain in the intestines, and sometimes acute obstruction. Preventive treatment should be carried out regularly, starting from the third year of life. In addition, this disease leads to constant feeling hunger, which means the cat will wake you up for a snack.

Night cries should be the reason for examining the animal. This symptom may well be a consequence acute pain in a stomach. Feel it carefully, and if the animal feels an increase in unpleasant sensations and begins to struggle, then do not delay - run to the doctor! Acute bloating intestinal obstruction or can cause a pet’s painful death without specialized help.

If an older animal screams

Sometimes the owner has to unravel more complex rebus. This happens when previously calm, old cat screams at night. What to do in this case? Definitely go to the doctor. This may be a symptom of Alzheimer's disease or nervous disorder. Nothing can be done about it, these are irreversible age-related changes in the animal's body. But by identifying the cause, the doctor can alleviate the pet’s condition and help him calm down.

Lack of attention or boredom

Very often, owners allow a young cat to sleep in their feet, where he gets used to their smell and warmth. However, having acquired a child or deciding that the pet is already too old, they evict it to the litter. Of course he won't like it. The most flexible individuals can tolerate injustice, others will scream at night for a very long time, demanding to be let back in. The calculation is usually justified: the owner, tired of the “singing,” will definitely come out to calm his pet down. While you are sitting next to you, the cat is calmly purring on the rug, but as soon as you go into the bedroom, everything repeats itself. Therefore, it would be better to show strength of character for a few days.

In addition, if this has not happened before, but today your furry pet screams incessantly, you should pay attention to the surrounding situation. Cats surprisingly anticipate earthquakes and react sharply to minor smoke. Perhaps he is simply warning you of danger.

What not to do

When it seems that you have tried all the methods, but the pet does not calm down, anyone’s nerves will go away. Now valerian will be useful to the owner himself, and in large quantities. However, do not try to take your frustration out on your pet. Of course, he is weaker than you and will not be able to fight back. But whatever the reason for this behavior, the cat is definitely not trying to make you angry on purpose. A cat is a very intelligent creature, and physical punishment will be remembered for a long time, it will affect your relationship. Now you know what to do. The cat screams at night - you are going to the veterinarian, and with him you will sort out all the possible causes.

The reproductive instinct in animals is an innate set of inclinations and aspirations, expressed in a certain form of behavior. Cats, as representatives of the animal kingdom, cannot control this process. At a certain stage of their life, the body experiences hormonal changes, pushing them to procreate and change behavior. What to do if you are not a breeder and do not want to breed kittens. What to do if a cat screams and wants a cat? To help your pet, you need to understand the reasons for this behavior.

Estrus in cats: signs, cycle duration

The first heat in female cats begins closer to the first year of life. Depending on the breed, individual characteristics and conditions of detention puberty It can begin either earlier (by 5-6 months) or much later. Estrus is the main indicator of puberty, indicating ovulation in the female’s body and her readiness to bear offspring. The reproductive cycle in cats occurs in 4 stages, each of which lasts from 1 to 6 days. Sexual activity is characterized by a phase called estrus, which lasts 3-10 days. It is during this period that the pet behaves very actively, demanding satisfaction of physiological needs.

When does a cat start begging for the first time? The first heat usually lasts several days. During the first estrus period, the animal may not be particularly active, but this does not always happen.

The onset of estrus is characterized by the following signs:

  • loud and persistent screams, especially at night;
  • piggyback ride;
  • undulating body movements;
  • raised butt;
  • swelling of the genital loop;
  • clear vaginal discharge;
  • lack of appetite;
  • aggressive or unnaturally affectionate behavior.

If the female does not mate during estrus, estrus may recur after a few weeks.

Note! On average healthy cats Estrus occurs 4-6 times a year, but some pets are ready to mate every 3-4 weeks.

The cat asks for the cat and causes a lot of inconvenience to the owners, but what is the reason for this behavior?

So, why do cats scream when they ask for a cat? The answer is quite obvious.

With the help of screams, representatives of the cat family attract the attention of males. Unfortunately, they have no other ways to signal their readiness to mate.

What can you do to prevent your cat from asking for a cat, or how can you help your pet during estrus?

What to do if a cat asks for a cat

There are several ways to ease the suffering of your pet and all household members. One of the most reliable and safe ways– sterilization or castration.

Only a specialist in the field can castrate a pet. veterinary clinic. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, so the patient will not experience painful sensations. The castration procedure involves removing the ovaries or the uterus, and in some cases both are removed. After this, the cat stops asking for the cat because ovulation no longer occurs and the instinctive need to reproduce disappears. Sterilization is characterized by bandaging fallopian tubes excluding pregnancy. At the same time, the cat continues to want a cat, so veterinarians do not recommend using this type of surgery.

What other methods of contraception are there?

  • Hormonal drugs

There are a huge number of all kinds of drops and tablets on the market that suppress the sexual desire of animals. But is everything so harmless?

Important! Hormonal drugs are allowed to be given to cats no more than 1-2 times a year, since changes hormonal levels negatively affects the health of the wards. Over time, females may develop purulent endometritis or pyometra.

The most popular among them: “Stop-sex”, “Contra-sex”, “Gestrenol”, “Stop-intim”, “Ex-5” and others.

  • Sedatives

Substances included in many sedatives, suppress the activity of the central nervous system, relieve stress and temporarily calm libido. They are practically harmless compared to hormonal drugs, but help less effectively. After reception soothing drops or tablets, the animal becomes weakly active, constantly sleeps and eats poorly. Drugs with similar effects include “Cat Bayun”, “Stop-stress”, “Fitex” and other tinctures.

How to calm a cat that asks for a cat at home? There are a few traditional methods impact on mental and physiological state pets.

Which of the above methods to choose to alleviate your pet’s condition is up to you to decide.