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Sharp pain in the anus. What kind of pain is there? Can complaints come from a healthy person?

In practice, proctologists are increasingly encountering patients who complain of pain in anus at night. Not all cases of pain are associated with pathologies.


Pain in the anal area can often occur in those who are forced to sit for a long time on a hard, hard surface. This mainly applies to office workers. Pain at night in most cases occurs in adolescents. The cause of their occurrence may be a spasm of the muscles that are located around the anus. There are two forms of pain syndrome development:

. spicy,

And also chronic.

Acute pain has the ability to appear suddenly and disappear quickly. Pain chronic are long-lasting, but not as strong as acute ones. It is the characteristic signs of pain that enable the proctologist to make a preliminary diagnosis about the causes of pain.

Anal fissures

The main reason for the appearance acute pain is a fissure in the anus. A crack can result from:

. stool disorder,

Frequent constipation


With constipation, stool collects in the intestines, where it becomes compacted and hard. During the act of defecation, feces pass through the rectum with difficulty, injuring the mucous membrane. The presence of foreign bodies in feces. Patients suffer from severe and sharp pain when defecating. To avoid pain, patients deliberately do not go to the toilet, resulting in constipation, which only aggravates the situation.

Nerve endings, which are present in large numbers in the mucous membrane of the rectum, contribute to increased pain and its spread to the sacrum and perineum. In this case, the normal outflow of urine may be disrupted; in women, menstrual cycle. Anal fissures are easily diagnosed upon examination. Conservative therapy involves the use of:

. creams,


Bath with herbal infusions.

If treatment does not work desired results, resort to surgical intervention. If missing necessary treatment, the next stage of the disease may become a chronic form.


Hemorrhoids are characterized by the appearance of nodes that become inflamed and increase in size. In addition, thrombosis develops in the hemorrhoidal veins. Pain syndrome in the anus appears when the patient already has the following symptoms:

. itching,


Discomfort in the rectal area.

As a rule, the above symptoms appear simultaneously. As hemorrhoids develop, the hemorrhoids may fall out and become pinched by the anal sphincter. It leads to:

. severe pain during bowel movements,

Deterioration of the patient's condition,

Blood discharge

Increased pain.

The patient's condition worsens, he is tormented by severe pain. Some patients suffer constantly from mild pain. Increased pain in the anus occurs at the acute stage. In this case, the hemorrhoids increase somewhat, their redness and swelling appear, and sometimes partial tissue necrosis develops.


Blockage of hemorrhoids leads to disruption of blood flow, as a result of which pain in the anus at night. Thrombosis is manifested by throbbing pain in the rectum. The nodes in the rectal area become inflamed, red, and very painful. The patient's body temperature rises, chills and constipation appear. Proctitis - provokes pain in the anus. The patient's temperature rises and blood and pus are released in the stool.

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For many anorectal disorders that cause anal pain in men, the causes are usually easy to diagnose. Although most of them are benign and can be successfully treated in outpatient setting, the pain itself can be severe due to many nerve endings in the perianal area. However, if it does not go away after 48 hours, it is important to see a doctor.

The classic symptom of the condition is sharp pain in the anus with an enlarged bluish lump (blood clot) at the anal border. If the clots are large, they cause discomfort when walking and sitting. Stagnation of blood and injury to the anal vessels due to deformation are the common denominator in the development of thrombosis. High pressure inside the blood clot can cause erosion of the overlying skin and thus lead to bleeding.

Rational approach to the condition is to eliminate stasis, trauma and excess load. Since excessive straining during bowel movements is usually caused by constipation, softening the stool is key to preventing excessive straining.

Strong pain in the anus in men is observed in the first few days (48-72 hours), after which it gradually subsides. If the condition does not respond to conservative treatment, including laxatives, warm baths, analgesia, increased intake dietary fiber and liquids, complete surgical removal blood clot The operation is performed in a hospital under local anesthesia.

Acute thrombosed external hemorrhoids must be differentiated from complicated internal hemorrhoids and from anal pigmented melanoma. The practical point is that this type of condition is covered by the anoderm and the blood clot formation lies under the skin, whereas internal hemorrhoids covered by the anal mucosa, and anal pigmented melanoma represents long history pigmented skin lesions.

Anal fissure

A common anorectal condition presenting with a small tear when the rectum is opened. Its exact etiology is debated, but there is a clear association with increased anal sphincter pressure. The fissure is thought to be caused by trauma to the anal canal and includes damage to the anoderm during the passage of hard and dense stools, local irritation from diarrhea, anorectal surgery and anal intercourse. In response to the crack, patients experience high blood pressure in the anal canal. This hypertonicity of the anal sphincter is responsible for the pain and spasms experienced during defecation.


  1. Sharp pain in the anus, which is described as tearing.
  2. Bleeding (bright red blood may be noted on toilet paper or drip into the toilet).
  3. Sensitivity of the fold of skin covering the outer end of the anal fissure (“border tubercle”).

Acute stage lasts for several minutes and then turns into an aching, throbbing pain that can last for hours. Vicious cycle anal spasms and hard stool aggravates further traumatic and ischemic damage to the anoderm and prevents the healing of the crack.

The fissure is localized along the posterior midline, and there are several explanations for this phenomenon:

  • Elliptical placement of the external sphincter posteriorly, resulting in less support of the anal canal.
  • Relative ischemia of the posterior commissure of the anal canal.
  • Contusion of vessels passing vertically through intrinsic muscle sphincter in the back midline, which leads to a compromise in blood supply.

Most patients believe that if pain radiates to the anus, then it is caused by hemorrhoids, and are reluctant to accept the diagnosis of anal fissure. Physical examination by gently separating the buttocks usually reveals a fissure, although sphincter spasm may prevent adequate visualization. A thorough examination with endoscopic equipment should be performed when the patient is pain-free to rule out other diseases of the male anus.

An acute anal fissure heals within a few weeks with conservative treatment, which includes stool softeners (laxatives), relaxation of the internal anal sphincter to improve blood flow (sitz baths), ointments and creams (calcium antagonists). Although lateral internal anal sphincterotomy remains the treatment for chronic anal fissure, Botox injections have changed the surgical algorithm, especially for patients with coexisting anal incontinence or anatomical sphincter hypotension.

Anorectal abscess

Anorectal abscess and fistula are among the most common diseases found in adult men. Essentially they should be considered as acute and chronic phase the same anorectal infection.

Abscesses are thought to begin as an infection in anal glands, which spread to adjacent areas and lead to fistulas. If left untreated, they will become painful and progress to serious generalized infections, affecting other parts of the body, especially the groin and rectum areas. Patients with long-standing fistulas are at risk of developing cancer.

Typically, inflammation is caused by infection with common digestive system bacteria (like coli), which gather in one place or another. There are various reasons for this. Most anorectal abscesses are easily diagnosed by physical examination. Pain in the perianal area is the main symptom of anorectal abscess. It can be pulling, aching or throbbing, worsened by coughing and aggravated when a person changes body position or before defecation.

Signs and symptoms include:

  • constipation;
  • rectal discharge;
  • palpable mass near the anus;
  • fever (fever and chills).

Anorectal abscess requires drainage surgery. There is no antibiotic therapy as a "conservative" management. The abscess wall contains occluded and necrotic blood vessels, and the antibiotic never penetrates the cavity.

Diagnosing persistence of foreign bodies in the rectum can be problematic for the physician, as many patients are unable to describe the exact history of their entry due to fear or embarrassment and often make some independent efforts to remove them. The most common reason is sexual pleasure. But the result could be an accident or a criminal offense. The attending physician should treat such patients with appropriate respect and try to provide emotional support.

Foreign objects can be sharp or blunt, various forms and sizes. Finger rectal examination may reveal only some parts, but it is necessary to assess whether there is evidence of rectal perforation or damage to the anal sphincter.

Symptoms indicating rectal perforation:

  • stitching pain in the anus;
  • fever;
  • tachycardia;
  • peritonitis;
  • colic in the stomach.

An abdominal radiograph reveals the number, shape, location of stored objects, presence free air, meanwhile ultrasonography And CT scan help detect opaque objects.

Anal cancer

Although this rare disease, but anal cancer is increasingly being diagnosed in patients with certain risk factors, mainly human papillomavirus. Most common tumor anal canal and perianal skin - squamous cell carcinoma. Other predisposing factors include immunosuppression and smoking.

In most cases anal infection Human papillomavirus is sexually transmitted, and the risk of cancer increases in homosexual men. During the course of malignancy, human papillomavirus causes anal intraepithelial neoplasia, which progresses from low-grade to high-grade dysplasia and ultimately to invasive cancer.

Many symptoms associated with cancer are common to benign diseases:

  • bright red rectal bleeding;
  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • bloating, tingling and abdominal pain.

Indeed, some patients are initially treated as if they had a benign anal pathology (fissure or hemorrhoids). When a clinically suspicious lesion is identified, diagnosis relies on cytological or histological confirmation. Anal cancer is sensitive to chemoradiation, but early diagnosis is critical.

Other anorectal disorders

Some anorectal disorders may occur in emergency situations. For correct diagnosis and treatment plan, a detailed history and thorough medical examination are important. It could be:

Although many anorectal disorders that occur in settings emergency, are not life-threatening and for pain in the anus in men, treatment is usually conservative; detailed study remains important medical history patient, a thorough examination, including digital and anoscopy. In some cases, imaging studies such as endoanal ultrasonography and computed tomography of the entire abdomen are required.

Anorectal diseases affect men of all ages. For anal pain in men, treatment is prescribed by a therapist, family doctor, gastroenterologist, colorectal surgeon. But it is extremely important to understand the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment of these pathologies in order to best alleviate the problems of patients.

Whenever discomfort in the anal area, many patients ignore symptoms due to natural embarrassment and reluctance to share with a doctor specific problem. Experts warn that colitis in the anus only occurs during inflammatory processes. They are provoked by hemorrhoids, paraproctitis, and can be disturbing in the background chronic constipation or diseases of the urinary system. It is better to stop such pathologies initial stage and not lead to painful complications.

Why does colitis occur in the anus?

Any discomfort or pain in the anal area is a cause for concern. When colic periodically occurs in the anus, a person becomes irritated and agitated. He avoids active communication so that painful sensations are not caught in a busy place. At first it is a barely noticeable tingling sensation, which gradually develops into an acute tingling sensation. It is necessary to correctly establish the cause and select treatment.

When contacting a specialist, an examination may reveal one of the following diseases:

  • purulent in the anal area;
  • bowel prolapse;
  • injuries after unconventional sex or unqualified proctological examination;
  • anal fissures;

Sometimes unpleasant spasms occur with chronic pain. A large amount of feces gradually accumulates in the lower intestine. This provokes a rush of blood and swelling. There is distension and a slight tingling sensation that goes away after a bowel movement. Patients notice the same discomfort after eating fish or fruits with seeds: the delicate mucous membrane is easily scratched by the sharp edges of undigested food debris.

Men sometimes experience severe pain in the anus after physical activity or prolonged sitting in the driver's seat. If there is no change in stool consistency or other signs of intestinal disease, you should visit a urologist: such an acute spasm indicates prostatitis and inflammation of the bladder.

Colic in the anus in women

Gynecological health problems in the fairer sex can cause tingling in the anus. Located in the lower abdomen reproductive system, and the walls of the uterus come into contact with the rectal canal. Therefore, a symptom of any inflammation or complication can easily be confused with hemorrhoids. The most likely causes of such acute colic:

  • infections in fallopian tubes or ovaries;
  • salpingitis;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • cycle disruption;
  • blood stagnation in the pelvis;
  • tumors in the uterus.

An equally common “female” reason is. Half of all women giving birth experience it. Due to weight gain, swelling and a shift in the center of gravity Bottom part the intestines are subject to increased pressure. This provokes prolonged constipation, pain and changes in blood flow in the venous system. Pregnancy does not allow you to effectively and quickly eliminate the disease, because many drugs and methods are contraindicated during pregnancy. Difficult childbirth only intensifies negative situation, so surgical intervention becomes inevitable.

Tingling in the anus due to hemorrhoids

Among all anorectal diseases, hemorrhoids are the most common. This inflammatory process impairs blood supply in the rectal canal and leads to impaired bowel movements. With constant stagnation and compression of the thin walls of the vessels in the anus, hemorrhoids of different volumes are formed. These plexuses prevent feces from coming out freely, causing pain and discomfort to the person.

With hemorrhoids, it stings in the anus at the acute stage. Often the symptom is provoked by prolonged monotonous work in a sitting position, constipation or excess weight, sharp rise heavy object. Tingling causes a rush of blood to the inflamed nodes or damage to them by solid feces. In parallel, a person is worried about other signs of inflammation:

  • unpleasant burning and itching in the rectal canal;
  • acute pain after defecation;
  • aching sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • distension in the anus;
  • clear or bloody during bowel movements;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines.

Hemorrhoids require mandatory treatment. The disease easily progresses to chronic form and threatens the patient with frequent relapses. Over time, many patients turn to proctologists with serious complications: paraproctitis, painful anal fissures and infectious ulcers inside the rectum.

What to do if there is colitis in the anus

Doctors urge you not to bring hemorrhoids to the stage when the only way to relieve the pain is complex operation. Tingling in the anal area can be mild or gradually increase, turning into burning and spasms. It exhausts a person, interferes with sleep and work. It is impossible to eliminate such a symptom separately from the entire disease, so the patient will have to undergo long-term therapy. It includes:

  • strengthening circulatory system in the intestines and pelvis;
  • recovery damaged areas on the hollow veins;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • improvement of the condition of the mucosa and regeneration of its upper layer;
  • healing of microcracks and injuries.

To soothe discomfort and reduce sensitivity in the anal area, the patient is recommended to use special suppositories with an anesthetic component:

  • Olestesin;

Astringents create a thin film on the surface of the damaged vein. It soothes itching and accelerates the healing of microcracks in the mucosal epithelium. Rectal suppositories are indicated and anal fissures ah, which also give a painful tingling sensation.

Pain in the anus in a woman can be caused by for various reasons. This is explained by the presence of nerve endings in this area.

That is why even minor cracks that appear in the anus cause uncomfortable and even painful sensations.

Let's figure out what are the causes of strong and sharp pulling, aching, stabbing, dull, shooting and throbbing pain in the anus in women, what treatment is permissible to carry out independently and why, when it hurts, you need to see a doctor.

Symptoms and signs

Pain in women in the anus can be different - dull and sharp, cramping and constant, burning and cutting, and also intensifies at the time of bowel movement.

The following signs may accompany discomfort::

If you notice at least one symptom, you should immediately go to the doctor, since the source of pain in the anus can be dangerous diseases.

Why does pain occur?

Let's look at the main causes of pain in the anus in women and tell you when treatment is necessary.

Cracks in the wall of the rectum

Discomfort that increases during fecal excretion indicates that a crack has formed on the wall of the rectum.

As a rule, the phenomenon makes itself felt only during bowel movements. This happens at the moment of pushing out a too dense fecal bolus.

IN in rare cases the rectal mucosa can be damaged by foreign objects who penetrated into gastrointestinal tract with food and, without being digested, were excreted.

Basically these are all kinds of fruit pits, seed husks, etc.

Diarrhea can also cause discomfort in the anus. To begin with, it is important to establish the cause of diarrhea and eliminate it, and only after that begin to treat the inflammation that has arisen in the anal area.

The source of persistent diarrhea may be development of diverticulitis (intestinal disease with inflammatory nature), colitis, the presence of polyps or tumors.

Painful sensations that bother a woman for a long time and intensify at the time of bowel movement indicate that the resulting crack became inflamed, that is, it acquired an aggravated form.

It should be noted that the pain that occurs as a result of the formation of a crack is much more piercing than with hemorrhoids. In rare cases, it becomes so intense that it can cause screaming.

It is for this reason that the act of defecation is delayed. The result is constipation.

Often women experience spasms and pain in the anus, which radiate to the perineum and sacrum. As a result, the functioning is impaired genitourinary system, which often leads to difficulty urinating and menstrual irregularities.

For some women discomfort may last for a long time. The reason lies in regular damage to the wall of the rectum, as a result of which spasms of the sphincter muscles last longer and longer.

Sometimes the pain may linger until the next act of bowel movement follows.

In other words, until the main cause of discomfort in the anus is eliminated, that is, a fissure, the sensations will become more and more intense, and soon they will become completely unbearable.

Cracks in the anus may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • piercing pain in the anus during defecation;
  • discharge of a small amount of mucus with blood clots.

Cracks often appear on back wall anal canal, sometimes - on the front, very rarely - on both at the same time.

Most serious illness, developing in the anal area, is considered to be a lesion of the walls (wounds, cracks) that has spread throughout the entire area of ​​the anal canal. In this case, we can talk about the presence of oncology.


Cancer that develops in the rectum does not go away without clinical signs.

The most important symptom of oncology that cannot be ignored, is the release of blood clots of bright scarlet color along with the feces.

The second, no less significant sign is piercing pain in the anus. The sensations, as a rule, occur during the passage of feces, and do not subside for a long time, but, on the contrary, intensify and become regular.

Sometimes the pain can be transmitted to the genitals, thighs, and lower abdomen.

Perineal injury

Pain in the anus area may not always indicate the presence of cancer.

Many patients complain of discomfort due to regular bowel movements of hard stool.

Trauma to the perineum can also cause pain in women in the anus. This includes falls, bruises, and blows.

Dangerous diseases

There are more serious sources, which cause discomfort in the anus in women. This:

Often discomfort and pain in the anal area may appear in elderly women who have had more than 3 births.


Hemorrhoids are a disease, associated with the expansion of the veins of the rectum, and the formation of nodes. More than 15% of the entire adult population suffers from it.

The causes of hemorrhoids can be:

The disease develops quite quickly. Main clinical sign is an increase in pain in the anal area. In rare cases, the sensations may be piercing in nature.

They usually intensify during the passage of feces, as well as in a resting position and during walking.

Besides, hemorrhoids may be accompanied by an increase in temperature and violation of the act of urination.

Acute thrombosis of hemorrhoids

When blood circulation is impaired, blood stagnates, hemorrhoids increase in size and lead to pain syndrome in the anal area. As a result, a blood clot may form in the node.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • sharp piercing pain in the anus during evacuation;
  • bleeding;
  • the anus is swollen;
  • in rare cases, the hemorrhoidal node falls out and becomes dark red;
  • necrosis (death of cells and tissues) of the mucosa.


Paraproctitis is an inflammatory process, developing in the anal area.

The cause of the disease is bacteria that penetrate as a result of scratching, injuries, cracks, etc.

Pain in this case occurs during bowel movements and can become unbearable. In the area of ​​the posterior sphincter and buttocks a swelling appears in the form of an abscess. If you do not open it in time, it may break through.


The sensations are often accompanied by fever, chills, itching, burning, rash in the anus and deterioration of the general condition.

If it hurts during pregnancy

The sensations may be caused by an enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on all nearby organs, including the rectum. At the same time, constipation develops, which further increases the discomfort.

In addition, the cause of pain can be a change in the shape of the pregnant woman’s pelvis, injuries, or previous operations in the anus.

It is worth noting that the sensations do not cause any harm to either the mother or the child. However if the pain is accompanied by purulent or bloody discharge , then in this case you should consult a doctor.

When is it okay to help yourself?

As symptomatic drugs can be used:

Medicines must have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In addition, you should also fight constipation.

Laxatives will help in this case.:

  • "Senade";
  • "Duphalac" - can be used by pregnant women;
  • magnesium sulfate powder;
  • suppositories "Glycerin";
  • "Lavacol", etc.

When a doctor's help is needed

Unfortunately, many women are simply embarrassed to consult a doctor with such a problem. As a result, the pain becomes unbearable, and the accompanying diseases become chronic.

If you experience discomfort in the area of ​​the posterior orifice, you should urgently visit a proctologist.

This applies in particular to cases where:

  • bloody or purulent discharge during the act of bowel movement;
  • the stool turns black;
  • feces become tarry;
  • the pain lasts more than a week;
  • there is a family history of rectal or colon cancer.

A timely diagnosis will help eliminate the cause of discomfort in the posterior orifice in women.

In serious situations, the doctor will prescribe:

  • antibiotics;
  • drugs that affect veins;
  • hemostatic agents, etc.

Treatment will depend on the severity of the problem.

To be like this unpleasant problem did not arise - some recommendations should be followed.

Eliminate from diet rude, spicy food. To avoid constipation, eat foods containing fiber (bran, beans, apples, grapefruit, peanuts, almonds, raisins, etc.).

Maintain hygiene anus. After each bowel movement, rinse the anus with warm water. After bowel movements, use soft toilet paper.

Eliminate constipation in a timely manner by taking laxatives.

When engaging in anal sex, use special lubricants to prevent injury to the rectal mucosa.

For discomfort in the anus that occurs in women, you should immediately establish the cause, since the source of its occurrence may be a dangerous disease.

There are many reasons why women experience various types of pain and discomfort in the anus. This may be caused sitting for a long time on a hard chair, or dangerous disease, such as colorectal cancer. If the painful sensations have become permanent, then this is a good enough reason to consult a doctor.

What does pain mean?

A nagging pain may indicate malignant neoplasms, about inflammatory processes occurring in the colon. Sharp pain often indicates an exacerbation of inflammation, the presence of anal fissures, or a violation of the integrity of the neoplasm. A dull pain that appears in women in the anus may be a consequence of chronic constipation, cysts, or inflammation. The reasons may be the most various diseases intestinal tract, to clarify it is necessary to undergo diagnostic procedures.

In many cases, women have pain in the anus due to hemorrhoids, which is the most common disease, causing discomfort in the anus, as well as the appearance of other characteristic signs of pathology

Many people are simply embarrassed to talk about this symptom, and put off visiting the doctor. This attitude towards one’s own health in many cases leads to disastrous consequences, so it is important to seek medical help in a timely manner.

Women may experience pain in the anus for the following reasons:

  1. Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  2. Cryptit.
  3. Proctitis.
  4. Chronic constipation.
  5. Constant diarrhea.
  6. Fissures in the anus.
  7. Haemorrhoids.
  8. Bowel prolapse.
  9. Thrombosis in the veins located near the rectum.
  10. Helminthiasis.
  11. Malignant processes.

In healthy people, pain in such a delicate place occurs due to sedentary work, when you have to sit for a long time on a hard surface. Sometimes pain in the anus worries teenagers due to muscle spasm. All other cases in which a person develops the symptom in question indicate pathological conditions requiring medical intervention.

Pathologies of the genitourinary system

Some gynecological diseases, as well as lesions of the urinary system, can cause pain in the anus. This could be cystitis, urethritis, or ovarian cyst. Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra or urethra, when it worsens, women experience pain in the groin or lumbar region, extending into the anus. Inflammation in bladder causes similar symptoms, appears cutting pain during urination, which extends to the rectal area. At the same time, the woman also experiences tension in her lower back and lower abdomen.

With an ovarian cyst, additional symptoms occur:

When a cyst ruptures or twists, the pain becomes especially intense, spreads throughout the entire abdominal area, and causes discomfort in the rectum.

Other common pathologies of the female genitourinary system, which often act as the reasons why pain is localized in the anus:

  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Papillomavirus.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Candidiasis.
  • Adnexitis.
  • Chlamydia, etc.


Disease infectious nature, which is characterized by inflammation in the transverse folds of the colon - this is cryptitis. Develops due to injury to the rectum, chronic constipation, and dysbacteriosis. Pain usually appears during or after bowel movement. The disease is also indicated by itching in the anus, burning, and discharge of blood impurities. This pathology promotes the development of prolonged constipation, which significantly worsens the patient’s condition, resulting in the disease becoming chronic.


The most famous and common disease that causes intense pain in the anal area is hemorrhoids. Develops against the background of varicose veins, thrombosis, and inflammation of hemorrhoids. This disease affects women, mainly during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Hemorrhoids also occur due to the following factors:

  • Eating heavy foods, spicy dishes.
  • Constant constipation.
  • Drinking alcohol.

In addition to severe pain in the anus, the following symptoms may occur with this disease:

  • Tingling in the anus after that, the severe acute pain subsides.
  • General weakness.
  • Discharge from the anus with bloody impurities present in the stool.
  • Hyperthermia.

With hemorrhoids, periodic bleeding is also possible, occurring during and after bowel movements.

Chronic constipation

Serious difficulties with defecation, the inability to fully defecate leads to injury to the rectum and pain in the anus.

Constipation is associated with low motor activity, with improper diet and nutrition, with organ pathologies gastrointestinal system. Such conditions quickly become chronic and become causes for the development of complications, for example, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, etc.

Frequent diarrhea

In many patients, diarrhea provokes burning and pain in the anus. This phenomenon is due to the following factors:

  1. Presence in loose stools pathogens, such as staphylococcus. It is these bacteria that cause such intestinal disorders.
  2. Diarrhea caused by worms often causes discomfort in the anus.
  3. Intestinal candidiasis.
  4. Stress diarrhea.
  5. Poor genital hygiene, rare water procedures in combination with loose stools cause redness, pain and burning.
  6. Allergies to food or medications can cause diarrhea, which irritates the mucous membrane of the rectum and anus.

Cracks in the anus

Anal fissures cause severe acute pain directly during bowel movements. Causes of pathology:

  • Prolonged diarrhea.
  • Constant constipation a large number of and stool density.
  • Natural release of undigested items such as fish bones, etc. from the body.

With this disease, the patient constantly experiences stress due to severe pain, which are aggravated by sphincter spasm. Complications are possible in the form of difficulty urinating, disruption of the monthly cycle. It is important to know that in case of discharge of bright red blood from the anus, it may indicate cancer intestines, so if you experience pain or deterioration in health, you need to be examined by a proctologist.


With proctitis, severe cutting pain is the main symptom indicating pathology. Proctitis is essentially an inflammation of the mucous membrane in the rectum.

In addition to the appearance of painful sensations in the anal area, as well as purulent and bloody discharge, the woman has general weakness, bad feeling, hyperthermia.

Often the disease becomes chronic, and the pain becomes periodic.

This pathology is characterized by a violation of the natural location of the rectum, its exit beyond the anal sphincter.

Signs of rectal prolapse:

  • Severe unbearable pain.
  • Fecal incontinence.
  • Mucus and bloody discharge.
  • Ineffective urge to go to the toilet.
  • Feeling of the presence of a foreign object.

This disease occurs in both women and men and often develops in children.

The reasons for this are the following factors:

  1. Strong blow, injury.
  2. Frequent lifting of heavy objects.
  3. Spinal cord injuries.
  4. Urinary incontinence.
  5. Neoplasms in the rectum.
  6. Uterine prolapse.
  7. Chronic constipation.
  8. Frequent anal sex.
  9. Difficult birth.

Bowel prolapse can occur due to serious lesions respiratory tract in which a person coughs heavily, such as whooping cough or pneumonia, severe forms bronchitis, etc.

Thrombosis of hemorrhoids

This disease is a complication of hemorrhoids and is characterized by the formation of a blood clot in the outer hemorrhoidal node. This process is accompanied by significant discomfort, itching, sensation foreign object in anality. As the disease progresses, the sphincter spasms, which leads to even more pronounced painful sensations.

Lack of treatment can lead to severe hyperemia and swelling of the entire circumference of the anus, and bleeding.

The causes of such conditions are circulatory disorders in this area, which leads to pathological venous expansion. Venous nodes gradually form, which fall out of the posterior opening and contribute to the appearance of severe pain.

Risk factors for such complications:

  • Passive lifestyle.
  • Constipation.
  • Excessive physical stress.
  • Tumor processes.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Pregnancy, difficult, protracted labor.


Some types of worms present in human body, can cause itching and burning in the anus. For example, adult pinworms crawl into the perianal area in order to lay eggs there. At the same time, they secrete a special substance that irritates the mucous membrane and causes characteristic sensations of itching, burning, and discomfort.

Malignant neoplasms

Rectal cancer is the most severe pathology that often leads to chronic diseases, for example, proctitis, anal fissures, etc. Pain during cancer processes usually occurs over a period of time late stages. This disease is very dangerous and poses a threat to a woman’s life. The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to get rid of it.

You should pay attention to the following signs that may indicate the initial stage of the oncological process in the intestine:

  • Increased fatigue.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Weakness.
  • Impurities of blood and pus in the stool.
  • Discomfort and feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the rectum.
  • Pain in the anus.

However, all these signs are very similar to the symptoms of other diseases, and this makes diagnosis much more difficult. Therefore, it is important to contact experienced doctors proctologists. Rectal cancer can also be indicated by bright red blood discharged from the anus, as well as pain. stupid character, aching during bowel movements. The patient is worried frequent bloating abdomen, intestinal dysfunction, manifested in the form of diarrhea or constipation. A woman can suddenly lose weight. Painful sensations in the anus they often radiate to the groin and abdomen.

anal sex

Pathologies associated with the rectum are often caused by frequent anal sex. When the penis is inserted into the anus and intense movements, the mucous membrane is injured, the intestinal walls are stretched, which can subsequently lead to their ruptures and the release of blood. Lovers anal sex often become infected venereal diseases, since during unconventional sexual intercourse the mucous membrane is very easily injured, and this facilitates the penetration of pathogenic flora into the bloodstream.


It is important to know that the appearance of anal pain in pregnant women is not normal, since such signs may indicate the development of hemorrhoids or other serious pathologies that can harm the health of both the woman and her child. Hemorrhoids in pregnant women usually develop in the second and third trimesters, and they cause many problems during labor.

It is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and carry out treatment, since the lack of therapeutic measures leads to the development severe complications, which not only worsen the quality of life, but also pose a threat to the health and life of a woman.