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What to do if the kidneys hurt. Structural changes in the kidneys of an infectious nature. When to Call a Doctor

A frequent picture is when at a doctor's appointment it turns out that the patient's kidneys hurt, the symptoms and how to treat from folk remedies, while he does not know. Worse, some try to do a back massage, which aggravates the condition with.

What does pain say

If the kidneys hurt, then a visit to the doctor should not be postponed, because complicated conditions are dangerous. Not any soreness in the perirenal region indicates a disease of the kidneys.

Drawing pains and discomfort in the kidneys can be a sign of a violation of the functionality of individual organs and systems when they do not work well:

  1. Musculoskeletal system;
  2. Nervous system;
  3. reproductive system;
  4. Organs abdominal cavity.

How, and not some other organ. You should pay attention to such signs:

  • The pain spills over the back, pulls in the lower back;
  • When urinating, it burns at the outlet of the urethra, you have to urinate too rarely or too often, too much volume of one-time urination, blood clots appear in the urine, it becomes bright yellow or reddish in color;
  • In the morning, the eyes and the whole face swell, and in the evening the legs and arms swell, because the kidneys do not remove fluid from the body;

  • The skin is covered allergic rash due to the accumulation of toxic substances in the blood;
  • The sense of taste is lost, the mouth smells like ammonia;
  • Often fever, nausea, vomiting opens, fatigue piles up;
  • Appetite decreases, weight loss occurs;
  • Vision deteriorates.

Doctors warn against self-treatment, because pain in the kidneys may not at all confirm kidney disease, and vice versa, you should not immediately diagnose yourself with pyelonephritis or urolithiasis and start treatment at home.

If a person is experiencing, you must first go to a therapist, then visit a nephrologist or urologist, who, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, will prescribe a urine test, blood test, X-ray examination or ultrasound of the kidneys.

If necessary, the urologist will prescribe a tomography of both kidneys or only one.

Although it has long been proven that even if only one hurts, it means that changes occur in both. If the stone is only in the left kidney, right kidney has already begun to suffer, although there is no stone in it now at all.

If kidney stones are suspected, the urine monitoring process should be started. To do this, each urination should not be carried out into the toilet, but into a prepared clean jar. This must be done in order to be able to observe a change in the color of urine, its transparency, the presence of foreign elements in the form of sand. After a week of observation, it will be possible to inform the doctor, in comparison, daily allowance urine in 1 act, are there any color changes, is there a sediment at the bottom of the jar.

With these data, you can safely go to the doctor, a preliminary diagnosis will be made. Before visiting a urologist, women should see a gynecologist to rule out problems in the reproductive system.

If the pain appeared for the first time, the patient does not know what to do. The main thing is to correctly assess the condition of a sick person, is there any heat, what is general state, moreover, if we are talking about a child or a pregnant woman, urgently need to call an ambulance.

If the pain is tolerable, without a feverish state, you need to make an appointment with a doctor in order to describe your condition to him and get advice on treating the disease and further behavior.

There are diseases of the kidneys, in which in no case should you hesitate, otherwise you can lose a kidney.

Why do kidneys hurt

This question can only be answered by a doctor in each case, according to the results various analyzes. Pain in the back and lower back can simply speak of muscle spasms. The kidney area hurts in case of a bruise, the presence of sand or stones in it, there may be an infection in the kidneys that provokes severe pain. Sometimes distinguish between back pain and kidney pain it is possible that if you squeeze the kidney area and the pain subsides, then it looks like pyelonephritis, but if the pain remains the same or even increases with pressure, then this is due to spasms of the back muscles.

Quite often, pain in the kidney area occurs at night, when it is impossible to even turn on one side and it is difficult to raise the leg, this suggests that the spine actually hurts with osteochondrosis.

If the patient notices that he wakes up at night from pain in the kidneys, and during the day it does not let go, besides, it can be described as dull, then this is similar to urolithiasis, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis and diabetes.

If a person has, then her symptoms will immediately tell about it:

  • Dull pain, either only on one side, or on both, immediately exhausts the patient, intensifies if a person tries to stand up or sit down, physically strains.
  • Acute low back pain attacks are called renal colic. It stops hurting if the stone descends into the bladder.

  • Urination may be painful and discrete, this happens when the stones begin to pass. Only a change in body position allows you to complete this process.
  • Blood pressure rises regularly.
  • The urine is cloudy all the time, and sometimes bits of blood will stain it noticeably reddish if the patient has been physically overexerted or has experienced an attack of pain.

What to do with pain

Kidney pain can be removed with a warm bath. To do this, you need to fill not very hot water bath, pour a few crystals of potassium permanganate, dissolve them well and mix the water, or instead of it, you can throw Chernobyl grass, sit in the bath and sit for about 30 minutes until the pain subsides. It is very important that hot water does not rise above the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart and does not provoke a rapid heartbeat.

First of all, it only requires positive emotions. Whatever drug the doctor prescribes, against the background of a bad mood or nervous stress nothing will benefit and there will be no improvement. Unfortunately, you can get sick quickly, it is enough to catch a cold and get the flu so that the kidneys stop functioning properly. But it will take quite a long time to heal.

First of all, the doctor prescribes a salt-free diet, allowing everything only baked in the oven or boiled. In no case should you eat fried foods, smoked, spicy, salty. Alcoholic drinks and cigarettes are strictly prohibited.

The patient is contraindicated to hypothermia, to be in a damp room, to experience stress.

If inflammatory processes are diagnosed in the kidneys, then it is important to take antibiotics so that they do not start purulent processes: pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis.

Antiviral, antifungal drug therapy in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, to relieve pain syndrome. Mandatory appointment essential vitamins and minerals.

If there are stones in the kidneys, then in addition to tablets, a procedure for crushing stones can be prescribed, depending on the nature of the formations:

  1. From calcium salts;
  2. Phosphate;
  3. Urate;
  4. Amino acids.

For example, phosphate ones are the most unpleasant, because they grow fastest in the kidneys, they become a strong cast of the renal pelvis, similar to corals. They do not cause severe pain to the patient, but they cannot easily jump out through the ureter.

The formation of any stones is provoked by infections and in a sedentary manner life. Which method to choose to get rid of stones (medical or surgical), the urologist or nephrologist decides.

When the doctor always advises to exercise physical therapy, That's why special exercises help to remove stones from the body. But it is necessary to start with an examination in order to understand exactly what the diagnosis is, what type of stones formed in the kidneys, what size they are, because too large ones, moving from their place, can block the ureter, and then urine stagnation will begin, which can lead to the death of the patient.

After removal acute pain during the course of treatment, patients suffering from kidney diseases should undergo Spa treatment in places with unique composition of mineral waters that help the kidneys.

Treatment with folk remedies

A person suffering from kidney disease should always keep a kidney collection at home, green tea. He needs to eat lingonberries and cranberries, and in summer time there are many watermelons to wash the kidneys, especially with urolithiasis, because watermelon juice helps flush out the sand from the renal pelvis, causing additional urine production.

The patient should drink tea often and a lot, mineral water. A decoction of the half-fallen herb, which acts as a diuretic, helps well.

In the presence of sand or a stone in the kidney, you need to drink light beer in courses as a diuretic.

An infusion of lingonberry leaves with couch grass roots, mint leaves, celandine, horsetail, thyme and St. John's wort flowers helps a lot. All of the listed herbs should be taken in 30 g, pour a glass hot water, insist for 30 minutes and then drink warm for 1 hour in small sips.

Take grass flaxseed, licorice (its rhizome), birch leaves, bearberry, pour a glass boiled water, to put on water bath and boil. Then 2 hours it should be infused in a warm place. Take 3 times an hour before meals.

Any herbs should be drunk intermittently: drink grass for 10 days, rest for 10 days. According to this scheme, it is necessary to be treated for 3 months.

Treatment folk remedies does not require a lot of money and time.

Important: if you decide, then first consult your doctor, because some prescriptions have contraindications.

There are many kidney diseases, but there are common features for all nosological forms: pain and urination disorders.

To tell how the kidneys hurt, you should describe the signs of all kidney diseases.

Classification of diseases according to Ryabov

Signs of Kidney Disease according to Ryabov, classification:

  1. Immune nephropathy (idiopathic and systemic);
  2. Infectious and inflammatory diseases (glomerulo- and pyelonephritis, syphilis, tuberculosis);
  3. Metabolic nephropathy (diabetic, gouty, amyloidosis);
  4. Toxic nephritis (medicinal, radiation);
  5. Secondary renal diseases (with a lack of blood supply, electrolyte disturbances);
  6. Vascular nephropathy (with hypertension);
  7. Congenital anomalies of the kidneys.

Depending on localization pathological changes stand out the following types diseases:

  • Primary;
  • Secondary.

Primary nosological forms include those localized in the renal tissue. In secondary types, the pathological focus is located in other organs.

Regardless of the type of renal pathology, in all forms there is pain in the lower back.

Pain syndromes with renal changes are divided into the following types:

  • Pulling;
  • Aching;
  • Dull;
  • Sharp.

What diseases hurt the kidneys

The kidneys hurt in a person under the following conditions:

  1. Urolithiasis disease;
  2. Glomerulonephritis;
  3. Pyelonephritis;
  4. Renal failure.

These nosological forms are the most common reason for visiting a urologist.

Urolithiasis is a manifestation of metabolic disorders, in which the tendency to form stones in the urinary system increases.

Localization of stones in urolithiasis

Nephrolithiasis is caused by salts of the following acids:

  • Urinary;
  • sorrel;
  • Phosphoric.

There are also mixed forms of stones.

With nephrolithiasis, the pain is severe and is called "renal colic". It is manifested by sharp pain syndromes in the lower back, lasting from several minutes to a couple of hours.

Do not know how to alleviate the pain of pain? - we will talk about analgesics, antispasmodics and other drugs.

Sharp in kidney disease

Sharp pain in kidney disease is a sign dangerous disease. If it lasts several hours, the likelihood of stones or hydronephrosis is high.

Kidney tissue produces substances that regulate the level blood pressure(renin-angiotensin system). Their synthesis is disturbed when innervation is disturbed against the background of a sharp pain syndrome.

If you experience severe pain, you do not need to take painkillers. They will not help get rid of the pathology, but make it difficult for a doctor to diagnose the disease.

Pain with kidney stones is most pronounced, is a periodic colic and is the second most severe of all types of pain after childbirth.

Acute: how it manifests itself and what it indicates

Acute (cramping, severe) pain in the kidney on the left or right is observed with urolithiasis. In combination with it, secondary symptoms occur:

  • diarrhea and nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • Dizziness;
  • Violation of urination.

With cramping pain syndrome, irradiation occurs in the thigh or perineum. With such clinical picture the doctor has to differentiate between renal colic and intervertebral hernia.

Pain for the first time: a strategy of behavior

Palpation of the kidney - the first stage of the examination

There is an algorithm for the patient's behavior at the first appearance of pain in the kidney area.

The danger of certain diseases requires emergency qualified medical care.

At chronic diseases you need to constantly take antibacterial agents, and treatment can be carried out as planned.

We propose to study the criteria for kidney disease.

Major symptoms of kidney pathology:

  • Local soreness on both sides of the lower back;
  • Heaviness in the muscles of the back (determined by palpation);
  • Increased skin sensitivity;
  • Reflection of pain in the limb;
  • Decreased mobility in the lumbar region.

Minor criteria for kidney disease:

  • Pain at trigger points
  • Local contraction of the lumbar muscle;
  • Slight relaxation of the muscles with spinal blockade.

If there are large criteria, urgent medical attention is needed, regardless of the nature pain.

In this case, you should not take any medications. They "veil" the clinic of the disease and will not allow the doctor to correctly diagnose.

The presence of “threat symptoms” in a person is especially dangerous:

  1. Renal colic;
  2. Reducing pain in certain positions;
  3. Periodic increase in back pain;
  4. Temperature increase;
  5. Relationship of manifestations with trauma;
  6. Violation of sensitivity in the lower extremities;
  7. Severe inflammatory changes in the urine.

In the presence of threat symptoms, a thorough clinical and instrumental study should be carried out to find out the underlying cause. pain in the kidneys or urinary system.

In the presence of only small criteria and the absence of symptoms, there is no threat of particular urgency in contacting a medical institution. In such a situation, you can even sign up for a scheduled appointment.

    There are quite unpleasant pain sensations, I remember how much I suffered from them. And I tried not to betray serious importance, the more I started the kidneys ... It's best to immediately apply for medical care and don't joke with the kidneys.

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Doctors know how kidneys hurt, but a person who does not have medical knowledge, at the initial stages cannot determine renal pathology. When colic appears (severe pain attacks in the back), the patient begins to look for a solution, what to do with the disease, but it is no longer possible to cure the disease.

Symptoms of the disease are formed acutely and chronically, which makes it difficult timely diagnosis ailment. Changes in the urinary tract occur at any age, but are characterized by different clinical signs. In the article, we present an algorithm for the phased identification of the causes of kidney disease, tell you what to do and how to treat kidney pathology.

The following criteria help determine the disease:

  1. Bilateral or unilateral dull pain in the back or lower back;
  2. Severe attacks in the lower abdomen and groin;
  3. After the passage of stones in the bladder - itching and burning during urination;
  4. Syndrome of "laying" - increased pain in the back with a change in body position;
  5. Increased blood pressure;
  6. Turbidity of urine and the appearance of blood impurities after exercise.

An increase in temperature to 40 degrees is not a specific symptom of kidney disease, but indicates infectious lesion(pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis).

It is important to identify the disease in the initial stages in order to treat the disease in a timely manner.

How to reliably determine

To determine how the kidneys hurt, we suggest considering Pasternatsky's symptom. It is positive for urolithiasis. The essence of the syndrome lies in the fact that when the edge of the palm strikes the kidney area, the stones become mobile, therefore, there is an increase in pain in the lower back.

However, there are kidney diseases in which Pasternatsky's symptom is negative. For example, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis are not manifested by pain in the lumbar region.

In a standard situation, you can recognize the disease by the presence of symptoms:

  • Pain in the region of the kidneys;
  • Itching when urinating;
  • Darkening of the urine and the appearance of blood impurities in it.

Only with a combination of these features can it be assumed that pathological symptoms due to renal pathology.

What diseases cause pain in the kidney area:

  1. Osteocondritis of the spine;
  2. Neuralgia;
  3. Premenstrual syndrome in women;
  4. The beginning of labor pains;
  5. Inflammation of the appendages;
  6. Rheumatism;
  7. Pancreatitis.

Finally, let's look at anatomy. Knowing the basic location of the organs helps to establish where the kidneys hurt. They are paired structures of the urinary system, located on both sides of the spinal column in the lumbar region.

Why do they hurt in the morning

Pain symptoms and signs are varied and can occur in the mornings, evenings or throughout the working day. Unpleasant sensations appear even when a person changes position (from horizontal to vertical).

Why there is pain in the kidney area in the morning:

  1. Pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidney tissue;
  2. Glomerulonephritis - inflammatory changes in the tubules and glomeruli;
  3. Polycystic - the formation of a cyst in the kidney tissue;
  4. tumors;
  5. Nephroptosis - omission of the kidney;
  6. Appendicitis - inflammatory changes in the appendix.

A painful symptom in the morning with urolithiasis occurs due to the fact that the stone comes into motion when changing the position of the body. The severity of pain sensations significantly depends on the size of the calculus: the larger it is, the stronger pain in the waist.

Against the background of renal colic, pain syndrome occurs not only in the morning, but can also be determined throughout the day. Pain occurs when a blockage is caused by a calculus urinary tract. To ease the pain syndrome, you need to drink cranberry tea, eat lingonberries, watermelons. Smoked products, dairy drinks, salt and spicy foods provoke an exacerbation of kidney diseases. If you eliminate them, you can get rid of morning pain.


During pregnancy, you need to take into account the increased pressure of the fetus on the bladder and urinary system. Due to compression of the enlarged uterus of the kidney area, congestive changes occur. Against the background of impaired blood supply, the risk of bacterial infections increases - glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis.

When deciding what to do during pregnancy, the gynecologist must find out the causes of the disease. You need to understand that swelling under the eyes, varicose veins veins lower extremities when carrying a child, they can lead to toxicosis and the threat of abortion.

In any case, pain in the kidney area during pregnancy should be treated in the initial stages, since with advanced pathology it is often difficult to save the life of not only the fetus, but also the woman. In general, be attentive to the above symptoms of kidney disease. If at least one of the signs is present, immediately see a doctor.

What to do

What to do with pain in the kidneys can be decided only after receiving the results laboratory tests. Let's look at the basic principles of how doctors determine how to treat kidney disease.

What methods of diagnosing pain in the kidney area (right or left in the lower back):

  • Ultrasound examination - study anatomical structure and definition of pathological changes;
  • Computed tomography - a layered image of the state of organs;
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - a method for examining liquid tissues;
  • Laboratory analysis of urine for the detection of protein, erythrocytes and leukocytes;
  • Biochemical blood test for creatinine and urea.

Only after receiving the results of these clinical and laboratory methods, the doctor can determine with a high degree of certainty why the kidneys hurt.

Do not self-medicate, use folk ways to treat pain in the lumbar region until the cause of the disease is clarified.

How to treat: general principles

Talking about what to do when the kidneys hurt, one cannot exclude general principles getting rid of kidney pathology:

  1. Limit the use of coffee and strong tea;
  2. With oxalates in the urine, lettuces, rhubarb, sorrel and tomatoes should be excluded;
  3. Eliminate table salt from food;
  4. Physical activity and sudden movements are contraindicated;
  5. You can not delay with clinical and laboratory tests, as they allow you to establish how to treat pain in the kidney area.

Kidney stones can be treated at home herbal preparations: kidney tea, half-fallen, horsetail, juniper. These infusions have antispasmodic and diuretic effects.

How to treat from drugs:

Read below about what to do with kidney diseases with folk remedies and pills.

Signs of kidney pain or lower back pain

All signs of pain in the kidneys should be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Functional - in violation of excretory function;
  2. Inflammatory - provoked by a bacterial infection;
  3. Congenital - due to changes in the genetic apparatus;
  4. Destructive - urolithiasis.

To determine the symptoms of renal pathology, it is necessary to highlight the main diseases leading to pain in the kidney area:

  • Nephroptosis is a prolapse of the kidneys, which in the initial stages does not manifest itself as clinical signs, but with a low location of the organ, it is formed kidney failure and disability;
  • Jade - infectious disease provoked by streptococci. Occurs after angina. Against the background of the disease, a person has symptoms bacterial infection: fever, swelling, changes in blood pressure, specific changes in urine and blood tests;
  • Urolithiasis - accompanied by the formation of stones in the urinary system. With the disease, renal colic is formed, which is manifested by a strong pain syndrome in the area of ​​localization of the kidneys. The duration of the pathology is from several hours to a couple of days;
  • Tumor - not traceable at an early stage. Signs of pathology: weakness, anemia, lethargy, fever, weight loss, drop in blood pressure.

When the kidneys hurt, you need to quickly and correctly determine what to treat in order to prevent disability.

Pain in the kidney area - how to treat

When renal colic occurs, to find out how to treat it, you need to consult a doctor. At home, we recommend the following recipes:

  • Limit your salt intake;
  • Use diuretic and antispasmodic herbs;
  • Drink drinks from lingonberries, mint, celandine and St. John's wort;
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

For urolithiasis or back pain during colds, we recommend a combined recipe based on madder dye, lingonberries and bearberries. The mixture must be poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for a day and taken 2 glasses a day.

Bearberry has a good effect in nephrolithiasis. The plant also heals inflammatory diseases Bladder and urinary tract. To eliminate the pathology, you need to prepare the following recipe:

  • Grind bearberry leaves into powder;
  • Pour 100 grams of the mixture with a liter of boiling water;
  • Insist 30 minutes;
  • Then strain;
  • Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Important principles for the treatment of kidney disease

The drinking regimen is the basic basis for the treatment of renal pathology. At the most early stages diseases, when the presence of stones, inflammation or prolapse of the right or left kidney has not yet been established, water helps to prevent the development of pathology.

The drinking regime was the basis of the treatment of renal pathology in ancient times. Globally, the liquid should wash out the sand and reduce the amount of toxic substances in the blood.

After clinical studies, it was found that the majority of people with kidney stones belong to the amateur category. meat products. If they consume little liquid during the day, the risk of acidic stones - urates - increases. However, it is difficult to imagine a diet without meat. healthy person. Clinical researches showed that vegetarians cover their protein intake with plant-based ingredients, but maintain normal level iron in the blood based on herbal substances is impossible. They contain divalent Fe in low concentrations, and ferric Fe is needed for the formation of red blood cells. They are saturated with animal products. Based on the above information, it is clear that low back pain can only be treated with combined methods.

Self-medication is unacceptable! Folk remedies are used only after consulting a doctor.

Kidneys - the most important body, which, like others, can work unproductively on different reasons. This leads to serious disorders in the body: malfunctions in the functioning of the genital organs, disorder digestive system, violation water-salt balance. How to identify serious violations? What are the signs of kidney pain?

Where are the kidneys

According to statistics, most patients cannot explain what hurts and causes discomfort. To determine the disease, you need to know where the unique organ of the urinary system is located, working 24 hours a day. The kidneys are on back wall abdominal cavity, behind the peritoneum. It is easy to determine their location: if you put your palms on the waist on the sides, put your thumbs up, their tips will be located above the organ.

As a rule, the right is located below the left, but the boundaries may vary depending on the pressure of the liver, structural features of the body. The organ works continuously: it pumps blood through itself several times a day, cleanses it of toxins, promotes the formation of urine and excretion through the appropriate channels. In addition, it participates in the processes of metabolism, internal pressure. If their work is disturbed, all of these systems begin to malfunction.

How kidneys hurt - symptoms

To start treatment, it is important to understand which organ is bothering a person. If the urinary organ hurts, this does not always indicate pathology. Unpleasant sensations in the back area are characteristic of both appendicitis attacks and biliary colic, and for pyelonephritis. If a person has diseases of the urinary tract, general and local signs can be distinguished. The first ones include:

  • pale skin color;
  • swollen face in the morning;
  • high blood pressure;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • chills;
  • recurrent headaches.

If we talk about local symptoms with pain in the kidneys, the most obvious is discomfort in lumbar region. The pain increases with urination, certain movements, for example, if you stand up on your toes and abruptly return back. Other local features:

  • specific, bad smell urine;
  • smell of ammonia from the mouth;
  • small "pimples" on the skin;
  • frequent urge to urinate, cramps;
  • reddish tint of urine.

Symptoms of kidney disease in women

If there is a problem with the organ, the first signs can be seen in the analysis of blood and urine. According to them, the doctor can diagnose diseases such as renal failure, cystitis, pyelonephritis, polycystic, hydronephrosis, nephrolithiasis. The following symptoms of diseased kidneys in women are distinguished:

  • swelling of the face, passing in the evening;
  • swelling of the legs and arms;
  • elevated temperature;
  • change in volume, odor, color of urine;
  • general weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • nocturia;
  • bloating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pains of a different nature;
  • urine with blood impurities;
  • dry mouth;
  • pressure surges.

How do kidneys hurt in men

In the stronger sex, the signs are not as pronounced as in women, so diseases often acquire launched form, are treated with pills longer. If the kidneys hurt diagnostic examination diseases such as hydronephrosis, urolithiasis are detected. In addition to them, pyelonephritis, nephroptosis are possible. How do kidneys hurt in men? The sign is localized in the lumbar region, may be paroxysmal, permanent. Other possible signs:

  • high blood pressure;
  • swelling on the face, in the abdomen;
  • dry mouth and constant thirst;
  • lethargic state;
  • anuria (complete cessation of urine flow into the bladder), polyuria;
  • excessive urination;
  • cloudy urine, the appearance of blood;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • hyperlipidemia;
  • chills.

Where do kidneys hurt?

If discomfort occurs, all symptoms should be identified. Thanks to them, it is possible to independently determine the disease and, after a visit to the doctor, begin treatment to prevent the chronic form. It is important to understand where the kidneys hurt. For example, with pyelonephritis, discomfort is localized in the lumbar region, has aching character. Learn more about the features of the localization of pain in various diseases.

Kidney pain on the left

There are many diseases in which this symptom can manifest itself, and all have similar symptoms. For pain in the kidney on the left, you should definitely go to the doctor. The symptom may indicate the following diseases:

  1. Pyelonephritis. The defined disease manifests itself acutely. In addition to pain, the patient has a fever, changes in taste, vomiting, nausea, chills, swelling in the morning.
  2. Urolithiasis disease. Painful sensations in a person can be tolerable and unbearable, often appear after a sharp change in body position, physical effort... When urinating, itching, cramps, burning, and there may be blood.
  3. Cancer. It is characterized by constant pain, which increases as the mass grows.There may be high fever, weight loss, weakness, aching bones, and fever.

How the right kidney hurts - symptoms

  • right-sided colic;
  • blood in the urine;
  • feverish state;
  • skin itching;
  • pain during urination;
  • change in color, composition of urine;
  • fatigue;
  • skin rash;
  • blurred vision;
  • smell of ammonia from the mouth.

Where does the pain in the kidneys go?

Sick kidneys important symptom which cannot be ignored. Pay attention to the localization, the nature of the sign. Perhaps the pain in the kidneys radiates to the lower back, back, groin, genitals. It will not be possible to independently recognize the disease, but it is necessary to listen to the sensations in order for the specialist to correctly identify the disease. Even if it is clear where the pain is, the disease will be determined only after laboratory tests.

What are the pains in kidney disease

The symptom is present in almost any disease of the urinary tract. The character can be different: sharp, paroxysmal, aching, stabbing, pulling, and so on. Until the doctor examines a person, it is impossible to say exactly what his origin is - there are others next to the organ, for example, the spleen, ureters. Pain in kidney disease manifests itself in different ways. With pyelonephritis, they are dull and aching, with thrombosis renal artery- sharp, strong

How to determine that the kidneys hurt

In order not to confuse discomfort with back pain, you need to know about the features of the symptom. What to do, how to check, determine that the kidneys hurt? Recommendations:

  1. Think about what might have made you sick. If you understand that you were engaged in hard physical labor, were in an uncomfortable position for a long time, the risk of diseases is high. lumbar muscles, spine. If they were supercooled, this indicates that the organ of the urinary system is not in order.
  2. The urinary organ is mainly disturbed at night, rarely during the day, and pain musculoskeletal system - periodically, more often after movement.
  3. Pain in the urinary tract is accompanied by specific symptoms: constant thirst, temperature, changes in urination, loss of appetite.

Learn more about what a kidney cyst is - symptoms and treatment of the disease.

Video: how to understand that the kidneys hurt - symptoms

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

Every organ in human body performs a specific function. For example, the kidneys are the most important worker of the excretory system. In this article, I would like to talk about how the kidneys hurt: the signs and main symptoms of this problem.

It is worth saying that in medicine there is no such diagnosis as “cold kidneys”. Most often, people can feel pain in this organ due to what is going on. inflammatory process. Generally speaking, then outer part the shell of this organ is very sensitive to various kinds of changes. Such transformations can occur due to stretching. The cause of this sprain is most often swelling of the kidney, inflammation, tumors, etc.

Symptom 1. Pain

What to do and how to understand that the kidneys hurt? In this case, a person will most often be advised to listen to the place where it hurts. Pain in this organ is localized mainly in the lumbar region (right and left). However, pain in this place can also indicate the presence of a completely different disease, for example, osteochondrosis. That is why it is impossible to make an independent diagnosis on the basis of a single symptom that concerns pain. After all wrong treatment in this case, it can lead to a deterioration in health.

The nature of the pain (in most cases): dull, aching, has a monotonous character. Pain may increase.

The nature of the pain during blockage of the duct: acute, almost unbearable. However, most often localized in one side.

Symptom 2. Urine

  1. In certain kidney diseases, the amount of fluid secreted can increase to 2.5 liters or more. The urine itself most often becomes colorless, as if diluted with water.
  2. Some kidney diseases can cause a person's fluid output to decrease. An alarming indicator is less than 500 ml of urine per day. However this symptom can also "talk" about other diseases genitourinary system or other organs.

The presence of blood in the urine can also indicate problems in the functioning of the kidneys.

Symptom 3. External manifestation

How else to understand that the kidneys hurt? In this case, you can see if there are any external manifestations this problem. What else can signal that the kidneys are not working properly?

  1. Decreased appetite.
  2. Vomiting and nausea.
  3. Itching of the human skin.

Why can such symptoms occur? The thing is that the kidneys pump a huge amount of blood per day (up to 1700 liters). And sometimes the products of protein breakdown and cell metabolism can lead to intoxication of the body. And this will already cause the above-described external manifestations of kidney disease.

Symptom 4. Increased thirst

What signs, when the kidneys hurt, may indicate problems in the work of this organ? So, a person can often experience an increased feeling of thirst. This will happen because the amount of urine excreted can increase significantly. As a result, the body will not have enough fluid.

Symptom 5. Increased pressure

As a result of kidney disease, patients may also have high blood pressure. Why does this symptom occur? The thing is that the kidneys produce such an important hormone for the body as renin (it directly affects the increase in pressure). An excess, as well as a lack of this hormone in the body, negatively affects the fluctuations blood pressure.

Other symptoms

What other symptoms of diseased kidneys are there in humans? So, in addition to all of the above, you need to specify three more important symptoms:

  1. Periodic increase in body temperature.
  2. Puffiness. In the morning, it will most often appear in the eye area. Swelling of the legs and abdomen is also possible.
  3. The patient's weight loss.

It is worth saying that in women, kidney disease should be considered separately. So, such problems often appear in pregnant women in the second half of the gestation period. These problems are explained in this case quite simply: the child grows in the womb, gradually there is an increase in pressure on the mother's organs, including the kidneys. Therefore, there may be various problems and diseases related to this organ. When squeezing the kidneys, the outflow of urine from the organ can be disturbed, which causes an inflammatory process. Also, pregnant women may swell in the morning. Often there is a frequent urge to urinate. These problems are not terrible, however, they must be dealt with.

What are the signs of diseased kidneys in women who do not belong to the category described above? Symptoms for diseases of this organ will be the same as described above.

We understand further how the kidneys hurt. Signs of problems with this organ in men have their own peculiarity. So, most often, troubles with the kidneys in representatives of the strong half of humanity can occur due to certain diseases:

  1. Urethritis. In such a case there may be drawing pains, which are localized in the lumbar region. Also in the urine you can find not only blood, but also pus.
  2. In older men, urinary retention is possible due to problems with the prostate gland. In this case, these problems are also associated with arterial hypertension and sharp pains in the lumbar region.
  3. An alarm bell for men: changes in the stream during urine output. This may already indicate problems with the kidneys.
  4. Men are most often worried about frequent urination at night. In this case, the amount of fluid released becomes much less than normal.

What are the symptoms of kidney disease in children? So, first of all, I would like to say that in children this disease often occurs in an erased form. However, there may be the following symptoms:

  1. Weakness, drowsiness, fatigue.
  2. The baby may feel pain in the lower back.
  3. In the morning, children may also have swelling (especially on the face).
  4. The nature of the urine. The smell and color may change. Often in children with kidney disease it happens nocturnal enuresis(involuntary separation of urine at night).

What can be said about the smallest crumbs? So, in children up to the first year of life, kidney problems can be suspected by the following indicators:

  1. restless behavior.
  2. An increase in the size of the abdomen.
  3. Urine change. The smell and color will be different. In the urine, both pus and blood can also be excreted.
  4. In the morning, the smallest children may have “bags” under their eyes.

Having figured out how the kidneys hurt (signs of problems with this organ), I would like to say that at the first symptoms you need to seek medical help. Only a specialist can supply correct diagnosis and appoint competent treatment. Self-medication in this case can lead not only to significant health problems, but even to irreversible consequences.

In contact with

Two bean-shaped organs located in the back of the abdomen just above the waist and on either side of the spine are called the kidneys.

They perform vital important tasks to maintain the health of the body: help remove waste, regulate the production of red blood cells, contribute to the production of vitamin D, which is necessary for bones, release hormones that regulate blood pressure, etc. The kidneys help to control the balance of water and the concentration of minerals (sodium, potassium, phosphorus) in the blood.

With age, the kidneys may work less well. Factors that particularly increase the risk of kidney disease include diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking, obesity, and heredity. Diagnose kidney disease initial stage rather difficult, because their symptoms are barely noticeable, or similar to signs of other diseases. But the later kidney problems are discovered, the worse their consequences can be. Let's talk about the most common signs of kidney disease:

1. Problems with urination

This is perhaps the very first and most important symptom that the kidneys began to function poorly. May change:

  • the amount of urine (up or down);
  • its color (becomes dark, brownish, cloudy, with particles of blood, thick foam);
  • frequency of urination (especially noticeable at night);
  • pain, burning and a feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen when urinating.

Often symptoms appear as with cystitis: frequent urge to urinate with a small amount of urine.

The kidneys are responsible for removing waste and excess fluid from the body. When this does not happen, the unexpelled fluid accumulates in the body and causes swelling. They are most often found on the arms, legs, ankle joints, face and under the eyes. If the kidneys are not in order, then when you press the skin with your finger, you can notice how it loses its original color, becomes dull and pale for a while.

3. Constant fatigue and weakness

When the kidneys do not function properly, a person often feels weak, tired and fatigued without much physical exertion. Two common causes of these symptoms are anemia and the accumulation of waste products in the body. Healthy kidneys create a hormone called erythropoietin. It helps produce red blood cells. A damaged kidney reduces the production of this hormone, which leads to a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood. In addition, with poor kidney function, the body cannot cope with excretion harmful substances, which causes loss of appetite, and then loss of energy, weakness and fatigue.

4. Dizziness

When kidney disease causes anemia, a person may periodically feel dizzy, lose balance, and even faint. This is because with anemia, the brain does not get enough oxygen to normal functioning. Lack of oxygen in the head is fraught with problems with memory, concentration and sleep. If a person often began to be disturbed by unexplained dizziness, poor concentration and insomnia, then it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

Unexplained pain in the lower back or lower abdomen is another common cause kidney disease. Painful sensations can also be in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints, which can become less mobile and “crunch”. Pain in the lower back and groin is often caused by kidney and urethral stones. Polycystic kidney disease - hereditary pathology in the form of fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys. It can cause pain in the lower back, side, or lower abdomen. If you experience sharp pains and spasms that spread in the lower back or groin, you should immediately consult a doctor.

6. Rashes and itching of the skin

Frequent skin rashes, acne, irritation and excessive itching are also among the signs of some kidney diseases. Improper functioning of the kidneys contributes to the accumulation of waste products and toxins in the body, which leads to many skin problems. Another sign of kidney disease is an imbalance of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, which often causes excessive itching of the skin. If suddenly healthy skin covering began to change, dry, become covered with pimples, itch, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

7. Metallic taste in the mouth

Kidney disease is often accompanied by an unpleasant ammonia smell from the mouth and a metallic taste in the mouth. oral cavity. This is because the poor functioning of the kidneys leads to an increase in the level of urea in the blood. This, in turn, breaks down into ammonia in saliva, which leads to bad ammonia breath. For the same reason, one often feels in the mouth metallic taste, which prevents you from perceiving the true taste of dishes.

Nausea, vomiting and poor appetite are common signs of gastrointestinal problems in people with kidney disease. Nausea and vomiting are most common in the morning. When the kidneys are unable to filter harmful toxins from the blood, excess urea nitrogen builds up in the bloodstream. This phenomenon stimulates the mucous gastrointestinal tract and causes nausea and vomiting.

9. Frequent chills

When a person constantly experiences chills, there may be several reasons for this. One of the most common is anemia, which can be caused by kidney disease. If a person without any reason feels cold even in a warm room and his body temperature rises from time to time, chills, dizziness, weakness without signs of a cold, then there is a reason to think about the health of the kidneys and undergo an examination.

10. Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing

Shortness of breath - another one common symptom bad work kidneys. If they are not in order, then the volume of fluid in the lungs increases, which prevents normal breathing. Shortness of breath can also be caused by anemia caused by kidney disease. The accumulation of potassium in the blood, which is poorly filtered by diseased kidneys, is fraught with heart rhythm disturbances.

Pain in the kidneys that occurs at night, in the morning or at other times of the day, is localized in the lumbar region and manifests itself quite strongly. Renal colic may occur when the pain becomes unbearable and the person needs an anesthetic drug. Such conditions are indicative of pathological process occurring in the renal system and requiring timely treatment.

But the feeling of pain in the lower back can accompany other diseases and conditions of the body: rheumatism, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, menstruation in a woman, contractions in a pregnant woman, etc. Therefore, we will figure out how to understand that the kidneys hurt, and not the muscles of the back or other organs, which diseases cause kidney pain and what symptoms you should pay attention to first.

The kidneys are located at the level of the upper lumbar vertebrae: where the lower ribs end. Behind them, the back muscles support the spine, so when certain diseases(scoliosis, osteochondrosis) discomfort may resemble soreness of the kidneys. In front of them, the pancreas, stomach and intestines are localized; with certain pathologies of these organs, pain can be given to the lower back.

Next to the kidneys are the liver, gallbladder, lungs, the pain from which, under certain pathologies, can be disguised as the soreness of the "filters" of our body. It is important to be able to distinguish "kidney" pain from other body signals:

  1. It occurs at the point where the lower ribs attach to the spine (with right side, left or both sides at the same time).
  2. May radiate to the abdomen, genital area, or thigh.
  3. To confirm this symptom, rise on your toes and immediately lower yourself on your heels. If the sensations in the lower back have intensified, then it is the kidneys that hurt.

At a doctor's appointment, pain in the kidneys is determined by Pasternatsky's symptom: the edge of the palm is sharply, but not strongly, hit on the lumbar region. If the pains become stronger, it is the kidneys that are affected. But such a test does not always work in the case of urolithiasis when the stones are small.


When the kidneys hurt, it is important for a person to notice other symptoms that will help the doctor make a diagnosis. Pathologies renal system often appear as follows:

  1. The pain occurs in the lower back, is characterized as very strong, sometimes aching, can grow in waves. If it is pain in the kidneys, then after physical exertion it will intensify.
  2. The appearance of renal colic, when pain occurs sharply on the right or left side.
  3. Frequent urination, while the amount of urine released is small.
  4. When emptying the bladder, a person may feel discomfort or pain, which is associated with partial or complete blockage of the ureter with stones.
  5. After urination, the pain may subside.
  6. Urine gets nasty putrid smell. Its color often changes dark side, urine becomes cloudy, a precipitate may fall out.
  7. Changes in tests: blood is found in the urine, renal epithelium and leukocytes.

When the kidneys hurt, the symptoms can be very diverse, so it is important to take a closer look at yourself in order to understand what exactly caused the kidney pathology. If, against the background of pain in the lumbar region, the following pathological phenomena occur, then treatment is required specifically for the renal system:

  • heat;
  • high blood pressure;
  • swelling of the limbs, eyelids (especially in the morning);
  • constant fatigue and loss of appetite;
  • cold lower back;
  • red rashes all over the body or the appearance of a whitish "powder" on the skin;
  • ammonia smell from the mouth;
  • deterioration of vision.

But even in the absence of any of these symptoms, it is worth going to see a nephrologist who will assess your condition and find the cause of the troubling pain. If the pain is accompanied by high fever, high blood pressure or difficulty urinating, urgent hospitalization and treatment of the patient is required.


Only a qualified doctor can determine why the kidneys hurt after a diagnosis, including ultrasound, dopplerography, urine and blood tests, and others. necessary research. The reasons for this condition may be:

  • congenital malformations of the renal system;
  • pregnancy;
  • organ injury ( bad bruise, gap);
  • acquired kidney disease.

Let us consider in more detail the pathologies that can provoke pain in the kidneys.

  1. Kidney disease. It is characterized by the presence of stones in the renal pelvis. Manifested by renal colic, which is aggravated by physical activity, a sudden change in body position, bumpy ride. Sometimes patients are helped by heat applied to the lumbar region. The organ can hurt so much that it is impossible to find a position for relief, and the person needs narcotic analgesics. Pain often occurs in the morning, but can disturb at any time of the day.
  2. Glomerulonephritis. This autoimmune disease, in which human immune cells begin to recognize kidney cells as foreign, attacking and leading to their death. Such a pathology often develops after a streptococcal disease (tonsillitis). In this case, the pain syndrome is observed in parallel with other symptoms: loss of appetite, increased blood pressure, blood in the urine, headache, swelling of the face and limbs (observed in the morning, and disappear in the evening).
  3. Thrombosis of the renal artery. This condition is characterized by blockage of the renal blood flow by a thrombus that has broken away from any vessel in the body; may result from trauma, inflammation, or atherosclerosis. The pain in this case is acute, severe, localized in the lumbar region and can be given to the entire back, sides and abdomen. There are other symptoms of this disease: increased blood pressure, body temperature, constipation, vomiting. If not start timely treatment, may develop severe consequences up to lethal.
  4. Renal tuberculosis. Pain in the lumbar region is described as cutting or stabbing. Changes in urine become visible to the naked eye: cloudy, with an admixture of pus or blood.
  5. Pyelonephritis. This disease inflammatory nature requiring mandatory antibacterial treatment. Along with the main symptom (soreness in the kidney area), weakness, nausea, and high body temperature are observed. If the disease has passed into chronic form, then the patient is worried about poor appetite, hypertension, a small amount of urine excreted, the lower back begins to freeze.
  6. Omission of the kidney. Pathology often occurs in people who are intensively losing weight, engaged in heavy physical work, or with an injury to the lumbar region. The pain is severe, sometimes aching, intensifies in evening time or when changing horizontal position to vertical.
  7. Benign kidney tumor (cyst). It is a cavity formation, inside which is the primary urine. Such a tumor will begin to bring discomfort when its size is large enough to put pressure on the organ capsule. If in this case the kidneys hurt, what to do can only be decided by a nephrologist after a thorough examination. Easier to treat formations big size- they are pierced through the skin with a special needle and the accumulated fluid is sucked out; the pain goes away after that.
  8. . Pain in the kidney area will begin to disturb a person only on late stage organ cancer, when the tumor has damaged its structure or has grown into the capsule. The course of this disease is accompanied by the following symptoms: anemia, hypertension, small amount of urine, stable weight loss, swelling of the limbs and face.

How to determine the disease by the nature of the pain?

It is worth mentioning that only a doctor can accurately diagnose after additional diagnostic measures, but the patient himself can assume why his kidney hurts on the right or left side.

If the pain is felt on the left side of the lower back, most likely the person has developed one of the following diseases:

  • omission of the kidney;
  • a tumor (benign or malignant) of this organ;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • abscess.

Pain in the kidney area can be caused by inflammation of the pancreas: this pathology is also manifested by discomfort in the lower back on the left.

If the kidney hurts on the right side, the reasons may be:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • organ cyst;
  • stones;
  • kidney cancer;
  • post-traumatic pain.

Please note that lower back pain on the right side can occur with appendicitis, osteochondrosis and cholecystitis.

If both kidneys are sick, then with a high degree of probability the patient is diagnosed with either glomerulonephritis. But if you experience discomfort in the lower back, you should not self-diagnose yourself at the location of the pain (on the right or left side). You should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe an adequate and effective treatment in your case.

If the pain appeared after drinking alcohol?

Many noted that the kidneys hurt after alcohol, especially after beer. After drinking such a drink, these organs need to filter the blood in order to remove all the toxins that have entered the body with alcoholic drinks. The latter always cause dehydration, as a result of which the blood becomes thicker. The kidneys, already overloaded, must also cope with this problem, which is why there are pulling pains in the lumbar region. Especially often this symptom manifests itself in the morning after drinking alcohol the day before.

Considering the reasons why the kidneys hurt after alcohol, it is impossible not to note the accompanying symptom of this condition - the appearance of sediment in the urine. If drinking alcohol is regular, magnesium, calcium and phosphate begin to be washed out of the body, which are then deposited and form kidney stones. In this case, long-term treatment is required.

Considering why the kidneys hurt, it is worth understanding the need for a qualified assessment of the condition by a nephrologist, who, after receiving the results of the studies, can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Self-therapy with folk remedies in this case can not only not help, but also harm health.