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Is it possible to take vitamins while breastfeeding? Why does a woman need vitamins during lactation? Vitamins, microelements and products necessary during lactation

Breast-feeding - difficult period for the woman's body. Baby gets what he needs nutrients from mother's milk. And if a woman does not make up for the deficiency of all the elements given to the child, she develops hypovitaminosis.

To prevent this from happening, during breastfeeding you need to be very careful about your diet and, possibly, take vitamins for nursing mothers.

Common myths about vitamin complexes for mothers

Modern medical science has moved away from the opinion that every nursing mother needs a mandatory dose synthetic vitamins. In consciousness ordinary people breastfeeding is associated with the consumption of various mineral supplements. Some myths about vitamin supplements for nursing can be really harmful.

  1. You need to take as many vitamins as possible

A nursing mother needs many mineral and organic supplements and others. useful substances ah, but only to the extent that her body lacks them. Few people know that people get most vitamins from food.

  1. Nutrients reach the baby from the mother's food

Milk is formed not from the food consumed by the nursing mother, but from her blood. Therefore, if a woman’s diet lacks something, the body will take necessary substances from your own supplies and the child will not suffer. But if a nursing mother does not replenish her reserves, this may negatively affect her health.

  1. Vitamin complexes cannot be harmful

An excess of vitamins is even more dangerous than their deficiency. If too much of any substance accumulates in the body, hypervitaminosis may begin, characterized by impaired liver and kidney function and the development of osteoporosis.

  1. You need to take vitamins to prevent hypovitaminosis

Vitamins are also medicine, and are prescribed by a doctor. Various nutritional supplements should only be taken if the patient is diagnosed with a deficiency of any substance. Uncontrolled consumption of vitamins leads to hypervitaminosis.

  1. A woman should drink vitamin preparations the whole time she's breastfeeding

Vitamins for breastfeeding are taken in courses, the duration of one is 3-4 weeks. During the entire period of breastfeeding, the doctor may prescribe several courses to the nursing mother.

Vitamins on your table

The body can get all the necessary substances from food. What should a nursing mother eat to replenish her reserves of microelements? These products contain all the necessary vitamins, with breastfeeding For mom, their use is mandatory:

  • Meat. The main source of protein, which is actively used for the production breast milk. Red meat contains a lot of iron, the amount of which directly affects the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Eggs . They contain vitamins B2, B3, B5, B12. Necessary for proper liver function and skeletal strength. Microelements of group B are important in hematopoiesis.
  • Beef liver . Source of vitamins A, H, B2, B3, B5, B12. Vitamin A is the “beauty vitamin”. Protects the skin, mucous membranes, and cornea of ​​the eyes. The condition of hair and nails depends on it.
  • Fish . Contains unsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine. The health of the heart and nervous system depends on these substances. Iodine is necessary for proper functioning thyroid gland.
  • Porridge and grain bread contain vitamin B1, which is important for the nervous system and metabolism.
  • – a source of calcium. This element is responsible for strong bones and teeth. It is also necessary for healthy hair and nails.
  • Green vegetables contain a lot of vitamin C and are also an additional source of B vitamins and phosphorus. Vitamin C is responsible for the immunity of a nursing mother. There is a lot of it in all fruits.
  • Vegetable oils contain vitamin E, which is necessary for the production of the hormone prolactin, which determines the amount of milk a mother has.
  • – a source of vitamin B6 and phosphorus.

It is quite difficult for a nursing mother to provide herself with a diet every day that includes the listed products in the required quantities. This is where multivitamin and mineral complexes come to her aid.

Choosing a vitamin complex

Today in the pharmacy you can find various vitamins for nursing mothers - which is best for a woman must be determined by a physician. The most popular are the following:

  • Vitrum.

Available in the forms Vitrum Prenatal and Vitrum Prenatal Forte. Vitrum Prenatal contains 13 vitamins, and also includes iron, calcium, and zinc.

The Forte complex includes not 3, but 10 minerals. This drug contains a lot of iron, so it can be used for iron deficiency anemia. Take Vitrum one capsule once a day. This complex has a fairly high cost.

  • Elevit Pronatal.

Includes 12 vitamins and 7 minerals. This vitamin complex is prescribed for both pregnant and lactating women. The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor. They speak positively about the complex as medical workers, and the patients.

The drug can cause allergies, although very rarely. Elevit Pronatal belongs to vitamins for nursing mothers in a high price category.

  • Alphabet - Mom's health.

The manufacturer emphasizes the need for separate administration of substances different groups. The Alphabet package contains 60 tablets of three colors - 20 tablets of each color. You need to take the drug one tablet at a time different colors three times a day.

This regimen is not very convenient, but it increases the level of absorption of nutrients into the blood by 50%. The drug is not too expensive.

  • Femibion ​​Natal Care II.

Another complex in which microelements are divided into groups. The pack contains tablets and soft capsules that must be taken at the same time, once a day. The tablet contains 9 vitamins, folic acid, iodine.

The capsule contains vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids (equivalent fish oil). These substances are better absorbed in liquid form, therefore they are separated from other substances.

According to patient reviews, this complex rarely causes side effects and allergies in both mother and baby. Femibion ​​Natal Care II is the most expensive drug among those reviewed.

  • Mom is complimentary.

Contains 11 vitamins and 7 minerals. Since the majority essential vitamins is part of the complex, it can be prescribed for hypovitaminosis. This drug is not suitable for all women; sometimes patients note the lack of effect from taking vitamins.

The advantage of this complex is its low cost. Usually Complivit is taken one tablet per day, the duration of the course is determined by the doctor.

When choosing vitamins for nursing mothers, decide which ones are best for you, read reviews from other patients. Be sure to discuss your choice with your doctor.

How to take vitamin-mineral complexes?

Today, vitamins for nursing mothers are prescribed only according to indications, in the presence of hypovitaminosis. The doctor determines which substances are insufficient in the woman’s body and prescribes the appropriate drug. It may not be a multivitamin, but a separate element. For example, vitamin E or iron.

Important! You cannot self-medicate - when choosing a vitamin-mineral complex, you need to consult a doctor.

The instructions for the drug always indicate the dosage and duration of use. These data are approximate and can be adjusted according to the needs of each woman.

Usually vitamins are taken one tablet per day, after meals. The duration of the course is usually one month. The doctor may advise taking the drug for a shorter period of time or, conversely, extending the intake. After completing the course, you need to give the body “rest”.

After a few months, the nursing mother should contact the medical institution to monitor your health. If necessary, she will be assigned repeat course taking the drug.

When not to take vitamins

When discussing with your doctor what vitamins a nursing mother can take, you should definitely mention the ones that are available. chronic diseases and allergies. Patients with disorders should not take medications excretory system body. So if a woman has problems with the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, then it is better to refuse vitamins.

The doctor will definitely take into account hypervitaminosis in some particular vitamin or mineral substance and prescribe a drug that does not contain this component.

The region of residence of the patient is also taken into account. Residents of the sea coast are not suitable for medications containing iodine, and in iodine-deficient regions they may be prescribed additional intake of this substance.

Important: When consumed food additives allergic reactions are possible.

Most often they appear as a rash or itching, but hay fever and swelling can also occur. If a woman knows the allergen, she should carefully study the instructions to avoid taking an unwanted substance.

It happens that an allergy occurs not to the active substance, but to the auxiliary components included in the tablet or capsule. This problem can be solved by changing the drug.

During breastfeeding, take care not only of your baby, but also of yourself: eat well, walk a lot, and see your doctor regularly. If you are prescribed a multivitamin, take it as prescribed and you will soon notice a positive change in your health.

Complivit mama is a multivitamin preparation that replenishes the deficiency of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, trace elements). The vitamin complex is especially necessary for lactating and pregnant women, whose immune systems are severely weakened.

The popular drug stands out against the background foreign analogues. The composition of the tablets corresponds physiological needs modern Russian women who live in our harsh climate.

Composition and properties

Complivit mama is produced in the form of tablets that contain useful substances important for the health of a lactating woman:

  • Retinol (A) – helps improve redox processes, stimulates the synthesis of fats, proteins, mucopolysaccharides.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) – is involved in protein metabolism and the synthesis of neurotransmitters. If the woman has previously used oral contraception, then she needs this vitamin.
  • Thiamine (B1) – improves the functioning of the nervous system and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Tocopherol (E) – has antioxidant properties, normalizes activity circulatory system, improves the functioning of the gonads (sex glands).

  • Riboflavin (B2) – improves visual perception and cell respiration.
  • Ascorbic acid (C) is an antioxidant and immunomodulator that protects the body from infectious diseases, disorders and other negative factors.
  • Pantothenate (B5) – promotes the formation and restoration of epithelium: skin, lining of the small intestine, colon, lungs, etc.
  • (B9) – stimulates the synthesis of amino acids, nucleic acids. Vitamin B9 is involved in the formation of red blood cells.

  • Nicotinic acid (B3) – improves tissue respiration, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12) – stimulates normal height and development of epithelial cells, improves hematopoietic processes.
  • Phosphorus – helps strengthen bone tissue, participates in metabolism and energy, stimulates mineralization.
  • Copper - is used to prevent anemia and hypoxia, prevents osteoporosis, and makes blood vessels stronger.

  • Ergocalcfierol (D2) – normalizes the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium, calcium binding proteins are synthesized faster, calcium and phosphorus are absorbed faster into the digestive tract.
  • Zinc – promotes tissue repair and bone formation. Thanks to the mineral, insulin (hormone) is formed, reducing the risk of intrauterine pathologies.
  • Manganese – eliminates inflammatory processes, prevents osteoarthritis.
  • Magnesium – normalizes arterial pressure, has a calming effect, prevents late toxicosis and spontaneous abortion.


It is prohibited to take a multivitamin complex in the following cases:

  • Urolithiasis;
  • Excess vitamin A in the body;
  • Pernicious anemia (pernicious anemia).

The drug is also prohibited for children.

There is a risk of side effects:

  • allergy;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • skin rash.

Whenever similar phenomena– stop taking it and consult your doctor.

The vitamin complex is taken in courses, between which you need to pause. The decision on the duration of the course and pause is made by the doctor.

The combination drug must not be combined with other multivitamin complexes, otherwise the risk of hypervitaminosis increases.

As a result of taking the drug, the urine becomes deep yellow. This is explained by the presence of vitamin B2 in the multivitamin complex, but such a symptom is not dangerous for the body.

Thus, Complivit mama is recommended for use during breastfeeding, but only after a doctor’s prescription. The vitamin preparation is useful not only for the mother, but also for the newborn. A nursing mother should follow the doctor's recommendations for taking the drug. A multivitamin complex should not be taken unless there are contraindications.


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Verified information

This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

During breastfeeding, female body, as during pregnancy, continues to “work for two.” After the birth of the baby, the new mother must make sure that her child receives all the first months of life. After all, this period is very difficult for a newborn.

Just imagine, a small organism has “lost” its usual habitat, and now it is forced to adapt to a new one. This “restructuring” causes stress and the body begins to work at an accelerated pace to resist it. At the same time, it actively uses up all its reserves, which leads to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Against this background, immunity decreases, the baby becomes vulnerable to various infections and viruses. All this generally negatively affects his health and subsequent formation.

Breast milk is naturally much healthier than infant formula. However, it cannot provide the child with all the necessary substances in full. Since after childbirth, a woman’s body is greatly weakened and requires a lot of effort to recover. Therefore, for the first few weeks, and sometimes months, both mother and baby experience a deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

A woman's diet during lactation must include meat. At the same time, it should be lean, and it should be eaten boiled. In addition to meat, a new mother’s daily diet should include seafood, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. You should also not forget about fermented milk and dairy products. They contain a lot of calcium, which is necessary for the normal formation of the bone skeleton.

You need to eat right, but there are situations when the absorption of micro and macroelements occurs poorly and the female body, despite the presence of all the “right” foods in the diet, begins to experience a deficiency of vitamins. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • deterioration of the condition of nails and hair.

All these symptoms should alert a nursing mother. After all, not only her own health, but also the health of her child now depends on her. Therefore, in combination with proper nutrition It is also necessary to start taking pharmaceutical vitamin complexes. You just need to take them strictly as prescribed by your doctor. Uncontrolled intake of vitamins can provoke the development of hypervitaminosis, which also does not have the best effect on health and general well-being.

What vitamins do nursing mothers need most? During lactation, the female body experiences a severe lack of vitamins A, D, E, C, group B. In addition, it also requires large quantities of phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc and iodine, because during breastfeeding a woman needs to provide not only her needs for vitamins and minerals, but also the needs of your child.

And she can only do this with breast milk. It is this that can give the child calcium, which will be absorbed 100%, vitamins D, C, A and other equally important microelements.

And in order to provide both herself and her child with all these substances, a woman needs to eat a lot of food, which will undoubtedly lead to the appearance of extra pounds or stick to . Therefore, you should still think about starting to take additional vitamin complexes.

The female body during lactation requires much more vitamins and minerals than in the normal state.

Vitamin A– during the day it should enter the body in the amount of 500 IU. This vitamin is very important for the normal formation of bones and teeth, it increases local immunity mucous membranes and helps protect skin from various bacteria. Most of this vitamin is found in liver, kidneys, butter, eggs, milk and carrots.

Vitamin B1- his daily norm for a nursing mother is 20 mg. He takes an active part in carbohydrate metabolism and the formation of the nervous system. Get it naturally possible by eating foods such as various cereals, legumes, bran and grains.

Vitamin B2– daily norm – 2.2 mg. This vitamin is involved in iron synthesis, promotes normal operation liver, and also affects the development of the nervous system and skeleton. Large amounts of this vitamin are found in spinach, apricots, liver and milk.

Vitamin B6– it should be consumed by a nursing woman in the amount of 2.2 mg. This vitamin is the main one in the formation of the nervous system and has a strong effect on the functioning of the brain. It is especially abundant in meat, fish, walnuts, potatoes, cabbage and spinach.

Vitamin B 12– in the diet of a nursing mother, the amount of this vitamin should not be lower than 4 mcg. It is involved in the blood circulation process, supports the functioning of the liver and nervous system. You can get it by consuming milk, liver, meat, fish and seafood.

Vitamin PP– there should be a lot of it – up to 23 mg per day! This vitamin controls the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, participates in the metabolic process, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and improves the functioning of the circulatory system. Products containing large amounts of vitamin PP - buckwheat, meat, milk, offal.

Vitamin C– in the daily diet of a nursing mother this vitamin should be contained in an amount of 100 mg. It participates in the process of formation of connective tissues, strengthens blood vessels, increases immunity, and also promotes good absorption gland. Vitamin C is found in fruits, berries, vegetables and potatoes.

Vitamin E– daily norm during lactation – 15 mg. This vitamin takes an active part in the synthesis of lactation hormones and stimulates the functioning of the gonads. Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, eggs, sprouted grains and lettuce.

Vitamin D– during breastfeeding, a woman needs to ensure that her body receives this vitamin in the amount of 500 IU. It is very important, as it prevents the development of diseases such as rickets, helps strengthen the cardiovascular system, and ensures the normal physical and mental development of the child. This vitamin is found in large quantities in foods such as fish, figs, butter, eggs and liver.

Which pharmacy vitamins to choose?

There are many vitamins for nursing mothers. It is worth noting some of them, which doctors often prescribe to their patients.


This vitamin complex contains vitamins B, A, C, E and D3. Moreover, each tablet contains exactly the amount of these substances that a woman needs during breastfeeding.

In addition to vitamins, this complex contains many minerals– iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Take Elevit one tablet once a day during the entire lactation period.


It is a combined multivitamin preparation that contains both vitamins and minerals. Its intake provides the body with vitamins A, D3, PP, C, E, B vitamins, as well as microelements - iron and calcium. This complex is taken several times a day, 1 capsule.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

As part of this vitamin complex contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals. Systematic reception this drug has a beneficial effect on immune system nursing mother and the quality of breast milk. To provide the body with everything necessary elements, vitamin-mineral complex, take 1 tablet 1 time per day.

Alphabet Mom's health

The composition of this vitamin complex is similar to Vitrum Prenatal Forte. However, this complex includes 3 tablets of different colors. Each capsule has its own “set” of elements. They are selected in such a way that they are absorbed 100%.

Vitamins for nursing mothers, which can be ordered on the iHerb website, deserve special attention. Here are the original complexes and preparations from the best manufacturers, whose products are of excellent quality and meet strict standards. It is important to pay attention to this, since everything that the mother takes through breast milk is received by the baby. As for prices, the cost of vitamins is affordable and competitive, even taking into account delivery.

Popular vitamins for breastfeeding women among mothers are:

Be sure to read the instructions before taking supplements. Remember that not only your health, but also the health of your child is in your hands.

You should not decide on your own whether to take pharmaceutical vitamins. You should consult a doctor who, in accordance with your individual characteristics will prescribe the drug that is right for you.

As a rule, if vitamin complexes are taken strictly according to the instructions, side effects do not appear. However, such means, like any medications, may cause an allergic reaction.

A woman may notice various types of rashes on her body, which may be accompanied by itching, burning and swelling of soft tissues. In this case, a child who is breastfed may experience diathesis, seborrhea, colic, sleep disturbances, increased excitability etc.

If during the period of taking the vitamin complex the mother or child exhibits signs of an allergic reaction, the drug should be discontinued. Further use of these medications can only occur under the strict supervision of a physician.

It is also worth noting that an overdose of vitamins and minerals can cause serious complications with health. For example, it can provoke a violation of physical and mental development in a baby, the appearance of chronic hypervitaminosis in women and children.

An overdose can occur as a result of exceeding the dose indicated in the instructions, or due to abuse of any food product.

Taking additional vitamins during breastfeeding has a good effect on the condition of the new mother and her baby. However, remember that they should only be taken on the advice of a doctor.

Uncontrolled intake of vitamin complexes can greatly harm the health of the baby and the woman, so you should not decide on your own which vitamins to take and in what quantities. Their selection takes place in individually depending on the age of the woman, the presence of complications after childbirth and the conditions in which the nursing mother lives.

The process of breastfeeding is complex and responsible not only in relation to the baby. At this time, the mother’s body needs a balanced diet, including vitamins, no less than during pregnancy. To do this, you need to figure out what vitamins a nursing mother needs to take and in what quantities.

Pregnancy and childbirth take a lot of physical and mental strength. Usually, by the time of childbirth, women are so tired that they eagerly wait for the baby to be born. But the period of breastfeeding following childbirth does not reduce the load on the body, but even increases it.

It is manifested by excessive hair loss, splitting of nails, deterioration of the teeth and skin after childbirth, and especially during breastfeeding. These are all consequences of a deficiency of vitamins and microelements. If at the same time a woman chooses breastfeeding, then her body may become even more depleted, because nature took care to give the child everything necessary for development, even at the expense of the mother’s health. That is why a nursing mother needs to ensure that her diet contains enough vitamins and minerals.

Norms of essential vitamins and minerals

The doses of vitamins that a mother who is breastfeeding needs are relatively small, but the need for them is constant. A deficiency or excess of even one of them can lead to serious consequences for human health.

Name Benefits for the body Daily value, mg Food sources
A(retinol) Affects the condition of the skin, teeth and hair, forms bones, preserves vision. 0,4-1,2 Liver, milk, eggs, carrots.
IN 1(thiamine) Regulates the functioning of the nervous system and carbohydrate metabolism. 15-20 Legumes and cereals, cereals.
AT 2(riboflavin) Required for proper operation liver, helps absorb iron. 2,2 Liver, eggs, rose hips.
AT 6(pyridoxine) It is important for the development of the spinal cord and brain in a child, regulates the functions of inhibition in the nervous system. 2,2 Nuts, cabbage, meat, fish
AT 12(cyanocobalamin) Supports the functioning of the liver, nervous system and hematopoietic processes. 0,04 Meat, liver, fish and other seafood.
RR(a nicotinic acid) Takes part in the metabolism of fatty acids (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), regulates blood pressure and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves blood circulation. 18-23 Meat, eggs, buckwheat.
WITH (ascorbic acid) Increases resistance to viruses and infections, reduces inflammatory reactions, prevents the action of free radicals. 0,1 Berries, fruits, vegetables, sauerkraut.
E(tocopherol) Participates in the synthesis of lactation hormones, and therefore is especially important during breastfeeding. 15 Vegetable oils (linseed, buckwheat).
D Promotes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, mineralization of teeth and bones, and prevents the occurrence of rickets. 0,01 Fatty fish, liver, eggs.
Calcium Necessary for the skeleton internal organs, teeth, nails and hair. Regulates heartbeat and blood clotting. 1200 Milk, cheese, cottage cheese
Phosphorus Affects the formation of bone tissue, the functioning of the heart and urinary system. 1000-1200 Fish, cereals, grains, milk, meat, eggs.
Magnesium Has a beneficial effect on nervous system, bone formation and carbohydrate metabolism. Relieves excessive muscle tension. 450 Sea fish, berries, legumes, almonds.
Iron Promotes the formation of hemoglobin and ensures the transfer of oxygen to all organs and tissues. 25 Beef, pork, poultry, liver.
Zinc Responsible for protein synthesis, strengthens bone tissue child. 25 Meat, liver, eggs, legumes, cheese.
Iodine Needed for proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Its deficiency can lead to developmental delays in the child. 0,2 Seafood: fish, shellfish, seaweed.

Vitamins: ready-made complexes or food products

You can often hear the opinion that vitamins obtained from food are healthier and better absorbed than vitamins for nursing mothers sold in pharmacies, especially when it comes to breastfeeding. There is some truth in this statement: when breastfeeding, fresh and natural food always preferable to any analogues. But when it comes to vitamins, you should keep in mind that their absorption is not such a simple process.

  • First, you need to know which vitamins are absorbed on their own, and which only in combination with each other.
  • Secondly, heat treatment product or, conversely, its absence, may affect vitamin composition product.
  • Thirdly, in order to be sure that your body receives enough vitamins, you will have to constantly monitor the amount of foods you eat and calculate the proportion of vitamins obtained from them. For this you will need to allocate time, which young mothers always lack.
  • And lastly, provide good nutrition When breastfeeding it is quite difficult, because some foods have to be excluded from the diet: red fish, nuts, berries.

At the same time, modern vitamin preparations contain the entire set of necessary substances and can be purchased at any pharmacy. affordable prices. They are designed specifically for the period natural feeding child and safe for health.

Review of basic vitamin complexes

Multivitamins designed specifically for pregnant and nursing mothers usually have similar composition, which helps prevent deficiency of essential substances.
Exists a large number of various vitamin complexes: Elevit, Vitrum, Alphabet, Complivit and many others. They differ in composition, price and method of administration. It's hard to say which ones are the best. An inexpensive complex may be suitable for some women, while for others it may be more expensive.

  1. One of the most popular vitamin complexes is Elevit Prenatal. It contains 12 vitamins and 7 microelements. Despite the fairly high price, this complex does not contain iodine, so it will have to be taken separately. You should take these vitamins once a day, one capsule at approximately the same time.
  2. The drug Vitrum Prenatal Forte is no less popular than Elevit. Its advantage is the optimal composition of 10 vitamins and 3 microelements in the right dosage, which allows you to recover faster after childbirth and provide everything necessary for both mother and baby. Vitrum should be taken one capsule once a day. The complex contains quite a lot of iron, and therefore you should strictly follow the instructions for taking it. In terms of cost, Vitrum belongs to the category of expensive vitamins.
  3. The vitamin complex Alphabet Mama is much cheaper than Vitrum or Elevit, but the effect of taking it is not inferior to its more well-known analogues. Its peculiarity is the division daily dose for three doses. In the morning, afternoon and evening you need to take one tablet, each of which contains its own set compatible vitamins and microelements, which ensures their complete absorption. Each tablet is painted in its own color, which allows you to avoid getting confused. But this advantage for some mothers can also become a disadvantage: while caring for the baby, it is very easy to forget about the time of taking the next pill.
  4. Complivit Mama is an inexpensive vitamin complex. It contains 11 essential vitamins and 7 minerals, but their dosage is much lower compared to complexes such as Vitrum Prenatal Forte or Elevit, which is why positive effect from taking them is small. This complex is more suitable for women who do not have serious problems with the condition of hair, skin, nails and teeth after pregnancy. Other nursing mothers should pay attention to more expensive drugs with a different dosage of vitamins and microelements: Vitrum, Alphabet, etc.

Precautionary measures

Modern vitamin and mineral complexes are safe for health and do not cause side effects, provided that the recommended dosage is not exceeded. More often similar drugs You can choose yourself, based on price and composition.

IN in rare cases multivitamins can provoke allergic reactions in the mother or baby in the form of a skin rash, swelling, upset stool, etc. In such cases, it is recommended to stop taking them for a while. After the symptoms pass, you will need to consult a doctor who will help you choose the appropriate vitamin complex.

It is very important to observe when taking vitamins correct dosage. It is not recommended to increase it on your own, as this can lead to an excess of certain substances, which is no less dangerous than their deficiency. For example, excessive amounts of calcium during breastfeeding can lead to accelerated overgrowth of the fontanel.

A balanced diet and additional intake of vitamin complexes during breastfeeding will help strengthen the mother’s body and provide harmonious development child.

When should you take vitamins for nursing mothers? How to choose the right drug? Which modern complexes are better? Rules for taking vitamins by nursing mothers and common myths about medicines Oh.

Vitamins are simple organic compounds that perform essential functions in the human body. All of them serve as catalysts for certain processes, in particular, they activate the work of a number of enzymes and participate in the formation of hormones.

The human body can produce some vitamins on its own. For example, vitamin D is produced by our skin during sun exposure, and vitamin A is released from precursor substances in food. Vitamins K and B3 are formed due to the productive work of intestinal microflora. The body can obtain the remaining necessary compounds only from the outside: from food or food additives.

In total, our body needs thirteen vitamins. Of these, substances A, D, K, E are fat-soluble, they tend to accumulate in the body. They use the liver as a “depot” and adipose tissue. Substances C and B are water-soluble. They do not accumulate in the body. That is why the prevalence of vitamin deficiency (deficiency) of the latter is higher than the former.

Popular myths

During pregnancy and lactation, the attitude towards vitamins is special. It is believed that a woman should “eat for two” or more fully in order to provide her child with everything necessary. Let's look at the most common myths that accompany vitamins during lactation.

Myth 1. You need a lot of vitamins

Indeed, a woman’s diet during breastfeeding should contain a whole range of vitamins. She needs retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acids, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, biotin.

However daily requirement in these substances is small. With a nutritious, balanced diet, it is fully compensated for from food. There is no need to use them “for two”. However, if you are not sure that you are getting all the necessary substances in sufficient quantities from your diet every day, doctors advise you to still start using special vitamin and mineral complexes with a balanced composition, suitable for expectant mothers. After all, the lack of even one of the important for the development of the fetus and correct flow microelement pregnancy can lead to irreparable consequences. So, when choosing such complexes, you should pay attention to their verification and reliability. For example, “Vitrum Prenatal Forte” is a medicine that contains everything that a pregnant woman and her baby need. But in addition, it has passed more than one clinical trial and has proven its safety for the health of expectant mothers. Find out more and consult with a specialist.

Myth 2. If you don’t take vitamins, they won’t be in milk.

This myth stems from the common belief that the composition of breast milk is determined by the mother's diet. Repeated studies have shown that neither the meager nor the most varied diet of a woman has any effect on pronounced impact on the content of components in milk. In hungry areas of Africa and in developed, well-fed countries in Europe, the composition of breast milk from nursing mothers turns out to be approximately the same.

Of course, vitamins enter milk from the mother's body. But if there are not enough of them in the diet, the baby will not suffer in any way. The body uses its own reserves to provide everything baby's necessities. But not only the mother’s nails and hair can be affected, but also metabolic processes in her body. Therefore, a sufficient level of vitamins in the diet is important, first of all, for a nursing woman.

Myth 3. Vitamins are completely safe

Vitamin complexes are complete medications that are prescribed for manifestations of vitamin deficiency. If there are enough substances in the diet, their excess can cause the opposite reaction - hypervitaminosis.

The disease is dangerous disorder With severe symptoms intoxication. Leaks in acute form, reminiscent of poisoning, or chronic, when taking vitamins in excess dosage is carried out for a long time. Most often, hypervitaminosis causes an excess dosage of vitamins A and D, which are synthesized by the body independently and additionally obtained from food and vitamin preparations.

Hypervitaminosis is more dangerous than vitamin deficiency. He calls systemic disorders kidney function, urinary system, increased blood pressure, osteoporosis, bone fragility.

Myth 4. You need to take vitamins “just in case”

“Recently, the views of medicine on the need for universal “vitaminization” have changed,” comments an obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate medical sciences Svetlana Litvinenko. - If previously breastfeeding women were prescribed such complexes even as injections, today their use is considered optional.

A doctor should prescribe medications, taking into account the condition of the nursing woman, her region of residence, and her diet. For example, in areas where there is a proven iodine deficiency drinking water, it is recommended to eat iodized salt. In coastal regions there is no need for this. If the mother is a vegetarian, it would be useful to include a complex with daily iron content in her diet, but her body does not experience a shortage of other vitamins, so there is no need to take them additionally.

Myth 5. You need to take vitamins throughout the entire lactation period.

A dangerous misconception that can cause primary signs hypervitaminosis in the mother. They are manifested by headache, insomnia, hair loss, rash of unknown etymology, vomiting and nausea, fever, and indigestion.

The complexes should be taken only according to indications and only during the recommended course. Usually it is 2-3 weeks. If the doctor recommends repeating the course, this can be done after a while. During the entire period of breastfeeding, it is possible to repeat courses two or three times.

Selection rules

So, how to choose vitamins for nursing mothers? Let us dwell on the main rules for taking medications in this group.

  • Don't just drink. “Vitamins are not necessary,” says therapist, doctor general practice Alexander Ryltsov. - They are needed for confirmed or suspected vitamin deficiency. For supporting sufficient level of these substances in a woman’s body only requires a varied diet.”
  • Take what the doctor prescribes. Questions, what better vitamins during lactation, which ones are good for hair loss are biased. Choosing complexes on your own is dangerous. These dietary supplements should only be taken as directed by a physician.
  • Follow recommendations for use. The intensity of absorption of substances in the body is influenced by multiple factors. For example, calcium slows down the absorption of iron, and some vitamins are fully absorbed only after eating. To get off the drug maximum benefit, it should be taken as indicated in the annotation.
  • Don't drink all the time. To compensate for vitamin deficiency, regular short-term courses of medication are sufficient.

There are various vitamin complexes on sale. Let's look at the features of the most popular of them.


The drug is from the American corporation UNIPHARM. Vitamins for breastfeeding "Vitrum" are presented under the trade names Prenatal and Prenatal Forte. Both products are intended for nursing mothers; the difference is the amount of minerals in their composition. Thus, Prenatal includes 13 vitamins and 3 minerals (iron, calcium, zinc). Prenatal Forte contains the same vitamins, but there are already 10 minerals.

Combined multivitamin with mineral salts in large capsules. Indicated for the prevention of vitamin deficiency and iron deficiency anemia. Not recommended for use when increased content iron and calcium in the blood, calcium in the urine. The course of administration is determined by the doctor, as well as the dosage of the drug. Standard scheme dosage: one tablet per day after meals.


Designed and manufactured in Switzerland, presented under trade name"Elevit Pronatal". Includes 12 vitamins (c maximum concentration vitamin C) and 7 microelements (calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in the highest dosage). According to reviews, "Elevit", like vitamins during lactation, is effective and safe drugs. The complex passed clinical trials and registered in Russia.

Indicated for the treatment of vitamin deficiency during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The manufacturer recommends taking it a month before planned conception, throughout pregnancy and lactation. Daily dosage active ingredients contained in one capsule. It should be taken after meals.

Possible side effects - allergic reaction, violations by gastrointestinal tract. Manifestations of hypervitaminosis are likely.


For nursing mothers, the vitamin and mineral complex is presented under the trade name “Mom’s Health”. Vitamins for breastfeeding "Alphabet" are supplied in the form of tablets, in packs of 60 pieces. Each package contains twenty tablets different color. Every day you need to take three tablets of different colors to get a pronounced effect.

Separate administration of active ingredients is due to differences in absorption various vitamins and microelements. 13 vitamins, 11 minerals and taurine combined into three tablets. In the largest white contains the daily norm of calcium, the blue one contains the main share of minerals with antioxidants, the red one contains folic acid and iron.

The manufacturer, the Italian pharmaceutical group Recordati, draws attention to the need for separate administration of active ingredients. At simultaneous administration All three tablets will have the same effect as a regular multivitamin complex. Separate administration increases the intensity of absorption of active substances by 50%.

It is recommended to take “Alphabet - Mom’s Health” according to individual indications to eliminate the lack of nutrients. The course of the drug is 20 days, after completion you should take a break. And if necessary, repeat it after 10-15 days.


The drug is produced by the international pharmaceutical group Dr. Reddy's. Supplied in packages containing tablets and soft capsules. The tablets contain metafolin, 9 vitamins, folic acid, iodine. Soft capsules contain vitamin E, fatty polyunsaturated acids. A special feature of the drug is that it contains fatty acids- Omega-3 and docosahexaenoic acid, which are found in food only in a limited list of products (for example, fatty sea fish).

Complete diet

When choosing a vitamin complex, a woman needs to carefully consider whether there is a real need to take any product. The opinion of doctors often differs radically from the recommendations of drug manufacturers who advise women to use their products starting from the first days of pregnancy.

“A lack of vitamins is dangerous,” says nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences Alla Polyashova. - But significantly overdose is more dangerous some of them. Therefore, such drugs are not prescribed “just in case.” It's about about situations where there is a real risk of shortage of any substances or there are obvious signs vitamin deficiency."

It's much safer to use complex preparations, and those that contain a specific vitamin that a woman lacks. Then the risk of acquiring hypervitaminosis is reduced to zero.

“Direct your efforts to normalize your daily diet,” continues Alla Polyashova. Include enough fish and meat, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables. Preventive examinations with a doctor are mandatory.”

Get valuable substances you can use the most familiar products.

  • Retinol (A). Found in many animal products, e.g. butter, sour cream, eggs, liver. Its derivative is beta-carotene in finished form found in all red and yellow vegetables, green and yellow fruits.
  • Thiamine (Bt). Its sources are cereals, common cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), bran bread, legumes, all types of nuts, potatoes, carrots.
  • Riboflavin (B2). Eggs, milk and liver are rich in this substance. It is found in grains, legumes, cabbage, and tomatoes.
  • Nicotinic acid (B3). Another product made from meat and liver, milk and eggs. Its additional sources are buckwheat, mushrooms, and legumes.
  • Pantothenic acid (B5). It can be obtained from animal products, as well as from fresh vegetables, legumes, mushrooms.
  • Pyridoxine (B6). Suppliers of this substance are nuts, spinach, all types of cabbage, citrus fruits, potatoes and tomatoes. It is found in meat, fish, eggs.
  • Folic acid (B9). Its main source is wholemeal flour and grains. Present in green vegetables, cheese, cottage cheese and meat.
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12). You can also get it from all animal products.
  • Ascorbic acid (C). Present in fresh fruit, berries, vegetables.
  • Calciferol (D) . There is no need for additional intake of this vitamin, since it is synthesized by our skin. A sufficient level of it is formed by exposure to the sun twice a week, for half an hour. If a woman goes outside every day, calciferol deficiency is impossible.
  • Tocopherol (E). They are rich in unrefined vegetable oils, grains and legumes.
  • Biotin (H). Present in kidneys and liver, legumes, red vegetables.

Full, balanced diet implies the inclusion of meat, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and fish in the diet. In this case additional additives you won't need it for food.

The question of whether you can take vitamins while breastfeeding against hair loss or to prevent brittle nails should be discussed with your doctor. Modern medicine does not consider it a priority. Moreover, there are risks of exceeding the content of nutrients in the diet, which can lead to dangerous consequences.
