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Elkar drops for children: instructions for use and what it is needed for, dosage, analogues, contraindications. Elkar - instructions for use, release form, dosage for children and adults, side effects and price

Amino acids and vitamin-like substances are activators of a wide variety of biological processes. One of these amino acids is L-carnitine (levocarnitine), which is structurally reminiscent of B vitamins.

Despite the fact that this amino acid is synthesized in the body, there are a number of diseases and developmental abnormalities in which there is a deficiency. In order to replenish the existing deficiency, the drug Elkar was synthesized.

Elkar-20, 30% is a universal corrector and stimulator of energy metabolism, which improves activity nervous system and brain structures in general; promotes recovery of the body after operations and diseases; improves the condition of organs and systems of the body; supports the ability to withstand high loads.

Elkar-20, 30% belongs to the group of drugs containing levocarnitine, which takes an active part in metabolism and the formation of human energy potential.

Elkar-20, 30% increases enzymatic activity and secretion of gastrointestinal juices, thereby improving food absorption.

Elcar is an analogue of L-carnitine, a carrier of fatty acids through cell membranes into mitochondria from the cytoplasm, where β-oxidative processes subsequently occur with the formation of ATP and acetyl-CoA.

Release form

The drug is available in bottles (25/50/100 ml) in the form of a colorless, transparent or lightly colored solution of various concentrations - 20 and 30% (Elkar 20 and Elkar 30 percent). Availability allowed specific smell when opening the bottle. Also available as a solution in ampoules of 5 ml and Elkar tablets (in the form of chewable tablets).

Elkar - composition and indications for use

The drug Elkar has the following composition:

  • the main active ingredient is levocarnitine;
  • excipients - methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, citric acid monohydrate, purified water.

Indications for use of the drug Elkar - 20, 30%:

Typically included in complex therapy under the following conditions:

The drug Elcar is widely prescribed to children. In pediatric practice, Elkar is indicated for children with a number of deviations from the norm in newborns.

Elkar is prescribed to children under one year of age when caring for newborns with birth trauma, premature babies who have suffered asphyxia. Elkar is also prescribed to infants with insufficient development of mental and motor functions, with a sluggish sucking reflex, decreased muscle tone, and low weight gain.

It is recommended to prescribe Elkar to children under one year of age and in order to prevent such disorders in children at risk. Elkar is recommended for children and older adults - children and adolescents under 16 years of age with underweight and stunted growth.

Elkar - application and dosage

The drug Elkar is used in the following dosages and methods:

1. Adults taking Elkar prescribed 30 minutes before meals, orally, diluted with additional liquid.

  • for thyrotoxicosis and growth retardation - 0.25 g 3 times a day for 20 days;
  • to increase appetite and weight gain in patients chronic pancreatitis and gastritis - 0.5 g 2 times a day, for 1-1.5 months;
  • for prolonged high physical activity, a dose of 1-2 g is prescribed 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

2.Elkar for children, dosage:

  • Elkar is prescribed to infants (up to one year old) 3 times in a single dose of 10 drops (0.075 g) per day as an additive to juices, jelly, compotes);
  • Elkar for children under 2 years old with genetic diseases and primary/secondary deficiency are prescribed in doses of 0.15 g/kg/day, at the age of 2 to 6 years – in a dose of 0.1 g/kg/day;
  • Elkar is prescribed to children 6-12 years old at a dose of 0.75 g/kg/day, and after 12 years to adults - at a dose of 2-4 g/kg/day.

Elkar is prescribed to children under 3 years of age under the supervision of a doctor. Elkar for children, the dosage can be prescribed individually depending on the age, disease and condition of the child.

Contraindications for use

Taking Elkar is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance (history of hypersensitivity) to the drug as a whole, or if the body is intolerant to taking individual components of Elkar. Due to the lack of reliable scientific research the use of Elkar during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding unless absolutely necessary, is not recommended.

Elkar - side effects

When taking the drug Elkar, side effects are possible in the form of allergic reactions, as well as from the gastrointestinal tract: pain in the epigastric region, dyspepsia. When identifying side effects Elkar should be discontinued or its dosage reduced.

Glucocorticosteroid drugs contribute to the accumulation of levocarnitine in various fabrics(except liver). Other anabolic agents enhance its effect on the body.

Terms of sale

Elcar drops are available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The medicine is stored in a place protected from light and inaccessible to children at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

After opening the bottle, Elkar retains his pharmacological properties within 2 months. The drug cannot be used after this period.

The opened bottle must be stored in the refrigerator.

Best before date

36 months. The drug should not be used after the expiration date.

special instructions

The greatest increase in performance is observed in the interval 2-6 hours after taking the drug. Therefore, athletes are recommended to take it according to at least 2 hours before training.

Drops should be taken 30 minutes before meals, because active substance the drug is poorly absorbed digestive tract at simultaneous administration with protein foods


Level 4 ATX code matches:

Elkar's analogues are drugs Adenocor , ATP , And ATF-Forte , , Gepadif , (with mumiyo, calcium and magnesium, rose hips, etc.), , Inotin , Neurolipon , , succinic acid .

Price of analogues in Russian pharmacies varies from 7 ( Succinic acid, ) up to 1800 rubles ( Metamax ).

Elkar for children

The dose of Elkar for children is selected depending on the patient’s age, disease and general clinical situation. Children over three years of age are prescribed the drug Elkar 30%. Newborns and children under three years of age are recommended to take Elkar 20% drops.

Elkar can be prescribed to children at any age. Indications are stunting, low body weight, the need to speed up the recovery of the child’s body after suffering serious illnesses or surgery.

When taken by children - reviews of Elkar confirm this fact - appetite and weight are normalized. In children with mental retardation and physical development coordination of movements improves and acquired skills are improved (children under one year old, for example, begin to hold their heads better, crawl, sit up independently, etc.).

In children school age activity increases, concentration and endurance increases, memory improves and general health, disappear .

When a child has symptoms or irritable bowel syndrome , Elkar is used in combination with enzyme preparations (this improves absorption levocarnitine in the intestines).

Elkar for newborns

Elkar drops can be used by newborns from the first days of life.

The instructions indicate that it is advisable to prescribe the drug for RDS ( respiratory distress syndrome ), for nursing premature babies born with low body weight and on parenteral nutrition, as well as children who received birth trauma or those who have suffered.

In a hospital setting, the drug is injected into a vein or into a muscle; at home, therapy is continued using a solution for oral administration. It is important to remember that infants are prescribed a solution with a concentration of 20%, Elkar 30% is contraindicated for them.

Reviews of Elkar for newborns indicate the high effectiveness of this remedy: in babies with insufficient body weight and digestive dysfunction, in more than 65% of cases, a noticeable weight gain is observed after two weeks of use.

Elkar for weight loss

It is well known that the problem excess weight directly related to metabolic disorders. It is produced in the body and is responsible for its regulation. kidneys and liver substance carnitine .

Lack in diet B vitamins , iron, , individual provokes a decrease in its production, and this in turn leads to the fact that fats supplied with food begin to accumulate in tissues, and are not converted into energy.

Elkar is a remedy whose action is aimed at performing certain regenerative processes in the body. Its active substance promotes the transformation of fats and the formation of energy from them.

As a result, the body activates the process of breaking down adipose tissue, reduces the concentration of fat in muscles, improves food absorption, and normalizes weight. This is precisely what Elkar’s use for weight loss is based on.

How to take Elkar for weight loss?

Nutrition experts believe that the effectiveness of the diet can be significantly increased by taking one to one and a half grams L-carnitine in a day.

Reviews of Elkar for weight loss indicate that the drug really helps keep weight normal. It helps reduce body weight by normalizing protein and fat metabolism.

However, almost everyone who tried to lose weight using this remedy notes that better effect can be achieved by supplementing the intake of drops with regular active training and a balanced diet.

Use during pregnancy

Since studies of the use of Elkar for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted, the drug is not prescribed during periods And .

Reviews about Elkar

Reviews from doctors about Elkar indicate that the drug has a positive effect on and allows normalization of work digestive system . The drug is often prescribed as a general tonic after serious illnesses, during periods of blues and decreased performance, mentally and physically overtired people.

The big advantage of the drug is that it can be prescribed literally from the first days of life. Reviews of Elkar for infants confirm high efficiency funds in cases where the child received birth trauma , or he had a recorded asphyxia .

It is no less effective for babies with weak tone and for newborns born with low body weight (including premature babies). It is also prescribed to children who refuse to eat and have poor weight gain.

Many mothers write in reviews about the drug that while taking Elkar, the child’s appetite noticeably improves and activity increases (due to the fact that there is less adipose tissue and more muscle).

However, there are also negative reviews about Elkar for children. Most of of which is associated with the appearance of side effects in the child allergic reactions . Some of them indicate a negative effect not stated by the manufacturer - increased excitability of the child and sleep disturbance.

The drug is often used in sports medicine. Athletes speak well of Elkar, noting his ability to quickly restore muscles and cope with fatigue after intense training.

In addition, people who are overweight often start taking the drug. Reviews about Elkar for weight loss are quite varied: some claim that without it they would not have been able to achieve such good results, someone, on the contrary, says that no effect was noticeable.

Experts say that the benefits of taking Elkar will be greater if you use it as an addition to the main therapy: for example, for those who want to lose weight, the use of drops should be combined with a properly selected diet and sports activities; for children and recently recovered patients, it is often necessary to take the drug together prescribe a course of physiotherapy, etc.

Elkar price

In Russian pharmacies, the price of Elkar drops 20 and 30% (25 ml) varies from 258 to 320 rubles. Average price of Elkar 100 ml in major cities countries (in Moscow, St. Petersburg) is 517 rubles for a 20% solution and 495 rubles for a 30% solution.

The average price for Elkar 30% in Ukraine is 255 UAH for a 25 ml bottle, 300 UAH for 50 ml and 495 for 100 ml. The cost of Elkar for children (20%) is from 115 UAH.

Buying Elkar in Minsk and other cities of Belarus is quite problematic. Many mothers on forums write that they ordered this product from Ukraine or Russia.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
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    Elcar solution 300 mg/ml 100 ml Peak-Pharma

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    Elkar solution for oral administration 30% 100 mlPik-Pharma PRO LLC/Pik-Pharma LLC

    Elkar solution for oral administration 30% 50 mlPIC-PHARMA PRO LLC RU

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    Pik-Pharma LLC/ Olifen Corporation CJSC, Russia

    Pik-Pharma LLC/ Olifen Corporation CJSC, Russia

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Author-compiler:- pharmacist, medical journalist Speciality: Pharmacist

Education: Graduated from Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from Vinnytsia State medical University them. M.I. Pirogov and internship at his base.

Experience: From 2003 to 2013 – worked as a pharmacist and manager pharmacy kiosk. She was awarded diplomas and decorations for many years of conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.

NOTE! Information about medications on the site is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before use medicinal product Elkar, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Venus | 22:29 | 19.12.2018

There was a period when I didn’t have enough strength for anything at all. Already in the morning you wake up tired and broken. I was constantly unable to accomplish anything and made a lot of mistakes at work. I already thought there were some health problems. It turned out to be banal chronic fatigue. The doctor advised me to drink Elkar for 1 month. After this course, everything became completely different. Strength and energy appeared. Now I'm spinning like a bee.

Lilia Ts. | 22:09 | 19.11.2018

Now everyone is trying to educate their children before school, so children attend several clubs and tutors. And we are no exception. But such activities are difficult for a child. I even noticed that due to fatigue, the child began to get sick more often. On the advice of the pediatrician, I started giving Elkar. We took the course for one month, and the situation changed. Now classes are given without much difficulty, and I have often stopped getting sick. It turns out that Elkar helps increase immunity, improves appetite, and gives strength to the child under additional stress. Good drug.

Mironova D. | 19:39 | 24.10.2018

Elkar helped a lot with loss of strength. You know, there was such a state that everything fell out of my hands, such wild fatigue fell on me. I didn’t even have the strength to go out somewhere, take a walk, walk around the park, or breathe some air. My sister recommended Elkar. This is a drug that promotes the formation of energy in the body. Elkar helped me regain my strength, helped me return to life.

Larisa | 21:10 | 30.08.2018

Saves you from the autumn blues. When there is no sun, everything is gray and dull. It seems like there is no strength at all. I drink Elcra in a course of 1.5-2 months and like a different person. Immediately the colors of life began to sparkle, I became more active and more stress-resistant. I manage everything at work and around the house without any problems.

Svetlana | 21:57 | 27.04.2018

I took Elkar for weight loss. Proper nutrition, physical activity and elkar before training. In 3 months - 4 kg. I am satisfied with the result, I will continue at the same pace. I can recommend it to anyone who is trying to watch their weight and that. whoever plays sports, because Elkar also adds strength and energy.

Valentina I. | 17:18 | 21.02.2018

Elkar helped us solve problems for a child with poor appetite. He tolerated it completely normally. Neither he nor I have any complaints, so there is no reason. Appetite improved by the third day of treatment. Elkar was given to the child 2 times a day (in the morning and at lunchtime, in the evening hours it is not recommended to take it, as the child’s activity increases, and this may interfere good sleep, both the child and the parents).

Alenka | 20:08 | 19.01.2018

While on Elkar, my son became somewhat restless, slept very poorly, seemed to eat better, but there were constant whims and hysterics. I consulted with a neurologist and stopped giving it, replacing it with a simple vitamin complex. The problems went away immediately, did he really have this from Elkar?((((Took it for 2 weeks.

Nelya | 20:40 | 03.12.2017

Improves appetite and improves well. My child has always been a small child, but since I started taking Elkar, I don’t recognize him. He eats very well, and not 2 spoons, but normally. I even started eating meat, although before that it was always a big problem to eat even a piece.

The main component that makes up the basis of Elkar is carnitine. Thanks to carnitine, fats are broken down - the most important source of energy for human body. Carnitine is close in composition to B vitamins. Exposure to certain factors can cause a lack of carnitine in the body of any person. Carnitine deficiency has a particularly detrimental effect on a child’s life, because without it the development and growth of the muscular and nervous systems is simply impossible. Due to a lack of carnitine, fat metabolism is disrupted and exhaustion may occur. Elcar will help replenish carnitine reserves and improve metabolism.

  • the baby was injured during childbirth or suffered asphyxia - for compensation organic damage nervous system;
  • the baby sucks poorly at the breast - to stimulate food reflexes;
  • the baby has a low general tone bodies;
  • the baby is premature or was born with low body weight, gaining weight at a slow rate - to stimulate appetite;
  • the baby has suffered or is just about to surgery– to stimulate the production of red blood cells and increase their viability, improve blood flow and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Parents should remember that low body weight alone is not a direct prerequisite for prescribing Elkar for infants. The doctor must comprehensively assess the child’s condition, his appetite, and behavior. The baby does not show excessive anxiety, eats well, has bowel movements regularly, sleeps soundly, and the doctor recommends drinking Elkar? In this case, it is worth asking the opinion of another specialist.

How and in what dosage should children take Elkar?

The daily dose of the drug is divided into two or three doses. Before taking, the drops are diluted with water and given to the child 30 minutes before meals. This will improve the absorption of the drug and make the effect of taking it most powerful.

Elkar dosage for children

  • newborn children are given Elkar 2 times a day, no more than 4-10 drops at a time;
  • babies under one year old receive 10 drops 3 times a day;
  • children from one to 6 years old take Elkar 2-3 times a day, no more than 14 drops;
  • Children aged 6-12 years take Elkar 2-3 times a day, no more than ¼ teaspoon at a time.

How to give a child elkar?

  • Before taking Elkar, newborns should dilute the drops in the following proportion: 3 ml of 20% drug per 200 ml of 5% glucose solution. The resulting solution is given 10-25 ml half an hour before feeding;
  • For babies under one year of age, it is better to add the drug to sweet drinks - juices, compotes, jelly;
  • for getting maximum results Children should be treated with Elkar drops in courses of six months. Between courses it is necessary to leave a gap of 4-8 weeks.

When giving Elkar drops to children, you should not expect an immediate effect. Most likely, the first results will appear within 2 weeks to a month. As a result, it is very important that the doctor continuously monitors the use of Elkar by children, and especially babies under one year old. Parents should also closely monitor changes in the child's behavior.

There is only one contraindication to taking Elkar - individual intolerance to the drug. Usually, Elkar drops are well tolerated by children, but there is a chance that your child will perceive taking Elkar negatively - he will become irritable, whiny, and overly excitable. There may be pain in the tummy, your appetite will disappear. Urine may acquire a sharp, specific odor. As soon as parents notice such changes in the child, they should consult a doctor about partial or complete withdrawal of Elkar.

Elcar 30 is a drug designed to combat carnitine deficiency. It helps restore the body after increased stress, takes part in metabolic processes, activates the breakdown of fats, and normalizes gastric secretion. It has a wide scope of application and is prescribed to both adults and newborns. This substance belongs to the group of metabolites and is not a complex of vitamins and microelements, as is sometimes mistakenly believed.

Release form, composition and packaging

The manufacturer offers various options release of the drug:

  • 25 ml bottles, packed in cardboard packs of 10 or 20 pcs.;
  • dropper bottles of 25 or 50 ml, 1 pc. in a cardboard package complete with a measuring spoon;
  • 100 ml bottle in a cardboard pack along with a measuring spoon.

The active ingredient of this drug is levocarnitine. The solution for oral administration is transparent, a slight color and a specific odor are acceptable.

1 ml contains:

  • levocarnitine - 300 mg;
  • citric acid monohydrate - 1.2 mg;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.5 mg;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.2 mg;
  • water.


For ease of dosing of the drug when prescribing it to children or when it is necessary to take it in small doses, the solution is placed in dropper bottles. They are made of dark glass.


It can be packaged either in dark glass bottles of 100 ml, complete with a measuring spoon, or in plastic bottles of 25 ml.

pharmachologic effect

Being a synthetic analogue of L-carnitine, an amino acid similar in structure to B vitamins, Elkar is capable of:

  • intensify ATP synthesis due to participation in the transport of long-chain fatty acids into mitochondria;
  • stabilize energy metabolism by promoting the removal of short-chain fatty acids from mitochondria;
  • have a protective effect during apoptosis by inhibiting ceramide synthesis;
  • exhibit a neuroprotective effect, for example in case of Methamphetamine poisoning.

Thanks to the above properties, taking Elkar helps:

  • elimination of metabolic disorders;
  • reduction of fat in tissues;
  • increasing the body's endurance;
  • formation of energy potential.

In addition, this substance promotes the absorption of food by increasing the secretion of digestive juices. The anabolic functions of levocarnitine have not been confirmed clinically.

Why is Elkar 30 prescribed?

IN medical practice the drug is used to combat the following conditions:

  • increased fatigue;
  • consequences of excessive mental and physical stress on the body;
  • reduced muscle tone;
  • deficiency of carnitine and growth vitamin;

Elkar can also be part of complex therapy for:

  • mild form of hypothyroidism;
  • disruption of the pancreas;
  • skin diseases;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • recovery after surgery.

There is reason to believe that taking levocarnitine can increase tolerance to physical activity in people suffering coronary disease hearts.

In pediatrics, the drug can be prescribed from the first days of a child’s life. The reasons for this are:

  • low appetite, lack of sucking reflex;
  • birth injuries leading to dysfunction of the nervous system;
  • prematurity.

For children who came out of infancy, Elkar's reception can be recommended for:

  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • severe manifestations of allergies;
  • decreased ability to concentrate due to strong psycho-emotional stress at school.

Elkar therapy is also used in preparation for surgical intervention, since levocarnitine affects the production of red blood cells and can prevent the formation of blood clots.

In sports pharmacology, the substance is prescribed as an additive to post-workout complexes. It is used to alleviate post-workout syndrome, accelerate recovery from muscle injuries, increase endurance and reduce fat mass.

Dosage regimen Elkara 30

Adult patients are prescribed per day:

  • in case of exhaustion - from 5 to 22.5 ml;
  • for rehabilitation purposes - 5 ml;
  • for digestive dysfunction and skin diseases - 0.75 g or 2.5 ml;
  • for hypothyroidism - from 0.5 to 0.75 g;
  • to restore brain function - 2.5 ml;
  • for carnitine deficiency - from 2 to 5 drops per 1 kg of weight;
  • for athletes - up to 7.5 years.

The indicated dose of the drug should be divided into 2-3 doses per day. Before drinking Elkar, it must first be diluted with a small amount of liquid. You can use juices or glucose solution.

For children, the drug is prescribed in the following dosages:

  • up to 3 years - selected by a doctor individually;
  • from 3 to 6 years - a single dose of 5 drops;
  • from 6 to 12 years - a single dose of 11-16 drops.

For growth retardation, up to 13 drops are prescribed. The medicine should be given to a child in the same way as to an adult: 2-3 times a day, mixed with liquid.

Side effect

This drug is easily tolerated by patients. In some cases, development was observed:

  • dyspepsia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • myasthenia gravis (was detected only in patients with uremia).

Contraindications to the use of Elkar 30

The only one absolute contraindication to taking Elkar is individual intolerance to it active substance or any of the auxiliary components.

Excess carnitine, blood and gastrointestinal diseases are considered relative contraindications.

special instructions

The drug does not cause drowsiness, does not provoke attention problems and does not affect the ability to drive vehicles.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Clinical studies of the effects of this drug on fetal development and composition breast milk were not carried out. Therefore, doctors do not recommend its use at these stages of a woman’s life.

Use in children

Use for renal impairment

Since Elkar helps to improve the condition of carnitine deficiency, it is indicated for use in patients with chronic renal failure, including those on hemodialysis.


Symptoms of overdose will be dyspeptic and myasthenic phenomena. If they occur, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage and take activated charcoal.

Drug interactions

The manufacturer of Elkara indicates in the instructions for the drug 2 types of interactions with other medicines:

  • combination with glucocorticosteroids promotes the accumulation of the active substance in the tissues of the body, with the exception of the liver;
  • combined use with other anabolics increases the effectiveness of the drug.

Storage conditions and periods

The sealed bottle can be kept in any room where standard conditions for medicines:

  • temperature does not exceed +25°C;
  • there is no direct exposure to sunlight;
  • children's access is excluded.

The shelf life of Elkar is 3 years from the date of production. But after opening the bottle, the contents must be consumed within 2 months. It is prohibited to store unsealed packaging for longer.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Elkar, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions in the instructions, is considered an over-the-counter product and should be freely dispensed from pharmacies.

Reading time: 7 minutes

The basis of human life is metabolic processes in the body. Some substances are broken down and release the energy necessary for organs to perform their functions, others are synthesized in construction material for fabrics. Disruption of these processes affects the functioning of all systems and leads to the occurrence of diseases. The drug Elkar is intended to replenish energy in the body - instructions for use for children inform parents about the benefits of this bioactive supplement in case of poor weight gain and weak muscle tone in the child.

Elkar for children

The drug Elkar is designed to compensate for the lack of the amino acid l-carnitine, which is independently synthesized in the body healthy child. In structure, it resembles B vitamins and is involved in metabolic processes. Sometimes the amino acid is called growth vitamin and belongs to the VT group. L-carnitine deficiency affects the development of the child: growth is delayed, weight gain is poor, muscle tone decreases (the baby sucks sluggishly, cannot grab toys, sit or stand independently).

Elkar composition

The active element of the drug is levocarnitine or carnifit, which is a synthetic analogue of the natural substance - l-carnitine. The content of components included in 1 ml of Elkar solution of 30% concentration is given in the table:

Release form

The drug is available in the form of a solution with a concentration of 20 and 30 percent for oral use and 10% for injection. For oral administration, the liquid is packaged in dark glass bottles of 25, 50, 100 ml, they are placed in a cardboard box with instructions for use and a measuring cup or spoon. For injection, the medicine is intended in ampoules of 5 ml, which are placed in 5, 10, 20 pieces in plastic contour cells and carton boxes. For oral administration The drug is designed in plastic bottles of 25 ml. They are packaged in cardboard boxes of 10 pieces.

pharmachologic effect

Elkar for children normalizes metabolism and affects the digestive process, and is also a weak anabolic agent. In the body it performs the following functions:

  1. Normalizes fat metabolism. Delivers fatty acid from the cytoplasm to mitochondria, where the process of their oxidation (decomposition) and the release of energy occurs.
  2. Regulates protein metabolism.
  3. Stimulates the production of enzyme gastric and intestinal juices, which improves appetite and rapid absorption of incoming food.
  4. Reduces fat content in muscle tissue, due to which there is a decrease overweight bodies.
  5. Normalizes hormone levels in hyperthyroidism.
  6. Promotes the accumulation of glycogen in the liver and muscles.
  7. Inhibits the reactions of lactic acidosis and anaerobic glycolysis that are harmful to the body.
  8. Improves blood supply to the affected area and accelerates tissue regeneration.
  9. Increases the resistance of nervous tissues to intoxication, hypoxia, and injury.

The drug improves metabolism, in adult patients and children, resistance to mental and physical stress increases, stressful situations. With the help of levocarnitine, oxygen saturation of the brain increases, thereby increasing concentration and improving memory ability. Taking the drug increases performance, accelerates recovery of the body after injury, surgery, illness, and increases muscle mass.

Indications for use

If the body's production of l-carnitine is insufficient, Elkar is prescribed - instructions for use for children inform parents in which cases the drug will be useful to the child. Indications for use are:

  • period after severe infectious diseases, operations or injuries;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with reduced enzymatic activity;
  • mild hyperthyroidism;
  • brain damage;
  • lack of appetite, anorexia;
  • skin diseases;
  • poor mastery of the school curriculum;
  • a period of intense physical or mental stress (exams, sports competitions).

How to take Elkar

Even if parents observe abnormalities in the child, they cannot give the drug on their own. Treatment requires examination by a pediatrician. If violations are detected in energy metabolism the doctor prescribes Elkar - the instructions for use of the drug for children contain recommendations on methods of administration and dosage. It is taken orally half an hour before meals.

For children, the dosage is calculated in drops; they are added to syrup, compote, jelly, juice, and sweet dishes. It is important for parents to monitor the prescribed concentration of the medication. The doctor determines the course of treatment, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body. The dosage depends on age and detected abnormalities; children are mainly prescribed:

  • from 3 to 6 years – 5 drops 2-3 times a day for a month;
  • from 6 to 12 years – 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day for 30-60 days;
  • after 12 years – 13-40 drops 2 times a day for 2-4 weeks.

According to the instructions, in case of growth retardation, a child under 6 years of age is prescribed two doses of the drug, 13 drops each. The duration of the course is 3 weeks. The same treatment regimen is provided for children over 12 years of age, but the single dose is one measuring spoon. At the age of 6 to 12 years, treatment involves 3 courses with twice the medication, 15 drops each, for 3-4 weeks. Repeat course prescribed after a two-week break.

Elkar drops for newborns

Infants are prescribed Elkar twice a day from the second week of life. A single dose is 4-10 drops. There are reviews from parents about monitoring their child after using the drug. Elkar increases appetite, the child quickly gains weight, his sucking reflex improves, and muscle tone increases. According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed to newborns for:

  • birth trauma, asphyxia;
  • birth ahead of schedule or with low mass;
  • retardation in physical and mental development;
  • skin diseases;
  • neurological disorders;
  • jaundice;
  • poor appetite.

Drug interactions

The drug is similar in structure and action to vitamins, so its use does not involve dangerous interactions with other drugs. The instructions contain information that glucocorticosteroids promote the accumulation of carnitine in organs and tissues (except the liver). Combination of levocarnitine with others anabolic agents causes an increase in the effectiveness of the drug.

Side effects

There are reviews from parents that while using the drug the child experienced allergic reactions: redness of the skin, itching, rashes. The instructions contain a warning that after taking Elkar, such side effects:

  • increased muscle tone;
  • feeling of heaviness or pain in the stomach;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • lethargy, drowsiness.


In most cases, Elkar is well tolerated by adults and children. According to the instructions, the drug is contraindicated for persons with individual intolerance to the components. When prescribed to children under 3 years of age, treatment is carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician. Elkar is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation, since there is no data on the effects of levocarnitine on the fetus and on the infant during feeding.

Terms of sale and storage

Elkar is released to consumers without a doctor's prescription. The drug must be used before the expiration date, which is three years. It should be stored in a ventilated, unlit area at a temperature below 25 degrees. After depressurization of the drug, it can be used for two months. After opening the bottle, Elkar should be stored in the refrigerator.


  • Pantogam (syrup);
  • Kudesan (drops);
  • Korilip (rectal suppositories).