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Madder dyeing - instructions for use and release form, indications and medicinal properties. Madder dyeing: instructions for use, chemical composition, pharmacological properties and reviews of treatment

Report on the study of the effectiveness of Madder Extract in patients with nephrolithiasis complicated by infection, subject to conservative management.

Urological clinic MONIKI, Moscow

Trapeznikova M.F., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation,

Dutov V.V., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Bychkova N.V., Ph.D.

Madder extract is a diuretic and antispasmodic agent for urolithiasis. This preparation is made from the dry extract of Madder, purified from ballast substances and standardized. (Extraktum Rubiae tintorium siccum). Release form: tablets 0.25 g in blister. Manufacturer: JSC Pharmcenter VILAR.

Pharmacological properties annotated in the instructions for use: “Madder extract has a diuretic and antispasmodic effect, due to the property of reducing the tone of smooth muscles with a subsequent increase in its peristalsis. This facilitates the painless expulsion of small stones and “sand” in patients with urolithiasis. During treatment with Madder extract, kidney stones become looser. At the same time, the destructive effect on stones is especially pronounced if they consist of calcium phosphate and magnesium. Treatment with Madder extract leads to a decrease pain symptom, improving the general condition of patients."

Urolithiasis is a metabolic disease caused by various endogenous and exogenous causes, having a hereditary predisposition and endemic prevalence.

Urolithiasis is diagnosed in 32-40% of cases of all urological diseases, both in Russia and throughout the world. It is most common among patients of working age 25-50 years. Among exogenous etiological risk factors, such as physicochemical characteristics and the degree of mineralization of consumed water, drinking regime, increased consumption of “stone-forming” substances with food, which affect the concentration of stone formation protectors, urine pH, and diuresis. At all times, herbal medicine has been used to treat urolithiasis, which has known advantages over synthetic drugs, such as the absence of complications and side effects, gentle diuretic effect, mild antispasmodic effect, improvement of kidney function. To realize such an impact, herbal remedies are used. However, among the various herbal remedies, there is no universal one that would have a complex effect on urolithiasis, often complicated by infection. Most multi-component action has madder tincture. Confirm this with modern methods research was the objective of this study. In addition, the objective of the study was to clarify the indications for treatment with Madder extract in patients suffering from various forms urolithiasis.

The objectives of the study were: to confirm antispasmodic, diuretic, lowering pH of urine, to show possible anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. Mark side effects when they are identified.

The main criterion for selecting patients was the presence of urolithiasis, complicated by infection with stones localized in the kidney and ureter. Type of treatment - monotherapy with madder extract 2 tablets x 3 times a day

The duration of treatment is 1 month.

The number of patients in the test group was 50 people.

Consumption of the drug 6 tablets/day x 30 days x 50 patients = 9,000 tablets. (450 packs).

The duration of the study is 12 months. Quarterly report.

Methods for assessing the effectiveness of therapy:

1. Study of the dynamics of symptoms. Number of exacerbations of the disease.

2. Laboratory research methods: clinical urine analysis. Degree of leukocyturia, erythrocyturia. The presence or absence of excretion of salts: phosphates, oxalates, urates, proteinuria. Urine pH, specific gravity. Bacteriuria (presence, intensity, type of pathogen).

3. Daily diuresis, night or daytime pollakiuria (analysis of the urination diary).

4. Number of visits (timing of control examinations) - 3. Visit 1 - before the start of treatment, laboratory research, randomization into 2 groups. Visit 2 in a week: assessment of the dynamics of symptoms, the presence of exacerbation, laboratory parameters. Visit 3 final 4 weeks from the start of treatment: assessment

dynamics of symptoms, laboratory tests. The overall assessment of the effectiveness of treatment is excellent, good, satisfactory, no effect, deterioration.

For the period from April 2005 Until March 2006, 51 patients aged 11-75 years were included in the study. There were 13 men, 35 women, 3 children. 1 patient dropped out of the study due to a feeling of itching and swelling of the mucous membranes, which in our opinion was an allergic reaction caused by hypersensitivity to the drug. All patients with urolithiasis with different localization of stones in the upper urinary tract, complicated by urinary tract infection. In 19 patients, the stones were located in the kidney, in 28 - in the ureter, 2 patients had bilateral kidney stones, 1 had oxalaturia and cysts in the kidney. A full course of treatment was completed for 1 month in all patients. Of the entire group of patients, Madder dye was used in 4 patients in the presence of a catheter-stent in the urinary tract, and in 1 patient in the presence of a cystostomy. The stents were well tolerated and there was no obstruction of their lumen with salts, which allowed them to be used by patients long time without replacement.

All patients were examined at the MONIKI urological clinic. Indications for treatment with Madder tincture were determined. These were patients who underwent ESWL, contact ureterolithotripsy, or anti-relapse treatment for pyelonephritis. Then the patients were given tablets of the drug for a course of treatment in maximum dose 2 t. x 3 times a day for 4 weeks. In 5 patients the dose was reduced to 4 tablets per day. During it, indicators were monitored general analysis urine, bacteriuria, titer of microbial bodies, sensitivity to antibiotics. Ultrasound data were analyzed over time, and, if necessary, a review and excretory urography. In 28 patients, radioisotope research, in 8 patients - Doppler scanning of the kidneys.

An analysis of the effectiveness and tolerability of the drug in 50 patients treated for 1 month is presented below.

There were no complaints about the deterioration of the condition. There were no pain symptoms in 22 patients; 28 patients had pain of minor intensity. In addition, in 21 patients there was a decrease in pain intensity to the “tolerable, non-intense” category. Renal colic was observed in 6 patients. Diuresis increased by an average of 200 ml under conditions of normal water load and corresponded to the fluid taken by patients.

Microscopic analysis of urine obtained the following results: before treatment, all patients had leukocyturia - from 40-50 to 500 in the field of view, erythrocyturia - from 10-15 to 250 in the field of view. Urine pH ranges from alkaline to acidic: from 7.5 to 5.5.

Microbiological analysis of urine revealed the following pathogens: coli, epidermal staphylococcus, enterobacter, yeast fungi, hemolytic staphylococcus, pneumococcus, streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a titer of 10 3 to 10 8 microbial bodies/ml.

After treatment, in all patients, leukocyturia decreased to 1-2 per day. (in 28 patients), up to 9-12 (in 21 patients), up to 25-30 in the field of view. (in 1 patient). Erythrocyturia in all patients decreased to 2-3 in p/z. The urine reaction in 39 patients was acidic, in 11 patients it was neutral or alkaline. The following changes were recorded in urine culture: a decrease in the titer of microbial bodies to 0 in 11 patients. Elimination of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (according to urine culture) was observed in 1 patient. Clearance was also studied uric acid in 8 patients. The average value of uric acid in the blood before treatment was 443 µmol/l, after treatment 308 µmol/l, that is, there was a decrease in its content in the blood by 30.5%.

To determine the effect of the drug on the passage of stones or their fragments after contact or extracorporeal lithotripsy, 19 patients underwent ultrasound and X-ray examination. In 6 patients, complete passage of fragments occurred after contact ureterolithotripsy with restoration of urodynamics of the upper urinary tract. In 2 patients, the number of fragments after contact nephrolithotripsy decreased from 6 to 4, their maximum size did not exceed 6 mm. In 11 patients after ESWL, the number of fragments decreased from “multiple” to 3 s maximum size in 5 mm. In 5 patients, complete passage of fragments of crushed stone occurred during the study period of treatment.

Thus, the effectiveness of the drug in 50 treated patients was assessed as “good” - in 32 patients (64%), “excellent” - in 11 (22%), “no effect” - in 7 (14%), there was no worsening of the condition. was. Side effects in the form of nausea were noted in 5 patients, loose stools - in 2 patients, an allergic reaction - in 1 patient, which were stopped by reducing the dose to 2 tons x 2 times a day, or discontinuing the drug (in 1 patient).

The data obtained indicate a positive therapeutic effect Madder extract in patients with urolithiasis complicated by urinary tract infection. It is advisable to carry out treatment in the form of repeated courses to prevent relapses of stone formation and relieve pyelonephritis.

You will be able to study materials on the use of Madder Extract in various clinics in Russia for the treatment of kidney diseases and urinary tract and also to remove uric acid stones.

“Madder extract” is a medicinal herbal medicine with a complex effect, intended for the treatment of urolithiasis.

What is the composition and release form of the medicine “Madder extract”?

The active ingredient of Madder extract is represented by the plant substance of the same name in the amount of 250 milligrams per tablet. Auxiliary components: croscarmellose sodium, lactose, silicon dioxide, calcium stearate.

The drug "Madder extract" is available in the form of dark brown biconvex tablets containing light inclusions. Supplied in packs of 25 and 10 pieces. The medicine is sold without a prescription.

What is the effect of the drug “Madder extract”?

The herbal preparation of Madder is capable of providing the following pharmacological effects: antispasmodic, bactericidal, diuretic, urolitic. The medicine contains the following biologically active ingredients: ruberythric acid, rubiadin, purpuroxanthin, purpurin, in addition, ibericin, alizarin, galiosin, pseudopurpurin, proteins, organic acids, as well as pectins, sugars.

The urolitic effect (the ability to dissolve stones in the urinary tract) occurs only in relation to phosphate and oxalate stones. In this case, the urine becomes intensely colored in a bright yellow or reddish tint.

Under the influence of the drug components, urinary stones acquire a loose consistency, after which they are able to be washed away by the flow of urine, which leads to their removal from the body.

The removal of small stones is improved due to the antispasmodic effect. The lumen of the urinary tract increases, and not only small grains of sand, but also larger concretions (stones) can penetrate through relatively thin anatomical formations.

As mentioned above, the herbal remedy has a bactericidal effect, which is most welcome, since the promotion of stones along urinary tract, is almost always associated with some degree of traumatization of the internal lining, and this, in turn, can be an “entry gate” for pathogenic microflora.

Intolerance to individual components of the product;

Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;

There are no data on the safety of use of the drug by pregnant and lactating women. For this reason it is required additional consultation a specialized specialist capable of assessing the ratio of the expected benefit to the potential risk.

What is the use and dosage of Madder extract?

Usually the medicine is prescribed in the amount of 1 tablet 3 times a day. If well tolerated, you can double the dosage. Since the drug has a pronounced diuretic effect, it is necessary to compensate for fluid loss. The patient should drink at least 2 liters of water.

It is better to dissolve the tablets in half a glass of water. The duration of treatment should be from 20 to 30 days. After a short break, about 4 - 6 weeks, it is possible repeat course taking medication, but only after prior agreement with your doctor.

Overdose from Madder tincture (extract)

With an overdose of Madder extract, which we continue to talk about on this page www.site, it is possible that the severity will increase pain syndrome due to the passage of a significant number of stones. Treatment is symptomatic and determined by the prevailing symptoms pathological condition: antispasmodics, painkillers, control of blood electrolytes, and so on.

What are the side effects of Madder Extract?

As mentioned above, during treatment the urine may turn yellow-red. If a dark brown color appears, in order to avoid the development of pain, you must immediately reduce the dosage of the drug.

Besides, in in rare cases possible development allergic reactions, in particular: rash, redness, peeling, as well as swelling and other signs.

How to replace Madder extract, what analogues should I use?

There are no analogues to Madder extract.


Treatment of urolithiasis should be carried out under the close supervision of a specialist and subject to integrated approach: taking medications recommended by the doctor, a special diet, monitoring diuresis and fluid intake, and so on.


Indications for use Madder (root):

The main tasks for which it is extremely advisable to buy red madder roots:

Gallstones and disease;
- Pyelonephritis;
- Stones in the kidneys;
- Cystitis;
- Polyarthritis;
- Gout;
- Constipation;
- Bedwetting;
- Jaundice;
- Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
- Immunomodulation;
- Wound healing;
- Antimicrobial;
- Normalization of the function of the adrenal cortex;
- Strengthening the walls blood vessels;
- Prevention of oncology (blocks division cancer cells, suppresses them);
- Strengthening liver function;
- Reducing cholesterol;
- Increased tone uterus;
- Spasms of the uterus and ovaries;
- Osteochondrosis;
- Pigment spots on the skin;
- Improving the functioning of the heart muscle;
- Memory impairment, minor central nervous system disorders.

Did you find the herb Madder (root) cheaper?

Beware of fakes - treatment with low quality medicinal herbs in most cases, it not only does not bring results, but also aggravates the course of the disease.

Are you sure that Madder herb (root):

Certified, i.e. the package contains exactly the declared herb Madder (root), there is no admixture of weeds and poisonous plants, the collection is carried out precisely during the period when the plant is gaining strength, the drying technology allows you to preserve everything useful material?

In the original packaging, i.e. exactly the one you see in the photo, with the stated expiration date and package weight? If you see a schematic representation of a plant in the photo, think about what might be inside the bag, where and under what conditions it was packaged.

Isn’t this overdried plant matter from last year’s harvest with traces of mold or insects, which appears due to improper and long-term storage?

The place of collection is indicated, i.e. Madder grass (root) was collected not in the neighboring roadside forest, but in the purest regions of Altai or the Caucasus Mountains?

Where are the guarantees?

Online store “RUSSIAN ROOTS” – 5 reasons to choose us:

- RELIABILITY. We are already chosen by more than 200 wholesale and more than 40 thousand retail customers every year. Trust the professionals in their field.

- PRODUCT AVAILABILITY. Own warehouse of more than 400 sq. meters, all herbs are available.

- QUALITY ASSURANCE. The best herb and mushroom producers have placed our logo on their products.

- COMFORTABLE. A developing network of retail stores, various ways delivery allows you to make a purchase in a form convenient for you.

- AFFORDABLE PRICE. We work directly with manufacturers, maintaining affordable prices for a really high quality product.

Nature has endowed the roots of red madder with pronounced antispasmodic, choleretic and diuretic properties; this is a unique medicinal herb with the ability to slowly dissolve oxides formed in the body. In medicine, madder (plant root) is widely used by both orthodox doctors and traditional healers.

It is believed that of the herbs known to mankind growing on the planet, it is the root of madder red in application to inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary and gastrointestinal systems- the most effective remedy.

To maximize the benefits of using the herb, it is recommended to buy a small supply at the pharmacy, always have it on hand and in right momentapply as ambulance in terms of dissolving stones and sand. In particular, madder root enhances medicinal properties knotweed. It works to slowly dissolve stone formations, and madder supplements this work, enhancing the effect at the right time.

Thus, by starting to cleanse the body with slow measures, you first help the construction of new cells based on dissolved stones, and madder root, which it is advisable to buy in advance, will help dissolve the shifted “pebble”, preventing it from clogging the duct. That is, it will help avoid surgical intervention, will complete the process of slow dissolution of stone formations.

In our online store "Russian Roots" you can buyMadder (root) grass and consult on its use. Our managers will be happy to answer all your questions regarding our products, they will tell you where to buyMadder (root) grass , how much does it cost. A large assortment and excellent prices will pleasantly surprise you.

Ready-made dry mixtures can be bought at a pharmacy in Moscow or in our online store, or ordered by mail.The price depends on the packaging of the collection.About what is useful grass Madder (root)What it cures, how it is taken, you will find out by visiting the page of our website.


Compound:madder root - 100%.

Know: the root of madder and its use in practice is a guarantee successful treatment many diseases and disorders of the body systems. Why are the benefits of using this so high? herbal remedy?

The fact is that the plant contains a mass useful elements, including:
- triterpenoids (responsible for fighting microbes and inflammation);
- cardiac glycosides (directed against heart failure as a result of myocardial dystrophy);
- coumarins (inhibition of cancer processes, increased blood clotting);
- anthrachions (immunomodulation);
- flavonoids (beneficial for the central nervous system, cholesterol reduction);
- carbohydrates (a source of energy, an integral component of metabolism);
- proteins (transport hemoglobin, help enzyme formation);
- several types of sugars (energy, immune support);
- pectins (removal of toxins and heavy metals, cholesterol reduction, recovery from the side effects of antibiotics);
- as well as vitamin C, organic acids, tannins, various micro- and macroelements.


Method of preparation and use Madder (root):

For diseases of the joints and gastrointestinal tract Infusion is recommended: 1 teaspoon of roots, pour boiling water (400-500 ml), boil for 10 minutes, strain, cool slightly. Drink 3 times a day in equal parts. Take after meals with a small amount of regular or bottled water.

Another effective recipe: 2 tsp. fill the roots hot water, but there is no need to boil, just leave for 2-3 hours. Strain. Take 50-85 ml after each meal. If there are problems with the spleen - a dose of 150-175 ml, but before meals, a course of 4-5 days, then depending on the circumstances.

For general strengthening purposes The plant can be used in powder form from the roots. Take 1-5 g of raw material three times. Also drink with water and consume between meals for maximum benefits.

This medicinal herb is quite strong, it cures a lot of things and you shouldn’t “joke” with it. However, compresses are the most harmless remedy that ethnoscience has been practicing for a long time: 1 tsp. dry roots, pour 1 glass of water, keep the mixture in a water bath, apply as a lotion to the skin ( dark spots, irritation, suspicion of cancer). Such a decoction effective in rheumatic diseases(arthritis, gout), chondrosis.

- a perennial whose height reaches one and a half meters. Homeland of the plant - middle Asia, Caucasus, south-eastern regions of the European part. The roots and rhizomes are used in medicine.

Thick roots covered with a red-brown crust branch off from the main rhizome of the plant. The stems are highly branched, with thorns located on the ribs, slightly curved.

The foliage is dense, reaches ten centimeters in length, the inflorescences are small, yellow in color. The length of the fruit ranges from five to nine millimeters. The plant ripens at the end of the summer season.

The root part of the plant contains a variety of anthraquinomas and their derivatives. The main component is ruberythric acid. It also contains purpurin, galiosin, purpuroxanthin, rubiadin, alizarin, and ibericin. Plus, the plant contains citric, malic and tartaric acids, sugar, proteins and pectins. This entire active group of substances forms the basis of the chemical composition of the drug.

Pharmacological features

The properties of this product are completely determined by its chemical composition. The roots in the form of an extract containing anthraquinone derivatives, plant powder and other galenic substances loosen and crush the stones of the paired organ and urea, which consist mainly of calcium and magnesium oxalates and phosphates.

Galenic madder forms can have antispasmodic and diuretic effects. Previously, such a mechanism was prescribed to rubethric acid, which acidifies urine, which is why it acquired the ability to loosen stones in the kidneys and ureteric passages.

Today, the main purpose is given to the chemical similarity of the coloring components of madder, which interact with calcium phosphate.

In addition, the medicine lowers the tone and enhances contractions of the muscular tissues of the kidneys and ureteric canals, thereby helping stones move and be removed from the paired organ and ureteric canals.

The drug is produced in tablets weighing 0.25 grams.

Indications for use

This medicinal product It is used for adults, if they have been diagnosed, to get rid of spasms and reduce pain when stones consisting of phosphates are released. It is also used to prevent relapses that can occur in postoperative period or during .

Madder can be prescribed for kidney diseases, respiratory diseases, pathologies of the urinary system, problems with the spleen, rickets, dysentery, and anemia. In addition, madder is recommended for ulcers, rosacea, and oncology skin. Using this product you can even lighten pigmentation.


Madder creates an irritant effect, and for this reason it is recommended to take medicines from this plant no earlier than forty minutes after eating. It is very important to keep track of your doctor’s treatment regimen. If you change it yourself, then there is a possibility of side effects:

  • exacerbations of inflammatory diseases;
  • allergenic reactions.

Minor deviations in urine color are not considered side effects, but if the biological fluid becomes brownish-red, it is necessary to reduce the dose of medication taken or completely stop the therapeutic course.

Instructions for use

The drug can be prescribed to be taken three times a day, one tablet at a time. If the need arises, the single dose can be increased two to three times. The treatment course lasts from twenty to thirty days. For correct application The tablet is pre-dissolved in half a glass of warm boiled water. Prescribing a second stage of treatment is possible only by the attending physician no earlier than a month to a month and a half later.

The medicinal composition is prohibited for use by children under eighteen years of age, women during pregnancy, and nursing mothers.


Violations in the use of the drug can cause severe pain, which is associated with the release of stones from the body.

Adverse reactions

Medicines made from medicinal plant, are capable of uncharacteristically affecting the gastric mucosa, raising the level of acidity of the juice in the stomach. In addition, chronic inflammatory forms may worsen.

special instructions

When starting a therapeutic course, you should consult your doctor. The drug is contraindicated for use in patients suffering from kidney diseases and in chronic form.

Interaction with others medicinal compounds not installed. During application of moraine alcoholic drinks Drinking is prohibited.

What do specialists and doctors think about the drug?

The point of view of doctors and patients who took the drug Madder:

I drank Madder for cystitis along with other medicines -,. When the signs of the disease passed, I continued taking it to consolidate the results achieved. Drinking an infusion of herbs is quite difficult, but the effect is quite good. Painful sensations It will not remove quickly, as it is intended for long-term, quiet use.

Katerina, 41

If the stones are strong (), then I recommend adding grapevine to madder. The ratio is as follows: for one dose of mustache we add two - madder. Everything is brewed in a glass of boiling water.

Oleg, 50

I treated cystitis with madder. I heard that it crushes and removes stones very well.

Yulia, 26

The effect of such a drug in treated patients is assessed as “good” for thirty-two percent of patients; eleven percent can be safely rated “excellent”. In seven people the effect did not manifest itself, but there was no deterioration in well-being. One patient responded with an allergenic reaction, which disappeared after lowering the dose. It turns out that treatment with this remedy brings good results in getting rid of stones in the organs of the ureteric system. It is recommended to repeat therapeutic courses to prevent recurrence of stone formation and stop pyelonephritis.

Dutov V.V., doctor

Kidney stones are simply tormenting. I tried many remedies, but it was madder that helped. An easy way to do this medicine completely relieved me of this annoying problem.

Nikolay, 43

Advantages and disadvantages

As follows from the reviews of patients who took madder extract, the product is really effective and helps greatly against stones in the kidneys and urinary tract. The drug perfectly loosens stones, removes their fragments from the body and, reduces spasms during, reduces pain, improves general health. Many note that the drug is effective in veterinary medicine. They can treat diseases of the ureteral system in cats.

As a disadvantage, many note the need to take such a remedy three times a day, the duration of the course, and its further repetitions. In addition, patients claim that the tablets dissolve slowly in water and have a tart and even bitter taste.

Approximate price

In pharmacy kiosks, madder extract in tablets costs from ninety to one hundred and forty rubles. The package contains two dozen tablets, their total weight is two and a half hundred grams.

Storage conditions

The medicine is stored for two years in a dark, dry place. Temperature should not exceed fifteen degrees Celsius. If all requirements are met, the drug will not lose its properties. useful qualities. It is necessary to exclude children from access to the medicine.

Vacation at the pharmacy

You can buy madder at any pharmacy kiosk, but you will need a prescription issued by your attending physician.


An excellent solution for replacing madder dye is Canephron, Urolesan, Urocholesan and others. These drugs can have a similar effect, but differ in their composition. For this reason, their use should only be prescribed by an experienced specialist.

Take two to three drops per piece of sugar, thirty minutes before meals. If the attacks of colic intensify, then the dosage is reduced. In cases where heartburn from the medicine is noted, its administration is postponed to the time of eating or its end.

Herbal medicines are widely used. Madder dye in tablets or solutions is known for its positive properties in the treatment of kidneys, reviews confirm the effectiveness of using the plant to remove urinary stones. In medicine, root tinctures and decoctions are used; extracts are used to produce drugs in tablet form.

What is madder

Latin name plants – Rubia Tinctorum, it belongs to the madder family. Madder grass grows where the climate is warm - in Russia it can be found near Crimea, in Sochi. It is a wild plant and prefers moist soil. The plant got its name because the juice has a pronounced red color due to the high content of triterpenoids - natural compounds that change color when exposed to oxygen. They cause the contents of the leaves and stem to acquire a bright hue. Madder is used as a natural dye.


Biological features madder and her chemical composition cause wide use industry, with medicinal purposes. Rubia Tinctorum has been in demand since ancient times, it was used to dye fabrics in a pronounced red tint, and it was also known medicinal properties. Most of the following chemical substances contains madder root. This:

  1. Alizarin anthraquinones are specific substances from glycosides, characteristic only of this plant species. Isolated from madder juice, they are orange-red crystals.
  2. Coumarins are growth inhibitors and have an antispasmodic effect.
  3. Plant flavonoids – cause color and work as natural antioxidants.

Medicinal properties

Madder extract has been known in medicine since ancient times. It has been and continues to be used for kidney diseases, various inflammatory processes due to its pronounced bactericidal and antispasmodic effect. Low price medicinal products based on a natural phytocomplex combined with efficiency. The main application is:

  1. For the treatment of urolithiasis. Decoctions and preparations based on madder have pronounced diuretic properties and have a diuretic effect. Interesting fact: The herb is safe for the treatment of urolithiasis not only for people, but also for pets.
  2. Removes oxalates and phosphates from the kidneys, Bladder. The plant contains magnesium, which helps break down salt formations.
  3. For diseases of the spleen, a decoction madder dye improves the condition.
  4. It is used as part of the treatment of gout, helps with osteochondrosis and other joint diseases associated with salt retention.

Indications for use

Powder or plant-based preparations are prescribed as an independent medicine in mild cases or as part of complex therapy at serious illnesses. Due to the low price of the drug’s components, it is accessible to most patients, and due to the body’s easy tolerance, madder is prescribed by almost all doctors for appropriate indications. Classic options applications are considered:

  1. Urolithiasis in humans, domestic animals, especially cats.
  2. Inflammation of the bladder, cystitis.
  3. Kidney diseases - nephritis, pyelonephritis.
  4. Gout, osteochondrosis, arthritis.
  5. Inflammatory diseases spleen, anemia.

Madder preparations

Medicines based useful herb are produced in different forms. There are powders, extracts, infusions, drops. In tablet form, the plant is part of the drug Cystenal and some others. The cost in Moscow and St. Petersburg will depend on the form of release, concentration, the need to dilute madder or the ability to take it in finished form. The price rarely exceeds 300-400 rubles; you can buy the composition at any pharmacy.

Learn basic drugs Russian production in the table below:




Tincture, sold in 10 ml bottles. It is used for urolithiasis and for diuretic purposes. It must be diluted; it contains ethyl alcohol, which increases the list of contraindications.

Sold in tablet form, contents active substance 0.25 g. Used to facilitate the removal of small stones, sand from the kidneys, and for urological inflammation.

Ground root powder

Requires dilution with water and brewing. Does not contain foreign substances. It is used for diseases of the spleen, arthritis, gout, and genitourinary diseases.

Concentrated drug, used in small doses, additionally used against cholecystitis and liver diseases. Do not exceed the recommended dose.

Instructions for use of madder

Any medicine must be taken as prescribed by a doctor, carefully observing the dosage of the drugs. Depending on the release form, the instructions imply different ways use of medications. You should carefully monitor compliance with precautions and do not exceed the recommended dose. From availability concomitant diseases The choice of drug form may depend.


The tablet form - plant root extract - is recognized by doctors as effective and safe. Due to the minimum quantity side effects Can be prescribed to children under 18 years of age. There are tablets with different dosages active substance. Standard quantity – up to 3 tablets. per day, if necessary increases to 6 or more, but only an experienced specialist should adjust the dose.


This form can be prepared using ethyl alcohol, which is not always recommended for patients. When choosing an infusion, it is necessary to take into account possible side effects, including the effect on the ability to control vehicle, concentrate attention. Usual dosage: two to three tablespoons per day. Alcohol-based infusions are not prescribed for children.


Concentrated liquid extract plants are produced without the addition of alcohols. The drops contain increased content essential oils herbs, so people prone to allergies should use this form with caution, respiratory disease. Method of use: two to five drops per sugar cube, two to three times a day. If the patient is suffering diabetes mellitus, refined sugar is replaced with black bread.

Contraindications and side effects of madder

Herbal medicine drugs are safe, have low amounts negative effects. This herb is no exception, but like any medicine, it also has contraindications, for which it is not recommended to use plant-based formulations. The main limitation is stomach ulcers, erosive gastritis, allergy to components. Pregnancy and lactation are not included in the list absolute contraindications, but it is advisable to get advice experienced specialist. Side effects rare, among them:

  • redness of urine;
  • nausea;
  • stomach ache.