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Matryoshka grass, medicinal properties and contraindications. Oregano herb - benefits and harm. Traditional medicine recipes

Nature gives to man unique plants that protect the body from various ailments. Oregano, also known as incense and matryoshka, has been used in cooking and medicine for a long time. Every person should know what oregano is, medicinal properties and contraindications which may be useful in modern world. Matryoshka has a unique smell, for which it was called oregano. Perennial It has purple inflorescences on a tall stem, blooming from July to August.

Oregano herb: chemical composition

Grass grows well in wild conditions. All parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. The collection of raw materials is carried out from July to August. It is dried in a ventilated area, avoiding direct sun rays. Oregano contains oils, vitamins, macro and micro elements.

Chemical composition of the herb:

  • Ascorbic acid, is a powerful stimulant, actively removes toxins and strengthens the immune system;
  • Niacin, participates in oxidative processes throughout the body, improves the metabolism of fat cells, reduces the amount of cholesterol;
  • Ribaflavin, renders positive impact on nervous system and work thyroid gland, accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • Thiamine is involved in hematopoiesis, regulates metabolism, protects the body from the effects of nicotine and alcohol;
  • Beta-carotene, stimulates immune system, improves vision and brain activity;
  • Macroelements: potassium, Na, phosphorus, Mg and calcium;
  • Microelements: iron, iodine.

Thanks to his unique composition oregano has a beneficial effect on the body, improves the condition of hair and skin. A large number of essential oils help combat insomnia and nervous exhaustion. Matryoshka has bactericidal, choleretic, diuretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effects.

Actively affects intestinal motility, reduces stomach cramps, eliminates flatulence.

Oregano is used in dentistry. She calms down sore gums, resists fungal infections and reduces toothache. Oregano reduces arterial pressure and relieves limb cramps, therefore it is indicated for hypertensive patients.

Matryoshka grass: benefits for women

Oregano has a beneficial effect on female body and was popularly nicknamed Mother. Effective during puberty.

What are the benefits of matryoshka decoction:

  • Eliminates pain before menstruation;
  • Smoothes hot flashes during menopause;
  • Reduces bleeding;
  • Restores hormonal system and cycle;
  • Reduces spasms of the pelvic organs;
  • Calms the nervous system;
  • During lactation, it increases milk production.

In cosmetology, motherboard is used as a rejuvenating agent. Lotions with a decoction of herbs will cope with acne, and daily washing with aromatic water will make the skin soft and velvety. Good effect gives hair rinsing with herbal decoction. After a short period of time, dandruff disappears, hair becomes fluffy and shiny.

Matryoshka is used as baths and douching for vulvitis, colpitis, and cervicitis.

Oregano is contraindicated for oral administration during pregnancy, as it may cause fetal rejection.

Oregano: plant photo and description

Oregano grows in the European part of Russia, as well as in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the Caucasus, Belarus and Central Asia. Found in coniferous and mixed forests, clearings and meadows.

Description of the plant:

  • Subshrub no more than 80 cm high;
  • Has a tetrahedral stem;
  • The leaves are oblong in shape and located opposite each other;
  • The flowers are small, collected in inflorescences;
  • The seeds are small;
  • Rhizome creeping;
  • It blooms, exuding a fragrant aroma in July - August.

Many gardeners cultivate the plant and obtain a healing product. Oregano is grown by dividing the bush or by seeds. As a medicinal raw material, shoots are cut at a distance of 15 cm from the crown. The grass is dried by hanging the bunches in a ventilated and dry room. To produce oil, the plant and its shoots are subjected to hydrodistillation. The dried rhizome is used for expectorant infusion.

For general information You can look at a photo of the plant by going to the Internet or any plant encyclopedia, where there will be a drawing of it. The picture will help you remember the grass and collect it when you meet it.

In folk medicine, the plant was used to relieve headaches, colds, rheumatism, disease respiratory tract. IN scientific medicine preparations with oregano act as sedative, medicine for gastritis, tuberculosis, cholecystitis.

Oregano contraindications

Dushnichka has unique properties, but there are contraindications to the use of the herb. During pregnancy, drinking decoctions and infusions is not recommended. Smooth muscle contraction occurs and miscarriage is possible. Some healers use it for spontaneous abortion in early stages pregnancy. Men should use with caution medicines and food with added oregano. Daily use of oregano can reduce potency.

Contraindications to the use of herbs and medications with plant components:

  • Gastric ulcers;
  • Gastritis with increased acidity;
  • Inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of exacerbation;
  • Renal and hepatic colic;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Severe hypertension, the use of decoctions and oils can cause a crisis;
  • Allergic reaction to grass;
  • Plant intolerance.

The use of decoctions and infusions must be started with small doses. If the body's reaction is positive and not side effects, treatment can begin. Using healing properties herbs, you need to know when to stop. It is better to consult a doctor.

Beneficial properties of matryoshka herbs

The plant is widely used in folk and traditional medicine as a sedative. It is taken for disorders of the nervous system, stressful conditions, hysteria. An indispensable assistant will be a decoction of matryoshka dolls for colds and respiratory diseases. Lotions and compresses will help improve skin conditions and relieve inflammation. The juice of fresh grass is applied to insect bites, relieving the condition and accelerating the process of tissue regeneration.

Dushmyanka, indications for use:

  • Neuralgia and stress conditions;
  • acute respiratory infections and influenza, as a diaphoretic, diuretic and expectorant;
  • Sore throat, herbal tincture relieves inflammation and has an antibacterial effect;
  • Gastrointestinal disease, gastritis with low acidity;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system, cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • Inflammation of the oral cavity, stomatitis;
  • Diabetes mellitus, reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • Gynecological diseases: colpitis, vaginitis, vulvitis - douche with a decoction and make baths;
  • For the prevention of oncology;
  • Joint disease: arthritis, arthrosis, injuries;
  • Treatment of eczema;
  • Recovery menstrual cycle.

Thanks to scientific research Selenium has been identified in oregano, which stops growth cancer cells. For prevention, it is recommended to drink tea with added herbs. In addition, the nesting doll has restorative effect throughout the body, increasing it protective functions.

Oregano plant: properties of essential oil

Beneficial properties of essential oil:

  • Relieves swelling and inflammation;
  • Has a warming effect and is indicated for the fight against cellulite;
  • Strengthens the immune system after illnesses;
  • Makes it easier headache and relieves nervous tension;
  • Has antiseptic and antifungal effect, fights mycoses;
  • Eliminates hangover syndrome and restores coordination of movements;
  • Stimulates appetite;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the pancreas and liver.

For sitting baths, add 3 drops to a basin with warm water. When taken orally, mix 2 drops with a spoon of honey and wash down with milk or yogurt. For massage, use 2 drops of oil, mixing with the main product for the procedure. If a person perfumes himself with oil, it is necessary to take into account a burning sensation on the applied surface, which will last for 5 minutes. The product causes severe irritation to the mucous membranes, so it must be used carefully and added only in the prescribed proportions.

Application of oregano in various industries

Tea with the addition of oregano is used for colds, mild hypertension, chills, coughs, and headaches. A tincture is used for a sore throat. To do this, pour 2 teaspoons of oregano into a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Drink a quarter glass before meals.

If you have insomnia, you can put matryoshka flowers in the pillow filling or make a special pillow.

Decoctions are used as a diuretic. 50 gr. pour oregano into a liter of water and add a drop of olive oil. Bring the water to a boil and simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Take half a glass 2 hours after meals. Drink no more than a glass a day. The course of treatment is a week.

Application of oregano:

  • Folk and traditional medicine;
  • Cosmetic procedures;
  • Perfumery production;
  • Conservation;
  • Cooking;
  • An effective moth repellent.

Matryoshka is used in cooking as a seasoning and is also called oregano. It pairs especially well with black pepper, basil, rosemary and marjoram. Dry seasoning is used for cooking meat dishes and soups, as well as for preserving cucumbers, eggplants and zucchini. To make the filling in the pies aromatic, add a little oregano. IN confectionery The grass gives it a special delicate flavor. Fresh leaves plants are added to various salads.

Matryoshka or oregano medicinal properties and contraindications (video)

Using the gifts of nature, you can strengthen your health, improve your well-being, tidy up your hair and skin, restore sleep and restore your nervous system. For prevention, you can drink tea with the addition of oregano, enjoying the drink and strengthening your immune system.

There are many different names for this herb: forest mint, oregano, bedbug grass, boron bone-breaking grass, bee-lover, incense, swan grass, matryoshka. But most often people call it “motherboard”, since it is recommended for various women's diseases. Botanists named it Oregano because of its strong aroma - bees adore this plant.

Oregano essential oil is used in perfumery. Oregano leaves are used as a spice in dishes made from potatoes, beans, peas, meat, as well as in salads, sausages, and various drinks.

Oregano herb is placed in barrels when pickling cucumbers and mushrooms. You can find oregano on hills, dry meadows, forest edges and clearings, among bushes and along roadsides (but collecting herbs on roadsides is not recommended: they absorb harmful exhaust emissions).

The plant is unpretentious and easy to cultivate. Oregano is usually propagated by seeds. The herb has a strong pleasant odor, which is felt when the leaves are rubbed (due to the essential oil contained in oregano).

How to prepare

WITH therapeutic purpose They use the above-ground part of the plant (grass), which is harvested from June to September. The procurement of raw materials is carried out in dry, preferably sunny, weather. Dry the raw materials in attics, spreading them out on paper or tarpaulin in a not very thick (5-7 cm) loose layer, and turning them at least 1-2 times a day. In urban conditions, oregano grass is dried by hanging small bunches on a rope, protecting it from drafts and sunlight.

Properly dried plants do not change their color and retain strong smell and bitter-spicy, slightly astringent taste; the stems break when bent. It is advisable to thresh dried oregano raw materials in order to get rid of coarse stems and put them in glass jars with tight-fitting lids.
In this form, the grass can be stored in a dry, dark place for 3 years. When preparing raw materials, you should not pull out the roots from the ground.

Healing qualities

As a diaphoretic, expectorant and antimicrobial agent oregano herb is used internally. It is used for insomnia, headaches, toothaches, and neuroses as a sedative and sedative. In the form of rinses and inhalations - for colds, rheumatism, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, acute and chronic pharyngitis, stomatitis, gingivitis.

For internal use 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials are poured into a glass of boiling water and left to infuse. Take the infusion warm 15-20 minutes before meals, unless the doctor prescribes a different dosage, you can take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.

For sore throat and mucosal diseases oral cavity a decoction of oregano herb is shown. The decoction is prepared at the rate of 4 tbsp. spoons of herb in half a liter of boiling water (pour boiling water over the herb, then filter), cool and rinse 3-4 times a day. The nose is washed with the same decoction.

Oregano herb has an anticonvulsant effect, enhances the secretion of digestive and bronchial glands, intestinal motility, increasing its tone. Oregano teas are effective for flatulence, intestinal atony, lack of appetite, low acidity gastric juice, enterocolitis and cholecystitis, as well as epilepsy.

Tannins contained in oregano have a tanning, bactericidal effect on the skin. Therefore, oregano in the form of lotions, compresses and baths is used for itchy dermatoses, eczema, diathesis, and various pustular skin diseases. Oregano herb baths also calm the central nervous system.
Oregano herb can be used for infertility and inflammatory diseases female sphere.

But under no circumstances should it be used internally during pregnancy due to the tonic effect of this plant on the smooth muscles of the uterus. Expectant mothers should not even inhale the aroma of oregano: it could lead to a miscarriage.

Not everyone knows Matryoshka tea, but oregano tea is widely known. But it's the same thing. This grass is called matryoshka in the Southern Urals.

The name seems to come from the word "matrona", which means "noble woman", just like the Russian collapsible wooden toy.

In Rus' they have always actively used herbal infusions both for treatment and for maintaining health. Have you read an article about Monastic tea, which was an important component of maintaining the strength and health of monks who were forced not only to pray, but also to fight? If not, then .

And what about the famous and popular today? These are excellent suppliers of vitamins.

But let's return to Matryoshka, or oregano.

Oregano is considered female grass, it really helps with women's diseases. Sometimes they write that men should not drink it, but in reviews on the Internet I often see testimonies from women that negative impact Matryoshka has no effect on their husbands.

Oregano has a calming effect and stimulates work digestive tract, improves appetite.

Oregano still has many medicinal properties, but it is better to look for these descriptions on websites about traditional medicine, and here we are talking about tea.

Mainly people use oregano tea for colds as a diaphoretic and expectorant.

This does not mean, of course, that Matryoshka cannot be drunk just like that. Its aromatic, delicious infusion is good both in winter and summer, especially closer to the night to ensure a calm deep sleep.

Making Matryoshka tea

The entire above-ground part of oregano is suitable for tea: stems, leaves and flowers.

We cook as usual. Pour a tablespoon of herb into a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Then we drink to our heart's content.

You can brew oregano in a mixture with regular black tea, its beneficial properties will not become worse.

Oregano tea for colds

Severe cough, difficulty expectorating, headache, chest pain and fever will ease if you brew matryoshka with milk and add honey.

This tea has a strong diaphoretic effect.

Drank it delicious medicine- and under the blanket, sweat thoroughly. Then you need to dry off and change clothes.

Where to get oregano herb

If oregano grows in your area, it is better, of course, to prepare it yourself. The rules for drying and storing are the same as for other herbs. Oregano is also grown in garden beds. Well, on extreme case can be bought at the pharmacy.


Do not drink during pregnancy. Be careful during menstruation, oregano increases bleeding.

Matryoshka has been known since ancient Rus'. Brewed on its basis medicinal infusions, made ointments and decoctions. Matryoshka is a plant with beneficial properties that can help with many diseases.

Matryoshka has many names, the most popular of which is oregano. It is also often called a bee-lover or an incense.

Belongs to the perennial family Lamiaceae. It usually grows in warm, sunny places: it loves forest edges, thickets of bushes, and clearings.

Sometimes it even grows along the road. Due to its benefits, it is becoming popular among gardeners. Cultivated in many countries.


It usually does not exceed 80 cm in height. It has a noticeable stem with four edges. The branches extending from the stem have a noticeable burgundy-green tint.

The leaves are oblong, rough and pointed. They have barely noticeable white veins.

home distinctive feature herbs - pale purple inflorescences at the tips of branches, collected in inflorescences. It has a subtle but very pleasant aroma.

Collection and storage

You need to collect incense during its flowering period. This period usually occurs in the second half of summer. You only need to collect flowers and leaves. You cannot cut more than 30 cm - the plant is perennial and needs to continue to bloom.

To dry, collect the stems cut with pruning shears into a bunch and hang them in a dark, well-ventilated place. When the bush begins to break, it is ready. The dried product can be stored for a long time if you put it in vacuum jar or any other container.

Chemical properties

The bee lover contains many useful elements, among which:

  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • Manganese;
  • Iron;
  • Vitamin K;
  • Tannins;
  • Essential oils
  • Flavonoids and others.

The bee lover is used both in folk medicine and in cooking. It has a complex effect on all systems, increases the level of immunity, relieves colds and colds.

At severe cough, bronchitis has an expectorant effect and relieves pain. Has a sedative effect: great for insomnia, stress, frequent headaches and constant fatigue. Relaxes the body and tones.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract it also helps positive effect: normalizes intestinal function, relieves bloating. Indicated for diarrhea or constipation.

It has an antibacterial effect when treating infections. Most often used for sore throat. In addition, the plant works as natural antibiotic, therefore doubly useful when infectious diseases. Preparations based on oregano are prescribed for tuberculosis and skin problems.

Working as an antiseptic, the bee lover promotes fast healing wounds and scratches.


Even though the herb cannot cause much harm, it has a number of contraindications.

Oregano is contraindicated:

  • During pregnancy;
  • During menstruation;
  • For individual intolerance and allergies;
  • For diseases of cardio-vascular system;
  • For ulcers and other acute diseases.

This list is general list diseases. Before use, you should consult your doctor.


Only the leaves, flowers and stem are suitable for food and medicinal purposes.

The place must be dark. The temperature should be room temperature. When the mixture is ready, strain through regular gauze or a strainer and take 20 drops half an hour before meals.

The same infusion is suitable for pain in teeth and gums. Soak a cotton pad in the prepared tincture and apply briefly to the gum. The pain should go away within a few minutes.

Thanks to its pleasant aroma, oregano makes excellent essential oil, which is suitable for all occasions. For example, just one drop on your pillow before bed is enough to ensure a sound sleep.

The plant is widely used in cooking. Its calm form can be added to dishes as a seasoning or tea can be made from it.

A teaspoon will be enough for one cup. Pour boiling water over the mixture and let it brew for a while. Strain the resulting liquid and enjoy delicious aromatic tea.

The spicy plant oregano, medicinal properties and contraindications, which was described by Hippocrates, is now successfully used to treat many diseases. It is known throughout the world both as a seasoning and as a remedy. It grows throughout Russia, except the Far North; it is cultivated in other countries. The plant has many other names: oregano, dushmyanka, motherwort, oregano, bee-lover, incense, matryoshka and others.

How is the plant useful?

Oregano contains 10.9% proteins, 5.2% fats, 83.8% carbohydrates. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid and tannins. The main active components of the plant are contained in essential oils - thymol and carvacrol. Oregano contains up to 1.2% essential oil, due to which it has an unusual aroma. She happens to be excellent antidepressant. The smell of oregano calms the nervous system, eliminates headaches, and is useful for diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

The essential oil of the plant has a calming effect on the nervous system, eliminates nervousness and irritability; improves mental and physical activity; has a beneficial effect on the body, providing a surge of energy.

The plant has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties due to essential oil components, tannin and flavonoids. Bitters, organic acids, and phytoncides improve the secretion of the digestive glands, dilute mucus, and facilitate its elimination. Ascorbic acid and other vitamins strengthen the body's protective functions.

In traditional medicine, oregano herb is often used as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant. Medicinal decoctions and mother infusions have choleretic, expectorant, diaphoretic effects, reduce blood pressure, improves the condition of the nervous system.

Oregano reduces the risk of cancerous tumors, thanks to the selenium it contains. Selenium – essential element, which protects the body from cancer cells. Among plants, oregano is the champion in selenium content.

Mother's milk, thanks to phytoestrogens - analogues of female sex hormones, is useful for women. With its help you can stop uterine bleeding, normalize hormonal background and menstrual cycle, improve blood circulation in the pelvis, alleviate the symptoms of menopause. The plant can enhance lactation.

Main indications for the use of oregano:

  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • digestive tract disorders;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • gynecological diseases.

Oregano in folk medicine

Useful for spasms of the digestive tract alcohol infusion oregano. Pour 10 g of herb into 100 ml of alcohol or vodka, put in a warm place, strain after 7 days. Take the medicine 3 times a day before meals, 40 drops.

To treat acne, furunculosis, eczema, neurodermatitis, and other skin diseases, baths and compresses based on oregano help. A handful of fresh herbs, previously crushed, brew 1 liter of boiling water, leave, strain after 15-20 minutes.

Oil with oregano will help with cough, whooping cough, asthma, and bronchitis. Grind 45 g of dried herb, pour in 500 ml of vegetable oil, leave to infuse for 12 hours, strain. Take 2 to 5 drops 4 times a day.

For gingivitis, sore throat, bronchitis, and other diseases of the throat and oral cavity inflammatory in nature you need to prepare an infusion of oregano. For this, 2 tsp. Brew the herbs with 250 ml of boiling water, strain after 30 minutes. Use for rinsing. You can use this infusion for lotions and compresses when skin diseases. It is useful to take this medicine internally for colds and indigestion, 60 ml before meals three times a day.

For treatment nervous disorders, diseases of the respiratory tract and digestive system, a decoction of motherwort is recommended. Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. herbs, heat for 15 minutes in a water bath, leave for 2 hours. Drink the strained product 60 ml before meals 3 times a day for 2 weeks. How choleretic agent you need to take it 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

At painful menstruation, menstrual irregularities, it is recommended to take an infusion of oregano for a month. Brew 250 ml of boiling water with about 15 g of herb, leave under the lid, strain after an hour. Drink 30 ml of infusion 3-4 times a day.

To treat cholecystitis you need to prepare herbal tea: grind, mix the herbs of matryoshka, sage, knotweed, St. John's wort, lemon balm taken in equal parts. Brew 30 g of this collection with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave to infuse for 3 hours, strain. Before meals, drink 100 ml of warm infusion with 1 tbsp. l. honey

To get rid of headaches you need to apply it on your forehead. gauze bandage, soaked in oregano infusion. Pour 30 g of dry raw material into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. It is useful to inhale the aroma of oregano for a runny nose and headaches.

For physical and mental stress, fatigue, depression, chronic neurosis, it is useful to drink tea with oregano. Brew 15 g of green tea with 5 g of dry oregano herb, leave for 10 minutes. Drink this drink throughout the day.

Use of oil

For external use, you need to mix a few drops of oregano essential oil with any carrier oil - grape seed, coconut, olive, any other vegetable oil. To treat dermatological diseases you need to apply oil composition on the affected areas for several days.

You can dissolve 2-3 drops of oil in warm water, use this product to wipe the skin like a lotion. To treat fungal infections, you need to lubricate the affected areas with oil. In order to exclude reinfection It is necessary to treat shoes and underwear with an aqueous solution of oregano oil.

For joint diseases, motherwort essential oil can be used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. You need to rub it, mixed with a base oil, on sore spots with circular massage movements. The product, penetrating the skin, relieves pain and stops the inflammatory process.

For inflammatory and infectious diseases It is recommended to drink with matryoshka oil. For internal use, you need to dilute 1-3 drops of oil in 250 ml of milk or any juice. The course of treatment is no more than 6 weeks. If you need to be treated longer, you need to take a break for 2 weeks and then resume treatment.

for pain and inflammation of the gums, it is recommended to lubricate the affected areas several times a day with oregano oil, mixing it in equal parts with olive oil. Can be used water solution with a few drops of oil for rinsing with sore throat, tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis.

Inhalations with essential oil effectively help cure cough and runny nose. You need to dissolve 2-3 drops of oregano oil in 1 liter of boiling water. Can be used for inhalation special device, you can simply inhale the healing steam for 5-10 minutes. Inhalations are contraindicated during pregnancy, when hypertension, nosebleeds, high fever.

With the help of oregano oil, you can quickly eliminate dandruff, strengthen hair follicles. A few drops of oil just need to be added to the shampoo. You can make a hair mask by mixing oregano essential oil with coconut oil in a ratio of 1:4, apply to hair after washing.

Restrictions on use

Oregano is contraindicated for use in some cases:

  1. Oregano is contraindicated during pregnancy. It causes uterine contractions, which can cause abortion.
  2. The plant increases the production of gastric juice, so when peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity should be used with caution.
  3. In severe cases of hypertension and serious disorders of the cardiovascular system, the plant is contraindicated even in the form of essential oil.
  4. Long-term use of oregano reduces libido in men.
  5. The plant affects puberty– can slow it down or speed it up. It is not recommended to use oregano-based products under 14 years of age.

Oregano acts as a sedative, so it is not advisable to take preparations from it during work that requires increased concentration. The plant improves appetite, so those who are on a diet should not use it.