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Tartar prickly: medicinal properties, description and photo. Tartar prickly in folk and traditional medicine

Tartar prickly is a plant representative of the Compositae family. Today, more than 4 dozen of its species are known, mainly growing in the European part, as well as in the north of the African continent. In Russia, no more than 10 species are known today, but the most common is the Prickly species.

The prickly Tatarnik is, in fact, weed, the stem of which is winged and there are prickly "teeth" on it. Flowers predominantly Pink colour, are represented by baskets. The fruits have volatiles that contribute to more widespread over the surrounding area. In our country, it has received the greatest distribution in the Caucasus, as well as in the Siberian territory.

Harvesting and storage of prickly tartar

The most common areas where the plant in question can be found are ravines, landfills, sunny meadows, and meadows. The plant is a good honey plant. One of the most elementary rules when collecting prickly tartar is the absence of parts of other plants in the collection. The thing is that this plant, in fact, is a weed, next to which poisonous weeds can also grow. This should not be forgotten. It is advisable to collect the prickly tartar grass only in places of its intensive growth. In this case, you significantly increase the likelihood of collecting ripe and ready to transfer to you all the useful properties of the parts of this plant. The collection of prickly tartar is carried out mainly in August-September. It is advisable to wish it on a dry and warm day, because in artificial conditions It is very difficult to dry a wet plant.

Absolutely all parts of the specified plant, including roots and shoots, are subject to collection. After collection, it is necessary to organize natural drying. It is enough to place the collected "materials" in a dry, dark and ventilated room. Avoid contact with moisture, as well as parts of other plants. In no case should insects get into the dryer, for this it is advisable to make some kind of pallet. When collecting ready-to-eat raw materials, it is necessary to check again for the absence of insects, since the shelf life in this case is significantly reduced. Storage of harvested parts must be carried out in a dry, protected from sunlight, place, preferably in cloth bags. Shelf life - no more than 2 years, which is quite enough until the next collection.

Application in everyday life

Tartar prickly is not used in everyday life, since it does not have either decorative properties or any other useful ones. Its main purpose is folk medicine.

Medicinal properties of prickly tartar

It is worth noting the fact that, despite the fact that this plant is considered a weed, useful properties possess all of its constituent parts. Consider the main medicinal properties Tatar.

  1. Preparations made from the baskets of the prickly tartar have a tonic effect on the entire body. They also help strengthen the immune system, therefore preparations based on prickly tartar are often recommended as immunostimulating agents.
  2. Tea with the addition of the flowers of this plant is recommended to be taken during acclimatization, and, regardless of which direction it takes - towards a colder or hotter climate.
  3. Preparations based on prickly tartar increase blood pressure, making it normal, moreover, the effect comes quickly, but lasts quite a long time. long time- up to 8-12 hours.
  4. Ailments of cardio-vascular system perfectly eliminated by periodic or frequent receptions preparations based on the plant in question.
  5. Various diseases urinary tract, and genitourinary system, are the basis for prescribing drugs based on tartar. A few weeks of taking them is enough to get the first results. Also, do not forget about the preventive reception.
  6. The next useful medicinal properties of this plant is its anti-inflammatory effect. Can various drugs take both internally to increase the body's resistance, and externally.
  7. By using various decoctions on the basis of prickly tatar, you can quickly and reliably stop small bleeding that has become the cause, for example, of a fall. Worth noting what to do various compresses children can also, because it is absolutely harmless to the skin in small concentrations.
  8. Due to its antibacterial effect, various skin diseases, including scabies, are often treated with tartar.

The use of prickly tartar in folk medicine

Having on hand even a small amount of dried and crushed parts of the prickly tartar, you can prepare a wide variety of preparations that help with various ailments and diseases. Consider some of the traditional medicine recipes.

A decoction of the roots of the prickly tartar in chronic diseases of the respiratory system.

It is necessary to place about 30 g of dried and crushed tartar roots in 1 liter of boiling water, and then simmer for 15 minutes. Then close the lid and let cool. After 15 minutes, after the steam has reached a more or less acceptable temperature, you can start doing inhalations, covered with a thick blanket. Just 5-7 minutes of such breathing is enough to feel the first effect - a decrease in pain when coughing. As soon as the broth has cooled, it is necessary to cool it and place it in the refrigerator, since in such conditions it can be stored for up to 2 weeks. Use 3 times a day, 50 ml, immediately before meals, but before use, you need to warm it up a little.

A decoction of tartar roots for gastroenteritis and colitis, including those accompanied by diarrhea

It is necessary to place about 2025 g of dry crushed tartar roots in a saucepan, pour 500 ml of water and bring to a boil. Boil over low heat for 5-7 minutes, then cover and let cool. Then strain and place in the refrigerator. Consume 5-6 times a day without regard to meals. Within 2-3 days, the effects of the above diseases will be eliminated, but you should drink 2 more days as a prophylactic.

Tartar decoction for recovery after operations, serious illnesses, as well as for psychosis and various mental disorders

You need 2 tbsp. place various crushed and dried parts of the plant in question in a small saucepan, pour 300 ml of water and bring to a boil over high heat. As soon as the broth boils, set the minimum fire and boil for at least 20-25 minutes. Allow to cool with the lid closed, then strain. It is necessary to consume cold, 30 ml 2 times a day - in the morning after getting up and in the evening just before bedtime. This mode of reception will allow you to get the first notable results already on the 3rd day. The effect is calmness, good sleep, lack of irritability.

Tatarnik infusion for the treatment of furunculosis and other similar skin diseases

You need 1 tbsp. place the dry "mixture" of the tartar in a glass and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it. Close with a saucer, let it brew for at least 1.5 hours, then strain. Damp gauze bandage indicated infusion and treat damaged areas of the skin. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day until the above damage disappears. After the effect has come, it is advisable to take a break for 2-3 days, then repeat the procedure for 7 days, lubricating those areas where boils appeared the previous time.

Prickly tatar powder for inflammatory diseases of the bladder

In this recipe, it is important to observe the time of admission. So, 5-10 g of fine powder of various parts of the tartar must be dissolved in 50 ml of warm boiled water and taken orally 20 minutes before meals. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day (before breakfast and dinner) for at least 5-6 days. After that, take a break for 3-4 days, and then repeat. Observe the indicated regimen until the first signs appear effective impact, but then continue as a prophylactic for another 3-4 cycles.

Infusion based on prickly tartar to improve the functioning of the heart muscle

The greatest effect of this recipe occurs in cases where the recipient has hypotension - low blood pressure. It is necessary to place 5 g of dry and finely chopped roots in a glass beaker and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them. Close the saucer and leave for at least 30 minutes. Then strain and leave to cool. Drink 1 tbsp. 4 times a day without reference to food intake, but evenly distributing the time between the use of the infusion. You can take it constantly, but with interruptions for 4-5 days every 10 days of admission.


People suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure) and other concomitant ailments (arrhythmia, tachycardia, etc.) should not take preparations based on prickly tartar, since the components can cause an uncontrolled increase in pressure. In addition, it is not recommended to use for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and before children reach 8 years of age, with the exception of compresses and external use. Any side effects has not been identified to date. Also, there may be isolated cases of individual intolerance to some components. In this case, it is advisable to stop taking drugs based on it.

Tartarnik prickly belongs to the genus Tatarnik, the Astrovye family. It is often confused with milk thistle and thistle. The tatarnik has a lot of similarities with the first plant, but milk thistle has white spots on the leaves. With a thistle, only flowers are the same for a Tatar. The remaining parts of the plant - the stem and leaves - are completely different.

Tartar prickly - biennial herbaceous plant up to two meters high. It has a branched spindle-shaped root. The stem of the grass is straight (unlike the thistle, in which it is branched), winged - with a width of wings about one and a half centimeters, cobweb-woolly. Slight branching is observed only in the uppermost part of the stem. Along the edge of the wings there are unevenly spaced yellow spikes up to five millimeters long.

The leaves of the plant are decurrent, sessile, alternate, gray-cobweb. The length of the leaves is from fifteen to thirty centimeters, depending on the location - they are smaller towards the top. The lower leaves are elliptical in shape and have a wavy edge, the upper ones are lanceolate with a smooth edge. (Thistles have strongly dissected leaves that are 10 to 15 centimeters long.)

The flowers of the plant are tubular, collected in spherical baskets up to five centimeters wide, have a purple color. Inflorescences are located at the top of the stem.

The fruit is an oblong achene with a tuft.

Tartarnik prickly is a very unpretentious plant and is found throughout the European part of Russia, in Central Asia, the Baltic States and the Caucasus. On cultivated soils, it is considered a weed that is difficult to eradicate. Near gardeners, tatarnik is grown as a medicinal herb.

The composition of the prickly tartar

Today, the chemical composition of the prickly tartar has not yet been sufficiently studied, but we can say with confidence that it definitely contains: alkaloids, ascorbic acid, saponins, bitterness, lactone, inulin, arctiopicrin, fixed oils, proteins and carbohydrates. The combination of all these elements makes the plant biologically active. medicine from many diseases.

Herbalists use the whole plant as a medicine, from the seeds to the roots.

What diseases are prickly tartar used for?

Although completely healing properties plants have not yet been discovered, it is already widely used in traditional medicine, homeopathy and traditional medicine. On the basis of the prickly tartar, a series of medicines aimed at combating various diseases.

The ability of the plant to have a general tonic effect helps with significant physical and mental stress. Tartar prickly activates the work of all body systems and gives a person cheerfulness for a sufficiently long period.

The ability to strengthen the immune system allows the use of grass as an immunomodulator. Because of this feature of the plant, several drugs have been released on its basis to strengthen immune system person.

At abrupt changes climate, when the body has to endure stress due to acclimatization, the use of prickly tartar will be very useful. It helps the body cope with overloads, speeds up the process of acclimatization and makes it easier. This property of the plant is especially valuable for children and the elderly, who are especially difficult to endure sudden climatic changes. It is also necessary to use the plant for those who often have to change the climate.

The prickly tartar helps with low blood pressure, as well as hypotension. It quickly, but at the same time gently, raises the pressure, bringing it to normal. The result obtained after taking the plant lasts about twelve hours.

Promotes prickly tartar and eliminates many problems of the cardiovascular system. At regular use the plant has a strengthening effect on the vessels and the heart muscle and heals most ailments.

Diseases urinary system can also be cured with prickly tartar. It relieves inflammation and has a mild diuretic effect. Thus, many problems in this area are amenable to treatment with preparations containing tartar, or a plant in its pure form.

For gynecological problems in women, the herb also has positive influence, relieving inflammation and pain, as well as contributing to the normalization of hormonal levels.

The anti-inflammatory properties of tartar are also used in medicine. It helps to cope with various inflammatory processes, both internally and externally.

Promotes the plant and stop minor bleeding. It can be used for damage skin without a large area.

Tartar prickly renders positive action with bronchitis and inflammatory processes in the organs respiratory system.

The diuretic properties of the plant allow it to be used for edema. By removing excess fluid from the body, it effectively and quickly solves the problem.

Promotes grass and blood restoration. This feature makes it necessary in the process of treatment with heavy drugs.

They use prickly tartar as additional therapy at cancer. Providing a tonic and immunostimulating effect, the plant includes natural protective functions body to help fight disease.

Rheumatism and gout are also indications for the use of tartar. With its regular use, the condition of patients improves markedly.

Allows the plant to get rid of hemorrhoids. Having an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect, it greatly alleviates the disease and helps to reduce the hemorrhoidal bump.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that the prickly tartar is distinguished by the widest range of healing qualities that can relieve many ailments. In a pharmacy, it is now easy to purchase both ready-made medicines based on it, and dry raw materials for self-preparation.

Contraindications to the use of prickly tartar

In the case of the prickly Tatar man, there were no contraindications. First of all, it is unacceptable to use it for people suffering from hypertension, as well as those prone to increased pressure. Also, the herb is contraindicated for people with increased heart rate, as it can cause it to increase even more.

The prickly tartar is undesirable for internal use pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children under eight years of age.

Another reason to refuse healing herbs is allergic reaction on her.

In all other cases, you can use prickly tartar without fear, since it does not have side effects.

Ways to use prickly tartar

The most effective are preparations prepared independently from a dried plant.

Decoction for diseases of the respiratory system

To prepare a healing drink, you need to take thirty grams of dried, crushed roots, pour into one liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. After the cooking is completed, the medicine should be covered with a lid and left for fifteen minutes. After this time, the steam from the decoction should become an acceptable temperature for inhalation. The procedure is carried out, covered with a thick blanket, for five to ten minutes. The healing effect is felt after the first time. The decoction itself should also be consumed orally, fifty milliliters three times a day before meals and slightly warmed up. The drug should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than ten days.

Decoction for gastroenteritis

To prepare effective medicine, 20 grams of dried plant roots should be poured with half a liter of water, put on fire and, after boiling, cook on low heat for about five more minutes. Then the medicine is covered with a lid and left to cool completely. After straining, the broth is stored in the refrigerator. Use it two tablespoons five times a day, regardless of the meal. The duration of treatment with the drug is four days.

Powder for inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system

The powder has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and, with proper use, quickly eliminates problems. The powder must contain all parts of the plant. IN medicinal purposes 10 grams of the drug is diluted with fifty milliliters of water and drunk twenty minutes before meals. Apply the medicine twice a day - before the first and last meal. The course of treatment lasts six days, after which a four-day break is made, and then the course is repeated. For achievement maximum effect at least four courses should be completed.

Infusion for problems in the work of the heart

In order to prepare the drug, five grams of dry crushed roots are taken and poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water, after which the dishes are tightly closed with a lid and left for half an hour. Then the infusion is filtered and left to cool completely. The resulting medicine is used four times a day, one tablespoon, regardless of the meal. You can use the drug constantly, but making a four-day break every ten days of admission.

Infusion for skin lesions

For the treatment of wounds, furunculosis and trophic ulcers apply lotions with infusion of prickly tartar. One tablespoon of powder from various parts of the plant is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused under the lid for two hours. After complete cooling, the infusion is filtered. The gauze soaked in it is applied to the affected areas. The procedures are carried out three times a day until complete recovery.


The collection period of the plant lasts from mid-August to mid-September. Dry and warm days should be chosen for this, when humidity will not interfere with drying. The plant is dug out as a whole, since all its parts are medicinal. After collecting, the raw materials should be washed, checked for the absence of insects and dried in a dark, ventilated place, hung in small bundles or laid out on paper in one layer.

After complete drying, you can prepare a powder from the whole plant, or you can prepare the root and aerial parts separately. Keep medicinal plant should be in a linen bag, in a dry and ventilated area. The shelf life of a Tatarnik is two years, but to receive from him maximum benefit raw materials should be collected annually and blanks used within twelve months.

Tartar prickly - perfect natural medicine from many diseases. Today it is readily used not only traditional healers but also representatives of traditional medicine.

The Tatarnik plant is also called a bodyak in a different way. It is a spiny biennial. The stem of the plant grows up to 2 meters in height, many branches come from it. It stands upright, the surface is rather woolly.
Sheets of the Tatar big size, the shape is elliptical elongated.
The flowers of the plant are purple, small. Tatarnik blooms all summer. It grows everywhere near roads, on slopes and wastelands.
People use for treatment a part of a plant growing above the ground, that is, leaves, seeds, flower baskets.
Grass is cut with secateurs. The rough, squat part does not need to be cut off.
It is necessary to leave the trunk above the soil, its length should not exceed 10 centimeters.

The grass that is harvested is dried in the shade or in a room that is ventilated. It must be laid out in one layer.

The flowers are collected when the prickly tartar is in full bloom.
Once you have collected the leaves, cut them lengthwise. The thorns are best removed.
The leaves are usually dried in an oven. The temperature should not exceed fifty degrees Celsius.
Some people use tartar root. It must be dug out in autumn or early spring at the beginning of the appearance of the very first rosette leaves.
The roots must be washed with cold water, spread them out. You can dry the plant in a dryer.
Tatarnik seeds are harvested from the very beginning of autumn to its middle. They must be dried in ventilated rooms.

It is impossible to store prickly tartar for more than one year. The storage of budyak seeds and its roots lasts three years, if you comply with all the necessary requirements for the storage of raw materials.

Medicinal properties

The plant consists of alkaloids, saponins, proteins, ascorbic acid and carbohydrates. Decoctions and infusions from prickly tartar restore blood, fight bacteria, drive fluid, prevent inflammatory processes in organism.
These medicines tone the heart system, increase its contractions, increase pressure, act as a stimulant nervous system or depressing.

For nephritis, gout, uterine cancer, rheumatism, skin cancer, inflammation Bladder you should prepare a decoction of a bodyak.
A tincture prepared from the leaves of the plant is suitable for external use when washing ulcers or wounds with pus.
Thistle helps with coughing, hypotension, due to the properties of increasing pressure.

Folk medicine and prickly Tatar

Flower and leaf tincture

It is necessary to take 20 grams of raw materials, pour them boiled water, wait 4 hours and then pass through a strainer. Drink one-fourth of a glass three times a day. This tincture will help with heart palpitations, bronchial asthma, cold cough, inflammation of the bladder, hypotension, inflammation of the kidneys, weakness of the body.

The tincture is used externally for carbuncle, burns, frostbite and furunculosis for washing.

Tatar leaves - tincture

Take 15 g of raw materials, pour 300 milliliters hot water, wait sixty minutes, sip. Suitable for treatment skin rashes, lichen and eczema.

A decoction of a bodyak

It is necessary to take 20 grams of Tatar grass, that is, flowers and leaves. Pour 300 milliliters of hot water over them. Cook the mixture over low heat for about fifteen minutes, closing the lid. Now strain the decoction and use as directed four times a day between meals for a large spoon. So you will cure hemorrhoids, rheumatism, cough, inflammation of the bladder and too rapid heartbeat.
The decoction is also suitable for washing abscesses, ulcers, wounds that do not heal. Suitable for lotions and compresses for carbuncle or furunculosis.

We make powder from the leaves of the plant

Take dry leaves of prickly tartar, grind them, rubbing in a mortar until they are in a state of powder. They need to treat the genitourinary system, colds, hemorrhoids between each meal three times a day for a small spoon.
This powder is used as a powder for ulcers and wounds. To treat bronchitis, a small spoon must be dissolved in ¼ of a glass of hot water. It is necessary to drink the medicine three times a day.

Juice obtained from the juice

It is necessary to take fresh grass, rinse, remove all thorns, twist the raw materials in a meat grinder, squeeze the juice from the plant. It is used externally for compresses and lotions on wounds and ulcers.

Inflammation of the genitourinary system and bodyak help

It is necessary to use six grams of tatarnik, pour the plant into a jar with a capacity equal to one liter. Pour 600 ml of boiled water on top. The herb is infused until it cools down. Drink half a glass of water infusion about six times a day. The entire portion of the infusion should be consumed per day.

Gangrene of the toes

Dry herb tatarnik is placed in a jar with a capacity of 500 ml to the top. Now pour the raw materials into the pan, fill the mass with water - 3 liters, steam the mass for five minutes. Then the mixture should be infused for forty minutes. This decoction is suitable for soaring legs for thirty minutes three times a day.

Treatment of hypotension with tincture of thistle

Take a small spoonful of tartar, pour 20 ml of boiling water, cover the container with a lid. We are waiting for it to infuse for half an hour in a warm room, which must be closed from sun rays. The resulting mixture is filtered and squeezed.
Tincture is taken in the third part of a glass three times a day thirty minutes before eating.

Tartar prickly and burns with chloramine

It is necessary to dig up a bush of a bodyak, rinse with water. Using a knife, chop the plant into pieces. Fill the bush with 5 liters of water, boil the mixture, insist until it cools down. Now strain the mixture, squeeze it out. Burned places are immersed in this decoction. Skin after treatment medical procedure does not wipe off. After three days, the effect of the use of the Tatar will appear.

Tumors of the stomach, intestines and plant use

We make a powder from the grass of the tartar, use it in a small spoon three times a day 20 minutes before eating. The resulting powder is washed down with water and is suitable for use in the period after the operation, which saved you from the tumor.

Spiny tartar and eczema

It is necessary to cut the flowers and leaves of the bodyak, after rinsing them with water. After that fill in the raw material hot water(the water should cover the grass). After thirty minutes, the thorns will soften. Pour the tincture into a bath of hot water. These baths can be taken twice a day. To completely get rid of eczema, it is necessary to carry out ten or more procedures.

Tatarnik and contraindications

This plant should not be taken by people with hypertension due to the property of the plant to increase blood pressure.

Photo gallery of images of prickly tartar:

Tartar prickly is a biennial compound thorny plant, reaching 2–2.5 meters in height. On erect stems, branching towards the top, there are regular oblong leaves with prickly teeth. The plant blooms from July to September. At the top of the stem is a basket in which there are several bright purple flowers. The fruit of the tatarnik is an oblong achene with a red crest, ripening in autumn.

Tatarnik is an unpretentious plant that is often found in Russia, Western Siberia and Central Asia. Tatarnik can grow absolutely anywhere, it can be a wasteland or a slope in the steppe.

Useful properties of the Tatar

Due to the content of prickly bitter substances, saponins, vitamin C, carbohydrates and proteins in tartar, this plant is used as a tonic, bactericidal, hypertensive and hemostatic agent. Tatarnik also has a diuretic and cardiotonic effect.

Tatarnik preparations are used for difficult-to-heal wounds, in violation of the heart and nervous system. This plant has a diuretic effect and can increase blood pressure. There is an opinion that tartar helps with skin cancer and inflammation of the bladder. Tatarnik also has an expectorant property, so it is used for colds.

The use of prickly tartar

Traditional medicine most often uses tartar as a diuretic. The plant is used for bronchitis, colds, hemorrhoids, coughs and skin diseases. Tatarnik is used internally in the form of decoctions and infusions and externally in the form of compresses and lotions in the treatment of boils, wounds and ulcers, skin diseases and allergies. Fresh Juice Tatarnik is used for scabies, lichen or infectious cracks in the corners of the mouth. An infusion is prepared from the flowers of the plant, which is used for lotions in the treatment of eye diseases.

Tatarnik is sometimes used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system and asthma. The plant is recommended for dropsy, rheumatism and scrofula. This plant is often used to increase blood pressure. In addition to all this, the Tatar man helps in the treatment malignant tumors. Tatarnik is a honey plant. Its honey has astringent and bactericidal properties. Tartar honey is used as a good blood purifier, expectorant for coughs and colds. Honey helps with cystitis, edema, anemia and exhaustion of the nervous system.

Tartar infusion to increase blood pressure. To prepare it, you need to take 10 grams of flower baskets and the same number of plant leaves. Pour this mixture with 200 ml of boiling water and put on water bath for 10 minutes. Next, the infusion is wrapped and left to infuse. After straining the medicine, it is used at low pressure three times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Infusion of Tatar for blood purification.
Take 3 tablespoons of tartar grass and pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. After pouring the infusion into a thermos, leave for 12 hours to infuse. Strain the infusion and take half an hour before meals. The entire amount of the prepared infusion should be drunk in one day in 3 divided doses.

Tartar syrup for coughing. We take 150 grams of flower baskets of the plant and fill them with 300 ml of water. Add half a glass of sugar to this mass and put it on the fire to evaporate until half the volume remains in the container. After straining the finished syrup, the raw material is squeezed out. It is recommended to take the resulting remedy 5 times a day, 1 teaspoon. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Tincture for skin cancer, lupus. Let's take a glass liter jar and fill it to the top with Tatar flower baskets. Next, pour vodka into the jar so that it covers all the inflorescences of the Tatar. Leave the product to infuse for 1 month in a dark room, not forgetting to shake it periodically. After squeezing the raw materials and straining the tincture, it is taken 30 ml in the morning and evening.

Tartar juice for tumors of the anus. We take fresh leaves prickly tartar and squeeze the juice out of them. We take juice 1 teaspoon three times a day.

Bath with tartar herb for cellulite.
You need to take 3 cups of fresh tartar grass and put it in a thermos. Add 1 liter of boiling water there. Leave the thermos for half an hour and filter the broth. Ready decoction poured into a bath and take it for a quarter of an hour (no more). Another important condition: you can only go down to the chest line in the water.

Contraindications to the use of Tatarnik

There are no contraindications to the use of Tatarnik, but it is not recommended for people with hypertension to use it.

Tartar prickly is an incredibly tenacious weed. You can meet him on the slopes Caucasus mountains, in the desert regions of Central Asia, in the Baltic States and Central Russia.

Tartar prickly - an incredibly tenacious weed

Surviving in places with the heaviest and extreme conditions, this thorny grass shows its persistent character every time. There is a legend that the invasion of this plant was compared with the Tatar-Mongol yoke. From here its names appeared: prickly tartar or infidel grass.

Indeed, this is a real fighter. It is classified as an ordinary herb, but has the appearance of a sinister warrior. The spindle-shaped root, like a drill, is deeply screwed into the ground. The thick, erect stem is covered with a woolly cobweb. For 2 years of life, the plant reaches a two-meter height.

Wing-like branches of the tartar are dotted with sharp yellow thorns. Branches up to 1.5 m wide. The leaves are oval, elongated, serrated at the edges. Each tooth is crowned with a poisonous thorn, and the surface of the leaf constantly secretes a gray sticky secret. When you meet such a huge thorny bush that looks like a bird of prey, you want to turn off the road.

It is classified as an ordinary herb, but has the appearance of a sinister warrior.

The flowering period begins in July and lasts until mid-autumn. Spiny baskets appear at the tips of the branches. They contain 3 crimson inflorescences, resembling small asters. At the time of ripening, the basket closes, leaving a bunch of dried straw-colored petals on the surface. The ready-to-propagate seed container is very light and has an unusually grippy quality. With the help of the wind, on the fur of animals and on the feet of random passers-by, the Tatar grass goes to populate new territories.

Gallery: prickly tartar (25 photos)

When to collect medicinal herbs (video)

Healing qualities

Currently, the plant is not favored by the attention of official medicine. So far no published scientific papers about him chemical composition And therapeutic properties. Therefore, prickly grass is not sold in pharmacies.

But traditional healers have long noticed this plant and for many years have been using it in the fight against many ailments. In their opinion, everything is useful in this herb: roots, stems, leaves, inflorescences, thorns, and especially seeds. By the way, the fruits of the tartar are 40% oil.

The properties of the thorny weed have been studied for years. folk wisdom developed into recipes and passed down from generation to generation. The plant was collected with extreme care, in thick mittens. And this is not surprising: by the autumn of the second year of life, the thorns of the Tatar turn into cold weapons.

Unscientific methods of traditional medicine have given their results. It has been experimentally proven wide range healing properties this weed.

Until now, there are no published scientific papers on its chemical composition and therapeutic properties.

Very strong ability to coagulability of blood is revealed. This property is mainly used externally for wounds. of varying complexity. But theoretically it can be used in hematological diseases. When hemophilia was discovered in the son of Nicholas II, all means available at that time were thrown to fight the disease. But in the blood of the heir to the throne there was not the required amount of protein responsible for stopping the blood. Having spent all possible diagnostic procedures, the doctors of that time realized that they would not succeed in curing Alexei Nikolaevich. The only thing left for them was to try to improve the quality of his life. Some historians describe that a doctor was brought from the Tatar lands to the court of the emperor. In his arsenal was the Basurman prickly grass, with the juice of which he tried to alleviate serious condition sick child. With the help of the Tatar, the healer managed to make the heir's blood cleaner and thicker, increase hemoglobin and blood pressure.

Drugs prepared on the basis of a powder from the roots of the tartar and oil of its seeds act depressingly on many species. pathogenic bacteria. At the simplest level, this property of the plant is successfully used in the treatment festering wounds and many other skin diseases of a bacterial nature. But besides this, cases are described in which the prickly tartar helped in the cure of botulism. This is very serious disease, which in running form often leads to lethal outcome. The difficulty lies in the fact that the causative agent of the disease is of animal origin. It is resistant to impact chemicals and temperature treatment. The toxins produced by the botulinum bacterium accumulate in the body and completely affect the nervous system. With the help of the Tatar man, ancient healers managed to completely localize this serious illness at the initial stage.

In the end official medicine drew attention to the incredible strength of the Tatar. Currently, it is used even in the fight against oncological diseases. In combination with chemotherapy, its use gives successful results. Especially after operations related to the removal cancerous tumors to prevent relapse. Everyone knows the fact that surgical intervention does not give a full guarantee of getting rid of the tumor, because in the process of growth it constantly releases into the blood cancer cells that are distributed throughout the body. The property of tartar to block the growth of pathogenic bacteria and purify the blood increases the protective qualities of the body.

In folk medicine, the common tartar is considered the strongest natural antibiotic. Many healers describe its power in the fight against infections of the genitourinary system and fungal diseases of a venereal nature. Of particular interest is the described case of the treatment of neurosyphilis by a Tatar man.

In those days, when doctors were not yet able to conduct accurate laboratory research, it was difficult to diagnose this disease. The infection entered the body sexually and, developing, gave out symptoms that looked like either meningitis or cerebral fever. Confused healers did not have time to come to their senses, as the disease completely destroyed the nervous system, causing paralysis and death. But with the help of treatment with infidel grass, it was possible to completely defeat this terrible disease.

Tatarnik ordinary (video)

Poison Doppelgänger

In nature, there are a lot of plants that look like prickly tartar. Yes, almost every healing herb or edible mushroom there is a toxic twin. To avoid sad consequences it is important to learn to distinguish between them. Basurman grass is often called thistle or thistle. This is not only erroneous, but also a dangerous delusion. Basically, some similarity is confusing. This is not surprising: thistle and tartar belong to the Asteraceae family and have similar features. However, it is absolutely different plants with dissimilar properties. To understand this, it is enough to conduct a comparative characteristic.

The main thing that is confusing is the almost identical flowers and the presence of thorns. Both weeds bloom in adult form, but the thistle has a height of no more than 20 cm, and the tartar is more than 2 m. Therefore, the growth characteristic is the main criterion for distinguishing between these plants.

It is impossible to compare sow thistle and prickly tartar, medicinal properties and their contraindications. After all, these plants are the complete opposite of each other. Basurman grass has incredible healing power, and thistle is not used in medicine. Not only that, thistle is toxic and poisonous plant, in the history he is given a separate page.

Since ancient times in Rus', the thistle has been personified with evil spirit, endowing this ubiquitous weed with the dark energy of evil. In Europe, on the contrary, he was considered reliable protection from enemies and a symbol of inevitable punishment for crimes. And in old England, they were decorated with family coats of arms, and the knights named their orders in his honor.