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Dandelion: a medicine with fantastic healing powers! Dandelion honey medicinal properties

27.12.2016 4

Uses of dandelion folk medicine has been known for a long time. Almost all parts of the plant are used to cure many diseases. The most pleasant and delicious recipe Dandelion honey is considered. Its benefits and harms beneficial features We will describe the plant and its product in more detail.

What is this product?

It is generally accepted that honey is a product created by bees in the process of their life. But dandelion has its own characteristics - its nectar is bitter, and not every bee wants to collect it. Therefore, it is almost impossible to find ideal dandelion honey as a beekeeping product.

This is most often the name given to jam made from these sunny flowers. Its appearance resembles honey, because it has a sunny yellow color, thick consistency, sweet in taste and has the aroma of flowers. At the same time, dandelion honey, the benefits and harms of which have been known to people for a long time, is used in medicinal purposes. There are many recipes for making dandelion honey at home.

How to collect flowers?

To give honey from dandelions medicinal effect, you should correctly approach the collection of the plant itself. However, dandelion root or stems are rarely collected. Most often they are limited to the flower itself, sometimes with a peduncle, sometimes without it, depending on the specific cooking recipe. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • You need to collect flowers in the month of May, when they bloom at their maximum.
  • Choose environmentally friendly areas for collection, where there are no exhaust gases, factories or other pollution. It is best to do this in a meadow far from the city, near a river, away from the highway.
  • It is important to do this not in rainy weather. It is believed that a correctly collected flower has stood in the sun for at least a day in the absence of precipitation.
  • So that the flower is completely filled with the necessary nectar and useful qualities, it should be collected during the day when it has fully opened. You should not take half-opened buds.
  • It would be more correct not to pick the flower, but to carefully cut it.
  • Before preparing anything from the flowers, they must be washed. But this should not be done under running water, and you should not wash it too vigorously, since you need to remove excess dust, and not the pollen and nectar itself. After all, they are the ones who give the plant medicinal properties.

The benefits of dandelion and its honey

Dandelion honey has many beneficial properties. It is valued for curing various diseases:

  1. It normalizes blood pressure, having a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels.
  2. Helps normal operation liver and gallbladder, helping to cure some diseases associated with these organs.
  3. Thanks to the rich vitamin composition Dandelion honey is able to boost immunity and restore a person's strength after serious illnesses.
  4. It helps cleanse the urinary tract by reducing rice urolithiasis and other diseases of these organs.
  5. Dandelion honey also does a good job of cleansing the intestines and blood of toxins and other toxic substances.
  6. Due to the large amount of magnesium and potassium in its composition, this product has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of any heart disease.
  7. The B vitamins in its composition help restore nervous system, relieving the effects of stress and calming.
  8. Dandelion honey can lower blood cholesterol levels.
  9. An excellent choleretic and laxative - due to this you can get rid of many problems with gastrointestinal diseases.
  10. The anti-inflammatory effect is important for colds and viral diseases. Dandelion honey can cure any symptoms and underlying causes of flu, colds and viral infections.
  11. Helps remove phlegm, which is especially valuable for viruses and bronchitis.
  12. Such a product can even reduce asthma symptoms and help a person normalize breathing.
  13. Dandelion honey reduces pain, especially pain from arthritis, osteochondrosis and other joint diseases.
  14. It is also valued in cosmetology, since when used in creams and masks it can improve the condition of skin and hair and create a rejuvenating effect.

How to prepare a healing product?

You are unlikely to find dandelion honey on sale. And yet this is not a problem, since the product will be much more valuable if it is made at home. There are several simple recipes that always result in a healthy treat.

  • Pour water over 400 flowers and let stand for a day. Then we drain this water and add clean, preferably spring water in a volume of 0.5 liters. Boil them for 20 minutes over low heat. After this, add a kilogram of sugar, two grated lemons along with the peel and a teaspoon of citric acid. Now stir it all well, bring it to a boil again and let it simmer over low heat for no more than five minutes. Then we filter the flowers, and the remaining syrup can be boiled again for about two minutes.
  • An even simpler way to make honey is to give half a liter of water per 100 flowers. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes and let it brew for 24 hours. Then add a kilogram of cane sugar and boil for another 10 minutes.
  • You can also use lemon in the recipe, then it will benefit final product there will be even more. So, you need to boil the flowers for two hours. We take 300 ml of water per 100 flowers. Infuse the decoction for at least 12 hours, then filter. To the remaining broth add lemon juice (half or whole, to taste) and half a kilo of sugar. Mix everything and boil for another two hours.
  • If you really want to get honey and not jam, then there is a recipe without heat treatment, using natural honey. To do this, take the entire dandelion flowers, with stems, and grind them in a blender. Then they mix it all with natural flower honey. The concentration should be 1.5 kg of honey per thousand flowers. You can take a little less dandelions if you don’t like the bitter taste. It is useful to add 50 grams of pollen to the resulting composition. Thus, you will get a real elixir of health.
  • The jam will be more flavorful if prepared according to the following recipe. Take 300 dandelion flowers, half a liter clean water, 15 leaves of cherry, currant, raspberry or other aromatic fruit leaves, a kilogram of sugar and lemon. At the same time, we select only flowers from dandelions, and cut the lemon whole, without peeling the peel. You can even add a few clove stars for extra flavor. Cook this entire mixture for 15 minutes over low heat and leave for at least a day. It is better to add sugar to the cooled and strained broth. After adding sugar, you should boil it again for up to half an hour, until it begins to thicken.
  • 300 dandelion flowers are poured with water and allowed to boil for 3 - 4 minutes. Grate the lemon along with the zest and add to the broth. Allow the mixture to brew for about 6 – 8 hours. At this time, you need to prepare the sugar syrup itself separately. To do this, use 100 ml of water per 1 kg of sugar. When the dandelion decoction has infused, it should be strained and mixed with hot sugar syrup. All together you need to boil again for 20 - 25 minutes.
  • The original recipe also involves the use of fragrant herbs, which will give the product a special aroma and incredible benefits. To do this you need half a liter of water, 400 grams of dandelion flowers, 1.2 kg of sugar, half a lemon, or rather the juice from it, and herbs. Choose any herbs that you like. This could be raspberry or cherry leaves, as we described earlier, or it could also be branches of lemon balm, mint, etc. First, cook the sugar syrup. Add the washed dandelion flower heads to this syrup and boil them for 20 minutes. At the very end they add lemon juice. Towards the end of cooking, the desired herbs are added for flavor and greater benefits. Finished product filter and pour into jars.

There are many more ways to make dandelion honey in various ways. The main thing is that you like the taste of the result. Just remember that the longer you keep flowers and herbs on the fire, the less beneficial substances remain in them.

Video: dandelion honey.

Harm and contraindications

Any plants have not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications for use. After all, the concentration of various natural substances in them is much higher, and therefore not everyone can use such a delicacy without harm to the body.

  1. Since this honey is made using sugar, diabetics should not consume it.
  2. This honey will also be dangerous for obese people.
  3. If you are allergic and have a particularly severe reaction to pollen, then such a product is also contraindicated for you.
  4. Particular care should be taken when using dandelion honey to treat children - since the product is a strong allergen, it is strictly contraindicated for children under three years of age.
  5. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should not experiment with new products. Therefore, eat a small amount of dandelion honey only if you have eaten it before.
  6. Refuse this remedy It is also worth it for those who have problems with indigestion. After all, such honey can cause even greater relaxation of the intestines.
  7. Hypotensive people should also not use it, because normalization of blood pressure often occurs in the direction of its reduction when consuming a dandelion product.
  8. Anyway serious illnesses internal organs before you start self-treatment folk remedies, it is better to consult an experienced doctor.
It's time to cook *Dandelion honey* +15 recipes

Let's first try to figure out whether he is really so useless, and whether it is possible to translate him into a different perspective of relations with him, other than weaving wreaths and putting them on his heads.

First of all, you can eat dandelion.

At the very beginning of spring, vitamin deficiency is raging, supplies and preparations have run out. Nothing has yet sprouted in the beds except this very dandelion. But you can safely tear its leaves and wash them cold salty water to get rid of not only dirt, but also milky juice, and cut them into salad.

Believe me, not every cultivated plant can boast such a store of vitamins. And the very first jam from flower heads or *dandelion “honey” is prepared already at the time of the first flowering.

Secondly, dandelion can be used to treat

Where are the benefits of dandelions? The most healing part of the dandelion is... everything! This is the only one garden weed, which can provide jam from flower heads, and cure calluses and rough skin of the feet with milky juice, and all digestive system tincture and decoction of the root to debug and clean.

Thirdly, dandelion jam and syrup are great for children to eat!

Yes, yes, it is the jam made from its flowers that is consumed in any quantity, easily and naturally... Therefore, any colds they are not afraid, even after the longest summer swim in cold water, which is sometimes unauthorized!

Of course, the process of cooking flower “honey” is quite lengthy due to the need to soak the heads, but the result is definitely worth it! But this is the most known way cooking "honey".

In addition, flowers can be minced in a meat grinder and mixed with sugar one to two and then boiled.

You can put flowers in a jar and sprinkle them with sugar to form syrup (for three liter jar- one and a half kg of sugar), and then take this syrup with water to cleanse the liver, bile, kidneys and other sore spots inside the body.The recipes for jam made from dandelion flowers presented here are also called dandelion honey, since this sweetness has properties similar to honey: it strengthens the overall immune system, increases protective functions body in the fight against viral diseases; successfully fights against inflammatory processes any organs, when taken orally, helps eliminate toxins, and when used externally, quickly relieves swelling and redness; the bitter resinous substances of the plant help remove sand from the gallbladder, dissolve kidney stones, and prevent liver diseases; Taking a teaspoon of dandelion jam daily helps restore appetite, while removing it from the body extra salt and liquid; Dandelion honey jam is good for heat and fever - it normalizes body temperature and stabilizes blood pressure. The listed features do not call into question the benefits of dandelion and dishes made from it, so everyone, without exception, should treat themselves to such unusual and tasty delicacies from this sunny plant, especially since the recipe is very simple and accessible to everyone.

There are a lot of recipes for harvesting dandelions, and the result is healthy body and delicious desserts.

1.Dandelion jam “Sunny”

  • half a kilo of opened yellow flowers, without stems;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • two lemons;
  • four oranges.

The oranges need to be washed well, cut into quarters, and each of them cut into thin slices.Place the dandelions and oranges in a large stainless steel pan, add three liters of water and put on fire.After boiling, simmer the mixture for one hour with the lid removed over medium heat.

Infuse the decoction for 12 hours.Squeeze out the remaining dandelion and orange pulp remaining in the gauze, pressing down with a spoon.

We measure the resulting amount of decoction. I got about two liters. If a different volume comes out, then sugar should be taken at the rate of 750 g per liter of decoction.Add sugar, juice of two lemons and simmer for another hour without a lid.

The jam becomes transparent, noticeably darkens and acquires a pleasant smell.

You need to prepare the jars in advance (sterilize them with lids). Pour the finished jam into hot jars.

I seal it and leave it to cool under towels.It turned out exactly two liters,

Dandelions - 400 pcs,

Sugar - 7 glasses,

Water - 2 glasses.

Dandelion flowersfill with water and put on fire. Bring everything to a boil. You need to boil for a couple of minutes, after which we throw the flowers into a colander lined with gauze and squeeze them out. Add sugar to the resulting broth, put it on the fire and bring it to a boil. Boil the jam for 7-8 minutes, then pour it into sterile jars and roll up the lids.

3.Dandelion jam with lemon.

Dandelions - 400 pcs., Sugar - 1.5 kg, Water - 500 ml, Lemon - 2 pcs. Soak the dandelion flowers in cold water, then put them in a bowl and fill with water (500 ml). Place the bowl on the fire and boil for 15 minutes. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, add the sliced ​​lemons. Ready decoction remove from heat and leave for a day. After that, strain the broth, then add sugar to it and cook until thick in 3 steps.

4. Dandelion jam with cherry leaves

*two hundred flower baskets
*one crushed lemon
*10 cherry leaves
*0.5 liters of boiling water
*750 gr. Sahara

Place in an enamel bowl, add one crushed lemon, and preferably add 10 cherry leaves. This adds additional flavor to the jam. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes under the lid. After this, infuse for 24 hours, filter, and squeeze. To this hot decoction add 750 g. sugar and cook for half an hour.

The resulting jam tastes very much like honey.

This is how green baskets are cut

5. Dandelion jam recipe without a basket

To cook flower jam, you will need:

200-250 dandelion flowers (without stalk);

½ liter of clean water;

1 kg sugar;

½ lemon or 2 tablespoons citric acid

First of all, you should prepare the dandelion flowers, for which we carefully sort the collected plants, separating the heads from the stalk. If the dandelion stem is left in (and many people do), the color of the jam will turn green and unattractive. The sweetness from the flowers alone has a bright sunny color and tastes great, so for this recipe we only need bright flower heads. Sorted dandelions should be thoroughly washed with running water and excess moisture should be separated using a colander.

Fresh dandelions, sugar and lemon Separate only the yellow petals from the flowers. You can put the dandelions' preparation time to good use by putting the water on the stove to boil. To make dandelion jam, it is better to use ceramic or glass containers. Place the prepared and slightly dried flowers into boiling water and cook for about a quarter of an hour. After this, the semi-finished mass should be removed from the stove. Since the jam needs to infuse for about 7-8 hours, move it to the hallway or corridor (any cool place) so that it does not sour. It is convenient to start cooking in the morning so that you can finish preparing the sweets in the evening. After the specified time, the mass should be strained - for this you can use a fine sieve or take several layers of gauze. Try to squeeze out the mixture as much as possible so that the volume ready-made jam hasn't decreased much. Boil the dandelions and let them brew in a cool place

Strain the broth through cheesecloth or a sieve. Now you should reboiling- place the strained liquid on the stove and bring it to a boil, immediately after boiling, add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved. You can reduce the power a little and boil for about 20 minutes, do not forget to stir the jam so that it does not burn.

10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, add freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon to the pan. After this, the color of the jam will change and acquire a rich amber hue. You can remove the dandelion elixir from the stove as soon as the mass begins to thicken. The easiest way to check the readiness of jam is by appearance droplets - drop the jam with a spoon onto a flat plate; if a drop spreads, it means the product is not ready yet; when the mixture flows slowly and reluctantly - this is a sign that the sweet treat is ready. It happens that the mass does not thicken for a very long time; perhaps you came across dandelions with big amount liquids. Then it is recommended to increase the amount of sugar - add another 1-1.5 cups to the volume specified in the recipe, and boil the mass for an additional 20 minutes.

6. Dandelion honey - original recipe

You will need: 500 g of dandelion flowers without stems and receptacle, 1 kg of sugar.

Wash the flower baskets, dry them and place them in layers in glass jars, generously sprinkling each portion with sugar. In this recipe, you always use 2 times more sugar than flower cups. Cover the jars filled with the flower-sugar mixture tightly with lids and place them in the sun to allow fermentation to occur. After 2 weeks, you will get sweet nectar; you need to strain it and squeeze it well. Ready honey is stored at a temperature of no more than 15 degrees in tightly closed glass jars.

7. Dandelion honey - with fragrant herbs

You will need: 2 glasses of water, 400 g of flower baskets, 1.2 kg of sugar, juice of half a lemon, aromatic herbs - currant leaves (raspberries, cherries) or lemon balm sprigs.

Make syrup from water and granulated sugar. Free the dandelion heads from the greens so that only the yellow petals remain, rinse, dry, dip in syrup and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for no more than 20 minutes. Add lemon juice at the very end. To make the honey more aromatic, 5 minutes before it’s ready, throw a few clove stars, 5-10 pieces, into the nectar. cherry, raspberry, currant leaves or a couple of twigs lemon balm. Strain the finished honey through a sieve lined with several layers of gauze and pour into jars.

8. Fragrant honey

To prepare fragrant honey you need at least 200 grams of yellow inflorescences. Place them in a deep bowl and rinse thoroughly to remove dust and insects. Pour 1 liter of water over the washed flowers and leave overnight at room temperature. The next day, add 2 cups of sugar and one finely grated lemon with peel. It can be replaced with a teaspoon of citric acid. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes after boiling. When the dandelion syrup has cooled, strain it through cheesecloth. Drain the clean liquid into glass jar and store in the refrigerator. If you take more dandelions, then you need to add more water and sugar accordingly.

9. A common recipe for dandelion honey.

Soak the whole flowers (a liter jar) in cold water for 24 hours, then squeeze them out, pour in 0.5 liters of water and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Two to three minutes before the end of cooking, add 1 to 2 chopped lemons (with zest) and bring the mixture to a boil. Let it sit for a day, then strain. The flowers and lemon are no longer needed, we squeeze them out and throw them away. Sweeten the broth (about 1 kg of sugar) and cook in two to three batches until it acquires the viscosity of honey.

10.Infused honey from dandelion petals.

We tear off the petals, put them in a three-liter jar and fill them with two liters of chilled boiling water. We insist for a day. After this we filter. Squeeze out the petals. Add the lemon juice of two lemons and 2.5 kg of granulated sugar to the infusion. Cook, stirring, until thickened. Pour into jars and store in a dark, cool place.

11. Quick recipe.

We take 300 - 400 dandelion inflorescences. Pour them into two glasses cold water and boil for two minutes. Then we line a colander with gauze and pour the liquid with dandelions onto it. When the dandelions have cooled, squeeze them thoroughly. Pour 4 - 5 cups of sugar into the strained liquid and bring to a boil. Boil for 7 minutes. Pour the hot syrup into clean jars and cover with paper. Store in the refrigerator.

12.Recipe for dandelion syrup (cold method).

We only need the yellow parts of the dandelion flowers. We place them in a two- or three-liter glass jar, alternating a layer of flowers with a layer of granulated sugar, observing the proportion: 1 part flowers to 2 parts sugar. Sprinkle a layer of sugar on top. Then we compact everything by hand or using a wooden masher. Next, there are two possible options. First: close the jar with a lid and leave in a sunny place for two weeks to ferment, then strain and store in the refrigerator. Second option: we compact the flowers very tightly, and put clean flint in the jar as a weight. Cover the neck with gauze, tie it and leave it in a cool, dark place for three to four months. From time to time we check to see if mold has appeared. We use syrup for colds.

13. Recipe for honey from dandelion flowers and May honey.

This recipe is very easy to prepare, it has a huge healing power. To prepare it you will need 100 dandelion flowers, crushed in a blender or passed through a meat grinder. They are filled with liquid bee honey. Better than May. The amount of honey is determined by eye. Everything is mixed and placed in a glass jar.

14.Cold jam from dandelion flowers.

Beneficial for the liver, prevention of herpes on the lips. We collect a lot of inflorescences (about a kilogram), then pass them through a meat grinder. Add 1.5 kg of sugar to the mass. Now sweet mass should sit and the granulated sugar should completely dissolve. To do this, mix the mass well with a wooden spoon every day for three days. Preferably at the same time. After three days, put it in jars, which we close with plastic lids and leave for 12 days in an inverted state (upside down). Cover the top of the finished medicinal jam with paper, tie it with an elastic band, and hold it m in the refrigerator.

15.Perfect dandelion honey.

My top-tasting recipe looks like this: only the yellow part of the flowers is used, the flowers are not washed to preserve the pollen, and the flowers themselves are not boiled in sugar, but only their decoction is boiled and a smaller number of flowers is required. The option when the flowers are boiled in sugar is also tasty, but then after squeezing and straining, some of the sugar simply disappears, remaining on the cake - the squeezed flowers...

Gather dandelions in a clean area on a sunny day.

You can get used to it and immediately collect the yellow part of the flowers without the green leaves, but I collect them together with the sepals, because then I still sort through them for insects, etc., and without the sepals the flower falls apart...

Sort the flowers and cut off the main dense green part of the cup from them.As a result, yellow petals with pollen will remain.

Transfer the flowers to a saucepan, add the lemon wedges. Lemon should be zest, i.e. don't be bitter.

Pour in water. Bring the mass to a boil and cook for 5 minutes over medium heat.Then leave the flowers to infuse in this water, for example, overnight in a cool place.

Squeeze and strain the flower mass.

Add sugar to the resulting dandelion water.

Before boiling, you need to constantly stir the mass so that the sugar dissolves, and then cook over medium heat with occasional stirring to the desired degree of thickness, but not less than half an hour.

Pour the finished dandelion jam into clean containers: jars and bottles.

Dandelion jam is tasty and aromatic, with a consistency similar to fresh honey.

Fruit drinks made from this jam are very tasty, especially with carbonated mineral water.

It turns out almost like dandelion lemonade.

There is nothing to think about here, if possible, and while it’s still in season, make dandelion jam, well, at least two jars.My granddaughter calls this jam sunny. And for good reason - it’s very tasty, it fills you with strength and joy..In caring women's hands golden-yellow flowers turn into a wonderful dessert, which on a cold winter evening will remind you of a sunny summer and help make up for the lack nutrients in organism. Dandelions are deservedly called the “sunny pharmacy”, and dandelion honey is a tasty, affordable and healing delicacy. Cook, taste and eat to your health!

And finally:

Try it for sure!

Many people perceive dandelions as weeds that accidentally bloom with beautiful “suns”. But this opinion is very wrong.

Dandelion has been used for a long time in food, cosmetics, and folk medicine. Moreover, all parts of the plant were used.

The honey from these small sunny flowers turns out thick and has a pleasant golden color. Positive quality It is that, despite its significant usefulness, it is not difficult to make honey from dandelion flowers yourself.

It won't require big expenses. You just need to set aside time to collect the flowers and cook the honey itself.

In addition, organizing the collection of dandelion flowers and weaving wreaths together with children can become a tradition in the family, enjoyable for both parents and children.

Benefits of dandelion honey

Honey from dandelion flowers is known and has long been famous for its large quantity useful vitamins and micronutrients. It is the product made from these flowers that is famous for the fact that it preserves substances valuable to humans unchanged for the longest time.

However, this is more typical for honey that is naturally made by bees. Dandelion flowers contain quite a lot of nectar within one flower.

It is assumed that this nectar has some bitterness and therefore bees are in no hurry to collect it. And sometimes dandelions fly around in search of other, sweeter flowers. Therefore, dandelion honey prepared by bees is rarely found.

More often, when they talk about honey from the flowers of the common dandelion, they mean homemade dandelion jam. This product, cooked at home, also has an excellent specific taste and is very healthy.

  • Diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Arthritis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Scurvy;
  • Chronic constipation.

Thanks to the impact healing properties Using dandelion honey, liver, gallbladder, lung and heart muscle cells recover faster from illness.

The product has a pronounced natural antibacterial effect. It is also credited with a mild analgesic effect.

Its laxative effect on constipation is mild. Dandelion honey is also effective as a means of strengthening the immune system due to its vitamin C content.

Harm of dandelion product

In some cases, dandelion honey should be used with caution, or even abandoned altogether.

First, sick diabetes mellitus Its use is not recommended, since a significant amount of sugar is used during preparation.

Having prepared honey, it can be served with any baking, tea and other dishes. We offer to bake It will be delicious, we promise!

Or you can add it to the “Friendship” porridge, the recipe for which is found. It is better to reduce the amount of sugar in the dish.

Cheesecakes will be no less tasty if they are dipped in honey. You can read their step by step recipe here.

Secondly, people who have ever had a tendency to be allergic to any honey products, as well as with polyallergies, should treat its use with caution.

Thirdly, when ulcerative lesions stomach and duodenum, acute gastritis You should not overuse this delicacy, as large quantities it has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.

Fourthly, if there is a tendency to intestinal disorders and liquid stool, you should also not overuse dandelion honey, as it has a laxative effect.

Collection and preparation of flowers

Simple tips for collecting flowers for future delicacies and preparing them for making honey will help you prepare it especially well.

  1. Dandelions should be collected during their peak flowering period. It is best to do this at noon, when the flowers are most open. At this time the flowers contain greatest number nectar;
  2. Of course, it is better to collect exactly those flowers that grow not along the edges of highways and other particularly polluted places, but on lawns far from roads, the banks of lakes and rivers;
  3. It is recommended to collect flowers if there has been no rain for at least one day. In this case, more nectar will collect on the flowers;
  4. Only fully opened flowers should be picked, or better yet cut;
  5. The flowers are applied directly, and all sepals are removed;
  6. After collecting, you need to rinse the flowers well under running water. Some housewives do not recommend washing plants particularly thoroughly to avoid losing some of the nectar. They are right in a way. However, then you need to be sure of their cleanliness, the absence of small insects and the absence of environmental pollution.

Dandelion Honey Recipes

Making dandelion honey is easy. Recipes differ in cooking time, addition of lemon and other features.

There are also recipes for dandelion honey.

Each housewife has her own preferences and cooking nuances. But these recipes are the most commonly used.

We invite you to watch the video recipe for this healthy jam:

  1. Dandelion honey is consumed in the same way as regular honey: with tea, buns, as an option to spread on a sandwich or instead of sweets;
  2. In ancient times, dandelion honey was part of one of the love potion recipes;
  3. While in Russia it is considered a weed, in China it is a completely edible plant;
  4. In order to remove the bitter taste, before preparing dandelion, some housewives recommend immersing the flowers in cold salted water for 30-40 minutes;
  5. Dandelion syrup has an effective healing effect. It is obtained by covering yellow dandelion flowers with granulated sugar. After some time, a yellow syrup forms on the surface, quite thick in consistency. It is recommended to take it a spoonful in the morning to support the body in winter with missing vitamins and resist colds.

Despite the fact that dandelion honey is artificial, it can easily compete with popular jams and different types real bee honey.

IN self-cooking There is absolutely nothing complicated about dandelion honey. And the benefits of this delicacy, the availability of all ingredients, the unusual and pleasant taste will not leave lovers of sweets, honey connoisseurs and adherents of traditional medicine indifferent.

Finally, we offer you to watch a video from which you will learn how to make dandelion jam without heat treatment:

Dandelion honey is a product obtained from a plant common in our latitudes - dandelion, which most people perceive as an ordinary weed. It is characterized by a bright golden color, rich aroma and excellent taste. The substance is quite thick and crystallizes quickly. It doesn’t take long to prepare dandelion honey at home. It can replace many medications from your home medicine cabinet.

Did you know? dandelion like medicinal plant specially bred in many countries of the world (France, the Netherlands, Japan, India, USA).

Dandelion honey: beneficial properties of the product

The benefits of dandelion honey are due to its rich mineral composition.

In 100 g medicinal substance contains:

  • potassium (232 mg);
  • calcium (232 mg);
  • sodium (44 mg);
  • phosphorus (42 mg);
  • magnesium (24 mg);
  • iron (1.8 mg);
  • zinc (0.28 mg);
  • manganese (0.23 mg);
  • selenium and copper (0.12 mg each).

Jam is also rich in vitamins such as beta-carotene (3940 mg), C (18 mg), E (2.4 mg), folic (13 mcg) and pantothenic acids(0.06 mg).

Unique composition taken to alleviate the condition with:

  • hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • diseases of the skeletal system;
  • anemia;
  • asthma;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases urinary tract and gallbladder;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

How is dandelion honey used in folk medicine?

Traditional healers give recommendations on how to properly drink dandelion honey. At nervous disorders, high emotional stress, stress, it is recommended to eat a few teaspoons of honey as a bite herbal tea or warm milk. The product perfectly cures constant constipation. 15 g of treats are dissolved in warm milk (1 glass) and drunk at night.

Important! Milk should not be heated to more than 40 °C.

For the same purpose, you can mix dandelion honey (50 g) with turnip juice (100 g) and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. Bowel movement will occur within 20 minutes. To cleanse the intestines, dry corn silk is mixed with honey (proportion - 1:2) and eaten a teaspoon a couple of times a day.

There is another way to normalize intestinal activity. 1 tbsp. l. dry nettle and 1 tbsp. l. yarrow herbs and pour boiling water (250 ml), leave for 2-3 hours, filter. Add 25 g of dandelion substance to this liquid. Take 50 ml four times a day before meals. Those who are concerned about high blood pressure. To treat hypertension, mix 1 tbsp. dandelion product, 1 tbsp. beet juice, 1 tbsp. horseradish juice, juice of one lemon. Take a tablespoon of this liquid 3 times a day for 2 months.

For hepatitis, an infusion consisting of:

  • 250 ml dandelion honey;
  • 250 ml horseradish juice;
  • 250 ml carrot juice;
  • 250 ml beet juice;
  • 30 ml vodka;
  • juice of 2 large lemons.

All ingredients are carefully mixed. Take the mixture for one month, three times a day, one tablespoon 30 minutes before meals. After 2 months it is worth repeating the course of treatment. Efficient collection to combat insomnia, it consists of rose hips (35%), blackberry leaves (30%), motherwort herb (10%), valerian root (5%), thyme herb (5%), plantain leaves (5%). For 1 part of dry raw materials you need to take 20 parts of clean drinking water(boiling water). The infusion is cooled and filtered. In 1 glass of liquid, dilute 1 tablespoon of dandelion honey. Take the medicine half a glass a couple of times a day. It also helps to cope with fatigue and irritability.

Rules for collecting dandelions for making honey

Before preparing dandelion honey, you need to take care of the correct collection of raw materials:

  • The crop should be collected away from busy roads, dusty places, industrial enterprises etc. This will ensure proper purity of the product;
  • the optimal time for collecting would be an early sunny morning, when the flowers are filled with nectar and have just bloomed;
  • the collected raw materials must be carefully laid out on a previously prepared clean cloth or paper;
  • then let the flowers lie for a while so that all the insects come out of them;
  • Next, the dandelions are washed in warm water;
  • the delicacy is prepared only in a copper, enamel basin or stainless steel bowl;
  • If you plan to store jam for the winter, it must be placed in glass containers and sealed with lids.

Important! You need to wait until the inflorescences open completely.

How to properly prepare dandelion honey, recipes

WITH Experts recommend 3 ways to make honey from dandelions.

To prepare your own dessert simple recipe you will need:

  • 0.4 kg of plant flowers;
  • 7 glasses of granulated sugar;
  • 2 glasses of clean drinking water.

The inflorescences are washed, dried, filled with water and put on fire. The liquids are allowed to simmer for 2 minutes. Then it is filtered through sterile gauze and sugar is added. Then the infusion needs to be cooked for another 7 minutes. The finished product should be stored until the next summer season, like a regular workpiece. Dandelion honey can be prepared using a more complex recipe.

To do this you need:

  • 0.3 kg of dandelion flowers;
  • 1 kg of sugar (sand);
  • 2 glasses of clean drinking water;
  • 1/2 tsp. citric acid.

To prepare the syrup, dissolve sugar in warm water. Add flowers to the sweet mixture and cook for 20 minutes. 3-5 minutes before the end of cooking, add citric acid. Let it sit for 24 hours. Then filter the resulting liquid through cheesecloth and boil for another 20 minutes. After this, the product is ready.

Dandelion honey is also prepared according to a recipe that contains healthy citrus fruits:

  • 0.3 kg of inflorescences;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of clean drinking water;
  • 2 large lemons, washed and cut into thin slices.

The flowers are filled with water and boiled for 15 minutes. Add lemon 3 minutes before the end of boiling. The brew is left to steep for a day. Then it is filtered and sugar is dissolved in it. The liquid is brought to a boil and cooled a couple of times until it thickens and begins to resemble the consistency of regular honey.

Dandelions, collected in ecologically clean areas, are a plant that is used in folk medicine to treat a number of diseases. I suggest you make a very tasty and delicious recipe at home using dandelion flowers. healthy honey. Even if you don't really believe in medicinal properties this delicacy, be sure to cook it. Such honey from its "hive" will pleasantly surprise you with its wonderful taste.


To make honey from dandelion flowers, you will need:

1 kg sugar;
750 ml water;

400 dandelion flowers;
1 tsp. citric acid.

Cooking steps

Rinse the flowers well under running water, removing the dust.

Place the dandelion flowers in a saucepan, add water and put on maximum heat; when the liquid boils, reduce the heat to low and cook for another 15 minutes.

Strain the contents of the pan through a sieve (we won't need the flowers anymore).

Add sugar to the strained broth,

then add citric acid and stir.

Place over low heat and cook the dandelion honey, stirring occasionally, for 30-45 minutes. The honey should be of medium thickness (if it is liquid, it may turn sour, and if it is very thick, it may crystallize).

Pour some of the cooked delicacy into a bowl to enjoy today! Pour the remaining prepared honey from dandelion flowers into sterilized jars and roll up.

Bon appetit!