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What gentle diuretics help with edema? Treatment of edema with diuretics - a list of the most effective drugs and herbal remedies. Treatment of pastiness with folk remedies

Diuretics for swelling of the legs are prescribed to reduce blood pressure, ridding the body of excess water. Depending on the degree of edema and the reasons for its formation, diuretics (diuretics) of greater or lesser strength are prescribed. The causes of edema can be diseases of the heart, liver, and kidneys. Diuretics, forcing the kidneys to work more actively, help remove accumulated fluid from the body, which leads to a decrease in swelling, a decrease in blood pressure, improving the patient's condition.

How do diuretics work?

Diuretics rid the body of accumulated fluid. Athletes often resort to them when cutting weight before competitions and “drying” muscles. Diuretics are widely used for weight loss. But is such free circulation of medicines always beneficial? The danger of self-prescribing medications lies in the peculiarities of the action of diuretics.

Possible harm of diuretics with long-term use

  • Diuretics help remove potassium from the body, disrupting the sodium-potassium balance, causing increased fatigue in the patient.
  • Unjustified prescription of diuretics leads to an increase in cholesterol in the blood, which increases the risk diabetes mellitus.
  • Uncontrolled use of these drugs can lead to calcium retention and cause salt deposition.
  • Taking medications at night causes poor sleep quality.
  • When taking these medications, men may experience problems with potency.

New generation diuretics - indapamine, torsemide, have less effect on metabolism, but if abused, they can cause harm to the body. After all, diuretics do not act on the cause of the disease. Only a doctor can determine the source of the disease that caused swelling of the legs.

Classification of diuretics

  • Thiazide - hypothiazide, hydrothiazide, esidrex. Good for lowering blood pressure.
  • Thiazide-like - Aquex, clopamide. Used in small doses, they lower blood pressure better than other diuretics.
  • Loop - apo-furosemide, lasix. Medicines have the ability to act on filtration in the loop of Henle - part of the renal tubule, and quickly eliminate swelling. They are used in critical situations because they have a number of side effects.
  • Potassium-sparing - veroshpiron, aldactone. The drugs act on kidney cells, enhance the excretion of sodium chloride (table salt) from the body, while reducing the excretion of potassium salts.

Thiazine and thiazine-like drugs cope worse with edema, but also have fewer side effects than other drugs.

Diuretics for cardiac edema

Heart failure causes fluid retention in the body, leads to swelling of the legs, and threatens stagnation of blood in the lungs. This condition, in addition to shortness of breath, wheezing in the heart, cyanosis of the skin, can lead to pulmonary edema. In this condition, the upper blood pressure drops below 90 mm Hg. Art. there is a threat to the patient's life. Carrying out adequate treatment returns physiological indicators to normal, improves the prognosis of the disease.

In the first stages of the disease, edema is combated with mild thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics. If the disease continues to progress, then stronger loop diuretics are prescribed; they effectively cope with edema even with developed renal failure. As the disease worsens, the body's ability to absorb medications decreases. Problems arise from the intestines and kidneys. Therefore, diuretics must be changed every 1-2 months to avoid the addictive effect.

It is important to select the correct dose when treating edema. If it is not possible to reduce the volume of circulating fluid in the bloodstream, then the effectiveness of other drugs also decreases, and the patient does not receive adequate treatment.

Diuretics during pregnancy

During pregnancy, about a third of all women experience the problem of leg swelling. They usually occur in the second half of pregnancy, towards the beginning of the third trimester. Such swelling healthy women go away on their own after childbirth. However, you should not ignore them. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy may indicate the onset of kidney failure, heart failure, or varicose veins. To prevent edema, first of all you need to review your diet and limit the amount of salt and preservatives in your diet. If the diet is not effective and does not eliminate congestion in the legs, they resort to diuretics.


Medicines are prescribed to pregnant women with caution and only in extreme cases. As prescribed by the attending physician, to get rid of edema, use:

  • canephron - combination remedy plant origin. It includes rosehip, lovage, rosemary, centaury. The drug acts as an antiseptic, exhibits antibacterial and antispasmodic properties, and does not wash away potassium salts and protein from the body. Canephron is prescribed to both children and adults.
  • Phytolysin is a multicomponent diuretic drug of plant origin. It contains wheatgrass root, parsley fruits and leaves, birch leaves, horsetail, goldenrod, hernia, fenugreek seeds, lovage root, bird knotweed. The drug is not addictive, has an anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect. Not all patients tolerate phytolysin equally well due to specific smell. The product has a number of contraindications, including gastritis, acute nephritis, hepatitis.
  • Eufillin - the drug is a bronchodilator, which additionally exhibits a diuretic effect. The drug is prescribed with caution, as it has a number of contraindications, including low blood pressure, epilepsy, and heart disease.
  • Prohibited diuretics during pregnancy

    Side effects of some diuretic drugs are circulatory disorders in the placenta, which poses a danger to both the fetus and the mother. Pregnant women are not prescribed:

    • triamterene - disrupts water-salt balance, negatively affects the child;
    • ethacrynic acid - causes hearing impairment in mother and child;
    • veroshpiron - can cause fetal jaundice and abnormalities in the blood count.

    Folk diuretics

    In folk medicine, there are many useful recipes to combat swelling of the legs. They should be used with caution during pregnancy, since folk diuretics of plant origin - infusions, tinctures, decoctions - are sometimes no less effective than synthetic ones medicines. If used uncontrolled during pregnancy, diuretics can harm the fetus and cause health complications in the woman. In addition, contraindications of medications must be clarified each time. Thus, during pregnancy the following infusions are contraindicated as a diuretic:

    • juniper fruits;
    • strawberries;
    • parsley root.

    Diuretics of natural origin approved during pregnancy include:

    • bearberry leaves;
    • lingonberry leaf;
    • lovage;
    • green tea;
    • fruit drinks from cranberries or lingonberries;
    • freshly squeezed juices of cucumber, carrots, beets, parsley.

    The inevitable loss of potassium and magnesium when treating edema with diuretics must be replaced. To do this, foods containing large amounts of these elements are introduced into the diet: dried apricots, figs, nuts, raisins, bananas, whole grains, baked potatoes in their skins, bran, cocoa. Watermelon and melon have an excellent diuretic effect. Pumpkin, celery, parsley, and cucumber, which contain a large amount of potassium, have a mild diuretic effect.

    Prevention of edema

    In addition to a healthy lifestyle with a measured daily routine, sufficient sleep and rest, attention should be paid to your diet. It is recommended to include vegetables and fruits that have a diuretic effect in the daily menu, and not to get carried away with salt, replacing it with seasonings. It is useful to drink green tea, hibiscus drink. Tea made from Sudanese rose (hibiscus) flowers is especially pleasant to drink in the summer heat. It has a powerful diuretic effect. With the help of a diet, you can prevent fluid retention in the body without resorting to strong medications.

    What to do with swelling

    Any swelling- this is not a disease, but only a symptom that sometimes indicates quite serious illnesses.

    It is possible with some degree of probability to guess what is causing the swelling in a particular part of the body.

    Loose swelling on the face retains pressure for a long time, appears in the morning and subsides a little in the evening, accompanied by pallor - kidney problems.

    By evening, the legs swell, the neck veins swell, there is shortness of breath and cyanosis of the extremities - heart disease.

    A feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs, accompanied by redness of the feet and swelling, which increases in the evening, is varicose veins.

    The anterior one is swollen abdominal wall, appear on the skin of the abdomen spider veins, itching occurs - ascites, a condition associated with serious diseases and requiring urgent medical care.

    Redness and pain in the joints, accompanied by swelling - arthritis, gout.

    Rapid swelling, redness and itching of the skin, runny nose, sneezing or coughing, sore throat - allergic reaction. A life-threatening condition that requires urgent medical attention is Quincke's edema. With it, literally within a few minutes, the lips, eyelids, cheeks swell, but the worst thing is the larynx and tongue, which leads to severe difficulty breathing.

    How to deal with swelling? It all depends on their reason. In any case, it is not enough to simply get rid of swelling; you must immediately begin treatment for the underlying disease that caused it. For cardiac, renal, venous and hepatic edema, excess fluid can be removed with the help of diuretics. They must be used very carefully so as not to cause the leaching of beneficial salts from the body, especially potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for the functioning of the heart. Allergic and inflammatory swelling is relieved by taking antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs. But all these remedies fight only one of the manifestations of the disease, and do not cure it. Therefore, swelling cannot be ignored!

    These remedies can help with swelling

    The forest mermaid will relieve swelling

    If you have not been able to find out the cause of edema, then try to resort to the help of such a universal plant as sageweed. Cupyr strengthens the walls of blood vessels and has a strong diuretic effect. The plant will help you forget about the diuretics that you take to eliminate swelling.

    The name of the plant seems unusual. But each of us has met him more than once in the forests or meadows. It’s enough to look at any reference book on herbs and see an image of sageweed to say: “Yes, I know it well!” Root decoction: brew 1 tbsp. l. raw materials 1 cup of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes, leave for 20 minutes, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze and increase the volume boiled water to the original one. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Young marigold leaves can be added to salads. But before using, it is better to soak the leaves of mature marigold in boiling water for 1-2 minutes.

    Garlic for swelling

    You may not like this recipe, but it is a very effective remedy for swelling. Crush the head of garlic to obtain a homogeneous mass. Add a small amount of urine to it and rub the whole body with this mixture. Put on cotton pajamas and go to bed. Do the procedures at night, because... The product begins to act after 6 hours. This remedy removes fluid in the usual way, acting as a diuretic, but it also removes it through the skin in the form of sweat. 3 procedures are enough and the swelling will subside.

    Pumpkin juice will help with puffiness under the eyes

    Helps with puffiness under the eyes pumpkin juice with honey. To do this, just drink ½ glass of pumpkin juice with a teaspoon of honey before going to bed.

    Collection for edema

    The following collection helps with swelling: collection: agrimony (1 part), gray jaundice (2 parts), horsetail (1 part), bedstraw (0.5 parts), cress (2 parts), annual immortelle (1 part), oats (3 parts), Leuzea safflower, root (1 part). Pour one tablespoon of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours. Take 1/3 cup 4 times a day.

    For dropsy and cardiac edema

    For dropsy and edema of cardiac origin: mix rose hips (10 parts), spikelets of oats (10 parts), flax seeds (5 parts) and chicory root (5 parts). Grind the mixture in a coffee grinder. Then 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 6 hours. Strain and take 3 times a day, 1/3 cup, 30 minutes before meals.

    Herbs for swelling

    Take 1 tbsp. spoon of plantain leaves, calamus root, arnica and calendula flowers, mix them with 50 g of chestnut flowers. Pour the mixture in the amount of 5 tbsp. spoon 5 cups of water and boil for 5 minutes. Soak gauze strips in the liquid and apply to the swollen areas for a while, 2 times a day.

    If your legs swell

    When you get home, remove all clothes that are tight (including elastic bands). Stretch on the floor. Spread your feet to the sides, relax your arms, turn your palms up. Make a few deep breaths and exhalations.

    Without lifting your back from the floor, bend your legs and pull your knees to your chest, helping yourself with your hands. Stay in this position for several minutes.

    Raise your legs at a right angle. Slowly bend and extend your toes upward. Bring your legs together and spread them, lightly hitting your calves together. Make a “candle” (“birch tree”), helping yourself with your hands.

    Using smooth sliding movements, massage your legs from the ankles up, along the calves and thighs.

    Relax your calf muscles by gently and very slowly kneading them with your fingers.

    Shake your legs one at a time.

    How to reduce swelling

    The use of adonis, as well as medicinal plants that have a diuretic effect - knotweed grass, leaves and young shoots of lingonberry and bearberry, bedstraw grass, birch leaves, etc., will help reduce swelling in the lower extremities. It is very good, as an affordable and effective means to reduce swelling, to use knotweed and birch leaves as follows: pour 1 teaspoon of the raw material into 200 ml of water. Boil for 15 minutes. Leave for 30 minutes. Drink 1/2 glass in the morning and afternoon, regardless of food.

    How to eat when edema?

    If the heart cannot cope with the load that is necessary to deliver blood to organs and tissues, if the blood flow is slow and the pulse is frequent and weak, blood retention occurs in the vessels. As a result, some of the fluid penetrates through the walls of the vessels into the surrounding tissues, and edema forms. Under the influence of gravity, fluid moves downwards, so cardiac edema most often occurs in the legs, and in bedridden patients - in the lower back and back.

    With such symptoms, apple-curd fasting days will help you. You can only eat 600-800 g of apples and 300-400 g of cottage cheese per day. For large edema, such a diet is prescribed for 5 days.

    On other days, don't forget about apples and other fruits and vegetables. They remove water from the body well. It is necessary to eat as much raw cabbage, cucumbers, citrus fruits and berries as possible, such as lingonberries. Stewed, baked or boiled vegetables are healthy, especially pumpkin and potatoes, zucchini and eggplant.

    Try to use table salt in minimal quantities - no more than 1.5 g per day.

    To improve the taste of foods and prevent swelling, use finely chopped garlic and onions, parsley, cinnamon, ginger and fennel. These seasonings have a diuretic effect.

    What folk remedies are used to relieve edema and prevent it?

    Pour in 4 tsp. flaxseed 1 liter of water. Boil for 5 minutes, let the broth brew for 3-4 hours. Then strain and add lemon juice and honey for taste. Take 1/2 cup 5-6 times a day every 2 hours. But don't expect quick results, they will be noticeable in 1-2 weeks.

    Pumpkin and black radish juices with honey have diuretic properties. Drink these juices 1/2 cup a day at first, gradually increasing daily dose up to 1-2 glasses.

    Pass the parsley root and greens through a meat grinder to obtain 1 cup of ground mass. Add 0.5 liters of boiling water to the container with this mass and wrap for 6-8 hours. Then strain, squeeze, add the juice of 1 lemon. The liquid should be drunk in 3 doses during the day. Take this medicine for 2 days in a row, repeat the course after 3 days.

    Using diuretics (not only tablets, but also natural products), remember the need to replace the loss of potassium excreted in the urine. Eat foods rich in this substance: oatmeal, rose hips, raisins, rice, dried apricots, etc.

    Pumpkin for swelling

    To combat swelling, porridge or a heat-treated pumpkin dish will give little results. It is the raw pumpkin pulp that is beneficial. Grind a piece of pumpkin weighing about a kilogram through a meat grinder with 2-3 sour apples, add a glass of raisins and stir the mixture well. Put it in the refrigerator. Eat a few tablespoons before each meal. Pumpkin is one of the best diuretics that quickly eliminates swelling. It removes not only fluid from the body, but also excess cholesterol and toxic substances. It is important that pumpkin also compensates for the loss of iron, potassium, magnesium, which are necessary for heart health. And the vitamin E contained in pumpkin improves peripheral blood circulation and cures heart failure.

    Parsley will relieve swelling

    Parsley is the most the best remedy from edema that occurs when bad work heart or kidney.

    The washed roots and parsley must be passed through a meat grinder. Then pour 1 cup of the resulting mass with 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. Strain through 3-4 layers of gauze and add juice squeezed from 1 lemon. Take 2 times a day, 1/3 cup. Drink for 2 days, then take a break for 3 days. Continue this way until the condition improves and the severity of swelling decreases.

    But you need to take into account that parsley, having a diuretic effect, removes a lot of potassium from the body. And therefore, on the days of taking this remedy, you should eat oven-baked potatoes (along with the peel!), dried apricots, prunes, raisins, nuts, and honey.

    Fighting leg swelling

    Pour 1 liter of water 4 tbsp. l. flaxseed, place on the stove and boil for 10-15 minutes. Then close the pan with a lid and leave, let it brew for 1 hour. The broth does not need to be filtered. For taste, you can add lemon or any other freshly squeezed juice. Take 0.5 tbsp hot. every 2 hours 6-8 times a day. The result will be visible within 2-3 weeks.

    Oats are a diuretic

    For urinary retention (diuretic) Drink 1 tbsp three times a day. decoction oat straw. Pour 40 g of straw into 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, strain.

    Quince for swelling

    Take 500 g of quince, finely chop and pour 1 liter hot water, boil for 20 minutes. strain. Take 1/2 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

    Diuretics for swollen legs

    Ways to relieve swelling

    Such a problem as edema is known to almost every adult. In order to get rid of it, there is a huge amount of completely in various ways ranging from traditional medicine to medicinal preparations. Diuretics for swelling of the legs give much greater effect in combination with such procedures as baths with cool water or chilled compresses.


    For the most part, edema occurs due to excessive accumulation of fluid, as a result of which diuretics are often used for swelling of the legs. Diuretics are aimed at withdrawal excess liquid from the soft tissues of the entire body as a whole.

    In the absence of contraindications, some traditional medicine can be used for edema. If the swelling is not caused by any disease of the internal organs, the use of traditional medicine is indicated, since they have a much smaller number of contraindications and do not cause addiction to the body.

    • decoction of birch leaves or buds;
    • horsetail decoction;
    • bearberry decoction (the second name of the plant is bear's ear);
    • parsley decoction;
    • juices from lingonberries or cranberries.

    These medications must be taken with caution. Taking even traditional medicine in the presence of heart disease, pregnancy or kidney disease can be extremely dangerous.

    Other ways to combat swelling

    Of course it has a positive effect diuretic herb with swelling of the legs, however, there are several other ways to get rid of this problem. These methods include:


    It may seem strange, but with constant swelling, doctors advise drinking as much fluid as possible. This recommendation is mandatory if diuretic tablets are used for swelling of the legs. The fact is that at the same time, in excess moisture, electrolytes and healthy salts, and the consumed water compensates for their deficiency and prevents dehydration. In addition, by consuming large amounts of water daily, you can completely stop taking diuretics, since water will not be retained in the body.

    Medicine distinguishes 2 types of edema: local and general. The course of treatment (including the prescription of diuretics) is determined based on the nature of the pathology observed in the patient.

    It should be remembered that the accumulation of fluid in the body manifests itself both as an independent disease and as a symptom of other health problems. This can only be determined by a doctor, so self-medication is excluded.

    Local edema is a consequence of:

    1. External factors:

    2. Internal factors:

    • Thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.
    • Heart failure.
    • Kidney dysfunction.
    • Stagnation of lymphatic fluid.

    General edema occurs when:

    1. Toxicosis (including during pregnancy).
    2. Excessive accumulation of sodium (Na) ions, which prevents the removal of fluid from the body.
    3. An erroneous immune reaction of the body to something that is not an allergen. For example: an eaten spoon of honey.
    4. Kidney and heart diseases.

    What are diuretics

    These are drugs that are used in medicine to increase the rate of urine formation and its subsequent removal from the body.

    By nature of origin they differ in:

    1. Natural:

    • Watermelon.
    • Hibiscus.
    • Linden flowers.
    • Green and black tea, coffee - thanks to the caffeine they contain.
    • Beet.
    • Hawthorn.
    • Parsley with dill.

    2. Artificial:

    • Loopbacks.
    • Thiazide.
    • Potassium-sparing.
    • Sulfonamides.
    • Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.

    The specificity of their action is based on the characteristics of the urinary system. After the formation of the so-called “primary urine”, diuretics reduce the amount of fluid absorbed from the kidneys back into the blood, due to which it is in large quantities is excreted from the body.

    Types of diuretics

    Medicines are divided into the following categories:

    Options Loop Thiazide Potassium-sparing Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
    Intended useEdema of different nature, including due to:
    1. High content of sodium, potassium, calcium.
    2. Kidney dysfunction.
    3. Hypertension.
    4. Heart failure.

    During pregnancy, the prescription of the drug is possible only with monitoring of the gestation of the fetus.

    Besides stated reasons, loop diuretics are used for emergency intervention in the disease process, in which delay can lead to serious complications, even death.

    Used in complex therapy edema caused by hypertension with diuretics of other classes.Glaucoma
    AdvantagesThey do not provoke conditions for the development of diabetes mellitus and changes in blood cholesterol levels. Strong and rapid diuretic effect - after 15-20 minutes.They reduce the excretion of calcium ions from the body, so the patient does not need to greatly limit himself in the use of salt for cooking.

    The diuretic effect is less pronounced than that of “loop” drugs, but in terms of duration of action it exceeds the specified class of drugs.

    Can be used long time.

    Keeps potassium from leaching away. The effect on the body is gentle and prolonged.The diuretic effect of the drugs is weakly expressed; the use of drugs in this category is simply as a diuretic for this moment not practiced. The main purpose of the appointment medical practice- decreased pressure in the vessels of the eyeball.
    FlawsThe decrease in blood pressure is weakly expressed (compared to drugs of the thiazide group).

    The duration of action does not exceed 6-8 hours.

    Combination with anti-inflammatory drugs reduces the diuretic effect.

    Moderate effects (compared to loop diuretics).

    There is a risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

    The largest percentage of removal of potassium ions from the body among diuretics.

    They have a weak effect on blood pressure levels.

    The diuretic effect is weak and may appear only after a few days.

    Presented on the Moscow market, indicating the dosage and average price. Costs in other regions of the country may vary."Furosemide". 20-40 mg/day. 20 rubles.

    "Britomar." Up to 40 mg/day. 380 rubles.

    "Uregit". 1-2 tablets per day. 1900 rubles.

    "Bendrof-lumethiazide." Up to 20 mg/day. 640 rubles.

    "Hydrox-lorthiazide." 12-50 mg/day. 75 rubles.

    "Clopamide". Up to 20 mg per day. 80 rubles.

    "Spiro-nolactone." Up to 200 mg/day. 65 rubles.

    "Eplerenone Stud". Up to 100 mg/day. 2550 rubles.

    "Veroshpiron". Up to 150 mg/day. 95 rubles.

    "Diakarb." Up to 375 mg/day. 265 rubles.

    "Diamox". German analogue of "Diakarba". Up to 375 mg/day. 6850 rubles.

    "Azarga." 1 drop in each eye 2 times a day. 1075 rubles.

    The effect is achieved through:For all groups - blocking the process of reabsorption of chlorine and sodium ions. Thiazide drugs are characterized by calcium retention, while potassium -
    saving - preservation of potassium, for carbonic anhydrase inhibitors - neutral relation to the concentration of chlorine ions.
    Side effectsViolation acid-base balance, hearing impairment, increased level uric acid, hypotension, dizziness.Same as for loop diuretics. And also - an increase in sugar levels.Muscle cramps, tremors of limbs.Increases alkaline level blood.
    ContraindicationsSevere diabetes mellitus, hearing problems. Breastfeeding period.Diabetes mellitus, lactose intolerance, pregnancy.Hyperkalemia, uremia, acute renal failure. Liver cirrhosis, obstructive pulmonary diseases.

    The most powerful diuretics

    Diuretics for edema, given below, are arranged in descending order of speed of impact on urine formation in humans:


    Available in both tablet and injection form. In addition to the ability to increase the excretion of sodium, which retains water in the body, the drug has the ability to eliminate spasms of the walls of blood vessels that occur during edema. This facilitates blood flow in stagnant areas.

    Patients note the onset of action of the drug within 8-10 minutes after intravenous administration. Or 20 minutes after they swallowed the tablet.

    The therapeutic effect continues for 3 hours. If a person has problems with the proper functioning of the kidneys, then the specified interval is extended to 7-8 hours. The age of the patient also matters - the older the patient, the weaker the body responds to the action of the drug.

    The described properties of the medicine are used for fast response doctors for emergencies:

    • Edema of the lungs and cerebral cortex.
    • Excessive increase in blood pressure, threatening organ damage.
    • Chemical intoxication.

    There are contraindications for the combined use of a number of drugs, including those containing lithium, syntomycin, chloramphenicol. It is forbidden to use Furosemide while breastfeeding - the medicine reduces lactation. The active substance is also found in mother's milk.


    Tablet product. Starting dosage: 50 mg daily, after breakfast, 1 time per day. Subsequent increase is possible with positive feedback body for drug treatment. The patient's weight should also be monitored. The onset of action is after 40-60 minutes, the end is after 7-8 hours.


    Sold in tablet form. It differs from the first mentioned drug in its lower level of impact on the removal of potassium ions from the body. The therapeutic effect is observed approximately 1 hour after the tablet has been drunk. Maximum concentration The active substance in the blood is achieved after 3-4 hours, the diuretic effect lasts up to 10 hours.

    Area of ​​application: edema of various nature, persistently increased blood pressure.

    The following products have common properties:

    1. By combining with potassium-sparing diuretics it is achieved enhanced effect drugs.
    2. At sharing With some antibiotics, liver toxicity is possible.

    Important! The selection of complex therapy is determined by the doctor, in order to avoid negative consequences from illiterate use of drugs.

    Safe diuretics

    There are no absolutely safe synthetic diuretics. The most gentle medications include potassium-sparing drugs.

    These include:

    1. "Spironolactone". The effect of using the drug is observed no earlier than on the third day. Maintains the balance of potassium and magnesium. The standard course of treatment is 3 weeks.
    2. "Eplerenone Stud". Eating does not affect the absorption of the drug. Serves auxiliary in complex therapy of heart failure. The initial dosage is 25 mg/day, gradually increasing to a maximum of 50 mg/day.

    The combined use of potassium-sparing agents is prohibited with each other - there is a high risk of developing hyperkalemia.

    Diuretics by injection

    Diuretics are administered through injections in cases where an immediate response is required. clinical picture illness - with pulmonary or cerebral edema, acute hypertensive crisis, intoxication along with fainting.

    Or in case of pathologies that prevent the absorption of the diuretic through the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that after administration of the drug the alkaline-salt balance of the blood changes sharply and blood pressure decreases.

    Herbal diuretics

    These include:

    The natural origin of medicinal plants does not guarantee the absence of side effects!

    A certain difficulty when using diuretics of plant origin is the inability to control the level of excretion of certain microelements.

    Infusions for swelling


    1. Rose hips are poured with water in a ratio of 1:3, brought to a boil, and infused for several hours. The drink is drunk in fractional parts, after meals, throughout the day.
    2. Crushed chamomile flowers are boiled, infused for 2 hours, filtered through cheesecloth and consumed in small sips over several days. Additional positive effect The plant will have a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
    3. Birch leaves (at the rate of 2 tablespoons per glass) are poured with boiling water, infused for half an hour, filtered and drunk for several days.


    Diuretics for edema can take the form of regular teas:


    List of recipes:

    1. The peel from previously used white turnips will come in handy. In a water bath, it is brought to a boil in a ratio of 1 part peel to 3 parts water. The resulting broth is poured into a separate container. Drink one glass a day on an empty stomach.
    2. Elderberry flowers (2 tsp per glass) are boiled for 15 minutes, squeezed out and cooled. Drink before meals.
    3. A decoction of bearberry leaves (1 tbsp per glass) is used in small doses - 1 tbsp. l. before eating. In case of individual intolerance, it can cause nausea and vomiting.

    Dill and parsley for swelling

    You can make infusions from chopped parsley. This requires a chopped glass of parsley and 2 glasses of boiling water. Lemon juice is added to the strained infusion and consumed twice a day, half a glass.

    Dill seeds serve the same purpose - 1 tbsp is brewed. l. 250 ml of boiling water, let it brew for an hour. After straining, drink half a glass 2 times a day.

    Important! Seeds should only be used homemade. Dill seeds sold for cultivation can be subjected to pesticide treatment against pests.

    How to drink remedies for edema for pregnant women

    Diuretics for edema are completely contraindicated for women in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the remaining phases of gestation, the prescription of certain drugs is permissible only if the potential benefit to the mother and the risk to the child are taken into account. Most diuretics remain prohibited during pregnancy. Constant monitoring of the patient’s weight by the doctor is also necessary.

    The main acceptable group is preparations of plant origin, the basis of which are orthosiphon leaves, leaves and buds of birch. Parsley is prohibited, as it provokes an increase in the tone of the uterus. The use of the products should be combined with a diet and frequent rests in a sitting or reclining position.

    For swelling of the face

    The initial task is to determine, with the help of a doctor, the cause of the pathology. Only on the basis of the examination results obtained, a picture is built for the selection of drug treatment with diuretics of both plant and synthetic origin.

    For swelling of the legs

    The cause of foot enlargement may be banal overload of the legs, wearing uncomfortable shoes. After eliminating these factors, you can begin to solve the problem comprehensively. In addition to diuretics, the doctor may prescribe courses of physical therapy.

    One option would be to steam the leg in saline solution hot water, followed by lowering your feet into cold water. Several alternations should be performed in one session.

    For swelling of the eyes

    You can avoid an erroneous diagnosis and prescribe an unnecessary course of medication by eliminating a possible factor that provokes the appearance of bags under the eyes in modern man- chronic lack of sleep.

    As in all previous cases, medications are prescribed with the patient switching to a diet appropriate to the course of treatment.

    In the situations described above, the choice of monotherapy or complex therapy (with a specific choice of a particular diuretic) is made on the basis of the obtained tests, as well as general condition sick.

    Side effects

    Diuretics for edema have a number of limitations in use due to side effects observed with long-term use.

    The most common include:

    What foods and dishes to eat and not to eat during edema

    Diuretics for edema will not have the desired effect if the patient grossly violates the principles of a balanced diet.

    Allowed (fresh and boiled) Prohibited
    FruitsSalt (in immoderate quantities)
    Vegetablesfried food
    GreenerySpicy food
    BerriesSmoked meats
    DairyButter pastries
    Mineral waterSweets

    The basis for choosing products for the dinner table should be taking into account excessively excreted microelements in the urine (sodium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, calcium). You should also take into account the stress created by drugs on internal organs, adding ingredients to the diet that level side effects medicines.

    In addition to the diet, you should include planning your day to establish a work and rest schedule, giving up alcohol and smoking, and regular moderate exercise.

    An important factor is the surrounding emotional background, the normalization of which should be taken care of.

    Why should you not take diuretics without consulting a specialist?

    Independent selection of diuretics when edema is detected is fraught with a violation of the salt balance of the body, which can lead to irreparable consequences. Also, without appropriate tests, it is not possible to determine the cause of the health problem. Therefore, contacting a specialist is the first and only correct step in the fight against edema.

    Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

    Video about diuretics for leg swelling

    Features of diuretics and use:

    Many people experience throughout their lives unpleasant symptoms swelling, which indicates how serious illness, or simply about a minor malfunction of the body. Drugs that remove excess fluid, so-called diuretics, will help get rid of them. Regardless of the cause of the problem, it is important to choose the right diuretic for edema, which your doctor will help you do.

    The causes of a temporary problem can be, for example, wearing shoes that don’t fit, eating highly salted foods, during pregnancy and before the onset of menstruation. Pathologies that lead to fluid retention in the body are kidney diseases and surges in blood pressure. Swelling is also common with allergies.

    Diuretics act to increase the amount of fluid excreted in the urine, which occurs by reducing salt absorption.

    Similar products could be:

    1. Of natural origin with a minimum of side effects, but also a less pronounced effect. These include watermelon, tomato, cranberry and beet juice.
    2. Artificially created ones act within a couple of hours after use, while normalizing blood pressure.

    The latter are thiazide, loop and potassium-sparing, differing in the time and place of exposure. But for the right choice medicinal product It is important to know the exact diagnosis, and this can only be done by a specialist.

    Important: there are pathologies, the presence of which prohibits the use of anti-edema medications.

    Agents that affect sodium transport in the human body are divided into aldosterone antagonists and sodium channel blockers.


    Anti-edema drugs in the form of tablets are represented by Triamterene, which relieves swelling due to heart problems, Amiloride and Veroshpiron, which helps with various types swelling.

    Fluid accumulation due to hypertension, nephrosis or nephritis is eliminated by drugs such as Dichlorothiazide, Urandil or Cyclomethiazide. They work great, but drinking them every day is not recommended.

    A universal drug in this area is Furosemide, which inhibits reverse suction sodium ions in the tubules. This drug and other similar diuretics are indicated even for renal failure - Bufenox, Xipamide, Ethacrynic acid, Torsemide, Bumetanide and Piretanide.


    Prescribing diuretic injections is possible in special cases - coma, fainting, serious gastrointestinal pathology or impaired intestinal absorption. The action of injections is much faster than tablet forms, and if you choose the wrong medicine, your health may worsen, so only a doctor does this and prescribes it.

    Here are the products used for injections for swelling:

    • Mannitol is considered the most powerful diuretic. It is used for sepsis, peritonitis, cerebral and pulmonary edema, as well as to get rid of severe poisoning. The drug should not be used in case of renal failure. chronic form and if filtration dysfunction of a paired organ is diagnosed;
    • a forced diuretic is Furosemide, which acts for 3 hours and immediately after its introduction into the body. Indications for its administration are kidney, lung and cerebral edema, heart failure, eclampsia and hypertensive crisis;
    • Lasix quickly eliminates swelling when severe burns, heart failure, poisoning, kidney diseases and to support forced diuresis.

    Ethacrynic acid, used for fluid retention due to insufficient blood circulation, kidney pathologies, cerebral and pulmonary edema, has a long-lasting 9-hour effect.

    Traditional methods of getting rid of edema

    In the absence of serious pathologies, remedies are indicated to relieve swelling traditional medicine, which are available to everyone. Healers call this problem “dropsy,” which is a consequence of some disease.

    For treatment with such methods, the following recommendations must be followed:

    1. Reduce fluid and salt intake to a minimum.
    2. Choose products with a rich vitamin and protein composition.

    When swelling occurs, it is advisable to give preference to fruits, vegetables, herbs and berries - celery, parsley, asparagus, onions, garlic, watermelon, strawberries, pumpkin and black currants. It is also useful to eat cottage cheese, drink yogurt and kefir.

    There are a large number of folk remedies for edema in different options– teas, infusions and decoctions.


    The accumulated fluid is effectively removed by diuretic herbs for edema. For example, chamomile, which in addition also normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. Special benefit The plant is noted for edema associated with central nervous system disorders, as it has a sedative property.

    Due to its pronounced aroma and the presence of a large number of useful substances, as well as its diuretic properties, parsley is also used to get rid of edema. To do this, prepare an infusion of 1 small spoon of spice seeds, poured with boiled chilled water and infused for 7 to 9 hours. You need to drink the composition every 2 hours, 3 tablespoons per day.

    Dill seeds also have the same effect - pour boiling water over 1 large spoon and let stand for 1 hour, taking the prepared drink before meals several times a day.

    Celery has also proven itself to be excellent fresh leaves, juice and essential oil. Potassium and magnesium in the plant help remove excess fluid from the body. It is consumed in the form of salads and other dishes, and the juice is drunk before meals 30 minutes, 1 teaspoon three times a day.

    Fruit drinks and juices

    Fruit drinks with juices are also good, for example, from cranberries with horseradish roots, black radish with honey, as well as pumpkin, which helps with swelling caused by heart disease, kidneys and bladder.

    Remedy during pregnancy

    Very often during pregnancy, swelling can only be eliminated using traditional methods.

    And there are many recipes for this, here are the most common:

    • You should drink half a glass of carrot juice with pulp before lunch;
    • pumpkin juice is also consumed;
    • birch drink is drunk in the same amount, but 2 times a day;
    • fresh cranberry juice mixed with honey or sugar, drink a small spoon 2 times a day;
    • An excellent anti-edema remedy is black tea, to which pieces of quince are added.

    But it is worth remembering that even in the absence of direct negative impact on the fetus, traditional medicine methods should not be used during pregnancy without examination by a doctor, since any product has its own contraindications.

    Features of choosing a diuretic for edema

    A diuretic should be selected taking into account the pathology and only by a specialist who does this, based on age, gender, accompanying pathologies and individual characteristics.

    Facial swelling

    Swelling on the face is eliminated by Furosemide, Veroshpiron, but not for long, since they act on the symptom, not the cause. There is an option to reduce facial swelling using folk remedies, for example, applying cucumber, potato and coffee masks. Herbal infusions with compresses based on them also have the same effect.

    Swelling of the legs

    To prevent the appearance of edema, you must follow simple rules, unless, of course, they are a consequence of any disease:

    1. Reduce your intake of salty foods and carbohydrates, especially at night. Give preference to natural and healthy food. Excellent diuretics include oranges, peaches, strawberries and grapes.
    2. Removes excess fluid from the body and dairy products- kefir with yogurt.
    3. For drinks, give preference to green tea and natural coffee.
    4. Take regular time to exercise in moderation physical activity and walking in the fresh air.
    5. Regardless of the cause of edema, it is impossible to neglect it, because this can lead to excessive stress on the heart and kidneys, which will disrupt the functioning of these organs. Therefore, at the first sign of a problem, do not hesitate to visit a doctor and take the necessary measures. Because even if edema is not a consequence of the disease, it still gives a signal about some kind of problem in the body. Health to you and your loved ones!

    Every patient who has discovered fluid stagnation in their tissues is forced to take diuretics for swelling of the legs. Many, without finding out the cause of the pathology, begin to take diuretics by the handful, not knowing what harm they can cause. A number of drugs that promote beneficial substances and lead to the development of other diseases. Therefore, before taking diuretics, you need to know well the cause of the disease and the method of action of the medications.

    Why does swelling occur?

    Edema lower limbs- disruption of the functioning of small capillaries, expressed in the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space, leading to an increase in the circumference of the legs. Most often, swelling is visible to the naked eye and is especially pronounced in the ankle area. The disease mainly affects women, considering it a temporary problem caused by excessive fluid intake. This is a big misconception. Exist different reasons stagnation of excess liquid, many of them are unsafe.

    The main causes of leg swelling include:

    1. Childbearing and premenstrual syndrome. Often these processes are accompanied by fluid retention. This is a temporary phenomenon and sometimes does not require medication.
    2. Excessive consumption of pickles and overly salty foods, leading to water reserves due to the ability of salt to retain fluid and cause thirst.
    3. Drinking alcohol and taking medications (aspirin, estrogen) provoke heavy drinking.
    4. Kidney failure or body infections. The kidney is a human organ responsible for regulating water balance, disruption of which leads to the appearance of edema.
    5. . It is expressed by swelling of the lower part of the leg (sometimes the tongue) and is accompanied by impaired bowel movements, a feeling of chilliness, and drowsiness.
    6. Varicose veins. Impaired blood flow contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the body.
    7. Allergic manifestations often cause swelling of tissues and organs.
    8. Amyloidosis. A combination of proteins and polysaccharides is deposited in the body, destroying the organ and promoting edema.
    9. Toxic wound infections caused by anaerobic bacteria, provoke inflammation, expressed in wound decay and tissue swelling.
    10. Heart diseases vascular system.
    11. Wearing uncomfortable shoes.
    12. Weight on the legs for a long time.
    13. Sedentary work.
    14. Overweight and poor nutrition.
    15. Excessive fluid intake, especially before bed.
    16. Complications after illness, expressed in swelling of the legs and the formation of bags under the eyes and accompanied by increased heart rate and shortness of breath.

    Among the diseases that cause edema, the following have been recorded:

    • glomerulosclerosis caused by diabetes mellitus;
    • malignant tumor processes;
    • hepatic cirrhosis;
    • skin diseases;
    • joint diseases;
    • food poisoning.

    Not all diuretics for swelling of the legs can eliminate the symptoms. It is not recommended to use medications on your own without receiving medical advice.

    How to determine the presence of edema

    Sometimes pastiness does not appear clearly outwardly, and a person may not be aware of the presence of swelling. If you feel discomfort in the lower extremities, you must:

    1. Carry out a thorough examination of your feet.
    2. If either the calf muscles are not visually identified, you need to press on the skin. The remaining hole at the point of pressure indicates the presence of edema. When removing clothes and shoes, marks may also remain, indicating fluid retention.
    3. A feeling of heaviness in the legs and unjustified weight gain are signs internal edema. Reducing the amount of fluid you drink and fasting days will relieve symptoms.

    If you notice signs of pastiness, you should consult a therapist.

    To make a diagnosis and exclude serious pathologies, the specialist will prescribe an examination, namely:

    • laboratory testing of urine and blood;
    • electrocardiogram;
    • Ultrasound of the lower extremities, blood vessels, and, if necessary, internal organs;
    • computed tomography.

    Early identification of the source of pathology with the help of modern hardware research will return your slender legs and easy gait.

    Types of diuretics

    The best way to combat edema will be diuretics, which remove excess fluid from the body.

    Diuretics are a group of drugs responsible for the reabsorption of sodium and water ions and promoting rapid elimination urine.

    Chemical substances differ in structure and mechanism of action.

    Based on the principle of their effect, diuretics are divided into:

    • renal block kidney enzymes that stimulate an increase in the excretion of sodium, potassium and chlorine ions;
    • extrarenal, affecting other systems of the body, activate the functioning of the kidneys.

    Based on their composition, natural and synthetic diuretics are differentiated.

    Based on the speed of action, diuretics are divided into strong, moderate and weak drugs.

    Four groups of drugs that help relieve swelling of the legs have been classified. Among them:

    • potassium-sparing - maintain potassium levels in the blood;
    • loop - suppress the reabsorption of potassium, chlorine and sodium;
    • thiazide - quickly absorbed gastrointestinal tract and have a long-lasting effect;
    • thiazide-like - excrete a smaller amount of potassium.

    Regardless of how and with what strength diuretics act, their main function boils down to one thing - to promote super-intensive kidney function. The use of drugs that remove moisture from the body can lead to kidney failure. Therefore, they must be used according to the instructions and strictly as prescribed by the doctor. The wrong dosage can lead to dehydration.

    Treatment of leg swelling with synthetic diuretics

    To combat excess fluid, diuretic tablets for swelling of the legs are well suited, removing 10-15% of sodium from the body. Most often, the doctor prescribes furosemide. The use of torasemide, xipamide, piretanide, and bumetanide is practiced. Because of strong action These medications are recommended to be taken short courses with two-week breaks between them. This will prevent the body from becoming accustomed to the drug and will not reduce the therapeutic effect.

    For mild swelling, moderate medications are indicated: triametron, amiloride, spironolactone. Usually the doctor prescribes a single dose of 5-20 mg until swelling disappears. After 2-4 weeks it is recommended to carry out repeat course treatment.

    Treatment chronic edema, appearing with thrombophlebitis, is carried out using polythiazide, hydrochlorothiazide, clopamide, indapamide, metozalone 25 mg per day in one dose. The use of thiazide diuretics can be long-term and does not require a break.

    Mild edema is well eliminated by potassium-sparing diuretics: spironolactone, triamterene, amiloride. Double use of 200 mg for 2-3 weeks is indicated. If necessary, therapy is repeated after 2 weeks.

    Treatment of pastiness with folk remedies

    You can get rid of swelling of the lower extremities with the help of traditional methods treatments that perfectly complement drug therapy.

    Herbal medicines are good at eliminating bloating in the ankles and lower legs, normalizing the effect of the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems, strengthen the immune system.

    Their use must be agreed upon with a therapist, since self-treatment can harm the body.

    Next natural remedies, which have a diuretic effect, fight well against moisture stagnation in the human body:

    1. Pumpkin relieves swelling well, treats heart pathologies, kidney and bladder diseases. To remove fluid, it is indicated in any form: steamed, boiled, dried, as part of porridges, squeezed (juice). It is recommended to take several times a week continuously.
    2. A mixture of lemon, carrot and cucumber juices, diluted with boiled water, has an excellent effect on pastiness when consumed 50 ml three times a month.
    3. Mint is a powerful natural diuretic. You can replace tea with the infusion of the plant 2 times a day. Pour 20 g of dried mint into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and drink for a month.
    4. Flaxseeds (20 g), steamed with boiling water, keep on low heat for half an hour. Take 100 ml of warm medicine every 3 hours for 2 weeks.
    5. Elderberry alcohol extract is recommended to be taken 3 times a day according to the following scheme for 9 days: 10 drops for the first 3 days, 15 drops for the next 3, 20 drops for the remaining days. The infusion is prepared as follows: pour 20 g of elderberry rhizomes into 0.3 liters of vodka or alcohol in a glass container. Leave for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally, in a cool, dry place.

    How to prevent swelling

    The lower limb is very swollen, and there is no possibility of visiting a doctor in the near future. This fact cannot be ignored. Following simple preventive measures will help to reduce the pastiness of the legs and prevent stagnation in the body:

    1. Using a certain body position will relieve swelling caused by long stay standing or sitting position. To do this, you need to lie on your back and raise your legs at an angle of 30-40º, placing support.
    2. Limiting salt and fluid intake is of utmost importance. It is advisable to drink no more than 2 liters of liquid (or calculate the norm individually depending on body weight), limit drinking in evening time. Eat low-salt foods, as salt has the ability to retain moisture.
    3. Foot massage consisting of rubbing and stroking for 5 minutes.
    4. Physical exercises consisting of squeezing/unclenching fingers, alternately raising heels and feet, walking on tiptoes.
    5. Foot baths with the addition essential oils, sea salt, mineral water or tonic.
    6. Water procedures (swimming, bathing) constrict blood vessels.

    Edema is a sign of excess fluid accumulation in the body. Edema can be general and local.

    Local swelling can be caused by impaired blood or lymph outflow (for example, with thrombophlebitis), inflammation (burn, boil, erysipelas) and have a clear localization. General edema is systemic in nature.

    In terms of the use of diuretics, general edema caused by heart failure, impaired renal excretory function, liver diseases, hormonal disorders, poor nutrition and way of life.

    Severe general edema is preceded by the accumulation of fluid in the body, expressed by weight gain. Excess fluid can amount to 4–9 kg of weight before it manifests itself as obvious swelling of the legs (feet, legs), face, and abdomen. Most characteristic feature edema: when pressed, a hole is formed that does not level out for a long time.

    An indirect sign of swelling is imprinting on the skin of the seams of clothes, elastic bands of socks and panties, watch straps, etc., which does not go away for a long time. Swelling is not only unsightly, fluid retention disrupts the normal functioning of the body’s organs, forces the heart to pump an excess volume of fluid, and can cause an increase in blood pressure.

    It is important to establish the cause of edema and act on it; at the same time, it may be necessary to get rid of excess fluid, for which diuretics (diuretics) are used.

    Approximate classification of diuretics and list of drugs

    ViewsubspeciesNameDiuretic effect, features Main indications
    Saluretics (increasing the excretion of Na and CL) loopbackFurosemide, Lasix, Torsemide, Bumetanide, Uregit Fast, strong, short-term CHF and AHF, chronic renal failure, hypertension, hypertensive crisis
    sulfonamidesChlorthalidone, clopamide, indapamide Long-lasting effect, maximum after 12 hours; indapamide – hypotensive effect without significant diuretic CHF, hypertension, nephrosis, nephritis, gestosis in pregnant women, PMS, diabetes insipidus, obesity
    thiazideCyclomethiazide, hypothiazide Fast, moderately expressed; the effect of cyclomethiazide is stronger. CNS, hypertension, nephrosis, nephritis, liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension, gestosis, glaucoma
    Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors Diacarb (Acetozolamide) Lasts up to 12 hours, reduces intracranial pressure. Contraindicated in acute renal failure, liver failure, pregnancy and lactation. Edema of unknown etiology, glaucoma, epilepsy (as part of combination treatment)
    Potassium-sparing —— amiloride, veroshpirone (spironolactone), eplerenone The effect is weaker than that of thiazide drugs; simultaneous intake of potassium is contraindicated. Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women AH, CHF
    osmotic—— Mannitol, urea, glycerol Strong effect. Easily cause dehydration acute renal failure, glaucoma, cerebral edema

    Note: CHF - chronic heart failure, AHF - acute heart failure, CRF - chronic renal failure, AKI - acute renal failure, PMS - premenstrual syndrome, hypertension - arterial hypertension.

    Mechanism of action of diuretics

    The listed diuretics differ in their mechanism of action. In particular:

    1. Loop diuretics are strong diuretics. They relax vascular smooth muscle and increase renal blood flow, block reabsorption (reabsorption from fluid) of ions in the ascending limb of the loop of Gentle, proximal (located in the central part of the kidney) and distal (peripheral) convoluted tubules. They cause increased excretion of fluid, sodium, chlorine, potassium, calcium, and magnesium ions from the body.
    2. Sulfonamides - disrupt the reabsorption of sodium and chloride ions in the distal tubules, increase the excretion of water, potassium, magnesium, and bicarbonate ions. Delays the excretion of calcium and uric acid. At diabetes insipidus Chlorthalidone reduces excessive urinary output, although its mechanism of action is unclear. Indapamide primarily changes the permeability of cell membranes to calcium, relaxing muscle tissue blood vessel walls and lowering blood pressure. At the level of the renal cortex, indapamide reduces sodium reabsorption and increases the excretion of magnesium, potassium and chlorine in the urine.
    3. Thiazide diuretics reduce the reabsorption of sodium and chloride ions in the proximal and distal parts of the convoluted tubules of the kidneys; to a lesser extent inhibit the reabsorption of potassium and bicarbonate.
    4. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors inhibit the function of carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme involved in the transport of ions and the regulation of electrolyte balance in the body. Cause an increase in the excretion of sodium, potassium, bicarbonates, and water. Reduce ammonia excretion.
    5. Osmotic diuretics increase osmotic pressure blood plasma and cause the movement of fluid from tissues into the vascular bed, suppress tubular reabsorption, which leads to an increase in the volume of urine excreted.
    6. Potassium-sparing diuretics.
    • veroshpiron has the opposite effect of the mineralocorticoid aldosterone, without changing the blood circulation of the kidneys and the function of their tubules;
    • amiloride acts on the peripheral part of the tubules, increases the excretion of sodium and chlorine, reduces the excretion of potassium ions;
    • eplerenone affects the sensitivity of androgen and progesterone receptors to aldosterone, reducing it.

    Diuretics for swollen legs

    Swelling of the legs may not be a symptom of excess fluid in the body, but may occur in a certain situation:

    • Sitting or standing for a long time (orthostatic edema). Occurs during sedentary work, when traveling for many hours on a bus, on an air flight, when working while standing at a machine, on a conveyor belt, with salespeople, hairdressers, etc.;
    • If there is a violation of the venous and capillary circulation of the legs ( varicose veins veins);
    • When wearing uncomfortable shoes, tight jeans, or shapewear.

    If the cause of swelling is obvious, then takediuretic tablets for swollen legsinappropriate. A change in body position will be beneficial (lie down with your legs raised, stretch); useful to accept cold and hot shower or wash your feet alternately with hot and cool water, massage the feet and legs, apply an ointment or gel with a venotonic effect.

    During pregnancy, swelling of the legs is a reason to immediately inform your doctor about it. Toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy (preeclampsia) is a dangerous condition for mother and child. You cannot take diuretics on your own during pregnancy.

    Lymphatic swelling of the legs is caused not so much by fluid retention as by an imbalance between the formation of lymph and its drainage. They are treated with physiotherapeutic lymphatic drainage procedures, medicinal lymphostimulation, and elastic compression. Specific treatment sometimes includes diuretics, sometimes not.

    If the cause of swelling of the legs is not obvious, and the swelling does not disappear during a night's rest, then the use of diuretics is justified. But in this case, swelling of the legs is most likely caused by a disease - heart failure, impaired kidney function.

    You should consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations to identify the cause of fluid retention. Depending on the pathology that caused fluid retention, an effective and safe diuretic will be selected.

    Diuretics for facial swelling

    Facial swelling can be caused by:

    • excessive salt consumption;
    • after episodic alcohol abuse or with its systematic use;
    • kidney disorders;
    • violation of the water-salt balance in the heat, when a person drinks a lot and greedily;
    • dysfunction thyroid gland;
    • sinusitis, runny nose, allergies;
    • blockage salivary gland(asymmetrical edema);
    • overwork, lack of sleep;
    • hormonal imbalance during PMS, menopause;
    • fluid retention during pregnancy (an alarming symptom, consult a doctor immediately).

    Episodic swelling of the face also occurs in healthy people. Sometimes it is enough to limit your salt intake, get enough sleep, and the symptom disappears. But if edema is constantly present, it is necessary to find out its cause and treat, for example, the kidneys, thyroid gland. For periodic swelling associated with the phase of the menstrual cycle, you should consult a gynecologist. Perhaps it is enough to drink during this period diuretic tea; It is more advisable to take a diuretic prescribed by a doctor (for severe irritability, tearfulness, headaches).

    Swelling under the eyes can appear due to diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, thyroid gland, stomach, nervous system. “Bags” under the eyes caused by puffiness appear more strongly in the morning and gradually disappear throughout the day. But if the “bags” were formed due to an increase in the number of fat cells in connective tissue supporting the eye, they are permanent and do not indicate fluid retention. In the latter case, diuretics for swelling under the eyes do not have an effect.

    Is it permissible to take it on your own?diuretics for edema? If you are practically healthy, and the swelling is caused by a violation of the water-salt balance of an obvious nature, then yes.

    As an “ambulance” you can take furosemide or Lasix once, the effect will not be long in coming.

    But at the same time, take Asparkam or Panangin to avoid potassium and magnesium deficiency, which manifests itself as weakness and tachycardia. A sharp decrease in blood pressure is possible. If you "overdid it", eat some salted food, drink a cup of tea. You cannot systematically take loop diuretics on your own.

    If you are prone to edema, it is useful:

    • eat foods with a diuretic effect (watermelon, melon, celery and parsley, strawberries and strawberries);
    • drink diuretic drinks (rosehip decoction, Apple juice, dried fruit compote with dried apricots, green tea, kefir);
    • From time to time, arrange a fasting day without salt (on unsalted buckwheat with kefir). Absolutely harmless remedy with a pronounced diuretic effect. By the end fasting day weakness may appear - then it is better to eat normal salted food;
    • Avoid eating sausages, prepared brisket and ham. To increase weight and avoid “shrinkage,” water-retaining components are added to them, which continue to retain water even after entering the tissues of the human body.

    Relatively safe diuretics for edema are pharmaceutical herbal infusions and herbal teas, including horsetail, lingonberry leaves, bearberry, birch leaves, St. John's wort and other diuretic plants.

    Usually these are mild diuretics, which also have some contraindications, so read the instructions carefully before use.