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Tablets for swelling of the legs. Effective and harmless diuretic folk remedies

Swelling is a sign excess accumulation fluids in the body. Edema can be general and local.

Local swelling can be caused by impaired blood or lymph outflow (for example, with thrombophlebitis), inflammation (burn, boil, erysipelas) and have a clear localization. General edema is systemic in nature.

In terms of the use of diuretics, general edema caused by heart failure, impaired renal excretory function, liver diseases, hormonal disorders, poor nutrition and way of life.

Severe general edema is preceded by the accumulation of fluid in the body, expressed by weight gain. Excess fluid can amount to 4–9 kg of weight before it manifests itself as obvious swelling of the legs (feet, legs), face, and abdomen. The most characteristic sign of edema: when pressed, a hole is formed that does not level out for a long time.

An indirect sign of swelling is imprinting on the skin of the seams of clothes, elastic bands of socks and panties, watch straps, etc., which does not go away for a long time. Swelling is not only unsightly, fluid retention disrupts normal work organs of the body, forces the heart to pump an excess volume of fluid, which can cause an increase in blood pressure.

It is important to establish the cause of edema and act on it; at the same time, it may be necessary to get rid of excess fluid, for which diuretics (diuretics) are used.

Approximate classification of diuretics and list of drugs

ViewsubspeciesNameDiuretic effect, features Main indications
Saluretics (increasing the excretion of Na and CL) loopbackFurosemide, Lasix, Torsemide, Bumetanide, Uregit Fast, strong, short-term CHF and AHF, chronic renal failure, hypertension, hypertensive crisis
sulfonamidesChlorthalidone, clopamide, indapamide Long-lasting effect, maximum after 12 hours; indapamide – hypotensive effect without significant diuretic CHF, hypertension, nephrosis, nephritis, gestosis in pregnant women, PMS, not diabetes, obesity
thiazideCyclomethiazide, hypothiazide Fast, moderately expressed; the effect of cyclomethiazide is stronger. CNS, hypertension, nephrosis, nephritis, liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension, gestosis, glaucoma
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors Diacarb (Acetozolamide) Lasts up to 12 hours, reduces intracranial pressure. Contraindicated in acute renal failure, liver failure, pregnancy and lactation. Edema of unknown etiology, glaucoma, epilepsy (as part of combination treatment)
Potassium-sparing —— amiloride, veroshpirone (spironolactone), eplerenone The effect is weaker than that of thiazide drugs, contraindicated simultaneous administration potassium Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women AH, CHF
osmotic—— Mannitol, urea, glycerol Strong effect. Easily cause dehydration acute renal failure, glaucoma, cerebral edema

Note: CHF - chronic heart failure, AHF - acute heart failure, CRF - chronic renal failure, AKI - acute renal failure, PMS - premenstrual syndrome, hypertension - arterial hypertension.

Mechanism of action of diuretics

The listed diuretics differ in their mechanism of action. In particular:

  1. Loop diuretics are strong diuretics. They relax vascular smooth muscle and increase renal blood flow, block reabsorption ( reverse suction from the liquid) ions in the ascending limb of the loop of Hentle, proximal (located in the central part of the kidney) and distal (peripheral) convoluted tubules. They cause increased excretion of fluid, sodium, chlorine, potassium, calcium, and magnesium ions from the body.
  2. Sulfonamides - disrupt the reabsorption of sodium and chloride ions in the distal tubules, increase the excretion of water, potassium, magnesium, and bicarbonate ions. Delays calcium excretion and uric acid. At diabetes insipidus Chlorthalidone reduces excessive urinary output, although its mechanism of action is unclear. Indapamide primarily changes the permeability of cell membranes to calcium, relaxing muscle tissue blood vessel walls and lowering blood pressure. At the level of the renal cortex, indapamide reduces sodium reabsorption and increases the excretion of magnesium, potassium and chlorine in the urine.
  3. Thiazide diuretics reduce the reabsorption of sodium and chloride ions in the proximal and distal parts of the convoluted tubules of the kidneys; to a lesser extent inhibit the reabsorption of potassium and bicarbonate.
  4. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors inhibit the function of carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme involved in the transport of ions and the regulation of electrolyte balance in the body. Cause an increase in the excretion of sodium, potassium, bicarbonates, and water. Reduce ammonia excretion.
  5. Osmotic diuretics increase osmotic pressure blood plasma and cause the movement of fluid from tissues into the vascular bed, suppress tubular reabsorption, which leads to an increase in the volume of urine excreted.
  6. Potassium-sparing diuretics.
  • veroshpiron has the opposite effect of the mineralocorticoid aldosterone, without changing the blood circulation of the kidneys and the function of their tubules;
  • amiloride acts on the peripheral part of the tubules, increases the excretion of sodium and chlorine, reduces the excretion of potassium ions;
  • eplerenone affects the sensitivity of androgen and progesterone receptors to aldosterone, reducing it.

Diuretics for swollen legs

Swelling of the legs may not be a symptom of excess fluid in the body, but may occur in a certain situation:

  • Body position sitting or standing long time(orthostatic edema). Occurs during sedentary work, when traveling for many hours on a bus, on an air flight, when working while standing at a machine, on a conveyor belt, with salespeople, hairdressers, etc.;
  • In case of disturbance of the venous and capillary circulation of the legs (varicose veins);
  • When wearing uncomfortable shoes, tight jeans, or shapewear.

If the cause of swelling is obvious, then takediuretic tablets for swollen legsinappropriate. A change in body position will be beneficial (lie down with your legs raised, stretch); It is useful to take a contrast shower or wash your feet alternately with hot and cool water, massage your feet and legs, apply an ointment or gel with a venotonic effect.

During pregnancy, swelling of the legs is a reason to immediately inform your doctor about it. Toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy (preeclampsia) is a dangerous condition for mother and child. You cannot take diuretics on your own during pregnancy.

Lymphatic swelling of the legs is caused not so much by fluid retention as by an imbalance between the formation of lymph and its drainage. They are treated with physiotherapeutic lymphatic drainage procedures, medicinal lymphostimulation, and elastic compression. Specific treatment sometimes includes diuretics, sometimes not.

If the cause of swelling of the legs is not obvious, and the swelling does not disappear during a night's rest, then the use of diuretics is justified. But in this case, swelling of the legs is most likely caused by a disease - heart failure, impaired kidney function.

You should see a doctor and undergo necessary examinations to identify the cause of fluid retention. Depending on the pathology that caused fluid retention, an effective and safe diuretic will be selected.

Diuretics for facial swelling

Facial swelling can be caused by:

  • excessive salt consumption;
  • after episodic alcohol abuse or with its systematic use;
  • kidney disorders;
  • violation of the water-salt balance in the heat, when a person drinks a lot and greedily;
  • dysfunction thyroid gland;
  • sinusitis, runny nose, allergies;
  • blockage of the salivary gland (asymmetrical edema);
  • overwork, lack of sleep;
  • hormonal imbalance during PMS, menopause;
  • fluid retention during pregnancy (an alarming symptom, consult a doctor immediately).

Episodic swelling of the face also occurs in healthy people. Sometimes it is enough to limit your salt intake, get enough sleep, and the symptom disappears. But if edema is constantly present, it is necessary to find out its cause and treat, for example, the kidneys and thyroid gland. For periodic swelling associated with the phase of the menstrual cycle, you should consult a gynecologist. Perhaps it is enough to drink during this period diuretic tea; It is more advisable to take a diuretic prescribed by a doctor (for severe irritability, tearfulness, headaches).

Swelling under the eyes can appear due to diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, thyroid gland, stomach, nervous system. “Bags” under the eyes caused by puffiness appear more strongly in the morning and gradually disappear throughout the day. But if the “bags” were formed due to an increase in the number of fat cells in connective tissue supporting the eye, they are permanent and do not indicate fluid retention. In the latter case, diuretics for swelling under the eyes do not have an effect.

Is it permissible to take it on your own?diuretics for edema? If you are practically healthy, and the swelling is caused by a violation of the water-salt balance of an obvious nature, then yes.

As an “ambulance” you can take furosemide or Lasix once, the effect will not be long in coming.

But at the same time, take Asparkam or Panangin to avoid potassium and magnesium deficiency, which manifests itself as weakness and tachycardia. A sharp decrease in blood pressure is possible. If you "overdid it", eat some salted food, drink a cup of tea. You cannot systematically take loop diuretics on your own.

If you are prone to edema, it is useful:

  • eat foods with a diuretic effect (watermelon, melon, celery and parsley, strawberries and strawberries);
  • drink diuretic drinks (rosehip decoction, Apple juice, dried fruit compote with dried apricots, green tea, kefir);
  • From time to time, arrange a fasting day without salt (on unsalted buckwheat with kefir). Absolutely harmless remedy with a pronounced diuretic effect. By the end fasting day weakness may appear - then it is better to eat normal salted food;
  • Avoid eating sausages, prepared brisket and ham. To increase weight and avoid “shrinkage,” water-retaining components are added to them, which continue to retain water even after entering the tissues of the human body.

Relatively safe diuretics for edema are pharmaceutical herbal infusions and herbal teas, including horsetail, lingonberry leaves, bearberry, birch leaves, St. John's wort and other diuretic plants.

Usually these are mild diuretics, which also have some contraindications, so read the instructions carefully before use.

Edema of the legs is excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the lower extremities. Many men and women around the world face this pathology. This condition brings a lot discomfort and leads to many diseases. That is why it is important to know what is the best medicine to take for swollen legs in order to quickly improve your condition.

What to do if your legs swell?

There is no clear answer as to what medicine to take for swelling of the legs, since the therapeutic program is drawn up individually, taking into account the main reasons that provoked it. pathological process, and the condition of the patient himself.

If swelling occurs as a result of leakage cardiovascular diseases, kidney disease or metabolic disorders, then the underlying disease must initially be treated. At the same time, you need to change your familiar image life, adjust your diet, and reduce fluid intake.

Drug therapy is based on the use of decongestants medications, intended for oral administration, and external ointments and creams.

Types of diuretics

It is quite difficult to find a cure for swelling of the legs, since there are a huge number of various drugs. In addition, it is worth remembering that each type of diuretic drugs has certain contraindications, which, if ignored, can adversely affect your health. Among the main types of diuretics, the following should be highlighted:

  • thiazide;
  • loop;
  • osmotic;
  • potassium-sparing;
  • combined.

Thiazide drugs help eliminate swelling of the legs, but not for long, and this does not happen immediately. However, when taking them, there is practically no restriction in fluid and salt intake. Loop medications are highly effective, so they should be taken in the first half of the day. They are characterized by the removal of trace elements from the body, so they must be used very carefully.

The effectiveness of potassium-sparing drugs is quite low, but they do not remove microelements. Mainly used together with other medications. The action of osmotic drugs is aimed at removing excess fluid from tissues. The peculiarity is that it is excreted by the kidneys. In this regard, such medications are contraindicated for people suffering from kidney disease. Combination drugs combine the effects of several drugs at once.

Diuretic drugs against swelling of the legs without pathologies

Edema can appear without the development of underlying pathologies, and in this case they are purely physiological in nature. Diuretics are used to treat these types of edema. They represent powerful medicine from swelling of the legs, and their action is aimed at removing excess fluid from the body. The most popular medicines are:

  • "Furosemide";
  • "Indapamide";
  • "Torasemide";
  • "Veroshpiron".

These drugs help normalize the water-salt balance and prevent excessive fluid accumulation in the tissues of the extremities. Even with a small dosage, the results from using this drug are noticeable almost immediately. To choose the most optimal course of taking the medication, as well as the dosage, you need to consult a doctor. Another feature of them is that they can be combined with other drugs, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

In some cases, swelling of the legs may occur after medications, which occurs as a result of an allergy. In this case, it is necessary to take not only diuretics, but also antihistamines, which help to quickly eliminate the main signs of allergies.

Drugs for cardiac and renal edema

Edema can occur as a result of impaired activity of the heart muscle or kidneys. To eliminate swelling, you need to carry out a comprehensive treatment that will help get rid of the underlying disease. The most popular medications for cardiac edema of the legs are:

  • diuretics - "Piretanide", "Bumetanide", ethacrynic acid;
  • cardiac thiazides - “Urandil”, “Moduretic”, “Dichlorothiazide”;
  • loop diuretics - "Isobar", "Bufenox", "Trigrim".

As a result of the influence of such drugs, blood vessels relax. As a result, blood circulation is normalized. All medications are characterized by a duration of action and a rapid onset of therapeutic effect.

Diuretic medications for swelling of the legs are prescribed in the presence of kidney disease. In this case, loop diuretics and potassium-sparing drugs are prescribed. Among these medications, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • "Triamterene";
  • "Oxodolin";
  • "Mannitol."

Only a qualified doctor should prescribe medications. The required dosage is selected strictly individually, taking into account the patient’s well-being and the results of the studies.

Treatment of edema with varicose veins

Medicine for swollen legs helps eliminate swelling that occurs when varicose veins veins However, it is worth remembering that solving this problem requires an integrated approach. When carrying out therapy, phlebotonics are often used, in particular such as Detralex and Escusan, as well as blood thinners, for example, Cardiomagnyl, Aspecard.

Such medications help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalize blood microcirculation. Swelling goes away very quickly due to blood thinning. In addition, such drugs help to avoid the formation of thrombosis.

Ointments and creams against swelling of the legs

The cure for swelling of the legs can be local application. Anti-edema cream stimulates the outflow of fluid from the extremities and helps eliminate tension. Thanks to a wide variety of such medications, many problems that cause discomfort can be solved.

It is worth remembering that ointments and creams cannot solve the main problem; they only eliminate discomfort, relieve swelling and heaviness in the legs.

What is included in the creams and how they work?

Basically, ointments and creams against swelling contain the following components:

  • tiger grass extract, eliminating puffiness;
  • menthol and eucalyptus oil, eliminating fatigue;
  • tea tree oil, which helps soften the skin;
  • vitamins, oils and tinctures;
  • panthenol.

In addition, the composition may include other components, it all depends on the drug. Such drugs are considered universal, as they help solve many problems, in particular such as:

  • elimination of swelling;
  • relieving discomfort and tension;
  • cooling;
  • stimulating blood circulation;
  • prevention of varicose veins.

This remedy will help get rid of discomfort after a severe working day and also eliminate tension.

Review of the best anti-puffiness creams

Among the most popular ointments and creams that help eliminate swelling of the legs, the following should be highlighted:

  • "Troxevasin";
  • "Venitan";
  • Heparin ointment;
  • "Lyoton 1000";
  • "Essaven gel".

"Troxevasin" helps eliminate swelling, inflammation, painful sensations. In addition, it strengthens blood vessels and veins. Heparin ointment helps normalize blood circulation and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

"Venitan" refers to herbal preparations. It is made from chestnut extract. This remedy has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects.

Treatment of edema in pregnant women

Quite often during pregnancy, swelling of the legs is observed. Treatment with drugs provides positive impact and helps to quickly resolve the existing problem. The occurrence of swelling during pregnancy is due to an increase in the volume of blood required to nourish the mother and fetus. In this regard, it may be violated normal functioning women, since swelling causes significant discomfort, especially in the last months of pregnancy.

Not all medications can be used by pregnant women, so it is advisable to consult a doctor. It is best to use products to eliminate swelling plant origin. The most popular are Mamacomfort, MamaCare, Senosan. Such products help normalize metabolism, improve lymphatic drainage and prevent fluid accumulation. Among the medications prescribed for pregnant women are:

  • "Canephron";
  • "Phytolysin";
  • "Eufillin."

Other drugs are prescribed only if there is a significant risk, as they can be very dangerous for the fetus.

Relieving swelling in older people

Medicine for swelling of the legs for the elderly must be selected with special care, since in old age metabolic processes are disrupted, so the drugs must have a complex effect. Swelling can be permanent or occur periodically.

Lasix and ethacrynic acid are ideal for older people, as they help very quickly get rid of even the most severe swelling. In addition, the doctor may prescribe drugs such as Clopamide, Diuretin, Oxodolin. Additionally, older patients should take vitamins.


Diuretics can have a strong effect on the kidneys, speeding up the process of urine excretion. What drugs are prescribed for kidney problems, the names of these drugs are given below.

Why are diuretics needed?

Natural urine removers, the names of which are given below, are prescribed for:

  • Heart problems, edema due to vascular diseases.
  • As an effective means of reducing high blood pressure.
  • Removing toxins from the body in case of poisoning.

Diuretics for edema cope with various diseases: urinary, vascular system and heart. The cause of the pathology was sodium retention in the body; diuretics cope with this, providing good treatment for swelling of the legs, eyes and other parts of the body.

Types of Diuretics

Treatment various pathologies involves the use of drugs that have different action. What kind of blood pressure pills are there:

  • Drugs that affect the functioning of the epithelium renal tubules: Triamterene, Amiloride, Hydrochlorothiazide, Ethacrynic acid, Torasemide, Bumetamide, Flurosemide, Indapamide, Clopamide, Metolazone, Chlorthalidone, Methyclothiazide, Bendroflumethiazide, Cyclomethiazide.
  • Potassium preserving drugs: Spironolactone (Veroshpiron).
  • Osmotic diuretics: Monitol.

According to the degree of sodium leaching from the body, diuretics can be divided into:

  • Ineffective, capable of removing 5% sodium.
  • Having average efficiency, removing 10% sodium.
  • With high efficiency, removing from 15% sodium.

Indications for use

Diuretics are used to treat blood pressure; the action of the drug helps relieve swelling of the legs and eyes. The use of drugs is recommended for osteoporosis. Drugs that can affect kidney function are prescribed to reduce eye pressure. Treatment high blood pressure the eye allows you to quickly deal with the problem without causing consequences.

Contraindications for use

Diuretics for edema may have a number of contraindications; their use is unacceptable in case of liver cirrhosis and hypokalemia. Treatment with drugs is not provided for patients with intolerance to a number of sulfonamide derivatives (sugar-lowering and antibacterial drugs).

The use of drugs is unacceptable in acute respiratory and liver failure. Drugs of the thiazide category (Methyclothiazide, Bendroflumethiazide, Cyclomethiazide, Hydrochlorothiazide) are not prescribed for diabetes mellitus; the patient's blood sugar may increase. Relative contraindications is the presence of gastric arrhythmia.

Patients taking sodium salts and cardiac glycosides should take medications series of diuretics with extreme caution. Osmotic diuretics are not prescribed in the presence of heart failure.

Side effects

Diuretic tablets for edema can cause side effects. They contribute to the concentration of uric acid in the blood, so patients with gout experience an exacerbation of the disease. Treating eye pressure and leg swelling if not dosed correctly can cause headaches, diarrhea, nausea, general weakness, feeling of dry mouth, drowsiness. When the ion balance is disturbed, arrhythmia, spasms in the skeletal muscles, muscle weakness, increased blood sugar levels, decreased libido in men, and allergies occur.

Diuretics for swelling of the face, legs and eye pressure Furosemide lead to dry mouth, increased urination, dizziness, nausea, and decreased levels of calcium, magnesium and potassium in the blood. When ion metabolism is disrupted, the amount of uric acid, glucose, and calcium increases. If treatment is not stopped, this can lead to paresthesia, skin rashes, and hearing loss. The diuretic Uregit can have a negative effect on hearing, leading to general undesirable consequences.

Which side effects Aldosterone antagonists have: skin rashes, gynecomastia, convulsions, headaches, vomiting, diarrhea. If treatment is incorrect, women experience a disorder menstrual cycle, hirsutism, impotence is possible in men. When heart failure is not properly treated, osmotic diuretics lead to an increase in plasma volume, increasing the load on the heart. This may cause pulmonary edema when treating heart failure.

Diuretics for blood pressure

During pressure on the eyes and the whole body, swelling of the legs is observed, what remedy can be used in this case? All medications prescribed for elevated blood pressure and eye pressure are divided into two broad categories:

  • Drugs that relieve hypertensive crisis, rapidly increasing high blood pressure and eye pressure;
  • Drugs aimed at treating high blood pressure, maintaining it within the normal range.

In fact, medications applied to a sharp decrease in blood pressure are means emergency assistance, their action allows you to quickly reduce blood pressure and eye pressure. In turn, drugs for long-term therapy are drugs that are prescribed during remission to control and maintain blood pressure at a normal, stable level.

To eliminate a hypertensive crisis, diuretics are used that have strong effect: Piretanide, Xipamide, Bumetanide, Furosemide, Torasemide and ethacrynic acid. But in practice, all drugs with a pronounced effect are prescribed. They are usually administered intravenously to achieve maximum results.

Treatment with drugs that have a strong effect should not exceed 1-4 days. After stopping the attack, they should be canceled and treatment with drugs from a different group should be prescribed. They are slow-acting, not so powerful and are necessary to maintain pressure at a normal constant level.

For supporting normal pressure Medium-level diuretics (thiazide diuretics) are used, including: Metozalone, Indapamide, Clopamide, Chlorthalidone, Hypothiazide. For hypertension, the drug of choice is Indapamide, since its effect is much stronger than other thiazide diuretics. It is able to reduce blood pressure evenly, maintaining it throughout the day at normal level, not allowing an increase in the morning hours. It is recommended to take the drug for a long time; the duration of treatment can only be determined by a doctor.

Diuretics for weight loss

Recently, diuretics for weight loss have gained great popularity. The myth that diuretic pills are effective for weight loss has a negative effect on those who believe it. This misconception even has a scientific basis, since adipose tissue is 90% water. This is where many people believe that diuretic medications for weight loss can be extremely effective.

In fact, diuretics for weight loss work somewhat differently. Diuretic drugs for weight loss really have an antiatherogenic effect, which lies in the destruction of cholesterol plaques. For example, Indapamide helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. But when using diuretics, you can only get rid of fluid in the body, and the fat will remain in the same place. The drug can have an active effect on blood vessels, reducing the likelihood of developing heart failure, atherosclerosis and stroke.

As you know, diuretics can have an effect on a number of body systems, especially the urinary system. If they are taken correctly, this allows the body to restore the ratio of electrolytes and water balance. And receiving funds in large doses can lead to negative consequences and even be life threatening.

It is necessary to understand that the body, along with the liquid, loses important ions that can regulate the functioning of all organs. Such weight loss occurs solely due to dehydration of the body. If the ion balance is disturbed, weakness, interruptions in heart rhythm, dizziness, hypertension, and blurred vision may occur. IN rare case An overdose of diuretics leads to hallucinations and collapse.

Diuretics during pregnancy and lactation

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy becomes extremely common. In most cases, swelling of the legs can be observed already in the last months of gestation, when the uterus begins to compress the vena cava with its weight. Swelling of the legs of an expectant mother should not be ignored, as this may indicate the presence of renal failure or even the formation of histosis. In the event that the use of a special diet could not bring the desired effect, it is necessary to prescribe natural or synthetic diuretics.

Diuretics during pregnancy during swelling of the legs and other parts of the body are contraindicated in most cases. Therefore, taking them without a prescription is strictly prohibited. On early stages During pregnancy, diuretics of all groups are prohibited. For more later Prescription of diuretics is allowed, but with great caution. By taking medications aimed at removing fluid from the body, a pregnant woman can put not only herself but also her child at risk. Incorrectly selected diuretics or their dosage can lead to blood disorders, jaundice, kidney problems, visual and hearing impairment.

If your legs are swollen, it is also not recommended to use folk diuretics at home, as they are also unsafe. If you take them, you should be extremely careful. Frequent use of renal preparations can lead to disturbances in electrolyte balance, having a direct impact on the subsequent development of pregnancy. During pregnancy, women are advised to exclude juniper fruits, strawberries, and parsley root from their diet. Orthosiphon can be considered one of the safest diuretics of plant origin. He has soft action and its use is acceptable during breastfeeding.

In a situation where it is not possible to do without the use of diuretics, doctors can prescribe combination drugs, for example, Canephron. But you need to be careful when choosing tablets, since the drops contain alcohol. The drug can be used at almost any stage of pregnancy. Another herbal remedy that is allowed to be used during pregnancy is Phytolysin. Its use is prescribed in the absence acute inflammation in the kidneys.

Instead of diuretics, doctors may prescribe Eufillin in some cases. Despite the fact that the drug can be classified as a bronchodilator, it also has a diuretic effect. While breastfeeding, before prescribing the drug, the doctor must compare the need to use the drug and the presence of possible risks. Eufillin is contraindicated for women with heart problems, hypertension and epilepsy.

Popular diuretics

Diuretics are effective drugs that affect the functioning of the renal tubules, do not allow sodium to re-enter the body and are excreted together with urine. Thiazide-like diuretics (Methyclothiazide, Bendroflumethiazide, Cyclomethiazide) hinder the absorption of not only sodium, but also chlorine. As a result of this action, they are also called saluretics (from English word salt).

Diuretics with moderate effectiveness (Hypothiazide) are mainly prescribed in the presence of kidney disease, heart failure and swelling. This drug is especially often prescribed as an antihypertensive drug. The drug helps eliminate excess sodium and lowers blood pressure.

In addition, diuretics of moderate effectiveness can enhance the effect of drugs against arterial hypertension. In the event that more than high dosage such diuretics, there may be an increase in fluid excretion from the body without changes in blood pressure. Hypothiazide can be used for diabetes insipidus and the presence of stones. Active substances This drug prevents the formation of salt in the kidneys and reduces the concentration of calcium ions.

Arifon (Indapamide) differs from other diuretics in its ability not only to remove excess fluid from the body, but also to dilate blood vessels and relieve spasms. One of the most effective diuretics can be considered Furosemide or Lasix. When this drug is administered intravenously, its effect begins after 10 minutes. It has gained great popularity in acute left ventricular failure, accompanied by pulmonary edema, peripheral edema, arterial hypertension, to remove toxins. According to the proposed action, Uregit (ethacrynic acid) is similar to Lasix, but has a longer effect.

Natural Diuretics

Folk diuretics were used long before medications were created. It is completely safe to use such products at home, although they are weaker in action than artificial diuretics, but have a mild effect.

If folk diuretics in decoctions are taken in the correct dosage, then they can be used for a long time without side effects. But even when taking remedies at home, it is recommended to determine the causes of fluid retention in the body.

For example, in case of swelling and disturbances in the functioning of the heart, it is recommended to drink a decoction of birch and strawberry leaves at home. Compresses made from birch leaves can be used in the presence of swelling of the extremities. Medicinal properties lingonberries, shepherd's purse, tansy helps cope with inflammation of the bladder and kidneys. For edema, popular remedies are rose hips, flax seeds, orthosiphon, and bearberry. IN postoperative period, in order to prevent edema and long-term treatment antibiotics, it is recommended to drink rosehip tea.

Orthosiphon has become a traditional tea for normalizing kidney function. It can have not only a diuretic effect, but also act as an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. In addition to herbs that have a medicinal effect and can remove excess fluid from the body, pumpkin, melons, celery and parsley are used. As a substitute for green salad if you have puffiness, you can make a salad of cucumber and dandelion leaves.

It is recommended to take diuretics with extreme caution, as they have a number of contraindications. If swelling and high blood pressure occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor. You should not self-medicate.

Solutions) have become quite firmly established in our lives. They are used to correct acid-base balance in organism. After all, they perfectly remove excess acid and alkali from it. Diuretic tablets, the list of which is quite impressive, are used in the treatment of poisoning, some injuries (especially when it comes to head injuries), and to combat hypertension. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows not only the mechanism of action of these drugs, but also the side effects that they can cause. And improper use of diuretics can lead to serious complications.

brief information

Diuretic tablets are used to treat many ailments. List effective drugs and continues to increase today. Diuretics are also called diuretics.

Their main goal is to remove excess water, chemicals, and salts from the body, which tend to accumulate in the walls of blood vessels and tissues. In addition, diuretics have positive influence on water-salt balance.

If a large number of sodium ions accumulate in the body, it begins to be deposited. subcutaneous tissue. It has a very negative effect on the functioning of the kidneys, heart, and hematopoietic system. As a result, the patient develops a variety of diseases and disorders.

In addition, diuretics are in great demand in sports medicine. They are often used for weight loss. Very often diuretics (tablets) are included in complex therapy to combat various ailments.

Based on their effect on the body, modern diuretics are divided into two main forms. The first category of drugs affects the process of urine formation directly in the kidneys. The second form of diuretics is responsible for the hormonal regulation of urine production.

Important Warning

There is a lot of information that diuretic tablets, the list of which is given below, can also easily solve cosmetic problems. However, many people believe that similar drugs completely safe. Some women take these medications on their own for weight loss purposes. Athletes widely use drugs before competitions in order to lose weight. Even bodybuilders use them, trying to create artificial dehydration so that the muscles look more prominent.

However, people who take diuretics without a doctor's prescription are at great risk. After all, treatment with diuretics can lead to unpleasant consequences. You should know that diuretics can:

Quite often, even those patients who understand the risk believe that the latest drugs"Indapamide", "Torasemide", "Arifon" do not affect metabolism harmful influence. Similar medicines They are really much better tolerated than older generation medications. However, they are also harmful to health. But the negative impact of these funds is revealed much later. It is enough to understand the mechanism of their action. Medicines of the new and old generation are aimed at one thing - to stimulate the kidneys to work more intensively. Consequently, they excrete more salt and water.

It is important to understand that fluid retention in the body is a symptom of a serious illness. Swelling cannot occur on its own. It is provoked by serious disruptions in the functioning of the kidneys, heart, and sometimes other reasons. Consequently, diuretics are drugs (their list is very extensive) with exclusively symptomatic action. Unfortunately, they do not get rid of the cause of the disease. Thus, medications only delay the unpleasant ending for patients. Therefore, people who want to improve their health and fight a real disease should not make do with diuretics alone, much less use them themselves.

Classification of drugs

Until today, there is no single system according to which all diuretics are divided, since all drugs have different chemical structure, have different effects on body systems. Therefore, it is impossible to create an ideal classification.

Often the division occurs according to the mechanism of action. According to this classification, there are:

  1. Thiazide drugs. They are excellent for the treatment of hypertension, perfectly reduce blood pressure. It is recommended to use them in parallel with other medications. Thiazides can negatively affect metabolism, so such diuretics are prescribed in small quantities. Drugs (a list of only the most popular ones is given in the article) from this group are “Ezidrex”, “Hydrochlorothiazide”, “Chlorthalidone”, “Indapamide”, “Hypothiazide”, “Arifon”.
  2. Loop means. They remove salt and fluid from the body due to their effect on kidney filtration. These medications are characterized by fast diuretic effect. Loop diuretics do not affect cholesterol levels and do not create preconditions for the occurrence of diabetes mellitus. However, their biggest drawback is the many side effects. The most common drugs are Torasemide, Furosemide, Ethacrynic acid, Bumetanide.
  3. Potassium-sparing agents. Quite an extensive group of drugs. Such medications help increase the excretion of chloride and sodium from the body. At the same time, the removal of potassium is minimized by such diuretic tablets. List of the most popular drugs: Amiloride, Triamterene, Spironolactone.
  4. Aldosterone antagonists. These diuretics block natural hormone, which retains salt and moisture in the body. Drugs that neutralize aldosterone promote fluid removal. At the same time, the potassium content in the body does not decrease. The most popular representative is “Veroshpiron”.

Medicines for edema

Can be used for good effect potent drugs. The following diuretic tablets are used for edema:

  • "Torasemide";
  • "Furosemide";
  • "Piretanide";
  • "Xipamide";
  • "Bumetanide".

Medium-strength diuretic tablets can also be used for edema:

  • "Hydrochlorothiazide";
  • "Hypothiazide";
  • "Chlorthalidone";
  • "Klopamide";
  • "Polythiazide";
  • "Indapamide";
  • "Met hall."

Such drugs are used for a long time and continuously. The recommended dose is determined by the attending physician. As a rule, it is about 25 mg per day.

For minor edema, potassium-sparing diuretics, such as Spironolactone, Amiloride, and Triamterene, are more suitable. They are taken in courses (2-3 weeks) at intervals of 10-14 days.

Medicines for hypertension

Diuretic medications that are used for high blood pressure, are divided into two categories:

  1. Remedies that have a quick effect. Such drugs are used during a hypertensive crisis, when there is a need to quickly reduce blood pressure.
  2. Products for daily use. Medicines help maintain optimal blood pressure levels.

Potent medications can stop a hypertensive crisis. The most popular drug is Furosemide. Its price is low. The following remedies are no less effective during a crisis:

  • "Torasemide";
  • "Bumetanide";
  • "Ethacrynic acid";
  • "Piretanide";
  • "Xipamide."

The duration of taking the above medications can be 1-3 days. After stopping the crisis, they switch from such potent drugs to medications that can maintain blood pressure at the required level every day.

  • "Indapamide";
  • "Hydrochlorothiazide";
  • "Hypothiazide";
  • "Klopamide";
  • "Metro salon";
  • "Polythiazide";
  • "Chlorthalidone."

These medications are taken daily as prescribed by your doctor. They perfectly maintain the optimal pressure level.

Drugs for heart failure

As a result of this pathology, fluid retention in the body often occurs. This phenomenon creates stagnation of blood in the lungs. The patient has many unpleasant symptoms, such as shortness of breath, swelling, enlarged liver, the appearance of wheezing in the heart.

For people with diabetes, the doctor must introduce a diuretic into their therapy. It perfectly prevents severe consequences in the lungs, cardiogenic shock. At the same time, diuretics increase patients' tolerance to physical activity.

For patients with the first and second degrees of the disease, a good diuretic is a thiazide drug. In case of more serious pathology, the patient is transferred to a strong drug - a loop diuretic. In some cases, the drug Spironolactone is additionally prescribed. It is especially important to take such a remedy if the patient has developed hypokalemia.

If the effect of using the drug Furosemide weakens, cardiologists recommend replacing it with the drug Torasemide. It has been noticed that the latter remedy has a more beneficial effect on the body when severe forms heart failure.

The drug "Furosemide"

The medicine is a fast-acting diuretic. Its effect occurs after taking it for 20 minutes. The duration of the drug's effect is about 4-5 hours.

Effectively this remedy not only to relieve a hypertensive crisis. According to the instructions, the medicine helps with heart failure, swelling of the brain and lungs, and chemical poisoning. It is often prescribed for late toxicosis during pregnancy.

However, the product also has strict contraindications. The drug is not used in the first trimester of pregnancy. It should not be used in patients with renal failure, people who have hypoglycemia, urinary tract obstruction.

The cost of the drug "Furosemide" is low. The price is approximately 19 rubles.

The drug "Torasemide"

The medicine is a fast-acting remedy. The drug "Furosemide" undergoes biotransformation in the kidneys, so it is not suitable for all patients. More effective medicine For people suffering from kidney diseases, the medicine “Torasemide” is used, since it undergoes biotransformation in the liver. But with pathologies of this organ, the medicine can cause serious harm.

After just 15 minutes, the effect on the body begins (as reported by the product included with the drug, the price of the product varies from 205 to 655 rubles.

Long-term studies have confirmed the high effectiveness of the drug in heart failure. In addition, the drug perfectly removes salts and liquid. At the same time, the loss of potassium by the body is insignificant, since the effective remedy blocks the hormone aldosterone.

The drug "Indapamide"

The medicine is very effective in hypertension(heavy and moderate severity). The product perfectly reduces blood pressure and maintains its optimal level throughout the day. In addition, it prevents an increase in this indicator in the morning.

You need to take the medicine once a day, 1 tablet, as evidenced by the instructions included in the drug “Indapamide”. The price of the product varies on average from 22 to 110 rubles.

Before taking it, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications, since this excellent remedy is not suitable for all patients suffering from hypertension. The drug is not intended for people who have problems with the kidneys or liver. Pregnant and nursing mothers are prohibited from taking the medicine. In case of cerebral circulation failure, anuria, hypokalemia, the drug is contraindicated.

The drug "Triamterene"

The medicine is a mild diuretic. It is recommended to use it in combination with another diuretic drug, Hydrochlorothiazide. Thanks to this combination, it is possible to reduce the loss of potassium by the body. The drug Triamterene has a beneficial effect. The instructions position it as a potassium-sparing agent.

The medicine should be used strictly according to the prescribed dosage. People with impaired kidney function may experience an unpleasant side effect: increased potassium levels. Sometimes the product can lead to dehydration. When interacting with folic acid The medicine helps increase red blood cells.

The cost of the product is 316 rubles.

The drug "Spironolactone"

The medicine is a potassium- and magnesium-sparing agent. At the same time, it effectively removes sodium and chlorine from the body. After starting to take the drug, the diuretic effect occurs approximately 2-5 days.

Medicine can be prescribed for hypertension, chronic form heart failure, liver cirrhosis. The use of Spironolactone is effective for swelling in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

The drug is not intended for people diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, renal or liver failure, or anuria. It is forbidden to use the product in the first trimester of pregnancy. In case of hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia, the drug is contraindicated. It should not be administered to people with Addison's disease.

Side effects may also occur when taking the medicine. In some cases, the drug provokes urticaria, itching, drowsiness, headache, diarrhea or constipation.

The cost of the product is about 54 rubles.

When you feel an excruciating heaviness in your legs, and your favorite shoes are squeezing your feet, it’s time to buy pills for swelling of the feet. IN pharmacy kiosks There are quite a few ways to get rid of unpleasant problem. Typically, popular diuretics and drugs to increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels are used to combat the disease. It is important that medications are selected by a specialist who will take into account the problems that lead to swelling.

Edema in pregnant women: methods of control

Few women can boast that while carrying a baby, they did not suffer from heaviness in their legs. Almost everyone experiences swelling in recent weeks, but how to get rid of it? If future mom does not have various pathologies that could provoke the problem, then herbal diuretics are prescribed for it. Take medicine from general list It is not allowed, as it can harm the unborn child.

The following drugs are very popular and are used for a long time for pregnant women:

Has a good diuretic effect cranberry juice. It needs to be included in the diet, which will help fight the problem. A regular compote is made from the berries and drunk throughout the day.

Recourse to funds from traditional medicine forbidden. During pregnancy, a woman is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the development of the unborn baby. Row herbal infusions, even those sold in pharmacies, can cause a miscarriage. Therefore, at the first manifestations of swelling in the lower extremities, you should immediately see a doctor to prescribe therapeutic therapy.

Effective diuretics

All edema in the body is classified as stagnation, which is why diuretics are indicated to get rid of them. A well-known drug in this area is Furosemide. An important factor They believe that it can be prescribed even to patients with renal failure.

But it also has disadvantages that are associated with the rapid achievement of a therapeutic effect.

Furosemide has an effect on the body hypotensive effect, entailing a weakening of blood flow. Patients with hypotension will have to avoid treatment with this medication.

But there is no need to worry, since in addition to this remedy there are others that can help in this situation. Doctors can use a number of other diuretics that will help relieve swelling of the legs:

  • Thorsid;
  • Trifas;
  • Toradiv;
  • Trisemid;
  • Sutril Neo.

Swelling of the legs can be successfully treated with any of the listed drugs; it is important that they are prescribed by the attending physician. Before recommendations are issued, specialists conduct laboratory research. With their help, they get a complete picture of the patient’s condition and consider the possibility of an allergic reaction.

However, as it shows medical practice, after taking diuretics, unpleasant side effects occur.

If the patient does not consult a doctor and is treated with these drugs without control, they may develop serious complications. Among them are:

  • arrhythmia, tachycardia, vascular collapse, fluctuations in circulating blood volumes;
  • risk of developing thrombosis, thromboembolism, hepatic encephalopathy;
  • anaphylactic shock, urinary retention, interstitial nephritis, epidermal necrolysis of a toxic type.

How to cure swelling with varicose veins

Sometimes the reason why a limb swells is due to low elasticity. vascular wall and its high permeability. In such a situation, taking diuretics will not give a long-term effect, and often provokes a worsening of the condition. Doctors suggest using complex treatment, which includes medications that strengthen blood vessels. In addition, it would not be superfluous to prescribe medications that will help normalize venous circulation.

Now at the peak of popularity are Detralex, Phlebodia and Venarus, which have similar composition. Treatment with any of the above means gives good effect. Typically, tablets are taken in courses that must be repeated after a certain period of time. Regardless of whether there is swelling or not, you should not ignore the treatment schedule.

The price of a package of medicine is 800-1000 rubles. For this reason, some prefer cheaper analogues. However, they will not see the same obvious effect as from the original.

Improved hemodynamics is achieved by reducing congestion. The effect occurs due to the fact that leukocytes no longer stick to the walls of blood vessels. As a result, there is no blockage of the lumen, and soft tissues do not accumulate excess fluid.

It is important that venotonics almost do not entail the occurrence of side effects. It is quite rare for patients to complain of neurovegetative disorders or dyspeptic problems. Often, pathologies go away without the intervention of specialists and do not require the appointment of special therapy to eliminate them.

Treatment of edema in the elderly

Old age implies a failure in metabolic processes. Due to the fact that the aging body cannot cope with the work, swelling occurs. In this case, the pathology can be permanent, or it can appear from time to time. Now almost all pensioners suffer from this phenomenon, but they cannot completely overcome it.

Before carrying out treatment, it is necessary to conduct a high-quality diagnosis. Some older people don't even know that their swelling has a serious cause.

Fluid stagnation may indicate problems with the kidneys, heart, vascular system. This is exactly how chronic lung diseases manifest themselves. Because of this, independent selection of the drug is dangerous, there is a risk of triggering the disease.

Prescribing diuretics to elderly people requires monitoring water-salt metabolism. Loss of potassium threatens serious disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. For this reason, older people should not take diuretics for a long period. A break is always required between courses, as the body may not be able to cope with the load.

Lasix and ethacrynic acid are prohibited for use in such patients. Since their use involves very rapid relief from edema. They are successfully replaced by Oxodolin, Clopamide, Indylamide and Diuretin. Older patients need vitamins and glucose. This ensures the maintenance of potassium levels and ensures better absorption. Additionally, it is suggested to take Asparkam a, Potassium Orotate and its other analogues.

And of course, it is implied physical activity daily, a passive lifestyle aggravates the clinical picture, as does the abuse of salty foods and various canned foods.

Providing assistance at home

Problems with fluid retention in the body can occur not only due to diseases internal organs. Part of the population notes a similar problem when there was a long flight or there was an excess of salty food on the table. In such a situation, you can help a person without using tablets and syrups. Simple tips who will tell you how to relieve swelling of the legs at home:

  1. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels is possible with regular use contrast shower. Foot baths also have a good effect; you can add a little to the water. sea ​​salt or apple cider vinegar. Such measures will speed up the removal of toxins from the skin.
  2. When the fluid does not drain properly, you need to speed up the action excretory system. To do this, patients are asked to drink more fluids, but this only applies clean water. Carbonated drinks, juices, and sweet cocktails cannot help in this case. There is a beneficial effect of green tea without sugar on the elimination of puffiness.
  3. A foot massage will help disperse stagnant lymph. The sore limb is kneaded with your fingers, but the places where the lymph nodes are located are not touched - the area under the knee on the back side and the groin. Self massage- This is the type of assistance that can be provided without the involvement of other persons.
  4. The position of the body with the legs raised up is considered winning. If you put a pillow under your ankles, the blood will flow faster. The swelling will go away almost completely without the use of other techniques.
  5. In some situations, a cool compress is good to relieve heaviness in the legs and remove swelling. It is important that the heating pad contains cool water, ice leads to hypothermia. Cold is not used directly; the heating pad is usually wrapped in a towel.

Such simple ways and diuretics prescribed by a doctor help cope with swelling in the legs.