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Some simple tips on how to pierce your ear at home. How to break through an ear plug at home

Today we will talk about how to pierce your ears yourself, without pain, at home. Earrings have long ceased to be considered an extravagant or amazing type of jewelry. In almost any salon, for a fee, you will get your ears pierced quickly and almost painlessly. But the flow of those who want to do this procedure on their own is not decreasing. Fortunately, ear piercing can be done at home.

In our country, the tradition of piercing the earlobe arose a long time ago. Already in ancient times, people certainly wanted to decorate with something unusual. own body. The first decorations were objects such as flowers, ivory, bright color pebbles. But our ancestors tried to decorate the body not only for aesthetic purposes. By this they wanted to ward off evil spirits and other evil spirits.

From simple decorations, under the influence of time and experience, they became more and more original, voluminous and complex. Ancient people even sought to gain strength through jewelry. Today, it is rare that any woman does not have jewelry in her ears. The desire to stand out and decorate oneself has become the norm.

How to pierce your ears yourself?

If you are planning to pierce your ears yourself, you must first understand the structure of this important organ. From birth, every person has their own special individual pattern on their ears. The ear and its lobe cannot be corrected with any makeup. To correct the shape of the ears, you can only use radical method, namely a surgical operation.

The Chinese have their own beliefs regarding ear piercing. Their traditions are such that human ear is given the importance of an extremely important organ responsible for the energy sphere of human life. The ear itself contains many various points. These points are responsible for the full functioning of any of the human organs. It is for this reason that a puncture in the earlobe should be done very consciously and carefully. Essentially, ear piercing is a mini operation. And it should be approached with full responsibility.

  • Firstly, it is better to do without a puncture for children under three years of age.
  • People whose ears are susceptible to diseases should not have their ears pierced.
  • You should refrain from piercing your ears during periods of exacerbation of viral, as well as bactericidal infections and other diseases.
  • Some people are allergic to metal alloys. In this case, it is also better not to pierce your ears.
  • This operation is prohibited when elevated temperature bodies.

For ear piercing so that it goes without complications and negative consequences, it is important to choose the right time of year. Winter is considered the most optimal season for this. At this time, “pick up” some dangerous infection It's simply impossible. But in winter, most people wear hats. And if you make careless movements while putting it on, you can accidentally snag the earring, thereby causing injury to your ear.


To pierce your ears, you need to have a special tool, as well as auxiliary materials. The tool you have must have a catheter needle. It is sold in almost any pharmacy. You don't need a prescription to purchase it. To pierce the earlobe, the diameter of the needle should be no more than a millimeter.

Never use a regular sewing needle to pierce your ears. If you puncture with it, the wound will take a very long time to heal. This is due to the fact that sewing needles have a diameter expansion at the base.

Also, for piercing you must use only a new tool. You should not use a needle that has already been used. The instrument must be completely sterile.


If you are planning to get your ears pierced, choose the best earrings to go with them in advance. An earring that is inserted into a wound that has not yet healed should not be metal. Otherwise, with a fresh puncture, she may enter into chemical reaction and will begin to oxidize. The wound at the puncture site will begin to fester. Ideally, earrings for a fresh piercing should be gold or silver. If you don’t have money for expensive metals, then choose an earring made of medical steel.

It has important and the shape of the earrings. It is better to choose earrings in the shape of a small ring or droplet for an unhealed wound. With them, caring for a puncture will be easier. Earrings should not be heavy or very massive. Choose an option so that in the end the earrings cannot cling to your clothes and do not interfere with you while you sleep.

You will also need:

To get your ears pierced, you need, among other things, supplies medical alcohol. You will use it to wipe your earlobe, your hands, earrings and instruments to sterilize them. Also buy medical cotton wool or cotton pads in advance. Cotton pads will be very easy to wipe earlobe on both sides, and if necessary, dry the released droplets of blood. If you are very afraid of pain, then it is appropriate to take care of pain relief.

Today, the pain reliever is sold as an ointment. But novocaine can also be used to pierce the ears. Just in case, it's worth stocking up and ammonia. If you feel sick, the assistant who should be next to you will have time to let you inhale its vapors so that you can come to your senses.

Before piercing your ear, you should understand that quite a lot of nerve endings. Naturally, hitting the nerve itself with a needle is extremely dangerous. Mark the point of the future puncture in advance with a felt-tip pen. Choose a point strictly in the center of the lobe. And remember that damage to blood vessels and nerves can have extremely serious consequences, including loss of vision.

Piercing procedure

Bring the instrument treated in alcohol to the lobe and begin to pierce it with force. You may hear a characteristic crunching sound. Don't be afraid of him. It is better to do the puncture not by weight, but by placing it under reverse side slice of apple or potato. After making a puncture, immediately put on the earring, and then you should disinfect the wound again.

There is one remarkable secret related to ear piercing. To make the procedure as painless as possible, the ear should be “frozen” for a while. Regular ice will do for this. Make ice cubes ahead of time. Keep the ice in a bag and hold it against your earlobe for about three minutes before piercing. Then you can proceed to direct piercing.

After piercing your earlobe, do not forget about necessary measures caring for her. The first time you put on earrings, you will feel as if your ears are literally “on fire.” It is even possible that they will swell slightly. Don't worry about it. Such negative feelings will disappear after some time.

The puncture site should be wiped twice a day with any antiseptic. Your hands must be absolutely clean. The earlobe will have to be disinfected for at least a couple of weeks. During this period, try not to lie on your side while sleeping, and also do not wear clothes that have to be put on “over your head.”

In every possible way, avoid such actions that could at least minimally injure your pierced ears. If you notice that the wound on the lobe has begun to fester, consult a doctor immediately.

In general, piercing your ears yourself is considered quite dangerous procedure. Its direct consequences can include symptoms such as severe headache, failure in work internal organs, the occurrence of infection. Such consequences appear if the ear piercing is done in a way that deviates from the described technology, or if all disinfection and safety measures were not followed. Knowing all the intricacies of self-piercing your ears, you will make the right decision about whether to carry out this procedure at home.

Lobe piercing is the most common of all types of body art. Ear piercing can be done at home with your own hands or in a salon for a minimal cost. But before starting the procedure, you need to decide on the location, because there are more than 30 types of piercings, which are classified by location.

Types of ear piercing

Professional piercers distinguish 34 types of ear piercings. Options are classified by location.

The most common types of ear piercings (with photo):

  • . The softest part of the ear is pierced. Healing is similar to any other piercing of the fleshy areas of the body;
  • Helix. The hole is made in the upper part of the helix of the auricle. During its execution, no pain is felt, because there are no nerve endings in the cartilage;
  • Anti-helix or Snug piercing. It is done in the upper cavity of the auricle. Unlike a regular helix, here the cartilage is pierced in two places;
  • Upper helix is an ear piercing located at the top of the helix of the auricle, as close to the head as possible. Due to the complexity of the implementation, it is done very rarely; mainly carnations are used for decorations;
  • The most difficult type of ear piercing is Daith. Its meaning is related to the acupuncture teachings of India. They say that this is not just a decoration of the body, but provides protection for the “vessel”. To make Daze, you need to prepare a special curved needle that can pierce the middle ear cartilage. The placement of the earring plays a decisive role in this type of piercing: if holes are visible, the Daith is considered to be of poor quality;
  • Tragus or tragus. It got its name because of its location. It is believed that this type of piercing is very painful, although it, like many other types of punctures, is located in the cartilage;
  • Piercing of the lower part of the ear or antitragus. The decoration can also be placed in a curved cartilage tissue curl;
  • Industrial. Professional ear helix piercing with two piercings. Subsequently, they are connected to each other using long earrings- rods. For maximum convenience, the pierced points should be parallel to each other. Although, occasionally, it is allowed to raise the second part of the earring slightly above the point where the first hole is located;
  • Rock outwardly very similar to the puncture of the antitragus, but differs in lower requirements for the holes for installing the earring. The decoration is located on top of the tragus, in the auricle;
  • Fallout. A special feature of this piercing is the arrangement of the earrings. Most often, several parallel Helix punctures are made, after which rings of the same diameter are inserted into them.

Ear piercing with a gun

An earlobe piercing is most often performed with a pistol. It is important to note that the vast majority of professional piercers do not recognize guns in principle. Instead, they use needles or catheters.

How an earlobe piercing is done by a doctor in a salon:

  1. The selected area is carefully treated with alcohol-containing solutions. Based on the location of acupuncture points (points, the exact location of the future hole is selected);
  2. Needles are inserted into the gun (they must be in a sterile container). The selected earring is placed next to the needle;
  3. The planes of the gun are placed above the earlobe, the needle should be located exactly above the selected and marked puncture site. Afterwards, the doctor sharply presses the handles of the device and its planes close;
  4. The needle pierces the skin, and the decoration is immediately pushed into the hole. The pistol is unfastened and removed from the ear, and the earring is secured with clips.

How to pierce with a needle

If medical services This kind of ear piercing is not suitable, then ear piercing can be done at home. To do this, you can purchase a special Studex gun, which is used in salons, or buy a catheter of a suitable size at the nearest pharmacy.

As a standard, they come in 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20 mm. Naturally, the size of the hole must correspond to the diameter of the decoration.

Specialized piercing stores also sell professional needles. They are made from an alloy of steel and titanium. Like catheters, they are classified by size (1; 1.1; 1.2, etc.).

Drawing of types of ear piercings

How to perform ear cartilage puncture at home:

  1. A place is marked on the ear. To do this, you can use a regular alcohol-based felt-tip pen;
  2. It is very important to thoroughly clean your hands and ears. For disinfection purposes, you can use Chlorhexidine or pure alcohol. If you don’t have either one or the other at hand, then use vodka or other strong alcohol (more than 40%);
  3. The hole is made with outside cartilage - so that its location can be seen. Auricle is stretched and manipulation is performed. Blood may appear at the site of the hole - don’t worry, everything is normal, in the cartilage, like in other parts of the body, there are small vessels and capillaries. You just touched one of them;
  4. While the needle is in the ear, you need to insert an earring in its place. We recommend using a nail - it is easiest to install in a fresh hole. The hole is washed with “Chlorhexidine”, “Miramistin” or alcohol, the needle begins to be carefully pulled out of it, and the earring, on the contrary, is inserted;
  5. To make the stud fit inside the puncture easier, you can apply any regenerating ointment to its tip.

The technique may vary depending on the type chosen, but in general, the system is the same. At first, ichor will appear around the earring - it must be washed off with Chlorhexidine all the time. Do not use peroxide under any circumstances, otherwise you will delay the healing process for many months.

System 75 for ear piercing

If you don’t want to bother with catheters or needles, we recommend purchasing a special system for piercing from the company Stadex – System-75. It is often used in beauty salons for simple piercings of the nose, ear and lip. If you need equipment for more complex piercings, such as septum or tongue, then it is better to choose a professional set of tools.

In addition to the System 75, Caflon Clinic devices are actively used by home piercers.

How long does it take for ears to heal after a piercing?

The rate of tissue healing varies greatly between adults and children. We will look at how much tissue regeneration occurs after piercing in young people after 17:

At the same time, if you remove the earring, the ear will heal much faster. For example, an unsuccessful lobe piercing will be invisible 2 months after removing the jewelry, and a cartilage piercing will be invisible after 3 months.

How to treat ears after piercing

To prevent the ear from becoming inflamed, it is important to properly treat it after the piercing. First of all, you will need mild antiseptics. It could be anything accessible remedy, but remember that alcohol can greatly dry out the skin and reduce the healing rate.

Sequence of ear piercing treatment:

  • As soon as the piercing is done, you need to rinse the hole with Chlorhexidine and apply a small amount of Bepanten or Rescuer to it;
  • Before washing your hair, to avoid complications, in the first 3 weeks of healing, you will need to cover all punctures (single and multiple) with a thick layer of fatty regenerating ointment. Ichthyol or “Rescuer” is ideal - they are greasy and do not wash off with water;

It’s hard to surprise anyone with earrings these days. These jewelry are worn by almost all women, and even some men. Some people prefer not to stop at one piercing and wear several earrings in one ear at once. Well, it's a matter of taste. How to pierce your ears - can you do it yourself, or is the procedure exclusively done in a salon?

Pros and cons of home piercings

If you follow all the rules of hygiene at home, it is not very dangerous. All you need is a steady hand, a sharp tool, disinfectants and earrings. Although the risk of inflammation can be minimized by using clean accessories made of safe metal, the issue of pain is not so easy to solve. Before you think about how to pierce your ears yourself, try to optimally evaluate your own. If necessary, ice or a cold vegetable can be used as anesthesia, which must be applied to the lobe before the procedure and held until numb. Monitor the condition of the new puncture for the first week, when severe swelling and highlighting large quantity pus, go to the hospital. During the first days, a certain amount of ichor may be released from the wound - treat the puncture up to 4 times a day with hydrogen peroxide and

Like at home: instructions

Before the procedure, wash your hair and rinse your ears well. Prepare your tools. The needle must be sharp, it must be boiled or calcined over a fire. Do the same with earrings; they should be made of gold, silver or medical steel. You will also need alcohol or another antiseptic and cotton swabs. Wipe with the chosen one. For convenience, you can draw a dot at the site of the intended puncture with a thin marker. When piercing, make sure that the needle enters the lobe straight and not at an angle. Pull out the needle and insert the earring. Now your task is to remember to properly care for the puncture and follow a number of simple safety rules.

What you need to know about caring for a fresh piercing

In addition to daily antiseptic treatments, pay attention to personal hygiene. For the first week after the procedure, it is not recommended to swim in bodies of water. Try not to touch your ears with your hands unless necessary, especially on the street. It is strictly forbidden to change the earrings in your ears; do not forget to carefully rotate them to prevent ingrowth. Change more often bed sheets, wear clothes with a narrow neck with extreme caution - do not disturb the puncture. If you are afraid of blood and painful sensations, it makes sense to think about where you can get your ears pierced? Today this procedure is carried out by many beauty salons and clinics. aesthetic medicine. The master will not only perform the puncture correctly, but will also tell you in detail about the care. In some salons and clinics, the client can also choose how to pierce their ears - with a gun or a needle. In addition, in many centers where the procedure is performed, you can buy safe earrings or ask for a puncture with local anesthesia.

Lobe piercing is the most common of all types of body art. Ear piercing can be done at home with your own hands or in a salon for a minimal cost. But before starting the procedure, you need to decide on the location, because there are more than 30 types of piercings, which are classified by location.

Types of ear piercing

Professional piercers distinguish 34 types of ear piercings. Options are classified by location.

The most common types of ear piercings (with photo):

  • . The softest part of the ear is pierced. Healing is similar to any other piercing of the fleshy areas of the body;
  • Helix. The hole is made in the upper part of the helix of the auricle. During its execution, no pain is felt, because there are no nerve endings in the cartilage;
  • Anti-helix or Snug piercing. It is done in the upper cavity of the auricle. Unlike a regular helix, here the cartilage is pierced in two places;
  • Upper helix is an ear piercing located at the top of the helix of the auricle, as close to the head as possible. Due to the complexity of the implementation, it is done very rarely; mainly carnations are used for decorations;
  • The most difficult type of ear piercing is Daith. Its meaning is related to the acupuncture teachings of India. They say that this is not just a decoration of the body, but provides protection for the “vessel”. To make Daze, you need to prepare a special curved needle that can pierce the middle ear cartilage. The placement of the earring plays a decisive role in this type of piercing: if holes are visible, the Daith is considered to be of poor quality;
  • Tragus or tragus. It got its name because of its location. It is believed that this type of piercing is very painful, although it, like many other types of punctures, is located in the cartilage;
  • Piercing of the lower part of the ear or antitragus. Also, the decoration can be located in the curved cartilaginous tissue of the helix;
  • Industrial. Professional ear helix piercing with two piercings. Subsequently, they are connected to each other using a long earring - a barbell. For maximum convenience, the pierced points should be parallel to each other. Although, occasionally, it is allowed to raise the second part of the earring slightly above the point where the first hole is located;
  • Rock outwardly very similar to the puncture of the antitragus, but differs in lower requirements for the holes for installing the earring. The decoration is located on top of the tragus, in the auricle;
  • Fallout. A special feature of this piercing is the arrangement of the earrings. Most often, several parallel Helix punctures are made, after which rings of the same diameter are inserted into them.

Ear piercing with a gun

An earlobe piercing is most often performed with a pistol. It is important to note that the vast majority of professional piercers do not recognize guns in principle. Instead, they use needles or catheters.

How an earlobe piercing is done by a doctor in a salon:

  1. The selected area is carefully treated with alcohol-containing solutions. Based on the location of acupuncture points (points, the exact location of the future hole is selected);
  2. Needles are inserted into the gun (they must be in a sterile container). The selected earring is placed next to the needle;
  3. The planes of the gun are placed above the earlobe, the needle should be located exactly above the selected and marked puncture site. Afterwards, the doctor sharply presses the handles of the device and its planes close;
  4. The needle pierces the skin, and the decoration is immediately pushed into the hole. The pistol is unfastened and removed from the ear, and the earring is secured with clips.

How to pierce with a needle

If medical services of this kind are not suitable, then ear piercing can be performed at home. To do this, you can purchase a special Studex gun, which is used in salons, or buy a catheter of a suitable size at the nearest pharmacy.

As a standard, they come in 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20 mm. Naturally, the size of the hole must correspond to the diameter of the decoration.

Specialized piercing stores also sell professional needles. They are made from an alloy of steel and titanium. Like catheters, they are classified by size (1; 1.1; 1.2, etc.).

Drawing of types of ear piercings

How to perform ear cartilage puncture at home:

  1. A place is marked on the ear. To do this, you can use a regular alcohol-based felt-tip pen;
  2. It is very important to thoroughly clean your hands and ears. For disinfection purposes, you can use Chlorhexidine or pure alcohol. If you don’t have either one or the other at hand, then use vodka or other strong alcohol (more than 40%);
  3. The hole is made on the outside of the cartilage so that its location can be seen. The auricle is stretched and manipulation is performed. Blood may appear at the site of the hole - don’t worry, everything is normal, in the cartilage, like in other parts of the body, there are small vessels and capillaries. You just touched one of them;
  4. While the needle is in the ear, you need to insert an earring in its place. We recommend using a nail - it is easiest to install in a fresh hole. The hole is washed with “Chlorhexidine”, “Miramistin” or alcohol, the needle begins to be carefully pulled out of it, and the earring, on the contrary, is inserted;
  5. To make the stud fit inside the puncture easier, you can apply any regenerating ointment to its tip.

The technique may vary depending on the type chosen, but in general, the system is the same. At first, ichor will appear around the earring - it must be washed off with Chlorhexidine all the time. Do not use peroxide under any circumstances, otherwise you will delay the healing process for many months.

System 75 for ear piercing

If you don’t want to bother with catheters or needles, we recommend purchasing a special system for piercing from the company Stadex – System-75. It is often used in beauty salons for simple piercings of the nose, ear and lip. If you need equipment for more complex piercings, such as septum or tongue, then it is better to choose a professional set of tools.

In addition to the System 75, Caflon Clinic devices are actively used by home piercers.

How long does it take for ears to heal after a piercing?

The rate of tissue healing varies greatly between adults and children. We will look at how much tissue regeneration occurs after piercing in young people after 17:

At the same time, if you remove the earring, the ear will heal much faster. For example, an unsuccessful lobe piercing will be invisible 2 months after removing the jewelry, and a cartilage piercing will be invisible after 3 months.

How to treat ears after piercing

To prevent the ear from becoming inflamed, it is important to properly treat it after the piercing. First of all, you will need mild antiseptics. This can be any available remedy, but remember that alcohol can greatly dry out the skin and reduce the healing rate.

Sequence of ear piercing treatment:

  • As soon as the piercing is done, you need to rinse the hole with Chlorhexidine and apply a small amount of Bepanten or Rescuer to it;
  • Before washing your hair, to avoid complications, in the first 3 weeks of healing, you will need to cover all punctures (single and multiple) with a thick layer of fatty regenerating ointment. Ichthyol or “Rescuer” is ideal - they are greasy and do not wash off with water;

One of the important human senses is hearing. With its help we perceive the sounds that surround us. The auditory system is responsible for this feeling in our body. sensory system, or more simply put, ears.

Sounds enter the outer ear and then into middle part, where with the help of the auditory ossicles they are converted into nerve impulses. The information is then transmitted to the inner ear and the brain. If one of the listed functions is disrupted in the ears, congestion occurs. There can be many reasons for this problem - from congenital pathologies to sulfur deposits in the form of plugs. What to do if your ear is blocked and cannot hear at home, we will find out in this material.

We will not go deeper into clarifying the signs and factors for the appearance of a feeling of congestion, but will consider the main signs of this unpleasant sensation and what to do at home if your ear is blocked.

It is important to note that the methods discussed in this article are only suitable for non-inflammatory cases of congestion.

If inflammation is still present, you should contact your doctor immediately. medical Center for further examination and prescription of a course of treatment.

Don't forget that self-treatment diseases can lead to dangerous complications.

The feeling of fullness in the ears is very unpleasant feeling , which is often found in medicine. It is accompanied by a change in the sound of sounds and dissonance of one’s own voice. Other symptoms include:

  • feeling of hearing unnatural sounds;
  • feeling of squeaking and crackling;
  • severe pain in the ears and head, as well as in the temples and forehead;
  • loss of sensitivity to sounds or complete deafness.

As we have already found out, the causes of the formation of a symptom can be many signs and factors. More often than not, all this is accompanied by some kind of ailment, be it runny nose or cold.

Ear congestion often occurs when there are significant changes in pressure when blood exerts pressure on the walls. blood vessels strong impact. An increase in internal pressure occurs when atmospheric pressure changes. Most often, these situations arise during takeoff and landing of an airplane or climbing a mountain.

And some people are particularly sensitive and feel stuffy ears when going down to the subway.

What to do at home if your ears are blocked

A common cause of ear congestion is sulfur plug.

In this case, you should immediately remove the blockage yourself. or contact medical institution for assistance.

If the cork has a non-solid structure and a light color yellow, you can cleanse your home of excess. To do this, purchase a cleansing product in advance or.

  1. Place the patient on one side, with the affected ear facing up.
  2. Place 5-10 drops into your ears, depending on the consistency of the excess.
  3. Next to the outer ear canal must be administered for thirty minutes.

Repeat this operation three more times. This is necessary to ensure that there is no blockage and that it is completely removed.

If there is a dark sulfur plug that has already stagnated, and it is for this reason that the ear is blocked, what to do at home? Hydrogen peroxide will be indispensable assistants in this case.

You need to drip five drops of three percent hydrogen peroxide into the ear canal for 5-10 minutes. The product will soften the plug and prepare the ear for the further procedure.

After the required time, rinse your ears warm water, and then insert a syringe without a needle filled with a rinsing solution into the ear canal. It could be brine or special remedy for washing.

Remember that your movements should be smooth to avoid injury delicate skin and not make things worse.

Usually about fifteen minutes is enough for rinsing. After the procedure, the patient may experience dizziness or nausea, but these symptoms pass quickly.

If the cause of congestion lies in other symptoms, it is necessary to undergo procedures. In any case, this sensation is unpleasant, and how to break through a stuffy ear and prevent this problem from occurring in the future, read on.

Let's look at ways to pierce your ear if it's blocked.

If congestion appears due to a runny nose, and while blowing his nose the patient’s ears are blocked, then in such a situation you need to rinse the nose with solutions of salt or soda.

To do this, stir half a tablespoon of soda or salt in one glass. hot water. You should rinse your nose at least five times a day, but do not overuse it, as this can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane. After a few days of this procedure internal swelling will pass and the congestion will stop.

In case of congestion due to a cold, then the simplest and in a suitable way To get rid of discomfort the following steps will be taken.

Try blowing through a narrow straw or blowing up a tight balloon.

If you don’t have any of this on hand, you can just try Exhale forcefully through your nose, after closing your nostrils with your fingers.

It is worth noting that if these methods helped you, you should not forget about treating the cold itself, since these symptoms may recur in the future.

If you begin to hear worse, and a swelling has formed in your ear sulfur plug, then most likely you should contact medical personnel. This problem can be eliminated by washing the ear canal with specialized medicines and tools.

To prevent the re-formation of sulfur deposits in the ears, it is necessary to instill three percent hydrogen peroxide immediately after cleansing the external passage. Two or three drops per procedure will be enough to prevent further formation of a plug.

For those who often fly by plane, it will not be a secret that During the flight, due to changes in altitude, my ears become blocked. To avoid this unpleasant feeling during takeoff or landing, try opening your mouth slightly. If this doesn't help, swallow your saliva or yawn deeply and longly.

It also helps to use chewing gum or lollipops.

Any of these methods will help prevent changes in pressure inside the Eustachian tube and restore hearing acuity.

Often the cause of congestion lies in liquid getting into the ears.

This usually happens in summer time when the swimming season opens.

Causes the development of microbes and viruses that quickly localize throughout the body.

Getting rid of this discomfort is quite simple. You just need to tilt your head and shake it gently. The water will flow out on its own. If necessary, repeat the procedure until unpleasant feeling will not stop completely.

If this method turned out to be ineffective, insert a gauze flagellum into the ear canal, soaked in olive oil for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse the outer part of the ear with warm water and gently wipe with a cotton swab.

If ear congestion is not uncommon for you and you do not experience pain, you should do the complex special exercises that will help eliminate these inconveniences.

To begin, open your mouth slightly and, pushing out lower jaw, make rotational movements. Movements must be smooth and careful, since in the case of strong and sudden movements there is a risk of jaw dislocation. After this, holding your nose with your fingers, take a strong breath. A muffled pop inside the ear will symbolize that the pressure has returned to normal.

If ear congestion is still accompanied by pain, and going to the doctor for any reason is this moment impossible, will suit you following procedures.

If painful sensations caught you by surprise, for emergency pain relief you need make an instillation alcohol solution, consisting of boric acid into the ear canal.

After instillation, close your ear with turunda. It also helps cope with pain well alcohol tincture calendula and propolis.

Place a cotton swab moistened with tincture into the ear canal and wrap your head with a woolen scarf or non-synthetic warm scarf. This will help reduce inflammation and eliminate infection.


Even if the listed procedures help eliminate ear pain, you should never put off going to the doctor.

As you know, self-medication can lead to very disastrous consequences. And the reception medicines no recommendations qualified specialist, can cause serious damage to your health.

Advanced inflammation in ear canal, can lead to severe forms diseases, such as, which, in turn, will lead to rupture eardrum or complete loss hearing

At the first symptoms of congestion, without delay, try to eliminate them yourself, using one of the methods listed above, but it is better to immediately contact medical workers. Don't forget that ears are vital. important organ, which definitely requires careful care and prevention of all kinds of diseases.