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A purulent plug in a child's ear. Does ear pain occur due to wax impaction? What do wax plugs lead to?

Good day, dear parents. Today we will talk about what a wax plug in a child’s ear is. You will find out for what reasons it is formed, what symptoms it is characterized by. You will become aware of methods for its removal, both at home and in the clinic.


Excessive ear hygiene can lead to the formation of wax plugs.

  1. Arrogant care ear canal. If parents clean their child's ears too often, they cause increased wax production. As a result, the crusts do not come out in time and form plugs. That is why it is not recommended to clean more than once a week.
  2. Usage cotton swabs can lead to the fact that the sulfur will be compacted more strongly, rather than being removed out.
  3. Increased dryness of air in the room where the baby is. It is the most common factor influencing the occurrence of traffic jams.
  4. Peculiarities anatomical structure ears. Is not a deviation, does not need special treatment However, you need to be careful and monitor the child's condition.


A characteristic symptom may be ringing in the ears

In some babies, the presence of wax in the ear can be visually detected, while in others only certain symptoms may indicate this.

  1. The baby's hearing is decreasing. It is typical that the child will ask again, may not respond, and will be frightened when someone enters the room, because he will not hear approaching steps.
  2. Headache, possible dizziness. Characteristic may be the presence of noise, also ringing in the ears.
  3. A cough can also indicate the presence of a plug.
  4. It is common for the ear to become blocked during bathing due to liquid entering the earwax, which leads to swelling, causing the plug to increase and completely block the passage.

Parents should be aware that cork can have different colors, ranging from light shades of yellow to black.

For clear example I suggest you look at a photo of wax plugs in children’s ears.

Ear plug in a child's ear

Possible complications

The child may develop an inflammatory process in the ear canal

If the ears were not promptly cleared of the plug, difficulties with auditory perception may arise. This phenomenon will lead to a number of consequences:

  • severe hearing impairment;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • bedsores of the ear canal;
  • inflammation due to active work microorganisms that may be contained in sulfur.

Help at home

If you are interested in the question of how to remove wax from a child’s ear, then there are several methods, including home use.

  1. Sodoglycerin drops. Can be ordered with a prescription at the pharmacy. Place five to ten drops into the child’s ears and leave for 15 minutes, which is enough to soften the plug. After this, the baby’s head is tilted - the wax should flow out of the ear.
  2. Vaxol spray is a special olive oil. Recommended for use after one year. Up to two applications are used at a time. Procedures can be carried out for up to five days.
  3. Removax spray or drops. Fifteen drops are prescribed into the ear canal. After instillation, the lobe is pulled up and massaged in a circular motion. Then insert cotton wool for about twenty minutes. The medicine is used for up to five days.
  4. If you are interested in the question of how to rinse out wax in a child’s ear, then the drug A Cerumen has proven itself to be effective. A milliliter of this product is instilled into the ear canal and waited for a minute. After this, the contents of the ear flow out. Apply morning and evening for three days.
  5. Using peroxide (three percent). The little one is placed on its side, the earlobe is pulled back, ten drops are administered, and wait ten minutes. The peroxide will begin to foam and may hiss. After the appointed time, you need to tilt your head so that the liquid can drain. The ear canal is dried by inserting cotton wool. The procedure is carried out up to six times a day.
  6. Phytocandles. The ear is lubricated with cream (for children). The baby is placed on his side. Place a napkin so that the slot coincides with the hole in the ear, or use a plastic plate in which a hole has previously been made. The narrow end of a special candle is placed in the ear canal. The candle is lit from the wide edge. Parents wait until it burns to the marked place. After this, it is removed and stewed in water. Take cotton pads and soak them in alcohol solution, remove leaked sulfur. Cotton wool is placed in the ears for fifteen minutes.

After this procedure, it is not recommended to go outside for several hours. It is advisable to use candles at night.

My mother used candles when my sister had problems with ear plugs. From the outside, the procedure looked scary, but it turned out to be very effective.

Procedures in the clinic

The first thing your doctor will do is examine your child's ear.

If parents don’t know what to do with a plug in their baby’s ear or don’t want to self-medicate, they will go to the clinic. The otolaryngologist will examine the child and prescribe one of three possible options.

  1. Dry. The procedure is carried out without the use of liquids. In particular, it is indicated for children with hearing loss. The doctor will use a hook and tweezers to remove the plug.
  2. Wet. A solution of potassium permanganate with furatsilin is drawn into a special syringe with a volume of 100 to 150 ml. The liquid is heated to body temperature. The doctor will pull back the child’s ear and administer the solution under pressure. Under the pressure of the jet, the plug will come out along with the liquid.
  3. Wet with preliminary softening. If the doctor notices that the plug is quite dense and cannot be removed immediately, he will prescribe the use of an antiseptic - hydrogen peroxide (3 percent) from three to five drops into the ear canal for three days. This procedure will affect the softening of the cork. You need to be prepared for the fact that the child’s hearing may deteriorate, because the liquid will be absorbed and the plug will grow.

Preventive measures

Make sure to clean your baby's ear canal once a week.

  1. Clean your child's ears once a week. Use only products intended for this procedure.
  2. Clean your ears carefully, using circular movements without excessive pressure.
  3. To promote better sulfur separation, self-breeding it from the ears, you need to pull the lobes down several times every day. This is a kind of gymnastics.
  4. If you plan to visit the pool, then you need to use Vaxol spray once a day.
  5. At the time of adoption water procedures It is better to use ear swabs.
  6. After water, wipe the toddler's ears, leave cotton wool in them for a couple of minutes so that excess liquid can be absorbed.

Now you know what wax plug looks like and what manipulations can be done to get rid of it. Take precautions to avoid traffic jams. If you do not want to go to the clinic to see a specialist, and plan to carry out the procedures at home, then it is better to consult with your doctor to choose the appropriate preparations for rinsing your ears.

Many parents note over time that, in their opinion, the child’s hearing has become worse. He sometimes asks two or three times, and does not respond if you call him in a low voice. Parents often mistake these signs for pampering or disobedience, but then it turns out that their children’s hearing problems are real. The cause of this may be wax plugs in the ears. How much is this serious problem and how you can get rid of this problem at home or inpatient conditions– we’ll talk today.

Hearing problems.

The first signs of hearing problems may be a violation of the child’s response to the parents’ words, especially if they are standing behind him and the baby does not see them. There may also be mishearing, and constant repetition or clarification of parents’ questions, distortion of the meaning of words due to the fact that the child hears them poorly and guesses them according to consonance or meaning. In older children, signs of hearing problems may be congestion or a feeling of noise in the ears, there may be a feeling of itching in the ear canal, or unpleasant sensations in it, but neither the parents nor the child can understand the cause of these phenomena. This is usually determined by an ENT doctor during an appointment; you should not rely on your own intuition and life experience. The same doctor will further treat the child if there are problems.

The causes of hearing loss may be untreated otitis or sluggish flow and not recognized in time, tubo-otitis or its complications. Enlarged adenoids and foreign bodies entering the ear canal and the formation of sulfur plugs in it. The latter will be the reason for our conversation today, and we will talk about otitis media and other hearing problems a little later.

So, all children and adults constantly form a special secretion inside the ear canal, which is called earwax. This is a secret necessary for life, which protects our hearing organ from dust and dirt entering it, and microbes from entering the cavity. inner ear. IN normal conditions dust particles stick to the surface of the ear secretion, which leads to its compaction, drying out and removal. This is quite physiological process, which does not require intervention or any action, is regulated by the body itself.

Why do sulfur plugs occur?

In order for wax plugs to begin to appear in a child’s ear, it is necessary to create a special kind of conditions. The ear of children and adults consists of an outer part and an inner part - this is the outer ear and the inner one. The outer ear contains bone and cartilage. The cartilage section occupies outer part– where the auricle and partially enters the auditory canal. Then it smoothly passes into the bone canal located deep in the ear, almost to its inner part. Earwax is a viscous yellowish secretion produced by the glands of the ear canal in the cartilaginous region of the outer ear. At the same time, the epithelial zone that covers the cartilaginous zone of the outer ear is quite easily moved.

As a result of talking or chewing, the walls in the area of ​​the outer ear shift relative to the cartilage, and this causes the drying crusts to move out of the earwax to the area where the ear exits. Thus, the child’s ear is able to cleanse itself of germs, dust and wax, even without parental intervention. If, as a result of this process - cleansing the external auditory canal, malfunctions occur, problems can form - cerumen plugs form. This is a special accumulation of earwax, desquamated epidermal cells and particles of dust and microbes. In children, these plugs usually have a jelly-like appearance, but in adults they can dry out and become completely dense, which disrupts the normal perception of sound by the ear.

Why can wax plugs occur in the ears of children, why does there suddenly become so much wax that it clogs a fairly thick lumen and impairs hearing? The cause of the appearance of earwax plugs is the activation of secretion production by glands located in the epidermis of the skin of the ear. This phenomenon can occur when very thorough and very active cleaning of wax from the child’s ears. In such cases, the ear glands compensatoryly try to produce even more earwax so that they can compensate for the deficiency caused by ear cleaning. Thus, the more often we clean children’s ears, the more wax will accumulate in children’s ears. The ears think that since the wax is disappearing, more of it needs to be made.

At first, the accumulation of earwax in the form of a block will not completely close the ear canal, and the sound will be transmitted, but the plug itself will not be visible, it will not manifest itself in any way. But as it increases in size, it begins to block the area of ​​the ear canal completely, becomes denser and thickens, leading to a gradual decrease in hearing. That’s when obvious symptoms of hearing problems will begin to appear.

Manifestations of ear plugs in children.

Children with wax plugs in their ears may complain of hearing loss that occurs gradually. But kids who still have trouble communicating with their parents may not show signs of wax impaction. Decreased hearing can be caused by water falling into the ears while swimming. In such cases, the wax plugs swell, due to which they can increase in size and then can completely block the ear canal. The conduction of sound is impaired and symptoms of ear plugs occur.

In addition to the decrease in the child’s hearing, other symptoms may be observed - headaches, nausea with dizziness. These symptoms may be related to work problems vestibular apparatus the inner ear, closely related to sound conduction. However, such symptoms are rare. For the most part, children themselves do not notice that their hearing has decreased, but their parents begin to notice this. Children can repeat the same words several times, do not hear if they are calling him from another room, do not hear if someone walks behind his back and shudder from touches from the back, not hearing that they have approached him.

What to do in such cases?

If any of the listed symptoms appear, you should contact an ENT specialist. It is also worth contacting him if you think that your child’s hearing has become worse than it was before. Only a doctor, having carefully examined the child’s ears with a special device, can understand whether the plug is to blame for the hearing impairment, or whether otitis media or more serious pathologies, such as sensorineural hearing loss, are to blame. Inflammation in the ears can also lead to hearing loss and ear problems due to swelling. An accurate diagnosis of wax plugs is revealed immediately in the ENT office, he examines the outer ear and special device with illumination (reflector) – the ear canal, finds the plug and determines its location. It can be from yellow to brown and even almost black, and long stay plugs in the ear can even cause bedsores in the ear canal area.

How to remove wax plugs for children?

Only a doctor will remove them; you will only carry out all procedures under his strict guidance. Absolutely forbidden:
- try to remove the cork with cotton swabs,
- pouring and placing medications in the ear without a doctor’s permission,
- use different traditional therapy, picking with needles, knitting needles, tweezers.

This will not only not help, but will only worsen the situation with the wax plug, pushing it deeper into the cavity of the ear canal and making it even more difficult to remove.

The plugs are removed by washing the ear canal with special antiseptic solutions or saline solution. Any solution should be warm so as not to cause pain in the membrane area. Cold water may cause nausea and dizziness due to irritation of the vestibular apparatus. Rinsing is carried out with a disposable syringe without a needle of 20 ml or more, positioning it parallel to the ear canal, and aligning the ear canal itself by pulling on the auricle. At the same time, the task of the parents is to hold the restrained child tightly; the procedure is not very pleasant.

The doctor pours the liquid into the ear and the aligned ear canal under pressure, then the wax plug is washed out with a stream of water two to four times, after the procedure, a control examination of the ear canal cavity is carried out, the hearing is checked and the ear canal is dried with a cotton wool inserted into the ear canal for 10 minutes. Sometimes the plugs are very dense and cannot be washed out. Then the doctor will recommend soaking them by instilling a hydrogen peroxide solution into the ear or applying an ointment. Initially, due to the swelling of the plug, hearing may deteriorate somewhat, but then with washing everything goes away. If the problem arose over the weekend or there is no way to get to the doctor, the A-cerumen solution can help; it is dropped into the ear, allowed to lie for about a minute, and then the baby is turned over to the other side, allowing the contents to flow out of the ear. The second ear is washed in the same way, but the solution must always be warm.

But it is best to carry out timely prevention of the formation of ear plugs without being overzealous and without cleaning the inside of the baby’s ears every day until they shine. It is enough to wipe only the outer part of the ear with a cotton ball - the shell itself, without going deep into the passage and without picking there with chopsticks.

Many young parents often face problems related to the hearing organs of their children, and there is no one to ask the question. This article is devoted to such a case; we will consider one of the quite common problems in pediatric practice. Sulfur plug This is a fairly common occurrence in children. This is explained by the fact that the sebaceous glands begin to work hard and the child is not cared for correctly. Lack of care occurs due to the fear of damaging something. small child. There are up to 2000 sulfur glands in the external auditory canal; after the birth of a child, they begin to intensively produce sulfur, so the formation of cerumen plugs in a child’s ears is not uncommon. The ear canal and pinna are designed in such a way that they clean themselves when chewed, so special effort Ears are not required when toileting. Simply wipe the area with a towel auricle above the tragus. The first and perhaps main reason The cause of the plug is the use of cotton swabs, since the sulfur is simply pushed little by little into the depths of the ear canal. They are plasticine-like, paste-like and hard (requiring soaking).

How does wax impaction manifest in a child: symptoms

In children in the field of otolaryngology, the most common disease is cerumen plug. Symptoms of this disease general and are not associated only with this disease. These problems do not cause any special manifestations in children at the onset of the disease. And in more advanced situations, hearing loss may appear. Most often, hearing loss is detected in older children. Parents or teachers note that the child does not hear and often asks again. Older children may themselves describe slight daze and even headache, bad sleep.

Typically, the wax plug begins to show symptoms after completion of its formation. It can be seen visually; in this case, it is necessary to slightly pull back the auricle. In this case, the ear canal will be smoother and its visibility will improve. If traffic jams are not visible, you should not look too deep; they are usually clearly visible. It is best to show small children to an otolaryngologist, since without practical skills you will only cause inconvenience to the child. And thereby cause negative reactions in the child to the examination. It is often discovered after bathing, since upon contact with water it swells, closing the ear canal, which leads to a sharp decrease in hearing. Timely treatment can prevent all possible complications, and in general complications are rare. The main thing is to contact a specialist in time. Don't accept independent decisions!

A child has cerumen impaction: what should parents do?

If you experience hearing loss or visually see the presence of cerumen, you need to contact an otolaryngologist. After the examination, the doctor will decide on a treatment plan. The doctor removes plasticine-like and paste-like variants immediately without delay. If a diagnosis of dry wax is made, then appropriate treatment is prescribed. The dry cork will need to be soaked. To do this, you will need to instill 3% hydrogen peroxide for 5 days, 2-3 drops in each ear, 4 times a day. After instillation of hydrogen peroxide, hissing and discomfort, this improves the expulsion of sulfur lumps. This is a painless procedure and is easily tolerated even by small children.

It is best to take a syringe and point it into the ear under pressure; lumps of wax are easily washed out. This procedure is absolutely non-traumatic, even if the cerumen plug is localized on the eardrum. One thing to remember important rule, you cannot remove dry wax plug mechanically, as it is very tightly attached to the walls of the ear canal and to the eardrum itself. Since there is a risk of damage to the eardrum.

Removal of the plugs should still be carried out by an otolaryngologist; only a specialist will determine for sure whether it is completely washed. What can you do with wax plugs at home? You can instill 3% hydrogen peroxide yourself, provided that the plug formed a few days ago. And if more than a week has passed and it is already tight, it is better to consult a doctor. In general, I would like to note that in any situation, do not make independent decisions, immediately go to an ENT doctor. Do not use compresses or ointment rubbing until installed accurate diagnosis, as you can aggravate clinical picture the underlying disease or even the course of the disease.

Attention - sulfur plug: removal at home is prohibited!

Remember a simple rule. Regardless of what kind of wax your child has, removing it at home is prohibited. Almost every child has had such a problem as wax plug. And many parents tried to solve it on their own. Often this does not lead to anything good. Removing wax plugs at home is often not possible. This depends on many reasons, firstly, insufficient experience of the parents, and secondly, her deep disposition.

If you are sure that the plug has formed recently and is located superficially, you can try to remove it yourself. Such attempts can be made with older children; they, as a rule, can sit quietly without resisting.

Under no circumstances use improvised materials such as toothpicks, pins, matches, needles, wire, or knitting needles. With the listed items, you risk pushing the wax plug deeper, injuring the eardrum and the skin of the walls of the ear canal.

Traumatization is more likely if the child is restless, capricious, and it is impossible to persuade and hold him. It is extremely undesirable to use tweezers for removal; it has never been possible to remove the plug with tweezers, and the baby may experience discomfort and severe pain. Quite a lot of mothers take advice from other parents or younger and middle medical personnel. Dropped into ears boric acid, vegetable oil or hydrogen peroxide 3% for softening. Yes, hydrogen peroxide 3% is used, but only after the appointment of an otolaryngologist. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to carry out regular inspection and toilet of the external auditory canals. Some children have hard work sebaceous glands, so you need to instill 3% hydrogen peroxide in your ears for 3 days up to 4 times a year. By adhering to the tips and recommendations outlined in the article, you can avoid the above-mentioned problems associated with the hearing organs of your children.

One of the most common causes of hearing loss in childhood There may be a wax plug in the child's ear. If in children this formation usually has a jelly-like consistency, then in adolescents and adults it can shrink and become significantly thicker. Earwax is a mixture of earwax, dead skin cells and dust. By gathering into a dense conglomerate, it can block the ear canal, preventing transmission sound vibrations to the surface of the eardrum.

What causes ear plugs to appear?

Earwax produced sebaceous glands external ear, performs in the body protective function preventing penetration inside pathogenic microorganisms and pollution. A number of factors can contribute to the formation of wax plugs in the ears of children. various reasons. As a rule, the secretion of the sulfur glands is removed from the ear canal naturally, thanks to the mobility of the jaw joints during chewing and swallowing food, and pronouncing speech sounds. Their physical activity accompanied by a change in the position of the walls in the outer parts of the ears and the pushing of wax out.

The reasons for the formation of wax plugs in children may be the following:

  1. Excessively frequent cleaning of the child’s ears (more than once a week), which leads to more intensive secretion of secretion from the ear glands.
  2. Using cotton swabs to remove wax. This can cause irritation of the glands with a subsequent increase in secretion production, which contributes to its compaction and penetration into the deeper part of the ear canal.
  3. The structural features of the auditory canal in a child are small in diameter and tortuosity.
  4. Foreign bodies entering the ear, preventing the release of earwax. When secretions accumulate, there is a risk of inflammation of surrounding tissues. To remove the object, you must contact an otolaryngologist.
  5. Keeping children indoors with dry air (with humidity less than 60%).
  6. Swelling and deterioration of sulfur yield when moistened.
  7. Increased secretion due to genetic factors.
  8. Otitis and skin lesions with dermatitis.

What signs indicate the presence of an ear plug?

On initial stage formation of a plug in a child’s ear may not make itself felt. The first symptoms appear when the lumen of the ear canal is blocked by 70% or more. This is often preceded by bathing the baby, during which the ingress of water leads to an increase in the size of the cerumen mass, causing a feeling of ear congestion.

The main symptoms of ear plugs in children are as follows:

  • hearing impairment - the baby often cannot hear words and asks to repeat what was said, sometimes does not respond when his name is called;
  • a headache may appear, a change in pressure on the eardrum can cause a reflex cough, nausea;
  • noise or ringing in the ears;
  • infants may experience increased anxiety, touch and rub the ears with your fingers.

Types of sulfur plugs

Taking into account the stage of development, color and consistency, 4 types of earwax accumulations are distinguished. At the first stage, the sulfur mass is soft, yellow color and is called paste-like. After some time, the density of the formation increases, which is why it is called plasticine; the color becomes more saturated, acquiring a brown tint. Then the cork begins to quickly lose moisture and becomes almost black. At this stage it is classified as dry. The most advanced, accompanied by the release of pus and requiring significant efforts for recovery healthy condition tissue of the ear canal, it is called epidermal ear plug and contains dead elements skin.

Diagnosis and methods of eliminating pathology

To detect a wax plug in a child’s ear, you should contact a specialist at a children’s clinic - an ENT doctor. Using otoscopy, the ear canal is examined, and a bell-shaped probe is used to determine the density of the sulfur mass. There are other causes of hearing loss, for example, what occurs when the middle ear is damaged by an inflammatory process, so it is necessary to exclude the presence of other diseases and exposure to foreign body. Remove wax plugs from children in conditions medical institution Allows flushing of the ear canal.

Features of the procedure

The child is fixed so that involuntary movements of the body do not cause injury to the tissue of the ear canal. The auricle is pulled back to straighten the tortuous passages of the internal parts of the hearing organ. A special syringe (which does not have a needle on it) is filled with warm solution antiseptic and released into the ear canal. Under liquid pressure, the cavity is cleared of the plug.

In cases where the consistency of the formation is too dense, it needs to be softened. For this purpose, 3% hydrogen peroxide or plug-dissolving drugs are instilled into the ear for several days. An electric suction can be used to aspirate the softened mass. If eardrum damaged, the tissues are inflamed or there is persistent hearing impairment, tweezers or a special probe are used to remove the plug in the child. At the end of the procedure, remove any remaining moisture and cover the ear opening with a cotton swab.

How to remove ear plugs yourself

There may be circumstances when a visit to the clinic must be postponed for some time. What to do if cerumen plug occurs in a child in this case? You can try to clean wax from your baby's ears at home. Please remember not to use sharp objects that could cause injury. delicate skin internal ones, as well as a cotton swab - with its help the dense mass will move even further, which will only complicate the situation.

Let's look at how to remove wax plugs from a child at home:

  1. The simplest and in a safe way is daily double instillation into the ear of warmed up to body temperature vegetable oil for 5 days. You can use hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) instead of oil without heating it. If there is no result after the specified period, you need to seek medical help.
  2. If the child does not have otitis and the eardrum is not damaged, you can rinse the ear with a solution of furatsilin or boiled and then cooled water, using a 20 ml disposable syringe for this purpose. There is no need to put on the needle; usually the manipulation is repeated 3 or 4 times.
  3. The use of special cerumenolytic drugs, the purpose of which is in the child’s ears. Before using them, you should consult with an otolaryngologist. These are like this medications, like A-Cerumen (for children from 2.5 years old) and Remo-Vax (can even be used for infants).
  4. Application ear candles homemade. To make this product, place 100 g in an enamel bowl. beeswax, 30 g of mixture infusion medicinal herbs(calendula, oak bark, chamomile and St. John's wort), 10 g propolis and 2 drops each essential oils orange and eucalyptus. The candle components should be placed on water bath, and after receiving liquid consistency Pour into a thin cone to set.

How to clean a child’s ears using a medicated candle: treat the sore ear of a baby lying on his side with baby cream, cover with a napkin with a cut hole. Apply one end of the product to the ear canal, and bring a match to the other, light it and after a few minutes, remove the candle from the ear. To remove softened wax, insert a small cotton swab into the ear canal. Repeat the procedure several times.

Consequences of untimely removal of wax plugs

If parents are inattentive to their children's complaints, a wax plug tightly blocking the ear canal can lead not only to hearing loss, but also contribute to the appearance of inflammatory processes– chronic otitis, rhinitis. Also, such formations can cause the development of bedsores, which are very painful and require long-term treatment. To prevent the accumulation of earwax, you should clean children’s ears no more than once a week, using thin cotton wool for this purpose. Experts advise avoiding the use of cotton swabs and sharp objects. Regular preventive examinations by an otolaryngologist 1–2 times a year can help identify the formation of a plug and diseases of the hearing organ.

Otolaryngologists say that wax plugs in a child’s ear are a common childhood pathology. But on initial stage this disease does not have specific symptoms, many parents may not even suspect its occurrence, the child does not feel any changes at first. But if the plug is not removed in time, the baby will complain that his ear is blocked or even his hearing is deteriorating.

Manifestation of pathology

Placement of wax plug in the ear

Severe symptoms will appear only after the wax plug is fully formed, the child will experience a headache and suffer from insomnia. If you pull the auricle a little, you can easily see the tumor visually, the ear canal will become smoother and more noticeable. In approximately 70% of cases, parents notice the tumor while bathing, because upon contact with water, the sulfur swells and completely closes the ear canal, which leads to a sharp decrease in hearing.

Regulations for extraction on the territory of the clinic

If parents suspect the formation of wax plugs in their baby, they need to visit a specialist. Doctors warn that removing a tumor on your own is not a safe undertaking, especially in the absence of minimal medical knowledge.

If the otolaryngologist confirms the diagnosis, clean the problematic ear using several methods.

Ear rinsing is done using a Janet syringe

Wet - cleaning is carried out using a Janet syringe; a special solution consisting of potassium permanganate and furatsilin is drawn into it. In order for the composition to work properly and not irritate the ear canal, it needs to be warmed up a little before use.

After the manipulations, the doctor aligns the canal as much as possible by pulling the auricle up or down. After this, the composition is injected into the ear with strong pressure; under pressure, the cerumen plug comes out of the canal along with the stream.

Wet method with softening - if the wax plug has formed for a long time and has become very hard, it will not be possible to remove it using the previous method. To avoid various complications, the neoplasm needs to be soaked for 3 days by injecting 4 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into the ear. Experts warn parents that during treatment the baby’s hearing may decrease, since the cerumen plug will increase upon contact with liquid.

Dry cleaning process using hook

Dry cleaning process - if a child suffers from hearing loss, it is impossible to remove the plug by wet washing, since this method will lead to or provoke an inflammatory process. The only suitable option in this situation is to use a hook and tweezers; they will help remove the tumor without introducing fluids.

Home therapy technique

You need to understand that removing wax from a child’s ear on your own is quite dangerous. All experts say that starting active actions In no case should you do this without prior consultation, as there is a possibility of injury to the eardrum.

It is especially dangerous to resort to mechanical methods of removing a tumor. But if parents do not have the opportunity to take their child to see a doctor, they will have to clean the ear canal themselves, since in the absence of timely treatment the situation will worsen.

The only thing is that parents will need to strictly follow the algorithm of actions; carelessness will provoke a complication of the child’s condition.

Uses of hydrogen peroxide

If immediately after the peroxide hits the cork, a specific hissing begins, you should not be afraid. When the child does not complain of discomfort, the product should be left to act for 15 minutes, then turn the baby over on the other side and wait until the composition has completely flowed out.

This treatment is carried out once a day for 3 days, after this time the plug must come out on its own.


Today in pharmacies it is easy to find various medications designed to remove wax plugs, but for a child similar drugs are rarely used because they are very powerful.

To avoid complications, do not take risks and use Furacilin solution or regular boiled water. The liquid will need to be poured into the baby's sore ear using a syringe, manipulation is performed several times.

In most cases, the neoplasm dissolves after 3–5 injections, while Furacilin disinfects the ear. If the plug still does not disappear, you will have to resort to more help. effective means, such as Remo-Vax or A-cerumen.

Using a special ear candle

This method of cleansing and eliminating wax plugs is optimal, since it acts delicately and safely; not only adults, but also teenagers can use the product.

Since it is quite difficult to find such candles in pharmacies, it is better not to waste time and prepare it yourself. But for this you will need:

Essential extracts for ear candles

  • beeswax;
  • propolis;
  • essential extract of eucalyptus and orange;
  • dry chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • oak bark;
  • St. John's wort.

To 100 grams of wax add 30 ml of the prepared decoction, then add 10 grams of propolis and 4 drops of each extract. The resulting mass is melted in a water bath and then poured into special form for candles.

After the mass has completely hardened, it must be used; treatment is carried out as follows:

  • The baby needs to massage the ear for 5 minutes using regular baby cream.
  • Then the patient needs to lie on his side, with the sore ear facing up.
  • An ordinary napkin is brought to the ear, with a hole made in it for a candle.
  • The lower end of the candle is applied to the organ, and the upper end is set on fire.

After 3-5 minutes, the product should be removed and the ear canal should be cleaned with the little finger, but with gauze wrapped around it. It will take about 3 sessions for the wax plug to come out completely.

What is prohibited to do

If a tumor in the ear appeared quite a long time ago, but the color of the plug is dark, it cannot be removed with the help of medications or even a suppository, and you cannot try to remove it with various improvised means.

Experts warn parents that improper penetration into the ear canal will not only damage the situation, but also lead to injury to the organ. The risk of complications will increase 5 times.

To clean earwax, do not use improvised means.

Preventive measures

To prevent the formation of sulfur plugs, you need to follow simple rules.

To clean the ear canal, you should use special devices sold in pharmacies, and not cotton swabs.

Once every 7–9 months you need to visit an ENT specialist, a specialist will prevent the occurrence of various diseases and will help prevent the formation of tumors.

It’s quite easy to fix, but you shouldn’t risk cleaning your baby’s ear canal yourself, especially if he often suffers from other inflammatory processes. Experts warn that in children the eardrum is very thin and any incorrect movement can cause injury.

It is quite difficult to restore the health of an organ; manipulations to restore hearing acuity are very expensive, similar procedures performed by foreign specialists. Therefore, it is necessary to teach the family to follow a schedule.