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Clear fluid is leaking from the ear. Skin disease of the external auditory canal. Features of treatment for children

If fluid is flowing from the ear, this is a reason to consult a doctor, because this process called otorrhea. As a rule, otorrhea is not an independent disease, but only integral part any disorder, that is, a symptom.

Depending on the nature of the discharge from the ear, as well as on the basis laboratory research A diagnosis is made, after which treatment is prescribed.

So, the nature of the discharge indicates a particular problem:

  1. If the fluid from the ear has a yellow color and a specific smell, then most likely it is otitis media. It is caused by a fungal infection.
  2. If the fluid is cloudy and contains pus, then the inflammatory focus is in the inner ear.
  3. If the fluid is purulent mixed with blood, then most likely there are problems with polyps in the ear.
  4. If it flows clear liquid, then the reason is allergies.
  5. Discharge from the ear in the form of flakes signals seborrheic dermatitis.

Inflammatory diseases of the ears are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, as well as the occurrence of throbbing pain.

Methods for eliminating otorrhea in adults

    • First of all, you should contact a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis.
    • Under no circumstances should discharge from the ear be prevented. That is, the use of tampons on long time Absolutely forbidden. It is necessary to drain the fluid. You can use loose cotton balls for this. The cotton will help collect the secretions. Depending on the amount of fluid that comes out of the ear, you should change the cotton balls. The more and more abundantly the liquid flows, the more often it is necessary to replace the cotton balls.
    • To clean the ear, use soft swabs moistened with a solution of a non-aggressive antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide 2% diluted with water 1:1, chlorhexidine digluconate).
    • If not available purulent discharge from the ear, then eliminating the fluid that flows from the ear will help alcohol compress, applied for a couple of hours, or warming drops (albucid, sofradex, heated to 37 degrees). Instill 4-5 drops into the ears 2 times a day. The drops should not be heated in a common bottle; they are heated directly in the pipette.

  • If the liquid contains an admixture of pus, then heating is strictly prohibited. In this case, you should use medications such as boric acid (the solution is dripped into a clean ear 3-4 drops 2 times a day), alcohol tincture of calendula (4-5 drops are dropped into an ear previously cleaned with a swab), dioxidin (2-3 drops for 10 minutes, after which the ear is washed with warm boiled water).
  • Antibiotics are usually included in mandatory treatment. The course of antibiotic therapy is from 5 to 7 days. Relief should occur within the first 48 hours after starting antibiotic use. The most commonly used drugs are ammoxicillin, ampicillin, ciprofloxacin and netilmicin. Antibiotics are taken 1 tablet or capsule 2 times a day. Remember that the use of antibiotics should be combined with the use of probiotics to avoid dysbiosis. Probiotics such as bifiform, lactobacterin (taken along with antibiotics) will help maintain the bacterial environment in the intestines.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops, such as naphthyzin, farmazolin, should be used if ear diseases are accompanied by a runny nose and inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Drops are instilled 3-4 times a day, 2-3 drops into each nasal passage.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures, such as UHF therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, laser, are used as complementary therapy. They normalize the condition and are also preventive measure occurrence of relapse.

Methods for eliminating otorrhea in children

If your ear is leaking, it is recommended to consult an ENT doctor. Liquid discharge from auricle is not a separate disease. This occurs as a manifestation of symptoms of a disease of the ENT organs: ear, throat, nose. These organs are directly connected to each other by anatomical features. A doctor who examines and treats diseases of these organs is called an otolaryngologist.

Discharges can be of a different nature:

  • bloody;
  • purulent (white, yellow);
  • transparent.

Causes inflammatory disease external and middle ear are associated with different types bacteria. They cause purulent discharge (otitis media, fungus, open boil, exacerbation of inflammation). Bloody discharge occurs due to ear injury, eardrum, tumors, increases blood pressure. The cause of ear bleeding may be an inflammatory-infectious process:

  1. Fungi of the genus Candida cause thinning of the walls of blood vessels and further rupture. There is unbearable itching inside the ear, serous discharge, and deafness.
  2. Inflammatory processes hair follicle. This occurs due to a decrease in immune functions.
  3. Penetration ear canal Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, hemophilus influenzae.

Clear fluid may also be released. Inside the auricle, exudate forms - a good nutrient medium for development pathogenic microflora. Then otitis media occurs; if treatment is not prescribed in a timely manner, the disease progresses and pus begins to leak out.

WITH high probability exudate occurs in young children, unlike adults, behind the eardrum. When the pus begins to break through and flow out, the child will feel noticeable relief. Filling in the ear of children is explained by the origin of exudate from external environment or internal secretion. The occurrence of this pathology occurs due to reasons such as:

  • chronic advanced purulent otitis media;
  • water ingress;
  • fungal infection;
  • cerebrospinal fluid (through injuries to the head area);
  • tympanostomy tube (during contact with water);
  • cholesteatoma (perforation of the eardrum);
  • Availability foreign body(most often in young children);
  • necrosis (due to chronic otitis, paralysis of the facial nerve occurs);
  • allergic otitis;
  • granulomatous form (oral ulcers, rhinorrhea);
  • advanced cancer.

In case of otitis media, it is necessary to provide assistance as quickly as possible to avoid additional complications of the disease. The cause of ear canal diseases in children is a malfunction eustachian tube. This is due to the presence of adenoids.

The presence of fluid can be detected during examination of the ear cavity. An otolaryngologist uses an otoscope. A cloudy eardrum is observed. The presence of exudate in the ears is indicated by discharge. This causes severe pain, but later the condition improves.

When do they happen? dark discharge brownish tint, then people think about pathology. After going to the doctor it turns out that it is sulfur liquid consistency- option normal phenomenon. She has the ability to change her state. Moreover, its amount varies depending on the temperature environment and bodies.

Liquid white secreted during otomycosis, discharge is present gray with black dots. At bacterial inflammation yellow secretion flows out. The inflammatory process of the right ear is the initiator of the unpleasant smell of discharge. An unpleasant odor is accompanied by the malignant course of epitympanitis.

Discharge from the ears is accompanied by:

  • hearing loss;
  • pain;
  • dizziness;
  • the appearance of ear noise;
  • black spots are found in the discharge;
  • lymph nodes enlarge.

If your ear suddenly starts to leak, it's otitis media. What should not be done during otitis media?

  1. Compresses and heating pads are contraindicated before visiting a doctor.
  2. Do not reduce the course of prescribed medications on your own.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to use anti-inflammatory or alcohol-based drugs without a doctor’s prescription.

The lack of appropriate treatment for otitis in children can be quite dangerous and cause a decrease in auditory activity. The ears hurt, as a result the child will be restless. It is worth calling your local pediatrician.

Fluid like water may come out of your ears. At the same time, it feels very strong feeling ear pain.

The causes of discharge can be a variety of pathologies of other anatomically related organs.

The ears are interconnected with the throat, nose, nasopharynx and oral cavity. For example, if the teeth are affected, this will affect the ears, so the pain will occur at the same time. In addition to the leaking fluid, the head hurts severely, then you need to urgently call a doctor.

Therapy methods

First, you will have to undergo a series of tests to laboratory examination. This is required to determine the type of viruses that caused pathological condition. Additionally, it will be possible to find out the reason for its appearance.

Elimination methods this symptom in an adult:

  1. Only after visiting an otolaryngologist can treatment begin.
  2. Allow the secretion to flow out; do not plug the ear canal with various materials (cotton swab, turunda). It is necessary to use a loosened cotton ball, it will facilitate the absorption of liquid. It is recommended to change the balls as they absorb the secretion. The more the secretion is released, the more often the cotton wool needs to be changed.
  3. To clean the ear, you need to use soft cotton swabs. Pre-moisten it with an antiseptic solution diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, for example, hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine or Furacilin.
  4. If the doctor has allowed you to apply compresses, then in the absence of discharge purulent in nature, but with the presence of liquid, you can make a compress with alcohol. It must be applied for 2 hours.
  5. It is allowed to use drops prescribed by a doctor. They have a warming effect. They must first be heated to body temperature (37°C).
  6. Antibiotics when otorrhea is caused infectious processes: Amoxicillin, Ospamox, Clarithromycin.
  7. Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  8. At severe pain oral analgesics are prescribed: Aspirin, Ketanov.
  9. Rifampicin (otorrhea) if the fluid is clear.
  10. Warm boric alcohol will eliminate bad smell in the ears.
  11. Diclofenac ointment will relieve pain.

Treatment for a child

Treatment of discharge in a child:

  • first, a mandatory trip to the clinic;
  • warming up with a Minin lamp will help relieve pain and reduce secretion (course of treatment is 1 week, 7 minutes daily);
  • Paracetamol and Nurofen for children will stop the formation of fluid and relieve existing inflammation;
  • in case of one-sided ear discomfort, it is necessary to place the baby on the painful side (in the same way, the whole excess liquid will flow out faster);
  • hydrocortisone ear drops;
  • treatment with the installation of a tympanostomy tube;
  • the presence of a runny nose (90% of children) should be treated vasoconstrictor drugs(Naphthyzin, Nazivin baby);
  • Otipax ear drops relieve swelling and help relieve pain (used for children of any age, not contraindicated for newborns);
  • Otizol drops have an analgesic effect, treat inflammation and swelling.

If you notice a symptom of otorrhea, do not delay visiting a specialist. Otherwise, the disease will cause many complications that will worsen the general condition of the child’s body.

Discharge from the ears occurs in both adults and children. They have a different character and can be accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. Some people complain that clear liquid flows from the ear, and it is abundant and occurs constantly, while others find themselves with brown or black discharge. With what it can be connected? And is it possible to determine the type by the nature of the leaking liquid? developing pathology? You will now learn about this and much more.

General information

The presence of exudate in the ear of a child or adult always indicates the development of pathological processes. Moreover, this can happen not only in hearing aid, but also in the upper sections respiratory system, since they are interconnected with each other. The discharge itself can be different:

  • bloody;
  • purulent;
  • cloudy;
  • transparent;
  • brown;
  • white;
  • black;
  • yellow (orange).

The consistency of the released exudate can be liquid, like water, viscous, or thick, like cottage cheese. There may be no specific odor, but, as a rule, in the presence of purulent and inflammatory processes it is available.

Sometimes people leak fluid yellow color, which many perceive as a pathology. But 80% is ordinary sulfur with a liquid consistency. It does not have an unpleasant odor and its presence does not cause other symptoms characteristic of pathologies (hearing loss, pain, etc.) in a person.

But in order to understand that the discharge of fluid is natural and does not indicate the presence of any disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since some pathologies can be asymptomatic for a long time and the presence of abundant sulfur may be the only sign of their development.

As a rule, pathological fluid begins to be released from the ear due to infection or inflammation. Allergic reactions and mechanical damage hearing aid. Only a doctor can determine the exact reason why fluid flows from the ear, taking into account the nature of the exudate, medical history and examination.

Brown discharge people often perceive it as development various pathologies and rather rush to the pharmacy to buy some medicine that will help them solve this problem. But this is not necessary. This is the release of sulfur, the amount and consistency of which depends on several factors - human activity and the conditions in which he is located.

So, with strong physical activity and in the hot season the amount of wax released from the ear increases, which is quite natural process, which does not require any special therapeutic measures acceptance.

Among other reasons why a person may have fluid coming out of their ear, the most common are:

  1. Fracture of the base of the skull. When such an injury occurs, clear fluid leaks from the ear. She does not have specific smell and is not accompanied by itching, burning or other unpleasant symptoms.
  2. Allergy. Represents defensive reaction body and can manifest itself in different ways, including the discharge of clear fluid from the ears.
  3. Rupture of the eardrum. With such an injury, bloody exudate appears. Also, its occurrence often occurs during the development oncological diseases, for example, when a tumor forms in the hearing aid.
  4. Bacterial infections. In this case, purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor is observed, which may have a yellowish or greenish tint. Often their development is accompanied by perforation of the eardrum, which leads to hearing loss and pain. As a rule, pus discharged from the hearing aid appears if otitis media, epitympanitis, mastoiditis or bacterial dermatitis begins to develop.
  5. Polyps. If they are present, the occurrence of bloody discharge, which contain streaks of blood.
  6. Myringitis. This condition is characterized by the appearance of small blisters filled with cloudy fluid on the eardrum. When these bubbles are opened, exudate begins to flow from the ear, which has a specific odor.
  7. Infections upper sections respiratory tract and organs of vision. In this case, the appearance of pathological contents in the ear is caused by the spread of infection to nearby organs and tissues. Discharges may have different character and they depend on the type of developing pathology.
  8. Seborrheic dermatitis. This disease occurs much more often in adults than in children. It manifests itself in the appearance of a thick white exudate in the ears, containing grains and flakes. Discharge can be either abundant or scanty. Depends on the stage of development of the disease.
  9. Otomycosis. When this disease occurs, a white cheesy coating appears in the ear, containing black grains.
  10. Bullous otitis. With otitis media, discharge can be like Brown, and pink with bloody streaks. When to join purulent processes, the secreted exudate acquires a greenish or yellow tint.

To summarize, it should be noted that the fluid released from the ears can be both physiological and pathological. And in order to correctly determine the cause of its occurrence, you must definitely visit a doctor. If discharge is a sign of the development of diseases, they must be treated as quickly as possible, since the lack of therapeutic measures can cause partial or total loss hearing


The development of pathological processes in the hearing aid can be manifested not only by the release of exudate, but also by a number of other symptoms. For example:

  • Decreased hearing quality.
  • Headaches.
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the ear.
  • Redness of the skin covering inner surface outer ear.
  • Weakness.
  • Dizziness, etc.

During development acute otitis the patient may be bothered by throbbing pain in the ear canal, purulent discharge, fever, migraines, etc. In children, it is often accompanied by signs of ARVI - fever, cough, nasal congestion, etc. As soon as the hearing aid is freed from purulent contents, the condition normalizes.

Important! Chronic otitis media may remain asymptomatic for a long time. The above-described signs of the disease occur only during its exacerbation and require immediate treatment.

The occurrence of mastoiditis often manifests itself:

  • Headache.
  • Swelling and redness of the skin behind the ear.
  • Release of stretchy fluid.
  • Fever.

If you do not take any therapeutic measures for initial stages development of mastoiditis, this can lead to serious consequences. The thing is that this disease often causes complications in the brain and leads to the destruction of its cells.

When bacterial dermatitis, patients often complain that their ears hurt, swell and turn red skin behind it, in the ear canal itself, crusts form that are difficult to separate.

Black exudate often occurs during the development of cancer. As a rule, it is accompanied by severe headaches and unpleasant sensations in the ear canals, which is caused by the pressure of the tumor on nearby tissues and nerve endings.

The development of otomycosis occurs due to the active reproduction and growth of fungi in the hearing aid, which is accompanied by curdled discharge white or grayish tint, itching, burning and painful sensations in the ear.

Whenever allergic reactions, discharge may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • itching and burning;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • redness of the eyelids;
  • tearfulness;
  • nasal congestion;
  • dry cough;
  • rashes, etc.


The symptoms that accompany the discharge can tell a lot. However, put correct diagnosis, based only on the patient's complaints, the doctor cannot. In this case, you will need to go through full examination which includes:

  • Taking a smear for bacteriological examination.
  • Audiometry.

People often ignore the doctor’s request to take all tests and undergo a full examination, since they believe that this is not necessary. Allegedly, a diagnosis can be made simply by looking at the ear and studying the characteristics of the fluid flowing from it. But that's not true. There are many pathologies and most of them have similar symptoms. And to pick up correct therapy, which will really help eliminate the problem, you need to be examined completely!

The appearance of discharge has various etiologies. Thus, their therapy is also different in nature. So, with the development purulent otitis, antibacterial solutions are used, which are instilled into the ears several times a day, and for otomycosis, agents with an antifungal effect.

If there are boils in the ear canals, they are opened, and then a course is prescribed antibacterial therapy. In the event of allergic otitis, drugs are used that provide antihistamine effect. If the discharge causes a traumatic brain injury, you should definitely consult a neurosurgeon, since only he can help in this situation.

There is no single treatment regimen for discharge. Therapeutic measures are selected according to individually and, above all, they depend on the cause of the problem, the patient’s age and his general condition health. Therefore, pick up correct treatment Only a doctor can. But under no circumstances should you self-medicate. This can negatively affect your health.

Video recording

Do you or your loved ones have a leaking ear and you don’t know what to do? Do not panic. This is a symptom. This disease will not go away on its own, but there are many methods and medicines that will help you get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon.

How to treat ears if they are “flowing”?

If the ear suddenly begins to leak and there is no purulent discharge, treatment may be symptomatic. You can make a semi-alcohol compress (wet a cloth in a solution of alcohol and water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and apply to your ear). It will improve blood supply to the middle ear area and promote speedy recovery. Do you suspect that pus is starting to appear in the fluid? Stop treating with heat, because bacteria will begin to grow several times faster.

Adults with leaky ears can be treated with alcohol tincture calendula (20 g of dry herb per 200 ml of alcohol or vodka). Before use this tool you need to rinse your ear with chamomile decoction or clean it cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide.

What drops should I use?

If your ears are leaking and you want to get better as quickly as possible, you need to treat this problem with the help of medications. It is best to choose drops that contain an antibiotic and a steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. These may be drugs such as:

  • Sofradex;
  • Garazon;
  • Polydexa.

Before using Sofradex, you must undergo an examination by an ENT specialist. This is because this medicine contains Neomycin, and the drops can have a toxic effect on the sensory cells of the cochlea by leaking into the inner ear.

You have pain, your ear is leaking, but you don’t know how to treat it? In this case, choose pain-relieving drops with lidocaine -. Most often they are prescribed for inflammation of the external auditory canal, since the antibiotic included in their composition suppresses the activity of microbes, and the steroid quickly reduces the activity of inflammation. But when fluid appears from the ear, these drops can liquidate painful sensations. It is imperative to use antibacterial drops with Otipax.

For treatment purulent otitis It is best to seek help from an otolaryngologist. Even if you have reliable traditional methods treatment of this disease, it is better to consult a doctor, especially since these methods are as effective as additional remedy To classical methods treatment.

Purulent otitis media

If there is a noticeable perforation of the tympanic membrane due to vessel discharge, it should be injected into the cavity boric acid or antibiotic powder.

IN severe conditions and if there is a noticeable deterioration in hearing, surgery to correct the eardrum is prescribed.

Traditional healers also take an active part in the treatment of acute otitis:

  • It is recommended to mix equal amounts of honey with pomegranate juice and treat the ear canal with a healing mixture;
  • Can be buried sore ear two to three times a day with a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • A cotton swab is moistened and inserted into the sore ear, and it is possible to change the tampon once a day, constantly keeping it in the ear, for three weeks.