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Symptoms, complications and treatment of acute and chronic purulent otitis. Transparent ear discharge: causes and treatment

Why is my ear leaking? clear liquid? This syndrome is called otorrhea. It is characterized by the presence of exudate - pathological discharge from the ear. This fluid can vary in consistency and character and is released from the ear canal. Why are my ears leaking? Otorrhea is a symptom of various disorders, and not an independent disease. The patient's ear is leaking as a result of pathological processes.

Violation of the integrity of the eardrum

By various reasons the following damage occurs:

  • Perforation of a thin small membrane is often caused by recurrent or acute inflammatory processes in the ear canal, traumatic factors. The sensitive organ of hearing is exposed to great pressure when diving into the depths. Due to penetration foreign bodies often happens. These are typical causes of pathology.
  • Rupture of the membrane causes damage to the structure inner ear, violates its protection against external influences. This can lead to hearing loss and infection. The bacterial pathogen often spreads even into the intracranial space.
  • Otitis develops almost instantly. As a result high blood pressure thin tissue perforation occurs eardrum. Rupture of the sensitive membrane always leads to loss of hearing function.
  • Serous fluid begins to flow from the ear. Pain is often not felt. Usually pain syndrome occurs when inflammation spreads to surrounding tissues. What to do if tissue perforation occurs? The ability to spontaneously recover is a feature of a damaged membrane in the ear.

If you suspect perforation of the eardrum, you should take the following measures:

  1. Nothing should be dripped into the ear, since there is a huge amount special drugs in the form of drops, which have contraindications. If the eardrum is perforated as a result of self-medication, damage to the auditory nerve, malleus, incus and stapes is possible. My ear itches.
  2. The doctor will conduct a visual examination, assess the situation and condition of the patient, and prescribe treatment.
  3. Microscopic perforations are often restored without medical manipulation. Surgery is necessary when sensitive membrane tissue damaged due to perforation does not heal within several months.

The purpose of such an operation is:

  • maximum possible elimination health damage and hearing restoration;
  • drying of the ear canal;
  • preventing complications of the disease.

According to indications general anesthesia an operation is performed to restore the integrity of the membrane. The method of surgical intervention is chosen by the doctor. It depends on the width of the ear canal and the location of the tissue damage. In 80% of cases, as a result of treatment, the consequences of perforation are completely eliminated. Subsequent careful monitoring is necessary, since re-perforation of the membrane is possible. About a week after discharge, the ear bandage is removed. The patient receives a prescription for ear drops. You should make an appointment with the surgeon for examination at the specified time after surgery.

Infectious lesion

Tuberculosis of the middle ear. As a result of damage to the hearing organ by mycobacterium tuberculosis, severe pathology develops, which occurs quite often. Partial hearing loss is accompanied by the release of watery exudate. This is a secondary manifestation of general pathology.

Skin disease of the external auditory canal

Ear canal dermatitis - this disorder is accompanied by big amount transparent discharge. Very. Otitis externa is no less painful than otitis media. The outer ear canal is very swollen. The child does not even allow him to touch the source of inflammation.

In such cases, the inflammatory process may spread to the tissue surrounding the middle ear. When otomycosis develops, yellow fluid leaks from the patient's ear. You cannot treat yourself. A professional consultation with a doctor is required during a visual examination.

Otitis media of allergic origin

With pathology, the ear leaks. The perception of sound frequency is weakened. Subjective tinnitus, congestion - characteristic manifestations allergic otitis. The ear does not hurt with this pathology. This is a feature of this disease. After breaking the integrity of the thin membrane watery discharge leaking out of the ear. What to do if your ear is leaking? Antihistamines very effective for this disease. If your ear is running, surgery necessary when severe defeat small three-layer membrane.

IN in rare cases under the influence of provoking factors, watery pathological discharge from the ear are associated with a tumor. In middle-aged and elderly adults, clear fluid flows, vestibular disorders, hearing loss, etc. are noted. Ultrasound of neoplasms and dermatoscopy make it possible to diagnose pathology.

Damage to the head skeleton

Solid rupture meninges occurs when the base of the skull is fractured. From the nose and ears through the auditory canal there is a discharge of a watery transparent cerebrospinal fluid, which breaks through the thin membrane. Immediate assistance from a specialist is required, as the patient is in mortal danger.

Treatment of otorrhea

When a patient experiences discharge from the ear, you should consult an otolaryngologist. To identify the causes of pathology, specialists conduct a visual examination, examine the duration, type, and abundance of discharge. During the treatment process, swelling should be removed, ventilation and constant outflow of clear exudate from the tympanic cavity should be ensured. It is strictly forbidden to use tampons in the ear for a long time, as this prevents the removal of inflammatory effusion from the affected cavity. How to treat pathology?

Collection of serous secretions that are released from the tympanic cavity is carried out using loose cotton balls with an antiseptic. They need to be constantly changed. Warming drops and an alcohol-based compress help eliminate pathological fluid. How to treat an ear if the discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor? Warm boric alcohol used for clear discharge. Your doctor may prescribe a germicidal solution called Otofa, which does not cause damage to the auditory nerve.

If recommended by a specialist, before auricle and Fastum gel or Diclofenac gel is applied behind it to relieve pain. Such drugs help better than an alcohol-based compress. As a rule, the otolaryngologist recommends taking antibiotics. The normal bacterial environment in the intestines is completely preserved when using Lactobacterin, Bifiform. UHF therapy effectively helps normalize the patient's condition.

You shouldn't expect things to get worse and don't take risks. If, any discharge should not be left without attention. Should be done as quickly as possible. The doctor will prescribe adequate treatment.

If fluid is leaking from the ear through a perforation hole, this is a reason to urgently seek medical help.

This is a common sign of ear disease.

Purulent discharge from the ears is a sign of some disease. Similar condition can occur in both children and adults. Pus may be a sign various infections associated with the ears.

Predisposing factors include diseases such as flu, hypothermia and other respiratory diseases.

Attention! People who abuse smoking are at risk.

As these causes develop, diseases arise in which pus may be discharged from the ears. These include:

  1. , it can be external, medium, bacterial, etc.
  2. Mastoiditis is advanced stage otitis media.
  3. Cyst-like cholesteatoma, growth of damaged epithelial tissue.
  4. Purulent furunculosis appears due to the influence of microbes on the ear.
  5. Allergy.
  6. Head injury.

Brown and other colors

Any exudate from the ear will indicate the presence of pathology. Moreover, the painful process can occur not only in ear canal, but also in upper section respiratory tract.

According to their composition, discharges are:

  1. White and curdled. Most often, this condition is observed in young children and develops against the background of a fungal disease.
  2. indicate injury to the eardrum.
  3. Cloudy discharge.
  4. Brown color.
  5. Black discharge.
  6. Yellow liquid or light Brown indicates the presence of a bacterial infection.


In adults

Purulent discharge from the ear most often occurs yellowish color. They usually arise as a complication against the background respiratory infections viral origin. Gradually, such diseases become chronic (rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, etc.).

Purulent discharge smells unpleasant. They are extremely dangerous for humans, as they can lead to tissue degeneration. As a result, hearing decreases, and severe cases meningitis or other inflammatory processes in the meninges develops.

The following series of varieties can cause purulent formations in the ear:

  1. Otitis purulent in nature. With this disease, soft tissues are destroyed and the integrity of the eardrum is compromised.
  2. Limited otitis externa. Inflammation occurs in the outer ear hair follicles. The liquid contained in the papules takes on the smell of hydrogen sulfide.
  3. Otitis chronic course. The disease develops due to coccal infection. The released liquid has bad smell. This occurs due to the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Attention! Ear odor is not only unpleasant condition, but also extremely danger sign, which indicates a pathological process in the ear that threatens the development of sepsis or blood poisoning.

In children

Parents may notice unpleasant yellowish discharge from a child's ear after he suffered respiratory disease or swimming in a pond. They can also appear after walking outside in cold weather without a hat.

Another reason for the appearance of purulent discharge from the ear is improper treatment of colds accompanied by a runny nose.

Most likely, the flow of pus from the ear is associated with ruptured eardrum. At this time, bury medicinal drops prohibited as it may end up on auditory nerve or auditory ossicles, which will lead to partial or complete deafness. In addition, the following procedures are prohibited:

  1. Instillation of warm oil.
  2. Warming procedures.

The first thing a child's parents should do is, is to take your child to the doctor.

Timely diagnosis of the disease will determine success in. If you sit at home and wonder what caused purulent discharge from the ear, you can delay time and aggravate the situation. Most often, ENT pathologies develop rapidly and can cause complications not only in the ears, but also in the throat, nose and brain.

The flow of fluid from the ear is called otorrhea. Is not independent disease, but only a symptom of the underlying pathology. Based on the nature of the discharge, they may indicate the following diseases:

  1. At yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor, we can talk about the development of otitis media. Most often, bacteria enter the ear through a sore throat.

    In addition to ear drainage, your child may have a fever, pain, noise, and discomfort.

  2. If the pus is yellow, thick and viscous, then we can talk about inflammation of the inner ear.
  3. When blood appears in the purulent contents, this indicates the presence of polyps or boils. The eardrum may have been perforated.
  4. But from the ear, which has no odor, indicates an allergic manifestation.

What to do if pus flows in an adult and a child?

How to behave if pus leaks from the ear? Putting drops directly into the ear is dangerous, as there is a risk of damaging the eardrum. It’s better to twist a flagellum out of cotton wool and clean the external auditory canal.

If the doctor has prescribed medications in the ear, then you should not put them in. Better wet it cotton wool in the medicine and enter her ear canal.

The main actions for purulent discharge are to clean the ear with a cotton swab, administer an antiseptic, and take antibiotics. If the doctor deems it necessary, the child can be sent to physical therapy, where the ear will be warmed up, ultraviolet radiation and mud therapy will be used.

Purulent otitis is treated on average 2 weeks, if there are complications, it may be necessary surgical intervention. But in all cases it is necessary to carry out a preliminary diagnosis. It consists of the following actions:

  1. Otoscopy consists of a visual examination of the auricle.
  2. Microscopy of the ear using optical equipment.
  3. Computed tomography can exclude the presence of injuries to the skull bones.

The basis for the treatment of purulent discharge in children is the following methods:

  1. If itching or swelling is present, antihistamines are used.
  2. Antibiotics will definitely be needed.
  3. If the doctor allows, then vasoconstrictor drops are used.
  4. Hormone therapy is used in extreme cases.

It follows the same scheme, but the dosage of medications is taken into account in accordance with age. Pain is relieved with analgesics. If present fungal infection , then antimycotic drugs are prescribed.

Physiotherapy is used using the following treatment methods:

  • electrophoresis;
  • application of dry heat;
  • inhalation with medicines.

Do not self-medicate with purulent discharge from the ear, especially if it is small child. Call a doctor. Remember that all this is fraught with complications, in particular tissue necrosis.

Useful video

Check out how you can remove pus yourself in the video below:

Sometimes an adult or child develops pus in the ear. Such discharge from the ear canal is yellowish-brown in color and is characterized by an extremely unpleasant odor. Often similar phenomenon accompanied by severe pain. What diseases can pus in the ears indicate? And how to deal with an unpleasant condition?

Main reasons

Why does pus form in the ear? The main reason leading to suppuration is exposure to bacteria and viruses. Such microorganisms are initially found in the larynx. Through the Eustachian tube they move freely into the cavity located behind the eardrum.

If a person suffers from allergies or has a cold, then such a pipe is clogged. As a result, normal outflow of mucus is simply impossible. A similar picture is observed in children suffering from overgrowth of adenoids. Because mucus is not excreted naturally, pathogens begin to accumulate. And this inevitably leads to the patient developing pus in the ears.

Most often, people whose immunity is very weakened face this problem. from the ear cavity are often observed in children. It's connected with age characteristics. Babies have a wider and shorter auditory tube. That is why it is much easier for pathogens to penetrate it.

So, if it is pus, what diseases can we talk about?

Purulent otitis media

This is the most common reason. Purulent otitis is an unpleasant pathology in which the mucous membrane of the middle ear becomes inflamed.

Most often, the disease is provoked by the following sources:

  1. Various viruses, infections. Often, pus in the ear is a complication of sore throat or flu.
  2. Certain pathologies of the nasopharynx and nose. The formation of pus may be caused by rhinitis, deviated septum, or proliferation of adenoids.
  3. Milk getting into the baby's ear canal. This situation can lead to infection.
  4. Hypothermia. Development purulent otitis most often occurs in summer period, after swimming in ponds. The inflammatory process provoked by hypothermia leads to the development of the disease.
  5. Injury. This reason is mainly typical for children. Unsuccessful ear cleaning resulting in damage to the septum, or an object inserted into the ear by a small discoverer, leads to the formation of pus.
  6. Surgical interventions. Of course, patients who have undergone operations in the nasopharynx and nose are at risk.

The symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • pain appears in the ear, making itself felt most intensely at night;
  • the patient’s well-being is seriously deteriorating;
  • pus appears, initially at night;
  • dried discharge is observed in the sink;
  • with the development of inflammation, pus begins to simply flow out of the ear;
  • swelling is observed;
  • temperature rises;
  • headache occurs;
  • hearing decreases.

Sometimes the pathology occurs in chronic form. With this disease, there may be no discomfort, including pain.

Treatment methods

Of course, the question arises: if pus is found in the ears, what to do? It is not recommended at all to attempt self-treatment if a person has purulent otitis media in acute stage. This pathology can lead to meningitis. Therefore, it is extremely important to contact an ENT specialist in a timely manner.

The doctor will prescribe the patient a course of antibiotic therapy. The most commonly used drug is Amoxicillin. If there is pus, it is strictly forbidden to apply warm compresses to the sore ear. You should not use any drops yourself.

When chronic otitis The doctor will initially clean the cavity of pus. The patient will be recommended special antibacterial drops. And further treatment methods depend on the size of the hole in the membrane. For small sizes, use a film made of artificial fabric. Under it, the wound completely heals within 2-3 weeks. If the hole is large enough, then tympanoplasty is performed (surgical restoration of the membrane).

Development of furunculosis

Pus in the ears of an adult can occur as a result of the most various reasons. Sometimes it is caused by the appearance of boils. This disease is most often caused by staphylococci.

Furunculosis develops, as a rule, as a result of the following factors:

  • penetration of water into the ear canal;
  • scratching the shell;
  • poor hygiene.

The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • severe pain in the ear cavity;
  • discomfort increases while chewing or talking;
  • itching in the sink
  • the presence of discharge from the ear cavity, green or yellow in color (signaling the opening of a boil).

Furunculosis therapy

How to treat pus in the ear in this case? It should be said that without consulting a doctor, it is extremely dangerous to undertake any methods of combating the disease. Therefore, without delaying your visit, contact a specialist.

Most often, the doctor prescribes the following therapy:

  • thermal procedures (it is recommended to apply a heating pad to the affected ear);
  • analgesics;
  • local remedies (ichthyol ointment is placed on a tampon in the sink for 12 hours);
  • antibiotics, if worsening general well-being(drugs: Flucloxacillin, Amoxicillin).

The appearance of otomycosis

The fungus can also cause pus in the ears of an adult. This pathology is called otomycosis in medicine. The disease is characterized by penetration of the fungus into the outer area of ​​the ear, as well as the walls of the ear canal. This pathology tends to spread over time. In this case, deeper tissues are affected.

Otomycosis leads to disorders metabolic processes, weakening of the whole body, the occurrence of vitamin deficiency (hypovitaminosis).

Signs of the disease appear as the disease progresses. At initial degree the pathology practically does not manifest itself in anything. The symptoms are almost invisible. As soon as otomycosis progresses to acute form, then the patient has the following complaints:

  • strong pain;
  • the ear swells;
  • There may be a cheesy white discharge from the ear cavity;
  • hearing decreases;
  • Brown purulent discharge flows from the sink.

Treatment of otomycosis

Every person understands: if it is a fungus that has caused pus in the ear, what to do in this case. Of course, the pathology should be treated with special antifungal agents.

But don't rush into therapy on your own. It is very important to correctly identify the causative agent of the disease and select adequate therapy. For these purposes, the doctor will take a swab from the ear cavity. Based on the results of the study, appropriate treatment will be selected.

In addition, remember: otomycosis is an extreme insidious pathology. If you don't do it in a timely manner necessary treatment, then the disease can become chronic. In this case, it will become very difficult to completely cure it.

Development of cholesteatoma

This is an extremely serious pathology. Cholesteatoma is characterized by the appearance of a tumor in the ear, which has a layered structure. In the center of such a formation is a core containing a yellowish-white liquid with a putrid, unpleasant odor.

This pathology most often has a congenital origin. Its development is based on various disorders in the temporal zone.

The pathology is characterized by:

  • presence of pain in the ear area;
  • hearing loss.

Methods to combat the disease

Self-medication is out of the question. If cholesteatoma is caused by pus in the ears, treatment is prescribed exclusively by professional doctors.

For this disease, surgical intervention is performed. The operation is aimed at removing all affected or infected bone tissue. To save the ear, doctors perform one of the interventions, depending on the spread of the disease: mastoidectomy, atticoanthrotomy, atticotomy.

If during surgery it is possible to connect the external auditory canal with postoperative cavity, then the discharge from the sink will continue. This clinic is observed until the cavity is covered with skin.

Other reasons

Most often, it is the above diseases that become the source of pus in the ear cavity. However, these are not the only reasons that can provoke such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Sometimes the patient pus is coming from the ear as a result of such pathologies:

  1. Various injuries. Very often they lead to the development of an inflammatory process in the shell, against the background of which pus forms in the cavity.
  2. Polyps. This pathology is indicated by purulent-bloody discharge.
  3. Infectious meningitis. In some cases, pus flowing from the ear cavity is a symptom of an extremely serious illness.
  4. Various pathologies of the ears and eyes.

Diagnostic methods

As you already understand, regardless of whether pus is observed from the ear of a child or an adult, the first thing you need to do is consult a doctor. Only a specialist can correctly identify the nature of such a phenomenon.

A doctor may suspect a pathology based on the following signs:

  1. Pain in the ear, accompanied by purulent discharge, most often indicates the development of otitis media in the patient, in an acute form.
  2. In a patient who is fond of swimming or is affected by seborrheic eczema, otitis externa is most often diagnosed.
  3. A previous operation in the temple area or a head injury may indicate liquorrhea.
  4. If the membrane is perforated or chronic dysfunction auditory tube, there is an assumption of the presence of cholesteatoma.

To make a diagnosis, of course, a physical examination will be performed. Otoscopy allows you to determine perforation of the membrane, identify symptoms, notice foreign body in the cavity. If necessary, the patient will be prescribed additional methods research.


The appearance of pus in the ear cavity is extremely negative symptom, which may indicate the most various diseases. But remember: it signals a problem in the body. So be sure to pay attention to it. And to avoid severe consequences, contact your doctor immediately and begin adequate treatment.

If fluid is flowing from the ear, this is a reason to consult a doctor, because this process called otorrhea. As a rule, otorrhea is not an independent disease, but only integral part any disorder, that is, a symptom.

Depending on the nature of the discharge from the ear, as well as on the basis laboratory research A diagnosis is made, after which treatment is prescribed.

So, the nature of the discharge indicates a particular problem:

  1. If the fluid from the ear is yellow And specific smell, then most likely it is otitis media. It is caused by a fungal infection.
  2. If the fluid is cloudy and contains pus, then the inflammatory focus is in the inner ear.
  3. If the fluid is purulent mixed with blood, then most likely there are problems with polyps in the ear.
  4. If clear liquid flows, then the cause is an allergy.
  5. Discharge from the ear in the form of flakes signals seborrheic dermatitis.

Inflammatory diseases of the ears are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, as well as the occurrence of throbbing pain.

Methods for eliminating otorrhea in adults

    • First of all, you should contact a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis.
    • Under no circumstances should discharge from the ear be prevented. That is, the use of tampons on long time Absolutely forbidden. It is necessary to drain the fluid. You can use loose cotton balls for this. The cotton will help collect the secretions. Depending on the amount of fluid that comes out of the ear, you should change the cotton balls. The more and more abundantly the liquid flows, the more often it is necessary to replace the cotton balls.
    • To clean the ear, use soft swabs moistened with a solution of a non-aggressive antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide 2% diluted with water 1:1, chlorhexidine digluconate).
    • If there is no purulent discharge from the ear, then eliminating the fluid that flows from the ear will help alcohol compress, applied for a couple of hours, or warming drops (albucid, sofradex, heated to 37 degrees). Instill 4-5 drops into the ears 2 times a day. The drops should not be heated in a common bottle; they are heated directly in the pipette.

  • If the liquid contains an admixture of pus, then heating is strictly prohibited. In this case, you should use medications such as boric acid(the solution is dripped into the cleaned ear 3-4 drops 2 times a day), alcohol tincture calendula (4-5 drops are dropped into the ear previously cleaned with a swab), dioxidin (2-3 drops for 10 minutes, after which the ear is washed with warm boiled water).
  • Antibiotics are usually included in mandatory treatment. The course of antibiotic therapy is from 5 to 7 days. Relief should occur within the first 48 hours after starting antibiotic use. The most commonly used drugs are ammoxicillin, ampicillin, ciprofloxacin and netilmicin. Antibiotics are taken 1 tablet or capsule 2 times a day. Remember that the use of antibiotics should be combined with the use of probiotics to avoid dysbiosis. Probiotics such as bifiform, lactobacterin (taken along with antibiotics) will help maintain the bacterial environment in the intestines.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops, such as naphthyzin, farmazolin, should be used if ear diseases are accompanied by a runny nose and inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Drops are instilled 3-4 times a day, 2-3 drops into each nasal passage.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures, such as UHF therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, laser, are used as complementary therapy. They normalize the condition and are also preventive measure occurrence of relapse.

Methods for eliminating otorrhea in children

A disease such as purulent otitis affects the middle cavity of the ear and has quite a characteristic features. IN acute phase in adults, fluid with purulent impurities flows from the ear, and when it accumulates inside, pain and bloating are felt. To prevent the pus from flowing deeper and causing complications that can lead to hearing loss, it is necessary to treat the disease correctly and in a timely manner.

Symptoms and features

Purulent otitis is a complicated degree of ear disease inflammatory in nature. In this case, pus is found in the ear of an adult, which, after a rupture of the eardrum, flows out through the ear canal.

Symptoms of purulent otitis are as follows:

  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • temperature increase;
  • intoxication;
  • ear pressure, stuffiness;
  • sensation of gurgling and fluid transfusion;
  • severe pain, shooting and sharp;
  • noise in ears;
  • hearing loss;
  • unpleasant smell and .

Acute purulent otitis media manifests itself sharply and is characterized by a rapid flow. It is the discharge in the form of purulent exudate that distinguishes it from other forms of the disease. This type of otitis is called perforative. To prevent pus from flowing into inner ear, it is important to achieve its passage through a breakthrough of the eardrum.

If there is pus in the ear, but there is no high temperature, this is considered normal for otitis media. However, this does not mean that the body is healthy, because the disease continues to progress and can become chronic.

The sore ear of an adult during the period of illness looks swollen and may have reddened areas of the skin. When suppuration occurs, a viscous liquid with an unpleasant odor and a yellowish tint is released from the ear canal. The resulting crusts can cause irritation, but if you try to clean them mechanically, there is a possibility of damaging the outer ear and spreading inflammation.

Depending on what signs are observed in the patient, there are three main stages of purulent otitis media:

  • Preperforative. This is the active phase when the disease progresses from the initiation of a focus of inflammation to the accumulation of a large amount of purulent exudate. The secretion fills the middle ear, causes discomfort, pain and is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Perforated. The accumulation of pus leads to rupture of the eardrum or requires its mechanical puncture. Through the hole, the liquid flows out and the patient’s condition is relieved.
  • Reparative. If there are no prerequisites for the recurrence of the disease, the bacteria are destroyed and the pus is completely cleared, the membrane heals and the patient recovers within a few days.

The faster the disease will pass complete cycle, the sooner recovery will occur.

Reasons for development

Acute purulent otitis media is a continuation exudative form diseases. Initially, swelling of the auditory tube occurs, and then it enters the middle ear. serous exudate. As the disease progresses, bacteria begin to multiply in the discharge, causing purulent otitis media. The products of their vital activity are pus.

The main causes of purulent otitis media are as follows:

  • Infections. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the ear, which provoke pathological processes in soft tissues and inflame the mucous membrane. If colds, flu, sinusitis and other similar diseases are not treated, streptococci and pneumococci can easily enter the hearing organs in one way or another, for example, if the secretion flows through the eustachian tube from the nose due to improper blowing of the nose, otitis media develops.
  • Injuries. If the ear is damaged mechanically, an infection may appear inside the wound. In addition, there is a risk of acoustic and atmospheric influences. In case of violation normal condition organ and the proliferation of bacteria in the damaged area, the ear festers and becomes inflamed. In adults, this may be a consequence of surgery or blowing out the auditory tube during.
  • Allergy. If the ear is irritated by allergens or there is allergic rhinitis, there are high risks of development purulent form diseases. It is advisable to limit contact with such irritants.
  • Weakening of the immune system. General weakening of the body's defenses and the impact chronic diseases may become a prerequisite for otitis media. If there are no obvious factors that can cause ear inflammation, pay attention to general state your health.

These reasons are provocateurs of purulent otitis media, but this is only a basic list; in fact, there are many more of them.

At improper treatment purulent otitis may occur Negative consequences. First of all, you should take care of maintaining the health of the eardrum, because extensive perforation and contact with pus can lead to its destruction. Also, if pus flows into distant sections, it can provoke the development of tumors in the ear. For adults and children, consequences such as leaving pathological process into the cranial cavity and brain. When pus enters the bloodstream, sepsis can develop.

Treatment with traditional methods

Since purulent otitis media is quite dangerous disease, it must be treated immediately. To avoid complications in the future, it is better to visit an otolaryngologist for consultation. Treatment of purulent otitis covers traditional therapy And surgical methods. If there are no complications, you can get by with medications and physiotherapeutic procedures.

To eliminate the disease, it is necessary to get rid of the cause that caused the ear inflammation. In most cases, anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs. Analgesics are used to relieve pain. If the cause lies in allergies, the doctor will prescribe antiallergic drugs.

To prevent pus from flowing into the inner ear, you need to get rid of bacteria in the ear as soon as possible. To do this, instill antibacterial and antiseptic drugs. If there is pus in large quantities has flowed into the external auditory canal, most likely the integrity of the eardrum has been compromised, then the use of any local medications should be monitored by a doctor.

Acute suppurative otitis media in adults is often treated with antibiotics. To select suitable drugs for the treatment of purulent otitis, tympanocentesis, that is, analysis of secretions, can be performed.

It is important to wait until the pus is removed through auditory tube or perforation of the eardrum. To prevent pus from flowing deeper into the ear, you should sleep on the sore side. When pus flows profusely from the ear, you should not apply heat or compresses. Warming the ear will only intensify pathogenic processes.

Physiotherapy can include UHF and ultraviolet, blue and red lamp illumination, as well as pneumomassage to prevent pus from flowing into the pockets in the ears, to restore the mobility of the eardrum and resolve the scars on it.

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment of purulent otitis may be necessary in several cases. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Paracentesis. To prevent the ear from becoming infected, in the absence of natural perforation of the eardrum, myringotomy or paracentesis may be necessary. This is a puncture of the eardrum of the affected ear with a miniature needle. Through the hole, pus flows out, and drugs can also be administered into the middle ear cavity. To prevent the pus from flowing back and the puncture from healing prematurely, a shunt is installed. Such operations are performed less frequently in adults than in children. The shunt stays in the ear for several months and then falls out on its own.
  • Myringoplasty. If an adult has purulent phase otitis with perforation of the eardrum; myringoplasty may be necessary to restore it. If the ear is not seriously damaged, the membrane will repair itself.
  • Tympanoplasty. An adult may develop consequences such as, especially if pus has flowed into the pockets middle cavity. To reconstruct and eliminate foci of suppuration, it is necessary to do tympanoplasty, otherwise the ear will have difficulty hearing.

If there is no need for surgery, it is better to limit yourself to standard therapy. For adults, it is important not to let otitis media progress to the stage of suppuration, as this brings discomfort, pain and negative consequences.