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The best contraceptive for women. Surgical methods of contraception. Hormonal implants and capsules

Choosing the right contraceptive is extremely important for any woman. Why? After all, using modern views contraception, she can plan to have children and not worry that pregnancy may occur at the wrong time.

All types of contraceptives are different from each other and have their own characteristics, so you can always choose the one that’s right for you and make the right and informed choice. Let's take a closer look at this issue and find out what types of contraceptives currently exist:


Probably the most popular remedy. Its main advantage is high reliability, ease of use and affordability. And if you do not suffer from an allergy to latex, which is very rare, but it does occur, then its use will not cause any harm to your health.


They are considered modern contraceptives. They are a substance that is inserted into the vagina immediately before sexual intercourse. They consist of a base (for example, “nonoxynol”), which easily spreads along the vaginal walls and special drug, reducing the activity of sperm, or simply destroying them.

In addition, spermicides can be used at any age, and even after childbirth. You do not need a doctor's prescription to purchase them. These modern contraceptives will protect against sexually transmitted diseases. They will create additional lubrication, which is important for vaginal dryness. For greater reliability, they are recommended to be used by other methods of contraception.

Their not 100% reliability is a minus this tool contraception. And it is not always convenient to administer the drug into the vagina immediately before sexual intercourse. In addition, spermicides often cause allergies.

Oral contraceptives

Also one of the most popular modern contraceptives is hormonal oral contraceptives. From the name it is clear that these tablets contain hormones.

When they enter the body, they prevent the unwanted process of ovulation. But choosing them on your own, without a doctor’s recommendation, is extremely undesirable.

You should also know that hormonal birth control pills cannot be used within 2 months. after childbirth. They cannot be used during lactation, breastfeeding. The fact is that most of these tablets contain gestagens and estrogens, which in combination make protection against unwanted pregnancy very reliable. For nursing mothers, the doctor will select a drug in which the hormone progesterone is replaced by its analogue, gestagen.

Vaginal ring

This contraceptive also contains hormones, but their dosage is much less than in conventional hormonal preparations. It is a small ring made of flexible, soft material that is inserted independently into the vagina. It can function for 21 days, after which it must be removed.

Intrauterine device

Installed directly into the uterine cavity. The procedure is carried out qualified specialist. The spiral is installed for approximately 5 years. This contraceptive also contains a small amount of a hormone, which is released into the woman’s body in small portions daily, preventing ovulation.

But you need to know that the spiral is not installed nulliparous women and those who suffer from infectious diseases.

Contraceptive patch

This contraceptive appeared on sale relatively recently. It is a sticker containing a certain amount of hormones. They enter the blood through the skin. This patch is glued to the body and protects against unwanted pregnancy for a week. The product is reliable and very convenient to use.

Subcutaneous implants

Also quite modern and convenient tool contraception. The implant is installed by a doctor through an incision on the inside of the shoulder. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. This device is a rod, 4 cm long and 2 mm in diameter.

Contains the hormone gestagen. Which will gradually, in small doses, be released into the blood, preventing ovulation. The implant is installed within 2 minutes and is valid for 3 years.

Natural method of contraception

This “grandmother’s” method does not require additional improvised means. This method of protection includes calendar contraception. In this case, the woman independently calculates favorable and unfavorable days for conception, based on her individual cycle. For example, in order to establish such days, the temperature in the vagina is measured over several weeks. However, this method of contraception is very unreliable and modern women Those who value their health practically do not use it.

In any case, the choice of a reliable method of protection should be approached with all responsibility. You must take into account your age, previous pregnancy, bad habits, sexual activity, possible chronic, acute diseases and etc.

Therefore, when choosing a contraceptive method, seek advice from a specialist. With its help, you can make the right and responsible choice.

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They are divided into several groups:
1. Abstinence from sexual intercourse. This method contraception is 100% effective;
2. A group of methods based on physiological laws and not highly reliable. These methods do not affect the body in any way, have no side effects or contraindications, and therefore can be used by all people without exception. Such physiological methods of preventing pregnancy include calendar, rhythmic, temperature methods, lactational amenorrhea and interrupted sexual intercourse;
3. A group of methods based on the use of a physical barrier for the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity. These methods are quite effective and prevent infection with sexually transmitted diseases. This group of methods includes the use of condoms, vaginal diaphragms and caps;
4. A group of methods based on the use of chemical barriers for the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity. These methods are highly effective and do not have a systemic effect on the human body. Currently, this group of methods includes spermicidal suppositories, gels, lubricants, sprays, tablets, etc.;
5. Highly effective hormonal contraception;
6. Other methods of contraception with high level effectiveness, such as intrauterine device or sterilization.

According to the mechanism and type of action, all contraceptive methods are divided into the following types:

  • Hormonal methods;
  • Intrauterine;
  • Barrier;
  • Surgical;
  • Postcoital;
  • Biological.

Hormonal methods of contraception

Hormonal methods of contraception are based on taking pills containing synthetic female sex hormones, which suppress ovulation and make pregnancy impossible. Hormonal contraceptives can be oral, injectable, implantable, or transdermal. Oral hormonal contraceptives are pills, injectable contraceptives are injections, and implantable or transdermal contraceptives are patches or implants.

Oral contraceptives are combined estrogen-progestogen and purely gestagen. Combination drugs contain two types of female sex hormones - estrogens and gestagen. And gestagenic ones, accordingly, contain only one hormone from the progesterone group. Progestin contraceptives are also called mini-pills. Currently, oral contraceptives are the most common among others. hormonal methods pregnancy prevention.

Oral contraceptives for each woman must be selected individually, taking into account existing diseases, the type of menstrual cycle, hormonal background etc. Hormonal pills prevent the development of ovulation and also change the state of the endometrium, preventing the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. Thanks to this action hormonal pills reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy. Oral contraceptives also reduce the duration and volume of blood lost during menstruation, eliminate pain syndrome and minimizes the risk of developing inflammatory pathologies.

Modern oral contraceptive drug Delsia contains the most studied combination of active ingredients, ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. This combination restores hormonal balance, helps normalize the cycle, maintain stable body weight, eliminate oily skin and hair, reduce anxiety and improve mood. The optimal regimen is one tablet for 21 days with a physiological break of 7 days.

Oral contraceptives have advantages and disadvantages over other methods. Thus, the undoubted advantages include high efficiency, ease of use and positive effect on the woman’s reproductive system. Disadvantages include side effects such as headache, nausea, irritability, mood swings, etc. In addition, combined contraceptives should not be taken by women suffering from vascular diseases (thrombophlebitis, hypertension, strokes in the past, etc.), liver, obesity, malignant tumors and bleeding. Combined contraceptives should not be taken by women over 35 years of age who smoke. Unlike combined contraceptives, gestagen mini-pills are suitable for women over 35 years of age. Mini-pills can be used during breastfeeding.

Transdermal contraceptives are a patch containing hormones that are gradually released and enter the bloodstream. This prolonged action with gradual release of hormones is also characteristic of vaginal rings.

Injectable contraceptives are injections containing synthetic hormones, which provide protection from pregnancy for a long period of up to several months.

Implantable contraceptives are implants containing synthetic hormones that are injected under the skin, providing a gradual release of the active substance and a long-lasting effect.

Intrauterine contraception

Intrauterine contraception has been known since ancient times. The essence of this method is the introduction into the uterus foreign body, which prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the endometrium. Even the ancient Egyptians inserted pebbles into the uterus of camels to prevent the animals from becoming pregnant. The most common method intrauterine contraception is a spiral. The IUD can be simple or hormonal. Hormonal intrauterine devices contain small doses hormones that are gradually released and further prevent the fertilization of the egg. IUDs are placed for 1,2 or 5 years, during which they protect women from unwanted pregnancy.

Barrier methods of contraception

Barrier methods of contraception include mechanical and chemical structures, preventing sperm from penetrating the fallopian tubes and fertilizing the egg. Barrier methods of contraception include condoms, vaginal diaphragms, cervical caps and spermicidal gels, suppositories, tablets and sprays. A condom prevents sperm from entering a woman's genital tract, and caps and diaphragms prevent them from entering the uterine cavity. Spermicides contain substances that kill sperm. Barrier methods of contraception are highly effective if used correctly.

Surgical method of contraception

Surgical contraception involves sterilizing a man or woman. This method provides absolute reliability, since it creates artificial infertility. However surgical sterilization does not affect sexual function. Sterilization of women is carried out by bandaging or cutting fallopian tubes, and male by pulling the vas deferens. After sterilization, it is impossible to restore the ability to bear children.

Postcoital contraception

Postcoital contraception is also called emergency contraception. The essence of this method is that within three days after unprotected sexual intercourse it is necessary to take hormonal pills that will prevent pregnancy, even if fertilization of the egg has occurred. Emergency contraception should only be used when necessary, for example, if a woman has been raped or a condom breaks, etc. Postcoital contraception cannot be used as a primary contraceptive.

Postcoital contraceptives include the drugs Escapelle, Postinor, Danazol or Mifepristone. The use of any drug for emergency contraception seriously unbalances functional state reproductive system women. The disturbance can be so severe that it can lead to ovarian dysfunction.

Biological methods of contraception

Biological methods of contraception are based on physiological characteristics female body, as well as on the essence of sexual intercourse. Biological methods include temperature and calendar method s, as well as interrupted sexual intercourse. Temperature and calendar methods are based on identifying dangerous days on which pregnancy may occur. Having calculated these days, the woman needs to exclude sexual intercourse during this period. On other days menstrual cycle you can have sexual intercourse, since the likelihood of pregnancy is minimal. These methods can only be used by absolutely healthy women with a regular menstrual cycle.

When using the calendar method, women calculate dangerous days according to the length of your own menstrual cycle. And the use of the temperature method requires daily measurement of basal temperature (in the rectum). When the temperature rises by 0.4 - 0.5 degrees, it means ovulation has occurred. 4 - 5 days before its onset are the days on which pregnancy is most likely to occur. It is necessary to measure the temperature over several menstrual cycles and calculate, based on the chart, dangerous days on which you cannot have sexual intercourse, since the likelihood of pregnancy is maximum.

Coitus interruptus is not a very reliable method of contraception, since it is based on the fact that a man, when approaching orgasm, must remove the penis from the vagina to prevent sperm from entering the woman's genital tract. This method requires intense attention from the man. Often men do not have time to pull out their penis, and ejaculation occurs in the vagina. In addition, during sexual intercourse, small drops of sperm are released, which are quite enough for pregnancy.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Today, every couple can control their sex life and consciously plan their pregnancy. The existence of such freedom in life is a huge merit of scientists and pharmacists, who regularly invent more and more advanced methods of contraception. Of course, even the most reliable method sometimes fails. In addition, there are many myths that make it difficult to understand the true reliability of a particular method.

Let's try to figure out which methods of contraception are the most reliable.

Sterilization - 99.9%

The most effective method contraception is sterilization. In men it is a vasectomy, in women it is tubal ligation. These procedures require surgical intervention and exclude the possibility of having a child in the future, therefore, naturally, they are not particularly popular among young men and women. In terms of reliability, sterilization is surpassed only by complete abstinence.

Features: Recommended only for women who already have several children and in case medical contraindications to pregnancy, because the ability to become pregnant is not restored. There is also a risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Oral contraceptives - 99.7%

Hormonal pills are one of the most reliable methods of contraception.

Their main feature consists in the mechanism of action on the woman’s body. They provide complex action for women's reproductive system: ovulation is suppressed, mucus thickens cervical canal, the endometrial layer in the uterus becomes thinner. While taking the pills, the woman’s ovaries “rest”, and the required dose of the hormone is provided by the drug. Thickening cervical mucus in the cervix prevents the penetration of not only sperm into the uterus, but also bacteria, thereby reducing the risk infectious diseases. However, it should be understood that oral contraceptives do not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Also, when using this method of contraception, a woman’s blood loss during menstruation is reduced by reducing the inner layer of the uterus. This effect has positive influence on health in general, especially for women suffering from iron deficiency anemia.

Features: Combined oral contraceptives are qualitatively different from others hormonal drugs contraception, because different tablets contain different dosages and combinations of hormones. This makes it possible individual approach and choosing exactly those pills that can solve the problems of a particular woman. Naturally, a gynecologist should select them. Hormonal pills latest generation, in addition to the contraceptive effect, have a pronounced non-contraceptive effect: they have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair, eliminate PMS, shorten the duration of menstruation and reduce painful sensations in this period. Of the many oral contraceptives available in pharmacies, we can highlight tablets with innovative dosage regimens 24+4 and 26+2. They shorten the non-hormonal period, which allows minimizing negative symptoms. Also Special attention It is worth paying attention to the latest generation of oral contraceptives, which contain active form folic acid. This component allows a woman to take care not only of her health, but also of the future generation. Once a woman decides that she is ready to have a baby, she can stop taking the pill, confident that her body is already prepared for pregnancy.

Intrauterine contraception - 99.2-99.8%

This type of contraception includes intrauterine device and the intrauterine hormonal system. Both in terms of reliability and mechanism of action, they differ from each other. The spiral is installed in the uterine cavity and prevents the implantation (attachment) of a fertilized egg.

Intrauterine hormonal system is administered in the same way, but acts differently - it regularly releases a certain amount of hormone, which, acting locally, has several effects: it increases the viscosity of mucus in the cervical canal, suppresses sperm motility, and thins the inner layer of the uterine cavity (endometrium).

Features: The intrauterine hormonal system is suitable for women who do not intend to become pregnant for a long time, as well as for nursing mothers. It is installed for 5 years, however, if necessary, it is possible to remove it earlier. Unlike the IUD, the hormonal system is not an abortive method of contraception.

Hormonal implants and injections - 90-99%

These methods of contraception work on the principle of hormonal pills, only the hormone is introduced into the body in other ways: intramuscular injection carried out every three months (or monthly), hormonal implant is entered into top part hands and provides contraception for 5 years.

Features: It is difficult to choose individually, based on the woman’s health status and her individual needs. There are a number of side effects: irregular bleeding, discharge, headaches, weight gain and acne.

Hormonal patch and ring - 92%

The same level of reliability for these two methods does not at all indicate the similarity of their use: the hormonal patch is glued to the skin, and the hormonal ring must be inserted into the vagina independently.

Features: The hormonal patch must be applied every 7 days, starting from the first day of the cycle. Usage hormonal ring it is designed for one cycle. It needs to be installed from the 1st to the 5th day of the cycle, and after three weeks (on the 22nd day) removed. On the 8th day of the break, a new one is introduced. It is the adherence to clear patterns that allows these methods to be effective, so they are only suitable for very organized women.

Barrier methods: condom, diaphragm, cap, sponge - 84-85%

The condom is the only one among all the above contraceptives that protects not only from pregnancy, but also from any infections and bacteria. But its low reliability means that this product often fails (simply breaks).

The diaphragm, cap and sponge are also barrier methods of contraception; these devices are installed in the vagina immediately before sexual intercourse.

Features: These methods of contraception require preparation for sexual intercourse - and, therefore, can significantly reduce sexual attraction, cause discomfort and reduce sensitivity.

Calendar method - 80%

Involves mathematical calculations of the days on which fertilization can occur, according to a woman’s menstrual cycle. Thus, during the “dangerous” period, you need to either abstain from sexual contact or use other methods of contraception.

Features: Suitable only for women with a regular menstrual cycle who are not embarrassed by “love on a schedule.”

Coitus interruptus 73%

The bottom line is that a man must have time to remove the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. This is one of the most ancient methods of birth control, but far from the most reliable. Keep in mind that a small amount of seminal fluid may be released during sexual intercourse.

Features: When resorting to PPA, a man is forced to deliberately control ejaculation, and this not only distracts from the process itself, depriving him of the opportunity to experience the full range of sensations for which, in fact, sexual contact occurs, but is also wrong with medical point vision. Thus, a volitional obstacle to reflex ejaculation leads to problems with potency and ejaculation (for example, among men with prostatitis, half regularly practiced coitus interruptus).

Insufficient reliability of PPA also negatively affects sex life women. She also experiences psychological stress, which does not allow her to relax and receive maximum satisfaction during sexual intercourse. According to statistics, among women who have never experienced an orgasm, 50% used PAPs.

Spermicides 71%

Spermicides are called chemical contraception: vaginal suppositories, creams, tablets, capsules. They mainly contain “nonoxynol” or “benzalkonium chloride”, which have a destructive effect on sperm. A woman should use chemical contraceptives every time before sexual intercourse.

Features: If pregnancy occurs with this method of contraception, this can have a bad effect on the fetus; most often, doctors recommend an abortion. In addition, chemical contraceptives often cause irritation and inflammation of the vaginal mucosa and vaginal candidiasis.

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Girls who are not yet ready to give birth to a child and become a mother will have to choose the best contraceptive from a huge range to safely perform sexual intercourse. So that women do not get confused in this diversity, we have compiled a rating that includes the most effective, reliable and proven oral and barrier contraceptives for preventing pregnancy in the form of suppositories, tablets, rings, etc. Study their pros and cons - and choose the most worthy option!

Which brand of birth control is best to choose?

  • Gideon Richter– Hungarian manufacturer medicines, on whose account there are several types of funds with contraceptive effect. They are effective in preventing the conception of a child and in combating inflammatory diseases. Midian and Regulon belong to him.
  • Amafarm– German pharmaceutical company, operating since 1977, the range of which includes contraceptives in the form vaginal suppositories and Nonoxynol films. They improve the condition female organs and provide protection against egg fertilization with a probability of more than 95%.
  • Innotek International is a French company that supplies the market with hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptives, including Pharmatex suppositories. They are safe for women's health and useful for inflammation and other problems.
  • LRS Products Ltd– the manufacturer successfully entered the Russian market with the Contex brand of condoms. They are the second in sales and are distinguished by their integrity, reliability and ease of use.
  • Merck is the world's oldest pharmaceutical company headquartered in Germany. She is known to women largely thanks to the NuvaRing vaginal ring. It is made from hypoallergenic materials that do not irritate the vaginal mucosa.
  • Bayer Pharma AG is one of Merck’s competitors, which is also located in Germany and successfully works in the development of barrier contraceptives. Among them, the Mirena vaginal device has become especially popular.
  • Janssen Pharmaceuticals is a Belgian manufacturer that uses several active ingredients in its contraceptives. These mainly include norelgestromin and ethinyl estradiol. Our rating includes the contraceptive film “Evra”.

Rating of the best contraceptives

When selecting candidates, we took into account the following nuances:

  • Type – intrauterine or oral;
  • Efficiency and reliability;
  • Ease of use;
  • Safety of use;
  • Additional effects;
  • Side effects;
  • Amount in a package;
  • Active ingredients;
  • Does the composition contain hormones?
  • Reviews from gynecologists;
  • Does orgasm make it worse?

Separately, it is worth noting the ratio of quality and price, which has become an important selection parameter.

The best birth control pills

This method is the most convenient, since all you need to do is take pills regularly, but it cannot guarantee 100% protection against conceiving a child. They suppress the ovulation process and prevent sperm from entering the uterus. In this category, 2 contraceptive drugs can be particularly highlighted.

The drug has proven itself well among both young girls and women over 30 years old; created for oral contraception. It is effective throughout almost the entire menstrual cycle, which makes sexual intercourse safe. Although these are hormonal pills, in reviews of them girls do not complain about the appearance of excess weight upon admission. Regulon not only prevents the formation of an embryo, but also normalizes critical days, reduces blood loss at this time, accelerates tissue regeneration. The substances in the composition are absorbed in the intestines almost completely.


  • Two production volumes – 21 and 63 tablets;
  • High concentration of active substance;
  • Easily accepted by the body;
  • Relatively natural excipients;
  • Small dose;
  • Does not cause nausea;
  • Produced in Hungary.


  • Do not overuse, side effects may occur;
  • It is not recommended to take during lactation.

Feature of the best oral contraceptive"Regulon" is that you need to stop taking it 3 months before the desired date of conceiving a child.

average price: 470 rub.

The effectiveness of Midiana tablets is beyond doubt among both doctors and patients. They are used for protection at any age. Good results are provided by two active ingredients - drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. The composition here is safe for health and even with long-term use It is not addictive in girls and does not provoke allergies. The size of the tablets is small, they are very easy to swallow, there is no need to divide them into parts. They are suitable for both mothers who have already become mothers and those who have not given birth, but the contraceptive cannot be taken during lactation.


  • Available in quantities of 21 pieces. and 63 pcs.;
  • Long shelf life – 2 years;
  • Reliably prevents pregnancy;
  • Contains two active ingredients;
  • The drug is quickly and completely absorbed after administration;
  • Taste tolerance.


  • Available with prescription;
  • Does not protect against STDs;
  • Low probability of overdose.

Taking Midiana requires a one-time examination by a gynecologist every 6 months; if necessary, the dose is adjusted.

average price: 700 rub.

The best contraceptive suppositories

Such contraceptives are effective, safe and relatively inexpensive. They have a universal effect and help in solving gynecological problems. Here we can especially note 2 types of suppositories.


This is the best contraceptive method in terms of reliability, since these suppositories reduce sperm motility and reduce the chances of conceiving a child. Nonoxynol suppositories, according to reviews, are chosen by women who want to simultaneously avoid getting pregnant and not suffer from gynecological problems due to the normalization of vaginal microflora. They are easily inserted inside and do not cause discomfort. They rarely cause irritation of the mucous membranes and serious allergic reactions. One of the main advantages is the possibility of use during breastfeeding.


  • A small list of contraindications;
  • Small sizes;
  • Ease of use;
  • Valid for three years after graduation;
  • Can be used with a condom;
  • Does not affect liver function.


  • It is necessary to strictly monitor the time of administration;
  • Rare occurrence of itching of the penis in a partner;
  • It is not recommended to combine with other tablet contraceptives.

When using Nonoxynol suppositories, you should not perform toileting of the genitals within 6 hours after intercourse to enhance the effect.

average price: 350 rub.


The vaginal contraceptive "Pharmatex" has joined the ranks of the best contraceptives due to its instant action. His active substance, benzalkonium chloride, destroys the membrane of sperm in the seminal fluid during ejaculation, preventing them from penetrating the uterus and fertilizing the egg. The drug is active against many viruses and infections, including HIV, but it does not completely eliminate the threat of infection. It is prescribed to both nulliparous and mature mothers. According to reviews, suppositories do not cause irritation and are not felt in the vagina.


  • Does not foam;
  • Absorbed by the walls of the vagina without entering the body;
  • Residues are easily washed off with water;
  • Quantity in one package – 10 pcs.;
  • Suitable for all women of reproductive age;
  • Can be used in the period before menopause;
  • Pairs well with diaphragm and intrauterine device.


  • Not detected.

Despite the recognition of Pharmatex contraceptive suppositories as the best, they do not 100% eliminate the threat of pregnancy.

average price: 614 rub.

The best condoms

This is a standard method of preventing unwanted pregnancy, the clear advantage of which is the simultaneous prevention of STD infection.


This is a series of barrier contraceptives for men, guaranteeing protection against pregnancy by more than 95%. The company monitors the quality of materials and tests condoms for integrity before release, which minimizes the likelihood of defects. She offers favorable conditions for purchase, as she sells 3-10 pieces at a time for a low price. packaged. As a rule, such products do not affect orgasm, and sometimes, on the contrary, they even enhance it for both sexual partners.


  • High strength;
  • Minimal likelihood of skin irritation;
  • Does not reduce sensitivity in boys and girls;
  • Various sizes available;
  • Adequate price;
  • A large assortment.


  • Slightly rubbery.

average price: 350 rub.

The best vaginal rings

This contraceptive for women provides reliable protection against conceiving a child and is quite convenient to use and wear. This is the best option in terms of price-quality ratio.


Be prepared to see your doctor for a prescription, as this contraceptive is not available without one. You may also need the participation of a gynecologist in its placement, although after some time this can easily be done independently. Unlike other methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy, this procedure needs to be performed only once every 3 weeks. But here it is important not to go astray, since this should be done in certain cycles– 2-5 days. The ring protects against sperm activity during copulation, but is not effective against STDs.


  • Safe for health;
  • Does not cause discomfort;
  • Painless introduction;
  • Two active substances contains ethinyl estradiol and etonogestrel;
  • Does not provoke side effects;
  • Sold in almost any pharmacy.


  • When increasing permissible period in the vagina, effectiveness decreases;
  • Requires careful handling;
  • A considerable list of contraindications;
  • Special storage conditions – at temperatures from 2 to 8°C.

Break after withdrawal vaginal ring It is not necessary to do NuvaRing, but, according to the girls’ reviews, it is still better to wait 7 days before placing a new one.

average price: 1270 rub.

The best intrauterine devices

This contraceptive is the most reliable and most practical, since it lasts for several years and there is no need to change it often; it is made of plastic and copper. Among all the candidates, only one product stands out.


Compared to other contraceptives in our rating, choosing a spiral is a more serious step. It prevents fertilization and does not affect reproductive function; you can become pregnant immediately after removing the product from the uterus. Together with reliable protection from fertilization and decreased ovulation, with the help of Mirena, women can reduce blood loss during menstruation and even prevent various gynecological problems without harm to health. The installation of the spiral should only be done by a doctor, who is also obliged to monitor the patient’s condition. The most important advantage of this product is that it lasts for 5 years.


  • Low probability of prolapse from the uterus;
  • Rapid restoration of fertility after removal of the IUD;
  • Release of hormones in small quantities;
  • Reduces the risk of infections getting inside;
  • Eliminates painful sensations during menstruation;
  • Not contraindicated for nursing mothers.


  • Requires careful monitoring of glucose levels in patients with diabetes;
  • Amenorrhea may occur when used during estrogen therapy;
  • Sometimes you need to check the threads;
  • An ultrasound may be needed to examine the uterus.

In the first 2-3 months of using Mirena, a woman may experience increased bloody vaginal discharge.

average price: 13,000 rub.

The best contraceptive creams

During regular sexual activity, using creams is not always convenient; they are considered the best way contraception for single sexual contacts. Only one of their representatives was included in this rating.


In our rating, this is the second contraceptive for women from the Pharmatex line. It is popular because of its versatility - antiseptic and spermicidal action. The benzalkonium chloride contained in its composition is also an antiseptic, which reduces the likelihood of infection with fungi, infections, viruses (but does not exclude this!). The manufacturer does not undertake to guarantee 100% protection against egg fertilization. The cream is easily applied to the mucous membrane, is not absorbed by it and is easily washed off. It can be used for 3 years after release.


  • Can be used immediately after childbirth;
  • Suitable for nursing women;
  • Goes well with hormonal therapy and other methods of contraception;
  • The protective effect begins immediately and lasts for at least 10 hours;
  • Small doses;
  • Rare side effects.


  • Must be used before each sexual intercourse;
  • The cream should not be used 2 hours before sexual intercourse and within 60 minutes after it;
  • Requires insertion deep into the vagina.

Pharmatex cream is released in a convenient 72 ml tube, which is enough for several sexual acts.

average price: 500 rub.

The best contraceptive films

This is a relatively new contraceptive product for protection during sex, which is chosen for its ease and safety of use and lack of discomfort. The best contraceptives today include the following products.


This is a cheap contraceptive for women; it is produced in the form of napkins, packaged in individual packages. Their base is a gel, once inside the vagina, the film dissolves in 15 seconds and the active substance nonoxynol released in this case deactivates sperm - destroys sperm, preventing conception. Nonoxynol has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, therefore it partially protects against STIs, but you should not rely only on them in this regard.


  • Shelf life – 2 years;
  • 10 pieces. packaged;
  • Complete sterility;
  • Does not cause discomfort inside;
  • Does not affect orgasm;
  • Can be used anywhere and anytime;
  • It will be useful for burns, sore throat and other diseases.


  • Information on the packaging is not in Russian;
  • Difficult to find in pharmacies.

To save desired effect after administration the drug cannot be used hygiene procedures and douching for at least 6 hours.

average price: 120 rub.

The best birth control patches

Along with the film, the patch is a universal and practical product for local contraception during coitus. Its use is not harmful to health and shows good results. The TOP includes one such product at an affordable price.


This modern contraceptive is unique in its implementation and has no analogues. Its peculiarity is that it needs to be glued to the skin on certain days of the cycle, on the 8th and 15th, and if removed, it must be immediately replaced with a new one. The maximum break should be 7 days, this protects against unwanted pregnancy. There is no need for special preparation to fix the patch; just take a shower and wipe the skin. You can attach it to any part of the body where it will not come into close contact with clothing and hair. The only inconvenient thing here is the need to choose a new place for this each time, avoiding the chest.


  • Convenient release form;
  • Ease of use;
  • Reliable fixation;
  • Effectively prevents ovulation;
  • Not felt on the body;
  • Does not irritate the skin.


  • Dust may accumulate along the edges of the patch;
  • Relieves acne on the face;
  • Need a prescription to purchase;
  • Not cheap;
  • There are many contraindications and special instructions.

average price: 1100 rub.

Which contraceptive should I buy?

At the age of 18 to 21-22 years, the most optimal is considered hormonal contraception. For older girls, barrier and intrauterine devices are suitable for safe intercourse, but after 35 years you need to be more careful with them because high probability development of cervical erosion and other gynecological diseases. The most reliable way would be a combination of chemical and “physical” methods of protection.

  • If you don’t want to take risks and contact a gynecologist, then you can limit yourself to a patch.
  • Those who have a regular partner should pay attention to the best birth control pills.
  • Those who don't plan on getting pregnant in the next few years should consider a vaginal ring.
  • Those wishing to avoid inconvenience and at the same time improve their health are advised to pay attention to contraception for women in the form of napkins and candles.
  • For rare sexual intercourse, you can choose a cream.
  • If you need not only to provide reliable protection, but also to reduce menstrual blood loss, it is worth looking towards the spiral.
  • In intimate relationships with unfamiliar sexual partners, in order to protect against STDs, condoms traditionally help well.

The best contraceptives proposed in the rating should help to effectively protect yourself during sexual intercourse and avoid unwanted pregnancy. Well, if you are planning to become a mother soon, choose in advance good vitamins for pregnant.

2 Sterilization

Female sterilization is also called tubal occlusion or “tubal ligation.” As a result of the operation, an artificial obstruction is created fallopian tubes: the female egg is isolated from the sperm and fertilization becomes impossible. In Russia, this method of contraception is legally permitted only for women over 35 years of age who have at least one child.

BEHIND Almost 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy; the operation does not entail changes in health, hormonal levels, does not affect sexual desire, and sometimes even increases it; the risk of ovarian cancer is reduced.

AGAINST Sterilization is almost irreversible, surgery to restore fertility is very expensive and there is no guarantee of a successful outcome; the operation is performed under anesthesia, and these are associated risks; does not protect against venereal diseases and HIV infections.

PEARL INDEX 0.15 (in an extremely small percentage of women, pregnancy occurred in the first year after surgery).

3 Vasectomy

View male sterilization. During the operation, part of the man's vas deferens is ligated or removed so that sperm do not enter the ejaculate.

BEHIND Relatively simple operation; local anesthesia; libido, erection, ejaculation, sexual desire, orgasm do not undergo changes.

AGAINST You must carefully consider your decision as reconstructive surgery is much more complex, expensive and success is not guaranteed. Does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.

PEARL INDEX 0.4 pregnancies per 100 women.

4 Intrauterine device

The spiral is a fairly common method of contraception in women 25-30 years old. This is a small device that is inserted into the uterus to prevent conception. Today there are about 50 types of spirals: round, spiral, T-shaped, copper or silver, hormonal, etc. The IUD prevents the implantation of the egg into the uterine wall, has a detrimental effect on sperm (copper-containing coils), and affects their ability to pass through the cervix (hormonal). Average term use - 2-5 years.

BEHIND High protection against unwanted pregnancy. Using an IUD, you can forget about other methods of birth control for several years. The spiral does not affect lactation, is easily removed by a doctor and is inexpensive.

AGAINST May cause heavy menstruation in some women. Long stay a foreign body in the body reduces immunity and can also cause inflammatory processes. The IUD is not recommended for nulliparous girls.

PEARL INDEX 1 pregnancy per 100 women.

Hormonal contraception

5 Hormonal implants and capsules

This type of contraception is a small plastic stick (about the size of a match) or a thin capsule filled with hormonal drugs and usually injected subcutaneously inner side left forearm. After installation, implants regularly release a hormone that interferes with and also changes the cervical mucosa, making it difficult for sperm to pass through. In 2018, a new progressive product is expected on the American market - a hormonal contraceptive chip, which will be implanted under the patient’s skin and controlled using a smartphone and a special application.

BEHIND There is no need to frequently replace the implant. The effect lasts approximately 5 years. The operation is quite simple and painless.

AGAINST Side effects: nausea, headaches and possible allergic reactions. Implants are not widely represented on the Russian market, hence high price. In addition, gynecologists do not recommend installing implants for girls who have not yet given birth.

PEARL INDEX 0.3 pregnancies per year per 100 women.

6 Combined oral contraceptives

AGAINST There is a risk of developing thrombosis if there is a predisposition. It takes discipline and regular application. In addition, COCs can reduce libido, cause allergies, nausea, increased sensitivity breasts, pigmentation and mood swings.

PEARL INDEX About 0.5 pregnancies per year per 100 women for combination oral medications.

7 Hormonal injections

BEHIND Availability and ease of use, wide choice. Condoms provide the best protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

AGAINST Protection against pregnancy is only 82% for male and 79% for female condoms. Many women complain that female condoms feel a bit awkward and that they can make inappropriate noises during sex. Allergy to latex is a contraindication.

PEARL INDEX From 5 to 12 pregnancies per 100 women.

11 Contraceptive caps, vaginal diaphragms and sponges

A contraceptive cap is a reusable contraceptive, which is a silicone cup with a loop that is placed on the cervix. The caps are recommended for use in conjunction with spermicides. The contraceptive is inserted immediately before sexual intercourse and can be worn for about 48 hours.

The vaginal diaphragm has the shape of a cup with a metal spring along the edge; it is inserted before sexual intercourse so that the rim is in the walls of the vagina and the dome covers the cervix. The spring presses lightly on the walls of the vagina and urethra. The size of the diaphragm is selected by a gynecologist; you can wear the contraceptive for no more than 24 hours.

A sponge soaked in spermicidal solution looks like a small donut with an indentation that should fit snugly against the cervix. The sponge combines both mechanical and chemical protection. The sponge is a universal size, and in the USA you can buy it in a regular supermarket.

BEHIND The caps and Co. are reusable, they do not change hormonal levels, and are suitable for breastfeeding women and for those for whom hormonal medications are contraindicated.

AGAINST If administered incorrectly, the effect is extremely weak. They do not protect against infections, and the quality of sex sometimes decreases. In addition, there are a number of contraindications.

PEARL INDEX From 6 to 20 pregnancies per 100 women.

12 Spermicides

Spermicides are chemical substances, destroying sperm within a short period of time (up to 1 minute). They contain special creams, jellies, suppositories, vaginal tablets, foams and films - all this is sold in free access at the pharmacy. Spermicides themselves have a low contraceptive effect, so gynecologists advise combining them with barrier methods of protection.

BEHIND Ease of use, protection against certain infections.

AGAINST Low contraceptive effect. Spermicides can negatively affect vaginal flora. And one more thing: make sure that you are not already pregnant, since in this case there is a high risk to the fetus.

PEARL INDEX 25-30 pregnancies per 100 women per year.

Natural methods of contraception

13 Interrupted coitus and others

Coitus interruptus, calendar method, tracking method basal temperature, monitoring the consistency of discharge and other methods inherited from our grandmothers and mothers - all these are natural methods of contraception. Even modern methods of contraception do not provide a 100% guarantee, and the reliability of “folk” methods is even more out of the question: out of 100 women who use interrupted coitus as protection, on average, 19-20 become pregnant within a year. Moreover, none of natural methods does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.

In conclusion, an important disclaimer: before choosing a method of contraception, be sure to consult with your gynecologist.

Text: Yulia Oleynikova.