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Suppositories for constipation after childbirth are a safe, convenient and effective remedy. How to use glycerin suppositories after childbirth? Instructions for use

In women in postpartum period the most a common complication during the entire period of bearing a child, digestive disorders occur. About fifty percent of women in labor are susceptible to this disease and about seventy during pregnancy in the last trimester. This condition can occur with any type of birth of a child - natural or caesarean section. We will look at how to deal with this and whether it is worth using suppositories after childbirth for constipation in this article.

Often, when stool is delayed for one or two days, mothers think that they have developed constipation, but this is fundamentally not the case.

Obstipation is the absence of bowel movements for three or more days, which is accompanied by discomfort, pain or cracking due to very dry stool.

In addition, it is worth distinguishing between 2 more types of bowel retention:

  • Atonic is based on the process of atony of the intestinal walls (muscle relaxation), which stops the movement of feces, because it is caused by peristalsis (rhythmic muscle contraction). It often occurs after any operation, and especially after a cesarean section. Sometimes observed when diet is violated.
  • Spastic - the opposite process occurs, consisting in a spasm of these muscles. Then certain constrictions are formed through which even ordinary masses cannot pass. The main reason is stress, depression, excessive worry.

Of course, most often it goes away after 2-3 weeks without the need for special treatment. But even if this does not happen, running to the pharmacy for any medicine is dangerous, because everything that enters the mother’s body is absorbed and excreted with milk. Many laxative suppositories after unsuccessful dieting are dangerous and contraindicated during lactation.

About the reasons

If we consider the factors that can lead to bowel problems after the birth of a child, then healthy woman they can only arise due to the following things:

  1. Psychological imbalance is the most common reason problems with constipation. It is based on the fear of going to the toilet, because recently the young mother may have received stitches and she is afraid of pain or that the stitches will come apart. Thus, she herself provokes the development of the disease, restraining herself from satisfying urges. IN in rare cases For nursing mothers, this may be a signal of the onset of postpartum depression.
  2. Poor nutrition is an equally common cause. In the hospital department, women in labor are fed in a special way - the diet is designed for nursing mothers who need increased calorie intake. But at the same time, all food complies with dietary standards and is hypoallergenic. However, very often, due to indulging their taste habits, mothers replace them with regular homemade food or even fast food, absolutely not taking into account the doctor’s recommendations. Insufficient drinking balance aggravates the situation.
  3. Few active image life. Due to some complications, the doctor may impose certain restrictions on physical activity, which include a ban on sitting and sitting down. As a result, this leads to restriction of movements and, as a consequence, the development of this disease.
  4. Lack of fiber. Sometimes young mothers are afraid to include certain fruits or vegetables in their diet, fearing different allergic reactions at the baby's. The lack of fiber contained in such foods leads to the formation of rather “tight” feces that simply cannot pass through the rectum as easily as usual.
  5. Decreased tone of the abdominal and perineal muscles due to constantly increasing tension during pregnancy.
  6. Hormonal changes that constantly occur during the restructuring of the body due to gestation, and then due to lactation.

Do not forget that a woman in labor is not always healthy, so there are several other reasons that affect the functioning of the intestines. These include:

  • Taking medications in the period after the birth of the child. These include oxytocin (accelerates the activity of uterine contractions), iron supplements (correction of anemia due to bleeding during the baby’s passage through the birth canal).
  • Various diseases, whether inflammation hemorrhoids that were pinched during pushing, inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs or their aggravation during chronic course, suturing.

How to recognize?

In order to understand when to panic and worry, you need to know certain symptoms that indicate a malfunction gastrointestinal tract. These primarily include a reduced frequency of bowel movements compared to the usual norm for a girl. Usually this is less than once every two days.

The next point is reducing the volume of stool. An amount of feces that is 50 grams or less is a reason to visit a gastroenterologist. The process of defecation itself is no less significant, because if it drags on over time, then blood is pumped into the pelvic organ system and stagnation occurs in it. This provokes new problems with stool and creates a vicious circle.

Besides, digestive tract has a great effect on general health: if you are worried about a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, flatulence, pain in the intestines, bloating and lack of gas, then this is unlikely to lead to a good feeling and mood.

It is also important to take into account the health of the newborn, because feces are waste from our body that must be eliminated in a timely manner. If this does not happen, then all the toxins that should normally leave the body are absorbed back into the body. circulatory system, poisoning both mother and child in this way. Treatment of this condition is an excellent prevention of damage, trauma, fissures of the rectum and anal ring.

If this happens, then you will feel sharp pain, and then a burning sensation, you will see scarlet blood in the stool. Important point- it really should be bright red. Otherwise, the changed color indicates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, because upon reaching the anal sphincter, the red blood cells have time to oxidize, changing color. This is typical for Crohn's disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, various tumors, nonspecific ulcerative colitis and other pathologies.

A separate item is hemorrhoids, which can cause the appearance of blood elements in the stool, coloring them. Then mommy will have the following points:

  • itching, burning, swelling of the anus;
  • pain that occurs and increases when sitting;
  • feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • You can feel the hemorrhoids with your fingers, and if the disease progresses, they fall out on their own.


In the case when such a condition arose in the hospital, for relief, the woman in labor will be given a cleansing enema and given the following recommendations for constipation:

  1. Stick to special food. It includes a whole variety of cereals, fruits, vegetables and soups, which you need to eat 4-6 times a day in small portions. You should also limit your consumption of meat, potatoes, and rice.
  2. To drink a lot of water. Drink a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach, and consume 2-3 liters throughout the day. It is important to note that to maintain water balance Only water will do. Strong coffee or tea, milk with a high percentage of fat, jelly - all this leads to dehydration.
  3. Fulfill physical exercise. There are many special exercises for such cases, which are easy to find on the Internet. Remember that women who lead an active lifestyle experience bowel problems five times less often than their lazy friends.

TO usual advice laxatives are sometimes prescribed for relief general action. Many such medications are prohibited for nursing mothers after childbirth. These include Regulax, Sennilax, Gutalax. But there are also drugs that, due to their composition, do not penetrate the mother’s body and milk, these include:

  1. Lactulose - in the form of a soluble powder that stimulates intestinal function, but with visible action in a couple of days;
  2. Duphalac - syrup with lactulose and clean water, the effect also occurs after a certain period;
  3. Phytomucil is a herbal medicine with plantain seeds and homemade plum fruits;
  4. Mikrolaks - produced as suppositories after childbirth for constipation for microenemas, which begin to work within 5-15 minutes.

Which ones are better?

When faced with the problem of indigestion, a nursing mother thinks for a long time about what to use and what suppositories she needs for constipation after childbirth. Naturally, postpartum constipation suppositories that contain natural ingredients are recommended. Best option suppositories with glycerin or sea buckthorn. Obthorne plants are perfect as suppositories in the presence of cracks or hemorrhoids, provoking bowel movements and healing wounds.

It is worth noting the advantages of using candles:

  1. glycerin suppositories soften stool, making its movement more comfortable and less traumatic;
  2. they have a mild effect, without greatly irritating the intestinal walls;
  3. glycerin itself has the ability to envelop the walls of the intestines and anal sphincter, preventing the formation of cracks;
  4. can be used not only during feeding, but also during pregnancy;
  5. they are implemented in free access and are in the optimal price category.

But, like any medicine, suppositories for constipation after childbirth have their own contraindications, which should be studied, especially if you prescribe them for yourself without consulting an obstetrician-gynecologist or gastroenterologist. These include hemorrhoids, individual intolerance, paraproctitis, and tumor diseases.

It must be remembered that as soon as you have restored the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of these drugs must be stopped, otherwise an addiction will develop and without them the work of the intestines will be stopped.

Home › Health › Is it possible to use glycerin suppositories for constipation after childbirth

According to doctors, constipation is a common complication during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Approximately 70% of women experience difficulty with bowel movements in the last trimester of pregnancy and 50% suffer from this disease in the first months after childbirth. Moreover, constipation can develop regardless of whether the birth was natural or operative. How to deal with difficult bowel movements after childbirth, and what medications can be used for breastfeeding.

Causes of postpartum constipation

On the question of the reasons for the development of constipation, gynecological specialists are absolutely in agreement with gastroenterologists. Doctors are confident that a healthy woman can experience constipation for only two reasons.

The first reason is psychological. Psychological reasons Intestinal problems are very common in the period after the birth of a child. A simple fear of going to the toilet can be a starting point. This fear is especially often experienced by women after complicated childbirth. The feeling of fear encourages you to restrain the urge to have a bowel movement. Stagnation of feces occurs. Women themselves provoke the development of constipation. Also, intestinal dysfunction can cause stress. Often this illness can signal the presence of postpartum depression.

The second reason is nutrition. As a rule, in maternity ward women are fed according to the needs of the mother's body. However, not all women receive adequate nutrition in the hospital. Many people prefer to give up hospital food, replacing it with store-bought products or their usual homemade food, which relatives bring, forgetting that now they must eat completely differently.

What to do if you have constipation

If the problem has already appeared in maternity hospital, before discharge, the woman will undergo a cleansing enema. This will help rid the intestines of accumulated feces. Next, bowel function needs to be restored at home. In order not to suffer from constipation, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. If you suffer from constipation, you need to drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach and consume at least 3 liters of liquid throughout the day. Watch what you drink. It is better to drink homemade compotes, fruit drinks or weak teas. Avoid strong tea, coffee, jelly, full-fat milk and store-bought drinks.
  • Follow a diet. The postpartum diet includes a large number of vegetables, fruits, cereals, soups. Avoid eating rice, potatoes, fried and fatty foods. Give preference oatmeal, fresh vegetables and fermented milk products. Meals should be frequent, small portions. Eliminate baked goods from your diet.
  • Physical activity. Bowel function directly depends on physical activity. Women who lead a passive lifestyle experience constipation 5 times more often than active mothers.

What to do if nothing helps

Every woman's body is individual. It is for this reason that there is no one right remedy for everyone. If the above methods for preventing constipation do not help you, you need to consult a specialist to determine the real reason intestinal dysfunction.

Before going to a specialist, you can try to cope with the disease yourself. Taking laxatives while breastfeeding is highly discouraged. In particular severe cases Mechanical cleaning methods can be used to cleanse the intestines. These methods include enemas and suppositories.

Enemas can only be given in the as a last resort. Firstly, enemas are highly addictive to the intestines. After frequent use With this remedy, the intestines simply will not want to empty themselves and you will have to constantly resort to this method.

Secondly, along with water, all beneficial bacteria, which invariably leads to dysbacteriosis.

Using suppositories is less dangerous, but in order not to harm yourself and your child, you need to choose the right drug. Most often, doctors advise women to use glycerin suppositories after childbirth. This drug is safe for a young mother and does not affect the composition breast milk and effectively helps induce natural bowel movements.

Characteristics of glycerin

Glycerin included in the composition rectal suppositories promotes mild irritation of the intestines, which causes the urge to defecate. The drug also lubricates the passage and softens stool. Glycerin suppositories can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug is also available in dosages for infants.

Side effects may include a mild burning sensation in the anus. Also, with prolonged use, glycerin suppositories can become addictive.

Women with acute hemorrhoids should not use glycerin suppositories. Candles also have a number of contraindications. These include intolerance to components, cancer rectum, paraproctitis.

As soon as bowel function is restored, the use of suppositories must be stopped. Glycerin suppositories should be used only in accordance with the instructions or recommendations of a doctor.

Why is constipation dangerous?

Intestinal dysfunction after childbirth is dangerous condition. In addition to the fact that the disease affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation can cause complications such as:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures;
  • diverculosis;
  • stomach ache;
  • bloating;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • loss of appetite, etc.

If the birth was complicated, with stitches, efforts in the toilet can lead to their divergence.

Many women, not knowing the signs of constipation, begin to use laxatives after childbirth at the slightest suspicion of pathology. Under no circumstances should this be done! Constipation is characterized by the absence of stool for 3 days, abdominal pain, and ineffective urge to go to the toilet. If you don’t have stool for a day or two, don’t panic, drink more fluids, eat fiber-rich foods and your stool will improve without using medicines. Glycerin suppositories can only be used in case of prolonged absence of stool after childbirth!

Exercise for constipation

Often, intestinal function is disrupted due to weakening muscle tone after childbirth. In this case, you cannot do without physical exercise. You need to walk as much as possible, if the birth took place without complications, you can begin to do light physical exercises in the first days. Kegel exercises help with loss of pelvic muscle tone. There is also a special set of exercises to prevent constipation.

The health of a young mother is the key wellness And proper development baby. Every woman after childbirth should especially carefully monitor her condition. Since ancient times, people have known that movement and healthy eating is the key to health and longevity. Modern mothers, unfortunately, ignore the centuries-old experience of their ancestors and themselves provoke the development of many diseases. Remember that now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for your baby and simply do not have the right to get sick.


Glycerin suppositories are quite often used after childbirth to solve problems with stool. As you know, after the birth of a baby, due to severe compression of the pelvic organs during childbirth, many young mothers complain of constipation. Let's look at this drug in more detail and dwell on the features of its use in the postpartum period.

What are the features of using suppositories with glycerin after childbirth?

First of all, before using the drug, you must consult your doctor. The fact is that after childbirth, many women are discharged from the maternity hospital with stitches that make it difficult to insert glycerin suppositories into the rectum.

It is also worth noting the fact that if the baby is breastfeeding, doctors do not prohibit the use of this drug.

How to use the drug correctly?

According to the instructions, glycerin suppositories after childbirth can only be used in consultation with a doctor. It is best to light candles in the morning, literally half an hour after breakfast. Already 15-20 minutes after administration, the urge to defecate occurs.

In what cases should you not use suppositories with glycerin?

Glycerin suppositories can be used for constipation after childbirth, but for hemorrhoids acute stage(inflammation and bulging of the veins of the rectum, prolapse of hemorrhoids) this remedy is contraindicated.

Thus, we can say that suppositories with glycerin are an excellent remedy combating intestinal dysfunction, which explains their popularity. However, when using such suppositories, it is necessary to take into account side effects: spasmodic pain in the stomach, frequent bowel movements that disappear after stopping the medication. However, if they appear, it is better to consult a doctor.

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Glycerin suppositories after childbirth with stitches

Along with the joyful event, the birth of a child, some women begin to have new problems. A common occurrence with pathological childbirth There are ruptures, after which it becomes necessary to apply stitches. Glycerin suppositories after childbirth can provide an invaluable service. Before using the drug, it would be good to become familiar with its pharmaceutical properties.

Composition and effect of candles

The effectiveness of the drug lies in its instant action. Suppositories slightly irritate the intestines, which in turn improves peristalsis. With the help of a reflex reaction, defecation occurs without problems. Glycerin has a softening effect on feces, which is another positive feature medicines.

The suppositories contain glycerin, stearic acid and crystalline sodium carbonate.

Instructions for use

The drug is prescribed for constipation of any nature, as well as for people with limited mobility, and for those who cannot take oral laxatives. The method of using glycerin suppositories after childbirth is quite simple, which is important for a woman who has experienced emotional and physical shock.

Usage. The procedure should be carried out 15 minutes after eating. You need to put on a glove, remove the suppository from the foil and insert it so that it goes into the rectum. It is necessary to hold the candle for about 5 minutes so that it does not come back out. The slippery texture allows for smooth and painless administration of the medication. Thanks to this property, suppositories can be used in any position. A bowel movement should be expected within a few minutes. The remaining medication is excreted in the feces.

Contraindications. Hemorrhoids in the acute stage, inflammation of the intestines, fissures and oncological diseases rectum and inflammation.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, suppositories are prescribed if necessary and under the supervision of a doctor.

Side effects. Stomach pain, intestinal upset and inflammation. In case of such manifestations, the drug is immediately discontinued.

Sometimes gynecologists prescribe glycerin suppositories after childbirth. The two main reasons why the medicine is prescribed are described below.

In what situations can glycerin suppositories help after childbirth?

Disorders of intestinal motility - common occurrence in women giving birth. And if perineal sutures were applied, then painful sensations create new obstacles. Psychological stress is a strong factor that aggravates the situation. Because of the fear that the stitches may come apart, the woman is afraid to strain, and bowel movements do not occur on time. Over time, the established rhythm gets lost, and the urge to defecate may no longer appear at the usual time. Glycerin suppositories are an excellent way to cope with this problem after childbirth. The instructions mentioned that they affect reflexes and cause bowel movements.

The second reason is stagnation and hardening of feces, which is a consequence poor nutrition. If a woman eats a lot of flour, sweets and fatty foods, and at the same time drinks little water, then constipation is inevitable. The problem usually starts at latest dates pregnancy. As a rule, young mothers, realizing their responsibility for the health of the child, do not deny themselves anything. The leading factor in this matter is preference. The resulting constipation continues to bother me after childbirth. Glycerin suppositories help correct formation feces and affect their consistency. Defecation occurs without discomfort.

After the woman in labor has received stitches, she should not strain. For normal contraction and healing of the skin, it is important that the muscles of the pelvis and perineum are at rest. There is a risk that the seams may come apart. It matters in what area the ruptures occurred or the dissections were made.

Most often, stitches are placed in the perineum. For a woman in labor, going to the toilet turns into an ordeal. In such a situation, gynecologists consider the most optimal option to use glycerin suppositories after childbirth with sutures. The method of using suppositories does not differ from that indicated in the instructions.

This drug should not be used on open cracks or wounds. Therefore, if the seams are located in the anus, then suppositories can cause harm. It all depends on the degree of healing and the timing of suturing. In some cases, sutures may become an obstacle when inserting a suppository. The doctor will determine in what situation you can use glycerin.

Gynecologists advise starting to use suppositories after 2-3 days from the moment of constipation. The best way out- this is to achieve the act of defecation naturally. To do this you need to drink a lot of water and consume dairy products. The mother's diet should include vegetables and natural fiber.

Positive aspects of using glycerin suppositories

If a woman in labor experiences painful sensations due to constipation, this aggravates an already difficult situation. In addition to natural postpartum pain in the lower abdomen, a woman may be bothered by recently placed stitches. Glycerin suppositories after childbirth - irreplaceable helpers. They act quickly, which is exactly what is needed in such a situation. Glycerin is easily absorbed by mucous membranes, but is not absorbed by the skin.

During childbirth goes big pressure on hemorrhoids. If feces accumulate in the intestines, the load increases, and this can lead to an exacerbation of the problem. The use of glycerin suppositories after childbirth helps cleanse the intestines and thus prevents blood stagnation, which will subsequently protect against thrombosis.

After childbirth, hemorrhoids may worsen. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to use candles.

Glycerin during lactation

The use of glycerin suppositories after childbirth does not cause harm during breastfeeding. The main active ingredient is absolutely safe. Glycerin suppositories are being developed in small dosages even for infants.

IN in kind Glycerin is transparent and quite fatty. It mixes well with water, and due to this it softens. After introduction into the rectum, its oxidation reaction occurs, and glycerin is converted into the form of carbon dioxide and water. It is because of these properties that it has found its use in medicine. In many preparations it is used as a component that softens irritation. This is why glycerin suppositories are prescribed after childbirth without fear for the baby. IN mother's milk they don't penetrate.

Negative sides

Sometimes the use of suppositories is accompanied by a burning sensation in the anus. In such cases, you should not get too carried away with glycerin.

After using glycerin suppositories after childbirth, some women experienced symptoms such as irritation and strong pain. With such symptoms, individual intolerance makes itself felt. In such a situation, you can use a microenema. Vegetable oil significantly reduces pain.

It is important to take into account that when long-term use glycerin suppositories after childbirth may become addictive. In the future, you will need to make a lot of effort so that the body gets used to independent bowel movements.


Many women in labor are familiar with the remedy in question, as they have encountered the problem of constipation. From reviews of glycerin suppositories after childbirth, it is clear that they are effective. However, their actions are described differently. Sometimes we had to wait longer than expected for results. There was a case when the effect occurred so quickly that the candle came out almost intact. Some young mothers emphasize and negative action the drug mentioned in the instructions. With constant use of candles, the body quickly gets used to them and relaxes.


You should try to use natural methods fight constipation. You should resort to medications only when necessary and it is better to use less intense means. Many laxatives have side effects. Glycerin suppositories after childbirth - effective and harmless remedy. Therefore, if it comes to drugs, then a drug developed for natural basis, will turn out to be the best.


Glycerin suppositories after childbirth

The long-awaited joy of motherhood is sometimes overshadowed by the deterioration of a woman’s well-being. In the first days after the baby is born, the mother’s body is too weakened and vulnerable. Many women experience difficulty defecating in the first months after childbirth. At the same time, constipation and hemorrhoids develop regardless of what kind of birth a woman had. This is why there is a need to use medicines. One of these is glycerin suppositories. Let's learn in detail about their use.

Characteristics of suppositories

The main component of rectal suppositories is glycerin. This substance causes intestinal irritation in mild form, which, in turn, causes the urge to defecate. Suppositories lubricate the anus, soften stool, while simultaneously stimulating intestinal motility. As a result, the elimination of feces from the body is accelerated and facilitated.

Glycerin suppositories belong to the category safe medicines. They are allowed to be used during pregnancy at all stages, and during breastfeeding. They are even available in dosages for infants.

Glycerin itself belongs to the category of trihydric alcohols. It has a viscous consistency and is colorless. IN pure form this substance was first obtained by the Swedish chemist Scheele when he saponified fats. The fatty base and the ability of glycerin to mix with water determine its use in cosmetology and medicine. Glycerin is actively and often used as a component cosmetics, self-moisturizing the skin, relieving its irritation, softening the stool.

The harmlessness of glycerin as a medicinal component is based on its ability to oxidize in our body, turn into water and carbon dioxide. But in its pure form, the substance has an irritating property due to rapid oxidation. It softens when combined with water or petroleum jelly. Glycerin itself reduces the irritating effects of many drugs. The substance is almost not absorbed into the skin. However, it penetrates well into mucous membranes.

So, glycerin mixtures make defecation easier, and as a result of bowel cleansing, the pressure in the hemorrhoidal veins decreases. Their swelling decreases. This serves to prevent blood stagnation, a phenomenon that leads to thrombosis of hemorrhoids.

Rectal suppositories begin to act immediately after they are inserted into the anus. And such efficiency is the advantage of the drug. Its shell quickly dissolves. The stool begins to soften, and the intestinal walls are irritated by the resulting carbon dioxide and water. After about 20-30 minutes, the urge to defecate is felt.

It is worth knowing about the side effects of suppositories. This is a slight burning sensation in the anus. It is also necessary to take into account that with prolonged use of suppositories with glycerin, addiction to them develops. That is, without candles it will be difficult to go to the toilet.

Women after childbirth who have an acute form of hemorrhoids should not use glycerin suppositories. Contraindications include paroproctitis, glycerol intolerance and rectal cancer.

How to use suppositories after childbirth

This remedy is indicated for women with hemorrhoids, which are combined with constipation. It is necessary to use suppositories to stimulate bowel movements if they are absent for 2-3 days. If a woman is bothered by prolonged constipation, then experts advise taking laxatives or using enemas.

For short-term constipation, glycerin suppositories are one of the simplest treatments. They are ideal for nursing mothers, because glycerin itself is non-toxic and is not absorbed into the blood.

According to the instructions, the suppository must be released from the contour packaging, then inserted into the rectum. It is recommended to carry out manipulation 20 minutes after eating. Experts advise women to do this after breakfast and keep in mind that after about 30 minutes they will need to have a bowel movement.

If glycerin suppositories provoke pain syndrome, which can appear with severe irritation of the intestinal wall, it is eliminated using a microenema with vegetable oil.


Glycerin suppositories after childbirth

It often happens that the long-awaited birth of a baby provokes the development of certain deteriorations in the woman’s health. After the birth of a child, the body of the fairer sex is very weak and vulnerable.

Many women in labor begin to complain of problems with bowel movements, especially in the first weeks after the birth of the baby. Moreover, problems such as hemorrhoids and constipation arise regardless of how the baby was born - naturally or with the help caesarean section.

This is why it becomes necessary to use medications to eliminate this violation. One of these is glycerin suppositories. Let us understand in detail what this drug is and how it should be used.


Glycerin-based suppositories belong to the category safe means. They can be used when carrying a child at all stages, as well as breastfeeding. Glycerin suppositories are also produced in dosages for infants.

Active substance products (glycerin) are included in the category of trihydric alcohols. Glycerin is colorless and its consistency is quite soft. This component in its pure form was first obtained by one of the Swedish scientists.

Glycerin has a fatty base, and it mixes very well with water; for these properties, glycerin has found widespread use in the medical field. This substance is also included in various cosmetics.

After entering the body, glycerin oxidizes and turns into carbon dioxide and water. Therefore, it is absolutely harmless. But in its pure form, this component oxidizes very quickly and can have an irritating effect. If you combine glycerin with petroleum jelly or water, it softens.

The component in question reduces the irritating effect of many medications. Glycerin is practically not absorbed into skin. But it penetrates very well into mucous membranes.

Effect of glycerin suppositories

In the composition of rectal suppositories, the main active substance is glycerol. This component provides mild intestinal irritation. This causes the urge to defecate.

Suppositories make stool soft, while they also additionally stimulate intestinal peristalsis. As a result, excretion of feces from the body is much easier and faster.

Glycerin-based suppositories help ease the bowel movement process. As a result, the intestines are cleansed and the pressure in the hemorrhoidal veins decreases. Their swelling decreases. This is an excellent prevention of blood stagnation - a process that provokes thrombosis of hemorrhoids.

Suppositories show their effect immediately after insertion into the anus. And this is a big plus of the product. The drug shell does not dissolve. Feces begin to soften, the intestinal walls are irritated by the resulting water and carbon dioxide.

Side effects

Despite the safety of use this tool, it can also cause some negative reactions from the body. When using glycerin suppositories, a slight burning sensation may occur in the area anus.

It should also be taken into account that if you use glycerin-based suppositories long time, then addiction to them occurs. That is, in the future, without the use of suppositories, it will be difficult to go to the toilet.

Postpartum patients who have hemorrhoids in acute form, it is strictly prohibited to use glycerin suppositories. Also, contraindications to the use of this drug are rectal cancer, individual intolerance to glycerol, paraproctitis.

How to use suppositories after childbirth

This drug is recommended for women who have hemorrhoids along with constipation. Suppositories should be used to stimulate the process of bowel movements if there is no bowel movement for 2-3 days. If a representative of the fairer sex is bothered by prolonged constipation, then doctors recommend using laxatives or enemas.

If constipation is not long-lasting, then glycerin suppositories are one of the simplest and most effective means of relief. They are ideal for women who are lactating because glycerin does not enter the bloodstream and is not toxic.

Before use, the suppositories must be removed from the package and then inserted into the rectum. It is recommended to do this 20-30 minutes after eating food. Doctors recommend carrying out this manipulation after the morning meal, given that after about half an hour you will need to empty your bowels.

If, when using this remedy, pain occurs due to severe irritation of the intestinal wall, then you can get rid of it by using a microenema with vegetable oil.

Often women face the problem of constipation after giving birth. To an ordinary person one might be inclined to traditional treatment, but a young mother should treat each drug with caution, since the health of her baby depends on it. Doctors often prescribe glycerin suppositories after childbirth.

What are glycerin suppositories?

Suppositories with glycerin are a medicine that has a laxative effect. The suppository contains glycerol. This is an active ingredient that has laxative effect, irritates the intestinal mucosa, improves its motility, which stimulates the passage of feces through the large intestine. Glycerin suppositories after childbirth with stitches will help a woman get rid of constipation, improve normal work intestines.

It is worth knowing the rules for storing suppositories so that they do not spoil. Namely:

  1. keep the medicine in a cool place;
  2. the drug can be used for 2 years;
  3. when the shelf life expires, you should throw away the medicine, as it is no longer suitable for use;
  4. Suppositories should be kept where children cannot reach.

Why is the drug needed?

When a candle has been introduced, its effect occurs throughout the day. It irritates the intestinal receptors, so its walls begin to contract, mucus appears, which facilitates the process of defecation.

This medicine is used when proctogenic constipation occurs. If chronic constipation occurs, then glycerin suppositories cannot be used. Otherwise, intestinal obstruction may occur.

The drug has some contraindications. Do not use the product on wounds that bleed or proctitis. Glycerin suppositories for hemorrhoids after childbirth are used with caution. It is recommended to consult a doctor initially.

The medicine is often prescribed to pregnant women and young mothers during lactation. This is due to the fact that it does not harm either the fair sex or her child. There are also glycerin suppositories on sale for children, which are used when constipation occurs in young children. At the same time, they are safe for their health.

How to use the drug

How to use glycerin suppositories after childbirth? To enhance the effect of the medicine, you should adhere to the following rules:
  1. Suppositories must be inserted once throughout the day. This should be done after breakfast.
  2. The drug is used as needed. If you carry out a whole course of treatment, the condition may worsen.
  3. If there hemorrhoids, you should be careful and take into account all contraindications.
  4. If any side effects, then use of the medicine is stopped.
If you use suppositories frequently and for a long period, discomfort in the intestines may occur, which can provoke the appearance of catarrhal proctitis. If this happens, doctors advise using an enema of warm oil, of which you should take a tablespoon. In addition, treatment with suppositories must be stopped.

Suppositories with glycerin should not be used frequently. When the intestines are completely restored, then treatment is stopped. You cannot lubricate candles with any oils, as this will have a bad effect on your health.

After pregnancy and the birth of a baby, a woman faces a lot of problems. One of them is constipation. In this case, suppositories with glycerin can help. allowed to be used during pregnancy and lactation, as they do not harm mommy and her baby.

First of all, doctors insist on the use of suppositories, the action of which is not based on chemical reactions with the formation of components that dilute feces and have an irritating effect on the intestinal muscles. Such suppositories have only a local effect at the level of the rectum.

Suppositories are also used, the components of which cause gas formation, which irritates the walls of the large intestine and stimulates its peristalsis. As a result, it is easier for feces to move out of the body.

Glycerin suppositories

The safest, and therefore popular and commonly used suppositories for constipation during breastfeeding.


    mild irritant effect on the rectal mucosa;

    soften stool by attracting water from the intestines.

As a result of using glycerin suppositories, motility improves and emptying occurs without effort.

It is worth remembering that glycerin-based suppositories cannot be used for acute inflammatory processes, fresh anal fissures, exacerbation of hemorrhoids

Despite the harmlessness and mostly good tolerance of the drug, side effects may occur when using it. If there is a burning sensation or irritation in the anus, it is better to change the laxative. Individual intolerance to the drug may also occur.

Ferrolax, Calciolax

Belongs to the group of drugs causing gas formation in the intestines. When sodium bicarbonate, which is part of the product, decomposes, carbon dioxide is formed, which swells the colon and stimulates it to empty. There are no contraindications to the use of such drugs, so they are widely used for the treatment of childbirth.

Rhubarb candles

Also classified as gas-forming drugs, they also contain rhubarb extract - natural herbal remedy. Such suppositories can be used during lactation without fear that they will affect the child’s digestion.

Candles with sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is known for its ability to heal wounds.

Therefore, its use in suppositories is justified when a new mother is bothered by cracks in the rectum. If after childbirth a woman suffers from damage to the anus or is plagued by paraproctitis, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, such suppositories are best choice. Sea buckthorn oil not only heals damage to the intestinal wall, but also covers them with an oil film, which ensures easy passage of waste products, and also softens stool. There are no contraindications other than an allergy to sea buckthorn.

The advantage of candles is that active ingredients do not penetrate the intestinal walls, which means they do not pass into mother’s milk and do not cause digestive upset in the baby.


Contains sodium bicarbonate and potassium bitartrate, as well as polyethylene glycol. All these substances are non-toxic and neutral. Upon contact with liquid inside the intestines, carbon dioxide is formed, which stimulates bowel movements. Polyethylene glycol envelops the walls and has a softening effect. The drug is recommended for treatment, as it has an effect similar to physiological.

How to use suppositories for constipation

In order for rectal suppositories to be effective, they must be used correctly. For constipation, they are inserted into the rectum in the morning after breakfast. It is recommended to drink more liquid during meals and immediately after inserting the suppository you should also drink a glass of tea or juice.

Sea buckthorn suppositories can be used twice a day - after breakfast and before bed.

You should not use force when inserting a suppository; the suppository should pass through the sphincter freely without causing pain. To do this, you need to lie on your left side with your knees bent and try to relax.

After the candle is inserted, you should lie down for a while and then move at your usual pace. The duration of action of laxative suppositories is from several to 40-50 minutes.

Candles are not intended for continuous use; they can only be used once every few days when others do not help. safe ways stimulation of bowel movements – diet and exercise

Disadvantages of using suppositories for constipation

Action rectal suppositories is aimed at eliminating constipation, as a consequence of a gastrointestinal disorder, and not at treating the disease. They provide temporary relief, but do not get rid of the cause. Therefore, the use of candles as emergency assistance quite justified, but at the same time the root cause of the disease should be sought and eradicated.

Negative aspects of using suppositories after childbirth:

    frequency of use. Daily use of rectal suppositories leads to the body becoming accustomed to their composition and action, and over time their effectiveness decreases, which forces one to look for stronger laxatives.

In order to be sure that the use of suppositories for constipation will be safe during lactation and will not cause additional troubles for the woman herself, you should first consult with your doctor. He will tell you the regularity of using candles, their type, taking into account individual characteristics and associated pathologies.

It often happens that the long-awaited birth of a baby provokes the development of certain deteriorations in the woman’s health. After the birth of a child, the body of the fairer sex is very weak and vulnerable.

Many women in labor begin to complain of problems with bowel movements, especially in the first weeks after the birth of the baby. Moreover, problems such as hemorrhoids and constipation arise regardless of how the baby was born - naturally or with the help.

That is why there is a need to use medications to eliminate this disorder. One of these is glycerin suppositories. Let us understand in detail what this drug is and how it should be used.


Glycerin-based suppositories are classified as safe products. They can be used when carrying a child at all stages, as well as during breastfeeding. Glycerin suppositories are also produced in dosages for infants.

The active substance of the product (glycerin) is included in the category of trihydric alcohols. Glycerin is colorless and its consistency is quite soft. This component in its pure form was first obtained by one of the Swedish scientists.

Glycerin has a fatty base, and it mixes very well with water; for these properties, glycerin has found widespread use in the medical field. This substance is also included in various cosmetics.

After entering the body, glycerin oxidizes and turns into carbon dioxide and water. Therefore, it is absolutely harmless. But in its pure form, this component oxidizes very quickly and can have an irritating effect. If combined with Vaseline or water, it softens.

The component in question reduces the irritating effect of many medications. Glycerin is practically not absorbed into the skin. But it penetrates very well into mucous membranes.

The main active ingredient in rectal suppositories is glycerin. This component provides mild intestinal irritation. This causes the urge to defecate.

Suppositories make stool soft, while they also additionally stimulate intestinal peristalsis. As a result, excretion of feces from the body is much easier and faster.

Glycerin-based suppositories help ease the bowel movement process. As a result, the intestines are cleansed and the pressure in the hemorrhoidal veins decreases. Their swelling decreases. This is an excellent prevention of blood stagnation - a process that provokes thrombosis of hemorrhoids.

Suppositories show their effect immediately after insertion into the anus. And this is a big plus of the product. The drug shell does not dissolve. The feces begin to soften, the intestinal walls are irritated by the resulting water and carbon dioxide.

Side effects

Despite the safety of using this product, it can also cause some negative reactions from the body. When using glycerin suppositories, a slight burning sensation may occur in the anus.

It should also be taken into account that if you use glycerin-based suppositories for a long time, you will become addicted to them. That is, in the future, without the use of suppositories, it will be difficult to go to the toilet.

Postpartum patients who have acute hemorrhoids are strictly prohibited from using glycerin suppositories. Also, contraindications to the use of this remedy are: rectal cancer, individual intolerance to glycerol, paraproctitis.

This drug is recommended for women who have hemorrhoids along with constipation. Suppositories should be used to stimulate the process of bowel movements if there is no bowel movement for 2-3 days. If a representative of the fairer sex is bothered by prolonged constipation, then doctors recommend using laxatives or enemas.

If constipation is not long-lasting, then glycerin suppositories are one of the simplest and most effective remedies. They are ideal for women who are lactating because glycerin does not enter the bloodstream and is not toxic.

Before use, the suppositories must be removed from the package and then inserted into the rectum. It is recommended to do this 20-30 minutes after eating food. Doctors recommend carrying out this manipulation after the morning meal, given that after about half an hour you will need to empty your bowels.

If, when using this remedy, pain occurs due to severe irritation of the intestinal wall, then you can get rid of it by using a microenema with vegetable oil.