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Glycerin suppositories for children 6 years old. Video on how to place a glycerin suppository for a baby. Side effects of glycerin suppositories

Newborn babies often suffer from increased gas formation and constipation. Characteristic manifestations Problems include bowel movements every three days or less, bouts of sudden crying, and pulling of the legs toward the stomach. There are various ways that help you cope with the situation. One of effective methods combat constipation - glycerin suppositories. At what age is it legal to use suppositories? How to use them correctly? We will tell you all this in our material.

Gas formation and constipation are observed quite often in infants

General provisions

The main indications for the use of glycerin suppositories are constipation and bloating, which may be accompanied by colic. Suppositories act quickly and effectively. As a rule, you don’t have to wait long for the result; it occurs within 10-30 minutes after administering the drug to the anus. During this period, the suppository begins to dissolve, which irritates the intestinal walls and causes them to contract. In addition, the substances included in the drug dilute stool, facilitating bowel movements.

On sale you can find candles for children and adults. The former contain half as much active ingredient as the latter. Glycerin suppositories for children can be produced under different trade names. The most popular are Glycelax and Glycerin, all of them are made on the basis of glycerol.

There are no special candles for newborns. Infants are allowed to put on children's medications, strictly observing the dosage. A special table shows the names of the drugs and the amount of active substance - you must strictly adhere to these recommendations.

Suppositories dosage table for newborns (under 3 months):

Glycelax suppositories are an analogue of conventional glycerin suppositories.

The drug must be used correctly, according to the dosage indicated in the table. However, you should consult your pediatrician before using it. Parents may mistake a child's 2-3 day delay in bowel movements for constipation. Sometimes this picture is observed in absolutely healthy babies. The doctor will evaluate general condition patient and will give recommendations whether or not to induce stool artificially.

Please note that glycerin suppositories are not recommended for regular use. They induce defecation only in in rare cases. If a child has a tendency to constipation, the problem must be approached comprehensively, that is, it is necessary to treat not the symptom, but the disease.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Although glycerin suppositories are a popular remedy for constipation, they still have contraindications and are not without some side effects. First, let's look at the benefits of the drug:

  • quick results;
  • budget cost;
  • comfortable introduction;
  • not absorbed into the intestinal wall;
  • approved for use from an early age.

Glycerin suppositories for newborns and babies up to three months cannot be used regularly. There is a danger of addiction - the child’s intestines will refuse to “work” on their own.

As a rule, the drug acts quickly enough and allows the child to have a bowel movement.

The consequences of haphazard use of the drug are quite unpleasant. Among them:

An overdose of the drug can cause discomfort in the anus - itching, irritation. If a child experiences similar symptoms, suppositories should not be administered. Dr. Komarovsky also does not consider this remedy useful for the child and recommends its use in rare cases, as a one-time aid. If you decide to give your baby suppositories, it is worth studying the contraindications:

Most pediatricians note that single administration suppositories cannot harm either an infant or a child over one year old. If your baby experiences constipation regularly, it is worth looking for another solution to the problem.

How to use suppositories correctly?

Glycerin suppositories affect each child differently. In most cases, the time for defecation to occur is 5-15 minutes. However, there are situations when the child has a bowel movement an hour or more after the procedure. Pediatricians do not recommend administering suppositories more than twice a week; after that, you should take a break.

Frequent use glycerin suppositories leads to a decrease in intestinal tone

At what age can you give a candle to a baby? The instructions for the drug indicate that it is not recommended for use in children under 3 months of age. However, if necessary, the pediatrician can prescribe suppositories for a newborn as a one-time aid. The drug should not be used as a prophylactic or as a drug to normalize stool.

Before giving glycerin suppositories to newborns, the drug must be divided into parts, otherwise there is a risk of exceeding the dose and injuring the anus. It is enough to cut children's suppositories in half, “adults” - into three or four parts.

Rules of application

For those who decide to light a candle for a newborn for the first time, it makes sense to study the sequence of actions in the video. However, first it is advisable to learn a few rules for using suppositories:

  1. Before starting the procedure, you need to wash your hands. Dirty fingers can give your baby an infection that can irritate the skin of the anus.
  2. Divide the candle into 2 parts, if this children's drug, or 3-4 – if for adults.
  3. Lay the baby on his side (preferably on the left), bend his knees and pull them slightly towards his chest.
  4. Lubricate the anus with oil or baby cream.
  5. With your left hand, lift the upper buttock, with your right hand, insert the candle into the anus so that it completely disappears in the rectum. This must be done carefully, without haste.
  6. Then squeeze both buttocks for a couple of minutes so that the candle does not come out entirely, but has time to dissolve. If the candle slips out, you need to insert it a little deeper.
  7. Next, wait until the drug takes effect and causes defecation, which may occur after the procedure, or maybe a little later.

Sometimes the suppository does not cause bowel movements. In this situation, it is allowed to repeat the procedure, but not earlier than after 12 hours. It is better if the pediatrician deals with the issue - perhaps the doctor will prescribe a different drug for the baby.

Alternative drugs

Glycerin suppositories are not ideal for every child. Infants and children under 3 months of age are often prescribed other medications to normalize bowel movements. At the same time, glycerin is the only medicine of this kind, but to solve the problem, pediatricians can offer parents an alternative. For example, a microenema is effective, as is a gas outlet tube.

Laxatives for children:

Name of the drugWhen to useStandard dose
Enema MiklolaksConstipation1 time per day
Lactulose (syrup) (we recommend reading:)5 ml
Duphalac (more details in the article:)
Espumisan (drops, syrup)Bloating, gasIndividually, on the recommendation of a doctor
Gas outlet pipeFlatulence, bloatingAs needed
Sub Simplex suspension (more details in the article:)Flatulence15 drops per day

The Microlax enema works in a similar way to suppositories - after its administration, the child poops almost immediately (more details in the article:). Among the components of the drug there is also glycerin. Microclysters are very popular; even an amateur can perform them.

The Microlax enema is very easy to administer - even inexperienced parents can do it

Benefits of Microlax enema:

  • helps intestinal function;
  • approved for use from birth;
  • has almost no contraindications;
  • effective;
  • has a local effect and is completely excreted from the intestines along with feces.

It is worth remembering that an enema can cause allergies - for example, if a child has an individual sensitivity to any component. Like suppositories, it is not recommended to use enemas more than once or twice a week and do not consider them as a drug for the treatment of constipation (we recommend reading:).

According to many pediatricians, Lactulose syrup is preferable to use than glycerin suppositories, especially for children under 4 years of age. Dr. Komarovsky also speaks about this.

Other methods for relieving constipation

Before solving the problem of constipation with glycerin suppositories or microenemas, you should try to help your baby with non-medicinal means. If the child has not had a bowel movement for more than one or two days, the following techniques will be useful:

  • Exercises for arms and legs. A kind of gymnastics for babies has helped improve intestinal motility for many pediatric patients. You need to lay the child on his back, spread his arms to the sides. Then cross them in front of the chest and spread them apart again. Now you need to bend your knees and pull them up to your stomach one by one.

Special exercises stimulate intestinal motility
  • Perform a circular tummy massage. With an open palm, you need to stroke your stomach clockwise. Photo similar procedure can be found on the web.
  • Baths will also help you relax and improve bowel function. For more greater effect Herbal decoctions can be added to the water.

All these remedies are effective, but the results will not be immediate. How long does it take to get a chair? As a rule, bowel movement occurs within 12-24 hours. In order for massage and gymnastics to help the baby establish regular bowel movements, they need to be performed 2-3 times a day. Baths can be done before bedtime.

Other home remedies are also effective. For example, many parents of infants make prune or raisin tincture. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. dried fruits, pour boiling water and leave for an hour. This drink will help you avoid increased gas formation and will gently relieve constipation. The volume of tincture must be determined by a doctor.

Nutrition for constipation

It is extremely important to properly organize your baby’s diet. If the child is breastfeeding, it is necessary for mom to add foods to her diet that have a positive effect on intestinal motility. Sometimes it is enough to simply review your menu to find the cause of constipation and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. List of products that will help solve the problem:

  • fermented milk products– low-fat yogurt, kefir, sourdough;
  • prunes – 2-3 berries per day;
  • beets - boiled, baked;
  • oatmeal – daily use oatmeal helps improve bowel function.

Prunes in a mother's diet help to get rid of constipation in babies

If the child is on artificial feeding, you need to reconsider the formula that the baby is fed. Some types of mixtures contain prebiotics that help intestinal function. You can also add more vegetables, yogurt, and kefir to the diet of a baby, starting from the 5th month, who is already receiving complementary foods.

It is worth remembering that constipation can be a sign of another disease. Before giving your baby a candle, it is advisable to visit the doctor. The doctor will help you find the cause of the problem and also prescribe the right treatment.

In my own way chemical composition liquid glycerin is a trihydric alcohol, the action of which is designed to form fats natural origin and other lipids.

In terms of its consistency, glycerin is a syrupy, sweetish liquid that is odorless and colorless (transparent). Glycerin contains absolutely no toxic or harmful substances.

Glycerin is mixed with ethyl alcohol and water in any proportions, but is absolutely insoluble in fatty oils and ethyl ether.

Application of glycerin

Glycerin has become widespread in laboratory and pharmaceutical practice.

Glycerin is used:

  • food industry;
  • tobacco production;
  • medicine;
  • cosmetology;
  • agriculture;
  • textile industry;
  • paper industry;
  • leather industry;
  • paint and varnish industry;
  • food industry;
  • electrical engineering;
  • radio engineering.

Glycerin is used in the manufacture of paper, plastic, cellophane, polish, varnish, capacitors, electrical insulating resin, dynamite, candles, and soap. Light industry uses the properties of glycerin to give fabrics softness and elasticity.

Application in medicine

Glycerin is used in pharmacology as a solvent for medicinal compositions and is a fundamental component of many ointments. Glycerin is also used in the production of drugs such as nitroglycerin.

IN pure form or in concentrated solutions, irritates the mucous membranes and stimulates intestinal motility. Therefore, it is used to activate defecation and is used to prevent.

Glycerin is used with aqueous solution heated when removed ear plugs. At internal use it reduces cerebral edema and reduces intracranial pressure, and also reduces the volume vitreous eyes and lowers intracranial pressure.

When ingested, it can produce glucose, glycogen and lipids.

Glycerin in cosmetology

When combined with ethyl alcohol, water, petroleum jelly, lanolin (10-30%), glycerin has a tissue softening property and, as a rule, is used as an emollient for mucous membranes and skin. In combination with alcohol and ammonia is a softening agent for the skin of the hands.

Glycerin is an excellent nourishing and moisturizing agent for hair.


  • moisturizes dry and frizzy hair;
  • additionally nourishes damaged hair with split ends;
  • eliminates dandruff and scalp irritation;
  • preserves the color of dyed hair;
  • restores fat balance;
  • lightens hair;
  • creates a microfilm on the surface of the hair and scalp, retaining moisture;
  • eliminates itching of the scalp;
  • adds shine to hair;
  • makes hair bouncy and elastic.

Homemade hygiene cosmetics are made from glycerin. It is also added to purchased cosmetics: shampoos, balms, creams and masks. Pour 1 teaspoon of glycerin into one bottle or jar.

In cosmetology, the ability of glycerin to retain moisture is widely used.

Glycerin will help you get rid of cracked heels. At problem skin liquid glycerin replaces cleansing lotion. It increases the regenerative ability of cells and helps get rid of inflammation.

Use of glycerin in the food industry and agriculture

Due to its ability to increase viscosity, glycerin is known as food additives, which is used as an emulsifier.

Treating seeds with glycerin accelerates their germination and protects them from the appearance of fungus, and treating trees protects the bark from adverse weather conditions.

Side effects

An increase in plasma osmolar pressure after taking glycerol leads to the transfer of fluid from tissues into the vascular bed and, as a result, to an increase in the load on the heart.

When glycerin is used externally in large quantities a side effect may occur in the form of tissue dehydration, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, it can cause itching and burning.

As soon as young parents have solved the problems of colic and teething associated with the introduction of complementary foods and the growth of the baby, they are overtaken by a new challenge - childhood constipation.


Constipation is a dysfunction gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which the feces move slowly, causing the child discomfort and sometimes pain.

The etiology of constipation is very simple:

  • nutritional factor - violations of the diet and quality of nutrition, as well as lack of fluid;
  • mechanical factor - organic changes in the gastrointestinal tract, so-called “anatomical defects”;
  • dyskinetic factor - failure of motility and innervation of the gastrointestinal tract.

In some cases, constipation can be caused by:

  • lack of fiber (vegetable) in the baby’s food;
  • violation of feeding or diet (complementary feeding introduced too early, incorrect feeding regimen, eating monotonous food);
  • time of year - in summer the absence of stool can be 2-3 days;
  • weak motor activity baby;
  • violation of the child's intestinal microflora;
  • underweight;
  • rickets;
  • lactose deficiency.

U healthy baby constipation does not last long. When a child is bottle-fed, if constipation occurs, fermented milk products should be given, which will help improve digestive process. A 5-6 month old baby should include in his diet natural juices, mixtures based on oat decoction.

It is recommended to exercise before eating. For example, the “bicycle” exercise: put the child on his back and take turns pressing his legs to his tummy. After the child has eaten, you can stroke the tummy clockwise. These simple procedures will help prevent constipation.

Most often, in order to normalize the baby’s stool, it is enough for the mother to adjust her diet (when breastfeeding) or choose a different milk formula for the baby (artificial feeding). If you suspect dysbiosis in a child, you should do an examination and undergo a course of treatment.

"First aid" for constipation in children

To cope with the problem, pediatricians have been prescribing a drug for many years, the quality and safety of which is beyond doubt - glycerin suppositories for children.

This drug belongs to the category of dermatoprotectors. Basics active substance- glycerol.

Glycerol (glycerol) is the simplest trihydric alcohol. Chemical name - 1,2,3-trihydroxypropane. The substance is actively used in gastroenterology as a laxative, as well as in dermatology for dry skin and mucous membranes.

Pediatricians do not recommend immediately using laxatives for constipation in children, because they will lead to a decrease in the bowel movement reflex. Also frequent use laxatives contribute to the loss of potassium and protein in the child’s body, reducing intestinal and muscle tone. If, due to difficulty in defecation, the child experiences colic and advanced education gases, recommended for use dill water or fennel tea.

Pharmacological action

Since glycerin suppositories belong to a number of dermaprotectors, they affect nerve endings rectum, onto the mucous membrane of the intestinal tube, thereby stimulating intestinal motility at the reflex level, leading the whole process to defecation.

In the intestinal lumen, glycerol softens stool, thereby facilitating comfortable bowel movements. The pharmacokinetics of the drug is unknown. Medicine does not have the ability to accumulate in the body, this is the main advantage of using the drug for children under one year of age.

Directions for use and doses

The drug comes in two forms of release, for children and for adults.

The child dose is considered to be the concentration of glycerol in one suppository in the amount of 1.44 g with excipients(stearic acid, crystalline sodium carbonate). Candle weight -1.6 g.

For one-time use, children under one year of age are prescribed 1 suppository into the anus. Glycerin suppositories can be used for up to 5 days.

For children aged 1 to 6 years, 1 suppository for single use is also recommended.

For children over 6 years old, the optimal dosage is 2.11 grams of glycerol per 1 suppository. Time to use candles is 5-6 days maximum.

The suppository is administered rectally, it is advisable to do this procedure 15-20 minutes after breakfast.

The rectal technique for administering a suppository to a baby under 1 year of age is as follows:

  • place the child on his back or side;
  • bend its legs so that they reach the baby’s tummy;
  • insert the candle into the anus and hold the child’s buttocks closed for 5-10 seconds so that it does not immediately come out.

Before the procedure, the mother must wash her hands and lubricate the child’s anus with cream or cosmetic oil. The suppository should be administered very slowly and carefully.

Why can't you use glycerin suppositories often?

If the use of glycerin suppositories becomes a system, it can significantly harm the body. Over time, the receptors that are irritated by glycerol may completely lose natural sensitivity, intestinal motility and natural process The child's bowel movements are disrupted.

Therefore, you should strictly adhere to the regulations dictated by the instructions, and before using the drug it is better to consult a pediatrician.


Contraindications to the use of suppositories are:

  • hypersensitivity to glycerin;
  • anal fissures in a baby;
  • inflammation in the rectum;
  • hemorrhoids in the acute stage.

Side effects

Side effects from the use of suppositories include various allergic reactions, including itching, burning and hyperemia in the child’s anus.


The average price for a package of candles on the pharmacy market is from 133 to 164 rubles for 10 pieces.

The drug has four brand names:

  • suppositories with glycerin;
  • glycerin (rectal suppositories, laxatives);
  • Glycelax (MosPharm).

The price of the above drugs remains constant with the name change. The active ingredient is the same, the auxiliary components may be different, but this does not change the functions and effects of the suppositories.

Analogues to this medicinal substance No. There are laxatives for children of a different category, which have a completely different composition, and the price is also different.

Often young mothers face such a problem as constipation in newborns and infants. Formula-fed babies especially often suffer from constipation. But such problems also occur in children who eat breast milk due to changes in the mother's diet.

A very popular remedy for combating constipation in infants and newborns is suppositories with glycerin. In case of constipation in a child, they will be recommended to you by experienced mothers, and many pediatricians. But, if you are planning to use glycerin suppositories to eliminate bowel problems in your newborn baby, you must first learn everything about this remedy.

Can glycerin suppositories be used for newborns?

There are no special glycerin suppositories for newborns. Most likely, you will buy regular suppositories with glycerin or suppositories for children (for example, glycelax) at the pharmacy. In the annotations for both, you can read that they are used in children starting from 3 one month old(and a newborn is considered a child less than 1 month old).

But in some cases, if it is really necessary, pediatricians still prescribe glycerin suppositories not only for infants, but also for newborns. It is believed that it is not dangerous, since it contains active substance– glycerol – is not absorbed by the intestines, but only has an irritating effect on the rectum. Therefore, glycerin suppositories are not addictive and do not have any negative impact on children's body generally.

However, glycerin suppositories can still cause harm to a growing organism: if you give glycerin suppositories to a child haphazardly and in unlimited quantities, you can disrupt natural peristalsis and bowel movement for a long time. IN extreme cases much more are possible serious problems such as enterocolitis, drug diarrhea, intestinal obstruction.

Glycerin suppositories for newborns - dosage

Children's glycerin suppositories are available in a dosage of 0.75 g, adults - in a dosage of 1.5 g. Children, starting from 3 months, are allowed to administer 0.75 g (i.e., one children's suppository or half an adult) per day no more than 7 days. In newborns, this dose should be spread over at least 3 days. It is not recommended to use glycerin suppositories more than once a day.

How to place glycerin suppositories for newborns?

First of all, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Using a clean, sharp knife, cut the suppository (candle) lengthwise into 2-4 pieces. Lubricate your baby's bottom with baby cream or oil. Place your baby on his back, lift his legs with one hand, bend them and press them to his tummy. Insert the cut piece of the candle into the child's anus slowly and carefully. Then hold the baby’s buttocks closed with your palm for 2-3 minutes (you can take the baby in your arms - this will be more comfortable for you and he will be calmer). After this time or a little later, the baby will be able to “do his business.” As a rule, you have to wait no more than half an hour. Some babies manage to do this in the first seconds after inserting the suppository.

The main thing to remember when using glycerin suppositories to combat constipation in newborns

Glycerin suppositories are not a remedy for treating constipation, but only to eliminate its symptoms. They should be used only until the main cause of problems with the child’s stool is identified and eliminated. This is where a pediatrician should first of all help parents. Often, to normalize the baby’s digestion and stool, it is enough just to adjust the feeding mother’s diet or change the milk formula. Constipation can also be caused by dysbacteriosis - then careful examination and treatment is necessary. So, parents, be extremely attentive to the health of your baby and do not get carried away with symptomatic treatment.

In this article:

Young mothers should ensure that their newborn babies do not have constipation. This is dangerous for their health, because toxins accumulate in their small bodies. To solve this problem, use different means. Many doctors recommend glycerin suppositories for newborns. This medical product often used in pediatric practice, as it has a number of advantages.


It is important to remember safety precautions when using glycerin suppositories. It is imperative to monitor the dosage of the drug. If you increase the prescribed dose even slightly, the child will feel a strong burning sensation. The trouble is that he won’t be able to talk about it, but will scream and squirm. Inexperienced mothers may regard this as difficulty in bowel movements, and put another candle, which will worsen the situation.

In rare cases, such phenomena as intestinal obstruction and enterocolitis are possible with frequent and uncontrolled use of suppositories. Young parents should take their baby’s problem seriously in order to properly help him and not harm him.

Analogues of the drug

Sometimes by various reasons It is not possible to purchase glycerin suppositories for infants. In this case, analogues of the drug come to the rescue. A common analogue is the drug Mirolax. Unlike suppositories with glycerin, Mirolax is administered as a microenema, gently cleanses the intestines and promotes excretion feces. How quickly does this drug work? A medicated enema produces a bowel movement within 10–15 minutes. Less often this time reaches the mark of half an hour.

The drug Portalac is considered an analogue of glycerin suppositories. It is taken orally and produces a laxative effect. This drug can be used from birth at the indicated dosage. The dose is most often selected by the doctor individually, depending on the condition of the baby and the method of feeding.

When dealing with constipation in newborn babies, it is important to remember that bowel movements do not cure, but help remove the symptoms of fecal retention in the intestines. Glycerin suppositories are the most harmless remedy for difficulties with defecation, since the active substance is not absorbed into the intestinal walls. But this drug must be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor to avoid side effects from its use.

Useful video on how to light a candle for a baby