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Ammonia is a pharmaceutical name. Ammonia poisoning: symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Ammonia used in medical purposes and in everyday life, in some cases it can even be dangerous to health. Often there is poisoning with ammonia when it gets inside or inhales a large amount of ammonia vapor.

Fortunately, despite the fact that ammonia poisoning is quite dangerous, it can be avoided with timely assistance. serious problems. But even with mild poisoning and adequate medical care always possible death(in casuistic cases).

Ammonia is a 10% aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide. It's colorless clear liquid with a strong unpleasant odour. An interesting fact is that for people with iron deficiency anemia the smell of ammonia can be pleasant.

This ammonia solution is used in both domestic and medical fields (ampoule solution of 1 milliliter and in vials of 10, 50 and 100 milliliters).

Ammonia has many trade names, the most popular is ammonia bufus, or simply ammonia solution.

Ammonia is a universal remedy, the use of which is justified in many cases. The main characteristics of ammonia are as follows:

  • breathing stimulator;
  • local irritant;
  • acid neutralizer;
  • antiseptic;
  • disinfectant.

Application in everyday life

Ammonia solution in everyday life has been successfully used for washing glasses for more than 50 years. Moreover, ammonia solution is even included in some modern detergents(according to manufacturers).

Painted surfaces are perfectly amenable to cleaning with an aqueous solution of ammonia.

Also in everyday life it is used to achieve the following goals:

  • fur and suede cleaning;
  • cleaning and freshening up old carpets and rugs;
  • a solution of ammonia with glycerin is used to remove difficult stains from clothes and furniture upholstery;
  • for cleaning the fabric of umbrellas;
  • to remove shiny and greasy stains (usually on shirt collars).

Application in medicine

The use of ammonia in medicine has a long history. This is one of better ways bring a person to consciousness with fainting or neurological disorders. The effectiveness of this method is extremely high (which is confirmed by research on "PubMed").

At the same time, the mechanism for bringing a sick person to the senses with the help of ammonia is quite simple. Ammonia vapors penetrate deep into the pulmonary system through the nasopharynx, irritating there nerve endings and the respiratory center itself.

It turns out that a person comes from ammonia to feelings due to the fact that when inhaling ammonia vapors, the body reflexively tries to protect itself from further inhalation of vapors of this substance. And this is understandable, since prolonged inhalation of ammonia (or, moreover, pure ammonia) does not stimulate the central nervous system, but depresses, sometimes even completely stopping breathing.

In addition to bringing to life, ammonia is also used to disinfect hands before a surgical operation.

However, it should be noted that this method of cleaning the hands of surgeons has long been outdated and is now used only in volunteer medical institutions third world countries.

Application in everyday life (video)

Impact on the human body

Ammonia vapors, entering the pulmonary system, lead to local edema allergic type. This is a very serious situation, as it leads to bronchospasm (squeezing of small-caliber bronchi) and pulmonary ischemia (vessels are greatly narrowed).

It is important to note that this is possible only with prolonged inhalation of ammonia (more than 3-5 seconds). It turns out that the longer ammonia vapors enter the pulmonary system, the more serious the prognosis for the patient becomes.

Already after 40 seconds of inhalation, the first symptoms of damage to the central nervous system. The patient turns pale, falls into a stupor, the heart rate increases to a critical level of 180 beats per minute.

At this stage, if the source of ammonia fumes is removed, the patient will come to his senses relatively quickly and there will be no threat to his life.

However, the situation will not do without consequences: such a long inhalation of ammonia vapors will in any case lead to damage to the lung mucosa.

If the source is not removed, and the inhalation of vapors continues, the next stage may be severe neurological disorder and coma. The prognosis in this case is serious, the probability of death is high.

Vapor poisoning (by inhalation) - symptoms

It is possible to inhale ammonia without health consequences only for a short time (no more than three seconds), followed by the development of symptoms of poisoning. The longer ammonia is inhaled, the more severe the symptoms.

With prolonged inhalation of ammonia develops the following symptoms:

  1. Coughing and choking, in some cases even turning into a complete cessation of breathing.
  2. Increased arousal.
  3. Bronchospasm of the type of bronchial asthma.
  4. Whistling and wheezing in the lungs.
  5. Dizziness and incoordination.
  6. Blurry vision, double vision.
  7. Delusions, hallucinations (in severe cases).
  8. Loss of consciousness (syncope).
  9. Feeling of interruptions in the work of the heart (extrasystole), pain in the region of the heart, sinus tachycardia(increased heart rate up to 140 beats per minute).
  10. Nausea, vomiting (not bringing relief).
  11. Pre-fainting states.
  12. Feelings of heat all over the body, and a feeling of "rush of blood from the legs to the head."
  13. Panic attacks.

If the source of vapor poisoning is not removed in time, a fatal outcome is possible. A special danger of ammonia vapor poisoning is in those people who have diseases of the cardiopulmonary system and a history of allergies.

The first step is to isolate the patient from the source of ammonia fumes. Immediately after this, the patient should be freed from outer clothing and taken to fresh air (the street would be ideal).

If after that the patient comes to his senses within a few minutes, a slight poisoning has occurred, which does not require medical assistance. If symptoms persist, call ambulance because it is not possible to help in this situation on the spot.

In the ambulance, the patient will undergo oxygenation (saturation) with oxygen and the introduction of drugs to stabilize the condition. In a hospital setting, more radical and aggressive procedures usually with drips.

In severe cases, the patient will be transferred either to the ward intensive care or in intensive care. The prognosis in such cases is difficult to give, but it is usually serious.

Ingestion - symptoms

If ammonia got inside the body, the prognosis is relatively unfavorable. Even if death does not occur (and with the use of more than 50 milligrams of the drug it is practically guaranteed), serious complications develop.

When ingested ammonia causes the following symptoms:

  • severe pain in the abdomen, often "dagger" and "cutting";
  • physiological obstruction (blockage) of the larynx and trachea, manifested in the form of total asphyxia with the inability to breathe;
  • nausea and vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • an increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees, a feeling of heat, increased sweating;
  • a significant increase in saliva production (hypersalivation);
  • double vision, severe dizziness, orthostatic collapse(sharp short blackouts in the eyes);
  • violations of coordination of movements;
  • cramps in the abdomen;
  • a significant increase in heart rate (up to 180 beats per minute);
  • on late stages- lowering blood pressure;
  • delirium, hallucinations, stupor is less common;
  • presyncope, loss of consciousness (syncope);
  • burn of the esophagus and pharynx, manifested in the form of severe burning and pain of these organs.

Aggravates the prognosis in this condition pain shock, which can lead to the death of the patient before the arrival of the ambulance team. Moreover, even with adequate and timely medical care, death occurs in 5% of patients. If the ammonia solution was consumed in a dose of more than 100 milligrams, it is almost impossible to save the patient.

First aid and further treatment

The first step is to call an ambulance immediately. The next step is to assess the situation before resorting to cleaning. gastrointestinal tract from ammonia.

The patient should be asked if he has severe pain behind the breastbone or in the stomach. With a positive answer, no first aid measures can be taken, since, most likely, there is a perforation (through hole) of the esophagus.

If the answer is negative, then a series of measures should be taken as soon as possible to clean the patient's gastrointestinal tract from ammonia. Namely:

  1. Give the patient about 1-2 liters of warm ordinary water, to which you can add a little acetic acid (1%) or a solution of citric acid.
  2. In the presence of lemon juice or acid solution (suitable citric and acetic acid 2-3 percent) should be given to the patient one tablespoon of one of these substances every five minutes until the ambulance arrives.
  3. The patient should be tried to calm down, as panic increases the already high heart rate which can lead to arrhythmia and even cardiac arrest.

An important point: under no circumstances should the patient be allowed to rinse his mouth soda solution. This measure will significantly worsen the prognosis and may lead to irreversible damage. oral cavity and esophagus.

Experienced gardeners have long been going to the pharmacy for medicines, but not for themselves, but for their favorite plants. in great demand uses a solution ammonia. He is ammonia, he is ammonia, he is a solution of ammonium.

The use of ammonia for plants: benefits and harms

Ammonia is a colorless gas with an unpleasant urine odor. Combining it with water is ammonia or ammonia. Gardeners use these three concepts as equivalent.

Ammonia has a high nitrogen content (82%), which is the main "food" for any plant. It is also present in the air in large numbers(72%), but plants are able to absorb it only from the soil.

The lack of nitrogen in the soil disrupts the production of chlorophyll in plants.

Signs of nitrogen deficiency or chlorosis disease:

  • yellow or pale leaves;
  • fragile stems;
  • weak flowering;
  • the absence of a bond.

In such cases, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is necessary. They can be used as ammonia. It gives a visible effect after just a few uses. It has a positive effect on the condition of the plant and guarantees productivity.

Its solution has an advantage over solid nitrogen-containing fertilizers:

  • ammonium nitrate;
  • urea.

An excess of the latter in the soil leads to the accumulation of nitrates (salts of nitric acid) in the roots, leaves, and most importantly, fruits. Greenhouse and commercially grown vegetables and fruits sin with this. Fruits high in nitrates can cause severe poisoning organism.

It is almost impossible to "overfeed" plants with ammonia solution. Although with the abuse of fertilizers, this is possible.

Failure to comply with the dosage and frequency of top dressing can lead to an increase in green mass to the detriment of flowering and fruit formation. In addition, excess nitrogen increases the risk of fungal diseases.

Ammonia as a fertilizer

Sold in pharmacies ammonia 10%. It is used as a fertilizer. Its price is low, which makes it even more attractive to use.

Sometimes ammonia 25% appears in recipes:

  1. This is a technical solution of alcohol, which is widely used in pharmaceutical production and agriculture.
  2. It is not sold in pharmacies, you can buy it in specialized stores of fertilizers or chemical reagents.
  3. When preparing solutions, it is used in smaller doses., since it is more concentrated.

The use of ammonia as a fertilizer requires compliance with certain rules. This is explained by the quality of the drug - volatility or volatility.

Therefore, you should know that you can:

  • use only freshly prepared solution, it is not stored;
  • processing of plants should be carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening / morning when there is no sun.

Use a watering can without a nozzle or with large holes so as not to create a fine spray.

It should be remembered:

  1. Ammonia is a toxic substance. Therefore, you need to water the plants under the root, avoiding contact with leaves and stems.
  2. Fertilization is important after heavy watering., on wet ground. These measures will help to avoid chemical burns.
  3. If the recipe involves spraying the plant, then the dosage must be strictly observed. For each crop in the garden, it has its own.

These recipes are for preventive use, i.e. when the plants show no signs of nitrogen deficiency.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get good harvest even on low-fertility soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

What plants benefit from ammonia?

Ammonia is a universal fertilizer, it is suitable for all garden and flower crops. But different plants metabolize ammonia nitrogen in different ways.

For seedlings

Seedlings are very fond of "eating" such nitrogen.

Weekly root dressing with a solution of ammonia (1 tsp per 1 liter of water):

  • strengthen young shoots;
  • stimulate growth;
  • facilitate the stage of transplanting into open ground.

In addition, sprouts form protective properties to diseases and pests. Such a solution can be used to treat containers before planting in order to neutralize them from microorganisms.

For cucumbers

For cabbage

  • solution for spraying on the sheet - 1 tsp per 1 liter of water
  • irrigation solution - 25 ml per 10 liters.

Top dressing is obligatory during the period of the appearance of the first leaves and budding. can be fertilized after the end of flowering as a preparation for winter.

For indoor plants

For indoor plants have to do weak solution(1 tbsp for 3 waters). They can be watered or sprayed on the leaf. If these are decorative and deciduous crops, then top dressing is useful throughout active growth until autumn.

Flowering houseplants fertilize until the formation of buds, then they should be discarded.

The exception is, in which the leaves turn yellow with a minimal lack of nitrogen. She is fed regularly. They do the same if they grow. With a lack of nitrogen in the soil, the ovary does not form on it.

When using ammonia as a fertilizer on any plant, follow these guidelines:

  • do not use ammonia in parallel with other nitrogen fertilizers;
  • start with low concentrated solutions;
  • do not use more than once a week.

Ammonia from pests

Ammonia is a two-in-one remedy. It simultaneously plays the role of a fertilizer and is an effective biocide, i.e. it prevents the attack of pests. rare drug can boast of such a property.

Their list is great:

  • midges;
  • slugs
  • caterpillars;
  • cabbage and onion fly;
  • wireworm;

Most of these insects do not tolerate the smell of ammonia in concentrations that are not noticeable to humans. Sometimes a single treatment on a leaf with a solution of 50 ml of ammonia and 7 liters of water is sufficient.

Such sprays are detrimental to aphids, midges, onion flies. For other pests, such treatment will be insufficient. The reason for this is that the smell of ammonia quickly disappears. It is necessary to fix it on the treated surfaces.

For this use fatty acid soap ingredients:

They do not like ammonia smell and mosquitoes. If the adjacent territory is treated with a solution, this will reduce the number of blood-sucking insects for some time.

To do this, water (1 l) must be mixed with 100 ml of ammonia. This composition will also reduce itching after bites.

Precautionary measures

We must not forget that ammonia - strong poison. Inhalation of its vapors large quantities can cause respiratory arrest and heart rate. Such poisonings subsequently require long-term treatment.

If a concentrated ammonia solution comes into contact with the skin, it will lead to the formation of chemical burn. In both cases, you should not self-medicate, but you should contact a medical institution.

To avoid such consequences, when working with ammonia, precautions must be taken:

  • use a respirator and gloves;
  • breed outdoors or in ventilated areas;
  • do not mix with any other active substances except iodine;
  • do not carry out processing in hot, sunny weather;
  • do not work with the drug for people suffering from vegetovascular dystonia.


In our first aid kit there is always ammonia in case you need to bring someone to their senses. Not everyone knows that in a similar way it affects plants in the garden and at home. with ammonia not only nourish vegetable and flower crops, but also activate their growth, stimulate flowering and fruiting.

Ammonia: use in everyday life, in medicine

In almost every home in the first aid kit you can find ammonia. Its use in everyday life and in medicine is quite extensive - it is also used: in cosmetology, in the country and in the garden.

At home, it is most often used for dizziness and nausea. Some medical preparations are used not only in medicinal purposes but also in economic situations. To such universal means ammonia is included. Its use in everyday life is much wider than in medicine. What properties does this remedy And in what situations can it be used?

Ammonia: use in everyday life. Helpful Hints

Ammonia is ammonia. Its application in liquid solution known from ancient times. He looks like ordinary water, but has a sharp and specific smell. In large quantities, ammonia is poisonous, but in small doses it can be used as an irritant and aphrodisiac.

A distinction should be made between ammonia (ammonium chloride) and ammonia (ammonia). Use in everyday life and in medicine is associated with the second tool.

As a pharmaceutical

  • When inhaled, ammonia acts on receptors respiratory tract awakening the respiratory center. From receptors, excitation is transmitted through the fibers of the nervous system. It reflexively affects the work of cardio-vascular system. Therefore, ammonia is often used for fainting and alcohol poisoning. It should be applied with caution. Frequent inhalation of ammonia in high concentrations can cause spasm and respiratory arrest.
  • The use of this substance by mouth in small quantities causes vomiting.
  • Also, ammonia is known for its distracting properties in neuralgia. In practice, this is how it works. The drug is applied to the skin. Being absorbed, through the skin-visceral reflexes, it irritates the tissues, taking on a wave inflammatory processes. In the meantime, there is a recovery of the diseased muscle. Thus, ammonia suppresses the focus of excitation, eliminates pain and vascular spasm.
  • Due to its irritating properties, when applied to the skin, it promotes vasodilation, release of active substances and improves tissue nutrition and regeneration.
  • Like any other alcohol, ammonia has an antiseptic effect. It is used for insect bites, felons and boils. However, its long-term use for these purposes, due to irritating properties, can cause local pain, swelling and hyperemia.
  • Sometimes ammonia in combination with other elements is used as an expectorant. Influencing the epithelium of the respiratory tract, it enhances the work of the glands. It contributes quick exit sputum.

Whatever medical properties neither possessed ammonia, its use in everyday life is much more relevant and wider. Most often it is useful when removing stains from clothes and upholstered furniture, when cleaning gold, silver and even plumbing items. However, his unique properties have not yet been fully studied by experienced housewives, and their practical experiments have shown that the solution can also be used in the fight against harmful insects (for example, cockroaches, ants).

The use of ammonia for plants

Fans of flower beds and vegetable beds know that plant nutrition is essential for good flowering and a bountiful harvest, and you also need reliable protection from pests. Dissolve 50 ml of alcohol in 4 liters of water and pour a glass under the root of each bush. Even a bear cannot resist such processing. You can additionally spray the leaves. Do this top dressing at least once a month. You can also use the product for indoor plants, only they need to pour no more than 30-50 ml of solution at a time under the root. Ammonia helps well in the fight against aphids. To do this, 100 g is dissolved in a bucket of water. washing powder and 100 ml of alcohol. The solution is carefully sprayed with plants that aphids love. It is advisable to carry out the treatment on a sunny day.

There are a huge number of economic problems that ammonia can handle. Its use in everyday life is not limited.

Cleaning clothes, shoes, furniture

To remove a difficult stain from your favorite thing, textile shoes or furniture upholstery, you need to combine a couple of teaspoons of ammonia with a glass of water and pour the stain with this solution for a while. Then rinse (rinse) cold water. The smell of the product will soon disappear, and there will be no trace of the stain.

When removing cockroaches, a small amount of ammonia should be added to the water for washing floors, walls and furniture (1 teaspoon per liter of water). sharp and bad smell will drive away uninvited guests at home forever, if such a procedure is carried out regularly, once a week.

So that outdoor recreation is not spoiled by annoying mosquitoes and other insects, you should take ammonia solution with you (in pure form) and spray it over the rest area. After such treatment, not a single midge will bother you.

Usage ammonia solution in the cleaning of crystal and windows has long been known. To do this, 4-5 drops are added to a liter of water and glass surfaces are wiped with this solution. Even old and yellowed stains will not resist such a cleanser.

From foreign odors

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, it is ammonia that successfully fights with extraneous and unpleasant "aromas" of paint or tobacco. Application in everyday life from the smell is very simple. It is necessary to arrange saucers in all rooms, dropping a certain amount of funds on them. Soon, unpleasant odors will begin to disappear.

What is dry ammonia?

There is also technical ammonia, or, in scientific terms, ammonium salt. In addition to the name, the properties that dry ammonia possesses are also different. Its application is in demand in engineering, chemistry. For example, when soldering or tinning (applying molten tin to metal products in order to protect against corrosion). Also, ammonia (powder) is used as a hardener for varnishes and adhesives.

Ammonia: properties

Ammonia is obtained from atmospheric nitrogen and hydrogen at high temperature in the presence of a catalyst. Ammonia water is widely used in various spheres of human life. Ammonium hydroxide is a material for the synthesis of many pharmaceuticals. Despite wide application, ammonia, ammonia are dangerous to human health.

Ammonium hydroxide: mechanism of action

Ammonia vapors reflexively excite the central nervous system, especially the centers of the medulla oblongata. In high concentrations, they can provoke reflex respiratory arrest. When administered orally, the agent excites the gastric mucosa and causes vomiting.

Ammonia: use in medicine

In medicine, the above remedy is used for fainting, to stimulate vomiting, and also externally - for insect bites, neuralgia, myositis, for treating the hands of a surgeon according to the Spasokukotsky-Kochergin method (diluted). Improper use of ammonia solution can provoke the development of burns of the esophagus and stomach. Aqueous ammonia can be used as an expectorant. Its expectorant action is caused by an irritating effect on the bronchial mucous membranes. To excite breathing and bring the patient out of fainting, a cotton swab moistened with ammonium hydroxide is carefully brought to the patient's nose (duration from 0.5 to 1 second). To induce vomiting, doctors sometimes prescribe the use of ammonia inside (only in dilution - 5-10 drops per 100 ml of water). For insect bites, ammonium hydroxide is recommended to be used in the form of lotions.

cosmetic problems

Aqueous ammonia in folk medicine is used to remove warts and papillomas. To do this, a small amount of cotton wool is wrapped around a match or a toothpick, dipped in ammonia and applied to the site of growth for a few seconds. Make sure that the solution does not get on the skin around the tumor, as a burn may occur. Ammonium hydroxide is also used to remove unwanted body hair. For hair removal ethnoscience recommends preparing a mixture of the following composition: 5 ml of ammonia water, 35 ml of 98% ethanol, 5 ml castor oil and 1.5 ml alcohol solution iodine - all this should be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass. The resulting product should be applied to problem areas with hair twice a day. In just two or three days you will get the desired result.

Contraindications for use

Do not use the above pharmaceutical agent with loss of consciousness in the absence or difficulty of reflex conduction from nasal receptors to the brain. In this case, the miracle of "revival" with the help of ammonia will not happen. In this situation, parenteral administration of other drugs will help. Ammonia water is contraindicated in the presence of weeping eczema and dermatitis, since this drug will provoke even more irritation of the skin and can cause burns.

Signs of ammonia poisoning

The main signs of the administration of ammonia vapor include coughing, shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, spasm of the larynx. Often there is an excited state, hallucinations, nausea and vomiting, swelling of the respiratory system. As a result of direct contact, burn damage to the eyes may occur, which requires immediate qualified attention. On hit ammonia solutions inside to the above signs of intoxication, pain in the esophagus, intestines, stomach, diarrhea with blood, lowering blood pressure should be added. This condition is life-threatening and requires immediate qualified assistance!

What to do in case of ammonia poisoning?

First aid for ammonia intoxication: provide maximum inflow fresh air indoors (open a window); perform repeated gastric lavage; give the victim a drink vegetable oil, several egg whites, a glass of milk; Give a cleansing enema if possible. If undiluted ammonia water comes into contact with skin the victim will also need qualified help. In this case, the main therapeutic help- abundant washing of the affected areas with water for 10-15 minutes. The use of any ointments within 24 hours is contraindicated. In the future, the therapeutic regimen is the same as with thermal burns. If splashes of ammonia water get into the eyes, immediately rinse the eyes with running water, then apply olive oil or Vaseline oil, sulfacyl sodium, novocaine with adrenaline. With spasm of the larynx, local heat, inhalation, atropine, and, if necessary, tracheotomy are prescribed. If necessary, give artificial respiration.

Ammonia is an all-purpose cleaner

Ammonia water is often used to clean products from precious metals(silver, gold). For this, solutions of ammonia in water in a ratio of 1: 4 are used. After cleaning, the jewelry is wiped with a soft cloth. Do not forget that water solution ammonia can also be used in washing. To improve foaming, add 2-3 teaspoons of ammonium hydroxide to a bucket of water. In such water, linen is excellently bleached. Ammonia diluted 1:25 with water can be used to remove coffee and chocolate stains.

To remove stains from silk fabrics, it is good to use a solution of the following composition: 1 teaspoon of glycerin, a few drops of ammonia water and 1 teaspoon of water. Before removing the stain, be sure to check the fabric for shedding. Greasy places on the cuffs and collars of jackets, jackets and coats are best cleaned with a sponge soaked in ammonia water (15-20 ml of ammonium hydroxide per liter of water). If your interior contains antique pieces made from wood species such as walnut or oak, and their appearance already leaves much to be desired, they can be cleaned with a 12% ammonia solution. These types of trees contain tannin, which, under the influence of ammonia water, acquires a beautiful brown-gray hue.

Role of ammonium hydroxide in biological systems

This substance is an important source of nitrogen for living systems. Nitrogen - chemical element necessary for the biosynthesis of amino acids. Ammonium hydroxide is used in industry to produce nitrogenous fertilizers required for normal growth and development of crops.

In the tissues of humans and animals, a significant amount of amino acids is formed as a result of metabolism. High concentrations ammonia in tissues are toxic to the body. The liver converts ammonium hydroxide into a less toxic product for the body - urea. Diseases that result in liver dysfunction (hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis) can lead to an increase in the concentration of the above substance in the blood (hyperammonemia). Ammonia hydroxide is involved in the regulation acid-base balance in organism.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

When inhaled, it acts on the receptors of the upper respiratory tract, stimulating the reflex-respiratory center. Excitation from receptors along fibers in the central nervous system, where changes occur in nerve centers, and then in the organs innervated by them. It also has a reflex effect on the work of the heart and vascular tone.

When ingested in small concentrations, it also reflexively excites the vomiting center and causes vomiting.

The “distracting effect” is carried out through skin-visceral reflexes - when applied to the skin, it causes changes in the corresponding segmentally located organs or muscles, which causes restoration of functions. Suppressing the focus of excitation, supporting pathological process, reduces muscle tension and pain, eliminates vascular spasm.

At the site of application, it irritates skin receptors and therefore causes the release of active substances, as a result of which blood vessels dilate, nutrition and tissue regeneration improve, and there is an increased outflow of metabolites.

Its disinfectant and antiseptic action associated with the ability to coagulate microbial cell proteins at high concentrations. Therefore, it must be remembered that with prolonged exposure, an irritating effect can turn into a cauterizing one, which is accompanied by the development of swelling, hyperemia and soreness.

Affects the epithelium of the respiratory tract, activating it and increasing the secretion of glands. This is manifested by the expectorant effect of the drug.

Rapidly excreted by the lungs and bronchial glands

Application of ammonia

Technical ammonia or ammonium chloride, the use of which is in demand in engineering and chemistry during tinning and soldering, as a hardener for varnishes and adhesives, and in the manufacture of galvanic cells, is an odorless powder. The only use of this substance in medicine, as a diuretic, is now not used due to toxicity and the emergence of modern, more effective diuretics. This drug has long been out of stock in pharmacies.

Often interested: Ammonium chloride is ammonia? No it's different substances, Ammonia is an ammonium salt, powder and ammonia formula NH4Cl. Ammonia is a gas that has a pungent odor and easily liquefies. But ammonia is ammonia, it is a synonym, so do not be surprised if the pharmacy offers it to you, instead of the ordered alcohol.

The use of ammonium salt in medicine

B medical practice and ammonia is currently used, or rather, a 10% aqueous solution of it, which is called ammonia. Formula -NH4OH. The sharp smell of ammonia irritates the receptors of the nasal mucosa and causes excitation of the respiratory and vasomotor center. As a result, it causes rapid breathing and an increase in blood pressure, therefore, with fainting or alcohol poisoning let the vapors of this alcohol be inhaled.

Confusing concepts or reducing them, they often say "ammonia from a hangover" or "ammonia from intoxication", which is incorrect. Ammonia is indeed used in these conditions, it can be given not only to smell, but also to drink. Take 5-6 drops per glass of water.

Ammonia solution in the form of ammonia-anise drops has an expectorant effect, and 0.1% solutions are used for panaritiums, boils, as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is also a good antiseptic and disinfectant.

What else do you need to know about ammonia? In the human body, as a result of the deamination of amino acids, purine nucleotides and other nitrogen-containing compounds, ammonia is formed. It is neutralized by the biosynthesis of urea. Part of the ammonia is spent on the synthesis of glutamic, aspartic acids, amino acids, a small amount of ammonia is excreted in the urine. Thus, this substance is present in the blood and urine. In the blood of ammonia contains 7-21 mmol, and in the daily urine - 29-59 mmol. At elevated content protein in food serious illnesses liver and kidneys, the level of ammonia in the blood rises. Increased excretion of it in the urine is noted with acidosis, dehydration and starvation. Under these conditions, as well as under intense physical activity, if muscle protein is intensively used with a lack of carbohydrates in the diet, or during training against the background of starvation, you can smell "ammonia" in the nose.

Summing up all of the above, we can name the indications for the use of ammonia.

Indications for use

  • treatment of the surgeon's hands (0.5% solution);
  • excitation of breathing during fainting;
  • insect bites (externally);
  • for provoking vomiting (in a diluted form!);
  • as an expectorant (in a combined preparation);
  • toxic effect of alcohol;
  • myositis, neuralgia (externally).


  • dermatitis, pyoderma, eczema (for local use);
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

  • respiratory arrest (if inhaled in high concentrations);
  • burns of the skin and mucous membranes.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

When fainting, cotton wool moistened with ammonia is brought to the patient's nose. Cotton wool should be kept 5 cm from the nose, since contact with the skin can cause burns. Inhalation of ammonia vapor excites the nerve endings of the respiratory tract, impulses are transmitted to the respiratory center, which is reflexively excited, while the patient regains consciousness.

For insect bites, lotions are made. With myositis, rubbing with ammonia liniment is used.

Inside for provoking vomiting is used only in diluted form - 5-7 drops per 100 ml of water. Undiluted drug, taken orally, causes burns of the esophagus.


Inhalation of ammonia vapor in large quantities causes a decrease in heart rate, as well as reflex respiratory arrest.

If the drug is taken orally in large quantities, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting with the smell of ammonia, agitation, convulsions appear. With an inhalation overdose - runny nose, cough, respiratory arrest, swelling of the larynx. For external use in large doses burns appear.


When used simultaneously with acids, ammonia neutralizes them.

Ammonia is a real lifesaver for any housewife. Use it to solve everyday problems. This penny remedy can truly work wonders.

1. In addition to soda and salt, housewives actively use ammonia for cleaning. Its properties are often used to remove various stains and dirt. No wonder ammonia is part of many modern cleaning products.

2. 25 grams of ammonia and 5 grams of salt clean greasy places on outerwear well. They are wiped with the specified solution.

3. Soiled suede hats are cleaned with fine salt. But the lining of hats is cleaned with a solution of 10 parts of water and 1 part of ammonia.

4. If your walls are covered with oil paint, then you should not wash them often. Just wipe with a damp cloth. And if you decide to tidy up well, then do it only warm water with the addition of ammonia.

5. To make the tile shine, rub it with a newspaper moistened with ammonia.

6. Do not wash the painted floors in the house with soda water, the paint tarnishes from it. But ammonia, will the best assistant. Add 2 tablespoons of it to a bucket of water. And for daily cleaning, simply wipe it with a damp cloth.

7. Ammonia will help clean white kid gloves. Add a teaspoon to a glass of water and rub with a cotton swab.

8. You have mother-of-pearl buttons on your clothes. If they are dirty, then wipe them with ammonia.

9. 5% ammonia will help remove fly marks from items around the house.

10. A mixture of equal parts of ammonia and peroxide removes stains from perfume and cologne on white fabrics.

11. Grease rust spots on nickel-plated utensils. Then hold for a few days and wipe off with a cloth moistened with ammonia.

12. Stains from iodine, sewing machine oils are removed from the fabric with ammonia. Then rinse with warm water.

13. Warm soapy water with ammonia remove grass stains on clothes.

14. An excellent solution for cleaning umbrellas - add half a glass of ammonia to a liter of water.
A similar solution will help to renew a hardened transparent raincoat, but in proportion to 3 liters of water 1 cup of ammonia. Don't forget to wipe it dry.

15. A small amount of coffee with ammonia will get rid of shine on black woolen things. Wipe with a woolen cloth soaked in the solution.

16. Often painted doors were washed with ammonia, adding 1 tablespoon per liter of water. If there are very dirty places, then soap must also be added to the solution. But if it is painted with oil paint, then do not add soap when washing, the color fades from it.

17. A mixture of chalk and ammonia will help in cleaning cupronickel and silver cutlery.

18. 20 grams of chalk or tooth powder, 1 cup of water, 1 tablespoon of ammonia will help clean the mirror. Apply the mixture. And then wipe it off with a soft cloth or paper.

Ammonia: properties and uses

Ammonia: properties and uses of the substance

Polischuk Vitaly

Ammonia (ammonium hydroxide) is an aqueous solution of ammonia. It has a pungent smell, has a strong alkaline reaction.

Ammonia is obtained from atmospheric nitrogen and hydrogen at high temperature in the presence of a catalyst. Ammonia water is widely used in various spheres of human life. Ammonium hydroxide is a material for the synthesis of many pharmaceuticals. Despite widespread use, ammonia, ammonia are dangerous to human health.

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Ammonium hydroxide: mechanism of action

Ammonia vapors reflexively excite the central nervous system, especially the centers of the medulla oblongata. In high concentrations, they can provoke reflex respiratory arrest. When administered orally, the agent excites the gastric mucosa and causes vomiting.

Ammonia: use in medicine

In medicine, the above remedy is used for fainting, for stimulating vomiting, and also externally - for insect bites, neuralgia, myositis, for treating the hands of a surgeon according to the Spasokukotsky-Kochergin method (diluted). Improper use of ammonia solution can provoke the development of burns of the esophagus and stomach. Aqueous ammonia can be used as an expectorant. Its expectorant action is caused by an irritating effect on the bronchial mucous membranes. To excite breathing and bring the patient out of fainting, a cotton swab moistened with ammonium hydroxide is carefully brought to the patient's nose (duration from 0.5 to 1 second). To induce vomiting, doctors sometimes prescribe the use of ammonia inside (only in dilution - 5-10 drops per 100 ml of water). For insect bites, ammonium hydroxide is recommended to be used in the form of lotions.

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Aqueous ammonia in folk medicine is used to remove warts and papillomas. To do this, a small amount of cotton wool is wrapped around a match or a toothpick, dipped in ammonia and applied to the site of growth for a few seconds. Make sure that the solution does not get on the skin around the tumor, as a burn may occur. Ammonium hydroxide is also used to remove unwanted body hair. To remove hair, traditional medicine recommends preparing a mixture of the following composition: 5 ml of ammonia water, 35 ml of 98% ethanol, 5 ml of castor oil and 1.5 ml of an iodine alcohol solution - all this should be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass. The resulting product should be applied to problem areas with hair twice a day. In just two or three days you will get the desired result.

Contraindications for use

You should not use the above pharmaceutical agent in case of loss of consciousness in the absence or difficulty of reflex conduction from nasal receptors to the brain. In this case, the miracle of "revival" with the help of ammonia will not happen. In this situation, parenteral administration of other drugs will help. Ammonia water is contraindicated in the presence of weeping eczema and dermatitis, since this drug will provoke even more irritation of the skin and can cause burns.

Signs of ammonia poisoning

The main signs of the administration of ammonia vapor include coughing, shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, spasm of the larynx. Often there is an excited state, hallucinations, nausea and vomiting, swelling of the respiratory system. As a result of direct contact, burn damage to the eyes may occur, which requires immediate qualified attention. If ammonia solutions are ingested, pain in the esophagus, intestines, stomach, diarrhea with blood, and a decrease in blood pressure should be added to the above signs of intoxication. This condition is life-threatening and requires immediate qualified assistance!

What to do in case of ammonia poisoning?

First aid for ammonia intoxication: ensure the maximum flow of fresh air into the room (open the window); perform repeated gastric lavage; give the victim to drink a spoonful of vegetable oil, a few egg whites, a glass of milk; Give a cleansing enema if possible. If undiluted ammonia water gets on the skin, the victim will also need qualified assistance. In this case, the main therapeutic help is abundant washing of the affected areas with water for 10-15 minutes. The use of any ointments within 24 hours is contraindicated. In the future, the therapeutic regimen is the same as for thermal burns. If splashes of ammonia water get into the eyes, immediately rinse the eyes with running water, then apply olive or vaseline oil, sulfacyl sodium, novocaine with adrenaline. With spasm of the larynx, local heat, inhalation, atropine, and, if necessary, tracheotomy are prescribed. If necessary, give artificial respiration.

Ammonia is an all-purpose cleaner

Ammonia water is often used to clean items made of precious metals (silver, gold). For this, solutions of ammonia in water in a ratio of 1: 4 are used. After cleaning, the jewelry is wiped with a soft cloth. Do not forget that an aqueous solution of ammonia can also be used for washing. To improve foaming, add 2-3 teaspoons of ammonium hydroxide to a bucket of water. In such water, linen is excellently bleached. Ammonia diluted 1:25 with water can be used to remove coffee and chocolate stains.

To remove stains from silk fabrics, it is good to use a solution of the following composition: 1 teaspoon of glycerin, a few drops of ammonia water and 1 teaspoon of water. Before removing the stain, be sure to check the fabric for shedding. Greasy places on the cuffs and collars of jackets, jackets and coats are best cleaned with a sponge soaked in ammonia water (15-20 ml of ammonium hydroxide per liter of water). If your interior contains antique pieces made from wood species such as walnut or oak, and their appearance already leaves much to be desired, they can be cleaned with a 12% ammonia solution. These types of trees contain tannin, which, under the influence of ammonia water, acquires a beautiful brown-gray hue.

Role of ammonium hydroxide in biological systems

This substance is an important source of nitrogen for living systems. Nitrogen is a chemical element necessary for the biosynthesis of amino acids. Ammonium hydroxide is used in industry to obtain nitrogenous fertilizers necessary for the normal growth and development of crops.

In the tissues of humans and animals, a significant amount of amino acids is formed as a result of metabolism. High concentrations of ammonia in tissues are toxic to the body. The liver converts ammonium hydroxide into a less toxic product for the body - urea. Diseases that result in liver dysfunction (hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis) can lead to an increase in the concentration of the above substance in the blood (hyperammonemia). Ammonia hydroxide is involved in the regulation of acid-base balance in the body.