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alkaline balance. How to normalize the acid-base balance of the body

Your body has a natural acid-base balance that can be measured using the pH scale. For example, a pH of 1.0 is a pure acid, a pH of 14 is a base, and a pH of 7.0 is considered neutral. The pH of a substance depends on the content of hydrogen ions in it. All body acids release hydrogen ions, dissolving in water.

In order for the body to exist and remain healthy, the blood must be slightly alkalized - its pH must be equal to 7.365. If the blood begins to acidify, it will burn holes in the vessels. As you might guess, you can not feel healthy if there are holes in the veins. In fact, if the pH of the blood changes even by one tenth, the biomechanical function of the body will be impaired and the person will die.

However, our body is very complex, and it has a number of the following mechanisms that maintain pH balance:

  1. The body uses alkaline reserves, such as alkaline minerals, to keep blood pH at normal level. If you continue to acidify your body malnutrition, alkali reserves are depleted, and the body goes to mechanism number two.

2. In the second mechanism, the body quickly removes excess acid from the blood and begins to store it in fat cells. Unfortunately, fat people, whose fat deposits contain a lot of acid, lose weight with great difficulty. The body does its best to avoid the release of acids during weight loss. The acidified body continues to retain excess weight making weight loss ineffective.

3. What happens after the body uses up alkaline reserves and stores them in fat cells? Mechanism number three kicks in: the body begins to extract alkaline minerals like calcium from the bones. This is one of the reasons why people in old age suffer from osteoporosis and decrease in stature. Their acid-rich diet threatens the pH balance, so the body begins to protect the blood by extracting calcium from the bones. Unfortunately the diet modern man contains too a large number of acids.

There are two ways to find out how acidic your body is. First (and this method is the most accurate), you can go to a doctor and take a blood test to determine its pH balance. This is not ordinary general analysis so you will need to let your doctor know exactly what you want to find out. Normal blood pH varies in a narrow range from 7.35 to 7.454.

Second, you can check the pH of your saliva or urine with pH strips available from pharmacies. These strips are made from litmus paper, which changes color depending on the amount of acid or alkali. Dr. Guerrero, the famous American physician who studies the traditional Chinese medicine and the author of The Balance of Life, recommends checking urine, not saliva, since the kidneys are one of the acid-removing organs. While a urinalysis isn't as accurate as a blood test, it can still help determine if you're acidic. In addition, this test can be performed daily. This is important as alkali and acid levels change every day. If the pH of the body is normal, the pH of the urine will vary from 7.0 to 7.55.

Acid-alkaline food table will help you when compiling optimal diet. The acid-base balance should consist of 70-80% alkaline foods and 20-30% acid-forming foods. There are good and bad acid-forming foods out there, it's necessary to know the difference. Because bad acids should be avoided consistently. It is not always easy to correctly correlate the basic and acid-forming implementation of food products in everyday life.


Acid-base balance

The blood needs the right balance of acidic and basic (alkaline) compounds to correct operation. This is called acid-base balance. Your kidneys and lungs work to maintain an acid-base balance. Even small deviations from the normal range can have a significant impact on your vitals.

Acid and alkaline levels measured in the pH scale. An increase in acidity leads to a drop in pH. An increase in alkalinity causes an increase in pH.

When the level of acid in the blood is too high, it is called acidosis. When your blood is too alkaline, it is called alkalosis.

And alkalosis is caused by a lung problem. metabolic acidosis and alkalosis are caused by a kidney problem.

Each of these acid-base disorders is caused by an underlying disease or disorder. Treatment depends on the cause.

How to check the acid-base balance of the body

It is not easy to tell what state the acid-base balance is in at any given time. The only real external signs that can be are weak bones, receding gums, weak or broken teeth, and muscle loss, and even these signs are not necessarily indicative.

This is why checking the acid-base balance is so important for health. Testing your body's pH will give you an idea of ​​how your body tends to be metabolically acidic or in the balanced, slightly alkaline state it needs. This test is relatively simple and can be done in your own home.

Acid-base balance of urine

It is better to test the second urine of the day. Your first urine will be overly acidic as it flushes out waste from last night. When you're ready, simply tear off a small piece of litmus paper and place it in your urine stream for a few seconds. Or, you can urinate into a small cup and dip paper into your urine this way.

Look at the color of your paper and compare it to the color chart on litmus paper. You want to aim for a urine pH of 6.0-6.5. While many alkalizing diets and websites will claim 7.0-7.5 is needed, I don't think this is ideal based on the science and my research. If you check later in the day and your urine is more like 6.5-7.0, that's fine as we become more alkaline during the day.

Measuring Acid-Alkaline Balance

First, our kidneys need to eliminate acids, which is why we want our urine to be at an acidic job. If the urine is too alkaline, it may mean that the kidneys are not working properly or something is going on in the metabolic state. Keep in mind that some supplements like vitamin D, calcium and magnesium can throw your pH balance off a bit in some cases. If you want to know your "true" pH, go without supplements for a few days and then test again.

Acid-base balance of saliva

This measures your body's enzyme stores and the function of digestive organs such as the stomach, pancreas, and liver. Must be checked first in the morning before brushing your teeth or even drinking water. The ideal range is 6.5-7.0. This shows that you have a good supply of minerals, but it also shows that you are digesting your food well. If greater than 7.0, your digestive system can be a little lethargic and you may have problems with gas, constipation and fungus/mold.

Our Acid-Alkaline Chart lists virtually all alkaline and all acid-forming foods.

You may wonder why we are constantly talking about an alkaline and not a basic diet. This is simply because we do not recommend alkaline diet as a permanent diet:

A pure staple diet is excellent for detoxification and also accompanies a colon cleanse. Thus, the main diet is more for short-term action.
-Basic nutrition consists not only of alkaline foods, but also acidic foods. After all, not all acid-forming foods are bad and unhealthy.

What does alkaline mean?

Do not think that the designation alkaline is similar to alkaline soap.
Quicker we are talking about how food works in the body and what substances occur during its metabolism in the body.
Please note that in this moment there are many different acid-base tables on the net or in the literature - and they all differ more or less from each other.

Table of alkaline fruits

Apples Mango
A pineapple
Apricots Nectarines
Avocado Olives (green, black) Grapefruit
Bananas Oranges
clementine papaya
fresh dates Peaches
Strawberry Prunes
Fig Cowberry
Grapefruit Quince
Blueberry Currant (red, white, black)
Raspberry Gooseberry
Melons Dried fruits
Cherries (sour, sweet;) Watermelons
Kiwi Grapes (white, red)
Limes Lemons
Tangerines Prunes

Table of alkaline vegetables

Algae (Nori, Wakame, Hijiki, Chlorella, Spirulina) Okroy
Artichokes Peppers
Eggplant Parsnip
Whitening Celery Parsley Root
Cauliflower Radishes
Green beans Radishes (white, black)
Broccoli Romanesco (Flowers)
Chicory Brussels sprouts
Chinese cabbage Beetroot
Peas, fresh Cabbage leaf
fennel shallot
Green onion Black root
cabbage asparagus
Cucumbers Cabbage Spitz (Sugar Loaf)
Potato Tomato (raw)
Garlic white cabbage
Kohlrabi Savoy
Pumpkin types Zucchini
Leek (Leek) Onion
chard celery
(white turnips)

Tables of alkali mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms Shiitake
Champignons White mushrooms
Chanterelles ... and many others

Table of alkaline herbs and alkaline salads

Batavia Salad Lollo Salads (Biondo/Rosso)
Savory Marjoram
Borage horseradish
Spanish Salad
Kress Melissa
Chinese cabbage Nutmeg
Chicory Cloves
Pepper oregano
Dill Parsley
Watercress salad Pepper (all kinds)
Iceberg lettuce
Chicory Allspice
Field lettuce Rosemary
Fennel Seeds Rucola (Arugula)
Friseesalat Saffron
garden cress
Ginger Sorrel
Capers Green onions
Cardamom Black cumin
chervil celery leaves
Coriander Thyme
Salad Vanilla
Watercress Wild Herbs
Cumin Hyssop
Cumin Cinnamon
Pan di Azucar Bitter Winter Salad
Lovage ... and many others

Table of alkaline seedlings

Alfalfa-Sprouts Radishes-Cabbage
Fenugreek Sprouts Radish Sprouts
Brown Millet Sprouts Rye Seedlings
Broccoli-Cabbage Cabbage-Cabbage
Spelled shoots Arugula Sprouts
Barley sprouts Mustard sprouts
Millet-Sprouts Seeds-Sprouts
Flax seed Wheat sprouts seedlings
Sprouted Lentils…and many more

Table of Alkali Nuts and Seeds

Forest Almond
Walnut Maroni (Chestnuts)

alkaline protein

Lupine Protein Tablets Lupine flour

Alkaline Drinks

fruit smoothie
Green Smoothie
herbal teas
Protein Shake with Lupine Protein
Water from 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
Lemon water (200 ml of water with the juice of half a lemon)

Acidifying Products

Acidic or acid-forming foods should be combined with the main food as much as possible.
Acid-forming foods are not automatically bad or unhealthy in any way. On the contrary, there are foods that can act acid-forming, but at the same time, are very healthy, such as nuts or legumes.
Unlike the bad ones, they only work at a few levels of acid production.
The so-called good sour foods must be included in the diet, while you refrain from bad ones.

Good acid-forming foods

  • Organic grains (such as spelt, kamut, or barley in small amounts - much like wheat germ or sprouts)
  • Cereal products such as bulgur and couscous, but spelled, wheat
  • Oats/oat flakes (BIO quality)
  • Millet rice and whole grains (brown rice)
  • Legumes (e.g. bean kernels, lentils, chickpeas, peas, etc.)
  • cocoa powder High Quality and homemade chocolate
  • Corn (e.g. polenta, corn paste)
  • nuts (eg. walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, coconut hoarfrost flakes (also coconut), etc.)
  • Oilseeds (such as sesame, hempseed, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, poppy, chia seeds, etc.; seeds germinate, they become more alkaline depending on the sprout)
  • Vegetable protein powders (if protein deficient), such as hemp protein, rice protein, and pea protein
  • Pseudo-cereals (eg quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat)
  • Animal products from organic Agriculture in moderation (such as organic eggs or fish from organic aquaculture)
  • Tofu (bio only) and quality fermented organic soy products such as miso and tempeh

Good acid-forming drinks

  • Green tea (properly prepared - under conditions low temperatures and short brew)
  • Lupine coffee
  • Drinkable chocolate (homemade, such as almond milk and raw cocoa powder)
  • High quality herbal drinks: rice drink, oatmeal drink, soy drink - respectively without Süssungsmittel, flavors, thickeners, etc.

Bad acid-forming foods (animals)

  • Eggs from traditional farming
  • Fish and seafood from conventional aquaculture or from contaminated regions
  • Meat from traditional farming
  • Meat Broth, Sausages, Ham
  • Dairy products (for example, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, whey and all cheeses, also sheep and goat; and low-fat dairy products)

Exception: butter, ghee and cream (bio quality) that can be classified as neutral

Bad acid-forming foods (plant-based)

  • Vinegar (wine vinegar, exception: unclarified apple cider vinegar)
  • Finished products of all kinds
  • Cereal products from flour (bakery and pasta such as bread, buns, pretzels, cakes, cookies, sweet particles, pasta, etc., some breakfasts, for example, corn flakes, ready-made corn flakes, crisps, etc.)
  • Gluten-containing foods (e.g. seitan products like veggie sausages, sausages, Bolognese, etc.)
  • Ketchup (exception: homemade such as tomato and date ketchup)
  • sour canned food
  • Mustard (exception: high quality bio-mustard)
  • Soy products (if heavily processed, in particular textured soy proteins
  • Ice cream (water, soy and frozen yogurt - exception: Alkaline ice)
  • Sugar (all foods that contain sugar) - coconut sugar.

Bad Acid Beverages

Alcohol and caffeinated drinks

Carbonated drinks (e.g. lemonade, Cola, etc.), without alcoholic drinks such as juice concentrate, protein drinks, sweetened milkshakes, slimming drinks.
Coffee, grain, instant and decaffeinated coffee
Mineral water and carbonated drinks in general
Tea (black tea, fruit tea, iced tea, etc., only Herb tea alkaline)

Don't forget to drink clean water!

The acid-base balance of the body shows the relative ratio of acid and alkali in the body. The pH value is also called the potential of hydrogen.

How to restore the acid-base balance in the body? What features can be identified? What to do with low / high acidity? Answers to these and more questions can be found below.

Blood healthy person at normal conditions has a slightly alkaline potential of 7.365. If the patient has a deviation up or down, then doctors diagnose the development of symptoms various diseases. Big shift - alkaline environment, and to a lesser extent - an acidic environment.

The acid-base balance of the body changes under the influence of various factors. Achieving optimal pH balance is a difficult and lengthy process, but correct image life and good habits significantly speed up all processes.

If the human body begins to acidify, then the cells are gradually deprived of part of the nutrients and oxygen.

The body tries to maintain balance by compensating for alkaline components.

If the necessary mineral compounds for subsequent compensation are not observed in the human diet, then an active accumulation of acid in adipose tissue begins.

If there is an active accumulation of acid in the knee area, then arthrosis begins to develop.

In the case of an acid imbalance in humans, there is reduced energy production in individual cells, which block the restoration of cellular structures.

In the case of an increase in acidity, heavy metal intoxication is observed, which accelerates the growth of tumor neoplasms.

When the BSC is disturbed, the body's susceptibility to infections coming from outside increases. The patient feels unwell, activity decreases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and etc.

You can find out about the presence of an imbalance by the symptoms, which manifest themselves in the form of problems with body weight and diseases.

If the balance is disturbed, then the reason is frequent stress, immune response organism to incoming pathogens. The most common determining factor is not proper nutrition.

For each person plays an important role physical activity and fluid intake throughout the day. Intense exercise or a sedentary lifestyle only lead to the activation of the oxidative process. lymphatic system does not work at full strength, and therefore toxins are excreted more slowly.

The problem of a “Western” person is that the basis of his diet is made up of those products that only lead to acidification of the body: sugary and carbonated drinks, meat, coffee, alcohol, and some medications.

According to many patients, the level of alkaline balance can be restored proper diet and way of life. But following these rules will not be enough.

The problem is that the organisms of the vast majority of people are already oxidized, and therefore a sharp transition to alkaline nutrition won't help much. Acid deposits cannot be removed in this way.

Ways to normalize the acid-base balance

The best option is complete cleansing the whole organism, which will lead to balance. It can be carried out both at home and in specialized institutions.

Despite what has been said above, a diet with big amount vegetables and fruits will lead to a gradual normalization of the state of the whole organism. healthy diet will help the body replenish the necessary reserves, which will be aimed at improving the quality of the skin, reducing allergic manifestations and increased mental clarity.

It is best to check the balance level before starting any procedures. After the optimum level is reached, the body begins to strive to maintain optimal weight and proportions. After elimination acid environment in the body immediately disappears the need for the formation of adipose tissue.

The remaining fat in the future is simply burned by the body, being spent on current needs. According to established data, the optimal diet should consist of 80% alkaline-forming components and 20% acid-forming. To restore health, the proportion shifts in the right direction.

Adjustment can be started at home, gradually adding foods that contain natural “alkali” to the diet: greens, green beans, herbs, vegetables, spices, etc. The patient should pay attention to the fact that the mechanism of action of food products and the degree of their oxidation and alkalization vary. Despite the fact that lemons are acidic foods, after digestion, they saturate the body with alkalis.

At first glance it may seem that citruses have an acidifying effect, but in fact it is achieved reverse effect. Meat, which is based on alkalis, after digestion, gives only an acidic residue in the body. As a rule, products that are of animal origin have an oxidizing effect.

The simplest method that you can use at home is a mixture of water with lemon juice. Starting the morning with such a drink, you can count on the corresponding effect. Baking soda can alkalize the body, while there are a number of unpleasant side effects that limit its use. Soda, which is used for baking, contains aluminum in its composition, which eventually begins to accumulate in the body. The risk of developing Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases is high.

Aluminum that enters the body cannot be excreted from the body on its own. In case of an overdose, problems with acidity increase. Before starting use, you must seek the help of your doctor.

How to determine the pH level of products?

Determining the current pH level will not take much time.

It is enough to use special test strips. There are special tables that help the patient determine the acidity and alkalinity of certain foods.

Based on the data obtained, the patient makes an idea of ​​what is possible and what is better to refrain from. The higher the indicator with a positive sign, the more alkaline the food, and the lower the indicator, the worse for the patient's body.

By understanding how to determine the current level, appropriate dietary prescriptions can be made. Proper adjustment and compliance with the above standards will significantly improve the current condition of the patient.

Knowing how to restore the acid-base balance, the patient should not abuse the time, but begin to influence the body. Before using this or that remedy, you should seek the help of your doctor. Correct Diagnosis- the key to a quick recovery.

pH value and its effect on quality drinking water.

What is pH?

pH("potentia hydrogeni" - the strength of hydrogen, or "pondus hydrogenii" - the weight of hydrogen) is a unit of measurement of the activity of hydrogen ions in any substance, quantitatively expressing its acidity.

This term appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century in Denmark. The pH index was introduced by the Danish chemist Soren Petr Lauritz Sorensen (1868-1939), although his predecessors also have statements about a certain “power of water”.

Hydrogen activity is defined as the negative decimal logarithm of the concentration hydrogen ions, expressed in moles per liter:

pH = -log

For simplicity and convenience, pH was introduced in the calculations. pH is determined by the quantitative ratio of H+ and OH- ions in water, which are formed during the dissociation of water. It is customary to measure the pH level on a 14-digit scale.

If in water reduced content free hydrogen ions (pH greater than 7) compared to hydroxide ions [OH-], then the water will have alkaline reaction, and when elevated content H+ ions (pH less than 7) — acid reaction. In perfectly pure distilled water, these ions will balance each other.

acid environment: >
neutral environment: =
alkaline environment: >

When the concentrations of both types of ions in a solution are the same, the solution is said to be neutral. In neutral water, the pH is 7.

When dissolved in water, various chemical substances this balance changes, resulting in a change in the pH value. When acid is added to water, the concentration of hydrogen ions increases, and the concentration of hydroxide ions decreases accordingly, when alkali is added, on the contrary, the content of hydroxide ions increases, and the concentration of hydrogen ions decreases.

The pH indicator reflects the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the environment, while "acidity" and "alkalinity" characterize the quantitative content of substances in water that can neutralize alkalis and acids, respectively. As an analogy, we can give an example with temperature, which characterizes the degree of heating of a substance, but not the amount of heat. By dipping our hand into the water, we can tell whether the water is cool or warm, but at the same time we will not be able to determine how much heat is in it (i.e., relatively speaking, how long this water will cool down).

pH is considered one of the most important indicators of drinking water quality. He shows acid-base balance and affects how chemical and biological processes will proceed. The flow rate can change depending on the pH value. chemical reactions, the degree of corrosiveness of water, the toxicity of pollutants, etc. Our well-being, mood and health directly depend on the acid-base balance of the environment of our body.

Modern man lives in a polluted environment. Many people buy and consume food made from semi-finished products. In addition, almost every person is exposed to stress on a daily basis. All this affects the acid-base balance of the body's environment, shifting it towards acids. Tea, coffee, beer, carbonated drinks lower the pH in the body.

It is believed that an acidic environment is one of the main causes of cell destruction and tissue damage, the development of diseases and the aging process, and the growth of pathogens. IN acidic environment does not reach the cells construction material the membrane is destroyed.

Outwardly, the state of the acid-base balance of a person's blood can be judged by the color of his conjunctiva in the corners of his eyes. With an optimal acid-base balance, the color of the conjunctiva is bright pink, but if a person has an increased alkalinity of the blood, the conjunctiva acquires a dark pink color, and with an increase in acidity, the color of the conjunctiva becomes pale pink. Moreover, the color of the conjunctiva changes already 80 seconds after the use of substances that affect the acid-base balance.

The body regulates pH internal fluids, maintaining values ​​at a certain level. The acid-base balance of the body is a certain ratio of acids and alkalis that contributes to its normal functioning. Acid-base balance depends on maintaining relatively constant proportions between intercellular and intracellular waters in the tissues of the body. If the acid-base balance of fluids in the body is not constantly maintained, normal functioning and the preservation of life will be impossible. Therefore, it is important to control what you consume.

Acid-base balance is our indicator of health. The more acidic we are, the sooner we age and the more we get sick. For normal operation all internal organs The pH level in the body should be alkaline, in the range of 7 to 9.

The pH inside our body is not always the same - some parts are more alkaline and some are more acidic. The body regulates and maintains pH homeostasis only in certain cases, such as blood pH. The pH level of the kidneys and other organs, the acid-base balance of which is not regulated by the body, is affected by the food and drinks that we consume.

blood pH

The blood pH level is maintained by the body in the range of 7.35-7.45. Normal indicator The pH of human blood is considered to be 7.4-7.45. Even a slight deviation in this indicator affects the ability of the blood to carry oxygen. If the pH of the blood rises to 7.5, it carries 75% more oxygen. With a decrease in blood pH to 7.3, it is already difficult for a person to get out of bed. At 7.29, he can fall into a coma, if the blood pH drops below 7.1, the person dies.

Blood pH must be maintained in a healthy range, so the body uses organs and tissues to keep it constant. As a consequence, the pH level of the blood does not change due to the consumption of alkaline or acidic water, but the tissues and organs of the body used to adjust the pH of the blood change their pH.

kidney pH

The pH parameter of the kidneys is influenced by water, food, and metabolic processes in the body. Acidic food (ex. meat products, dairy products, etc.) and drinks (sweetened carbonated drinks, alcoholic drinks, coffee, etc.) lead to low level pH in the kidneys because the body excretes excess acid through the urine. The lower the pH of the urine, the harder it is for the kidneys to work. Therefore, the acid load on the kidneys from such foods and drinks is called the potential acid-renal load.

The use of alkaline water benefits the kidneys - there is an increase in the pH level of the urine, the acid load on the body is reduced. Increasing the pH of the urine raises the pH of the body as a whole and rids the kidneys of acidic toxins.

stomach pH

An empty stomach contains no more than a teaspoon of stomach acid produced in the last meal. The stomach produces acid as needed when eating food. The stomach does not release acid when a person drinks water.

Very useful - to drink water on empty stomach. The pH increases at the same time to the level of 5-6. An increased pH will have a mild antacid effect and lead to an increase in beneficial probiotics (beneficial bacteria). Increasing the pH of the stomach raises the pH of the body, which leads to healthy digestion and relief from the symptoms of indigestion.

subcutaneous fat pH

The fatty tissues of the body have an acidic pH because excess acids are deposited in them. The body has to store acid in fatty tissues when it cannot be removed or neutralized in other ways. Therefore, the shift in the pH of the body to the acid side is one of the factors of excess weight.

The positive effect of alkaline water on body weight is that alkaline water helps to remove excess acid from the tissues, as it helps the kidneys to work more efficiently. This helps to control weight, since the amount of acid that the body must "store" is greatly reduced. Alkaline water also improves results healthy diet and exercise, helping the body to cope with the excess acidity released by adipose tissue during weight loss.


Bones have an alkaline pH as they are mostly made up of calcium. Their pH is constant, but if the blood needs pH adjustment, calcium is taken from the bones.

The benefit that alkaline water brings to the bones is to protect them by reducing the amount of acid that the body has to deal with. Studies have shown that drinking alkaline water reduces bone resorption - osteoporosis.

liver pH

The liver has a slightly alkaline pH, which is affected by both food and drink. Sugar and alcohol must be broken down in the liver, and this leads to excess acid.

The benefits of alkaline water for the liver are the presence of antioxidants in such water; it was found that alkaline water enhances the work of two antioxidants located in the liver, contributing to more effective cleansing blood.

body pH and alkaline water

Alkaline water allows the parts of the body that maintain the pH of the blood to work more efficiently. Increasing the pH level in the parts of the body responsible for maintaining blood pH will help these organs stay healthy and function efficiently.

Between meals, you can help your body balance its pH by drinking alkaline water. Even a small increase in pH can a huge impact on the state of health.

According to research by Japanese scientists, the pH of drinking water, which is in the range of 7-8, increases the life expectancy of the population by 20-30%.

Depending on the pH level, water can be divided into several groups:

strongly acidic waters< 3
acidic waters 3 - 5
slightly acidic waters 5 - 6.5
neutral waters 6.5 – 7.5
weakly alkaline waters 7.5 — 8.5
alkaline waters 8.5 - 9.5
highly alkaline waters > 9.5

Typically, the pH level of drinking tap water is within the range at which it does not directly affect the consumer quality of water. In river waters, pH is usually in the range of 6.5-8.5, in atmospheric precipitation 4.6-6.1, in swamps 5.5-6.0, in sea ​​waters 7.9-8.3.

WHO does not offer any recommended medical indicators values ​​for pH. It is known that at low pH, water is highly corrosive, and at high levels(pH>11) water acquires a characteristic soapiness, bad smell may cause eye and skin irritation. That is why for drinking and domestic water, the pH level in the range from 6 to 9 is considered optimal.

Examples of pH values


electrolyte in lead batteries <1.0


Gastric juice 1,0-2,0
Lemon juice 2.5±0.5
Lemonade, Cola 2,5
Apple juice 3.5±1.0
Beer 4,5
Coffee 5,0
Shampoo 5,5
Tea 5,5
Skin of a healthy person ~6,5
Saliva 6,35-6,85
Milk 6,6-6,9
Distilled water 7,0


Blood 7,36-7,44


Sea water 8,0
Soap (fatty) for hands 9,0-10,0
Ammonia 11,5
Bleach (bleach) 12,5
soda solution 13,5

Interesting to know: The German biochemist OTTO WARBURG, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1931, proved that the lack of oxygen (an acidic pH<7.0) в тканях приводит к изменению нормальных клеток в злокачественные.

The scientist discovered that cancer cells lose the ability to develop in an environment saturated with free oxygen with a pH value of 7.5 and higher! This means that when the fluids in the body become acidic, the development of cancer is stimulated.

His followers in the 60s of the last century proved that any pathogenic flora loses its ability to multiply at pH = 7.5 and above, and our immune system can easily cope with any aggressors!

To preserve and maintain health, we need proper alkaline water (pH=7.5 and above). This will allow you to better maintain the acid-base balance of body fluids, since the main living environments have a slightly alkaline reaction.

Already in a neutral biological environment, the body can have an amazing ability to heal itself.

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How are things with your acid-base balance? Did you know that our body has an ideal pH value of 7.365?

When the balance is disturbed, various diseases arise in our body.

Our habits such as sleep, stress, smoking and most of all the foods we consume affect the pH level in our body.

How to determine if the acid-base balance in your body is disturbed, and what needs to be done to restore it.

Acid-alkaline state

Signs Your Body Is Too Acid

The more acidic your body is, the harder it is for your immune system to fight disease, bacteria, and even cancer.

If your diet is dominated by meat and dairy products, sugar and processed foods, then your body is forced to use alkaline minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium) to neutralize the resulting excess acid.

Because of this, vital mineral reserves are depleted, which negatively affects health. Some scientists even believe that severe acidosis can promote the growth of malignant cells and tumors.

Here are a few signs that your body is too acidic:

    Inflamed or sensitive gums

    Diseases of the respiratory system

    Lethargy, loss of energy

    Excess weight

    Joint pain due to lactic acid buildup


    Acne or dry skin

    Frequent colds or a weakened immune system

    Poor circulation (cold hands and feet)

    Brittle, thinning hair

    fungal diseases

    Insomnia, chronic headaches

    Bone spurs, brittle bones

    Kidney and bladder infections

    Pain in the neck, back and lower back

    Premature aging

    Problems with the cardiovascular system: vasoconstriction, arrhythmia

Signs that your body is too alkaline

Most often, it occurs with an excess of bicarbonate in the blood, a sudden loss of blood acidity, low levels of carbon dioxide. The cause of this condition may be some kind of disease, but if the pH rises above 7.8? condition may become critical.

Here are the main signs that your body is too alkaline:

    muscle cramps


    Increased irritability

    Tingling in the toes or fingers, or around the mouth

How to restore the acid-base balance in the body?

Our body is an amazing system that itself is able to restore the acid-base balance. However, when there is a shift in one direction or another, it comes at a heavy cost to us.

For example, when our body becomes too acidic, the blood takes away alkaline-forming elements from digestive enzymes and creates a less favorable environment for digestion.

It is for this reason that the food we consume can affect the development of certain diseases. The body takes away from one area to balance the pH and interferes with the proper functioning of other functions.

    Our diet consists mainly of oxidizing foods (meat, cereals, sugar). We consume far fewer alkalizing foods, such as vegetables and fruits, and there are not enough of them to neutralize the excess of oxidizing foods we eat.

    Habits such as smoking, addiction to coffee and alcohol have an oxidizing effect on the body.

    Our body is approximately 20 percent acidic and 80 percent alkaline. It is recommended to consume approximately 20 percent acidic foods and 80 percent alkaline foods..

    Acid-base balance not to be confused with stomach acidity. A healthy stomach has an acidic pH, which is necessary for the digestion of food. We are talking about the pH of biological fluids, cells and tissues. Alkalinity occurs mainly after digestion. For example, lemons and oranges are considered acidic, but once digested, they provide our body with alkaline minerals.

    Foods can be oxidizing or alkalizing And. Give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables, such as: lemons, apricots, grapes, pears, cabbage? beets, lettuce, cucumbers. Also drink more water and avoid sugary sodas.

    If you feel like you suffer from alkalosis(excess alkali), you first need to find out the cause. For example, you may be taking medications that cause potassium and chloride deficiency. Severe vomiting can also lead to metabolic alkalosis.

Here are some more small tips on how to adjust the pH level in the body.

    Drink more water

    Eat less acid-producing foods

    Eat more greens and kale

    Avoid processed foods and fast food

    Include green juices and smoothies in your diet

    Get exercise

    Meditate to Reduce Stress