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How to take Fortrans correctly to completely cleanse the intestines. What drugs are used to cleanse the intestines?

Colon cleansing drugs have a number of advantages over other medical procedures, the main one of which is treatment at home. Substances passing through the digestive tract remove toxins not only from the lower, but also from upper sections, and at the same time do not disrupt the functional activity of organs.

Classification of drugs for colon cleansing

To drugs that can remove toxins from the lower parts digestive tract, include laxatives. Based on their mechanism of action, they are divided into several main groups:

  1. Medicines that irritate organ receptors by increasing the volume of water - osmotic and saline laxatives (Duphalac, Carlsbad salt).
  2. Medicines that activate nerve endings by increasing the quantity feces. They contain dense complex carbohydrate compounds, alimentary fiber(Metamucil, Citrucel).
  3. Medicines consisting primarily of chemical components(Bisacodyl, Guttalax).
  4. Drugs whose action is aimed at softening feces. A special feature is a change in the functioning of the small intestine (oils, liquid paraffin).

All medications are also classified according to the severity of their effects. They can have a laxative, laxative and diarrheal effect.

Never use the listed medications to lose weight! Complications are possible.

Salt or osmotic cleansers

The pharmacodynamics of this group is based on the elementary law of physics: liquid tends to where there are more molecules and ions. When mineral or some organic compounds are taken and they enter the intestinal lumen, fluid from the tissues and blood plasma tends to the organ cavity.

In addition, the main absorption of water should normally occur in the lower parts of the digestive tract, but due to the drug, this mechanism is also disrupted. Hold long time The organ cannot handle the mushy feces and everything comes out through the rectum.

Indications for use are:

  • occasional constipation;
  • cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia;
  • carrying out instrumental diagnostics;
  • intoxication of the body with heavy metals and their dangerous compounds;
  • helminthic infestation.

There is a whole list pathological conditions, in which treatment with these medications is prohibited. These include:

  • renal, liver and heart failure;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • bleeding;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Features and nuances during cleansing should be considered in relation to a specific medicine.

According to instructions, active substance(lactulose) reaches thick section intestines unchanged, partially broken down by microorganisms, not absorbed and excreted with feces.

The method of application is variable, it all depends on the quantity and form of the drug (tablets, syrup, powder), which is selected in individually doctor.

During colon cleansing, you need to remember some nuances:

  • if a single shot is indicated daily dose, then it should be taken at the same time, for example, in the morning or at lunch;
  • the patient should drink plenty of fluids throughout the day;
  • In order to accurately measure the prescribed volume, use a special cup.

Among side effects most often found:

  • diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • discomfort, pain syndrome;
  • nausea, vomiting.

If they appear, you must immediately stop cleansing the intestines and consult a specialist for advice.


Mainly consists of salts, such as potassium chloride, sodium sulfate or sodium bicarbonate. Passes through all departments gastrointestinal tract unchanged, as it does not undergo enzymatic decomposition.

It is used in hospitals and X-ray rooms for diagnostic purposes, if complete cleansing of the organ is required. It can be used in the preoperative period.

Lavacol is so widespread because it does not cause side effects. The only thing the patient can feel is nausea and discomfort in the abdominal area.

It is taken parenterally in diluted form on an empty stomach. The contents of the fourteen gram package are poured into a glass of cool boiled water. Doctors advise taking the medicine in the evening.


The active substance is macrogol. To enhance therapeutic effect as a supplement, the sachet of the medicine contains various salts: sodium sulfate, potassium chloride and others.

The medication is prescribed to persons over fifteen years of age. Before use, the contents must be diluted in one liter of water. You need to drink in parts, 200 ml every twenty minutes.

The most likely side effects are:

  • nausea, less often vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic reaction against the background of intolerance to the components of the drug.

All disorders go away on their own within a day or two after taking Fortrans.

Magnesium sulfate (magnesium)

The dosage and duration of therapy is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body, age and severity of the disease.

When using magnesia, special attention should be paid to the interaction of the drug with other medicinal substances. It is prohibited to combine magnesium sulfate with medications such as:

  • antibiotics with nephrotoxic properties;
  • diuretics of the loop and thiazide series;
  • calcium salts;
  • muscle relaxants.

Otherwise, a water-electrolyte imbalance develops, and the contractility of skeletal muscles and cardiomyocytes changes.

  • exacerbation of inflammation of the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • confusion;
  • convulsions;
  • thirsty;
  • signs of hypermagnesemia.

If such changes occur, therapy should be stopped and your doctor should be consulted.

Carlsbad salt

The medicine is produced in the form of a powder, packaged in 5 gram bags and 100 gram jars. The main substance is geyser salt.

The method of application is standard; for treatment it is necessary to dissolve the contents of the package in a glass of water and consume forty-five minutes before meals in small sips. The course of treatment is 21 days.

For the entire period clinical trials Not a single case of side effects has been identified, which may indicate the complete safety of using Carlsbad salt.

The main component is the inorganic chemical compound of the same name. Available in the form of solutions.

Adults need to drink twenty grams of dry sodium sulfate at a time. For children, the amount varies depending on age, with one gram of product per year of the child’s life. Consume on an empty stomach.

The only side effects observed are indigestion. In rare cases, excessive urination cannot be ruled out.

Drugs that cause mechanical irritation of receptors

According to the mechanism of action, this group of drugs is similar to the previous one, that is, it also attracts a large amount of water into the intestinal cavity. The difference is the active substance, which is coarse dietary fiber, for example, methylcellulose. It swells, presses on the walls of the organ and thereby stimulates its peristalsis.

There are only two dosage forms: tablets and powder. The main representatives are Metamucil and Citrucel.

There is little information in the instructions. As for the method of application, the dosage varies depending on age:

  • adults and children over twelve years old - mix one dose of powder in a glass of water;
  • persons from six to twelve years old – half adult dose dissolve in the same volume of liquid.

Side effects are non-specific and may include:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • pain syndrome;
  • allergy in the form of itching skin and rashes.

Very rarely, patients are bothered by periodic stomach cramps. When such clinical picture treatment should be stopped immediately.

Practically no different from the previous drug. Here it is worth highlighting a number of pros and cons compared to other groups of laxative medications.

The advantages include:

  • rapid normalization of the functional activity of the intestine against the background of cleansing the organ;
  • mild therapeutic effect;
  • gradual restoration of bowel regularity.

Among the disadvantages it is worth noting:

  • high probability of developing an allergic reaction to the components;
  • the appearance of bloating due to stretching of the intestinal walls;
  • low efficiency with initially sluggish organ motility, for example, after surgical intervention and anesthesia.

Particularly popular and widespread in pharmacy points does not have it when compared with the next group of drugs.

Chemical products for colon cleansing

Pharmacodynamics are somewhat different from previous medications. After administration, active substances enter the cavity duodenum. There under the influence alkaline environment and enzymes break down into special compounds that can irritate organ receptors. The amount of mucus produced increases and peristalsis increases.

The drugs are not absorbed into the general bloodstream, therapeutic effect occurs within 6-12 hours. With rectal administration, the waiting time is reduced to sixty minutes.

Indications for use include the following conditions:

  • chronic constipation due to intestinal hypotension;
  • elderly age;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • proctitis;
  • preparation of the organ for instrumental diagnostics and operations.

It is also used to cleanse women before and after childbirth.

The main contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • active inflammation of the wall of the digestive tract;
  • acute abdomen of unspecified etiology;
  • bleeding;
  • the patient's age is up to two years.

Patients with hepatic or renal failure and women during pregnancy and lactation.

Tablets for cleansing the intestines of waste and toxins contain five milligrams of the active substance. IN rectal suppositories the amount of the main component is twice as much.

The method of administration also depends on the form of release and route of administration:

  1. Orally. Drink in the morning or before bed. For children, 5 mg is recommended, for adults – from 10 to 15 mg.
  2. Rectally. Take once a day, one suppository is inserted into the rectal cavity.

Side effects include:

  • decreased appetite;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • decrease in blood pressure indicators;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic reaction.

It is prohibited to simultaneously use Bisacodyl and cardiac glycosides, as well as combine it with glucocorticoids.

The main component is sodium picosulfate monohydrate with a volume of 750 mg. Metabolites practically do not penetrate into the systemic circulation and are completely eliminated from the body after 48 hours.

Available in drops, used orally. The dosage is selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the patient’s age. Reception begins with the smallest volume of the active substance, after which the body’s reaction is monitored and the amount of the drug is increased.

Among the side effects it is worth highlighting:

  • dizziness;
  • allergies in the form of itching and rash;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea.

When cleansing the intestines, you should not combine Guttalax with glucocorticosteroids and diuretics; there is a risk of water-electrolyte imbalances.

Stool softeners

This group of drugs includes various vegetable oils and mineral compounds. They envelop the intestinal walls, change the structure of feces and are able to cleanse the organ in a few hours.

The main representatives are two types of chemical organic compounds:

  1. Vaseline oil. According to the classification of substances, it belongs to liquid paraffins. Take one tablespoon between meals. The duration of treatment should not exceed five days, otherwise hypovitaminosis and intestinal atony will develop.
  2. Vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, flaxseed and others). Take two tablespoons three times a day before or after meals. Use until stool normalizes and bowel movements become regular.

The main advantage of these drugs is complete absence contraindications and side effects, which raises the quality of organ cleansing to a completely new level.

Prebiotic Cleansers

A special group of medications that normalizes intestinal function by replenishing beneficial bacteria lost during treatment various pathologies. Recently, data has begun to appear on the direct relationship between the occurrence of pimples, acne, blackheads and disturbances in the microflora of the digestive tract. Therefore acne and similar diseases also treated with prebiotics.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are the same for everyone medicinal drugs suggested below. Once in the intestines, the drug acquires active form, symbiont microorganisms populate the mucous membrane and begin their own life activity: digest complex carbohydrates and suppress the growth of pathogenic pathogens.

Prebiotics are not suitable for weight loss, as they perform completely different functions.

Available in powder form, placed in a glass flask or foil bags. The composition includes various strains of bifidobacteria.

It should be taken with meals, preferably mixed with fermented milk products or regular boiled water. The amount of the substance varies depending on age; the dose should be divided into several doses.

It should not be mixed with hot drinks and stored in dissolved form for a long time, since most of the microorganisms die and the drug loses its therapeutic effect.

Contains acidophilic lactobacilli. Available in glass bottles or tablets for oral use.

The method of application is as follows:

  • infant - two tablets per day;
  • children under 10 years old – five;
  • adults – six to seven tablets per day.

Drink forty minutes before meals for two weeks. The doctor may extend therapy depending on the severity of the disease.

Available in the form of capsules containing lactobacilli and polysaccharide kefir grains. Indications for use include dysbacteriosis due to:

  • acute intestinal infection;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • treatment of pneumonia and other similar pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • active purulent-septic disease.

The dosage is selected individually, the number of capsules usually varies from one to five per day. Take orally, without chewing and with boiled water. The course of therapy is a week.


The capsule contains several microorganisms, mainly lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and enterococci.

This complex has a lot of positive effects:

  • increases acidity in the intestinal cavity and inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • participate in the synthesis of vitamins C, K, group B, thereby stimulating the functional activity of the immune system;
  • regulate the production of bile pigments and acids for better digestion and absorption of substances.

Directions for use and dosage are described below.

The total volume of the drug must be divided into several doses. The duration of treatment is two weeks, but can increase to one month.

Available in 2 forms: capsules for adults and flavored powder for small children. The composition is the same as the previous drug.

The attending physician prescribes the treatment regimen on an individual basis. The course usually does not exceed three weeks.

It has virtually no contraindications or side effects. An allergic reaction is possible if you are sensitive to the auxiliary components.

Slightly different composition, includes coli, several strains of lactobacilli and non-pathogenic streptococci that are part of the normal microflora.

Available in the form of a solution. Fifty drops per dose are recommended for adults; children need half as much of the active substance. Drink three times a day, dissolving in half a glass of boiled cool water.

Cleansing preparations before colonoscopy

This diagnostic method is an endoscopic examination of the intestine to detect structural and functional changes in the organ. It is carried out after special preparation of the patient.

You will need to take laxatives before the procedure. medicines. Some of them were mentioned above. Special attention You should pay attention to such medications as:

  1. Picoprep. Contains sodium picosulfate, magnesium oxide and lemon acid. Available in powder form for oral administration. Contraindicated for persons under ten years of age.
  2. Movieprep. Includes a whole list of inorganic salts that have a mild laxative effect. Can be used during feeding and lactation, but under medical supervision.
  3. Duphalac. Available as a syrup to cleanse the intestines. The active substance is lactulose.
  4. Microlax. A product that comes in the form of an enema. Used fifteen to twenty minutes before colonoscopy. Typically used in combination with other laxatives.

For better preparation To obtain reliable results, the patient must fully follow the specialist’s recommendations.

There really isn't much advice. It all depends on the patient’s interest in his own recovery. The rules are as follows:

  • balance your diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • drink plenty of fluids, preferably clean still water;
  • use medications, but with the doctor’s permission;
  • supplement treatment with prescriptions traditional medicine.

All points are of particular importance when cleansing the body of waste and toxins, so ignoring the recommendations may result in ineffective treatment and various complications.

Expert opinion

Laxatives can be used to cleanse the intestines, but you should not get carried away with them. The fact is that this group of drugs, regardless of the composition and mechanism of action, over time disrupts the functioning of the digestive tract, the wall of the organs loses its former tone.

In addition, some girls trying to lose weight use all kinds of medications, including prebiotics, laxatives, and emetics. Engaging in such therapy is stupid and dangerous, since the listed substances only remove metabolic products, but in no way stimulate metabolic processes. Using Duphalac or magnesium sulfate, it is impossible to get rid of lipid accumulations in the subcutaneous fat.

The laxative is produced in the form of a powder, from which a solution is prepared for oral administration. The powder is white and easily dissolves in water. Contained in paper bags, in a cardboard pack - 4 bags.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is laxative , having osmotic properties. The medication is used for intestinal lavage .

Active substance macrogol 4000 - This is a linear polymer; it can hold water molecules due to hydrogen bonds. As a result, it increases osmotic pressure, the volume of intestinal contents increases.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Getting into the body, macrogol 4000 is not absorbed from the digestive system, does not enter the bloodstream and is not exposed. It is completely excreted from the intestines with feces. How long it takes for Fortrans to start working depends on how often the patient takes it. After being carried out oral administration means, it begins to act after 1-1.5 hours and lasts for 2 to 5 hours. If the medication is taken again, the intestines are emptied 20-30 minutes after administration.

Indications for use

There are the following indications for taking the drug:

  • the process of preparing for a colon examination - cleansing the colon before endoscopy or x-ray ;
  • preparing the intestines for operations that require a complete absence of contents in the intestines;
  • preparation for irrigoscopy .


There are certain contraindications for taking the drug:

  • serious illnesses and conditions - heart failure in severe form, etc.;
  • or another disease of the colon in which extensive damage to the intestinal mucosa is noted;
  • intestinal obstruction , full or partial;
  • patient age under 15 years (no information on clinical use);
  • a high level of sensitivity to polyethylene glycol, since there is evidence of rare manifestations of drugs that contain polyethylene glycol.

Side effects

If colon cleansing is carried out using the drug Fortrans, certain side effects may occur:

  • digestive system: At the beginning of taking it, vomiting and nausea may develop, with continued use these manifestations stopped, and bloating was also noted;
  • allergic manifestations : in very rare cases, skin rash, isolated cases of development are known .

Instructions for use of Fortrans (Method and dosage)

The instructions for use of Fortrans provide for the use of the medicine only for people over 15 years of age. Before using the medicine, the powder from one package must be completely dissolved in 1 liter of water. You should also consider how to take Fortrans correctly and calculate the dose of the medicine. The dosage is calculated as follows: 1 liter of ready-made solution per 15-20 kg of weight. That is, a person should take on average 3-4 liters of the prepared solution.

Instructions for colon cleansing

After the colon cleansing powder has been diluted in water, the required dose should be taken the evening before surgery or examination. How to take the drug correctly depends on when the procedure is scheduled. After all, it is important to consider how long it takes for the medicine to work. You can also split the dose by taking 2 liters in the evening and 2 liters in the morning. But you must finish taking the solution 3-4 hours before the start of the procedure.

You should ask the specialist who prescribes the study in more detail about how to take it before an x-ray or how to take Fortrans before a colonoscopy in more detail.


There is no information about an overdose of Fortrans.


Before drinking before a colonoscopy or before other Fortrans studies, it is important to consider that , which occurs subsequently, may interfere with the absorption of other medications that the patient uses during this period.

Terms of sale

You can buy it at the pharmacy with a prescription.

Storage conditions

It is necessary to keep the powder away from children and store it at a temperature not exceeding 30°C.

Best before date

Storage period – 5 years.

special instructions

Before using the medicine for elderly people, you should consult a doctor and take the medicine under his supervision. It is especially important to take the medicine at home if the elderly patient has concomitant illnesses.

Analogues of Fortrans

Level 4 ATX code matches:

There are analogues of Fortrans from other manufacturers, and the price of analogues is often much lower. These are drugs , Osmogol , Realaksan , which contain a similar active ingredient.

Fortrans or Lavacol - which is better?

Lavacol - this is an analogue of production in Russia, active ingredient which is a macrogoal. The price of this drug is much lower. According to reviews, Lavacol has a more pleasant taste than Fortrans. However, many doctors say that Fortrans cleanses the intestines better.

Which is better: Fortrans or Flit?

Active component of a laxative drug is sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate. However, this medicine works in a similar way. Reviews indicate that this medicine does not have a very pleasant taste, but it works effectively. It should be noted that Flit is not a cheaper medicine; its price is also quite high.

Endofalk or Fortrans - which is better?

Endofalk It has similar composition, it contains macrogol 3350. The effect of this medicine is also similar. Therefore, it is best for a specialist to select the drug.

For children

Fortrans is not used to treat children and adolescents under 15 years of age. The method of use for adolescents over 15 years of age is the same as for adult patients.

For weight loss

Doctors do not recommend using this product for weight loss. The fact is that this is a strong laxative, and the way this drug works affects your health if you take it regularly.

How to drink Fortrans correctly for weight loss is recommended on some forums and websites. However, it is impossible to regularly cleanse the intestines for weight loss using this remedy, because, according to the instructions, only preparation for intestinal colonoscopy with Fortrans, or preparation for other procedures is practiced. When the drug begins to work, it is important to stay at home, in comfortable conditions for at least a day. It is important to note that after a laxative there is severe weakness. After cleansing the intestines, it is recommended to eat rice the next day. For several years, it is important to drink preparations with lacto- and bifidobacteria.

During pregnancy and lactation

About the use of the product during the period pregnancy There is no exact and clear data, therefore, during the period of gestation, the drug is taken only when absolutely necessary.

It is allowed to use the medicine during the period when indicated, since the active substance is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract is the first and most important point in the comprehensive cleansing of the body from waste and toxins. At home, you can carry out weekly home procedures: enemas, rinsing with salt and water. But special drugs for cleansing the intestines are considered safer and more effective.

Why do you need a colon cleanse?

This procedure is necessary not only before surgical interventions or in case of constipation. In one year, during the process of work and removal of food debris from the body, from 2 to 18 kilograms of mass settles in the gastrointestinal tract. Subsequently, they are not excreted and become “old.” Because of them, the functioning of many organs and systems of the body (gallbladder, liver, skin) is disrupted.

  • During weight loss. When excreting feces, the size of the intestine decreases, therefore, the stomach becomes flatter. It also speeds up metabolism;
  • For the treatment of acne and other skin problems. Inflammations on the face and body often occur due to a clogged gastrointestinal tract. By getting rid of feces, you can significantly cleanse your face of acne, comedones and wen;
  • To normalize the functioning of the excretory system;
  • To restore the body after taking antibiotics;
  • Before invasive interventions and other medical interventions.

Laxative medications are used to cleanse the intestines. They affect the gastrointestinal tract, relieving spasms from certain areas and helping to remove old feces.

Types of drugs by purpose:

  • Mechanical irritants. They provide rapid dilution of fecal matter due to water, which is attracted to the gastrointestinal tract. This is how Fortrans operates, saline solutions, which are used to wash thin and colon, Activated carbon. A notable feature of this type of medicine is that it is used to treat both diarrhea and constipation;
  • Stimuli simulating overcrowding. Our body is designed in such a way that, in the presence of certain factors, it restarts natural processes cleaning. When exposed to drugs of this kind, the impression of a full intestine is created. Because of which excretory system tries to clear it as quickly as possible;
  • Chemical. They work exclusively in the large intestine. They are analogues of an enema, therefore they cannot be used for global cleansing. On average, the effect of irritants begins 6 hours after administration, so for urgent implementation detox is not the best option.

Oil based oils can also be used at home pharmaceutical drugs. This Castor oil, Vaseline. They lubricate the building passage to facilitate emptying. IN difficult cases Doctors also recommend taking castor oil on an empty stomach - this will thin out the stool. But this method has serious drawbacks. Firstly, artificial diarrhea is created, this disrupts the state of the microflora. Secondly, the body becomes dehydrated due to large quantities and fats.

Soft cleaning with Fortrans

Fortrans refers to laxative drugs that act by irritating the motility of the small and large intestines. Is a powder white. To use, the medicine must be dissolved in warm water (one sachet takes a liter of liquid).

When is Fortrans prescribed:

  • If necessary, conduct an examination. It is used before irrigoscopy and x-ray examinations;
  • With its help, the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed before surgery;
  • If necessary, general bowel cleansing.

You can buy Fortnas in almost any pharmacy; the drug is sold without a doctor's prescription. But before use, you should definitely consult a specialist. It is strictly forbidden to use this laxative to treat pregnant women and preschool children.

How to cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins with Fortans:

  1. For cleaning, choose a free day, preferably a day off, since the detox process should begin in the morning on an empty stomach. The day before it is important to ensure correct mode nutrition: exclusively animal fats from the diet, drink plenty of water, have dinner in the evening plant foods, rich in fiber;
  2. Four sachets of powder are diluted in four liters of water. The morning after light vegetable or a fruit snack, drink 1 liter of the product. After three hours, you need to have lunch and drink another 2 liters of solution. Final stage begins in an hour: during this period, the remaining liquid is drunk;
  3. The effect of Fortrans begins 1.5 after taking the first dose. During the cleansing process, you may experience abdominal pain, intestinal cramps and other discomfort. This normal reaction body for such procedures.

Lavacol for colon cleansing

This powder consists of completely synthetic components that have a laxative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Like many other colon cleansing laxatives, it is prescribed before a colonoscopy as an alternative to an enema. The effect of the drug begins in thin section. Feces become liquefied, causing old sediment to overwhelm the gastrointestinal tract. The body receives a signal about the urgent need to defecate, after which all residual waste products are eliminated from the body.

Advantages of Lavalac over other laxatives:

  • Unlike oil mixtures, this drug does not dehydrate the body and does not in any way affect the rate of processing of vitamins and minerals;
  • The remains of the powder are not absorbed into the blood, but are excreted along with the feces;
  • In some cases of difficulty in defecation, Lavacol is prescribed to pregnant women and children. Self-prescription is unacceptable; only a doctor can recommend the use of this medicine;
  • This is a safe preoperative and laxative to prepare the body before examination (X-ray, endoscopy). It has virtually no contraindications or side effects.

Using Lavacol to cleanse the intestines is very simple: dissolve 1 sachet in a glass of water (200 ml). For convenience, it is better to use warm boiled water. The solution is drunk only on an empty stomach. For complete cleansing, you need to drink at least 3 liters during the day. It is best to take the product in the afternoon.

Castor oil and other oil mixtures

Inexpensive recipes Homemade colon cleanse with castor oil:

Easiest to use for cleaning pharmaceutical products. They are characterized quick effect, and are also very effective in their own right.

List of most known drugs:

  • . These are inexpensive but very effective tablets. It acts by irritating colon receptors;
  • Lactulose. Increases the amount of intestinal contents due to the breakdown of organic substances. Acts very gently, but quickly;
  • Guttalax. Prescribed when severe constipation or other bowel problems. In rare cases, it is used to prepare the intestines for operations or examinations;
  • Dry chestnut extract. It is considered a natural absorbent and interacts well with other laxatives. Rarely used as a complete cleanser;
  • Depuraflux. A natural laxative that consists of senna leaves and buckthorn extract. Acts only in the large intestine, promotes the production of gastrointestinal juice;
  • . Suitable for children and pregnant women. Like many other medical laxatives, it creates the effect of intestinal fullness due to the large amounts of lactulose in the composition;
  • Dr. Theiss Nova Figure. From the name itself it is clear that this drug helps you lose weight. In addition, it removes stagnant moisture, toxins and carcinogens from tissues;
  • – sorbent plant origin. Tablets are used to cleanse the intestines, speed up metabolism, improve skin condition and restore microflora;
  • Fleet phospho-soda. A laxative, the action of which is based on the interaction of water, salt and soda and the ability of this composition to liquefy and remove feces. Reviews say that this is an excellent drug for home cleaning, however, it can only be used after consulting a doctor.

Colon cleansing medications before colonoscopy

Preparation before the examination lower section intestines, gastrointestinal tract, stomach requires a complete cleansing. Feces interfere with the passage of X-rays and distort the results of the study.

The best drugs to prepare the gastrointestinal tract for examination:

  • Fleet;
  • Duphalac;
  • Endofalk;
  • Leaves of buckthorn, senna. IN in a rare case, flax extracts are prescribed.

Before surgery, childbirth, or when performing certain tests, bowel cleansing is necessary. That is why, if the operation is planned, the doctor will immediately tell you what diet to follow so that the intestines do not have to be cleansed. Doctors usually recommend certain medications if the intervention is urgent, but in order not to injure the intestines, it is better to carry out cleansing using natural methods.

Emptying the intestines

What foods should you avoid before surgery:

  • Cabbage, legumes, nuts
  • Fruits, vegetables, rye bread
  • Milk, soda, fried
  • Oatmeal, fatty meat, sausage
  • Alcohol and sweets.

Since these drugs cause bloating or may cause constipation, they should not be taken before surgery.

There is no need to eat at all 12 hours before surgery. In addition, bowel cleansing before surgery is sometimes carried out forcibly with special drugs.

For example:

  • The drug Fortrans is used as a laxative. Contraindications include age under 15 years, intestinal obstruction and peptic ulcer disease
  • Castor oil is used as a laxative. Calculation reception is underway 1 gram per 1 kilogram of weight. If a person weighs a lot, it will be difficult to drink and vomiting may begin.
  • The drug Lavacol. Analogue of Fortrans, costs less, has no contraindications
  • The drug Duphalac is a prebiotic that helps remove feces by increasing peristalsis
  • The drug Guttalax. Apply in drops, use morning and evening. Laxative.

All these drugs are used before surgery to cleanse the intestines. Some of them dilute feces, others cause increased peristalsis.

A doctor should prescribe medications, since each of them has its own characteristics and contraindications.

Other colon cleanses

The most frequent method bowel cleansing is an enema. It is placed before surgery, if it is planned. This remedy is much more effective than all drugs, since the intestines are completely cleansed, in addition, a siphon enema washes out even the hardest feces. Take 2 liters of water and pour it into Esmarch’s mug. It should be about 20 degrees Celsius. The patient lies on his left side, pressing his knees to his stomach. After which the tip is lubricated with Vaseline and inserted into the rectum to a depth of 10-12 cm. The mug is raised above the pelvis and the clamp is slowly opened. When all the water has poured in, close the clamp and remove the tip.

The water must be kept inside for about 15 minutes.

Such bowel cleansing before surgery also has its contraindications: rectal prolapse, hemorrhoids with bleeding, tumors, inflammatory processes, stomach bleeding.

What is it prescribed for?

In addition to drugs and enemas, you can also use traditional medicine methods, but this will not work in a hospital.

You should not cleanse the day before or at home, as you may get an irreversible effect.

It is better to use the medications prescribed by your doctor or agree to an enema if you fail to follow the diet. In general, drugs and other means are prescribed for one purpose, so that on the operating table there is no nausea from anesthesia, peritonitis does not occur, if suddenly an intervention is performed on abdominal cavity, and the patient should not strain during bowel movements so that the stitches do not come apart.

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Cleaning the intestines before surgery without an enema is not always possible or effective. Doctors are trying to move away from barbaric procedures, which are often not carried out under strict sanitary conditions. Medicinal laxatives come to the rescue.

Surgery is a complex specialty that requires emergency intervention. To prevent complications, operations on the abdominal organs require cleansing the stomach and intestines of food masses and formed feces.

Removing food debris - required action to avoid contact with organs during autopsy abdominal wall, leakage of liquid contents into natural pockets of the peritoneum.

Proper diet on the eve of the upcoming operation, normalization drinking regime, effectively selected laxatives will help cause stool passage naturally, without stress for the body, will replace unpleasant enemas.

In medicine there are mandatory testimony to the use of bowel cleansing before surgery:

  1. Resection of part of the small and large intestine.
  2. Gastrostomy placement (an operation connecting the stomach to the intestine).
  3. Reconstructive, repeated surgical interventions.

Review of approved laxatives

How not to get confused and choose an effective, safe laxative before surgery is a question that worries doctors and patients. Pharmaceutical market teeming with various laxatives, one after another released daily in new packaging.

An operation is a responsible matter that requires a reasonable approach to deciding the choice of a cleansing medication. There are popular, inexpensive, effective laxative medications that cleanse the intestines at home.


  1. Glycerin suppositories affect intestinal motility. Irritate the nerve endings of the mucous membrane, stimulate peristalsis. Does not soften feces and often leads to trauma to the anus. Doctors prescribe suppositories before surgery once a day. Today, a small microenema called Microlax, containing 5 mg of active substance, is popular; it easily and painlessly copes with the problem. Approved for use before surgery.
  2. Bisacodyl suppositories belong to the group of laxatives fast action. The effect of the drug is observed within an hour. Bisacodyl improves peristalsis, activates the secretion of intestinal mucus, and ensures smooth passage of feces through the intestines without traumatizing the mucous membrane. The drug is prescribed before and after surgical interventions. Taken the night before. The doctor may prescribe an additional 1 suppository in the morning a few hours before surgery. Bisacodyl is suitable for daily use.


Most medicines are available in powder form, rectal suppositories to combat constipation. The form helps to locally influence the problem that has arisen. There is not much choice among tablet laxatives, so the price suits you and there are indications for use. Before surgery you can use medications:

  • Senna herb produces results within half an hour. It is allowed to use before surgery without fear of consequences. Use 2 or more tablets. The medicine is suitable for one-time use and for the treatment of chronic constipation. Imported drug with the active ingredient of senna - Senade.
  • Bisacodyl is available in powder and tablet form. The drug enhances peristalsis and cleanses the intestines of feces. Take 1 - 2 tablets in the evening. Wait for the result in the morning.


  1. Realaxan is available in powder form in different fruit flavors. Active substance- Macrogol. The patient drinks the prepared drug, due to its properties of retaining water, the stool softens, the intestinal contents increase, and the receptors of the colon are irritated. The natural mechanism for excretion of feces is activated. 1 sachet of medicine diluted in a glass of water works wonders. The medicine is drunk in the morning and evening before the operation. Limit fatty foods per day, go on a mini-diet for a day using light soups, lean meat, salads, fermented milk products. Macrogol and analogues are widely used in surgical practice: before examinations to identify problems with gastrointestinal tract, intestinal tract, before surgical interventions. The product can be used for a long time when chronic constipation, but you need to find out with your doctor.
  2. Transipeg is a powder analogue of Macrogol. Replaces Realaxan if the latter is intolerable. The period of action of the drug is 1-2 days. Transipeg is excreted unchanged from the gastrointestinal tract and is safe for use. Drink medicine in the morning. Take a sachet and dilute it with water. The drug cleans efficiently, is suitable for long-term use and for one-time use (before laparoscopy).
  3. Cleaning your colon before surgery can be a budget-friendly option. The famous magnesia has been used in medicine for a long time and is suitable for economical treatment. Antispasmodic, vasodilator, diuretic, choleretic and many characteristics associated with one medicine. Magnesia will replace enema procedures. It effectively cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from stagnant food masses. The drug affects the intestinal processes of osmosis, reduces the absorption of water from the intestines. As a result of the use of the medicine, the stool softens, the content of the colon increases, irritating the enteroreceptors. A person performs a painless act of defecation. Use 10-30 g of powder diluted in half a glass warm water in the morning or at night.
  4. Duphalac has a similar effect as previous drugs. Normalizes stool, cleanses the intestines, improves the quantitative composition of intestinal microflora. Part medication includes lactulose, necessary to maintain physiological intestinal microflora. It is considered an effective and safe hyperosmotic laxative. Used in children from birth. The drug is prescribed for surgical interventions on the anal area. Available in powder form for oral use. Adults are prescribed from 15 to 45 ml of medication 1 time per day.

Effectively clean thick and small intestine before surgery without an enema was made possible thanks to numerous high-quality laxatives. Relying on one drug is not enough. It is necessary to additionally follow the rules for the cleaning to go well:

  • see the instructions, take the drug according to the recommendations;
  • Do not increase the dosage yourself! Medicines have side effects caused by overdose. The same applies to the frequency of administration. If the instructions say about a one-time dose of the drug, then it is taken only 1 time per day;
  • Before using the medicine, consult your doctor. If the prescribed medicine is not suitable, change it or consult your doctor;
  • Pay attention to contraindications to drug treatment. For hemorrhoids, anal fissure, paraproctitis, gastrointestinal bleeding Most laxatives are not used. Be carefull!

Options for cleansing enemas at home

A cleansing enema at home before surgery may consist of solutions:

  1. Plain water to completely cleanse the colon. The norm for an adult is from 1 liter to 1.5. For the procedure, you will need an Esmark mug, located at a height of 50 cm from the patient on a tripod. Before the manipulation, the anus and tip are lubricated with Vaseline to ensure comfortable and painless administration of the liquid. Water at room temperature is filled into the mug and the tip is inserted into the back hole. The air from the enema is released before this. The liquid is poured in slowly. If the patient notices abdominal discomfort, the procedure is stopped until the symptoms disappear. Then the manipulation continues. After injecting the liquid, it is necessary to place the patient on his back and massage his stomach. Turn over on your right side and wait for the result. The procedure is carried out the day before the operation.
  2. Soda solution - effective method to cleanse the intestines. An enema requires compliance with proportions. First, put the water on the fire, heat it to 40 degrees. Add a couple of spoons of soda. Carry out the enema manipulation according to the principles described above. Another enema is required to cleanse. For it, the water must be heated to 20 degrees with the addition of a few tablespoons of soda. Use an Esmark mug to perform the manipulation.

Preoperative cleansing of the intestines from feces is carried out using enemas. The procedure is not always sterile. It is recommended to use medications.