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Pharmacy remedies for sweaty feet: review of drugs. The best remedy for sweaty feet

Sweaty feet are the most common manifestation of hyperhidrosis. This disease can easily ruin the life of any person. It is characterized not only by the release of a huge amount of sweat, but also by an unpleasant odor that follows the patient everywhere. How to get rid of sweaty feet if this ailment darkens your life so much? We need to start fighting. Moreover, there are enough methods today.


Drug treatment successfully overcomes the problem of sweating feet. The main advantages of this therapy are that it is easy to use, and it also has undeniable effectiveness.

Among the list of the most popular drugs are:

  • Urotropin. This product is bactericidal. It is used both in powder form and in a ready-made liquid state. Before using the solution, you need to wash your feet with soap, soak a gauze swab in it and treat the affected area. You should definitely pay attention to the area between your fingers. It is better to do the procedure before bedtime. After lubricating your feet, you need to put on socks made of natural materials, and in the morning, wash off the residue with running water. The course of therapy is 15-30 days. If foot fungus is observed, you can additionally make baths from this solution.
  • Borozin. A specialized drug in powder form has an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, and deodorizing effect. You need to pour it directly into your shoes.
  • Formagel. External use product. Contains formaldehyde. The gel is colorless and can create a protective film on the surface of the dermis. After application, leave on feet for 30 minutes and then wash off with water. One-time use perfectly solves the problem of how to quickly get rid of sweaty feet and maintains the result for 1-3 weeks.
  • Boric acid. The most affordable pharmaceutical product. It is recommended to use the powder in pure form, pouring it into a plastic container and trampling on it with washed and dried feet. A very important condition is that the powder should get onto the entire dermis, especially between the fingers. It is better to do the manipulation before going to bed, and then put on socks. Rinse with water in the morning. You will need to do 10-15 procedures to reduce sweating and achieve an effect for six months.

Antibacterial agents

No less popular are products aimed at combating microbes. For example, a drug such as Formidone is widely used. Many doctors consider it the most powerful alcohol solution for humans to cope with excessive sweating. But it is worth considering that it causes Negative consequences, so you must follow the instructions. Apply the solution to your feet once a day using a cotton pad. After Formidon is applied, there may be a slight tingling and burning sensation. Continuous use of the solution is not recommended; 2-3 times a month is sufficient.


To use the product daily, you can give preference to deodorants. They soften and dry the skin, making it easy to remove bad smell, take care of the normal state of the dermis. They should be used immediately after hygiene procedures and wiping your feet dry.

Based on consumer reviews, the following deodorants can be distinguished:

  • Odor Control Neutra-Activ 3 in 1 from Scholl;
  • Reviving Foot by Oriflame;
  • Drisol.

Thanks to this method, you can keep your feet fresh for a long period of time, remove unpleasant odor and cope with excessive sweating. Some formulations may cause allergies, so it is important to read the instructions and follow them.


The method is based on an electric field that introduces ions into the tissue. This leads to the sweat excretion channels being partially blocked. Iontophoresis is performed 2-4 times a week. Most often used in the procedure plain water, but a specialist in the hospital can prescribe anticholinergic drugs, aluminum chloride, and drugs containing botulinum. After 6-10 times the result will become noticeable.

Minimally invasive technique

Injection therapy can also help relieve sweaty feet. Normalizing the sweat elimination channels and making the problem area almost dry. The technique is based on the introduction of botulinum-containing preparations under the skin at a specified distance from one another. The mechanism of action on the disease is blocking the release of acetylcholine. As a result, secretion can be reduced. Sweat production is reduced by 80-90%, the effect is not permanent, but will last from 4 to 12 months.

Daily care

Whatever procedure or remedy is chosen, daily home care for your feet is mandatory. It is important to wash your feet with soap and water as often as possible. Particular attention should be paid to the interdigital area. After washing, be sure to dry your feet, use powder, deodorants, and antiperspirants.

Essential oils

The mechanism of influence is as follows: oils have an astringent effect, tighten the dermis and ducts of the sweat glands, so sweating is inhibited. Also, some oils dry out bacteria and fungi.

The most active options are:

  • tea tree;
  • clary sage;
  • geraniums;
  • lemon;
  • cypress;
  • mint.

Any of the presented oils is applied to clean skin light massaging.

To do this, you should conduct a small test, apply a drop of oil to the skin of your wrist, and if the skin does not turn red within a quarter of an hour, you can use it.


The functionality of the powder in this case is similar to a sponge that absorbs liquid. In the places where it is applied, moisture disappears. In addition, some powders have the ability to have a cooling effect on the skin, remove inflammation, and suppress bacteria. Apply after water procedures to dry dermis.

Consumers use the following mineral powders:

  • talc;
  • baby powder;
  • starch;
  • oak powder.


Herbal medicine - alternative folk way, which helps to get rid of foot odor and sweating for a long time.

Decoctions suppress the cause of the appearance large quantity sweat:

  • With sage. 100 g of small plant is poured with 100 ml of boiling water and left for 10 minutes. Next, it is diluted with water and taken in the form of a bath for 20 minutes.
  • With mint, nettle and sage. Equal parts of herbs are poured with boiling water, infused for 20 minutes, then feet are soaked for 15 minutes.
  • Oak bark. Add 100 g of bark to 100 ml of water, and boil the mixture for about half an hour over low heat. Then infuse for an hour. The bath takes about 20 minutes.

How to get rid of sweaty feet using procedures and folk remedies

In order to know how to get rid of sweaty feet, you need to get the right prescriptions, which only a specialist can do. Often, not only drugs or cosmetics, but also folk recipes help overcome this illness.

Evening treatments

Among the procedures that can be performed in the evening before bedtime are: special place occupy the baths.

  • Saline solution. Table salt will do. For 5 liters of water you need to add 5 tbsp. l. component. Keep your legs for 10-15 minutes.
  • Soda solution. 30 g of soda is dissolved in 3 liters of water, the duration of the procedure is no more than 7 minutes.
  • Decoction of oak bark . Medicinal raw materials (100 g) are poured with boiling water (1 l) and boiled in a water bath for half an hour, then filtered. Use a diluted decoction, add another 3 liters to it warm water. Dip and keep your feet until the composition has cooled.
  • Decoction of laurel leaves. Take 500 ml of boiling water, add 10 bay leaves, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes and add 5 liters of water to the bath container. Keep your legs for half an hour.

How to properly care for your shoes

Shoes play a key role in foot health. Therefore, you need to know the rules that will tell you how to get rid of sweaty feet and unpleasant odor.

  • Wear in summer open shoes. It allows for ventilation of the feet.
  • Shoes must be made of quality materials.
  • Disinfection is mandatory. This is not difficult to do. It is necessary to soak cotton wool in hydrogen peroxide and wipe the inside of the shoes. Then use another swab soaked in alcohol to repeat the same manipulations. Then dry and ventilate.
  • You can put a bag of dry tea in disinfected shoes.


The fact is that such manipulations normalize blood circulation and sweating itself. To carry out a massage you will need oils, for example, lavender, which copes well with bacteria. It should be done at night, paying attention to the area between the fingers.

Folk recipes

Traditional recipes are effective and in demand. How can you easily get rid of severe sweaty feet at home? It has been noted that homemade powder can remove unpleasant odors quickly and effectively. To do this, you need to grind oak bark and pour it inside your socks and put them on for 1-2 hours.

The composition may also consist of starch and salicylic acid(proportion 9:1). This mixture should be sprinkled on your feet after water procedures.

In addition, salt or soda can be used as a powder, but you should be as careful as possible with such components, especially if there are small wounds on the dermis.


Baths from natural ingredients- an excellent solution to the problem:

  • Willow and oak bark. Each ingredient will require 2 tbsp. l., pour in 2 liters of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Strain, cool, keep the legs in the composition for 20 minutes.
  • Chamomile, linden, calendula. 3 tbsp. l. pour each plant hot water, insist, lower your legs for 30 minutes.
  • Manganese. A weak solution of the substance is prepared, the feet are lowered into it for 10 minutes.
  • Walnut sheets. About 150 g of walnut leaves are poured with boiling water, infused for 20 minutes, filtered and applied for 20 minutes.


In addition to the above methods, you can use decoctions and teas that help from the inside in solving a delicate issue. You can make tea from chamomile, mint, and lemon balm. Also good would be to collect lemon balm, valerian and St. John's wort. You can make a decoction of sage, which will regulate the process of sweating. All infusions are used every day, twice a day. You should drink them for 1-2 months.

Preventive measures

Don't forget about preventive measures, because it is much easier to prevent a problem than to eliminate it.

Prevention of hyperhidrosis is as follows:

  • using laundry or antibacterial soap;
  • wiping your feet dry after taking water procedures;
  • use of creams, oils, powders;
  • frequent change socks, tights, insoles;
  • refusal of rubber shoes;
  • selection of shoes according to season and size;
  • wiping the inside of shoes, for example, with vinegar.

Perhaps there have always been and will be problems that have plagued humanity for a very long time. It is not known whether the primitive ancestors of modern man suffered from sweating feet, but today this problem spoils the lives of many. Fortunately, there are extremely simple, yet effective, folk remedies for sweaty feet. We will talk about some of them today.

Today, dermatologists and cosmetologists rightly believe that The main cause of uncontrollable sweating of the skin on the legs is different kinds pathogenic fungi. These microorganisms love damp, warm places, making your feet, covered with socks and shoes, an ideal haven for them. The main sign indicating a “fungal” etiology of sweating of your feet is constant itching, burning, a feeling of “coals” between the toes and similar unpleasant and even painful sensations.

Remember! The risk of developing mycosis increases with excessive sweating, weakened immune system, with bruises (when abrasions occur and nails break off), as well as with constantly wearing closed shoes, when the feet are, in fact, in greenhouse conditions throughout the day.

It is known that men are more likely to suffer from both sweating and athlete's foot. The exact reason for this predisposition has not yet been identified. Some researchers suggest that levels of certain hormones may be to blame. It is possible that these substances released in sweat stimulate the growth of fungal microflora.

Like other mycoses, foot fungus, which develops as a result of sweating or provokes it, can transmitted from person to person. Another danger that many conveniently forget about is the possibility “transfer” of mycosis from the legs to other parts of the body.

When you are being treated for sweaty feet, it is imperative (!) that you strictly follow the basic rules of personal hygiene: for example, after treating your feet medicinal composition, you should not pick your ears. By strictly following proven recipes for treating sweating and mycosis, you can completely cope with the problem in just two to three weeks.

All the treatment methods we describe are completely safe and involve the use of products that do not contain harmful or toxic compounds. This, however, does not eliminate the need to consult a specialist. In addition, the recommendations given in the article cannot be considered official medical advice.

Garlic as an effective method to combat sweaty feet

Garlic has been known since ancient times as an effective antibacterial and antifungal agent. Included in this amazing plant includes a huge number of phytoncides, which in their effectiveness can sometimes compete with modern medications.

In addition, garlic is also useful for sweating, no not related to action pathogenic fungi : it easily destroys microbes “responsible” for the destruction of sweat and the appearance of unpleasant odors. With regular use, the skin of the feet becomes noticeably cleaner, softer, and the specific “aroma” from the shoes worn completely disappears. It should be used in the form of the following composition:

  • Crush one clove of garlic and add two or three drops of olive oil until the mixture has the consistency of a paste.
  • Apply the mixture to your feet.
  • The composition should be left on the skin for half an hour.
  • Wash your feet thoroughly warm water with antibacterial or antifungal soap. Dry your feet thoroughly until they are completely dry.

This product is used once a day for at least three weeks. In more than 70% of cases this the simplest drug allows you to completely cope with sweating, fungi and unpleasant foot odor.

Apple vinegar

Vinegar is a natural antiseptic. It has a very low pH, which helps kill odor-causing bacteria and fungi. In addition, natural apple cider vinegar itself is an excellent cosmetic product that improves the condition of the skin of the feet. Finally, it literally draws out excess moisture from the sweat glands and preserves some of them, which also causes a decrease in sweating.

Vinegar should be used by mixing it with clean and warm water in a ratio of 1:3. Used in the form foot baths, exposure time is at least 15 minutes. Do this two to three times a day. After each “soaking” you need to thoroughly dry your feet with towels. It should be repeated for at least a couple of weeks, after which a positive effect will be visible.

Read also: Apple cider vinegar for sweaty feet: a simple solution to the “smelling” problem

You can use vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. Wash your feet with antiseptic soap, soak a cotton swab in a mixture of vinegar and water, and then apply the mixture to the skin of your feet. Exposure time – 20 minutes. After this period, gently wipe your feet damp cloth, dry with a towel and powder with talcum powder. This procedure should be repeated twice a day for about three weeks.

Note that it is not necessary to use apple cider vinegar. More precisely, we would strongly recommend taking it... but only if the product is natural and obtained by fermenting apple wine. The fact is that such a drug helps not only reduce or completely eliminate sweating: it has an excellent effect on the condition of the skin of the legs.

Ordinary vinegar obtained by chemical synthesis is so bright pronounced action does not possess. In addition, at home it is quite possible to get absolutely natural product without spending a lot of time and effort.

Helps with leg hyperhidrosis... yogurt!

Oddly enough, but “live” yogurt, which contains a lot of lactobacilli, helps perfectly with excessive sweating feet, helping to improve skin condition and eliminate unpleasant odor. In addition, cosmetologists have proven that harmless Lactobacilli are the worst natural enemies of many pathogenic fungi.

But! Only (!) natural yogurt has all these properties, the shelf life of which does not exceed five to six days maximum. Ideally, you should cook it yourself. “Something” packaged in plastic cups with a shelf life of six months has nothing in common with real yogurt!

The product is very easy to use. Yogurt must be applied to the skin of the feet and wait until it dries completely. After drying, wash your feet with warm water and dry your skin thoroughly with towels. Frequency of use: twice a day. The duration of therapy is three or four weeks minimum.

In addition, during the “treatment” you need to regularly eat yogurt - this way you stabilize the condition of the intestines, stabilize intestinal microflora and ensure ideal metabolism in your body. All this will help reduce sweating, and the sweat produced will not smell so unpleasant. Finally, natural yogurt contains many vitamins and microelements that help improve the condition of the skin of your entire body.

Particularly good this method for women who care about the condition of their legs. Yogurt, by the way, is perfect for comprehensive preparation for the summer season.

Table salt is a simple but effective remedy.

Many people forget that every apartment has universal remedy, which can relieve sweating, fungi and unpleasant odor. If anything, we are talking about ordinary table salt. She helps « preserve" some sweat glands and draw excess moisture from the skin. Of course, when correct use– there are known cases when especially “zealous” people got their feet so dirty that they then had to get rid of abscesses and other unpleasant consequences for a long time. The correct use of table salt is as follows:

  • Take six teaspoons of salt per liter of clean warm water.
  • The feet are kept in this “brine” for five to ten minutes. After the procedure, feet should be thoroughly dried by wiping with towels.
  • To reduce skin moisture, apply a small amount of soda to the spaces between the fingers.

The procedure should be repeated four to five times a day until positive effect(This may take up to five weeks, patience is required). Note: saline solution Do not use if you have wounds, scratches, or other deep damage to the skin of your feet.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a powerful antiseptic and has pronounced antifungal properties. In addition, it smells pleasant and can be used as a natural deodorant, eliminating unpleasant odors from sweating feet and even shoes. It is non-irritating; tea tree oil can be used to eliminate hyperhidrosis of the legs not only in adults, but also in children.

Cosmetologists advise using it in the form of a mixture (1:1) with natural cold-pressed olive oil. The composition is applied to the skin of the feet twice a day. There is no need to wash off the drug. Duration of use depends on the time required for the complete disappearance of sweating and unpleasant odor. Typically this takes about two weeks. Subsequently, it is recommended to repeat the procedure at least twice a week. This is necessary to consolidate the positive effect.

Read also: Salicylic-zinc paste for sweating: indications, rules of use, contraindications

If the condition of the skin on your legs is very far from perfect, it is better to try another recipe, recommended even by professional cosmetologists. Mix three parts tea tree oil and one part aloe vera gel. The mixture is rubbed into the skin of the feet for six to eight weeks. The good thing about the drug is that in just a few days of regular use it can make the skin of the feet soft and tender, and therefore it can be used not only in the treatment of sweating, but also, if desired, to eliminate cosmetic defects stop.

How to use black tea?

Ordinary black tea contains a lot antioxidants and tannins. Their combination allows you to “heal” the sweat glands on the legs and reduce their secretory activity. In addition, powerful tannic acids can effectively suppress even the activity of pathogenic fungi, which is useful in the treatment of fungal foot diseases.

Finally, tea is a well-known antiperspirant, capable of absorbing all odors like a sponge. With regular use, you can completely eliminate the “odors” that accompany people with constantly sweating feet. This tool should be used as follows:

  • For a liter of boiling water, take four tablespoons of fine tea and brew it for five minutes. It is necessary to use plain black tea without dyes or flavors.
  • Cool the resulting infusion to a temperature of 39-45 degrees Celsius.
  • Use for foot baths. Exposure time is about half an hour. Dry your feet thoroughly with a towel and powder with talcum powder.

The treatment should be repeated up to three times a day, the treatment period should be at least five or six weeks. To achieve lasting positive results, you need to take foot baths regularly. Note that this method is more suitable for men, since the skin of the feet will inevitably turn brownish-brown due to the constant action of black tea. Women, especially in the summer, will obviously not like this.

Cinnamon is a fragrant and effective medicine

As cosmetologists and dermatologists have found out, regular cinnamon contains a lot specific substances that can inhibit the secretory activity of the sweat glands. In addition, this spice is a natural deodorant that eliminates the unpleasant odor of old sweat. Here's how to use cinnamon:

  • Grind 8-10 cinnamon sticks (or take an equal amount of ground spice by weight). Pour the powder into a liter of boiling water.
  • Bring to a boil and cook for five minutes over low heat. After this period, turn off the stove and leave the mixture for 45 minutes. However, if after this the temperature of the liquid does not reach 40 degrees (it will be higher), you can keep the infusion longer.
  • You need to soak your feet in it for at least half an hour, up to three times a day. After the procedure, thoroughly dry the skin of your feet.
  • This should be done for at least one to two months. As practice shows, after this period, the skin on the feet not only sweats less, but also becomes much softer and softer, which is especially important in the summer, when you wear open shoes.

Of course, with due diligence and patience, the disgusting smell of feet, which for many people who are forced to wear tight and strict shoes for a long time at work, becomes a real curse, completely disappears.

Olive tree leaves

Olive leaf contains antifungal as well as antimicrobial compounds, which makes it effective in combating sweating and unpleasant foot odor. And this, by the way, was noticed back in Ancient Greece. Use the leaves as follows:

  • Grind a few olive leaves in a mortar to a paste consistency.
  • Using cotton swabs, apply the paste directly to the skin of your feet.
  • Wrap your feet in regular plastic wrap (you can just put them in bags). After that, you just need to sit for half an hour.
  • Rinse your feet with warm water without soap and dry thoroughly.
  • The procedure should be repeated up to four times a day for two weeks.

Several years ago, “official” dermatology finally proved that olive leaf can be used to treat even severe foot mycoses.

Onions - a powerful and inexpensive remedy

Since ancient times, onions have been considered almost a panacea, since its effectiveness against many diseases has long been known. This plant is rich in vitamins and microelements, and also contains a lot antibacterial compounds. Despite its specific smell, it literally “absorbs” other odors, and therefore can be used to eliminate the unpleasant odor that occurs when feet sweat. The method of application is as follows:

  • Finely chop two medium-sized onions in a blender, place the resulting pulp in cheesecloth and carefully squeeze out the juice.
  • Wash your feet thoroughly with antibacterial soap, dry the skin lightly, and apply onion juice (using a cotton swab) to the skin.
  • Leave it for half an hour.
  • Wash your feet with lukewarm water and dry.
  • Gently apply talcum powder to the skin Special attention paying attention to the interdigital spaces.
  • Treatment should be carried out twice a day. The duration of treatment is at least two months. After this period, you will notice that your feet have stopped smelling, and the condition of the skin on your feet has noticeably improved.

Many people suffer from increased sweating legs, which causes them real trouble, especially in summer. Why do my feet start to sweat a lot and acquire an unpleasant odor? Most likely, a huge number of bacteria nestle comfortably on the feet, the waste products of which become a source of a repulsive “aroma.” The fact is that bacteria feed on the sweat that appears on the soles of the feet, and the more this sweat, the more comfortable they feel. And sweat production increases if you wear, for example, synthetic socks or closed shoes made of artificial materials.

So, let's start the fight with harmful bacteria and with an unpleasant odor.

Step one: long live scented soap!

Don’t be lazy to wash your feet morning and evening, and wash them properly, with special antibacterial soap. It is very important to dry with a towel after washing. The slightest trace of moisture will provoke the proliferation of new bacteria, because the most favorable environment for them is warm moisture.

After graduation bath procedures You can wipe your feet with a weak (pink) solution of potassium permanganate: this will kill most of the bacteria and create unbearable conditions for the remaining ones.

Step two: buy deodorant

Go to a pharmacy or cosmetics store and purchase a deodorant that contains antifungal and antibacterial ingredients. If it is not possible to buy just such a product, an ordinary antiperspirant, baby powder, or talc will work perfectly. You need to treat your feet with this product before leaving the house. Powder or talc absorbs sweat, which means bacteria have nowhere to roam. Antiperspirant successfully fights sweat, significantly reducing its production.

In addition, find a gel or cream against sweating feet at the pharmacy, preferably with camphor or menthol.

Step three: only natural!

Stop wearing synthetic socks! Let them be made only from natural fabrics, because your feet deserve it! By the way, be sure to change your socks, stockings or tights every day: it is unacceptable to wear a stale pair, this will only please the villainous bacteria.

Step Four: Pay Attention to Shoes

Shoes should also be made of genuine leather that allows air to pass through well. For summer, it is better to choose shoes that are open at the top, but the bottom of the foot must be protected from dust and dirt with a heel, platform or small wedge.

Of course, you need to wash and clean your shoes more often, and at night put small bags of aromatic herbs sprinkled with essential oil into them (an option is wood shavings from juniper or cedar). Insoles need to be changed quite often: at least once a month, because they absorb sweat and odor.

By the way, you should have at least two pairs of shoes for the season: one is worn, the other is aired for at least 24 hours.

Step five: take care of your fingers

To prevent sweaty feet and the associated unpleasant odor, you can wipe your toes and the skin between them every morning with a solution of ordinary sting (1 part vinegar to 5 parts water). IN acidic environment All bacteria will die one hundred percent! The solution can be enriched with 3-4 drops of thyme oil: this powerful antiseptic, which will quickly deal with bacteria.

The only caveat: vinegar is contraindicated for those who have open wounds or sores.
Instead of vinegar solution, you can use boric acid powder; you just need to sprinkle it in a thin layer on your fingers and between them.

Step six: 24-hour care!

Don't forget to take care of your feet in the evening, before going to bed. Put on thin cotton socks, into which you first need to pour powdered oak bark (you can buy it at any pharmacy). While you sleep, oak bark “works” by binding particles of sweat and transforming them into another substance.

Another good way to deal with sweat is a few drops of lavender essential oil. Just lubricate your feet and toes with it, and then put on light cotton socks again.

A few more tips

You can reduce sweat on your feet using foot baths. To do this, prepare the selected decoction, pour it into a bowl of warm water, put your feet in it and sit quietly for 20 minutes, relax. Herbal mixture It is enough to take 2 tablespoons, fill it with the specified amount of boiling water and add to 3 liters of water. The main thing is to use the baths regularly, every evening.

Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over sage leaves and cool.

Pour dried oak bark with 3 cups of boiling water, after 3 minutes you can add it to the bath.

Brew crushed horsetail leaves with 3 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 5-10 minutes.

In addition, you can alternately add sea salt, an infusion of strong black tea (it has astringent properties), leaves of St. John's wort, mint or rose hips, and citrus peels to the bath water. An excellent remedy is Epsom salt; it tightens the skin well if you add it to warm water and keep your feet in the solution for 15-20 minutes.

Having chosen the appropriate ones from the listed remedies, start treatment immediately! All these methods of combating sweaty feet can be used individually or all together, or can be alternated. After just a couple of weeks, you will feel that your feet begin to sweat much less, and the unpleasant odor has almost disappeared.

How to get rid of sweaty feet in the shortest possible time? This problem is present in a large number of men, and sometimes in women as well. Treatment of leg hyperhidrosis should be comprehensive. Using only creams or sprays is not enough, because intense sweating is often associated with internal or external factors which must be taken into account.

Main reasons

Sweaty feet become a real problem for many people. But before you get rid of hyperhidrosis, you should consider the reasons for its development. Excessive sweating in the legs is associated with such factors:

  • absence proper care taking care of the skin of the feet (rarely changing socks, neglecting daily water procedures);
  • the use of low-quality shoes or insoles made of synthetic materials, which makes normal air exchange impossible;
  • wearing closed and too warm shoes in hot weather;
  • negative hormonal changes in organism;
  • presence of diseases of cardio-vascular system that disrupt normal blood circulation;
  • foot fungus;
  • diabetes;
  • psychosomatics or being in a state of severe stress;
  • intense physical activity.

Taking some medications can cause increased sweating, which is always indicated in the instructions from the manufacturer.

Causes of unpleasant odor

The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the feet is not associated only with increased sweating. Human sweat has virtually no odor. An unpleasant odor is always associated with the activity of bacteria, which begin to multiply intensively in a humid environment.

Due to prolonged exposure to sweat skin covering softens significantly. Its upper stratum corneum becomes an excellent feed for bacteria and stimulates even greater activity.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor is also associated with the composition of human sweat. 99% - this is plain water, and only 1% are various substances. They are broken down by bacteria, resulting in the formation of isovaleric acid. It is she who has a repulsive and rather specific aroma.

Skin fungus and diabetes mellitus increase unpleasant foot odor.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

There is good news for men and women - it is very easy to cure hyperhidrosis and get rid of this problem forever. It is enough to follow the rules of hygiene, use some specialized means from the pharmacy or folk category and is attentive to your well-being. In the presence of diseases leading to hyperhidrosis, without them proper treatment It is useless to fight the problem.


The use of medications shows quite good results in the treatment of foot hyperhidrosis. A list of the best means is presented below.

Pasta Teymurova

Widely known antiseptic drug, which helps reduce foot sweating. Teymurov's paste contains boric acid, zinc oxide, and mint extract. Thanks to this, it produces an antibacterial, drying, cooling effect, and effectively fights fungus.

To reduce sweating of the lower extremities, the medicine is applied to problem areas of the skin several times a day. The course of treatment is one month.


This is one of the most effective and inexpensive remedies against excessive sweating, which contains a formaldehyde solution. Formidron should be used very carefully as it can cause skin irritation in people with hypersensitivity.


It is a medicinal powder that is recommended to be applied to the feet to eliminate excessive sweating. The drug eliminates unpleasant odors, produces antibacterial and antifungal effects. To achieve the desired effect, before putting on shoes, sprinkle the powder on the feet and the space between the toes.

Antibacterial agents

There are other antiseptics that are effective against hyperhidrosis:

Folk remedies

Folk remedies provide good results in the treatment of sweating feet different composition and method of action.

Homemade deodorant

To get rid of unpleasant foot odor, reduce sweating and destroy pathogenic microflora, you can use a homemade deodorant made from tea tree oil. To prepare it, pour 100 ml of water into any container with a spray bottle and add 10 drops of essential extract. This deodorant can be used several times a day as needed.

Foot bath with potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate has an excellent drying and antiseptic effect.

To treat sweaty feet with its help, you need to use the following remedy:

  1. A small amount of potassium permanganate is stirred in warm water to obtain a light pink solution.
  2. The feet are dipped into the bath and kept in the water for 20 minutes.
  3. Feet are wiped well.

Application of oak bark

To eliminate heavy sweating in the leg area, it is recommended to use products made from oak bark. There are several effective recipes that help the first time:

  • Pour 50 g of oak bark into a glass of boiling water and keep on low heat for 20 minutes. The broth is filtered and combined with a liter of clean water. Keep your feet in the resulting solution for 20 minutes.
  • Oak bark is ground into powder, for which you can use a regular coffee grinder. It is used as a powder that can reduce sweating and neutralize unpleasant odors.

Antiseptic bath

You can reduce sweat in the feet, prevent the development of fungus and cope with unpleasant odors if you take a bath daily according to this recipe:

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of soda and salt in a liter of hot water.
  2. Add a few drops of iodine.
  3. Keep your feet in the resulting solution until the water cools completely.

Homemade rosemary and thyme spray

By decision unpleasant problem sweating can be treated with a homemade antiseptic spray:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of thyme and rosemary, pour a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
  2. The cooled broth is filtered and combined with 120 ml of apple cider vinegar.
  3. The resulting mixture is poured into a jar with a spray bottle and applied to problem areas several times a day.


This treatment method is based on the use of a weak electric field. As a result of the procedure, ions are introduced into the tissue, which partially blocks the process of sweat secretion. Iontophoresis is most often performed 2-4 times a week. To carry it out, ordinary water or special solutions can be used. Positive result noticeable after 6-10 procedures.

Minimally invasive treatment method

With the help of botulinum toxin injections, it is possible to overcome the problem of excessive sweating of the feet. for a long time. After the procedure, the result lasts for 6-9 months. The drug paralyzes the transmission of nerve impulses in tissues, making it impossible to sweat.

How to properly care for your shoes

To overcome sweating of the lower extremities, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing shoes and properly care for them. This consists of observing the following simple rules:

  • In summer, it is advisable to wear only open shoes, which ensures natural ventilation of the feet;
  • you should select models that are suitable in size and made from natural materials (leather, fabric);
  • it is recommended to periodically disinfect shoes using ordinary hydrogen peroxide;
  • To rid your shoes of an unpleasant odor, you can put a bag of black tea inside at night.


To prevent the development of hyperhidrosis, you must follow simple rules:

By following these simple rules, you will be able to quickly get rid of hyperhidrosis. And paying attention to your health and well-being will allow you to control the problem and prevent its negative impact on normal life.

Sweaty feet is an unpleasant phenomenon, the cause of which can be a variety of factors: from a banal temperature change to pathological process in organism. However, no matter what the provocateur turns out to be, the problem must be dealt with. For in advanced cases A fungus develops on the feet of patients, the nails turn yellow and peel off - the picture is not a pleasant one.

How to get rid of sweaty feet at home? Is it possible to forget about wet, bad-smelling feet at home? First things first.

What is the reason for this unpleasant phenomenon?

The human body is covered with millions of sweat glands. A significant part of them is located in the area of ​​​​the palms and feet. At normal conditions does not have a prominent secret specific smell.

The stench of sweat is a consequence of the active activity of bacterial organisms that thrive in a warm and humid environment. A fungus can further aggravate the problem. frequent colds and periodically freezing, wet feet.

Indirectly, the appearance of foot hyperhidrosis can be affected by: active image life, stressful situations, emotional stress, incorrect approach to nutrition.

Among the direct causes of the symptom are:

  • various ailments (infectious, hormonal);
  • heredity;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • skin diseases;
  • wearing poor quality shoes.

What causes sweaty feet in men, women, and children? In the case of the fair half of society, the problem most often arises due to wearing synthetic socks and tights, long stay in tight and hot shoes. Also, sweating of women's feet may be associated with hormonal imbalance, nervous overstrain, long-term diet.

Men begin to complain about wet, bad-smelling feet due to prolonged physical activity, poor foot hygiene, stress.

The reason for this unpleasant phenomenon in children (say, a 12-year-old child) lies in wearing uncomfortable synthetic shoes, poor hygiene, excessive mobility, and a passion for spicy foods. Teenagers often have sweaty feet due to hormonal changes during puberty.

Is it possible to forget about sweaty feet forever?

The likelihood of completely getting rid of the problem is related to the root cause of the phenomenon. So, provided that the disease that causes excessive sweating is eliminated, the chance of completely getting rid of sweaty feet and unpleasant odor is quite high. If the wetness of the feet is explained by heredity, then the patient can only slightly reduce the amount of sweat produced and eliminate the smell.

Important! Under any circumstances, when treating hyperhidrosis at home, it is important to take an integrated approach. It's about a combination drug therapy, traditional medicine and preventive measures.

Treatment with pharmaceuticals

Preparations sold in pharmacies have a drying and disinfecting effect. The table below shows the most popular medications:

Name of medicine Description
Teymurova paste The product is used to reduce the amount of fluid released. The paste cools, dries, and fights bacteria and fungi. The drug is used externally in the interdigital space. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day for a month
Formagel Transparent gel with formaldehyde. The drug helps reduce the activity of the glands. The product is applied to the area between the fingers and left for half an hour. After time, the gel is washed off and the skin is well dried. The effect lasts for 10–12 days
Potassium alum The natural substance dries, relieves inflammation, and kills germs. The drug relieves sweating and eliminates itching. The medication is used as a powder. Purified problematic skin just sprinkled with alum
Zinc ointment (10%) The drug disinfects and dries. It is recommended to apply the ointment to problem areas of the skin 2-3 times a day.
Pasta Lassara The product contains: zinc oxide, salicylic acid, petroleum jelly. The method of using the paste is similar to that described above.
Formidron A very old, inexpensive alcohol-based product. The medicine is applied to the affected areas of the legs every day for a month. The medication is rarely used in modern medicine: it can irritate the skin and has an unpleasant aroma
Furacilin The drug helps reduce the amount of sweat produced and eliminates unpleasant odor. It is used as prescribed by a doctor on a regular basis in the form of tablets, ointments, alcohol or aqueous solution, and anti-sweating spray.
Gewol A series of foot care products. The range includes: cream deodorant, talc, herbal lotion, herbal bath, etc.
Urotropin Antifungal anti-inflammatory medicine based on methenamine. The action of the drug is aimed at eliminating pathogenic bacteria and narrowing of the sweat gland ducts. Apply the product once every 2-3 weeks
Nepotoff Cream-ointment, which is recognized as one of the most effective means in the fight against sweaty feet. There are two types of the drug: for men and for women. The medication eliminates the root cause of the phenomenon, striking bacteria
Chlorhexidine One of the best remedies for active sweating. Available in the form of a solution, spray, ointment. The medication can be used during pregnancy and lactation, in the presence of purulent lesions on the legs, proceed with caution in case of dermatitis
Dry-dry A modern Swedish drug in the form of a spray, gel or roll-on deodorant. Relieves foot sweating at night and during the day. Acts gently, tightening pores and without drying out the skin
Nepotin 911 for sweaty feet Relatively cheap remedy in gel form. It has a natural composition and low consumption. Has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect

Attention! Any of the above remedies is permissible for use only with prior medical consultation.

What do traditional healers offer?

Is it possible to get rid of sweaty feet forever at home? Regular use folk remedies in combination with alternative methods of therapy, it can ensure dryness and absence of a specific odor of the feet.

Proven ways to eliminate sweating include: various baths, powders, homemade pastes, etc. Below are the most effective “grandmother’s recipes.”

Baths - useful and pleasant

TO similar procedures They usually come running in the evening. After the bath, moisturize your feet and put on cotton socks.

Water procedures with potassium permanganate

To prevent your feet from sweating, you need to regularly resort to water procedures with potassium permanganate. The product has a drying effect and is an excellent antiseptic.

To prepare a bath, add several crystals of potassium permanganate to warm water. The result will be a light pink composition. Leave your feet in the solution for ¼ hour, then wipe dry with a towel.

Oak bark will help

The natural component contains tannin, a bactericidal agent. Therefore, such baths are an excellent remedy from sweaty feet.

The recipe is simple:

  1. Prepare oak bark (200 g). Fill the component with a liter of boiling water and cook over the fire for 20 minutes.
  2. Take 200 ml ready-made decoction and mix with warm water (1 l).
  3. Place your feet in the solution for ¼ hour.

Unused infusion can be stored in the refrigerator. It is worth resorting to the procedure every day for 2 weeks.

Such baths on a regular basis will help you forget about the unpleasant phenomenon: soda and salt normalize the functioning of the sweat glands, iodine will get rid of foot odor.

In 1 liter of hot water, stir soda and salt in an amount of 1 tbsp. l., mix 7 drops of iodine (5%). Leave the feet in the solution until the water cools completely.

Sage is good for you

Herbs for sweaty feet are very important. Among the favorites was sage. In addition to its beneficial effect on the sweat glands, the component is recognized good remedy from corns.

To prepare the bath, take 5 tbsp. l. main ingredient, pour a liter of boiling water over the herb and leave on low heat for 1/3 hour. Keep the feet in a warm broth for 20 minutes.

Attention! If your feet sweat a lot, you can enhance the effect of the baths. It is enough to combine water procedures with taking herbal decoction inside.

For internal consumption, grass in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Drink 1 tbsp. l. infusion three times a day.

Homemade deodorants

Pharmacy antiperspirant can be easily replaced with homemade antiperspirant. The advantage of such a tool will be natural composition and accessibility. Recipes for proven remedies are presented below.

Component No. 1 – tea tree

Tea tree oil for sweaty feet has been used for a long time and deserves the utmost attention of the patient. The strength of the component lies in its antifungal and bactericidal properties. In addition, essential oil restores the process of sweating and destroys the specific aroma of the feet.

To prepare deodorant, take 10 drops of oil and half a glass of water. Mix the ingredients and pour the mixture into a spray bottle.

Fragrant homemade deodorant based on rosemary and thyme

In addition to tea tree, you can use an interesting combination of herbs. You will need:

  • thyme – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • rosemary – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • apple cider vinegar – 100 ml;
  • pure water– 200 ml.

Brew the herbs with boiling water and cook over low heat for 1/3 hour. Then cool the broth and add the 4th ingredient. Pour the resulting composition into a spray bottle and, using a cotton swab or napkin, begin to treat the problem areas.

Attention! If your feet are cold and sweaty, treat your feet with hydrogen peroxide or boric acid(divorced boron powder). Tar soap will help solve the same problem forever.

Homemade compresses, lotions and powders

Many home remedies for dealing with phlegm and bad smell foot treatments are reduced to preparing solutions and decoctions from herbs, which are then used for medicinal lotions and compresses.

A miraculous combination of potassium permanganate and apple cider vinegar

We combine both components in equal parts. Apple cider vinegar can be successfully replaced with lemon juice. We use the resulting solution for lotions. We resort to the procedure several times a day.

Soda can prevent the spread of pathogenic bacteria, dry the skin, and stop the inflammatory process. The main component in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. dissolve in a glass of warm water. We prepare gauze folded in several layers. Soak the fabric in the solution and leave it on the soles of your feet for half an hour. Upon completion of the procedure, your feet should be washed under running water.

Lemon soda paste

Now you don’t need to think about what to put on your bad-smelling feet - on help will come paste of soda and lemon. To prepare the product, simply squeeze the juice of one citrus fruit into soda until a paste-like substance forms. The composition is left on the feet for ¼ hour and washed off.

Homemade powder

If your child's feet constantly sweat, a powdered mixture of starch, corn and soda will help absorb excess moisture, preventing the unpleasant odor from spreading. Take all the ingredients in equal parts and mix well. Sprinkle this product on your feet twice a day.

An effective tandem of oak bark and honey

To prevent your feet from sweating and stinking, you need to use homemade compresses. As a base, prepare a decoction of oak bark, add bee nectar until a paste forms. Before going to bed, we make compresses for 14 days, and in the morning we wash the product off our feet under running water. We store the pasta in the refrigerator.

Alternative methods to combat sweaty feet

Excessive sweat in the foot area will also be absorbed by regular baby powder, which should be used after performing hygiene procedures and before putting on socks and shoes.

Combating sweating requires a comprehensive approach, targeting the source of the problem from different angles. At home, the following alternative means will help you achieve your goal:

  • carrot juice and pepper. Mix carrot juice and bell pepper in a 1:1 ratio. We drink 1/3 glass on an empty stomach for 30 days;
  • Bay leaf. Prepare the bath: steam 15 leaves in a liter of water, cook for half an hour. Leave the feet in the broth for 20 minutes;
  • mint. 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour 200 ml of boiling water, infuse and wipe the feet with the prepared mixture;
  • thorn flowers. Raw materials in the amount of 2 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 7 hours. Take 1/3 part three times a day;
  • tea. The substance can reduce the amount of sweat produced due to the tanning components and antioxidants it contains. Used for preparing baths (per liter of water 1 bag of green or black tea);
  • multivitamin cream. Mix 1 tsp. corn and potato starch, add the same amount of shea butter. Mix a little baking soda, then rub the cream into your feet.

Attention! Before using this or that traditional method of therapy, you should make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the home remedy.

How to reduce sweaty feet with cosmetic procedures? In cosmetology, under such circumstances, they resort to injections of Botox - a highly diluted botulinum toxin. The event involves the following actions:

  1. The specialist identifies areas of increased sweating. This is used to calculate the dose of a substance.
  2. The cosmetologist prepares the treatment areas. The problem area is treated with chlorhexidine, and the injection points are marked with a marker. Pain relief is provided using modern antiseptics.
  3. The doctor injects Botox using very thin needles.

Prevention measures

So that in the future you don’t have to think about the question: “How to get rid of sweaty feet and what to do about the unpleasant odor?”, you should stick to simple recommendations. The tips below will be useful both for a person who has already encountered a problem, and for someone who has not yet complained about the relevance of this issue.

All tips and conclusions within the topic are collected in the table below:

Choose quality shoes It is better if it is made of cotton, genuine leather, suede. Avoid wearing shoes that are out of season. Avoid tight, uncomfortable shoes
Wash your shoes (not just the tops) It is necessary to wash the insoles periodically. In this case, it is better to use a decoction of oak bark or vinegar. It is recommended to dry items outdoors
Pay attention to your socks To get rid of sweating, you should change your socks several times a day. Preference should be given to hosiery made from natural materials: synthetics will only worsen the situation
Take time for foot hygiene It is necessary to wash your feet regularly (at least twice a day), wipe them dry after water procedures and do not forget to rub special creams against odor and active sweat into the skin of your feet
Don't neglect special tools We are talking about sprays, deodorants for the care of feet and shoes
Don't go barefoot You should not walk barefoot at home, in the fitness room, bathhouse, or sauna. In such premises there is a risk of “picking up” a fungus, which provokes sweating and a specific odor (less often leads to the development of eczema)
Don't wear other people's shoes You should not change shoes due to the high risk of fungal infection.

Getting rid of unpleasant shoe smell: practical tips

How to deal with the unpleasant smell of boots, shoes, sneakers? We act according to the following algorithm:

  1. We wash our shoes. We resort to this measure even when wearing shoes made of leather or other dense material.
  2. Pour alcohol into the shoes (or other shoes) (can be replaced with acetone). After treatment, dry the shoes in the open air. To prevent shoes from losing their shape and to “ventilate”, we use crumpled newspaper inserted inside the shoes.
  3. We spray the shoes with a special product that has an antimicrobial effect.

Alcohol or acetone can be replaced with salt or soda. The bulk substance is poured into shoes overnight.

What if you need a doctor?

Which doctor treats leg hyperhidrosis? Who should I contact? If a problem is detected, you should first make an appointment with your local physician for further tests and to identify the cause of the symptom. Then the patient’s problem can be dealt with by an endocrinologist, oncologist, neurologist, infectious disease specialist, or, if the problem is psychosomatic, the patient will be referred to a psychologist, psychiatrist, or psychotherapist.

And finally

In conclusion of the article, we will formulate the main conclusions that logically follow from the above information.

Sweating and unpleasant foot odor is a fairly common problem affecting men, women and even children. Very often, this unpleasant phenomenon is associated with wearing low-quality shoes, synthetic hosiery, and lack of proper care for the feet. In some cases increased sweating in the foot area is an obvious symptom of a secondary disease.

With primary hyperhidrosis, the patient is able to improve the situation on his own, of course, under the supervision of a specialist. Medications sold in pharmacies in the form of aerosols, tablets, creams and ointments come to the aid of the patient.

An alternative and no less effective attribute in the fight against sweaty feet is “ folk first aid kit" The key components of homemade baths, compresses, lotions, powders and pastes are: oak bark, apple cider vinegar, tea tree, soda, salt, sage and other drugs.

However, when treating at home, you should not forget about precautions and regularly consult with a specialist, especially when using a new method of therapy. This approach will help avoid complications and guarantee prompt resolution of the problem.