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Fungus spray for dogs. How does fungus manifest in dogs? Variety of pathogenic fungal species

Fungus in dogs, or dermatophytosis disease, is an illness of infectious etiology that requires treatment for veterinary care. No pet is insured against this disease, regardless of the living conditions. It is important for owners to identify the disease in time, based on its symptoms and primary signs.

Photo of fungus in dogs

There are many types of fungi, but only a few of them are pathogenic dangerous infections in the body of dogs. Infection can occur through contact with another animal or walking on grass that contains pathogens. Even a dog that uses the litter box can become infected, since fungi often enter the house with the owners’ shoes.

In addition to pathogenic species, there are also opportunistic fungal pathogens. They can always be present in the animal’s body, but the dog only gets sick under certain circumstances - weak immunity, hypersensitivity, etc. These types of fungi are not contagious; they live on the skin, but do not cause harm.

At risk for dermatophyseal disease are young individuals, dogs that have had the disease or surgery animals with problems with the immune system, animals prone to diseases.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease are an unbalanced diet and high air humidity. The growth of the fungus increases on the skin that does not receive enough air, covered with matted hair and a layer of dirt. Fungi also multiply quickly in dogs that are washed very often, since this procedure eliminates sebum and reduces the skin's protection from external pathogens. In addition, the animal’s body cannot resist the disease after taking drugs that suppress immune system.

It is possible to identify many more factors that contribute to fungal diseases, but even in their absence there is a risk for the animal to become infected with pathogenic fungi.

Main signs of fungal infection

Until the origin of the causative agent of this condition is clarified, there is a risk of infection in humans and other animals.

Among the main symptoms of fungus are the following:

  • the disease begins to develop from one to three small spots;
  • from the affected areas, in some cases it seems to be cut off, leaving a short length;
  • the resulting stains may long time be the same size or grow, depending on the type of pathogen and the strength of the immune defense mechanisms;
  • the skin at the site of the lesion becomes gray or red;
  • if you look closely, you can find a white or grayish coating on the hair follicle;
  • the affected area is covered with flakes or exfoliating scales, which may fall off the skin or adhere tightly.

Without timely treatment, the size of baldness increases. The fungus begins to grow into the deeper layers, which provokes various kinds complications. In the severe stage of the lesion, the dog completely loses its coat, which is not restored for a long time.

Often the fungus affects the pet's paws, in this case inflammation and cracks are observed in the interdigital space and on the pads. The claws may also become affected, causing them to become yellow and crooked. It hurts the dog to step on its paw and it begins to limp.

Treatment of fungus in dogs

Most fungal infections are accompanied by itching, the degree of which depends on the type of pathogen. In some cases, the dog may scratch the skin until it bleeds. In this case, experts recommend that before visiting the veterinarian, give an antipruritic drug, such as Stop Itching, and use a protective accessory - a collar or blanket, since skin injuries caused by fungus provoke secondary infection.

Any wounds that appear should be treated with an external agent that has antiseptic effect. From the first aid kit a person will do Miramistin, or must be purchased at veterinary pharmacy Migstim.

During a visit to a specialist, you should clarify where the skin was treated with the drug, since tissue from these areas is not suitable for analysis.

If the fungus affects the paw pads, it is necessary to protect your pet's paws from moisture. During the walk, you can use special protective shoes, and after washing the paw, dry it with a hairdryer. You should not let your dog chew on areas affected by the fungus.

Chronic form of fungal infection

Long-term infection proceeds more calmly. Hair shedding is observed from time to time, the coat becomes dull, often becomes tangled and does not even correct the situation.

The owners have no idea about true reasons condition, attributing it to a seasonal reaction to detergents. Standard measures - a course, increased nutrition, change, etc. do not help.

In some cases, pets develop small areas without hair - above the ears, near the nose, on the elbows. Skin may appear quite healthy or have a slight gray tint. It is quite difficult to see such flaws in long hair.

Such processes can occur when the body’s resistance to this type fungi, or the fungus is opportunistic and does not threaten serious consequences. But at any moment, with accompanying factors, it can begin to progress. To find out whether the level of skin fungus is within the normal range, special skin scrapings are taken for analysis.

Diagnosis of fungus in dogs and treatment

First of all, the veterinarian shines a special lamp through the fur, under the rays of which the fungus begins to glow greenish. But you should know that almost half of the mushroom species do not glow. This method does not provide information about the pathogen, but only confirms its presence.

To assign effective treatment, a full diagnostic is required to determine the type of fungus, the number of spores, and determine sensitivity to certain medications.

Often enough fungal infection accompanies allergic manifestations, and treatment gives only temporary results. An analysis that determines the pet’s allergic status will help here. Identifying the allergen and eliminating it will solve the fungus problem.

A biochemical blood test will allow you to assess the general condition of the animal’s body and find out which organs are failing.

Taking into account all the data received, the doctor will be able to prescribe adequate treatment. This will help avoid long-term useless therapy with permanent shift drugs.

For minor skin lesions ointments are prescribed - Mycozolon, Yam, Clotrimazole, etc. If the fungus affects large areas of the skin, it is not worth using external antifungal drugs externally, since this group of products is toxic. In this case, detergents such as Nizoral and Imaverol are used.

In addition to external medications, veterinarians prescribe medications in tablets or injections. Fluconazole is particularly effective in the treatment of fungi. Help is also provided to the animal’s immune system in the form of immunostimulants and modulators. It is also recommended to take hepatoprotective agents.

If the identified fungus turns out to be contagious, you will need to take additional measures: carry out processing with gloves, and also, if possible, isolate the animal, excluding its contact with children and other pets. But you should visit your dog so that it does not feel lonely or stressed.

Doctors warn self-treatment can lead to disastrous results. Since some drugs can significantly increase the persistence of the fungus, in this case it will be necessary to treat the fungus in the dog for a longer time.

Prevention of fungal infections

As noted, it is difficult for a fungal pathogen to develop in healthy, strong body. It is therefore important to ensure good nutrition and related conditions. During this time, you should avoid the habitats of stray animals.

They are characterized by low effectiveness from fungal diseases and in some cases can cause complications, so they are used only in exceptional cases when other therapy is powerless.

But there is no single way to prevent your pet from becoming infected with pathogenic fungi. In this case, it is important to identify the disease as early as possible and seek qualified help.

Dogs get mycosis even with good conditions maintenance and have a hard time tolerating the disease if it is advanced. Puppies and individuals with weakened immune systems are most susceptible to mycosis. The risk of developing pathology also increases if potent drugs, which the animal takes for therapeutic purposes.

If the fungus progresses, the pet becomes dangerous to others and requires isolation for the duration of treatment. In hopeless situations, the dog dies.

Why do dogs get fungus?

Uncontrolled proliferation of fungi already affects the condition of the animal in the most unfavorable way. Opportunistic fungi also live on the surface of the dog’s skin and do not pose a threat to the pet’s health until its body weakens due to some disease.

The mechanism of development can be described as follows: the infection penetrates the epidermis and damages hair follicles. Skin tissue loses protective properties and becomes vulnerable to the effects of protozoan microorganisms. A sick dog infects its fellow dogs and people because mycelium threads fall from its fur.

A healthy dog ​​becomes infected with a fungus from a carrier dog who previously walked in the same place where the pet often visits. Sometimes an animal becomes infected from the owner, who brings mycosis pathogens into the house on shoes or clothes. But still, the main cause of fungus for dogs is a genetic predisposition to the effects of opportunistic flora.

Factors that contribute to the development of fungus in dogs:

The fungi that cause it persist in the soil for up to 3 months. Therefore, an animal can become infected while walking in damp or hot weather. Mycelial spores persist in the affected hairs and skin flakes for several years. When hair falls out and skin particles die, they become a source of infection.

How does fungus manifest in dogs?

Typical symptoms of fungus in dogs are:

With sufficient care of the pet, the owner will immediately notice a bald spot on the fur or even several spots of unequal sizes. The size of the lesions depends on the degree of skin damage. The number of bald spots is influenced by the type of pathogen, the strength of the immune system and the conditions under which the dog is kept.

Bald patches primarily form on the paws, nose, head, neck and behind the ears. The hair either falls out completely or breaks off at the base of the hairs and creates a stubble effect. The epidermis becomes gray or reddish in color. A grayish coating and flaking particles of the dermis are visible at the roots of the hair. Extensive bald spots on the sides and back and complete alopecia indicate advanced dermatomycosis.

Itching as a sign of a fungal infection in dogs varies in intensity. Unbearable discomfort forces the dog to scratch his skin until it bleeds. If a dog itches, this does not always indicate the development of mycosis. Perhaps she suffers from dermatitis or the animal is simply bothered by fleas.

The owner should treat scratched skin with an antiseptic and inspect the interdigital areas, bottom part paws and periungual area. In some cases, the fungus is localized in these places and goes unnoticed. The dermis affected by the fungus becomes denser and rougher, becomes inflamed and cracks. The claws become deformed and acquire an abnormal shade. If the pathogen is localized on the paws, the dog will experience pain when walking and tighten the affected limb.

Protect the animal from deterioration in health at this stage Soft shoes will help - the dog will move more comfortably in them. If your family pet has been on a walk, he needs to wash and dry his paws thoroughly. You should also not allow your dog to chew or scratch the affected areas.

Dog fur ringworm may remain normal. However, from time to time the hairs will fall off, fade and become tangled. After water treatments, the fur quickly becomes dirty. At first, the owner attributes these changes to molting, a new bath that may not be suitable, or a change in food. But canceling new products does not solve the problem - the fungus continues to develop and spoil the hair.

So that you can promptly recognize a fungus in your dog, we suggest looking at the photo and remembering pathological changes skin.

Animals suffer not only from dermatomycosis, but also from favus, trichophytosis, microsporia, and fungal otitis. If the pathogen passes from the skin to the follicles, the dog develops chronic form diseases.

Diagnostic measures

At the first suspicion of ringworm, your pet should be taken to a veterinarian. The fungus multiplies very quickly, undermining the dog’s immunity and making it susceptible to viruses and bacteria. Based on the description of the general picture, it is difficult for a specialist to draw a conclusion about the pathogenicity of the fungus, so your four-legged friend must undergo a diagnostic examination.

First, the doctor illuminates the fur with a special lamp, the radiation of which helps to identify the pathogen by emerald color. But 40% of strains do not glow. In addition, one study with a Wood's lamp does not allow one to determine the type of mycelium. In this case, the veterinarian will not answer the question of how to treat a fungus on a dog’s skin, since there is not enough confidence in the presence of a pathogenic agent to prescribe.

A complete analysis helps determine the type of pathogen, its quantity, growth rate and sensitivity to fungicides.

Besides deep research scraping, the owner must help the dog pass the following tests:

  • Blood for bacteriology - determines the sensitivity of the dog’s body to bacteria and secondary infections. Eliminating the underlying problem contributes to the successful cure of mycosis.
  • Blood for allergic status - if inflammatory changes in the skin are associated with allergies, the fungus will appear 2 weeks after completion of allergy therapy. If the allergen is not eliminated, the lichen will recur constantly.
  • A detailed blood and urine test shows the general health of the pet and disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems, if any.

Based on the test results, the specialist will correctly select antifungal drugs that will not only weaken the pathogen, but also completely destroy it.

Treatment of puppies and adult dogs for fungus

Vaccination with Vakderm and Microderm is considered an effective option for treating fungus in dogs. External treatment of the affected areas is carried out with antifungal ointments:

  • Juglone.
  • Zoomikol.
  • Mycoseptin.
  • Fungin.
  • Clotrimazole.
  • Dermatol.
  • Miconazole.
  • Thiabendazole.
  • Griseofulvin.

How to use anti-fungal ointment to treat a dog correctly?

First the owner chooses comfortable spot, which can be disinfected after the procedure. Then he carefully trims the fur around the affected area using scissors with rounded blunt ends. At the next stage, the prepared area should be washed with warm soapy water and the crusts on the body should be softened, after which the skins should be carefully removed from the dermis.

The ointment is rubbed onto the problem area and adjacent tissues, on which the hair is previously cut off. To prevent the animal from licking the medicine, cover the treated area bandage and put on an Elizabethan collar.

If suitable medicine not in the house, the dog is treated with iodine or brilliant green - the liquids disinfect and dry the skin. But you should not overuse iodine, since it worsens the condition of the skin if used uncontrolled.

The session ends with disinfection of the surface where therapeutic manipulations were performed. The cut fur and crusts are burned or disposed of in another way. Hands are washed, disinfected and lubricated with a fungicidal agent.

If your dog is prone to allergies and is prescribed antifungal injections, avoid allergic reaction Diphenhydramine will help. To strengthen the immune system, the pet is also given immunostimulating agents.

If a dog is diagnosed with pityrosporosis (caused by the Malassezia fungus), the fungus will affect inner part auricle, axillary areas, external ear canal, folds on the neck and muzzle, interdigital spaces, paraanal sinuses. In the presence of multiple lesions, Doctor, Nizoral, and Imaverol shampoos are used to treat Malassezia fungus in dogs.

After the tests, it is important to find out whether the dog’s disease is dangerous for other animals and people. If the pathogen is capable of infecting people, it is better to care for your pet with rubber gloves and keep it in a separate room or enclosure. If the infection spreads to different animals, the sick dog is isolated from its fellow dogs and cats.

Folk remedies against ringworm in dogs

At the initial stage of the disease, lichen spots can be treated with apple cider vinegar or fresh cranberry juice. Liquids are used for lotions. A decoction of medicinal herbs is given to the animal internally.

What is included in the herbal collection:

  • Calendula flowers – 1.5 tsp.
  • Oak bark – 0.5 tsp.
  • Chamomile – 1.5 tsp.
  • Yarrow herb – 1.5 tsp.
  • St. John's wort herb – 0.5 tsp.
  • Tansy flowers – 0.5 tsp.
  • Burdock leaf – 0.5 tsp.
  • Wormwood – 1.5 tsp.
  • Birch leaves – 2.5 tsp.
  • Marsh cudweed herb – 1.5 tsp.
  • Sage leaves – 0.5 tsp.
  • Red clover – 1.5 tsp.

2 tbsp. l. prepared collection is poured into 1 liter boiled water and leave for 2 hours. Store the drug in the refrigerator. It is given to a sick dog half an hour before meals 2 times a day with a dosage of 10 - 30 ml. The stronger the degree of infection and the larger the animal, the large quantity it must drink the decoction.


Prevent dog infection ringworm Owners will be helped by following the rules of prevention:

  • Complete care.
  • Normal conditions of detention.
  • Timely vaccinations.

In veterinary practice, antifungal (fungicidal and fungistatic) antibiotics nystatin, levorin and amphotericin B, related to amphoteric polyenes, as well as griseofulvin are used.

Nystatin- Nystatinum. Synonyms: Anticandine, Fungicidin, Mikostatin.

Nystatin producer - Str. noursei. By chemical structure It is an amphoteric tetraene containing mycosamine.

Light yellow crystalline powder with specific smell, bitter taste. Practically insoluble in water, photosensitive, thermolabile, oxidized by atmospheric oxygen, easily destroyed in acidic and alkaline environment; hygroscopic.

The biological activity of the drug is expressed in units of action. 1 mg of nystatin should contain at least 4000 units.

Nystatin acts fungistatically in commonly used doses, and in high concentrations- fungicidal; Particularly effective against yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

Inactive against bacteria. Nystatin-resistant fungi are also resistant to other antifungal antibiotics (cross-resistance). During treatment, there is no increase in the resistance of Candida fungi to nystatin.

When administered orally, the drug is practically not absorbed and is excreted unchanged in feces.

Nystatin is used to treat candidiasis gastrointestinal tract, mucous membranes, genitourinary organs, as well as topically for fungal skin lesions caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Prescribed orally 3 times a day in doses per 1 kg of animal weight: pigs 10,000-15,000 units, chickens 15,000-20,000 units for 7-10 days. It is applied topically in the form of an ointment, which is applied to the affected surfaces 2 times. per day.

The drug is low-toxic, does not cause side effects, and does not accumulate in the body.

They are produced in tablets of 250,000 and 500,000 units, as well as in the form of an ointment containing 100,000 units per 1 g - in aluminum tubes of 5, 10, 25 and 50 g.

Store according to list B in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 5°C. Shelf life: 2 years.

Levorin—Levorinum. An antibiotic belonging to the group of polyene macrolides, the macrolactone ring of which consists of

it from a polyene chromophore with seven conjugated double bonds. The levorin molecule contains the amino sugar mycoamine and the aromatic ketone geaminoacetophenone. The producer of levorin is Str. levoris Krass.

Yellow amorphous powder, odorless and tasteless. Insoluble in water, destroyed in solutions of acids and alkalis, inactivated by exposure to light.

The activity of the drug is expressed in units of action. 1 mg contains 25,000 units.

Levorin acts on yeast-like fungi, in particular those of the genus Candida. Used for the treatment of candidiasis orally and topically (in the form of an ointment). The drug is administered orally in the same doses and according to the same schedule as nystatin. At local application prescribed in the form of a 5% ointment on a lanolin-vaseline base (for skin lesions); for lesions of the mucous membrane, use in the form of an aqueous suspension 1: 500. To prepare a suspension, add 20 ml of 95% to 2 g of levorin ethyl alcohol, then the alcohol suspension is poured into a bottle containing 300-400 ml of distilled water, mixed and adjusted with water to a total volume of 1000 ml. Prepare on the day of use; Shake before use.

Levorin is contraindicated in liver diseases, acute gastrointestinal diseases non-fungal etiology, pregnancy.

Produced in powder form in bottles (indicating the number of units/mg), in tablets and capsules of 500,000 units, in the form of a 5% ointment.

Store according to list B in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 4°C. Expiration date for all dosage forms levorina 1 year.

Amphotericin B - Amphotericinum B. Synonyms: Amfostat, Fungilin, Fungizone.

The antibiotic, also belonging to the polyene group, is an amphoteric heptane. Producer of amphotericin B - Str. nodosus

Yellow or yellow-orange powder with a specific odor, bitter taste, practically insoluble in water, sensitive to light, high temperature and air oxygen; easily destroyed in acidic and alkaline environments and under the action of oxidizing agents; hygroscopic.

1 mg contains at least 750 units. 1 unit corresponds to the activity of 1 mcg of chemically pure amphotericin B.

The drug is effective against many pathogenic fungi, especially the genera Blastomyces, Histoplasma, Cryptococcus, etc. Actinomyces, Nocardia, as well as bacteria, viruses and protozoa are resistant to the action of the antibiotic. In therapeutic concentrations it acts fungistatically. Resistance to the drug develops relatively slowly. Cross-resistance with others noted antifungal antibiotics.

When administered orally, amphotericin B is practically not absorbed. At intravenous administration the drug remains in the blood in high concentrations for a long time (more than 24 hours). It is excreted mainly by the kidneys, very slowly, over 7-10 days.

Amphotericin B is used for blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis and other generalized mycoses of dogs and other domestic animals. Administered slowly intravenously 3 times a week at a dose of 0.5 mg per 1 kg of animal weight in the form of a solution containing 100-150 units/ml. The solution is prepared immediately before administration using a 5% glucose solution or with the addition of 5% dextrose. If signs of nephrotoxicosis appear, the dose is reduced to 0.2 mg/kg and then gradually increased. The course of treatment is 6-12 weeks.

Basics side effect amphotericin B - its toxic effect on the kidneys: increased concentration of residual nitrogen in the blood, cylindruria, hematuria, etc. These phenomena disappear after discontinuation of the drug or dose reduction and do not require special treatment. Other side effects not observed in animals, but with rapid intravenous administration, shock and neurotoxic reactions may develop

The drug has a pronounced cumulation and is excreted from the body very slowly, and therefore it is not prescribed to productive animals. The use of amphotericin B is contraindicated for diseases of the kidneys, liver, or individual intolerance to the drug.

Produced in hermetically sealed bottles of 50,000 units with or without a solvent bottle (5% glucose solution)

Store according to list B in a dry place, protected from light at a temperature of 4 to 6 °C. The shelf life of the drug in vials is 2 years.

Griseofulvin— Griseofulvinum. Synonyms: gricin, Grifulvin, Fulvicin, etc.

Griseofulvin belongs to the group of oxygen-containing heterocyclic compounds. Formed by molds of the genus Penicillium.

White or white with a yellow tint crystalline powder with a bitter taste, poorly soluble in water. Thermally stable, non-hygroscopic. Aqueous solutions The drug is stable during storage.

The antibiotic has a pronounced fungistatic effect on different kinds dermatophytes, including the genera Trichophyton and Microsporum. The minimum inhibitory concentration of griseofulvin for species of fungi sensitive to it ranges from 0.2-0.5 μg/ml. Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, actinomycetes, molds and bacteria are resistant to the drug. Cross-resistance with other antifungal antibiotics has not been reported. Increased resistance of sensitive fungi during the use of griseofulvin has also not been established.

Griseofulvin acts on reproductive system dermatophytes, suppressing DNA replication and thus inhibiting cell division, which causes characteristic morphological changes in hyphae (twisting, curvature, increased branching).

At oral administration the antibiotic is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Maximum concentration in the blood is achieved 4-7 hours after application. Griseofulvin is selectively deposited in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, the basal zone of the coat, protecting newly formed keratin from fungal infection. Antibiotic accumulation also occurs in fatty and muscle tissue, liver. It is excreted from the body in urine and feces, mainly in the form of metabolic products.

Prescribe griseofulvin with therapeutic purpose for trichophytosis of dogs, cats, fur-bearing animals and rabbits 2 times a day with food at intervals of 12 hours for 3-5 weeks at a dose of 25-40 mg active substance per 1 kg of animal weight.

When using an antibiotic, side effects may occur in the form of diarrhea and urticaria, which disappear after discontinuation of the drug. Griseofulvin is contraindicated in patients with liver and kidney diseases.

It is produced in the form of a powder, packaged in double plastic bags of 2, 3 and 4 kg, as well as in the form of tablets of 0.125 g.

Store with precautions according to list B in a dry place at room temperature. Shelf life: 4 years.

Dermatophytosis is also called lichen. The disease is caused by fungal microorganisms. They affect certain areas of the dog's body, where the skin begins to peel off and the hair becomes brittle or falls out. Sometimes inflammation occurs and purulent discharge occurs.

What it is

Dermatophytosis in dogs goes away without treatment in a few weeks or months, if there are no health problems. But during this time, your four-legged friend can infect other animals and people, and skin problems can cause discomfort. Ringworm responds well to treatment, so it is better not to delay treatment, but to immediately rid your pet of fungal dependents. Correct Actions will shorten the duration of the disease and prevent complications.

There are more than 30 types of fungal microorganisms. Dogs are affected in 70% of cases by Microsporum canis. The remaining pathogens are usually transmitted to them from other animals - cats, mice, rats, cows, horses, etc.

Dermatophytosis is common name for a group of diseases. They differ in pathogen, symptoms, and treatment. The following types are common among dogs:

  • ringworm;
  • trichophytosis;
  • microsporia;
  • favus (scab).

Each fungus requires exposure to certain medications, so you should not try to recognize the disease on your own. If you treat your pet incorrectly, dermatophytosis will drag on and the pet will weaken. Microorganisms will feel freer, and the disease will worsen.

Symptoms and signs

The disease does not manifest itself immediately; after infection, it takes from 3 days to 3 months before the first symptoms appear. First, the pathogen enters the animal’s skin and releases toxins and enzymes that cause peeling of the skin. At this stage, dermatophytosis is invisible.

The fungus then penetrates hair follicles and destroys them, so the hair begins to fall out. Horny scales and dried pus become visible on the skin. At first it is noticeable only in a small area, then it grows and gives rise to new lesions.

If the pathogen penetrates the skin, it will cause deep inflammation, and the accumulating pus will form an abscess. Hard bumps will appear in place of the fallen fur. If you press on them, it will hurt your pet.

The first patches of baldness usually appear on the face - around the eyes and ears. Hair loss is possible on the paws or withers. The rate of spread of bald spots is influenced by the type of pathogen, the immunity of the animal, and the conditions of its detention.

The coat undergoes changes throughout the body. At first, she looks normal, even if patches of baldness have already formed. Then the hairs become dull, become brittle, and fall out more often. The fur appears to be dirty and matted. Some owners think that poor quality food or infrequent bathing is to blame, so they delay treatment.

Some types of dermatophytosis cause itching. Usually it is weak - the pet itches a little more often than usual, without much diligence. Basically, he tries to catch the bald areas. It’s worse if the animal scratches the skin furiously until it bleeds. A secondary infection gets into the wounds, and the weakened immune system can no longer cope with it.

In general, the dog behaves as usual, the appetite remains the same. Only if dermatophytosis is complicated by an abscess or severe itching, the animal refuses food and water and becomes apathetic.

Routes of infection

Dermatophytosis is transmitted from an infected animal to a healthy one. It does not matter who was the carrier of the fungus - a rodent, cat, dog or cattle. The probability of your pet becoming infected is the same in all cases.

The most common route of transmission is directly from one animal to another. For example, while walking, your dog sniffed a street dog. If she is sick with lichen, then there is a high probability that the fungi will spread to your pet.

But direct contact is not necessary. Infection can occur if your pet sits or lies in the same place where the sick animal was previously located. For example, your pet may contract dermatophytosis while waiting at the veterinarian. Fungi produce billions of spores with which they reproduce. Thousands of these particles are contained on just 1 hair. Even through it, infection is possible.

Wild animals also get shingles. Fungal spores fall off along with hair and skin flakes and remain in the soil for some time. While walking, the dog becomes infected by stepping on them or sniffing the area.

The animal’s immune system can independently cope with the disease, preventing the fungus from multiplying. If this does not happen, and dermatophytosis begins to progress, then the following reasons are to blame:

  • weakened immune system;
  • time of year (high humidity, slush in the autumn-spring period increase the risk of infection);
  • improper feeding;
  • improper maintenance (lack of care or, on the contrary, excessive care);
  • unsuitable skin and coat care products.

Old and sick animals, pregnant females, dogs that have recently had an illness or surgery, and puppies are most vulnerable to fungi. Dermatophytosis often affects those pets who are prone to allergies and dermatoses.

The risk of fungal infection is higher in some breeds - Yorkshire Terrier, Pekingese, Jack Russell Terrier, German Shorthaired Pointer. The likelihood of developing dermatophytosis increases in hunting dogs, since they are more likely than others to come into contact with the soil through which wild animals have passed.

Is it dangerous for humans?

Dermatophytosis is also transmitted to humans. You can become infected from your own or street dog and from other people. Children are more at risk because they often come into contact with animals without following safety rules. The peak incidence occurs during the summer holidays, when children spend a lot of time outside without adults and play with street animals.

Usually the fungus spreads under the hair on the head, the lesion grows to the size of the palm of your hand. Lesions also form on the body, most often on the arms, stomach and back. Symptoms of dermatophytosis are the same in humans and dogs.

First, a pink spot appears on the skin, then it grows, and a white raised ridge forms along the edges. In the middle, the skin peels off, the hair becomes brittle and falls out. Sometimes there is a slight itching.

In adults, dermatophytosis is the second most common skin disease after foot fungus. With age, the body becomes less vulnerable to this disease, since the hair produces substances that inhibit the activity of spores that land on the skin. Young girls are more susceptible to the disease. Interestingly, lichen rarely develops in people with red hair.

The likelihood of contracting dermatophytosis increases when reduced immunity. At risk are pregnant women, patients who have had infection or surgery. Exacerbation of chronic diseases also reduces defensive reaction body.

Treatment options

To treat dermatophytosis, you need to consult a veterinarian, since an unknowing person may confuse the disease with other skin lesions. The doctor will examine the pet, analyze the appearance of the fur under the light of a Wood's lamp - a device that illuminates green fungi. If this is not enough, blood and urine tests are prescribed.


On early stage diseases, vaccines against dermatophytosis are used. They eliminate small foci of lichen and protect the animal’s body from re-infection for 1 year. The preparation contains small doses different types fungi. After their administration, immunity to the effects of the pathogen develops.

The injection is given in the thigh area. The veterinarian selects a drug from 6 options - Mikkanis, Vakderm, Vakderm-F, Microderm, Multikan-7 and Polivac-TM. Dermatophytosis disappears after the second injection, and less often a third is required.

Systemic drugs

If the disease is advanced and large areas on the animal’s body are affected by dermatophytosis, systemic antifungal drugs are used for treatment - Fulcin, Gricin, Biogrizin. The tablet should be given to the pet along with food, preferably fatty. During treatment, your pet often experiences side effects - vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea.

Therapy lasts 7-12 days. To make it more effective, the pet's fur is completely shaved and burned. The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor. It can range from 20 to 150 mg per 1 kg of animal weight. Daily norm divided into 2 doses.

Complete hair removal increases the effectiveness of the entire treatment, since the migration of fungal spores is more difficult.


To treat dermatophytosis in dogs, antifungal agents intended for humans are used - Fluconazole, Diflucan, Flucostat, Terbinafine. These medications must be given to your pet according to the veterinarian’s instructions; treatment lasts from 6 to 12 weeks.

According to reviews from dog breeders, the doctor usually prescribes Fluconazole. This drug is excreted almost unchanged through the kidneys (all other antifungal drugs are excreted through the gastrointestinal tract). Fluconazole should be given to a dog at a rate of 10-20 mg per 1 kg of weight. There should be 2 applications per day, preferably 12 hours apart.

Terbinafine is given once a day at the rate of 20-30 mg per 1 kg of dog weight. After eliminating the foci of dermatophytosis, the drug is continued to be used, but only every other day.

External means

External leather treatment is used only in the composition complex therapy– there will be no benefit from single use of ointments or solutions. For animals, such means are less important than for people.

Preparations for external use:

  • lime sulfur solution (2%);
  • povidone-iodine;
  • enilconazole solution (2%);
  • Miconazole (2%) in gel and spray form;
  • a mixture of 10% salicylic acid solution and 5% iodine tincture (1:1);
  • ointment "Yam";
  • salicylic ointment (5-10%).

It is necessary to treat not only the lesions, but also the space around them within a radius of 6 cm, since fungal spores migrate. Movements should go from the edge to the middle so that the disease does not spread to healthy areas. Treatment lasts 5-10 days.

At the same time with local solutions and ointments need to be applied disinfectant. Formaldehyde spray (3-5%) is applied to the entire coat, including healthy areas. After this, the dog is combed once against the coat and according to its growth.

The pet must be bathed using antifungal shampoos and solutions containing Chlorhexidine. During procedures, the dog is interacted with only wearing medical gloves.

Additional measures

To prevent the spread of pathogens, it is necessary to regularly treat the premises where the dog is during the entire treatment course. Surfaces are vacuumed, then washed with bleach or formaldehyde. This removes hair and skin flakes contaminated with spores.

If you have several animals, then sick and healthy animals should be separated until the outbreak of dermatophytosis passes. Uninfected pets are regularly bathed with an antifungal agent and vaccinated.

Prevention measures

It is impossible to completely protect your pet from lichen. The dog is always in contact with environment, which may contain particles of fungal microorganisms. The owner can only reduce the risk of dermatophytosis if he follows the following rules:

  • do not allow your dog to come into contact with street animals;
  • feed the animal a balanced diet;
  • treat all other diseases in a timely manner;
  • visit the veterinarian regularly, even if the dog is not bothered;
  • bathe the animal with antifungal agents, but without fanaticism - too frequent water treatments weaken protective functions skin.

Preventive measures are mandatory in animal shelters and foster care facilities. If one dog becomes infected, dermatophytosis will quickly spread to all the others.
