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Medicinal properties of mint of different types

Melissa officinalis

Melissa's smell is unique. Just rub the leaf in your hands, inhale that fragrant smell and the pain in your chest disappeared. The heart became lighter. All sadness is gone. Warmth went through our weary heart. And all this is not just like that, there is a very valuable medicine - ether and oil.

Melissa officinalis known by the name lemon mint .

Melissa officinalis or lemon mint - perennial medicinal plant height from 60 to 130 cm. soft fluffy, lemon-scented plant. Melissa flowers are small, white, yellowish. Grow it in one place for 3 years. Young leaves and shoots cut before flowering are used in cooking, both fresh and dried. Are used for pickling cucumbers and tomatoes.

Essential oil lemon balm(it is also called lemon balm oil) is valued in perfumery. It is mined from fresh leaves and stems.

Content: ascorbic, oleanic, caffeic, ursulic acids, and also contains citronellal, citral, myrcene, geranol and tannins. Found in seeds fatty oil, it is slightly toxic, has a calming effect.

Melissa or mint is a very interesting medicine, it really Maybe restore the human body with neuralgia, neuroses, even with fright. Healing properties This plant is very helpful for insomnia, shortness of breath, heartbeat, angina, heart failure, how does it help with spasms in the stomach and intestines, it use with cough and flatulence, hypertension. Melissa good for headaches, migraines, dizzy, menopause, bronchial asthma, convulsions, and mainly it is used for toxicosis in pregnant women. use also to improve appetite, vision and reduce sexual excitability. Externally gruel from fresh leaves apply with abscesses, bruises, swelling and hemorrhoids.

Applies externally in the form of lotions, compresses, for diseases of the joints, bruises, boils, rashes, myositis, for rinsing with gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, toothache.

How to use:

  • For cookinginfusion, you need to take crushed leaves - 2 tablespoons and pour 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour, then you can take 1/2 cup, 3 times a day before meals. Afterstraining, the remaining raw materials can beuseon warm compresses, apply 1-3 times a day.
  • 10% herbal infusion - 1/3 cup 3 times a day,
  • infusion of 25 - 50 grams of herbs in 1 liter of boiling water, 200 ml 3 - 4 times a day for neuroses, hypertension, angina pectoris and convulsions,
  • 20% herb tincture - 5 ml 3 times a day for rubbing as painkiller.

fresh or dried leaves lemon balm is used as a seasoning for salads, soups and fish dishes, mushrooms, for flavoring tea and drinks.

Melissa (lemon mint) is part of many sedative fees.

In Lithuanian villages, along with marjoram, lemon balm infusion was used to enhance memory.

And insomnia and fears, nerves, pain and emptiness will fix everything in our body - tea, from the aroma, our marvelous lemon balm infusion.

medicinal plant, known for its tonic, anti-inflammatory, healing, calming, anti-stress and focus-promoting properties. It is used both in folk medicine and in traditional medicine. Also applicable in Food Industry, cosmetology, perfumery and simply for landscaping garden and park areas. The plant is absolutely unpretentious, grows in almost any conditions and does not require special care, and the benefits of mint for the body are great. Competent application various kinds mint gives excellent results in the healing and treatment of the body, increases immunity, activity and well-being.

Did you know? There is a version that mint got its name from the name of the naiad Minta from ancient Greek myths, which the goddess Persephone turned into grass, thus avenging the love of her husband Hades for a beautiful girl.

Let's talk about how mint of each type is useful for the body.

Useful properties and contraindications of lemon mint

Lemon balm is also called lemon balm, but, in fact, melissa is not mint. This is an independent plant, the second name of which simply took root among the people. And it got accustomed because lemon balm looks like mint, but it exudes a persistent lemon smell, while mint is menthol. The plant is useful, although it contains less essential oils than mint. It has a calming, antispasmodic, analgesic, diaphoretic effect. Normalizes sleep, relieves fatigue and depressive states, evens out low blood pressure.

It is prescribed for certain cardiac, respiratory, gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the nervous and female reproductive system, metabolic disorders. It is indicated for anemia, arrhythmia, headache, neuralgia, asthma, poor appetite, constipation. It is applied externally in the form of washings, lotions, compresses - for bruises, skin wounds, insect bites, polyarthritis. Form of application - tea, decoction, tincture.

Important! Lemon balm (melissa) shows its medicinal properties in the treatment of disorders menstrual cycle, inflammation of the ovaries, hormonal disorders, but it also has contraindications for women - pregnancy.

Caution is applied at persistently reduced pressure - preferably under the supervision of a physician. Melissa is also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, liver failure, epilepsy, ulcer, children under 3 years. Lemon mint, despite its medicinal properties, also has contraindications for men. It negatively affects the reproductive function, men under 50 do not need to get involved in taking lemon mint inside. It can be used externally without fear.

Benefits of Peppermint

Peppermint has the widest range of uses for prevention and treatment various systems and organs. It is prescribed to improve appetite, digestion, intestinal motility, relieves colic and stomach cramps. It has a good laxative effect, helps with flatulence. Peppermint tea is considered one of the most effective diuretics and choleretic agents. Peppermint essential oils are applied externally in massage to relieve muscle pain and tension.

The same relaxing and pain-relieving effect is achieved by taking a bath with a few drops of peppermint oil. Because of great content menthol mint is good for the heart - it has a vasodilating effect, which is necessary in the treatment of angina pectoris and high blood pressure. It is also used for colds, bronchitis, pneumonia. Mint has pronounced antiseptic properties - treatment of wounds, skin rashes, acne, dandruff decoctions and tinctures of mint is very effective. Peppermint calms, helps to cope with stress, depression, great emotional and mental stress.

Important! The use of mint should be moderate for people who drive vehicles or those whose work involves concentration. mint can cause increased drowsiness!

Benefits of eating spearmint

Synonyms of curly mint - mint, spring mint, curly, German, spike-shaped, garden. In general, curly mint is used in pharmacology and folk medicine less frequently than peppermint. This is due to her more mild action and a lower content of essential oils, and instead of menthol it contains carvone. Herb curly mint shows its beneficial medicinal properties to a slightly lesser extent, but it is widely used in cooking and as a flavoring agent in many types of industry. Due to the mild effect on the body, its use is allowed for children. The forms of preparation are the same as for other types of mint - teas, tinctures, decoctions.

Important! Can mint be harmful to women in anything else? Yes, with an increased content of the hormone testosterone in women and with frequent use of mint, body hair and fullness can be observed.

Medicinal properties of mint

Long-leaved mint is used as an expectorant, diaphoretic, antipyretic, antiseptic, sedative, analgesic and tonic. And also it is used to improve digestion, increase appetite, relieve stomach, intestinal colic and toothache. Tinctures and decoctions treat wounds, used for rinsing with stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis media. At skin rash, dermatitis shows baths with long-leaved mint. In addition, it is used as a spice for cooking and drinks and as an aromatic component in cosmetology and perfumery.

Did you know? The old Russian name for mint is dragolub, perekop, bezhava. Our ancestors used mint, the benefits of which have long been known in the treatment of heart disease, sleep disorders, as a tonic and aromatic remedy.

Useful and harmful properties of field mint

Synonyms - meadow mint, forest, wild, upland, dog, oregano, perekop, flea mint, motherboard. This type of mint has highest value for medicine and is used to make the famous heart drug- Validol. Field mint is useful for the heart - it has a vasodilating effect and relieves spasms of the heart muscle. Tea and decoctions are used for gastrointestinal pathologies - stomatitis, poor appetite, high acidity of gastric juice, to improve secretion and digestion, with flatulence and intestinal spasms. They are also prescribed for dyspepsia, gastritis, diarrhea, atony and gastric colic. It acts as a choleretic agent, prevents the formation of stones and gallstone disease.

A proven remedy for pulmonary colds is a decoction of mint, the benefits of which are mucolytic, expectorant, antipyretic effects. It is prescribed for laryngitis, bronchitis, whooping cough, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, suffocation. Externally, mint infusions are used as an antimicrobial, healing, blood circulation booster, pain reliever and inflammation remedy for convulsions, rheumatism, sciatica, arthritis, skin wounds, rashes and itching, dermatitis.

Important! Mint of any kind shows its beneficial properties and benefits regardless of gender, but its frequent use has contraindications for men - mint reduces potency. This is explained high content in women's mint plant hormones- phytoestrogens, which can reduce the amount male hormone in the body - testosterone. Men should not completely refuse mint, but it should be consumed in the form of tea and decoctions inside in moderation. Two or three cups a day won't hurt, but more than five cups of mint is overkill.

On the other hand, use mint, not too strong brewed tea or Fresh Juice mint for men in certain courses or daily, with short breaks - even useful for potency. Peppermint perfectly soothes, relaxes, relieves overwork, prevents stress and fights associated impotence.

Benefits of dog mint

Dog mint, or ivy-shaped boudra, dushmyanka, garuchka, rams, molehill, forty-weed is a useful healing herb. What helps dogmint? It is used for diseases of the respiratory, genitourinary, digestive systems. It has choleretic, antiseptic, healing, diaphoretic, analgesic, antitumor, anti-inflammatory properties. It is prescribed for skin diseases and wounds, scrofula, stomatitis, anemia, loss of appetite, gastritis, dyspepsia, enteritis, colitis. And also for the treatment of eye diseases - lacrimation, conjunctivitis, colds nose, throat and bronchi, asthma, cystitis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis. Outwardly - for fractures, inflammations, dislocations of bones and joints, acne, burns, eczema, psoriasis. Boudra is used in cooking, as a flavoring agent and an ingredient for creating tonic drinks.

Melissa is one of the main honey plants in the garden. There are three versions of the origin of the name of the plant. One of them refers to the Greek words meli, "honey," and phyllon, "leaves," which were given to the plant because of its honey smell. The other is related to mythology. According to her, the nymph, the daughter of King Melisseus, fed Zeus with milk and honey and taught people how to get honey. The third version says that she was a beautiful young woman who claimed to be the mistress of the gods. But the goddesses did not like this, and they turned her into a bee.

However, Melissa has another name.

What does lemon balm look like

Melissa, which is often called lemon mint, has a height of thirty to one hundred and fifty centimeters, a tetrahedral stem with heart-shaped ovate petiolate leaves of large teeth. Her flowers are small, pale pink, purple or white. Lemon mint (the photo illustrates the flowers of the plant) blooms in July-August and has a pleasant smell at this time, which then disappears.

The plant originated in the Middle East and North Africa. In the Middle Ages, it spread throughout Europe.

Today, the plant is cultivated as a medicinal plant in many countries. It is specially grown in gardens, orchards and plantations.

Differences from mint

The leaves of both plants are similar, because they are members of the Lamiaceae family. However, there are also notable differences. Concerning appearance, then mint has a straight stem, while lemon balm has a branched one. The flowers of one plant are collected in an ear, but lemon mint has the appearance of false rings. The photo shows their external similarity and differences.

In addition, you can easily distinguish them by smell. Mint emits a menthol flavor, and lemon balm smells like lemon.

As for the application, both plants are used in cooking. But one is more like a flavoring and the other is more like a condiment.

Peppermint contains much more essential oils than lemon balm.

Beneficial features

However, thanks to the essential oils contained in the leaves, albeit not in large quantities, it can manifest itself as a remedy.

The plant has a sedative effect, helps relieve pain in many diseases.

In addition, lemon balm is used for insomnia, heart disease and low blood pressure, and as in independent application and in combination with other herbs. It will help relieve general overwork, calm nervous system, remove apathy and depression and will allow you to feel the taste of life again.

This plant, among other things, has an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect, helps with constipation and reduces elevated temperature, as it has a diaphoretic effect.

Lemon mint also reveals properties through the use of infusion, which alleviates the condition in case of heart disease, normalizes blood pressure and relieves shortness of breath; beneficial effect on bronchial asthma, anemia, migraine and neuralgia.

Decoctions and infusions are taken internally and externally. In the latter case positive effect achieved with toothache and throat diseases. In this case, rinsing is shown.

Compresses have an anti-inflammatory effect in gout and joint diseases. If you treat wounds and damage with a decoction, then the skin will regenerate faster.

It will soothe the condition with headaches. Since ancient times, it has been used for fainting and hysterical seizures.


Lemon mint has useful properties and contraindications. Much has already been said about the medicinal properties above. However, like any medicinal plant, lemon balm has a number of contraindications.

For example, those people who have low blood pressure should try to use it very carefully, because due to its sedative effect in this problem, it can cause weakness.

If abused with hypotension, dizziness and even fainting can occur.

Among other things, individual intolerance can be observed, manifested in the form muscle weakness, fatigue, drowsiness. Some people may experience diarrhea. Others, on the contrary, have constipation, cramps and heartburn.

If a person is engaged in activities that require accuracy and speed of reaction, activity and attention, then it is better to refrain from using lemon balm.


The plant uses leaves and stems both fresh and dried. IN fresh they are often found in pickled and canned vegetables and fruits, thanks to which the preparations receive a pleasant aroma.

Lemon mint can be added to a variety of sauces for meat, fish dishes and various salads.

But its most famous use is, of course, tea, which not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also helps to stimulate appetite and improve performance. gastrointestinal tract.

Essential oils are made from it, which are successfully used in perfumery and cosmetology, as well as to improve the taste of dishes and aromatize alcohol.


Excellent antibacterial and antiviral agent serves green tea with the addition of lemon balm to the tea leaves. In this case, it is advisable to drink it with honey.

Lemon mint is easy to grow right in the country and in the garden. It is better if it grows in the shade. Already in May, you can collect a little leaves for adding to tea and harvesting for the winter.

Such tea will be useful, but it should be consumed in moderation. Two cups a day is a perfectly normal and acceptable dose.

This drink will not only soothe nervous state and will invigorate with depression, but it will also have a general strengthening effect on the body, improving appetite and normalizing cardiac activity.

To prepare it, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • such tea is brewed in porcelain or glassware;
  • water should be boiled, cooled to about eighty degrees;
  • green tea and lemon mint are taken in equal amounts: one teaspoon of the ingredients will be enough for one liter of water;
  • it is best to use freshly brewed tea, and not already used or brewed for too long.


Both fresh and dried, the herb is used as a seasoning for salads, game dishes, fish, soups and various drinks. It can be used instead of allspice or black pepper. Melissa is also added when pickling cabbage and cucumbers.


The aroma from the freshly brewed lemon balm is immediately spread everywhere. And this is natural, because it contains a considerable amount of essential oils. They are actively used in cosmetology, homeopathy and medicine.

Even in ancient times in Rome and Greece, the essential oil of this plant was used as a remedy.

However, in addition to medical purposes, lemon mint is also actively used in cosmetology. For example, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the lips. With regular lubrication with oil, the formation of crusts and cracks is prevented. At the same time, the border of the lips will again acquire its natural freshness and brightness, and the appearance as a whole will become even more attractive.

Thanks to its bright refreshing aroma, mint has long been a leader among herbs. The leaves, stems and flowers of the plant are used by culinary specialists and perfumers; a variety of products are made on the basis of plant materials. medical preparations and funds traditional medicine. But pouring Mint tea, helping yourself to fragrant gingerbread or using toothpaste with a characteristic cooling taste, only a few think about the raw material of which type of mint was used. Indeed, under the short name "" dozens of related plants can be hidden, having both similar features and properties inherent in only one variety.

What determines and whether the medicinal properties and contraindications of mint are the same different types, and is everyone allowed to use infusions from herbal raw materials, teas and other products based on a spicy-tasting plant?

Today, about two dozen types of mint are cultivated and grown in garden beds in gardens and as indoor plants. Moreover, on different continents, people find and prefer their favorite varieties.

There is, for example, English, Australian and even Japanese mint, which is not found anywhere in the world, except on several islands in the Land of the Rising Sun. In Russia, the most popular are species that grow here both natively and brought from Europe, for example, the most common mint is peppermint. What is the effect on the body of mint of one kind or another?

Peppermint: useful properties and contraindications

Peppermint in a wild form is extremely difficult to meet, because this plant is a hybrid of European varieties obtained several centuries ago, noticed and spread first in Western Europe and then all over the world. Today, plantations of peppermint intended for food, perfumery, and pharmaceutical industries exist in four dozen countries. Why did the plant become so famous, and what helps?

Aroma same peppermint obliged high concentration in the greenery of essential oil, the main component of which is menthol with a cooling and even burning taste and aroma. Therefore, the plant is sometimes called menthol mint, and the beneficial properties and contraindications related to it, for the most part, apply to related species. In addition to the essential oil rich in menthol, peppermint contains tannins and vitamins, natural bitterness and minerals, mass of organic acids, ethers and phytoncides.

The secret of the plant's popularity lies in the composition of its leaves, stems and flowers, used to obtain medicines, decoctions, tinctures and fragrances.

It is these substances that act on the body, and mint is recognized as an effective herbal remedy for combating pathogenic flora on the intestinal mucosa and oral cavity, in the nasopharynx and skin. Herbal raw materials are used in the elimination of digestive problems, the treatment of the liver and gallbladder, nervous and respiratory system. Peppermint-based preparations can relieve headaches and toothache, tested for the treatment of migraines, heart and vascular diseases.

Peppermint tea is a recognized sedative, as well as a good help in the treatment of colds and inflammatory processes.

Many are interested in how mint affects pressure? Mint has the ability to reduce arterial pressure, promotes the speedy digestion of food and anesthetizes.

These are the medicinal properties of peppermint, but are there any contraindications? Yes, such an active herbal remedy, especially preparations with great content peppermint essential oil should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under three years of age. Hypotensive action mint can cause feeling unwell in people with reduced pressure. And the calming effect sometimes affects the reaction speed of car drivers.

Lemon mint: useful properties and contraindications

Melissa officinalis or lemon mint, as the plants are called for their amazing aroma, which has notes of citrus and menthol at the same time, can bring no less benefit to the body.

Useful properties of lemon mint and contraindications in relation to this plant are due to the composition of leaves, tops of stems and inflorescences used for food and treatment. The plant, like peppermint, is rich in essential oils, but their composition is somewhat different, which is reflected in the aroma of the herb and its qualities. Melissa grass also contains vitamins, among which the main place is occupied by ascorbic acid, there are tannins, tannins and mineral elements, saponins and flavonoids, natural bitterness and valuable organic acids.

What does lemon mint help with, and how does it act on human body? Like peppermint, lemon balm can effectively anesthetize and relieve emotional stress, neutralize causeless anxiety and activate the brain. Herbal remedies based on lemon mint leaves have antipyretic, diaphoretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Melissa will be useful in a number of problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Decoctions and infusions of this herb stimulate intestinal motility, causing it to be cleansed of gases and toxins, effectively combat constipation, relieve spasms and improve appetite.

Lemon mint acts on the body with cardiac and vascular diseases reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and stroke. The strengthening effect of lemon balm is in demand by patients with anemia, neuralgia, the plant can help with migraine and spasmodic, for example, menstrual pain.

Melissa is widely used in the treatment skin infections fungal origin, eczema and acne juvenile rash, as well as diseases associated with disruption of work immune system. Since lemon balm oil is an excellent natural antiseptic. As lotions, lotions and compresses, products based on lemon mint are used for gout, herpes, and diseases of the oral cavity.

With a lot of useful properties similar to peppermint, contraindications for taking lemon balm are also close.

You should not abuse fresh and dried grass for people with hypertension, because, like mint, lemon balm also affects pressure. Women in the first months of pregnancy and those who are prone to allergic reactions to components of plant materials should also be careful about the properties of the plant.

Long-leaved mint: medicinal properties and contraindications

long remaining wild plant longleaf mint is also grown in gardens today. This large herbaceous culture has a pleasant smell, close to other types of mint, and in Russia it is found both in the middle lane and in Western Siberia. The basis of the existing contraindications and medicinal properties of long-leaved mint is the rich composition of essential oils found in its greenery. In addition to menthol, linalool and pulegone are present here, as well as carvacrol, which showed according to latest research pronounced antimicrobial properties.

Longleaf mint is rightfully considered the leader in its family for pain and antiseptic ability. In this regard, mint acts on the body:

The effect on the body of curly mint

Unlike the previously described types of mint, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which depended on the presence of menthol in plant parts, curly mint has a different set active ingredients in essential oil. It includes pulegone, cineole and carvone, linalool and limonene. It is for this essential oil that the plant is widely cultivated and used by pharmacists.

What helps curly mint? At this time, the concentration of essential oils reaches its maximum, and the resulting raw materials can be used as an effective pain reliever and sedative.

The collection of leaves that do not have the smell of menthol, and the tops of the shoots, is carried out shortly before flowering and during it.

Useful properties of field mint

Field mint is a wild-growing species well-known in Rus', the plants of which contain up to 2% of a bitter, pungent-smelling essential oil. The main component responsible for the beneficial properties field mint, is menthol. Not the last role is played by other components, such as vitamins, organic acids, terpenes and tannins.

The plant has medicinal properties and contraindications in common with different types of mint. But more often it is used externally and internally as an anti-inflammatory natural remedy able to soothe and gently anesthetize.

Catnip: Benefits and Uses

The smell of catnip or catnip most of all resembles lemon balm, since its essential oil does not contain such an aggressive component as menthol, but there is nepelactone, as well as other aromatic substances, which include geraniol, carvacrol and limonene. There are tannins and vitamins, phytoncides and terpenes in the composition of catnip greens citral. What is the effect of catnip on the body?

Useful properties of dog mint or ivy-shaped budry

A herbaceous plant related to cultivated mint species and distributed wild throughout the country, the attention of gardeners and gardeners has been undeservedly bypassed. What are the medicinal properties and contraindications of dog mint? In the greens of unpretentious dog mint, there are quite a lot of tannins and natural bitterness, carotene, essential oils, amino acids, saponins, as well as ascorbic, coffee, tartaric and mustard acids.

The herb will be useful in inflammatory and infectious diseases respiratory tract, liver and gallbladder. A decoction of budra will help relieve stomach and renal colic, restore appetite.

Outwardly, plant materials and decoctions from it are used for abscesses, inflammatory processes on the skin, eczema and gout, and edema. The herb has a wound-healing, soothing effect. But here there are not only medicinal properties, but also contraindications, because, like different types of mint, budra is biologically saturated active substances requiring a cautious approach.

The therapeutic effect of mint on the body is versatile and very powerful. Despite its inconspicuousness, budra is an excellent and anti-inflammatory agent.

Useful properties of room mint or plectranthus

Mistresses simply love to grow a popular houseplant. which is a relative of cultivated mint species. This confirms the pleasant pungent aroma of camphor and menthol coming from the mashed greens of the plectranthus growing in pots on the windowsills. This is how the essential oils that make up the aerial part of the plant make themselves felt. But what are the health benefits of room mint?

The essential oils of this houseplant, like phytoncides, have a disinfecting effect, which positively affects the quality of the atmosphere in the room. In addition, the aroma of room mint is able to deodorize the air well, have a beneficial effect on the well-being of people nearby, improve performance and tone.

The negative effect of plectranthus is felt by insects that annoy the inhabitants of the house: mosquitoes, flies and moths.

Contraindications to the use of mint

With pronounced medicinal properties of various types of mint, contraindications for taking herbal preparations quite broad and serious. Since mint affects pressure, reducing it, you should not abuse it. herbal remedies people with hypotension. Similarly, the calming effect of the plant is accompanied by a decrease in the number of heart contractions, which means that patients with heart ailments should carefully use preparations with menthol and mint grass.

Contraindications to taking mint preparations are:

  • severe stage of urinary and cholelithiasis;
  • age up to three years;
  • asthenia;
  • colds associated with big amount formed sputum;
  • allergic reactions to the components of mint greens and asthma;
  • pregnancy;
  • pathology of the male reproductive system.

It is believed that mint has a depressing effect on the production of testosterone, and this can threaten the sexual function of men. However, this can only happen with excessive amounts of mint consumed, and a cup of tea with this herbal raw material will not harm your health at all, but it will also help you calm down, get rid of headaches and mild colds.

The same can be said about useful properties and contraindications of mint for pregnant women. Subject to the measure, the plant is completely harmless, but even with the abuse of mint, a sudden generic activity threatening the development of the fetus.

Making mint tea - video

Melissa, which the common people called lemongrass or mint, has long been successfully grown in our country. This plant has a wide range useful application. The healing properties of lemon balm make it possible to use it in recipes of traditional medicine, cosmetology, and cooking. In fact, the culture is not mint. Plants are relatives of the Lamiaceae family, which is why they are so similar in the photo. Based on the opinions of experts and reviews of gardeners, the article contains a list of medicinal qualities and contraindications of lemon balm.

Description and biochemical composition of fragrant culture

This plant has many names: lemon balm, mother, honey, honey slipper. The homeland of grass is the Mediterranean. culture has been known since Ancient Greece. Over the centuries, its medicinal properties have repeatedly become the subject of research by scientists.

It grows well in the wild in the southern regions with a mild climate. Despite this, lemon mint is cold-resistant enough to be grown in the central region and other less warm places. The perennial winters normally without additional protection at low negative temperatures. It can survive spring frosts with a few unfolded leaves.

Melissa is a natural ingredient of pharmacology with a wide range properties. In addition, the leaves of the plant are used as a seasoning, natural flavoring and base for cosmetics. Of course, everyone knows the soothing tea with lemon balm. It is better to use fresh herbs, but properly dried raw materials retain the bulk of the nutrients.

As in mint, the main portion valuable substances found in essential oils of lemon balm. In green mass herbaceous plant their share is large - about 0.8%. The substances that provide the characteristic aroma are terpenoids. They are responsible for the lion's share useful qualities honey cakes.

  • rosemary;
  • lilac;
  • vanillin;
  • coffee;
  • salicylic;
  • ferulic, etc.

IN biochemical composition honeydew also includes flavonoids, resins, tannins, saponins, tannins, vitamins A, B and C. Minerals in micro and macro amounts: calcium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, etc.

Attention! Energy value mint - 44 kcal / 100 g.

Useful properties of honey slipper

The key quality of lemon mint is its calming effect on the nervous system. In fact, this green is a natural antidepressant. Melissa will film headache, activates brain activity. With regular courses of herbal medicine, the herb is a prophylactic against neuralgia and migraines.

Melissa has a positive effect on the human body systems

Other medicinal qualities of mint can be categorized as:

  1. GIT. Melissa will increase appetite, relieve spasm, improve digestive processes and gastric motility. IN long-term use will help in the fight against flatulence and constipation, ulcers.
  2. Urogenital system. Honeysuckle remedies are diuretics. So, with their help, you can remove from the body excess liquid and reduce swelling. An infusion of herb leaves has a positive effect on the functioning of the genital organs.
  3. The cardiovascular system. The herb has a beneficial effect on heart health, helps prevent anemia and atherosclerosis.
  4. Injuries. Melissa is also used as an external agent. Lotions from it anesthetize places of insect bites.
  5. Skin diseases. Liquid products and mint-based lotions help with acne, fungal infections, eczema, shingles. Shampoos - for dandruff. Tinctures for rinsing the moat - for herpes, diseases of the oral cavity, toothache.
  6. Gout, rheumatism and similar ailments. In this case, compresses with lemon balm are used.
  7. The female body. lemongrass strengthens the immune system and normalizes vital processes in a woman's body. She helps with menstrual pain, during toxicosis, increases lactation.

Lemon balm essential oil is a popular filler in aroma lamps. It has antibacterial and antiseptic action. The ether not only smells great, but also cleans the atmosphere of the room. The course of such aromatherapy is especially relevant if there is a sick person in the house.

Advice. Essential oil of lemon balm has an analgesic effect and on internal organs. For joint pain and muscle inflammation, a few drops of the product are simply added to a warm bath.

plant contraindications. Feedback from people about fragrant herb

The main contraindication to the use of mint - allergic reaction organism. Because of a large number essential oils, strong aroma is not such a rarity. Also, you can not use lemon balm for people suffering from arterial hypotension. The rest of the harm of lemon balm lies in its improper external use. If herbal medicines are applied or applied to damaged, festering skin, then the healing effect will be just the opposite.

IN different sources also talks about negative impact lemon mint leaves male potency However, this thesis has not been scientifically proven.