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Peppermint: medicinal properties and contraindications. Peppermint: medicinal properties and contraindications

Mint has several dozen varieties, but the most popular in use is peppermint. This is due to the large amount of menthol in the stems and leaves of the plant, especially before the flowering period.

Menthol is a valuable essential oil and its range of uses is quite wide.

The chemical composition of peppermint stems and leaves is quite rich healthy oils, vitamins and microelements:

  • Peppermint contains the most menthol. The leaves contain about 2.5% menthol, and the stems about 5%;
  • more than 20% fatty oils;
  • tannins;
  • resins;
  • about 0.01% carotene in leaves;
  • hesperidin;
  • Not a large number of useful acids: oleic, ursolic, coffee, chlorogenic and ascorbic;
  • routine

To concentrate all the beneficial substances, peppermint oil is extracted artificially or it is released naturally when preparing various formulations and tinctures.

Indications for use in folk medicine

The easiest way to use mint for medicinal purposes is externally. You can rub the leaves on inflamed areas of the skin and menthol soothes it and relieves swelling and inflammation. You can treat tired areas of your arms and legs in the same way.

Having an irritating effect on the nerve endings, menthol will cool them and tingle them pleasantly, relieving fatigue and muscle tone. If you have a headache, you can rub the leaves of the plant on your temples, and if you have a stuffy nose, you can rub it on your sinuses.

The plant is also used in the same way to treat symptoms of angina pectoris, if indicated. When menthol irritates the vessels that are on the surface of the skin, the vessels inside the body dilate. In this case, the pain begins to go away almost instantly. For pain in the heart area, mint can also be taken orally. Usually the leaf is chewed with a piece of sugar. It has an anesthetic effect and relieves pain.

Using mint internally for illnesses is very effective. gastrointestinal tract. When consumed, it irritates the mucous membrane, thereby stimulating the functioning of internal organs.

In addition, the herb eliminates spasms and kills pathogenic bacteria, because often the cause of diseases of the digestive system is the development of putrefactive processes or the spread of microbes that cause fermentation. Mint stops adverse processes and improves the production of gastric juice.

Mint is a popular ingredient in many preparations. For example, for the treatment of diseases of the liver, gall bladder, of cardio-vascular system. Alone and in combination with other medicinal herbs, mint has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, removes mental stress, eliminates insomnia, calms.

Mint extract helps remove mucus from the bronchi, which is why it is often added to antitussive medications. In addition, menthol softens the throat. affected by the cough reflex.

Mint has occupied a very important place in dentistry for many years. It was the most common pain reliever and to this day many anti-dental pain medications include menthol. In addition, menthol is included in almost all toothpastes. This has an analgesic and antiseptic effect in the oral cavity.

The herb effectively fights dandruff; it is added to some anti-dandruff shampoos, and at home you can prepare a mask for the scalp or a decoction for rinsing.

Thus, the plant is an excellent decongestant, analgesic and antiseptic. It is included in many medicines and is used in the treatment of various diseases.

Herbal Recipes

To get maximum benefits for the body from medicinal plant, it is important to prepare it correctly.

How to brew medicinal tea?

The most common use is peppermint tea. However, the brewing process is significantly different from preparing regular tea. In order for the plant to release more oils, it must first be prepared. First, fresh leaves along with stems need to be washed well and dried with a towel.

Then put the mint in a teapot for brewing, add a little sugar, grind them and leave for 10 minutes. The mint needs to be infused, it will release its juice and then you can pour boiling water over it. Brew for 15 minutes. That is, much longer than regular tea.

Dry leaf decoction

You can also make tea from dried mint. This drink will be no less useful, but it is better to prepare dry mint in the form of a decoction. A tablespoon of dry leaves should be poured into two glasses. cold water and put on medium heat. After boiling, it is recommended to wait a couple of minutes and leave the broth to cool. The recommended dose remains the same - 250 ml.

Mint with lemon and honey as a mask for face and hair

When preparing tea or infusion, you can add various ingredients depending on the effect you want to achieve. Lemon and honey - strengthen the immune system, soften sore throat, chamomile - soothes the stomach and nervous system, sage helps with coughs. Together with additional components, mint will act more effectively.

Therapeutic cosmetology is also full of recipes with mint. For example, when treating dandruff, you can make a scalp mask based on olive oil and peppermint essential oil. In addition to dandruff, mint will kill fungi and visually increase hair volume. You can rinse your hair with a mint decoction diluted ¼ after washing your hair. They will become more magnificent and will not get dirty for a long time.

To treat oily facial skin, you can make a mask based on blue cosmetic clay, water and menthol. Menthol will dry out small pimples and cleanse pores.

Benefits of peppermint oil for the body

Oil obtained from mint leaves and stems is added to various medicines:

  • Peppermint tablets, which are used for nausea or stomach upsets;
  • Pectussin - tablets that are used to treat symptoms of acute respiratory infections;
  • Kameton - a spray that relieves inflammation in the throat;
  • Evkator - a means for rinsing the mouth and throat during inflammatory processes;
  • Menovazin is a rubbing agent that has an analgesic effect and relieves itching;
  • Validol - drops for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In addition to this list, there are a large number of analogues of the listed drugs with similar effects and the presence of peppermint oil in the base.

From the video you can learn about healing properties ah mint, its use in medicine and cooking.

Contraindications for use and harm

In addition to its beneficial properties, mint, like any plant, has its contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance, which can be expressed both in allergic reactions and in rejection of smell and taste;
  • Since mint lowers blood pressure, it is not recommended for hypotensive people, that is, people with low blood pressure, since their general state may worsen rapidly;
  • At varicose veins Vein mint can also be harmful, so it is not recommended to use it even for medicinal purposes;
  • There are studies that prove that regular consumption of mint can adversely affect potency in men, so men should use it with caution or completely exclude it from the diet;
  • Mint reduces reaction and causes drowsiness, so it should not be consumed before driving or doing activities. dangerous species activities;
  • Children under 12 years of age should also not consume mint on a regular basis. Since it has a depressant effect on the central nervous system;
  • There is an opinion that overuse mint helps to terminate pregnancy. Therefore, women in interesting position It is better to avoid soothing tea.

If not one point concerns you, then feel free to add mint teas and decoctions into your diet. However, it should be borne in mind that everything is good in moderation and should not be abused. herbal tea and exceed the indicated dose.

How to prepare mint for the winter

In addition to the fact that proper preparation is very important in preserving medicinal properties plants, it is equally important to collect it correctly and on time. Collection is best done in the period just before flowering. At this point, mint is most saturated with beneficial oils.

Mint stems must be cut with scissors to 2-/3 of the total length of the plant. Before harvesting, mint needs to be processed. First you need to wash it under running water. cold water to wash away dirt, dust and small insects. Then the stems are dried with a paper towel and air-dried.

The most popular way to prepare mint for the winter is drying. Dry mint for 10 to 20 days, depending on conditions. Drying should be done in a dry and ventilated place at high temperature.

To keep mint leaves in their original form and make tea from them or decorate a dish with them, mint can be frozen. To do this, washed and dried stems and leaves can be placed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer. However, storing the plant in this form for more than 6 months is not recommended, nor is re-freezing it.

Using these methods, you can preserve mint for the long winter months and enjoy its aroma all year round.

Mint is one of the most common medicinal plants. It is not fussy to grow and can take root in almost any garden. But how much benefit can you get from it? It is not for nothing that from time immemorial pharmacists around the world have been adding extracts from mint leaves and stems to medicines for various diseases.

At correct use mint can cope with many ailments. Therefore, in the absence of contraindications, it can be actively used by the whole family.

Mint is a plant that is familiar to each of us. Even people who have never seen this grass in person probably know its smell. Mint is one of the most common fragrant plants and its use dates back to the most primitive times. It even appears in mythology: the Greeks associated the appearance of this plant on Earth with the nymph Minta, who was the beloved of the god Hades. His jealous wife Persephone, in her anger, turned Mintha into a fragrant plant. A mountain in the northwestern Peloponnese is also dedicated to her.

Varieties of mint

This herb is unpretentious, has many beneficial properties and a pleasant aroma, which is why it is grown in gardens literally all over the world. She also feels good in natural conditions, without human care.

Mint belongs to the family Lamiaceae or Lamiaceae and has more than 20 varieties! The most famous and widespread are the following:

  • Peppermint or English mint - it is most often used in medicine and cooking;
  • Longleaf - mint, which is grown for the extraction of essential oil;
  • Meadow mint is a wild variety of mint, most often found in gardens;
  • Japanese mint is known for its large violet or purple flowers;
  • Spearmint is a variety that does not have the pungent aroma and taste we are accustomed to.

All types of this herb differ from each other, but they can all be used for treatment or cooking. Particularly worth noting is a variety such as catnip or catnip. In addition to its distinct lemon scent, it is famous for attracting all members of the cat family, including large and wild ones. This variety is often used not only for medicinal and gastronomic purposes, but also in perfumery.

Useful properties of mint

This plant is known for:

  • Helps relieve pain;
  • Has a bactericidal effect;
  • Calms and tones;
  • Helps prevent cancer;
  • It has a choleretic and vasodilating effect.

Due to these beneficial properties, the scope of use of mint in medicine is quite wide. Moreover, it is important that it is used not only in folk medicine, but also in modern pharmacology when creating the latest medicines. Many people have experienced the healing effects of mint ointments for coughs, runny noses and anti-nausea pills. Even the good old Pectusin, which has been saving us from colds for many years, includes mint extract.

So, the usual peppermint, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, will help you cope with any type of cold: laryngitis, sore throat and respiratory diseases.

She will also take pictures headache, overexcitation, will help fight insomnia and even depression. It has a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract: it treats constipation, colic, helps with the outflow of bile and normalizes liver function.

It will also be useful to take mint for the functioning of the heart: it will stabilize the rhythm of your heart, dilate blood vessels and thereby lower blood pressure.

Thanks to its bactericidal properties, mint removes inflammation of the gums and disinfects oral cavity and thereby freshens your breath.

The main reason mint has so many beneficial properties is the presence of menthol, which:

  • Calms the nervous system;
  • Dilates blood vessels and regulates blood pressure;
  • Has antiseptic and anesthetic effects.

Recipes with mint

  1. Mint tea- most known method using mint. It has all the beneficial properties of this herb: it will calm you down, relieve irritation, and help you sleep. In addition, it is very useful in treating colds, especially in combination with other medicinal herbs.
    To prepare it, just chop 3-4 fresh mint leaves or take 1 pinch of dried herb. Pour a glass of boiled hot water over them and wait 15 seconds. After this, drain the water and pour boiling water over the herb again for 2-3 minutes. You can also put 2 leaves or half a pinch of dry mint in regular black or to make it even more useful.
  2. Mint infusion made from dried mint. To do this, take 1 tablespoon and pour a glass of boiling water over it for half an hour. Strain the resulting infusion and drink a third of a glass 20 minutes before meals several times a day. This remedy should be used as a prophylaxis for and to calm nausea and heart pain. You can also use half a glass of infusion to rinse if you have bad breath.
  3. Mint decoction– a useful remedy for women during menopause. To prepare it, you need to pour 2 teaspoons of the herb with half a liter of boiling water and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil it for 10 minutes and leave to cool for half an hour. Then you can consume 3-4 times a day, 1 tablespoon 20 minutes before meals.
  4. Alcohol tincture of mint– a good remedy for headaches, which will also be beneficial for the skin. Pour 100 ml teaspoon of chopped herb pharmaceutical alcohol and leave for a week in a dark place. After this, the infusion can be smeared on your temples to relieve headaches and on your face to further tone the skin.

We have collected more mint recipes in a special article:.

Peppermint oil: properties and uses

Peppermint essential oil is a wonderful remedy for heartburn and bloating. To feel it beneficial effect, a couple of drops per tablespoon of water or cube of refined sugar is enough. This oil is also used for inhalation to treat bronchitis and colds.

Can pregnant women drink mint?

Any girl who regularly uses mint, preparing to become a mother, wonders: is it worth drinking mint tea during pregnancy? After all, mint is medicinal plant, which includes many active substances, including essential oils. A essential oil mint is always contraindicated for pregnant women: it is oversaturated with many organic acids and tannins, which, if consumed regularly, can harm the health of the unborn child.

However, essential oil is not the same thing as tea, which is essentially just water with a small concentration of active substances. If you drink mint tea during pregnancy in small quantities (1 cup a day and no more), it will have a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy:

  • In the 1st trimester, it helps with toxicosis, relieves nausea and reduces bloating and indigestion;
  • Mint helps calm the nervous system and cope with fears and anxieties during the prenatal period, which will have a good effect on the baby’s condition;
  • For colds and sore throats that cannot be treated with medications during pregnancy, mint tea will be the best and most powerful medicine due to the properties described above;
  • Mint effectively fights dizziness and swelling;
  • Mint will also increase female libido, which drops significantly during pregnancy.

Based on these beneficial properties, doctors can often even recommend that you drink a little mint tea, but it is very important to observe moderation in this matter, especially if deviations or difficulties arise during pregnancy.

However, it may seem that mint tea has no contraindications, but this is also not entirely true. After all, the beneficial substances contained in it can cause harm in certain situations:

  • Peppermint contains estrogen, which large doses may cause premature birth or even a miscarriage. To avoid such a dosage, it is recommended to drink no more than 1 cup of mint infusion per day and take breaks for 2 days after every 4 days of use.
  • In some cases, mint can reduce milk production, and therefore it is undesirable to use it in the last months of pregnancy to avoid problems with feeding the baby.
  • Mint dilates blood vessels and thereby reduces blood pressure– this can cause discomfort in hypotensive patients.
  • This herb can cause allergies and should be avoided under all circumstances during pregnancy.
  • And to top it off, consuming mint can negatively affect your liver and kidney function if you suffer from chronic diseases these organs.

Therefore, before making a decision, be sure to consult your doctor. After all, if you drank it before without problems, this does not mean that during pregnancy it will also not be harmful to your body.

Mint for breastfeeding

Nowadays, the most common types of mint are peppermint and spearmint. Peppercorn contains a large amount of menthol, the use of which dilates blood vessels.

Thanks to this property, a single dose of peppermint can increase the milk supply of a young mother. This occurs due to the dilation of blood vessels: blood circulation increases and milk begins to be released better. The paradox is that when regularly taking peppermint or other sources of menthol, there is reverse effect and there is less milk. Therefore, when breastfeeding better to avoid regular use peppermint.

Another thing concerns spearmint. It contains very little menthol, but it also contains carvone, another beneficial substance that, on the contrary, stimulates lactation when taken regularly. Carvone is also found in cumin, dill and fennel, and these herbs are in traditional medicine used to increase milk production.

Therefore, just consuming a small amount of spearmint will help a young mother, but of course, you need to know when to stop. By the way, it is very important to note that before use you should make sure that you are brewing spearmint, and if you cannot be sure of this, then it is better to abstain or ask a specialist for advice.

Mint for hair

Mint also helps very well in improving hair health: its decoction is useful for dry, brittle, split ends and colored hair. And, for example, a decoction of mint will good remedy to strengthen and heal the weak brittle hair– it will give them shine and a healthier appearance.

Read more about using mint for hair in the article:.

Contraindications to the use of mint

First of all, mint is a medicinal plant, and therefore you should not consume it too much. It is also not allowed for people who have increased sensitivity to menthol, carvone or other components of this plant. It is also contraindicated for people suffering from low blood pressure.

Also, due to its ability to dilate blood vessels and reduce their tone, mint can contribute to exacerbation. It should not be used when increased sleepiness, since this herb has a calming and inhibitory effect.

Do not give mint to children under 3 years of age, and it should not be consumed by men with low libido, as it stimulates the production of estrogen, which will further aggravate this problem.

And under no circumstances take mint if you have problems conceiving a child - using mint will only worsen your condition!

Mint: plant photo

Mint collection

Mint should be collected once a year, during flowering - approximately from the end of May to the end of July. To do this, pluck the leaves of the plant or leaves and pieces of stems. Older plants should be collected, since young ones, after drying, significantly lose their healing substances and aroma.

It is also important to collect mint as far as possible from any sources of anthropogenic pollution: roads, factories, big cities. And you should not collect plants early in the morning, when there is still dew on them - it is advisable to first give them time to dry. After collecting, hide the herb from direct sunlight as soon as possible - this may negatively affect its healing properties.

It depends on how exactly you assembled it:

  • if with stems, then they should be tied, forming bunches and hung in a dark but well-ventilated room (for example, a balcony).
  • if you collected only leaves, then they need to be laid out on clean paper or cloth, also in the shade. After this, periodically stir and turn over so that they do not freeze.

You should not dry mint in the oven, because this can cause it to lose most of its essential oils and stop being so tasty and healthy.

After drying the plant, it is not necessary to chop it - it can be stored in its entirety. To do this, use a tightly closed jar in a dark and cool room. If there are no cans, paper or fabric bags will do.

Since ancient times, people have been using herbs in their diet, treating diseases with them, and fields, meadows, forest edges and roadsides delight them with their lush aromas. One of the most popular and significant herbs is peppermint. Its properties and contraindications have been known for many centuries. However, not all varieties have medicinal properties and are suitable for consumption. Of all the species, peppermint stands out. It is she who is famous for her bright, enchanting aroma.

What is it, mint?

There is probably no person who does not know the aroma of this plant. We buy mint chewing gum and toothpastes, elixirs, candies, and often their smell is our favorite mint. Its medicinal properties and contraindications have been studied for a long time. Our distant ancestors used mint to overcome various ailments. Even the ancient Romans used it. The Arabs grew mint in their gardens, the Chinese dedicated treatises to it, and the Greeks washed their hands with it and freshened their faces. In the Middle Ages, mint with milk and wine was used to treat various diseases, including headaches.

Today this plant is used as remedy and in for cosmetic purposes. The aromatic herb is grown on farms and supplied to pharmacology. What is the secret that mint contains? The medicinal properties and contraindications, features of the preparation and use of the plant are revealed in this article.


This plant is perennial, from twenty-five to sixty-five centimeters in height, has a branched rhizome and thin roots. The flowers are whitish-pink, light purple or reddish-pink. They are located on the tips of the shoots in the form of oblique inflorescences. The plant blooms throughout summer period. The stem, like the whole plant, is smooth. Mint leaves have an ovoid shape with a heart-shaped base and sharp serrated edges. The beneficial properties are mainly found in them and the flowers, although other parts are sometimes used. Mint is bred specifically in gardens and vegetable gardens or grows wild in the fields. It exudes a strong and very pleasant refreshing scent.


This aroma is a consequence of the content of a whole set of essential oils and menthol that mint has. The medicinal properties and contraindications can be understood by studying the composition of the plant, which includes a large amount useful vitamins, substances and microelements, namely:

  • vitamins - C, B1, PP, A, B5, B9, B2, B6;
  • microelements - phosphorus, manganese, iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium;
  • amino acids such as betaine and arginine;
  • fatty acid;
  • organic acids, including chlorogenic, ursulic, oleonolic, ascorbic, acetic, caffeic and valeric;
  • piperitonin pinene;
  • essential oils;
  • menthofuran;
  • from flavodinodes - hesperidin;
  • from tannins - rutin;
  • phytosterols and phytosterols;
  • saponins;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • resins;
  • alcohols;
  • Terpenes: citral, geraniol, limonene, terpinene, carvacrol.

It consists of seventy-eight percent water and two and a half percent essential oils.

Dietary fiber per hundred grams of leaves contains:

  • fat - 1 g;
  • carbohydrates - about 7 g;
  • proteins - about 4 g.

The energy value for the indicated weight is seventy-one kilocalories. This plant is a storehouse of useful qualities.

Collection and preparation

It can be purchased at a pharmacy in finished form, in bags or as dry raw materials that are brewed. But it’s even better if you collect mint with your own hands and prepare it for the winter. For those who decide to do this, the following tips will help:

  1. The grass should be collected in the first half of the day, in dry weather, preferably when the plant is just beginning to bloom. Then mint contains the highest concentration of its useful substances. In this case, mainly its leaves and flowers are used.
  2. Although the plant blooms throughout the summer, this period varies in different regions and may be somewhat shorter.
  3. Mint can be collected by plucking the stems for greater speed, and at home you can tear off its leaves and flowers, which are suitable for use.
  4. The mint is dried outdoors in the shade. To do this, the plant is laid out in a thin layer on paper or fabric. It is advisable to stir it from time to time.
  5. After the raw materials are ready, they are wrapped in paper bags or glass containers, which are tightly covered.
  6. It is stored in a dry and dark place for up to two years.
  7. In order for the herb to retain more of its properties, it is better to chop it only before use, and not in advance.


Peppermint is best known for its essential oil content, called menthol. It imbues the plant with a characteristic refreshing aroma that everyone loves so much.

There is an opinion that it is better to harvest peppermint in the spring, even before flowering.

Its properties are used in herbal medicine, mint is added to culinary dishes. It is also used to get rid of nausea, flatulence, nervous disorder, poor digestion, asthma, bronchial or pulmonary inflammation, cardiovascular and gynecological diseases, colds, migraines, cramps, cholelithiasis and many other problems. The plant complements diaphoretic herbal preparations.


Mint has a beneficial effect on the entire body. First of all, the nervous system is restored. Helps you relax after have a hard day or improve your mood in the morning with mint tea. Useful properties contribute to better concentration and improved brain function.

For digestive system it also plays a positive role. Appetite, the process of digesting food improves, and the secretion of gastric juice and saliva is stimulated. In addition, mint is choleretic agent and wonderfully freshens breath. The intestines are cleansed, the work of the liver and gallbladder is stimulated.

Vasodilation occurs, heart rate stabilizes and blood circulation improves. In some cases, it can completely replace medications or at least supplement treatment for cardiovascular diseases.

Open up perfectly beneficial features mint for women. In cosmetology it is used for masks, baths, saunas. It is able to suppress bacteria on the skin and mucous membranes. Procedures are especially suitable for fatty type covers with acne. The skin then becomes elastic and velvety.

What does it cure?

Mint has plenty of beneficial properties and contraindications. It is useful to take for the following diseases:

  • nervous disorders, anxiety, anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • gastritis, diarrhea, other digestive tract disorders;
  • nausea;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • migraine;
  • respiratory diseases (in this case, mint essential oil is used);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • caries, gum disease;
  • bacterial and fungal infections skin.


Some men are afraid that their potency may worsen if they use mint. The medicinal properties and contraindications with moderate use of the plant will not appear so noticeably. It's another matter if you overuse mint. Then problems with potency can really be observed, because the production of female hormones, which peppermint contains in considerable quantities.

Properties and contraindications can be expressed in sleep disturbances and headaches, especially with excessive consumption.

You should also refrain from using this plant for the following conditions and diseases:

  • allergies;
  • hypotension;
  • varicose veins;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • kidney and liver disease;
  • problems with conception;
  • children under five years old.

In addition, doctors are inclined to believe that active use mint leads to a loss of sensitivity of the body to its components.

Individual intolerance to the plant may also occur, in which case it is necessary to immediately stop using it.

Mint has different effects during lactation. The beneficial properties and contraindications for women in this case will directly depend on its variety. After all, according to some, it stimulates the production of milk, while others say, on the contrary, that it reduces it. In this case, spearmint is suitable, which contains the least menthol, but contains carvone, which stimulates lactation.


Since mint normalizes metabolism, removes toxins from the body and regulates gastric juice, it is often used in diets. It also helps with constipation, eliminating putrefactive processes in the intestines and reducing acidity.

Mint leaves are added to:

  • first and second courses;
  • baking pastries, pies, cakes and cookies;
  • fruit and berry desserts;
  • sauces and marinades;
  • milkshakes.

Peppermint is a spice, a flavor enhancer for dishes, a natural flavoring agent, and an element that improves appetite.

The tonic properties are used in various drinks, the most widespread of which is the non-alcoholic Mojito. Teas and infusions will wonderfully quench your thirst and at the same time suppress the feeling of hunger.

Mint is good to combine with products such as:

  • meat;
  • bird;
  • fish;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • berries;
  • greenery;
  • cottage cheese;
  • spices;
  • spices.

Mint teas

Very popular green tea with mint, chamomile, thyme and lemon leaves. If you drink several cups of this drink a day, then within a few months a person will feel light and comfortable.

If tea is prepared from fresh leaves, then you must first pour boiling water over them, and then fill them with water and brew them.

Not all dishes are suitable for infusion. For example, plastic and metal are not recommended. It is best to brew mint tea in a porcelain or glass container. The beneficial properties are most preserved in a freshly brewed drink. Therefore, you should not cook a lot of it at once. Honey or lemon is often added to tea. It is better to avoid sugar, as it will neutralize the beneficial properties of mint.

As a cold remedy, take a tablespoon of inflorescences or leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. After just ten minutes, the drink can be taken orally.

In case of intoxication, take two tablespoons per glass of water and infuse for two hours. Drink one tablespoon during meals.

If you feel nauseous, drink one tablespoon of brewed tea per glass of water, half a glass twice a day.

For pain in the head or muscles, add a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of lemon zest to a glass with a pinch of dry leaves. The resulting drink should be drunk three times a day, half a glass.

Infusions and mint

The beneficial properties and contraindications of the plant must be carefully studied before starting its regular use and treatment. If no side effects and mint are recommended; in addition to tea, infusions can also be prepared.

To do this, washed fresh leaves are placed in a half-liter jar and filled to the top with vodka or alcohol. You can add a little cinnamon there. The lid should be tightly closed and infused in a dark place at room temperature for two weeks.

You can prepare this simple version of the tincture: two teaspoons of the herb are poured into a thermos with a quarter liter of boiling water. After an hour, you can start drinking the strained tincture, one tablespoon six to seven times a day.

Essential oil

Many representatives of the fair sex prefer to use essential oils. Mint, whose beneficial properties and contraindications for women have been fully studied, is one of our favorite products. It is added to various face masks, massaged, and simply applied to the skin for certain problems.

It has a tonic, expectorant, absorbent and antiseptic effect, dilates blood vessels.

Mint in cosmetology

The properties of mint for women are found wide application in skin care.

For example, to improve your complexion, you can prepare a lotion. To do this, mix mint infusion, cucumber juice and parsley decoction in equal quantities. They need to wipe their face morning and evening.

To relieve fatigue and tone the eyelids, apply cotton pads soaked in a chilled infusion to them.

The beneficial properties of mint for women will be expressed in a beneficial effect, especially on oily skin, even with simple use infusion. It will acquire a matte shade, and enlarged pores will narrow.

The ancient Russians called “dragolub,” which translated means “dear, beloved, kind,” such a healing herb as mint, the properties and uses of which were very well known to them. Today, many centuries later, we no longer call it so affectionately. But the mint still remains universal medicine and a favorite drink for many people.

There is a lot of controversy about the properties of mint. This plant can bring the body great benefit, and can cause infertility. The article reveals all the secrets of the competent use of this fragrant plant.

Mint is the most ancient medicinal plant. Doctors already in the times of the Assyrians and Egyptian pharaohs used its healing properties.

It received its name from the ancient Greeks. Legend has it that Persephone, the wife of Hades (Hades), the god of the underworld, turned his mistress Mentha into a plant. This is how mint appeared, a delicate plant with a cool smell.

How is mint beneficial for women and men?

Mint is considered more " female grass", because the female body it brings more benefits.

Benefits of mint for women:

  • regulates hormonal background, decreasing testosterone levels and increasing progesterone levels
  • improves physical state for PMS, menopause, reduces menstrual pain
  • relieves nausea during pregnancy toxicosis

Benefits of mint for men:

  • increases the tone of the whole body, which helps to increase potency
  • increases sensitivity and reduces tension, which increases the pleasure of lovemaking

But mint should not be taken in large doses, like any medicine.

How to brew mint correctly?

  • brew mint in a porcelain container, if you don’t have one, then in a glass one
  • Before putting mint in the teapot, pour boiling water over it
  • pour mint with water 5 minutes after boiling, and not immediately, in order to preserve microelements as much as possible
  • leave after pouring boiling water for 15 minutes
  • For 1 glass of prepared tea, it is recommended to take 1 tsp. fresh or 0.5 tsp. dry mint leaves. These are the proportions for tea; more mint is added to medicinal decoctions
  • Drink mint tea only freshly brewed and without sugar.

Peppermint tea is a drink on its own, but you can add mint leaves to regular tea or herbal teas.

The benefits and harms of mint tea

Thanks to the main active ingredient - menthol, mint tea soothes the soul and strengthens the body:

  • reduces pain
  • regulates metabolic processes
  • removes spasms
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • increases mental activity
  • regulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  • tones and invigorates
  • calms the nervous system

Mint tea can only cause harm if consumed in excess. Heart pain, drowsiness, headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, heartburn, and weakness may occur. Frequent use mint tea (more than 3 cups daily) has a detrimental effect on " male power"and the ability to conceive.

Use of mint in medicine

Mint has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, choleretic, and sedative properties.

In medicine it is used in the treatment of many diseases:

  • insomnia
  • neuralgia
  • hypertension
  • gastritis
  • gynecological diseases
  • asthma, vomiting, colds, rheumatism

Various tablets, ointments, and drops contain a mint component.

What are the benefits of mint decoction?

Decoctions are different high concentration useful substances. Decoctions are prepared if it is necessary to have a profound effect on the body.

Benefits of mint decoction:

  • regulates digestion
  • promotes weight loss
  • reduces blood sugar concentration
  • has a positive effect on the immune system
  • normalizes sweating
  • lowers blood pressure
  • protects the body from the effects of radiation
  • treats cough, relieves sore throat, reduces headaches
  • relieves heartburn, nausea
  • normalizes blood circulation

Peppermint tincture: medicinal properties and contraindications

The high usefulness of peppermint is determined by its composition:

  • essential oil- menthol, provides the taste, smell, analgesia and antispasmodic properties of mint
  • tannins- give an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, accelerate the healing process, destroy bacteria
  • carotene- natural immunostimulant
  • vitamin P- reduces capillary permeability, relieves swelling and inflammation
  • ascorbic acid- strengthens the immune system, reduces vascular permeability
  • betaine- regulates the digestive system by activating fat metabolism in the liver and stimulation of bile production
  • phytosterols - « plant hormones", reduce cholesterol concentrations, improve metabolism
  • phytoncides- provide protection against bacteria and microorganisms
  • microelements- regulate the functioning of the nervous system, the production of enzymes

There are also several contraindications to the use of mint tincture:

  • allergy
  • hypotension
  • low stomach acidity
  • varicose veins, since menthol reduces the tone of blood vessels
  • liver and kidney diseases

Melissa mint: medicinal properties

  • Melissa is also called “lemon mint” because it has a mint-lemon aroma.
  • There is less essential oil in lemon balm than in mint, so it is more often used in cooking as a seasoning, and not just as a flavoring agent.
  • Lemon mint is used to combat depression, as an antiviral and antispasmodic agent.

Medicinal properties of mint tincture

  • Alcohol tincture of mint is used for neuralgia, irritability, and insomnia. It relieves pain and reduces spasms. Apply a few drops to the temples, forehead, back of the head and rub. Or take 10-15 drops shortly before bedtime for a week
  • For bronchitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx and trachea, the tincture is used for inhalation. Mint relieves swelling and inflammation, reduces pain, and makes breathing easier. Solution: add 15 drops of tincture to 1 liter of hot water, breathe in this steam. Repeat 3-4 times a day
  • Mint tincture can be made as follows: pour 20g of dry leaves with 100 ml of alcohol, moonshine with a strength of 75%. But you can also use regular vodka. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take 3 times a day, 25 drops, which must be diluted in 1 glass of water. Used to relieve spasms, migraines, nausea and vomiting

Effect of mint on the heart

  • Mint is useful in the treatment of angina pectoris, as it dilates the coronary vessels and stabilizes heartbeat. Included in validol and valocordin. It normalizes cardiac activity and improves blood circulation
  • For heart diseases, it is useful to drink the infusion: 4 tbsp. dry mint is poured with a liter of boiling water. The decoction should be left to steep for about 2 hours. You can drink it like regular tea. The calming effect of tea will increase if you add valerian root
  • You need to limit yourself to 2-3 cups a day, otherwise the pain in the heart will resume and headaches will begin.

Mint for depression

  • For relax depressive states It is good to use mint tea: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water immediately after boiling. Leave for 1 hour. Take half a glass in the morning and at night
  • If the condition is very serious, then prepare a decoction: 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of dry leaves into 1 glass of water and boil the infusion for 10 minutes. After boiling, leave for another 10-20 minutes, strain. Take the decoction 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals for 2-4 weeks

Mint for infertility

Infertility is a direct contraindication to the use of mint infusions and decoctions. Especially if you don't use it peppermint, and field.

But if the cause of infertility in women is increased number male hormones- androgens, then the doctor may prescribe mint infusion. It has been proven that 2 cups of infusion per day significantly reduces androgen levels.

Peppermint tea during pregnancy. Can pregnant women drink mint?

  • It is not recommended for pregnant women to drink mint, as this can cause uterine tone. Peppermint also increases estrogen levels in the body, which can contribute to miscarriage.
  • But since mint relieves nausea well, it is recommended to drink mint tea for toxicosis, dizziness, heartburn, and colds. But no more than 2 cups a day and after 3-4 days it is advisable to take a break
  • The dosage of mint tea for a pregnant woman should first be discussed with a doctor.

Is it possible to give mint to children?

It is forbidden to give mint tea to children under 3 years of age. If the child is not very active, then mint should not be given until 5-6 years of age, since mint can cause drowsiness and lethargy.

In addition, mint can become a source of allergies in children. Therefore, before giving your child mint tea, you should consult your pediatrician.

Soothing mint infusions for young children

For young children, you can prepare decoctions of mint, which are added to the bathtub. This bath will relax and calm the baby and can be used for up to a year.

Prepare a simple decoction:

  • take 50g of the collection - oregano, mint, calendula flowers in equal parts
  • Pour three liters of boiling water, leave for half an hour
  • Add the strained infusion to 10 liters of water
  • In such baths it is necessary to bathe the child before bedtime 3 times a week
  • The minimum number of procedures is 5-7, if there is no allergy and the child likes it

Peppermint essential oil: properties and uses

  • The aroma of mint affects a person on an emotional, physical and mental level.
  • Peppermint oil has a tonic effect. Its aroma restores strength, relieves stress, increases mental activity, relieves tension, relieves headaches, and restores heart rate.
  • For headaches, rub mint oil on the forehead, back of the head, temples, and then apply a cold compress to the head.
  • At nervous disorders, in case of fear, it is good to have a handkerchief in your pocket with a few drops of oil on it, so that in case of nervous exhaustion you can inhale the aroma
  • If you faint, instead of ammonia, you can sniff mint oil and rub it into your temples
  • To reduce stomach pain, rub essential oil on your stomach and apply a cold compress. Also, for pain, bloating, heartburn, it will help if you drink a glass of water with 2-4 drops of oil; or eat a piece of sugar with 2-4 drops of essential mint essence
  • Baths with 6 drops of mint will help restore your heart rhythm. The same baths will improve the condition of the liver
  • Nausea will go away if you inhale the aroma of mint oil.
  • Compresses with mint oil (4-6 drops are enough) help with acute respiratory infections: relieve coughing attacks, relieve fever
  • Massage with mint (6 drops per 10 ml of basic massage oil) will help relieve pain from arthritis, bruises, rheumatism, sprains, muscle pain
  • If you apply a cotton wool with essential oil to a sore tooth, the pain will subside
  • Aromatherapy using essential oil (3-6 drops per aroma lamp) of mint is an excellent method of relaxation

Using mint oil on the face

  • To keep your facial skin toned, wipe it daily ice cubes from mint infusion:
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry leaves per half liter of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, filter and freeze in ice cube trays. This procedure will improve blood circulation in the skin and prevent inflammation.
  • If you wash your face with this infusion 2-3 times a day, your skin condition will improve significantly, and dark spots and wrinkles will be less noticeable

Rejuvenating mask with mint:

  • mix 1 glass oatmeal(finely ground), 2 tbsp. spoons of mint infusion, 3 tbsp. spoons warm milk. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes. The skin should be clean. Rinse it off. It is better to perform the procedure before bedtime

Using mint oil for hair

Mint can help with the following hair problems:

  • dandruff
  • oily scalp
  • brittle, dull hair

To do this, add mint oil to the shampoo at the rate of 2 drops per 10g of shampoo (1 serving of shampoo). This enrichment enhances blood circulation, activates hair growth, and relieves inflammation. skin, relieves itching and irritation.

You can make a mint mouthwash. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of mint and 1 tbsp. Boil water for 10-15 minutes. Cool, strain, add 3-4 drops peppermint oil. After washing your hair, you need to rinse your hair with this decoction and rub it a little into the roots.

Mask with mint oil for weakened and colored hair: to 2 tbsp. spoons castor oil add 2 drops of mint oil. Apply oil to your hair and cover your head with film. Leave the mask on for about 40 minutes. Rinse your hair with shampoo.

For oily/normal hair, use this recipe: mix 2 egg yolks, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 3-5 drops of peppermint oil. Leave the mask for 15-20 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Peppermint essential oil for acne

To get rid of acne, just use a cotton pad with a few drops of mint essence to wipe your face 2-3 times a day. This must be done gently and carefully.

For oily/combination skin, you can add mint oil to a toner or gel to cleanse the skin, which will help cleanse the skin of rashes and make it healthier.

Use of mint in cooking

  • In cooking, it is better to use apple or spearmint. These types do not produce bitterness when heated. But pepper is also popular
  • Fresh mint is used to season meat and vegetable dishes, salads, and is used to make cocktails, liqueurs, ice cream, desserts, candies, and used as decorations. Dry leaves are also used, but mainly for making tea, infusions, as a seasoning for meat, for sauces, in baking
  • Mint is used as an independent spice, trying not to combine it with others. Its dose should be minimal: 1-5g of fresh herbs, 0.2-0.5g of dried herbs per serving. Add mint to dishes shortly before cooking, 5-10 minutes

Liliya Vladimirovna, 47 years old:

“I make my own face masks. I apply the mask once a week. In 4 months, pigment spots became less noticeable, and skin tone really improved. It seems to me that I look fresher, as if after a rest. But the wrinkles haven’t gone away.”

Anna, 20 years old:

“I have been getting acne regularly since I was 13 years old. The pores on the nose and cheekbones are enlarged. Now I wash my face with a gel to which I added essential oil (2 drops per 10g of gel, added directly to the bottle and mixed), I cauterize any inflammation that appears with mint tincture and drink tea with mint once a day. The face has become cleaner, and acne appears less. I don’t know what helped, maybe in combination.”

Olga, 30 years old:

“I really love taking a bath with peppermint oil. I add mint, lavender and rose oil to the bath, 6-10 drops. The effect is amazing, I feel great after it, rested and cheerful.”

Lyudmila Ivanovna, 55 years old:

“On the advice of my daughter, I began to wipe my face with ice cubes from mint infusion. Helps you wake up in the morning and relieve swelling.”

Karina, 35 years old:

“I used to drink coffee in the morning, now I switched to a green smoothie: you need to take one small bunch of parsley and mint, half a lemon without zest, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey, 1.5-2 liters of water. Mix everything in a blender, drink it fresh, it helps to cheer you up in the morning.”

Video: About mint

Mint is one of the most popular plants in pharmacology and herbal medicine; today about 25 types of mint are known, including special place Peppermint is used in medicine. This species was artificially bred by crossing spearmint and watermint, and thanks to targeted selection, the healing properties and aroma of peppermint were enhanced several times and today it is most actively used in pharmacology, aromatherapy, cosmetology, the food industry and folk medicine. Peppermint helps to cope with headaches, neuroses, insomnia, and is also used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive system, urinary system, colds and ARVI.

Peppermint - composition and medicinal properties

Peppermint, cold mint or English mint are perennial from the Lamiaceae family. The Mediterranean is considered the ancestor of wild mint, and peppermint came to us only in the 19th century, from England, which explains its additional name. Today, peppermint grows primarily as a cultivated plant in gardens and vegetable gardens and on special plantations. You can also find wild plants near human settlements, but There is no such thing as “wild” peppermint.. It is quite simple to distinguish this type of plant from other types of mint - peppermint has a strong, delicate aroma, small light purple flowers collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, and the most important thing is hallmark is a special “chill” that occurs when you chew a leaf of a plant. This interesting effect occurs due to the high menthol content in the plant. It is recommended to collect fresh leaves and young shoots of mint for treatment from June to July, when the first buds appear on the plant, but it is not yet actively blooming. Usually, for drying, the tops of young shoots or young shoots without flowers are cut off, and the grass is dried on fresh air, but protecting from direct sun rays or indoors. For the preparation of alcoholic tinctures and cosmetics Fresh leaves are most often used.

Mint composition

In addition to menthol, peppermint contains many other beneficial substances:

  • essential oil is the main component of peppermint; it is what provides the spicy taste, aroma and most of the healing properties of mint;
  • tannins – have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, destroy pathogenic bacteria and accelerate tissue healing;
  • carotene - provitamin A interferes with the production free radicals, is a natural immunostimulant, increasing the activity of the body's cellular and humoral defense system;
  • rutin or vitamin P - reduces capillary permeability, acting as a decongestant and anti-inflammatory agent;
  • ascorbic acid - vitamin C is necessary for the complete absorption of iron in the intestines, it strengthens the immune system and reduces vascular permeability;
  • betaine – activates fat metabolism in the liver, stimulates the production of bile and reduces the amount of fat in hepatocytes, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the digestive system as a whole;
  • phytosterols are “plant hormones”, they reduce the concentration bad cholesterol in the blood, participate in the construction of the cell membrane and improve metabolism;
  • phytoncides - natural antimicrobial substances produced by the plant to protect against bacteria and other microorganisms;
  • microelements – essential for normal operation nervous system, enzyme production, and so on, take part in all types of metabolism.

Peppermint - application

Peppermint is used to treat many different various diseases, from insomnia to kidney stones. Decoctions and infusions of mint have:

  • sedative effect - mint essential oil has a calming effect on the human nervous system, it is used to treat neuroses, irritability, syndrome chronic fatigue, increased emotionality, tearfulness, insomnia, and so on;
  • analgesic effect - of course, mint oil cannot be compared in effectiveness with analgesics, but it is quite capable of reducing headaches, migraines or relieving pain from an insect bite;
  • antispasmodic effect - the relaxing effect of mint on smooth muscle muscles allows this plant to be used to treat pain in the stomach and intestines due to flatulence, to treat kidney stones, menstrual pain and other muscle spasms;
  • anti-inflammatory effect - peppermint helps to cope even with purulent inflammation or irritation in the stomach and intestines. It is used for treatment purulent wounds, ulcers, inflammation in the stomach and intestines, as well as in diseases Bladder and genitals;
  • antiseptic effect - mint infusions and decoctions destroy most pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses. They are used to gargle when colds, rinsing the mouth for stomatitis, gingivitis and caries, as well as for preparing inhalations for bronchitis, sore throat or ARVI;
  • antiemetic effect - with the help of mint you can cope with nausea during pregnancy, during travel or in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by nausea;
  • choleretic effect - decoctions and infusions of mint stimulate the secretion of bile and can be used for bile stagnation and diseases of the gallbladder and liver.


Peppermint – enough safe plant, it can be used to treat a wide variety of diseases, but still, there are certain contraindications to its use:

  • individual intolerance – with a tendency to allergic reactions before using mint internally, you need to carry out allergy tests;
  • hypotension - with low blood pressure You should not overuse infusions and tea with mint, it can lower your blood pressure even more;
  • varicose veins - mint causes a decrease in tone vascular wall, which can lead to exacerbation of the disease;
  • GERD – the use of mint can worsen heartburn and other manifestations of the disease;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding - despite the fact that peppermint is recommended for nausea during pregnancy, you should consult a gynecologist before use;
  • infancy - it is not recommended to use peppermint to treat children under 2 years of age. In case of an overdose of mint or when long-term use Mild drowsiness may occur.

Peppermint – RECIPES

1. Mint infusion– it is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, headaches, bile stagnation, nausea or insomnia. This infusion is prepared from 1 tsp of dry leaves and 1 tbsp of boiling water. The infusion is left in a warm place for 15-20 minutes, then filtered and drunk warm, adding sugar or honey to taste.

In the same way, an infusion is brewed for gargling the throat and mouth for sore throat, ARVI or flu, or for washing wounds and abrasions. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

2. Mint decoction drink more serious reasons, it is recommended for women suffering from premenstrual syndrome, painful or too heavy menstruation, for diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, headaches and so on. Prepare a decoction of 1 tablespoon of dry herb in 0.5 liters of water. The mint is poured with water, put on fire and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Then leave to infuse for another 10-20 minutes, filter and take 13-12 tbsp 3 times a day before meals. Take the decoction for a long time, for 2-4 weeks.

3. Alcohol tincture- considered one of the most effective means for headaches, migraines and others similar diseases. It is also used for rubbing and inhalation. A tincture is prepared from fresh mint leaves and 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. For 20 grams of fresh leaves, take 100 ml of alcohol, leave the tincture for 2 weeks in a dark, dry place, then filter and store in a cool place.

For headaches, insomnia, irritability, take 10-15 drops, with a small amount of water, take the tincture before bed, for 5-7 days.

For nausea, vomiting, migraines, take 20-25 drops of tincture per 1 cup of cold water, taken once.

To prepare inhalations for colds, add 10-15 drops of oil to 1 liter of boiling water and then smother over steam for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day until complete recovery.

Besides, alcohol tincture mint can be used for rubbing: for headaches and migraines, rub the temples and forehead with oil, for colds - chest, and for skin problems, they make applications and compresses with oil. Insect bites or sunburn It is also recommended to apply peppermint oil.

4. Mint baths– they have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect, they are used for insomnia, increased irritability, stress, as well as such skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema, dry skin and allergic rashes. Peppermint baths “dry” the skin, making it less susceptible to external stimuli. To prepare a bath, 50 grams of dry herb are poured into 10 liters of water, left for 10-15 minutes, then added to hot water. For severe skin diseases, it is recommended not to dilute the mint infusion, but to use it in concentrated form.

5. Mint tea– a milder sedative and restorative. You can drink it daily, but no more than 5-7 days in a row, then you should change the tea or take a break for 10-14 days. Tea is prepared from fresh or dry mint leaves. Fresh leaves make tea more aromatic and healthy. To prepare it, pour 3 tablespoons of fresh mint leaves into 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes in a glass or enamel container and add sugar or honey to taste. Tea is prepared from dry leaves at the rate of 1 tsp per 1 tbsp of boiling water. You can mix 1 teaspoon of regular tea with 1 teaspoon of dry leaves; this tea will be very aromatic and pleasant to the taste and will have a slight calming effect.

Other uses of mint

Peppermint is used not only for treatment, it is also added to food and used in cosmetology. Fresh mint is used to season meat and vegetable dishes, soups, salads and even desserts such as ice cream or drinks. But dry mint should be used more carefully when cooking; it can be useful as a seasoning for some meat dishes and sauces. In cosmetology, lotions for washing are prepared from mint, various compresses and tonics. And at home, cosmetologists recommend:

  • daily, morning and evening wipe your skin with ice cubes and mint– this will not only help keep the skin toned, but will also be an excellent prevention of inflammation, increase blood flow to the face and improve blood circulation in the skin. Mint ice is prepared from an infusion - 1 tbsp of dry mint per 0.5 liters of boiling water, infused for 2-3 hours. After straining, pour into ice trays and use for washing;
  • use mint infusion for washing– if you wash your face with mint infusion 2-3 times a day, after a few weeks the skin will become healthier and more elastic, and fine wrinkles, age spots and blood vessels will become less noticeable;
  • mint mask - for rejuvenating and healing the skin You can prepare a mask from 1 tablespoon of finely ground oatmeal, 2-3 tablespoons of warm milk and 2 tablespoons of mint infusion. This mask will help clean pores, remove old skin and improve complexion. Apply the mask to a clean washed face for 15-20 minutes before going to bed. Then wash off with warm water;
  • oily skin, acne and pimples can be treated with peppermint oil. To do this, apply a few drops of oil to a cotton pad and gently wipe your face with it 2-3 times a day;
  • for teeth whitening V toothpaste you can add 2-3 drops of mint oil, this product should not be used often, 1-2 times a month;
  • 1-2 drops of oil per 1 cup of water will help get rid of from unpleasant odor from mouth;
  • Peppermint oil is widely used in aromatherapy– sachets and aroma lamps with peppermint create a calm and cozy atmosphere in the house, promote relaxation, rest and the emergence of pleasant emotions.