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Medicinal properties of peppermint. When should you not use mint? Contraindications for use

What are the benefits of mint and what are its harms? Do the leaves of this plant really help you lose weight, cure colds and improve skin condition? Let's try to understand this issue.

Peppermint and its medicinal properties have been familiar to people since ancient times. It is widely used today in folk medicine. This plant, which has a pleasant odor, was used for therapy various diseases even ancient doctors: Paracelsus, Avicenna, Hippocrates, etc. With the help of this aromatic herb they treated gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, stimulated intellectual activity. This plant is also widely known for its diuretic, warming, diaphoretic and analgesic effects.

The plant contains phytoncides that dilate blood vessels. This improves attention and memory. Mint also contains many essential oils containing carotene, menthol, betaine, and hesperidin. This plant contains a lot of acids that are beneficial for the body. It contains linoleic, mellisic, ursolic, oleanolic, and valeric acids.

Using mint for weight loss

The raw material used is mint leaves, collected in the summer when the plant is flowering and then dried in the shade. Mint is widely used for weight loss . In addition, the plant has antispasmodic, sedative, antimicrobial, choleretic effect. She is providing positive influence on smooth muscles and enhances the secretion of digestive glands.

Reset excess weight It helps to drink mint lemonade, which is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour a couple of liters of filtered or boiled water.
  2. Peel the zest and cut it into small pieces;
  3. Place the crushed lemon pulp in a vessel with water;
  4. Add fourteen mint leaves to the lemon water.
  5. Place the jug of the drink in the refrigerator for several hours.

Mint lemonade is superbly refreshing and effectively quenches thirst, making it very pleasant to drink in the summer heat. By drinking 3-4 glasses of this lemonade daily, you will be able to special effort For my part, lose a few kilograms.

Despite all the usefulness of this plant, it also has certain contraindications:

  • reception peppermint contraindicated in case of insufficient secretion gastric juice;
  • mint infusions are contraindicated for hypotensive patients;
  • People suffering from breathing disorders, for example, asthmatics, in whom mint can cause bronchospasm, should take mint products with caution.
  • mint tea during breastfeeding can cause deterioration in lactation;
  • mint reduces vascular tone, so it can cause veins to expand (mint cannot be used for varicose veins);
  • mint for insomnia can cause even worse sleep and anxiety;

How does mint affect the heart?

People suffering from heart disease are interested in how mint affects the heart? This plant helps stabilize the functioning of this organ during arrhythmia and angina pectoris, and eliminate spasms of the heart muscle. However, when excessive consumption mint in the heart area may cause pain.

Is peppermint good for women or not?

Mint is extremely beneficial for women. It is used to soften menopausal symptoms. Using mint for menstruation , you can get rid of pain. Mint infusions help heal gynecological diseases inflammatory in nature. Many women use mint during pregnancy.

Fragrant tea with mint helps young mothers at the end breastfeeding their babies. Many mothers use mint to stop lactation as a natural remedy that is safe for the body. Mint is completely safe for infants, so it can be safely used during breastfeeding.

Is mint tea good for effective weight loss?

Peppermint tea helps you quickly lose weight. According to scientists, mint increases the secretion of bile in the digestive system. Since bile takes an active part in the breakdown of fats, helping food move faster through digestive tract, many obese people drink mint tea to lose weight. Mint improves metabolism, regulates intestinal motility, and also eliminates dysbacteriosis and removes toxins from the body. All these properties of peppermint contribute to obtaining quick effect when using it for weight loss.

Is it possible to use mint if you have high blood pressure?

Mint for blood pressure is only useful for hypertensive patients. This plant has the ability to significantly dilate blood vessels and reduce their tone, which lowers blood pressure. Systematic consumption of mint tea is beneficial for people suffering from hypotension. After drinking one cup of this tea, a person calms down and relaxes, his blood pressure gradually normalizes.

Using mint for colds and coughs

Mint is very useful for colds. Mint decoctions and infusions are used to treat various colds. Eating mint for a cough helps dilate the bronchi and facilitates the removal of mucus. However, people suffering from bronchitis with an asthmatic component should bronchial asthma, mint drinks should be consumed with caution, as they can provoke the development of bronchospasm.

For colds and coughs, mint infusion with vodka helps, which is prepared as follows:

  1. Fresh mint leaves are washed and chopped.
  2. The crushed leaves are placed in a jar.
  3. Vodka is poured into the container so that the liquid completely covers the mint.
  4. The tincture is placed for ten days in a cool, dark place.
  5. Take twenty drops before meals a couple of times a day.

Mint for heartburn, poisoning and diarrhea

Mint infusions are good for treating diseases of the intestines and stomach. Mint helps with heartburn. Mint is no less useful for poisoning. Thanks to its antimicrobial effect, it helps to neutralize and remove toxins from the body, as well as other harmful substances. Antimicrobial action this plant also makes mint useful for diarrhea .

Is mint harmful for gastritis and high acidity?

This plant has the ability to reduce stomach acidity. Therefore, mint for gastritis , accompanied by excessive acidity, is very useful. With increased acidity, mint helps reduce stomach acidity, remove inflammation, and get rid of pain. If the acidity is low, mint infusions should not be consumed.

How to use mint for pancreatitis?

The regenerating ability of this plant ensures the healing of inflamed tissues of the stomach, intestines, and pancreas. Mint is very useful for pancreatitis. Mint infusions can be drunk for all types of pancreatitis. It also helps in the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies in those people who suffer chronic alcoholism.

How to use mint for nails?

Mint for nails is used in the form of baths. Contained in this plant essential oils, as well as various tannins strengthen nails, make them shiny and healthy.

This fragrant plant is also very beneficial for hair. It gives the hair a pleasant aroma, eliminates flaking of the scalp, and nourishes the hair roots. For hair care, rinse with mint water.

How to properly use peppermint on your face?

Mint is extremely beneficial for the face. In cosmetology, this plant is used dried and fresh. IN summer time it can be used fresh, or dried in winter. Mint is used to make decoctions for washing, infusions and face masks. You can also make mint ice to rub on your face.

  • tone the facial skin;
  • heal inflammation;
  • help remove signs of fatigue;
  • slow down the aging of the body;
  • do more strong vessels;
  • cleanse the skin;
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Rules for using mint for the face

  • this plant can cause allergies or irritation, so before applying mint preparations to the skin of the face, they should be tested on the wrist;
  • Fresh mint is suitable for making masks, but for decoctions and infusions it is better to use dried mint;
  • the mint mask can only be applied to a cleansed face;
  • After use, the mask is washed off with water; there is no need to wash off infusions or decoctions;
  • the mint mask should not be kept on the face for more than a quarter of an hour;
  • Apply this mask once a week.

How to prepare mint infusion for the face?

Preparing a mint infusion for the face is not at all difficult. To prepare it you need to do the following actions:

  1. A tablespoon of dried mint leaves is poured with boiling water (one glass).
  2. The mixture is infused for some time in a sealed container (at least twenty minutes).
  3. After this, the infusion is filtered, cooled and used to wipe the face.

Mint infusion invigorates, refreshes the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation, and eliminates signs of fatigue.

The cold infusion can be poured into ice molds and then placed in the freezer. It is very useful to wipe your neck and face with mint ice. This should be done with sliding, light movements. Mint rubs refresh, cleanse and tone the skin. They are especially useful in the summer heat.

Making a mint face mask

Masks are made from fresh mint leaves. To prepare such a mask, take twelve mint leaves, a third fresh cucumber and a spoonful of lemon juice. Finely chop all the ingredients and mix, then apply to the face. This mask is most useful for oily skin. A natural mint mask tightens pores, eliminates oily shine from the skin, and minimizes inflammation.

Is mint good for men (for hangovers, for potency)?

But men should not get carried away with these plants at all. This plant is female, so male libido it has a negative effect. Mint is not at all beneficial for men. It is not necessary for men to completely exclude mint; men should simply minimize its use, since mint is harmful to potency. For hangovers, mint helps cleanse the body of alcohol toxins and improve general health.

Features of using mint for headaches

Two methods are used to eliminate headaches. The essence quick method consists of applying it to the forehead fresh leaves this plant and secure them. The second method involves infusing mint in alcohol for a week. Peppermint alcohol is used to wipe the temples, as well as the back of the head and forehead for headaches. Using this product helps to quickly reduce or eliminate painful sensations.

Mint for diabetes - good or not?

Due to its ability to normalize the functioning of the pancreas, mint is used for complex treatment diabetes mellitus Mint for diabetes helps reduce sugar and normalize general state. For cooking remedy In addition to mint, dandelion root is also needed.

To make an infusion, you need:

  1. Take three tablespoons of mint, a spoonful of dandelion root.
  2. All this should be poured into a glass of water, heat it and boil for a couple of minutes this solution.
  3. After this, the infusion must be infused (infuse for about half an hour).
  4. This remedy should be consumed a quarter glass on an empty stomach.

Is mint good for a runny nose?

Mint is widely used for runny nose, catarrh of the larynx and pharynx, as well as for diseases respiratory tract. Mint inhalations help quickly remove swelling from the nasopharynx. When carrying out this procedure, mint essential oil is used. The patient may also inhale the aroma of smoldering mint leaves. Using this method therapy positive effect observed even in the presence of acute sinusitis.

How to use mint for cystitis?

With the help of mint, even advanced cystitis can be cured. This plant allows you to quickly cure sudden or chronic inflammation Bladder. To treat cystitis, a mint decoction is prepared.

To prepare it proceed as follows:

  1. twenty grams of dried mint leaves are poured with one or one and a half glasses of boiling water.
  2. Boil the broth over the fire for about seven minutes.
  3. For a month, this decoction is taken daily, three times a day, one glass.

Is mint harmful for children?

Mint is very useful for children. It is usually added to tea. Mint tea very fragrant and useful. It has a calming effect. This drink can be given to children over three years old. In hot weather, mint leaves can be added to homemade lemonade or a cooling cocktail for the child.

Mint infusions can be added to the water used for bathing babies. This decoction is prepared as follows:

  1. Four tablespoons of crushed dried leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. After this, the broth is infused for about forty minutes.
  3. Then the liquid is filtered.
  4. The strained broth is poured into a bath of water for bathing the baby.

A mint bath helps kids relax and quickly calm down before bed.

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There is a lot of controversy about the properties of mint. This plant can bring the body great benefit, and can cause infertility. The article reveals all the secrets of the competent use of this fragrant plant.

Mint is the oldest medicinal plant. Doctors already used it in the times of the Assyrians and Egyptian pharaohs healing properties.

It received its name from the ancient Greeks. Legend has it that Persephone, the wife of Hades (Hades), the god of the underworld, turned his mistress Mentha into a plant. This is how mint appeared, a delicate plant with a cool smell.

How is mint beneficial for women and men?

Mint is considered more " female grass", because the female body it brings more benefits.

Benefits of mint for women:

  • regulates hormonal background, decreasing testosterone levels and increasing progesterone levels
  • improves physical state for PMS, menopause, reduces menstrual pain
  • relieves nausea during pregnancy toxicosis

Benefits of mint for men:

  • increases the tone of the whole body, which helps to increase potency
  • increases sensitivity and reduces tension, which increases the pleasure of lovemaking

But mint should not be used in large doses like any medicine.

How to brew mint correctly?

  • brew mint in a porcelain container, if you don’t have one, then in a glass one
  • Before putting mint in the teapot, pour boiling water over it
  • pour mint with water 5 minutes after boiling, and not immediately, in order to preserve microelements as much as possible
  • leave after pouring boiling water for 15 minutes
  • For 1 glass of prepared tea, it is recommended to take 1 tsp. fresh or 0.5 tsp. dry mint leaves. These are the proportions for tea, in medicinal decoctions put more mint
  • Drink mint tea only freshly brewed and without sugar.

Mint tea is a drink on its own, but you can add mint leaves to regular tea or herbal preparations.

The benefits and harms of mint tea

Thanks to the main active ingredient - menthol, mint tea soothes the soul and strengthens the body:

  • reduces pain
  • regulates metabolic processes
  • removes spasms
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • increases mental activity
  • regulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  • tones and invigorates
  • calms down nervous system

Mint tea can only cause harm if consumed in excess. Heart pain, drowsiness, headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, heartburn, and weakness may occur. Frequent use mint tea (more than 3 cups daily) has a detrimental effect on " male power"and the ability to conceive.

Use of mint in medicine

Mint has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, choleretic, and sedative properties.

In medicine it is used in the treatment of many diseases:

  • insomnia
  • neuralgia
  • hypertension
  • gastritis
  • gynecological diseases
  • asthma, vomiting, colds, rheumatism

Various tablets, ointments, and drops contain a mint component.

What are the benefits of mint decoction?

Decoctions are different high concentration useful substances. Decoctions are prepared if it is necessary to have a profound effect on the body.

Benefits of mint decoction:

  • regulates digestion
  • promotes weight loss
  • reduces blood sugar concentration
  • has a positive effect on the immune system
  • normalizes sweating
  • lowers blood pressure
  • protects the body from the effects of radiation
  • treats cough, relieves sore throat, reduces headaches
  • relieves heartburn, nausea
  • normalizes blood circulation

Peppermint tincture: medicinal properties and contraindications

The high usefulness of peppermint is determined by its composition:

  • essential oil- menthol, provides the taste, smell, analgesia and antispasmodic properties of mint
  • tannins- give an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, accelerate the healing process, destroy bacteria
  • carotene- natural immunostimulant
  • vitamin P- reduces capillary permeability, relieves swelling and inflammation
  • ascorbic acid- strengthens the immune system, reduces vascular permeability
  • betaine- regulates digestive system by activating fat metabolism in the liver and stimulation of bile production
  • phytosterols - « plant hormones", reduce cholesterol concentrations, improve metabolism
  • phytoncides- provide protection against bacteria and microorganisms
  • microelements- regulate the functioning of the nervous system, the production of enzymes

There are also several contraindications to the use of mint tincture:

  • allergy
  • hypotension
  • low stomach acidity
  • varicose veins, since menthol reduces the tone of blood vessels
  • liver and kidney diseases

Melissa mint: medicinal properties

  • Melissa is also called “lemon mint” because it has a mint-lemon aroma.
  • There is less essential oil in lemon balm than in mint, so it is more often used in cooking as a seasoning, and not just as a flavoring agent.
  • Lemon mint is used to combat depression, as an antiviral and antispasmodic agent.

Medicinal properties of mint tincture

  • Alcohol tincture of mint is used for neuralgia, irritability, and insomnia. It relieves pain and reduces spasms. Apply a few drops to the temples, forehead, back of the head and rub. Or take 10-15 drops shortly before bedtime for a week
  • For bronchitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx and trachea, the tincture is used for inhalation. Mint relieves swelling and inflammation, reduces pain, and makes breathing easier. Solution: add 15 drops of tincture to 1 liter hot water, breathe this steam. Repeat 3-4 times a day
  • Mint tincture can be made as follows: pour 20g of dry leaves with 100 ml of alcohol, moonshine with a strength of 75%. But you can also use regular vodka. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take 3 times a day, 25 drops, which must be diluted in 1 glass of water. Used to relieve spasms, migraines, nausea and vomiting

Effect of mint on the heart

  • Mint is useful in the treatment of angina pectoris as it dilates coronary vessels and stabilizes heartbeat. Included in validol and valocordin. It normalizes cardiac activity and improves blood circulation
  • For heart diseases, it is useful to drink the infusion: 4 tbsp. dry mint is poured with a liter of boiling water. The decoction should be left to steep for about 2 hours. You can drink it like regular tea. The calming effect of tea will increase if you add valerian root
  • You need to limit yourself to 2-3 cups a day, otherwise the pain in the heart will resume and headaches will begin.

Mint for depression

  • For relax depressive states It is good to use mint tea: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water immediately after boiling. Leave for 1 hour. Take half a glass in the morning and at night
  • If the condition is very serious, then prepare a decoction: 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of dry leaves into 1 glass of water and boil the infusion for 10 minutes. After boiling, leave for another 10-20 minutes, strain. Take the decoction 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals for 2-4 weeks

Mint for infertility

Infertility is a direct contraindication to the use of mint infusions and decoctions. Especially if you don't use it peppermint, and field.

But if the cause of infertility in women is increased number male hormones- androgens, then the doctor may prescribe mint infusion. It has been proven that 2 cups of infusion per day significantly reduces androgen levels.

Peppermint tea during pregnancy. Can pregnant women drink mint?

  • It is not recommended for pregnant women to drink mint, as this can cause uterine tone. Peppermint also increases estrogen levels in the body, which can contribute to miscarriage.
  • But since mint relieves nausea well, it is recommended to drink mint tea for toxicosis, dizziness, heartburn, and colds. But no more than 2 cups a day and after 3-4 days it is advisable to take a break
  • The dosage of mint tea for a pregnant woman should first be discussed with a doctor.

Is it possible to give mint to children?

It is forbidden to give mint tea to children under 3 years of age. If the child is not very active, then mint should not be given until 5-6 years of age, since mint can cause drowsiness and lethargy.

In addition, mint can become a source of allergies in children. Therefore, before giving your child mint tea, you should consult your pediatrician.

Soothing mint infusions for young children

For young children, you can prepare decoctions of mint, which are added to the bathtub. This bath will relax and calm the baby and can be used for up to a year.

Prepare a simple decoction:

  • take 50g of the collection - oregano, mint, calendula flowers in equal parts
  • Pour three liters of boiling water, leave for half an hour
  • Add the strained infusion to 10 liters of water
  • In such baths it is necessary to bathe the child before bedtime 3 times a week
  • The minimum number of procedures is 5-7, if there is no allergy and the child likes it

Peppermint essential oil: properties and uses

  • The aroma of mint affects a person on an emotional, physical and mental level.
  • Peppermint oil has a tonic effect. Its aroma restores strength, relieves stress, increases mental activity, removes tension, relieves headache, restores heart rhythm
  • For headaches, mint oil is rubbed on the forehead, back of the head, temples, and then applied cold compress to the head
  • At nervous disorders, in case of fear, it is good to have a handkerchief in your pocket with a few drops of oil on it, so that when nervous exhaustion inhale the aroma
  • If you faint, instead of ammonia, you can sniff mint oil and rub it into your temples
  • To reduce stomach pain, rub essential oil on your stomach and apply a cold compress. Also, for pain, bloating, heartburn, it will help if you drink a glass of water with 2-4 drops of oil; or eat a piece of sugar with 2-4 drops of essential mint essence
  • Baths with 6 drops of mint will help restore your heart rhythm. The same baths will improve the condition of the liver
  • Nausea will go away if you inhale the aroma of mint oil.
  • Compresses with mint oil (4-6 drops are enough) help with acute respiratory infections: relieve coughing attacks, relieve fever
  • Massage with mint (6 drops per 10 ml of basic massage oil) will help relieve pain from arthritis, bruises, rheumatism, sprains, muscle pain
  • If you apply a cotton wool with essential oil to a sore tooth, the pain will subside
  • Aromatherapy using essential oil (3-6 drops per aroma lamp) of mint is an excellent method of relaxation

Using mint oil on the face

  • To keep your facial skin toned, wipe it daily ice cubes from mint infusion:
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry leaves per half liter of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, filter and freeze in ice cube trays. This procedure will improve blood circulation in the skin and prevent inflammation.
  • If you wash your face with this infusion 2-3 times a day, your skin condition will improve significantly, and dark spots and wrinkles will be less noticeable

Rejuvenating mask with mint:

  • mix 1 glass oatmeal(finely ground), 2 tbsp. spoons of mint infusion, 3 tbsp. spoons warm milk. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes. The skin should be clean. Rinse it off. It is better to perform the procedure before bedtime

Using mint oil for hair

Mint can help with the following hair problems:

  • dandruff
  • oily scalp
  • brittle, dull hair

To do this, add mint oil to the shampoo at the rate of 2 drops per 10g of shampoo (1 serving of shampoo). This enrichment enhances blood circulation, activates hair growth, and relieves inflammation. skin, relieves itching and irritation.

You can make a mint mouthwash. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of mint and 1 tbsp. Boil water for 10-15 minutes. Cool, strain, add 3-4 drops of mint oil. After washing your hair, you need to rinse your hair with this decoction and rub it a little into the roots.

Mask with mint oil for weakened and colored hair: to 2 tbsp. spoons castor oil add 2 drops of mint oil. Apply oil to your hair and cover your head with film. Leave the mask on for about 40 minutes. Rinse your hair with shampoo.

For oily/normal hair, use this recipe: mix 2 egg yolks, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 3-5 drops of peppermint oil. Leave the mask for 15-20 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Peppermint essential oil for acne

To get rid of acne, just use a cotton pad with a few drops of mint essence to wipe your face 2-3 times a day. This must be done gently and carefully.

For oily/combination skin, you can add mint oil to a toner or gel to cleanse the skin, which will help cleanse the skin of rashes and make it healthier.

Use of mint in cooking

  • In cooking, it is better to use apple or spearmint. These types do not produce bitterness when heated. But pepper is also popular
  • Fresh mint is used to season meat and vegetable dishes, salads, and is used to make cocktails, liqueurs, ice cream, desserts, candies, and used as decorations. Dry leaves are also used, but mainly for making tea, infusions, as a seasoning for meat, for sauces, in baking
  • Mint is used as an independent spice, trying not to combine it with others. Its dose should be minimal: 1-5g of fresh herbs, 0.2-0.5g of dried herbs per serving. Add mint to dishes shortly before cooking, 5-10 minutes

Liliya Vladimirovna, 47 years old:

“I make my own face masks. I apply the mask once a week. In 4 months, pigment spots became less noticeable, and skin tone really improved. It seems to me that I look fresher, as if after a rest. But the wrinkles haven’t gone away.”

Anna, 20 years old:

“I have been getting acne regularly since I was 13 years old. The pores on the nose and cheekbones are enlarged. Now I wash my face with a gel to which I added essential oil (2 drops per 10g of gel, added directly to the bottle and mixed), I cauterize any inflammation that appears with mint tincture and drink tea with mint once a day. The face has become cleaner, and acne appears less. I don’t know what helped, maybe in combination.”

Olga, 30 years old:

“I really like to take a bath with peppermint oil. I add mint, lavender and rose oil to the bath, 6-10 drops. The effect is amazing, I feel great after it, rested and cheerful.”

Lyudmila Ivanovna, 55 years old:

“On the advice of my daughter, I began to wipe my face with ice cubes from mint infusion. Helps you wake up in the morning and relieve swelling.”

Karina, 35 years old:

“I used to drink coffee in the morning, now I switched to a green smoothie: you need to take one small bunch of parsley and mint, half a lemon without zest, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey, 1.5-2 liters of water. Mix everything in a blender, drink it fresh, it helps to cheer you up in the morning.”

Video: About mint

We are all familiar with aromatic and fragrant mint tea. But the plant from which this tea is made has unique medicinal properties. Why is mint so beneficial? Are there any contraindications for use?

Mint is a plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. There are many varieties, but only a few are known: sweet mint, peppermint, garden mint, water mint and some others.

This plant is widespread in regions with a temperate climate; it can be found in vegetable gardens and orchards; some people cultivate it.

Mint has been known for a very, very long time. Yes, already in Ancient Rome it was known and revered, considered a powerful healing plant.

There is a legend according to which such a plant is the most beautiful nymph who was enchanted and turned into grass.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers added mint to tea, but gradually the plant began to be used for other purposes. For example, many European dishes are decorated with leaves. In addition, greens are often added to salads, smoothies and hot dishes.


Medicinal properties plants are completely explained by its composition, because it is incredibly rich and unique. It includes ash, various essential oils, fiber, various organic acids (chlorogenic, ursulic, caffeic, oleonolic), phytosterol, arginine, betaine, menthol, flavonoids, tannins and even fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

There are also vitamins here, such as B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, C, A. The calorie content of mint is low and amounts to only 50-70 calories per 100 grams.


What are the benefits of mint? Beneficial features There are numerous such plants:

But remember that mint, the beneficial properties of which have been listed, has contraindications and side effects!

Is mint harmful?

Almost any plant can cause harm to health if used incorrectly and not in moderation. Mint has some contraindications for use:

  1. Since mint stimulates the production of gastric juice, it is contraindicated for certain stomach diseases, such as ulcers during an exacerbation or gastritis with high acidity.
  2. It is impossible not to mention such contraindications as varicose veins and hypotension. This is due to the property of the plant to dilate blood vessels, which, when the veins dilate and decrease blood pressure may be dangerous.
  3. Individual intolerance.
  4. Childhood. The plant is not recommended for use by children under 5 years of age.

Contraindications are listed, now it’s worth listing the side effects:

  • It is believed that if abused, it can cause harm male potency. But decreased sexual desire and disorders reproductive function may occur when the plant is consumed in large quantities.
  • Allergies may occur, so you need to be careful and monitor your reaction.
  • If the dosage is exceeded, heartburn may occur.
  • If overused, digestive disorders may occur.

Before using mint, you need to find out the contraindications and it is advisable to consult a specialist. Also, be sure to follow the dosage. So, 5-7 fresh mint leaves or a teaspoon of dried mint are enough per day.

Remember also that when long-term use the effect will be minimized, as addiction occurs.

How to use?

We offer several recipes:

Good health to you!

Not everyone knows, most often it is used as In fact, this medicinal plant is universal, the main thing is to prepare it correctly medicinal tea. For example, men should not abuse this drink - it can have a destructive effect on potency.

There are about twenty-five species of this plant, with special properties each of them. The well-known lemon balm is also one of the varieties. The ancient healers Hippocrates and Avicenna discussed whether mint is beneficial. There is also a legend according to which Pluto’s jealous wife turned his beloved nymph Mentha into a plant. This is how these leaves with a cool aroma appeared. Now widely used both in toothpastes or chewing gum, and in cosmetics and cooking. It is difficult to describe all the benefits of mint in a few words. It is an analgesic, a medicine for digestion, a choleretic agent, and a remedy for the bronchi, useful for inflammation or asthma. A decoction of dried or fresh mint can be used to rinse your mouth when inflammatory processes gums It also relieves heartburn and abdominal pain.

If you take a warm bath with mint infusion, its aroma will have a calming effect on the nervous system and help cope with sleep disorders. Mint is also used to fight fever and colds. In cooking, the plant is used for alcoholic beverages as a flavoring additive and seasoning. Among the benefits of mint, there are quite a few unusual property- women can use it to get rid of unwanted hair on the body. Regular use hot mint tea prevents the appearance of vegetation on the skin in places where it should not be.

Negative Impact

Everything is relatively clear about the benefits of mint. Doesn't it cause harm? Peppermint tea has a calming effect, normalizes sleep and relieves nervousness. This effect manifests itself in men and calmness in bed. Long-term use of such a drink allows the effects to accumulate and seriously reduces potency. However, this problem is completely reversible - just refrain from further drinking mint in tea - and the body will be restored to its previous state.

Folk recipes

To get the most out of all the benefits of mint, you should use classic recipes, proven by popular experience. For example, for insomnia, it is recommended to mix 50 grams of mint and motherwort, 20 grams and valerian root. Half a glass of this infusion should be drunk three times a day. To treat the stomach, simply brew a tablespoon of the plant with boiling water and after twenty minutes drink it like regular tea. This procedure should be done half an hour before meals. In order to overcome heartburn, you need to pour a couple of tablespoons of dry mint with boiling water and drink a glass of the drink several times a day, adding currants to taste.

Mint- a plant that long ago found its way from kitchen tables to medicine. In the kitchen mint has wide range Applications: it is seasoned with fish, lamb, tomatoes, cucumbers, legume dishes, and it is excellent for young potatoes. But, despite its varied uses in cooking, the properties of mint are still more valued as a natural medicine. In total there are approximately 25 species of this plant. But medicine uses only one - peppermint, which, in turn, also has subspecies: English, noble and tea mint (which we all know well from tea drinks).

Mint composition

Mint decoction will help women fight the symptoms of menopause.

The plant is also used for disinfection oral cavity, since mint infusions effectively fight bacteria, reduce gum inflammation and freshen breath. At bad smell rinse his mouth with infusion: pour 500 grams of boiling water over a spoonful of mint, leave for 2 hours, filter.

The anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties of the plant make it an excellent remedy for cramps and pain such as colic, stomach pain, bloating, hiccups,

And the tannins present in mint protect the intestines from irritation, which is very useful for relieving pain during diarrhea, combating ulcerative colitis And spastic constipation.

The bitterness of the plant stimulates gallbladder and liver, so it is used to cleanse the liver and remove gallstones. The choleretic property of mint is also known (as it promotes the flow and production of bile).

Can be used to combat acne and dermatitis; it will eliminate oily shine and tighten pores. They can be used to wipe the skin or freeze the infusion and cubes. mint ice wipe your face.

For mycoses (fungi), you need to grind mint and salt between your toes, then put the paste between your toes for an hour. Repeat the procedure until the fungus disappears.

The healing properties of mint tea will help with convulsive colitis, increased stomach acidity, heavy or scanty menstruation.

To improve the functioning of the pancreas and diabetes mellitus A mixture of mint leaves and dandelion root helps: a teaspoon of crushed dandelion root is mixed with 3 teaspoons of mint leaves, poured in 200 grams of water, boiled for 5-7 minutes and left for half an hour under the lid, then filtered. Take 1/4 cup three times a day before meals.

Of course, the healing properties of mint are not a panacea for all diseases, but this plant can serve as a wonderful aid in the fight for health. Take care of yourself!