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Galangal root: uses and medicinal properties. Decoction and tincture of galangal root. Contraindications. Galangal root tincture - recipes and uses

It's nice to have a glass of something strong sometimes, especially after returning home after a walk in the winter frost or autumn slush.

But this can also be useful if you choose galangal with moonshine as a warming drink. The drink is easy to prepare yourself. Shall we try?

Most likely, you are familiar with galangal. This perennial found almost everywhere in Russia. Look for it in coastal forests, in floodplain meadows - where the soil is light and sufficiently moist.

The plant is popularly called " galangal grass", and its scientific name is " Potentilla erecta" If you wish, you can grow galangal in your own garden. To do this, in the first half of September, collect the seeds and sow them in your “garden plot.”

The plant should be dug up in one of two periods:

  • in early spring;
  • late autumn.

At this time, it is suitable for drying and preparing for the manufacture of various potions based on it. We will use galangal root. It is powerful and thick, and looks very much like ginger root. By the way, its properties are similar to ginger.

The root is dried (in natural conditions), cut into pieces. Some recipes will require chopped galangal, so you can chop it into tiny pieces.

Healing properties

Potentilla erecta can provide significant assistance in the treatment of many diseases, so it is respected traditional healers. Yes, it contributes speedy recovery at:

Kalgan helps reduce bleeding gums (in initial stages periodontitis).

Found in it:

  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • Phlobafen.

Thanks to the presence of these components, cinquefoil has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties. It also acts as a mild pain reliever.

Attention men! When the plant root is consumed, it disappears erectile disfunction, and this is especially important after the age of 45-50 years.

Recipes for making tinctures

The root can be infused with vodka, moonshine or alcohol. We will look at the simplest and most accessible recipes.

Classic with vodka

To prepare a regular tincture, take:

  • 5-6 dried roots;
  • liter

Fill the galangal with vodka and leave for 14 days. Then you can drink the drink one glass at a time. By the way, it is not necessary to remove the roots - you can leave them in the bottle.

On vodka and coffee

You can make your home interesting alcoholic drink with a faint coffee aroma. For this we will prepare:

  • vodka (0.5 l);
  • half a teaspoon of dried chopped galangal root;
  • a teaspoon of dried licorice (buy it at the pharmacy);
  • 5 coffee beans.

Mix everything and put it in a dark place for 21 days. Licorice gives the drink a softer taste. After 3 weeks, we’ll see what the color of the tincture is. When it becomes saturated, filter our drink and put it in the refrigerator. Let it sit for a couple more days and you’re ready to drink.

Cinquefoil on moonshine

Everything in this recipe is very simple, just like the first one. Only here we fill one hundred grams of galangal root not with vodka, but with a liter. We put it in a dark place for a couple of weeks (maybe 3). We strain and taste.

How to cook with prunes?

We will need a significant supply of moonshine - 3 liters. Let's also take:

  • 15 prunes (dried);
  • 5 tsp ground licorice root.

After pouring the mixture with moonshine, wait 10 days for it to infuse thoroughly. Then we filter and try. You can put the filtered drink in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

With walnuts

The nuts themselves can be eaten. For the recipe you will need something that usually goes to waste - partitions. Cooking:

  • 70 g galangal root;
  • ginseng root (30 g);
  • 50 g walnut partitions;
  • liter

Mix everything and put it in a dark room for 2 weeks. Next we filter. Let it sit for a day or two in the refrigerator. You can drink.

With cinquefoil

In order to prepare this drink, you need;

  • dried cinquefoil (200 g);
  • Potentilla (100 g);
  • 2.5 liters of moonshine.

Fill the roots with moonshine and put the container in a dark, not cold room for a month. Filtering. The homemade “cure” is ready.

Imitation cognac

Do you want to surprise your friends by inviting them to try it? Potentilla will help out. Of course, this will not be real cognac, but a very unusual and aromatic homemade alcohol. So, we need:

  • galangal root (total 6 g);
  • 5 rose hips;
  • 5 walnut partitions;
  • raisins (20 pieces);
  • coriander (3 grains);
  • allspice pea;
  • liter of moonshine (see: ).

Fill the ingredients with moonshine and wait 3 weeks. If you want a sweeter, softer cognac, add sugar - 1 teaspoon per liter of moonshine.


Despite the mass useful properties such homemade alcohol, not every person can drink it without fear. Refrain from tasting if you have:

  • any gastrointestinal disease in the acute period;
  • cold with fever;
  • tendency to increased blood clotting;
  • hypertension.

If you still really want to try a sip, first consult your doctor.

Did you like our recipes? Try any one - whichever one seems more interesting and post about the results. We are waiting for your responses!

In the article we discuss moonshine made with galangal. You will learn what beneficial properties the drink has. We will list contraindications for its use, tell you how to infuse moonshine with galangal, and consider recipes for tinctures for impotence, bronchitis and gastritis.

Moonshine with galangal - the power of the male root

Moonshine on galangal in medicinal doses good for health Kalgan root is called male root for the ability to increase potency. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from medicinal raw materials at home. The most popular remedy based on the plant has become galangal - a tincture of galangal root in moonshine.

Unlike pharmaceuticals, which produce a temporary effect, moonshine on galangal restores male strength and has a rejuvenating effect on the body. At regular use drink in therapeutic doses You can forget about sexual impotence.

How to prepare galangal tincture

To prepare galangal milk, use alcohol, vodka or moonshine. Tincture of galangal on moonshine has a sharp spicy aroma and bitter taste. To soften it, add licorice to the drink.


  1. Kalgan root - 15 g.
  2. Licorice root - 10 gr.
  3. Coffee beans - 7 pcs.
  4. Moonshine - 500 ml.

How to cook: Grind the coffee beans into powder, cut the plant roots into pieces and pour the ingredients into glass jar. Pour moonshine into it, close the lid tightly and shake. Leave the product at room temperature for 20 days. Shake the container periodically. Strain the finished tincture.

How to use: Take 30 drops diluted in 50 ml of water. Take the product 20 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals.

Result: The tincture acts as an immunostimulant. The product has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and tonic effects.

Benefit for health

Galangal root tincture on moonshine has a whole range of beneficial effects, on a par with tinctures of ginseng or St. John's wort. The drink increases the body's defenses, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, digestive, and genitourinary systems.

The drug is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Tincture of galangal on moonshine has hemostatic, astringent, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. When taken regularly, it removes waste and toxins from the body and exhibits antihelminthic properties.

The tincture is used externally in the form of compresses and lotions to treat joint and skin diseases. It is effective for arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, radiculitis, gout.

Various recipes for galangal milk with moonshine

As we found out, galganovka has a lot of useful properties, so it’s not surprising that there are a lot of folk recipes for treatment at home. Let's look at recipes for galangal tincture on moonshine for impotence, gastritis and bronchitis.
To prepare the medicine, use the roots of galangal. Moonshine with galangal increases blood circulation in the pelvic organs, relieves swelling and fights sexual impotence. The tincture normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, disruption of which often causes impotence.


  1. Kalgan root - 30 gr.
  2. Moonshine - 500 ml.

How to cook: Grind galangal root in a coffee grinder to a powder, pour moonshine over it, shake and close tightly with a lid. Leave at room temperature away from direct sun rays within 3 days.

How to use: Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day in the afternoon. The intervals between doses should be at least 2 hours. Duration of treatment: 30 days. For the persistent therapeutic effect You need to take 3 courses with breaks of 10 days.

Result: The tincture increases potency, improves mood and increases the chances of conception.

Tincture of galangal on moonshine effectively eliminates pain syndrome for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The product eliminates inflammation and heals damaged mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.


  1. Kalgan root - 50 gr.
  2. Sabelnik root - 100 gr.
  3. Moonshine - 1 liter.

How to cook: Cut the roots of the plants into pieces 2-3 cm long, fill them with moonshine and close the container with a lid. Leave the product at room temperature for 2 weeks.

How to use: Take 15 ml 3 times a day. Maximum daily dose- 50 ml. The course of treatment is 20 days. Before repeat course take a break for 3 days.

Result: The product has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. This recipe for moonshine with galangal is used for gastritis, ulcerative colitis, liver diseases.

Galangal tincture is used to treat bronchopulmonary diseases. The product has antipyretic, diaphoretic and antibacterial effects.


  1. Kalgan root - 25 gr.
  2. Melissa - 5 gr.
  3. Dill - 10 gr.
  4. Sage - 5 gr.
  5. St. John's wort - 10 gr.
  6. Licorice root - 10 gr.
  7. Anise - 5 gr.
  8. Moonshine - 3 liters.

How to cook: Grind the roots of the plants, combine them with the rest of the ingredients, pour in the moonshine and cover with a lid. Infuse the product for 2 weeks in a warm, dark place. Strain the finished drink through a double layer of gauze.

How to use: Take 30 ml 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Result: The tincture has restorative effect on the body, calms and normalizes work of cardio-vascular system. The drug is effective for diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

For more information about moonshine made with galangal, watch this video:


Before starting treatment with galangal moonshine, consult a specialist. The product has a number of contraindications.

Contraindications to drinking moonshine with galangal:

  • high blood pressure;
  • low acidity of gastric juice;
  • atonic constipation;
  • tendency to alcoholism;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • individual intolerance.

What to remember

  1. Moonshine made from galangal is famous useful action for men's reproductive system. It increases potency, enhances blood circulation in the pelvic organs and normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system.
  2. Tincture of galangal on moonshine has restorative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, antibacterial and diaphoretic effects.
  3. The product has a number of contraindications, so before starting treatment with galangal moonshine, you should consult a specialist.

Galangal root is valued for folk medicine for many useful characteristics, especially for its anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and antibacterial effect. To prepare galangal tincture, there are many recipes based on the use of vodka, moonshine, and alcohol. The medicinal composition should be taken in accordance with the recommendations reflected in the recipes and after consultation with a doctor.

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    Benefits and Applications

    Kalgan is an erect cinquefoil (on Latin Potentilla erecta), part of the Rosaceae family.

    The height of an erect stem with a branched apex herbaceous plant reaches 0.5 m. The alternate leaves are distinguished by a large-serrate wedge-shaped shape. Golden-yellow flowers are on long stalks. In September, dark olive fruits - nuts - ripen. The cylindrical rhizome used in folk medicine is located horizontally. It is thick and short.

      Alcohol tincture of galangal is valued in folk medicine due to the inclusion of a number of useful elements in the root:

      • starch;
      • organic acids;
      • flavonoids;
      • tannin;
      • tannins;
      • potassium;
      • magnesium;
      • gland;
      • essential oils;
      • ascorbic acid;
      • manganese;
      • gum;
      • zinc

      Medicinal properties of the tincture:

      • calming;
      • antitumor;
      • hemostatic;
      • expectorants;
      • anti-inflammatory;
      • painkillers;
      • anthelmintic;
      • antibacterial.

      Galangal tincture is beneficial for liver pathologies, thyroid gland, cardiovascular system, skin diseases. Promotes accelerated recovery in cases of gastrointestinal diseases, relieves hemorrhoidal inflammation, reduces menstrual pain.

      With proper use of galangal-based products, the body is cleansed of toxins and the concentration of cholesterol is reduced. Use these healing compounds in order to restore potency, in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, to prevent the development of tumor process. Galangal tincture effectively relieves painful old cough. It is used as a gargle when there is pain in a sore throat.

      Rhizomes are dug in September or spring. They are washed well, chopped into rings and dried, scattered in a thin layer under a canopy.

      Folk recipes

      Based on dry galangal root, various tinctures are prepared at home, based on alcohol, vodka or moonshine.

      It is important not to exceed the proportions of raw materials specified in the recipes used for preparing the tincture. Treatment is carried out taking into account the recommended dosages after consulting a doctor.

      Alcohol tincture

      To prepare you will need medical alcohol, which is diluted to a concentration of 50%.

      Algorithm for preparing the tincture:

    1. 1. Pour two glasses of prepared diluted alcohol into a glass vessel.
    2. 2. Add dry galangal root (50 g), crushed to powder.
    3. 3. Keep the mixture covered in the dark for two weeks.
    4. 4. Filter using double gauze.

    Thanks to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, alcohol tincture will help in the treatment of pathologies of the reproductive system and gastrointestinal tract. They use it for the purpose general strengthening body. IN medical practice before breakfast, lunch, dinner, take 1 tbsp. l. tinctures, diluted 1:3 with water.

    Vodka version

    Widespread vodka tincture galangal Cooking method:

    1. 1. Place six pre-washed, chopped and dried galangal rhizomes into a glass container.
    2. 2. Pour the raw material with a liter of vodka.
    3. 3. Infuse, shaking occasionally, for two weeks in the dark.
    4. 4. The finished vodka tincture is filtered into a separate vessel.

    Take three times a day before meals, dissolving 1 tbsp. l. tinctures in a quarter glass of water. Vodka tincture of galangal helps against cardiovascular and liver diseases, reduces menstrual pain, helps stop internal bleeding. This remedy is included in the therapeutic complex for treatment malignant neoplasms in the area of ​​the pancreas or stomach. It is recommended to use the healing liquid to reduce cholesterol concentrations.

    Considering the anti-inflammatory properties, compresses and lotions are made on the basis of this drug to alleviate the condition of joint lesions.

    Moonshine tincture

    The root, which is previously ground into powder, is kept in moonshine for three days. For 500 ml of moonshine you will need 30 g of raw materials. Infuse the product under a tight lid in a dark cabinet, shaking the suspension daily. The finished tincture is filtered and stored in a glass vessel under a stopper.

    It is recommended to consume 1 tsp three times between lunch and dinner. Moonshine tincture is valued for its ability to eliminate swelling and activate blood circulation in the pelvic area. It stabilizes the functioning of the central nervous system.

    Helps reduce pain and eliminate inflammation during gastrointestinal diseases. Considered effective healing agent for men against sexual impotence. Recommended for women for the purpose of conception.

    Recipe for prefabricated galangal milk with moonshine

    To soften the taste when preparing the famous galangal, it is recommended to add other ingredients to the tincture. medicinal plants.

    Method of preparation:

    1. 1. Combine the rhizomes of galangal (15 g) and licorice (10 g), cut into small pieces.
    2. 2. Place in a glass jar.
    3. 3. Pour in powdered coffee beans (7 pcs.).
    4. 4. Pour in 0.5 liters of moonshine.
    5. 5. With daily shaking, keep the mixture covered in the dark for 20 days.
    6. 6. Filter using double-layer gauze.

    During use, in order to increase immunity, 30 drops of galangal are dissolved in a quarter glass of water. Consume 20 minutes before a meal. The drug relieves pain and eliminates inflammation.

Kalgan is distributed mainly in Eurasia. Its habitats are Western Asia, all of Europe and the Caucasus. In Russia it stretches from Kaliningrad region all the way to Altai, preferring moist soils, open places and good lighting. Willingly settles in forest clearings, slopes, wastelands, slopes and pastures.

In the vastness of Russia, galangal grows a lot in Western Siberia, grows especially densely along the edges of peat bogs. In the Vladimir, Kostroma, and Yaroslavl regions there are many in forests, and new stems extend along the earth's surface, more than 1 meter long.

Wandering through the forest, this plant is easy to notice in dense grass; during flowering it forms flowers yellow color. It is also found in the Caucasus, Western Asia and some regions of Karelia. This wild ginger is harvested at the end of September and throughout October.

1 Useful properties of galangal

Kalgan root is rich in its own way chemical composition, which the body needs so much; vitamins, a wide range of microorganisms, tannins, organic acids, fatty acid, wax and this is not the entire list of what can be extracted from the “mighty”.

Prepared decoctions are recommended by doctors to drink during an exacerbation. inflammatory processes stomach, liver, intestines. Fresh decoction can be rinsed oral cavity for diseases of stomatitis. Helps on early stages with sore throat. For external purposes, galangal tincture helps with: burns, frostbite and as a wound healing agent.

Medicines based on galangal root are used in the treatment of prostatitis, which is considered one of the main causes of decreased potency in men.

2. Recipes for drinks based on galangal root

If you know all the details about the properties of the galangal root vegetable, then you can now begin preparing a tincture infused with various strong drinks. You can cook with vodka, moonshine or alcohol made from grain. If infused drinks will be used for a feast, then here you need good quality vodka or moonshine.

Alcohol is better used for medicinal purposes. Galangal root can be infused as the only ingredient, and it also perfectly combines its taste with other natural additives. You just need to know the exact proportions in the cooking technology so as not to harm your health.

3. Classic recipe

For those who like a simple tincture, without any additives except galangal root, then this variation is right for you.

Composition of raw materials:
- 5 pieces. galangal roots;
- 1 liter of vodka;


According to the indicated recipe, crush the galangal roots in a mortar and pour in alcohol. Store the contents for two weeks in a dark place, but do not forget to shake them off. Strain and pour into dark glass bottles.

4. Kalganova on the root of galangal, licorice coffee beans

There are faint notes of coffee and galangal with cherry. When consumed, it slightly astringent in the mouth, well, as it should be, because the medicinal roots contain tannins.

Ingredients for half a liter of vodka:
- 1.5 tsp galangal root;
- 1 tsp. licorice root (can be purchased at a pharmacy);
- 4-5 coffee beans.


Pour grated galangal and licorice root into a prepared glass jar, then throw in a few coffee beans and fill with vodka or moonshine, that is, whoever has what. Close and place in a dark place for three weeks.

Shake daily, and after the expiration date, strain through a strainer or gauze and can be tasted. The color is rich, similar to cognac, and the taste is difficult to detect.

5. Kalganovka with the addition of quince

Alcohol, during the period of infusion, tries to draw out all the nutritional value from the quince. You should drink small glasses, not large doses, then you can feel all the cymus of this drink.

- 2 liters of vodka;
- 2 medium-sized quince fruits;
- 4 galangal roots;
- 1 tbsp. l cane sugar.


Galangal roots, lightly peeled, cut into small pieces, dried and dried on a napkin. Place in a mortar, add sugar and crush well. Sunny fruits, cut into 4 parts, remove seed bags and partitions. Pour all the raw materials with slightly warm vodka and place in a place where there is no light. Leave for 12 days, strain and can be consumed.

6. Kalganovka with prunes

This spiritually warming drink is perfect to drink on cold days. autumn days, or even just add it to a cup of coffee.

Cooking technology

Take a traditional glass jar, add ground sponge roots, whole prunes and fill with vodka. Seal so that it is convenient to shake constantly throughout the entire time. Strain and the result is a tart drink with a slightly spicy velvety aftertaste.

3-5 teaspoons of ground root and 7-10 pieces of aromatic prunes are placed in a jar and filled with three liters of vodka or high-quality moonshine. Then, the jar is rolled up, shaken and rests in a dark corner for ten days. After the mentioned period, the drink is filtered, which makes it completely ready for consumption.

7. Use in cooking

Galangal and ginger roots belong to the ginger family, but they various applications, and especially in cooking. If you cut the root of ginger and galangal, you can clearly see a change in color in the galangal, but the ginger remains without a change in color. So where is galangal interestingly used in cooking?

In order to impart a unique smell, Chinese root is added where it has taken root well. And it took root in gingerbread dough. It is used in the preparation of sbitney, kvass, liqueurs and other drinks.

In Asian cuisine it is added as a seasoning for meat, fish and first courses. If it is difficult to find galangal root, then there is now a natural powder on sale that can be purchased by lovers of this aroma and taste.

Today we will talk about the root of galangal or cinquefoil erecta, we will describe medicinal properties and contraindications of the medicinal plant, we will give recipes for preparing root tincture, decoction, tea, and we will tell you on the website about the benefits and harms of galangal.

What is galangal, description, what it looks like and where it grows

Kalgan(photo) - this is a perennial herb, reaching 40 cm in height, belongs to the Rosaceae family. People may call it:

  • Uzik cinquefoil;
  • Potentilla erecta;
  • galangal;
  • ovary root;
  • forest cinquefoil;
  • we stand upright;
  • Dubrovka.

This plant should not be confused with cinquefoil or, although they belong to the same family, they are essentially slightly different.

Galangal has a wide, smooth, sometimes slightly broken, red root inside with small roots extending off.

Basically, the stem of the plant is straight, but may be slightly erect and fleecy. Leaves, serrated at the top, are hairy.

The flowers are arranged singly and have correct form, they have a long thin peduncle. The corolla has four yellow petals with a golden iridescence. The calyx is non-descending and consists of four internal and four external alternating lobes.

It begins to bloom in May and ends in August, forms egg-shaped fruits with a slightly wrinkled achene, which has an olive or Brown color. Fruit ripening occurs at the end of August and until the end of September.

The Kalgan plant is found in the forest zone of the European part of Russia; it can also be seen in the Caucasus and Western Siberia. The plant prefers somewhat moist soil among shrubs, meadows, forest edges and pastures.

Composition of galangal

The benefits of Kalgan root are used and recognized by non-traditional and modern medicine. Chemical components medicinal root contain a lot useful minerals, which have a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • several special tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • resins;
  • starch;
  • wax;
  • Sahara;
  • phlobaven;
  • protocatechuic acid;
  • tormentillin;
  • flavonoids;
  • glycosides;
  • tormentol;
  • tannin;
  • campherine;
  • alyshnola;
    phenolic compounds;
  • galangina.
  • Microelements include magnesium, iron, and copper.

All components have strong medicinal potential, their relationship helps to quickly and effectively restore health. Many medications contain Potentilla erecta.

Medicinal properties of galangal

The root of galangal erecta is considered a medicine that helps cope with a variety of diseases and is:

  • a product that kills harmful bacteria;
  • a means to help remove phlegm;
  • sedative;
  • an excellent antiseptic;
  • a means to stop bleeding;
  • an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • painkillers;
  • astringent;
  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • regenerating.

Combining the beneficial properties of galangal can cure many diseases. Taking plant-based medicines causes positive effect for the entire human body.

With the help of galangal root you can eliminate (diarrhea), antiseptic actions destroy the bacterial flora that causes the disease. Previously, dysentery was even treated with medicines from galangal.

The plant has a positive effect on the treatment of stomach, duodenal ulcer. The process of inflammation is removed and destroyed bacterial flora, the recovery process is activated. At the first dose, the patient’s condition improves due to the analgesic properties of the root.

The plants help improve digestion, reduce the load on the diseased organ, which contributes to the rapid healing of ulcerative lesions.

If you have a diseased liver and problems with bile, then such diseases always have inflammation and a lack of bile production, here the herb galangal will come in handy. It will eliminate painful symptoms, restore liver cells that have been damaged, which is good point, because due to many diseases the liver is subject to destructive effects.

Nervous disorder, stress, insomnia, decreased appetite, anorexia will be cured by this plant.

Used for uterine bleeding, as well as stomach, intestines, and galangal is good for women to relieve menstrual pain, normalize hormonal levels. Douching is done with decoctions for cervical erosion and Trichomonas infection.

Medicinal properties of galangal for men help to return sexual desire, get rid of impotence, prevent prostatitis, promote more intense production of male sex hormones.

It is possible to relieve inflammation in the mouth due to stomatitis and gingivitis with the help of products made from the rhizome of the cinquefoil.

Any skin lesions, eczema, fungal infections, frostbite, scars are effectively treated with galangal - it is an antiseptic, relieves inflammation, and heals.

Will help cope with tuberculosis, sore throat, pharyngitis healing root, it promotes the removal of sputum.

Hormonal balance can be maintained or completely cured with the help of galangal herb.

Proper implementation of therapy will help, after the first use of preparations from the root of the plant, to feel an improvement in the body and cope with many diseases.

Among other uses of galangal, I would like to note its use in cooking as a spice for pickling, salting and preserving fish, and the preparation of “galganovka” - a famous tincture made with alcohol, vodka or moonshine. You can boil the roots and water them sunflower oil and use as a side dish, and use fresh leaves as a seasoning for cereals, meat, and fish.

Contraindications of galangal, harm

The excellent medicinal qualities of the galangal plant may also result in a ban on its use. Those people who:

  • blood clots quickly;
  • chronic constipation;
  • low stomach acidity;
  • hypertension;
  • individual intolerance to the plant.

For such indications, you should not treat with medications that contain the root. Also when chronic diseases A specialist consultation is required to determine whether it is possible to use products from the galangal herb.

Traditionally, it is not allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and for children under 3 years of age. Alcohol tincture is generally not recommended for children.

According to some data, you should not drink medicine at elevated temperature bodies.

Uncontrolled consumption of plant preparations or dry raw materials can cause heartburn, nausea and vomiting, in in rare cases pain and cramping in the gastrointestinal tract, skin rashes. These symptoms may cause increased content tannins. To prevent this from happening, you need to adhere to exact dosages and rules of therapy. Following the instructions will help avoid adverse reactions.

The use of galangal in folk medicine - preparation of galangal tincture, decoction

To cure diarrhea, dysentery need to:

  • 1 tsp dried galangal rhizome, ground;
  • half a glass of very hot water.

Pour boiling water over the dry herb and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Allow the broth to cool until warm state. Before use, strain and consume not cold, without any flavoring additives, three times a day, half a glass. Drink until the manifestation of the disease passes.

At bleeding in the stomach and intestines

  • 2 tsp herbs;
  • 1 tbsp. water.

The ingredients are placed in a bowl, boiled over low heat, when boiling, the flame is reduced and simmered for about fifteen minutes. After straining the liquid, add warm water up to 1 glass, drink 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon, regardless of meal.

For hemorrhoid treatment

Do it for inflamed hemorrhoids baths of water infusion of galangal (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for at least 3 hours). You can also make lotions from a tampon soaked in the infusion.

Ointment from skin diseases, cracks

  • 5 gr. crushed cinquefoil roots;
  • 1 tbsp. cow butter.

All this is cooked for about five minutes over low heat, and when warm, strain into a jar. You can apply it to children's lips when they are chapped.

Galangal decoction for mouth rinse

  • 20 grams of raw materials;
  • 1 liter of water.

Boil the mixture for 10 minutes, strain and rinse your mouth warm, this will help with sore throat, colds and dental diseases.

There is an option to make a milk decoction of galangal, according to some data it is even more effective, only it is somewhat more concentrated (1 tablespoon of ground dried rhizomes per glass of milk, keep in a water bath for the same amount of time, let it brew, drink 2 teaspoons of the product three times a day.

Alcohol tincture of galangal root in the treatment of thyroid disease

  • 150 gr. galangal root;
  • 0.5 liters of alcohol.

The raw materials are filled with alcohol and infused away from the sun for a month. When the aging period has come, filter the infusion and drink 30 drops 3 times a day, regardless of food.

Also, alcohol tincture of galangal (50 grams per half-liter bottle of vodka, infused for 21 days) is used orally (30 drops three times a day 30 minutes before meals, diluted in a small amount of water) for diseases digestive system, especially the liver and gallbladder, uterine bleeding, and also wash small wounds, use for mouth rinsing, and products in lotions.

Tea with galangal

This drink (1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water), leave for half an hour and can be drunk three times a day warm, will be useful during outbreaks of viral infections.

For diarrhea and flatulence, tea is prepared differently - take a teaspoon of chopped galangal and cumin and brew with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, drink 3-4 times a day, dividing into equal portions.

Collection and storage for galangal treatment, where to buy

If you harvest rhizomes yourself, then you need to take into account that specimens are taken that are at least 5 years old (they have the necessary concentration of medicinal properties, unlike young roots), this is done in early spring, if you did not have time at this time, you can transfer the collection to autumn. The rhizome is dug up when the above-ground part has already died off, cleaned of damaged areas and roots, and cut into smaller pieces. The plant is dried at 60 degrees, stored in a dark and cool room in canvas bags or in cardboard boxes, does not lose its medicinal qualities when dried.

Shelf life of roots, at proper storage(dark, dry place) - 5 years.

If you do not collect medicinal plants yourself, the herbal remedy can be easily purchased at pharmacy chain, 50 grams of crushed roots cost around a hundred rubles. In some pharmacies you can find alcohol tincture, it costs 280 rubles.