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Video practice for growing your teeth at home. Spell for teeth growth The practice of regenerating new teeth. Healing mantras from India and Tibet for health What does Transferring to Mantras mean?

Healing mantras are an excellent addition to traditional healing, which is still practiced in India and Tibet. There are many different healing prayers that are read over the sick until complete healing. They are also used to charm medicines and water.

In the article:

First of all, it is worth understanding how healing mantras affect the human body and why they are capable of healing.

The main power of these prayers lies in the sound vibration that occurs when they are repeated many times. It is believed that it is she who has transformative effect on the energy field a person, healing his soul and body.

Ancient medical spells

Among healing prayers, it is considered one of the most effective. Its cleansing effect is useful not only for fatigue or bad mood, but also with viral diseases. In addition, this mantra is used for painless childbirth: the text is drawn on a bowl, and then the woman in labor is given water to drink from it.

Veda They say that it makes no sense to translate the texts of mantras, since it is the sound, not the meaning of the words, that is important. However, for each famous prayer there is its own literary translation. However, all spells from the Vedas are sung only in the language in which they were written - Sanskrit. Translation is used for the practitioner to understand what he is singing about. These Indian spells cannot be recited in other languages.

Healing Prayers Today

To get rid of neuroses, read the following prayer:


And in case of severe fear, a special ritual is performed over a person with a special text:


To gain good health, as well as getting rid of lungs colds chant these mantric words:


They are read for ten days at dawn.
And this universal healing prayer is also recommended to be read at this time.

Om vasugra chonha mantra rayam shaso kevi guvabo

The following spell is suitable if a person wants to get rid of any addiction:


For the general purification of the physical and spiritual bodies, the Vedas provide the following text:


And if you have a toothache, it will help relieve pain repetition prayers:


To normalize digestion, the following spell is recommended:


Mantra to strengthen the heart:


Mantras for women's health

Mantra to protect against miscarriage:

Sri shukle mahashukle kamala dala nikasini sri mahalakshmi namo namah punah lakshmi mayi sata ki sachai ayo cheto karo bhalai bhalai na karo to sata samudrana ki riddhi siddhi kheto wo natha chourasi sidadhom ki duhai

Mantra to help with painful menstruation:

Varaha sarasom teraha rai pata ki mati masana ki chhai shatakara mamsa kara talabara amuka kutai na dekhou amuki ka vara meri bhakti guru ki shakti phurou mantra isvarou-vaca satya nama adesh guru ka

Medicine Buddha will help you get rid of diseases

It is believed that appeals to this deity heal not only physical ailments, but heal the soul.

The Prayer to the Medicine Buddha is recited one hundred, seven or twenty-one times. This text can be read in two versions: classical and tibetan.
It is with this spell that doctors still cast medicine and water before giving them to the patient. It is believed that this improves the effect of these drugs on the body.

Medicines were also charmed with a spell that no longer applies to the Medicine Buddha:


It is believed that it activates the action of drugs.

As you can see, ancient spells are still widely used in medicine in India. Each doctor has his own set of incense and special attributes for rituals of turning to the gods with requests for help, protection and healing.

Effective treatment with mantras

How does treatment with Indian spells work? What is important in this practice is, first of all, regularity. That is, it is necessary to listen or sing healing mantras every day, than larger number once the patient says or listens to a prayer, then greater effect she will produce.

In addition, correct practice is also important. This concept includes:

  • reading or singing in silence and comfort;
  • singing is stable, increasing the number of times each time;
  • in the process of singing, concentration on the sound of the text, as well as on your own sensations in the body, and not on the thoughts that constantly come to mind.

Other important condition- faith. The more you believe in positive effect, the more likely it is that prayer will help you.

However, you should not rely only on these Indian texts; you should not forget about traditional medicines and treatment. Only a successful combination of both methods will give a stable result.

More than eight years have passed since I began giving you the practice of regenerating your teeth at home, i.e. without any medical technologies. This information quickly spread throughout the Internet. The information I gave literally shocked people. And indeed, what was published eight years ago on the Your Yoga website looks like a miracle to many. Most people did not even suspect that it was possible to even think that new teeth could grow. The very idea seemed ridiculous. But now 8 years have passed and all this no longer seems so funny and ridiculous. I receive letters that people are growing new teeth. Of course, these are not such massive letters, but it happens.

Practice #5

This practice, already the fifth in a row, affects the growth of new teeth using an ancient method that I used for teeth growth, and which is called a conspiracy. This is a short verbal formula that is repeated many times, like a mantra. In the video below it is also given with visualization, which enhances the effect many times .

In the plot, I combined the growth of teeth with the growth of those body fragments that grow naturally in all of us. For example, for us there is no doubt about the growth of our nails, or eyelashes, etc. These are natural things. You don’t need to believe in them or cause their growth using any techniques - they grow with us from childhood without our efforts. We are not surprised by this. But what is surprising to us is our function of growing new teeth to replace old or lost ones. Therefore, by combining what is natural and understandable to us with what was lost during evolution, I tried in this conspiracy to make our subconscious understand that there is no miracle here, that this is our natural function, the same as the growth of hair or nails.

Conspiracy text:

Just as the nails grow on my hands, my new teeth begin to grow.
Just as my toenails grow, so do my new teeth.
Just as the hair grows on my head, so do my new teeth.
Just as eyelashes grow on my eyelids, so do my new teeth grow.
Just as hairs grow on my skin, so do my new teeth.
How my skin is renewed with a new one,

Worried about the condition of your gums and teeth? With this simple practice you can strengthen your teeth and make your smile beautiful and healthy!

  • How to improve dental nutrition and strengthen tooth enamel?
  • How to stop bleeding gums?
  • How to reduce tooth sensitivity and make them healthier?

One simple practice will help with this!

Of course, visiting the dentist and preventive procedures no one has canceled it, but anyone can significantly improve the condition of their teeth and prevent the development of oral diseases with the help of some simple steps.

From the review...

“Since childhood, my gums have been bleeding every now and then - you brush your teeth, and there is blood on the brush. Whatever she did. I selected pastes, gels, and rinses. I consulted different dentists. After 1-2 weeks of treatment everything returned. When I came across your practice, I was very surprised - is it really possible to strengthen your teeth with the help of meditation? I decided to try it out of curiosity...

After 2 weeks, the bleeding went away, and a month later I noticed that my teeth became whiter and did not react to cold. Now I work out from time to time (I’m lazy every day). It's been 3 months now and there is no blood when cleaning. This is truly a miracle for me. Thank you for sharing such techniques.” Zhenya.

Why does this meditation really help strengthen your teeth?

Our attention is energy, all Eastern teachings say this, and this is a scientifically proven fact. Where we direct our attention, we direct our vital energy. What is it Vital energy in physical terms? This is our blood, which nourishes all cells, organs and organ systems.

Have you noticed?

While focusing on a certain part of your body, did you feel itching, tingling, burning, or something else?

By concentrating on any part of the body, we direct our energy there, and blood begins to flow intensely to this part of the body.

Thus, by focusing on our teeth during meditation¹, we can increase blood circulation in the gums, and, consequently, improve the nutrition of the teeth. At the same time, special visualizations and work with sensations further enhance the healing effect.

Meditation to strengthen your teeth!

The technique can be practiced at any time of the day.

1. Occupy comfortable position bodies, close their eyes.

2. Relax, do a few deep breaths and exhalations.

3. They begin to concentrate on the roots of the teeth.

4. They imagine that dental roots are centers responsible for the nutrition of teeth, their strength, health and appearance.

5. By focusing all your attention on the roots of the teeth, you imagine how blood circulation to the gums increases.

6. They feel (or assume that everything happens exactly like this) how the teeth and gums receive extra food, their condition and appearance noticeably improve. like this internal work spend 10 minutes, more if possible, after which they finish the meditation and simply open their eyes.

In Buddhism, an incredibly powerful spell is the health mantra. Its action extends to all 3 levels of consciousness: physical, emotional and mental. The texts of these spells are used to heal themselves and others.

Some mantras are suitable for improving health

Effective Spells

Healing mantras are a kind of spells, the texts of which are tuned to call on the healing energy of the Universe. Sound vibrations emanating from mantras help get rid of various physical and psychological diseases. When using prayers to treat another, be sure to read them out loud. According to their functions, healing prayers are divided into three categories:

  • dispelling suffering;
  • mental healing;
  • secret mantras.

Before using secret spells, ensure complete privacy. Fully immersing yourself in a relaxed state will bring greater effectiveness. Many different prayers for healing are used daily, here are a few of them:

Healing mantras have good calming properties and an analgesic effect. Casting spells with the intent to harm is prohibited.

Mantra Hut for the nervous system

It is possible to restore by reading spells nervous system. Mantra Hat is used to treat:

  • overexcitement;
  • psychological exhaustion;
  • nervous tension.

It helps to harmonize the astral body. Proper practice is the key to success. Performed using the Asana Varldrasana technique:

  1. Kneel down, place the insteps of your feet and cross thumbs on foot. Place your buttocks on your heels and place your palms on your knees.
  2. Keep your back straight throughout the meditation.
  3. While in the pose, breathe calmly.
  4. The technique takes up to 5 minutes.

The text of the spell works in a sitting position with closed palms.

As you exhale, pronounce X, which smoothly flows into A. Strengthening the voice with the final A turns into a solid T. Pronunciation takes 4 - 5 seconds.

They begin to practice 5 times a day, saying 3-6 times. The prayer is read at any time nervous shocks. For good night The Khat mantra is read before going to bed.

Mantra Hat is performed in Varldrasana pose

Medicine Buddha Mantra

God Bhaishajyaguru, or the Buddha of Medicine, gave people the secrets of healing. This god is approached for physical and peace of mind. It helps in cleansing the body and curing illness. Longevity prayer helps:

The text of the mantra goes like this:


This text is used in many practices. It helps achieve longevity and even change DNA. When reading a prayer, it is important to visualize the actions with which you cleanse yourself. A shortened version is used for spells medicines. It is also recited over the bodies of the dying to purify their souls.


Healing meditation "Siri Gayatri"

One of the most powerful mantras that heals all diseases is called the Sushumna Mantra. She calls upon the energy of the central channel of Sushumna. The sounds of prayer stimulate the flow of energy moving up the spine, filling all chakras. Improvement in the body's condition occurs when the flow is activated. Correct pronunciation sounds will balance the hemispheres of the brain.

The healing mantra fills with pure energy of the Cosmos, the vibrations of which purify the consciousness. The healing mantra “Ra Ma Da Sa” gets rid of illness, health and harmony are achieved.

The first part of the mantra personifies the Earth, the second Ether. When pronounced, two energies are combined into one.

Siri Gayatri Mantra

Violet Flame Mantra

The violet flame mantra is a spell of boundless well-being and purification for all living things. When reading this prayer, everything on Earth is saturated with the violet radiance of the Universe. When chanting the text of the violet flame, you can feel how, after the spoken words, very powerful streams of violet-hued energy pass in thin streams over the bodies of the readers. Each new reading strengthens the waves of energy.

With the help of the Violet Flame mantra, you can bring significant changes into your life. Regular spell readings purple help strengthen physical health and spiritual state.

The text will help you immerse yourself in a powerful purple stream:





By being in the flow of purple color every day, you can cleanse your life of mistakes in karma.

When reading the violet flame mantra, you need to clearly imagine the flow of energy that covers everything around. The rule for reciting this mantra is a number that is a multiple of seven.

Immortality mantra Maha-mrityunjaya

This is a healing and restoration spell. The mantra helps:

  • fight very serious and incurable diseases;
  • protects against accidents;
  • prevents bites from various snakes.

It gives satisfaction in life, peace in the family and long life, if read with faith in the execution of the installation. The mantra of immortality balances the three doshas (principles) of life. It makes death genes disappear, turns on the processes of rejuvenation and resistance to disease.

The vibrations created when casting are important for the spell.

The vibrations that occur when performing a mantra reconfigure the vibrating system. By reading the text of the mantra, you can reduce the ailments of the body and help in overcoming diseases.





“We offer obeisances to the Supreme (Govinda) and pay respect to the three-eyed (Shiva), who is fragrant and nourishes all beings. May he free me from death for the sake of immortality.”

The mantra of immortality leads to:

  1. Improving life.
  2. Comprehension of the inner self.
  3. Protection against premature death.

The prayer must be pronounced in the original language; it cannot be practiced in a translated form. Concentrate and sing clearly, but don't overthink the meaning. Soak up its energy and it will bring you a long and happy life.

Maha-mrityunjaya mantra

Feminine mantra

Tara is a goddess who helps women, protector and comforter. Mantra feminine helps girls when they have such problems:

  • lack of male attention;
  • suffering without love;
  • infertility;
  • dissatisfaction with appearance;
  • diseases on the female side.

Before chanting, the text of this mantra should be learned. After the activation of the energy of the Cosmos, women develop a craving for creative professions. Prayer to the Green Tara gives self-confidence and spiritual beauty. A woman begins to radiate warm energy, which attracts the opposite sex and allows you to build very harmonious relationships. By reading mantras for health, you can be healed of female diseases and give birth to a child. The text is quite simple:


“Free the guiding light from suffering and return to the path of the bodhisattva. And so be it.”

The feminine mantra is chanted 9 times in a row throughout the meditation. In the morning, humming will help you wake up filled with the energy of life, feel beautiful and desired. Correct execution will help you get a flow of power:

  1. The room should be ventilated before reading the mantra.
  2. Choose a position close to the window so you can feel the sun's rays.
  3. Sit in a position with a straight back.
  4. Closing your eyes, let go of your thoughts.
  5. Start humming in a whisper.
  6. Visualize your wishes.
  7. Take your time, relax and enjoy.

There is no need to somehow chant the feminine mantra. Execution requires clarity and dedication, otherwise the flow of energy can be further closed. If time is short, reschedule meditation for the evening. For quick results, read the spell regularly.


There are different healing spells for treatment and healing. It is worth choosing a suitable prayer and practicing it for the harmony of your state of mind. It will not change your physical characteristics, but will fill you with confidence and love for the world around you.