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HAWTHORNE - an effect reflecting that fact. that novelty, interest in the experiment, or increased attention to the issue under study leads to distorted, ...
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    Herd behavior is the behavior of consumers who structure their consumption in such a way as to keep up with others, with a focus on the general style...
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    SNOBISM - consumer behavior driven by the desire to rise above...
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    SYMPATHIES - the desire of the research object to meet halfway when answering...
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    INVISIBLE HAND is a term that originates from Adam Smith and means a market mechanism for self-regulation of the economy. According to A. Smith, ...
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    INVISIBLE FOOT - the effect is that, given the possibility of free movement in the country, people “vote with their feet”, rushing to those ...
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    MULTIPLIER - the effect of a change in total expenditure on the net national product caused by a change in consumption, in the volume of investment, in the net volume of taxes ...
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    CURVE JAY - delay phenomenon positive impact depreciation of the currency on the trade balance (graph in the form English letter"T") …
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    SUBSTITUTIONS - 1) a change in the quantity of demand for a product as a result of the replacement of more expensive goods with less expensive ones; 2) the influence that ...
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    INCOME - the impact that a change in the price of a product has on the real income of the consumer, on the quantity of the product that the buyer purchases, taking into account ...
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    DEMONSTRATIONS - the mutual influence of consumer preferences, the rapid spread of new fashion and new products as a result of their widespread ...
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    FREE - see FREE EFFECT...
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    CROWDING-OUT - an increase in interest rates and a subsequent reduction in the planned volume of investment in the economy, caused by an increase in government borrowing on the monetary...
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    AGE - a decrease over time in the efficiency of a unit of production equipment, production ...
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    BALLOON - a term used to characterize the sequential issue of bonds, which in the first years of validity provide for repayment of smaller ...
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • EFFECT in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    - the achieved result in its material, monetary, social...
  • EFFECT in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from lat. effectys - execution action, from efficio - I act, perform),..1) result, consequence of any causes, actions (for example, the effect of treatment)...2) Strong ...
    (from lat. effectus - execution, action, from efficio - acting, executing), 1) result, consequence of any causes, actions (for example, E. treatment). ...
    [from Latin effectus action] 1) the action of any cause, force; result, consequence of something; 2) a strong impression made by someone or...
  • EFFECT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, m. 1. An impression made by something on someone or something Make e. Spectacular - producing e., impressive. 2. usually plural. Remedy, method...
  • EFFECT V Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. 1. The impression made by someone. on someone Produce e. 2. Action like the result of something., a consequence of something. The medicine is not...
  • USEFUL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -th, -oe; -zen, -know. 1. Beneficial. Beneficial insect. Useful book. Useful activity. Drinking milk is healthy (in the meaning of the story). ...
    "MEMORY EFFECT", recovery as a result of heating after plastic. initial deformation product shapes. Observed in products made from alloys Ni-Ti (nitinol), Au-Cd, ...
  • EFFECT in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    EFFECT (from Latin effectus - execution, action, from efficio - I act, perform), result, consequence of k.-l. reasons, actions (eg, E. treatment). ...
    effe"kt, effe"kty, effe"kta, effe"ktov, effe"ktu, effe"ktam, effe"kt, effe"kty, effe"ktom, effe"ktami, effe"kte, ...
  • USEFUL in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    useful, useful, knowing, useful, useful, useful, useful, useful, useful, useful, useful, useful, useful, useful, useful, useful knowledgeable, useful"know, useful", useful, useful, useful, useful, useful, useful, useful, ...
  • EFFECT in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -a, m. 1) The impression made by someone. or smth. on smb. The music produced an extraordinary effect: the Papuans surrounded Boy and with visible...
  • USEFUL in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
  • USEFUL in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: suitable, valid, effective, efficient, valid, effective, favorable, expedient, valuable, important Ant: harmful, useless, unsuitable, invalid, ineffective, ineffective, ineffective, ...
  • USEFUL in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    beneficial, gracious, beneficent, beneficent, medicinal, curative, salubrious, life-giving, life-giving, profitable, fit, suitable, efficient, practical, fruitful, productive, productive, grateful, winning, mining, ...
    video effect, impression, action, delta effect, copy effect, result, consequence, special effect, stereo effect, tenso effect, thermal effect, umker effect, photo effect, ...
  • USEFUL in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    Syn: suitable, valid, effective, efficient, valid, effective, favorable, expedient, valuable, important Ant: harmful, useless, unsuitable, invalid, ineffective, ineffective, ineffective, ...
  • USEFUL in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1) Beneficial (opposite: harmful). 2) a) Suitable for the purpose. b) Constituting that part of the whole that is used by ...
  • USEFUL in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    useful; cr. f. -zen,...
  • USEFUL in the Spelling Dictionary:
    useful; cr. f. -zen,...
    action as a result of something, a consequence of something The medicine did not give the desired effect. Economic e. effect means by which something is created...
  • USEFUL in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    suitable for a specific purpose, useful Useful living space. Minerals (used in production). useful beneficial Beneficial insect. ...
  • USEFUL in Dahl's Dictionary:
    see benefit...
  • EFFECT in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    (from lat. effectys - execution, action, from efficio - I act, perform),..1) result, consequence of any causes, actions (for example, the effect of treatment)…2) Strong…
    (efe), effect, m. (Latin effectus - Action). 1. units only an impression made by someone or something. on someone or something. The whole effect of surprise, which...
  • USEFUL in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    useful, useful; useful, useful, useful. 1. Beneficial, opposite. harmful. Helpful person. Useful plant. And whoever is useful to you...
  • USEFUL in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    useful adj. 1) Beneficial (opposite: harmful). 2) a) Suitable for the purpose. b) Constituting that part of the whole that is used ...
  • USEFUL in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • USEFUL in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    adj. 1. Beneficial. Ant: harmful 2. Fit for the purpose. Ott. Constituting that part of the whole that is used in a specific way...
  • SOCIALLY USEFUL WORK in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    useful labor, see the articles Productive labor, Socially necessary labor, Commodity ...
  • CENTRISM in the Dictionary of Postmodernism.
  • The predominant character traits of a person and taste preferences correspond to each other. Foods that have a mixture of passion and ignorance spoil health and character.

    According to Ayurveda, each taste characterizes certain character qualities. All plants also have their own taste, they are favorable, passionate and ignorant. Let's say the sweet, insipid taste is in goodness. Sharp - in passion, sour - is closer to ignorant. Tart - between goodness and passion. Bitter is a completely ignorant taste. Salty - between passion and ignorance. The predominant character traits of a person and taste preferences correspond to each other.

    In winter, since it is a period of ignorance, the astringent taste increases, the bitter taste is a period of ignorance. In summer, the amount of sweet taste in food should increase; in spring - sour; in autumn - salty. Each season has its own tastes.

    Meat gives subtle energy of violence, taking meat food, it is difficult to engage in spiritual practices. Spiritual happiness exists where there is no violence.

    Passionate foods give the ability to work, but foods that have a mixture of passion and ignorance spoil health and character.


    He has 85% goodness. Increases hormonal functions and attractiveness in a woman, as well as optimism. It is associated with the power of the Sun, therefore it gives optimism. If you have loose bowels, it’s better not to eat apricots. However, if you have stagnation in gallbladder, in the liver, if you feel that your vision or skeletal system is suffering, then it strengthens skeletal system very good, improves vision, tones the flow of bile from the body. Hearing also improves and the effect on the sense of smell improves.

    A pineapple

    Has a very strong effect on nervous system. Useful for neuritis. If you tie a pineapple panicle to your arms and legs, the growth of nerve tissue will be activated. However, this is not a very quick process and may take months.

    Pineapple gives optimism, mental agility, speed, and clarity of thinking. If you feel a tingling sensation in your mouth, it means you shouldn’t eat it. Good for vision and hearing. Best treatment for acoustic neuritis. Improves the activity of taste buds.


    It is 60% goodness and 40% passion. Gives joy and mental toughness. But it can also give acridity and tension, so you shouldn't eat it often. Orange peels have a huge healing power, treat migraines and headaches. If they are tied on the wrists and shins, it will activate vascular system throughout the body, relieves spasms.

    Watermelon melon

    Watermelon has 70% goodness and 30% passion. Increases strength of character and cheerfulness. Gives the body a lot of prana (qi), you need to eat when you are weak. In winter or when your joints hurt, you don’t need to eat.


    Chokeberry gives peace and kindness. It is 70% goodness, 30% passion. Increases tension and dryness of character. The most best action- reduces joint tension and improves cerebral circulation, reduces blood pressure. Useful for hypertension.


    Contains 75% goodness and 25% passion. Very strongly associated with the Sun, therefore it increases optimism most of all. Useful for depression, especially in the morning. Improves hematopoiesis, activates hearing and vision, counteracts inflammation of the lungs, stomach and rectum. Increases the production of blood cells, red blood cells.


    Has 60% goodness, 40% passion. This is a unique cereal; firstly, it is not a grain, so it can be eaten in the evening and in the morning, unlike other grain products. Mentally calming. It stabilizes the activity of the bronchi, lungs, thyroid gland, skin, activates the kidneys somewhat. Increases the activity of small vessels.


    Useful for Russian terrain. Has 5% goodness and 45% passion. It can be eaten both in the morning and in the evening. It gives strength, strength, calmness and balance. It improves mental activity, as it balances the psyche. Dryness is its main drawback; if you have dry skin, a dry character means a lack of emotions, which means it may not be suitable for you. It mainly acts on right hemisphere, therefore can successfully treat the liver, inflammatory processes liver. Strengthens the lungs. It treats pneumonia well (like pomegranate).


    He has 45% goodness, 55% passion. In Russia, ginger can only be eaten in spring, autumn and summer. In winter - only for those who are hot all the time. Anyone who has moisture in the body and is very hot can eat. For those who are constantly cold and dry, it is better not to eat in winter.

    Ginger gives activity, but increases tension. It gives activity, stamina, endurance, calmness, energy. This spice is good for activating the immune system.


    This is one of the best vegetables. At staphylococcal infection do a diet: oatmeal, zucchini and cucumbers, and both zucchini and cucumbers must be stewed. Zucchini never hurts. It also gives peace and resilience. His character expresses the strength of honesty and he treats the liver well. The liver suffers from deceit. In addition, it treats the stomach, spine, and bone tissue. Stabilizes well.

    Cashew nut

    This is an expensive product, but it has the ability to keep you warm. Treats joints and spine. For sore joints, you can tie a nut on all four limbs (it is important that they are not salted) and wear one pea for three days, the effect will be good.

    Its qualities: calmness, kindness, increases strength. 70% goodness. A passionate quality of character somewhat slows down the psyche (in winter it is possible). Improves peripheral blood circulation. Increases strength muscle tissue, including hearts. Has anti-inflammatory effects on joints and spine. Increases the functions of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland and adrenal glands. Therefore, if you have an overactive thyroid gland, if you high blood pressure and if you have any hormonal severe disorders, before using it for food, you need to test it and smell it. If the smell is warm, then it cannot be used for food.


    Increases the power of the Moon, that is, mental activity and efficiency. In winter, it cannot be used as food in large quantities - it cools the body too much. It may disrupt digestion. His most important character traits are resilience, strength, and activity. Brings some relaxation. 60% goodness - relaxes the muscular system and reduces vascular tone. It activates the nervous system and at the same time cools the body. Can increase arterial pressure in some cases, but not always. It treats the spine, joints and stomach well.


    Useful for anyone with low blood pressure. Affects the stomach, bronchi, liver, genitals, spine and joints. It is better not to use it in the evening, because it excites the body. Completely replaces coffee, but without the bad ones side effects. Has an antidepressant effect. For depression, it is useful to drink fermented baked milk sweetened with honey and cinnamon in the morning. It has a good effect on the immune system, treats psoriasis, eczema.

    Corn grits

    If you want to gain weight, you need to eat before bed. In it strong force Moon (yin), so it is very well absorbed and turns into fat. It is better to eat all grains during the day, and in the evening after 4 o’clock, do not eat them. On the 11th day of the moon (ascending and descending), it is better not to eat grains and legumes at all - to fast.

    Good effect on thyroid gland, normalizes its functions. Also beneficial for the stomach, trachea and hormonal functions. Very useful for women and children. It must be prepared with milk, and for hormonal functions - with cream.


    Very blissful, 5-10% passion. Increases cheerfulness and optimism. Activates the nervous system, all organs: hearing, vision, lungs, ureters. Therefore, when stones come, there is no need to eat it. It treats the lymphatic system very well.


    Lemon has 45% goodness and 55% passion. But the importance of this product cannot be overestimated. Lemon makes it possible to enhance digestion and cool the body in summer. In India in the summer they sell only this drink: water, lemon, salt - plain water They don’t even drink, otherwise they won’t survive. To relieve fever, you can rub the person with the same liquid.

    In winter, lemon is contraindicated, otherwise the joints and spine will suffer. It increases cerebral circulation, vascular permeability, and increases diuresis - urine output. Reduces body temperature and nervous system tension. At very high temperature you can rub your body. Any sour product reduces body temperature: vinegar, lemon.


    60% goodness, 40% passion. If orange affects the right hemisphere, then tangerine affects the left. Therefore, tangerines are good for women and oranges are good for men. Mandarin gives tenderness of character and attractiveness. It improves blood circulation in blood vessels and activates the intestines. It treats inflammatory processes in the eyes and ears very well. You just tie tangerine peels onto your arms and legs, and the inflammation stops. Not by eye, but by hands and feet.


    All vegetables that grow in the ground have a predominance of ignorant qualities. Vegetables that grow lying on the ground have a mixture of goodness and passion. Vegetables that grow above the ground have more good character qualities (with the exception of the tomato). Carrots and beets are exceptions due to their sweet taste. Carrots have 75% goodness, 25% passion and give a person resilience and optimism. Treats all organs in the center: stomach, trachea, bronchi, colon, spine, urethra. The only drawback: mental overstimulation may occur.


    Nutmeg is great to add to milk in the evening before bed. It relaxes and calms the psyche.


    50% goodness, 45% passion. The main qualities are firmness and calmness. Disadvantages: dryness and hardness. Rye is one of the the best means strengthens the immune system, treats especially well lumbar region spine. You need to make bandages from rye (on the wrists and ankles, the effect occurs immediately). Rye improves the function of bone tissue, relieves inflammatory processes in the kidneys, treats the skin, lungs, pneumonia, and lymphatic system. This product improves the ability to contract muscle tissue; it is useful for anyone who works hard physically. You need to eat at lunchtime. All grain products should be eaten from 11 to 2 in the afternoon, no later and no earlier.


    Peach gives attractiveness, affects left hemisphere and fits more for women. Gives happiness, joy, cheerfulness. Increases the strength of bone tissue, normalizes the functioning of the lungs, kidneys, and genitals. It somewhat increases the permeability of blood vessels, so it is better not to use it during inflammatory processes.

    Red rowan

    One of the most the best berries- affects all aspects of hematopoiesis and immunity. In winter, it is good to use two or three berries per glass of boiling water. Also prevents the development viral hepatitis any category. Treats the membranes of the brain in arachnoiditis, lungs, stomach, improves immunity, activates immunity in the thyroid gland.


    Pumpkin seeds have a nerve-paralytic effect on all worms. Raw seeds work better. If you eat only these seeds for three days, all the worms will come out.

    Pumpkin gives humility, and therefore heals the liver. Mainly affects right side body, affects willpower. A somewhat aggressive product, so it can sometimes cause allergies. It calms and relieves tension in the body. Therefore, pumpkin can be eaten in the afternoon.

    Wormwood root treats almost all types of infectious diseases intestinal diseases. It cures amoeba (disease in southern countries). Wormwood root treats all fungi; you need to tie the root like a bracelet on your wrists and wear it for two or three months. One spine can be worn for up to a week.


    Increases calmness and cheerfulness. 65% goodness, stabilizes the nervous system, strengthens the lungs, relieves inflammation in the stomach and spine.


    It is one of the best anti-inflammatory drugs. It is especially good at treating inflammatory processes in the lungs, kidneys and cerebral cortex. Cucumbers can be cooked like soup. Salad and cucumbers should be eaten before lunch as a first course, and then everything else, otherwise there will be problems with the intestines. Treats veins and can remove varicose veins veins Also works well on hair follicles. If you have dandruff, you can lubricate your head with cucumber.

    Jerusalem artichoke

    Increases strength of character, strength, but there is a lot of passion in it - 65%. It is better to simmer it a little or pour boiling water over it, otherwise it can overstimulate the pancreas. It activates the large intestine, immunity, lungs, spine, vision, hearing and skin sensitivity.


    Parsley, like St. John's wort, is useful for all diseases of the female reproductive system: appendages, uterus, tubes. It is also suitable for men, strengthens the skeletal system and immunity. Parsley is also good for treating the lungs and duodenum.

    Lettuce leaf

    Improves calmness and honesty. Useful for diseased liver. The most severe liver patients can be cured by using a diet of spinach and lettuce (can be lightly stewed). Treats the intestines, larynx, nasal mucosa, lungs, bronchi, stomach, strengthens the immune system, and the vascular system.


    Almonds increase the activity of hormonal functions in general and normalize them.
    Normalizes the functions of the nervous system and digestion. Treats the thyroid gland. It affects the left hemisphere, therefore it is mainly suitable for women.


    A unique product, it alone increases the growth of vertebral tissue. Especially useful for children. Strengthens the spine, heals joints, lungs, bone tissue, membranes of the brain. May relieve inflammation of the heart muscle. Qualities: persistence, firmness, calmness, honesty. Gives strength to the body.


    Most useful product after milk. Wheat gives mental strength, but oats give physical strength. Oats normalize cerebral circulation. Well normalizes blood pressure, blood circulation in the kidneys, heart function, removes inflammatory processes in the pancreas. Calms. Relieves overexcitation and inflammation of the intestines, improves the activity of muscle tissue. Helps get rid of acne. One of the best remedies for the treatment of hernia and organ prolapse. It is good for older people to make bandages from oats (dry, not boiled) on sunny areas(shins and wrists, from the nail side) for a month, change every day. The nature of plants greatly influences human health.

    Oats heal everything, including veins, remove veins.

    Pearl barley

    Gives resistance, increases the body's defenses. It is poorly digested, so you can only eat it at lunch. Add oils, astefatida, shamballa and coriander to the porridge to improve digestion. It heals the spine and esophagus very well, strengthens the lungs and muscular system, lymphatic system.


    Sunflower and cabbage seeds are the best way to activate the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Sunflower gives calmness, kindness, gentleness of character, improves the functions of all hormonal organs, heals the spine, improves cerebral circulation.

    Black pepper

    Black pepper activates the immune system and heals skin diseases. Improves memory, gives strength to character, strengthens the skeletal system, gives vigor and the ability to work for a long time without effort. Therefore, according to Ayurveda, black pepper is one of the best spices. Best added to food at lunch. Red pepper is not recommended to be used all the time.


    This berry has 50% blissful, 35% passion and 15% ignorant qualities. It has a depressing effect on consciousness. Therefore, hawthorn is best used in the evening, before bed, in the afternoon. It is also good for those who have high blood pressure and an overexcited nervous system.


    Excellent at killing bacteria. Grapefruit seeds are used as natural antibiotic. Grapefruit should be eaten in the first half of the day, it gives stamina, optimism, increases immunity, heals everything infectious diseases, including viral ones. Heals the spine, relieves salts from the joints.


    It gives both a beneficial and passionate effect, so it can cause allergies. It treats the liver and thyroid gland well. Strawberries are worse than wild strawberries. Children who are not breastfed often develop an allergy to strawberries.

    Cleanses the body of toxins and salts.

    bell pepper

    There is a lot of goodness in it, because it grows above the ground. Improves the nervous system, heals the lungs, intestines and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It should be protected from pollination by red capsicums.


    Eggplants give some ignorant effect - oppression. If there is a lot of swearing and angry words at work, eggplants maintain immunity and mental endurance to this. Calms the nervous system and can be eaten in the evening. You should not eat them if you have a diseased liver.


    Can only be eaten at lunch; it is good for activating the immune system. You can eat a couple of radishes before lunch, but no more. Activates the nervous system. However, it can overstimulate the whole gastrointestinal tract.


    It increases immunity and at the same time treats the gastrointestinal tract. Black radish is a medicine, not a food product. Black radish You can only eat at lunchtime, otherwise your heart rhythm will be disrupted. For pneumonia, it kills staphylococcus in the lungs well. You can also tie it on a limb and there will be an effect.


    It’s good to boil it a little, then fry it, so it will be healthier. If eaten raw, joints and spine may be damaged. Improves cerebral circulation and affects hormonal functions. Activates the liver, has a bile-excreting effect. The beet skin and root reduce blood sugar, and the beet itself increases blood sugar. Diabetics can use everything together.


    The most important qualities are kindness and calmness. Kindness means good digestion, so it increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid. It should always be used in soups. There is soup in the middle of lunch. In winter, it is not advisable to eat raw cabbage; it is better to stew it. Cabbage treats migraines, even if you simply apply a cabbage leaf to your head.

    Relevant in winter cauliflower, it improves heat exchange in the body. Treats joints, spine, calms the nervous system.


    You should know that, despite our strong attachment to this product, it is not advisable to eat it either in the morning or in the evening, because it greatly spoils health. However, you can always eat it at lunch. That is, in this case it activates the nervous system, the lymphatic system, but there is also bad qualities- for example, it disrupts the immune system. If the body is weakened, it is better not to eat potatoes.


    You can only eat at lunch, the same applies tomato paste. They enhance digestion in the body, but they overstimulate the stomach and increase heartburn. If you have a diseased liver, it is better not to get carried away. A tomato has 60% passion, 25% goodness, 15% ignorance. Strong love to tomatoes indicates passion and a lot of unnecessary activities in life, means that there are inflammatory processes somewhere in the body.


    Beans always increase the strength of muscle tissue and the strength of the immune system. You need to eat at lunch, treats joints and spine, as well as meninges, lungs, bone tissue. The beans need to be soaked enough first, then boiled well. Black pepper, coriander, nutmeg- spices that help the beans boil.


    Easy to digest. One of the best means to activate lymphatic system. Sometimes it can cause a tendency to cough, overstimulates the trachea and esophagus. Useful for sedentary work, tones the psyche, and gives concentration.


    Asafoetida is the resin of a southern tree. It smells and tastes like onion and garlic combined. Its strength is very great, so it can be added to food with the size of a pinhead. Treats genital organs, inflammatory processes. Her qualities are kindness and tenderness. Treats gums, stomach. It is useful to eat in winter, increases heat in the body, improves digestion.


    Reduces high blood pressure. Relaxes the body, reduces blood pressure. For sleep disturbances, it is useful to add warm milk for the night. It inhibits the activity of nerve tissue, so if you have pain in your teeth, you can chew.


    The best remedy for treating viral infections respiratory diseases. For the flu, you need to take mustard, add cinnamon until the smell becomes fresh and apply it to all four limbs. If it doesn’t help, then leave it alone right hand and right leg.

    Black mustard (Indian spice) greatly improves cerebral circulation. Normalizes the functions of the thyroid gland, reduces excess activity of the adrenal glands, and therefore treats hypertension. Useful in winter.


    Gives protection from aggression, strength, and stamina to resist external aggression. Heals malignant tumors actually. This is one of the best bread-cooking spices, so when you bake bread, always add cumin and coriander to it.


    This is the only spice that simultaneously activates hematopoiesis and cleanses the blood of all staphylococci, streptococci, it activates the immune system, heals wounds very well and stabilizes and activates the nervous system. Gives resistance to the body.

    Black poppy

    Good for those who have trouble sleeping at night. Treats high blood pressure.


    Treats cerebral vessels, reduces the activity of the ureters. Tones the bile ducts. Allspice is one of the best remedies that simultaneously improves cerebral circulation and at the same time reduces blood pressure. Therefore, it is very useful for hypertensive patients. And it promotes the resorption of atherosclerotic plaques. Just like nutmeg. If you want to treat atherosclerosis, you should not eat meat, fish, or eggs.

    Bay leaf

    Treats all organs centrally. Heals well bladder. If there is a tendency towards oncology, then he also treats.


    Gives a tendency to malignant tumors of all organs that are located in the center. A Bay leaf removes this property.


    This spice is very beneficial for health, increases peripheral blood circulation and thus retains heat in winter. However, those who have high blood pressure should not get carried away with it. Shambhala treats joints, spine, small vessels.


      Banana skins can be dried on a radiator. She heals the heart. You can finely chop and fry with sugar and spices. Heals the heart and increased function thyroid gland.

      The best food supplement- This is sprouted wheat. You can grind it in a meat grinder and mix it with any vegetables, add a little oil and spices.

      Everything that passes through the lower centers is polluted. Urine therapy can only be used by those who are dying. The exception is cow manure. The clam shell is clean.

      After a heart attack, it is good to eat oats.

      The Vedas say that onions, garlic, mushrooms, as well as meat, fish and eggs are considered ignorant foods.

      If you have periodontal disease, you can suck asafoetida in your mouth.

      Soy never gives violence, like meat, it slows down a little. It strengthens joints and spine well and has an excellent warming effect. But you need to be careful if you have hypertension, it can increase your blood pressure.

      When grinding food, prana goes away after 20-30 minutes, but mental qualities do not go away. In winter you don’t need a lot of prana, there is already a lot of it in the air, so in winter you don’t need much fresh food, you can eat dried.

      All climbing plants are in ignorance and increase aggressiveness, cunning of the human consciousness and psyche. All straight plants can be beneficial if their flowers are delicate and smell pleasant. All plants without flowers and edible fruits are in passion, all climbing plants are in ignorance, and bushes can also be in ignorance if they have poisonous berries. All plants with poisonous fruits are in ignorance.

      All products need to be smelled to see if they suit you.

      Yin foods: zucchini, cucumber, squash. All sweet spices, milk, coconut and all watery vegetables.

      Peanuts need to be dried out because they can overstimulate the stomach. It is very good to add walnuts to the soup.

      We want to eat those foods that correspond to the character qualities that we consume.

      Cumin treats all organs in the center, relieves inflammation in the nose.

      Onions and garlic increase the activity of lower centers and spoil character. Garlic increases pride and anger. Horseradish increases a person's arrogance. That's why they called him that. Four products: hops, horseradish, onions and garlic have always been used in medicine to increase human fertility. But they cannot be used on an ongoing basis.

      Coffee evokes a strong attachment to itself. If you want coffee every 3-4 hours, it means that the body has become dependent and increases such character traits as aversion to life and rudeness. A very harmful product for the psyche.

      Chocolate has fewer harmful qualities than coffee, but increases the tendency to depression. Can be replaced with carob. Tea can be drunk by older people, but in general, it is contraindicated for those involved in spiritual practices, as it dulls consciousness. Green tea less harmful, but also has the same qualities.

      All types of alcohol are also considered ignorant products, and alcoholic products are also ignorant. They reduce the power of the mind. They may not spoil health, a person can be healthy by drinking alcohol, but the power of the mind is reduced. This is expressed in women in the fact that they become more promiscuous and less obedient to their husband, and in men it is expressed in irresponsibility. published

    02-08-2018 - village

    Many of these potions treat urolithiasis And chronic diseases kidney The main recipes for preparing sea buckthorn with honey for housewives include the following.

    The following ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until smooth. To ensure that everything is completely dissolved, you can put the resulting drink in a warm place. So, the main components:

    • freshly squeezed berry juice (3 to 5 glasses);
    • 2-3 tbsp. l. acacia honey;
    • 250 ml water (not raw);
    • mint decoction (0.5 cups).

    The drink should be stored in the refrigerator. Before use, it is advisable to warm it up so as not to catch a cold. Drink a cup a day.

    Recipe No. 2: cocktail

    A drink mixed with alcohol and spices is considered a restorative remedy. Therefore, before making sea buckthorn with honey, it is important to buy spices, wine, vodka or cognac in advance. Now you can safely create a cocktail from the following ingredients:

    • two teaspoons of honey;
    • lemon juice (from several slices of lemon);
    • 50 g of fruit (first grind and pour boiling water - 250 ml, leaving to infuse for half an hour);
    • half a glass of any alcoholic drink;
    • season everything with a pinch of cinnamon, a sprig of vanilla (mint) or ginger.

    You need to mix the components in a jar. For better effect it's closed nylon cover and shake 5-10 times. It is recommended to drink such a fragrant cocktail after a hard day at work to relieve fatigue. Flu, vitamin deficiency and ARVI - A good reason for such an essence. Such a great drink is also suitable for the winter, because according to the recipe, sea buckthorn with honey is combined with “fire water”, which means that the healing effect will increase 4 times. The cocktail can be safely frozen even in disposable cups.

    At temperatures above 60°C and exposure to direct sun rays honey loses almost all of its useful material. Therefore, boiling or steaming it is highly not recommended.

    Recipe No. 3: decoction

    Radiation is the scourge of society. It affects the intestinal walls, which are destroyed under its influence. Toxins enter the bloodstream and poison the entire body. The consequence of this is malignant organ tumors.
    A unique means Sea buckthorn with honey, and especially the leaves of this shrub, helps prevent cancer. For such a decoction, the housewife will need to take the following steps:

    If possible, drink the drink for one month. Some people drink it rather than water. Each of these recipes for sea buckthorn with honey can be expanded with other ingredients. For example, a few drops of oil prepared from these berries are added to juice, decoction or cocktail.

    Winter preparations

    Cold winters bring with them not only frosts, but also viral infections. During this period of the year, the body is most susceptible to the influence of viruses and it needs an additional supply of vitamins to fight them. All the necessary composition of protective elements is contained in golden berries and in bee products. Making sea buckthorn with honey for the winter, recipes for preparations are given below, is an excellent investment in family health.

    It is very useful to eat frozen sea buckthorn, since when frozen it retains more than 85% nutrients.

    Option 1

    For a refined taste, great culinary masters suggest adding a little orange zest and cinnamon.
    They will make the drink more flavorful. Vanilla will also be a great addition to dessert. Almost all recipes for preparing sea buckthorn with honey for the winter require the use of liquid ingredients. Therefore, candied nectar is not suitable for freezing.

    Since it is not at all difficult to prepare sea buckthorn with honey, throughout the fall you can make such desserts from fresh fruits. After all, the maximum storage period for such jelly in the refrigerator is 30 days.

    Option 2

    During the epidemic season, one cannot do without the miraculous sea buckthorn honey - a well-known syrup based on berries and sugar. To prepare it you will need:

    Pour the hot product into jars, roll up or close with European lids. The luxurious taste of this jam will complement many desserts and cakes in an original way. You can also simply drink it with tea. You can enjoy magnificent sea buckthorn with honey all year round. It stores well both in the refrigerator and in the pantry. At the same time, it rarely deteriorates and almost never becomes moldy.

    In this article we will answer some common questions regarding proper nutrition and consumption of supplements to optimize performance and performance!

    Is it really necessary to take BCAAs during training, or is it enough to just drink water?

    Many athletes are often interested in whether there is really a need to take BCAA supplements. Regardless of their delicious taste, the answer ultimately comes down to two things: it all depends on the type of exercise you do and your goals for achieving certain physical goals.

    But before we delve into this issue, we suggest starting by studying the basic information regarding what BCAAs are and what beneficial properties they have.

    Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are made up of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. They are considered “essential” because the body cannot produce them on its own, therefore they must be obtained from food. Although to meet your BCAA needs you can of course stick to your intake whole foods Supplements such as chicken, beef and eggs have some distinct benefits because pure BCAAs bypass the liver and intestines and go directly into the blood.

    While everyone needs to get enough BCAAs, they are especially important for athletes looking to build and maintain muscle. BCAAs, especially leucine, help regulate protein metabolism, promoting muscle protein synthesis and inhibiting its breakdown.

    Studies have shown that taken pre-workout helps increase the rate of protein synthesis, inhibits muscle protein breakdown, reduces markers of muscle damage, delays the onset and shortens the period of muscle soreness. Sounds pretty impressive, doesn't it?

    However, unfortunately, despite all beneficial properties ah BCAAs do not necessarily help increase strength or muscle mass. If your goal is to gain muscle and strength and you are already satisfying your daily requirement in protein through consumption of whole foods and protein shakes, taking additional BCAA supplements will likely not provide you with a noticeable benefit.

    But don’t rush to put the shaker with amino acids aside! Taking 6-10 grams of BCAAs before exercise helps reduce muscle soreness and speed up recovery. In other words, BCAAs may not promote growth on their own, but they can help you exercise for long periods of time, at a sufficient intensity and in sufficient volume to stimulate muscle growth.

    In addition, BCAAs are broken down during exercise. physical exercise and, therefore, can be used as an additional source of energy. Decreased BCAA levels lead to increased concentrations of serotonin in the brain, which is believed to contribute in part to the feeling of fatigue during exercise.

    Thus, consuming BCAAs during training prevents the decrease in amino acid levels in the body, helping to slow down the onset of fatigue and improve both mental and physical performance. physical performance. Adding 6 grams of BCAAs to your workout shake also reduces fatigue and increases fat burning when glycogen is depleted during exercise. So if you're following a low-carb diet or training on an empty stomach, taking it during your workouts can be extremely beneficial!


    Taking BCAA supplements before exercise can help reduce muscle soreness and speed up the recovery process after strenuous exercise. Consuming BCAAs during exercise can help reduce fatigue and improve both mental and physical performance, especially if you exercise in a fasted state.

    Despite numerous studies showing that BCAAs help improve protein synthesis after strength training, there isn't much evidence that these supplements actually lead to muscle growth in the long term.

    Does the recommended daily consumption of 4 liters of drinking water really help speed up metabolism and burn fat?

    If it were ordinary drinking water was a reliable means of combating obesity, do you think that, for example, two-thirds of Americans would still be overweight? Obviously not. But this does not stop people from blindly believing in ridiculous claims that ordinary drinking water can effectively speed up metabolism and rid the body of toxins. No, seriously, where do people even get this kind of information?

    To date, there is only one - we emphasize, only one - study, which found that consuming an additional 0.5 liters of drinking water increases the metabolic rate of both men and women by 30 percent. The increase in metabolic rate occurred within 10 minutes after drinking water and reached its maximum after about 30-40 minutes. Despite these impressive findings, these data still remain controversial, since all other studies have shown that drinking water does not contribute to an increase in energy expenditure at all.

    In one such study, Swiss scientists tried to repeat the results of the first study. They measured the energy consumption of ordinary healthy people at rest for 30 minutes before and 90 minutes after consuming 0.5 liters of water. The study found that drinking water, whether at room temperature or chilled, had very little effect on energy expenditure.

    But in this case, if water is not able to speed up metabolism, how is it useful? In fact, water has a huge number of beneficial properties! The human body is 60 percent water; Adequate hydration helps maintain fluid balance in the body and facilitates the transport of nutrients. Water also helps regulate body temperature, aids digestion of food, and prevents muscle spasms and (lo and behold!) reduces hangover symptoms.

    Drinking water also improves performance in the gym! Even mild dehydration has been shown to have Negative influence on physical performance, especially if you perform high-intensity exercise in conditions high temperature or humidity. Even a small two percent decrease in body weight due to dehydration reduces motivation, increases fatigue, and makes exercise feel much more difficult. Adequate hydration of the body during training, on the contrary, reduces oxidative stress.

    And although water is not able to significantly increase the metabolic rate, it helps suppress appetite and, therefore, reduce the amount of food consumed. In fact, it has been proven that drinking 0.5 liters of water before lunch actually significantly reduces the amount of food you eat.

    In support of these findings, another study found that overweight people who drank 0.5 liters of water before each meal and followed low calorie diet, experienced greater weight loss compared to those who simply followed a low-calorie diet. Being dehydrated can also trick you into thinking you're hungry when in fact you're just thirsty. Staying adequately hydrated helps prevent mindless snacking cravings. Over time, this trend can contribute to weight loss.


    Drinking water has many beneficial properties, but accelerating metabolism, unfortunately, is not one of them. However, the fact that water helps the body function optimally is reason enough to consume more H2O. In addition, drinking water before meals reduces subjective feelings of hunger and increases the feeling of fullness.

    So, in the long run, drinking regular water can help you achieve your excess weight loss goals.

    The life cycle of a building and its development in time.

    Beneficial effect- energy savings in this case are realized in theory in the 1st phase and should be redistributed between producers and consumers in the 2nd phase, but in construction practice this does not happen directly, the contractor does not receive a share of the energy savings during operation and his risk is high. The main effect in the form of an improvement in the environmental situation is received by the entire community of producers and, of course, the state - by reducing capital investments in the development and development of new mineral deposits, the construction of new heat and power plants. Consequently, the state must compensate for the risk of producers and stimulate them. At the same time, the important properties of energy-saving innovations when deciding on state support are: relative advantages compared to traditional solutions, compatibility with established practice and technological structure, implementation experience accumulated in the world. For the rapid spread of innovation, a developed infrastructure is needed that takes into account the cyclical nature of the innovation process, the creation of which is a management task already at the level of the construction industry.

    The beneficial effect is what the product is purchased for. Distinctive features a product is what makes it possible to obtain a beneficial effect. However, you should not rely on the exceptional merits of the product.

    The beneficial effect for most DC consumers is created only by the constant components of voltage and current. The variable components Un, which form ripples, usually lead to wasted power, and sometimes to interference. Therefore, they strive to limit as much as possible the ripple in the voltage curve at the output terminals of the load circuit.

    The beneficial effect of a combined cycle refrigeration machine is composed of heat qx removed from the cooled space and heat q released for thermal needs. Energy expenditure in the cycle occurs in the form of work.

    The beneficial effect of a combined cycle refrigeration machine is composed of heat qx removed from the cooled space and heat qlt released for thermal needs.

    The beneficial effect when processing the substrate can be quite diverse and for adhesive joints can be reduced to an increase in the initial short-term strength, an increase in heat and especially water resistance of the joints, a decrease in residual stresses, and an increase in aging resistance.

    The beneficial effect of using a new type (type) of equipment expresses the cost assessment of changes in its consumer properties compared to the base object.

    The beneficial effect of a combined cycle refrigeration machine is composed of the heat q removed from the cooled room and the heat q - L given for district heating needs.

    Dependence of the output meter on the primary one.

    The beneficial effect (output) of a structure, as already noted, is the result of the interaction of forces created by the interaction of energies. Consequently, any structural element is in energetic interaction with external forces.

    The beneficial effect created by the design is the result of the interaction of various forces. The forces acting in a structure create energy. The output effect of the structure also appears in the form of some energy. One of the useful outputs of a structure is its energy level, and the more energy a given structure generates, converts, transports, or stores, the more work it produces. In addition, the useful output is characterized by the number various conditions energy per unit time. Energy that does not change its state can create force stress, mechanical, thermal, electrical, magnetic and other forces in physical bodies. Diversity useful actions, which the output energy of a structure can create, is determined by the average number of its different states per unit time. How more quantity different states can have an output energy per unit time for a given average energy level, the more diverse unit functions it can produce, and the greater the average output power for a given number of energy states, the more average level energy for each of its states.

    The beneficial effect of a combined-cycle refrigeration machine is composed of the heat q removed from the cooled space and the heat qlt released for district heating needs.

    The beneficial effect of a transducer in electroacoustics is usually assessed using the sensitivity of the transducer.