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List of the best new generation broad-spectrum antibiotics for adults and children in tablets, suspensions, ampoules, suppositories for the treatment of ENT and genitourinary infections, inflammation in gynecology and other diseases: names of drugs, prices. Antibiotics

Antibiotics take special place among medications, because their action is aimed at combating diseases infectious nature. If these drugs belong to the latest generation, they help cope with most existing pathogens.

Modern broad-spectrum antibiotics of the new generation can significantly alleviate the course of infectious diseases and speed up recovery. Their use has made it possible to significantly reduce the number of deaths due to pneumonia, to quickly cope with the symptoms and consequences of bronchitis, urological diseases and many other ailments.

How do the latest generation antibiotics work?

New generation antibacterial drugs act selectively in the body, i.e. have an effect on the cells of pathogenic microbes, without affecting human cells.

The classification of drugs depends on how the drug affects the vital activity of bacteria. Some drugs are capable of suppressing bacterial cell synthesis externally (penicillin drugs, cephalosporins), others suppress protein synthesis in bacterial cells (tetracyclines, macrolides). Antibacterial activity of one or another medicine must be indicated in the instructions for the drug.

Antibiotics can have a wide spectrum of action and have a narrow focus, i.e. affect a specific group of bacteria. This happens because bacteria and viruses differ in function and structure, so what kills bacteria may not have an effect on viruses.

Important! The older the generation antibacterial agents, so they have a more minimal set side effects and greatest efficiency.

When broad-spectrum antibiotics are used:

  • If the causative agents of the disease are resistant to the use of a drug with a narrow focus;
  • If an infection is detected that is caused by several types of bacteria at once;
  • If prophylaxis against infections is necessary after surgery has been performed;
  • If treatment is carried out on the basis of symptoms, when a specific pathogen is not identified (in case of rapidly developing dangerous pathologies).

Broad-spectrum antibacterial medications of the latest generation are considered universal medicines in the fight against inflammation of the lymph nodes, colds, in gynecology, etc. The drugs allow you to cope with microbes, no matter what pathogen causes the disease. After all, each newly released medicine has a more advanced effect on pathogenic microorganisms, while causing minimal damage to the human body.

Methods of use and forms of antibiotics

Treatment with antibiotics can be carried out in several ways:

  1. Orally (through the mouth). For this purpose, drugs are used in capsules, tablets, suspensions, and syrups. This is the most common method of application, which has its disadvantages, because... some types of antibiotics can be destroyed in the stomach or poorly absorbed into its walls, thereby causing a negative irritant effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Parenterally. This is the most effective method treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics intramuscularly or intravenously, as well as by injection into the spinal cord.
  3. Rectally or by administering the drug directly into the rectum (enema).

Injections and injections are usually used for severe forms diseases, because act faster on the source of infection, starting their work immediately after the injection.

Modern broad-spectrum antibiotics in injections:

  • Cephalosporins (Cefotaxime, Cefpirome, Cefoperazone, Ceftazidime);
  • Minopenicillins (Sulbactam);
  • Aminoglycoside antibiotics (Netilmicin, Amikacin);
  • Carbapenems (Meropenem, Ertapenem, Impinem-cilastatin).

The choice of drug depends on the characteristics of the causative agent of infection and the complexity of the case.

Strong broad-spectrum antibiotics in tablets:

  • Fluoroquinolones (Moxifloxacin, Gatifloxacin);
  • Natural macrolides (Levofloxacin, Sparfloxacin, Midecamycin);
  • Synthetic macrolides (Amoxicillin, Azithromycin, Clarithromycin);
  • Nitrofurans (Ersefuril, Nitrofurantoin).

Different groups of antibiotics have different localization V certain systems and human organs. According to this principle, doctors select for the treatment of a particular disease a certain drug that will have the most powerful effect on pathogenic microorganisms in a certain area of ​​the human body.

Disease Features of application List of drugs
And Almost all antibacterial agents with broad effects are used for bronchitis and pneumonia, provided that their pharmacokinetic properties act directly on the causative agent of the disease. For mild forms of bronchitis - Azithromycin, Amoclav.

For prolonged bronchitis - Ceftriaxone, Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Midecamycin.

Pneumonia mild degree Treated in the same way as bronchitis.

At moderate severity and severe pneumonia - Ceftriaxone, Cefepime, Levofloxacin (natural antibiotic).

In particular severe cases Carbapanems are prescribed - Meropenem, Tienam, Impinem-cilastine.

Sinusitis The difficulty in treating inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses lies in the speed of delivery of the drug directly to the site of inflammation. Therefore, the use of cephalosporin antibiotics is recommended. Cefexime, Cefuroxin, Cefachlor, Cefotaxime.

For severe forms, Azithromycin and Macropen are used.

In the treatment of oropharyngeal infections top scores shows the use of latest generation cephalosporins. And the most safe antibiotics In the treatment of tonsillar diseases, macrolides are considered. Cephelaxin.

Aziromycin, Spiramycin, Erythromycin, Clarithromycin, Leukomycin.

Colds and flu For colds, drugs from various groups of antibiotics are used, depending on the severity of the disease and clinical picture diseases. · Sumamed;

· Cefaclor;

· Cefamandole;

· Clarithromycin.

and infectious diseases genitourinary system The use of the latest generation of antibiotics makes it possible to improve the patient’s condition already on the first day of use and quickly get rid of the disease. · Unidox Solutab;

· Norbactin;

· Monural.

Fungal infections Antibiotics of the latest generation are developed taking into account several types of fungi, therefore they act on almost all pathogens of the disease. Ravuconazole;

· Posaconazole;


· Voriconazole.

Eye diseases For treatment ophthalmological diseases They use both eye drops and eye ointments with a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Eye drops with antibiotic and drugs local application: Okacin, Vitabact, Tobrex, Colbiocin, Eubetal.

All broad-spectrum antibiotics have a high effect on infectious agents, and therefore successfully fight many diseases. The doctor selects a course and combination of drugs in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment. This takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the stage of the disease, progress or regression in its course. On average, the course lasts from 7 to 10 days, taking into account the above factors.

List of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs

The pharmaceutical industry is constantly developing and producing new antibacterial drugs, so there is a very significant number of latest generation antibiotics with a wide range of effects. Let's look at the most popular and common drugs.

  1. Penicillins:
  • Amoxiclav is a combination of a bata-lactamase inhibitor (clavuronic acid). Prescribed for infections of the genitourinary, musculoskeletal, respiratory systems and biliary tract infections.
  • Aomoxicillin, Augmentin, Medoclav. Can be used to treat most infectious diseases. Not used for intolerance to cephalosporins and penicillins, for severe liver pathologies, infectious mononucleosis, lymphocytic leukemia.
  1. Cephalosporins:
  • Cefaclor (Alfacet, Ceclor), Ceftazidime. Used for respiratory infections, genitourinary tract, skin infections, otitis media.
  • Cefamandole, Cefoxitin (Mefoxin), Cefotaxime. Medicine in the form of injections and injections for the treatment of infections of the stomach, genitourinary, respiratory tract, endocarditis, sepsis, for prevention in the postoperative period.
  • Cefuroxime (Zinnat). Effectively affects pathogenic microorganisms that are insensitive to penicillins. Prescribed for infections of the genitourinary, respiratory, musculoskeletal systems, in the treatment of ENT organs, meningitis, borreliosis, sepsis, after undergoing severe abdominal operations.
  • Cefoperazone. Only for intravenous use in the treatment of infectious forms of the genitourinary, respiratory organs, sepsis, meningitis.
  • Latamoxef (Moxalactam). It has pronounced activity against gram-negative microorganisms, but is very expensive.
  • Cefpodoxime (Orelox, Septofek). Active against most infections of the ENT organs, erysipelas, .
  1. Macrolides:
  • Rulid, Rovamycin. Used to treat infections in the genitourinary, bone, respiratory systems, in inflammatory processes of the ENT organs and oral cavity, brucellosis, scarlet fever.
  • Spiramycin. It even affects microorganisms that are weakly sensitive to the drug.
  • Clarithromycin. Effective in the treatment of infections of the respiratory, musculoskeletal, and dental systems.
  • Roxithromycin (Exparoxy, Rulid). It is used in dentistry, for the treatment of childhood infections (whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria), and infections of the respiratory and genitourinary system.
  • Sumamed. Has a wide spectrum of bactericidal action. Most often used in the treatment of infections of the ENT organs, respiratory system, skin.
  1. Other antibiotics:
  • Unidox Solutab (Doxycycline). Prescribed for the treatment of infections in the respiratory, genitourinary system, skin diseases, gastrointestinal tract, and typhus.
  • Lincomycin. Mainly prescribed for bone tissue lesions, infectious processes skin, soft tissues, respiratory organs.
  • Fuzidin. It has forms for oral and external use (creams, antibiotic ointment, gels). It is used in combination therapy when microorganisms are resistant to penicillin. Used for osteomyelitis, skin infections, sepsis.
  • Ciprofloxacin, Moxifloxacin. It is used in the treatment of infections of almost all organs that are caused by gram-negative, gram-positive and opportunistic microorganisms, including cholera, peritonitis, dysentery, osteomyelitis, etc.

All antibiotics have a number of side effects, so they should be used with caution, especially in children and the elderly. Under no circumstances should you prescribe antibacterial drugs on your own; their use must be agreed upon with a doctor after certain studies have been carried out.

Antibiotics for children and pregnant women

For children, the list of broad-spectrum antibiotics is significantly narrowed. Children are allowed to use the following groups of drugs:

  • Macrolides (Clarithromycin, Midecamycin, Roxithromycin);
  • Aminopenicillins (Amoxicillin, Clavulanate);
  • Cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cefepime).

Important! Children should not use anbiotics of the carbapenem and fluoroquinolone series, because it can negatively affect the development and function of the liver, kidneys and bones.

Pregnant women are allowed to use only a few drugs of the latest generation, and only in cases where the intended effect of their use outweighs the side effects:

  • Cephalosporins (Cefepime, Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin);
  • Protected aminopenicillins (Amoxiclav, Amoclav).

Macrolides (Clarithromycin, Azithromycin, Midecamycin, Roxithromycin) are approved for use only in the third trimester of pregnancy. In the absence of allergic reactions to the components, penicillin drugs can be used, but under the supervision of a doctor.

Antibiotics with a wide range of action, belonging to the latest generation, are indeed a real boon in the treatment of a host of diseases infectious nature. But this does not mean that you can choose the best broad-spectrum antibiotic on your own and use it uncontrolled without consulting a healthcare professional. Uncontrolled use antibacterial drugs can, on the contrary, harm the body and cause negative consequences that are dangerous to health.

Among medicines Antibiotics of the latest generation, active against many microbes, occupy an important place. They are used to treat infectious pathologies, which has significantly reduced the mortality rate of patients from pneumonia and pyelonephritis, which are now commonplace. Due to antibiotics, the course of bronchitis, sinusitis is eased and recovery is accelerated, and it has also become possible implementation complex surgical operations. They can even be successfully treated with antibiotics.

Broad spectrum antibiotics (BSAS)

This category of antimicrobial drugs includes substances active against gram-negative and gram-positive organisms. The former are pathogens intestinal diseases, inflammatory pathologies genitourinary and Gram-positive organisms often cause wound infections and mediate the occurrence of postoperative complications in surgery.

List of ABSHS of different release times

Some broad-spectrum antibiotics of the latest generation are also active against protozoal infections. An example are the nitroimidazole derivatives - tinidazole, ornidazole and metronidazole. Most wide use received metronidazole due to affordability. Its class analogue, tinidazole, is similar in its spectrum of antimicrobial activity, but is not used parenterally. In general, all groups of broad-spectrum antibiotics are presented as follows:

  • natural penicillins;
  • inhibitor-protected aminopenicillins;
  • antipseudomonas penicillins, including inhibitor-protected ones;
  • cephalosporins III;
  • aminoglycoside group;
  • macrolide antibiotics;
  • antibiotics of a number of carbapenems;
  • chloramphenicol;
  • fosfomycin;
  • rifampicin;
  • dioxidine;
  • sulfonamides;
  • quinolones, fluoroquinolones;
  • nitrofuran group;
  • antibiotics of the nitroimidazole series.

This list does not contain the names of groups of narrow-spectrum antibiotics. They are specific for a small number of microbes and are effective against them. Narrow-spectrum drugs cannot be used to treat superinfections and are not used empirically. They are used as first-line antibiotics when the type of pathogen is identified.

List of ABHS of the latest generations

The above refer to broad-spectrum drugs. This full list groups of substances that are active against gram-positive and gram-negative microbes. However, the list contains both the latest generation of antibiotics and earlier representatives of the group. Of the above, representatives of the latest generations are the following groups of drugs:

  • aminopenicillins resistant to beta-lactamase (Sulbactam, Ampicillin, Clavulanate, Amoxicillin);
  • cephalosporins of the III and IV generations (Cefotaxime, Cefoperazone, Ceftazidime, Ceftriaxone, Cefpirome, Cefepime);
  • aminoglycoside antibiotics of the third generation ("Amikacin", "Netilmitsin");
  • 14- and 15-membered semisynthetic macrolides (Roxithromycin, Clarithromycin, Azithromycin);
  • 16-membered natural macrolide antibiotics (“Midecamycin”);
  • fluoroquinolones of the third and fourth generations (Levofloxacin, Sparfloxacin, Gatifloxacin, Trovafloxacin, Moxifloxacin);
  • carbapenems (Meropenem, Imipinem-cilastatin, Ertapenem);
  • nitrofurans (“Nitrofurantoin”, “Furazidin”, “Ersefuril”).

Antibiotic drugs excluded from the list

The previously mentioned protected antipseudomonas penicillins have a wide spectrum of activity, but are used only against due to the need to reduce the probable contact of the latter with a modern and powerful antibiotic. This prevents the risk of developing drug resistance bacteria. Tazobactam is most effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Occasionally, Piperacillin or Clavulanate are used as the latest generation antibiotics for pneumonia caused by a hospital strain of the pathogen.

Also, this list does not include the latest generation of antibiotics from the group of natural and antistaphylococcal penicillins. The former cannot be used in outpatient treatment due to the need for frequent intravenous or intramuscular administration. There are no forms that allow you to take them orally. A similar situation has developed with cephalosporins. Having the same spectrum of activity as penicillins, they cannot be used orally due to destruction in the stomach.

Parenteral cephalosporins and penicillins are effective latest-generation antibiotics for pneumonia. Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus have achieved success in developing a dosage form for their enteral use. However, the research results have not yet been applied in practice, and drugs of this series can so far only be used in the work of inpatient healthcare institutions.

Highly effective antibiotics for children

Studying the latest generation of antibiotics, the list of drugs recommended for children is significantly narrowed. IN childhood Only representatives of a number of aminopenicillins ("Amoxicillin", "Clavulanate"), cephalosporins ("Ceftriaxone", "Cefepime"), macrolides ("Azithromycin", "Midecamycin", "Roxithromycin", "Clarithromycin") can be used. Fluoroquinolone antibiotics, carbapenems and nitrofurans cannot be used due to inhibition of bone growth, liver and kidney toxicity.

Systemic nitrofurans are not used due to the lack of scientific data confirming the safety of treatment. The only exception is "Furacillin", suitable for local treatment of wounds. Modern and highly effective antibiotics for children of the latest generation are the following: macrolides, penicillins, cephalosporins (the names of the drugs are presented above). The use of other groups of antimicrobial drugs is not recommended due to the toxic effect and disruption of skeletal development.

ABSS for pregnant women

According to the FDA (USA) classification, only certain antibiotics of the latest generation can be used in the treatment of pregnant women, the list of which is extremely small. They belong to categories A and B, that is, their danger has not been confirmed or there is no teratogenic effect in animal studies.

Substances with unproven effects on the fetus, as well as with a toxic effect, can only be used if the therapeutic effect predominates over the side effect (category C and D). Category X drugs have a proven teratogenic effect on the fetus, therefore, if their use is necessary, termination of pregnancy is mandatory.

Used during pregnancy the following antibiotics the latest generation of broad-spectrum tablets: protected aminopenicillins (Amoclav, Amoxiclav), cephalosporins (Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone, Cefepime). Macrolides ("Azithromycin", "Clarithromycin", "Midecamycin", "Roxithromycin") are allowed to be used in the third trimester of pregnancy due to the fact that their teratogenic effect has not yet been fully studied, and its absence cannot be stated unambiguously. It is also safe to use in pregnant women. penicillin antibiotics in the absence of allergies.

The use of antibiotics in the treatment of bronchitis

All broad-spectrum antibiotics of the latest generation, theoretically, can be used for bronchitis and pneumonia if their pharmacodynamic characteristics are optimal for this. However, there are optimal schemes rational treatment such diseases. They consider options for successful combinations of antimicrobial drugs with the goal of broad coverage of microbial strains.

Nitroimidazole and sulfonamides are irrationally used for inflammatory diseases respiratory system. The most successful combination for bronchitis or mild pneumonia is protected aminopenicillin with a macrolide (Amoclav + Azithromycin). Protracted bronchitis requires the prescription of a cephalosporin instead of aminopenicillin (Ceftriaxone + Azithromycin). In this scheme, the macrolide can be replaced with another class analogue: Midecamycin, Clarithromycin or Roxithromycin.

All of these latest generation antibiotics for bronchitis have a pronounced effect, although clinical signs of the disease may continue to be present. The criterion for the effectiveness of treatment is the appearance of a cough with gradually cleared sputum and relief of fever. With COPD, shortness of breath also weakens, appetite improves, and the frequency of coughing decreases.

Effective treatment of pneumonia

Mild pneumonia is treated according to the principle of bronchitis, but with the use of cephalosporin and macrolide. For moderate or severe pneumonia of community-acquired origin, a cephalosporin (Ceftriaxone or Cefepime) with a representative of a number of fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin or Levofloxacin) is prescribed. These latest generation broad-spectrum antibiotics suppress community-acquired microflora well, and the effect of their use is noticeable on the second day of treatment.

Modern antibiotics of the latest generation for pneumonia (the names are presented above) act on the pathogen, suppressing its vital activity or killing it. The first substances are called bacteriostatics, and the second bactericidal drugs. Cephalosporins, aminopenicillins and fluoroquinolones are bactericidal substances, and macrolides are bacteriostatic. Moreover, combining antibiotics aims not only to expand the spectrum of activity, but also to comply with the rules of combination: one bactericidal drug with one bacteriostatic one.

Treatment of severe pneumonia in the PICU

IN intensive care, where there may be patients with severe pneumonia and distress syndrome due to intoxication. The main contribution to the severity of the condition of such patients is made by pathogenic microflora that are resistant to most antimicrobial drugs. In such situations, carbapenems (Imipinem-cilastatin, Tienam, Meropenem) are used, which are unacceptable for use in outpatient settings.

Treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis

Modern antibiotics of the latest generation for sinusitis or sinusitis are used to destroy microbes. In such cases, a single bactericidal antibiotic may be used. However, with sinusitis, the main difficulty is access of the antimicrobial drug to the site of inflammation. Therefore, the cephalosporin drug is most often used. An example is Ceftriaxone or Cefepime. A third generation fluoroquinolone, Levofloxacin, can also be prescribed.

Treatment of sore throat with modern antimicrobial agents

Antibiotics of the latest generation for angina are prescribed for the same purpose. Moreover, both for sinusitis and tonsillitis the same antimicrobial agents can be used. The only difference is that in the case of inflammation of the tonsils, you can also use antiseptics, for example, "Furacillin" - a preparation of a number of nitrofurans. Although aminopenicillins protected with sulbactam or clavulanic acid (Amoclav, Amoxiclav, Ospamox) can also be successfully used for angina. Moreover, the drugs should be prescribed for 10-14 days.

Therapy of pyelonephritis and genitourinary tract infections

Due to contamination urinary tract microbes, the latest generation of antibiotics for pyelonephritis are necessary for their treatment. The greatest therapeutic value here is cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones and nitrofurans. Cephalosporins are used for relatively mild flow pyelonephritis, and fluoroquinolones ("Ciprofloxacin", "Levofloxacin", "Ofloxacin", "Moxifloxacin") - if the condition worsens against the background of already ongoing therapy.

The most successful drug, suitable both for monotherapy and for combination with Ceftriaxone, is any representative of the nitrofuran series - Furamag). A quinolone, Nalidixic acid, can also be used. The latter create high concentrations in urine and are active against pathogens of genitourinary infections. Metronidazole is also occasionally used for gardnellosis and vaginal dysbiosis.

Drug resistance and its impact

Due to the constant change in the genetic material of microorganisms, mainly bacteria, the effectiveness of many antimicrobials is significantly reduced. By acquiring resistance to drugs, bacteria gain the ability to survive in the human body, mediating the deterioration of infectious diseases. This forces researchers to search for and introduce into practice new antibiotics of the latest generation.

Total period of existence antimicrobial agents About 7,000 substances have already been developed that are used in medicine in a certain way. Some of them have fallen out of use due to clinically important side effects or because microbes have acquired resistance to them. Therefore, today about 160 drugs are used in medicine. About 20 of them are the latest generation of antibiotics, the names of which often appear in medical guidelines on antimicrobial therapy of infectious diseases.

Today even young children know what antibiotics are school age. However, the term “broad-spectrum antibiotics” sometimes confuses even adults and raises many questions. How wide is the spectrum? What antibiotics are these? And, yes, it seems that there are also narrow-spectrum drugs that may not help?

The most surprising thing is that even the all-knowing Internet often cannot help and dispel the fog of doubt. In this article we will try to slowly and methodically figure out what kind of broad-spectrum antibiotics they are, what bacteria they act on, as well as when, how and how many times a day they are used.

The diverse world of bacteria

And we will start from the very beginning - with microbes. Bacteria make up the majority of prokaryotes - single-celled living organisms without a clearly defined nucleus. It was bacteria that first populated the lonely Earth millions of years ago. They live everywhere: in soil, water, acidic hot springs and radioactive waste. Descriptions of about 10 thousand species of bacteria are known, but it is estimated that their number reaches a million.

And of course, bacteria live in the bodies of plants, animals and humans. Relationships between lower unicellular organisms and higher multicellular organisms can be different - both friendly, mutually beneficial for partners, and openly hostile.

A person cannot exist without “good”, correct bacteria that form the microflora. However, along with valuable bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, microbes that cause a wide variety of diseases enter our bodies.

The microflora also includes so-called opportunistic microorganisms. At favorable conditions they do no harm, but as soon as our immunity decreases, these yesterday’s friends turn into vicious enemies. In order to somehow understand the host of bacteria, doctors proposed classifying them.

Gram- and Gram+: deciphering the puzzle

The most famous division of microbes is very often mentioned in pharmacies, clinics, and in drug annotations. And just as often, the living average patient does not understand what we are actually talking about. Let's figure out together what these mysterious expressions gram+ and gram- mean, without which not a single description of the action of antibiotics is complete?

Back in 1885, the Dane Hans Gram decided to stain sections of lung tissue to make the bacteria more visible. The scientist found that the causative agent of typhus, Salmonella typhi, did not change color, while other microorganisms were exposed to the chemical.

The most famous classification today is based on the ability of bacteria to stain according to Gram. A group of bacteria that do not change color are called gram-negative. The second category is called gram-positive, that is, Gram-staining microorganisms.

Gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens: who is who?

Another, no less important classification of antibiotics breaks down drugs according to their spectrum of action and structure. Again, to understand the complex paragraphs of instructions explaining the spectrum of activity and belonging to a specific group, you need to get to know the microbes better.

Gram-positive bacteria include cocci, that is, spherical microorganisms, including numerous families of staphylococci and streptococci. In addition, clostridia, corynebacteria, listeria, and enterococci belong to this group. Gram-positive pathogens most often cause infectious diseases of the nasopharynx, respiratory tract, ear, as well as inflammatory processes of the eye.

Gram-negative bacteria are a not so numerous group of microorganisms that mainly cause intestinal infections, as well as diseases of the genitourinary tract. Much less commonly, gram-negative pathogens are responsible for respiratory tract pathologies. These include Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Shigella (the causative agent of diphtheria), Pseudomonas, Moraxella, Legionella, Klebsiella, Proteus.

Among gram-negative microorganisms there are also causative agents of severe hospital infections. These microbes are difficult to treat - in hospital conditions they develop special resistance to most antibiotics. Therefore, special, often intramuscular or intravenous, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used to treat such infectious diseases.

Based on this “separation” of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, the empirical therapy, which involves selecting an antibiotic without prior seeding, that is, almost “by eye.” As practice shows, in the case of “standard” diseases, this approach to choosing a drug is completely justified. If the doctor has doubts about whether the pathogen belongs to one group or another, prescribing broad-spectrum antibiotics will help “get the ball in the air.”

Broad spectrum antibiotics: the whole army is at gunpoint

So, we come to the most interesting part. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are a universal antibacterial medicine. Whatever the pathogen is the source of the disease, broad-spectrum antibacterial agents will have a bactericidal effect and defeat the microbe.

As a rule, broad-spectrum drugs are used when:

  • treatment is prescribed empirically, that is, based on clinical symptoms. When selecting an antibiotic empirically, time and money are not wasted on identifying the pathogen. The microbe that caused the disease will forever remain unknown. This approach is appropriate in the case of common infections, as well as fast-acting dangerous diseases. For example, with meningitis death can be a foregone conclusion literally within a few hours if antibiotic therapy is not started immediately after the first signs of the disease;
  • pathogens are resistant to narrow-spectrum antibiotics;
  • a superinfection has been diagnosed, in which several types of bacteria are the culprits of the disease;
  • prevention of infection after surgical interventions is carried out.

List of broad-spectrum antibiotics

Let's try to name by name those antibacterial drugs that have a wide spectrum of activity:

  • antibiotics of the penicillin group: , Ampicillin, Ticarcycline;
  • antibiotics of the tetracycline group: Tetracycline;
  • fluoroquinolones: Levofloxacin, Gatifloxacin, Moxifloxacin, Ciprofloxacin;
  • Aminoglycosides: Streptomycin;
  • Amphenicols: Chloramphenicol (Levomycetin);
  • Carbapenems: Imipenem, Meropenem, Ertapenem.

As you can see, the list of broad-spectrum antibiotics is not very large. AND detailed description We will start with probably the most popular group of drugs - penicillin antibiotics.

Penicillins - drugs that people know and love

With the discovery of an antibiotic of this particular group - Benzylpenicillin - doctors realized that microbes could be defeated. Despite its venerable age, benzylpenicillin is still used today, and in some cases it is a first-line drug. However, broad-spectrum agents include other, newer penicillin antibiotics, which can be divided into two groups:

  • drugs for parenteral (injection) and enteral administration, which withstand the acidic environment of the stomach;
  • injection antibiotics that do not withstand the action of hydrochloric acid - Carbenicillin, Ticarcillin.

Ampicillin and Amoxicillin are popular broad-spectrum penicillins

Ampicillin and Amoxicillin occupy a special place of honor among penicillin antibiotics. The spectrum and effect on the human body of these two antibiotics are almost the same. Among the microorganisms sensitive to Ampicillin and Amoxicillin, the most well-known infectious agents are:

  • gram-positive bacteria: staphylococci and streptococci, enterococci, listeria;
  • gram-negative bacteria: gonorrhea pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae, E. coli, Shigella, salmonella, Haemophilus influenzae, whooping cough pathogen Bordetella pertussis.

With an identical spectrum, Ampicillin and Amoxicillin differ significantly in pharmacokinetic properties.


Ampicillin was synthesized in the early 60s of the last century. The drug immediately won the hearts of doctors: its spectrum of action compared favorably with the antibiotics of the 50s, to which persistence, that is, addiction, had already developed.

However, Ampicillin has significant disadvantages - low bioavailability and short half-life. The antibiotic is absorbed by only 35–50%, and the half-life is several hours. In this regard, the course of treatment with Ampicillin is quite intensive: tablets should be taken at a dose of 250–500 mg four times a day.

A feature of Ampicillin, which is considered an advantage over Amoxicillin, is the possibility of parenteral administration of the drug. The antibiotic is produced in the form of a lyophilized powder, from which a solution is prepared before administration. Ampicillin is prescribed 250–1000 mg every 4–6 hours intramuscularly or intravenously.

Amoxicillin is slightly younger than its predecessor - it went on sale in the 70s of the 20th century. Nevertheless, this antibiotic is still one of the most popular and effective means wide range, including for children. And this became possible thanks to the undoubted advantages of the drug.

These include the high bioavailability of Amoxicillin tablets, which reaches 75–90%, against the background of a fairly long half-life. Moreover, the degree of absorption does not depend on food intake. The medicine has high degree affinity for respiratory tract tissues: the concentration of Amoxicillin in the lungs and bronchi is almost twice as high as the content in other tissues and blood. It is not surprising that Amoxicillin is considered the drug of choice for uncomplicated forms of bacterial bronchitis and pneumonia.

In addition, the medicine is indicated for sore throat, infections of the urinary and reproductive tract, infectious diseases skin. Amoxicillin is a component of eradication therapy for gastric and duodenal ulcers.

The drug is taken orally at a dosage of 250–1000 mg twice a day for 5–10 days.

Broad-spectrum parenteral penicillins

Penicillins, which are used for parenteral administration, differ from the known Ampicillin and Amoxicillin in their additional activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This microorganism causes soft tissue infections - abscesses, purulent wounds. Pseudomonas also act as causative agents of cystitis - inflammation of the bladder, as well as inflammation of the intestines - enteritis.

In addition, broad-spectrum parenteral penicillin antibiotics have bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects against:

  • gram-positive microorganisms: staphylococci, streptococci (except for strains that form penicillinase), as well as enterobacteria;
  • gram-negative microorganisms: Proteus, Salmonella, Shigella, Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae and others.

Broad-spectrum parenteral penicillins include Carbenicillin, Ticarcillin, Carfecillin, Piperacillin and others.

Let's consider the most known antibiotics- Carbenicillin, Ticarcillin and Piperacillin.


In medicine, carbenicillin disodium salt is used, which is White powder, dissolved before use.

Carbenicillin is indicated for infections of the abdominal cavity, including peritonitis, genitourinary system, respiratory tract, as well as meningitis, sepsis, infections bone tissue, skin.

The drug is administered intramuscularly, and in severe cases intravenously.


Unprotected Ticarcillin is prescribed for severe infections caused by strains of bacteria that do not produce penicillinase: sepsis, septicemia, peritonitis, postoperative infections. The antibiotic is also used for gynecological infections, including endometritis, as well as infections of the respiratory tract, ENT organs, and skin. In addition, Ticarcillin is used for infectious diseases in patients with a reduced immune response.


Piperacillin is mainly used together with the beta-lactamase inhibitor tazobactam. However, if it is determined that the causative agent of the disease does not produce penicillinase, an unprotected antibiotic may be prescribed.

Indications for the use of Piperacillin include severe purulent-inflammatory infections of the genitourinary system, abdominal cavity, respiratory and ENT organs, skin, bones and joints, as well as sepsis, meningitis, postoperative infections and other diseases.

Protected broad-spectrum penicillins: antibiotics to fight resistance!

Amoxicillin and Ampicillin are far from omnipotent. Both drugs are destroyed by beta-lactamases, which are produced by some strains of bacteria. Such “harmful” pathogens include many types of staphylococcus, including Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella and other bacteria.

If the infection is caused by beta-lactamase-producing pathogens, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin and some other antibiotics are simply destroyed without causing any harm to the bacteria. Scientists found a way out of the situation by creating complexes of penicillin antibiotics with substances that inhibit beta-lactamases. In addition to the most famous clavulanic acid, inhibitors of destructive enzymes include sulbactam and tazobactam.

Protected antibiotics can effectively fight infection that the fragile and lonely penicillin cannot. That's why combination drugs often turn out to be the drugs of choice for the most various diseases caused by bacterial infection, including hospital infections. The leading places in this list of broad-spectrum antibiotics are occupied by two or three drugs, and some injectable drugs used in hospitals remain behind the scenes. Paying tribute to the spectrum of each combined penicillin, we will open the veil of secrecy and list these, of course, worthy drugs.

Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid. The most famous combined broad-spectrum antibiotic, which has dozens of generics: Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Flemoclav. There are both oral and injectable forms of this antibiotic.

Amoxicillin and sulbactam. Trade name - Trifamox, available in tablet form. A parenteral form of Trifamox is also available.

Ampicillin and sulbactam. Trade name - Ampisid, used for injections, more often in hospitals.

Ticarcillin + clavulanic acid. Trade name Timentin, available only in parenteral form. Indicated for the treatment of severe infections caused by resistant, hospital-acquired strains.

Piperacillin + tazobactam. Trade names Piperacillin-tazobactam-Teva, Tazacin, Santaz, Tazrobida, Tacillin J, etc. The antibiotic is used as an infusion drip, that is, in the form of intravenous infusions for moderate and severe polyinfections.

Broad spectrum tetracyclines: time-tested

Well-known broad-spectrum drugs include tetracycline antibiotics. This group of drugs is united by a common structure, which is based on the four-cyclic system (“tetra” translated from Greek - four).

Tetracycline antibiotics do not have a beta-lactam ring in their structure, and therefore are not subject to destructive action beta-lactamases. The group of tetracyclines has a general spectrum of action, which includes:

  • gram-positive microorganisms: staphylococci, streptococci, clostridia, listeria, actinomycetes;
  • gram-negative microorganisms: the causative agent of gonorrhea Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Shigella (the causative agent of dysentery), salmonella, the causative agent of whooping cough Bordetella pertussis, as well as bacteria of the genus Treponema, including the causative agent of syphilis - spirochete pallidum.

A distinctive feature of tetracyclines is their ability to penetrate into the bacterial cell. Therefore, these products cope well with intracellular pathogens - chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus are not susceptible to the bactericidal action of tetracyclines.

The two most commonly used tetracyclines today are Tetracycline and Doxycycline.


One of the founders of the tetracycline group, discovered back in 1952, is still used today, despite its advanced age and side effects. However, the prescription of tetracycline tablets can be criticized, given the existence of more modern and effective broad-spectrum antibiotics.

TO negative aspects oral tetracycline undoubtedly has a fairly limited therapeutic activity, as well as the ability to change the composition intestinal flora. In this regard, when prescribing tetracycline tablets, one should take into account increased risk the occurrence of antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

It is much more effective and safe to prescribe external and local forms of tetracycline. Yes, tetracycline eye ointment is included in the Russian list of vital drugs and is an excellent example of a local antibacterial drug with a wide spectrum of action.


Doxycycline is distinguished by its therapeutic activity (almost 10 times higher than Tetracycline) and impressive bioavailability. In addition, Doxycycline has a much lesser effect on the intestinal microflora than other drugs in the tetracycline group.

Fluoroquinolones are essential broad-spectrum antibiotics

Probably, no doctor can imagine his medical practice without fluoroquinolone antibiotics. The first synthesized representatives of this group differed narrow spectrum actions. With the development of pharmaceuticals, new generations of fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents were discovered and the spectrum of their activity expanded.

Thus, first generation antibiotics - Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin - work primarily against gram-negative flora.

Modern fluoroquinolones of the II, III and IV generations, unlike their predecessors, are antibiotics of the broadest, so to speak, spectrum of action. These include Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, Gatifloxacin, and other drugs active against:

Note that all fluoroquinolones, without exception, are contraindicated for use in children under 18 years of age. This is due to the ability of antibiotics of this group to disrupt the synthesis of peptidoglycan, a substance included in the structure of the tendon. Therefore, taking fluoroquinolones in children is associated with the risk of changes in cartilage tissue.

Fluoroquinolone II generation, Levofloxacin is prescribed for respiratory tract infections - pneumonia, bronchitis, ENT organs - sinusitis, otitis, as well as diseases of the urinary tract, reproductive tract, including urogenital chlamydia, infections of the skin (furunculosis) and soft tissues (atheromas, abscesses).

Levofloxacin is prescribed 500 mg per day at a time for seven, less often - 10 days. In severe cases, the antibiotic is administered intravenously.

Many drugs containing lomefloxacin are registered on the Russian pharmaceutical market. An original remedy- the brand is the German Tavanik. Its generics include Levofloxacin Teva, Levolet, Glevo, Flexil, Ecolevid, Hyleflox and other drugs.


Moxifloxacin is a highly active fluoroquinolone antibiotics III generation of a wide spectrum, indicated for infections of the ENT organs, respiratory tract, skin, soft tissues, postoperative infections. The drug is prescribed in tablets of 400 mg once a day. The course of treatment ranges from 7 to 10 days.

The original drug of moxifloxacin, which is most often used, is Avelox manufactured by Bayer. There are very few generics of Avelox, and it is quite difficult to find them in pharmacies. Moxifloxacin is included in eye drops Vigamox, indicated for infectious inflammatory processes of the conjunctiva of the eye and other diseases.


The drug of the latest, IV generation of fluoroquinolones is prescribed for severe, including hospital-acquired respiratory tract diseases, ophthalmological pathologies, infections of the ENT organs, and urogenital tract. The antibacterial effect of Gatifloxacin also applies to pathogens that are sexually transmitted.

Gatifloxacin is prescribed 200 or 400 mg per day once.

Most drugs containing gatifloxacin are produced by Indian companies. Most often in pharmacies you can find Tabris, Gaflox, Gatispan.

Aminoglycosides: essential antibiotics

Aminoglycosides comprise a group of antibacterial drugs that have similar properties in structure and, of course, spectrum of action. Aminoglycosides inhibit protein synthesis in microbes, exerting a pronounced bactericidal effect against sensitive microorganisms.

The first aminoglycoside is a natural antibiotic isolated during World War II. Surprisingly, modern phthisiology still cannot do without the same Streptomycin, which was discovered back in 1943 - the antibiotic is now widely used in phthisiology to treat tuberculosis.

All four generations of aminoglycosides, which were gradually isolated and synthesized over more than half a century, have an equally wide spectrum of antibacterial action. Antibiotics of this group act on:

  • gram-positive cocci: streptococci and staphylococci;
  • gram-negative microorganisms: Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Salmonella, Shigella, Moraxella, Pseudomonas and others.

Aminoglycosides of different generations have some individual characteristics, which we will try to trace using examples of specific drugs.

Oldest aminoglycoside broad action I generation in injections, which is distinguished by its high antibacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Indications for the use of Streptomycin are primary tuberculosis of any localization, plague, brucellosis and tularemia. The antibiotic is administered intramuscularly, intratracheally, and also intracavernosally.

A very controversial antibiotic of the second generation, which is gradually falling into oblivion, is Gentamicin. Like other aminoglycosides of the second and older generations, Gentamicin is active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The antibiotic exists in three forms: injection, external in the form of ointments and local (eye drops).

Interestingly, unlike the vast majority of antibiotics, Gentamicin perfectly retains its properties in dissolved form. Therefore, the injection form of the drug is a ready-made solution in ampoules.

Gentamicin is used for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the biliary tract - cholecystitis, cholangitis, urinary tract - cystitis, pyelonephritis, as well as for infections of the skin and soft tissues. In ophthalmological practice, eye drops with Gentamicin are prescribed for blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis and others. infectious lesions eye.

The reason for a wary attitude towards Gentamicin is data on the side effects of the antibiotic, in particular ototoxicity. In recent years, sufficient evidence has been obtained of hearing impairment due to Gentamicin therapy. There are even cases of complete deafness that developed due to the administration of an antibiotic. The danger is that, as a rule, the ototoxic effect of Gentamicin is irreversible, that is, hearing is not restored after discontinuation of the antibiotic.

Based on this sad trend, most doctors prefer to opt for other, safer aminoglycosides.


An excellent alternative to Gentamicin is the third-generation broad-spectrum antibiotic Amikacin, which is produced in powder form for the preparation of an injection solution. Indications for the use of Amikacin include peritonitis, meningitis, endocarditis, sepsis, pneumonia and other severe infectious diseases.

Amphenicols: let's talk about good old Levomycetin

The main representative of the amphenicol group is the natural broad-spectrum antibiotic chloramphenicol, which is known to almost every one of our compatriots under the name Levomycetin. The drug is a structural levorotatory isomer of chloramphenicol (hence the prefix “left”).

The spectrum of action of Levomycetin covers:

  • gram-positive cocci: staphylococci and streptococci;
  • gram-negative bacteria: gonorrhea pathogens, Escherichia coli and Haemophilus influenzae, Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, Proteus, Rickettsia.

In addition, Levomycetin is active against spirochetes and even some large viruses.

Indications for the use of Levomycetin include typhoid and paratyphoid fever, dysentery, brucellosis, whooping cough, typhus, and various intestinal infections.

External forms of Levomycetin (ointment) are prescribed for purulent skin diseases, trophic ulcers. Thus, in Russia, an ointment containing Levomycetin, which is produced under the name Levomekol, is very popular.

In addition, Levomycetin is used in ophthalmology for inflammatory eye diseases.

A course of treatment with Levomycetin or How to harm your body?

Levomycetin is affordable, effective, and therefore loved by many intestinal antibiotic wide spectrum. So beloved that you can often meet a patient in a pharmacy buying those same anti-diarrhea pills and praising their effectiveness. Of course: I took two or three tablets - and the problems went away. It is in this approach to treatment with Levomycetin that the danger lurks.

We must not forget that Levomycetin is an antibiotic that must be taken in a course. We know that, for example, the antibiotic Amoxicillin should not be taken for less than five days, but by drinking two tablets of Levomycetin, we manage to completely forget about the antibacterial origin of the drug. What happens to the bacteria in this case?

It's simple: the weakest enterobacteria, of course, die after two or three doses of Levomycetin. The diarrhea stops, and we, giving glory to the power of bitter pills, forget about the troubles. Meanwhile, strong and persistent microorganisms survive and continue their vital functions. Often as opportunistic pathogens, which become more active at the slightest decrease in immunity and show us where the crayfish hibernate. Then Levomycetin may no longer cope with selected microbes.

To prevent this from happening, you should follow the recommended course of antibiotic therapy. For the treatment of acute intestinal infections the drug is taken at a dosage of 500 mg three to four times a day for at least a week. If you are not ready to follow a fairly intensive course, it is better to give preference to others antimicrobials, for example, nitrofuran derivatives.

Carbapenems: reserve antibiotics

As a rule, we encounter carbapenems extremely rarely or not at all. And this is wonderful - after all, these antibiotics are indicated for the treatment of severe hospital infections, life-threatening. The spectrum of action of carabapenems includes most existing pathological strains, including resistant ones.

Antibiotics in this group include:

  • Meropenem. The most common carbapenem, which is produced under the trade names Meronem, Meropenem, Cyronem, Jenem, etc.;
  • Ertapenem, trade name Invanz;
  • Imipenem.

Carbapenems are administered only intravenously, intravenously infusion and bolus, that is, using a special dispenser.

Antibiotic therapy: the golden rule of safety

At the end of our excursion into the world of broad-spectrum antibiotics, we cannot ignore most important aspect, on which the safety of drugs and, ultimately, our health is based. Every patient - current or potential - should know and remember that the right to prescribe antibiotics belongs exclusively to the doctor.

No matter how much knowledge you think you have in the field of medicine, you should not give in to the temptation to “treat yourself.” Moreover, you should not rely on the hypothetical pharmaceutical abilities of neighbors, friends and colleagues.

Only good doctor. Trust the knowledge and experience of a great specialist, and this will help you maintain your health for many years.

There are thousands of names of modern antibiotics. They help against various diseases of infectious etiology.

Antibiotics are a broad group of drugs whose action is aimed at treating infectious diseases. Over the past few years, there have been changes in the lists of these drugs, and new generation broad-spectrum antibiotics are now popular.

  • Modern medications are aimed at treating specific bacteria.
  • Recently, preference has been increasingly given to narrowly targeted antibiotics. This happens due to the fact that they do not provide harmful effects for good microflora.
  • Antibacterial agents affect the processes of pathogenic cells, and do not affect the vital processes of the body at the cellular level.
  • Modern drugs act selectively. They eliminate only pathogenic cells.
  • In this article you will find information on the classification of antibacterial drugs. Thanks to the list for each type of medicine, you will find out which antibiotics are the most effective and have good antibacterial activity.

Most eye diseases are caused by bacteria such as chlamydia, strepto-, gono- and staphylococci. These bacteria provoke a purulent-inflammatory process, itching, burning and lacrimation.

Eye drops with an antibiotic can be prescribed not only for the treatment of bacterial infections, but also for the prevention of infection of the conjunctiva after surgery, in case of eye lesions, or in the event of a foreign body.

List of new generation broad-spectrum antibiotics for adults and children.

For the treatment of eye infections, children are prescribed other drugs that have almost no contraindications and have a mild effect on the body. Macrolides:

  • Erythromycin;
  • Azidrop.

Erythromycin is available in ointment form. It is used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes of various etiologies.

Another group of antibiotics – aminoglycosides – copes well with purulent inflammations. Application in non large doses inhibits pathogenic microflora, in large doses it destroys bacteria.

If you are concerned about conjunctivitis, blepharitis or keratitis, then antibiotics based on chloramphenicol will help you. These drugs are based on chloramphenicol. Levomecithin drops are available with the following names:

  • Levomycetin-Dia;
  • Levomycetin-Ferein;
  • Levomycetin-Acos.

Boric acid has been added to these preparations. She happens to be disinfectant, which perfectly increases the antibacterial effect of the drug.

If the disease was caused by pathogenic microflora resistant to the above drugs, then the doctor may prescribe Fucithalmic. This drug is made on the basis of a natural antibiotic - fusidic acid.

Also, complex drops based on two antibacterial drugs: Framycetin and Gramicidin are often used to treat various eye diseases. Such drugs include Sofradex, the effect of which is enhanced by Dexamethasone.

In modern medicine, antibiotics in the form of tablets and injections are widely used to treat intestinal infections. There are two types of intestinal inflammation:

  • Enteritis- infection in the small intestine;
  • Colitis- inflammation of the large intestine.

The cause of infectious colitis or enteritis in most cases is increased sensitivity to gram-negative flora. List of new generation broad-spectrum antibiotics for adults and children intestinal:

  • Aminopenicillin;
  • Ampicillin or amoxicillin;
  • Augmentin or Amoxiclav;
  • Imipinem;
  • Meropenem;
  • Cefamezine;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Cefepime;
  • Aztreonam;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Nifuroxazide;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Levofloxacin;
  • Gatifloxacin;
  • Vancomycin;
  • Metronidazole.

These drugs can be prescribed to both adults and children, but with different dosages. Daily dose should only be prescribed by the attending physician!

New generation broad-spectrum antibiotics for adults and children for infections, colds, acute respiratory viral infections: list

Broad-spectrum antibiotics help fight pathogenic microflora in the body, acting comprehensively and purposefully.

  • It often happens that ARVI, a common cold or other infection cannot be dealt with without antibiotics.
  • The disease may drag on and cause complications. It is at this time that antibiotics are prescribed - human protectors from various viruses and diseases.
  • Antibacterial drugs are prescribed when there is no time to accurately identify the causative agents of the disease, and the disease progresses.

These medications are prescribed for the following health problems:

  • sinus inflammation;
  • purulent foci in the body;
  • high fever that lasts for several days and is not relieved by antipyretics;
  • acute otitis;
  • flu, pneumonia;
  • severe dry cough;
  • wet cough with clots of yellow or green sputum, pus or blood.

List of new generation broad-spectrum antibiotics for adults and children for infections, colds, ARVI:

  • Penicillins(destroy the walls of bacteria): Amoxil, Ampicillin, Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Ampiox.
  • Cephalosporins(destroy the cell membrane of pathogenic flora): Cefixime, Cephalexin, Cefuroximaxetil, Cephaloridine, Cefazolin, Cefanthrexil.
  • Fluoroquinolones (active ingredients This group of antibiotics penetrates the bacteria and destroys it): Moxifloxacin, Norfloxacin, Levofloxacin.
  • Macrolides(penetrate the bacteria and destroy its protein synthesis): Azitral, Azitrox, Hemomycin, Sumamed.
  • Tetracyclines (inhibit protein synthesis in bacteria at the cellular level): Morphcycline, Tetracycline hydrochloride, Doxycycline.
  • Aminoglycosides(these antibiotics are not prescribed for high temperature, they are used for severe infectious complications): Amikacin, Gentamicin.

Children with acute respiratory viral infections and complications of colds are prescribed the following antibiotics:

New generation broad-spectrum antibiotics for adults and children for infections, colds, ARVI

The course of treatment with such antibacterial drugs is 5-7 days, but improvements are noticeable already on the 3rd day of treatment.

In most cases, bronchitis and pneumonia are bacterial in nature. Therefore, antibiotics must be used to treat these diseases. But before prescribing drugs, the doctor must do a blood, urine and sputum test. Only after this is treatment prescribed. Individual intolerance to drugs, toxicity of the drug, contraindications and the rate of accumulation of the drug dose in the lesions are also taken into account.

The following new generation broad-spectrum antibiotics are used against bronchitis for adults and children:

For the treatment of bronchitis, children are prescribed milder drugs: Erespal or Ceftazidime.

When treating pneumonia - pneumonia, you cannot do without antibacterial drugs. The following antibiotics are commonly used:

These drugs can be combined, and in severe cases of the disease, they are prescribed by injection.

Cough can also be a consequence of bronchopneumonia - focal pneumonia. The causative agents of this disease can be bacteria, viruses and fungi. After the studies, antibiotics are prescribed from the following list:

If the doctor deems it necessary, he can prescribe several drugs in combination. When the course of the disease is severe due to a combined pathogen, a second-line drug is used: Meropenem, Ticarcillin, Fluoroquinolone.

The bacterial form of sore throat begins acutely, with an increase in temperature to 40 degrees. Pus appears on the tonsils, and the cervical lymph nodes become enlarged. Antibacterial drugs for angina are prescribed if the disease does not go away within 7 days and there are signs of complications.

The following new generation broad-spectrum antibiotics are successfully used for adults and children with sore throat:

  • Ampicillin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Augmentin;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Flemoxin;
  • Sumamed;
  • Tsiprolet;
  • Bacterim.

Children are prescribed Amoxicillin in suspension, as well as drugs based on clavulanic acid: Panklav, Amoxiclav, Bactoclav.

New generation broad-spectrum antibiotics for STDs

There are up to 250 million cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) worldwide. Chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma and treponema pallidum are sensitive to antibacterial drugs. Most effective antibiotics The broad spectrum of action of the new generation for STDs are the following groups of drugs:

Antibiotics from these groups can effectively treat most STDs. But the dosage and course of treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

Even 40 years ago, doctors were sure that cystitis did not require antibacterial treatment, and prescribed patients exclusively anti-inflammatory drugs. But it has long been proven that cystitis is infectious in nature.

Many people prefer herbal medicine and folk remedies in getting rid of this disease. But untreated cystitis can last for years and this is a direct path to a chronic form. New generation broad-spectrum antibiotics for adults and children with cystitis:

  • Furadonin;
  • Furagin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Augmentin;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Palin;
  • Ceforal;
  • Monural.

For children, these antibiotics are prescribed as injections or suspensions. Many of the drugs can be dissolved in water before taking.

In gynecology in the fight against bacteria, causing inflammation, you can’t do without antibacterial agents. To destroy pathogenic microflora, new generation broad-spectrum antibiotics are used. These drugs help reduce the growth of microorganisms and prevent their reproduction. Most often during treatment certain diseases The following antibiotics are used:

  • Cefazolin(inflammation of the labia).
  • Terzhinan(has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal effect with inflammation of the vaginal mucosa).
  • Nystatin, Mikosist, Flucostat, Diflucan(inflammation of the cervical canal). If cervicitis is chlamydial, then the following antibiotics are prescribed: Sumamed, Doxycycline.
  • Ampicillin(inflammation of the fallopian tubes).
  • Azithromycin(inflammation of the uterus).

In gynecology, the following antibiotics can also be used to treat various diseases:

As with other diseases, for gynecological ailments, the dosage and course of treatment with drugs is prescribed by a specialized specialist. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

Antibacterial drugs of the macrolide series occupy leading positions among safe antimicrobial drugs. This group of antibiotics is used to treat nosocomial infections caused by gram-positive flora or atypical pathogens.

List of macrolide antibiotic drugs for adults and children:

These antibacterial drugs inhibit the growth of bacteria, making it possible to cope with the disease quickly and effectively.

Antibiotics in tablets should be taken with caution, since the components of the drug can damage the gastric mucosa and negatively affect the liver. Doctors usually prescribe probiotics in parallel with such antibiotics to restore intestinal microflora and drugs to protect the liver. There are many new generation broad-spectrum antibiotics for adults and children in tablets, but mostly modern doctors prescribe the following drugs:

It is worth noting that some drugs, such as Tetracycline and Doxycycline, are often prescribed as ointments and injections so that the drug affects all cells rather than selectively. The doctor may prescribe clavulanic acid in addition to Amoxicillin. Thanks to this combination, it is possible to quickly and successfully cope with complex pathogenic flora.

A suspension is a soluble powder of a drug in a liquid. This form of antibiotics comes to the rescue when a person cannot swallow a pill, and an injection causes discomfort, stress and discomfort. Antibiotic suspensions are usually prescribed to young children and the elderly.

Such drugs may already be sold in finished form or in powder form for preparing a mixture. How to make the mixture is written in the instructions for the medicine - it can be done without difficulty. New generation broad-spectrum antibiotics for adults and children in suspensions:

The prefix “Solyutab” always says that the tablets can be dissolved in water before taking them. When a child needs to be prescribed a drug in the form of tablets, since the drug in the form of a suspension is not suitable for the indications, the doctor advises taking soluble tablets - Flemoxin Solutab and others.

Antibiotic ointments help eliminate inflammation on the skin, in the eye area, and on wounds. Such drugs successfully combat pathogens. Pathogenic microflora can appear when the integrity of the mucous membrane and dermis is damaged with the following problems:

  • deep cuts and scratches;
  • pustules on the skin;
  • abrasions;
  • burns of various etiologies;
  • cracks on the fingers, heels and elbows;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • erosions;
  • chronic dermatoses.

Ointments with broad-spectrum antibiotics of the new generation for adults and children contain wound-healing substances. With their help, the process of tissue restoration is accelerated. Special antimicrobial ointments:

Ointments are applied in a thin layer to the damaged area. There is no need to rub, they should be absorbed into the skin on their own. Often the doctor prescribes applying ointment at night. The duration of use of the drug is determined by the doctor and depends on the speed of healing.

Antibiotic drops are used to treat the eyes and nose. A bacterial runny nose without the help of antibacterial drugs can cause complications in the form of sinusitis and other chronic diseases. Therefore, the doctor, after examining the etiology of the runny nose, should prescribe new-generation broad-spectrum antibiotics for adults and children in drops:

Eye drops with an antibacterial effect help cope with pathogenic flora on the mucous membranes. Thanks to such drugs, it is possible to successfully treat various eye infections. The list of these drugs is very large, but doctors usually use the most popular and effective drugs. These include the following antibiotic eye drops:

  1. Aminoglycosides - this category includes drops such as Torbex, Dilaterol and others.
  2. Fluoroquinolones - Signicef, Tsipromed.
  3. Levomycetin - eye drops of the same name belong to this group.

The following antibiotic medications may also be used:

  • Vitabact is prescribed even to newborn children.
  • Gentamicin is a combination local antibiotic.
  • Ciprofloxacin - used to eliminate complications after surgery.
  • Floxal - successfully treats ocular chlamydia.

Antibiotics in drops, as well as in tablets, can only be prescribed by a specialist. You should not self-medicate.

If the medicine needs to act quickly, it is administered by injection intramuscularly or intravenously. Thanks to this, it gets to the source of infection faster and begins to work immediately after the injection. The list of new generation broad-spectrum antibiotics for adults and children in injections is very extensive. Here are several groups and drugs that belong to them:

Such drugs are prescribed depending on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the infectious agents.

All medical experts say with one voice: the overuse of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance. It is forbidden to drink antibacterial drugs constantly, at the first symptoms of a cold. Microbes get used to the drugs, mutate and stop accepting the drugs. If something serious happens, the drugs may not work.

But nature provided for everything and created natural antibiotics for humans. In addition, nature has given humans drugs that fight bacteria, viruses, and fungi at once. These are perfect medicines, the effect of which is significantly different from laboratory ones. Here is a list of natural broad-spectrum antibiotics for adults and children:

  • Basil;
  • Cowberry;
  • Blueberry;
  • Mustard;
  • Pomegranate;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Ginger;
  • Red viburnum;
  • Cabbage;
  • Cranberry;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Red and white dry wine;
  • Lemon;
  • Raspberries;
  • Honey and propolis;
  • Sea ​​buckthorn;
  • Radish;
  • Horseradish;
  • Black currant;
  • Garlic.

Despite the fact that these antibiotics were created by nature, they also have contraindications - this may be individual intolerance or allergies. Therefore, listen to your body.

Almost all groups of antibacterial drugs cause harm to the body. But there are times when you can’t do without them. At the end antibacterial therapy take care of your immunity and restore intestinal microflora. While taking antibiotics, protect your liver by taking special drugs. The doctor will prescribe what to take and in what quantities. Remember that self-medication, as well as refusal of prescribed therapy, can lead to undesirable consequences.

Video: When are antibiotics needed? — Dr. Komarovsky

Antibiotics are a large group of drugs medicinal purposes, the action of which is aimed at eliminating infectious diseases. Recently, new drugs with a wide spectrum of action can be seen. Which drug is the most effective, what is best to take for bronchitis, fever and colds? More about this in more detail.

How antibiotics work

The popularity of antibiotic tablets has increased sharply due to the fact that the vital processes occurring in the cells of the human body differ from similar processes in a bacterial cell. Such strong antibiotics capable of exerting selective actions, affecting only the cells of the pathogenic microorganism, without affecting healthy ones. The classification is carried out based on the way in which the influence on the vital activity of such microorganisms occurs.

When choosing which antibiotic to take, you need to know that some of them suppress the synthesis of bacterial cell membranes, which are absent in the human body. These are broad-spectrum drugs such as penicillins and cephalosporins. Other broad-spectrum drugs can almost completely suppress protein synthesis in bacterial cells. These include tetracycline antibiotics and macrolides. The list of broad-spectrum agents can be divided according to the principle of antifungal activity. It is very important to read the instructions for use of the drugs.

Broad-spectrum drugs are very effective against a number of bacteria, while others may have a narrow focus and are intended for a specific group of bacteria. Why does this happen? The reason is that bacteria and viruses have different functioning and structure, so what can kill bacteria is not effective against viruses. Broad-spectrum agents are used when:

  • The causative agents of the disease are resistant to the effects of drugs of a certain group.
  • It was possible to detect a superinfection, the cause of which was several types of bacteria.
  • The formation of infections after surgery is prevented.
  • Treatment is prescribed based on clinical symptoms, in other words, empirically. In this case, the specific pathogen is not identified. This is appropriate for fast-acting dangerous diseases and common infections.

Features of the drugs

Broad-spectrum medicines belonging to the new generation are very effective for bronchitis, fever, and colds. They cope very well with otitis media, inflammation lymph nodes and other diseases.

Whatever pathogen causes the cold, a broad-spectrum remedy will cope with it. Each drug invented later has an improved, more perfect effect on various pathogenic microorganisms. It is generally accepted that new broad-spectrum drugs for bronchitis and fever cause minimal harm to the body.

New generation of antibiotics

The list of drugs available today with a broad effect of the new generation includes a lot of medications, both cheap and with a higher price. The most popular of them in terms of use are: cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, macrolides, penicillins. They are available in the form of tablets and injections. Drugs belonging to the new generation can be characterized as the best pharmacological action, in comparison with older generation drugs. Their list is as follows:

  • Fluoroquinolones: Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Gatifloxacin, Moxifloxacin.
  • Tetracycline category: "Tetracycline".
  • Penicillins: Tetracycline, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Biomycin.
  • Amphenicols: "Chloramphenicol".
  • Carbapenems: Ertapenem, Imipenem, Meropenem.
  • Aminoglycosides: "Streptomycin".

Strong, highly targeted products

Narrowly targeted drugs of a newer generation can be used in situations where it was possible to accurately determine the causative agent of the infection, for example, during colds and fever. Each of the available drugs can have a direct effect on a specific category of pathogenic microorganisms.

Unlike broad-spectrum medications, which can also be used during colds, they do not depress immune system and do not disrupt the normal intestinal microflora. Due to the presence of a deeper degree of purification of the active components of the drug, they have less toxicity.

Bronchitis and colds

In most cases, for bronchitis and the presence of a cold, drugs with a wide spectrum of action of the new generation are prescribed, but you need to know that the choice of drug should be based on the results of a sputum test in the laboratory.

During colds and bronchitis the best medicines are considered those that are capable of providing harmful effects for bacteria that can cause disease. This approach is explained by the fact that the study can take from 3 to 5 days, and treatment for bronchitis must be immediate so that there are no complications. For bronchitis and colds, the following medications are often prescribed:

  • Macrolides - used in the presence of individual intolerance to penicillin. Erythromycin and Clarithromycin are very effective.
  • Penicillin has long been used for bronchitis and other diseases, as a result of which some microorganisms were able to develop active substance high stability. The medicine was strengthened with a number of additives that could block the action of enzymes produced by microorganisms in order to reduce the activity of penicillin. The most effective for treating colds are Augmentin, Panklav, and Amoxiclav.
  • Fluoroquinolones - used for chronic bronchitis during an exacerbation. Ciprofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, and Levofloxacin are highly effective.
  • Cephalosporins are prescribed for the obstructive form of the disease. Effective drugs Ceftriaxone and Cefuroxime are considered.


In the presence of sinusitis, it is recommended to use new generation drugs such as macrolides and cephalosporins. They are considered the most effective means in the treatment of sinusitis, which can be used when no positive dynamics of treatment are observed after taking penicillin. TO modern antibiotics can be considered “Cefexime”, “Cefuroxime”, “Cefaclor”, “Cefoxitin”, “Cefuroxime”. They resemble in their structure penicillin drugs, but can inhibit the development and completely destroy bacteria. Macrolides such as Azithromycin and Macropen were able to show high effectiveness in serious stages of the disease.


Until recently, drugs such as 5-Nok, Biseptol and Furadonin were traditionally used to treat cystitis. But today they have been replaced by antibiotics belonging to a new generation, more effective and stronger. Modern medications make it possible to get relief from the condition already on the first day of treatment and quickly get rid of the disease:

  • Unidox Solutab. The remedy, which quickly copes with cystitis, has a prolonged effect. Taken once a day.
  • "Monural". A long-term drug that accumulates in the urine and can quickly kill bacteria. Due to the ability to maintain therapeutic concentration long time allows for a short course of treatment.
  • "Norbaktin". It is prescribed less frequently than the previous two drugs, since it is recommended to take it twice a day and drink large amounts of liquid, which is not always comfortable for patients.

If you told your doctor about your health problems and he prescribed the use of antibiotics, you need to follow a number of rules. First of all, it is forbidden to independently change the dosage and timing of taking the drug. You should definitely visit a doctor if there are changes in your health or if you experience discomfort, as this can be fraught with serious health problems.