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Probiotics for animals. Preparations and supplements for intestinal flora probiotics

Prebiotics and probiotics effectively increase the animal's immunity and promote life expectancy. But few pet owners know what these substances are, how they differ from each other, and when they can be given to a dog or cat, and when it is better not to.

So, probiotics for animals- these are microorganisms and substances produced from them, which are irreplaceable components of the digestive system. In other words, these are bacteria that are involved in the digestion of food, and therefore their absence (dysbacteriosis) leads to digestive disorders.

Dysbacteriosis in dogs and cats may happen by various reasons, most often it is taking antibiotics. Therefore, probiotics for cats and dogs are usually prescribed along with antibacterial agents to support the microflora of the digestive system. The most important microorganisms are lactobacteria and bifidobacteria, which are found both in veterinary drugs, and in bioproducts: kefir, yoghurt, ready-made food.

There are practically no contraindications for probiotics, except for individual intolerance.

Prebiotics for animals- these are food components that cannot be digested and absorbed in the stomach, but undergo fermentation in the microflora of the large intestine, stimulating its growth and vital activity. In other words, prebiotics promote the proliferation of microflora. If probiotics themselves are microflora, then prebiotics are their nutrition.

Thus, for normal functioning the animal's digestive system requires constant use prebiotics for dogs and cats– to maintain healthy microflora. This is facilitated by balanced diet and special veterinary complexes.

Buy probiotics and prebiotics for animals Available at pet pharmacies. The most famous and effective drugs are Vetom And Zoonorm. Both of them are available in a wide variety of packaging and shapes. Also, please note Bifidum-skhzh, Lactoferon, Lactobifid And Vetelakt.

IN veterinary pharmacy online pet store website you can inexpensively buy probiotics and prebiotics for dogs and cats. Order the products Vetom, Zoonorm, Bifidum-skhzh, Lactoferon, Laktobifid, Vetelakt, etc. in our veterinary pharmacy at low prices in Moscow, the Moscow region or in any region of Russia and use the pickup service. Each title has a photo and detailed descriptions, the price is indicated and recommendations for use are given. Our managers will be happy to answer any questions and accept feedback about the product.


Probiotics (symbiotics, synbiotics, eubiotics)- living microorganisms, not toxic under any influence on them, capable of causing positive impact on the body of animals, including birds and fish, due to the formation and maintenance of a safe bacterial background both in their digestive tract and in the places where they are kept, promoting normal, healthy development.

The history of their discovery, study of properties, and attempts to use them for humans and animals is quite long. But until the early 2000s in our country, the use of probiotics in feeding and keeping animals was in its infancy. This is mainly due to the fact that the basis of all preventive and therapeutic measures in the fight against diseases - disinfection, vaccination and antibiotic therapy - over decades of its use has formed absolutely no alternative. Why waste resources looking for some innovations if tried and tested methods give good results. In fact, the main idea of ​​this method was and remains the maximum sterilization of not only the habitats of animals, but also of them themselves. Since all diseases are caused by bacteria and viruses, it is necessary to minimize the contact of animals with them, and in case of a “breakthrough”, destroy them with antibiotic agents.

For a long time the process went very successfully, but then it began to fail more and more often. It gradually became clear that it is impossible to completely eliminate the contamination of animals with pathogenic microorganisms, and with a deficiency of normal microflora in animals from the first days of life, this contributes to the rapid proliferation of unwanted microbes and slows down the formation of immunocompetent organs. Preventive antibiotic therapy completely disrupts the microecological balance of the intestinal microflora, which not only leads to the dominance of pathogenic microbes, but also accelerates the rate of mutations of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, acquiring toxic properties and drug resistance. Decreased immune homeostasis is accompanied by increased susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections.

Practice shows that the current complex of technological, zoohygienic, veterinary and sanitary practices when raising animals does not allow them to maintain high level resistance to bacterial infections caused by opportunistic microflora, and the use of antibiotics for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases is unsafe and is becoming less and less effective.

On at this stage Integrating probiotics into the technological chain of feeding and veterinary measures can effectively and fairly inexpensively solve these problems.

Probiotics, unlike antibiotics, do not destroy, but displace pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria from the composition intestinal microflora without causing the emergence of resistant strains. The effect of probiotics does not lead to the addiction of opportunistic microorganisms that have an R-plasmid encoding resistance to chemotherapy.

The waste products of bacteria in probiotics do not accumulate in the organs and tissues of animals and do not affect the commercial quality of the product. Probiotics do not enhance the virulence characteristics of enterobacteriaceae. They are safe for environment and service personnel.

Probiotics provide advanced colonization of the intestines of newborn animals normal microflora and create a biological barrier that blocks access to it by pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria.

In addition to the well-known and widely publicized properties of probiotics, ranging from the correction of intestinal biocenosis to their very positive effect on the hormonal and enzymatic systems, the most valuable are the mechanisms of influence on the immune system of animals. When probiotics enter the gastrointestinal tract of animals, a pronounced restructuring of the systems responsible for nonspecific resistance and activation of the T-cell immune system. Under the influence of probiotics, the activity of serum lysozyme increases, phagocytosis and bactericidal activity increase. Mechanism that enhances protective properties probiotics is the exchange of signaling molecules with immunocompetent cells of the intestinal mucosa, enhancing the production of secretory immunoglobulin A, complement and lysozyme, which block the attachment of enteropathogenic bacteria to the surface of the mucosa, thereby reducing the frequency gastrointestinal diseases, feed costs are reduced, and livestock safety is increased.

Over the past 15 years, the supply of various probiotics on the market has grown significantly, mainly due to the number of companies offering new names. During this time, certain standards have been developed that apply to their sale:

– the composition of probiotics is mainly determined in proportions: 1–2, less often 3–4 strains of bacteria, water or a dry carrier. Practice has shown that a cocktail of large quantity different strains do not improve the effectiveness of the product, but significantly increase the cost of production;

– the concentration of all bacteria in products is, as a rule, at least 10 9 CFU per 1 g/ml. Some companies offer more concentrated ones (10 11 CFU/g), claiming that this is an indicator of quality. In fact, this is a desire to reduce costs by reducing costs for media, packaging and delivery. This product can only be used effectively when diluted with water. When dry mixing, not every mixer will ensure homogeneity in the feed;

– the price range is more significant and varies from 70 to 1500 rubles. for 1 kg. These numbers are absolute, so it is more correct to evaluate the probiotic by the increase in the cost of 1 ton of feed, based on the dosages specified by the manufacturer, which range from 50 g to 2 kg per 1 ton of feed;

– the bulk of products are registered as feed additives, and there are only a few registered probiotic medicines.

Based on their use, probiotics can be divided into three main groups.

1. Probiotics for individual use.


– individually for young animals from the first days of life, as well as for domestic animals;

– en masse either through drinking or as part of feed with technological restrictions (dry mixing only).

Main composition: microencapsulated, powdered and liquid lacto-, bifidobacteria, yeast, non-pathogenic species of enterobacteria and cocci, possibly in combination with spore-forming, saccharomycetes.

Pros: effective against antibiotic-resistant pathogens and in the first days of life of young mammals.

- only oral administration;

– due to instability to influence high temperatures and pressure - impossibility of use in special installations for the preparation of feed (expansion, extrusion, granulation). Relatively short shelf life.

2. Feed probiotics.


– for all types and ages of animals, including birds and fish, individually and en masse, orally as part of food and with water;

– for treating animal housing, incubators, hatching eggs and fertilized eggs with aqueous solutions.

Contains 1–4 strains of spore-forming Bacillus Subtilis and Bacillus Licheniformis.

1. The spores of these bacteria are thermostable (up to +200°C), withstand freezing, aggressive environments, drying and other types of influences without loss, therefore they have a long shelf life (up to 2 years) and can be used in feed production at any stage under any conditions.

2. They have a sanitizing effect when they come into contact with surfaces where animals are kept, creating a safe bacterial background.

Disadvantages: When producing products with unfinished technology, there may be a low content of spores in the products. In this case, the quality of the product will be lower.

3. Auxiliary probiotics.

Used as preservatives for succulent feed to ensure storage without loss of nutritional qualities

Contains from 1 to 4 strains of lactic acid anaerobic bacteria.

List of companies offering probiotic products on the Russian market



Name of probiotics


A country



Cattle, poultry, pigs



bird, fish, bees


calves, piglets



Cattle, fish


agricultural animals, incl. bird

Cellobacterin T

Veterinary Agriculture


calves, piglets and poultry

young agricultural animals animal, bird

Research Center

agricultural, domestic animals, incl. bird

Green lines

AiBi series LcB 24.01

AiBi series LcB 24.02

KROS Pharm

all animals, incl. domestic, poultry and fish

Mucinol Extra


agricultural animals, incl. bird

Research Institute of Probiotics


all animals, incl. domestic, poultry and fish


broiler chickens

agricultural animals, incl. bird and fish


agricultural animals, incl. bird

agricultural animals, incl. bird

Trionis Vet


agricultural animals, incl. bird

Provagen concentrate

animals, incl. bird and fish


ruminants and horses

Belgium, UK

I-Sak 1026 TC

ruminants and horses

All-Lac XCL 5X

Active East

agricultural animals, incl. bird


Bioplus 2B

agricultural animals, incl. bird

Gallipro Tect 200

Levicel SC plus


Great Britain

Levicel SB plus

pigs, agricultural bird

agricultural animals, incl. bird

Cilactin LBC ME20 plus

agricultural animals, broilers, dogs


Clostatus dry

agricultural animals, incl. bird

Clostat HC SP dry

pigs, cattle, poultry

Animavit granulate


Actisaf Sc 47 Std

agricultural animals, incl. bird

Actisaf Sc 47 Hr+

agricultural animals, incl. bird

Lohmann Animal Health


agricultural animals, incl. bird



pigs, agricultural bird, fish


pigs, agricultural bird


pigs, agricultural bird

The ratio of domestic to imported sellers is approximately 60:40. Of these, approximately 25% have been on the market for more than 10 years. Despite the fact that the vast majority of Russian participants position themselves as manufacturers, no more than a quarter have a real production base.

The capitalization of fixed assets of such industries is very high. Even a minimal set of used domestic equipment costs so much that it makes production, to put it mildly, very low-profit. This is reflected in the cost and, accordingly, the selling price of the products. The rest are forced to divide production into parts, in one place producing biomass using laboratory equipment left over from specialized institutes from the times of the USSR, in another – mixing and packaging. As a result, the quality of such products leaves much to be desired.

Companies that have their own production base and are “tied” to some large company - a manufacturer of feed or feed ingredients - feel somewhat confident. In this case, you can count on a certain stable sales and promotion together with the “donor” products. Moreover, this is additional guarantee qualities for the probiotic consumer: big company He won’t let just anyone in, he will check the product in every possible way before recommending it to his client: a good name is worth a lot.

The potential volume of the probiotics market in the Russian Federation, taking into account the volume of produced feed and the need for non-productive animals, is about 40–50 thousand tons per year. By different estimates, this potential has been exploited to a maximum of 10–15%. It is difficult to obtain more accurate data on the volume and potential of the probiotics market, because There is no information in open sources.

There are several reasons for the poor development of the market for such products that are needed by everyone:

1. Complete absence support from government agencies:

low level quality control of livestock products by the state is often of a campaign nature and comes down to one-time actions. Strict everyday demands from producers of meat, fish, milk, eggs for the content of antibiotics in these products, as well as effective control over the use of medicines, would contribute to the growth of demand for probiotics as real alternative medications for the entire growing period. Probiotics have the right and should be considered as an integral component of rational animal feeding, because bioproducts have a key impact on ensuring the quality of the country’s food security;

– complexity and high price registration of probiotics. The nowhere published requirements imposed by the VGNKI laboratory for the registration of feed bioadditives are essentially equivalent to the registration of drugs with acute toxicity, which is actually a prohibitive measure.

2. Potential consumers - business managers still regard probiotics as products of secondary, or even tertiary, importance. Against the backdrop of debt overload of the majority of enterprises, lack of working capital they abandon products that have already proven their effectiveness, not to mention the introduction of new ones.

3. Enterprise specialists, especially those who have been working for a long time, either simply do not believe in something new for them, or do not even bother to conduct free testing, adhering to the principle “the old fashioned way,” “we have always done it this way.”

4. Often the companies themselves offering this or that probiotic, especially those new to the market, try to sell “ living water"- a panacea for everything that misleads the consumer. Or they offer low-quality products, hand-made, which best case scenario simply do not give any result, thereby forming negative attitude to all products on the market.

5. The inability of conscientious manufacturers alone to protect the market from counterfeits. Until now, the probiotics market in Russia is fragmented, the principle “every man for himself” applies.

Number of impressions: 3421
Author: R. Krasnokutsky, Director of PC KROS Pharm LLC O. Sorokin, Development Director of PC KROS Pharm LLC

Probiotics are preparations containing live microcultures (bifidobacteria lactobacilli, propinate bacteria). They are isolated from the intestines of young animals, sorted, and dried. Once they enter the dog’s body, they inhabit it, displace pathogenic flora, and restore balance.

Effect of the drug

Probiotics for dogs often come in powdered capsule form. Their gelatin shell withstands the effects of gastric juice and dissolves only in the intestines.

Probiotics help break down carbohydrates and fatty acid. As a result, the dog’s weight is regulated and the risk of allergic reactions is reduced.

Bacteria are involved in the synthesis of vitamins, nicotinic and folic acid. They improve the pet’s well-being when there is an excess of cellulose and calcium (from cheap industrial feed).

Microorganisms from probiotics displace harmful flora, as they are better adapted to living in the intestines. During their life processes, products are released that are harmful to pathogens and safe for humans. To enhance the effect, the bacteria in the capsule are placed in a medium called a prebiotic.

Who should take probiotics?

Bacteria from probiotics are absolutely safe for the dog’s body. Therefore, they can be given to your pet throughout his life.

IN for preventive purposes they are indicated for dogs with weak digestive system or those who like to pick up food from the ground while walking. The instructions for use indicate the dosage of the drug taking into account the size of the animal.

Puppies are born with sterile intestines. Mother's milk creates microflora and maintains its balance. If a bitch has problems with lactation, the baby is fed formulas enriched with living microorganisms.

Probiotics are also helpful as a teenager transitions to adult food, when changing industrial feed.

Preparations containing live bacteria are used to treat disorders digestive tract, namely:

Veterinarians prescribe probiotics after treatment antibacterial agents. Such drugs effectively fight infection, but at the same time destroy beneficial bacteria intestines. Capsules with live microorganisms must be given simultaneously with the antibiotic and for another week after the end of the course.

Taking bifidobacteria is useful not only after treatment anthelmintic drugs, but also before annual vaccination. After all, only completely healthy dogs need to be vaccinated.

Selection rules

For dogs of large and small breeds the same strains of beneficial bacteria are required. You can calculate the dosage according to the diagram in the instructions or during a consultation with a veterinarian. Many drugs are packaged in bags of different sizes for ease of measuring doses.

When purchasing a drug, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition. The more strains of bacteria are indicated in it, the faster the result of their work will appear. The number of microorganisms in one dose can be easily calculated using the diagram in the instructions.

Remember, for preventive purposes it is enough to give 3-4 million bacteria. And for treatment, a dog needs to take 20-30 million beneficial agents at a time.

In addition, when choosing probiotics, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The shelf life of the drug should not expire before the date of the last dose.
  2. The product must be certified.
  3. There should be no grammatical errors on the label and instructions.
  4. Probiotics should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.
  5. Microorganisms must be encapsulated to protect them from gastric acid.

Despite the fact that probiotics are not a medicine, but a dietary supplement, they should only be purchased from specialized veterinary clinics.

Top 5 popular drugs

In veterinary clinics, doctors will help you choose probiotics for any breed of dog, and draw up a list and treatment regimen. To the most effective drugs The following medications include:


Purina produces Fortiflora, a probiotic for all dog breeds. The drug is granules filled with colonies of beneficial microorganisms.

Their shell has a dense thermal protective layer that protects against friction and moisture. As a result, the bacteria are not exposed to gastric juice and begin life only in the intestines. In addition to symbionts, the food supplement contains vitamins, proteins, and amino acids.


Probiotic for weakened dogs Vetom contains the bacteria Bassilus subtilis and Bassilus amyloliquefaciens.

Microorganisms are in a state of spores, so they cross the stomach and germinate into a vegetative form in the intestines.

The additive is packaged in bags different weights(from 2 grams to half a kilogram). It can be added to food or diluted in water to the consistency of a suspension.


Viyo Reinforces is healthy drink for daily intake. In addition to probiotics, it contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, and trace elements. To make it easier to calculate the dosage, the drug is available in three versions: for puppies, adults and elderly dogs.

The liquid is mixed with food, added to water, or forcefully poured into the mouth with a syringe without a needle.


The probiotic is available in the form of powder, tablets and suppositories. The drug is prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. It can be given even to newborn puppies, after diluting it with mother's milk.

Bifidumbacterin helps in the treatment of dysbiosis, constipation, intestinal infections, allergic diseases. It has a pleasant taste and a faint aroma of vanilla.


Probiotic Russian production Akti-Dog contains bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, whey, and brewer's yeast. It comes in powder form, from which it is fermented healthy yogurt. To do this, the drug is added to warm milk and leave overnight in a dark place. The mixture can also be added to food or dissolved in water.

Side effects

There are no contraindications for probiotics, but overdose or therapeutic dose The drug sometimes causes side effects in dogs.

The most common reactions include constipation, diarrhea, and bloating. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dose to a minimum, and then gradually increase it, monitoring the pet’s health.

Many nutritional supplements In addition to probiotics, they also contain other useful material. The preparations are enriched with yeast, lactose, and prebiotic fibers. Some dogs appear allergic reaction for such components. If itching, redness, or hair loss occurs, you must stop taking it and change the medication.

Probiotics are preparations containing live microorganisms belonging to the normal, physiologically and evolutionarily based flora intestinal tract. They have a positive effect on the host’s body, help restore digestion, biological status, immune response, and increase the effectiveness of vaccinations. Their use reduces morbidity, the number of pharmacological treatments and associated material costs. It has been proven that intestinal microflora provides a good half of immunity and creates a natural barrier to pathogenic bacteria. In addition, they take an active part in digesting food, synthesizing vitamins, neutralizing toxins, and protecting intestinal cells from degeneration. It is impossible to underestimate the importance of probiotics; they can even destroy viruses.
Probiotics for animals are important medicine, helping them normalize the quantitative and qualitative composition of the intestinal microflora and protect against many pathogenic microorganisms. Having beneficial bacteria various types In their composition, probiotics displace pathogenic flora from the intestines of animals and populate them with beneficial microorganisms. By normalizing the bacterial ratio, food digestion and absorption are improved nutrients. Probiotics, unlike antibiotics, do not lead to addiction from the conditioned pathogenic microflora, their waste products do not accumulate in the organs and tissues of animals and do not affect the quality of the product. Their therapeutic and preventive effect is due to the high antagonistic activity of industrial strains of microorganisms relative to pathogenic and opportunistic microflora, increasing functional activity immune system And better absorption feed nutrients. Probiotics can be divided into several subgroups based on their composition. Thus, they may contain lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, yeast and various dietary supplements. Widely used drugs based on lacto- or bifidobacteria have poor survival in acidic environment. The second option is probiotics based on spore-forming bacteria Bacillus subtillis and Bacillus licheneformis. Resistant to chemicals aggressive environment stomach spores begin vegetation directly in the intestines, thereby improving the degree of digestion of feed, accelerating the growth of piglets, promoting the rise immune status, improves feed conversion rates. Providing colonization resistance of the intestine, they serve as biological protection against pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora, reducing farm costs for the use of antibiotics, and providing positive influence on the most important factor for farms - safety.
The use of probiotics in pig farming has the following effects:
. prevention of diarrhea in piglets
. prevention of feeding stress, stress during transportation and vaccination
. formation of intestinal microflora
. stimulation of growth and development of piglets
When choosing and prescribing a probiotic, it is important to consider the features gastrointestinal tract piglets. Due to the low pH of the stomach, especially in the first 10 days of life, rapid growth of bacteria, including pathogenic ones, is possible. All this can lead to diarrhea, even death of piglets.
Probiotics are used to prevent and treat gastrointestinal diseases infectious origin, as well as for stimulating the immune system, and preventing the treatment of disorders of the digestive tract of animals and poultry.
Scientists have noticed that the chicks of brood birds (geese, ducks, chickens, etc.), having hatched from the egg, do not move far from the nest of the mother hen on the first day. Dried chickens, for example, are placed in a radius of about 50-70cm. The nests of brood hens are located away from the habitats of adult individuals and from feeding areas. In the intestinal follicles of chickens they are activated immune organs. They show resistance from the first day of life. This happens before the food enters the body. Chickens and other chicks can do without food during the first 24 hours, since there is a supply of nutrients inside in the form of yolk sac. Only on the second day do the hens take the chicks to the feeding areas.
In existing modern technological schemes for the production of poultry products, there is virtually no stage of transfer of maternal immunity through microorganisms. Therefore, chickens have low resistance, a high percentage of mortality and culling in the first days of life, including due to non-contagious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also a high risk of infectious diseases. In hatching chicks, the microbial status is formed on days 10-14 of life, in chicks growing with a hen on days 1-3 of life.
It is possible to simulate the natural scheme of protection of chicks in industrial conditions if they are placed in the gastrointestinal tract beneficial microorganisms from the first hours of life, that is, in a hatchery, and consolidate this effect already in the poultry house, where the chickens are received for growing. Probiotic preparations can be a source of microorganisms that can positively affect the body of chickens.
Probiotics are widely in demand, since their mechanism of action, unlike antibiotics, is not aimed at destroying part of the population of intestinal microorganisms, but at colonizing the intestine with competitive strains of probiotic bacteria, which exercise nonspecific control over the number of opportunistic microflora by displacing it from the intestinal microbiocenosis.
The probiotics market is quite diverse. Veterinary professionals have the option of choosing between one or more products that can improve productivity and generate additional profits.
We offer solutions that help maintain animal health by increasing feed digestibility and replacing antibiotics with modern ones. safe drugs probiotics. Probiotics are produced in industrial packages of 1 kg for wide application:
. Probiotic for piglets.
. Probiotic for fattening pigs.
. Probiotic for broiler chickens.
. Probiotic for laying hens.
For advice and purchasing questions, please contact the managers of our company.