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Is it possible to drink yogurt at night? Is yogurt good for the human body? Composition and properties of the product

Yogurt is a fermented milk-based substance and various kinds prebiotics. Prebiotics are beneficial bacteria for human microflora. Bulgaria is considered to be the birthplace of yogurt. Nowadays people have started to care about healthy way life? Therefore, the consumption of yoghurt is gaining particular scale and popularity among all parts of the population. Yogurt mixtures are maximally enriched with protein components. Various establishments have appeared where you can enjoy high-quality and inexpensive yogurt.

Tutti Frutti is a bright representative of the new generation of establishments for healthy nutrition for children and adults.

Features of yoghurt consumption

Anyone can buy yogurt, but you need to pay attention not only to the low cost of the product, but also to the quality and benefits it will bring you.

  • Curdled milk should be consumed in the morning, as a light protein component of dairy origin, it is quickly absorbed and fills the body with energy, but it is not recommended to consume yogurt mixtures on an empty stomach for people with high acidity.
  • During the day, consuming fermented milk mixtures and desserts will significantly improve the process of digesting food and facilitate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is especially important to consume yogurt products in the evening, throughout the night. active ingredients fermented milk origin will maximally regulate the processes of digestion of the food you took during the day. It will allow you to relieve discomfort and heaviness in the stomach and at the same time fill the body with the main protein components.

Very important point is feeding yoghurts to children.

  1. He will settle metabolic processes in the intestines.
  2. Supplies the body with beneficial bacteria.
  3. Helps strengthen the immune system.
  4. Replenishes calcium deficiency during the active development of children's bones.

How to learn to eat healthy

To enjoy a wonderful variety of flavors of yoghurts and yoghurt ice cream, you can simply visit the Tutti Frutti cafe.

Here you can order any yogurt at a fairly reasonable price, in addition, you and your child can choose the ingredients and toppings that suit your taste. This kind of establishment primarily attracts children's attention to healthy eating. Thus, you teach your child to consume fermented milk products of natural origin. Any type of frozen yogurt is made only from natural ingredients and does not include any stabilizers or additives that can cause allergic reactions, as can happen when consuming regular store-bought yogurts.


  • Proteins – 2.5-3.0 g;
  • Carbohydrates – 22-25 g;
  • Fats – 1-1.5g.

This combination of basic nutritional components allows you to saturate the body, fill it with energy and at the same time not overload it. fatty acids. Tutti Frutti is a wonderful combination of healthy relaxation and care for your body and the body of your child.

Is yogurt good for human body? What is this product? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Today, yoghurts are extremely popular. This is a fermented milk product close relative kefir

One person in Europe consumes on average from 10 to 40 kg of yogurt per year, in our country this value reaches barely 2 kg, which is also quite a lot. Yogurts are popular due to good advertising, which says that this product can significantly improve human health. Let us find out further whether yogurt is really good for humans.


So is yogurt good for humans? First of all, it is necessary to take into account that only homemade yogurt made from milk and a special starter culture that contains two or more live active bacteria has a beneficial effect on the body. Their concentration must be at least 10 million cells - only in this case the product will be

These bacteria have a very short lifespan, so natural yogurt can last no more than a week at 7 °C. So think about it: what is the composition of store-bought yogurt if its shelf life reaches 30 days or even more?

The benefits of yogurt

Many people ask, “Is yogurt good for you?” It is known that natural yogurt differs from kefir only in the presence of fruit and sugar in it. Its benefits are as follows:

  1. It is rich in mineral components and vitamins, which make our bones strong and promote their full development, prevent the harmful effects of infections and have a general strengthening effect.
  2. Enhances activity immune system. If you eat 300 g of yogurt every day, which contains active microflora, this will significantly strengthen the immune system and will prevent viral and colds. After a couple of months of systematically taking the product we are considering, you will find that you begin to get sick less.
  3. Ensures gastrointestinal health. Daily consumption of yogurt has a positive effect on the condition of the stomach and intestines. It helps with metabolic disorders and diarrhea. Some types of yogurt preserve microflora and protect the gastrointestinal tract when taking antibiotics, which destroy beneficial bacteria in it and contribute to the emergence of new infections in the body. Moreover, yogurt contains calcium and lactobacilli. The first of them not only preserves the elasticity and integrity of our bones, but also supports the activity of the intestines and even prevents the activity of bacteria that provoke the appearance of oncological diseases of this organ. Lactobacilli provide beneficial intestinal microflora.
  4. Helps in the treatment of thrush (vaginal candidiasis). Taking natural yogurt reduces the number of bacteria that contribute to the appearance of plaque on the mucous membrane.
  5. Useful for people who are lactose intolerant. The lactic acid bacteria in yogurt perform the functions of digesting lactose. That is why it can be eaten by people whose bodies have too few enzymes to fully process milk.
  6. Removes unnecessary cholesterol from the body. If you eat 100 g of yogurt a day, you can get rid of the harmful and increase the number good cholesterol in blood. Thereby general state your body will improve.
  7. Destroys pathogenic microorganisms. This is caused by the product's ability to synthesize lactate.

What is contained in 100 g of yogurt?

Now you know the answer to the question: “Is drinking yogurt healthy?” Yes, very useful. It should be noted that only 100 g of this product contains 25% daily norm calcium and 15% phosphorus. It contains easily digestible protein, which allergic reactions doesn't call.

For whom is it effective?

Next we will talk about the projects “Are all yoghurts healthy?”, and now we will find out for whom the product we are considering is effective. It is known that healing qualities yogurt are similar to the benefits of kefir. This product is indicated for:

  • those suffering from dysbacteriosis;
  • old people;
  • improving the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
  • treatment and prevention of enteritis and colitis;
  • prevention of osteoporosis;
  • strengthening the central nervous system, preventing depression and improving mood (thanks to phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B5, iron);
  • prevention and treatment of diseases characterized by decreased activity of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland;
  • activation of brain function;
  • weight normalization;
  • balancing hormonal levels women;
  • cleansing the body after poisoning and blocking carcinogens.

Harm of yogurt. Preservatives

Answer to the question "Useful Are there drinkable yoghurts? obvious. Yes, they are useful. Can they harm the human body? All the previously listed qualities apply only to natural yogurt. However, today stores sell yoghurts with a shelf life of about a month (as we talked about earlier), which means that such a product, in best case scenario, will be useless, and at worst, harmful.

Almost all yoghurts contain the preservative E1442. It is needed in order to increase the shelf life of the product. At the same time, this substance eliminates all useful qualities components of yogurt, which could truly have an effect on the body positive influence. Many practicing doctors claim that E1442 (hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate) provokes the development of pancreatic necrosis.

E1442 are large molecules found in corn starch, which is part of genetically modified corn and gradually destroys the pancreas, reduces its activity and promotes the appearance of serious illnesses.

Harmful effects of sugar in yogurt

Homemade yogurt contains only 6 g of sugar per 150 g of product, while store-bought yogurt contains 5-6 times more. Yoghurt manufacturers add sugar to this large quantities in order to increase the popularity of their products and make them more attractive than kefir, sourdough or cottage cheese.

Eventually delicious product people eat in huge quantities, and this is fraught with obesity, damage to the teeth and oral cavity, and edema. Such products are dangerous especially for diabetics. Sugar also promotes calcium leaching.

It should also be noted that different types yogurts differ from each other not by the content of different fruits and juices, but by flavorings that are harmful to human health. In many commercial yogurts you can find sodium citrate (E331), which increases stomach acidity.

Useful ingredients

Useful components in yoghurts they are destroyed very quickly. Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which are necessary for our body, die after a couple of days of storing yogurt. And the fact that this product is stored in stores for a month or more, and people buy it far from the first day after the date of creation, suggests that they can only “enjoy” flavorings and stabilizers.

Fruit and yogurt

Fruits cannot exist together with lactic acid bacteria. Then what are these components contained in yogurt? Pieces of peach, strawberry, kiwi and other fruits are added to it, frozen or canned.

Very often, enriched citric acid or sugar and flavored extracts that remain after creating marmalade or jelly. Such pieces are quite sterilized in an unusual way, exposing them to radiation.


Yogurt forms dangerous carcinogens in the body. Its attractive taste is known to be liked by everyone. For the fact that it is present in store-bought yoghurts, we must “thank” the manufacturers. After all, they are the ones who add aspartame or the flavor enhancer E-951 to it. This substance, once in the body, begins to release formaldehyde, formic acid and other harmful carcinogens.


Yogurt can also ferment. When the shelf life of a product expires, yeast, mold fungi, and putrefactive bacteria appear in it. Microbes begin to multiply, which promotes the release carbon dioxide. As a result, the packaging swells.

The human immune system destroys most of these bacteria. The same microorganisms that were able to overcome the attack of the immune system provoke the appearance of diarrhea and gas. It is these signs that indicate the entry of toxins into the body and harmful microbes.

When should you not drink natural yogurt?

  • flatulence (increases the creation of gases);
  • gastritis associated with high stomach acidity;
  • weak kidneys (may induce renal failure);
  • diarrhea (has a laxative effect);
  • stomach ulcers and duodenum;
  • babies under 1 year of age (irritates the stomach of a fragile body).

As you can see, the benefits and harms of yogurt are quite controversial issue. It is safe to say that there is an alternative replacement for this product that has a much better effect on the body, for example, kefir.

Store-bought yoghurts are just marketing ploy and deception on the part of manufacturers who want to make money at the lowest cost. They don't care about your health! If you still want to treat yourself to yogurt, make it yourself. After all, this way you will know that there are no harmful chemical additives in its composition.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

It is known to be 68 kcal. It contains:

  • 3.2 g fat;
  • 5 g proteins;
  • 86.3 g water;
  • 3.5 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.7 g ash;
  • 1.3 g organic acids.

This product also contains the following vitamins:

  • 0.2 mg riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • 22 mcg vitamin A (VE);
  • 0.31 mg vitamin B5;
  • 0.05 mg vitamin B6;
  • 0.02 mg retinol;
  • 1.4 mg vitamin PP;
  • 0.6 mg vitamin C;
  • 40 mg vitamin B4;
  • 0.04 mg vitamin B1;
  • 0.2 mg niacin;
  • 0.43 mcg vitamin B12;
  • 0.01 mg beta-carotene.

It also contains the following macroelements:

  • magnesium - 15 mg;
  • potassium - 147 mg;
  • phosphorus - 96 mg;
  • calcium - 122 mg;
  • chlorine - 100 mg;
  • sodium - 52 mg;
  • sulfur - 27 mg.

Yogurt also contains the following microelements:

  • 10 mcg copper;
  • 0.1 mg iron;
  • 5 mcg molybdenum;
  • 2 mcg selenium;
  • 9 mcg iodine;
  • 0.4 mg zinc;
  • 1 mcg cobalt;
  • 2 mcg chromium;
  • 20 mcg fluoride;
  • 0.006 mg manganese.


It is known that in Russian schools since 1999 the program “Talk about proper nutrition" This unique educational project was developed at the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Academy of Education of the Russian Federation on the initiative and with the support of Nestlé Russia.

Today, 48 regions of the Russian Federation and more than 850 thousand schoolchildren and preschoolers participate in the project every year. They willingly conduct master classes and classes where they talk about healthy eating, are participants in various competitions. It is known that every research“Are all yoghurts healthy?”, carried out as part of this program, is excellent. Children use testing methods:

  1. Practical - observation, questioning, experiment.
  2. Theoretical - comparative analysis data.

In the process of exploration, kids discover many interesting facts about yogurt. So, many of them already know that the most important condition ripening is the participation of living microorganisms from the family of lactobacilli (Streptococcus thermophilus and Bacillus bulgaricus).

Few of you know whether Activia yogurt is healthy. But the kids found out that Activia is a low-calorie product and the benefits from it are the same as from kefir. But since it contains different flavoring additives, they believe that it is better to use kefir, which can be combined with berries or dried fruits.

Surely you don’t know the answer to the question “Is Miracle yogurt healthy?” And the kids conducted research and determined that this product contains a huge amount of stabilizers.

How to choose the healthiest yogurt?

If you want to buy yogurt in a store, give preference to the product that is made from milk fermented with lactic acid bacteria. It should also be free of gelatin and chemical additives.

Choose yogurt that either has no sugar or contains very little sugar. Always pay attention to the expiration date.

Finland traditionally occupies the first place in the world in terms of the amount of yogurt consumed and produced, where each resident annually produces more than three dozen liters of this product. The Balts, Germans and Belarusians are catching up with the Finns.

Pedigree of the miracle product

But Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey and even France are fighting for the right to be considered the birthplace of yogurt. Bulgarians claim that the Bulgarian stick used in the technology for preparing this dairy product is already indisputable proof of its pedigree, and residents of Greece do not recognize any other variants of yogurt other than Greek. The Turks only grin at this evidence, serving their usual yogurt soup with every meal every day.

The French never tire of repeating to their opponents that yogurt first appeared on their land during the wars of the brave knight king Francis the First, and present as their main trump card the argument that it was on French territory that the first industrial production this wonderful product.

One way or another, according to documentary evidence, the famous Bulgarian yogurt acquired its name only 30 years later, after in 1925, on the pages of the legendary encyclopedic dictionary Larousse the word yaourt appeared.

What is the benefit

The phenomenal benefits of yogurt are confirmed by numerous Scientific research the most prestigious institutions and international associations. Every year there are more and more such facts. Marina Savina, production manager at Cheburashkin Brothers, will tell us about the benefits of yogurt. Family farm."

    Doctors from the University of Virginia and a group of Boston nutritionists, studying analyzes of several thousand adults and children, came to the conclusion: milk fat contained in yogurt not only does not lead to diabetes, but also reduces the risk of this disease by half.

    American scientist Dr. D. Clark provided numerous evidence of the benefits of yogurt for the health of unborn children. The use of this product during pregnancy completely eliminates the pathology of low birth weight of infants. The scientist suggested that support normal weight A newborn needs whey protein, which any yogurt is rich in.

    Dr. Nouaradi from Australia, having studied eating behavior more than two thousand students, revealed an interesting pattern: students showed better performance with more frequent use dairy products, in particular yoghurt.

    Three years of research at Shanghai University found that regular use yogurt reduces the risk of obesity by more than a third. It has been calculated that each additional serving of yogurt thins the fat layer by 0.6%.

    Harvard College Nutritionists public health and the American Institute of Medicine have proven that the cause of weight gain is a lack of protein, and not an excess of fat. So even high-fat yogurts help you lose weight.

Choose and eat

In Georgia and Armenia, matsoni is considered an analogue of yogurt, and in South Asia, the yogurt brother dahi is common. German and Swiss creamy versions are called ram, Icelanders are proud of their thick skyr, and Jordanian goat milk yoghurt jameed has solid form and salty taste.

How to choose

  • The composition of yoghurts necessarily includes milk and starter culture (bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus (Bulgarian bacillus) and Streptococcus thermophilus (thermophilic streptococcus). The content of these lactic acid bacteria is complete finished product at the end of the shelf life is at least 107 CFU (colony forming units) per 1 g of product, as indicated on the product label.
  • The healthiest yoghurts are those prepared using the thermostat method. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that milk or cream along with the starter is prepared immediately in the packaging in which the product is then sold. Yogurt in individual containers is placed in a special chamber, where it is aged for some time and thickens. In a product prepared by thermostatic method, slight separation of whey is allowed.
  • If yogurt contains any additives, they must be exclusively natural (berries or cereals, sugar). But we recommend abstaining from fermented milk with any E-additives. Their role in human nutrition is ambiguous and not fully understood.

When is the best time to eat

Eating yogurt for breakfast provides the body with the necessary amount of energy without overloading it with heavy food. Activation of the digestive process helps maintain not only tone, but also provides wellness throughout the day.

It is good to eat yogurt during the day as a replacement for one of the components of lunch - this will lead to improved digestion. The products received by the body are not only digested faster, but energy is also released more quickly. Thanks to this, performance increases, fatigue accumulated towards the end is reduced. working day, and the person feels lightness and a surge of new strength.

In the evening and at night they eat yogurt in Bulgaria. A live fermented milk product promotes the rapid digestion of a large dinner. If a person goes to bed after a heavy meal, he gets up in the morning with a feeling of heaviness in his stomach. Taking yogurt at night significantly reduces the load on digestive system, because it activates intestinal motility and speeds up the process of food digestion.

Conclusion? We can say with confidence that yogurt is healthy at any time of the day!

The article contains detailed information about how to properly consume yogurt and bio-yogurt - morning, afternoon, evening. You will also find out what effect it has on the body: beneficial or harmful.

Almost all children and adults like fermented milk products such as yogurt. Few people know that it can be both beneficial and harmful to health. Not all yoghurts have the same properties. There's just a delicious mixture that won't hurt you special effect. In addition, the product must be consumed according to a certain pattern. We will discuss all these issues in detail below.

Yogurt for breakfast, at night: benefit or harm?

In order to find out when is the best time to eat organic yoghurt and yoghurt, first of all you need to find out what the benefits of these products are. Already from school, every student knows that dairy products have a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole.

By consuming bio-yogurt, you can saturate your intestines with beneficial bacteria, thereby maintaining the health of this organ. Dangerous diseases, including cancer, does not threaten people who love sour milk.

The product has a high calcium content. It is necessary to maintain the health of the mucous membranes. It is yogurt that contains 42% of the daily calcium intake. Thanks to the saturation with minerals, the development of dangerous pathologies can be avoided.

To boost the immune system, it is useful to eat bio-yoghurts and yoghurts daily. Then, in all systems of the body, the production of components that protect a person from all infectious diseases improves.

If people often get sick, then the product simply must be present in the diet every day. It helps restore mucous membranes. In addition, beneficial bacteria help cope with the destructive effects of dosage forms on organs.

Breakfast should always be high in calories and a glass of yogurt will not be superfluous morning time. Thanks to such food, processes in the body will start and food absorption will improve.

For diseases of cardio-vascular system low-fat fermented milk product reduces the presence of up to 2% bad cholesterol. Thus, it suppresses all manifestations of diseases such as heart attack and atherosclerosis.

Bio-yogurt contains iodine salts, so this product has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.

The fermented milk product is effective against fungal pathologies. In particular, women prone to thrush should consume yogurt frequently. The Bulgarian people, thanks to the centuries-old tradition of consuming it, are famous for their health. Moreover, many people do not have special problems with health until old age.

Harm of fermented milk products (bio-yogurt, yoghurt):

  1. Despite the many unique useful properties products can negatively affect the body if consumed in large quantities. A clear balance is needed. An excess of yoghurt in the diet threatens calcium oversaturation. And this leads to seizures.
  2. If a person has gastrointestinal pathologies, then it is undesirable to drink the product on an empty stomach - this will lead to an imbalance in the acid balance.
  3. Frozen organic yogurt will not do you any good. To be beneficial, such foods should be eaten in fresh and store in a properly cool place.

When is it better to eat or drink yogurt, bio-yogurt: in the morning or in the evening, before or after meals?

If we talk about when it is better to eat such a dessert, then we need to take into account its properties and the state of the human body. In the morning, when you just wake up, it is better to refuse this delicacy. Because all systems of the human body are capable of starting the work process themselves. Eat yogurt for lunch, after breakfast, or at evening time days.

Eating organic yoghurt at such times will provide you excellent health you will not feel discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. After all, the acidity of the product affects the walls of the stomach.

IN daytime it can also be consumed as dessert after dinner. You will feel a surge of energy, vigor and there will be no heaviness in your stomach. This surge of strength will be enough for the whole working day.

Homemade yogurt - benefits

There are no prohibitions on using the product in the evening. After all, yogurt is not such a high-calorie product. It promotes good absorption food in the stomach. Milk product activates the functionality of the intestines, accelerates metabolic processes.

IMPORTANT: From all of the above we can conclude: yogurt, bio-yogurt can be eaten in the morning, in the evening, and at lunch.

How much yogurt can you eat per day?

Milk is not suitable for all people due to the fact that proteins are not absorbed equally in different organisms. Those enzymes that are included in yoghurts do not cause allergenic reactions and are well absorbed. That is why eating yoghurt reduces all risks to zero.

Most people lose calcium after turning thirty. Every year the presence of this component in the body decreases. That's why one cup of delicious and healthy yogurt per day is simply necessary for a person. Also in this product There is vitamin D, which promotes the absorption of calcium.

Beneficial live bacteria normalize metabolic processes. It is only advisable to use low-fat yogurt (no more than 2% fat).

IMPORTANT: Yoghurts and bio-yoghurts are not remedies for treating diseases; their effects on body systems have not been fully studied. However, such products are used successfully as dietary supplements. It is useful to eat foods for osteoporosis.

Yogurt goes well with some foods. Children especially love this product with berries, fruits and cocoa beans. You can also add nuts, cereals, etc. to the treat. Thanks to the combination, you will receive your daily requirement of vitamins, minerals and other components.

Is it possible to drink yogurt every day, and what will happen if you drink it every day?

If you consume this dessert daily in large quantities, it can harm your body. Especially with an excess of calcium. Convulsive conditions occur.

Eating yogurt in small portions will only bring benefits. You can drink lactic acid product every day. Especially when a person feels the need for this delicacy.

Nutritionists long time studied the benefits and harms of yoghurts and bio-yogurts. And based on the research, conclusions were drawn.

  • It is recommended to drink fermented milk product after eating. The only exception is the ability to drink yogurt on an empty stomach when low acidity at the patient.
  • The approximate norm for yogurt consumption is 200 grams per day for an adult. It is worth remembering that full-fat yogurt is a high-calorie product. If you are on a diet, try to drink a product with low fat content.

Video: The benefits of yogurt and the harm of the product

Yogurt is a great example of the interaction principle that nutritionists often talk about. To do this, different products are taken, as a result of the combination of which a new one is formed. valuable product. You will find out whether yogurt is healthy from our article.

Useful properties of yogurt

First, yogurt is digested better than milk, therefore it is useful for people suffering from lactose intolerance, allergy sufferers who do not tolerate milk protein. Due to fermentation milk sugar breaks down into glucose and galactose, which are easily digestible by the body.


Yogurt keeps your colon healthy. The lactobacilli that make up yogurt improve intestinal function and prevent the risk of developing oncological diseases colon.

Nutrients of yogurt:

  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Choline.


  • Calcium;
  • Sodium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Chlorine;
  • Sulfur;
  • Manganese;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Potassium;
  • Zinc;
  • Iron;
  • Fluorine;
  • Chromium.

Yogurt improves the absorption of the rest nutrients, including calcium and vitamin B.

Yogurt is good for the immune system and helps recovery after intestinal infections. This product minimizes negative impact antibiotics on the intestinal mucosa, preventing them from killing beneficial bacteria.

Yogurt can suppress fungal infections. This is a valuable source of calcium, of which yogurt contains half the daily requirement for a child and 40% of the daily requirement for an adult.

Yogurt is richest source proteins. It contains about 10-14 grams of protein, which is 20% of a person’s daily requirement.

Yogurt can reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol.

Yogurt is easily absorbed by the body itself and improves absorption useful vitamins and microelements contained in all foods consumed per day.

Yogurt is contraindicated:

  • For gastritis;
  • For stomach or duodenal ulcers;
  • With flatulence;
  • For diarrhea;
  • For kidney diseases.
  • It is not recommended to give yogurt to children under one year of age.

How much yogurt can you eat per day?

100-200 grams of yogurt (or two cups) will help the body intensively produce interferon, which improves immunity. This will also help maintain normal microflora vagina, will reduce the level of development of fungal infections.

How to choose yogurt

Real yogurt must contain two ingredients: milk and live lactic acid bacteria. The presence of cream, casein, and whey in yogurt is acceptable.

The thickness of the yogurt is not important; bacteria can live in liquid, semi-liquid and thick masses.

The smell of yogurt corresponds to the smell of sour milk.

The calorie content of yogurt should be about 200 - 250 kcal.

How to store yogurt

The maximum shelf life of natural yogurt is 14 days. It's best to keep it in the refrigerator.

Recipes for healthy dishes with yogurt


To prepare tzatziki sauce, add 5 cloves of chopped garlic and 3 grated garlic to thick yogurt (375 g). fresh cucumber. The resulting mixture should be seasoned with black pepper and salt, add 4 tbsp. spoons olive oil And lemon juice, herbs to taste and mix everything thoroughly.
This is a traditional Greek sauce served with vegetables or bread.

Tarator with cucumbers and yogurt

1. Cut 3 cucumbers into small pieces.
2. Clean 2-3 walnuts, adding them to the dish chopped.
3. Finely chop the greens that your family loves.
4. Salt and pepper.
5. Season with 500 grams of yogurt.
6. Let the soup brew in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

This cold soup is popular in summer in Bulgaria and Macedonia. In these countries, the answer to the question of whether yogurt is healthy is yes.

Bon appetit!