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Hatha yoga for uterine prolapse. Exercises for uterine prolapse: types, contraindications. The positive impact of exercise therapy

The proposed exercises are useful for all women. This effective prevention uterine prolapse. There is nothing complicated about them, they can be done anywhere, the procedure takes a minimum of time. Most often, gynecologists recommend, but there are other effective options.

Causes and symptoms

Uterine prolapse (or prolapse) is one of the most common pathologies of female reproductive system. The cause is most often the previous childbirth and the resulting injuries, especially ruptures. When the fetus comes out, the ligaments and muscles stretch and the walls become less elastic.

What are the symptoms?

  • Feeling of heaviness and tightness in the lower abdomen.
  • Aching or nagging pain in the lower abdomen. In some cases, it can radiate to the sacrum or lower back.
  • Problems with bladder– repeated urges or, on the contrary, difficulty.
  • Urinary incontinence when laughing, coughing, sneezing, lifting heavy objects.
  • White or bloody issues in the intervals between menstruation.
  • Unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse.
  • Regular constipation.
  • Deficiency of female sex hormones during menopause (especially estrogen).

In addition to noticeable discomfort, displacement, and even more so, prolapse of the uterus means disturbances in normal functioning all pelvic organs. In addition, this is one of the reasons why it is almost impossible to get pregnant and carry a child to term.

According to statistics, pelvic organ prolapse in women under 50 years of age is 15–30%, in women by 50 years of age it already reaches 40%, and in older women it is 50–60%.

Degrees of prolapse

In medicine, there are three degrees of severity of this disease.

  • The cervix moves down into the vagina.
  • The uterus is not completely located outside the genital slit.
  • The uterus completely extends beyond its boundaries.

Everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance. A timely visit to a doctor will help get rid of the problem. Most often, Kegel exercises are recommended for prolapse of the uterus and massage treatments. They aim to strengthen the pelvic muscles. For more late stages Only surgery is effective.

Why is gymnastics needed?

Gymnastics during uterine prolapse helps restore the elasticity of the muscles and ligaments that hold it in place. Otherwise, it begins to sag under the influence of gravity.

The corresponding sets of exercises, which can be performed instead of exercises, were specially developed taking into account a specific target orientation, to improve the general condition of the muscles and ligaments “responsible” for correct location pelvic organs. Most typical example– Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse. In addition to increasing muscle elasticity, they stimulate metabolism and oxygen supply to the cells of the corresponding organs, and increase the flow of nutrients to them.

To enhance the effect, you can perform not only exercises during uterine prolapse, but also exercise at the same time physical therapy or gymnastics.
Regularity and systematicity are extremely important. Spend time doing gymnastics at least once a day.

Who needs gymnastics?

  • Women who have recently given birth to a child, especially if it is not the first.
  • Ladies aged (50 and older).
  • For those who have a sedentary job and/or lead sedentary lifestyle life.
  • For those who already have a history of problems with the reproductive system.

Exercises for uterine prolapse

Set of exercises

Do the following set of exercises in any free time.

  • While sitting, place your clasped hands or fist between your thighs. Bring your knees together and squeeze your thighs as hard as possible for 10-15 seconds.
  • While lying on your side, bend the leg that is on top at the knee and place your foot on the floor behind your other leg. Hold the second one straight, lift it from the floor to the height of your foot and make small movements up and down. Repeat the same, turning on the other side.
  • Lie on your back with your knees bent, lift your buttocks and pelvis off the floor, but not your shoulder blades. In this pose, tighten the muscles of the perineum for 25-30 seconds.
  • Make a “birch” and slowly move your straight legs back and forth, imitating scissors. Then you can draw a “bicycle”.
  • Leaning on your palms and knees, stretch your arms forward, straightening them. At the same time, the pelvis is pulled upward.
  • Lie on your back until right angle Raise your legs without bending your knees. Take them to the sides one by one, exhaling slowly. Then you can breed them simultaneously.
  • While standing, place your arms behind your back and clasp your hands. Lifting them up, rise on your toes, sticking out your pelvis.
  • The same starting position, but the clasped hands are turned to the sides. The shoulders and pelvis follow. The non-supporting leg rises to the toe.
  • Hold a ball about twice the size of a tennis ball between your knees and walk (just don’t stand in one place).
  • Lie on your back, feet resting on the floor, legs bent and spread about 50 cm wide. Bringing your knees together, at the same time tense your vaginal muscles. The feet remain motionless.
  • Lie on your back, alternately lift your legs to a 90º angle without bending your knees. Rotate each of them, describing circles of the largest possible diameter.
  • Crawl on your bellies.
  • Perform the “swallow”, fixing the pose for as long as possible.
  • Walk on all fours. The arm moves first, then the leg on the same side. Then everything is repeated on the other side.
  • While sitting, try to reach the toes of your straightened legs with your hands.
  • March in one place at a brisk pace, raising your knees high and pointing your toes up (not like in ballet, but vice versa). Place your hands on your waist. Each time you lift your leg, tighten your vaginal muscles.

In addition to all of the above, good effect walking, both on a flat surface and on steps, as well as swimming. See also the exercises in the video below.


Yoga for prolapse of the uterus gives the same effect as other exercises. It also helps for prevention. You can do it even if other physical activities are prohibited.

The simplest complex is based on hatha yoga. Performing each exercise for beginners is not recommended more than four times. Over the course of a week, you can gradually increase this number to eight. Compliance with the given sequence is very important and mandatory.

  • Lying on your back, relax. Place your heels on the floor. Take a deep breath. Turn your head to one side and your legs to the other so that your ear and knee are on the floor at the same time. Don't breathe for five seconds.
  • Lying on your stomach, rest your forehead on the floor, your heels together. Fists lie under the hips at the points of their connection with the pelvic bones, thumbs- in the palm of your hand. As you exhale, raise your legs as high as possible without bending or separating your heels. Hold the pose for as long as you can. For those who have been practicing gymnastics for a long time, you can perform the exercise with simultaneous lifting of the legs and head.
  • Sitting on your knees, spread your legs so that your buttocks are on the floor. As you exhale, close your eyes and squeeze the muscles in your perineum. Inhale and relax them.
  • The starting position is as described above. Lean forward slightly to place your palms on the floor. Continue bending over without your buttocks lifting off the floor. Hands slide forward. The head is tilted down.
  • Sit the same way, but your hands are on your waist. Gradually lean back until you are lying on your back.
  • Lying on your back, rotate the “bicycle” forward and backward.
  • Same position as in the previous one, just relax. Without spreading, lift both legs vertically up to a right angle. Don't breathe for 10 seconds. Next, lower your legs, trying to touch the floor behind your head with your toes.
  • Lying on your back with your legs raised, squeeze pelvic muscles. As you lower your legs, continue to tense and contract them.

Massage for prolapse

Massage during uterine prolapse is allowed only if the attending physician is completely confident in the diagnosis.

But even in this case there are categorical contraindications.

  • The period of menstruation and the next few days.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases or viral infections.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Pregnancy of any duration (even expected) and the entire period of breastfeeding.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Problems with the pelvic organs, congenital and acquired.
  • Inflammation in the intestines and kidneys.

The massage should definitely be performed by a specialist. Then discomfort are minimized or absent altogether. The procedure itself lasts no more than a quarter of an hour. The entire course is 12-20 sessions, daily or every other day.

The patient is on a massage table or in a gynecological chair. Any discomfort or pain should be reported immediately to the person performing the procedure. If reducing the intensity of the impact has no effect, the massage stops immediately.
It is a combination of vaginal, vibration and segmental reflex techniques.
The person performing the massage puts on sterile rubber gloves and inserts the fingers right hand into the vagina, pressing them to posterior arch. Thus, he fixes the uterus in the proper position during the entire massage process.

The second hand massages abdominal wall from the outside, going down to the pelvic organs and moving directly to the ligaments that support the uterus and the muscles around it.

We talked in more detail about the causes, symptoms and diagnosis of uterine prolapse and prolapse in ours.

Today I would like to raise the issue of preventing muscle weakening ligamentous apparatus uterus and treatment of pathology on early stage by performing a series of gymnastic exercises.

The pelvic floor includes many muscles, the main ones of which are two. They maintain the tone of the sphincter and vaginal wall, affect the condition genitourinary system, intestines, take part in birth process. The necessary muscles are located in the lower part of the vagina.

The first bulbocavernosus covers urethra and the entrance to the vagina, and the second is located in the area anus and the lateral part of the pelvic diaphragm. When these muscles are tense, the walls of the vagina, anus and sphincter of the urethra contract.

The main task pelvic floor- support anatomically correct position organs located in it, preventing their prolapse. But due to a number of reasons, displacement of organs still occurs and in order not to trigger the disease, it is recommended to do special gymnastics.

Therapeutic and preventive exercises for uterine prolapse can normalize the functioning of a woman’s organs and prevent the progression of diseases and the complications they cause. Gymnastics stimulates improved metabolism, blood supply to organs and tissues, strengthens the immune system, providing positive influence not only on problem areas, but also on the entire body as a whole.

Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse

The beginning of gymnastics

You need to start training by simply squeezing and relaxing the anus by pulling it up. At the same time, you should not try too hard, otherwise you can overwork the muscle and thereby aggravate the situation. After a few days, you can start training the second muscle, simultaneously straining them.

For Kegel exercises to be effective when the uterus prolapses, you need to breathe correctly: while drawing in your stomach and holding your breath, push the pelvic floor muscles with your lower abdomen. Of course, at first it will be unusual for you, but when you get used to it and understand which muscles are responsible for what, the exercises will be performed with ease.

But the success of gymnastics will depend on how evenly and correctly you breathe. Inhale slowly through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth, keeping your lips slightly parted. Increase the training time, number of approaches and their duration gradually. Each Kegel exercise has its own characteristics and technique. Let's look at them in detail.


To perform this exercise, you must first find the right muscles. To do this for sure, use the method of interrupting the urination process. The stream of urine is stopped by contracting the bulbocavernosus muscle, but it must also be interrupted correctly, without involving third-party muscles (peritoneum, buttocks, etc.) and not forgetting to monitor breathing.

Interrupt the stream and resume the process again, and so on 3-4 times. When you can easily recognize the desired muscle, you can train not during the act of urination. When the first muscle contracts, the second one will automatically contract. But to determine its exact location, squeeze and relax the anal sphincter. Interruptions occur with emphasis on these two muscles.

"Slow Compression"

This exercise is similar to the previous one. The differences are only in the time of contraction and relaxation and the absence of involvement in the process of urination. It is better to perform compressions in a lying position and carefully monitoring your breathing.

There are several options and executions Slow Kegel compressions:

1. Squeeze your muscles as much as possible and hold them in this position for 15-20 seconds, then relax and repeat the exercise up to 10 times.

2. On the count of three, squeeze your muscles and again on the count of three, relax them. Repeat 15-20 times.

3. Squeeze your muscles for 5 seconds and then relax them for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 7 times. Then shorten the relaxation time: squeeze the muscles for 5 seconds and relax for the same amount, repeat 3 times. After three sets of the previous exercise, take half a minute to compress and half a minute to relax, also for three approaches. Then repeat the first exercise.

Exercise "Floors"

The Kegel Floors exercise is also a slow contraction technique. It allows you to use not only the outer, but also the inner muscle layer. You need to do the exercise in the following way:

1. Squeeze the outer muscles first and hold for a few seconds.

2. Then squeeze them even harder, engaging average level muscles.

3. Count to three and tense your muscles as much as you can. This way you will involve the inner layer of muscles in the process.

When you achieve maximum compression, reaching the “top floor,” do not relax your muscles for another five seconds. After this, smoothly and gradually release the muscle layers in reverse order- first internal, then middle and then external. Do several approaches.


Contractions differ from previous exercises in the speed of muscle tension and relaxation. Perform gymnastics as quickly as possible, while not forgetting about breathing. You should contract your muscles as you inhale and relax as you exhale. In principle, the opposite is possible, but breathing should not be intermittent and monotonous.

"Pushing and Flashing"

For this workout, you need to resort to the muscles that are responsible for the ability to push. In general, the exercise is performed while sitting, but when the uterus prolapses, it is better to perform it in a lying position. Lie on your back and start pushing, just not too hard. Hold the muscles as much as you can, but try to do this for as long as possible. You need to perform up to 10 approaches.

Kegel technique “Blinking” involves alternately squeezing and relaxing both muscles (vagina and anal sphincter). First you need to tense the bulbocavernosus muscle of the vagina, holding it for 5 seconds and then relax it. After this, squeeze the second muscle, hold and relax.

Exercise according to Yunusov for prolapse of the uterus

Gymnastics according to Yunusov for uterine prolapse is recognized as no less effective than Kegel exercises. Its advantage is that in addition to restoring the tone of the uterus, exercises help strengthen the sphincters of the bladder and rectum. Exercise also strengthens the abs and normalizes the quality of sexual life.

This muscle training for uterine prolapse includes the following exercises:

1. Circular bends of the body, in which you need to reach with your left hand right leg and vice versa. This exercise allows you not only to prevent uterine prolapse, but also to strengthen your abs.

2. Circular rotations of the pelvis. You need to perform this exercise as hard as possible.

3. Spring squats. With them, the vaginal muscles are used to the maximum.

4. Alternate turns of the body, first to the right, then to the left.

5. Bringing the knees towards each other, squeezing the muscles of the perineum and relaxing them.

6. Body rolls while lying on your back.

7. Inward rotation of the legs with compression of the perineal muscles, outward rotation of the legs and relaxation of these muscles.

8. Exercise “bicycle”. Lying on your back, imitate riding a bicycle with your legs. You need to twist your legs slowly to create the necessary load on the abs and leg muscles.

9. Isometric tension of the muscles of the perineum, lower leg and thigh.

Physical education according to Bubnovsky for uterine prolapse

Gymnastic exercises by Sergei Bubnovsky are designed to improve general state body and the functioning of its organs. Uterine prolapse is also treated using this method. To do this you need to perform certain exercises. It is recommended to do them in the morning, you can do them together with other exercises.

1. Lie on your back and bend your knees. Extend both arms to the sides parallel to your shoulders. Lift your buttocks up, bringing your knees together, exhaling and returning to the starting position. When performing this exercise, it is advisable to tense your abdominal muscles. Number of repetitions - 10 times.

2. While lying on your back, you need to bring your feet together, while bending your knees. Your shins will be raised up and your hands should be clasped behind your head. Inhale quickly, and as you exhale, stretch your elbows towards your knees so that your shoulders and pelvis rise. When returning to the starting position, keep your legs suspended without releasing your feet. Number of repetitions: 10-12 times.

3. From the starting position on all fours, lift your feet off the floor, bringing them together. Rock from side to side so that your feet are pointed to one side and your pelvis to the other. Repeat 10 times.

Therapeutic physical education Atabekova

Atabekov’s training method is quite effective for prolapse of the uterus. let's consider basic exercises from the complex.

Gymnastics for prolapse of the uterus in a standing position:

1. Straighten and close your legs with maximum effort. Feeling tension in your thighs, hold your legs in this position for 10 seconds, then relax. For achievement greater effect You can hold a stick or fist between your legs. Number of approaches: up to 9.

2. In the same position, try to raise your pelvis to the maximum (as high as possible). To perform the exercise, tighten your thighs, sphincter muscles and buttocks and hold for a minute, then relax. Perform 7-8 approaches.

3. Perform the second exercise, but keep your feet together. Do 7-8 approaches.

4. Stand in a swallow stance with your torso slightly tilted forward and your straight leg extended back, and hold this position for 10 seconds. Change your leg. Number of approaches: up to 8-9 times.

5. Stand up straight, take one leg forward and rotate it 10-15 clockwise. Then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg. Number of approaches: up to 7-8 times.

6. Place your legs side by side and, without closing them, take turns straining and then relaxing the bulbocavernosus muscle, increasing the compression force each time. Repeat 5-7 times.

7. With your legs slightly to the side, swing them one at a time, trying to tighten your abs and vaginal muscles.

Exercises to treat uterine prolapse in the supine position:

1. In a lying position, perform the “bicycle” exercise - circular rotations with your legs. In this case, the lower back should not come off the floor, and the tension should be concentrated on the hips. Do the exercise for 3-5 minutes.

2. Bend your knees slightly, placing your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly raise and lower your pelvis, straining your perineum and holding the lift for 5 seconds. Repeat up to 10 times.

3. Lying on your side, rest your elbow on the floor. The upper leg should be bent at the knee and moved forward. Slowly lift your straightened lower leg, drawing in your perineum. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, then relax and repeat again. Number of hikes: up to 10-15 with each leg.

4. While lying on your stomach, straighten up, stretch your arms forward and lift them. The same must be done with the legs. Hold this position for half a minute, then relax and repeat several times.

5. Starting position: lying on your back. Straighten your legs and lift them up so that you can feel the tension in your lower abdomen. The lower back should touch the floor. Move one leg slightly to the side and rotate it clockwise. Then do the same with the second leg. Repeat several times.

6. Birch exercise, lying on your back: lift yourself by your hips and straighten your legs up. Hold this position as long as you can. Repeat several times.

7. Starting position lying on your back: raise your legs straight and imitate the “birch tree” stance. Hold as much as possible for a long time. Repeat several times.

8. Lying on your stomach, straighten your legs and do the scissors exercise with them. Repeat several times.

9. While standing on all fours, arch your back and lower your head down. Then bend over (like a question mark) and lift your head up. Try to tense all your muscles. Perform the “cat” exercise up to 20 times.

10. Lying on your back, raise both legs 90 degrees without bending your knees, hold for 10 seconds, then lower. Repeat several times.

11. Take a small towel and make a roll out of it. Lie on your back and, placing a cushion under your lower back, slowly lift one leg and hold it suspended at an angle of 90 degrees for 15-20 seconds. Then do the same with the other leg. Repeat 7 times.

12. Standing on all fours, first lift one leg and stretch it as high as possible without bending the knee, then do the same with the second leg. Repeat 7 times.

Yoga for uterine prolapse

Yoga during uterine prolapse helps reduce intra-abdominal tension, strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, increase the tone of the uterus and improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Beneficial effect yoga is that thanks to it the whole body is put in order and nervous system women.

To achieve the above effects in yoga, there is a special pose called “viparita karani”, which allows the uterus to return to the anatomically correct level naturally.

Exercise in progress in the following way:

1. You need to lie on your back and put your legs straight on the wall.

2. Raise your pelvis (to do this, you can put a blanket or pillow under your lower back).

3. Legs should be at right angles to the body. Spend at least 5 minutes in this position several times a day.

With regular exercise, support in the form of a wall and a pillow will no longer be needed in the future. Another useful yoga pose for prolapse of the uterus is the “boat” pose. While in it, the abdominal cavity contracts, which helps raise the uterus and strengthen its walls.

You should not expect a quick effect from yoga when the uterus prolapses. With regular exercise, women notice the first positive changes only after a few months. Of course, the stage of the disease and the general condition of the patient’s body play a role.

Sports and fitness for uterine prolapse

Is it possible to do fitness if the uterus is prolapsed? Moderate exercise stress very useful for women with this pathology and helps tighten muscular system pelvic organs. All recommended for patients gymnastic exercises we described in our article above. A good way to prevent uterine prolapse initial stage are light daily runs.

It is better to run in the morning, no more than 10 minutes, at a moderate pace. If you can’t run outside, a good alternative might be treadmill. When the uterus prolapses, strength exercises with lifting weights, jumping, and hoops are not recommended, since they can only worsen the position of the displaced organs. It is better to coordinate any activities with your doctor.

Let me remind you, omission internal organs associated with hypotonicity of the muscles surrounding the abdominal cavity and pelvic floor. In this case, yoga classes can significantly improve your well-being. " Classic treatment necessarily involves exercise therapy, says Daria Osipova, yoga therapy instructor at the Yoga Federation network of centers. “And yoga therapy in this case will be an expanded version of exercise therapy.”

Internal organ prolapse and yoga: contraindications

There are quite a lot of them with this diagnosis. “When internal organs prolapse, active dynamic practices such as Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga are definitely prohibited,” warns Daria Osipova. — A specially selected yoga therapy program will do, but any other practice, even static Iyengar yoga or any other type of hatha yoga, will be unsafe within a full-fledged class. Because, for example, the prolapse of a kidney is fraught with its tearing off during sudden movements or jumps.”

Some individual elements of practice are also contraindicated. “You cannot perform vinyasas with jumps, leg throws, deep lever twists, asanas with hands supporting the area abdominal cavity, comments Daria Osipova. — If the cause of organ prolapse (especially the uterus) is dysplasia connective tissue, then you should not stay in standing asanas for a long time, especially in balances on one leg. In such conditions, the outflow of blood from the veins often worsens lower limbs and varicose veins develop.”

It is advisable to build a yoga practice based on your diagnosis - it is necessary to take into account the degree of prolapse of the organ, accompanying illnesses. Optimally - get individual program classes with a yoga therapist, but if for some reason this is not possible, try following the following recommendations.

How to organize a yoga practice when a kidney prolapses

By regularly performing correctly selected asanas, you will work to secure the kidney in one position and eliminate the possibility of further prolapse. According to Daria Osipova, the following asanas will be most effective here:

with a bolster under the lower back.

“This applies to two variations - asana with a bolster under the sacrum and the option when your body and head lie on the floor, and only your legs rise. Perform the asana very smoothly, in soft dynamics for a comfortable amount of time,” adds Daria Osipova.

* Shavasana with bolsters under the feet and under the knees. It is important here that in shavasana the legs are in an elevated position.

Try to perform asanas while wearing a special kidney bandage. “At the same time, it will be useful to breathe full yogic breathing, actively working with the stomach and diaphragm,” reminds Daria Osipova.

How to organize a yoga practice during uterine prolapse

In this case, it is worth concentrating not only on correct poses. “Combine asanas with bandhas aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. These are, for example, mula bandha and uddiyana bandha,” says Daria Osipova. Among the most desirable asanas, our expert highlights:

* Salamba sarvangasana (birch).

* Ardha mudha svanasana (downward-facing dog pose).

“The effectiveness of this asana will increase if you place a rubber ball between your thighs and squeeze and unclench it. Lower yourself to the floor very slowly,” adds Daria Osipova.

It can also be supplemented by squeezing the ball between the thighs.

* Variations of marjariasana (cat) with arching and rounding of the back. “Rounding your back, fix the mula bandha, and lowering yourself into a backbend, move your leg back. Combine movements with breathing: on inhalation - deflection, on exhalation - rounding,” clarifies Daria Osipova.

* Alternating navasana and ardha navasana (possible with bent knees).

Finish the practice with the same variation of shavasana that we wrote about above.

How to organize a yoga practice with prolapsed stomach

“If you have never practiced yoga before and you have a severe degree of prolapse of the stomach, then your asana complex will mainly consist of poses lying on your back,” warns Daria Osipova.

According to our expert, first you will have to master not asanas, but a special way of breathing. “As you inhale diaphragmatically, strongly draw in your stomach, and as you exhale, relax,” advises Daria Osipova. When it comes to yoga poses, you should pay attention to these:

* Navasana, ardha navasana, a variant of side navasana. Perform them by placing a cushion about 30 cm high under your lower back.

* Setu bandhasana (half bridge). “From this asana with the support of the lower back on the bolster, go into viparita karani mudra,” reminds Daria Osipova.

* Salamba sarvangasana. Perform it with alternating twisting of the legs, as well as with their bringing and spreading.

with twists.

Be sure to finish the asana with savasana with bolsters under your feet and knees.

Other important nuances of practice

Performing bandhas will also help to return the organs to their place. “Uddiyana bandha is key, especially during inversion poses. When the uterus prolapses, Mula Bandha (alternating Mula Bandha with fixation for 10 seconds to 1 minute and pulsating) and Ashwini Mudra while performing a complex of asanas. When the stomach drops, reverse breathing will be useful: while inhaling diaphragmatically, strongly draw in your stomach, and relax as you exhale,” says Daria Osipova.

The expert advises not to quit yoga even after your health improves. “Especially for women in whom prolapse of internal organs and, especially, the uterus is often associated with a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen, it is important to take a comprehensive approach to the problem, and when the organs fall into place, regularly do a preventive set of asanas aimed at improving the functioning of the entire ligamentous apparatus and regulating work hormonal system“says Daria Osipova.

Uterine prolapse is the displacement or prolapse of the uterus from its place. A special yoga complex will help restore women's health.

With prolapse¹ may descend bladder or prolapse of the rectum, women often experience uterine prolapse.

The uterus, like other pelvic organs, is held in place by a network of muscles and ligaments connected at the center of the pelvic floor between the anus and vagina (perineum).

If these muscles and ligaments are torn, stretched, or lose their tone, they become too weak to support the uterus.

As a result, under its own weight, it sinks into the vagina.

In serious cases, the uterus may even protrude out.

Symptoms of uterine prolapse

Uterine prolapse is accompanied by dull constant pain in the lower back and vaginal discharge. Urination is impaired due to pressure on the bladder.

It is even possible to lose control of the bladder, in which case a little urine will be leaked when coughing or laughing.

If the uterus puts pressure on the rectum through the vagina, constipation may develop.

With prolapse in a lying position, when gravity stops putting pressure on the uterus, the discomfort usually goes away.

What are the causes of uterine prolapse?

The main factor of deterioration women's health and weakening of the uterus is the stress and strain of childbirth. 99% of women suffering from uterine prolapse gave birth.

Chronic constipation and frequent diarrhea can also create excessive tension leading to uterine prolapse, but this is less common.

Age and severe physical labor also contribute, symptoms often appear only after menopause, when damaged muscles lose tone and ligaments atrophy.

Yoga therapy for uterine prolapse

Once a ligament is torn, it is difficult to repair without surgical intervention, and extremely weak muscles will need rigorous daily exercise for months before they regain their previous strength.

Not neglected cases can be treated much more quickly, however, even with severe uterine prolapse, yoga therapy can eliminate the need for surgery.

The most important practice is Viparita Karani asana, often called “half shoulder stand.” This asana inverts the body at such an angle that it not only releases the force of gravity, but causes the uterus to fall into its precise place in the pelvic region.

For therapeutic purposes, this asana should be practiced for a few minutes three times a day.

In the beginning, you can practice this pose with the help of pillows under your lower back and pelvis and your legs resting against a wall. As you develop the skill, you can remove the pillows and then perform the exercise without the help of a wall.

Another important practice for strengthening the uterus is Naukasana (Boat Pose). During Naukasana, automatic inward contraction lifts the uterus to its correct position and keeps it there for some time. The supporting ligaments gradually become stronger.

The practice of Naukasana also develops the ability for Mula Bandha - compression of the cervix and surrounding area.

Also, once a day you need to perform other poses that not only restore muscle tone, but normalize the functioning of all internal organs.

Uddiyana Bandha in a standing or sitting position automatically causes contraction of Mula Bandha, both of them are associated with Jalandhara Bandha, and on exhalation they create Maha Bandha. It should be practiced 9 times daily.

After this, it is advisable to perform 100 quick compressions of Ashwini mudra.

Shirshasana, Sarvangasana and Halasana are also useful, but any asana that has strong pressure on bottom part belly should definitely be avoided.

Asanas to Avoid

  • "Crow's Walk"
  • Utthasana,
  • "Chopping wood"
  • Namaskarasana,
  • Supta Vajrasana,

Uttanpadasana, with the legs extended in front of the body, is useful for everyday sitting as it helps to gently pull the pelvic organs forward.

Practical program for uterine prolapse

  • Uddiyana Bandha with standing Mula Bandha - 9 rounds,
  • Shavasana Naukasana - 5 times,
  • Seated Mula Bandha - 100 rounds, then practice with breathing,
  • Viparita Karani asana - start with one and increase to 5 minutes,
  • Shavasana between asanas, if necessary.

Before lunch:

  • Viparita Karani asana - up to 5 minutes.
  • Repeat the morning program.

Important point!

Correcting prolapse and restoring women's health through yoga requires persistent and careful practice over several months, perhaps even longer if the damage is severe.

However, yogic practice is not just for the body, you will experience its positive effects emotionally and spiritually.

Irritability and depression, which so often accompany uterine prolapse, will give way to serenity and emotional stability, and increased vital energy will give enthusiasm not only for yoga, but for the joy of life in general.

Nava Yogini Tantra

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Prolapse - protrusion of an organ or part of it not covered by peritoneum through natural openings (for example, prolapse of the uterus through the vagina or rectum through the anus) (

ABOUT.,34 years old, three pregnancies, three births

Main diagnosis for 27.03.15 (according to obstetric examination):

cervical prolapse, 1st degree (RF), 2nd degree (EU)

Concomitant diagnosis: diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles

From the anamnesis:

According to the patient, in the last 2 months of pregnancy (from early January to early March), the baby was positioned very low, which significantly and constantly increased the pressure on the pelvic floor. This manifested itself frequent urges to the toilet, discomfort when walking long distances.

The girl noted weakness of the pelvic floor muscles even after her first pregnancy (November 2007)

From unfavorable factors During the third pregnancy, one can separately highlight the fact that I had to often lift and carry in my arms (often without caring about safety precautions) the second child.

History of the disease:

23 days after birth occurred emergency situation, in which the patient was forced to run, then lift and quickly carry the middle child (weighing about 12 kg) up the stairs. It started later that day heavy bleeding from the genital tract, unpleasant sensations arose foreign body inside. With independent digital examination the girl discovered a displacement of the cervix at a distance of 2 phalanges of a finger from the exit of the vagina.

A midwife was called to the house, and based on the results of the obstetric examination, a diagnosis was made “2nd degree cervical prolapse”*.

*according to the classification of the patient’s country of residence. In the Russian Federation it corresponds to degree 1 and means a downward displacement of the uterine body, while the cervix is ​​still in the vagina

28.04 (one month after the incident)

Complaints at the time of contact:

Sensation of a foreign body in the vagina, disruption of bowel function ( increased gas formation); discomfort in the lumbar region, symptoms of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles

From mid-May until the time of treatment, I was studying remotely according to the “Yoga Therapy for Diastasis” program, which included some of the techniques indicated for prolapse of the pelvic organs. In this regard, together with the patient, it was decided to complete this program, the standard duration of which is 4 weeks, and after that proceed to a specially developed complex for the correction of uterine prolapse, taking into account the results of previous practice.

At the time of treatment, positive dynamics were observed in strengthening the transverse abdominal muscle and pelvic floor muscles, the following recommendations were given:

1) Limit heavy lifting, including for your children. If necessary, do this on a full exhalation with the muscles of the perineum and lower third of the abdomen toned. Lift any weight with a straight back, mainly using the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. Limit or, if possible, eliminate wearing a newborn in a sling

2) Observe safety precautions when changing body positions and taking certain poses - in particular, it was recommended to move from a lying position to a sitting position through the side

3) Instead of tying the belly with a scarf, which caused significant inconvenience in Everyday life and interfered with classes, using kinesio taping according to the standard method for prolapse of the pelvic organs and diastasis.

4) For a while, while they still last postpartum discharge, limit inverted poses, including the majariasana position with emphasis on the elbows, use neutral positions for the pelvis in the diastasis yoga therapy program

5) Complete the diastasis yoga therapy program and, depending on its results, draw up a plan for further work

05/26/15 (about a month later)

As a result of the yoga therapy program for diastasis, the patient noted an improvement in her posture, her abdomen was externally tightened, and habits of ergonomic positions and movements began to appear during the day. The muscles of the perineum became stronger, but according to the girl they remained sensitive to heavy lifting, she felt high blood pressure on the perineum from the inside.

Was compiled yoga therapy program for prolapse, which included:

1) Isolated techniques for training the pelvic floor muscles (50-100 per day) - Ashwini Mudra or Mula Bandha

2) Training the skill of coordinated work of the pelvic floor muscles and transverse abdominal muscles while exhaling in positions lying on the back, sitting and on all fours

3) Half-bridge (setubandhasarvangasana) in dynamics with activation of the pelvic floor muscles

4) Relaxation of the muscles of the perineum and abdomen in supta bandha konasana with support under the hips

5) Training the transverse abdominal muscles in majariasana (it was recommended to lean on your elbows)

6) Cycle of kapalbhati (15-20 breaths) followed by uddiyana bandha (1-2 approaches) and kapalbhati with agnisara-dhauti in the majariasana position resting on the elbows

7) Child's pose with support under the perineum - for relaxation and for training the pelvic floor muscles

8) Viparita-karani mudra with the pelvis on a support and performing uddiyana bandha without fixation with each exhalation

Detailed video instructions for each of the exercises were filmed, and a description of the techniques was also given, indicating limitations, contraindications and common mistakes. According to the program, the girl studied remotely on her own once a day for 30-40 minutes.

Additionally, the following methods were used:

Mayan abdominal massage, taping, 300 isolated MTD contractions throughout the day, daily.

1.07.15 The patient did Ultrasound of the pelvic organs,

in the doctor's report There was no diagnosis of uterine prolapse.

The ultrasound results revealed only signs varicose veins veins of the small pelvis.

From the extract:

From the conclusion regarding the uterus: the organ is determined in retroposition, that is, tilted posteriorly.

The cervix is ​​without features.

07/10/15 Based on the results of an obstetric examination by a gynecologist:

Diagnosis: prolapse of the vaginal walls - the anterior one is stronger, the posterior one is minor.


Positive dynamics were observed as a result of independent daily exercises according to the “yoga therapy for pelvic organ prolapse” program, the result was confirmed by the conclusion of an obstetrician-gynecologist based on an examination and the result of an ultrasound scan.