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Individual online training program for home. Drawing up an individual training program

Currently, due to the fact that foods are becoming increasingly high in calories, eating incorrectly, people are moving less and less - many suffer from excess weight. And getting rid of kilograms is much more difficult than gaining them.

Speaking about body weight, we note that it depends on factors such as physique, age and height. There are 3 body types:

  1. normosthenic or normosseous;
  2. asthenic or thin-boned;
  3. hypersthenic or broad-boned.

Each type has its own normal weight. By the way, ideal weight artists, ballerinas, as well as participants in beauty contests are 10-15% lower normal weight. The best thing is not to go beyond the optimal weight of your type: that is, do not reduce it or increase it.

The weight norm is quite simple to determine: you need to measure the fold of fat on the abdomen, in the place above the navel, located 3 centimeters from midline. The fold should not be more than 1-2 cm thick.

So, if you decide to get your weight, and just your figure, in order at home, then the best way to do this is by logging into our website. Here you can watch exercise videos online for free and download them.

By the way, such a fashionable system as shaping from the English will also help you improve your figure. “shape”, that is, to give shape. This system appeared some time ago in St. Petersburg and includes both gymnastics and diet. As a rule, classes are held in shape clubs, in halls where the flooring is soft, there are mirrors, computers and light and music.

To begin with, women are given testing questionnaires. Based on the results of the answers, the woman is asked to name the parameters for the figure that she would like to have. Later, for each of the women, an individual diet is drawn up (for training days and normal) and a training program, during which, as a rule, more attention is paid to the stomach, hips, back and waist. The program also indicates the number of repetitions and heart rate. At the first stage, women get rid of excess weight, increase muscle tone, and at the second stage they begin to individual sessions. Exercises can be performed with or without equipment (sticks, dumbbells, etc.). In general, the duration of training is from two months. At the end of the course, testing is carried out and recommendations for the future are given.

As mentioned earlier, many shape clubs have televisions. On the screen, three girls perform exercises at the same time. In front is a simpler option, in the depths on the left and right are more complex. Each woman, depending on her preparedness, can choose her own program. And the methodologist advises and helps, corrects if the movement is performed incorrectly.

Shaping shows are currently shown on television, and anyone can repeat the movements of the instructors at home. You can create your own individual set of exercises. The complex must be changed every one to two weeks. By the way, if you exercise correctly, then for each session you can lose 300-500 g of weight.

On our website you can watch exercise videos online for free and download them. This approach can help you stay in shape at any time. Watching videos online for free and downloading them is your chance to always be beautiful!

and I am the owner of this sports website, as well as the author’s blog. I'm the same person as you past the path from a beginner who only pumps chest and biceps, toprofessionalathlete and personal trainer. In this article I would like to offer to use my help.

My own experience I have been working on myself for more than 10 years. I have been running this site since 2009! There are many personal achievements and achievements of the wards. Everyone who works with me, who does not hack or freeload, is satisfied!

Before you find out how to get your training program, STUDY THE REVIEWS ABOUT MY WORK, there are already more of them 200 and they are written throughout SEVERAL YEARS . To read reviews VKontakte (click here). Link to my page at the end of the article. 200 people were satisfied, I think you will also join this list :)

Have you read the reviews? And now a little about the service itself!

What am I offering?

As an experienced athlete and fitness trainer, I suggest you, dear reader, to draw up individual training program. I want to say right away that This is not some secret program that will put on 10kg. muscles in a month or remove belly fat in 10 days, that’s all NONSENSE ! Over the years of training, I realized that this does not exist. I only write what is real! And by REVIEWS you can see this!

I offer my help to beginners or people who already have training experience, do not have desired result. I'll compose for you individual training program depending on your individual capabilities (height, weight, age), physical indicators, goals and other features.

I also want to say that even drawing up a competent training program does not give 100% success. A good program is only 40%, the remaining 60% is nutrition and sleep. All these things are inseparable, imagine that you train every day, you good program which was selected individually for you, but at the same time you eat only 2 times a day and then only soup or something else. There will be no result. Or, on the contrary, you train once a week, during training you do what you want, but at the same time you eat 5-6 times a day. The result will be in the form big belly or it won't exist at all :)

Why will my work produce results?

Meet, my charges, only some of the people with whom I worked remotely! All these people trained under my leadership, according to my nutrition and training programs! I wrote about all these achievements on my VKontakte page.

Photos before and after working with me!

My ward, Oleg Vyshkvarov.

My ward, Kirill Odnobokov.

(http://vk.com/odnobokovk) - VKontakte address.

The difference in the photo is 8 kg, and 2 months of work.

The goal of our work was to lose weight, which is what we did.

In addition, strength and endurance indicators were improved.

Meet my ward, Mila Lopoukhova

(http://vk.com/milochka94) - VKontakte address.

6 months of work on yourself. The difference in the photo is 10 kg! Well done! Let's keep working!

Friends, before posting such a photo, I always ask permission! So don't be afraid to share your results.

Meet my ward, Sherzod Valiev

(http://vk.com/shera97 ) - VKontakte address.

The difference between the photo is 10 months and 10 kg!

Friends, you can write to Sherzod as well as to other wards, I’m sure he will confirm our acquaintance and the result obtained.

Meet my ward Konstantin Pavlovsky, 42 years.

(http://vk.com/id202337101) - VKontakte address.

The man trains at home and has been working with me for more than half a year. What has changed during this time?

Weight was 85 kg, became 71, waist was 98 cm, became 78 cm.

Improved strength and endurance! And he continues to work, continues to make himself better.

Another one of my invisible front fighters.

Meet, Roman Efimov.

(http://vk.com/xxll555) - VKontakte address.

Training experience 5 months with breaks, weight difference 5 kg. What are your opinions gentlemen?

The result today is more muscle, less subcutaneous fat. The body gradually takes on a sporty shape + good improvement power! Well done.

Meet me Sergey Antonov.

Each athlete, when starting training, sets different goals and wants to achieve a certain result. You can achieve the greatest effectiveness when playing sports using an individual training program. It includes a set of exercises that are performed in a certain sequence and quantity in order to achieve the goal.

The importance of creating a training program

Both experienced and novice athletes are required to assess their physical capabilities and focus on their goals before completing a training program. In large sports centers, where several dozen people train simultaneously, it is difficult for coaches to assess all the capabilities of a person who has decided to start playing professional sports. Therefore, in order to reduce the duration of classes and increase their effectiveness, the principle of training according to individual programs is used. This allows each athlete to separately develop sets of exercises aimed at achieving their goals.

The main task of individual training is to develop unique exercises based on the degree of physical fitness and other criteria. When using this principle, an athlete can train separately from a group or in a group, but already knowing what tasks the coach has set for him. Already at the stage of developing an individual program, the training schedule and the athlete’s basic wishes are known. In addition to the training program, a set of exercises is developed individually for each athlete, aimed at increasing endurance and intensity of training.

Terms and concepts

When drawing up an individual training program, special terms and concepts are used, knowing which, the athlete will find mutual language with a coach. Such terms include split program, which includes sets of exercises designed to be performed in different days weeks and allowing you to train different groups muscles, increasing their endurance and strength.

Exercises for mass is a set of exercises designed for growth muscle mass body by increasing the intensity of training and changing the set of exercises. The number of approaches is the number of times a particular exercise is performed during one training day. - This modern look a sport characterized by performing exercises to increase endurance for lifting all kinds of weights. Increases through training muscle endurance, the athlete gets the opportunity to lift heavier dumbbells, weights and barbells.

What to consider when creating a program

When drawing up an individual training program, it is necessary to take into account the degree of physical fitness of the athlete, his goals, the main characteristics of his physique and the characteristics of training in a particular sports complex. As practice shows, when using a standard training program, many athletes spend more time achieving certain goals compared to other athletes. It depends on individual characteristics body structure and physical development, and on the chosen training scheme.

An individual training program allows you to more short time achieve the desired result, increase your level of physical fitness and take the first steps in your professional sports career. Athletes participating in preparation for major competitions work according to individual programs prepared for them by coaches.